Expedition PCB Guide
Expedition PCB Guide
Expedition PCB Guide
Evaluaton Guide
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Introducton to Xpediton 7
Introducton ........................................................................................................................ 8
Design Process Overview .................................................................................................. 10
The Xpediton Design Flow ............................................................................................... 11
Xpediton Highlights ......................................................................................................... 12
Lesson 1: The Xpediton Start Pages ................................................................................. 13
Design Capture with Xpediton xDX Designer 15
About This Evaluaton ....................................................................................................... 16
Lesson 2: Xpediton xDX Designer Workspace .................................................................. 16
Lesson 3: Setng Up a New Project .................................................................................. 31
Lesson 4: Selectng and Verifying Parts with Xpediton xDX Databook ............................ 39
Lesson 5: Placing Symbols in the Schematc ..................................................................... 52
Lesson 6: Wiring the Schematc........................................................................................ 63
Lesson 7: Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager ................................ 78
Lesson 8: Variant Manager ............................................................................................... 98
Lesson 9: Generatng the BOM (Bill of Materials) using Part Lister ................................ 109
Lesson 10: Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim....................... 114
Lesson 11: Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx Analog ........................ 120
Lesson 12: Xpediton xDX Designer and Xpediton xPCB Layout Integraton .................. 128
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout 137
Lesson 13: The Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment ..................................................... 138
Lesson 14: Setng Up a New Board Design .................................................................... 154
Lesson 15: Placement ..................................................................................................... 168
Lesson 16: Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in xPCB Layout.... 185
Lesson 17: Variant Management .................................................................................... 202
Lesson 18: AutoActve Interactve Routng ..................................................................... 215
Lesson 19: Final Layout Consideratons .......................................................................... 243
Lesson 20: Design Verifcaton ........................................................................................ 249
Simulaton with
HyperLynx BoardSim & HyperLynx Thermal 256
Lesson 21: HyperLynx BoardSim Simulaton ................................................................... 257
Lesson 22: HyperLynx Thermal Analysis ......................................................................... 263
Completng the Design 269
Lesson 23: Adding Drawing Documentaton .................................................................. 270
Lesson 24: Generatng Manufacturing Outputs ............................................................ 278
Lesson 25: Data Archiving and Transfer .......................................................................... 291
Lesson 26: Creatng Components in Your Personal Library ............................................ 285
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 313
Appendix 1: ODBC Setup ...........................................................................................A-2
Appendix 2: Confgure Xpediton xDX Databook .......................................................A-3
Appendix 3: Confguring Variant Manager ................................................................A-4
List of Figures
Figure 1: Design Process Steps ................................................................................... 11
Figure 2: Xpediton Flow Diagram .............................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Xpediton xDX Designer Main Window ........................................................ 18
Figure 4: Xpediton xDX Designer Toolbars ............................................................ 19-20
Figure 5: Constraint Manager Main Window ............................................................. 80
Figure 6: Constraint Manager Toolbars ................................................................. 81-82
Figure 7: Xpediton xPCB Layout Main Window ....................................................... 140
Figure 8: Xpediton xPCB Layout Toolbars ......................................................... 141-144
In this secton:
Introducton to
Design Process Overview
The Xpediton Design Flow
Xpediton Feature Highlights
The Xpediton Start Pages
8 Introducton
Xpediton is by far the most productve and complete PCB design suite that
allows individual engineers and small workgroups to design highly complex PCBs
while at the same tme ofering an afordable cost of ownership. Skeptcal? We
invite you to take a closer look using this evaluaton guide and see for yourself.
Xpediton is for the individual PCB engineer who does it all, operatng
independently or in small teams. Untl now, your choice of design tool has been
a frustratng compromise. High-end enterprise solutons that handle design
complexity come with too much unnecessary overhead and the associated
challenges of ease of use and cost of ownership. While desktop solutons are
easier to use and have lower cost, they sacrifce productvity as design complexity
increases. Xpediton delivers the best of both worlds - powerful technology from
Mentor Graphics Xpediton combined with a focus on ease of adopton, ease of
learning, ease of use, and afordability. Xpediton provides a tghtly integrated
design fow with everything you need to get the job done.
Hierarchical schematc and table based design creaton with intelligent
parts selecton
Unifed constraints defniton and management across the fow
Component informaton and library management
Easy design reuse
Analog/mixed signal SPICE simulaton Performing Design Analysis
Pre- and post-layout signal integrity analysis based on our leading-edge
HyperLynx technology
Board level thermal analysis
Best-in-class, PCB layout featuring:
A single layout environment
Correct-by-constructon approach to plane design, placement, and
Hierarchical component planning and placement
The industrys most powerful auto-interactve routng environment for
large busses, single ended, and diferental pair nets
Groundbreaking Sketch routng
Advanced fabricaton design including HDI and Flex
PCB documentaton and manufacturing outputs
While Xpediton is a complete suite for complex PCB design, you stll
have the fexibility of adding specialized advanced capabilites from the
HyperLynx family of products, advanced packaging, FPGA co-design, and 3D
design and modeling.
Xpediton is a key part of Mentor Graphics scalable PCB design
solutons. If you are a PADS user in need of higher performance design,
Xpediton ofers a simple upgrade path that allows you to leverage your
prior experience of the PADS fow and tools. When your design needs
evolve towards enterprise capabilites such as distributed libraries, design
management, and concurrent engineering, you can seamlessly
transiton to Xpediton .
We hope youll agree with Xpediton, the days of compromise are
over. Welcome to a new breed of PCB design soluton for the next
generaton of PCB Engineers.
Purpose of This Guide
This Evaluaton Guide will introduce you to the major features and
capabilites of the applicatons and help you to understand how they work
together to unify and simplify your design process. We will walk through
the entre workfow from symbol creaton to design capture, rules and
constraints entry, to layout, placement of components, interactve
routng, and design verifcaton to fnal output. The focus throughout is on
using the entre Xpediton fow, with special atenton paid not only to those
areas where the applicatons functon similarly, but also to the integraton and
transiton locatons, providing tps on how to get the job done more efciently.
Working Together
This atenton to workfow means that we will also show you how to use
the applicatons together with real-world design examples. Along the
way, we also introduce you to many of the great new features in each
applicaton, highlightng some of the more interestng techniques with
steps and lots of illustratons. To see which applicatons and features a
secton covers, scan the In this secton list at the beginning of each secton.
Further Exploraton
Finally, remember that this document is an evaluaton guide, not a
comprehensive user guide. Your most complete source of detailed
feature informaton is the Help Menu in each applicaton. In
additon, take tme to examine the resource informaton accessible through
the Getng Started, Help, and News links within each applicatons Start
Page. There you will fnd even more informaton on a variety of Mentor
Graphics resources that will help you get started, get informed, and get
inspired while using Xpediton. We hope this evaluaton guide helps you
see some of the excitng design possibilites available to you with Xpediton
Introducton to Xpediton
Design Process Overview
Creatng a new design project requires an engineer to pay atenton to many
details. Designing a PCB is a process of making design decisions and tradeofs,
based on engineering changes throughout the design. In order to obtain the best
possible design, the engineer must weigh a number of confictng factors and
make calculated design choices to obtain the best possible design outputs.
Knowing that your design tools have the ability to provide and
manage the required content gives you a strong foundaton on which
to build your design. Xpediton ofers a fully featured front-to-back
design fow that allows the engineer to balance rules and constraints in an
intelligent and predictable manner to produce quality designs that can be easily
There are many operatons that a designer must perform to complete a design,
but the process fow can be simplifed to a few basic steps shown below:
1. Creatng a Design Project
2. Performing Design Capture
Creatng the top level schematc
Adding components to the schematc
Connectng the components
Verifying the design
Performing design simulaton (pre-layout)
Defning constraints
Packaging and Forward Annotatng the logical design for physical design
3. PCB Layout Design
Importng schematc design data to layout
Confguring for physical design
Generatng plane structures
Adding physical constraints
Placing parts
Routng critcal nets
Complete nets routng
Checking design rules (DRC)
Post layout analysis
4. Creatng Documentaton and Manufacturing Outputs
Creatng schematc release documentaton
Creatng manufacturing outputs
Performing engineering change orders (ECO)
Parttoning your workfow to align with these steps will help you establish a
structured approach to organizing your design tasks. It will also provide you with
a number of checkpoints for reviewing your design data.
Documentaton and
Manufacturing Outputs
Personal Library
Part Creaton
Create a
Design Project
Schematc Capture
with Simulaton
PCB Design Layout with
SI/Thermal Simulaton
11 Introducton
The Xpediton Design Flow
Introducton to Xpediton
Xpediton Highlights
Design Capture
The Xpediton fow delivers productve PCB design capture and defniton
functonality using Xpediton xDX Designer. You will have features like: intuitve
project and design navigaton, unlimited hierarchical support, informal design
reuse, advanced design propertes and rules management, full forward/back
annotaton including design constraints, cross probing between the schematc,
layout, routng, and constraints. You will also have access to schematc-to-signal-
integrity features. Component management is also included using library
management tools.
Signal Integrity Simulaton and Analysis
Signal integrity (SI) analysis is an essental part of modern electronic design.
Increasingly fast edge rates in todays ICs cause detrimental high-speed efects,
even in PCB designs running at low operatng frequencies. As driver ICs switch
faster, a growing number of boards sufer from issues such as crosstalk,
over/undershoot, ringing, glitching, and tming problems.
Xpediton uses HyperLynx SI to ofer powerful and easy-to-use signal
integrity capabilites on the engineers desktop. With pre-layout analysis
capabilites for defning routng constraints, to verifcaton of the routed
board to ensure your design goals are met, HyperLynx SI ofers a complete
environment for all your signal integrity analysis needs.
HyperLynx Analog with EZwave is a board-level simulaton and verifcaton
environment that is integrated into the Mentor Graphics Xpediton xDX
Designer environment. Using a single schematc to drive both the simulaton
and PCB applicatons, it efectvely eliminates costly and error-prone schematc
re-entry, therefore signifcantly shortening the overall development cycle.
HyperLynx SI also allows engineers to analyze board-level thermal problems
on placed, partally routed, or fully routed PCB designs from Xpediton.
Temperature profles, gradients, and excess temperature maps enable
engineers to resolve board and component overheatng early in the design
PCB Layout and AutoActve Routng Technology
Xpediton ofers unparalleled price-performance for the layout and
design of complex circuit boards, including high-speed applicatons.
Xpediton ofers advanced design rules with real-tme design rule check-
ing, bi-directonal cross probing, dynamic split-plane generaton, as-
sociatve-dimensioning, direct DXF import into both the board and
part library editors, physical design reuse, and advanced fabricaton
verifcaton tools. Also included are assembly variant functons, test point
generaton, and an IDF import/export capability from/to third party
CAD/CAM tools. Manufacturing outputs for a wide variety of industry
standard formats are included like ODB++, recognized as the industry
leading intelligent format used by PCB fabricaton, assembly, and test vendors.
Many designers of high-speed and/or dense designs require exactng
manual control of routed signal traces. Xpediton includes
interactve and customizable routng controls for design challenges such as
diferental pair routng, net tuning, manufacturing optmizaton and
microvia and build-up technology. AutoActve technology provides
shape-based true 45 degree routng and is a single, integrated, place
and route editng environment that reduces design tme and increases
productvity. These commands allow you to automatcally manipulate
individual traces, or groups of traces using Sketch Router, while
intuitve constraint monitoring provides real-tme feedback for correct-by-
constructon methodology. Advanced routng algorithms
enable design rules and advanced design constraints
using Constraint Manager to be applied between
objects or groups of objects such as components, layers, nets, and vias.
AutoActve technology simplifes routng operatons to allow you to
complete your layout quickly for those aggressive tme-to-market
Lesson 1: The Xpediton Start Pages
The Start Page contains links to tutorial informaton, videos,
online help features, and this Evaluaton Guide. These items can help you
become productve quickly. It is available in both Xpediton xDX Designer and
Xpediton xPCB Layout.
Introducton to Xpediton
The Start Page appears when you open Xpediton by either clicking
on the Xpediton xDX Designer or Xpediton xPCB Layout icon located
on the desktop, or by selectng them from the Start > All Programs >
Mentor Graphics SDD EEVX.1 (32 or 64-bit) > Design Entry or Layout
NOTE: Review the content for New Project or PCB or Open item at
this tme. If you select either of these items you can click Cancel to
return to the Start Page.
Explore the resources available to you on the Start Page:
Take tme to become familiar with the Getng Started, Help, and News
sectons. These contain links to additonal product documentaton
on SupportNet and InfoHub, including this Evaluaton Guide and the
Xpediton user manuals.
Click New Project > Xpediton or New PCB to start a new design.
Go to the Recent secton to quickly access designs you have worked on
If you do not wish to see the Start Page, you can toggle it of in
Xpediton xDX Designer by selectng View > Start Page.
In Xpediton xPCB Layout to keep the Start Page from appearing when
the program opens, disable View > Show Start Page at Startup.
Close Xpediton xDX Designer and/or Xpediton xPCB Layout if stll
End of secton. This page intentonally lef blank.
In this secton:
Design Capture with
Xpediton xDX Designer
Installaton and Setup
Xpediton xDX Designer Environment and Workspace
Setng up a New Project
Creatng a New Schematc
Placing Parts
Wiring the Schematc
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager
Variant Manager
Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim
Generatng the BOM (Bill of Materials)
Xpediton xDX Designer Packager and Xpediton xPCB Layout Project
About This Evaluaton
This Evaluaton Guide is intended to be used with Xpediton sofware which
is installed separately.
This Evaluaton Guide and the accompanying lesson fles allow a user who
has limited experience with the Xpediton workfows to review new features
and capabilites. Keep in mind this presentaton is a snapshot of the full
range of features that Xpediton provides.
Note: The Xpediton Evaluaton install has placed all of the lesson fles used
in this guide into the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton directory.
The content of the evaluaton material includes:
Evaluaton Guide PDF fle
(located in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton directory)
Schematc, Simulaton and PCB Lesson fles
(located in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton directory)
Personal Library
(located in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Library directory)
(located in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Library\Datasheets
Xpediton xDX Databook Database
(located in the
C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Library\DatabookData directory)
Lesson 2: Xpediton xDX Designer Workspace
In Xpediton, Xpediton xDX Designer is used for schematc design capture.
Xpediton xDX Designer follows Windows navigaton standards. It supports
pulldown menus, hot keys, toolbars, toolboxes and Tooltps. The menus are
context sensitve: when you right-click, the popup menu optons vary depending
on the object you select.
The interface is also fully customizable. Advanced Windows navigaton features
including Tear Of Menus, Dockable Windows, and Auto Hide Docking are also
These standard windows features make Xpediton xDX Designer an easy and
productve environment for schematc generaton.
Start Xpediton xDX Designer
Double-click the Xpediton xDX Designer icon on your desktop to open
Xpediton xDX Designer to the Start Page.
Next, click the [+] icon located to the lef of the CORPORATE
schematc name to expand the schematc sheets.
Note: The tree should expand to look like this example.
Narrowing the Search, an Alternate Method
Select the Query Builder again and click Back twice to remove the
additonal query for the Cell Name, then click OK to reset the search to
the previous query.
In the Top Line of the Xpediton xDX Databook search window, in the
Cell Name column, select the = box, and note the functons available.
Choose = from the dropdown list.
Click the box to the right of the = Box in the Cell Name column and
select the CC1206 Cell Name from the dropdown list and press Enter.
Notce the quantty of available parts has been reduced as with the
previous query.
Placing Parts into the Schematc (contnued)
Click Clear Filters and then expand the library Sample by selectng the
[+] item.
Find and place 145421 using the same method described in step 4.
Placing Parts from Xpediton xDX Databook with Alternate
Cell Selecton
Open the Search window in Xpediton xDX Databook by clicking New
Search Window.
Select the Library IC, and fnd the symbol 74192 using the top line
query method in the Symbol column. Select the Part 511-5V_IC.
Note: There are two cells listed in the Symbol Preview dropdown list: the
Default SO16, and the Alternate DIP16. Clicking each of them shows a
preview of the Cell.
From the dropdown list, select DIP16 and check the Fixed box.
Place the component on the schematc by clicking Add New
Component with All Propertes.
Note: The component has been placed to use the Alternate Cell during
PCB layout. Checking the Fixed box tells the designer that the Cell Name
property is fxed for primary placement.
Right-click to stop placement of further symbols. You should now
have 4 symbols on your schematc.
Placing Symbols in the Schematc
Design Capture with Xpediton xDX Designer
Copying Symbols
You are going to need two resistors in this schematc example. Press and
hold the CTRL key, then click to select and drag away from the frst resistor.
As you drag your mouse, a copy of the resistor ataches to your cursor and
is ready for placement.
Make sure there is plenty of room next to the capacitor for 2 copies. If not,
move it by selectng the part and dragging to a new locaton.
Using the previous method (CTRL + Lef-click and drag) add two more
Click and draw a selecton box around the second GND symbol.
Note: Hold the ALT key while drawing your selecton box and only objects
completely within the box will be selected.
Press the CTRL + C keys to create a new copy and place it into the clipboard.
Press the CTRL + V keys and a ghost image of the copied symbol is atached
to your cursor.
Click to place the new GND symbol to the right of the other two.
Note: Right-click to remove the part from your cursor once the new
part is placed.
Creatng Nets Outside of Net Mode
Right-click on pin 1 of the IC on the lef.
Move the cursor to the resistor located nearby.
Note: As you move the cursor, a net is added and follows the cursor locaton.
Right-click to add vertces to the connecton.
Lef-click to select the resistors upper pin to connect the net to it.
Variant Manager
The CAE Interacton Tab
The CAE Interacton tab provides display optons for variant schematcs.
You can Delete, Markup or assign a Color to the unplaced symbols in each
When a variant view is generated, these setngs will be applied to the
symbols within the schematc according to the symbols variant status.
Variant Manager
Creatng Variants
Select the Variant Defniton Icon.
From the Variant Defniton dialog box, create two variants by clicking
on the Create New Variant buton twice.
Name the two variants Variant1 and Variant2 respectvely.
Note: Click the cell to edit the values.
Enter the Number and Descriptons as shown.
For Variant 1: Number = VAR1, Descripton = New Var1
For Variant2: Number = VAR2, Descripton = New Var2
The Variant Groups tab is helpful for sortng or fltering for specifc
variants when there are many in a single project. Any groups setup on
the Variant Groups tab will be available from the drop-down list shown
below in the main window.
Click OK to save and exit.
Defning Variants
Now that you have confgured Variant Manager and created two variants, you
will defne the specifc variant parameters.
Unplacing Parts
Be sure the Transmit and Receive mode butons are both depressed to
enable cross-probing.
Click in the cell under the Variant1 column, next to C9. Variant Manager
allows cross probing from the schematc into a variant and vise-versa.
Click [-] next to the schematc sheet Analog_Switch to compress the view.
Note: If you don't see the Analog_Switch [+] icon, make sure that Flat Design
View is unchecked.
Find IO_Port1 and Unplace all of the components in that block by
selectng the cell next to the IO_Port1 defniton in Variant1.
Right-click and choose Unplaced to unplace all parts on this hierarchical
Variant Manager
Change Multple Parts Simultaneously
To change a few select parts simultaneously, click C3 in the Variant1
Ctrl + Click to select C4 and C35.
Right-click over one of the reference designators and choose Reset.
Only the 3 selected parts are reset and their cells in the Variant1
column are cleared.
Replacing (Substtutng) Parts
In Variant2 you will replace (substtute) parts. Select the cell for C5 in
IO_Port2, then right-click and choose Replace.
A new window appears that lists the possible replacement parts.
Note: The columns come from the setngs in a previous lesson. All of
the replacement parts have the same PKG_TYPE as the original part
because we set the VM Match to PKG_TYPE = in our .dbc confguraton
as shown in the Appendix at the end of this Evaluaton Guide.
Variant Manager
Replacing Parts Across Library Parttons
We are going to replace the R29 resistor with a
capacitor in Variant2. With R29 highlighted, right-click
over the cell in the Variant2 column and then click
Notce that you also have the opton to replace parts
across library parttons.
Double-click the frst capacitor in the list to apply it.
Note: Dont forget that you can also flter on Library if you
know what Library your replacement part is in.
Click Save on the Variant Manager toolbar.
Variant Manager
Generatng the Variant BOM Reports
To generate the BOMs, right-click in the Variant window
and choose Report > BOM Reports.
Choose the desired output fle type: Microsof Excel.
Select Variant1 and 2 and defne an output locaton. In
this case we will output to
C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Lesson1 and name it
Generate a BOM report for the Master and both
Variants using the setngs shown.
Afer clicking OK, all three reports are generated
in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Lesson1 directory
as shown.
Open each report in Excel and observe the diferences.
In this graphic notce the fle names at the top show
master on the lef, then Variant1 middle, and Variant2
on the right. A few diferences have been highlighted
so you can see that Variant Manager has generated the
BOMs correctly.
From the Report menu you can also generate
spreadsheet views of your variants for documentaton.
Experiment by creatng a report for your variant and
then view the output fle. For example, select HTML
Part Lister Property Selecton
Select Columns.
The list on the lef side of the dialog box contains some of the propertes
currently in the design. Using the four butons above the list, you can
add, remove and modify the order of the property columns included
in the output. Each of the propertes in the Columns list will become a
separate column in the output fle.
Adding A Property
Click New to add a new property at the end of the list.
Note: To add a property in the middle of the list, click on the list item directly
above the locaton where you wish to add the new property. You can also use the
Up and Down Arrow butons to repositon the order of the propertes in the list.
Enter the Column Label Name DESCRIPTION.
Verify that Property is selected for the Type, and for the Property, select
Descripton from the dropdown list to specify the content of the column.
Enter a Column Width of 50.
Enter 0 for the decimal places.
The new property is now complete.
Editng A Property
Double-click the cursor over the Column Label Name C0ST. This allows
you to edit the name.
Change the Column Label Name from C0ST to COST.
Note: COST is spelled with a Zero (0) and it should be an O.
You can rename any of the Column Label Names as your reportng
needs change.
Increasing the Page Size
If you add additonal propertes, you may have to increase the page size.
Select Advanced.
Verify that Split into pages is enabled.
Enter the appropriate values for the number of lines each.
(For this lesson set it to 150.)
Specifying the Output Type
Defne the desired output type (Text File, HTML or EXCEL) by choosing
Text File from the Output Format dropdown list.
Click Run to generate the report.
Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim
HyperLynx LineSim (contnued)
Click Run Interactve Simulaton,
the Digital Oscilloscope window opens.
Select Rising Edge. Make sure diferent colors are
assigned to the probes, and select Start Simulaton.
In the Digital Oscilloscope window, on the waveform, select the
top and botom of the overshoot of the waveform to review the
span of the voltage overshoot. (For Example, Receivers have over-
shoot of about 2.1V.).
Save the results of the simulaton for future use with the routed
board. Click Save/Load, select HyperLynx .LIS and then click Save
As. Save the fle to the locaton C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\
LessonFinal with name DATA_BUS0_no_terminaton.lis. Click Yes
to replace the existng fle.
Close the Load/Save Waveforms dialog box.
Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim
Design Capture with Xpediton xDX Designer
HyperLynx LineSim (contnued)
To fx the Signal Integrity problems, add RC Terminaton to the U15.13
receiver. Click Add RC Terminator to the schematc and positon the top of
the resistor so that it touches the lef blue dot at the output of TL2 .
To assign values to the terminators, click the Run Terminator Wizard icon.
Choose 5% from the Apply Tolerance dropdown list.
Click Apply Values, then click OK. The value is assigned to the terminators.
In the Digital Oscilloscope window, click Erase and rerun the simulaton with
RC Terminaton and the values assigned. You will notce that we cut down
the overshoot by more than double (about 1.25V). We can contnue to refne
if necessary.
Save the results as we did in Step 19 with fle name:
DATA_BUS0_terminated.lis. Click Yes to replace the existng fle.
Close Digital Oscilloscope and exit HyperLynx LineSim. Click Yes to save
changes, then select File > Close Project.
Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim
Review Questons
1 When would I want to use HyperLynx LineSim?
2 How does HyperLynx LineSim know how the signal will perform on the
printed circuit board?
3 How does HyperLynx LineSim fx signals that dont perform as expected?
4 Does HyperLynx LineSim select the actual components for terminators?
Review Answers
1 HyperLynx LineSim lets you model critcal signals in your design and
atempts to predict their expected behavior in the fnal board design.
You can model a signal, use the tool to experiment with correctve
measures, and save the simulatons for future results comparisons.
2 HyperLynx LineSim uses industry standard component models to
predict signal behaviors along with sophistcated internal algorithms
and proprietary technologies.
3 HyperLynx LineSim features Wizards that can suggest possible
modifcatons to your signal chain to correct aberratons and
performance issues. Simply run the Wizard and the system presents you
with suggestons to correct signal integrity issues.
4 HyperLynx LineSim ofers suggested values for terminators, not specifc
part numbers. You must determine which manufacturers part number
will meet the required specifcatons for the design.
Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx LineSim
HyperLynx Analog is a board-level simulaton analysis and verifcaton tool that
is integrated into Xpediton xDX Designer. HyperLynx Analog extends Xpediton
xDX Designer to add analog and mixed-signal simulaton to the Xpediton fow.
This provides a complete design process from schematc capture to simulaton
to layout and back-annotaton.
This exercise will instruct you how to run circuit simulatons with HyperLynx
Analog, which includes: assigning simulaton models to components, running
DC, conductng transient, and AC simulatons. Running simulaton tests on
circuits prior to, or concurrently with the PCB design helps eliminate wiring
and polarity errors to ensure that the circuit works right the frst tme.
HyperLynx Analog is easy to use, fast to setup and no longer requires library
preparaton. For a video demo, using a similar circuit for the features in this
lesson and more, see: htp://www.mentor.com/products/pcb-system-design
Lesson 11: Xpediton xDX Designer Integraton with HyperLynx Analog
HyperLynx Analog Setup
This secton will demonstrate how to use the simulaton capabilites of
HyperLynx Analog.
In Xpediton xDX Designer, select Recent and select
Enable licensing for HyperLynx Analog:
a. Setup > Setngs > Licensing, check HyperLynx Analog
and Press OK.
b. If the HyperLynx Analog toolbar does not appear, select
View > Toolbars > HLA Simulaton to make it visible.
Double-click the Inst_Amp block in the Project Navigator
Blocks secton.
Xpediton xDX Designer and Xpediton xPCB Layout Integraton
Review Questons
1 Why do I need to package the design?
2 Why use Xpediton xDX Designer to Xpediton and Project Integraton?
3 Do I need to create a PCB Layout Template?
Review Answers
1 Packaging your design is an essental step in making sure that all of the
symbols placed in your schematc match the physical component land
paterns within the library. It also checks the logical pin informaton
between the symbols and the components. It is a key element in
making your design Correct by Constructon.
2 When you have fnished your schematc, you need to forward annotate
the design to Xpediton xPCB Layout for physical design. Instead of manually
sending fles back and forth, Project Integraton lets you establish a seamless
bidirectonal link between the applicatons and automatcally pass design
data from one applicaton to the other. This simplifes the process and
eliminates any possible problems that might be encountered in a manual
data exchange.
3 Several PCB Layout Templates are included with the installaton of
Xpediton xPCB. You can use these for your designs, edit them for your
requirements, or create new ones that are specifc to your companys
requirements. In order to integrate your schematcs with a PCB layout
database, you must have at least one PCB Layout Template in your
Xpediton xDX Designer and Xpediton xPCB Layout Integraton
End of secton. This page intentonally lef blank.
Xpediton xDX Designer and Xpediton xPCB Layout Integraton
In this secton:
PCB Design with
Xpediton xPCB Layout
Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
Setng Up a New Board Design
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager
Variant Management
AutoActve Interactve Routng
Final Layout Consideratons
Design Verifcaton
Lesson 13: Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
The Standard Toolbar
The Place Toolbar The Snap Toolbar
Display Scheme
Dropdown List
Add to
Place Tentatve
Snap Pt
Use Snap
Place Statc
Snap Keypoint
Next Snap
The X-Y Readout Toolbar
The Route Toolbar
Fanout Manual
Saw Tune
Sketch Route
Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
The Draw Edit Toolbar
The Draw Create Toolbar
Toolbars (contnued)
The Utlites Toolbar
Plot Setup
Arc by
Radius\3 Pt
Snap To
Angle Lock
Draw Object
Snap Grid
Polygon or
Select Object
Rotate Flip
Polygon or
Extend Subtract
Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
Toolbars (contnued)
The Edit Toolbar
Semi Fix
Rotate 90
Rotate 180
The Dimension Toolbar
Radius or Diameter
Angle Dim
Between 2 Linear
Ang From
X Axis of
Linear Element
Place Dim
2 Elements
Place Dimension
Along a
Linear Element
Set Selecton
Area Shape
to Rectangle
Set Selecton
Area Shape
to Line
Split Traces
at Area
Set Selecton
Area Shape
to Circle
Set Selecton
Area Shape
to Polygon
The Select By Area Toolbar
The Measure Toolbar
The Actve Group Toolbar
Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Acton Keys Toolbar
In Xpediton xPCB Layout there are many ways to use the same commands.
The Acton Keys are a context and command sensitve toolbar that changes
dynamically depending on the command you are using.
To use an Acton Key, either click with your mouse or press the
corresponding Functon key on your keyboard.
Display Control
Display Control provides access to the commands and optons that defne the
display view characteristcs and selecton fltering in your design. Each of the
Display Control tabs shares a common set of elements: color boxes, radio
butons, item check boxes and group check boxes. These provide an intuitve and
consistent environment.
The Display Control interface is also customizable. You can Hide sectons that
you do not use ofen to increase the screen area for the sectons that you
do use. A Favorites secton is also available to place items that you use ofen
during a design to increase productvity. You can save all of these customizatons
to a Local, System, or a User Defned locaton Scheme for use with other
As with Editor Control, Display Control is a primary navigaton tool used during
your design process.
Click Fit Board.
Select View > Display Control or click the Display Control icon. Review
the optons available in each tab.
Note: Since Display Control is used ofen during a design, you may wish to
Auto-Hide it.
In Display Control, click the Scheme dropdown list and choose All Of.
In the Global View & Interactve Selecton secton of the Edit tab,
expand Board Objects and enable Visibility for all of the objects.
Zoom to the lower lef of the board and hover your mouse cursor over
the Board Outline and note that nothing highlights.
In the Global View & Interactve Selecton secton, enable Selecton
for all of the objects.
Repeat step 5 and note the Board Outline now highlights and can be
Display Control Search
The Display Control dialog contains a vast amount of informaton for viewing
and selectng objects within your layout. If you add User Draf Layers to your
designs, the amount of objects will increase. Display Control Search makes it
easy to fnd objects within the dialog when needed.
Click the Edit tab in Display Control.
Click the Display Control ttle bar and start typing the text Net.
The Search Bar appears, and the frst instance of the text Net in
Display Control appears highlighted.
Click the Find next buton in the Search Bar to fnd the next instance of
the text Net in Display Control.
Note: You can also use Find previous for your searches.
Once you have found the object you were searching for, click Finish
Xpediton xPCB Layout Environment
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Select Mode, Intelligent Cursors, and
Context Sensitve Menus
When designing in Xpediton xPCB Layout, you are in Select Mode. This mode
uses the Selecton Filters in Display Control to provide intelligent cursor
feedback and context sensitve right mouse buton menus based on the
objects you select.
Hover the cursor over the Fiducial. Note the Locked Cursor.
Note: The Status Bar also provides informaton on the object.
Right-click on the fducial and click Fix/Lock > Unlock.
Repeat step 1, but note the Move Cursor showing that this fducial can
be moved.
Repeat step 2 and click Fix/Lock > Fix. Note the Fixed Cursor.
Selecton List
In Xpediton xPCB Layout, selected objects are placed in the Selecton List.
You can easily access this list to verify or refne a selecton set.
Drag a frame select to defne a selecton area around the Board Outline,
Fiducial and Mountng Hole as shown. The objects are selected.
Right-click and click Selecton > Selecton List.
The Selecton List shows four objects selected.
You can select any object in the list to: Fit It in the view, Blink It so it
can be easily dectected, Defne the Sort Order, or Remove it from the
Selecton set.
Close the Selecton List.
Adding Views
Xpediton xPCB Layout allows you to add view windows to create multple work
areas that can be set for diferent graphical setngs and areas within a design.
These views are used individually but updated simultaneously.
Select Window > Add PCB View.
The view is added as a second tab, 2: CORPORATE.
Select Window > Tile Vertcally.
Click the 2:CORPORATE view to make it actve.
Click Display Control and choose the Routng scheme.
Modifying Shapes (Board Outline)
You can easily edit all shapes, including the Board Outline. In order to edit
shapes, you must frst have the proper selecton flters enabled. You can also
easily Add Corners, Chamfers and Radii to any shape.
Click Display Control, or click the Display Control Auto Hide tab.
Click the Edit tab, and in the Global View and Interactve Selecton
secton, expand the Board Objects and make sure they are checked
for Visibility and Selecton.
From the menubar, select View > Toolbars > X-Y Readout.
Zoom into the Board Outline in the area shown, and select the outline.
Select the White Corner Handle at 590,324 and right-click Propertes,
change the Vertex Type to Round. The handle box should appear flled.
Select the White Corner Handle at 590,0 and in Propertes, change the
Vertex Type to Chamfer.
Select any Red Center Handle and Drag to move the segment. Click
Undo to put the segment back.
Select any Red Center Handle, press the CTRL key and Drag to add a
new Corner Handle. Click Undo to remove the new handle.
Note: You can Select and Drag any Corner Handle to move it.
Using step 4 and 5, change the vertces in the edge connector area as
shown, then Save your board.
Defning Routeable Layers
Once you have defned planes, you must change the Layer Setngs to Enable
or Disable layers for routng. You must also set the routable layer pairing and
directon bias.
Click the Editor Control buton or the Editor Control Auto Hide tab, and
then click the Route tab in Editor Control.
Expand the Dialogs secton and click Layer Setngs...
Change the setngs for Layers 3 and 4 (Note the P signifying that this is a
Plane layer)by unchecking the box for Enable Layer. Since these are planes,
disabling this optons prevents routng on these layers from occuring.
The Bias column sets the directon for routed traces.
In the Layer Pair column, click the dropdown box in the Layer 1 row,
and choose Layer 6 to pair these layers.
Repeat step 5 for the Layer 2 row, and choose Layer 5 to pair these
Note: Layer Pairing defnes the complement layer for routng when an automatc
layer change method is used.
Click OK to save and close the Layer Setngs.
Click the Display Control tab, and then click the Edit tab.
In the Layer Display secton verify:
the Actve Layer and its pair are highlighted
the Planes are disabled (shown dimmed)
the Bias directons are shown
Placing Obstructs (Keepouts)
Zoom in on the lower lef mountng hole.
Click Display Control > Objects and expand Route Obstructs.
Check the Obstructs as shown to make them visible.
Note: The mountng holes and fducials have routed trace and via
obstructs built into the library components.
Click Editor Control > Grids > Other Grids, then enter 25 for the
Drawing grid.
Select Fit Board, then zoom in on the right hand board edge.
Select Draw > Placement Obstruct.
In Propertes, choose Top from the Layer dropdown.
Draw the Placement Obstruct approximately as shown to protect
placement of components too close to the board edge.
Save and Close your design.
169 Placement
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
The Component Explorer Spreadsheet and Toolbar
Select Place > Component Explorer...
Click the Ref Des header in the frst column to sort the column.
Click Toggle Filters. These panes allow you to use the drop-down flter
or enter your own search criteria for the column.
The Navigator lists all of the Components, Planning Groups, Spares,
Mechanical and Drawing Cells available for placement.
The Components tab lists all electrical components. The Other tab
lists Mechanical and Drawing items.
Review and Scroll through the available column informaton. Move the
column locatons by selectng and dragging them to a new locaton.
Right-click on any column to choose which columns to display.
Select any component and click Component Preview for a preview of
the Cell.
Based on your selecton criteria, Connecton Optons provides
netlist informaton in the Connectons column about components.
Connecton optons drive the connecton count in the connectons
column of the spreadsheet.
Explore the spreadsheet interface, and when you are ready, you can
start placement.
Component Explorer
Component Explorer is a spreadsheet interface used during component
placement. It allows you to place individual components or Planning Groups
of components. Search and Sort features will also allow you to fnd and mark
components easily.
170 Placement
Placing Planning Groups
Component Explorer helps you to quickly foor plan your layout. Placing
these Top level groups frst, then extractng components from within the
groups will allow you to place your design with more efciency.
Click Fit Board.
In the Component Explorer Navigator, select the planning group
CONNECTORS and drag it into the board.
Inside of the bubble, right-click on the reference designator and choose
P1 from the list of available parts, then drag it to the locaton shown.
Click on each new Ref Des within the bubble and drag it to the
placement locatons shown. The bubble disappears when the group has
been completely placed and the Group Outline now represents all of the
placed items in that group.
171 Placement
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Placing Planning Groups (contnued)
Repeat step 2 to place the remaining Planning Groups as shown.
Note: The Navigator shows the CONNECTORS group Placed, (notce the
icon next to the name has changed) and the other groups Unplaced.
You may right-click the group name for a status report.
Also, the LOGIC_REUSE group has Unplaced sub-groups which will be
placed later. The State column provides informaton if the components are:
Placed, Unplaced, or Dispersed outside of the board outline.
Connectvity relatonships are also shown between the Planning Groups.
172 Placement
Placing Components Individually or Sequentally
Enter U2 in the Filter pane of the Ref Des column and press enter to
search for the component (be sure the top level of the Navigator pane
is selected).
Select U2 and drag it into the board. Zoom into the area if needed.
Using the dropdown list in the Filter pane of the Ref Des column,
choose U*.
Select U3 thru U5, and drag them into the board. Each
component will atach to the cursor and be placed sequentally in the
order selected in Component Explorer (you may need to sort the Ref
Des column to make this task easier).
173 Placement
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Create a New Planning Group
You can easily create New Planning Groups or add to existng groups within
Component Explorer and these group changes will be back annotated to your
Right-click the Root Navigator group and select New.
Rename Newgroup1 to DIFFRECV.
Select and right-click the group DIFFRECV, and select Set to Actve
From the Ref Des column select the components U2 thru U5 that you
just placed.
Right-click and select Add to Actve Group to complete the group (you
may also add components directly from the layout view right-click
Selecton>Add Selected to Actve group).
Note: Making any existng group the Actve group will allow you to add more
components to that group.
174 Placement
Add New Components to Room
Select the Root level in Navigator and fnd Ref Des U101.
Scroll right to the Assigned Area column, and choose RM-ANALOG from
the drop-down list.
Right-click on the ANALOG_SW group and Set to Actve Group.
Right-click on U101 and Add to Actve Group.
Creatng Placement Rooms
In the Xpediton xDX Designer lesson Adding Rules and Constraints Using
Constraint Manager, you created a placement rule to constrain components
to a specifc area of your board. This is called a Room. You will now add the
Room to your board.
Click the Fit Selected and Toggle Cross Probe icons in the Component
Explorer toolbar.
Select the ANALOG_SW group in the Navigator and scroll the
spreadsheet to the last column. The Assigned Area (Room) is named
RM-ANALOG for this group.
Note: The Group has been selected and fted in the editor window
Zoom out slightly.
Select Draw > Room, in the Propertes dialog box Layer drop-down list
choose Both. In the Name drop-down list, choose ANALOG.
Draw the Room as shown (use the F9 Acton key to create a rectangle).
Close Propertes.
175 Placement
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Placing Components from the Schematc
If you choose not to use Component Explorer for placement, you
can always cross probe and place from the Xpediton xDX Designer
Click Fit Board.
Click Setup > Design Entry to open Xpediton xDX Designer, then
double-click on the control_bufers schematc sheet.
Zoom into the area of U15 and U16.
Note: The symbols for U15 and U16 are highlighted Gray, denotng that
the components are not placed on the PCB.
In the Layout, click Place by Schematc in the Component
Explorer toolbar.
Select U15 in the schematc, then move the cursor into the board
area. U15 is atached to the cursor. Place the component as
Repeat step 5 for U16.
Note: U15 and U16 are now highlighted Blue denotng that the
components are now placed in the PCB.
Close Xpediton xDX Designer.
176 Placement
Placing Components from the Embedded Schematc View
The Embedded Xpediton xDX Designer schematc view can be used for cross
probing and placement, without having to open Xpediton xDX Designer.
Click Fit Board.
Select Window > Add eDXD View, then select Window > Tile Vertcally
to show both windows side by side.
Note: You can also Undock the embedded view by right-clicking on the window
tab and choosing Floatng.
In the Layout, click Place by Schematc in the
Component Explorer toolbar.
Right-click anywhere inside the embedded view and
click Sheet > CORPORATE(control_bufers).
Select U23 in the embedded view, then move the cursor into the
board area. U23 will be atached to the cursor. Place the component as
Repeat step 5 for U17 and place it above U23 as shown.
Close the eDXD view and maximize the editor window.
Close Component Explorer.
177 Placement
Placement Editng
Xpediton xPCB Layout has multple methods in which to edit the component
placement in your board. Context sensitve selecton and menus make it easy
to Move, Rotate, Align, Fix and Lock, or Push components to the botom side
of the board. The editng commands also can be used during placement of
Moving Components
Zoom into the lower lef of the board near L1 thru L4.
In the Display Control > Edit tab > Global View and Interactve
Selecton, expand Place. Disable the Selecton of both the Top and
Botom Facement Group Outlines.
Select L1, then drag and drop L1 outside the board edge.
Select L2, then CTRL+Click to add L3 and L4. Right-click and click
Move. Move the 3 components outside the board edge, then click
to place them under L1.
Note: You just used two diferent methods to Move components. You
could have also used the Move Acton Key or Place > Move Part from the
Main menu.
All of the Xpediton xPCB Layout editng commands work with any
of these methods. Its your choice how you want to use them.
Rotatng Components
Frame select L1-L4 by dragging a window over the components.
Right-click and choose Individual Movement > Rotate 90.
Note: You can easily Rotate individual or groups of components to any
angle needed in your board.
179 Placement
Copying and Moving Circuits
In this design, there are four matching circuits, IO_Ports 1 through 4. The Placement
features in Xpediton xPCB Layout easily allow you to place these circuits individually,
but there is an easier method. Copy and Move Circuits allows you to Place, and even
Route, like type circuits. Then, you can replicate the other circuits on your host design
or even a diferent design containing the same circuit.
Placing Hierarchical Groups
Planning Groups in Xpediton xPCB Layout can have multple levels to separate
individual circuits within a main group.
Click Fit Board, then click Display Control > Edit > Global View and
Interactve Selecton, and enable Visibility and Selecton for Top and Botom
Facement Group Outlines.
Zoom into the area of the LOGIC_REUSE group bubble.
Select IO_Port1 inside of the LOGIC_REUSE bubble, then drag the IO_Port1
bubble onto the board.
Repeat step 3 for IO_Ports 2 through 4 and place as shown.
Auto Arrange a Group
Zoom into IO_Port1, then select the Group Outline.
Right-click Arrange > Arrange One Level, then place the group.
Note: All of the components within the Planning Group are dispersed
within the Group Outline.
Using the placement editng commands from this lesson, place the
group as shown.
180 Placement
Copying and Moving Circuits (contnued)
Deletng or Unplacing Placed Components
To make room for our Circuit Copy, you will delete a few placed components.
These components are not deleted from the database; they are just put back
into Component Explorer as Unplaced.
Select just the resistors placed near P2.
Right-click Delete, the components are Unplaced.
Copying Circuits
Select the IO_Port1 group that you arranged and placed, then
right-click Copy, or press CTRL+C.
Note: The next available duplicate circuit, IO_Port2, is atached to the cursor
for placement.
Place the IO_Port2 group, and watch the next circuit atach to the
Place the last two circuits as shown. You can easily Move the groups
by selectng the Group Outline.
Cancel out of the Paste Map dialog box.
That was easy!
Note: Copy Circuit can also be used between two board layouts by Copying
the Circuit, then opening another board with the duplicate or similar circuit;
then Pastng the circuit into the new board.
181 Placement
Placement Optmizaton
When placing components, your task as a designer is to shorten and
untangle routng paths. Placement of the components alone may not
accomplish this, so you may need to optmize the placement by swapping
components or gates and pins within the individual components. You may
also need to use an alternate package due to component availability, or even
just to create space.
Note: Your library components will need to be created with swapping capability or
alternate cell defnitons to use these features.
Swapping Components
Zoom to the area around U15 and U16 on the board.
Select Place > Swap Parts.
Select U15 as the frst component to swap, then select U16 as the
component to swap it with.
Click anywhere in the Editor window to Confrm the swap.
Click Undo or press CTRL+Z to undo the swap.
Swapping Pins and Gates
Select Route > Swap > Gates, then select pin 1 on U16. The Gates
available to swap with will highlight.
Select the highlighted Gate on pin 4, then click again to confrm
the swap. Note the netlines have changed with the swap.
Select Route > Swap > Pins, and select pin 1 again on U16.
The Pins available to swap with will highlight.
Select the highlighted Pin, then click again to confrm the swap.
This swap caused the netlines to cross, so Undo the pin swap.
182 Placement
Using Alternate Cells
Select Place > Component Explorer.
Select U15.
Within Component Explorer select the dropdown box in the Cell
column and choose the Alternate Cell, SOIC16 from the dropdown
list in the Cell column.
Move the modifed footprint to the locaton shown.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 for components U16 and U17, and change
them to the Alternate Cells.
Finishing Placement
Now its your turn! Finish placing the board using the methods in this lesson.
For hints on placement, the fnished placement is shown on the next page.
If you do not want to fnish the placement at this tme, you can contnue to
the next lesson the board will be placed for you.
Note: When you are fnished, Save your design and close pediton xPCB Layout.
183 Placement
The Finished Placement
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
184 Placement
Review Answers
1 Although Component Explorer is the most powerful method for grouping and selectng components for
placement, you can disperse components outside the board edge in Xpediton xPCB layout and then use
the placement editng methods to complete your placement. The place and disperse Keyins are listed
in the Help menu.
2 Xpediton xPCB layout supports checking of spacing violatons during placement and routng operatons.
In Editor Control, on the Place tab you can set Place Online DRC to Prevent mode. Also, you can allow
components to be shoved when a spacing violaton occurs.
3 During placement and move operatons you have many optons that allow you to rotate and push
components. The optons can be accomplished using the Toolbars, Menus, Acton Keys, Right Mouse
Buton Context Sensitve Menus, and modeless Keyin Commands.
4 Many designers partton a design into functonal blocks before fnal placement, which can be done in
the schematc or in the PCB. Rather than placing each component individually directly onto the board,
you can create planning groups of the parts in a partcular circuit. You then move them to a clear area in
the workspace for placement arrangement. Once you have the planning group optmally arranged, you
can move the entre planning group to the desired locaton on the board. As the layout matures, you can
also use the group selecton capability to move clusters of components around the design as required.
You can even rotate, push, and freeze groups during move operatons.
5 Radial placement is useful when you have components that you want to place on an arc or in a radial
array. An IC test fxture board is a common example of a design requiring radial placement. There are
also many modern products that have form-ftng smooth curves in their design that would require you
to place parts in a radial patern.
Review Questons
1 Can I place components directly in Xpediton xPCB layout?
2 How do I place components without creatng spacing violatons?
3 Can I rotate a component while moving it?
4 How would I utlize Group Planning and Placement?
5 When would I use Radial Placement?
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Lesson 16: Creatng Rules and Constraints with
Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Entering Constraints
Open Xpediton xPCB Layout.
From the Start Page, select Open and browse to:
Select Setup > CES, or click the toolbar buton to open the Constraint
Manager spreadsheet interface.
The Spreadsheet interface is exactly the same as the one you used with
Xpediton xDX Designer. You do not need to learn a new interface.
In the Xpediton xDX Designer lessons you learned that pediton has a built-in
constraint management system. This lesson will review some of the features
within Constraint Manager. You will add constraints using the same graphical
spreadsheet interface you used in Xpediton xDX Designer, and see how
Xpediton xPCB Layout is linked through the iCDB database to your schematc to
keep the design constraints synchronized. You will discover that constraints are
easily maintained in Xpediton xPCB Layout and you do not have to learn a new
tool or interface for constraint management.
To review the Constraint Manager interface and toolbars, refer to Lesson 7:
Adding Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Constraint Manager Cross Probing to the PCB
In Xpediton xPCB Layout, cross probing is bi-directonal to Constraint Manager
and works the same as in Xpediton xDX Designer.
Look at your Constraint Manager Interface. On the Main toolbar, the Cross
Probe toggle icon should be enabled. If not, enable it. You can also turn on
Cross Probing using Setup > Cross Probing.
In the Xpediton xPCB Layout Editor window, click Display Control and
choose the Routng scheme.
In the layout, select Setup > Cross Probe > Setup and enable the setngs
for Select, Highlight, and Fit view in PCB, then click OK.
Select Edit > Find or the Find buton and choose the Net Tab.
Enter CLK_IN in the search text box, then click Apply.
Double-click the CLK_IN netline highlighted in the Find dialog box.
Notce the CLK_IN net is Selected, Highlighted, and Fit within the Editor
window, and the net is also highlighted in Constraint Manager.
Note: In Display Control > Graphic Tab > Graphic Optons you may need
to expand the Selecton & Highlights secton and adjust Dim Mode
to beter view highlighted objects.
Close the Find dialog box.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Constraint Manager Cross Probing to the PCB (contnued)
In Constraint Manager, on the Nets tab, scroll down to the Constraint
Class/Net BSYNC and click on the Box to the lef of the Constraint Class.
Notce that both of the nets in the Constraint Class BSYNC are selected
and viewed in the PCB Editor window.
Select Filters > Level > Pin to flter down to the pins level of a net.
Expand the BSYNC+ net and select the box next to the P1-1 pin within
the net.
Notce that the P1-1 pin is now selected and highlighted in the PCB
Editor window.
In Display Control, choose the Placement scheme.
In Constraint Manager, select the Parts tab, then expand the 101-RES
part type.
Select the box next to R24. R24 is selected and highlighted in the Editor
Constraint Manager can Cross Probe to Constraint Classes, Nets, Pins, and
Parts in Xpediton xPCB Layout as well as in Xpediton xDX Designer.
All at the same tme!
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Updatng Constraints and Clearances
Although constraints were entered into the schematc in Xpediton
xDX Designer and passed to Xpediton xPCB Layout during Forward
Annotaton, ofen a PCB designer needs to modify those constraints.
Constraint Manager allows you to easily update constraints in the
PCB layout and keep the schematc design synchronized.
Updatng Powers and Grounds
In Constraint Manager, select the Nets tab.
From the Group Box drop-down list, select Power Nets.
Scroll and fnd the Physical Net PWR and check the Power Net box and
enter 0 for the Supply Voltage (V).
Repeat Step 3 for Physical Net V2.7. and enter Supply Voltage (V) value
of 2.7.
Note the Power Net icon on the net names in the Constraint Class/Net
Update the Net Class dropdown list for Net Name PWR to
Sort by the Net Class column to easily view the net names in the
PWR_020_MIL Net Class.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Updatng Constraint Manager Schemes
Schemes in Constraint Manager defne categories of physical design rules
that will be used during PCB Layout. The Master and Minimum schemes are
the default schemes.
In this lesson we will update the Master scheme and create a new scheme
that will be used for a Rule Area on the PCB.
In the Navigator window, expand the Master scheme and expand
Trace & Via Propertes tab.
Select the Filters Group dropdown and choose All.
Click on the Master Scheme to see the trace and via propertes
currently set for the design.
Follow the illustraton at the right to update the Trace Widths for
Minimum, Typical, and Expansion, and the Diferental Spacing for all
of the Net Classes in the Master scheme.
Click OK when the dialog box appears, or check the box if you do not
want to be warned about further changes being made.
Expand the BSYNC Net Class to see that your updates were
propagated to all layers in the Net Class.
Creatng a New Scheme
In the Navigator, right-click Schemes and choose New Scheme.
Right-click on the new scheme and Rename it to FPGA.
Expand the FPGA scheme and change the values for the Default Net
Class to match the picture.
Click the AMBER indicator to update the Pending CES Changes.
You will now create a Rule Area on your PCB to use this scheme
when routng.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Creatng a PCB Rule Area
Rule Areas are used on PCB Layouts to create an area where specifc routng
constraints may need to be overridden due to density, circuit impedance, or
other engineering requirements.
The New Scheme that you just created contains reduced trace widths that
will be used during routng of a smaller pitch FPGA device.
In the Editor Window, Zoom to U12, the FPGA device on the right side of
the board.
In Display Control > Objects > Route Areas, verify that Route Border
and Rule Areas are enabled.
Select Draw > Rule Area.
In the Propertes dialog box, select the dropdown list for Layer and choose
In the Propertes dialog box, select the dropdown list for Name and choose
the FPGA scheme that you just created in Constraint Manager.
Select View > Toolbars > Draw Create and choose Add Rectangle.
Select a coordinate at the upper lef of the FPGA, then drag the
rectangle and select a second coordinate at the lower right of the FPGA.
Close Propertes.
This new Rule area reduces all traces that pass through it to 4(th) for All
layers. You can also use Rule Areas to change the required Via within the
area if needed.
Note: You created this Rule Area in the PCB database. Rule Areas can
also be created inside your Cells using the Cell Editor in Xpediton xDM
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Updatng Clearances
In the Constraint Manater Navigator, expand Clearances under
the Master scheme.
Select the HS_3W Clearance rule.
In the spreadsheet, fnd the Trace To Pad column, then in the
HS_3W row update the parent entry to 8 and press Enter.
Repeat step 3 and update the columns: Trace To Via,
Trace To Plane, and Trace To SMD Pad to 8.
Note: You may also paint the number across any spreadsheet entry by
selectng the entry box and dragging the small + indicator across the
Assigning Clearances
Click the Class to Class Clearance Rule icon in the Clearances
The Class to Class Clearances dialog box opens and is set to the
Master Scheme.
Under the (ALL) column, choose the dropdown list for the CLOCK2
Net Class and choose HS_3W. This assigns the HS_3W rule to all
nets within the Net Class CLOCKS2, and applies it against ALL
other nets within the design.
Click OK. Your Clock signal spacing rule has been completed and
saved to the database.
Note: If you do not assign a Class to Class Clearance rule to a Net Class, then the
Default rules will be used.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Creatng Net Classes
In the Navigator, right-click on Net Classes and select New Net Class.
Name the New Net Class FADDR and click on the FADDR Net Class.
Right-click on FADDR, and select Assign Nets.
In the Assign Physical Nets to Net Class dialog box, make sure the
Source Net Class is Default and the Target Net Class is FADDR.
In the Search Bar, search for FADDR* nets, then click on the Search icon.
Click > to move the FADDR* nets to the FADDR Net Class, then click OK.
Create a New Net Class called FDATA.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 and add the FDATA* nets to the FDATA Net Class.
Deletng Net Classes
When you create constraints you may fnd that you no longer need some Net
Classes. You can easily delete them.
Warning: Any constraint informaton you entered into a Net Class will be
deleted also.
Right-click on the Net Class ANALOG and choose Delete.
Verify that you want to delete the Net Class by clicking Yes.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Automatcally Creatng Diferental Pairs
In the Constraint Manager lesson for Xpediton xDX Designer, you created a
diferental pair manually. For this lesson, you will learn how to automatcally
assign multple nets as diferental pairs to help speed up constraint entry.
In Constraint Manager, select Edit > Diferental Pairs > Auto Assign Dif-
ferental Pairs
Select Assign by Net Name, then choose *_P from the Net Name
dropdown list.
Choose *_N from the Pair net name dropdown list.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Automatcally Creatng Diferental Pairs (contnued)
Click Assign Matches. The Dif Pairs matching the search criteria appear in
the Proposed diferental pairs list.
Click Apply to create the diferental pairs.
Close the Auto Assign Diferental Pairs dialog box.
On the Nets tab, sort the net column so the new Dif Pairs appear at the
top of the listng. Right-click and select Sort > Ascending.
Select the box for the frst Dif Pair, then press and hold the Shif key to
select the last of the four Dif Pairs.
Now press the Ctrl key and click the Net Class dropdown list, then choose
DP_ 100_OHM to add all of the dif pairs to the Net Class.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Customizing Constraint Groups
There are several preset Constraint Groups within Constraint Manager, but you
have the ability to customize them or create your own based on the needs of
your design.
Click the Constraint Group dropdown list and select Edit Constraint
Click the Select constraint group dropdown list and select the Lengths
In the All constraints: secton scroll down and select Stub Length Actual
and Stub Length Max.
Click the Move selected right buton to move these constraints to the
Constraints assigned to group secton.
Click Apply to save the changes, and the Stub Lengths columns will now be
available from within the Lengths group.
Click Close to exit Edit Constraint Groups.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Creatng a Constraint Class
In the Navigator, right-click on Constraint Classes and select New
Constraint Class.
Name the New Constraint Class MATCHTRACK.
Right-click on MATCHTRACK and choose Assign Nets
In the Assign Nets to Constraint Class dialog box, make sure the Source
Constraint Class is All and the Target Constraint Class is MATCHTRACK.
In the Search Bar, search for ASYNC* nets, then click on the Search icon.
Click > to move the ASYNC* nets to the MATCHTRACK Constraint Class,
then click OK.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Creatng a Constraint Class (contnued)
Select the Nets tab, then select the Group box drop-down list and select
Delays & Lengths to set the columns for length constraints.
While on the Nets tab, select the MATCHTRACK Constraint Class in
the navigator to isolate it in the spreadsheet, then scroll to the
Length Columns.
In the Length > Match column for nets ASYNC+ and ASYNC-, enter the
text ASYNC.
In the Length > Tolerance column 'Tol(th)' for MATCHTRACK,
ASYNC+ and ASYNC-, enter a value of 200. You will NOT need to re-add
the 200th tolerance as its assumed for the match group ASYNC.
Repeat steps 8 and 9 to add Length Matching Constraints to the Dif
Pairs you auto-assigned. (Click on All in the navigator and sort to
see the other nets).
Note: Follow the illustraton to set the correct Min Length and Max Length.
Update the Stub Length for the Dif Pairs to a Max of 300.
Note: Normally you would need to change the Group box back to ALL to
view these columns, but since you added these columns through Edit
Constraint Groups, they appear in the Length group.
Close Constraint Manager and save your layout in Xpediton to
save the updates to the iCDB.
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Ordering Nets with Netline Manipulaton
In the Constraint Manager lesson for Xpediton xDX Designer, you created Ordered
Nets within Constraint Manager. You can also set up Net Ordering graphically in
Xpediton xPCB Layout using Netline Manipulaton. Any netline topologies that
you graphically order are automatcally updated in Constraint Manager.
Using Color by Nets or Net Class
In Xpediton xPCB Layout, you can easily change the color of individual Netlines,
Net Classes, and Constraint Classes to make them more visible.
Click Fit Board.
So you can identfy the nets to be ordered, select Display Control >
Graphic > Color By Net or Class and enable Constraint Classes.
Click Add and enable the MATCHTRACK Constraint Class, then click OK.
Click on the MATCHTRACK color selector and change it to a color that is
easy for you to see, then click Close.
The MATCHTRACK Constraint Class is highlighted. These are the two nets
you will re-order.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Ordering Nets with Netline Manipulaton (contnued)
Using Net Filter to Control Netline Visibility and Selecton
Even though you have highlighted your nets to make them easier to see,
you may want to turn of the visibility of the other netlines that you are not
currently editng. Do this using Net Filter.
Select Editor Control > Route > Dialogs, and enable Net Filter.
Click Net Filter.
Choose Constraint from the Display Class Type dropdown list,
and sort the Included Constraint Class column so that
MATCHTRACK is at the top of the list.
Select the nets in the MATCHTRACK Constraint Class and click
the < buton to move the nets to the Excluded list.
Select (Net0) and click the > buton to move it to the Included
Click the Swap Included and Excluded Nets buton and enable
Apply flter to Netlines.
Click Apply to view your changes in the Editor window.
In Net Filter, save the Selecton Scheme as Matchtrack and choose Save
locally with the job, then click OK.
Note: You can save as many Net Filtering schemes as you need in your design
and recall them later for easy net handling. Schemes are saved to the PCB/
Confg directory locally but may be saved at other locatons.
Close Net Filter. Be sure that the net flter is enabled as shown.
200 Creatng Rules and Constraints with Constraint Manager in the PCB Layout
Adding a Variant
Select Variant Defniton.
From the Variant Defniton dialog box, click Create New Variant to add a
third variant to this database.
Name the variant Variant3.
Enter the Number and Descripton as shown.
For Variant3: Number = VAR3, Descripton = New Var3
The Variant Groups tab is helpful for sortng or fltering for specifc variants
when there are many in a single project.
Note: Any groups setup on the Variant Groups tab will be available from the
dropdown list in the main window.
Click OK to save the new variant and exit.
In the Variant Manager window you can see the added variant.
Disable Flat Design View so you can see the Blocks containing variant
modifcatons that were done in the schematc.
206 Variant Manager in Xpediton xPCB Layout
Defning Variants
Now that you have added a new variant, make some modifcatons to the
current variant parameters and defne some new ones.
Enable the Transmit and Receive butons to allow cross probing.
In Display Control, select the Loc:Placement scheme.
Click the cell under the Variant1 column, next to C9. Variant Manager
cross probes from the PCB layout to the variant and vice-versa.
In the Analog Switch block Variant3 column, select R5 and drag select to
Right-click Unplaced or click Unplace Selected Cells in the Variant
Manager toolbar.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the Variant1 column.
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Variant Manager in Xpediton xPCB Layout
Sortng Parts
Select the Column Header for the Value column.
From the dropdown Filter list, select Ascending.
Replace C5 with the smallest value capacitor by double-clicking the frst
part available, 12308-CAP.
Flaten the Design View
Enable the Flat Design View checkbox to faten the Variant Manager grid
to a Ref Des list.
In the layout Editor window, fnd and select R29 near U11 in the
middle of the layout. The part is also selected in Variant Manager.
Hint: You may need to choose the Placement display scheme to select the
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Variant Manager in Xpediton xPCB Layout
Cross Probe
Enable Cross
217 AutoActve Interactve Routng
PCB Design with Xpediton xPCB Layout
Creatng Net Planning User Groups
You can create user Planning Groups by selectng nets within the spreadsheet, or
by selectng Netlines within the Editor window.
Select CORPORATE, and using the Filter Pane dropdown in the Net
column choose DATA*.
Select the DATA_BUS* nets, right-click and click Create User Group.
Name the new User Group MemData.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 to select the ADDR* nets and Create the User
Group MemAddr.
Fit the board, then select the MemAddr User Group. The Memory
Address nets are selected and highlighted in the Editor window.
If you ever need to remove a User Group, select the group then
right-click Dissolve. Do not remove any User Groups at this tme.
Expand Net Class.
Select the Net Class FDATA that you created in Constraint Manager.
The nets in the FDATA Net Class are selected and highlighted.
HyperLynx BoardSim
From the Xpediton xPCB Layout Start Page, click Open and browse to
and select:
Select Analysis > Export to HyperLynx SI/PI/Thermal.
HyperLynx BoardSim opens with your PCB database loaded.
Note: HyperLynx Power Integrity analysis requires additonal HyperLynx
In HyperLynx BoardSim, click NET.
In the Select Net by Name dialog box, scroll down, select the
DATA_BUS0 net and then click OK. This shows only that specifc net
routed on the board.
259 HyperLynx BoardSim Simulaton
Simulaton with HyperLynx BoardSim & HyperLynx Thermal
HyperLynx BoardSim (contnued)
Select COMP.
In the Assign Models dialog box, double-click on pin U13.M26.
Hint: These are the same steps used in the HyperLynx LineSim lesson
(Lesson 10).
In Select IC Model, choose xc9500.ibs from the Libraries list, and then
choose XC95216_BGA352[SLW=0;VIO=0] from the Devices list, then click
In Assign Models select U13.M26 pin and change the Bufer setngs to
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for U15.13 and U26.13 and choose mc74lcx125.ibs
from the Libraries list, and then choose MC74LCX125 from the Devices
list, then click OK.
Close Assign Models.
Select Run Simulaton.
In the Digital Oscilloscope dialog box, select the Rising edge radio
buton. Make sure you have a probe color assigned to pins and click
Start Simulaton.
Click two points in the Oscilloscope window on the top and botom
of the overshoot of the waveform to review the span of the voltage
Note: Receivers have a lot of voltage overshoot (about 1.95V, in LineSim we had
261 HyperLynx BoardSim Simulaton
Simulaton with HyperLynx BoardSim & HyperLynx Thermal
HyperLynx BoardSim (contnued)
Click Erase, then Start Simulaton to rerun the simulaton with the AC
Terminaton in place.
Notce that we removed almost all of the Signal Integrity problems related
to overshoot.
Now we want to compare pre-layout simulaton results from LineSim with
BoardSim results afer terminaton.
In the Digital Oscilloscope dialogbox, click Save/Load, then select the
HyperLynx .LIS radio buton.
Click Load and browse to and select the fle
C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\LessonFinal\DATA_BUS0 _terminated.lis
Check the Loaded results check box so you can toggle to see both the pre-
and post-layout results of the simulaton.
Note: Diferences between pre- and post-layout simulaton results with
Terminaton in place for receiver propagaton delay are due to topology and trace
length diferences.
Close Digital Oscilloscope, then close HyperLynx BoardSim.
Review Questons
1 When would I want to use HyperLynx BoardSim?
2 Can I compare HyperLynx BoardSim results with those from HyperLynx
3 What do I do with the results?
Review Answers
1 Early in the design process, you can use HyperLynx LineSim to model
the behavior of specifc signals and/or specify terminatons that might
be required. HyperLynx BoardSim then lets you model the actual
physical trace on the board to see if the physical implementaton of the
signal performs as expected against the earlier simulaton.
2 HyperLynx BoardSim lets you run simulatons on specifc signals and also
lets you compare the simulaton results with previous simulatons created in
HyperLynx LineSim. This capability lets you carefully examine the projected
performance against the actual layout to determine if any tweaking is
3 The results provided by HyperLynx BoardSim help you determine if any
additonal components need to be added to the design or if values of
current components need to be adjusted. Any changes can be
incorporated into the design at the schematc level and forwarded to
HyperLynx BoardSim Simulaton
Lesson 22: HyperLynx Thermal Analysis
This exercise walks you through the process of sending a fnished design from
Xpediton xPCB Layout to HyperLynx Thermal to evaluate possible heat problems
and corresponding solutons for eliminatng areas of excessive heat. This
exercise does not cover all of the aspects of the HyperLynx Thermal sofware
but highlights a few important features.
Simulaton with HyperLynx BoardSim & HyperLynx Thermal
HyperLynx Thermal Analysis
This secton demonstrates how to perform a HyperLynx Thermal simulaton.
From the Xpediton xPCB Layout Start Page, select Open, then browse
and select
Select Analysis > Export to HyperLynx SI/PI/Thermal. BoardSim will
In BoardSim, click Run Thermal Simulaton. The simulaton is displayed
along with the Components dialog box.
Note: Some components are running as hot as 67degC. We will try to resolve
some component problems.
You can view the simulaton results in 2D or 3D by selectng
View > Toggle 2D/3D mode.
HyperLynx Thermal Analysis (contnued)
Create a screw component in the Master Library by selectng Library >
In the Edit Master Library dialog box, highlight the frst component and
click Copy Part.
Enter the name Screw_#6 for the new part.
Click OK.
In the Edit Master Library dialog box, scroll down and, select the Screw_#6
part then click Edit part.
In the Edit part dialog box, change the parameters for this screw as shown
and click OK.
Review Questons
1 When would I use HyperLynx Thermal?
2 How does HyperLynx Thermal compute the temperature of areas of the board?
3 Can I add my own custom heat sinks and mechanical components to HyperLynx Thermal?
4 How do I utlize the results?
Review Answers
1 Many designs can be temperature sensitve depending upon their
applicaton. You can use HyperLynx Thermal to create a thermal model
of your design and determine if you will need to add heat sinking
components or adjust your system cooling and air fow specifcatons to
guarantee proper performance.
2 HyperLynx Thermal uses an extensive library of thermally modeled
components and air velocity statstcs to create a sophistcated model
of the thermal behavior of your design. Through careful monitoring
and adjustment of these parameters, you can discover what changes
you need to consider in order to bring your design into an acceptable
window of thermal performance.
3 You can add additonal models to HyperLynx Thermal to represent
specifc components that you might add to your design to improve
thermal performance. You must give careful atenton to the creaton
of these models so that the applicaton can properly interpret their
thermal characteristcs.
4 Once you identfy problem areas and possible solutons, you can
incorporate the necessary changes into your design and rerun
additonal simulatons to confrm the adjusted behavior of your design.
Simulaton with HyperLynx BoardSim & HyperLynx Thermal
HyperLynx Thermal Analysis
End of secton. This page intentonally lef blank.
HyperLynx Thermal Analysis
In this secton:
Adding Drawing Documentaton
Generatng Manufacturing Outputs
Data Archiving and Transfer
Library Component Creaton
Completng the
Lesson 23: Adding Drawing Documentaton
Once you have completed your design, you will need to prepare documentaton
for releasing it to manufacturing. Xpediton xPCB Layout has built-in functonality to add
drawing details, formats, notes, and dimensioning. You can add Drawing Details from
your Personal Library, or import them using DXF drawings from third party design tools.
Dimensioning in Xpediton xPCB Layout is associatve, and can be created using both
Linear and Ordinate methods.
In this exercise, you will learn how to update your fabricaton drawing to prepare it for
release output for manufacturing.
Dimensioning Setup
Before you dimension your design, you need to prepare the dimensioning environment.
You must set the layer display or set up display schemes for repeated use. You must
also determine which type of dimensioning method is most appropriate.
In Xpediton xPCB Layout, from the Start Page, select Recent and choose:
Click Fit Board, then open Display Control and select the FAB_DWG_SH2
display scheme.
Select View > Toolbars > Dimension to add the Dimensioning Toolbar.
On the Dimensioning toolbar, click Dimension Parameters and select the
Local: Default dimension scheme.
Review the setngs in the scheme on the General tab of the Dimension
Parameters dialog box.
Note: You create the Dimension Style, Layer, and Font setngs here.
Review the setngs on the Placement tab then click OK.
Note: You create the Dimension Leader Terminatons, Line Styles, and Placement here.
You can save all of the Dimension Parameters as multple schemes for your designs.
Adding Drawing Documentaton
Completng the Design
Adding and Editng Text
You can add and edit text in your documentaton using WYSIWYG True Type fonts.
You have full control over the size, justfcaton, and rotaton. You can even create
Mirrored text if needed for the botom side of your layout. You can also edit multple
text items simultaneously to save tme.
Adding Text
Zoom to the area around the Film Title Block below the Board Outline.
Select Draw > Text.
In the Propertes dialog box, setup the Layer, Font, Size, and Justfcaton as
Enter My Design Inc. for the String value, and place the text as shown by
clicking the locaton.
Editng Text
Double-click on the text string First Last.
In the Propertes dialog box edit the String value and enter your name.
Close the Propertes dialog box.
Review Questons
1 Is there a right or wrong way to create a symbol?
2 What is the purpose of the symbol origin?
3 Do I need to assign a PKG_TYPE in my Symbol?
4 What are the advantages of creatng a symbol from a spreadsheet?
5 Cant I just download a symbol from the component manufacturer?
6 Where do I get the data to input into the Pin Patern Place wizard?
Review Answers
1 There is no right or wrong way to create a symbol as long as the symbol accurately represents the signals and connectvity of the device. There are formal
design specifcatons for symbols (such as ANSI/IEEE Standard 91- 1984 Graphic Symbols for Logic Functons), but each company tends to formulate their own
internal standards that meet their design requirements.
2 The symbol origin represents a predictable reference point for anchoring and placing a symbol into the design environment. It is usually placed at the end of
the lowest pin on the lower lef of the symbol.
3 There is no need to assign a PKG_TYPE in Xpediton. When you create your part in the Part Editor you will import the Cell that links to the Symbol. The symbol
in Xpediton xDX Designer represents the electrical connectvity of the component. In order to pass the design to Xpediton xPCB Layout for physical design,
each component symbol needs to have a corresponding physical package assignment so that the layout tool can properly represent the physical parts on the
printed circuit board.
4 As the complexity of components increases, it is not uncommon to have symbols with hundreds of pins. Entering the data for each of these pins into the
Symbol Editor can be a very tme-consuming and error-prone task. Using a spreadsheet, you can copy and paste signal data from PDF data sheets into a
spreadsheet and then import it directly into the Symbol Editor. This saves tme and improves accuracy.
5 Unfortunately, except for the PDF of the datasheet, very few manufacturers ofer any symbols that can be directly imported into an EDA applicaton. Due to
the multtude of diferent components and systems, this would be very difcult for the manufacturers to support. Most designers prefer to create (and check)
their own symbols prior to use.
6 You can create a cell in the wizard by entering the physical dimensions of the recommended land patern from the manufacturers component data sheet. You
can also use the IPC Land Patern Calculator to determine the appropriate decal dimensions and then enter that data directly into the wizard.
Creatng Components in your Library
This Evaluaton Guide has introduced you to some of the power and fexibility available in Xpediton, but that
is just a beginning. This evaluaton has only scratched the surface and presented you with an abbreviated view
into the full spectrum of the design capabilites of the products. If you want to learn more about the many
features and functons of these applicatons, there is a wealth of knowledge to experience and discover in the
extensive resources that are available.
Additonal resources Include:
Concepts Guides
Extensive Help fles
User Manuals
The InfoHub
On-line video presentatons
Click the icons below for additonal resources:
320 Conclusion
End of secton. This page intentonally lef blank.
In this secton:
Appendix 1: ODBC Setup
Appendix 2: Confguring Xpediton xDX Databook
Appendix 3: Confguring Variant Manager
Appendix 1 - ODBC Setup
The acronym ODBC stands for Open Database Connectvity which is an industry
database standard. Most databases developed or upgraded since the 1980s
support this standard. It is the technology that Xpediton xDX Databook uses
to connect to databases. Xpediton xDX Databook also supports a web server
connecton using ODBC. In this example, you will set up an ODBC connecton for
a Microsof Access Database format.
Establishing ODBC Connectvity - Windows 7 , 32bit
Select the Start Menu and then select Control Panel.
Select System and Security > Administratve Tools, click
Administratve Tools.
Double click Data Sources (ODBC).
Under the System DSN tab click Add.
Select the Microsof Access Driver (*.mdb) item from the list.
Click Finish.
Type Sample in the feld called Data Source Name.
Type Database for Xpediton Evaluaton in the Descripton text box.
Click Select.
Browse to the access database called Sample.mdb which will be
located in the C:\Xpediton_Evaluaton\Library\DataBookData
Select the Sample.MDB fle and then click OK to accept the selecton.
Click OK in the parent dialog boxes. Your setup is complete.
Establishing ODBC Connectvity - Windows 7 , 64bit
From Windows Explorer, browse to the directory
Double-click odbcad32.exe.
Follow the previous steps 4 through 11 to complete the setup.
Note: The setup steps shown here are for Microsof Windows 7 OS, 32bit and 64bit
respectvely. You may also be required to download the Microsof Access ODBC
driver from Microsofs website. If you are using a diferent OS, please refer to the
instructons specifc to your OS for ODBC setup.
APPENDIX 2: Confgure Xpediton xDX Databook A-3
Appendix 3 - Confguring Variant Manager
This appendix shows some of the errors you might see if Variant Manager is not
confgured properly.
Before creatng a variant, you will need to set the
Variant Match conditon in your Xpediton xDX
Databook .dbc fle. In Variant Manager click the Setngs
icon, then select the Library Query Setup tab and click
the Defne Libraries buton. The Confgure dialog box
Note: This VM Match column is only visible from within
Variant Manager. If you try to edit the confguraton from
Xpediton xDX Databook you will not see this column.
Be sure you have the VM Match column in each library
set as: PKG_TYPE is =.
If you fail to confgure the VM Match conditon
correctly, you will see multple package types available
for replacement as shown.