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The Radio Frequency Spectrum: Communications

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The good you do to others will always come back to you pay it forward!!

The Radio Frequency Spectrum
Band name
frequency wavelength
< 3 Hz !""#""" km $
%&tremely low 'requency %(F ! 33" Hz !""#""" km !"#""" km $
Super low 'requency S(F ) 3"3"" Hz !"#""" km !""" km $
*ltra low 'requency *(F 3 3""3""" Hz !""" km !"" km $
+ery low 'requency +(F , 33" kHz !"" km !" km -round .a/e
(ow 'requency (F 0 3"3"" kHz !" km ! km -round .a/e
1edium 'requency 1F 2 3""3""" kHz ! km !"" m -round .a/e
High 'requency HF 3 33" 1Hz !"" m !" m Sky .a/e
+ery high 'requency +HF 4 3"3"" 1Hz !" m ! m Space .a/e
*ltra high 'requency *HF 5 3""3""" 1Hz ! m !"" mm Space .a/e
Super high 'requency SHF !" 33" -Hz !"" mm !" mm Space .a/e
%&tremely high 'requency %HF !! 3"3"" -Hz !" mm ! mm Space .a/e
Tremendously high 'requency THF 3"" -Hz 3"""-H6 < ! mm
(ow %arth 7rbit !"#$ 1edium %arth 7rbit %"#$
-eostationary 8
-eosynchronous &"#$
7rbit Height !"" $ 3"" mi 2#""" $ !)#""" mi ))#3"" mi
7rbital /elocity !3#0"" mph 504" mph 2435 mph
7rbital time 9period: !;0 hours 0$!) mph ), hours
Satellite </ailability !0 min per orbit ) $ , hours per orbit ), hours per orbit
7perating Frequency !;" -Hz to );0 -Hz !;) -Hz $ !;22 -Hz ) -Hz $ !4 -Hz
1otorola=s >ridium Satellite system 922$
satellite constellation 'or mobile phone
-?S# @<+ST<R
Satellite classi'ication to size
'i(e %ass Cost
(arge Satellite !#""" kg A !"" 1
Small Satellite 0"" $ !#""" kg A 0" $ !"" 1
1ini Satellite !"" $ 0"" kg A 0 $ )" 1
1icro Satellite !" $ !"" kg A ) $ 3 1
@ano Satellite < !" kg < A ! 1
(oudness le/el
" $ !0 dB /ery 'aint
!0 $ 3" dB 'aint
3" $ 2" dB moderate
2" $ 4" dB loud
4" $ !3" dB /ery loud
!3" dB dea'ening
1icrowa/e 'requency bands
Band )requency in &*(
( !$)
S )$,
C ,$4
D 4$!)
Eu !)$!4
E !4$)3
Ea )3$,"
1illimeter ,"$3""
Sub$millimeter 3""
!" 7cta/es o' human hearing
!st octa/e )" $ ," Hz
!ower Bass
)nd octa/e ," $ 4" Hz
3rd octa/e 4" $ !2" Hz
Upper Base
,th octa/e !2" $ 3)" Hz
0th octa/e 3)" $ 2," Hz
!ower %idrange 2th octa/e 2," $ !)4" Hz
3th octa/e !)4" $ )02" Hz
4th octa/e )02" $ 0!)" Hz Upper midrange
5th octa/e 0!)" $ !")," Hz
!"th octa/e !")," $ )",4" Hz
7ptimum /olume per person 'or /arious
types o' hall
Type of *all
#ptimum +olume
,person m
concert halls 3;!
>talian$type opera
,;) $ 0;)
churches 3;! $ 5;5
cinemas 3;!
Rooms 'or speech );4
Sound ?ressure (e/els
'ource '.! dB$
'aintest audible sound "
whisper )"
Fuiet residence 3"
So't stereo in residence ,"
Speech range 0"$3"
ca'eteria 5"
?neumatic Gack hammer 5"
(oud crowd noise !""
<ccelerating motorcycle !""
Rock concert !)"
Het %ngine 930 'eet away: !,"
7ptimum re/erberation 9I0"" to !kHz:
Room )unction Reverberation time s$
Recording and
broadcasting studios ";,0 $ ";00
%lementary classrooms ";2 $ ";4
?layhouses# intimate
drama production ";5 $ !;!
(ecture and con'erence
rooms ";5 $ !;!
Cinema ";4 $ !;)
small theaters !;) $ !;,
High school auditoriums !;0 $ !;2
-eneral purpose
auditoriums !;0 $ !;2
Churches !;, $ 3;,
Super -roup Carrier Frequency
!/00 %astergroup U/00 %astergroup
! 2!) !3 !!!2
) Jirect !, !32,
3 !!!2 !0 !2!)
, !32, !2 !42"
0 !2!) !3 )!"4
2 !42" !4 )302
3 )!"4 J)0 )20)
4 )302 J)2 )5""
5 )3), J)3 3!,4
!" 3!"" J)4 3352
<TKTLs FJ1 Hierarchy
+B channels &roups supergroups mastergroups 2umbogroups
&roup !) $ $ $ $
supergroup 2" 0 $ $ $
mastergroup 2"" 0" !" $ $
3umbogroup 32"" 3"" 2" 2 $
'uper2umbogroup !"4"" 5"" !4" !4 3
CC>TTLs FJ1 Hierarchy
+B channels &roups supergroups mastergroups
&roup !) $ $ $
supergroup 2" 0 $ $
mastergroup 3"" )0 0 $
3umbogroup 5"" 30 !0 3
Jigital 1ultiple&ing Hierarchy 9@orth <merican:
!ine Type
Bit rate
5 of T6 'ervices #ffered %edium
JS" 2,Ebps !8), o' T$! twisted pair
T! JS! !;0,, ), ! +B telephone twisted pair
T!C JS!c 3;!0) ,4 ) +B telephone
twisted pair#
T) JS) 2;3!) 52 , +B tel# picture phone Coa&# microware
T3 JS3 ,,;332 23) )4
+B tel# picture phone#
Coa&# 'iber optics
T,1 JS, )3,;!32 ,"3) !24
same as T3 but more capacity
'iber optics
Jistress Frequency
aeronautical !)!;0 1Hz
%aritime 9radiotelegraphy: )!4) kHz
CB 9," channels# 4Em: )2;520$)3;,30 1Hz

< !"0
B !3"
F !00
H !4"
1ode identi'ication 'or
C86 C89 %ode
Resistor Resistor Bistable
Resistor Capacitor 1onostable
Capacitor Capacitor <stable
Jata rates
&.R' !3" kbps
"4&" 34, kbps
-& ) 1bps
Bluetooth 3)" Ebps
!" -bps
modulation technique Application
F<1 $ ?SE Jigital 1icrowa/e
-FSE 9J%CT:Cordless phone
-1SE -?RS
4?SE %J-%
M8,$JF?SE J$<1?S
The good you do to others will always come back to you pay it forward!!
9?recise K Standard ?ositioning Ser/ice:
&.' ..' '.'
horizontal )) m !"" m
/ertical )3;3 m !02 m
Time inter/al )"" nsec 3," nsec
1agnetic Field >ntensity
"quator 3)#""" nT
8orth .ole 2,#""" nT
+elocity o' Sound
:ater 0""" 't8sec
'teel 0!0" m8s
:ood 33"" m8s
Hapanese 1ultiple&ing Hierarchy
!evel 4ata Rate %bps$ Channel Capacity
! !;0,, ),
) 2;3!) 5)
3 3);"2, ,4"
, 53;3)4 !!,"
0 020;!,4 324"
%uropean standard
!evel 4ata Rate %bps$
%$! );",4 3" 3)
%$) 4;,,4 !)" !)4
%$3 3,;324 ,4" 0!)
%$, !35;)2, !5)" )",4
%$0 020;55) 324" 4!5)
Summary 'or all )$input gates
Inputs #utput of each gate
A B A84 8A84 #R 8#R ";<#R ";<8#R
" " " ! " ! " !
" ! " ! ! " ! "
! " " ! ! " ! "
! ! ! " ! " " !
Typical Characteristics o' >C (ogic Families
IC !ogic )amily )an #ut
4issipation m:$
4elay ns$
margin +$
Standard TT( !" !" !" ";,
Schottky TT( !" )) 3 ";,
(ow power Schottky TT( )" ) !" ";,
%C( )0 )0 ) ";)
C17S 0" ";! )0 3
(e/el o' >ntegration
!evel #f Integration 8o= of gates per chip
Small Scale >ntegration 9SS>: less than !)
1edium Scale >ntegration 91S>: !)$55
(arge Scale >ntegration 9(S>: !""$5#555
+ery (arge Scale >ntegration 9+(S>: !"#"""$55#555
*ltra (arge Scale >ntegration 9*(S>: !""#""" or more
%lectron Capacity N 9n
Amplifier class efficiency
input signal
< 0"O 32"P !""O
<B 0!$55O !4!P to 305P 0"O < !""O
B 34O !4"P 0"O
C 40O "P to !35P 0"O
! E 9
) ( ?
3 1 6?
, @ -9
0 7 !4
2 ? 4
3 F )
'pecifications Cable Type
%a7 !ength
!"BaseT *nshielded Twisted ?air !""
!"Base) Thin Coa& Cable !4"
!"Base0 Thick Coa& Cable 0""
!"BaseF Fiber optic cable )"""
!""BaseT *nshielded Twisted ?air !""
!""BaseTD *nshielded Twisted ?air ))"
T+ channel Frequency allocation
)requency band
) @A $ 2"
(ow +HF Channels
3 2" $ 22
, 22 $ B9
0 B/ $ 4)
2 4) $ 44
44 $ !"4 F1 band
3 6BA $ !4"
High Band +HF
4 !4" $ !42
5 !42 $ !5)
!" !5) $ !54
!! !54 $ )",
!) )", $ )!"
!3 )!" $ )!2
!,$43 ,3"$45" *HF
Resonant Circuit Feedback 7scillators
#scillator Type ;6 ;9 ;-
Hartley ( ( C
Colpitts C C (
Clapp C C Series (C 9net (:
?ierce Crystal C C Crystal 9net (:
Colpitts tapped capacitor
*artley tapped inductor
Armstrong 1agnetic Coupling
Clapp series (C
IC types
A'I%# Honda
>RI# Sony
*UB# Eorea
Robosapien toy like robot
Bang<bang Robot (imit stop
R6 .eak black out
R9 !" mins
R- < ! hour
RA !$) hours
R@ more than ) hours
The good you do to others will always come back to you pay it forward!!
Commonly magnetized alloys
.ermalloy ))O iron and 34O nickel
*iperni1 ,"O Fe and 2"O @i
.erminvar @i ,3O# >ron 3,O# Cobalt )3O
Constantan ,"$2"O copper 8 thermocouples
8ichrome !0$)"O chromium and has high electrical resistance
1obile ?hones 9.:
< Analog 4igital
Class I ";2 ,
Class II !;2 !;2
Class III 3 ";2
Class I T+ Channel8Station$$ o''$the$air channels# JBS 'eeds
Class II w8o au&iliary equipment scrambling
Class III w8 au&iliary equipment
Class I+ pro/ides signaling path C<T+# ??+
S*F 'or 3- 91Hz8million:Q
)requency paired unpaired
0 1Hz ? 01 ? 31
0$!" 41 21
!"$!0 !"1 41
!0 !01 !)1
%."& 6 CJ8internet
%."& 9 9JCT: $ J+J $ S+CJ ripper
%."& - HJT+
%."& A Ji/D
%."& B
1ultimedia content Jescription >nter'ace
%."& 96 1ultimedia Framework
808 *n$1od carrier# @o in'o
A6A Telegraphy
C-) +SB T& 'or T+ signal
)?" F1 stereo 1u& signal
A-C <1 Fa&
)-C F1 Fa&
A-" <1 Telephony# JSB
)-" F1 Telephony
&-" ?1 Telephony
*-" SSB FC
3-" SSB SC
Brain wavesC
D < 3 Hz
E , to 4 Hz
F 4 to !) Hz
G !3 to 3" Hz
1onolithic >C 9Rm:
transistor )" & !)
resistor 2 & 3"
diodes !" & !0
!evel 0 Resistor# diodes 9non repairable parts:
!evel 6
Sub$modules attached to circuit cards
!evel 9 circuit cards# mother boards etc;
!evel -
!evel A Cabinets
spi1e 2"""/ in sec
surge !!"O
dip , sag 4"O $ 40 O
I'<A6 Roaming
I'<@A J$<1?S
I'<H@ CJ1< 7ne
I'<6-/ TJ1<# @orth <merican Jigital Cellphone
I'<6-/=9 roaming# M8,$JF?SE
7? <1?S
!% 606 -eneral purpose 7?$<mp
!% BA6C >ndustries Standard
#. 6BBA *ltra ?recision <mp
secondary cell battery
nickel cadmium
$ AC mA$ at /0 *( 4C mA$
.erception " to ! " to ,
'urprise ! to , , to !0
Refle7 action , to )! !0 to 4"
%ascular inhibition )! to ," 4" to !2"
Respiratory failure ," to !"" !2" to 3""
)atal 7/er !2"" 3""m<
Commercials 9minutes:
%!A #UT<%!A
2" !0 !3
3" 3;0 4;0
!0 3;0 ,
0 !0sec !;0
.6 -reen 7scilloscope
.A .hite 1onochrome
.99 R-B colored
.-6 -reen 7scilloscope
< &.' &!#8A''
), )! 93 spare:
#rbital .lanes 2 3
'atellites , .lanes , 4
.lane 'eparation 2"
'atellite 'eparation 2"
Inclination 00
#rbital .eriod !) Hours !! Hours K !0mins
Altitude )"#)"" km !5#!"" km
Types o' Robots
'emi<Autonomous @eeds some human inter/ention
Autonomous @eeds no human inter/ention
Tele<#perated Remote controlled
Androids Resemble humans
Cyborgs 1i&ture o' human and machine parts
Automatons <utomatically 'ollow programmed instructions
!ow I *igh I
dynamic crystal
carbon condenser
ribbon electret
Curie temperature 9
Cobalt !!3"
Iron 33"
8ic1el 304
&ondolinium !2
1ooreLs (aw 9bps:
906@ 90@0
! Billion 0"" Trillion
The good you do to others will always come back to you pay it forward!!
Broadband wireless access 'or 'i&ed# nomadic# mobileQ 91Hz:
>1T )""" ma&imum
data rate
Flicker noise +oltage
Cable T+Q
@ames and <ccomplishment
J 6 6<9 9<- -<@ @<60 K 60
,0"$,3" !5""$!5!" ),""$),43 3,""$32"" 0!0"$030" !"!0"$!"20"
$ !54"$!55" )0""$)3"" $ 0,3"$040" $
Slow mo/ing /ehiclesS -?A 1bps
High speed /ehicleS 6AA 1bps
:ire<wound resistorL ";"! R+ to ";)R+
Carbon<compositionL ";!R+ to )R+
carbon film ";"0R+$3T+
metallic film wire$ ";")R+$";)R+
matching 9RF: !2 dB
terminal isolation )4 dB
sound carrier isolator ," dB
spurious radiation reGection 2" dB
cross modulation 4" dB
adGacent channel isolation $2" dB
audio signal le/el ! dB
/ideo S@R 'or modulator 32 dB
Abraham Abesamis Chairman @TC
8eil Bhor
Calculated the radius and
/elocity o' electron
"rnest Rutherford 1easure atomic radius
Christian *ulsmeyer Radar
Theodor %aiman Je/eloped (<S%R
Bac1ham M NA# Clad glass 'iber
%arc Anderseen 17S<>C
8orio Taniguchi @anotech
Burell 'mith 1<C 1other Board
Bob Nhan M +inton Cerf Jesigned TC?8>?
Ted *off Jesigned 1icroprocessor
&ilbert *yatt >n/ented 1icroprocessor
Isaac Asimov 3 law o' URoboticsV# !525
Narel Oape1 coined Robot# !5)"
Tim Bernes<!ee designed HTTP
Tomas :atson >B1 'ounder
:illiam &ibson Cyberspace
4ouglas "ngelbart 1ouse
Bob %etcalfe %thernet
!arry Robert <rpanet
3ohn Barger .eb$log
Brattain and Bardeen >n/entor Transistor
3ohn .ierce Coined WtransistorW
+inton Cerf FT?8Father o' internet
3ac1 st= Claire Nilby >C
Ted 8elson Coined UHyper te&tV
3ac1 Ras1in Founder o' 1acintosh
'eymour Roger Cray Super Computer
Bob 8oyce M &ordon %oore >ntel 'air child
&iovanni Caselli ?antelegraph
Antonio %eucci !
>n/entor o' the telephone
+ic *ayce Father o' .i$Fi
Agusta Ada Bryon .orld !
Computer ?rogrammer
'teve 3obsP 'teven :o(nia1 <pple computer
"dwin Armstron Superheterodyne 9radio:
%ar1 Tilden Robosapien
*arry 8yquist @egati/e Feedback <mpli'ier
Carl Beredic1s disco/ered germanium in !5!0
4r Carl Iener de/elopment o' zener diode
4r !eo "sa1i in/ented tunnel diode
Randall and Boot >n/entor o' 1agnetron
Richard )eynman subatomic to atom manipulation
"rlang B do not reappear during test period
"rlang C Held in the system until satis'ied
.oisson satis'ied or abandoned
'CR @?@ X ?@?
4iac two ,$layer SCR
Triac two SCR back$to$back
+elocity Factor
Coa7 ";22 8 ";2$";4
Twin lead ";4
#pen wire ";5
+=-9 52"" bps
+=-Abis 33;2 kbps
+=H0 02 kbps
Turns Ratio o' Trans'ormer
step up less than unity
step down greater than unity
%a7well Bridge 1edium F
*ay Bridge High F
RF>J 'requency bands
!3;003 1Hz !3;023 1Hz
5!4 1Hz 5)" 1Hz
),,2 1Hz ),0, 1Hz
1echanical Con'igurations o' >ndustrial Robots
Articulated arm or Goined$ arm con'iguration
'pherical configurations up# down# le't# right# pi/ot at certain angle
Cylindrical configuration 32"
Cartesian or rectilinear up8down8le't8 right
'CARA 9Selecti/e Compliance
<ssembly Robot <rm:
, a&is robot with rotating elements that mo/e
in single plane
.roton ) up quarks ! down quark
8eutron ) down quarks ! up quark
$ &roup 6 &roup 9 &roup -
1ins 8 page 2 3 2$!0 sec 8 page
scan lines 8 inch 5" !""
'tandard )ine 'uperfine
!"" or 54 )"" or !52 ,"" or 35)
%a7imum .ermitted
dB .ower m:,dBm$
class 6 !"" m. 9)"dBm: Y!""m
class 9 );0 m. 9,dBm: Y!"m
class - ! m. 9"dBm: Y!m
I. version Addresses
>?/, )
>?/2 )
.elding Type
Carbon Arc :elding 7ccurrence o' blow holes
"lectron Beam :elding +acuum tube8 high /elocity electrons applied in the materials
'pot :elding a type o' resistance welding
%I& metal inert gas$ high deposit rate8uses consumable wire electrodes
TI& tungsten inert gas$ *ses non$consumable wire electrodes
.lasma arc :elding wine glass 8 shielding gas
.ressure :elding atom$atom bond
"lectric Resistance 'eam :elding uses disc electrodes

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