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30cfr250 Sub Part H

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Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
30 CFR Part 250
[Docket ID: BSEE-2012-0005; 13XE1700DX EX1SF0000.DAQ000 EEEE500000]
RIN 1014AA10
Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas
Production Safety Systems
AGENCY: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) proposes
to amend and update the regulations regarding oil and natural gas production by
addressing issues such as: safety and pollution prevention equipment lifecycle analysis,
production safety systems, subsurface safety devices, and safety device testing. The
proposed rule would differentiate the requirements for operating dry tree and subsea tree
production systems on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and divide the current subpart
H into multiple sections to make the regulations easier to read and understand. The
changes in this proposed rule are necessary to bolster human safety, environmental
protection, and regulatory oversight of critical equipment involving production safety
comments received after this date. You may submit comments to the Office of

Management and Budget (OMB) on the information collection burden in this proposed
FEDERAL REGISTER]. The deadline for comments on the information collection
burden does not affect the deadline for the public to comment to BSEE on the proposed
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the rulemaking by any of the following
methods. Please use the Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 1014AA10 as an identifier
in your message. See also Public Availability of Comments under Procedural Matters.
Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. In the entry titled
Enter Keyword or ID, enter BSEE-2012-0005 then click search. Follow the instructions
to submit public comments and view supporting and related materials available for this
rulemaking. The BSEE may post all submitted comments.
Mail or hand-carry comments to the Department of the Interior (DOI); Bureau of
Safety and Environmental Enforcement; Attention: Regulations Development Branch;
381 Elden Street, HE3313; Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817. Please reference Oil and
Gas Production Safety Systems, 1014AA10 in your comments and include your name
and return address.
Send comments on the information collection in this rule to: Interior Desk
Officer 10140003, Office of Management and Budget; 202-395-5806 (fax); email:
oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Please send a copy to BSEE.
Public Availability of Comments Before including your address, phone number,
e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment including your personal identifying information may

be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee
that we will be able to do so.
Development Branch, 703-787-1751, kirk.malstrom@bsee.gov.
This proposed rule would amend and update the Subpart H, Oil and Gas Production
Safety Systems regulations. Subpart H has not had a major revision since it was first
published in 1988. Since that time, much of the oil and gas production on the OCS has
moved into deeper waters and the regulations have not kept pace with the technological
These regulations address issues such as production safety systems, subsurface safety
devices, and safety device testing. These systems play a critical role in protecting
workers and the environment. The BSEE would make the following changes to Subpart
H in this rulemaking:
Restructure the subpart to have shorter, easier-to-read sections based on the
following headings:
o General requirements;
o Surface and subsurface safety systems Dry trees;
o Subsea and subsurface safety systems Subsea trees;
o Production safety systems;
o Additional production system requirements;

o Safety device testing; and
o Records and training.
Update and improve the safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE)
lifecycle analysis in order to increase the overall level of certainty that this
equipment would perform as intended including in emergency situations. The
lifecycle analysis involves vigilance throughout the entire lifespan of the SPPE,
including design, manufacture, operational use, maintenance, and eventual
decommissioning of the equipment. A major component of the lifecycle analysis
involves the proper documentation of the entire process. The documentation
allows an avenue for continual improvement throughout the life of the equipment
by evaluation of mechanical integrity and communication between equipment
operators and manufacturers.
Expand the regulations to differentiate the requirements for operating dry tree and
subsea tree production systems on the OCS.
Incorporate new industry standards and update the incorporation of partially
incorporated standards to require compliance with the complete standards.
Add new requirements for, but not limited to, the following:
o SPPE life cycle and failure reporting;
o Foam firefighting systems;
o Electronic-based emergency shutdown systems (ESDs);
o Valve closure timing;
o Valve leakage rates;
o Boarding shut down valves (BSDV); and

o Equipment used for high temperature and high pressure wells.
Rewrite the subpart in plain language according to:
o The Plain Writing Act of 2010;
o Executive Order 12866;
o Executive Order 12988; and
o Executive Order 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.
In addition to Subpart H revisions, we would revise the regulation in Subpart A
requiring best available and safest technology (BAST) to follow more closely the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Acts (OCSLA, or the Act) statutory provision for BAST, 43
U.S.C. 1347(b).
This rulemaking proposes a complete revision of the regulations at 30 CFR 250,
Subpart H - Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems. The current regulations were
originally published on April 1, 1988 (53 FR 10690). Since that time, various sections
were updated, and BSEE has issued several Notices to Lessees (NTLs) to clarify the
regulations and to provide guidance. The new version of subpart H would represent a
major improvement in the structure and readability of the regulation with new changes in
the requirements.
The proposed rule would restructure Subpart H. The new version is divided into
shorter, easier-to-read sections. These sections are more logically organized, as each
section focuses on a single topic instead of multiple topics found in each section of the
current regulations. For example, in the current regulations, all requirements for

subsurface safety devices are found in one section ( 250.801). In the proposed rule,
requirements for subsurface safety devices would be contained in 27 sections ( 250.810
through 250.839), with the sections organized by general requirements and requirements
related to the use of either a dry or subsea tree. The groupings in the proposed rule would
make it easier for an operator to find the information that applies to a particular situation.
The numbering for proposed Subpart H would start at 250.800, and end at 250.891.
The proposed rule would separate Subpart H into the following undesignated headings:
Typically, well completions associated with offshore production platforms are
characterized as either dry tree (surface) or subsea tree completions. The tree is the
assembly of valves, gauges, and chokes mounted on a well casinghead used to control the
production and flow of oil or gas. Dry tree completions are the standard for OCS shallow
water platforms, with the tree in a dry state located on the deck of the production
platform. The dry tree arrangement allows direct access to valves and gauges to monitor
well conditions, such as pressure, temperature, and flow rate, as well as direct vertical
well access. As oil and gas production moved into deeper water, dry tree completions,

because they are easily accessible, were still used on new types of platforms more
suitable for deeper waters; such as compliant towers, tension-leg platforms, and spars.
Starting with Conocos Hutton tension-leg platform installed in the North Sea in 1984 in
approximately 486 feet of water, these platform types gradually extended the depth of
usage for dry tree completions to over 4,600 feet of water depth.
Production in the Gulf of Mexico now occurs in depths of 9,000 feet of water, with
many of the wells producing from water depths greater than 4,000 feet utilizing wet or
subsea trees. With a subsea tree completion the tree is located on the seafloor. These
subsea completions are generally tied back to floating production platforms, and from
there the production moves to shore through pipelines. Due to the location on the
seafloor, subsea trees or subsea completions do not allow for direct access to valves and
gauges, but the pressure, temperature, and flow rate from the subsea location is monitored
from the production platform and in some cases from onshore data centers. In
conjunction with all production operations and completions, there are associated
subsurface safety devices designed to prevent uncontrolled releases of reservoir fluid or
Subpart H has not kept pace with industrys use of subsea trees and other
technologies that have evolved or become more prevalent offshore over the last 20 years.
This includes items as diverse as foam firefighting systems; electronic-based ESDs;
subsea pumping, waterflooding, and gaslift; and new alloys and equipment for high
temperature and high pressure wells.
Another major change to the regulations in this proposed rule involves the lifecycle
analysis of SPPE. The lifecycle analysis of SPPE is not a new concept and its elements

are discussed in several industry documents incorporated in this rule, such as American
Petroleum Institute (API) Spec. 6a, API Spec. 14A, API Recommended Practice (RP)
14B, and corresponding International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 10432 and
ISO 10417. This proposed rule would codify aspects of the lifecycle analysis into the
regulations and bring attention to its importance. The lifecycle analysis involves careful
consideration and vigilance throughout SPPE design, manufacture, operational use,
maintenance, and decommissioning of the equipment. Lifecycle analysis is a tool for
continual improvement throughout the life of the equipment.
To assist in locating the regulations, the following table shows how sections of the
proposed rule correspond to provisions of the current regulations in Subpart H:
Current regulation Proposed Rule
250.800 General requirements.
250.800 General.
250.810 Dry tree subsurface safety devices -
250.811 Specifications for subsurface safety
valves (SSSVs) dry trees.
250.812 Surface-controlled SSSVs dry trees.
250.813 Subsurface-controlled SSSVs.
250.814 Design, installation, and operation of
SSSVs dry trees.
250.815 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in
wells dry trees.
250.816 Subsurface safety devices in injection
wells dry trees.
250.817 Temporary removal of subsurface
safety devices for routine operations.
250.818 Additional safety equipment - dry
250.821 Emergency action.
250.825 Subsea tree subsurface safety devices -
250.826 Specifications for SSSVs subsea
250.827 Surface-controlled SSSVs subsea
250.828 Design, installation, and operation of
SSSVs subsea trees.
250.801 Subsurface safety devices.
250.829 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in

Current regulation Proposed Rule
wells subsea trees.
250.830 Subsurface safety devices in injection
wells subsea trees.
250.832 Additional safety equipment subsea
250.837 Emergency action and safety system
250.819 Specification for surface safety valves
250.820 Use of SSVs.
250.833 Specification for underwater safety
valves (USVs).
250.834 Use of USVs.
250.840 Design, installation, and maintenance -
250.841 Platforms.

250.802 Design, installation, and operation of
surface production-safety systems.
250.842 Approval of safety systems design and
installation features.
250.850 Production system requirements -
250.851 Pressure vessels (including heat
exchangers) and fired vessels.
250.852 Flowlines/Headers.
250.853 Safety sensors.
250.855 Emergency shutdown (ESD) system.
250.856 Engines.
250.857 Glycol dehydration units.
250.858 Gas compressors.
250.859 Firefighting systems.
250.862 Fire and gas-detection systems.
250.863 Electrical equipment.
250.864 Erosion.
250.869 General platform operations.
250.803 Additional production system
250.871 Welding and burning practices and
250.880 Production safety system testing.
250.804 Production safety-system testing and
250.890 Records.
250.805 Safety device training.
250.891 Safety device training.
250.801 Safety and pollution prevention
equipment (SPPE) certification.
250.806 Safety and pollution prevention
equipment quality assurance requirements. 250.802 Requirements for SPPE.
250.807 Additional requirements for subsurface
safety valves and related equipment installed in
high pressure high temperature (HPHT)
250.804 Additional requirements for subsurface
safety valves (SSSVs) and related equipment
installed in high pressure high temperature
(HPHT) environments.
250.808 Hydrogen sulfide. 250.805 Hydrogen sulfide.
New Sections

250.803 What SPPE failure reporting procedures
must I follow?

Current regulation Proposed Rule
250.831 Alteration or disconnection of subsea
pipeline or umbilical.
250.835 Specification for all boarding shut
down valves (BSDV) associated with subsea
250.836 Use of BSDVs
250.838 What are the maximum allowable valve
closure times and hydraulic bleeding requirements
for an electro-hydraulic control system?
250.839 What are the maximum allowable valve
closure times and hydraulic bleeding requirements
for a direct-hydraulic control system?
250.854 Floating production units equipped
with turrets and turret mounted systems.
250.860 Chemical firefighting system.
250.861 Foam firefighting system.
250.865 Surface pumps.
250.866 Personal safety equipment.
250.867 Temporary quarters and temporary
250.868 Non-metallic piping.
250.870 Time delays on pressure safety low
(PSL) sensors.
250.872 Atmospheric vessels.
250.873 Subsea gas lift requirements.
250.874 Subsea water injection systems.
250.875 Subsea pump systems.
250.876 Fired and Exhaust Heated Components.

When a copyrighted technical industry standard is incorporated by reference into our
regulations, BSEE is obligated to observe and protect that copyright. The BSEE provides
members of the public with website addresses where these standards may be accessed for
viewingsometimes for free and sometimes for a fee. The decision to charge a fee is
decided by the standard developing organizations. The American Petroleum Institute
(API) will provide free online public access to 160 key industry standards, including a
broad range of technical standards. The standards available for public access represent

almost one-third of all API standards and include all that are safety-related or have been
incorporated into Federal regulations, including the standards in this rule. These
standards are available for review, and hardcopies and printable versions will continue to
be available for purchase. We are proposing to incorporate API standards in this
proposed rule, and the address to the API website is:
http://publications.api.org/documentslist.aspx. You may also call the API
Standard/Document Contact IHS at 1-800-854-7179 or 303-397-7956 local and
For the convenience of the viewing public who may not wish to purchase or view
these proposed documents online, they may be inspected at the Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement, 381 Elden Street, Room 3313, Herndon, Virginia 20170;
phone: 7037871587; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 2027416030, or
go to:
These documents, if incorporated in the final rule, would continue to be made
available to the public for viewing when requested. Specific information on where these
documents can be inspected or purchased can be found at 30 CFR 250.198, Documents
Incorporated by Reference.
The following is a brief section-by-section description of the substantive proposed
changes to subpart H, as well as other sections of the proposed rule. In several of the
section descriptions below, BSEE requests comments on particular issues raised by that

What must I do to protect health, safety, property, and the environment?
( 250.107)
The proposed rule would revise portions of 250.107 related to the use of best
available and safest technology (BAST) by revising paragraph (c) and removing
paragraph (d). The intent of the change is to more closely track the BAST provision in
the OCSLA. That statutory provision requires:
on all new drilling and production operations and, wherever practicable, on
existing operations, the use of the best available and safest technologies which the
Secretary determines to be economically feasible, wherever failure of equipment
would have a significant effect on safety, health, or the environment, except
where the Secretary determines that the incremental benefits are clearly
insufficient to justify the incremental costs of utilizing such technologies (43
U.S.C. 1347(b).)

Existing 250.107(c) requires the use of BAST whenever practical on all
exploration, development, and production operations. Moreover, it provides that
compliance with the regulations generally is considered to be the use of BAST. The
existing provision is problematic for a number of reasons. The use of the phrase
whenever practical provides an operator substantial discretion in the use of BAST. The
statute, on the other hand, requires the use of BAST that DOI determines to be
economically feasible on all new drilling and production operations. With respect to
existing operations, the Act requires operators to use BAST wherever practicable,
which does not afford the operator complete discretion in the use of systems equipment.
In addition, although operators must comply with BSEE regulations, such compliance
does not necessarily equate to the use of BAST. Existing paragraph (d) is written in
terms of additional measures the Director can require under the Act, and includes a

general requirement that the benefits of such measures outweigh the costs.
The proposed rule would more closely track the Act. Proposed 250.107(c) would
provide that wherever failure of equipment may have a significant effect on safety,
health, or the environment, an operator must use the BAST that BSEE determines to be
economically feasible on all new drilling and production operations, and wherever
practicable, on existing operations. Under this proposed provision, BSEE would specify
what is economically feasible BAST. This could be accomplished generally, for
instance, through the use of NTLs, or on a case-specific basis. To implement the
exception allowed by the Act, proposed 250.107(c)(2) would allow an operator to
request an exception from the use of BAST by demonstrating to BSEE that the
incremental benefits of using BAST are clearly insufficient to justify the incremental
costs of utilizing such technologies.
Service fees. ( 250.125)
This section would be revised to update the service fee citation to 250.842 in
paragraphs (a)(10) through (a)(15).
Documents incorporated by reference. ( 250.198)
This section would be revised to update cross-references to subpart H. The proposed
rule would also add by incorporation, American Petroleum Institute (API) 570, Piping
Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping
Tubing and wellhead equipment. ( 250.517)
This section would be revised to update the cross-reference to the appropriate subpart
H sections from 250.801 in current regulations to 250.810 through 250.839 in the

proposed rule.
Tubing and wellhead equipment. ( 250.618)
This section would be revised to update the cross-reference to the appropriate subpart
H sections from 250.801 in current regulations to 250.810 through 250.839 in the
proposed rule.
Subpart H
General. ( 250.800)
This section would clarify the design requirements for production safety equipment
and specify the appropriate industry standards that must be followed. A provision would
be added that would require operators to comply with American Petroleum Institute
Recommended Practice (API RP) 14J, Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards
Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities, for all new production systems on fixed leg
platforms and floating production systems (FPSs). This section would clarify
requirements for operators to comply with the drilling, well completion, well workover,
and well production riser standards of API RP 2RD, Recommended Practice for Design
of Risers for Floating Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs).
However, this new section would prohibit the installation of single bore production risers
from floating production facilities, effective 1 year from publication of the final rule. The
BSEE believes that a single bore production riser does not provide an acceptable level of
safety to operate on the OCS when an operator has to perform work through the riser.
When an operator performs work through a single bore production riser, wear on the riser
may occur that compromises the integrity of the riser. This section would also revise

stationkeeping system design requirements for floating production facilities by adding a
reference to API RP 2SM, Recommended Practice for Design, Manufacture, Installation,
and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, in proposed
Safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) certification. ( 250.801)
Existing 250.806, pertaining to SPPE certification, would be recodified as proposed
250.801 and rewritten in plain language. Additional subsections would be added to
clarify that SPPE includes SSV and actuators, including those installed on injection wells
that are capable of natural flow, and, following a 1-year grace period, boarding shut down
valves (BSDVs). The final rule would specify the end date of the grace period. This
section would also specify that BSEE would not allow subsurface-controlled subsurface
safety valves on subsea wells.
The existing regulations recognize two quality assurance programs: (1) API Spec. Q1
and (2) American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ANSI/ASME) SPPE-1-1994 and SPPE-1d-1996 Addenda. The proposed rule
would remove the reference to the ANSI/ASME standards because they are defunct, but
would continue to provide that SPPE equipment, which is manufactured and marked
pursuant to API Spec. Q1, Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum,
Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry (ISO TS 29001:2007), would be considered
certified SPPE under part 250. The BSEE presumptively considers all other SPPE as
noncertified. Notwithstanding this presumption, under proposed 250.801(c), BSEE
may exercise its discretion to accept SPPE manufactured under quality assurance
programs other than API Spec. Q1 (ISO TS 29001:2007), provided an operator submits a

request to BSEE containing relevant information about the alternative program, and
receives BSEE approval under 250.141.
Requirements for SPPE. (250.802)
Existing 250.806(a)(3), cross-referencing API requirements for SPPE, would be
recodified as proposed 250.802(a) and (b).
Proposed 250.802(c) would include a summary of some of the requirements that are
contained in documents that are currently incorporated by reference to provide examples
of the types of requirements that are contained in these documents. These requirements
would address a range of activities over the entire lifecycle of the equipment that are
intended to increase the reliability of the equipment through lifecycle analysis. These
Independent third party review and certification;
Manufacturing controls;
Design verification and testing;
Traceability requirements;
Installation and testing protocols; and
Requirements for the use of qualified parts and personnel to perform repairs.
The lifecycle analysis for SPPE would consider the cradle-to-grave implications of
the associated equipment. Lifecycle analysis would also be a tool to evaluate the operational
use, maintenance, and repair of SPPE from an equipment lifecycle perspective.
Requirements that address the full lifecycle of critical equipment are essential to increase
the overall level of certainty that this equipment would perform in emergency situations
and would provide documentation from manufacture through the end of the operational

limits of the SPPE equipment.
Proposed 250.802(c)(1) would require that each device be designed to function and
to close at the most extreme conditions to which it may be exposed. This includes
extreme temperature, pressure, flow rates, and environmental conditions. Under the
proposed rule, an operator would be required to have an independent third party review
and certify that each device will function as designed under the conditions to which it
may be exposed. The independent third party would be required to have sufficient
expertise and experience to perform the review and certification.
A table would be added in proposed 250.802(d) to clarify when operators must
install certified SPPE equipment. Under the proposed rule, non-certified SPPE already in
service at a well could remain in service, but if the equipment requires offsite repair, re-
manufacturing, or any hot work such as welding, it must be replaced with certified SPPE.
Proposed 250.802(e) would require that operators must retain all documentation
related to the manufacture, installation, testing, repair, redress, and performance of SPPE
equipment until 1 year after the date of decommissioning of the equipment.
What SPPE failure reporting procedures must I follow? ( 250.803)
Proposed 250.803 would establish SPPE failure reporting procedures. Proposed
250.803(a) would require operators to follow the failure reporting requirements
contained in Section of API Spec. 6A for SSVs, BSDVs, and USVs and Section
7.10 of API Spec. 14A and Annex F of API RP 14B for SSSVs, and to provide a written
report of equipment failure to the manufacturer of such equipment within 30 days after
the discovery and identification of the failure. The proposed rule would define a failure
as any condition that prevents the equipment from meeting the functional specification.

This is intended to assure that design defects are identified and corrected and to assure
that equipment is replaced before it fails.
Proposed 250.803(b) would require operators to ensure that an investigation and a
failure analysis are performed within 60 days of the failure to determine the cause of the
failure and that the results and any corrective action are documented. If the investigation
and analysis is performed by an entity other than the manufacturer, the proposed rule
would require operators to ensure that the manufacturer receives a copy of the analysis
Proposed 250.803(c) would specify that if an equipment manufacturer notifies an
operator that it has changed the design of the equipment that failed, or if the operator has
changed operating or repair procedures as a result of a failure, then the operator must,
within 30 days of such changes, report the design change or modified procedures in
writing to BSEE.
Additional requirements for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) and related
equipment installed in high pressure high temperature (HPHT) environments.
( 250.804)
Existing 250.807 would be recodified as proposed 250.804, with no significant
revisions proposed.
Hydrogen sulfide. ( 250.805)
Existing 250.808, pertaining to production operations in zones known to contain
hydrogen sulfide (H
S) or in zones where the presence of H
S is unknown, as defined in
250.490, would be recodified as proposed 250.805. This section would also clarify
that the operator must receive approval through the Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP)

process for production operations in HPHT environments containing H
S, or in HPHT
environments where the presence of H
S is unknown.
[RESERVED] 250.806 - 250.809
Dry tree subsurface safety devices - general. ( 250.810)
Existing 250.801(a) would be recodified as proposed 250.810, and restructured
for clarity. This section would also add the equipment flow coupling above and below to
the list of devices associated with subsurface safety devices.
Specifications for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) dry trees. ( 250.811)
Existing 250.801(b) would be recodified as proposed 250.811. This section
would also add the equipment flow coupling above and below to the list of devices
associated with subsurface safety devices. Section 250.811 would permit BSEE to
approve non-certified SSSVs in accordance with the process specified in 250.141
regarding alternative procedures or equipment.
Surface-controlled SSSVs dry trees. ( 250.812)
Existing 250.801(c) would be recodified as proposed 250.812. A change from
current regulations would require BSEE approval for locating the surface controls at a
remote location. The request and approval to locate surface controls at a remote location
would be made in accordance with 250.141, regarding alternative procedures or
Subsurface-controlled SSSVs. ( 250.813)
Existing 250.801(d) would be recodified as proposed 250.813, and rewritten using
plain language.

Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs dry trees. ( 250.814)
Existing 250.801(e) would be recodified as proposed 250.814. Proposed
250.814(c) would also add a definition of routine operation similarly to what is found
under the definitions section at 250.601.
Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells dry trees. ( 250.815)
Existing 250.801(f) would be recodified as proposed 250.815, and rewritten in
plain language.
Subsurface safety devices in injection wells dry trees. ( 250.816)
Existing 250.801(g) would be recodified as proposed 250.816, and rewritten in
plain language.
Temporary removal of subsurface safety devices for routine operations. ( 250.817)
Existing 250.801(h) would be recodified as proposed 250.817. The title of the
section would be changed for clarity. In proposed 250.817(c), the term support
vessel would be added as another option for attendance on a satellite structure.
Additional safety equipment dry trees. ( 250.818)
Existing 250.801(i) would be recodified as proposed 250.818, with no significant
revisions proposed.
Specification for surface safety valves (SSVs). ( 250.819)
The portion of existing 250.802(c) related to wellhead SSVs and their actuators
would be included in proposed 250.819. The portion of the existing 250.802(c)
related to underwater safety valves would be placed in proposed 250.833.
Use of SSVs. ( 250.820)

The portion of existing 250.802(d) related to SSVs would be included in proposed
250.820. The portion of the existing 250.802(d) related to underwater safety valves
would be placed in proposed 250.834.
Emergency action. ( 250.821)
Existing 250.801(j) would be recodified as proposed 250.821. The example of an
emergency would be revised to refer to a National Weather Service-named tropical storm
or hurricane because not all impending storms constitute emergencies. A requirement
would be added that oil and gas wells requiring compression must be shut-in in the event
of an emergency unless otherwise approved by the District Manager. This section would
also include, from existing 250.803(b)(4)(ii), the valve closure times for dry tree
emergency shutdowns.
[RESERVED] 250.822 - 250.824
Subsea tree subsurface safety devices - general. ( 250.825)
Proposed 250.825(a) is derived from existing 250.801(a). This section would
provide clarification on subsurface safety devices on subsea trees. Requirements for dry
trees subsea safety systems can be found at 250.810 through 250.821. This section
would also add the equipment flow coupling above and below to the list of devices
associated with subsurface safety devices. Proposed 250.825(a) would also permit
operators to seek BSEE approval to use alternative procedures or equipment in
accordance with 250.141 if the subsea safety systems proposed for use vary from the
regulatory requirements, including those pertaining to dry subsea safety systems found at
250.810 through 250.821.

Proposed 250.825(b) would provide that, after installing the subsea tree, but before
the rig or installation vessel leaves the area, an operator must test all valves and sensors
to ensure that they are operating as designed and meet all the conditions specified in
subpart H. Proposed 250.825(b) would permit an operator to seek BSEE approval of a
departure under 250.142 in the event the operator cannot perform these tests.
Specifications for SSSVs subsea trees. ( 250.826)
Proposed 250.826 would be developed from existing 250.801(b). The portions of
250.801(b) pertaining to subsurface-controlled SSSVs for dry tree wells would be
moved to proposed 250.811. Subsurface-controlled SSSVs are not allowed on wells
with subsea trees.
Surface-controlled SSSVs subsea trees. ( 250.827)
This section would be derived from existing 250.801(c). A change from the
existing provision would require BSEE approval for locating the surface controls at a
remote location.
Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs subsea trees. ( 250.828)
Existing 250.801(e) would be recodified as proposed 250.828, with changes made
to reflect that this section covers subsea tree installations. One change from existing
regulations would establish that a well with a subsea tree must not be open to flow while
an SSSV is inoperable. The BSEE would not allow exceptions.
Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells subsea trees. ( 250.829)
Existing 250.801(f) would be recodified as proposed 250.829. The BSEE would
also clarify when a surface-controlled SSSV is considered inoperative. This explanation
would be added because the hydraulic control pressure to an individual subsea well may

not be able to be isolated due to the complexity of the subsea hydraulic distribution of
subsea fields.
Subsurface safety devices in injection wells subsea trees. ( 250.830)
This section would be derived from existing 250.801(g). The substance of
proposed 250.830 for subsea tree wells would be substantially similar to the regulatory
sections pertaining to proposed 250.816 for dry tree wells. This is one example in
which BSEE has consolidated similar provisions for easier public understanding.
Alteration or disconnection of subsea pipeline or umbilical. ( 250.831)
This is a new section that would be added to codify policy and guidance from an
existing BSEE Gulf Of Mexico Region NTL, Using Alternate Compliance in Safety
Systems for Subsea Production Operations, NTL No. 2009-G36. The proposed
provision would provide that if a necessary alteration or disconnection of the pipeline or
umbilical of any subsea well would affect an operators ability to monitor casing pressure
or to test any subsea valves or equipment, the operator must contact the appropriate
BSEE District Office at least 48 hours in advance and submit a repair or replacement plan
to conduct the required monitoring and testing.
Additional safety equipment subsea trees. ( 250.832)
This section would be derived from existing 250.801(i), with changes made to
reflect that this section covers subsea tree installations. The last sentence of existing
250.801(i), generally requiring closure of surface-controlled SSSVs in certain
circumstances, would not be needed for wells with subsea trees, because more specific
surface-controlled SSSV closure requirements would be established in proposed
250.838 and 250.839, described later.

Specification for underwater safety valves (USVs). ( 250.833)
Proposed 250.833 derives in part from existing 250.802(c) with references to
surface safety valves removed to separate out requirements for the use of dry or subsea
trees. The portions of the existing rule concerning surface safety valves for dry trees
would be contained in proposed 250.819. Proposed 250.833 would also clarify the
designations of the primary USV (USV1), the secondary USV (USV2), and that an
alternate isolation valve (AIV) may qualify as a USV. Proposed 250.833(a) would
require that operators must install at least one USV on a subsea tree and designate it as
the primary USV, and that BSEE must be kept informed if the primary USV designation
Much of the material included in proposed 250.833 through 250.839 derives from
existing NTL No. 2009-G36, and is currently implemented through the DWOP process
described under 250.286 through 250.295. Inclusion of this material in subpart H
would better inform the regulated community of BSEEs expectations, and seeking public
comment through this rulemaking will allow for possible improvements.
Use of USVs. ( 250.834)
Proposed 250.834, pertaining to the inspection, installation, maintenance, and
testing of USVs, derives from existing 250.802(d) with references to surface safety
valves removed to separate out requirements for the use of dry or subsea trees. This
section would add references to USVs designated as primary, secondary, and any
alternate isolation valve (AIV) that acts as a USV and also would add a reference to

Specification for all boarding shut down valves (BSDVs) associated with subsea
systems. ( 250.835)
Proposed 250.835 would be a new section which would establish minimum design
and other requirements for BSDVs and their actuators. This section would impose the
requirements for the use of a BSDV, which assumes the role of the SSV required by 30
CFR 250, Subpart H for a traditional dry tree. This would ensure the maximum level of
safety for the production facility and the people aboard the facility. Because the BSDV is
the most critical component of the subsea system, it is necessary that this valve be subject
to rigorous design and testing criteria.
Use of BSDVs. ( 250.836)
Proposed 250.836 would establish a new requirement that all BSDVs must be
inspected, maintained, and tested according to the provisions of API RP 14H. This
section also specifies what the operator would do if a BSDV does not operate properly or
if fluid flow is observed during the leakage test.
Emergency action and safety system shutdown. ( 250.837)
Proposed 250.837 would replace existing 250.801(j) for subsea tree installations.
New requirements would be added to clarify allowances for valve closing sequences for
subsea installations and specify actions required for certain situations. Proposed
250.837(c) and (d) would describe a number of emergency situations requiring that
shutdowns occur and safety valves be closed, and in certain situations that hydraulic
systems be bled.
What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic bleeding
requirements for an electro-hydraulic control system? ( 250.838)

Proposed 250.838 would establish maximum allowable valve closure times and
hydraulic system bleeding requirements for electro-hydraulic control systems. Proposed
paragraph (b) would apply to electro-hydraulic control systems when an operator has not
lost communication with its rig or platform. Proposed paragraph (c) would apply to
electro-hydraulic control systems when an operator has lost communication with its rig or
platform. Each paragraph would include a table containing valve closure times for
BSDVs, USVs, and surface-controlled SSSVs under the various scenarios described in
proposed 250.837(c). The tables derive from Appendices to NTL No. 2009-G36.
What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic bleeding
requirements for direct-hydraulic control system? ( 250.839)
Proposed 250.839 would establish maximum allowable valve closure times and
hydraulic system bleeding requirements for direct-hydraulic control systems. It would
contain a valve closure table comparable to those contained in proposed 250.838.
Design, installation, and maintenance - general. ( 250.840)
Existing 250.802(a) would be recodified as proposed 250.840. Several new
production components (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.) would be added to this section.
Platforms. ( 250.841)
Existing 250.802(b) would be recodified as proposed 250.841. New requirements
for facility process piping would be added in proposed 250.841(b). The new paragraph
would require adherence to existing industry documents, API RP 14E, Design and
Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems and API 570, Piping
Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping

Systems. Both of these documents would be incorporated by reference in 250.198.
The proposed rule would also specify that the BSEE District Manager could approve
temporary repairs to facility piping on a case-by-case basis for a period not to exceed 30
Approval of safety systems design and installation features. ( 250.842)
Existing 250.802(e) would be recodified as proposed 250.842, including the
service fee associated with the submittal of the production safety system application. The
proposed rule would require adherence to API Recommended Practice documents
pertaining to the design of electrical installations. The proposed rule would also require
completion of a hazard analysis during the design process and require that a hazards
analysis program be in place to assess potential hazards during the operation of the
platform. A table would be placed in the proposed rule for clarity, amplifying some of
the current requirements. This section would also add the requirements that the designs
for the mechanical and electrical systems were reviewed, approved, and stamped by a
registered professional engineer. Also, it would add a requirement that the as-built piping
and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) must be certified correct and stamped by a
registered professional engineer. This section would also specify that the registered
professional engineer, in both instances, must be registered in a State or Territory of the
United States and have sufficient expertise and experience to perform the duties. The
importance of these new provisions were highlighted in the Atlantis investigation report

2011, prepared by BSEEs predecessor agency, the Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Regulation and Enforcement. A copy of this report is available online at
the following address: http://www.bsee.gov/uploadedFiles/03-
0311%20BOEMRE%20Atlantis%20Report%20-%20FINAL.pdf. To clarify some of the
issues discussed in the Atlantis investigation report related to as-built P&IDs and to
clarify other diagram requirements, proposed 250.842 would require the following:
Engineering documents to be stamped by a registered professional engineer;
Operators to certify that all listed diagrams, including P&IDs are correct and
accessible to BSEE upon request; and
All as-built diagrams outlined in 250.842(a)(1) and (2) to be submitted to the
District Managers.
The proposed 250.842(b)(3) would impose a requirement that the operator certify in
its application that it has performed a hazard analysis during the design process in
accordance with API RP 14J, Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis
for Offshore Production Facilities, and that it has a hazards analysis program in place to
assess potential hazards during the operation of the platform. Although the regulations
pertaining to an operators safety and environmental management systems (SEMS)
program already require a hazards analysis under 250.1911, the hazards analysis for the
production platform required under the proposed rule would contain more detail under

the incorporated API Recommended Practice than is currently required under the SEMS
The operator must comply with both hazards analysis requirements from each
respective subpart; however, these requirements for subpart H may also be used to satisfy
a portion of the hazards analysis requirements in subpart S.
[RESERVED] 250.843 - 250.849

Production system requirements - general. ( 250.850)
The proposed rule would split existing 250.803 into a number of sections (proposed
250.850 through 250.872) to make the regulations shorter, and thus more readable.
Existing 250.803(a) would be codified as proposed 250.850.
Pressure vessels (including heat exchangers) and fired vessels. ( 250.851)
Existing 250.803(b)(1), establishing requirements for pressure and fired vessels,
would be codified as proposed 250.851. Tables would be placed in the proposed rule
for clarity.
Flowlines/Headers. ( 250.852)
Existing 250.803(b)(2), which establishes requirements for flowlines and headers,
would be codified as proposed 250.852. The existing regulations require the
establishment of new operating pressure ranges at any time a significant change in
operating pressures occurs. The proposed rule would specify instead that new operating
pressure ranges of flowlines would be required at any time when the normalized system
pressure changes by 50 psig (pounds per square inch gauge) or 5 percent, whichever is
higher. New requirements also would be added for wells that flow directly to a pipeline

without prior separation and for the closing of SSVs by safety sensors. A table would be
placed in the proposed rule for clarity.
Safety Sensors. ( 250.853)
Existing 250.803(b)(3), pertaining to safety sensors, would be codified as proposed
250.853 with the addition that all level sensors would have to be equipped to permit
testing through an external bridle on new vessel installations.
Floating production units equipped with turrets and turret mounted systems.
( 250.854)
Proposed 250.854 would contain a new requirement for floating production units
equipped with turrets and turret mounted systems. The operator would have to integrate
the auto slew system with the safety system allowing for automatic shut-in of the
production process including the sources (subsea wells, subsea pumps, etc.) and releasing
of the buoy. The safety system would be required to immediately initiate a process
system shut-in according to 250.838 and 250.839 and release the buoy to prevent
hydrocarbon discharge and damage to the subsea infrastructure when the buoy is
clamped, the auto slew mode is activated, and there is a ship heading/position failure or
an exceedance of the rotational tolerances of the clamped buoy.
This new section would also require floating production units equipped with swivel
stack arrangements, to be equipped with a leak detection system for the portion of the
swivel stack containing hydrocarbons. The leak detection system would be required to be
tied into the production process surface safety system allowing for automatic shut-in of
the system. Upon seal system failure and detection of a hydrocarbon leak, the surface
safety system would be required to immediately initiate a process system shut-in

according to 250.838 and 250.839. These new requirements are needed because they
are not addressed in the currently incorporated API RP 14C and would help protect
against hydrocarbon discharge in the event of failures.
Emergency shutdown (ESD) system. ( 250.855)
Existing 250.803(b)(4), pertaining to emergency shutdown systems, would be
recodified as proposed 250.855. The existing regulation provides that only ESD
stations at a boat landing may utilize a loop of breakable synthetic tubing in lieu of a
valve. The proposed rule would clarify that the breakable loop in the ESD system is not
required to be physically located on the boat landing; however, in all instances it must be
accessible from a boat.
Engines. ( 250.856)
Existing 250.803(b)(5), pertaining to engine exhaust and diesel engine air intake,
would be recodified as proposed 250.856. A listing of diesel engines that do not
require a shutdown device would be added to the proposed rule for clarification.
Glycol dehydration units. ( 250.857)
Existing 250.803(b)(6), pertaining to glycol dehydration units, would be recodified
as proposed 250.857. New requirements for flow safety valves and shut down valves
on the glycol dehydration unit would be added to the proposed rule.
Gas compressors. ( 250.858)
Existing 250.803(b)(7), pertaining to gas compressors, would be recodified as
proposed 250.858. New proposed requirements would be added to require the use of
pressure recording devices to establish any new operating pressure range changes greater
than 5 percent or 50 psig, whichever is higher. For pressure sensors on vapor recovery

units, proposed 250.858(c) would provide that when the suction side of the compressor
is operating below 5 psig and the system is capable of being vented to atmosphere, an
operator is not required to install PSH and PSL sensors on the suction side of the
Firefighting systems. ( 250.859)
Existing 250.803(b)(8), pertaining to firefighting systems, would be recodified in
proposed 250.859, 250.860, and 250.861 and expanded. A number of the proposed
additional features were included in an earlier NTL No. 2006-G04, Fire Prevention and
Control Systems, and are necessary to update the agency regulations pertaining to
Proposed 250.859(a)(2) would include additional requirements. Existing
250.803(b)(8)(i) and (ii) would be included in proposed 250.859(a)(1) and (2). This
paragraph would specify that within 1 year after the publication date of a final rule,
operators must equip all new firewater pump drivers with automatic starting capabilities
upon activation of the ESD, fusible loop, or other fire detection system. For electric
driven firewater pump drivers, in the event of a loss of primary power, operators would
be required to install an automatic transfer switch to cross over to an emergency power
source in order to maintain at least 30 minutes of run time. The emergency power source
would have to be reliable and have adequate capacity to carry the locked-rotor currents of
the fire pump motor and accessory equipment. Operators would be required to route
power cables or conduits with wires installed between the fire water pump drivers and the
automatic transfer switch away from hazardous-classified locations that can cause flame
impingement. Power cables or conduits with wires that connect to the fire water pump

drivers would have to be capable of maintaining circuit integrity for not less than 30
minutes of flame impingement.
Proposed 250.859(a)(5) would require that all firefighting equipment located on a
facility be in good working order. Existing 250.803(b)(8)(iv) and (v) would be
included in proposed 250.859(a)(3) and (4).
Proposed 250.859(b) would address inoperable firewater systems. It would specify
that if an operator is required to maintain a firewater system and it becomes inoperable,
the operator either must shut-in its production operations while making the necessary
repairs, or request that the appropriate BSEE District Manager grant a departure under
250.142 to use a firefighting system using chemicals on a temporary basis for a period
up to 7 days while the necessary repairs occur. It would provide further that if the
operator is unable to complete repairs during the approved time period because of
circumstances beyond its control, the BSEE District Manager may grant extensions to the
approved departure for periods up to 7 days.
Chemical firefighting system. ( 250.860)
Existing 250.803(b)(8)(iii) allows the use of a chemical firefighting system in lieu
of a water-based system if the District Manager determines that the use of a chemical
system provides equivalent fire-protection control. A number of the additional details
were included from NTL 2006-G04, and are necessary to update the agencys regulations
pertaining to firefighting. This proposed section would specify requirements regarding
the use of chemical-only systems on major platforms, minor manned platforms, or minor
unmanned platforms. The proposed rule would define the terms of major and manned

platforms. It would also require a determination by the BSEE District Manager that the
use of a chemical-only system would not increase the risk to human safety.
To provide a basis for the District Managers determination that the use of a chemical
system provides equivalent fire-protection control, the proposed rule would require an
operator to submit a justification addressing the elements of fire prevention, fire
protection, fire control, and firefighting on the platform. As a further basis, the operator
would need to submit a risk assessment demonstrating that a chemical-only system would
not increase the risk to human safety. The rule would contain a table listing the items that
must be included in the risk assessment.
We are currently considering applying the proposed requirements, for approval of
chemical-only firefighting systems, to major and manned minor platforms that already
have agency approval, as well as to new platforms. We solicit comments as to whether
including already-approved platforms would be feasible and would provide an additional
level of safety and protection so as to justify the cost and effort.
Proposed 250.860(b) would address what an operator must maintain or submit for
the chemical firefighting system. This section would also clarify that once the District
Manager approves the use of a chemical-only fire suppressant system, if the operator
intends to make any significant change to the platform such as placing a storage vessel
with a capacity of 100 barrels or more on the facility, adding production equipment, or
planning to man an unmanned platform, it must seek BSEE District Manager approval.
Proposed 250.860(c) would address the use of chemical-only firefighting systems
on platforms that are both minor and unmanned. The rule would authorize the use of a
U.S. Coast Guard type and size rating B-II portable dry chemical unit (with a minimum

UL Rating (US) of 60-B:C) or a 30-pound portable dry chemical unit, in lieu of a water
system, on all platforms that are both minor and unmanned, as long as the operator
ensures that the unit is available on the platform when personnel are on board. A facility-
specific authorization would not be required.
Foam firefighting system. ( 250.861)
Proposed 250.861 would establish requirements for the use of foam firefighting
systems. Under the proposed rule, when foam firefighting systems are installed as part of
a firefighting system, the operator would be required annually to (1) conduct an
inspection of the foam concentrates and their tanks or storage containers for evidence of
excessive sludging or deterioration; and (2) send tested samples of the foam concentrate
to the manufacturer or authorized representative for quality condition testing and
certification. The rule would specify that the certification document must be readily
accessible for field inspection. In lieu of sampling and certification, the proposed rule
would allow operators to replace the total inventory of foam with suitable new stock.
The rule would also require that the quantity of concentrate must meet design
requirements, and tanks or containers must be kept full with space allowed for expansion.
Fire and gas-detection systems. ( 250.862)
Existing 250.803(b)(9), pertaining to fire and gas-detection systems, would be
recodified as proposed 250.862.
Electrical equipment. ( 250.863)
Existing 250.803(b)(10) pertaining to electrical equipment, would be recodified as
proposed 250.863.
Erosion. ( 250.864)

Existing 250.803(b)(11) pertaining to erosion control, would be recodified as
proposed 250.864.
Surface pumps. ( 250.865)
Proposed 250.865, pertaining to surface pumps, would contain material from
existing 250.803(b)(1)(iii), pressure and fired vessels, as well as new requirements for
pump installations. This would include a requirement to use pressure recording devices
to establish new operating pressure ranges for pump discharge sensors, and a specific
requirement to equip all pump installations with the protective equipment recommended
by API RP 14C, Appendix A A.7, Pumps.
Personnel safety equipment. ( 250.866)
Proposed 250.866 is a new section that would require that all personnel safety
equipment be maintained in good working order.
Temporary quarters and temporary equipment. ( 250.867)
Proposed 250.867 is a new section that would require that all temporary quarters
installed on OCS facilities be approved by BSEE and that temporary quarters be
equipped with all safety devices required by API RP 14C, Appendix C. It would also
clarify that the District Manager could require the installation of a temporary firewater
system. This new section would also require that temporary equipment used for well
testing and/or well clean-up would have to be approved by the District Manager.
The temporary equipment requirements are needed based on a number of incidents
involving the unsuccessful use of such equipment. Currently, BSEE receives limited
information regarding temporary equipment. These changes would help ensure that

BSEE has a more complete understanding of all operations associated with temporary
quarters and temporary equipment.
Non-metallic piping. ( 250.868)
Proposed 250.868 is a new section that would require that non-metallic piping be
used only in atmospheric, primarily non-hydrocarbon service such as piping in galleys
and living quarters, open atmospheric drain systems, overboard water piping for
atmospheric produced water systems, and firewater system piping.
General platform operations. ( 250.869)
Existing 250.803(c), pertaining to general platform operations, would be codified as
proposed 250.869, with a new requirement in the proposed rule ( 250.869(e)) that
would prohibit utilization of the same sensing points for both process control devices and
component safety devices on new installations. This section would also establish
monitoring procedures for bypassed safety devices and support systems.
A new provision in paragraph (2)(i) would require the computer-based technology
system control stations to not only show the status of, but be capable of displaying,
operating conditions. It also clarifies that if the electronic systems are not capable of
displaying operating conditions, then industry would have to have field personnel
monitor the level and pressure gauges and be in communication with the field personnel.
A new provision, proposed 250.869(a)(3), would be added that would specify that
operators must not bypass, for maintenance or startup, any element of the emergency
support system (ESS) or other support system required by API RP 14C, Appendix C,
without first receiving approval from BSEE to use alternative procedures or equipment in
accordance with 250.141. These are essential systems that provide a level of protection

to a facility by initiating shut-in functions or reacting to minimize the consequences of
released hydrocarbons. The rule would contain a non-exclusive list of these systems.
Time delays on pressure safety low (PSL) sensors. ( 250.870)
Proposed 250.870, another new provision, would be added to incorporate guidance
of existing NTL 2009-G36, related to time delays on PSL sensors. The proposed rule
would specify that operators must apply industry standard Class B, Class C, and Class
B/C logic to all applicable PSL sensors installed on process equipment, as long as the
time delay does not exceed 45 seconds. Use of a PSL sensor with a time delay greater
than 45 seconds would require BSEE approval of a request under 250.141. Operators
would be required to document on their field test records any use of a PSL sensor with a
time delay greater than 45 seconds.
For purposes of proposed 250.870, PSL sensors would be categorized as follows:
Class B safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to be bypassed for a
fixed time period (typically less than 15 seconds, but not more than 45 seconds). These
sensors are mostly used in conjunction with the design of pump and compressor panels
and include PSL sensors, lubricator no-flows, and high-water jacket temperature
Class C safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to be bypassed until
the component comes into full service (i.e., at the time at which the startup pressure
equals or exceeds the set pressure of the PSL sensor, the system reaches a stabilized
pressure, and the PSL sensor clears).
Class B/C safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to incorporate a
combination of Class B and Class C circuitry. These devices are used to ensure that the

PSL sensors are not unnecessarily bypassed during startup and idle operations, such as,
Class B/C bypass circuitry activates when a pump is shut down during normal operations.
The PSL sensor remains bypassed until the pumps start circuitry is activated and either
the Class B timer expires no later than 45 seconds from start activation or the Class C
bypass is initiated until the pump builds up pressure above the PSL sensor set point and
the PSL sensor comes into full service.
The proposed rule would also provide that if an operator does not install time delay
circuitry that bypasses activation of PSL sensor shutdown logic for a specified time
period on process and product transport equipment during startup and idle operations, the
operator must manually bypass (pin out or disengage) the PSL sensor, with a time delay
not to exceed 45 seconds. Use of a manual bypass that involves a time delay greater than
45 seconds would require approval of a request made under 250.141 from the
appropriate BSEE District Manager.
Welding and burning practices and procedures. ( 250.871)
Existing 250.803(d), pertaining to welding and burning practices and procedures,
would be recodified as proposed 250.871, with a proposed new requirement that would
prohibit variance from the approved welding and burning practices and procedures unless
such variance were approved by BSEE as an acceptable alternative procedure or
equipment in accordance with 250.141.
Atmospheric vessels. ( 250.872)
Proposed 250.872 is a new section that would require atmospheric vessels used to
process and/or store liquid hydrocarbons or other Class I liquids as described in API RP
500 or 505 to be equipped with protective equipment identified in API RP 14C.

Requirements for level safety high sensors (LSHs) would also be added. There would
also be clarification added that for atmospheric vessels that have oil buckets, the LSH
sensor would have to be installed to sense the level in the oil bucket.
Subsea gas lift requirements. ( 250.873)
This is a new section that would be added to codify existing policy and guidance from
the DWOP process. The BSEE has approved the use of gas lift equipment and
methodology in subsea wells, pipelines, and risers via the DWOP approval process and
imposed conditions to ensure that the necessary safety mitigations are in place. While the
basic requirements of API RP 14C still apply for surface applications, certain
clarifications need to be made to ensure regulatory compliance when gas lift for recovery
for subsea production operations is used. Proposed 250.873 would add the following
new requirements: design of the gas lift supply pipeline according to API 14C;
installation of specific safety valves, including a gas-lift shutdown valve and a gas-lift
isolation valve; outlining the valve closure times and hydraulic bleed requirements
according to the DWOP; and gas lift valve testing requirements.
Subsea water injection systems. ( 250.874)
This is a new section that would be added to codify existing policy and guidance from
the DWOP process, related to water flood injection via subsea wellheads. This is similar
to the subsea gas lift as discussed in the previous section. The basic requirements of API
RP 14C still apply for surface applications, yet certain clarifications need to be made to
ensure regulatory compliance for the use of water flood systems for recovery for subsea
production operations. Proposed 250.874 would add the following new requirements:
adhere to the water injection requirements described in API RP 14C for the water

injection equipment located on the platform; equip the water injection system with certain
safety valves, including water injection valve (WIV) and a water injection shutdown
valve (WISDV); establish the valve closure times and hydraulic bleed requirements
according to the DWOP; and establish WIV testing requirements.
Subsea pump systems. ( 250.875)
This is a new section that would be added to codify policy and guidance from an
existing National NTL, Subsea Pumping for Production Operations, NTL No. 2011-
N11 and the DWOP. Proposed 250.875 would outline subsea pump system
requirements, including: the installation and location of specific safety valves,
operational considerations under circumstances if the maximum possible discharge
pressure of the subsea pump operating in a dead head situation could be greater than the
maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of the pipeline, the reference to desired
valve closure times contained within the DWOP, and subsea pump testing.
Fired and Exhaust Heated Components. ( 250.876)
This is a new section that would require certain tube-type heaters to be removed,
inspected, repaired, or replaced every 5 years by a qualified third party. This new section
would also add that the inspection results must be documented, retained for at least 5
years, and made available to BSEE upon request. This new section was added in part due
to the BSEE investigation report into the Vermillion 380 platform fire VERMILION
report states that The immediate cause of the fire was that the Heater-Treaters
weakened fire tube became malleable and collapsed in a canoeing configuration,

ripping its steel apart and creating openings through which hydrocarbons escaped, came
into contact with the Heater-Treaters hot burner, and then produced flames. The report
states that a possible contributing cause of the fire was a lack of routine inspections of the
fire tube. From the report, we found that a possible contributing cause of the fire was
the companys failure to follow the [BSEE] regulations related to API 510 that require an
inspection plan for Heater-Treaters and its failure to regularly inspect and maintain the
Heater-Treater. [BSEE] regulations require the operator to routinely maintain and inspect
the pressure vessel. While the regulations do not specifically address the fire tube inside
of the Heater-Treater, weaknesses in the fire tube and temperature-related issued would
likely have been identified if the operator routinely inspected the Heater-Treater.
The Vermillion 380 platform fire is one of the recently documented incidents
involving fires or hazards caused by fire tube failures. Since 2011, there have been other
similar incidents involving tube-type heaters. These types of incidents involving tube-
type heaters are a concern for BSEE due to the potential safety issues of offshore
personnel and infrastructure. The BSEE determined that this new requirement would
help ensure tube-type heaters are inspected routinely to minimize the risk of tube-type
heater incidents.
[RESERVED] 250.877 - 250.879
Production safety system testing. ( 250.880)
Existing 250.804(a), pertaining to production safety system testing, would be
recodified as proposed 250.880. A table would be inserted to help to clarify
requirements and make them easier to find.

Proposed 250.880(a) would include the notification requirement from existing
250.804(a)(12) and would clarify that an operator must give BSEE 72 hours notice
prior to commencing production so that BSEE may witness a preproduction test and
conduct a preproduction inspection of the integrated safety system.
In proposed 250.880, BSEE would revise existing requirements to increase certain
liquid leakage rates from 200 cubic centimeters per minute to 400 cubic centimeters per
minute and gas leakage rates from 5 cubic feet per minute to 15 cubic feet per minute.
These proposed changes reflect consistency with industry standards and account for
accessibility of equipment in deepwater/subsea applications. In 1999, the former
Minerals Management Service funded the Technology Assessment and Research
Project #272, Allowable Leakage Rates and Reliability of Safety and Pollution
Prevention Equipment, to review increased leakage rates for safety and pollution
prevention equipment. The recommendations section of this study states, there appears
to be preliminary evidence indicating that more stringent leakage requirements specified
in 30 CFR Part 250 may not significantly increase the level of safety when compared to
the leakage rates recommended by API. However, a complete hazards analysis should be
conducted, and industry safety experts should be consulted. You may view the
complete report at http://bsee.gov/Research-and-Training/Technology-Assessment-and-
Research/Project-272.aspx. In the past, BSEE has allowed a higher leakage rate than that
prescribed in existing 250.804 as an approved alternate compliance measure in the
DWOP because of BSEEs and industry's acceptance of the barrier concept. The
barrier concept moves the SSV from the well to the BSDV that has been proven to be as
safe as, or safer than, what is required by the current regulations.

The following table compares existing allowable leakage rates to the proposed
increased allowable leakage rates for various safety devices:
Item name Allowable leakage rate testing
requirements under current
The increased allowable leakage rate
testing requirements for the
proposed rule
SSSVs (including
devices installed in
shut-in and injection
liquid leakage rate < 200 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 5 cubic feet per
liquid leakage rate < 400 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 15 cubic feet per
Tubing plug. liquid leakage rate < 200 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 5 cubic feet per
liquid leakage rate < 400 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 15 cubic feet per
Injection valves. liquid leakage rate < 200 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 5 cubic feet per
liquid leakage rate < 400 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 15 cubic feet per
USVs. 0 leakage rate. liquid leakage rate < 400 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 15 cubic feet per
Flow safety valves
liquid leakage rate < 200 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 5 cubic feet per
liquid leakage rate < 400 cubic
centimeters per minute, or

gas leakage rate < 15 cubic feet per

Additionally, proposed 250.880 would contain new requirements for BSDVs,
changes to the testing frequency for underwater safety valves, and requirements for the
testing of ESD systems, as well as pneumatic/electronic switch LSH and level safety low
(LSL) controls. This section would also add testing and repair/replacement requirements
for subsurface safety devices and associated systems on subsea trees and for subsea wells
shut-in and disconnected from monitoring capability for greater than 6 months. Many of
these requirements would be included in a series of proposed tables.
[RESERVED] ( 250.881 - 250.889)

Records. ( 250.890)
Existing 250.804(b), pertaining to maintaining records of installed safety devices,
would be recodified as proposed 250.890, with new information submittal requirements
that are meant to assist BSEE in contacting operators.
Safety device training. ( 250.891)
Existing 250.805, pertaining to personnel training, would be recodified as proposed
250.891. The wording of this section would be changed to more accurately capture the
scope of subpart S training requirements.
[RESERVED] ( 250.892 - 250.899)
Additional Comments Solicited
In additional to the input requested above, BSEE requests public comment on the
Organization of rule based on use of subsea trees and dry trees
The BSEE requests general public comments on whether the proposed reorganization
of the regulations by type of facility (subsea tree and dry tree) is helpful.
Lifecycle analysis approach to other types of critical equipment such as blowout
preventers (BOPs)
The BSEE is considering applying a lifecycle analysis approach to other types of
critical equipment that we regulate. We are specifically requesting comments on how
this approach could be used to assist in increasing the reliability of critical equipment
such as BOPs. The BSEE currently relies on pressure testing to demonstrate BOP
performance and reliability. Can a lifecycle approach replace or supplement these
requirements? Are there other types of critical equipment that are good candidates for the

life cycle approach? Are there industry standards that can serve as the basis for BSEEs
increased focus on the life cycle of critical equipment?
Failure reporting and information dissemination
Industry standards such as API Spec. 14A include processes and procedures for
addressing the reporting and subsequent review of the failure of critical equipment. This
information is extremely important in ensuring continuous improvement in the design
and reliability of the equipment. Based on recent experiences in the GOM and input from
industry, BSEE believes there are a variety of factors that discourage the timely and
voluntary exchange of this type of information with the rest of the industry and BSEE.
The BSEE believes that a more comprehensive and formalized reporting and review
system would increase the exchange of data and allow the industry and BSEE to identify
trends and issues that impact offshore safety. The BSEE requests comments on whether
these failure reports should be submitted directly to BSEE or provided to an appropriate
third party organization that would be responsible for reviewing and analyzing the data
and notifying the industry of potential problems. The BSEE also requests comments on
how this type of system could be broaden to include international offshore operations.
Third party certification organizations
In various sections of the regulations, BSEE requires third party verification of the
design of systems and equipment. The design, installation, inspection, maintenance, and
repair of subsea equipment and systems presents a variety of unique technical challenges
to the industry and BSEE. The BSEE solicits comments on the use of third party
certification organizations to assist BSEE in ensuring that these systems are designed and
maintained during its entire service life with an acceptable degree of risk. The BSEE also

solicits comments on the use of a single lifecycle certification program that covers SPPE,
risers, platforms, and production systems.
Information Requested on Opportunities to Limit Emissions of Natural Gas from
OCS Production Equipment
Throughout the production process, certain volumes of natural gas are lost to the
atmosphere through fugitive emissions and flaring or venting. The BSEE is evaluating
opportunities to reduce methane and other air emissions through use of the best available
production equipment technology and practices. We are seeking additional information
on these opportunities. Information obtained through public comments on this topic may
be used to support a Regulatory Impact Analysis. We are not proposing new production
equipment requirements to limit emissions in this rulemaking, but are seeking additional
information on technologies and costs for emissions-limiting equipment that can be used
on OCS production facilities. This information will be considered consistent with
applicable statutes and E.O. 12866/13563 during BSEEs evaluation of future regulatory
The GAO issued a report on this topic in October 2010:
http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d1134.pdf, Opportunities Exist to Capture Vented and
Flared Natural Gas, Which Would Increase Royalty Payments and Reduce Greenhouse
Gases. As part of Interiors response to that report, BSEE is further evaluating
opportunities to limit natural gas emissions on existing production facilities.
Venting, flaring, and small fugitive releases of natural gas are often a necessary part
of production; however, the lost gas has safety, economic, and environmental
implications. It represents a loss of revenue for lessees, loss of royalty revenue for the

Federal government, and adds to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Implementation of
available emissions-limiting equipment and venting and flaring reduction technologies
could increase sales volumes, revenue, and improve the environment.
Routine preventive maintenance and certain technologies are applied to capture or
flare much of this lost gas. The technologies feasibility varies and heavily depends on
the characteristics of the OCS production facility. The following emissions-limiting
equipment may provide for prevention, capture, or flaring of released natural gas:
(1) Gas dehydration: A flash tank separator and vapor recovery unit that reduces the
amount of gas that is vented into the atmosphere.
(2) Pneumatic devices: Replacing pneumatic devices at all stages of production that
release, or bleed, gas at a high rate (high-bleed pneumatics) with devices that bleed gas
at a lower rate (low-bleed pneumatics), or installing an air pneumatic system and
converting to instrument air instead.
(3) Losses from flashing (reciprocating compressors): Replace cup ring, cups, and
cases. How often is this preventive maintenance performed on reciprocating
(4) Losses from flashing (centrifugal compressors): Replace wet seals with dry seals
or install a gas recovery system.
We are seeking additional information on the cost, economic viability and estimated
effectiveness of equipment and these actions or others on OCS production facilities. If
your OCS production facilities already employ the best available emissions limiting
technology and equipment, or if there are other equipment or practices that limit
emissions on OCS production facilities, we welcome that information also. Does your

company have a leak detection (infrared/acoustic detection equipment) or maintenance
program for OCS production facilities? What has your company found regarding the
cost-effectiveness and benefits of such a program? Comments from the public are also
We are seeking additional information similar to that provided by the Offshore
Operators Committee (OOC) at the then Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Regulation and Enforcement, March 2011, workshop on venting and flaring. The
profiles of operators production facilities vary widely and BSEE welcomes additional
facility information from operators beyond that provided at the workshop.
The workshop (75 FR 81950) regulations.gov docket BOEM-2010-0042 resulted in
some information for the installation of flare equipment on GOM shelf facilities. The
cost information in the following table was provided by OOC for a single operators
GOM production facilities. Furthermore we would like to get similar information from
other operators. We are specifically seeking your company count of the facility types
listed in the table below, and if the associated estimated cost for each facility type is
Facility type Estimated cost for flare
Gas already flared. $0
Satellite facilities with no significant venting. $0
Facilities with adequate vent boom to support flare. $1,629,000
Facilities with inadequate vent boom, but structure can
support flare boom installation.
Facilities with inadequate vent boom, structure cannot support
flare boom installation.

Regulatory Planning and Review (Executive Orders 12866 and 13563).

Executive Order 12866 provides that the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (OIRA) will review all significant rules. The OIRA determined that that this rule
is not a significant rulemaking under E.O. 12866. Nevertheless, BSEE had an outside
contractor prepare an economic analysis to assess the anticipated costs and potential
benefits of the proposed rulemaking. The following discussions summarize the economic
analysis; however, a complete copy of the economic analysis can be viewed at
www.Regulations.gov (use the keyword/ID BSEE-2012-0005).
This proposed rule largely codifies standard industry practice and clarifies existing
BSEE regulations and guidance. The requirements under the proposed rule align with
those under the 1988 rule and other existing documents that regulate and guide the
industry (e.g., Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs), Notices to Lessees (NTLs), and
American Petroleum Institute (API) industry standards). The economic effect of the
proposed rule is confined to certain reporting, certification, inspection, and
documentation requirements, which have an estimated incremental cost for offshore oil
and natural gas production facilities in aggregate of approximately $170,000 per year (see
Table 1 below) without taking into consideration the potential benefits associated with
the potential reduction in oil spills and injuries. The following Table provides a summary
of the economic analysis.
$ costs of proposed rule = -($1.71 million)
Potential $ benefits of proposed rule due to increased leakage rates = $1.54 million
(Potential $ benefits of increased leakage rates $ costs) = -($172,027)
Potential benefits in $ due to potential incident avoidance of oil spills and injuries = $19.4 million
Break-even risk reduction level = 8.07 percent

The proposed rule is intended to address, among other things, issues that have
developed since publication in 1988 (53 FR 10690) of the existing Subpart H rule. Since
that time, oil and gas production on the OCS has moved into deeper waters, introducing
new challenges for industry and BSEE. For example, industry has shown interest in
employing new technologies, including foam firefighting systems; subsea pumping,
water flooding, and gas lift; and new alloys and equipment for high temperature and high
pressure wells. Many of the new provisions in the proposed rule would codify BSEEs
policies pertaining to production safety systems. This proposed rule would codify
essential elements included in existing guidance documents, make clear BSEEs basic
expectations, and provide industry with a balance of predictability and flexibility to
address concerns related to offshore oil and natural gas production.
The BSEE is requesting comment on other options to consider, including alternatives
to the specific provisions contained in the proposed rule, with the goal of ensuring a full
discussion of these issues in advance of the final rule stage.
The BSEE retained a contractor to estimate the annual economic effect of this
proposed rule on the offshore oil and natural gas production industry by comparing the
costs and potential benefits of the new provisions in the proposed rule to the baseline
(i.e., current practice in accordance with the 1988 rule, existing guidance documents, and
industry standards). Existing impacts from the 1988 rule, DWOPs, NTLs, and API
standards were not considered as costs and benefits of this proposed rule because they are
part of the baseline. The analysis covered 10 years (2012 through 2021) to capture all
major costs and potential benefits that could result from this proposed rule and presents
the estimated annual effects, as well as the 10-year discounted totals using discount rates

of 3 and 7 percent.
The BSEE welcomes comments on this analysis, including potential sources of data
or information on the costs and potential benefits of this proposed rule. In summary, the
contractor monetized the costs of the proposed rule for all the following provisions
determined to result in a change from baseline: reporting after a failure of SPPE
equipment; notifying BSEE of production safety issues; certification for designs of
mechanical and electrical systems; certification letter for mechanical and electrical
systems installed in accordance with approved designs; certification of as-built diagrams
of schematic piping and instrumentation diagrams and the safety analysis flow diagram;
as-built piping and instrumentation diagrams to be maintained at a secure onshore
location; inspection, testing, and certification of foam firefighting systems; inspection of
fired and exhaust heated components; and submission of a contact list for OCS platforms.
The analysis also considered the time required for industry staff to read and familiarize
themselves with the new regulation. The total expected cost over 10 years of complying
with these provisions is $16.87 million, or on average $1.7 million annually.
In addition, the analysis valued the expected potential benefits of the proposed rule by
evaluating the increase of the allowable leakage rates for certain safety valves and by
evaluating oil spills and injuries as a whole. This proposed rule intends to address the
unnecessary repair or replacement of certain safety valves due to a higher allowable
leakage rate and reduce the number of incidents resulting in oil spills and injuries. Thus,
the total benefits of the rule consist of potential benefits for increasing the allowable
leakage rates of certain safety devices and avoided damages. The potential benefit of
allowing a higher leakage rate for certain safety valves is approximately $1.54 million

annually. Using avoided cost factors developed for rulemaking in the wake of the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the contractor estimated OCS facilities addressed by this rule
account for an annual average of $19.4 million dollars in damages due to potential spills
and injuries, for a total maximum potential benefit amount of $20.9 million. While the
proposed rule is aimed at preventing oil spills and injuries, the actual reduction in the
probability of incidents that the proposed rule would achieve is uncertain. Due to this
uncertainty, BSEE was not able to perform a standard cost-benefit analysis estimating the
net benefits of the proposed rule. As is common in situations where regulatory benefits
are highly uncertain, a break-even analysis, which estimates the minimum risk reduction
the proposed rule would need to achieve for the rule to be cost-beneficial. However, the
potential benefits of the proposed rule only need to reduce these baseline adverse effects
by between 8 and 9 percent to be considered cost-effective. This break-even analysis
result suggests that the proposed rule would be beneficial even if it resulted in only one or
two fewer typical incidents annually than the average of about 200 per year that happen
under the baseline conditions.
Thus, BSEE has concluded that the proposed rule would produce substantial benefits
that justify the compliance costs that it would impose.
Executive Order 13563 reaffirms the principles of E.O. 12866 while calling for
improvements in the Nation's regulatory system to promote predictability, to reduce
uncertainty, and to use the best, most innovative, and least burdensome tools for
achieving regulatory ends. The executive order directs agencies to consider regulatory
approaches that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for the
public where these approaches are relevant, feasible, and consistent with regulatory

objectives. E.O. 13563 emphasizes further that regulations must be based on the best
available science and that the rulemaking process must allow for public participation and
an open exchange of ideas. The BSEE works closely with engineers and technical staff
to ensure this rulemaking utilizes sound engineering principles and options through
research, standards development, and interaction with industry. Thus, we have developed
this rule in a manner consistent with these requirements.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The DOI certifies that this proposed rule would not have a significant economic effect
on a substantial number of small entities as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) at 5 U.S.C. 603 requires agencies to prepare a
regulatory flexibility analysis to determine whether a regulation would have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Section 605 of the RFA
allows an agency to certify a rule in lieu of preparing an analysis if the regulation is not
expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Further, under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996,
5 U.S.C. 801 (SBREFA), an agency is required to produce compliance guidance for small
entities if the rule has a significant economic impact. For the reasons explained in this
section, BSEE believes this rule is not likely to have a significant economic impact and,
therefore, an initial regulatory flexibility analysis is not required by the RFA. However,
in the interest of transparency, BSEE had a contractor prepare an Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) to assess the impact of this proposed rule on small entities, as
defined by the applicable Small Business Administration (SBA) size standards. The

following discussions summarize the IRFA; however, a copy of the complete IRFA can
be viewed at www.Regulations.gov (use the keyword/ID BSEE-2012-0005).
a. Reasons BSEE is Considering Action
The BSEE identified a need to revise Subpart H, Oil and Gas Production Safety
Systems, which addresses production safety systems, subsurface safety devices, and
safety device testing used in oil and natural gas production on the OCS, among other
issues. These systems play a critical role in protecting workers and the environment.
However, BSEE has not revised the regulation since its publication in 1988 (53 FR
10690). Since that time, oil and gas production on the OCS has moved into deeper
waters, introducing new challenges for industry and BSEE. Many of the new provisions
in the proposed rule would codify BSEE guidance and incorporate current industry
practice. In addition, the wording and structure of the 1988 rule creates confusion about
the requirements. The BSEE has rewritten and reorganized the rule to clarify existing
requirements and highlight important information. These revisions would significantly
improve readability of the regulation.
b. Description and Estimated Number of Small Entities Regulated
A small entity is one that is independently owned and operated and which is not
dominant in its field of operation. The definition of small business varies from industry
to industry in order to properly reflect industry size differences.
The proposed rule would affect operators and holders of Federal oil and gas leases, as
well as pipeline right-of-way holders, on the OCS. The BSEEs analysis shows that this
includes about 130 companies with active operations. Entities that operate under this rule
fall under the SBAs North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes

211111 (Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction) and 213111 (Drilling Oil and Gas
Wells). For these NAICS classifications, a small company is defined as one with fewer
than 500 employees. Based on this criterion, approximately 90 (69 percent) of the
companies operating on the OCS are considered small and the rest are considered large
businesses. Therefore, BSEE estimates that the proposed rule would affect a substantial
number of small entities.
c. Description and Estimate of Compliance Requirements
The BSEE has estimated the incremental costs for small operators, lease holders, and
right-of-way holders in the offshore oil and natural gas production industry. Costs that
already existed as a result of the 1988 rule, DWOPs, and currently-incorporated API
standards were not considered as costs of this rule because they are part of the baseline.
We have estimated the costs of the following provisions of the proposed rule: reporting
after a failure of SPPE equipment; notifying BSEE about production technical issues;
certification, submission, and maintenance of designs and diagrams; inspection, testing,
and certification of foam firefighting systems; inspection of fired and exhaust heated
components; submission of contact list for OCS platforms; and familiarization with the
new regulation.
Table 2 below shows the annual costs per small entity. Because most small entities
would not be subject to all of the rule provisions, we also calculated the most likely
impact on small entities, or the impact associated with only incurring the cost for the
provisions for foam firefighting systems, inspection of fired and exhaust heated
components, submission of contact list, and familiarization with the new regulations.
This calculation resulted in a most likely average annual cost per affected small entity of

$5,906 as shown in Table 2. In addition, we calculated a complete compliance
scenario impact for an entity that would incur the costs of all of the rule provisions. As
shown in Table 2, this complete compliance scenario impact is $8,183 per affected entity.
We then calculated the impact on small entities for these three scenarios as a
percentage of the average revenues for small entities in the affected industries.

10-Year Average
1) Reporting after a failure of SPPE equipment. $168
2) Notifying BSEE about technical issues. $378
3) Certification, submission, and maintenance of designs and
4) Inspection, testing, and certification of foam firefighting systems. $757
5) Five-year inspection of fired and exhaust heated components. $5,000
6) Submission of contact list for OCS platforms. $127
7) Familiarization with new regulation. $22
Most likely average annual cost per small entity (4 + 5 + 6 + 7).
Complete compliance scenario average annual cost per small

Totals may not add because of rounding.

As shown in Table 3, the average costs of the two scenarios represent far less than 1
percent of average annual revenues for small entities in the affected industries.
Average revenue of a small business $45,700,000

Cost Cost / Revenue
Most likely total (4 + 5 + 6 + 7). $5,906 0.013 percent
Complete compliance scenario cost total. $8,183 0.018 percent

Based on this analysis, BSEE believes that this proposed rule would have a limited
net direct cost impact on small operators, lease holders, and pipeline right-of-way holders
beyond the baseline costs currently imposed by regulations with which industry already
complies. The BSEE concludes that this proposed rule would not have a significant

economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
d. Description of Significant Alternatives to the Proposed Rule
The operating risk for small companies to incur safety or environmental accidents is
not necessarily lower than it is for larger companies. Offshore operations are highly
technical and can be hazardous. Adverse consequences in the event of incidents are the
same regardless of the operators size. The proposed rule would reduce risk for entities
of all sizes. Nonetheless, BSEE is requesting comment on the costs of these proposed
policies on small entities, with the goal of ensuring thorough consideration and
discussion at the final rule stage. We specifically request comments on the burden
estimates discussed above as well as information on regulatory alternatives that would
reduce the burden on small entities (e.g., different compliance requirements for small
entities, alternative testing requirements and periods, and exemption from regulatory
Your comments are important. The Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory
Enforcement Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards were established to receive
comments from small businesses about Federal agency enforcement actions. The
Ombudsman will annually evaluate the enforcement activities and rate each agency's
responsiveness to small business. If you wish to comment on the actions of BSEE, call
1-888-734-3247. You may comment to the Small Business Administration without fear
of retaliation. Allegations of discrimination/retaliation filed with the Small Business
Administration will be investigated for appropriate action.
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
The proposed rule is not a major rule under the Small Business Regulatory

Enforcement Fairness Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.). This proposed rule:
a. Would not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. This
proposed rule would revise the requirements for oil and gas production safety systems.
The changes would not have an impact on the economy or any economic sector,
productivity, jobs, the environment, or other units of government. Most of the new
requirements are related to inspection, testing, and paperwork requirements, and would
not add significant time to development and production processes. The complete annual
compliance cost for each affected small entity is estimated at $8,183.
b. Would not cause a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual
industries, Federal, State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions.
c. Would not have significant adverse effects on competition, employment,
investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of U.S.-based enterprises to compete
with foreign-based enterprises. The requirements will apply to all entities operating on
the OCS.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
This proposed rule would not impose an unfunded mandate on State, local, or tribal
governments or the private sector of more than $100 million per year. The proposed rule
would not have a significant or unique effect on State, local, or tribal governments or the
private sector. A statement containing the information required by Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) is not required.
Takings Implication Assessment (Executive Order 12630)
Under the criteria in E.O. 12630, this proposed rule does not have significant takings
implications. The proposed rule is not a governmental action capable of interference with

constitutionally protected property rights. A Takings Implications Assessment is not
Federalism (Executive Order 13132)
Under the criteria in E.O. 13132, this proposed rule does not have federalism
implications. This proposed rule would not substantially and directly affect the
relationship between the Federal and State governments. To the extent that State and
local governments have a role in OCS activities, this proposed rule would not affect that
role. A Federalism Assessment is not required.
The BSEE has the authority to regulate offshore oil and gas production. State
governments do not have authority over offshore production in Federal waters. None of
the changes in this proposed rule would affect areas that are under the jurisdiction of the
States. It would not change the way that the States and the Federal government interact,
or the way that States interact with private companies.
Civil Justice Reform (Executive Order 12988)
This rule complies with the requirements of E.O. 12988. Specifically, this rule:
(a) meets the criteria of section 3(a) requiring that all regulations be reviewed to
eliminate errors, ambiguity, and be written to minimize litigation; and
(b) meets the criteria of section 3(b)(2) requiring that all regulations be written in
clear language and contain clear legal standards.
Consultation with Indian Tribes (Executive Order 13175)
Under the criteria in E.O. 13175, we have evaluated this proposed rule and
determined that it has no potential effects on federally recognized Indian tribes.
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995

This proposed rule contains a collection of information that will be submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). As part of our continuing effort to
reduce paperwork and respondent burdens, BSEE invites the public and other Federal
agencies to comment on any aspect of the reporting and recordkeeping burden. If you
wish to comment on the information collection (IC) aspects of this proposed rule, you
may send your comments directly to OMB and send a copy of your comments to the
Regulations and Standards Branch (see the ADDRESSES section of this proposed rule).
Please reference; 30 CFR Part 250, Subpart H, Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems,
1014-0003, in your comments. You may obtain a copy of the supporting statement for
the new collection of information by contacting the Bureaus Information Collection
Clearance Officer at (703) 787-1607. To see a copy of the entire ICR submitted to OMB,
go to http://www.reginfo.gov (select Information Collection Review, Currently Under
The PRA provides that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number. OMB is required to make a decision concerning the collection of
information contained in these proposed regulations 30 to 60 days after publication of
this document in the Federal Register. Therefore, a comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it by [INSERT DATE 30 DAYS AFTER DATE
OF PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER]. This does not affect the deadline
for the public to comment to BSEE on the proposed regulations.
The title of the collection of information for this rule is 30 CFR 250, Subpart H, Oil

and Gas Production Safety Systems (Proposed Rulemaking). The proposed regulations
concern oil and gas production requirements, and the information is used in our efforts to
protect life and the environment, conserve natural resources, and prevent waste.
Potential respondents comprise Federal OCS oil, gas, and sulphur operators and
lessees. The frequency of response varies depending upon the requirement. Responses
to this collection of information are mandatory, or are required to obtain or retain a
benefit; they are also submitted on occasion, annually, and as a result of situations
encountered depending upon the requirement. The IC does not include questions of a
sensitive nature. The BSEE will protect proprietary information according to the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing regulations (43 CFR 2),
30 CFR part 252, OCS Oil and Gas Information Program, and 30 CFR 250.197, Data
and information to be made available to the public or for limited inspection.
As discussed earlier in the preamble, the proposed rule is a complete revision of the
current subpart H. It incorporates guidance from several NTLs that respondents currently
follow, and would codify various conditions that BSEE imposes when approving
production safety systems to ensure that they are installed and operated in a safe and
environmentally sound manner. OMB approved the IC burden of the current 30 CFR
250, subpart H regulations under control number 1014-0003 (62,963 burden hours; and
$343,794 non-hour cost burdens). When the final revised subpart H regulations take
effect, the IC burden approved for this rulemaking will replace the collection under 1014-
0003 in its entirety.
There is also a revised paragraph (c)(2) proposed for 30 CFR 250.107 that would
impose a new IC requirement. The paperwork burden for this proposed regulation is

included in the submission to OMB for approval of the proposed IC for subpart H. When
this rulemaking becomes final, the 30 CFR 250, Subpart A, paperwork burden would be
removed from this collection of information and consolidated with the IC burden under
OMB Control Number 1014-0022, 30 CFR 250, Subpart A, General.
The following table provides a breakdown of the paperwork and non-hour cost
burdens for this proposed rulemaking. For the current requirements retained in the
proposed rule, we used the approved estimated hour burdens and the average number of
annual responses where discernible. However, there are several new requirements in the
proposed rule as follows:
Under subpart A, ( 250.107(c)), we have added proposed BAST requirements (+10
Under General Requirements ( 250.802-803), we have added proposed SPPE life
cycle analysis requirements (+132 hours).
A proposed new section, Subsea and Subsurface Safety Systems Subsea Trees
( 250.825-833) would add new burden requirements (+24 hours).
Under Production Safety Systems ( 250.842), we added proposed certification
requirements as well as documentation of these requirements (+608 hours).
In various proposed requirements, requests for unique, specific approvals (+61hours).
A proposed new section, ( 250.861(b)) would add new requirements pertaining to
submission of foam samples annually for testing (+1,000 hours).
A proposed new section, ( 250.867) would add new requirements pertaining to
submittals for temporary quarters, firewater systems, or equipment (+307 hours).
A proposed new section, ( 250.870) added documentation requirements (+ 3 hours).

In 250.860, we proposed submittal notification and/or recordkeeping of minor and
major changes using chemical only fire prevention system (+7 hours).
Proposed new, ( 250.890) added an annual contact list submittal (+ 550 hours).
Current subpart H regulations have 62,963 hours and $343,794 non-hour cost burdens
approved by OMB. This revision to the collection requests a total of 65,665 hours which
is a burden hour net increase of 2,702 hours. The non-hour cost burdens are unchanged.
With the exception of items identified as NEW in the following chart, the burden
estimates shown are those that are estimated for the current subpart H regulations.
Citation 30
CFR 250,
Subpart A
Reporting and Recordkeeping
Average No.
of Annual
NEW: Demonstrate to us that by using
BAST the benefits are insufficient to justify
the cost.
Subtotal 2 responses 10 hours
Average No.
of Annual
30 CFR 250
Subpart H
and NTL(s)
Reporting and Recordkeeping
Non-Hour Cost Burdens*
General Requirements
800(a) Requirements for your production safety
system application.
Burden included with
specific requirements
Prior to production, request approval of pre-
production inspection; notify BSEE 72 hours
before commencement so we may witness
preproduction test and conduct inspection.
1 76 requests 76
801(c) Request evaluation and approval [OORP] of
other quality assurance programs covering
manufacture of SPPE.
2 1 request 2
NEW: Submit statement/certification for:
exposure functionality; pipe is suitable and
manufacturer has complied with IVA;
suitable firefighting foam per original
manufacturer specifications.
Not considered IC under 5
CFR 1320.3(h)(1).
802(c)(5) NEW: Document all manufacturing,
traceability, quality control, and inspection
requirements. Retain required documentation
until 1 year after the date of decommissioning
the equipment.
2 30
803(a) NEW: Within 30 days of discovery and
identification of SPPE failure, provide a
2 10 reports 20

written report of equipment failure to
803(b) NEW: Document and determine the results
of the SPPE failure within 60-days and
corrective action taken.
5 10
803(c) NEW: Submit [OORP] modified
procedures you made if notified by
manufacturer of design changes or you
changed operating or repair procedures as
result of a failure, within 30 days.
2 1 submittal 2
804 Submit detailed info regarding installing
SSVs in an HPHT environment with your
Burdens are covered under
30 CFR 250, Subparts D
and B, 1014-0018 and
829(b), (c);
NEW: District Manager will approve on a
case-by-case basis.
Not considered IC per 5
CFR 1320.3(h)(6).
Subtotal 128
210 hours
Surface and Subsurface Safety Systems Dry Trees
Submit request for a determination that a
well is incapable of natural flow.
5 810; 816;
825(a); 830;
Verify the no-flow condition of the well



814(a); 821;
Specific alternate approval requests requiring
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A, 1014-
Identify well with sign on wellhead that sub-
surface safety device is removed; flag safety
devices that are out of service; a visual
indicator must be used to identify the
bypassed safety device.
Usual/customary safety
procedure for removing or
identifying out-of-service
safety devices.
817(b) Record removal of subsurface safety device. Burden included in
250.890 of this subpart.
817(c) Request alternate approval of master valve
[required to be submitted with an APM].
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart D, 1014-
Subtotal 41 responses 246 hours
Subsea and Subsurface Safety Systems Subsea Trees
(1) 6
(2) 2 1
(3) 1 1
(4) 1
825(b); 831;
NEW: Notify BSEE: (1) if you cannot test
all valves and sensors; (2) 48 hours in
advance if monitoring ability affected; (3)
designating USV2 or another qualified
valve; (4) resuming production; (5) 12 hours
of detecting loss of communication;
immediately if you cannot meet value
closure conditions.
(5) 1

827 NEW: Request remote location approval. 1 1 request 1
831 NEW: Submit a repair/replacement plan to
monitor and test.
2 1 submittal 2
837(a) NEW: Request approval to not shut-in a
subsea well in an emergency.
10 requests 5
837(b) NEW: Prepare and submit for approval a 2 1 submittal 2

plan to shut-in wells affected by a dropped
837(c)(2) NEW: Obtain approval to resume
production re P/L PSHL sensor.
2 approvals 1
NEW: Verify closure time of USV upon
request of District Manager.
2 2
838(c)(3) NEW: Request approval to produce after
loss of communication; include alternate
valve closure table.
2 1 approval 2
Subtotal 28 responses 24 hours
Production Safety Systems
16 1 application 16 Submit application, and all
required/supporting information, for a
production safety system with > 125
$5,030 per submission x 1 = $5,030
$13,238 per offshore visit x 1 = $13,238
$6,884 per shipyard visit x 1 = $6,884
13 10
130 25 125 components.
$1,218 per submission x 10 = $12,180
$8,313 per offshore visit x 1 = $8,313
$4,766 per shipyard visit x 1 = $4,766
8 20
160 < 25 components.
$604 per submission x 20 = $12,080
9 180
1,620 Submit modification to application for
production safety system with > 125
components. $561 per submission x 180 = $100,980
7 758
5,306 25 125 components.
$201 per submission x 758 = $152,358
5 329
< 25 components.
$85 per submission x 329 = $27,965
842(b) NEW: Your application must also include
certification(s) that the designs for
mechanical and electrical systems were
reviewed, approved, and stamped by
registered professional engineer. [NOTE:
Upon promulgation, these certification
production safety systems requirements will
be consolidated into the application hour
burden for the specific components.]
6 32
842(c) NEW: Submit a certification letter that the
mechanical and electrical systems were
installed in accordance with approved
6 32 letters 192
6 842(d), (e); NEW: Submit a certification letter within
60-days after production that the as-built
diagrams, piping, and instrumentation
diagrams are on file, certified correct, and
stamped by a registered professional
engineer; submit all the as-built diagrams.

32 letters 208
842(f) NEW: Maintain records pertaining to
approved design and installation features and
as-built pipe and instrumentation diagrams at
your offshore field office or location
32 records 16

available to the District Manager; make
available to BSEE upon request and retained
for the life of the facility.
$343,794 non-hour cost
Additional Production System Requirements
851(a)(4) NEW: Request approval to use uncoded
pressure and fired vessels beyond their 18
months of continued use.
2 1 request 2
Maintain [most current] pressure-recorder
information at location available to the
District Manager for as long as information
is valid.
23 615 records 14,145
851(c)(2) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager for activation limits set less than 5
1 10 requests 10
852(c)(1) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to vent to some other location.
1 10 requests 10
852(c)(2) NEW: Request a different sized PSV. 1 1 request 5
852(c)(2) NEW: Request different upstream location
of the PSV.
1 5 request 5
852(e) Submit required design documentation for
unbonded flexible pipe.
Burden is covered by the
application requirement in
855(b) Maintain ESD schematic listing control
function of all safety devices at location
conveniently available to the District
Manager for the life of the facility.
15 615 listings 9,225
858(b) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to use different procedure for gas-
well gas affected.
1 1 request 1
859(a)(2) Request approval for alternate firefighting
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A,
Post diagram of firefighting system; furnish
evidence firefighting system suitable for
operations in subfreezing climates.
5 38 postings 190
859(b) NEW: Request extension from District
Manager up to 7 days of your approved
departure to use chemicals.
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A, 1014-
Request approval, including but not limited
to, submittal of justification and risk
assessment, to use chemical only fire
prevention and control system in lieu of a
water system.
22 31 requests 682
860(b) NEW: Minor change(s) made after approval
recd re 860(a) - document change; maintain
the revised version at facility or closest field
office for BSEE review/inspection; maintain
for life of facility.
10 minor
860(b) NEW: Major change(s) made after approval
recd re 860(a) - submit new request
w/updated risk assessment to District
2 1 major

Manager for approval; maintain at facility or
closest field office for BSEE
review/inspection; maintain for life of
861(b) NEW: Submit foam concentrate samples
annually to manufacturer for testing.
2 500
864 Maintain erosion control program records for
2 years; make available to BSEE upon
12 615 records 7,380
867(a) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to install temporary quarters.
6 1 request 6
867(b) NEW: Submit supporting
information/documentation if required by
District Manager to install a temporary
firewater system.
1 1 request 1
867(c) NEW: Request approval form District
manager to use temporary equipment for
well testing/clean-up.
1 300 requests 300
869(a)(3) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to bypass an element of ESS.
1 2 requests 2
870 NEW: Document PSL on your field test
records w/delay greater than 45 seconds.
6 records 3
871 Request variance from District Manager on
approved welding and burning practices.
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A
NEW: Submit request to District Manager
with alternative plan ensuring subsea
shutdown capability.
2 5 requests 10
874(g)(3) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to forgo WISDV testing.
1 10 requests 10
874(f)(2) NEW: Request approval from District
Manager to continue to inject w/loss of
1 5 requests 5
874(f)(2) NEW: Request alternate hydraulic bleed
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A,
Subtotal 2,783
Safety Device Testing
880(a)(3) NEW: Notify BSEE and receive approval
before performing modifications to existing
subsea infrastructure.
Burden covered under 30
CFR 250, subpart A 1014-
880(c)(5)(vi) NEW: Request approval for disconnected
well shut-in to exceed more than 2 years.
1 1 request 1
Subtotal 1 response 1 hour
Records and Training
890 Maintain records for 2 years on subsurface
and surface safety devices to include, but
limited to, status and history of each device;
approved design & installation date and
features, inspection, testing, repair, removal,
adjustments, reinstallation, etc.; at field
office nearest facility AND a secure onshore
location; make records available to BSEE.
36 615 records 22,140
890(c) NEW: Submit annually to District Manager 1,000 annual 550

lists a contact list for all OCS operated platforms
or submit when revised.
100 revised
Subtotal 1,715
Total Burden Hours
$343,794 Non-Hour Cost

The BSEE specifically solicits comments on the following:
(1) is the IC necessary or useful for us to perform properly; (2) is the proposed
burden accurate; (3) are there suggestions that will enhance the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) can we minimize the burden on the
respondents, including the use of technology.
In addition, the PRA requires agencies to also estimate the non-hour paperwork
cost burdens to respondents or recordkeepers resulting from the collection of information.
Therefore, if you have other than hour burden costs to generate, maintain, and disclose
this information, you should comment and provide your total capital and startup cost
components or annual operation, maintenance, and purchase of service components.
Generally, your estimate should not include burdens other than those associated with the
provision of information to, or recordkeeping for the government; or burdens that are part
of customary and usual business or private practices. For further information on this non-
hour burden estimation process, refer to 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(1) and (2), or contact the BSEE
Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
We prepared an environmental assessment to determine whether this proposed rule
would have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment under the

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. This proposed rule does not constitute a
major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. A
detailed statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 is not required
because we reached a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). A copy of the FONSI
and Environmental Assessment can be viewed at www.Regulations.gov (use the
keyword/ID BSEE-2012-0005).
Data Quality Act
In developing this rule we did not conduct or use a study, experiment, or survey
requiring peer review under the Data Quality Act (Pub. L. 106-554, app. C 515, 114
Stat. 2763, 2763A-153-154).
Effects on the Nations Energy Supply (Executive Order 13211)
This proposed rule is not a significant energy action under the definition in E.O.
13211. A Statement of Energy Effects is not required.
Clarity of this Regulation (Executive Order 12866)
We are required by E.O. 12866, E.O. 12988, and by the Presidential Memorandum of
June 1, 1998, to write all rules in plain language. This means that each rule we publish
(a) be logically organized;
(b) use the active voice to address readers directly;
(c) use clear language rather than jargon;
(d) be divided into short sections and sentences; and
(e) use lists and tables wherever possible.

If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us comments by one of the
methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. To better help us revise the rule, your
comments should be as specific as possible. For example, you should tell us the numbers
of the sections or paragraphs that you find unclear, which sections or sentences are too
long, the sections where you feel lists or tables would be useful, etc.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal
identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire
commentincluding your personal identifying informationmay be made publicly
available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal
identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 250
Administrative practice and procedure, Continental shelf, Environmental impact
statements, Environmental protection, Government contracts, Incorporation by reference,
Investigations, Oil and gas exploration, Penalties, Pipelines, Public lands--mineral
resources, Public lands--rights-of-way, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements,

_____________ ____________________________________________
Date: August 6, 2013.

Tommy Beaudreau
Acting Assistant Secretary Land and Minerals Management.

For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement (BSEE) proposes to amend 30 CFR Part 250 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 250 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1751; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 43 U.S.C. 1334.
2. Amend 250.107 by revising paragraph (c) and removing paragraph (d) to read as
250.107 What must I do to protect health, safety, property, and the
* * * * *
(c)(1) Wherever failure of equipment may have a significant effect on safety, health,
or the environment, you must use the best available and safest technology (BAST) that
BSEE determines to be economically feasible on:
(i) All new drilling and production operations and
(ii) Wherever practicable, on existing operations.
(2) You may request an exception by demonstrating to BSEE that the incremental
benefits of using BAST are clearly insufficient to justify the incremental costs of utilizing
such technologies.
3. Revise 250.125(a)(10), (11), (12), (13), (14), and (15) to read as follows:
250.125 Service fees.
(a) * * *
Serviceprocessing of the
following: Fee amount
30 CFR

* * * * * * *
(10) New Facility Production
Safety System Application for
facility with more than 125
$5,030 A component is a piece of equipment or ancillary
system that is protected by one or more of the safety
devices required by API RP 14C (as incorporated by
reference in 250.198); $13,238 additional fee will be
charged if BSEE deems it necessary to visit a facility
offshore, and $6,884 to visit a facility in a shipyard
(11) New Facility Production
Safety System Application for
facility with 25125
$1,218 Additional fee of $8,313 will be charged if BSEE
deems it necessary to visit a facility offshore, and $4,766
to visit a facility in a shipyard
(12) New Facility Production
Safety System Application for
facility with fewer than 25
$604 250.842
(13) Production Safety System
ApplicationModification with
more than 125 components
$561 250.842
(14) Production Safety System
ApplicationModification with
25125 components reviewed.
$201 250.842
(15) Production Safety System
ApplicationModification with
fewer than 25 components
$85 250.842
* * * * * * *

4. Amend 250.198 as follows:
a. Remove paragraphs (g)(6) and (g)(7);
b. Redesignate paragraph (g)(8) as (g)(6);
c. Revise paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(3), (h)(1), (h)(51) through (h)(53), (h)(55)
through (h)(62), (h)(65), (h)(66), (h)(68), (h)(70), (h)(71), (h)(73), and (h)(74); and
d. Add new paragraph (h)(89) to read as follows:
250.198 Documents incorporated by reference.
* * * * *
(g) * * *
(1) ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction

of Power Boilers; including Appendices, 2004 Edition; and July 1, 2005 Addenda, and all
Section I Interpretations Volume 55, incorporated by reference at 250.851(a)(1)(i),
(a)(4)(iii), (a)(5)(i), and 250.1629(b)(1), (b)(1)(i).
(2) ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules for
Construction of Heating Boilers; including Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and Non-mandatory
Appendices B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K, L, and M, and the Guide to Manufacturers Data Report
Forms, 2004 Edition; July 1, 2005 Addenda, and all Section IV Interpretations Volume
55, incorporated by reference at 250.851(a)(1)(i), (a)(4)(iii), (a)(5)(i), and
250.1629(b)(1), (b)(1)(i).
(3) ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels; Divisions 1 and 2, 2004 Edition; July 1, 2005 Addenda,
Divisions 1, 2, and 3 and all Section VIII Interpretations Volumes 54 and 55,
incorporated by reference at 250.851(a)(1)(i), (a)(4)(iii), (a)(5)(i), and 250.1629(b)(1),
* * * * *
(h) * * *
(1) API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair,
and Alteration, Downstream Segment, Ninth Edition, June 2006, Product No. C51009;
incorporated by reference at 250.851(a)(1)(ii) and 250.1629(b)(1);
* * * * *
(51) API RP 2RD, Recommended Practice for Design of Risers for Floating
Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs), First Edition, June 1998;
reaffirmed, May 2006, Errata, June 2009; Order No. G02RD1; incorporated by reference

at 250.800(c)(2), 250.901(a), (d), and 250.1002(b)(5);
(52) API RP 2SK, Recommended Practice for Design and Analysis of
Stationkeeping Systems for Floating Structures, Third Edition, October 2005, Addendum,
May 2008, Product No. G2SK03; incorporated by reference at 250.800(c)(3)
and 250.901(a), (d);
(53) API RP 2SM, Recommended Practice for Design, Manufacture, Installation, and
Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, First Edition, March 2001,
Addendum, May 2007; incorporated by reference at 250.800(c)(3) and 250.901;
* * * * *
(55) API RP 14B, Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, Repair and
Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems, ANSI/API Recommended Practice 14B,
Fifth Edition, October 2005, also available as ISO 10417: 2004, (Identical) Petroleum
and natural gas industriesSubsurface safety valve systemsDesign, installation,
operation and redress, Product No. GX14B05; incorporated by reference at
250.802(b), 250.803(a), 250.814(d), 250.828(c), and 250.880(c)(1)(i), (c)(4)(i),
(56) API RP 14C, Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and
Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms, Seventh
Edition, March 2001, Reaffirmed: March 2007; Product No. C14C07; incorporated by
reference at 250.125(a)(10), 250.292(j), 250.841(a), 250.842(a)(2), 250.850,
250.852(a)(1), 250.855, 250.858(a), 250.862(e), 250.867(a), 250.869(a)(3), (b), (c),
250.872(a), 250.873(a), 250.874(a), 250.880(b)(2), (c)(2)(v), 250.1002(d),
250.1004(b)(9), 250.1628(c), (d)(2), 250.1629(b)(2), (b)(4)(v), and 250.1630(a);

(57) API RP 14E, Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Offshore
Production Platform Piping Systems, Fifth Edition, October 1991; Reaffirmed,
March 2007, Order No. 811-07185; incorporated by reference at 250.841(b),
250.842(a)(1), and 250.1628(b)(2), (d)(3);
(58) API RP 14F, Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, and Maintenance
of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for
Unclassified and Class 1, Division 1 and Division 2 Locations, Upstream Segment, Fifth
Edition, July 2008, Product No. G14F05; incorporated by reference 250.114(c),
250.842(b)(1), 250.862(e), and 250.1629(b)(4)(v);
(59) API RP 14FZ, Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical
Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class
I, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 Locations, First Edition, September 2001, Reaffirmed:
March 2007; Product No. G14FZ1; incorporated by reference at 250.114(c),
250.842(b)(1), 250.862(e), and 250.1629(b)(4)(v);
(60) API RP 14G, Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed
Open-type Offshore Production Platforms, Fourth Edition, April 2007; Product No.
G14G04; incorporated by reference at 250.859(a), 250.862(e), and 250.1629(b)(3),
(61) API RP 14H, Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Repair
of Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore, Fifth Edition, August
2007, Product No. G14H05; incorporated by reference at 250.820, 250.834, 250.836,
and 250.880(c)(2)(iv), (c)(4)(iii);
(62) API RP 14J, Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for

Offshore Production Facilities, Second Edition, May 2001; Reaffirmed: March 2007;
Product No. G14J02; incorporated by reference at 250.800(b), (c)(1),
250.842(b)(3),and 250.901(a)(14);
* * * * *
(65) API RP 500, Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for
Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and
Division 2, Second Edition, November 1997; Errata August 17, 1998, Reaffirmed
November 2002, API Stock No. C50002; incorporated by reference at 250.114(a),
250.459, 250.842(a)(1), (a)(3)(i), 250.862(a), (e), 250.872(a), 250.1628(b)(3), (d)(4)(i),
and 250.1629(b)(4)(i);
(66) API RP 505, Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for
Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and
Zone 2, First Edition, November 1997; Errata August 17, 1998, American National
Standards Institute, ANSI/API RP 505-1998, Approved: January 7, 1998, Order No.
C50501; incorporated by reference at 250.114(a), 250.459, 250.842(a)(1), (a)(3)(i),
250.862(a), (e), 250.872(a), 250.1628(b)(3), (d)(4)(i), and 250.1629(b)(4)(i);
* * * * *
(68) ANSI/API Spec. Q1, Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum,
Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry, Eighth Edition, December 2007, Effective Date:
June 15, 2008, Addendum 1, June 2010, Effective Date: December 1, 2010; also
available as ISO TS 29001:2007 (Identical), Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas
industriesSector specific requirementsRequirements for product and service supply
organizations, Effective Date: December 15, 2003, API Stock No. GQ1007; incorporated

by reference at 250.801(b), (c);
* * * * *
(70) API Spec. 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment,
Nineteenth Edition, July 2004, Effective Date: February 1, 2005; Contains API
Monogram Annex as part of US National Adoption; also available as ISO 10423:2003
(Modified), Petroleum and natural gas industriesDrilling and production equipment
Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment; Errata 1, September 2004, Errata 2, April 2005,
Errata 3, June 2006, Errata 4, August 2007, Errata 5, May 2009, Addendum 1, February
2008, Addendum 2, December 2008, Addendum 3, December 2008, Addendum 4,
December 2008, Product No. GX06A19; incorporated by reference at 250.802(a),
250.803(a), 250.873(b), (b)(3)(iii), 250.874(g)(2) and 250.1002 (b)(1), (b)(2);
(71) API Spec. 6AV1, Specification for Verification Test of Wellhead Surface Safety
Valves and Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service, First Edition, February 1,
1996; reaffirmed January 2003, API Stock No. G06AV1; incorporated by reference at
250.802(a), 250.833, 250.873(b) and 250.874(g)(2);
* * * * *
(73) ANSI/API Spec. 14A, Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment,
Eleventh Edition, October 2005, Effective Date: May 1, 2006; also available as ISO
10432:2004 (Identical), Petroleum and natural gas industriesDownhole equipment
Subsurface safety valve equipment, Product No. GX14A11; incorporated by reference at
250.802(b) and 250.803(a)
(74) ANSI/API Spec. 17J, Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe, Third Edition,
July 2008, Effective Date: January 1, 2009, Contains API Monogram Annex as part of

US National Adoption; also available as ISO 13628-2:2006 (Identical), Petroleum and
natural gas industriesDesign and operation of subsea production systemsPart 2:
Unbonded flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine application; Product No.
GX17J03; incorporated by reference at 250.852(e)(1), (e)(4), 250.1002(b)(4), and
* * * * *
(89) API 570 Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and
Alteration of Piping Systems, Third Edition, November 2009; Product No. C57003;
incorporated by reference at 250.841(b).
5. Revise 250.517(e) to read as follows:
250. 517 Tubing and wellhead equipment.
* * * * *
(e) Subsurface safety equipment must be installed, maintained, and tested in
compliance with the applicable sections in 250.810 through 250.839 of this part.
6. Revise 250.618(e) to read as follows:
250.618 Tubing and wellhead equipment.
* * * * *
(e) Subsurface safety equipment must be installed, maintained, and tested in
compliance with the applicable sections in 250.810 through 250.839 of this part.
7. Revise subpart H to read as follows:
Subpart H Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems
250.800 General.

250.801 Safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) certification.
250.802 Requirements for SPPE.
250.803 What SPPE failure reporting procedures must I follow?
250.804 Additional requirements for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) and related
equipment installed in high pressure high temperature (HPHT) environments.
250.805 Hydrogen sulfide.
250.806 - 250.809 [RESERVED]


250.810 Dry tree subsurface safety devices - general.
250.811 Specifications for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) dry trees.
250.812 Surface-controlled SSSVs dry trees.
250.813 Subsurface-controlled SSSVs.
250.814 Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs dry trees.
250.815 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells dry trees.
250.816 Subsurface safety devices in injection wells dry trees.
250.817 Temporary removal of subsurface safety devices for routine operations.
250.818 Additional safety equipment dry trees.
250.819 Specification for surface safety valves (SSVs).
250.820 Use of SSVs.
250.821 Emergency action.
250.822 - 250.824 [RESERVED]


250.825 Subsea tree subsurface safety devices - general.
250.826 Specifications for SSSVs subsea trees.
250.827 Surface-controlled SSSVs subsea trees.
250.828 Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs subsea trees.
250.829 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells subsea trees.
250.830 Subsurface safety devices in injection wells subsea trees.
250.831 Alteration or disconnection of subsea pipeline or umbilical.
250.832 Additional safety equipment subsea trees.
250.833 Specification for underwater safety valves (USVs).
250.834 Use of USVs.
250.835 Specification for all boarding shut down valves (BSDVs) associated with
subsea systems.
250.836 Use of BSDVs.
250.837 Emergency action and safety system shutdown.
250.838 What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic
bleeding requirements for an electro-hydraulic control system?
250.839 What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic
bleeding requirements for direct-hydraulic control system?



250.840 Design, installation, and maintenance - general.
250.841 Platforms.
250.842 Approval of safety systems design and installation features.
250.843 - 250.849 [RESERVED]


250.850 Production system requirements - general.
250.851 Pressure vessels (including heat exchangers) and fired vessels.
250.852 Flowlines/Headers.
250.853 Safety sensors.
250.854 Floating production units equipped with turrets and turret mounted
250.855 Emergency shutdown (ESD) system.
250.856 Engines.
250.857 Glycol dehydration units.
250.858 Gas compressors.
250.859 Firefighting systems.
250.860 Chemical firefighting system.
250.861 Foam firefighting system.
250.862 Fire and gas-detection systems.
250.863 Electrical equipment.
250.864 Erosion.
250.865 Surface pumps.
250.866 Personnel safety equipment.
250.867 Temporary quarters and temporary equipment.
250.868 Non-metallic piping.
250.869 General platform operations.
250.870 Time delays on pressure safety low (PSL) sensors.
250.871 Welding and burning practices and procedures.
250.872 Atmospheric vessels.
250.873 Subsea gas lift requirements.
250.874 Subsea water injection systems.
250.875 Subsea pump systems.
250.876 Fired and Exhaust Heated Components.
250.877 - 250.879 [RESERVED]


250.880 Production safety system testing.
250.881 - 250.889 [RESERVED]


250.890 Records.

250.891 Safety device training.
250.892 - 250.899 [RESERVED]

250.800 General.
(a) You must design, install, use, maintain, and test production safety equipment in a
manner to ensure the safety and protection of the human, marine, and coastal
environments. For production safety systems operated in subfreezing climates, you must
use equipment and procedures that account for floating ice, icing, and other extreme
environmental conditions that may occur in the area. You must not commence
production until BSEE approves your production safety system application and you have
requested a preproduction inspection.
(b) For all new production systems on fixed leg platforms, you must comply with
API RP 14J, Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore
Production Facilities (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198);
(c) For all new floating production systems (FPSs) (e.g., column-stabilized-units
(CSUs); floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs); tension-leg
platforms (TLPs); spars, etc.), you must:
(1) Comply with API RP 14J;
(2) Meet the drilling, well completion, well workover, and well production riser
standards of API RP 2RD, Recommended Practice for Design of Risers for Floating
Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs) (incorporated by
reference as specified in 250.198). Beginning 1 year from the publication date of the
final rule and thereafter, you are prohibited from installing single bore production risers
from floating production facilities.

(3) Design all stationkeeping systems for floating production facilities to meet the
standards of API RP 2SK, Design and Analysis of Stationkeeping Systems for Floating
Structures and API RP 2SM, Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of
Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring (both incorporated by reference as specified
in 250.198), as well as relevant U.S. Coast Guard regulations; and
(4) Design stationkeeping systems for floating facilities to meet the structural
requirements of 250.900 through 250.921.
250.801 Safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) certification.
(a) SPPE equipment. In wells located on the OCS, you must install only safety and
pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) considered certified under paragraph (b) of this
section or accepted under paragraph (c) of this section. The BSEE considers the
following equipment to be types of SPPE:
(1) Surface safety valves (SSV) and actuators, including those installed on injection
wells capable of natural flow;
(2) Boarding shut down valves (BSDV), 1 year after the date of publication of the
final rule;
(3) Underwater safety valves (USV) and actuators; and
(4) Subsurface safety valves (SSSV) and associated safety valve locks and landing
nipples. Subsurface-controlled SSSVs are not allowed on subsea wells.
(b) Certification of SPPE. SPPE equipment that is manufactured and marked
pursuant to API Spec. Q1, Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum,
Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry (ISO TS 29001:2007) (incorporated by reference

as specified in 250.198), is considered certified SPPE under this part. The BSEE
considers all other SPPE as noncertified unless approved in accordance with 250.801(c).
(c) Accepting SPPE manufactured under other quality assurance programs. The
BSEE may exercise its discretion to accept SPPE manufactured under quality assurance
programs other than API Spec. Q1 (ISO TS 29001:2007), provided an operator submits a
request to BSEE containing relevant information about the alternative program under
250.141, and receives BSEE approval. Such requests should be submitted to the Chief,
Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs; Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement; HE 3314; 381 Elden Street; Herndon, Virginia 20170- 4817.
250.802 Requirements for SPPE.
(a) All SSVs, BSDVs, and USVs must meet all of the specifications contained in
API/ANSI Spec. 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, (ISO
10423:2003); and Spec. 6AV1, Specification for Verification Test of Wellhead Surface
Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service (both incorporated by
reference as specified in 250.198).
(b) All SSSVs must meet all of the specifications and recommended practices of
API/ANSI Spec. 14A, Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment (ISO
10432:2004) and ANSI/API RP 14B, Recommended Practice for Design, Installation,
and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems (ISO 10417:2004), including all
Annexes (both incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(c) Requirements derived from the documents incorporated in this section for SSVs,
BSDVs, USVs, and SSSVs, include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Each device must be designed to function and to close at the most extreme
conditions to which it may be exposed, including temperature, pressure, flow rates, and
environmental conditions. You must have an independent third party review and certify
that each device will function as designed under the conditions to which it may be
exposed. The independent third party must have sufficient expertise and experience to
perform the review and certification.
(2) All materials and parts must meet the original equipment manufacturer
specifications and acceptance criteria.
(3) The device must pass applicable validation tests and functional tests performed
by an API-licensed test agency.
(4) You must have requalification testing performed following manufacture design
(5) You must comply with and document all manufacturing, traceability, quality
control, and inspection requirements.
(6) You must follow specified installation, testing, and repair protocols.
(7) You must use only qualified parts, procedures, and personnel to repair or redress
(d) You must install certified SPPE according to the following table.
If Then
(1) You need to install any SPPE You must install certified SPPE.
(2) A non-certified SPPE is already in service It may remain in service on that well.
(3) A non-certified SPPE requires offsite repair, re-
manufacturing, or any hot work such as welding
You must replace it with certified SPPE.

(e) You must retain all documentation related to the manufacture, installation,
testing, repair, redress, and performance of the SPPE equipment until 1 year after the date
of decommissioning of the equipment.

250.803 What SPPE failure reporting procedures must I follow?
(a) You must follow the failure reporting requirements contained in section
of API Spec. 6A for SSVs, BSDVs, and USVs and section 7.10 of API Spec. 14A and
Annex F of API RP 14B for SSSVs (all incorporated by reference in 250.198). You
must provide a written report of equipment failure to the manufacturer of such equipment
within 30 days after the discovery and identification of the failure. A failure is any
condition that prevents the equipment from meeting the functional specification.
(b) You must ensure that an investigation and a failure analysis are performed within
60 days of the failure to determine the cause of the failure. You must also ensure that the
results and any corrective action are documented. If the investigation and analysis are
performed by an entity other than the manufacturer, you must ensure that the
manufacturer receives a copy of the analysis report.
(c) If the equipment manufacturer notifies you that it has changed the design of the
equipment that failed or if you have changed operating or repair procedures as a result of
a failure, then you must, within 30 days of such changes, report the design change or
modified procedures in writing to the Chief of Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs;
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement; HE 3314; 381 Elden Street; Herndon,
Virginia 20170-4817.
250.804 Additional requirements for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) and
related equipment installed in high pressure high temperature (HPHT)
(a) If you plan to install SSSVs and related equipment in an HPHT environment, you
must submit detailed information with your Application for Permit to Drill (APD),

Application for Permit to Modify (APM), or Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP) that
demonstrates the SSSVs and related equipment are capable of performing in the
applicable HPHT environment. Your detailed information must include the following:
(1) A discussion of the SSSVs' and related equipment's design verification analysis;
(2) A discussion of the SSSVs' and related equipment's design validation and
functional testing process and procedures used; and
(3) An explanation of why the analysis, process, and procedures ensure that the
SSSVs and related equipment are fit-for-service in the applicable HPHT environment.
(b) For this section, HPHT environment means when one or more of the following
well conditions exist:
(1) The completion of the well requires completion equipment or well control
equipment assigned a pressure rating greater than 15,000 psig or a temperature rating
greater than 350 degrees Fahrenheit;
(2) The maximum anticipated surface pressure or shut-in tubing pressure is greater
than 15,000 psig on the seafloor for a well with a subsea wellhead or at the surface for a
well with a surface wellhead; or
(3) The flowing temperature is equal to or greater than 350 degrees Fahrenheit on the
seafloor for a well with a subsea wellhead or at the surface for a well with a surface
(c) For this section, related equipment includes wellheads, tubing heads, tubulars,
packers, threaded connections, seals, seal assemblies, production trees, chokes, well
control equipment, and any other equipment that will be exposed to the HPHT

250.805 Hydrogen sulfide.
(a) You must conduct production operations in zones known to contain hydrogen
sulfide (H
S) or in zones where the presence of H
S is unknown, as defined in 250.490
of this part, in accordance with that section and other relevant requirements of this
(b) You must receive approval through the DWOP process ( 250.286 - 250.295)
for production operations in HPHT environments known to contain H
S or in HPHT
environments where the presence of H
S is unknown.
250.806 250.809 [Reserved]
250.810 Dry tree subsurface safety devices general.
For wells using dry trees or for which you intend to install dry trees, you must equip
all tubing installations open to hydrocarbon-bearing zones with subsurface safety devices
that will shut off the flow from the well in the event of an emergency unless, after you
submit a request containing a justification, the District Manager determines the well to be
incapable of natural flow. These subsurface safety devices include the following devices
and any associated safety valve lock, flow coupling above and below, and landing nipple:
(a) An SSSV, including either:
(1) A surface-controlled SSSV; or
(2) A subsurface-controlled SSSV.
(b) An injection valve.
(c) A tubing plug.
(d) A tubing/annular subsurface safety device.

250.811 Specifications for subsurface safety valves (SSSVs) dry trees.
All surface-controlled and subsurface-controlled SSSVs, safety valve locks, landing
nipples, and flow couplings installed in the OCS must conform to the requirements in
250.801 through 250.803. You may request that BSEE approve non-conforming
SSSVs in accordance with 250.141, regarding alternative procedures or equipment.
250.812 Surface-controlled SSSVs dry trees.
You must equip all tubing installations open to a hydrocarbon-bearing zone that is
capable of natural flow with a surface-controlled SSSV, except as specified in
250.813, 250.815, and 250.816.
(a) The surface controls must be located on the site or at a BSEE-approved remote
location. You may request that BSEE approve situating the surface controls at a remote
location in accordance with 250.141, regarding alternative procedures or equipment.
(b) You must equip dry tree wells not previously equipped with a surface-controlled
SSSV, and dry tree wells in which a surface-controlled SSSV has been replaced with a
subsurface-controlled SSSV with a surface-controlled SSSV when the tubing is first
removed and reinstalled.
250.813 Subsurface-controlled SSSVs.
You may request BSEE approval to equip a dry tree well with a subsurface-controlled
SSSV in lieu of a surface-controlled SSSV, in accordance with 250.141 regarding
alternative procedures or equipment, if the subsurface-controlled SSSV installed in a well
equipped with a surface-controlled SSSV has become inoperable and cannot be repaired
without removal and reinstallation of the tubing. If you remove and reinstall the tubing,
you must equip the well with a surface-controlled SSSV.

250.814 Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs dry trees.
You must design, install, operate, repair, and maintain an SSSV to ensure its reliable
(a) You must install the SSSV at a depth at least 100 feet below the mudline within 2
days after production is established. When warranted by conditions such as permafrost,
unstable bottom conditions, hydrate formation, or paraffin problems, the District
Manager may approve an alternate setting depth in accordance with 250.141 or
(b) Until the SSSV is installed, the well must be attended in the immediate vicinity
so that any necessary emergency actions can be taken while the well is open to flow.
During testing and inspection procedures, the well must not be left unattended while open
to production unless you have installed a properly operating SSSV in the well.
(c) The well must not be open to flow while the SSSV is removed, except when
flowing the well is necessary for a particular operation such as cutting paraffin or
performing other routine operations as defined in 250.601.
(d) You must install, maintain, inspect, repair, and test all SSSVs in accordance with
API RP 14B, Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, and Operation of
Subsurface Safety Valve Systems (ISO 10417:2004) (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).
250.815 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells dry trees.
(a) You must equip all new dry tree completions (perforated but not placed on
production) and completions shut-in for a period of 6 months with one of the following:
(1) A pump-through-type tubing plug;

(2) A surface-controlled SSSV, provided the surface control has been rendered
inoperative; or
(3) An injection valve capable of preventing backflow.
(b) When warranted by conditions such as permafrost, unstable bottom conditions,
hydrate formation, and paraffin problems the District Manager will approve the setting
depth of the subsurface safety device for a shut-in well on a case-by-case basis.
250.816 Subsurface safety devices in injection wells - dry trees.
You must install a surface-controlled SSSV or an injection valve capable of
preventing backflow in all injection wells. This requirement is not applicable if the
District Manager determines that the well is incapable of natural flow. You must verify
the no-flow condition of the well annually.
250.817 Temporary removal of subsurface safety devices for routine
(a) You may remove a wireline- or pumpdown-retrievable subsurface safety device
without further authorization or notice, for a routine operation that does not require BSEE
approval of a Form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify (APM). For a list of
these routine operations, see 250.601. The removal period must not exceed 15 days.
(b) You must identify the well by placing a sign on the wellhead stating that the
subsurface safety device was removed. You must note the removal of the subsurface
safety device in the records required by 250.890. If the master valve is open, you must
ensure that a trained person (see 250.891) is in the immediate vicinity to attend the well
and take any necessary emergency actions.

(c) You must monitor a platform well when a subsurface safety device has been
removed, but a person does not need to remain in the well-bay area continuously if the
master valve is closed. If the well is on a satellite structure, it must be attended with a
support vessel or a pump-through plug installed in the tubing at least 100 feet below the
mudline, and the master valve must be closed, unless otherwise approved by the
appropriate District Manager.
(d) You must not allow the well to flow while the subsurface safety device is
removed, except when it is necessary for the particular operation for which the SSSV is
removed. The provisions of this paragraph are not applicable to the testing and
inspection procedures specified in 250.880.
250.818 Additional safety equipment dry trees.
(a) You must equip all tubing installations that have a wireline- or pumpdown-
retrievable subsurface safety device with a landing nipple, with flow couplings or other
protective equipment above and below it to provide for the setting of the device.
(b) The control system for all surface-controlled SSSVs must be an integral part of
the platform emergency shutdown system (ESD).
(c) In addition to the activation of the ESD by manual action on the platform, the
system may be activated by a signal from a remote location. Surface-controlled SSSVs
must close in response to shut-in signals from the ESD and in response to the fire loop or
other fire detection devices.
250.819 Specification for surface safety valves (SSVs).
All wellhead SSVs and their actuators must conform to the requirements specified in
250.801 through 250.803.

250.820 Use of SSVs.
You must install, maintain, inspect, repair, and test all SSVs in accordance with API
RP 14H, Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Surface
Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198). If any SSV does not operate properly, or if any fluid flow is
observed during the leakage test, then you must shut-in all sources to the SSV and repair
or replace the valve before resuming production.
250.821 Emergency action.
(a) In the event of an emergency, such as an impending named tropical storm or
(1) Any well not yet equipped with a subsurface safety device and that is capable of
natural flow must have the subsurface safety device properly installed as soon as
possible, with due consideration being given to personnel safety.
(2) You must shut-in all oil wells and gas wells requiring compression, unless
otherwise approved by the District Manager in accordance with 250.141 or 250.142.
The shut-in may be accomplished by closing the SSV and SSSV.
(b) Closure of the SSV must not exceed 45 seconds after automatic detection of an
abnormal condition or actuation of an ESD. The surface-controlled SSSV must close
within 2 minutes after the shut-in signal has closed the SSV. The District Manager must
approve any design-delayed closure time greater than 2 minutes based on the
mechanical/production characteristics of the individual well or subsea field in accordance
with 250.141 or 250.142.
250.822 250.824 [Reserved]

250.825 Subsea tree subsurface safety devices - general.
(a) For wells using subsea (wet) trees or for which you intend to install subsea trees,
you must equip all tubing installations open to hydrocarbon-bearing zones with
subsurface safety devices that will shut off the flow from the well in the event of an
emergency unless. You may seek BSEE approval for using alternative procedures or
equipment in accordance with 250.141 if you propose to use a subsea safety system that
is not capable of shutting off the flow from the well in the event of an emergency, for
instance where the well at issue is incapable of natural flow. Subsurface safety devices
include the following and any associated safety valve lock, flow coupling above and
below, and landing nipple:
(1) A surface-controlled SSSV;
(2) An injection valve;
(3) A tubing plug; and
(4) A tubing/annular subsurface safety device.
(b) After installing the subsea tree, but before the rig or installation vessel leaves the
area, you must test all valves and sensors to ensure that they are operating as designed
and meet all the conditions specified in this subpart. If you cannot perform these tests,
you may seek BSEE approval for a departure from this operating requirement under
250.826 Specifications for SSSVs subsea trees.

All SSSVs, safety valve locks, flow couplings, and landing nipples must conform to
the requirements specified in 250.801 through 250.803 and any Deepwater Operations
Plan (DWOP) required by 250.286 through 250.295.
250.827 Surface-controlled SSSVs subsea trees.
All tubing installations open to a hydrocarbon-bearing zone that is capable of natural
flow must be equipped with a surface-controlled SSSV, except as specified in 250.829
and 250.830. The surface controls must be located on the site, or you may seek BSEE
approval for locating the controls at a remote location in a request to use alternative
procedures or equipment under 250.141.
250.828 Design, installation, and operation of SSSVs subsea trees.
You must design, install, operate, and maintain an SSSV to ensure its reliable
(a) You must install the SSSV at a depth at least 100 feet below the mudline. When
warranted by conditions such as unstable bottom conditions, hydrate formation, or
paraffin problems, you may seek BSEE approval for an alternate setting depth in a
request to use alternative procedures or equipment under 250.141.
(b) The well must not be open to flow while an SSSV is inoperable.
(c) You must install, maintain, inspect, repair, and test all SSSVs in accordance with
your Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP) and API RP 14B, Recommended Practice for
Design, Installation, Repair and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems (ISO
10417:2004) (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
250.829 Subsurface safety devices in shut-in wells subsea trees.

(a) You must equip new completions (perforated but not placed on production) and
completions shut-in for a period of 6 months with either:
(1) A pump-through-type tubing plug;
(2) An injection valve capable of preventing backflow; or
(3) A surface-controlled SSSV, provided the surface control has been rendered
inoperative. For purposes of this section, a surface-controlled SSSV is considered
inoperative if for a direct hydraulic control system you have bled the hydraulics from the
control line and have isolated it from the hydraulic control pressure or if your controls
employ an electro-hydraulic control umbilical and the hydraulic control pressure to the
individual well cannot be isolated, and you perform the following:
(i) Disable the control function of the surface-controlled SSSV within the logic of the
programmable logic controller which controls the subsea well;
(ii) Place a pressure alarm high on the control line to the surface-controlled SSSV of
the subsea well; and
(iii) Close the USV and at least one other tree valve on the subsea well.
(b) The appropriate BSEE District Manager may consider alternate methods on a
case-by-case basis.
(c) When warranted by conditions such as unstable bottom conditions, hydrate
formations, and paraffin problems, you may seek BSEE approval to use an alternate
setting depth of the subsurface safety device for shut-in wells in a request to use
alternative procedures or equipment under 250.141.
250.830 Subsurface safety devices in injection wells - subsea trees.

You must install a surface-controlled SSSV or an injection valve capable of
preventing backflow in all injection wells. This requirement is not applicable if the
District Manager determines that the well is incapable of natural flow. You must verify
the no-flow condition of the well annually.
250.831 Alteration or disconnection of subsea pipeline or umbilical
If a necessary alteration or disconnection of the pipeline or umbilical of any subsea
well affects your ability to monitor casing pressure or to test any subsea valves or
equipment, you must contact the appropriate BSEE District Office at least 48 hours in
advance and submit a repair or replacement plan to conduct the required monitoring and
testing. You must not alter or disconnect until the repair or replacement plan is approved.
250.832 Additional safety equipment subsea trees.
(a) You must equip all tubing installations that have a wireline- or pumpdown-
retrievable subsurface safety device installed after May 31, 1988, with a landing nipple,
with flow couplings, or other protective equipment above and below it to provide for the
setting of the SSSV.
(b) The control system for all surface-controlled SSSVs must be an integral part of
the platform ESD.
(c) In addition to the activation of the ESD by manual action on the platform, the
system may be activated by a signal from a remote location.
250.833 Specification for underwater safety valves (USVs).
All USVs, including those designated as primary or secondary and any alternate
isolation valve (AIV) that acts as a USV, if applicable, and their actuators must conform
to the requirements specified in 250.801 through 250.803. A production master or

wing valve may qualify as a USV under API Spec. 6AV1 (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).
(a) Primary USV (USV1). You must install and designate one USV on a subsea tree
as the USV1. The USV1 must be located upstream of the choke valve.
(b) Secondary USV (USV2). You may equip your tree with two or more valves
qualified to be designated as a USV, one of which may be designated as USV2. If the
USV1 fails to operate properly or exhibits a leakage rate greater than allowed in
250.880, you must notify the appropriate BSEE District Office and designate the USV2
or another qualified valve (e.g., an AIV) that meets all the requirements of this subpart
for USVs as the USV1. This valve must be located upstream of the choke to be
designated as a USV.
250.834 Use of USVs.
You must install, maintain, inspect, repair, and test all USVs, including those
designated as primary or secondary, and any AIV which acts as a USV if applicable in
accordance with this subpart, your DWOP as specified in 250.286 through 250.295,
and API RP 14H, Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Repair of
Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore (incorporated by
reference as specified in 250.198).
250.835 Specification for all boarding shut down valves (BSDVs) associated
with subsea systems.
You must install a BSDV on the pipeline boarding riser. All BSDVs and their
actuators installed in the OCS must meet the requirements specified in 250.801
through 250.803 and the following requirements. You must:

(a) Ensure that the internal design pressure of the pipeline(s), riser(s), and BSDV(s)
is fully rated for the maximum pressure of any input source and comply with the design
requirements set forth in Subpart J, unless BSEE approves an alternate design.
(b) Use a BSDV that is fire rated for 30 minutes, and is pressure rated for the
maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) approved in your pipeline application.
(c) Locate the BSDV within 10 feet of the first point of access to the boarding
pipeline riser (i.e., within 10 feet of the edge of platform if the BSDV is horizontal, or
within 10 feet above the first accessible working deck, excluding the boat landing and
above the splash zone, if the BSDV is vertical).
(d) Install a temperature safety element (TSE) and locate it within 5 feet of each
250.836 Use of BSDVs.
All BSDVs must be inspected, maintained, and tested in accordance with API RP
14H, Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Surface Safety
Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore (incorporated by reference as specified in
250.198) for SSVs. If any BSDV does not operate properly or if any fluid flow is
observed during the leakage test, then you must shut-in all sources to the BSDV and
repair or replace it before resuming production.
250.837 Emergency action and safety system shutdown.
(a) In the event of an emergency, such as an impending named tropical storm or
hurricane, you must shut-in all subsea wells unless otherwise approved by the District
Manager. A shut-in is defined as a closed BSDV, USV, and surface-controlled SSSV.

(b) When operating a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) or other type of
workover vessel in an area with producing subsea wells, you must:
(1) Suspend production from all such wells that could be affected by a dropped
object, including upstream wells that flow through the same pipeline; or
(2) Establish direct, real-time communications between the MODU and the
production facility control room and prepare a plan to be submitted to the appropriate
District Manager for approval, as part of an application for a permit to drill or an
application for permit to modify, to shut-in any wells that could be affected by a dropped
object. If an object is dropped, the driller must immediately secure the well directly
under the MODU using the ESD on the well control panel located on the rig floor while
simultaneously communicating with the platform to shut-in all affected wells. You must
also maintain without disruption and continuously verify communication between the
platform and the MODU. If communication is lost between the MODU and the platform
for 20 minutes or more, you must shut-in all wells that could be affected by a dropped
(c) In the event of an emergency, you must operate your production system
according to the valve closure times in the applicable tables in 250.838 and 250.839
for the following conditions:
(1) Process Upset. In the event an upset in the production process train occurs
downstream of the BSDV, you must close the BSDV in accordance with the applicable
tables in 250.838 and 250.839. You may reopen the BSDV to blow down the pipeline
to prevent hydrates provided you have secured the well(s) and ensured adequate

(2) Pipeline pressure safety high and low (PSHL) sensor. In the event that either a
high or a low pressure condition is detected by a PSHL sensor located upstream of the
BSDV, you must secure the affected well and pipeline, and all wells and pipelines
associated with a dual or multi pipeline system by closing the BSDVs, USVs, and
surface-controlled SSSVs in accordance with the applicable tables in 250.838
and 250.839. You must obtain approval from the appropriate BSEE District Manager to
resume production in the unaffected pipeline(s) of a dual or multi pipeline system. If the
PSHL sensor activation was a false alarm, you may return the wells to production without
contacting the appropriate BSEE District Manager.
(3) ESD/TSE (Platform). In the event of an ESD activation that is initiated because
of a platform ESD or platform TSE on the host platform not associated with the BSDV,
you must close the BSDV, USV, and surface-controlled SSSV in accordance with the
applicable tables in 250.838 and 250.839.
(4) Subsea ESD (Platform) or BSDV TSE. In the event of an emergency shutdown
activation that is initiated by the host platform due to an abnormal condition subsea, or a
TSE associated with the BSDV, you must close the BSDV, USV, and surface-controlled
SSSV in accordance with the applicable tables in 250.838 and 250.839.
(5) Subsea ESD MODU. In the event of an ESD activation that is initiated by a
MODU because of a dropped object from a rig or intervention vessel, you must secure all
wells in the proximity of the MODU by closing the USVs and surface-controlled SSSVs
in accordance with the applicable tables in 250.838 and 250.839. You must notify the
appropriate BSEE District Manager before resuming production.
(d) You must bleed your low pressure (LP) and high pressure (HP) hydraulic systems

in accordance with the applicable tables in 250.838 and 250.839 to ensure that the
valves are locked out of service following an ESD or fire and cannot be reopened
250.838 What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic
bleeding requirements for an electro-hydraulic control system?
(a) If you have an electro-hydraulic control system you must:
(1) Design the subsea control system to meet the valve closure times listed in
paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section or your approved DWOP; and
(2) Verify the valve closure times upon installation. The BSEE District Manager
may require you to verify the closure time of the USV(s) through visual authentication by
diver or ROV.
(b) If you have not lost communication with your rig or platform, you must comply
with the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic system bleeding
requirements listed in the following table or your approved DWOP:
Valve Closure Timing, Electro-Hydraulic Control System
If you
have the


Your surface-
SSSV must
Your LP
hydraulic system
Your HP
hydraulic system
Close within
45 seconds
after sensor
[no requirements] [no
[no requirements] [no requirements]

Close within
45 seconds
after sensor
Close one or more valves
within 2 minute and 45
seconds after sensor
activation. Close the
designated USV1 within
20 minutes after sensor

Close within
60 minutes
after sensor
activation. If
you use a 60-
timer, you
may continue
to reset the
time for
closure up to a
maximum of
24 hours total.
[no requirements] Initiate unrestricted
bleed within
24 hours after
sensor activation.
Close within
45 seconds
after ESD or
within 5
after ESD
or sensor
. If you
use a 5-
you may
to reset
the time
up to a
m of 20
Close within 20
minutes after
ESD or sensor
Close within
20 minutes
after ESD or
activation. If
you use a 20-
timer, you
may continue
to reset the
time for
closure up to a
maximum of
60 minutes
unrestricted bleed
within 60 minutes
after ESD or
sensor activation.
If you use a 60-
minute resettable
timer you must
unrestricted bleed
within 24 hours.
Initiate unrestricted
bleed within 60
minutes after ESD
or sensor
activation. If you
use a 60-minute
resettable timer you
must initiate
unrestricted bleed
within 24 hours.
Close within
45 seconds
after ESD or
Close one or more valves
within 2 minutes and 45
seconds after ESD or
sensor activation. Close
all tree valves within 10
minutes after ESD or
sensor activation.

Close within
10 minutes
after ESD or
unrestricted bleed
within 60 minutes
after ESD or
sensor activation.
Initiate unrestricted
bleed within 60
minutes after ESD
or sensor
Initiate valve closure immediately. You
may allow for closure of the tree valves
immediately prior to closure of the
surface-controlled SSSV if desired.
unrestricted bleed
unrestricted bleed
within 10 minutes
after ESD

(c) If you have an electro-hydraulic control system and experience a loss of
communications (EH Loss of Comms), you must comply with the following:
(1) If you can meet the EH Loss of Comms valve closure timing conditions specified
in the table in this section, you must notify the appropriate BSEE District Office within
12 hours of detecting the loss of communication.
(2) If you cannot meet the EH Loss of Comms valve closure timing conditions
specified in the table in this section, you must notify the appropriate BSEE District Office
immediately after detecting the loss of communication. You must shut-in production by
initiating a bleed of the low pressure (LP) hydraulic system or the high pressure (HP)
hydraulic system within 120 minutes after loss of communication. Bleed the other
hydraulic system within 180 minutes after loss of communication.
(3) You must obtain prior approval from the appropriate BSEE District Manager if
you want to continue to produce after loss of communication when you cannot meet the
EH Loss of Comms valve closure times specified in the table in paragraph (d) of this
section. In your request, include an alternate valve closure table that your system is able
to achieve. The appropriate BSEE District Manager may also approve an alternate
hydraulic bleed schedule to allow for hydrate mitigation and orderly shut-in.
(d) If you experience a loss of communications, you must comply with the maximum
allowable valve closure times and hydraulic system bleeding requirements listed in the
following table or your approved DWOP:
Valve Closure Timing, Electro-Hydraulic Control System with Loss of Communication

If you have
Your pipeline
BSDV must
Your LP
system must
Your HP

(1) Process
within 45
after sensor
[no requirements] [no requirements] [no requirements] [no
(2) Pipeline
within 45
after sensor
Initiate closure when LP
hydraulic system is bled
(close valves within 5
minutes after sensor
Initiate closure
when HP
hydraulic system
is bled (close
within 24 hours
after sensor
unrestricted bleed
concurrent with
sensor activation.
bleed within
24 hours after
Close within
45 seconds
after ESD or
Initiate closure when LP
hydraulic system is bled
(close valves within 20
minutes after ESD or
sensor activation).
Initiate closure
when HP
hydraulic system
is bled (close
within 60 minutes
after ESD or
sensor activation).
unrestricted bleed
concurrent with
BSDV closure
(bleed within 20
minutes after ESD
or sensor
bleed within
60 minutes
after ESD or
(4) Subsea
Close within
45 seconds
after ESD or
Initiate closure when LP
hydraulic system is bled
(close valves within 5
minutes after ESD or
sensor activation).
Initiate closure
when HP
hydraulic system
is bled (close
within 20 minutes
after ESD or
sensor activation).
unrestricted bleed
allowing for
SSSV closure
object -
subsea ESD
Initiate closure immediately. You may allow
for closure of the tree valves immediately
prior to closure of the surface-controlled
SSSV if desired.
unrestricted bleed

250.839 What are the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic
bleeding requirements for direct-hydraulic control system?
(a) If you have direct-hydraulic control system you must:
(1) Design the subsea control system to meet the valve closure times listed in this
section or your approved DWOP; and
(2) Verify the valve closure times upon installation. The BSEE District Manager
may require you to verify the closure time of the USV(s) through visual authentication by

diver or ROV.
(b) You must comply with the maximum allowable valve closure times and hydraulic
system bleeding requirements listed in the following table or your approved DWOP:
Valve Closure Timing, Direct-Hydraulic Control System
If you have the
Your pipeline
BSDV must
Your surface-
SSSV must
Your LP
Your HP
(1) Process
Close within 45
seconds after
sensor activation.
[no requirements] [no
(2) Flowline
Close within 45
seconds after
sensor activation.
Close one or more valves
within 2 minutes and 45
seconds after sensor
activation. Close the
designated USV1 within
20 minutes after sensor
Close within
24 hours after
bleed of
and the AIV
within 20
minutes after
bleed within
24 hours after
Close within 45
seconds after
ESD or sensor
Close all valves within 20
minutes after ESD or
sensor activation.
Close within 60
minutes after
ESD or sensor
bleed of
and the AIV
within 20
minutes after
ESD or sensor
bleed within
60 minutes
after ESD or
(4) Subsea ESD

Close within
45 seconds after
ESD or sensor
Close one or more valves
within 2 minutes and 45
seconds after ESD or
sensor activation. Close
all tree valves within 10
minutes after ESD or
sensor activation.
Close within
10 minutes
after ESD or
bleed of
and the AIV
within 10
minutes after
ESD or sensor
bleed within
10 minutes
after ESD or
(5) Dropped
object Subsea

[no requirements]Initiate closure immediately. If desired,
you may allow for closure of the tree
valves immediately prior to closure of the
surface-controlled SSSV.


250.840 Design, installation, and maintenance - general.
You must design, install, and maintain all production facilities and equipment
including, but not limited to, separators, treaters, pumps, heat exchangers, fired
components, wellhead injection lines, compressors, headers, and flowlines in a manner
that is efficient, safe, and protects the environment.
250.841 Platforms.
(a) You must protect all platform production facilities with a basic and ancillary
surface safety system designed, analyzed, installed, tested, and maintained in operating
condition in accordance with the provisions of API RP 14C, Recommended Practice for
Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for Offshore
Production Platforms (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198). If you use
processing components other than those for which Safety Analysis Checklists are
included in API RP 14C, you must utilize the analysis technique and documentation
specified in API RP 14C to determine the effects and requirements of these components
on the safety system. Safety device requirements for pipelines are contained in 30 CFR
(b) You must design, analyze, install, test, and maintain in operating condition all
platform production process piping in accordance with API RP 14E, Design and
Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems and API 570, Piping
Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping
Systems (both incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198). The District

Manager may approve temporary repairs to facility piping on a case-by-case basis for a
period not to exceed 30 days.
250.842 Approval of safety systems design and installation features.
(a) Before you install or modify a production safety system, you must submit a
production safety system application to the District Manager for approval. The
application must include the information prescribed in the following table:
You must submit: Details and/or additional requirements:
(1) A schematic piping and instrumentation

Showing the following:
(i) Well shut-in tubing pressure;
(ii) Piping specification breaks, piping sizes;
(iii) Pressure relief valve set points;
(iv) Size, capacity, and design working pressures
of separators, flare scrubbers, heat exchangers,
treaters, storage tanks, compressors and metering
(v) Size, capacity, design working pressures, and
maximum discharge pressure of hydrocarbon-
handling pumps;
(vi) size, capacity, and design working pressures
of hydrocarbon-handling vessels, and chemical
injection systems handling a material having a
flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit for a
Class I flammable liquid as described in API RP
500 and 505 (both incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).
(vii) Size and maximum allowable working
pressures as determined in accordance with API
RP 14E, Recommended Practice for Design and
Installation of Offshore Production Platform
Piping Systems (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).
(2) A safety analysis flow diagram (API RP 14C,
Appendix E) and the related Safety Analysis
Function Evaluation (SAFE) chart (API RP 14C,
subsection 4.3.3) (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198)
if processing components are used, other than
those for which Safety Analysis Checklists are
included in API RP 14C, you must use the same
analysis technique and documentation to
determine the effects and requirements of these
components upon the safety system.

(3) Electrical system information, including (i) A plan for each platform deck and outlining all
classified areas. You must classify areas
according to API RP 500, Recommended Practice
for Classification of Locations for Electrical
Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as
Class I, Division 1 and Division 2; or API RP 505,
Recommended Practice for Classification of
Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum
Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1,

and Zone 2 (both incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).

(ii) Identification of all areas where potential
ignition sources, including non-electrical ignition
sources, are to be installed showing:
(A) All major production equipment, wells,
and other significant hydrocarbon sources, and a
description of the type of decking, ceiling, and
walls (e.g., grating or solid) and firewalls and;
(B) the location of generators, control rooms,
panel boards, major cabling/conduit routes, and
identification of the primary wiring method (e.g.,
type cable, conduit, wire) and;

(iii) one-line electrical drawings of all electrical
systems including the safety shutdown system.
You must also include a functional legend.
(4) Schematics of the fire and gas-detection
showing a functional block diagram of the
detection system, including the electrical power
supply and also including the type, location, and
number of detection sensors; the type and kind of
alarms, including emergency equipment to be
activated; the method used for detection; and the
method and frequency of calibration.
(5) The service fee listed in 250.125. The fee you must pay will be determined by the
number of components involved in the review and
approval process.

(b) The production safety system application must also include the following
(1) That all electrical installations were designed according to API RP 14F, Design,
Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore
Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 Locations, or
API RP 14FZ, Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems
for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Zone 0,
Zone 1 and Zone 2 Locations, as applicable (incorporated by reference as specified in
(2) That the designs for the mechanical and electrical systems were reviewed,
approved, and stamped by a registered professional engineer(s). The registered

professional engineer must be registered in a State or Territory in the United States and
have sufficient expertise and experience to perform the duties; and
(3) That a hazard analysis was performed during the design process in accordance
with API RP 14J (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198), and that you have
a hazards analysis program in place to assess potential hazards during the operation of the
(c) Before you begin production, you must certify, in a letter to the District Manager,
that the mechanical and electrical systems were installed in accordance with the approved
(d) Within 60 days after production, you must certify, in a letter to the District
Manager, that the as-built diagrams outlined in (a)(1) and (2) of this section and the
piping and instrumentation diagrams are on file and have been certified correct and
stamped by a registered professional engineer(s). The registered professional engineer
must be registered in a State or Territory in the United States and have sufficient
expertise and experience to perform the duties.
(e) All as-built diagrams outlined in (a)(1) and (2) of this section must be submitted
to the District Manager within 60 days after production.
(f) You must maintain information concerning the approved design and installation
features of the production safety system at your offshore field office nearest the OCS
facility or at other locations conveniently available to the District Manager. As-built
piping and instrumentation diagrams must be maintained at a secure onshore location and
readily available offshore. These documents must be made available to BSEE upon

request and be retained for the life of the facility. All approvals are subject to field
250.843 250.849 [Reserved]
250.850 Production system requirements - general.
You must comply with the production safety system requirements in the following
sections ( 250.851 through 250.872), some of which are in addition to those contained
in API RP 14C (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
250.851 Pressure vessels (including heat exchangers) and fired vessels.
(a) Pressure vessels (including heat exchangers) and fired vessels must meet the
requirements in the following table:

Item name

Applicable codes and requirements
(1) Pressure and fired vessels
where the operating pressure is or
will be 15 pounds per square inch
gauge (psig) or greater.
(i) Must be designed, fabricated, and code stamped according to
applicable provisions of sections I, IV, and VIII of the
ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(ii) Must be repaired, maintained, and inspected in accordance
with API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service
Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, Downstream Segment
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(2) Pressure and fired vessels (such
as flare and vent scrubbers) where
the operating pressure is or will be
at least 5 psig and less than 15 psig.
Must employ a safety analysis checklist in the design of each
component. These vessels do not need to be ASME Code
stamped as pressure vessels.
(3) Pressure and fired vessels
where the operating pressure is or
will be less than 5 psig.
Are not subject to the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and
(4) Existing uncoded Pressure and
fired vessels (i) in use on the
effective date of the final rule; (ii)
with an operating pressure of 5 psig
or greater; and (iii) that are not
code stamped in accordance with
the ANSI/ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code
Must be justified and approval obtained from the District
Manager for their continued use beyond 18 months from the
effective date of the final rule.
(5) Pressure relief valves. (i) Must be designed and installed according to applicable
provisions of sections I, IV, and VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
(ii) Must conform to the valve sizing and pressure-relieving
requirements specified in these documents, but (except for

completely redundant relief valves), must be set no higher than
the maximum-allowable working pressure of the vessel.
(iii) And vents must be positioned in such a way as to prevent
fluid from striking personnel or ignition sources.
(6) Steam generators operating at
less than 15 psig.
Must be equipped with a level safety low (LSL) sensor which
will shut off the fuel supply when the water level drops below the
minimum safe level.
(7) Steam generators operating at
15 psig or greater.
(i) Must be equipped with a level safety low (LSL) sensor which
will shut off the fuel supply when the water level drops below the
minimum safe level.
(ii) You must also install a water-feeding device that will
automatically control the water level except when closed loop
systems are used for steam generation.

(b) Operating pressure ranges. You must use pressure recording devices to establish
the new operating pressure ranges of pressure vessels at any time the normalized system
pressure changes by 5 percent. You must maintain the pressure recording information
you used to determine current operating pressure ranges at your field office nearest the
OCS facility or at another location conveniently available to the District Manager for as
long as the information is valid.
(c) Pressure shut-in sensors must be set according to the following table:

Type of sensor


Additional requirements
(1) High pressure shut-in
Must be no higher than 15
percent or 5 psi (whichever is
greater) above the highest
operating pressure of the vessel.
Must also be set sufficiently
below (5 percent or 5 psi,
whichever is greater) the relief
valves set pressure to assure
that the pressure source is shut-
in before the relief valve
(2) Low pressure shut-in sensor, Must be set no lower than 15
percent or 5 psi (whichever is
greater) below the lowest
pressure in the operating range.
You must receive specific
approval from the District
Manager for activation limits on
pressure vessels that have a
pressure safety low (PSL) sensor
set less than 5 psi.

250.852 Flowlines/Headers.
(a)(1) You must equip flowlines from wells with both PSH and PSL sensors. You
must locate these sensors in accordance with section A.1 of API RP 14C (incorporated by
reference as specified in 250.198).

(2) You must use pressure recording devices to establish the new operating pressure
ranges of flowlines at any time when the normalized system pressure changes by 50 psig
or 5 percent, whichever is higher.
(3) You must maintain the most recent pressure recording information you used to
determine operating pressure ranges at your field office nearest the OCS facility or at
another location conveniently available to the District Manager for as long as the
information is valid.
(b) Flowline shut-in sensors must meet the requirements in the following table:
Type of flowline sensor Settings
(1) PSH sensor, Must be set no higher than 15 percent or 5 psi
(whichever is greater) above the highest operating
pressure of the flowline. In all cases, the PSH must
be set sufficiently below the maximum shut-in
wellhead pressure or the gas-lift supply pressure to
assure actuation of the SSV. Do not set the PSH
sensor above the maximum allowable working
pressure of the flowline.
(2) PSL sensor, Must be set no lower than 15 percent or 5 psi
(whichever is greater) below the lowest operating
pressure of the flowline in which it is installed.

(c) If a well flows directly to a pipeline before separation, the flowline and valves
from the well located upstream of and including the header inlet valve(s) must have a
working pressure equal to or greater than the maximum shut-in pressure of the well
unless the flowline is protected by one of the following:
(1) A relief valve which vents into the platform flare scrubber or some other location
approved by the District Manager. You must design the platform flare scrubber to
handle, without liquid-hydrocarbon carryover to the flare, the maximum-anticipated flow
of liquid hydrocarbons that may be relieved to the vessel; or
(2) Two SSVs with independent PSH sensors connected to separate relays and
sensing points and installed with adequate volume upstream of any block valve to allow

sufficient time for the SSVs to close before exceeding the maximum allowable working
pressure. Each independent PSH sensor must close both SSVs along with any associated
flowline PSL sensor. If the maximum shut-in pressure of a dry tree satellite well(s) is
greater than 1 times the maximum allowable pressure of pipeline, a pressure safety
valve (PSV) of sufficient size and relief capacity to protect against any SSV leakage or
fluid hammer effect may be required by the District Manager. The PSV must be installed
upstream of the host platform boarding valve and vent into the platform flare scrubber or
some other location approved by the District Manager.
(d) If a well flows directly to the pipeline from a header without prior separation, the
header, the header inlet valves, and pipeline isolation valve must have a working pressure
equal to or greater than the maximum shut-in pressure of the well unless the header is
protected by the safety devices as outlined in paragraph (c) of this section.
(e) If you are installing flowlines constructed of unbonded flexible pipe on a floating
platform, you must:
(1) Review the manufacturer's Design Methodology Verification Report and the
independent verification agent's (IVA's) certificate for the design methodology contained
in that report to ensure that the manufacturer has complied with the requirements of API
Spec. 17J, Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe (ISO 13628-2:2006) (incorporated
by reference as specified in 250.198);
(2) Determine that the unbonded flexible pipe is suitable for its intended purpose;
(3) Submit to the District Manager the manufacturer's design specifications for the
unbonded flexible pipe; and

(4) Submit to the District Manager a statement certifying that the pipe is suitable for
its intended use and that the manufacturer has complied with the IVA requirements of
API Spec. 17J (ISO 13628-2:2006) (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(f) Automatic pressure or flow regulating choking devices must not prevent the
normal functionality of the process safety system that includes, but is not limited to, the
flowline pressure safety devices and the SSV.
(g) You may install a single flow safety valve (FSV) on the platform to protect
multiple subsea pipelines or wells that tie into a single pipeline riser provided that you
install an FSV for each riser and test it in accordance with the criteria prescribed in
(h) You may install a single PSHL sensor on the platform to protect multiple subsea
pipelines that tie into a single pipeline riser provided that you install a PSHL sensor for
each riser and locate it upstream of the BSDV.
250.853 Safety sensors.
You must ensure that:
(a) All shutdown devices, valves, and pressure sensors function in a manual reset
(b) Sensors with integral automatic reset are equipped with an appropriate device to
override the automatic reset mode;
(c) All pressure sensors are equipped to permit testing with an external pressure
source; and,
(d) All level sensors are equipped to permit testing through an external bridle on all
new vessel installations.

250.854 Floating production units equipped with turrets and turret mounted
(a) For floating production units equipped with an auto slew system, you must
integrate the auto slew control system with your process safety system allowing for
automatic shut-in of the production process, including the sources (subsea wells, subsea
pumps, etc.) and releasing of the buoy. Your safety system must immediately initiate a
process system shut-in according to 250.838 and 250.839 and release the buoy to
prevent hydrocarbon discharge and damage to the subsea infrastructure when the
following are encountered:
(i) Your buoy is clamped,
(ii) Your auto slew mode is activated, and
(iii) You encounter a ship heading/position failure or an exceedance of the rotational
tolerances of the clamped buoy.
(b) For floating production units equipped with swivel stack arrangements, you must
equip the portion of the swivel stack containing hydrocarbons with a leak detection
system. Your leak detection system must be tied into your production process surface
safety system allowing for automatic shut-in of the system. Upon seal system failure and
detection of a hydrocarbon leak, your surface safety system must immediately initiate a
process system shut-in according to 250.838 and 250.839.
250.855 Emergency shutdown (ESD) system.
The ESD system must conform to the requirements of Appendix C, section C1, of
API RP 14C (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198), and the following:

(a) The manually operated ESD valve(s) must be quick-opening and nonrestricted to
enable the rapid actuation of the shutdown system. Only ESD stations at the boat landing
may utilize a loop of breakable synthetic tubing in lieu of a valve. This breakable loop is
not required to be physically located on the boat landing, but must be accessible from a
(b) You must maintain a schematic of the ESD that indicates the control functions of
all safety devices for the platforms on the platform, at your field office nearest the OCS
facility, or at another location conveniently available to the District Manager for the life
of the facility.
250.856 Engines.
(a) Engine exhaust. You must equip all engine exhausts to comply with the
insulation and personnel protection requirements of API RP 14C, section 4.2.,
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198). You must equip exhaust piping
from diesel engines with spark arresters.
(b) Diesel engine air intake. You must equip diesel engine air intakes with a device
to shutdown the diesel engine in the event of runaway. You must equip diesel engines
that are continuously attended with either remotely operated manual or automatic
shutdown devices. You must equip diesel engines that are not continuously attended with
automatic shutdown devices. The following diesel engines do not require a shutdown
device: engines for fire water pumps; engines on emergency generators; engines that
power BOP accumulator systems; engines that power air supply for confined entry
personnel; temporary equipment on non-producing platforms; booster engines whose

purpose is to start larger engines; and engines that power portable single cylinder rig
250.857 Glycol dehydration units.
(a) You must install a pressure relief system or an adequate vent on the glycol
regenerator (reboiler) to prevent overpressurization. The discharge of the relief valve
must be vented in a nonhazardous manner.
(b) You must install the FSV on the dry glycol inlet to the glycol contact tower as
near as practical to the glycol contact tower.
(c) You must install the shutdown valve (SDV) on the wet glycol outlet from the
glycol contact tower as near as practical to the glycol contact tower.
250.858 Gas compressors.
(a) You must equip compressor installations with the following protective equipment
as required in API RP 14C, sections A4 and A8 (incorporated by reference as specified in
(1) A pressure safety high (PSH) sensor, a pressure safety low (PSL) sensor, a
pressure safety valve (PSV), and a level safety high (LSH) sensor, and a level safety low
(LSL) sensor to protect each interstage and suction scrubber.
(2) A temperature safety high (TSH) sensor on each compressor discharge cylinder.
(3) You must design the PSH and PSL sensors and LSH controls protecting
compressor suction and interstage scrubbers to actuate automatic SDVs located in each
compressor suction and fuel gas line so that the compressor unit and the associated
vessels can be isolated from all input sources. All automatic SDVs installed in
compressor suction and fuel gas piping must also be actuated by the shutdown of the

prime mover. Unless otherwise approved by the District Manager, gas-well gas affected
by the closure of the automatic SDV on a compressor suction must be diverted to the
pipeline or shut-in at the wellhead.
(4) You must install a blowdown valve on the discharge line of all compressor
installations that are 1,000 horsepower (746 kilowatts) or greater.
(b) You must use pressure recording devices to establish the new operating pressure
ranges for compressor discharge sensors at any time when the normalized system
pressure changes by 50 psig or 5 percent, whichever is higher. You must:
(1) Maintain the most recent pressure recording information that you used to
determine operating pressure ranges at your field office nearest the OCS facility or at
another location conveniently available to the District Manager.
(2) Set the PSH sensor(s) no higher than 15 percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater,
above the highest operating pressure of the discharge line and sufficiently below the
maximum discharge pressure to ensure actuation of the suction SDV. Set the PSH
sensor(s) sufficiently below (5 percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater) the set pressure of
the PSV to assure that the pressure source is shut-in before the PSV activates.
(3) Set PSL sensor(s) no lower than 15 percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater, below
the lowest operating pressure of the discharge line in which it is installed.
(c) For vapor recovery units, when the suction side of the compressor is operating
below 5 psig and the system is capable of being vented to atmosphere, you are not
required to install PSH and PSL sensors on the suction side of the compressor.
250.859 Firefighting systems.

(a) Firefighting systems for both open and totally enclosed platforms installed for
extreme weather conditions or other reasons must conform to API RP 14G,
Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed Open-type Offshore
Production Platforms (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198), and require
approval of the District Manager. The following additional requirements apply for both
open- and closed-production platforms:
(1) You must install a firewater system consisting of rigid pipe with firehose stations
fixed firewater monitors. The firewater system must protect in all areas where
production-handling equipment is located. You must install a fixed water spray system in
enclosed well-bay areas where hydrocarbon vapors may accumulate.
(2) Fuel or power for firewater pump drivers must be available for at least 30 minutes
of run time during a platform shut-in. If necessary, you must install an alternate fuel or
power supply to provide for this pump operating time unless the District Manager has
approved an alternate firefighting system. As of 1 year after the publication date of the
final rule, you must have equipped all new firewater pump drivers with automatic starting
capabilities upon activation of the ESD, fusible loop, or other fire detection system. For
electric driven firewater pump drivers, in the event of a loss of primary power, you must
install an automatic transfer switch to cross over to an emergency power source in order
to maintain at least 30 minutes of run time. The emergency power source must be
reliable and have adequate capacity to carry the locked-rotor currents of the fire pump
motor and accessory equipment. You must route power cables or conduits with wires
installed between the fire water pump drivers and the automatic transfer switch away
from hazardous-classified locations that can cause flame impingement. Power cables or

conduits with wires that connect to the fire water pump drivers must be capable of
maintaining circuit integrity for not less than 30 minutes of flame impingement.
(3) You must post a diagram of the firefighting system showing the location of all
firefighting equipment in a prominent place on the facility or structure.
(4) For operations in subfreezing climates, you must furnish evidence to the District
Manager that the firefighting system is suitable for those conditions.
(5) All firefighting equipment located on a facility must be in good working order
whether approved as the primary, secondary, or ancillary firefighting system.
(b) Inoperable Firewater Systems. If you are required to maintain a firewater system
and it becomes inoperable, either shut-in your production operations while making the
necessary repairs, or request that the appropriate BSEE District Manager grant you a
departure under 250.142 to use a firefighting system using chemicals on a temporary
basis (for a period up to 7 days) while you make the necessary repairs. If you are unable
to complete repairs during the approved time period because of circumstances beyond
your control, the BSEE District Manager may grant extensions to your approved
departure for periods up to 7 days.
250.860 Chemical firefighting system.
(a) Major platforms and minor manned platforms. A firefighting system using
chemicals-only may be used in lieu of a water-based system on a major platform or a
minor manned platform if the District Manager determines that the use of a chemical
system provides equivalent fire-protection control and would not increase the risk to
human safety. A major platform is a structure with either six or more completions or
zero to five completions with more than one item of production process equipment. A

minor platform is a structure with zero to five completions with one item of production
process equipment. A manned platform is one that is attended 24 hours a day or one on
which personnel are quartered overnight. To obtain approval to use a chemical-only fire
prevention and control system on a major platform or a minor manned platform, in lieu of
a water system, you must submit to the District Manager:
(1) A justification for asserting that the use of a chemical system provides equivalent
fire-protection control. The justification must address fire prevention, fire protection, fire
control, and firefighting on the platform; and
(2) A risk assessment demonstrating that a chemical-only system would not increase
the risk to human safety. Provide the following and any other important information in
your risk assessment:
For the use of a chemical
firefighting system on
major and minor manned
platforms, you must
provide the following in
your risk assessment
(i) Platform description
(A) The type and quantity of hydrocarbons (i.e., natural gas, oil) that are
produced, handled, stored, or processed at the facility.

(B) The capacity of any tanks on the facility that you use to store either
liquid hydrocarbons or other flammable liquids.

(C) The total volume of flammable liquids (other than produced
hydrocarbons) stored on the facility in containers other than bulk storage
tanks. Include flammable liquids stored in paint lockers, storerooms, and

(D) If the facility is manned, provide the maximum number of personnel
on board and the anticipated length of their stay.

(E) If the facility is unmanned, provide the number of days per week the
facility will be visited, the average length of time spent on the facility per
day, the mode of transportation, and whether or not transportation will be
available at the facility while personnel are on board.
(F) A diagram that depicts: quarters location, production equipment
location, fire prevention and control equipment location, lifesaving
appliances and equipment location, and evacuation plan escape routes from
quarters and all manned working spaces to primary evacuation equipment.
(ii) Hazard assessment
(facility specific)
(A) Identification of all likely fire initiation scenarios (including those
resulting from maintenance and repair activities). For each scenario,
discuss its potential severity and identify the ignition and fuel sources.


(B) Estimates of the fire/radiant heat exposure that personnel could be
subjected to. Show how you have considered designated muster areas and
evacuation routes near fuel sources and have verified proper flare boom
sizing for radiant heat exposure.
(iii) Human factors
assessment (not facility
(A) Descriptions of the fire-related training your employees and
contractors have received. Include details on the length of training,
whether the training was hands-on or classroom, the training frequency,
and the topics covered during the training.

(B) Descriptions of the training your employees and contractors have
received in fire prevention, control of ignition sources, and control of fuel
sources when the facility is occupied.

(C) Descriptions of the instructions and procedures you have given to your
employees and contractors on the actions they should take if a fire occurs.
Include those instructions and procedures specific to evacuation. State how
you convey this information to your employees and contractor on the
(iv) Evacuation assessment
(facility specific)
(A) A general discussion of your evacuation plan. Identify your muster
areas (if applicable), both the primary and secondary evacuation routes, and
the means of evacuation for both.
(B) Description of the type, quantity, and location of lifesaving appliances
available on the facility. Show how you have ensured that lifesaving
appliances are located in the near vicinity of the escape routes.

(C) Description of the types and availability of support vessels, whether
the support vessels are equipped with a fire monitor, and the time needed
for support vessels to arrive at the facility.

(D) Estimates of the worst case time needed for personnel to evacuate the
facility should a fire occur.
(v) Alternative protection
(A) Discussion of the reasons you are proposing to use an alternative fire
prevention and control system.

(B) Lists of the specific standards used to design the system, locate the
equipment, and operate the equipment/system.

(C) Description of the proposed alternative fire prevention and control
system/equipment. Provide details on the type, size, number, and location
of the prevention and control equipment.

(D) Description of the testing, inspection, and maintenance program you
will use to maintain the fire prevention and control equipment in an
operable condition. Provide specifics regarding the type of inspection, the
personnel who conduct the inspections, the inspection procedures, and
documentation and recordkeeping.
(vi) Conclusion
A summary of your technical evaluation showing that the alternative
system provides an equivalent level of personnel protection for the specific
hazards located on the facility.

(b) Changes after approval. If BSEE has approved your request to use a chemical-
only fire suppressant system in lieu of a water system, and if you make an insignificant
change to your platform subsequent to that approval, document the change and maintain
the documentation at the facility or nearest field office for BSEE review and/or

inspection and maintain for the life of the facility. Do not submit this documentation to
the BSEE District Manager. However, if you make a significant change to your platform
(e.g., placing a storage vessel with a capacity of 100 barrels or more on the facility,
adding production equipment) or if you plan to man an unmanned platform temporarily,
submit a new request, including an updated risk assessment, to the appropriate BSEE
District Manager for approval. You must maintain the most recent documentation that
you submitted to BSEE for the life of the facility at either location discussed previously.
(c) Minor unmanned platforms. You may use a U.S. Coast Guard type and size
rating B-II portable dry chemical unit (with a minimum UL Rating (US) of 60-B:C) or
a 30-pound portable dry chemical unit, in lieu of a water system, on all platforms that are
both minor and unmanned, as long as you ensure that the unit is available on the platform
when personnel are on board.
250.861 Foam firefighting system.
When foam firefighting systems are installed as part of your firefighting system, you
(a) Annually conduct an inspection of the foam concentrates and their tanks or
storage containers for evidence of excessive sludging or deterioration.
(b) Annually send samples of the foam concentrate to the manufacturer or authorized
representative for quality condition testing. You must have the sample tested to
determine the specific gravity, pH, percentage of water dilution, and solid content. Based
on these results, the foam must be certified by an authorized representative of the
manufacturer as suitable firefighting foam per the original manufacturers specifications.
The certification document must be readily accessible for field inspection. In lieu of

sampling and certification, you may choose to replace the total inventory of foam with
suitable new stock.
(c) The quantity of concentrate must meet design requirements, and tanks or
containers must be kept full with space allowed for expansion.
250.862 Fire and gas-detection systems.
(a) You must install fire (flame, heat, or smoke) sensors in all enclosed classified
areas. You must install gas sensors in all inadequately ventilated, enclosed classified
areas. Adequate ventilation is defined as ventilation that is sufficient to prevent
accumulation of significant quantities of vapor-air mixture in concentrations over 25
percent of the lower explosive limit. An acceptable method of providing adequate
ventilation is one that provides a change of air volume each 5 minutes or 1 cubic foot of
air-volume flow per minute per square foot of solid floor area, whichever is greater.
Enclosed areas (e.g., buildings, living quarters, or doghouses) are defined as those areas
confined on more than four of their six possible sides by walls, floors, or ceilings more
restrictive to air flow than grating or fixed open louvers and of sufficient size to allow
entry of personnel. A classified area is any area classified Class I, Group D, Division 1
or 2, following the guidelines of API RP 500 (incorporated by reference as specified in
250.198), or any area classified Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2, following the
guidelines of API RP 505 (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(b) All detection systems must be capable of continuous monitoring. Fire-detection
systems and portions of combustible gas-detection systems related to the higher gas
concentration levels must be of the manual-reset type. Combustible gas-detection
systems related to the lower gas-concentration level may be of the automatic-reset type.

(c) A fuel-gas odorant or an automatic gas-detection and alarm system is required in
enclosed, continuously manned areas of the facility which are provided with fuel gas.
Living quarters and doghouses not containing a gas source and not located in a classified
area do not require a gas detection system.
(d) The District Manager may require the installation and maintenance of a gas
detector or alarm in any potentially hazardous area.
(e) Fire- and gas-detection systems must be an approved type, and designed and
installed in accordance with API RP 14C, API RP 14G, API RP 14F, API RP 14FZ, API
RP 500, and API RP 505 (all incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
250.863 Electrical equipment.
You must design, install, and maintain electrical equipment and systems in
accordance with the requirements in 250.114.
250.864 Erosion.
You must have a program of erosion control in effect for wells or fields that have a
history of sand production. The erosion-control program may include sand probes, X-
ray, ultrasonic, or other satisfactory monitoring methods. You must maintain records by
lease that indicate the wells that have erosion-control programs in effect. You must also
maintain the results of the programs for at least 2 years and make them available to BSEE
upon request.
250.865 Surface pumps.
(a) You must equip pump installations with the protective equipment required in API
RP 14C, Appendix A A.7, Pumps section A7 (incorporated by reference as specified
in 250.198).

(b) You must use pressure recording devices to establish the new operating pressure
ranges for pump discharge sensors at any time when the normalized system pressure
changes by 50 psig or 5 percent, whichever is higher. You must only maintain the most
recent pressure recording information that you used to determine operating pressure
ranges at your field office nearest the OCS facility or at another location conveniently
available to the District Manager. The PSH sensor(s) must be set no higher than 15
percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater, above the highest operating pressure of the
discharge line. But in all cases, you must set the PSH sensor sufficiently below the
maximum allowable working pressure of the discharge piping. In addition, you must set
the PSH sensor(s) at least (5 percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater) below the set pressure
of the PSV to assure that the pressure source is shut-in before the PSV activates. You
must set the PSL sensor(s) no lower than 15 percent or 5 psi, whichever is greater, below
the lowest operating pressure of the discharge line in which it is installed.
(c) The PSL does not need to be placed into service until such time as the pump
discharge pressure has risen above the PSL sensing point, as long as this time does not
exceed 45 seconds.
(d) You may exclude the PSH and PSL sensors on small, low-volume pumps such as
chemical injection-type pumps. This is acceptable if such a pump is used as a sump
pump or transfer pump, has a discharge rating of less than gallon per minute (gpm),
discharges into piping that is 1 inch or less in diameter, and terminates in piping that is 2
inches or larger in diameter.
(e) You must install a TSE in the immediate vicinity of all pumps in hydrocarbon
service or those powered by platform fuel gas.

(f) The pump maximum discharge pressure must be determined using the maximum
possible suction pressure and the maximum power output of the driver.
250.866 Personnel safety equipment.
You must maintain all personnel safety equipment located on a facility, whether
required or not, in good working condition.
250.867 Temporary quarters and temporary equipment
(a) The District Manager must approve all temporary quarters to be installed on OCS
facilities. You must equip temporary quarters with all safety devices required by API RP
14C, Appendix C (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(b) The District Manager may require you to install a temporary firewater system in
temporary quarters.
(c) Temporary equipment used for well testing and/or well clean-up needs to be
approved by the District Manager.
250.868 Non-metallic piping.
You may use non-metallic piping, such as that made from polyvinyl chloride,
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, and reinforced fiberglass only in atmospheric, primarily
non-hydrocarbon service such as:
(a) Piping in galleys and living quarters;
(b) Open atmospheric drain systems;
(c) Overboard water piping for atmospheric produced water systems; and
(d) Firewater system piping.
250.869 General platform operations.

(a) Surface or subsurface safety devices must not be bypassed or blocked out of
service unless they are temporarily out of service for startup, maintenance, or testing.
You may take only the minimum number of safety devices out of service. Personnel
must monitor the bypassed or blocked-out functions until the safety devices are placed
back in service. Any surface or subsurface safety device which is temporarily out of
service must be flagged. A designated visual indicator must be used to identify the
bypassed safety device. You must follow the monitoring procedures as follows:
(1) If you are using a non-computer-based system, meaning your safety system
operates primarily with pneumatic supply or non-programmable electrical systems, you
must monitor non-computer-based system bypassed safety devices by positioning
monitoring personnel at either the control panel for the bypassed safety device, or at the
bypassed safety device, or at the component that the bypassed safety device would be
monitoring when in service. You must also ensure that monitoring personnel are able to
view all relevant essential operating conditions until all bypassed safety devices are
placed back in service and are able to initiate shut-in action in the event of an abnormal
(2) If you are using a computer-based technology system, meaning a computer-
controlled electronic safety system such as supervisory control and data acquisition and
remote terminal units, you must monitor computer-based technology system bypassed
safety devices by maintaining instantaneous communications at all times among remote
monitoring personnel and the personnel performing maintenance, testing, or startup.
Until all bypassed safety devices are placed back in service, you must also position
monitoring personnel at a designated control station that is capable of the following:

(i) Displaying all relevant essential operating conditions that affect the bypassed
safety device, well, pipeline, and process component. If electronic display of all relevant
essential conditions is not possible, you must have field personnel monitoring the level
gauges (Site glass) and pressure gauges in order to know the current operating conditions.
You must be in communication with all field personnel monitoring the gauges;
(ii) Controlling the production process equipment and the entire safety system;
(iii) Displaying a visual indicator when safety devices are placed in the bypassed
mode; and
(iv) Upon command, overriding the bypassed safety device and initiating shut-in
action in the event of an abnormal condition.
(3) You must not bypass for startup any element of the emergency support system or
other support system required by API RP 14C, Appendix C, (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198) without first receiving BSEE approval to depart from this
operating procedure in accordance with 250.142. These systems include, but are not
limited to:
(i) The ESD system to provide a method to manually initiate platform shutdown by
personnel observing abnormal conditions or undesirable events. You do not have to
receive approval from the District Manager for manual reset and/or initial charging of the
(ii) The fire loop system to sense the heat of a fire and initiate platform shutdown,
and other fire detection devices (flame, thermal, and smoke) that are used to enhance fire
detection capability. You do not have to receive approval from the District Manager for
manual reset and/or initial charging of the system;

(iii) The combustible gas detection system to sense the presence of hydrocarbons and
initiate alarms and platform shutdown before gas concentrations reach the lower
explosive limit;
(iv) The adequate ventilation system;
(v) The containment system to collect escaped liquid hydrocarbons and initiate
platform shutdown;
(vi) Subsurface safety valves, including those that are self-actuated (subsurface-
controlled SSSV) or those that are activated by an ESD system and/or a fire loop
(surface-controlled SSSV). You do not have to receive approval from the District
Manager for routine operations in accordance with 250.817;
(vii) The pneumatic supply system; and
(viii) The system for discharging gas to the atmosphere.
(4) In instances where components of the ESD, as listed above in paragraph (3), are
bypassed for maintenance, precautions must be taken to provide the equivalent level of
protection that existed prior to the bypass.
(b) When wells are disconnected from producing facilities and blind flanged, or
equipped with a tubing plug, or the master valves have been locked closed, you are not
required to comply with the provisions of API RP 14C (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198) or this regulation concerning the following:
(1) Automatic fail-close SSVs on wellhead assemblies, and
(2) The PSH and PSL sensors in flowlines from wells.
(c) When pressure or atmospheric vessels are isolated from production facilities (e.g.,
inlet valve locked closed or inlet blind-flanged) and are to remain isolated for an

extended period of time, safety device testing in accordance with API RP 14C
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198) or this subpart is not required, with
the exception of the PSV, unless the vessel is open to the atmosphere.
(d) All open-ended lines connected to producing facilities and wells must be plugged
or blind-flanged, except those lines designed to be open-ended such as flare or vent lines.
(e) All new production safety system installations, component process control
devices, and component safety devices must not be installed utilizing the same sensing
250.870 Time delays on pressure safety low (PSL) sensors.
(a) You must apply industry standard Class B, Class C, and Class B/C logic to all
applicable PSL sensors installed on process equipment, as long as the time delay does not
exceed 45 seconds. Use of a PSL sensor with a time delay greater than 45 seconds
requires BSEE approval of a request under 250.141. You must document on your field
test records use of a PSL sensor with a time delay greater than 45 seconds. For purposes
of this section, PSL sensors are categorized as follows:
(1) Class B safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to be bypassed
for a fixed time period (typically less than 15 seconds, but not more than 45 seconds).
Examples include sensors used in conjunction with the design of pump and compressor
panels such as PSL sensors, lubricator no-flows, and high-water jacket temperature
(2) Class C safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to be bypassed
until the component comes into full service (i.e., the time at which the startup pressure

equals or exceeds the set pressure of the PSL sensor, the system reaches a stabilized
pressure, and the PSL sensor clears).
(3) Class B/C safety devices have logic that allows for the PSL sensors to incorporate
a combination of Class B and Class C circuitry. These devices are used to ensure that the
PSL sensors are not unnecessarily bypassed during startup and idle operations, e.g., Class
B/C bypass circuitry activates when a pump is shut down during normal operations. The
PSL sensor remains bypassed until the pumps start circuitry is activated and either
(i) The Class B timer expires no later than 45 seconds from start activation or
(ii) The Class C bypass is initiated until the pump builds up pressure above the PSL
sensor set point and the PSL sensor comes into full service.
(b) If you do not install time delay circuitry that bypasses activation of PSL sensor
shutdown logic for a specified time period on process and product transport equipment
during startup and idle operations, you must manually bypass (pin out or disengage) the
PSL sensor, with a time delay not to exceed 45 seconds. Use of a manual bypass that
involves a time delay greater than 45 seconds requires approval from the appropriate
BSEE District Manager of a request made under 250.141.
250.871 Welding and burning practices and procedures.
All welding, burning, and hot-tapping activities must be conducted according to the
specific requirements in 250.113. The BSEE approval of variances from your approved
welding and burning practices and procedures may be requested in accordance with
250.141 regarding use of alternative procedures or equipment.
250.872 Atmospheric vessels.

(a) You must equip atmospheric vessels used to process and /or store liquid
hydrocarbons or other Class I liquids as described in API RP 500 or 505 (both
incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198) with protective equipment identified
in API RP 14C, section A.5 (incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198).
(b) You must ensure that all atmospheric vessels are designed and maintained to
ensure the proper working conditions for LSH sensors. The LSH sensor bridle must be
designed to prevent different density fluids from impacting sensor functionality. For
atmospheric vessels that have oil buckets, the LSH sensor must be installed to sense the
level in the oil bucket.
(c) You must ensure that all flame arrestors are maintained to ensure proper design
function (installation of a system to allow for ease of inspection should be considered).
250.873 Subsea gas lift requirements.
If you choose to install a subsea gas lift system, you must design your system in
accordance with the following or as approved in your DWOP. You must:
(a) Design the gas lift supply pipeline in accordance with the API RP 14C
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198) for the gas lift supply system
located on the platform.
(b) Meet the appropriate requirements in the following table:
Then you must install a... If your
subsea gas
lift system
the lift gas
to the
API Spec 6A and
API Spec 6AV1
(both incorporated
by reference as
specified in
250.198) gas-lift
shutdown valve
(GLSDV), and
FSV on
the gas-lift
the gas-
API Spec 6A
and API Spec
6AV1 manual
(1) Subsea
meet all of the
requirements for the
BSDV described in
(in board)
of the
(in board)
downstream (out
board) of the
PSHL and above
(i) Ensure that the
MAOP of a subsea
gas lift supply

Risers, or
via an
Gas Lift

250.835 and 250.836
on the gas-lift supply


of the

the waterline.
This valve does
not have to be

pipeline is equal to
the MAOP of the
production pipeline.
an actuated fail-safe
close gas-lift
isolation valve
(GLIV) located at
the point of
intersection between
the gas lift supply
pipeline and the
production pipeline,
pipeline riser, or
(ii) Install an
actuated fail-safe
close gas-lift
isolation valve
(GLIV) located at
the point of
intersection between
the gas lift supply
pipeline and the
production pipeline,
pipeline riser, or
manifold. Install
the GLIV
downstream of the
underwater safety
valve(s) (USV)
and/or AIV(s).
(2) Subsea
through the
String via
an External
Gas Lift
Locate the GLSDV
within 10 feet of the
first of access to the
gas-lift riser or
topsides umbilical
termination assembly
(TUTA) (i.e., within
10 feet of the edge of
the platform if the
horizontal, or within
10 feet above the first
accessible working
deck, excluding the
boat landing and
above the splash
zone, if the GLSDV
is in the vertical run
of a riser, or within
10 feet of the TUTA
if using an
on the
(in board)
of the
on the
m (out
board) of
downstream (out
board) of the
PSHL and above
the waterline.
This valve does
not have to be
Install an actuated,
GLIV on the gas lift
supply pipeline near
the wellhead to
provide the dual
function of
containing annular
pressure and
shutting off the gas
lift supply gas. If
your subsea trees or
tubing head is
equipped with an
annulus master
valve (AMV) or an
annulus wing valve
(AWV), one of
these may be
designated as the
GLIV. Consider
installing the GLIV
external to the
subsea tree to
facilitate repair and

or replacement if
Risers via a
within the
locate the GLSDV
within 10 feet of the
first of access to the
gas-lift riser or
TUTA (i.e., within
10 feet of the edge of
the platform if the
horizontal, or within
10 feet above the first
accessible working
deck, excluding the
boat landing and
above the splash
zone, if the GLSDV
is in the vertical run
of a riser, or within
10 feet of the TUTA
if using an
(in board)
of the
(in board)
of the
downstream (out
board) of the
(i) Ensure that the
gas-lift supply
flowline from the
gas-lift compressor
to the GLSDV is
pressure-rated for
the MAOP of the
pipeline riser.
Ensure that any
surface equipment
associated with the
gas-lift system is
rated for the MAOP
of the pipeline riser.
(ii) Ensure that the
gas-lift compressor
discharge pressure
never exceeds the
MAOP of the
pipeline riser.
(iii) Suspend and
seal the gas-lift
flowline contained
within the
production riser in a
flanged API Spec.
6A component such
as an API Spec. 6A
tubing head and
tubing hanger or a
constructed, tested,
and installed to the
requirements of API
Spec. 6A. Ensure
that all potential
leak paths upstream
or near the
production riser
BSDV on the
platform provide the
same level of safety
and environmental
protection as the
production riser
BSDV. In addition,
ensure that this
complete assembly
is fire-rated for 30
minutes. Attach the
GLSDV by flanged
connection directly
to the API Spec. 6A

component used to
suspend and seal the
gas-lift line
contained within the
production riser. To
facilitate the repair
or replacement of
the GLSDV or
production riser
BSDV, you may
install a manual
isolation valve
between the
GLSDV and the
API Spec. 6A
component used to
suspend and seal the
gas-lift line
contained within the
production riser, or
outboard of the
production riser
BSDV and inboard
of the API Spec. 6A
component used to
suspend and seal the
gas-lift line
contained within the
production riser.

(c) Follow the valve closure times and hydraulic bleed requirements according to
your approved DWOP for the following:
(1) Electro-hydraulic control system with gas lift,
(2) Electro-hydraulic control system with gas lift with loss of communications,
(3) Direct-hydraulic control system with gas lift.
(d) Follow the gas lift valve testing requirements according to the following table:
Type of gas lift system Valve
leakage rate
GLSDV Zero leakage. Monthly, not to
exceed 6 weeks.
(i) Gas Lifting a subsea pipeline,
pipeline riser, or manifold via an
external gas lift pipeline
GLIV N/A Function tested
quarterly, not to
exceed 120 days.

GLSDV Zero leakage. Monthly, not to
exceed 6 weeks.
(ii) Gas Lifting a subsea well through
the casing string via an external gas lift
GLIV 400 cc per minute
of liquid or 15 scf
per minute of gas
Function tested
quarterly, not to
exceed 120 days.
(iii) Gas lifting the pipeline riser via a
gas lift line contained within the
pipeline riser
GLSDV Zero leakage. Monthly, not to
exceed 6 weeks.

250.874 Subsea water injection systems.
If you choose to install a subsea water injection system, you must design your
system in accordance with the following or as approved in your DWOP. You must:
(a) Adhere to the water injection requirements described in API RP 14C
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198) for the water injection equipment
located on the platform. In accordance with 250.830, either a surface-controlled SSSV
or a water injection valve (WIV) that is self-activated and not controlled by emergency
shut-down (ESD) or sensor activation must be installed in a subsea water injection well.
(b) Equip a water injection pipeline with a surface FSV and water injection
shutdown valve (WISDV) on the surface facility.
(c) Install a PSHL sensor upstream (in board) of the FSV and WISDV.
(d) All subsea tree(s), wellhead(s), connector(s), tree valves, and an surface-
controlled SSSV or WIV associated with a water injection system must be rated for the
maximum anticipated injection pressure.
(e) Consider the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) when designing your water flood
(f) Follow the valve closure times and hydraulic bleed requirements according to

your approved DWOP for the following:
(1) Electro-hydraulic control system with water injection,
(2) Electro-hydraulic control system with water injection with loss of
(3) Direct-hydraulic control system with water injection.
(g) Follow the WIV testing requirements according to the following:
(1) WIV testing table,

(2) Should a designated USV on a water injection well fail to test, notify the
appropriate BSEE District Manager, and either designate another API Spec 6A and API
Spec. 6AV1 (both incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198) certified subsea
valve as your USV, or modify the valve closure time of the surface-controlled SSSV or
WIV to close within 20 minutes after sensor activation for a water injection line PSHL or
platform ESD/TSE (host). If a USV on a water injection well fails and the surface-
controlled SSSV or WIV cannot be tested because of low reservoir pressure, submit a
request to the appropriate BSEE District Manager with an alternative plan that ensures
subsea shutdown capabilities.
(3) Function test the WISDV quarterly if you are operating under a departure
approval to not test the WISDV. You may request approval from the appropriate BSEE
District Manager to forgo testing the WISDV until the shut-in tubing pressure of the
water injection well is greater than the external hydrostatic pressure, provided that the
Valve Allowable leakage rate Testing frequency
(i) WISDV.

Zero leakage. Monthly, not to exceed 6 weeks.
(ii) Surface-controlled
400 cc per minute of liquid or
15 scf per minute of gas.
Semiannually, not to exceed
6 calendar months.

USVs meet the allowable leakage rate listed in the valve closure testing table in
250.880 (c)(4)(ii). Should the USVs fail to meet the allowable leakage rate, submit a
request to the appropriate BSEE District Manager with an alternative plan that ensures
subsea shutdown capabilities.
(f) If you experience a loss of communications during water injection operations,
comply with the following:
(1) Notify the appropriate BSEE District Manager within 12 hours after loss of
communication detection; and
(2) Obtain approval from the appropriate BSEE District Manager, to continue to
inject with loss of communication. The District Manager may also order a shut-in. In
that case, the BSEE District Manager may approve an alternate hydraulic bleed schedule
to allow for an orderly shut-in.
250.875 Subsea Pump Systems.
If you choose to install a subsea pump system, you must design your system in
accordance with the following or as approved in your DWOP. You must:
(a) Install an isolation valve at the inlet of your subsea pump module.
(b) Install a PSHL sensor upstream of the BSDV, if the maximum possible
discharge pressure of the subsea pump operating in a dead head condition (that is the
maximum shut-in tubing pressure at the pump inlet and a closed BSDV) is less than the
MAOP of the associated pipeline.
(c) Comply with the following, if the maximum possible discharge pressure of the
subsea pump operating in a dead head situation could be greater than the MAOP of the

(1) Install, at minimum, two independent functioning PSHL sensors upstream of the
subsea pump and two independent functioning PSHL sensors downstream of the pump.
(i) Ensure PSHL sensors are operational when the subsea pump is in service; and
(ii) Ensure that PSHL activation will shut down the subsea pump, the subsea inlet
isolation valve, and either the designated USV1, the USV2, or the alternate isolation
(iii) If more than two PSHL sensors are installed upstream and downstream of the
subsea pump for operational flexibility, then a 2 out of 3 voting logic may be
implemented in which the subsea pump remains operational provided a minimum of two
independent PSHL sensors are functional both upstream and downstream of the pump.
(2) Interlock the subsea pump motor with the BSDV to ensure that the pump cannot
start or operate when the BSDV is closed, incorporate the following permissive signals
into the control system for your subsea pump, and ensure that the subsea pump is not able
to be started or re-started unless:
(i) The BSDV is open;
(ii) All automated valves downstream of the subsea pump are open;
(iii) The upstream subsea pump isolation valve is open; and
(iv) All alarms associated with the subsea pump operation (pump temperature high,
pump vibration high, pump suction pressure high, pump discharge pressure high, pump
suction flow low) are cleared or continuously monitored (personnel should observe visual
indicators displayed at a designated control station and have the capability to initiate
shut-in action in the event of an abnormal condition).
(3) Monitor the separator for seawater.

(4) Ensure that the subsea pump systems are controlled by an electro-hydraulic
control system.
(d) Follow the valve closure times and hydraulic bleed requirements according to
your approved DWOP for the following:
(1) Electro-hydraulic control system with a subsea pump,
(2) A loss of communications with the subsea wells and not the subsea pump
control system without a ESD or sensor activation,
(3) A loss of communications with the subsea pump control system, but not the
subsea wells,
(4) A loss of communications with the subsea wells and the subsea pump control
(e) Follow the subsea pump testing requirements by:
(1) Performing a complete subsea pump function test, including full shutdown after
any intervention, or changes to the software and equipment affecting the subsea pump;
(2) Testing the subsea pump shutdown including PSHL sensors both upstream and
downstream of the pump each quarter, but in no case more than 120 days between tests.
This testing may be performed concurrently with the ESD function test.
250.876 Fired and Exhaust Heated Components.
Every 5 years you must have a qualified third party remove, inspect, repair, or
replace tube-type heaters that are equipped with either automatically controlled natural or
forced draft burners installed in either atmospheric or pressure vessels that heat
hydrocarbons and/or glycol. If removal and inspection indicates tube-type heater

deficiencies, you must complete and document repairs or replacements. You must
document the inspection results, retain such documentation for at least 5 years, and make
them available to BSEE upon request.
250.877 through 250.879 [Reserved]
250.880 Production safety system testing.
(a) Notification. You must:
(1) Notify District Manager at least 72 hours before commencing production, so that
BSEE may witness a preproduction test and conduct a preproduction inspection of the
integrated safety system.
(2) Notify the District Manager upon commencement of production so that BSEE
may conduct a complete inspection.
(3) Notify the District Manager and receive BSEE approval before you perform any
subsea intervention that modifies the existing subsea infrastructure in a way that may
affect the casing monitoring capabilities and testing frequencies contained in the table set
forth in paragraph (c)(4).
(b) Testing methodologies. You must:
(1) Test safety valves and other equipment at the intervals specified in the tables set
forth in paragraph (c) or more frequently if operating conditions warrant; and
(2) Perform testing and inspection in accordance with API RP 14C, Appendix D
(incorporated by reference as specified in 250.198), and the additional requirements
found in the tables of this section or as approved in the DWOP for your subsea system.
(c) Testing frequencies and allowable parameters.

(1) The following testing requirements apply to subsurface safety devices on dry tree
Item name Testing frequency, allowable leakage rates, and
other requirements
(i) Surface-controlled SSSVs (including devices
installed in shut-in and injection wells).
Not to exceed 6 months. Also test in place when
first installed or reinstalled. If the device does not
operate properly, or if a liquid leakage rate > 400
cubic centimeters per minute or a gas leakage rate
> 15 cubic feet per minute is observed, the device
must be removed, repaired, and reinstalled or
replaced. Testing must be according to API RP
14B (ISO 10417:2004) (incorporated by reference
as specified in 250.198) to ensure proper
(ii) Subsurface-controlled SSSVs. Not to exceed 6 months for valves not installed in a
landing nipple and 12 months for valves installed in
a landing nipple. The valve must be removed,
inspected, and repaired or adjusted, as necessary,
and reinstalled or replaced.
(iii) Tubing plug. Not to exceed 6 months. Test by opening the well
to possible flow. If a liquid leakage rate > 400
cubic centimeters per minute or a gas leakage rate
> 15 cubic feet per minute is observed, the plug
must be removed, repaired, and reinstalled, or
replaced. An additional tubing plug may be
installed in lieu of removal.
(iv) Injection valves. Not to exceed 6 months. Test by opening the well
to possible flow. If a liquid leakage rate > 400
cubic centimeters per minute or a gas leakage rate
> 15 cubic feet per minute is observed, the valve
must be removed, repaired and reinstalled, or

(2) The following testing requirements apply to surface valves:
Item name Testing frequency and requirements
(i) PSVs. Once each 12 months, not to exceed 13 months
between tests. Valve must either be bench-tested
or equipped to permit testing with an external
pressure source. Weighted disc vent valves used as
PSVs on atmospheric tanks may be disassembled
and inspected in lieu of function testing.
(ii) Automatic inlet SDVs that are actuated by a
sensor on a vessel or compressor.
Once each calendar month, not to exceed 6 weeks
between tests.
(iii) SDVs in liquid discharge lines and actuated
by vessel low-level sensors.
Once each calendar month, not to exceed 6 weeks
between tests.
(iv) SSVs. Once each calendar month, not to exceed 6 weeks
between tests. Valves must be tested for both
operation and leakage. You must test according to
API RP 14H (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198). If an SSV does not operate
properly or if any fluid flow is observed during the

leakage test, the valve must be immediately
repaired or replaced.
(v) FSVs. Once each calendar month, not to exceed 6 weeks
between tests. All FSVs must be tested, including
those installed on a host facility in lieu of being
installed at a satellite well. You must test FSVs for
leakage in accordance with the test procedure
specified in API RP 14C, appendix D, section D4,
table D2 subsection D (incorporated by reference
as specified in 250.198). If leakage measured
exceeds a liquid flow of 400 cubic centimeters per
minute or a gas flow of 15 cubic feet per minute,
the FSV must be repaired or replaced.

(3) The following testing requirements apply to surface safety systems and devices:
Item name Testing frequency and requirements
(i) Pumps for firewater systems. Must be inspected and operated according to API
RP 14G, Section 7.2 (incorporated by reference as
specified in 250.198).
(ii) Fire- (flame, heat, or smoke) detection
Must be tested for operation and recalibrated every
3 months provided that testing can be performed in
a non-destructive manner. Open flame or devices
operating at temperatures that could ignite a
methane-air mixture must not be used. All
combustible gas-detection systems must be
calibrated every 3 months.
(iii) ESD systems. (A) Pneumatic based ESD systems must be tested
for operation at least once each calendar month, not
to exceed 6 weeks between tests. You must
conduct the test by alternating ESD stations
monthly to close at least one wellhead SSV and
verify a surface-controlled SSSV closure for that
well as indicated by control circuitry actuation.
(B) Electronic based ESD systems must be tested
for operation at least once every three calendar
months, not to exceed 120 days between tests. The
test must be conducted by alternating ESD stations
to close at least one wellhead SSV and verify a
surface-controlled SSSV closure for that well as
indicated by control circuitry actuation.
(C) Electronic/pneumatic based ESD systems must
be tested for operation at least once every three
calendar months, not to exceed 120 days between
tests. The test must be conducted by alternating
ESD stations to close at least one wellhead SSV
and verify a surface-controlled SSSV closure for
that well as indicated by control circuitry actuation.
(iv) TSH devices. Must be tested for operation at least once every 12
months, excluding those addressed in paragraph
(b)(3)(v) of this section and those that would be
destroyed by testing. Those that could be
destroyed by testing must be visually inspected and
the circuit tested for operations at least once every
12 months.

(v) TSH shutdown controls installed on
compressor installations that can be
nondestructively tested.
Must be tested every 6 months and repaired or
replaced as necessary.
(vi) Burner safety low. Must be tested at least once every 12 months.
(vii) Flow safety low devices. Must be tested at least once every 12 months.
(viii) Flame, spark, and detonation arrestors. Must be visually inspected at least once every 12
(ix) Electronic pressure transmitters and level
sensors: PSH and PSL; LSH and LSL.
Must be tested at least once every 3 months, but no
more than 120 days elapse between tests.
(x) Pneumatic/electronic switch PSH and PSL;
pneumatic/electronic switch/electric analog with
mechanical linkage LSH and LSL controls.
Must be tested at least once each calendar month,
but with no more than 6 weeks elapsed time
between tests.

(4) The following testing requirements apply to subsurface safety devices and
associated systems on subsea tree wells:
Item name Testing frequency, allowable leakage rates, and
other requirements
(i) Surface-controlled SSSVs (including devices
installed in shut-in and injection wells).
Tested semiannually, not to exceed 6 months. If
the device does not operate properly, or if a liquid
leakage rate > 400 cubic centimeters per minute or
a gas leakage rate > 15 cubic feet per minute is
observed, the device must be removed, repaired,
and reinstalled or replaced. Testing must be
according to API RP 14B (ISO 10417:2004)
(incorporated by reference as specified in
250.198) to ensure proper operation, or as
approved in your DWOP.
(ii) USVs Tested quarterly, not to exceed 120 days. If the
device does not function properly, or if a liquid
leakage rate > 400 cubic centimeters per minute or
a gas leakage rate > 15 cubic feet per minute is
observed, the valve must be removed, repaired and
reinstalled, or replaced.
(iii) BSDVs Tested monthly, not to exceed 6 weeks. Valves
must be tested for both operation and leakage. You
must test according to API RP 14H for SSVs
(incorporated by reference as specified in
250.198). If a BSDV does not operate properly or
if any fluid flow is observed during the leakage
test, the valve must be immediately repaired or
(iv) Electronic ESD logic Tested monthly, not to exceed 6 weeks.
(v) Electronic ESD function Tested quarterly, not to exceed 120 days. Shut-in
at least one well during the ESD function test. If
multiple wells are tied back to the same platform, a
different well should be shut-in with each quarterly

(5) The following testing and other requirements apply to subsea wells shut-in and

disconnected from monitoring capability for periods greater than 6 months:
(i) Each well must be left with three pressure barriers: a closed and tested surface-
controlled SSSV, a closed and tested USV, and one additional closed and tested tree
(ii) Acceptance criteria for the tested pressure barriers prior to the rig leaving the
well are as follows:
(A) The surface controlled SSSV must be tested for leakage in accordance with
(B) The USV and other pressure barrier must be tested to confirm zero leakage.
(iii) A sealing pressure cap must be installed on the flowline connection hub until
installation of and connection to the flowline. A pressure cap must be designed to
accommodate monitoring for pressure between the production wing valve and cap. A
diagnostics capability must be integrated into the design such that a remotely operated
vehicle can bleed pressure off and monitor for buildup, confirming barrier integrity.
(iv) Pressure monitoring at the sealing pressure cap on the flowline connection hub
must be performed in each well at intervals not to exceed 12 months from the time of
initial testing (prior to demobilizing rig from field).
(v) A drilling vessel capable of intervention into the disconnected well must be in the
field or readily accessible for use until the wells are brought on line.
(vi) The shut-in period for each disconnected well must not exceed 24 months, unless
authorized by BSEE.
250.881 250.889 [Reserved]

250.890 Records.
(a) You must maintain records that show the present status and history of each safety
device. Your records must include dates and details of installation, removal, inspection,
testing, repairing, adjustments, and reinstallation.
(b) You must maintain these records for at least 2 years. You must maintain the
records at your field office nearest the OCS facility and a secure onshore location. These
records must be available for review by a representative of BSEE.
(c) You must submit to the appropriate District Manager a contact list for all OCS
operated platforms at least annually or when contact information is revised. The contact
list must include:
(1) Designated operator name;
(2) Designated person in charge (PIC);
(3) Facility phone number(s), if applicable;
(4) Facility fax number, if applicable;
(5) Facility radio frequency, if applicable;
(6) Facility helideck rating and size, if applicable; and
(7) Facility records location if not contained on the facility.
250.891 Safety device training.
You must ensure that personnel installing, repairing, testing, maintaining, and
operating surface and subsurface safety devices and personnel operating production
platforms, including but not limited to separation, dehydration, compression, sweetening,
and metering operations, are trained in accordance with the procedures in subpart S of
this part.

250.892 250.899 [Reserved]

[FR Doc. 2013-19861 Filed 08/21/2013 at 8:45 am; Publication Date: 08/22/2013]

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