Derailment Guard
Derailment Guard
Derailment Guard
fck 35 MPa
fy 500 MPa
Es 2E+05 MPa
b 1000 mm
D 200 mm
c 50 mm
12 mm
10 mm
h 229 mm
d 144 mm
Fx 68 kN
Fx 119.00 kN
Mx 27 kN.m
Fx 68 kN
Mx 15.57 kN.m
IRC, cl.15.4-
CBC .2.2.1
IRC, cl.15.4-
i.e 0.95d =
Reinforcement Design for Derailment Guard
Bending moment due to derailment
Shear force due to derailment load
Bending moment due to derailment
Shear force due to derailment load
For ultimate moment of resistance:
Derailment load DQY on Guard wall
we know,
For ULS Combination
For SLS Combination
Height of the derailment guard
may be taken as the lesser of the values obtained from equations below:
For sections without compression reinforcement the ult. Moment of resistance
Forces summary:
Effective Depth of reinforcement on either sides
Max. dia of bar used
Width of the section
Depth of the section
Clear cover of reinforcement on either sides
Min. dia of bar used
Characteristic strength of concrete
Characteristic strength of steel
Young's modulus of elasticity of steel
Geomentry of the derailment guard:
fck*b*d - 1.1fyAs = 0.95*fck*b*d
27.27 kN.m
108.864 kN.m
The ultimate moment of resistance to be considered Mu 27.27 kN.m
a = a 6.84
b = b 62640.0
c = c 27265484
Ast^2 6.84 (-Ast) 62640.00 27265483.64 ( = 0 )
62640 56376.0 13.671
As 458.18 mm
Provide 12 mm dia bar at 150 753.984 mm
Fx 119.00 kN
fy 415.00 MPa
IRC, cl.15.4- v 0.826 N/mm
.3.1 As 753.984 mm
Pt 0.524 %
IRC, Table 15For Pt 0.524 vc 0.5667 N/mm
IRC, Table 16 144 mm s 1.3060
svc 0.7401 N/mm
IRC, Table 14
is requird. At 150 mm c/c Asv 202.02 mm
Provide 10 mm dia bar at 150 523.60 mm
Characteristic strength of concrete
Shear stress
Area of reinforcement provided
and concrete grade of M35
Depth factor for effictive depth
For reinforcement Calculation:
We know,
Substituting eq of Z in above eq. We get..
Area of steel required
mm c/c Asv provided
Here , allowable shear stress is lesser than actual shear stress hence shear reinforcement
By solving the above equation, we get..
substituting the above eq. In eq.1
Ast provided
i.e a x Ast^2 - b x Ast + Mu = 0_______-eq (3)
Mu for eq.1
Mu for eq.2
The above is a quadratic eq, which can be written as.
By solving the above eq. We get..
we get,
For shear reinforcement calculation:
Shear force on derailment guard
Thus eq(3) can be re-written as:
By solving the above equation, we get..
% of reinforcement provided
Allowable shear stress in concrete section
Shear force due to derailment load
For ULS Combination