The document discusses the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant project in India. Some key points:
- The project will have an exceptionally wide head range of 130-230 meters, the widest in the world for a pumped storage plant.
- It is part of the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and located next to the existing Tehri Hydro Power Plant.
- The pumped storage plant will have 4 reversible turbine units capable of generating 250 MW each, for a total capacity of 1,000 MW.
- Major challenges for the project include construction of underground structures like surge shafts and tunnels to accommodate the large head variations during pumping and generation modes.
The document discusses the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant project in India. Some key points:
- The project will have an exceptionally wide head range of 130-230 meters, the widest in the world for a pumped storage plant.
- It is part of the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and located next to the existing Tehri Hydro Power Plant.
- The pumped storage plant will have 4 reversible turbine units capable of generating 250 MW each, for a total capacity of 1,000 MW.
- Major challenges for the project include construction of underground structures like surge shafts and tunnels to accommodate the large head variations during pumping and generation modes.
The document discusses the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant project in India. Some key points:
- The project will have an exceptionally wide head range of 130-230 meters, the widest in the world for a pumped storage plant.
- It is part of the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and located next to the existing Tehri Hydro Power Plant.
- The pumped storage plant will have 4 reversible turbine units capable of generating 250 MW each, for a total capacity of 1,000 MW.
- Major challenges for the project include construction of underground structures like surge shafts and tunnels to accommodate the large head variations during pumping and generation modes.
The document discusses the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant project in India. Some key points:
- The project will have an exceptionally wide head range of 130-230 meters, the widest in the world for a pumped storage plant.
- It is part of the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and located next to the existing Tehri Hydro Power Plant.
- The pumped storage plant will have 4 reversible turbine units capable of generating 250 MW each, for a total capacity of 1,000 MW.
- Major challenges for the project include construction of underground structures like surge shafts and tunnels to accommodate the large head variations during pumping and generation modes.
Boris SMONDACK Project Engineer, COYNE ET BELLIER, France
The 4x250 MW Tehri Pump Storage Plant (Tehri PSP), located in the North of India (State of Uttarakhand), is an integral part of Tehri Hydro Power Complex (HPC). The construction of Tehri PSP is intended to be awarded on an EPC type- base in 2008, for a total implementation duration period of 54 months. For this project, the main challenging characteristic is the exceptionally wide head range of operation, from approximately 130 to 230 m, in both pump and turbine mode, which will constitute the widest head variation worldwide for a pump storage plant. The article aims at presenting the context, the main features of this outstanding project as well as the technological solutions that have been retained to cope with the large head variations.
The development of Pumped Storage Plants in providing peaking power and maintaining stability in power system is gaining importance in India. The relatively low cost of off-peak energy and surplus power which may come from run off river hydro, thermal, nuclear stations etc. is utilized to pump water from lower (tail) reservoir to an upper (head) reservoir for a Pumped Storage Scheme. The water from the upper reservoir is used for generation of power to meet the demand during peak hours. In addition, pumped storage plants increase capacity utilization and reduce operational problems of thermal power stations, thereby improving the overall economy of power system operation. The energy output from the pumped storage plant being less than the energy input does not obscure the fact that when compared to the substantial savings in fuel, when these stations are operated in an integrated manner, the loss to the system is small.
The Pumped Storage Plants do not depend on hydro potential and can be developed at sites with very little run-off and also at developed / existing sites with storage / pondage reservoirs (head and or tail). The supply of peak power from pumped storage plants is different from the supply of peak power from conventional hydro plants as its feasibility depends upon reliable availability of surplus off peak power capacity in the system on the basis of existing capacity or on the basis of projected thermal / nuclear plants.
The hydro power potential in India has been estimated as 150 000 MW (corresponding to 84 044 MW at 60% load factor ) with 845 identified schemes whereas 56 sites of Pumped Storage Plants with total installed capacity of 94,000 MW with individual capacities varying from 600 MW to 2 800 MW have been identified. The Indian Power System requires a hydro thermal mix of 40:60 for flexibility & efficiency in system operation in view of typical load pattern. The present ratio of hydro thermal mix is 26:74, which may further be skewed in view of capacity addition in thermal sources. So far, only about 23% of conventional hydro potential and 3.4% of PSP has been developed in India. The peak shortage of Power is of the order of 13.8%. Thus, there is an immense need for development of hydropower for alleviating peak power shortages. The regions with identified potential for Pumped Storage Scheme include 13 065 MW in Northern region, 38 220 MW in Western region, 16 650 MW in Southern region, 9 085 MW in Eastern region and 16 900 MW in North Eastern region. The Western region because of topographical features with steep gradients of rivers originating from Western Ghats has the largest potential (about 40% of the total).
It is observed from the frequency duration curve for the months from April 2005 to December 2005 for the Northern region that for around 20 to 30% of time, grid frequency is more than 50 Hz and for around 5 to 15% of time, grid frequency is lower than 49 Hz. This frequency duration curve would smoothen and would result in optimum balance in grid with the operation of Pumped Storage Plants. The power could be drawn for pumping during off peak hours, when high frequency conditions exist in the grid & the Unscheduled Interchange (UI) charges are low and returned to the beneficiary States during peak hours when UI charges are quite high.
The development of Pumped Storage Plants in the country has not been encouraged and up to the end of Fifth five year plan i.e. till 31/03/1980 no pumped storage plant was installed. It was only in the Sixth Plan that the first pumped storage hydro electric scheme Nagarjunasagar (7x100 MW) in the State of Andhra Pradesh was installed. First six units of 100 MW each of the Project were commissioned in the Sixth Five year Plan (ending) March, 1985. The maximum pumped storage development had been in Southern region followed by Eastern Region and Western Region.
The availability of sites of conventional hydropower project is on decline; as such the exploitation of pumped storage potential could go a long way in meeting the ever increasing demand of peak power.
One of the few sites in Northern region of India suitable for development of PSP is the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant. The main power house cavern of Tehri PSP is located adjacent to the existing cavern of Tehri Hydro Power Plant, which is under operation and all the four units, each of 250 MW, are in commercial generation mode since July, 2007. Location of Tehri Hydro Complex, in the Ganga Valley in the Himalayas, which has a very large hydroelectric power potential, is illustrated in Fig. 1 The river Ganga (Ganges) has two major tributaries: Bhagirathi and Alaknanda, which join at Deoprayag to form river Ganga. The huge water and power potential of this river remains largely, untapped. Though, few hydroplants have been commissioned in Ganga Valley, a number of schemes have been identified to tap the vast potential. These schemes are under various stages of investigation and execution. The Tehri Pumped Storage Plant is one of such schemes, the works of which shall be awarded in 2008 on an EPC basis and shall be completed in 54 months time.
Fig.1 Location of Tehri PSP Project Localisation du projet Tehri PSP
Tehri Pumped Storage Plant is part of the Stage-II development of Tehri Hydro Power Complex. The Tehri Hydro Power Complex Comprises of Tehri Dam & Hydro Power Plant (4x250 MW), Tehri Pumped Storage Plant (4x250 MW) and Koteshwar Hydro-electric Project (4x100 MW). The Stage-I of the Complex consists of a 260.5 m high earth and rock fill dam, chute and shaft spillways, water conductor system and underground transformer hall and underground power house cavern housing 4 conventional units, each of 250 MW. As mentioned above all the four units are in commercial operation since July 2007. Stage II of the complex consists of a Pumped Storage Plant of installed capacity of 1 000 MW (4 reversible turbine units, each of 250 MW and housed in an TEHRI PSP underground cavern) and Koteshwar Hydroelectric Project of installed capacity of 400 MW (4 conventional units, each of 100 MW). The Koteshwar Dam, a 97.5 m high concrete dam is being constructed about 20 km downstream of Tehri Dam on the same river, Bhagirathi. The Koteshwar Project, under advanced stage of construction, shall form the downstream reservoir for the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant.
Many of the structures of Tehri PSP were so designed that they had to be completed with Tehri Stage I works. These structures included Intakes, headrace tunnels, and maintenance gate shafts. The underground transformer hall of size 161 m (L) x 18.5 m (W) x 34.5 m (H) for Tehri Stage I shall also accommodate the four generator transformers for PSP. The main cable tunnel and interface facility for power evacuation have already been completed. Major civil works to be taken up in PSP involve construction of upstream and downstream surge shafts, machine hall (underground), penstocks, bus duct galleries, tailrace tunnels and outlet structure. The butterfly valve chamber & penstock assembly chamber constructed for Stage I works shall be extended for Stage II works. Each of the two concrete lined headrace tunnels of 8.5 meter diameter, having lengths of 997 m and 1 033 m has an upstream surge shaft at its end. The headrace tunnel bifurcates into two steel lined penstocks in the upstream surge shaft to feed two turbines. The water from turbine units will be discharged into two tailrace tunnels of 9 meter diameter, which would carry water of all the four units into the downstream reservoir. The construction of the underground structures of Tehri PSP shall pose a challenging task as it would be executed within a surcharged rock mass formed because of Tehri reservoir. The layout of Tehri HPP & Tehri PSP is shown in Fig. 2. The cross-section through waterway of PSP is shown in Fig. 3.
The Project would generate an average annual energy of 1 377 GWh . With the construction of Tehri PSP, Tehri HPC shall function as a major peaking station having an installed capacity of 2 400 MW.
Fig.2 General Layout of Tehri HPP and PSP Disposition gnrale des ouvrages de Tehri HPP et Tehri PSP
Fig.3 Tehri PSP Longitudinal Section through waterways Tehri PSP Section longitudinale le long du chemin deau
The reservoir of Tehri Dam will operate as the upper reservoir and Koteshwar reservoir as the lower reservoir. The availability of water for Tehri PSP will be therefore governed by the mode of operation of the Tehri Power Complex. Tehri Dam reservoir has a live storage capacity of 2 600 millions m 3 , which allows for inter-seasonal regulations. The Tehri Dam which has created the upper reservoir will allow the monsoon water to be stored up to El. 830 m (Full Reservoir Level). The water shall be released as per peak demand of the grid besides fulfilling the irrigation requirements and shall be brought down to Mean Drawdown Level (MDDL) at El. 740 m before the monsoon of the next season. As shown in Fig. 4, yearly decrease of the reservoir water level starts after the end of the monsoon period, that is to say at the end of June. The reservoir reaches its minimum water level at the end of June. During the monsoon period, between July and September, the reservoir level rapidly increases to reach its maximum elevation at the end of September. Within a year, the gross head may vary between around 227 and 127.5 m. The daily operation of Tehri PSP has negligible influence on the upstream and upstream reservoirs level. Within a daily cycle of pumping-turbining, the gross head can be assumed as constant. During monsoon period, production at Tehri HPP will be maximum. Pumping mode of Tehri PSP is assumed not to be used.
Fig.4 Yearly Mean Gross Head Variation between Tehri and Koteshwar Reservoir Variations annuelles de la chute brute entre le rservoir de Tehri et de Koteshwar Est i ma t ed Gro ss he ad evolut io n t hro ug h o ne ave rag ed ye ar 100 150 200 250 J u n e 2 1 - 3 0 J u ly 0 1 - 1 0 J u ly 1 1 - 2 1 J u ly 2 1 - 3 1 A u g u s t 0 1 - 1 0 A u g u s t 1 1 - 2 1 A u g u s t 2 1 - 3 1 S e p t 0 1 - 1 0 S e p t 1 1 - 2 1 S e p t 2 1 - 3 0 O c t 0 1 - 1 0 O c t 1 1 - 2 1 O c t 2 1 - 3 1 N o v 0 1 - 1 0 N o v 1 1 - 2 1 N o v 2 1 - 3 0 D e c 0 1 - 1 0 D e c 1 1 - 2 1 D e c 2 1 - 3 1 J a n 0 1 - 1 0 J a n 1 1 - 2 1 J a n 2 1 - 3 0 F e b 0 1 - 1 0 F e b 1 1 - 2 1 F e b 2 1 - 3 0 M a r 0 1 - 1 0 M a r 1 1 - 2 1 M a r 2 1 - 3 0 A p r 0 1 - 1 0 A p r 1 1 - 2 1 A p r 2 1 - 3 0 M a y 0 1 - 1 0 M a y 1 1 - 2 1 M a y 2 1 - 3 0 J u n e 0 1 - 1 0 J u n e 1 1 - 2 1 M onths G r o s s
H e a d
Such outstanding feature implies that a conventional synchronous single speed pump-turbine solution will lead to important drawbacks for the project: (1) as often in pump-turbine performance, the best efficiency point when turbining is out of the operating head range, (2) the efficiency would deteriorate sharply as soon as the head is far away from the rated head particularly in case of low delivery head in pumping (around -20 %), (3) the required submergence to avoid any cavitation risk (estimated at -150 m) is extremely high as illustrated in Fig. 5, (4) it would imply difficulties in designing and manufacturing reliable shaft seal and a risk of counter thrust and (5) imply greater diameters of the upstream and downstream guard valves.
(Head- Discharge) characteristics curve 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Q[m3/s] H e a d
Fig.5 Conventional Head-Discharge and Submergence-Discharge characteristics curves in pumping mode Courbes caractristiques usuelles de charge-dbit et submergence-dbit en mode pompe
It should be reminded that a Pumped Storage Plant is basically an energy consumer and not an energy producer. Its asset is to value such energy by releasing it at the most appropriate period of time. The consumed energy to perform these pump-turbine cycles is therefore of prime interest, as this feature directly impact the profitability of the project. Basically, the losses involved in every cycle - head losses in the hydraulic circuit, turbine conversion losses and electrical losses - should be minimized. Any effort to reduce any of those strongly impacts the performance of the scheme as they are counted twice (during pumping and during turbining). The Conversion loss, which is to be understood as the total energy loss rate within the year, that is to say for the entire range of head variations, was defined as the key objective performance parameter for Tehri PSP. The challenging target of THDC to keep the Conversion Loss below 20% directly impacted the technical requirements and the contractual aspects of the projects. In particular, as described here above, the conventional pump-turbine solution is not able to face such objective. Alternate solution had therefore to be found.
Hydropower engineers and turbines specialists have known for a long time that the efficiency of a hydraulic turbine, working at different heads or loads, can be significantly improved if the turbine speed is adapted to the head or load. In addition, as already mentioned, if the turbine is to be operated as a pump, the optimum efficiency speed for the machine operating as a pump is different to that of the machine operating as a turbine. This is because the specific speed of a pump is greater than that of a geometrically similar machine working as a turbine. Therefore theoretically two different speeds would normally be necessary, for optimal efficiency, if a machine is to operate as turbine and pump, one speed for turbine operation and one for pump operation. Furthermore when the head variation is large it is difficult to design a single machine with good efficiency over the whole head range. Compromise solutions have therefore been generally adopted.
The above has been true for a long time. As it is necessary for the machine to be connected to the grid with a fixed frequency it was difficult to modify the speed of the electrical machine. The first historical step towards the resolution of this problem was to use two speed synchronous generator motor. This technique has allowed obtaining a better overall efficiency operation both as pump and as turbine especially when the head variation was appreciable. Basically the two speed synchronous motor-generator is a synchronous machine with two windings arrangements in the stator and with a possibility of poles commutation on the rotor in order that the stator and rotor number of poles match. Clearly this entails some complications and the resulting rotor is also heavier. Furthermore the possible combinations of dual speeds are somewhat limited. Nonetheless this technique has been applied with some success on some pumped storage schemes although this came at a cost. The principal problems were the significant increase in cost of the machine added to an appreciable increase in weight of the machine rotor. Furthermore this increase in weight had a knock-on effect on other aspects of the plant. The thrust bearings had to be increased in capacity with consequential increase in thermal losses of this bearing. Similarly the power house crane capacity had to be higher because the increase in weight for a dual-speed rotor is quite appreciable. Lastly, the machine itself is slightly less efficient than a conventional single speed synchronous motor generator.
The advent of power electronics, with the invention of the thyristor also called the silicon controlled rectifier, marked a new era for electrical engineering in general. It allowed designers for the first time to design continuously variable, variable-speed alternating current machines. Up to then only direct current machines could have continuous variable speed features. However the first power electronics components were of limited power capabilities and only applications to very small machines could be contemplated in those early years and more specifically the small induction electric motors. It was not until the 1980s that we began to see high capacity power electronics components appearing on the market, allowing the design of medium voltage variable speed machines and a whole range of variable speed technologies applicable to both squirrel cage and rotor-wound induction motors and also to synchronous machines. In these early years high power electronics components applications were mainly limited to variable speed of medium voltage induction electric motors of ratings not too far above the MW. Applications were in the field of metallurgy and steel rolling mills and also in the field of railway traction etc. This is also when variable speed application to hydropower became a possibility. We can say that the first application of power electronics and variable speed to hydropower was the that of the replacement of the traditional starting device of pump turbines of hydroelectric pumped storage plants (which was mainly the pony motor until then), by the static variable frequency converter (SVFC). This electronic device is basically a device for supplying power to the synchronous generator motor at a frequency from 0 to 50 Hz. This is necessary as the synchronous machine is not a self starting machine when connected directly to the grid at 50 Hz. It has to be first brought to synchronous speed before being locked onto the grid and then continue to operate as a motor at synchronous frequency. The only power these devices had to supply was for overcoming frictional losses of the dewatered machine in order to bring the machine to synchronous speed. Thus the rating required of these devices is limited and this was also the limit of technological possibilities anyway.
The application of variable speed power electronics to large hydropower synchronous machines has been limited and is still limited by available technology on the market. Hydropower machines are essentially large machines of tens or a few hundreds of MW and the maximum available ratings of variable speed converters is still modest. Therefore direct application of variable speed to synchronous machines has been somewhat limited. To circumvent the power limitations of the variable speed converters designers turned their attention to the wound rotor induction machine. By injecting a slip frequency current to the rotor of these machines the machines speed could be controlled and made to vary from very low sub-synchronous speed to speeds above synchronous speed. These machines are also known as doubly fed asynchronous machines (DFAM). The slip power required for effecting these variations in speed was much lower than the stator power. Thus a limited rating frequency converter was enough for controlling the speed of a much larger machine. We understand that machines of the order of 400 MVA are planned to be commissioned in the near future. The first pumped storage hydropower plants to which this technique was applied were commissioned in Japan in the 1990s. And in those days the technology used was the cycloconverter. In effect the cycloconverter is a power electronics technique for obtaining a low frequency three phase output from a 50 Hz grid supply. Thus the low frequency current obtained was fed to the rotor of the doubly fed asynchronous machine while its stator was fed by the 50 Hz grid. Since that date a number of pumped storage variable speed units have been commissioned. Most of these machines are in Japan. However one of the latest plants to be commissioned was Goldisthal in Germany where the cycloconverter variable speed technology was also applied. The cycloconverter is a fairly complicated technique requiring three three- winding transformers and a complicated structure with a large number of power semiconductors. Besides these converters do not allow the starting of the motor up to synchronous speed from the electronic device itself and thus an additional separate SVFC is also required for starting the machine as a motor in the pumping mode. The latest technological evolution of variable speed for pumped storage schemes is the multi-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). These variable speed devices also work by injection of a slip frequency current to the rotor of an asynchronous machine. They have a more simple architecture; do not require the expensive three-winding transformers needed for 12-pulse mode, as the cyclo- converters, and also they are made with far less electronic power devices. In addition these devices allow starting of the machine in motor mode for pumping operations. They are in essence simpler, less bulky, of lower ratings than cycloconverters and offer superior technical features.
In the case of Tehri Pumped Storage Plant, the Owner chose to have asynchronous variable speed generator motors fed by VSI Inverters Excitation systems. The four machines will have nominal ratings of 250 MW when operating as turbines at a specified head. Studies have been made by the Owner and his Consultant and the choice had been between dual-speed synchronous speed machines and continuously variable asynchronous machines for some time. Fig. 6 clearly illustrates the advantage of variable speed versus one single speed or dual-speed. In a conventional fixed speed installation, for a given head, there is only one operation point in pumping mode. Such operation point is, for most lift heads, far away from the best efficiency point. Furthermore, the power input per machine cannot be controlled by the operator. In contrast, with variable speed machine, any point of the doted line within the light blue area is accessible. Consequently the pump can be operated from low power (point n8) to high power (point n10) depending on the available power in the network. If the pump is not used for power compensation in the network, it can be operated at best efficiency (point n9).
Fig.6 Tehri PSP Illustrative Head-Discharge capacity Curve in Pumping Mode Tehri PSP - Courbe caractristique hauteur-dbit en mode Pompe
1 Minimum pump Lift 2 Maximum Pump lift 3 Possible Pumping Operation range 4 Optimum operation curve (maximize efficiency) 5 Maximum speed (256 rpm) 6 Minimum speed (214 rpm) 7 Increase of Speed and Power Input 8 Lowest operation point for a given head (low Power Input) 9 Optimum operation point for a given head (maximize efficiency) 10 Highest operation point for a given head (high Power Input) 1 Hauteur de refoulement minimum 2 Hauteur de refoulement maximum 3 Zone dopration en mode pompe 4 Courbe de rendement optimal 5 Vitesse Maximum (256 t/min) 6 Vitesse Minimum (214 t/min) 7 Sens de laugmentation de la vitesse et de la puissance consomme 8 Point bas dopration pour une hauteur donne (basse puissance consomme) 9 Point optimum dopration pour une hauteur donne (maximum de rendement) 10 Point haut dopration pour une hauteur donne (haute puissance consomme)
In the case of Tehri PSP the plant is intended to be operated so that the machines are mostly run at their optimal efficiency point whatever the head available. This means that the machines speed is intended to be mostly adjusted in such a way that they always run at best efficiency point of the pump turbine on the best efficiency locus line (illustrated by a red line in figure 6).
Given (1) the extremely large head variation for operation of this plant, (2) the expected efficiency gains, minimizing therefore the total cycle conversion losses (3) the flexibility of operation in pumping mode and (4) the lower required submergence, the choice was finally made to use continuously variable speed asynchronous machines with VSI Excitation. In essence Tehri PSP is intended to be a modern, state-of-art technology plant offering very interesting features on the plant efficiency standpoint.
Tehri PSP is a challenging project requiring state-of-the art technology in civil works and electro-mechanical equipments. Despite the outstanding large head variations, the optimization of conversion efficiency has been a constant objective during design stage of the project. Adopting the latest available technology with variable speed machines will not only fulfil such challenging target, but it will also provide a much more flexible mode of operation. This technology should meet with a rapid expansion, in particular for Pump Storage Plants, for which conversion efficiency is of prime importance.
[1] COYNE ET BELLIER & EDF, Tehri Pumped Storage Plant Project, Detailed Project Report, May 2002.
The development of Pumped Storage Plants in providing peaking power and maintaining stability in power system is gaining importance in India. One of the few sites in Northern region of India suitable for development of PSP is the Tehri Pumped Storage Plant (Tehri PSP). The 4x250 MW Project, located in the North of India (State of Uttarakhand), is an integral part of Tehri Hydro Power Complex (HPC) comprising of (1) a 260-m-high earth-and-rock-fill dam (Tehri dam), already completed, (2) an underground 1000-MW hydropower plant (Tehri HPP), completed, (3) a combined 400 MW hydro-power plant and dam (Koteshwar), currently under construction. Major civil works to be taken up in PSP involve the challenging construction of upstream and downstream surge shafts, underground machine hall, penstocks, bus duct galleries, tailrace tunnels and outlet structure. The reservoir of Tehri Dam will operate as upper reservoir and Koteshwar reservoir as lower reservoir. The availability of water for Tehri PSP will be governed by the mode of operation of the Tehri Power Complex. During non-peak hours, water from lower reservoir would be pumped back to upper reservoir by utilizing the surplus available power from the grid. For this project, the main challenging characteristic is the exceptionally wide head range of operation, from approximately 130 to 230 m, in both pump and turbine mode, which will constitute the widest head variation worldwide for a Pump Storage Plant. Such a feature implies that standard solution with single- speed reversible units would lead to major drawbacks: high loss in pump-turbine efficiency for large portions of the head range, cavitation risk, prohibitive setting level, rigid mode of operation. The first alternative solution would consist in installing two-speed synchronous generator-motors coupled to conventional pump-turbines. As a result, two distinct synchronous generator-motors windings would be available, each with its own rated speed but in the same frame. Depending on the available head, the most suitable speed would be then selected for allowing the pump-turbine to work with the best efficiency. The second alternative consists in installing variable-speed asynchronous generator-motors coupled to conventional pump-turbines. Such arrangement allows the unit to work within a variable speed range. Frequency is then adjusted in order to enable the pump-turbine to operate at the highest efficiency possible for each available head. Given that one the main objective of the scheme is to minimize the mean loss for a pump-turbine cycle, and given its high operation flexibility, the variable speed solution has been selected for Tehri PSP. This technology should meet with a rapid expansion, in particular for Pump Storage Plants, for which conversion efficiency is of prime importance.
RESUME Lutilisation de stations de pompage-turbinage, qui permettent de fournir de la puissance pendant les priodes de pointe et contribuent la stabilit du rseau lectrique, se dveloppe en Inde. L'usine de turbinage-pompage de Tehri (Tehri PSP) est un des emplacements de la rgion nord de l'Inde appropri au dveloppement de ce type damnagement. Ce projet de 4x250 MW, situ dans ltat de l'Uttarakhand, fait partie du complexe de Tehri Hydro Power (Tehri HPC) comprenant (1) un barrage en enrochements de 260 m de hauts (barrage de Tehri), construit, (2) une usine souterraine hydrolectrique de 1000-MW (Tehri HPP), ralise, (3) une usine d'hydrolectrique de 400 MW et un barrage (Koteshwar), actuellement en cours de construction. Les travaux de gnie civil comprennent la construction de chemines dquilibre amont et aval, dune salle souterraine des machines, de conduites forces, de galeries de transmissions lectriques, de tunnels hydrauliques aval et dune structure de sortie. Le rservoir du barrage de Tehri fonctionnera en tant que rservoir suprieur et la retenue de Koteshwar en tant que rservoir infrieur. La disponibilit en eau pour Tehri PSP sera rgie par le mode de fonctionnement du complexe de Tehri. Pendant les heures creuses, l'eau du rservoir infrieur sera pomp vers le rservoir suprieur en utilisant le surplus de puissance disponible dans le rseau lectrique. Un des caractristiques exceptionnelle de ce projet est la variation importante de chute, de 130 230 m environ, en pompage et en turbinage, ce qui constituera la variation la plus importante pour une usine de turbinage-pompage. Un tel dispositif implique que les solutions usuelles avec units rversibles simple vitesse mneraient des inconvnients majeurs : chute du rendement de la turbopompe pour une grande partie de la tranche de fonctionnement, risque de cavitation, niveau de rglage vertical de laxe des turbines prohibitif, mode de fonctionnement rigide. Une premire alternative consiste installer des gnrateur-moteurs synchrones deux vitesses coupls aux turbopompes conventionnelles. En consquence, deux enroulements synchrones distincts, mais dans la mme armature, sont disponibles, chacun avec sa propre vitesse spcifique. Selon la chute disponible, la vitesse la plus approprie peut alors tre choisie pour permettre la turbopompe de fonctionner avec le meilleur rendement. La deuxime alternative consiste installer des gnrateur-moteurs asynchrones vitesse variable coupls aux turbopompes conventionnelles. Un tel arrangement permet l'unit de fonctionner dans une marge variable de vitesse et donc de dbit. La frquence peut alors tre ajuste afin de permettre la turbopompe de fonctionner au rendement le plus lev possible pour chaque hauteur de chute disponible. tant donn quun des objectifs principal de lamnagement est de rduire au maximum les pertes nergtiques des cycles de turbinage-pompage, et tant donn la meilleure flexibilit d'opration, la solution vitesse variable a t finalement retenue pour Tehri PSP. Cette technologie devrait rencontrer une expansion rapide dans un avenir proche, en particulier pour les stations de turbinage-pompage, pour lesquelles les questions de rendement sont primordiales. KEYWORDS / MOTS CLES
Tehri Dam Barrage de Tehri Cavitation Cavitation Earthfill Dam Barrage en remblai Power Station Centrale Power Supply Production dnergie