Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its various publics to create and maintain a positive image. It is a strategic communication process that uses research and ethical persuasion to build mutual understanding. An effective public relations campaign can help achieve organizational goals, establish trust during times of crisis, and shape perceptions of the organization, its leadership, products and services.
Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its various publics to create and maintain a positive image. It is a strategic communication process that uses research and ethical persuasion to build mutual understanding. An effective public relations campaign can help achieve organizational goals, establish trust during times of crisis, and shape perceptions of the organization, its leadership, products and services.
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the notes of second year bmm of pr i.e. public relations.
Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its various publics to create and maintain a positive image. It is a strategic communication process that uses research and ethical persuasion to build mutual understanding. An effective public relations campaign can help achieve organizational goals, establish trust during times of crisis, and shape perceptions of the organization, its leadership, products and services.
Public relations involves managing communication between an organization and its various publics to create and maintain a positive image. It is a strategic communication process that uses research and ethical persuasion to build mutual understanding. An effective public relations campaign can help achieve organizational goals, establish trust during times of crisis, and shape perceptions of the organization, its leadership, products and services.
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Public relation is very simply put, encompasses the techniques and processes via which you manage and mould how, when, and in what way you communicate your message to a desired audience so as to have maximum impact. Public Relations is a dynamic business tool which can transform the performance of any company, be it public or private limited orrmultinational. It is an important part of marketing mix and widely used tool for publicity. Public relation is all about reputation i.e. what you say, how you say, what others say about. It is a two way communication process between an organization and public.In order to be able to affect the attitudes, behaviour and perceptions of the audience, it is necessary to communicate your message in no unclear terms. Investing on Public relations will help the organisation to achieve its obective effectively and smoothly. Public Relations is not creating good image for a bad team. !ince false image cannot be sustained for a long time. "hough the organization product or services are good it need an effective Public Relations campaign for attracting, motivating the public to the product or service or towards the purpose of the programme. It is not only encourage the involvement from the public and also resulting in better image. #n effective Public Relations can create and build up the image of an individual or an organisation or a nation. #t the time of adverse publicity or when the organisation is under crisis an effective Public Relations can remove the $misunderstanding Public relations involves% i& a two way communication process between an organisation and its public ii& communication with a view to changing the mindsets of the public in a certain direction 'e can therefore define public relations as a form of communication used to persuade or influence people using ethical means. It is important to understand that communication here, public relations is are receiver phenomenon. It is controlled not by the sender but rather by the receiver or, in other words, the audience. (or e.g. if the speaker is gifted and delivers a speech effectively in )indi but the audience does not understand )indi, no real communication takes place . "he aim of public relations by a company often is to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about it, its leadership, products, or of political decisions. *ommon activities include speaking at conferences, winning industry awards, working with the press, and employee communication. Why does a coma!y !eed PR ? Public Relations is a dynamic business tool which can transform the performance of any company, be it public or private limited or multinational. It is an important part of marketing mix and widely used tool for publicity. PR helps in building positive image of the company. It also Increases awareness of company, products, staff, retention , customer relationship, regulators and others Public Relation is cost effective and long process. Public Relation is about reputation . +o matter how good the organization may be, if you don,t communicate with your target audience , put message across they might loose out to competitors #t the time of adverse publicity or when the organisation is under crisis an effective Public Relations can remove the $misunderstanding. "E#INITIONS O# PUBLIC RELATIONS$ Public Relations is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.- - I!s%&%'%e o( P')*&c Re*a%&o!s+ USA .Public relations is the attempt by information persuasion and adustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution.- - Ed,a-d L. Be-!ay PR is a philosophy and function of management expressed in policies and practices which serve the public to serve its understanding and goodwill- - The P')*&c Re*a%&o! soc&e%y o( Ame-&ca /PRSA0 HISTORY O# PUBLIC RELATIONS /any historians credit I1Y LEEwith being the originator of modern crisis communications. 0ut Ed,a-d Be-!ay, nephew and student of S&2m'!d #-e'd+ is generally regarded as the father of .Public Relations-. In the 1nited 2ingdom S&- Bas&* C*a-3e 3456784796& was a pioneer of public relations. "he #&-s% Wo-*d Wa- encouraged the development of public relations as a profession. "he committee of Public Information 3 a*so 3!o,! as %he CREEL Comm&%%ee& was started by many PR professionals including Ivy :ee, ;dward 0ernay , <ohan '. )ill and *arl 0yvoir. 1! *ongress had been investigating Rockefeller=s work on behaIvy :ee, who has been credited with developing the modern news release 3also called a $press release$&, )e emphasized news value over ads or publicity stunts and believed companies must strive to earn public confidence)e espoused a philosophy consistent with what has sometimes been called the $two>way street$ approach to public relations in which PR consists of helping clients listen as well as communicate messages to their publics In the words of the Public Relations !ociety of #merica 3PR!#&, $Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other.. In practice, however, :ee often engaged in one way propagandizing on behalf of clients despised by the public, including !tandard ?il founder <ohn @. Rockefeller. !hortly before his death, the 1! congress had been investigating Rockefeller,s work on behalf of the controversial +azi Aerman company IA (arben ;dward : 0ernay ;dward : 0ernay was the profession=s first theorist.)e drew many of his ideas from !igmund (reud=s theories about the irrational, unconscious motives that shape human behaviour. )e authored several books, including Crystallizing Public Opinion /14560+Propaganda /14570+ and The Engineering of Consent /14890. He %a'2h% (&-s% co'-se o! P')*&c Re*a%&o!s)e saw public relations as an :a*&ed soc&a* sc&e!ce: that uses insights from psychology, sociology, and other disciplines to scientifically manage and manipulate the thinking and behavior of an irrational and :he-d *&3e: ')*&c. ;ROWTH O# PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations is a BC th >century phenomenon, barely 4CC years old.In the B4 st century, the field is evolving and improving every day.#s BC th century rolled on, big business came back into style.!mart companies such as Aeneral ;lectric, Aeneral /otors and #"D" learned that it takes both words and actions to earn a good reputation. !everal reasons can be attributed for the growingpopularity of Public Relations profession % ;-o,%h o( Co-o-a%es$ 0usiness was growing day by day, that gave a raise to many impediments. "he needs to face challenges like managing reputation, target customers, employees and effect communication gave arise to Public Relations. ;*o)a*&<a%&o! Alobalisation is purely an economic process > it has deep social, cultural and environmental consequences. Public relation plays a vital part in communicating about integration of national economies, capital flows , foreign direct investments etc. I!%e-!a* comm'!&ca%&o!$ ;mployees are important to every organization ."hey need to be communicated regularly about the latest developments in the organization which keeps them motivated and also give them a sense of belonging which leads to productivity and profitability. "his requirement is fulfilled by Public Relations ;-o,%h o( Med&a "he media has been growing rapidly in the last decade or so. "he number of vehicles or mediums to communicate has also increased. Public Relations thus is an effective means of communication through the growth of media. ;ROWTH O# PUBLIC RELATIONS IN IN"IA "he growth of public relations in India can actually be seen at different stages. @uring the first 'orld 'ar 34749>4745&, 0ritish government in India set up a Ce!%-a* P')*&c&%y Boa-d. "his was the first organised PREInformation set>up of the Aovernment of India. It was later called the Ce!%-a* B'-ea' o( I!(o-ma%&on, which later changed to the B'-ea' o( P')*&c I!(o-ma%&o!, and functioned as a link between the Aovernment and the Press. "he government had started realizing that a set up was needed to know what the media thought and wrote about them. !oon after I!dee!de!ce /14890+ the government of India set up a full>fledged /inistry of Information and 0roadcasting. # systematic and organised practice of public relations began with the Indian railways much before we attained independence. The ;-ea% I!d&a! Pe!&!s'*a- /;IP& Railways as it was known then, for example, carried on a campaign in ;ngland in the BCs to attract tourists to India. "he importance of public relations was known to the 0ritish and they made well use of it.PostIndependence theAovt of India set up the /inistry of Information D 0roadcasting , employing professionals to look after the functions of PR It was not only the government but slowly the private sector in India also woke up to the need of public relations. PSU=s *&3e ON;C + BHEL+ NTPC+ I!d&a! o&*+ 1SNL etc played a significant role in giving a professional status to PR . Ta%a=s set up their Public Relations @epartment &! M'm)a& &! 1486."here were other companies too such as "'!*o+U!&*e>e- and others which did many public outreach activities. Infact the "atas also came with a course on public relations in 47F5. PROCESS O# COMMUNICATIONS In public relations, we can say that the process of communication involves the following three progressive levels%> AWARENESS > "he message should reach the public. ACCEPTANCE > "he public should agree with the message. ACTION - "he public should act or interact accordingly. process of *ommunications PUBLICS IN PUBLIC RELATIONS It is important to understand that communication here, public relations is a -ece&>e- he!ome!o!"herefore, the most important aspect of public relations is to focus on the ?3ey ')*&c= or in other words, the people who will receive the communication or who are target audience. "raditionally the term ? ')*&cs=meansany group with a common interest. In PR perspective Gpublics, and target audience are synonymous Publics is your board of directors, employees, shareholders, vendors, *ustomers, dealers, +A?, Aovt , media H.."he need, desires, interest of each one of the publics is different 1nderstanding and communicating the right message is indeed a vital skill. INTERNAL PUBLIC "he ;mployees who work for an organisation are termed as the Internal publics./ore often they are ignored. Regular communication with them is important as they are the BRAN" AMBASS"ORS of the organization Regular information about the organisationkeeps them motivated and gives them a sense of belonging.Proper and regular communication should be devised by the PR personnel Re@'&-eme!%s (o- a! E((ec%&>e &!%e-!a* PR "o build a team and to achieve corporate obectives It is important for the employees Einternal publics to be well versed with the policies and obectives of the organizations. (ree flow of information should be cascaded from top management to the employees . PR person should ensure that a climate conducive to the free flow of information is created. PR person should ensure that there is an understanding between the top management and employees. "o facilitate the growth and advancement of the employees regular training programs should be organized by the company. PR person must ensure that management values feedback from the employees and keep open channels of communication. EATERNAL PUBLIC ;xternal publics in a broad category are customers, vendors, shareholders, potential employees, community , +A?, Aovernment etc.;xternal publics constitute as an important audience for the company with whom the communication is important. # two way smooth channel of communication between the organisationand its external public is essential .;ach industry has its own set of external public BASIC PUBLICS a-e $ 1. C's%ome-s 5. Sha-eho*de-s 6. Po%e!%&a* em*oyees 8. Comm'!&%y B. S'*&e-s a!d 1e!do-s C. "&s%-&)'%o-s a!d "ea*e-s 9. O&!&o! Leade-s 7. ;o>e-!me!% CUSTOMERS *onsumers who use a product or service of an organisation."hey can be categorized into numerous demographic segments such as #ge, Religion, !ex, marital status , income group and so on.*ustomers cannot be ignored and taken for granted . "he management of an organisation must regularly communicate to its customers about various activities .*ustomer queries should be answer promptly . Regular information should be sent to customers such as letter, circulars etc. as this helps in strengthening the relationship SHAREHOL"ERS !hareholders invest in the company and hold shares.#ll important information such as dividends , share transfer application and procedure , #A/ s, statutory notices, circulars etc. POTENTIAL EMPLOYESS PR is about reputation and it is important to enhance the corporate image thereby encouraging more employees to oin the company . SUPPLIERS AN" 1EN"ORS "hey are the backbone of an organisation.*ommunicating with them through seminars, visits etc. is important as they are a strong link between the customers and the company "ISTRIBUTORS D "EALERS "he dealer is a trader who carries out business activity with the company and they need to be communicate regularly on process , policies, norms etc."ools such as in house ournal, seminars , dealers meets should be held regularly as this is one of the medium of communication about the company . OPINION LEA"ERS Individuals with the necessary skills set , knowledge , personality , position with in a certain group exercise influence on others."hey could be a opinion leader of one product while for other he E she may be customer."heir opinion influences others thus can be critical. ?ne has to carefully select the media through which one can reach them as these opinion leaders may be widely dispersed. ;O1ERNMENT !everal companies dealings are covered by the Aovernment and its various departments, so its important to have regular communication.*ompanies should maintain relations with Registrar of companies, labourdepartment , sales tax, exercise department , import and export department etc "herefore, the most important aspect of public relations is to focus on the Gkey public, or in other words, the people who will receive the communication. :et us consider the following list of productsEservices and public who use these . P-od'c% E Se->&ce P')*&c Hos&%a*s Patients Me-cha!%s *ustomers Schoo*s !tudents Te*e>&s&o!Iiewers Radio :isteners I!s'-a!ce coma!&es Policy holders .