Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs
Date : 21
August 2014
Time / Duration : 7.40 a.m 8.20 a.m (40 minutes)
Class : 4 Bestari
Number of Students : 34 students
Language Proficiency : Low Intermediate
Background knowledge : Students have no background knowledge on modal verbs
Theme : People
Topic : Grammar (Modal Verbs)
Language skill focus : Writing
Integrated skills : Speaking, Listening, Reading
Learning Outcomes : By the end of form 4, students should be able to:
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Moral Values : (a) Teamwork among students when doing group work.
(b) To generate students critical and creative thinking
Educational Emphasis : (a) Critical and creative thinking skill
(b) Multiple Intelligence skills
Resource Materials : (1) Mahjong paper, worksheet A, whiteboard, marker pen
Stage /
Content / Skills Teacher / Student
Rationale / AVA
(10 minutes)
- Speaking
- Listening
-Ought to
1. Teacher greets the
2. Teacher writes few
blanks on the
whiteboard and
students are asked to
guess the words.
3. Teacher elicits
students answer and
fill in the blanks.
4. Teacher pastes
mahjong paper
containing a dialogue
of two people at the
shopping mall.
5. Teacher selects two
students randomly to
read the dialogue.
4. Teacher tells students
that they are going to
learn Modal Verbs
6. Teacher then explains
to the students and
teaches them about
Modal Verbs by
using flashcards.
1. To give the student
warm-up session
before the lesson.
2. To encourage
between the teacher and
7. Teacher asks students
to identify modal
verbs in the dialogue
that they have read
(10 minutes)
- Reading
- Writing
1. Teacher gives each
students Worksheet
A based on the modal
verbs that have been
discussed earlier.
2. Students are given an
ample time to
complete the
worksheet given.
3. Teacher then
discusses the
answers with the
1. To enhance students
understanding of the
articles learnt
earlier in the lesson.
- Worksheet A
Stage 3
(15 minutes)
- Writing
- Reading
1. Students are divided
into a group of 6 and
two groups with 5
members in it.
2. Teacher gives
instruction on how to
do the next activity.
3. Each group will be
given different modal
verb and they have to
1. To encourage
and collaborative
- Questions read aloud
to students
construct 5 simple
4. Teacher monitors
students progress.
5. Teacher asks students
to select one
representative from
each group to paste
their answer on the
6. Teacher checks
students answers.
7. Finally, teacher
concludes the lesson
and asks students to
state orally five modal
verbs along with its
functions that they
have learnt earlier.
(Appendix 3)
- Marker pen
Appendix 1
Situation Shopping Mall
Farhan : Lets go shopping. I have got quite a number of things to buy, and I believe I can get
them all in this shop. You see, I ought to buy a present for my friend. She has invited me to her
birthday. What shall we look at first?
Arina : Gloves, I think. They must be on the ground floor. Yes, here we are, and I can see just
the kind I want.
Farhan: Well, that didnt take us long. Now lets go up by the escalator to the third floor.
Arina: Well just take a quick look around to see if there is anything we could take back as
presents for the family.
Farhan: I like these books, and do you? Shall we ask how much they are?
Arina: Sure. And after that, I want to get a comb and some hair clips. Where do you think I can
find them?
A: Oh, you must go to the left wing. Theres a shop called SNJ. Thats on a lower floor, I
B: Alright then. Shall we go now?