Clipboard in VBA
Clipboard in VBA
Clipboard in VBA
Using The Clipboard In VBA
This page describes functions for working with text values and the Windows Clipboard.
Accessing The Windows Clipboard
The MSForms library contains an object called the DataObject that provides support for working
with text strings on the Windows clipboard. VBA does not support the data type required for other,
non-text, values on the clipboard. To use the DataObject in your code, you must set a reference to
the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.
ADDING A REFERENCE IN VBA. To add a reference to your VBA project, go to the Tools menu
in the VBA editor and choose the References item. In the dialog that appears, scroll down the list
until you find the appropriate library. Commonly used references are listed at the top of the list, and
after those, the references are listed in alphabetical order. When you find the reference required by
the code, check the checkbox next to the reference title and then click OK.
Putting Text In The Clipboard
Putting text data in the clipboard takes two steps. The first step is to put the text in a DataObject
variable and then instru ct the DataObject to put that text in the clipboard. For example, the code
below puts the string Hello World in the Windows clipboard.
Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim S As String
S = "Hello World"
DataObj.SetText S
a Integer, Long, or String value used to identify a new or existing clipboard format. By using
different format identifiers, you can store and retrieve multiple text values. For example, the code
below places two text strings in the clipboard each with its own format identifier, and the retrieves
that values.
Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim S1 As String
Dim S2 As String
S1 = "text string one"
S2 = "text string two"
With DataObj
.SetText S1, "FormatId1"
.SetText S2, "FormatId2"
S1 = vbNullString
S2 = vbNullString
S1 = .GetText("FormatId1")
S2 = .GetText("FormatId2")
End With
Debug.Print S1
Debug.Print S2
You can test whether there is a item with a specific format identifier on the clipboard by using the
GetFormat method of the DataObject. This method returns True if the format exists on the clipboard
or False if no such format exists. For example,
Dim B As Boolean
B = DataObj.GetFormat("FormatID")
If B = True Then
Debug.Print DataObj.GetText("FormatID")
Debug.Print "Format does not exist on clipboard."
End If
The Public Declare lines of code need to be in the declarations section of the module, before and
outside of any procedure. If you are going to use this code within an object module (ThisWorkbook,
This function puts the string S in the clipboard. If FormatID is specified, the text is put in the
clipboard with that format identifier.
Public Function GetFromClipboard(Optional FormatID As Variant) As String
This function get text from the clipboard, using the FormatID if provided.
Public Function RangeToClipboardString(RR As Range) As String
This function takes an Excel Range and creates and returns a string that can be put in the clipboard.
The string can then be put in the clipboard and pasted into a range of worksheet cells. The format of
the text string is shown below:
Value1 vbTab Value2 vbTab Value3 vbNewLine
Value4 vbTab Value5 vbTab Value6 vbNewLine
Value7 vbTab Value8 vbTab Value9
Public Function ArrayToClipboardString(Arr As Variant) As String
This function takes an array (either 1 or 2 dimensions) and creates a string formated so that it can be
pasted into a range of cells. The string is formated as follows:
Arr(1,1) vbTab Arr(1,2) vbTab Arr(1,3) vbNewLine
Arr(2,1) vbTab Arr(2,2) vbTab Arr(2,3) vbNewLine
Arr(3,1) vbTab Arr(3,2) vbTab Arr(3,3)
The module also contains two support functions, ArrNumDimensions, which returns the number of
dimensions in an array, and IsArrayAllocated, which returns True or False indicating whether a
variable references an allocated array.