Particle Dynamics - Mechanics For IIT JEE
Particle Dynamics - Mechanics For IIT JEE
Particle Dynamics - Mechanics For IIT JEE
Page 1
Chapter Name
target iit jee 2008
Particle dynamics
newtons law force & friction
key concept Page _2
Exercise_I Page _4
Exercise_II Page _6
Exercise_III Page _7
Circular Motion & Work Power energy
key concept Page _9
Exercise_I Page _11
Exercise_II Page _13
Exercise_III Page _15
Centre of mass Momentum & Collision
key concept Page _18
Exercise_I Page _20
Exercise_II Page _22
Exercise_III Page _24
answer key Page _26
Key concept
Page 2
1. There are, basically, five forces, which are commonly encountered in mechanics.
(i) Weight : Weight of an object is the force with which earth attracts it. It is also called the
force of gravity or the gravitational force.
= mg
(ii) Contact Force : When two bodies come in contact they exert forces on each other that is
called contact forces.
(a) Normal force (N) : It is the component of contact force normal to the surface. It measures
how strongly the surfaces in contact are pressed together.
(b) Frictional force : It is the component of contact force parallel to the surface.
It opposes the relative motion (or attempted motion) of the two surfaces in contact.
(iii) Tension : The force exerted by the end of a taut string, rope or chain is called the
tension. The direction of tension is to pull the body while that of normal reaction is to push
the body.
(iv) Spring force : The force exerted by a spring is given by F = _ kx, where x is the change
in length and k is the stiffness constant or spring constant (units Nm_1).
Newton's laws
2. Newton's First Law : Every particle continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by the action of an applied force.
3. Newton's Second Law :
4. Newton's Third Law : Whenever two bodies interact they exert forces on each other
which are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. So whenever body A exerts a force F
on body B, B exerts a force _ F on A.
Inertial Reference Frame : A reference frame in which Newton's first law is valid is called
an inertial reference frame. An inertial frame is either at rest or moving with uniform
Non-Inertial Frame : An accelerated frame of reference is called a non-inertial frame.
Objects in non-inertial frames do not obey Newton's first law.
Pseudo Force : It is an imaginary force which is recognized only by a non-inertial observer
to explain the physical situation according to Newton's law. The magnitude of this force FP is
equal to the product of the mass m of the object and acceleration a of the frame of reference.
The direction of the force is opposite to the direction of acceleration.
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Page 3
FP = _ ma
The force of friction comes into action only when there is a relative motion between the two
contact surfaces or when an attempt is made to have it.
The force of friction on each body is in a direction opposite to its motion (existing or
impending) relative to other body.
5. Static friction : The frictional force acting between any two surfaces at rest with respect to
each other is called the force of static friction (fs).
fs msN
where ms is the static coefficient of friction.
6. Kinetic friction : The frictional force acting between surfaces in relative motion with
respect to each other is called the force of kinetic friction or sliding friction (fk).
fk = mkN
where mk is the coefficient of kinetic friction.
ms > mk
Angle of friction (f) : Mathematically, the angle of friction (f) may be defined as the angle
between the normal reaction N and the resultant of the maximum friction force f and the
normal reaction.
Thus tanf =
Since f = mN, therefore,
tan f = m
Page 4
Q.1 A block of mass 1 kg is stationary with respect to a conveyor belt that is accelerating
with 1 m/s2 upwards at an angle of 30 as shown in figure. Determine force of friction
on block and contact force between the block & bell.
Q.2 A man of mass 63 kg is pulling a mass M by an inextensible light rope passing through a
smooth and massless pulley as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the man
and the ground is m = 3/5. Find the maximum value
of M that can be pulled by the man without slipping on the ground.
Q.3 Two blocks A and B of mass m 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are placed as shown in
figure. Coefficient of friction between all the surfaces is 0.2. Then
find tension in string and acceleration of block B. (g = 10 m/s2)
Q.4 An inclined plane makes an angle 30 with the horizontal. A groove
OA = 5 m cut in the plane makes an angle 30 with OX. A short smooth cylinder is free to
slide down the influence of gravity. Find the
time taken by the cylinder to reach from A to O. ( g = 10 m/s2)
Q.5 Same spring is attached with 2 kg, 3 kg and 1 kg blocks in three different cases as shown
in figure. If x1, x2 and x3 be the constan extensions in the spring in these three cases then find
the ratio of their extensions.
Page 5
Q.11 In figure shown, pulleys are ideal m1 > 2 m2. Initially the system is in equilibrium and
string connecting m2 to rigid support below is cut. Find
the initial acceleration of m2?
Q.12 Find the reading of spring balance as shown in figure.
Assume that mass M is in equilibrium
Q.13 At what acceleration of the trolley will the string makes an angle of
37 with vertical if a small mass is attached to bottom of string.
Q.14 At what value of m1 will 8 kg mass be at rest.
Q.15 What force must man exert on rope to keep platform in equilibrium?
Q.16 Inclined plane is moved towards right with an acceleration of 5 ms_2 as shown in figure.
Find force in newton which block of mass 5 kg
exerts on the incline plane.
Q.17 Find force in newton which mass A exerts on mass B if B is moving
towards right with 3 ms_2. Also find mass of A.
Q.18 Force F is applied on upper pulley. If F = 30t where t is time
in second. Find the time when m1 loses contact with floor.
Q.19 A block of mass 1 kg is horizontally thrown with a velocity of 10 m/s on a stationary
long plank of mass 2 kg whose surface has a m = 0.5. Plank rests on frictionless surface. Find
the time when m1 comes to rest w.r.t. plank.
Q.20 Block M slides down on frictionless incline as shown. Find the minimum
friction coefficient so that m does not slide with respect to M.
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Q.21 The coefficient of static and kinetic friction between the two blocks and also between
the lower block and the ground are
ms = 0.6 and mk = 0.4. Find the value of tension T applied on the lower
block at which the upper block begins to slip relative to lower block.
Q.22 Three identical rigid circular cylinders A, B and C are arranged on smooth inclined
surfaces as shown in figure. Find the least
value of q that prevent the arrangement from collapse.
Q.23 Two men A and B of equal mass held on to the free ends of a massless rope which
passes over a frictionless light pulley. Man A climbs up the rope with acceleration a relative
to the rope while man B hangs on without climbing. Find the acceleration of the man B with
respect to ground.
Q.24 A thin rod of length 1 m is fixed in a vertical position inside a train, which is moving
horizontally with constant acceleration 4 m/s2. A bead can slide on the rod, and friction
coefficient between them is 1/2. If the bead is released from rest at the top of the rod, find the
time when it will reach at the bottom.
Q.25 A body of mass M = 5kg rests on a horizontal plane having coefficient of fiction m =
0.5. At t = 0 a horizontal force F is applied that varies with time as F = 5t. Find the time
instant t0 at which motion starts and also find the distance of particle from starting point at t =
6 second.
Q.1 A block of mass m lies on wedge of mass M as shown in figure. Answer
following parts separately.
(a) With what minimum acceleration must the wedge be moved towards right horizontally so that block m falls freely.
(b) Find the minimum friction coefficient required between wedge M and ground so that it does not move while block m slips down on it.
Q.2 A 20 kg block B is suspended from a cord attached to a 40 kg cart A . Find the ratio of the acceleration of the block in cases (i) & (ii)
shown in figure immediately after the system is released from rest.
(neglect friction)
Q.3 The system shown adjacent is in equilibrium. Find the acceleration of the blocks A, B &
C all of equal masses m at the instant when
(Assume springs to be ideal)
(a) The spring between ceiling & A is cut.
Page 7
Q.6 Two horizontal blocks each of mass 1/2 kg are connected by a massless, inextensible
string of length 2m and placed on a long horizontal table. The coefficient of static & kinetic
friction are shown in the figure. Initially the blocks are at rest. If the leading block is pulled
with a time dependent horizontal force F= kt where k=1N/sec., determine
(a) The plots of acceleration of each block with time from t = 0 to t = 10sec.
(b) velocity of blocks at t = 10sec.
(c) Distance transversed by the blocks in the time interval t = 0 to t = 10sec.
(d) If F stops acting at t = 10sec. find after how much further time would B collide with A.
Q.7 m1 = 20kg, m2 = 30kg. m2 is on smooth surface. Surface between m1 and m2 has ms = 0.5
mk = 0.3. Find the acceleration of m1 and m2 for the following cases
(a) (i) F = 160 N, (ii) F = 175 N ; (b) F = 160 N
Q.8 A system of masses is shown in the figure with masses &
co-efficients of friction indicated. Calculate :
(i) the maximum value of F for which there is no slipping anywhere .
(ii) the minimum value of F for which B slides on C.
Page 8
Q.4 In the figure masses m1, m2 and M are 20 kg, 5 kg and 50 kg respectively. The co-efficient of friction between M and ground is zero. The
co-efficient of friction between m1 and M and that between m2 and ground is 0.3. The pulleys and the string are massless . The string is
perfectly horizontal between P1 and m1 and also between P2 and m2 . The string is perfectly vertical between P1 and P2.An external
horizontal force F is applied to the mass M. Take g = 10 m/s2.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram for mass M, clearly showing all the forces.
(b) Let the magnitude of the force of friction between m1 and M be f1 and that between m2 and ground be f2. For a particular F it is found
that f1 = 2 f2 . Find f1 and f2 . Write down equations of motion of all the masses . Find F, tension in the string and accelerations of the masses.
[JEE 2000]
Page 9
Q.5 The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of negligible mass. For the
system to remain in equilibrium, the angle q should be [JEE (Scr) 2001]
(A) 0 (B) 30
(C) 45 (D) 60
Q.6 A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of
mass M as shown in the figure. The force on the pulley by the clamp is given [JEE (Scr)
Mg (B)
g (D)
Q.8 Two blocks A and B of equal masses are released from an inclined plane of inclination
45 at t = 0. Both the blocks are initially at rest. The coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block A and the inclined plane is 0.2 while it is 0.3 for block B. Initially, the block A is
m behind the block B. When and where their front faces will come in a line.
[Take g = 10 m/s2].
[JEE 2004]
Q.9 Two blocks A and B of masses 2m and m, respectively, are connected by a massless and
inextensible string.The whole system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in the
figure.The magnitudes of acceleration of A and B, immediately after the string is cut, are
respectively [JEE 2006]
(A) g, g (B) g, g/2
(C) g/2, g (D) g/2, g/2
Q.10 A circular disc with a groove along its diameter is placed horizontally. A block of mass
1 kg is placed as shown. The co-efficient of friction between the block and all surfaces of
groove in contact is m = 2/5. The disc has an acceleration of 25 m/s2. Find the acceleration of
the block with respect to
Page 10
an =
= w2 r
Tangential area : at =
2. Radius of curvature : r =
3. According to Newton's second law, a body moving in a circular path with constant speed
must be acted upon by an unbalanced force which is always directed towards the centre. This
necessary unbalanced force is called the centripetal force.
= mw2r
Work (W) :
The work W done by a constant force F when its point of application
undergoes a displacement s is defined as
W = F.s = Fs cos q
where q is the angle between F and s.Work is a scalar quantity and its SI units is N-m or joule
Note: Only the component (F cos q) of the force F which is along the displacement
contributes to the work done.
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If F =
then W =
= FxDx + FyDy + Fz D z
5. Work done by a Variable Force : When the magnitude and direction of a force varies
with position, The work done by such a force for an infinitesimal displacement ds is given by
dW =
In terms of rectangular components,
6. Work Done by a Spring Force : The work done by the spring force for a displacement
from xi to xf is given by
UB_UA = _
Page 12
At equilibrium,
Q.4 A particle is moving in x direction, under the influence of force F = p sin px. Find the
work done by another external agent in slowly moving a particle from x = 0 to x = 0.5 m.
Q.5 A particle moves in a circle of radius R with a constant speed v. Then, find the
magnitude of average acceleration during a time interval
Q.6 In the figure shown, pulley and spring are ideal. Find the potential energy stored
in the spring (m1 > m2).
Page 13
Q.7 A spring of mass m is pulled such that a given instant, velocity of both of its end is v in
the opposite direction. Find the kinetic energy of the spring.
Q.8 A particle of mass 3 kg is rotating in a circle of radius 1 m such that the angle rotated by
its radius is given by q = 3 (t + sint). Find the net force acting on the particle when t = p/2.
Q.9 For a particle rotating in a vertical circle with uniform speed, the maximum and
minimum tension in the string are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the radius of vertical circle is 2m, then
find the speed of revolving body.
Q.10 Two strings of length l = 0.5 m each are connected to a block of mass m = 2 kg at one
end and their ends are attached to the point A and B 0.5 m apart on a vertical pole which
rotates with a constant angular velocity w = 7 rad/sec. Find the ratio
of tension in the upper string (T1) and the lower string (T2). [Use g = 9.8 m/s2]
Q.11 A force
x-y plane. Starting from origin, the particle is taken to (a, a) and then to
total work done by the force F on the particle.
. Find the
and spring
constant k =
. The other end of the spring is fixed at point A on a smooth fixed
vertical ring of radius R as shown in the figure. What is the
normal reaction at B just after the bead is released?
Q.13 Water is pumped from a depth of 10 m and delivered through a pipe of cross section
10_2 m2 upto a height of 10 m. If it is needed to deliver a volume 0.2 m3 per second, find the
power required.
[Use g = 10 m/s2]
Q.14 A mass m rotating freely in a horizontal circle of radius 1 m on a frictionless smooth
table supports a stationary mass 2m, attached to the other end of the string passing through
smooth hole O in table, hanging
vertically. Find the angular velocity of rotation.
Q.15 Consider the shown arrangement when a is bob of mass `m' is suspended by means of a
string connected to peg P. If the bob is given a horizontal velocity having
Page 14
, find the minimum speed of the bob in subsequent motion.
and unstretched
and other end to fixed point O. The smooth semicircular wire frame is fixed in
vertical plane. Find the normal reaction
between bead and wire just before it reaches the lowest point.
Q.17 A particle of mass m is hanging with the help of an elastic string of unstretched length a
and force constant
. The other end is fixed to a peg on vertical wall. String is given an
additional extension of 2a in vertical downward direction by pulling the mass and released
from rest. Find the maximum height reached by it during its subsequent motion above point
of release. (Neglect interaction with peg if any)
Q.18 A particle of mass 1 kg is given a horizontal velocity of 4 m/s along a horizontal
surface, with which it has a coefficient of friction (both static and kinetic) of 0.4. The particle
strikes a fixed ideal spring of force constant 6 N/m after travelling a distance of 0.25 m.
Assume acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. Find the final
displacement of the particle from its starting point.
Q.19 A point moves along a circle having a radius 20 cm with a constant tangential
5 cm/s2. How much time is needed after motion begins for the normal acceleration of the
point to be equal to tangential acceleration ?
Q.20 A body of mass 2 kg is moving under the influence of a central force whose potential
energy is given by U (r) = 2r3 Joule. If the body is moving in a circular orbit of 5m,then find
its energy.
Q.21 A ring rotates about z axis as shown in figure. The plane of rotation is xy. At a certain
instant the acceleration of a particle P (shown in figure) on the ring is
angular acceleration of the ring & the
Page 15
Q.24 A particle P is sliding down a frictionless hemispherical bowl. It passes the point A at t
= 0. At this instant of time, the horizontal component of its velocity is v. A bead Q of the
same mass as P is ejected from A at t=0 along the horizontal string AB, with the speed v.
Friction between the bead and the string may be neglected.
Which bead reaches point B earlier?
Q.25 The blocks are of mass 2 kg shown is in equilibrium. At t = 0 right spring in fig (i) and
right string in
fig (ii) breaks. Find the ratio of instantaneous acceleration of blocks?
Page 16
Q.3 A square plate is firmly atached to a frictionless horizontal plane. One end of a taut cord
is attached to point A of the plate and the other end is attached to a sphere of mass m. In the
process, the cord gets wrapped around the plate. The sphere is given an initial velocity v0 on
the horizontal plane perpendicular to the cord which causes it to make a complete circuit of
the plate and return to point A. Find the velocity of the sphere when it hits point A again after
moving in a circuit on the horizontal plane. Also find the time
taken by the sphere to complete the circuit.
Q.4 A particle of mass 5 kg is free to slide on a smooth ring of radius r = 20 cm fixed in a
vertical plane. The particle is attached to one end of a spring whose other end is fixed to the
top point O of the ring. Initially the particle is at rest at a point A of the ring such that OCA
= 60, C being the centre of the ring. The natural length of the spring is also equal to r =
20cm. After the particle is released and slides down the ring the contact force between the
particle & the ring becomes zero when it reaches
the lowest position B. Determine the force constant of the spring.
Q.5 A ring of mass m slides on a smooth vertical rod. A light string is attached to the ring and
is passing over a smooth peg distant a from the rod, and at the other end of the string is a
mass M (> m). The ring is held on a level with the peg and released :
Show that it first comes to rest after falling a distance:
Q.6 A block of mass m is held at rest on a smooth horizontal floor. A light frictionless, small
pulley is fixed at a height of 6 m from the floor. A light inextensible string of length 16 m,
connected with A passes over the pulley and another identical block B is hung from the
string. Initial height of B is 5m from the floor as shown in Fig. When the system is released
from rest, B starts to move vertically
downwards and A slides on the floor towards right.
(i) If at an instant string makes an angle q with horizontal, calculate relation between velocity
u of A and v of B.
(ii) Calculate v when B strikes the floor.
Q.7 A small block can move in a straight horizontal linea along AB. Flash lights from one
side projects its shadow on a vertical wall which has horizontal cross section as a circle. Find
tangential & normal acceleration of shadow of the block on the
wall as a function of time if the velocity of the block is constant (v).
Q.8 In fig two identical springs, each with a relaxed length of 50cm and a spring constant of 500N/m, are connected by a short cord of length
10cm. The upper string is attached to the ceiling, a box that weighs 100N hangs from the lower spring. Two additional cords,
each 85cm long , are also tied to the assembly; they are limp (i.e. slack).
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(a) If the short cord is cut, so that the box then hangs from the springs and the two longer cords, does the box move up or down?
(b) How far does the box move before coming to rest again?
Q.9 The small pendulum of mass m is suspended from a trolley that runs on a horizontal rail. The trolley and pendulum are initially at rest
with q = 0. If the trolley is given a constant acceleration a = g determine the maximum angle qmax through which
the pendulum swings. Also find the tension T in the cord in terms of q.
Q.10 A weightless rod of length l with a small load of mass m at the end is hinged at point A
as shown in the figure and occupies a strictly vertical position, touching a body of mass M. A
light jerk sets the system in motion. For what mass ratio M/m will the rod form an angle a =
p/6 with the horizontal at the moment of the separation from the body?
What will be the velocity u of the body at this moment? Friction should be neglected.
Q.1 A smooth semicircular wire track of radius R is fixed in a vertical plane. One end of a
massless spring of natural length (3R/4) is attached to the lowest point O of the wire track. A
small ring of mass m, which can slide on the track, is attached to the other end of the spring.
The ring is held stationary at point P such that the spring makes an angle of 60 with the
vertical. The spring constant K = mg/R. Consider the instant when the ring is released and
(i) draw the free body diagram of the ring.
(ii) determine the tangential acceleration of the ring and the normal reaction. [JEE 96]
Q.2 Two blocks of mass m1=10kg and m2=5kg connected to each other by a massless
inextensible string of length 0.3m are placed along a diameter of a turn table. The coefficient
of friction between the table and m1 is 0.5 while there is no friction between m2 and the table.
The table is rotating with an angular velocity of 10rad/sec about a vertical axis passing
through its centre. The masses are placed along the diameter of the table on either side of the
centre O such that m1 is at a distance of 0.124m from O. The masses are observed to be at rest
with respect to an observer on the turn table.
(i) Calculate the frictional force on m1
(ii) What should be the minimum angular speed of the turn table so that the masses will slip
from this position.
(iii) How should the masses be placed with the string remaining taut, so that there is no
frictional force acting on the mass m1. [JEE 97]
Q.3 A small block of mass m slides along a smooth frictional track as shown in the fig. (i) If it starts from rest at P, what is is the resultant
force acting on it at Q? (ii) At what height above the bottom of the loop should the block be released so that the force it exerts against the
track at the top of the
loop equals its weight. [REE 97]
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Q.4 A force
where K is a positive constant, acts on a particle moving in the
x-y plane. Starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point
(a,0) and then parallel to the y-axis to the pint (a,a). The total work done by the force
the particle is [JEE 98]
Q.6 A particle is suspended vertically from a point O by an inextensible massless string of length L. A vertical line AB is at a distance L/8
from O as shown. The object given a horizontal velocity u. At some point, its motion ceases to be circular and eventually the object passes
through the line AB. At the
instant of crossing AB, its velocity is horizontal. Find u. [JEE'99, 10]
Q.7 A long horizontal rod has a bead which can slide along its length, and initially placed at a
distance L from one end of A of the rod. The rod is set in angular motion about A with
constant angular acceleration a. If the coefficient of friction between the rod and the bead is
m and gravity is neglected, then the time after which the bead starts slipping is [JEE'2000]
(D) infinitesimal
Q.8 A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown below. Each of the tracks
risks to the same height. The speed with which the block enters the track is the same in all
cases. At the highest point of the track, the normal reaction is maximum in [JEE(Scr)'2001]
Q.9 An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly (see the figure). The coefficient
of friction between the insect and the surface is 1/3. If the line joining the centre of the
hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle a with the
vertical, the maximum possible value of a is given by [JEE(Scr.)'2001]
(A) cot a = 3 (B) tan a = 3 (C) sec a = 3 (D) cosec a = 3
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Q.12 A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the
same direction which varies with the distance x of the particle x of the particle from the
origin as
F(x) = _ kx + ax2. Here k and a are positive constants. For x 0, the functional form of the
potential energy U (x) of the particle is [JEE (Scr.)'2002]
Q.13 An ideal spring with spring-constant k is hung from the ceiling and a block of mass M
is attached to its lower end. The mass is released with the spring initially unstretched. Then
the maximum extension in the spring is [JEE (Scr.)'2002]
(A) 4 Mg/k (B) 2 Mg/k (C) Mg/k (D) Mg/2k
Q.14 A spherical ball of mass m is kept at the highest point in the space between two fixed,
concentric spheres A and B (see figure). The smaller sphere A has a radius R and the space
between the two spheres has a width d. The ball has a diameter very slightly less than d. All
surfaces are frictionless. The ball is given a gentle push (towards the right in the figure). The
angle made by the radius vector of the ball with
the upward vertical is denoted by q (shown in the figure). [JEE' 2002]
(a) Express the total normal reaction force exerted by the spheres on the ball as a function of
angle q.
(b) Let NA and NB denote the magnitudes of the normal reaction force on the ball exerted by
the spheres A and B, respectively. Sketch the variations of NA and NB as functions of cosq in
the range 0 q p by drawing two separate graphs in your answer book, taking cosq on the
horizontal axes.
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Q.15 In a region of only gravitational field of mass 'M' a particle is shifted from A to B via
three different paths in the figure. The work done in different paths are W1, W2, W3
respectively then [JEE (Scr.)'2003]
(A) W1 = W2 = W3 (B) W1 = W2 > W3
(C) W1 > W2 > W3 (D) W1 < W2 < W3
Q.16 A particle of mass m, moving in a circular path of radius R with a constant speed v2 is
located at point (2R, 0) at time t = 0 and a man starts moving with a velocity v1 along the +ve
y-axis from origin at time t = 0. Calculate the linear momentum of the particle w.r.t. the man
as a function
of time. [JEE' 2003]
Q.17 A particle is placed at the origin and a force F = kx is acting on it (where k is a positive
constant). If
U(0) = 0, the graph of U(x) versus x will be (where U is the potential energy function)
[JEE' 2004(Scr)]
= Fext = 0
p = p1 + p2 + ............+ pN = constant
1. Collision is a kind of interaction between two or more bodies which come in contact with
each other for a very short time interval.
2. Types of collision: Elastic and Inelastic
Page 21
Collisions may be either elastic or inelastic. Linear momentum is conserved in both cases.
(i) A perfectly elastic collision is defined as one in which the total kinetic energy of the
system is conserved.
(ii) In an inelastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the system changes.
(iii) In a completely inelastic collision, the two bodies couple or stick togehter.
3. Coefficient of Restitution : It is defined as the ratio of the velocity of separation to the
velocity of approach of the two colliding bodies.
For a perfectly elastic collision, e = 1
For an inelastic collision, 0 < e < 1
For completely inelastic collision, e = 0
Note that the velocity of approach and the velocity of separation are always taken along the
normal to the striking surface.
Centre of mass
1. Discrete System : The position vector of the centre of mass is
rc =
xc =
; yc =
; zc =
xc =
; yc =
; zc =
Page 22
yc =
(iii) A semi-circular ring
yc =
; xc = 0
yc =
; xc = 0
yc =
; xc = 0
vc =
(ii) Acceleration : The acceleration of the centre of mass is defined as
ac =
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Page 23
where Kc =
and K' =
Note that the term K' may involve translational, rotational or vibrational energies relative to
the centre of mass.
5. Newon's Laws of a system of particles : The first and second laws of motion for a system
of particles are modified as :
First law : The centre of mass of an isolated system is at rest or moves with constant
Second law : The net external force acting on a system of total of mass M is related to the
acceleration of centre of mass of the system.
Page 24
Q.3 In the figure shown, each tiny ball has mass m, and the string has length L. One of the
ball is imparted a velocity u, in the position shown, in which the initial distance between the
balls is
Find the impulse of the tension in the string when it becomes taut .
Q.4 Two trolleys A and B are free to move on a level frictionless track, and are initially
stationary. A man on trolley A throws a bag of mass 10 kg with a horizontal velocity of 4 m/s
with respect to himself on to trolley B of mass 100 kg. The combined mass of trolley A
(excluding bag) and the man is 140 kg. Find the ratio of velocities of trolleys A and B, just
after the bag lands on trolley B.
Q.5 A bob of mass m attached with a string of length l tied to a point on ceiling is released
from a position when its string is horizontal. At the bottom most point of its motion, an
identical mass m gently stuck to it. Find the angle from the vertical to which it rises.
Q.6 Two balls of equal masses are projected upward simultaneously, one from the ground
with speed
50 m/s and other from a 40 m high tower with initial speed 30 m/s. Find the maximum height
attained by their centre of mass.
Q.7 Find the distance of centre of mass from O of a composite solid cone and solid
cylinder made of same material.
Q.8 Two blocks of mass 3 kg and 6 kg respectively are placed on a smooth horizontal
surface. They are connected by a light spring. Initially the spring is unstretched and the
velocity of 2 m/s is imparted to 3 kg block as shown. Find the maximum
velocity of 6 kg block during subsequent motion.
Q.9 Two planks each of mass m and length L are connected by a frictionless, massless hinge
as shown in the figure. Initially the system is at rest on a level frictionless surface. The
vertical plank falls anticlockwise and finaly comes to rest on the top of the horizontal plank.
Find the displacement of the hinge till the two planks
come in contact.
Q.10 2 bodies m1 & m2 of mass 1 and 2 kg respectively are moving along x-axis under the
influence of mutual force only. The velocity of their centre of mass at a given instant is 2 m/s.
The x coordinate of m1 is plotted against time. Then plot the x
coordinate of m2 against time. (Both are initially located at origin)
Q.11 Two masses, nm and m, start simultaneously from the intersection of two straight lines
with velocities v and nv respectively. It is observed that the path of their centre of mass is a
straight line bisecting the angle between the given straight lines. Find the magnitude of the
velocity of centre of inertia.
Page 25
Q.12 Two blocks of equal masses m are released from the top of a smooth fixed wedge as
shown in the figure. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the
centre of mass of the two blocks.
Q.13 From a uniform circular disc of radius R, a square is cut out with radius R as its
diagonal. Find the centre of mass of remainder is at a distance.(from the centre)
Q.14 A sphere of mass m1 in motion hits directly another sphere of mass m2 at rest and sticks
to it, the total kinetic energy after collision is 2/3 of their total K.E. before collision. Find the
ratio of m1 : m2.
Q.15 Two bodies of same mass tied with an inelastic string of length l lie together. One of
them is projected vertically upwards with velocity
. Find the maximum height up to
which the centre of mass of system of the two masses rises.
Q.16 Disc A of mass m collides with stationary disk B of mass 2m as shown in figure. Find
the value of coefficient of restitution for which the two disks
move in perpendicular direction after collision.
Q.17 A platform of mass m and a counter weight of mass (m + M) are connected by a light
cord which passes over a smooth pulley. A man of mass M is standing on the platform which
is at rest. If the man leaps vertically upwards with velocity u, find the distance through which
the platform will descend. Show that when the man meets the platform again both are in their
original positions.
Q.18 The figure shows the positions and velocities of two particles. If the particles move
under the mutual attraction of each other, then find the
position of centre of mass at t = 1 s.
Q.19 After scaling a wall of 3 m height a man of weight W drops himself to the ground. If his
body comes to a complete stop 0.15 sec. After his feet touch the ground, calculate the average
impulsive force in the vertical direction exerted by ground on his feet. (g = 9.8 m/s2)
Q.20 A heavy ball of mass 2m moving with a velocity u0 collides elastically head-on with a
cradle of three identical balls each of mass m as shown
in figure. Determine the velocity of each ball after collision.
Page 26
Q.21 The Atwood machine in fig has a third mass attached to it by a limp string. After being
released, the 2m mass falls a distance x before the limp string becomes taut. Thereafter both
the mass on the left rise at the same speed. What is the final speed ? Assume that
pulley is ideal.
Q.22 Two blocks A and B of masses m and 2m respectively are connected by a spring of force constant k. The masses are moving to the right
with uniform velocity v each, the heavier mass leading the lighter one. The spring in between them is of natural length during the motion.
Block B collides with a third block C of mass m, at rest. The collision being
completely inelastic. Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.
Q.1 A billiard table is 15 cm by 20 cm. A smooth ball of coefficient of restitution e = 4/9 is projected from a point on the shorter side so as to
describe a rectangle and return to the point of projection after rebounding at each of the other three cushions. Find the position of the point
and the direction of projection.
Q.2 In a game of Carom Board, the Queen (a wooden disc of radius 2 cm and mass 50 gm) is
placed at the exact center of the horizontal board. The striker is a smooth plastic disc of
radius 3 cm and mass 100 gm. The board is frictionless. The striker is given an initial velocity
`u' parallel to the sides BC or AD so that it hits the Queen inelastically with coefficient of
restitution = 2/3. The impact parameter for the collision is `d' (shown in the figure). The
Queen rebounds from the edge AB of the board inelastically with same coefficient of
restitution = 2/3 and enters the hole D following
the dotted path shown. The side of the board is L.
Find the value of impact parameter `d' and the time which the Queen takes to enter hole D
after collision with the striker.
Q.3 Three spheres, each of mass m, can slide freely on a frictionless, horizontal surface.
Spheres A and B are attached to an inextensible inelastic cord of length l and are at rest in the
position shown when sphere B is struck directly by sphere C which is moving to the right
with a velocity v0. Knowing that the cord is taut when sphere B is struck by sphere C and
assuming perfectly elastic impact between B
and C, determine the velocity of each sphere immediately after impact.
Q.4 A wedge of mass M=2m rests on a smooth horizontal plane. A small block of mass m
rests over it at left end A as shown in figure. A sharp impulse is applied on the block, due to
which it starts moving to the right with velocity
v0 = 6 ms_1. At highest point of its trajectory, the block collides with a particle of same mass
m moving vertically downwards with velocity v=2 ms_1 and gets stuck with it. If the
combined body lands at the end point A of body of
mass M, calculate length l. Neglect friction (g=10 ms_2)
Page 27
Q.5 A ball of mass = 1Kg is hung vertically by a thread of length l = 1.50 m. Upper end of
the thread is attached to the ceiling of a trolley of mass M = 4 kg. Initially, trolley is
stationary and it is free to move along horizontal rails without friction. A shell of mass m = 1
kg moving horizontally with velocity v0 = 6ms_1 collides with the ball and gets stuck with it.
As a result, thread starts to deflect towards right.
Calculate its maximum deflection with the vertical. (g = 10m s_2)
Q.6 A 70g ball B droped from a height h0 = 9 m reaches a height
h2 = 0.25m after bouncing twice from identical 210g plates. Plate A rests directly on hard
ground, while plate C rests on a foamrubber mat. Determine
(a) the coefficient of resitution between the ball and the plates,
(b) the height h1 of the ball's first bounce.
Q.7 A sphere of mass m is moving with a velocity
when it hits a smooth wall and
rebounds with velocity
. Find the impulse it receives. Find also the coefficient of
restitution between the sphere and the wall.
Q.8 A ball of mass m = 1 kg falling vertically with a velocity v0 = 2 m/s strikes a wedge of
mass M = 2kg kept on a smooth, horizontal surface as shown in figure. The coefficient of
restitution between the ball and the wedge is e = 1/2. Find the velocity
of the wedge and the ball immediately after collision.
Q.9 A chain of length l and m lies in a pile on the floor. It its end A is raised vertically at a
constant speed v0, express in terms of the length y of chain which is off the floor at any given
(a) the magnitude of the force P applied to end A.
(b) the reaction of the floor. (c) energy lost during the lifting of the chain.
Q.10 3 blocks of mass 1kg each kept on horizontal smooth ground are connected by 2 taut
strings of length l as shown. B is pulled with constant acceleration a0 in direction shown. Find
the relative velocity of A & C
just before striking.
Page 28
Q.1 A set of n-identical cubical blocks lie at rest parallel to each other along a line on a
smooth horizontal surface. The separation between the near surfaces of any two adjacent
blocks is L. The block at one end is given a speed V towards the next one at time t = 0. All
colisions are completely inelastic, then
(i) the last block starts moving at t = n(n _1)L/(2v)
(ii) the last block starts moving at t= (n _1)L/v
(iii) the centre of mass of the system will have a final speed v/n
(iv) the centre of mass of the system will have a final speed v. [IIT 95]
Q.2 A small bucket of mass M (=10_2kg) is attached to a long cord of length L (= 5 10_2 m). The bucket is released from rest when the cord
is in a horizontal position. In its lowest position the bucket scoops up m(=10_3kg) of water, what is the height of the swing above the lowest
position [REE 95]
Q.3 A small sphere of radius R is held against the inner surface of a larger sphere of radius
6R. The masses of large and small spheres are 4M and M respectively. This arrangement is
placed on a horizontal table. There is no friction between any surfaces of contact. The small
sphere is now released. Find the coordinates of the centre of the large sphere when
the smaller sphere reaches the other extreme position. [IIT 96]
Q.4 A body of mass 5kg moves along the x axis with a velocity 2m/s. A second body of mass 10kg moves along the y axis with a velocity m/s.
They collide at the origin and stick together. Calculate
(i) the final velocity of the combined mass after collision
(ii) the amount of heat liberated in the collision. [REE 96]
Q.5 An isolated particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal plane (x-y) along the x-axis at a
certain height above the ground. It suddenly explodes into two fragments of masses m/4 and
3m/4. An instant later the smaller fragment is at y = + 15 cm. The larger fragment at this
instant is at [IIT 97]
(A) y = _ 5cm (B) y = + 20cm (C) y = + 5cm (D) y = _ 20cm
Q.6 A cart is moving along +x direction with a velocity of 4m/s. A person in the cart throws a
stone with a velocity of 6m/s relative to himself. In the frame of reference of the cart the
stone is thrown in y-z plane making an angle of 30o with the vertical z-axis. At the highest
point of its trajectory, the stone hits an object of equal mass hung vertically from branch of a
tree by means of a string of length L. A completely inelastic collision occurs, in which the
stone gets embedded in the object. Determine
(a) the speed of the combined mass immediately after the collision with respect to an
observer on the ground.
Page 29
(b) the length L of the string such that the tension in the string becomes zero when the string
becomes horizontal during the subsequent motion of the combined mass. [IIT 97]
Q.7 A particle of mass m and velocity v collides elastically and obliquely with a stationary particle of mass m. Calculate the angle between the
velocity vectors of the two particles after the collision. [REE 97]
Q.8 Two blocks of mass 2kg and M are at rest on an indiclined plane and are separated by a
distance of 6.0m as shown. The coefficient of friction between each of the blocks and the
inclined plane is 0.25. The 2kg block is given a velocity of 10.0m/s up the inclined plane. It
collides with M, comes back and has a velocity of 1.0m/s when it reaches its
initial position. The other block M after the collision moves 0.5m up and
comes to rest. Calculate the coefficient of restitution between the blocks and the mass of the
block M. [Take sinq tanq = 0.05 and g = 10m/s2] [IIT 99]
Q.9 Two trolleys A and B of equal masses M are moving in oppsite directions with velocities and respectively on separate horizontal
frictionless parallel tracks. When they start crossing each other, a ball of mass m is thrown from B to A and another of same mass is thrown
from A to B with velocities normal to
. The balls may be thrown in following two ways:
(i) balls from A to B and B to A are thrown simultaneously.
(ii) ball is thrown from A to B after the ball thrown from B reaches A.
Which procedure would lead to a larger change in the velocities of the trolleys? [REE 2000]
Q.10 A wind-powered generator converts wind energy into electrical energy. Assume that the
generator converts a fixed fraction of the wind energy intercepted by its blades into electrical
energy. For wind speed v, the electrical power output will be proportional to: [IIT (Scr) 2000]
(A) v (B) v2 (C) v3 (D) v4
Q.11 Two particles of masses m1 and m2 in projectile motion have velocities
respectively at time
t = 0. They collide at time t0. Their velocities become
air. The value of
(A) zero (B) (m1 + m2)gt0 (C) 2(m1 + m2)gt0 (D) (m1 + m2)gt0
Q.12 A car P is moving with a uniform speed of 5(31/2) m/s towards a carriage of mass 9 Kg
at rest kept on the rails at a point B as shown in fig. The height AC is 120 m. Cannon balls of
1 Kg are fired from the car with an initial velocity 100 m/s at an angle 300 with the
horizontal. The first canon ball hits the stationary carriage after a time t0 and sticks to it.
Determine t0. At t0, the second cannon ball is fired. Assume that the resistive force between
the rails and the carriage is constant and ignore the vertical motion of the carriage throughout.
If the second ball also hits and sticks to the carriage. What will be the horizontal
Page 30
velocity of the carriage just after the second impact? [IIT 2001]
Q.13 Two block of masses 10 kg and 4 kg are connected by a spring of negligible mass and
placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. An impulse gives a velocity of 14 m/s to the
heavier block in the direction of the lighter block. The velocity of the centre of mass is : [IIT
(Scr) 2002]
(A) 30 m/s (B) 20 m/s (C) 10 m/s (D) 5 m/s
Q.14 There is a rectangular plate of mass M kg of dimensions (a b). The plate is held in
horizontal position by striking n small balls each of mass m per unit area per unit time. These
are striking in the shaded half region of the plate. The balls are colliding elastically
with velocity v. What is v?
It is given n = 100, M = 3 kg, m = 0.01 kg; b = 2 m; a = 1m; g = 10 m/s2.
[JEE 2006]
Answer key
(newtons law force & friction)
Q.1 contact force between the block and the belt is 10.5 N Q.2 35 kg
Q.3 306 N , 4.7 m/s2
Q.12 12 N
Q.13 7.5 ms_2 Q.14 10/3 kg Q.15 300 N Q.16 55
sec Q.20
Page 31
=aB; aC=0; T=mg/2; (b) aA=2g, aB=2g, ac=0, T=0; (c) aA=aB= g/2, ac=g, T=
; T=2mg
Q.6 (a)
m; (d)
Q.7 (a) (i) a1 = a2 = 3.2 m/s2 , (ii) a1 = 5.75 m/s2 , a2 = 2m/s2 ; (b) a1 = 5 m/s2 , a2 = _10/3 m/s2
Q.8 (i)90N,(ii)112.5N(iii)150N Q.9 ms =0.4 , mk = 0.3
Q.10 D r =
, 1cm
Q.1 B Q.2 (i) zero , (ii) can't be determined, (iii) can't be determined Q.3 B
Q.4 (b) a = 3/5 m/s2 , T = 18 N, F = 60N Q.5 C Q.6 D Q.7 A
Q.8 11.313 m Q.9 C Q.10 10 m/s2
Q.1 tan_1
Page 32
Q.13 80 kW Q.14
rad/s Q.15
Q.16 6mg
rad/s2, _
Q.22 (a) 2 rad/s2, (b) 12+2t for t < 2s, 16 for t > 2s, (c)
Q.1 F = -3ax2 + b, x =
, KEmax =
Q.7 aN=
, at =
, at=53 g/8, N=3mg/8 Q.2 (i) 36N, (ii) 11.66rad/sec ,(iii) 0.1m, 0.2m
Page 33
Q.15 A
Q.17 A
Q.2 (a)
; (b) 0 Q.3
Q.15 l Q.16
Q.4 11/14
Q.14 2 : 1
, vfirst ball=
, vsecond ball =
, vthird ball =
Q.1 x = 3 units, tanq = 2/3 Q.2
Q.3 vc = _
, vB =
cm, 153L/80u
, vA =
Q.4 40 cm
Page 34
Q.7 impulse =
Q.9 (a)
Q.8 v1 =
m/s, v2 =
, (c)
Q.1 (i), (iii) Q.2 4.13 10_2m Q.3 (L + 2R, 0) Q.4 4/3 m/s, 35/3 J
Q.5 A Q.6 2.5 m, 0, 319 m Q.7 90o
Q.12 t0 = 12 sec, v =