1. The document announces an important examination for the AMIIM taking place on December 26th, 2014.
2. It provides important details for candidates wishing to take the exam such as eligibility requirements, application procedures and deadlines, exam subjects and formats, and exam center locations.
3. Candidates are advised to carefully review the eligibility rules and application instructions and submit their completed forms by the November 28th deadline to ensure consideration for the December 2014 AMIIM examination.
1. The document announces an important examination for the AMIIM taking place on December 26th, 2014.
2. It provides important details for candidates wishing to take the exam such as eligibility requirements, application procedures and deadlines, exam subjects and formats, and exam center locations.
3. Candidates are advised to carefully review the eligibility rules and application instructions and submit their completed forms by the November 28th deadline to ensure consideration for the December 2014 AMIIM examination.
1. The document announces an important examination for the AMIIM taking place on December 26th, 2014.
2. It provides important details for candidates wishing to take the exam such as eligibility requirements, application procedures and deadlines, exam subjects and formats, and exam center locations.
3. Candidates are advised to carefully review the eligibility rules and application instructions and submit their completed forms by the November 28th deadline to ensure consideration for the December 2014 AMIIM examination.
1. The document announces an important examination for the AMIIM taking place on December 26th, 2014.
2. It provides important details for candidates wishing to take the exam such as eligibility requirements, application procedures and deadlines, exam subjects and formats, and exam center locations.
3. Candidates are advised to carefully review the eligibility rules and application instructions and submit their completed forms by the November 28th deadline to ensure consideration for the December 2014 AMIIM examination.
For Members desirous of appearing at the AMIIM Examination in December 2014
1. DECEMBER 2014 AMIIM Examination will be held tentatively from 26 th DECEMBER, 2014 as per the Time Table given herewith. The exact date will be intimated along with the Admit Card. In case of non-receipt of Admit Card, the candidate should down-load the same from IIM Website: iim-india.net. However, if the name of any candidate does not appear in the list, he/she should assume that his/her application form has been received by the office late. Hence, he/she will not be allowed to appear in December 2014 examination. His/her form shall be considered for June 2015 examination.
2. No Candidate will be allowed to appear at the immediately available AMIIM Examination, after enrolment as a Member. However, a Member must appear at the AMIIM Examination within 18 (eighteen) months from the date of enrolment as a Member, subject to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria.
3. Examination Application Form (both original and duplicate copies) should be sent to IIM HO only by Speed Post/Courier accompanied by two passport size photographs duly attested on their back-side by a valid Member of IIM (not Student member) or a Gazetted Officer or an authorized signatory of the organization, where the candidate is working, with official rubber stamp, and the examination fees. Name and Membership number of the candidate should be mentioned on back side of each photograph. Incomplete Application Form will be rejected.
4. However, endorsement of the Examination Application Form by an IIM Member or his/her Employer is not required.
5. After sending the Examination Application Form to IIM Head Office, the candidate should also intimate his/her respective Chapter Secretary in writing giving details of his/her Membership number, name of the subject(s) he/she desires to appear, and the choice of Centre.
6. The syllabus pertaining to each subject of AMIIM Examinations is available with the IIM Head Office which may be obtained on making advance payment of Rs.150/- per copy (inclusive of courier charges).
7. As per the revised regulations w.e.f. June 2001, no candidate will be permitted to appear in more than 5 (five) subjects at a time either in Part-I or Part-II examination in a particular session. The candidates are therefore advised to select their choice of subjects for appearing at the examination. The successful candidates of Part-I AMIIM Examination held in June 2014 will not be allowed to appear in Part-II AMIIM Examination in December 2014.
8. The candidates desirous of appearing in Part-II AMIIM Examination, apart from compulsory subjects, should select 2 (two) Elective subjects, from the Time Table published herein, to avoid clash in the examination schedule.
9. Examination Fees should be paid in full only by a Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Indian Institute of Metals, Kolkata. No Cheque/Postal Order/Money Order will be accepted under any circumstances. The required fees for either Part-I or Part-II of AMIIM Examination is Rs.1000/- only (including cost of the Form).
10. The last date for receipt of the completed Application Form for December 2014 AMIIM Examination is 28 th November, 2014. Candidates are advised to send their Application Forms directly to the Institutes Head Office only at : Plot - 13/4, Block - AQ, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 091, well in advance, so as to reach by the closing date. Application Forms received after the due date will not be accepted under any circumstances, even if the same is despatched well in advance. The Institute reserves the right to return the Application Form due to its late receipt or for any other reason.
11. Attested copies of Certificates/Mark Sheets (All Parts and both sides for Subject Codes) should be submitted in support of claim for exemption in any subject(s). This is obligatory for a candidate appearing at the examination for the first time. A candidate claiming exemption on the basis of his/her earlier examinations are required to mention his/her Registration number and the month and year of passing the subject(s) in which exemption has been sought in the Application Form, failing which it will be presumed that no exemption is sought for and further correspondence in this respect will not be entertained.
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12. In case, a candidate does not want to appear in any subject(s), already indicated in the Application Form, the same should be informed to the Institute Head Office in writing before commencement of the AMIIM Examination, failing which he/she will be marked ABSENT in the Grade Sheet in that particular subject(s). No consideration will be given to this effect on requests received after completion of that particular examination.
13. The examination will be held at the following 21 Centers provided there are a minimum number of 15 candidates desirous of appearing at the examination at each Centre: BESU(B E College), Bangalore, Baroda, Bhilai, Chennai, Delhi, Durgapur, Hyderabad, Ichapur, Jamshedpur, Katni, Mumbai, Nagpur, Poona, Raigarh, Rourkela, Salem, Sunabeda, Vijaynagar and Visakhapatnam.
14. Request for change of subject(s) or Examination Centre should reach the Institute Head Office in writing at least one month before commencement of the examination.
15. Candidates appearing at the AMIIM Examination should clear their annual Membership Subscription up to the current year. Results of defaulting members shall not be communicated. A Member defaulting for more than 12 months will not be permitted to appear at the AMIIM Examination and will also lose his/her Membership.
16. Student Members who failed to appear at the June 2014 AMIIM Examination following 18 (eighteen) months rule, are not eligible to appear at the December 2014 AMIIM Examination. Under such circumstances, he/she is required to re-register as a fresh student Member, if eligible.
17. A candidate will normally not be allowed to choose his/her Centre of Examination other than the Chapter to which he/she belongs. For those Chapters, which are not designated Examination Centers, the candidate is required to indicate his/her choice for the nearest examination Centre at which he/she would appear at the examination.
18. Request for re-totalling of an assessed Answer Script on a subject in which he/she has appeared and could not become unsuccessful, may only be entertained within one month from the date of declaration of the results on payment of Rs.100/- per subject plus Rs.50/- as courier charges.
19. A successful candidate of AMIIM Part-II examination is required to appear at the Viva - Voce examination and submit a Technical Report based on his/her working experience and field of specialization, duly forwarded by his/her Employer and the Chapter Secretary. Finally the AMIIM pass Certificate will be issued to a candidate only on his/her satisfactory performance at the Viva-Voce examination and approval of the Technical Report.
20. Performance Sheet/Grade Card will be issued to a candidate showing his/her grades only for the subject(s) in which he/she appeared at the examination after the results of Part-I and Part-II are declared. Any discrepancy noted in the Grade Sheet should be brought to the notice of the Institutes Head Office, for which, fresh Grade Sheet may be issued if the discrepancy is established. The fees for a Consolidated Grade Sheet is Rs.100/- for each Part of examination and the fees for a duplicate Grade Sheet is also Rs.100/- for each Part of examination. An additional amount of Rs.50/- should be sent along with the requisite amount as courier charges for sending the Grade Sheet.
21. The Admit Card, List of Officer-in-Charge of each Examination Centre, Final examination Time Table, the list of Registered Candidates, the Results and the Grade Sheet of each candidate desirous of appearing/appeared at the AMIIM Examinations would be available on the IIM Website (www.iim-india.net). Any candidate may access the same with the help of his/her Membership or Registration Number.
The candidates who will be appearing for the first time in AMIIM Examination, should positively enclose a copy of the Student Intimation Letter alongwith the completed Examination Form, failing which he/she may not be permitted to appear at the Examination.
Sd/- Prof P S Banerjee
Date: 4 th July, 2014. Dy. Controller of Examinations