The Eureka Stockade by Carboni, Raffaello, 1817-1885
The Eureka Stockade by Carboni, Raffaello, 1817-1885
The Eureka Stockade by Carboni, Raffaello, 1817-1885
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Carboni Raffaello.
Chapter I.
Favete Linguis.
Mendacium sibi, sicut turbinis, viam augustam in urbe et orbe terrarum aperuit.
Stultus dicit in corde suo, "non est Deus."
Veritas vero lente passu passu sicut puer, tandem aliquando janunculat
ad lucem.
Tunc justus ut palma florescit.*
[*Listen to me--
The lie, like the whirlwind, clears itself a royal road, either in town
or country, through the whole face of the earth.
The fool in his heart says, "There is no God."
The truth, however slow, step by step, like a little child, someday, at last,
finds a footpath to light.
Then the righteous flourish like a palm tree.]
Facts, from the "stubborn-things" store, are here retailed and related--
contradiction is challenged from friend or foe. The observation on,
and induction from the facts, are here stamped with sincerity: I ask for no
other credit. I may be mistaken: I will not acknowledge the mistake
unless the contrary be proved.
When two boys are see-sawing on a plank, balanced on its centre, whilst
the world around them is "up" with the one it is "down" with the other.
The centre, however, is stationary. I was in the centre. I was an actor,
and therefore an eye-witness. The events I relate, I did see them pass
before me. The persons I speak of, I know them face to face. The words
I quote, I did hear them with my own ears. Others may know more or less
than I; I mean to tell all that I know, and nothing more.
2nd. I have the moral courage to show the truth of my text above,
because I believe in the resurrection of life.
3rd. Brave comrades in arms who fell on that disgraced Sabbath morning,
December 3rd, worthy of a better fate, and most certainly of a longer
remembrance, it is in my power to drag your names from an ignoble oblivion,
and vindicate the unrewarded bravery of one of yourselves! He was once
my mate, the bearer of our standard, the "Southern Cross." Shot down by
a murderous hand, he fell and died struggling like a man in the cause
of the diggers. But he was soon forgotten. That he was buried is known
by the tears of a few true friends! the place of his burial is little known,
and less cared for.
'Sunt tempora nostra; non mutabimur nec mutamur in illis; jam perdidi spem.'
The work will be published on the 1st of December next, and given to each
subscriber by the Author's own hand, on the site of the Eureka Stockade,
from the rising to the setting of the sun, on the memorable third.
Chapter II.
A Jove Principum.
One remark before I start for the gold-fields. As an old European traveller
I had set apart a few coppers for the poor at my landing. I had no opportunity
for them. "We shall do well in this land;" was my motto. Who is going to be
the first beggar? Not I! My care for the poor would have less disappointed
me, if I had prepared myself against falling in the unsparing clutches
of a shoal of land-sharks, who swarmed at that time the Yarra Yarra wharfs.
Five pounds for landing my luggage, was the A, followed by the old colonial C,
preceded by the double D. Rapacity in Australia is the alpha and omega.
Yet there were no poor! a grand reflection for the serious. Adam Smith,
settled the question of "the wealth of nations." The source of pauperism
will be settled in Victoria by any quill-driver, who has the pluck to write
the history of public-houses in the towns, and sly-grog sellers
on the gold-fields.
For the purpose, it is now sufficient to say that I had joined a party;
fixed our tent on the Canadian Flat; went up to the Camp to get our gold
licence; for one pound ten shilling sterling a head we were duly licensed
for one month to dig, search for, and remove gold, etc.--We wanted to drink
a glass of porter to our future success, but there was no Bath Hotel
at the time.--Proceeded to inspect the famous Golden Point (a sketch of which
I had seen in London in the 'Illustrated News'). The holes all around,
three feet in diameter, and five to eight feet in depth, had been abandoned!
we jumped into one, and one of my mates gave me the first lesson
in "fossiking,"--In less than five minutes I pounced on a little pouch--
the yellow boy was all there,--my eyes were sparkling,--I felt a sensation
identical to a first declaration of love in by-gone times.--"Great works,"
at last was my bursting exclamation. In old Europe I had to take off my hat
half a dozen times, and walk from east to west before I could earn one pound
in the capacity of sworn interpreter, and translator of languages in the city
of London. Here, I had earned double the amount in a few minutes,
without crouching or crawling to Jew or Christian. Had my good angel
prevailed on me to stick to that blessed Golden Point, I should have now
to relate a very different story: the gold fever, however, got the best of
my usual judgment, and I dreamt of, and pretended nothing else, than a hole
choked with gold, sunk with my darling pick, and on virgin ground.--I started
the hill right-hand side, ascending Canadian Gully, and safe as the
Bank of England I pounced on gold--seventeen and a half ounces, depth ten feet.
Chapter III.
Jupiter Tonans.
One fine morning (Epiphany week), I was hard at work (excuse old chum,
if I said hard: though my hand had been scores of times compelled in London
to drop the quill through sheer fatigue, yet I never before handled a pick
and shovel), I hear a rattling noise among the brush. My faithful dog,
Bonaparte, would not keep under my control. "What's up?" "Your licence,
mate." was the peremptory question from a six-foot fellow in blue shirt,
thick boots, the face of a ruffian armed with a carbine and fixed bayonet.
The old "all right" being exchanged, I lost sight of that specimen of colonial
brutedom and his similars, called, as I then learned, "traps" and "troopers."
I left off work, and was unable to do a stroke more that day.
"I came, then, 16,000 miles in vain to get away from the law of the sword!"
was my sad reflection. My sorrow was not mitigated by my mates and neighbours
informing me, that Australia was a penal settlement. Inveterate murderers,
audacious burglars, bloodthirsty bushrangers, were the ruling triumvirate,
the scour of old Europe, called Vandemonians, in this bullock-drivers' land.
Of course I felt tamed, and felt less angry, at the following search
for licence. At the latter end of the month, one hundred and seventy
seven pounds troy, in two superb masses of gold, were discovered at the depth
of sixty feet, on the hill opposite where I was working. The talk was soon
Vulcanish through the land. Canadian Gully was as rich in lumps as other
gold-fields are in dust. Diggers, whom the gold fever had rendered
stark blind, so as to desert Ballaarat for Mount Alexander and Bendigo,
now returned as ravens to the old spot; and towards the end of February, '53,
Canadian Gully was in its full glory.
Chapter IV.
Incipit Lamentatio.
The search for licences, or "the traps are out to-day"--their name at the
time--happened once a month. The strong population now on this gold-field had
perhaps rendered it necessary twice a month. Only in October, I recollect
they had come out three times. Yet, "the traps are out" was annoying,
but not exasperating. Not exasperating, because John Bull, 'ab initio et
ante secula', was born for law, order, and safe money-making on land and sea.
They were annoying, because, said John, not that he likes his money more
than his belly, but he hates the bayonet: I mean, of course, he does not want
to be bullied with the bayonet. To this honest grumbling of John,
the drunkard, that is the lazy, which make the incapables, joined their cant,
and the Vandemonians pulled up with wonted audacity. In a word, the
thirty shillings a month for the gold licence became a nuisance.
Every one returned to his work; some perhaps not very peacefully, on account
of a nobbler or two over the usual allowance.
Chapter V.
I recollect towards this time I followed the mob to Magpie Gully. It was
a digger's life. Hard work by day, blazing fire in the evening, and sound
sleep by night at the music of drunken quarrels all around, far and near.
I had marked my claim in accordance with the run of the ranges, and safe
as the Bank of England I bottomed on gold. No search for licence ever
took place. What's the matter? Oh, the diggers of Bendigo, by sheer
moral force, in the shape of some ten thousand in a mob, had inspired
with better sense the red-tape there and somewhere else, so I took out
my licence at the reasonable rate of two pounds for three months,
my contribution for the support of gold-lace. So far so good. I had no fault
to find with our governor Joseph Latrobe, Esquire; nor do I believe
that the diggers cared about anything else from him. Was it then his being
an esquire that brought his administration into contempt? The fact is,
a clap of "The Thunder" from Printing House-square boomed on the tympanum
of my ear. We diggers got the gracious title of "vagabonds," and our massa
"Joe," for his pains to keep friends with us, was put down "an incapable;"
all for the honour of British rule, of course.
"Wanted a Governor," was now no longer a dummy in 'The Argus'; but, unhappily,
no application was made to the people of Victoria.
Give a dog a bad name--and the old proverb holds good even at the antipodes.
My trampings are now transcribed from my diary.
With the hot winds whirled in the Vandemonian rush to the Ballaarat Flat.
My hole was next to the one which was jumped by the Eureka mob, and where
one man was murdered in the row. At sixty-five feet we got on a blasted log
of a gum-tree that had been mouldering there under a curse, since the times
of Noah! The whole flat turned out an imperial shicer. (You do not sink
deep enough, Signore Editor.) Slabs that had cost us some eight pounds
a hundred would not fetch, afterwards, one pound. We left them to sweat
freely in the hole; and all the mob got on the fuddle. My mate and myself
thought we had been long enough together, and got asunder for a change.
I was soon on the tramp again. Bryant's Ranges was the go of the day,
and I started thither accordingly. December, 1853. Oh, Lord! what a pack
of ragamuffins over that way! I got acquainted with the German party
who found out the Tarrangower den; shaped my hole like a bathing tub,
and dropped "on it" right smart. Paid two pounds to cart one load down
the Loddon, and left two more loads of washing stuff, snug and wet
with the sweat of my brow over the hole. Got twenty-eight pennyweights
out of the load. Went back the third day, brisk and healthy, to cart down
the other two loads. Washing stuff! gone: hole! gone: the gully itself!
gone: the whole face of it had been clean shaved. Never mind, go ahead again.
Got another claim on the surface-hill. No search for licence: thank God,
had none. Nasty, sneaky, cheeky little things of flies got into my eyes:
could see no more, no ways. Mud water one shilling a bucket! Got the
dysentery; very bad. Thought, one night, to reef the yards and drop
the anchor. Got on a better tack though. Promenaded up to the famous Bendigo.
Had no particular objection to Celestials there, but had no particular taste
for their tartaric water. Made up my mind to remember my days of innocence,
and turned shepherd. Fine landscape this run on the Loddon: almost a match
for Bella Italia, but there are too many mosquitoes. Dreamt, one day,
I was drinking a tumbler of Loddon wine; and asserted that Providence
was the same also in the south. It was a dream. The lands lay waste
and desolate: not by nature; oh no; by hand of man. Bathing in these
Loddon water-holes, superb. Tea out of this Loddon water magnificent.
In spite of these horrible hot winds, this water is always fresh and delicious:
how kind is Providence! One night lost the whole blessed lot of my flock.
Myself, the shepherd, did not know, in the name of heavens, which way to turn.
Got among the blacks, the whole Tarrang tribe in corrobory. Lord,
what a rum sight for an old European traveller. Found natives very humane,
though. My sheep right again, only the wild dogs had given them a good shake.
Was satisfied that the Messiah the Jews are looking for will not be born
in this bullock-drivers' land; any how, the angels won't announce the happy
event of his birth to the shepherds. No more truck with sheep, and went
to live with the blacks for a variation. Picked up, pretty soon, bits
of their yabber-yabber. For a couple of years had tasted no fish;
now I pounced on a couple of frogs, every couple of minutes. Thought
their 'lubras' ugly enough; not so, however, the slender arms and small hands
of their young girls, though the fingers be rather too long.
That will do now, in as much as the end of the story is this: That portion
in my brains called "acquisitiveness" got the gold-fever again, and I started
for old Ballaarat.
Chapter VI.
I was really delighted to see the old spot once more; Easter, 1854.
I do not mean any offence to my fellow-diggers elsewhere; it struck me
very forcibly, however, that our Ballaarat men look by far more decent, and
our storekeepers, or grog-sellers if you like, undoubtedly more respectable.
I met my old mate, and we determined to try the old game; but this time
on the old principle of 'labor omnia vincit'--I pitched my tent right in
the bush, and prophesied, that from my door I would see the golden hole
in the gully below.
I spoke the truth, and such is the case this very day. Feast of the
Assumption, 1855:--What sad events, however, were destined to pass exactly
before the very door of my tent! Who could have told me on that Easter Sunday,
that the unknown hill which I had chosen for my rest, would soon be called
the Massacre Hill! That next Christmas, my mate would lie in the grave,
somewhere forgotten: and I in the gaol! the rope round my neck!!
Let us keep in good spirits, good reader, we shall soon have to weep
together enough.
Gravel Pits, famous for its strong muster of golden holes, and blasting
shicers, was too deep for me. The old Eureka was itself again. The jewellers
shops, which threatened to exhaust themselves in Canadian Gully, were again
the talk of the day: and the Eureka gold dust was finer, purer, brighter,
immensely darling. The unfaithful truants who had rushed to Bryant's Ranges,
to knock their heads against blocks of granite, now hastened for the third time
to the old spot, Ballaarat, determined to stick to it for life or death.
English, German, and Scotch diggers, worked generally on the Gravel Pits,
the Irish had their stronghold on the Eureka. The Americans fraternised
with all the wide-awake, 'ubi caro ibi vultures.'
Get a tolerable young pig, make it stand on his hind legs, put on its head
a cap trimmed with gold-lace, whitewash its snout, and there you have the ass
in the form of a pig; I mean to say a "man," with this privilege, that he
possesses in his head the brains of both the above-mentioned brutes.
Chapter VII.
Ludi Ballaaratenses.
Eureka was advancing fast to glory. Each day, and not seldom twice a day,
the gutter gammoned and humbugged all us 'vagabonds' so deucedly, that the rush
to secure a claim "dead on it" rose to the standard of 'Eureka style,' that is,
'Ring, ring,' was the yell from some hundred human dogs, and soon hill and flat
poured out all spare hands to thicken the "ring."
The 'shepherding,' that is the squatting by one man women and children
had not got hold of this 'Dolce far niente' yet--the ground allotted by law
to four men; and the astuteness of our primitive shepherds having found it
cheap and profitable to have each claim visibly separated from the other
by some twenty-feet wall, which was mutually agreed upon by themselves alone,
to call it 'spare ground,' was now a grown-up institution. Hence, whenever
the gutter, 120 feet below, took it into its head to bestir and hook it,
the faithful shepherds would not rest until they were sure to snore in peace
a foot and a half under ground from the surface, and six score feet
from 'bang on the gutter.'
This Ballaarat dodge would have been innocent enough, were it not for
'Young Ireland,' who, having fixed headquarters on the Eureka, was therefore
accused of monopolising the concern. Now, suppose Paddy wanted to relish
a 'tip,' that is, a drop of gin on the sly, then Scotty, who had just
gulped down his 'toddy,' which was a drop of auld whisky, would take upon
himself the selfish trouble to sink six inches more in Paddy's hole,
which feat was called 'jumping;' and thus, broken noses, and other
accomplishments, as aforesaid, grew in proportion to tips, and 'toddy'
drunk on the sly.
I frequently saw horrid scenes of blood; but I was now an old chum and
therefore knew what was what in colonial life.
And what has all this bosh to do with the Eureka Stockade?
Chapter VIII.
As an old Ballaarat hand, I hereby assert, that much of the odium of the mining
community against red-tape, arose from the accursed practice of jumping.
One fact from the 'stubborn-things' store. The Eureka gutter was fast
progressing down hill towards the Eureka gully. A party of Britishers
had two claims; the one, on the slope of the hill, was bottomed on heavy gold;
the other, some four claims from it, and parallel with the range, was some
ninety feet deep, and was worked by day only, by three men: a fourth man
would now and then bring a set of trimmed slabs from the first hole aforesaid,
where he was the principal 'chips.' There was a Judas Iscariot among the party.
One fine morning, a hole was bottomed down the gully, and proved a scheisser.
A rush, Eureka style, was the conseqence; and it was pretended now that
the gutter would keep with the ranges, towards the Catholic church.
For the commissioners, this jumping business was by no means an agreeable job.
They were fetched to the spot: a mob would soon collect round the disputed
claim; and for 'fair play,' it required the wisdom of Solomon, because
the parties concerned set the same price on their dispute, as the two harlots
on the living child.
"Belgravia, First year of the royal projecting the Great Exhibition, Hyde Park.
"Miss Smartdeuce, may I beg the honour of your hand for the next waltz? surely
after a round or two you will relish your champagne."
Who has the power to roar the command, "Thus far shalt thou go, and no
further," to the flood of tears from forlorn Smartdeuce, when her soft
Waterloobolter bolted for the gold-fields of Australia Felix.
To be serious. How could any candid mind otherwise explain the honest
boldness of eight out of nine members of the first Local Court, Ballaarat,
who, one and all, I do not say dared, but I say called upon their fellow miners
to come forward to a public meeting on the old spot, Bakery-hill. September,
Saturday, 30th, 1855. Said members had already settled at that time
201 disputes, and given their judgement, involving some half a million sterling
altogether, for all what they knew, and yet not one miner rose one finger
against them, when they imperatively desired to know whether they had done
their duty and still possessed the confidence of their fellow diggers!
They (said members) are practical men, of our own adopted class,
elected by ourselves from among ourselves, to sit as arbitrators of our
disputes, and our representatives at the Local Court. That's the key, for any
future Brougham, for the history of the Local Courts on the gold-fields.
Chapter IX.
Abyssus, Abyssum Invocat.
"Joe, Joe!" No one in the world can properly understand and describe this
shouting of "Joe," unless he were on this El Dorado of Ballaarat at the time.
It was a horrible day, plagued by the hot winds. A blast of the hurricane
winding through gravel pits whirled towards the Eureka this shouting of "Joe."
It was the howl of a wolf for the shepherds, who bolted at once towards
the bush: it was the yell of bull-dogs for the fossikers who floundered
among the deep holes, and thus dodged the hounds: it was a scarecrow
for the miners, who now scrambled down to the deep, and left a licensed mate
or two at the windlass. By this time, a regiment of troopers, in full gallop,
had besieged the whole Eureka, and the traps under their protection ventured
among the holes. An attempt to give an idea of such disgusting and
contemptible campaigns for the search of licences is really odious to an honest
man. Some of the traps were civil enough; aye, they felt the shame
of their duty; but there were among them devils at heart, who enjoyed the fun,
because their cupidity could not bear the sight of the zig-zag uninterrupted
muster of piles of rich-looking washing stuff, and the envy which blinded
their eyes prevented them from taking into account the overwhelming number
of shicers close by, round about, all along. Hence they looked upon
the ragged muddy blue shirt as an object of their contempt.
Are diggers dogs or savages, that they are to be hunted on the diggings,
commanded, in Pellissier's African style, to come out of their holes,
and summoned from their tents by these hounds of the executive? Is the garb
of a digger a mark of inferiority? 'In sudore vultus lue vesceris panem'*
is then an infamy now-a-days!
Give us facts, and spare us your bosh, says my good reader.--Very well.
Chapter X.
Our red-tape, generally obtuse and arrogant, this once got rid of the usual
conceit in all things, and had to acknowledge that the digger who remained
quietly at his work, always possessed his licence. Hence the troopers
were despatched like bloodhounds, in all directions, to beat the bush;
and the traps who had a more confined scent, creeped and crawled among
the holes, and sneaked into the sly-grog tents round about, in search of
the swarming unlicensed game. In a word, it was a regular hunt. Any one
who in Old England went fox-hunting, can understand pretty well,
the detestable sport we had then on the goldfields of Victoria.
Did any trooper succeed in catching any of the 'vagabonds' in the bush,
he would by the threat of his sword, confine him round a big gum-tree;
and when all the successful troopers had done the same feat, they took
their prisoners down the gully, where was the grand depot, because the traps
were generally more successful. The commissioner would then pick up one pound,
two pounds, or five pounds, in the way of bail, from any digger that could
afford it, or had friends to do so, and then order the whole pack
of the penniless and friendless to the lock-up in the camp. I am a living
eye-witness, and challenge contradiction.
HUNTING THE DIGGER.--Five of these fellows were fined in the mitigated trifle
of 5 pounds, for being without licences. The nicest thing imaginable is to see
one of these clumsy fellows with great beards, shaggy hair, and oh! such nasty
rough hands, stand before a fine gentleman on the bench with hands
of shiny whiteness, and the colour of whose cambric rivals the Alpine snow.
There the clumsy fellow stands, faltering out an awkward apology, "my licence
is only just expired, sir--I've only been one day from town, sir--I have
no money, sir, for I had to borrow half a bag of flour the other day,
for my wife and children." Ahem, says his worship, the law makes
no distinctions--fined 5 pounds. Now our reporter enjoys this exceedingly,
for he is sometimes scarce of news; and from a strange aberration of intellect,
with which, poor fellow, he is afflicted, has sometimes, no news at all for us;
but he is sure of not being dead beat at any time, for digger-hunting
is a standing case at the police office, and our reporter is growing
so precocious with long practice, that he can tell the number of diggers fined
every morning, without going to that sanctuary at all.--'Ballaarat Times',
Saturday, October 28, 1854.
Chapter XI.
The more the pity--I have not done yet with the accursed gold licence.
I must prevail on myself to keep cooler and in good temper.
1st. Did the camp officials give out the licence to the digger at the place
of his work, whenever required, without compelling him to leave off work,
and renew his licence at the camp?
2nd. It was only one day in each month that there was a search for licences,
was it not? Why therefore did not the diggers make it a half-holiday
on the old ground, that "all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy."
The first question is a foolish one, from any fellow-colonist who knows
our silver and gold lace; and is a wicked one, from any digger who was
on Ballaarat at the time.
Who had to walk a few miles to pay away the money he had worked
hard for, and was kept a few hours standing by a rail--not sitting
on a rail, Mary.
Now I mean to tackle in right earnest with the second question, provided I can
keep in sufficiently good temper.
"His Excellency was hailed with three-times-three, and was proclaimed on the
Camp, now invaded by some five hundred blue shirts, the 'Diggers' Charley.'
"Diggers I feel delighted with your reception--I shall not neglect your
interests and welfare--again I thank you.
"It was a short but smart speech we had heard elsewhere, he was not fond
of 'twaddle,' which I suppose meant 'bosh.' After giving three hearty cheers,
old Briton's style to 'Charley,' the crowd dispersed to drink a nobbler
to his health and success. I do so this very moment. Eureka, under my
snug tent on the hill, August 26, 1854. C.R."
Within six short months, five thousand citizens of Melbourne, receive the name
of this applauded ruler with a loud and prolonged outburst of indignation!
Some twenty Ballaarat miners lie in the grave, weltering in their gore!
double that number are bleeding from bayonet wounds; thirteen more
have the rope round their necks, and two more of their leading men are priced
four hundred pounds for their body or carcase.
'Tout cela, n'est pas precisement comme chez nous, pas vrai?'
Chapter XII.
Towards the latter end of October and the beginning of November we had such
a set of scoundrels camped among us, in the shape of troopers and traps,
that I had better shut up this chapter at once, or else whirl the whole
manuscript bang down a shicer.
"Hold hard, though, take your time, old man: don't let your Roman blood
hurry you off like the hurricane, and thus damage the merits of your case.
Answer this question first," says my good reader.
"Was, then, the obnoxious mode of collecting the tax the sole cause
of discontent: or was the tax itself (two pounds for three months)
objected to at the same time?"
"I think the practical miner, who had been hard at work night and day,
for the last four or six months, and, after all, had just bottomed a shicer,
objected to the tax itself, because he could not possibly afford to pay it.
And was it not atrocious to confine this man in the lousy lock-up at the Camp,
because he had no luck?"
Allow me, now, in return, to put a very important question, of the old
Roman stamp, 'Cui bono?' that is, Where did our licence money go to?
That's a nut which will be positively cracked by-and-bye.
Chapter XIII.
"Who lives in it? who owns it? is anybody in?" asked the Commissioner.
"An old man owns it, but he is gone to town on business, and left it
to the care of his mate who is on the nightshift," replied the storekeeper.
"I won't peck up that chaff of yours, sir. Halloo! who is in? Open the tent;"
shouted the Commissioner.
No answer.
"I say, cut down this tent, and we'll see who is in;" was the order
of the Commissioner to two ruffianly looking troopers.
No sooner said than done; and the little tent was ripped up by their swords.
A government cart was, of course, ready in the gully below, and in less than
five minutes the whole stock of grog, some two hundred pounds sterling worth,
or five hundred pounds worth in nobblers, was carted up to the Camp,
before the teeth of some hundreds of diggers, who had now collected
round about. We cried "Shame! shame!" sulkily enough, but we did not
interfere; first, because the store had already annoyed us often enough
during the long winter nights; second, because the plunderers were such
Vandemonian-looking traps and troopers, that we were not encouraged
to say much, because it would have been of no use.
As soon, however, as the sun was up, and all hands were going to work,
the occurrence not only increased the discontent that had been brewing
fast enough already, but it rose to excitement; and such a state of
exasperated feelings, however vented in the shouting of 'Joe,' did certainly
not prepare the Eureka boys to submit with patience to a licence-hunt
in the course of the day.
Secondly: I hereby assert that the breed of spies in this colony prospered
by this sly-grog selling. "We want money," says some of the 'paternals'
at Toorak.
Thirdly: An act of silver and gold lace humanity was going the rounds
of our holes, above and below.
After some few hours, because he raves from loss of blood, and at a time
when he requires the closest attention, he is unceremoniously carried
into the common lock-up, and there left, it is said, for ten hours,
lying on the floor, without any attention being paid to his condition
by the hospital authorities, and then it was only by repeated representations
of his sinking state, to other officials, that he was conveyed to the hospital,
where he expired in two hours afterwards!
Such was the scene in those days, performed at every shaft, in Gravel-pits,
as well as on the Eureka.
Chapter XIV.
Two men, old friends, named Scobie and Martin, after many years separation,
happened to meet each other in Ballaarat. Joy at the meeting, led them
to indulge in a wee drop for 'Auld lang Syne.' In this state of happy feeling,
they call at the Eureka Hotel, on their way home, intending to have
a finishing glass. They knock at the door, and are refused admittance,
very properly, on account of their drunkenness. They leave, and proceed
on their way, not, perhaps without the usual colonial salutations.
At about fifty yards from the hotel, they hear a noise behind them,
and retrace their steps. They are met by persons, unknown, who inflict blows
on them, which render one insensible and the other lifeless.
A coroner's inquest was held on the body, the verdict of which was,
"that deceased had died from injuries inflicted by persons unknown;"
but public feeling seemed to point to Mr. Bentley, the proprietor of the
Eureka Hotel; who, together with his wife and another party,
were charged with the murder, tried at the police court, and acquitted.
The friends of deceased, considering that both the inquest and the trial
were unfairly conducted, agreed to meet on Tuesday, October 17th, on the spot
where the man was murdered, and devise measures to discover the guilty parties,
and to bring them to justice.
Accordingly, at an early hour, the hill on which is situated the Eureka Hotel
was thronged by thousands; so great was the excitement.
THOMAS KENNEDY, was naturally enough the lion of the day. A thick head, bold,
but bald, the consequence perhaps not of his dissipation; but of his worry
in by gone days. His merit consists in the possession of the chartist slang;
hence his cleverness in spinning, a yarn never to the purpose, but blathered
with long phrases and bubbling with cant. He took up the cause of the diggers,
not so much for the evaporation of his gaseous heroism, as eternally to hammer
on the unfortunate death of his country-man Scobie, for the sake of
'auld lang syne.'
When pressed by the example of others to burn his license, at the subsequent
monster meeting, he had none to burn, because he had a wife and four children
dependent on him for support, and therefore I do not know what to say further.
"That this meeting, not being satisfied with the manner in which the
proceedings connected with the death of the late James Scobie, have been
conducted, either by the magistrates or by the coroner, pledges itself to use
every lawful means to have the case brought before other, and more competent
"That this meeting deems it necessary to collect subscriptions for the purpose
of offering a reward for the conviction of the murderers, and defraying
all other expenses connected with the prosecution of the case."
Chapter XV.
The one pervading opinion among the multitude of miners and others who had been
attracted thither, appeared to be that Bentley was the murderer; and loud
were the cries, the hooting, and groans against him. It would appear
that the Camp authorities contemplated some little disturbance,
and consequently all the available force of police and mounted troopers
were on guard at the hotel and made a very injudicious display of their
strength. Not only did they follow, but ride through, the crowd of people
at the meeting; and it is to this display of their strength that must be
attributed the fire, and other outbursts of indignation. Miners who have stood
the working of a Canadian or Gravel-pit shicer, scorn danger in any form.
The crowd, excessively irritated on seeing the large display of the hated
police force began to shout and yell. Presently, a stone came from
the mass, and passing near the head of one of the officials, broke a pane
of glass in one of the windows of the hotel. The sound of the falling glass
appeared to act like magic on the multitude; and bottles, stones, sticks,
and other missiles, were speedily put in requisition to demolish the windows,
until not a single pane was left entire, while every one that was broken
drew a cheer from the crowd. The police, all this time, were riding round
and round the hotel, but did not take any vigorous measures to deter the people
from the sport they appeared to enjoy so much. The crowd advance nearer--near
enough to use sticks to beat in the casements. They make an entrance,
and, in a moment, furniture, wearing apparel, bedding, drapery, are tossed out
of the windows; curtains, sheets, etc., are thrown in the air, frightening
the horses of the troopers, who have enough to do to keep their saddles;
the weather-boards are ripped off the side of the house, and sent spinning
in the air. A real Californian takes particular care of, and delights in
smashing the crockery.
A cry of "Fire!" is raised; a horse shies and causes commotion. Smoke is seen
to issue from one of the rooms of the ground-floor. The police extinguish it;
and an attempt is made to form a cordon round the building. But it is
too late. Whilst the front of the hotel occupies the attention of the majority
of the crowd, a few are pulling down the back premises.
Mr. Rede sends for the detachment of the gallant 40th now stationed
on Ballaarat.
Smash go the large lamps in front of the hotel. The troopers ride round
and caracole their horses.
The 40th arrive; they form into line in front of the hotel, swords drawn.
"Hurrah! boys! no use waiting any longer."--"Down she comes." The bowling alley
is on fire.--Police try to extinguish the flames--rather too warm.--It's
too late.--The hotel is on fire at the back corner; nothing can save it.--"Hip,
hip hurrah!" is the universal shout.
A gale of wind, which blowed at this exact time, announcing the hurricane
that soon followed, was the principal helper to the devouring of the building,
by blowing in the direction most favourable to the purpose.
The red-coats wheel about, and return to the Camp. Look out! the roof
of the back part of the hotel, falls in! "Hurrah! boys, here's the porter
and ale with the chill off."
Bottles are handed out burning hot--the necks of two bottles are knocked
together!--Contents drunk in colonial style.--Look out! the roof,
sides and all fall in!--An enormous mass of flame and smoke arises
with a roaring sound.--Sparks are carried far, far into the air,
and what was once the Eureka Hotel, is now a mass of burning embers!
Chapter XVI.
Now my peace of mind being destroyed, I had recourse to the free British press,
for information, wishing to hear what they said in Melbourne. At this time
the Morning Herald was in good demand; but the 'Geelong Advertiser' had
the swayn on the goldfields. Geelong had a rattling correspondent on
Ballaarat, who helped to hasten the movement fast enough. As I did not
know this correspondent of the 'Geelong Advertiser' personally, so I can
only guess at his frame of mind. I should say the following ingredients
entered into the factory of his ideas:-
1st. The land is the Lord's and all therein; but man must earn his bread
by the sweat of his brow. Therefore, in the battle of life, every man
must fight his way on the old ground, "help yourself and God will help you."
2nd. In olden times, wherever there was a Roman there was life. In our times,
wherever there is a Britain there is trade, and trade is life. But with
the lazy,--who, either proud or mean, is always an incapable, because
generally he is a drunkard, and therefore a beggar, there is no possible
barter; and, inasmuch as man does not live on bread alone, for a fried sole
is a nice thing for breakfast, so also it must be confessed that the loaves
and fishes do not condescend to jump into one's mouth all dressed
as they ought to be. Therefore--and this is the zenith of the
'Geelong Advertiser's' practical correspondent--be not perplexed, if the loaves
and fishes wont pop fast enough into your mouth particularly; let Mahomed's
example be instantly followed: go yourself to the loaves and fishes,
and you will actually find that they are subject to the same laws of matter
and motion as everything else on earth.
3rd. The application. For what did any one emigrate to this colony?
To sweat more? Well, times were hard enough for the poor in old Europe.
Let him sweat more, but for whom? For himself of course, and good luck to him.
Is there not plenty of Victoria land for every white man or black man
that intends to grow his potatoes? Oh! leave the greens-growing to the
well-disposed, to the well affected, ye sturdy sons who pant after
the yellow-boy. "Take your chance, out of a score of shicers, there is one
'dead on it,'" says old Mother Earth from the deep.
lst. The land is the Queen's, and the inheritance of the Crown.
2nd. Who dares to teach the golden-lace the idea how to shoot?
3rd. Let learning, commerce, even manners die, But leave us our old nobility.
4th. 'Sotto voce':--In this colony, however, make money; honestly if possible,
of course, but make money; or else the 'vagabonds' here would humble down
a gentleman to curry-powder diet.
5th. To put on a blue shirt, and rush in with the Eureka mob! fudge:
'odi profanum vulgus et arceo.' There are millions of tons of gold dug out
already, as much anyhow, as anyone can carry to Old England, and live
as a lord, with an occasional trip to Paris and Naples, to make up for
the time wasted in this colony.
On Saturday, September 29th, 1854, the members of the Local Court, Ballaarat,
held a public meeting on the usual spot, Bakery-hill, for the purpose of
taking the sense of their fellow miners, respecting the admittance
or nonadmittance of the legal profession to advise or plead in said court.--
See report in The Star, a new local paper, No. V, Tuesday, October 2nd.
Messrs. Ryce and Wall having addressed the meeting in their usual honest,
matter-of-fact way:-
I beg to assert, that the above report is correct, as far as it goes. Some
five hundred diggers were present. Now for the perversion from the reporter
of 'The Argus', Melbourne, Tuesday, October 2.
Thus an honest man is brayed at by asses in this colony! The fun is odious
and ridiculous enough.
When such reporters of the British press prostitute British ink, the only ink
that dares to register black on white the name, word and deed of any tyrant
through the whole face of the earth, and for the sake of a pair of
Yankee boots, lower themselves to the level of a scribbler, thus affording
to be audacious because anonymous, the British press in the southern hemisphere
will be brought to shame, and Victoria cannot possibly derive any benefit
from it.
The 'Ballaarat Times' was all the go, on the whole extent of the diggings.
Soon enough the reporter, aye, the editor himself, will both appear
'in propria persona'.
Chapter XVII.
When our southern sky is overloaded with huge, thick, dark masses, and claps
of thunder warn us of the pending storm, then a gale of wind is roaring
in space, doing battle with the bush, cowing down man and beast, sweeping away
all manner of rottenness. This fury spares not, and desolation is the threat
of the thunder.
A kind Providence must be blessed even in the whirlwind. Big, big drops
of rain fight their way through the gale; soon the drops muster in legions,
and the stronger the storm, the stronger those legions. At last they conquer;
then it pours down--that is, the flood is made up of legions of torrents.
Is the end of the world now at hand? Look at the victorious rainbow!
it reminds man of the covenant of our God with Noah, not far from this
southern land. The sun restores confidence that all is right again as before,
and nature, refreshed and bolder, returns again to her work.
Fire may destroy, consume, devour, but has no power to reduce to 'nothing.'
The handful of ashes lie lifeless until a storm forces them into the living
order of nature, which, when refreshed, has the power to ingraft those
ashes to, and make them prosper with, the grain of mustard seed.
Such is the order of Providence. Now, good reader, watch the handful of ashes
of what was once Bentley's Eureka Hotel.
Chapter XVIII.
In the dead of the night after the burning of the Eureka Hotel, three men
had been taken into custody, charged with riot, and subsequently committed
to take their trial in Melbourne.
I think the diggers at this time seriously contemplated to burn down the Camp,
and thus get rid in a blaze of all their grievances.
A committee for the defence of these men, met at the Star Hotel, and sent round
to all the tents on Ballaarat for subscriptions. I contributed my mite,
and then learned that VERN, KENNEDY, and HUMFFRAY were the triumvirate
of said committee.
At one and at the same time, also, the following placards were posted
at each prominent gum-tree on the goldfield:-
increased by Government to
1,600 POUNDS!!
Four men in the garb of diggers, wearing sou'-wester hats, and having
crepe over their faces, entered the Bank of Victoria, and succeeded
in carrying off property in notes and gold, to the amount
of about 15,000 pounds.
Who would have told me then, that soon I should be messmate to those
unknown audacious robbers, in the same gaol!!
The following story was going the rounds of the Eureka. There was a
licence-hunt; the servant of the Rev. P. Smyth, the priest of the Catholic
church, Bakery-hill, went to a neighbouring tent to visit a sick man.
While inside, a trooper comes galloping up at the tent-door, and shouts out,
"Come out here, you d----d wretches! there's a good many like you on the
diggings." The man came outside, and was asked if "he's got a licence?"
The servant, who is a native of Armenia, answers, in imperfect English,
that he is a servant to the priest. The trooper says, "Damn you and
the priest," and forthwith dismounts for the purpose of dragging
Johannes M'Gregorius, the servant, along with him. The servant remonstrates
by saying he is a disabled man, unable to walk over the diggings.
This infuriates the trooper, he strikes and knocks down the poor disabled
foreigner, drags him about, tears his shirt--in short, inflicting such injuries
on the poor fellow, that all the diggers present cried out "shame! shame!"
Commissioner Johnson rides up, and says to the crowd about him, that he should
not be interrupted in the execution of his 'dooty.' The priest hears
of his servant's predicament, comes to the spot, hands a five-pound note to
Johnson as bail for his servant's appearance the next day at the police-office.
A respectable witness takes his oath that he saw the trooper strike
the foreigner with his clenched fist, and knock him down.
The end of the story is in the Ballaarat tune, then in vogue: "Fined 5 pounds;
take him away."
Chapter XX.
Public Meeting
Held at the Catholic Chapel, Bakery-hill, Wednesday, October 25th.
After a good deal of pretty intelligible talk about the 'helpless Armenian,'
the trooper Lord, and our respected priest; Thomas Kennedy, pouncing on
the thing of the day proposed:--
"That it is the opinion of this meeting that the conduct of Mr. Commissioner
Johnson towards the Rev. Mr. Smyth has been calculated to awaken the highest
feeling of indignation on the part of his devoted flock: and to call upon
the government to institute an inquiry into his (gold-lace) character,
and to desire to have him at once removed from Ballaarat."
Carried unanimously.
Father Patricius Smyth, a native of Mayo, looks some thirty-five years old,
and belongs to the unadulterated Irish caste--half-curled hair, not abundant,
anxious semicircular forehead, keen and fiery eyes, altogether a lively
interesting head. He is a Latin and Celtic scholar; and that excuses him
for his moderate proficiency in modern languages. He was educated at Maynooth,
the eye-sore of Sabbatarians, and therefore believes it incontestable
that the authority conferred on him by the Bishop must needs be derived
from God; because the Bishop had been consecrated by the Pope, who--inasmuch
as a second branch of the Prince of the Apostles never was heard of at the time
of St. Augustin--is the successor of St. Peter, the corner stone on which
OUR LORD did build the Christian church, and our Lord's warrant is written
in St. John, chapter xiv, 24: 'Sermo quem auditis non est meus,
sed ejus qui misit me, nempe Patris.' And so Father Smyth feels himself
entitled to adopt what was said of the Divine Master, 'Docebat enim eos
ut habens auctoritatem, non autem ut scribae.' St. Matthew, chap. vii, 29.
Hence his preaching, though not remarkable for much eloquence,
does not lull to sleep. There is no cant, and strange as it may appear,
there is little argument in his short-framed sentences, because they are
the decided opinion of his mind and the warm expression of his heart,
anxious for the salvation of his flock, as he believes he will be called
to account if any be lost. He, out of civility, may not object to hear
what Paley or Butler has to say, but he scorns any conversation with Voltaire,
and would see the fellow burnt, as in the times of old. His character
was never impeached, because his conduct is an example to all of the strength
of his faith. Either at the altar or at the table he forgets not
that he belongs to the priesthood of Ireland, the 'proved gold' of the Catholic
church. His song is, 'Erin, my country,' and 'I love thy green bowers,'
is the end of his story, which is a hint to me that this is not the place
to say more for the peace of John Bull. Hence Ireland produced a
Daniel O'Connell, but has not yet got the repeal.
Father Smyth, in addressing the meeting, spoke with coolness and forbearance,
yet commendatory of the constitutional manner in which his congregation sought
redress from the government, for the insult offered them, through his person,
in the abuse of his servant by the trooper Lord. On concluding his address,
he was warmly cheered, when the reverend gentleman and his friends adjourned
to the parsonage, to partake of some refreshments.
Chapter XXI.
Public Meeting
Held on Bakery-hill, November llth.
Political changes contemplated by THE REFORM LEAGUE.
1. A full and fair representation.--Don't you wish you may get it?
What was the freight per ton, of this sort of worn out twaddle imported
from old England?
How much does this new chum's bosh fetch in the southern markets,
and in the Victorian market particularly?
When you seen JOHN BASSON HUMFFRAY, you have at once before you a gentleman,
born of a good old family; his manners confirm it, and his words indicate
an honest benevolent heart, directed by a liberal mind, entangled perhaps
by too much reading of all sorts, perplexed at the prosperity of the vicious,
and the disappointment of the virtuous in this mysterious world of ours,
but could never turn wicked, because he believes in the resurrection of life.
He is looking some thirty five years old, his person is well proportioned,
but inclining to John Bull's. His prepossessing countenance is made up of
a fine forehead, denoting astuteness, not so much as shrewdness, how,
when and whither to shift his pegs in the battle of life; of a pair of eyes
which work the spell; of a Grecian nose; of a mouth remarkable for the
elasticity of the lips, that make him a model in the pronunciation
of the English language. His voice, that of a tenor, undulating and clear,
never obstreperous, enables his tongue to work the intended charm,
when his head puts that member into motion; but the semi-earnestness
of his address, his cool sort of John Bull smile, betray that his heart
does not go always with his head. Hence he has many enemies, and yet not one
ever dared to substantiate a charge against his character; he has as many
friends, but not one friend, because it is his policy ever to keep friendly,
with redcoats and gold-lace, at one and the same time as with blueshirts
and sou'-westers.
| |
| W |
| |
C., that is, the Camp; E., that is, the Eureka; D., that is, the doodledom
of red-tape., and B., that is, blue-shirts.
Let W., that is work, be the central point at C, E, and D, B. Now: John is
sinking at Eureka with the red cap; and Basson cracks some yabber-yabber at D,
that is, getting a sip of Toorak small-beer, as aforesaid. Again: when
Basson puts on a sou'-wester to go through the main-drift with blue-shirts,
then John feels entitled to tramp up to Camp, and there, somewhere not far off,
toast on the fourth of July a Doctor Kenworthy; soon after, however,
said Johnny bends his way to shake hands with Signor Raffaello, at the old peg
Eureka, and helps him to rock the cradle. Further, to give evidence
of his consistency, Humffray himself will express his sorrow to Peter Lalor
for his loss of the left arm at the same peg Eureka; and, to atone for
past transgressions, he will soon after call in both the prodigal John
and yabbering Basson, and with his whole heart and voice, strike up,
'God Save the Queen,' at peg Camp. As for bottoming his shaft at the central
point Work, that's a different thing altogether; and yet it must be admitted
that he is 'all there' in his claim, when the hole is bottomed, especially
if a drive is to be put in with his quill. Sum total:--He was, is, and
ever will be, John Basson Humffray, Esquire, of Ballaarat;
'Honi soi qui mal y pense', because his friends want him in St. Patrick's Hall.
Chapter XXII.
II. The total abolition of the diggers' and storekeeper's licence tax.
(Ah! ah! prick John Bull at his pounds, shillings and pence,
that's the dodge to make him stir.)
The whole of the grand talk of these Bakery reformers leagued together on its
hill, can properly be framed in, on a 'copper;' thus doing justice to all.
a course of
action be decided on
and carried out unswervingly
until the heel of our oppressors
be removed from our necks.
for want of co-operation and support
2s. 6d. gentleman's ticket.
No admission for ladies at present. 'Durum sed levius fit Patientia.'
the word 'British' become a bye-word.
'Britons never, never shall be slaves,'
until you leave fondling
the chains which
prove the song
a lie,
a mockery,
a delusion,
a snare.
Great works!
Chapter XXIII.
Vote for
HUMFFRAY to be Auctioneer,
KENNEDY to be Bellman,
VERN to be Runner,
of the 'Starring league.'
Chapter XXIV.
Out came the 'Ballaarat Times', Saturday, November 25, 1854. Work was stopped
at every hole: the miners left the deep and mobbed together round any reader
of the full report of the--
Trial of
Hanse, and Farrel,
Supreme Court, Melbourne.
GUILTY! of Manslaughter.
Mrs. Bentley scot-free.
Great Works!
Trial of
Fletcher, M`Intyre and Westerby,
Supreme Court, Melbourne.
Criminal Sittings.
GUILTY, with a recommendation
to mercy!!
La vita in grammatica,
Facil declinazione;
La vita poi in pratica,
Storta congiugazione:
Della vita lo spello dal mondo sciolto,
Al mondo vivi, poiche non sei sepolto.
Chapter XXV.
To W. H. ARCHER, Esq.
Acting Registrar General,
Ballaarat Gold-fields,
Eureka, November 30, 1854.
I was in some anxiety about you; not receiving any answer to my letter
of the 17th October, and especially to that of the 22nd ditto. I was
at Creswick's Creek, when I was informed that Father Smyth had a letter for me,
and last Monday I returned to Ballaarat, where I received, through
Messrs. Muir Brothers, your letter of the 20th October. I am heartily glad
to learn that you are well, and now I suppose a few lines from me are
as welcome to you as ever.
The Camp was prepared to stand for the Colonial Secretary Foster! Yes;
you may judge of the conduct of some officers sent to protect the Camp
by the following:--
On Tuesday Evening (November 28th), about eight o'clock, the Twelfth Regiment
arrived from Melbourne. The expert cleverness of the officer in command,
made the soldiers, riding in carts drawn by three horses each, cross the line
exactly at the going-a-head end of the Eureka. An injudicious triumphant
riding, that by God's mercy alone, was not turned into a vast funeral.
From my tent, I soon heard the distant cries of 'Joe!' increasing in vehemence
at each second. The poor soldiers were pelted with mud, stones, old stumps,
and broken bottles. The hubbub was going on pretty desperate westward
of the Hill and WE had hard work to preserve the peace; but at the upper end
of the Hill, the game was going on upon a far more desperate scale. It appears
that a party of Gravel-pits men had been in the bush for the purpose.
They stopped a cart, pulled the soldiers out, robbed them of their ammunition
and bayonets; in short, it was a hell of a row. All of us camping on the Hill
were talking about this cowardly attack, when a detachment of said soldiers
came up again, and the officer, a regular incapable, that is, a bully,
with drawn sword began to swear at us, and called all of us a pack
of scoundrels. He was, however, soon put to rights, by the whole of us
then present offering ourselves to look out for the missing soldiers;
and eventually, one of them was discovered in a deserted tent, another
was found in a hole lower down the Warrenheip Gully, and so on.
This disgraceful occurrence, coupled with the firing of guns and pistols, kept
up the whole of the night, did not give us cheering hopes for the next day.
Chapter XXVI.
(Letter continued.)
"All the diggings round about were deserted, and swelled the meeting,
the greatest I ever witnessed in this Colony. At two o'clock there were
about ten thousand men present! The Report of the Deputation appointed
by the League to wait upon his Excellency, relative to the release
of the three prisoners, M`Intyre, Fletcher, and Yorkie, was listened to
with great anxiety."
George Black was the man of the day, and was received by the people
with three hearty cheers.
From his outward appearance, one would take him for a parson, a Christian one,
I mean; not a prebendary or a bishop. His English is elegant, and conscious
of having received an education, and being born a gentleman, he never
prostitutes his tongue to colonial phraseology. His reading must have been
sober from his youth, for in conversation he indulges in neither cant
nor romance; though, in addressing the people, he may use a touch
of declamation stronger than argument. From the paleness of his cheeks,
and the dryness of his lips, you might see that the spirit was indeed willing,
though the flesh was weak. The clearness of his eyes, the sharpness
of his nose, the liveliness of his forehead, lend to his countenance
a decided expression of his belief in the resurrection of life.
His principles are settled, not so much because that is required
for the happiness of a good conscience, but because the old serpent
has crammed the ways of man with so many deceits in this world of vanity
and vexation of spirit, that a heart of the honesty of George Black,
cannot possibly have any sympathy with the crooked ways of rogues
and vagabonds; and so he is afflicted at their number and audacity,
especially in this Colony. His disposition of mind makes him enthusiastic
for the virtuous, his benevolent heart prevents him from proceeding
to extremities with the vicious. Hence the Diggers' Advocate, of which
he was the editor, though conducted with ability, failed, because he thought
that gold-diggers interested themselves with true religion, as laid down
in Saint James' Catholic Epistle; but he made a greater mistake in not taking
into consideration that men, though digging for gold, do still pretend
to some religious denomination or other. However, let him now address
the Monster Meeting.
Chapter XXVII.
Divide Et Impera.
(Letter continued,)
"Kennedy, along with the music of his rubbing the nails of the right hand
against those of the left, blathered away in a masterly style for the benefit
of the League.
"It was evident that there was a 'split' among the three Delegates;
yet Mr. Humffray, who had been received by His Excellency, in an interview
as a private digger, found favour among the assembly. J. B. Humffray plainly
explained, and calmly made us understand, that Sir Charles was with us,
and was determined to put an end to our grievances; and that he had appointed
to this effect, a Commission of Inquiry, of popular men well known to us,
and His Excellency had made up his mind to 'act accordingly.' The feverish
excitement was subdued, and three hearty cheers were given for the
New Chum Governor, amid the discharging of several guns and pistols."
I must here interrupt the meeting, drop the letter, and hereby assert:-
lst. Peter Lalor and myself, had never addressed any of the meetings,
before this monster one.
3rd. I never was present at the Star Hotel and therefore, personally I know
nothing of the boisterous Committee of the vaunting Reform League held there.
Chapter XXVIII.
We had better proceed with the meeting first, and with the letter afterwards.
Chapter XXIX.
I came from old Europe, 16,000 miles across two oceans, and I thought
it a respectable distance from the hated Austrian rule. Why, then,
this monster meeting to-day, at the antipodes? We wrote petitions,
signed memorials, made remonstrances by dozens; no go: we are compelled
to demand, and must prepare for the consequences.
The old style: oppressors and oppressed. A sad reflection, very sad
reflection, for any educated and honest man.
For what did we come into this colony? 'Chi sta bene non si move,'
is an old Roman proverb. If then in old Europe, we had a bird in hand,
what silly fools we were to venture across two oceans, and try to catch
two jackasses in the bush of Australia!
I had a dream, a happy dream, I dreamed that we had met here together
to render thanks unto our Father in heaven for a plentiful harvest,
such that for the first time in this, our adopted land, we had our own food
for the year; and so each of us holding in our hands a tumbler of Victorian
wine, you called on me for a song. My harp was tuned and in good order:
cheerfully struck up,
Not so, Britons, not so! We must meet as in old Europe--old style--improved
by far in the south--for the redress of grievances inflicted on us,
not by crowned heads, but blockheads, aristocratical incapables,
who never did a day's work in their life. I hate the oppressor, let him wear
a red, blue, white, or black coat.--And here certainly, I tackled
in right earnest with our silver and gold lace on Ballaarat, and called on all
my fellow-diggers, irrespective of nationality, religion, and colour,
to salute the 'Southern Cross' as the refuge of all the oppressed
from all countries on earth.--The applause was universal, and accordingly
I received my full reward:
Prison and Chains! Old style.
Chapter XXX.
Proposed and seconded by blather reformers; of course, Vern had his go:--
The Rev. Mr. Downing proposed as an amendment, that the licences should not
be burned. Although the rev. gentleman was heard with patience and respect,
a sullen excitement pervaded the whole assemblage while he spoke.
Those even of his most devoted followers were of the opinion that
his sentiments did not accord with the spirit of the times, and the result was
that the rev. gentleman's amendment fell to the ground.
Here must not be forgotten a peculiar colonial habit. There was on the
platform a sly-grog seller, who plied with the black-bottle all the folks
there, and the day was very hot, the sun was almost burning.
Chapter XXXI.
"Yes! Yes!"
"Will four thousand of you volunteer to march up to the Camp, and open
the lock-up to liberate the man?"
"Are you ready to die?" shouted out our worthy chairman, stretching forth
his right hand, clenched all the while; "Are you ready to die?"
This general decided clamour put out Tim in such good spirits, that,
in spite of the heat of the sun and the excitement of the day, he launched
in the realm of crowned poets, and bawled as loud as if he wanted
the head-butler at Toorak to take him a quart-pot of smallbeer--
(Great works!)
No one who was not present at that monster meeting, or never saw any
Chartist meeting in Copenhagen-fields, London, can possibly form an idea
of the enthusiasm of the miners of Ballaarat on that 29th of November.
A regular volley of revolvers and other pistols now took place, and a good
blazing up of gold-licences. When the original resolutions had
all been passed, Mr. Humffray moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Ireland,
for his free advocacy of the state prisoners. The meeting then dissolved,
many of them having previously burned their licences, and thus virtually
pledging themselves to the resolution adopted, which might be said to have been
the business of the day. Nothing could exceed the order and regularity
with which the people, some fifteen thousand in number, retired.
Chapter XXXII.
Thanks be to God, the day passed 'unstained,' a glorious day for Victoria
when the SOUTHERN CROSS was first unfolded on Ballaarat; gathering round
itself all the oppressed of the world.
The whole purpose of the meeting was, that a Reform League be formed
and fully organised to carry out the clearance of all our grievances,
on the old style of the Corn Law League in Great Britain.
3. The whole pack, commissioners, troopers and traps on the Ballaarat Camp,
with the exception of magistrate Hackett, are detested by the diggers:
there will be eternal discontent as long as Rede and fraternity are
lodging over that way. The whole Camp had better be changed at once,
and entrusted to good experienced hands and honest men. Perhaps Sir Charles
may turn into a Diogenes in vain--'nil desperandum.' There are now and then
honest men to be found even in this colony.
Good reader, listen to me: I shall tell you no lie: do not lose sight
of the above letter: I intend to give the end in the next chapter:
meanwhile, fill the pipe, let's have a 'blow' together.
Chapter XXXIII.
Whilst having a 'blow,' we would talk over again about the monster meeting
of yesterday, thus spinning a yarn in the usual colonial style.
Good reader, I copy now, word for word, the scrawl then penned,
in great haste and excitement.
Just on my preparing to go and post this letter, we are worried by the usual
Irish cry, to run to Gravel-pits. The traps are out for licences,
and playing hell with the diggers. If that be the case, I am not inclined
to give half-a-crown for the whole fixtures at the Camp.
Why this identical letter of mine--now in the hands of James Macpherson Grant,
M.L.C., Solicitor, Collins-street, where it will remain till Christmas
for inspection, to be then returned to the owner--was not produced
at my STATE TRIAL, was, and is still, a MYSTERY to me!
What's up? a licence hunt; old game. What's to be done? Peter Lalor was
on the stump, his rifle in his hand, calling on volunteers to 'fall in'
into ranks as fast as they rushed to Bakery-hill, from all quarters,
with arms in their hands, just fetched from their tents. Alfred,
George Black's brother, was taking down in a book the names of divisions
in course of formation, and of their captains.
I went up to Lalor, and the moment he saw me, he took me by the hand saying,
"I want you, Signore: tell these gentlemen, (pointing to old acquaintances
of ours, who were foreigners) that, if they cannot provide themselves
with fire-arms, let each of them procure a piece of steel, five or six inches
long, attached to a pole, and that will pierce the tyrants' hearts."
Peter of course spoke thus in his friendly way as usual towards me.
He was in earnest though. The few words of French he knows, he can pronounce
them tolerably well, but Peter is no scholar in modern languages; therefore
he then appointed me his aide-de-camp, or better to say his interpreter,
and now I am proud to be his historian.
Very soon after this, all the diggers 'fell in' in file of two-a-breast,
and marched to the Eureka.
Patrick Curtain, the chosen captain of the pikemen, gave me his iron pike,
and took my sword to head his division; I 'fell in' with John Manning who also
had a pike, and all of us marched in order to the Eureka.
We turned by the Catholic church, and went across the gully. Of this I have
perfect recollection: when the 'Southern Cross' reached the road leading to
the Eureka on the opposite hill, the file of two-a-breast crossing the gully,
extended backwards up to the hill where the Catholic church stands.
I took notice of the circumstance at the time.
We reached the hill where was my tent. How little did we know that some
of the best among us had reached the place of their grave! Lalor gave
the proper orders to defend ourselves among the holes in case the hunt
should be attempted in our quarters.
The red-tape was by far too cunning this time; redcoats, traps and troopers
had retired to the Ballaarat Camp, and wanted a 'spell.'
Chapter XXXV.
Ad Opus Concilium Statutum.
3. I'll begin with TIMOTHY HAYES. He was born in Ireland, but his outward
appearance is that of a noble fellow--tall, stout, healthy-looking man,
giving himself the airs of a high-born gentleman, fit to rule, direct,
superintend, not to work; that's quite another thing. Of a liberal mind,
however, and, above all, of a kind heart, and that covers a multitude of sins.
6. Oh! you long-legged VERN! with the eyes of an opossum, a common nose,
healthy-looking cheeks, not very small mouth, no beard, long neck
for Jack Ketch, broad shoulders, never broken down by too much work,
splendid chest, long arms--the whole of your appearance makes you a lion
amongst the fair sex, in spite of your bad English, worse German,
abominable French. They say you come from Hanover, but your friends have seen
too much in you of the Mexico-Peruvian. You belong to the school of the
'Illuminated Cosmopolitans;' you have not a dishonest heart, but you believe
in nothing except the gratification of your silly vanity, or ambition,
as you call it.
7. The next was a skinny bouncing curl who affected the tone and manners
of a Californian; he acted throughout the part of a coward, I scorn to mention
his name.
8. Thank God there is among us a man; not so tall as thick, of a strong frame,
some thirty five years old, honest countenance, sober forehead, penetrating
look, fine dark whiskers. His mouth and complexion denote the Irish,
and he is the earnest, well-meaning, no-two-ways, non-John-Bullised Irishman,
PETER LALOR, in whose eyes, the gaseous heroism of demagogues, or the knavery
of peg-shifters is an abomination, because his height of impudence consisted
in giving the diggers his hand, and leaving with them his arm in pawn,
for to jump the Ballaarat claim in St. Patrick's Hall. More power to you
Peter! Old chummy, smother the knaves! they breed too fast in this colony.
10. PATRICK CURTAIN, an old digger, well known among us; at the time
a storekeeper; husband and father of a beloved family. His caste is that
of the Irishman-Johnbull; tall, robust, some forty years old; he is no friend
to much yabber-yabber; of deep thinking, though very few can guess what
he is thinking of. He smiles but never laughs to his heart's content.
Curtain was captain, and subsequently lieutenant of the pikemen division,
when they chose HANRAHAN for their captain. Said pikemen division was among
the first that took up arms on Thursday, November 30th, immediately after
the licence-hunt. It was formed on Bakery-hill, and received Lalor
on the stump with acclamation. It increased hourly and permanently;
was the strongest division in the Eureka stockade; in comparison to others,
it stood the most true to the 'Southern Cross,' and consequently suffered
the greatest loss on the morning of the massacre. Now, to explain how both
its gallant leaders escaped unhurt, safe as the Bank, so that a few weeks
afterwards, both were working happy and jolly in broad day-light
on Gravel-pits, within a rifle shot from the Camp, that would be a job
of a quite different kind just at present: sufficient the trouble to mention;
that when I came out of gaol, I met them both in a remunerative hole
in Gravel-pits, as aforesaid.
11. 12. There were two other individuals of the John-bull caste,
perhaps cross-breed, who had taken up arms in the cause of the diggers,
because their sly-trade was flagging; but, as a rotten case abides no handling,
I will let them pass.
Manning, handed over to Lalor the motion drawn up in my tent. Here it is:-
III. That said parties constitute the council-of-war for the defence.
Lalor tore up immediately the slip of paper containing the above motion,
because he did not think it prudent to leave written things about in a
public store. I transcribe it from the scrap left among the papers in my tent.
Chapter XXXVI.
Brave Peter, you gave us your hand on the Eureka, and left there your arm:
an incontestable evidence of Lalor's Pledge.
No possible inquiry from Lalor could get at the bottom of Vern's prodigal
brigade. Is, then, the grand secret buried within Vern's splendid chest?
No; I mean to reveal it at four o'clock, Saturday, December 2nd.
Carboni Raffaello, who had heard heaps of cant in old Europe, did count
for nothing the oceanic military knowledge of Vern, in spite of his big
trail-sword, that made more jingling than enough.
Peter Lalor thanked the council for the honour conferred on him,
assured the members that he was determined to prepare the diggers
to resist force by force.
Chapter XXXVII.
On that Thursday, November 30th, more memorable than the disgraced Sunday,
December 3rd, the SUN was on its way towards the west: in vain some scattered
clouds would hamper its splendour--the god in the firmament generously
ornamented them with golden fringes, and thus patches of blue sky far off
were allowed to the sight, through the gilded openings among the clouds.
The 'SOUTHERN CROSS' was hoisted up the flagstaff--a very splendid pole,
eighty feet in length, and straight as an arrow. This maiden appearance
of our standard, in the midst of armed men, sturdy, self-overworking
gold-diggers of all languages and colours, was a fascinating object to behold.
There is no flag in old Europe half so beautiful as the 'Southern Cross'
of the Ballaarat miners, first hoisted on the old spot, Bakery-hill.
The flag is silk, blue ground, with a large silver cross, similar to the one
in our southern firmament; no device or arms, but all exceedingly chaste
and natural.
Captain Ross, of Toronto, was the bridegroom of our flag, and sword in hand,
he had posted himself at the foot of the flag-staff, surrounded by
his rifle division.
Peter Lalor, our Commander-in-chief, was on the stump, holding with his
left hand the muzzle of his rifle, whose butt-end rested on his foot.
A gesture of his right hand, signified what he meant when he said,
"It is my duty now to swear you in, and to take with you the oath
to be faithful to the Southern Cross. Hear me with attention. The man who,
after this solemn oath does not stand by our standard, is a coward in heart.
"I order all persons who do not intend to take the oath,
to leave the meeting at once.
The movement was made accordingly. Some five hundred armed diggers advanced
in real sober earnestness, the captains of each division making the military
salute to Lalor, who now knelt down, the head uncovered, and with the
right hand pointing to the standard exclaimed a firm measured tone:
An universal well rounded AMEN, was the determined reply; some five hundred
right hands stretched towards our flag.
Chapter XXXVIII.
Mind good reader, I tell you no joke, I am not in humour just now to spin
a yarn.--I wished to shame the fellow for his villainy on such a solemn
occasion. The fellow persisted in his drunken shouts. I lost my temper,
and gave the scoundrel such a respectable kick, in a less respectable region,
with a most respectable boot of mine, that it served me right when both
my new watertight boots were robbed from my shins by Goodenough's satellites
on the subsequent Sunday, at the Ballaarat Camp.
Chapter XXXIX.
The armed men numbered now (six o'clock) about five hundred.
Vern's gall was fermenting, but on PETER LALOR being proclaimed
Commander-in-chief, the appointment was ratified by hurrah! from the diggers.
There was such a decided intention to do 'something' with the strong arm,
and at once, that I was called on the stump. I requested the diggers
to give us time for deliberation, and pledged my word that I would inform them
of the result. 'Go a-head! Great works!' was the shout.
Chapter XL.
Father P. Smyth and Mr. George Black were present; both looking serious
and anxious.
All of us were much concerned, and felt the responsibility of our position.
By this time the diggers from all parts had swelled to the number of
eight hundred. They were not clamorous, they wanted to know what
was determined on by the leaders.
2. To demand from Commissioner Rede a pledge not to come out any more
for licence-hunting.
We met here and there several groups, who were anxiously discussing the events
of the day, and the probable consequences. Mr. Black kindly and plainly
informed them of our mission. On reaching the bridge, we found it guarded
by the police. Father Smyth had an easy pass, and went by himself to speak
first at head-quarters, for the safety of our persons.
Chapter XLI.
At last the deputation was before King Rede, whose shadow by moonshine,
as he held his arm a la Napoleon, actually inspired me with reverence;
but behold! only a marionette was before us. Each of his words,
each of his movements, was the vibration of the telegraphic wires directed
from Toorak. He had not a wicked heart; some knew him for his benevolence,
and he helped many an honest digger out of trouble. Once I had seen him
with my mate, Paul Brentani, about manufacturing bricks from the splendid clay
of Gravel-pits. Mr. Rede received us as a gentleman, and, by way of
encouragement, said to Paul, 'Je veux bien vous aider, car tout est encore
a batir a Ballaarat, et il nous faut des briques--revenez me voir.'
And yet, on the gold-field, this man was feared by the few who could not
help it, respected by the many--detested by all, because he was the
Resident Commissioner--that is, all the iniquities of officialdom at the time
were indiscriminately visited on his gold-lace cap, which fact so infatuated
his otherwise not ordinary brains, that they protruded through his eyes,
whenever he was sure he had to perform a dooty. I would willingly
turn burglar to get hold of the whole of the correspondence between him
and Toorak. I feel satisfied I would therein unravel the mystery
of the Eureka massacre.
Rede, after all, was neither the right man, nor in the right place,
for Sir Charles Hotham.
Sub-inspector Taylor, with his silver-lace cap, blue frock, and jingling sword,
so precise in his movement, so Frenchman-like in his manners,
such a puss-in-boots, after introducing the deputation, placed himself
at the right of the Commissioner, and never spoke; though, on accompanying us
from the bridge, having recognised me, he said, "We have been always
on good terms with the diggers, and I hope we may keep friends still;"--
and gave me a smile of sincerity. He, perhaps, was ignorant, as well as
the deputation, that, on quarter-deck, some pirates wanted a rebellion.
At the left of Mr. Rede, there was a gentleman who inspired us with confidence.
His amiable countenance is of the cast that commands respect, not fear.
The ugliness of his eyes prejudices you against him at first; let him,
however, turn them upon you in his own benevolent way, you are sure
they mean no harm: within a pair of splendid whiskers, of the finest blond,
there is such a genteel nose and mouth, such a fine semi-serious forehead,
that the whole is the expression of his good sound heart, that loves truth,
even from devils. It was Charles Henry Hackett, police magistrate.
The place of our palaver was exactly one yard down hill, near the old gum tree,
in front of the present Local Court.
Mr. Rede asked our names, and cautioned us that our message would be reported
at head-quarters. He who had a gang of the vilest spies at his bidding,
perhaps, indeed, forced upon him, now suspected us as such, and told us
pretty plainly, that he thought it not prudent to take us to his residence,
the camp being prepared against a supposed attack from the diggers.
Chapter XLII.
Invanum Laboravimus.
Mr. Rede: "Now Mr. Black, how can you say that I ever gave such an order
as to shoot down any digger for his not having a licence?" and he proceeded
to give his version of the occurrence. Master Johnson wanted a little play,
and rode licence-hunting; was met with impertinent shouts of "Joe, Joe,"
and reported a riot. Daddy Rede must share in the favourite game,
and rode to crack the riot act. The red-coats turned out. The diggers
mobbed together among the holes, and several shots were fired at the traps.
The conclusion: Three of the ring-leaders of the mob had been pounced upon,
and were safe in chokey.
Mr. Black manfully vindicated the diggers, by observing how they had been
insulted; that Britons hated to be bullied by the soldiery, and concluded
by stating our first 'demand.'
Mr. Rede continued: "Now, Mr. Black, look at the case how it really stands.
Those men are charged with rioting; they will be brought before the magistrate,
and it is out of my power to interfere with the course of justice."
Mr. Black: "Will you accept bail for them to any amount you please
to mention?"
In vain Mr. Black entered the pathetic; and expostulated with the Commissioner,
who had it in his power to prevent bloodshed.
Mr. Rede: "It is all nonsense to make me believe that the present agitation
is intended solely to abolish the licence. Do you really wish
to make me believe that the diggers of Ballaarat won't pay any longer
two pounds for three months? The licence is a mere cloak to cover
a democratic revolution."
Mr. Black acknowledged that the licence fee, and especially the disreputable
mode of collecting it at the point of the bayonet, were not the only grievances
the diggers complained of. They wanted to be represented in the
Legislative Council; they wanted to 'unlock the lands.'
Carboni Raffaello, who had yet not opened his mouth, said: "Mr. Rede,
I beg you would allow me to state, that the immediate object of the diggers
taking up arms, was to resist any further licence-hunting. I speak
for the foreign diggers whom I here represent. We object to the Austrian rule
under the British flag. If you would pledge yourself not to come out
any more for the licence, until you have communicated with Son Excellence,
I would give you my pledge...--(I meant to say, that I was willing
to pledge myself, and try if possible to assuage the excitement,
and wait till 'our Charley' had sent up a decided answer...")--but I was
instantly interrupted by Father Smyth who addressed me imperatively:
"Give no pledge: sir, you have no power to do so."
Mr. Rede, who had not failed to remark the abruptness with which
Father Smyth had cut me short; joined both his hands, and with the stretched
forefinger tapping me on both hands, which were clenched as in prayer,
addressed to me these identical remarkable words, "My dear fellow,
the licence is a mere watchword of the day, and they make a cat's-paw of you."
Mr. Black undertook my defence: the words above stuck in my throat, though.
Mr. Hackett, on being consulted, assented that Mr. Rede could promise us
to take into consideration the present excited feelings of the diggers,
and use his best judgment as to a further search for licences on the morrow.
Mr. Rede: "Yes, yes; but, understand me, gentlemen. I give no pledge."
Chapter XLIII.
La Volpe Cambia Il Pelo, Ma Non La Pelle;
Cambia La Pelle Il Serpe, Non Il Veleno:
Il Cane Non Abbaia Col Ventre Pieno;
Vestesi Il Lupo In Pecora Tra Liagnelle.
Antica Storia;
Ma Senza Gloria.
By this time, the main road was crowded. The men were anxiously waiting
to know our success. Mr. Black calmed their excitement as kindly
as circumstances admitted. We returned to our camp at the Eureka. Mr. Black
rendered an account of our mission with that candour which characterises him
as a gentleman. I wished to correct him in one point only, and said,
my impression was, that the Camp, choked with red-coats, would quash
Mr. Rede's 'good judgment,' get the better of his sense, if he had any
of either, and that he would come out licence-hunting on an improved style.
Chapter XLIV.
On Friday, December 1st, the sun rose as usual. The diggers came in armed,
voluntarily, and from all directions: and soon they were under drill,
as the day before. So far as I know, not one digger had turned to work.
It may have happened, that certain Cornishmen, well known for their
peculiar propensity, of which they make a boast to themselves, to pounce
within an inch of their neighbour's shaft, were not allowed to indulge in
'encroaching.' This, however, I assert as a matter of fact, that the Council
of the Eureka Stockade never gave or hinted at any order to stop the
usual work on the gold-field.
Towards ten o'clock, news reached our camp that the red coats were under arms,
and there would be another licence-hunting.
The flames did not devour the Eureka Hotel with the same impetuosity
as we got up our stockade. Peter Lalor gave the order: Vern had the charge,
and was all there with his tremendous sword. "Wo ist der Raffaello!
Du, Baricaden bauen," and all heaps of slabs, all available timber
was soon higgledy-piggledy thrown all round our camp. Lalor then gave
directions as to the position each division should take round the holes,
and soon all was on the 'qui vive.'
No blue or red coat appeared.--It was past one o'clock: John Bull
must have his dinner. Lalor spoke of the want of arms and ammunition,
requested that every one should endeavour to procure of both as much
as possible, but did certainly not counsel or even hint that stores
should be pressed for it.
A German blacksmith, within the stockade was blazing, hammering and pointing
pikes as fast as his thick strong arms allowed him: praising the while
his past valour in the wars of Mexico, and swearing that his pikes would fix
red-toads and blue pissants especially. He was making money as fast
any Yankee is apt on such occasions, and it was a wonder to look at
his coarse workmanship, that would hardly stick an opossum, though his pikes
were meant for kangaroos and wild dogs.
Chapter XLV.
We learned from this Creswick legion that two demagogues had been stumping
at Creswick, and called the diggers there to arms to help their brothers
on Ballaarat, who were worried by scores, by the perfidious hounds of the Camp.
They were assured that on Ballaarat there was plenty of arms, ammunitions,
forage, and provisions, and that preparations on a grand scale were making
to redress once for all the whole string of grievances. They had only
to march to Ballaarat, and would find there plenty of work, honour, and glory.
I wonder how honest Mr. Black could sanction with his presence,
such suicidal rant, such absurd bosh of that pair of demagogues,
who hurried down these four hundred diggers from Creswick, helpless, grog-worn,
that is, more or less dirty and ragged, and proved the greatest nuisance.
One of them, MICHAEL TUEHY, behaved valiantly and so I shall say no more.
Of course something must be done. Thonen was the purveyor. The Eureka butcher
on the hill gave plenty of meat, and plenty of bread was got from all
the neighbouring stores, and paid for. A large fire was lit in the middle
of the stockade, and thus some were made as comfortable as circumstances
admitted; others were quartered at the tents of friends; the greater part,
soon guessing how they had been humbugged, returned to their old quarters.
Arms and ammunition were our want. Men were there enough; each and all ready
to fight: such was the present excitement; but blue and red coats cannot
be driven off with fists alone. Lalor gave all his attention to the subject,
but would not consent yet to press stores for it.
Vern was perpetually expecting every moment his German Rifle Brigade.
Have patience till to-morrow.
Chapter XLVI.
Non Irascimini.
Saturday morning. The night had been very cold, we had kept watch for fear
of being surprised; every hour the cry, was "The military are coming."
Suppose, even that all diggers who had fire arms had been present and plucky,
yet no man in his right senses will ever give Vern the credit
for military tactics, if that gallant officer had thought that an acre
of ground on the surface of a hill accessible with the greatest ease
on every side, simply fenced in by a few slabs placed at random,
could be defended by a handful of men, for the most part totally destitute
of military knowledge, against a disciplined soldiery, backed by swarms
of traps and troopers.
Such, however, was our infatuation, that now we considered the stockade
stronger, because it looked more higgledy-piggledy.
Chapter XLVII.
Father Smyth, your advice was kindly received; if it did not thrive,
was it because you sowed it on barren ground?
The following document may in time help to bring forth truth to light:-
Chapter XLVIII.
The Things We Ardently Wish For In This Life, Either Never Come To Pass,
Or If They Do It Is Too Late. Hence, 'Better Late Than Never.'
The whole of the morning passed off as quietly as any well wisher to our cause
could desire. Towards twelve o'clock it was our decision that licence-hunting
was over, for the day any how, since no digger recollected a search for licence
taking place on a Saturday afternoon. Our talk was of the coming meeting
of the reform league at two o'clock on Sunday, at the Adelphi, as announced
at the monster meeting on Wednesday.
The impression was almost general, that 'Charley' would soon dismiss
the hated brood of our commissioners, and things would then be 'all right.'
'Off to get a bite,' was the pass-word.
Chapter XLVIX.
John Basson Humffray, of whom nothing was seen or heard since the previous
Wednesday, now introduced, through a letter in his own handwriting;
addressed 'To the Commander-in-Chief of the armed diggers, Eureka,'
a Doctor Kenworthy, as surgeon, because he (Humffray) feared that a collision
between the diggers and the military would soon take place.
Peters, the spy, was at the same time within the stockade.
The 'surgeon' had his Yankee face under a bell-top (French hat): he entered
into conversation with me in person. I had my sword in hand, and was on watch.
We began to talk about MAZZINI and Captain FORBES: this latter,
a brave American officer, fought in the late struggle at Rome (1848).
I perfectly recollect, that, pointing with a smile to our barricade,
I told this Kenworthy, we had thrown them up for our defence against
licence-hunting. There is a living witness to the above circumstance,
a countryman of mine, whose name I do not remember just now, but he wore
at the time a red shirt, with picks and shovels all over it.
Previous to this, Vern, whose silly vanity would by no means allow him
to put up with his not having been elected Commander-in-Chief, all on a sudden
cried out in his sort of bombast, "Here they are coming, boys: now I will
lead you to death or victory!"--actually a band of men was tramping
full speed towards the stockade.
Chapter L
Was it then the long, long-looked for German Rifle Brigade? Here is
it's four-horned name--I copy from a slip of paper I wrote in pencil
on that very Saturday, as the name was too long and difficult for me
to remember--'The Independent Californian Rangers' Revolver Brigade.'
Here is the very circumstance when M`Gill made his appearance for the first
time within the stockade; I recollect perfectly well the circumstance
when a Mr. Smith, of the American Adams's Express, was holding the bridle
of the horse, from which said M`Gill dismounted.
James M`Gill is of the breed on the other side of the Pacific. He is thought
to have been educated in a military academy, and certainly, he has the manners
of a young gentleman of our days. He is rather short, not so much
healthy-looking as wide awake. 'What's up?' is his motto. This colony
will sober him down, and then he will attend more to 'what's to be done.'
His complexion bears the stamp of one born of a good family, but you can read
in the white of his eyes, in the colouring of his cheeks, in the paleness
of his lips, that his heart is for violence. When he gets a pair
of solid whiskers, he may pass for a Scotchman, for he has already a nose
as if moulded in Scotland. He speaks the English language correctly,
and when not prompted by the audacity of his heart, shows good sense,
delicate feelings, a pleasing way of conversation. His honour was impeached
by Vern, who never came up to the scratch, though; witness, Mr. John Campbell,
of 'The Age' office.
When a man is dead, there and then he is himself the horrible evidence
of corruption; but, as long as he lives there is hopes for fair play,
and hear his evidence on the resurrection of life: hence the moral courage
to assert the truth, shuts out the physical strength for blather to shampoo
the lie; and an honest upright man of education and a Christian leaves
'duelering' to fools.
M`Gill is not wicked in heart, though he may not yet have settled-principles.
If this world be such a puzzle even for grey-heads, who have seen enough of it,
what then must it be for one, come out of College and learning life
on the gold-fields? Hence, if I say that he helped with others to draw
the chestnuts out of the Eureka Stockade, for some old Fox, I cannot
offend him.--Who was the accursed old Fox? Patience, there is a God.--
When I was in gaol, I was not vexed at hearing him at liberty and happy:
I could not possibly wish my misery to any one; but his boast on Ballaarat
that his friend Dr. Kenworthy had procured him a 'written free pardon'
did smother me with bitterness.
Chapter LI.
" After that, in the evening, he saw the man who was in
command again form his men around him, and he seemed to
be reading a general order for the night. After it got
night, one of them came up to him and said, 'Now,
Old Waterloo, you must come and join us,' and he threw
down a pike which he told him to take. He said, 'No;
it is such a d----d ugly one, I'll have nothing to do
with it.' Another came, and witness asked what bounty
he gave, saying 50 pounds was little enough for an old
Waterloo man. Because he would not join them he was
taken into custody by them, and was guarded by three
men with pikes at his door. (Great works!) All this
was on Saturday. His tent was the second inside the
stockade. His tent and all his property was destroyed
by fire, it all amounted to 200 pounds. He believed it
was set fire to by the police." (And so it was, old
Waterloo-no-bolter, good-hearted old man as ever lived
in the world. If you wish call for a copy of this
book; do.)
This day, Saturday, November 10th, 1855. A glorious day for Ballaarat:
Peter Lalor, our late Commander-in-Chief, being elected by unanimous
acclamation, Member of the Legislative Council for this 'El Dorado.'
I spoke at the Camp face to face with James M`Gill. We shook hands
with mutual respect and friendship.
M`Gill, at my request, looked full in my eyes, and assured me, that the order
old Waterloo speaks of, was to the effect of appointing officers for watch
at the stockade, for 'out-posts' to keep a sharp look-out, for march to
intercept reinforcements; in short, an order for military discipline,
very necessary under the prevailing excitement. Said order for the night
(Saturday, December 2nd) was drawn up by his command, and written black
on white by Alfred, the brother of George Black.
Chapter LII.
The excitement was of Satan. It was reported, the whole of the Melbourne road
was swarming with fresh reinforcements. The military would soon attack
the stockade, but Vern would lead the diggers to death or glory.
I went out to get positive information, and I did see some two hundred
red-coats stationed under arms at the foot of Black hill. The general
impression spread like wild-fire that the diggers would now all be slaughtered.
I returned, and was anxious to communicate with Lalor. The council room
was guarded by Californian faces, perfect strangers to me. The 'pass-word'
had been changed, and I was refused admittance.
Old colonial-looking fellows rode to and fro from all parts: some brought
canisters of gunpowder and bags of shot; others, fire-arms and boxes of caps.
They had been pressing stores.
All at once burst out a clamorous shouting. Captain Ross was entering
the stockade in triumph with some old fire-arms and a splendid horse.
They had been sticking up some three or four tents, called the Eureka
government camp. Great Works! that could have been done long before,
without so much fuss about it; and, forsooth, what a benefit to mankind
in general, that Commissioner Amos, ever since, was so frightened as to get
his large eyes involuntary squinting after his mare!!
Sly-grog sellers got also a little profit out of the Eureka Stockade.
A fellow was selling nobblers out of a keg of brandy hanging from his neck.
It required Peter Lalor in person to order this devil-send out of the stockade.
'Press for,' was the order of the hour. Two men on horseback were crossing
the gully below. Young Black--the identical one with a red shirt and blue cap,
who took down the names round Lalor's stump, on Bakery-hill on
Thursday morning, and who, to the best of my knowledge never had yet been
within the stockade--came out of the committee-room, and hastened up to me
with the order to pick out some men and press those two horses in.
I gave him a violent look, and made him understand that 'I won't do
the bushranger yet.' The order was however executed by fresh hands
entirely unknown to me, who rushed towards the horsemen, shouted to both
of them to stop, and with the threat of the revolver compelled them
to ride their horses within the stockade. I felt disgusted at the violence.
The reign of terror will not strike root among Britons because the
Austrian rule does not thrive under the British flag; and so here is
a crab-hole that brave Lalor alone can properly log up.
"Nom d'un nom! c'est affreux. Ces malheureuf sont-ils donc possedes?
"Por vida deDios! por supuesto jo fuera el Duke de Alba, esos Gavachos,
carajo, yo los pegaria de bueno.
"Che casa del diavolo, per Dio! Che ti pare! niente meno si spalanca
l'inferno. Alla larga! Sor Fattorone: Pronti denari, Fan patti chiari.
Minca coglione!"
Such were more or less the expressions to give vent to my feelings
on my way to the Prince Albert Hotel, Bakery-hill, to meet there a friend
or two, especially my old mate, Adolphus Lessman, Lieutenant of the Rifle-men.
Chapter LIII.
"Who's the landlord here?" was the growl from a sulky ruffian,
some five feet high, with the head of a bull-dog, the eyes of a vulture,
sunken in a mass of bones, neglected beard, sun-burnt, grog-worn,
as dirty as a brute,--the known cast, as called here in this colony,
of a 'Vandemonian,' made up of low, vulgar manners and hard talk,
spiked at each word, with their characteristic B, and infamous B again;
whilst a vile oath begins and ends any of their foul conceits. Their glory
to stand oceans of grog, joined to their benevolence of 'shouting'
for all hands, and their boast of black-eye giving, nose-smashing,
knocking in of teeth, are the three marks of their aristocracy.
Naturally cowards, they have learned the secret that 'Pluck,' does just as well
for their foul jobs. Grog is pluck, and the more grog they swallow,
the more they count on success. Hence their frame, however robust by nature,
wears out through hard drink, and goes the way of all flesh, rarely with
grey hairs. It is dangerous to approach them; they know the dodge
how to pick up a quarrel for the sake of gratifying their appetite
for fighting. You cannot avoid them in this colony; they are too numerous.
I saw hundreds of these Vandemonians, during my four months in gaol.
Their heart must be of the same stuff as that of vultures, because they are
of the same trade. In a word, they are the living witnesses among us,
of the terrible saying of Isaiah, 'The heart of man is desperately wicked.'
Through such did Satan plant his standard to rule this southern land,
before Christ could show his Cross; hence, before famous Ballaarat could point
at a barn, and call it a church, on the township, old Satan had three palaces
to boast of, the first of which--a match for any in the world--has made
the landlord as wealthy and proud as a merchant-prince of the City of London.
'Non ex illis Mecoenates,'--that's the secret how this land has produced
so many first-rate bullock-drivers.
Chapter LIV.
In Vino Veritas.
The Vandemonian was, of course, accompanied by nine more of his pals,
all of them armed to the teeth with revolvers, swords, pikes, and knives.
Carl Wiesenhavern, a man of noble character, and, therefore a man who hates
knavery, and has no fear of a knave, answered with his peculiar
German coolness, "Here I am, what do you want?"
"If that's what you want," replied Wiesenhavern, "you shall have it
with pleasure."
"I did not ask for any: understand me well, though;" pointing at each of them
with the forefinger of his clenched right hand, "you will have a nobbler
a-piece, and no more: afterwards you will go your way. Are you satisfied
with my conditions?"
Wiesenhavern scorned to notice the fellow, and, according to the old custom
of the house, placed two decanters of brandy, together with the tumblers,
on the bar, saying, "Help yourselves, gentlemen."
They fell at once upon the brandy, and their mean rascality was shown
by some seizing the glass and covering it with the full hand to conceal
their greediness. Nobbler-drinking is an old colonial habit; it gives pluck
to the coward when he is 'up to something;' so happened it with these fellows.
Wiesenhavern kept himself quiet. One of the ruffians showed his intention
to enter the bar, and play the landlord within. Wiesenhavern coolly
persuaded him back by the promise he would fetch from his room,
"something rowdy, the right old sort of stuff--Champagne Cognac, 'tres vieux'."
The fellows presumed their 'bouncing' was all the go now, and laughed
and cursed in old colonial style.
What was the result? Of course the same, whenever you deal with knaves--
and you make them understand what you mean. They were cowed;
and as by this time, the high words had called in several old customers
of the house who wished well to it, because they knew it deserved it,
so the ruffians had to cut for fear of their own dear lives.
Then it was related with sorrow, that several similar bands were scouring
the gold-fields in all directions and in the name of the committee
of the Eureka stockade, under cover pressing for fire-arms and ammunition,
plundered the most respectable stores of all they could lay their hands upon.
One instance, as reported there and then by parties who had just witnessed
the transaction.
The above are facts. I do not assert that such were the orders
of the committee, got up after four o'clock of same Saturday at the Eureka
stockade. I had no part or portion in the committee, and know nothing
of it personally.
Chapter LV.
I ran up to the stockade to remonstrate with Peter Lalor, for whom I had
too much respect to think for one moment, that he had any hand, and much less
that he had sanctioned, such suicidal proceedings.
Thanks to the password; I entered within the stockade. It must have been
not far from midnight. I found everything comparatively quiet; the majority
were either asleep of warming themselves round the big fire. I spoke
in German face to face, for the last time, with Thonen. M`Gill and two-thirds
of the Independent Californian Rangers' Rifle Brigade, in accordance with
the avocation expressed in the title, were out 'starring' to intercept
reinforcements reported on the road from Melbourne. Nealson and his division
were off for the same purpose. Was their lot that of Lot's wife?
Sir Charles Hotham must have possessed the rod of Moses to convert the quartz
of Victoria into red coats, as numerous as the locusts that plagued
Pharaoh's land. The Local Court of Ballaarat should recommend His Excellency
to carry out the 'abolition of shepherding at Sebastopol.'
I asked Thonen to see Lalor. I was answered that Peter, from sheer exhaustion,
must rest for an hour or two, and was asleep.
Myself not having closed an eye since Thursday, I felt severely the want
of sleep. Is not sabbath-keeping our day's cant in the English language?
Anyhow it must be admitted, in justice to both silver and gold lace,
that they take it in good earnest: to keep the sabbath is a holy and wholesome
thing for them. I do not remember what was my frame of mind at the time
I wished Thonen good night; very probably, "Enough for the day, the morrow
will have its own troubles:" at any rate, Thonen gave word to the 'outposts,'
chiefly Californians to let me pass to my tent: and having thrown myself
on my stretcher, with every thing quiet round about, I soon fell asleep.
V. R.
No light will be allowed to be kept burning in any
tent within musket-shot of the line of sentries after
8 o'clock p.m. No discharge of fire-arms in the
neighbourhood of the Camp will be permitted for any
purpose whatever.
The sentries have orders to fire upon any person
offending against these rules.
(By order),
Lieut. 40th Regt., Garrison Adjutant.
Chapter LVI.
The shots whizzed by my tent. I jumped out of the stretcher and rushed
to my chimney facing the stockade. The forces within could not muster
above 150 diggers.
The shepherds' holes inside the lower part of the stockade had been turned
into rifle-pits, and were now occupied by Californians of the
I.C. Rangers' Brigade, some twenty or thirty in all, who had kept watch
at the 'out-posts' during the night.
Ross and his division northward, Thonen and his division southward,
and both in front of the gully, under cover of the slabs, answered
with such a smart fire, that the military who were now fully within range,
did unmistakably appear to me to swerve from their ground: anyhow the command
"forward" from Sergeant Harris was put a stop to. Here a lad was really
courageous with his bugle. He took up boldly his stand to the left
of the gully and in front: the red-coats 'fell in' in their ranks to the right
of this lad. The wounded on the ground behind must have numbered a dozen.
Another scene was going on east of the stockade. Vern floundered across
the stockade eastward, and I lost sight of him. Curtain whilst making coolly
for the holes, appeared to me to give directions to shoot at Vern;
but a rush was instantly made in the same direction (Vern's) and a whole pack
cut for Warrenheip.
There was, however, a brave American officer, who had the command
of the rifle-pit men; he fought like a tiger; was shot in his thigh
at the very onset, and yet, though hopping all the while, stuck to Captain Ross
like a man. Should this notice be the means to ascertain his name,
it should be written down in the margin at once.
The dragoons from south, the troopers from north, were trotting in full speed
towards the stockade.
Peter Lalor, was now on the top of the first logged-up hole within
the stockade, and by his decided gestures pointed to the men to retire
among the holes. He was shot down in his left shoulder at this identical
moment: it was a chance shot, I recollect it well.
A full discharge of musketry from the military, now mowed down all
who had their heads above the barricades. Ross was shot in the groin.
Another shot struck Thonen exactly in the mouth, and felled him on the spot.
Those who suffered the most were the score of pikemen, who stood their ground
from the time the whole division had been posted at the top, facing the
Melbourne road from Ballaarat, in double file under the slabs,
to stick the cavalry with their pikes.
The old command, "Charge!" was distinctly heard, and the red-coats rushed
with fixed bayonets to storm the stockade. A few cuts, kicks and pulling down,
and the job was done too quickly for their wonted ardour, for they actually
thrust their bayonets on the body of the dead and wounded strewed about
on the ground. A wild "hurrah!" burst out and 'the Southern Cross'
was torn down, I should say, among their laughter, such as if it had been
a prize from a May-pole.
Of the armed diggers, some made off the best way they could, others surrendered
themselves prisoners, and were collected in groups and marched down the gully.
The Indian dragoons, sword in hand, rifle-pistols cocked, took charge
of them all, and brought them in chains to the lock-up.
Chapter LVII.
The red-coats were now ordered to 'fall in;' their bloody work was over,
and were marched off, dragging with them the 'Southern Cross.'
Their dead, as far as I did see, were four, and a dozen wounded,
including Captain Wise, the identical one, I think whom I speak of in relating
the events of Tuesday evening, November 28.
Dead and wounded had been fetched up in carts, waiting on the road, and all
red-things hastened to Ballaarat. The following is for the edification of all
the well-affected and well-disposed of the present and future generation:-
V. R.
Government Camp,
Ballaarat, Dec. 3rd, 1854.
Her Majesty's forces were this morning fired upon by a
large body of evil-disposed persons of various nations,
who had entrenched themselves in a stockade on the
Eureka, and some officers and men killed.
Chapter LVIII.
Here begins a foul deed, worthy of devils, and devils they were.
The accursed troopers were now within the stockade. They dismounted,
and pounced on firebrands from the large fire on the middle of the stockade,
and deliberately set in a blaze all the tents round about. I did see
with both eyes one of those devils, a tall, thick-shouldered, long-legged,
fast Vandemonian-looking trooper, purposely striking a bundle of matches,
and setting fire at the corner end, north of the very store of Diamond,
where we had kept the council for the defence. The howling and yelling
was horrible. The wounded are now burnt to death; those who had laid down
their arms, and taken refuge within the tents, were kicked like brutes,
and made prisoners.
The troopers, enjoying the fun within the stockade, now spread it without.
The tent next to mine (Quinn's) was soon in a blaze. I collected in haste
my most important papers, and rushed out to remonstrate against such
a wanton cruelty. Sub-inspector Carter pointing with his pistol ordered me
to fall in with a batch of prisoners. There were no two ways: I obeyed.
In the middle of the gully, I expostulated with Captain Thomas,
he asked me whether I had been made a prisoner within the stockade.
"No, sir," was my answer. He noticed my frankness, my anxiety and grief.
After a few words more in explanation, he, giving me a gentle stroke
with his sword, told me "If you really are an honest digger, I do not want you,
sir; you may return to your tent."
Mr. Gordon--of the store of Gordon and M`Callum, on the left of the gully,
near the stockade--who had been made prisoner, and was liberated in the same
way, and at the same time as myself, was and is a living witness to the above.
At this juncture I was called by name from Doctor Carr, and Father Smyth,
directed me by signs to come and help the wounded within the stockade.
Chapter LIX.
I hastened, and what a horrible sight! Old acquaintances crippled with shots,
the gore protruding from the bayonet wounds, their clothes and flesh burning
all the while. Poor Thonen had his mouth literally choked with bullets;
my neighbour and mate Teddy More, stretched on the ground, both his thighs
shot, asked me for a drop of water. Peter Lalor, who had been concealed
under a heap of slabs, was in the agony of death, a stream of blood
from under the slabs, heavily forcing its way down hill.
Americans! your Doctor Kenworthy was not there, as he should have been,
according to Humffray's letter.
Catholics! Father Smyth was performing his sacred duty to the dying, in spite
of the troopers who threatened his life, and forced him at last to desist.
Protestants! spare us in future with your sabbath cant. Not one of your
ministers was there, helping the digger in the hour of need.
John Bull! you wilfully bend your neck to any burden for palaver and war
to protect you in your universal shop-keeping, and maintain your sacred rights
of property; but human life is to you as it was to Napoleon: for him,
fodder for the cannon; for you, tools to make money. A dead man needs
no further care, and human kind breeds fast enough everywhere after all,--
'Cetera quando rursum scribam'.
On my reaching the stockade with a pannikin of water for Teddy, I was amazed
at the apathy showed by the diggers, who now crowded from all directions
round the dead and wounded. None would stir a finger.
All on a sudden a fresh swarm of troopers cleared the stockade of all moving
things with the mere threat of their pistols.
All the diggers scampered away and entered all available tents, crouching
within the chimneys or under stretchers. The valorous, who had given
such a proof of their ardour in smothering with stones, bats, and broken
bottles, the 12th Regiment on their orderly way from Melbourne on Tuesday,
November 28, at the same identical spot on the Eureka, now allowed themselves
to be chained by dozens, by a handful of hated traps, who, a few days before,
had been kept at bay on the whole of the diggings, by the mere shouting
of 'Joe!' A sad reflection, indeed; a very sad reflection.
Myself and a few neighbours now procured some stretchers, and at the direction
of Doctor Carr, converted the London Hotel into an hospital,
and took there the wounded.
The state of mind in which I was, gave me no time to take much notice
of the circumstances, and must have answered, "Thank God, I am alive,"
and proceeded to my duty.
The identical Mr. Binney, of the firm of Binney and Gillot, now storekeepers
on the Ballaarat township, is a living witness to the above statement.
Solicitor Lynn told me, 'in propria persona' in the Ballaarat prison,
that he would take care to bring forward evidence of the above,
as he had heard it himself, that such was the case; but I forgot to fee
this Lynn, and so he left me to the chance of being 'lynched.'
Chapter LX.
The following Letter, from the able pen of the spirited correspondent
of the 'Geelong Advertiser' who most undoubtedly must be a digger--that is,
one of ourselves, from among ourselves,--is here transcribed as a document
confirming the truths of this book:-
Friday you know all about; I will pass that over, and give you a faint outline
of what passed under my own eyes. During Saturday, there was a great deal
of gloom among the most orderly, who complained much of the parade of soldiery,
and the same cause excited a great deal of exasperation in the minds
of more enthusiastic persons, who declared that all parties ought to show
themselves, and declare whether they were for or against the diggers.
Then came a notice from the Camp, that all lights were to be extinguished
after eight o'clock, within half-a-mile from the Camp. At this time
it was reported that there were two thousand organised men at the Eureka
barricade. I was sitting in my tent, and several neighbours dropped in
to talk over affairs, and we sat down to tea, when a musket was heard
to go off, and the bullet whizzed close by us; I doused the light,
and we crept out on our hands and knees, and looked about. Between the Camp
and the barricade there was a fire we had not seen before, and occasionally
lights appeared to be hoisted, like signals, which attracted the attention
of a good many, some of whom said that they saw other lights like
return signals. It grew late. TO-MORROW, I FEAR ME, WILL PROVE A DAY
in our clothes, according to our practice for a week past; and worn out
with perpetual alarms, excitement, and fatigue, fell fast asleep.
I didn't wake up till six o'clock on Sunday morning. The first thing
that I saw was a number of diggers enclosed in a sort of hollow square,
many of them were wounded, the blood dripping from them as they walked;
some were walking lame, pricked on by the bayonets of the soldiers
bringing up the rear. The soldiers were much excited, and the troopers
madly so, flourishing their swords, and shouting out--"We have waked up Joe!"
and others replied, "And sent Joe to sleep again!" The diggers' Standard
was carried by in triumph to the Camp, waved about in the air,
then pitched from one to another, thrown down and trampled on.
The scene was awful--twos and threes gathered together, and all felt stupefied.
I went with R---- to the barricade, the tents all around were in a blaze;
I was about to go inside, when a cry was raised that the troopers
were coming again. They did come with carts to take away the bodies,
I counted fifteen dead, one G----, a fine well-educated man, and a great
favourite. [Here, I think, the Correspondent alluded to me. My friends,
nick-named me--Carbonari Great works. ]--I recognised two others,
but the spectacle was so ghastly that I feel a loathing at the remembrance.
They all lay in a small space with their faces upwards, looking like lead,
several of them were still heaving, and at every rise of their breasts,
the blood spouted out of their wounds, or just bubbled out and trickled away.
One man, a stout-chested fine fellow, apparently about forty years old,
lay with a pike beside him: e had three contusions in the head,
three strokes across the brow, a bayonet wound in the throat under the ear,
and other wounds in the body--I counted fifteen wounds in that single carcase.
Some were bringing handkerchiefs, others bed furniture, and matting
to cover up the faces of the dead. O God! sir, it was a sight for
a sabbath morn that, I humbly implore Heaven, may never be seen again.
Poor women crying for absent husbands, and children frightened into quietness.
I, sir, write disinterestedly, and I hope my feelings arose from
a true principle; but when I looked at that scene, my soul revolted
at such means being so cruelly used by a government to sustain the law.
A little terrier sat on the, breast of the man I spoke of, and kept up
a continuous howl: it was removed, but always returned to the same spot;
and when his master's body was huddled, with the other corpses, into the cart,
the little dog jumped in after him, and lying again on his dead master's
breast, began howling again.----was dead there also, and----, who escaped,
had said, that when he offered his sword, he was shot in the side
by a trooper, as he was lying on the ground wounded. He expired
almost immediately. Another was lying dead just inside the barricade,
where he seemed to have crawled. Some of the bodies might have been removed--
I counted fifteen. A poor woman and her children were standing outside a tent;
she said that the troopers had surrounded the tent and pierced it
with their swords. She, her husband, and children, were ordered out
by the troopers, and were inspected in their night-clothes outside,
whilst the troopers searched the tent. Mr. Haslam was roused from sleep
by a volley of bullets fired through his tent; he rushed out, and was shot down
by a trooper, and handcuffed. He lay there for two hours bleeding
from a wound in his breast, until his friends sent for a black-smith,
who forced off the handcuffs with a hammer and cold chisel. When I last heard
of Mr. Haslam, a surgeon was attending him, and probing for the ball.
R----, from Canada, [Captain Ross, of Toronto, once my mate] escaped
the carnage; but is dead since, from the wounds. R---- has effected
his escape. [ Johnny Robertson, who had a striking resemblance to me,
not so much in size as in complexion and colour of the beard especially:
Poor Johnny was shot down dead on the stockade; and was the identical body
which Mr. Binney mistook for me. Hence the belief by many, that I was dead.]
V---- is reported to be amongst the wounded [Oh! no his legs were too long
even for a Minie rifle ]. One man was seen yesterday trailing along the road:
he said he could not last much longer, and that his brother was shot
along-side of him. All whom I spoke to were of one opinion, that it was
a cowardly massacre. There were only about one hundred and seventy diggers,
and they were opposed to nearly six hundred military. I hope all is over;
but I fear not: or amongst many, the feeling is not of intimidation,
but a cry for vengeance, and an opportunity to meet the soldiers
with equal numbers. There is an awful list of casualties yet to come in;
and when uncertainty is made certain, and relatives and friends know the worst,
there will be gaps that cannot be filled up. I have little knowledge
of the gold-fields; but I fear that the massacre at Eureka is only a skirmish.
I bid farewell to the gold-fields, and if what I have seen is a specimen
of the government of Victoria, the sooner I am out of it the better for myself
and family. Sir, I am horrified at what I witnessed, and I did not see
the worst of it. I could not breathe the blood-tainted air of the diggings,
and I have left them for ever.
You may rely upon this simple statement, and submit it if you approve of it,
to your readers.
I am, Sir.
Chapter LXI.
I. Document.
May it please HER MAJESTY to cause inquiry to be made into the character
of such that have branded the miners of Ballaarat as disloyal to their QUEEN.
Chapter LXII.
Tempora Nostra.
II. Document.
(Now lying wounded at Ballaarat.)
"Shortly after daybreak in the morning mentioned, my three mates and myself
were aroused from sleep by the fire of musketry, a great proportion
of the balls whistling over our tents. The tent is pitched on a rising ground
about 500 yards south of the stockade; the tent and stockade, each situated
on an eminence, are separated by a large gully running east and west,
and comprising in its breadth nearly the whole of the distance above specified.
Considerably alarmed at the continuance of the firing, we at last got up
and went outside, thinking to find a place of shelter of comparative security.
After I had gone outside the firing gradually fell off, the stockade
was unoccupied, the insurgents' flag was struck, and whatever fighting
was then going on was confined to the further slope of the hill on which
the stockade was situated. As some desultory firing was still going on,
I advanced about fifty yards down the gully, in order to insure safety
by getting upon lower ground; by this time, with the exception of
an occasional cheer from the military or police, everything was perfectly
quiet, and from where I stood neither soldier nor trooper was to be seen.
A few minutes after a small detachment of mounted police made its appearance
on the hill, and drew up in a line on the either side of the stockade,
the officer in command appeared to be haranguing them. I was standing
about three hundred yards from them, several other people being near at hand.
I saw three troopers leave the ranks and advance towards me; when one of them
who rode considerably ahead of the other two arrived within hailing distance,
he hailed me as a friend. Having no reason to think otherwise of him,
I walked forward to meet him. After he had lured me within safe distance,
namely about four paces, he levelled his holster pistol at my breast
and shot me. Previous to this, and while advancing towards each other,
he asked me if I wished to join his force; I told him I was unarmed,
and in a weak state of health, which must have been plain to him at the time,
but added that I hoped this madness on the part of the diggers would soon
be over; upon that he fired."
The trooper be d----d; but I congratulate poor Frank, of the good town
of Bedford, for 'this madness on the part of the diggers' procuring him 400
pounds sterling from Toorak; so that he can afford to spare me the trouble
of encroaching any further into his 'statement.' Great works!
On the 28th November, when some military and ammunition came on the ground,
the detachment was set on at Eureka, near the site of the stockade,
and in the hubbub consequent the troops were somewhat at fault,
and the officer in command called at the London Hotel to inquire the way
to the Camp. The owner of the hotel, Mr. Hassall, on being asked,
came out of his establishment to point out the way to the officer in command
of the detachment, while so doing he received a ball in his leg, and was
for a while laid up by the wound. After a long time of suffering,
and a great loss of money directly and indirectly, he applied
for compensation--with what success may be seen from the following letter
just come to hand:-
Chapter LXIII.
It was now between eight and nine o'clock. A patrol of troopers and traps
stopped before the London Hotel.
Spy Goodenough, entered panting, a cocked pistol in his hand, looking as wild
as a raven. He instantly pounced on me as his prey, and poking the pistol
at my face, said in his rage, "I want you."
"What for?"
"My good fellow don't you see? I am assisting Dr. Carr to dress the wounds
of my friends!"--I was actually helping to bandage the thigh of an American
digger, whose name, if I recollected it, I should now write down with pleasure,
because he was a brave fellow. He had on his body at least half-a-dozen shots,
all in front, an evident proof, he had stood his ground like a man.
Spy Goodenough would not listen to me. Dr. Carr. spoke not a word
in my behalf, though I naturally enough had appealed to him, who knew me
these two years, to do so. This circumstance, and his being the very first
to enter the stockade, after the military job was over, though he had
never before been on the Eureka during the agitation, his appointment
to attend the wounded diggers that were brought up to the Camp, and especially
his absence at my trial, were and are still a mystery to me.
I was instantly dragged out, and hobbled to a dozen more of prisoners outside,
and we were marched to the Camp. The main road was clear, and the diggers
crawled among the holes at the simple bidding of any of the troopers
who rode at our side.
Chapter LXIV.
Sic Sinuerunt Fata.
The soldiers were drinking 'ad libitum' from a pannikin which they dipped
into a pail-bucket full of brandy. I shall not prostitute my hand,
and write down the vile exultations of a mob of drunkards. It was of the
ordinary colonial sort, whenever in a fight the 'ring' is over.
Inspector Foster, commanded us to strip to the bare shirt. They did not
know how to spell my name. I pulled out a little bag containing some
Eureka gold-dust, and my licence; Mr. Foster took care of my bag, and just
as my name was copied from my licence; a fresh batch of prisoners
had arrived, and Mr. Foster was called outside the room where I was
stripping. Now, some accursed trooper pretended to recognize me as one
of the 'spouts' at the monster meeting. I wanted to keep my waistcoat
on account of some money, and papers I had in the breast pocket;
my clothes were literally torn into rags. I attempted to remonstrate,
but I was kicked for my pains, knocked down in the bargain, and thrown
naked and senseless into the lock-up.
The prison was crammed to suffocation. We had not space enough to lie
down, and so it was taken in turns to stand or lie down. Some kind friend
sent me some clothes, and my good angel had directed him to bury
my hand-writings he had found in my tent, under a tent in Gravel-pits.
"'Il faut donc que j'aie eu des ennemis bien cruels au Camp! Avaient-ils
soif de mon sang, ou etaient-ils de mercenaires? Voila bien un secret,
et je donnerai de coeur ma vie pour le percer. Dieu leur pardonne, moi,
je le voudrais bien! mais je ne saurai les pardonner jamais.'"
Chapter LXV.
Ecce Homo.
Henry Seekamp is a short, thick, rare sort of man, of quick and precise
movements, sardonic countenance; and one look from his sharp round set
of eyes, tells you at once that you must not trifle with him. Of a temper
that must have cost him some pains to keep under control, he hates humbug
and all sort of yabber-yabber. His round head of tolerable size,
is of German mould, for the earnestness of his forehead is corrected
by the fullness of his cheeks, and a set of moustachios is the padlock
of his mouth, whose key is kept safe in his head, and his heart is the
turn-key. When his breast is full, and he must make it clean, its gall
will burn wherever it falls, and set the place a blazing. To keep friends
with such a cast of mind, whose motto is Nelson's, you must do your duty;
never mind if you sink a shicer, bottom your shaft any how. You are
his enemy if you are or play the flunky; he will call you a 'thing,'
and has a decided contempt for 'incapables.' Hence, his energy was never
abated, though the whole legion of Victorian red-tape wanted to dry
his inkstand, and smother his lamp in gaol. That there are too many fools
at large, he knows, because he has travelled half the world, what he can
not put up with, is their royal cant, religious bosh, Toorak small-beer,
and first and foremost, their money-grubbing expertness. Hence, now
and then, his ink turns sour, and thereby its vitriol burns stronger.
'The Times', of which he is the founder, is the Overseer of Ballaarat,
and the 'Dolce far niente' will not prosper.
Our literary prisoner was literally insulted, and could not look with
enough contempt on all those accursed asses braying (at him)
'The Times!' 'The Times!'
I felt for him very much, and joined conversation with him in French.
I state it as a matter of fact, that there and then I had the presentiment
that all the spies pointed me out there, and only there and then as his
accomplice. Towards ten o'clock we were ordered to fall in, in four rows.
Now the Camp officials and their myrmidons were in their glory.
They came to number their prey, and mark out a score of heads to make
an 'example' of, for the better conduct of future generations.
Unfortunately for my red hair, fizzing red beard, and fizzing red
moustachios, my name was taken down after the armed ruffian and the
anonymous scribbler, and followed by that of the nigger-rebel.
It was odious to see honourable, honest, hard-working men made the gazing
stock of a parcel of pampered perverted fools, for the fun of `a change'
to gratify their contempt for the blue-shirt and thick boots who had
dared, mucky and muddy, to come out of their deep wet holes to hamper
these gods of the land in their dog's game of licence-hunting!
Chapter LXVI.
Then the following document was shown for our edification:-
WHEREAS bodies of armed men have arrayed themselves against Her Majesty's
forces and the constituted authorities, and have committed acts of open
rebellion: and whereas, for the effectual suppression thereof it is
imperatively necessary that Martial Law should be administered and
executed within the limits hereinafter described; now I,
the Lieutenant-Governor of the said Colony with the advice of the
Executive Council thereof, do hereby command and Proclaim that
MARTIAL LAW from and after twelve of the clock at noon on Wednesday,
the sixth day of December instant, shall and may be administered against
every person and persons within the said limits, who shall at any time
after the said hour commit any act of rebellion, any treason, treasonable
or seditious practices, or other outrage or misdemeanor whatsoever within
the following limits, that is to say: arrowee...Lal Lal...Moorabool...
Ran Rip...Yarrowee aforesaid. And I do hereby, with the advice
aforesaid, order and authorize all officers commanding Her Majesty's
forces to employ them with the utmost vigour and decision for the
immediate suppression of the said rebellion and offences, and to proceed
against and punish every person and persons acting, aiding, or in any
manner assisting in the said rebellion and offences, according to
Martial Law, as to them shall seem expedient for the punishment of all
such persons: And I do hereby especially declare and proclaim, that no
sentence of death shall be carried into execution against any such person
without my express consent thereto: ['Great works!'] And I do hereby
with the advice aforesaid, notify this my Proclamation to all subjects
of Her Majesty in the Colony of Victoria.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Colony, at Melbourne, this fourth
day of December, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-four, and in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's Reign.
Great works!
Chapter LXVII.
Ecce Amaritudo Mea Amarissima.
"Are they going to bury us alive without any flogging? That's not half
so merciful as Haynau's rule in Austria;" was my observation to a mate
prisoner--a shrewd Irishman.
"Where did you read in history that the British Lion was ever merciful
to a fallen foe?" was his sorrowfully earnest reply.
Oh! days and nights of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of December, 1854,
your remembrance will not end, no, not even in my grave.
They were happy days in my youth, when I thought with Rousseau, that
the heart of man is from nature good. It was a sad fatality now that
compelled me to feel the truth from the prophet Isaiah, that the heart
of man is desperately wicked.
I was really thunderstruck at the savage eagerness with which spies and
red-coats sprang out of their ranks to point me out. Though a British
soldier was not ashamed to swear and confess his cowardice of running away
from before my pike, which I never had on the stockade, where the fellow
never could have seen me; I shall not prostitute my intelligence and
comment on the 'evidence' against me from a gang of bloodthirsty mercenary
spies. The printer will copy my trial from the public newspaper,
'The Age'.
Chapter LXVIII.
Condemn The Wicked, And Bring His Way Upon His Head, Oh,
Lord God Of Israel!
The first witness against me was such a rum sort of old colonial bird of
the jackass tribe, and made such a fool of himself for Her Majesty's dear
sake, about the monster meeting, where as it appeared, he had volunteered
as reporter of the Camp; that now God has given him his reward. He is a
gouty cripple, still on 'Her Majesty's fodder' at the Camp, Ballaarat.
Who will sharpen my quill and poison my inkstand, that I may put to
confusion the horrible brood of red-tape that ruled on Ballaarat at the
time. To administer justice in the sacred name of Her Most Gracious
Majesty, they squandered the sweat of self-over-working diggers, on a set
of devils, such that they actually competed with one another, in vomiting
like sick dogs! Their multitude was taken as a test of their veracity,
on the Mosaical ground, that 'out of the mouth of two witnesses shall the
guilty be condemned;' and yet, with the exception of spy Goodenough,
and spy Peters, none other to my knowledge ever did see my face before.
I assert and declare as an honest man and a Christian, that my eyes never
did see the witnesses against me, before I was under arrest at the Camp.
My soul was drowned in an ocean of bitterness when of that brood of Satan,
one did swear he had run from before my pike; another had fired at me,
but his pistol 'snapped;' a third made me prisoner within the stockade;
a fourth took me up chained to other prisoners who had surrendered,
from the stockade to the Camp.
Such, then, is the perversity of the human heart! In vain did I point out
to the sitting magistrate the absurdness of their evidence, and the fact
that Sub-inspector Carter and Dr. Carr could prove the contradiction.
I was so embittered and broken-hearted at the wickedness of so many
infuriated mercenary rascals, that had made up their mind to sell the
blood of an honest man, in as much as I had repeatedly told each and all
of them, when they came to 'recognize' in our prison, that they must
mistake me for another as I was not within the stockade that Sunday
morning; that I...but it is too humiliating to say any more.
Mr. Sturt, with an odious face, whose plumpness told me at once he was no
friend to fasting, strutted to the magisterial chair, and committeed me
and the nigger-rebel, to whom I was kindly hobbled, to take our trial
for high treason!
Chapter LXIX.
In the course of the day (December 7th), in spite of all the bayonets and
blunderbusses, the report reached us that the Melbourne people had had
a Monster Meeting of their own, equal to ours of November 29th, and that
Mr. Foster, the 'Jesuit,' had been dismissed from office.
The tragical act on Ballaarat was over; the scenery changed; and the
comedy now proceeded to end in the farce of the State Trials in Melbourne.
Between Wednesday and Thursday, all the 160 prisoners were liberated,
with the necessary exception of thirteen, reserved to confirm the title
of this book.
"...It is necessary to look its (the Colony's) difficulty full in the face.
"Here we have persons from all parts of the globe,--men who come to look
for gold and gold alone; men of adventurous spirit, of resolution, and of
firm purpose to carry out the principles which actuate them. If gold
fails, or the season is unfavourable, we must expect such outbreaks and
such dangers as have given rise to the most loyal and valuable address
which you present to me. ['Pardon, Monsiegneur, apres lecture des versets
28, 29, du chap. I., et versets 17, 18, 19, du chap. III., de la Genese,
favorisez s'il vous plait l'exploitation de l'activite de tous ces
gaillards la, par la Charrue: l n'y a pas mal de terres ici, et bien
pour tout le monde. Audaces fortuna juvat.']
"I desire to govern by the people, and through the people: and by the
people I mean through the intelligence of the people. ['Elle est fameuse,
Monseigneur l'intelligence de ceux, qui vous ont conseille l'affaire de
Ballaarat! surtout in farce odieuse de haute-trahison!']
"In Ballaarat it was not a particular law, against which objection was
raised, nor was there a particular complaint made. ['Oh, pardon,
Monseigneur: ou l'on vous a toujours mal informe; ou l'on vous a souvent
cache la verite: alheureusement, cela n'a pas beaucoup change meme
aujourd'hui'.' Vide 'The Times', Ballaarat, Saturday, September 29, 1855,
and Saturday, November 10th--Local Court.]
"...It was not exactly the licence fee, that caused the outbreak, though
that was made the 'nom de guerre,' the 'cheval de bataille,' this was not
the real cause. I consider that the masses were urged on by designing men
who had ulterior views, and who hoped to profit by anarchy and confusion.
['Comment se fait il Monseigneur que vous mettez le prix de 500 pounds
sur la tete du chef de ces blagueurs du Star Hotel, a Ballaarat; et puis
vous lassiez courir le malin a son aise! Avez-vous, oui ou non,
Monseigneur, accorde votre pardon a M`Gill? et les autres Americains
Hence, I had better address myself to the five hundred gentlemen, who
belong to the brave Melbourne people after all.
"The part which the bankers, merchants, tradesmen and others in Melbourne
and in Geelong ['pas a Ballaarat, Monseigneur'], have taken in coming
forward to support me, I shall be careful to represent properly at home,
where perhaps these occurrences may attract more attention than they
deserve. ['Pour votre bonheur, Monseigneur, Sebastopol leur donne assez
d'occupation pour le moment.']
"I shall declare my opinion that the mass of the community does not
sympathise with these violators of the law." ['Est-ce donc un reve,
Monseigneur, que votre gouvernment en voulait a ma tete, aussi, bien
qu'a celle de douze autres prisonnier, d'etat, et que le peuple nous
a acquitte glorieusement par'
'Mon ardent desir, mon tourment presque, c'est d'avoir vite l'honneur
de parler, encore une fois sur la terre, a SA MAJESTE LA REINE VICTORIA.'
Chapter LXXI.
The State Prisoners.
I Beg to say at once, that with the exception of Hayes and Manning, of the
remaining ten, seven were perfect strangers to me; three I had simply met
at work on the gold-fields; and I won't say anything further.
Yes, though, MICHAEL TUHEY was the stoutest heart among us, an Irishman
in word and deed, young, healthy, good-hearted chap, that hates all the
ways of John Bull, he had been misled by honest George Black countenancing
the two demagogues at Creswick-creek, and had hastened with his
double-barrelled guns to Ballaarat, and stood his ground like an Irishman,
against the red-coats. He never was sorry for it. His brother paid some
forty pounds to a certain solicitor for his defence, but when Mic was
tried for his neck, the Hog was not there. GOD SAVE THE PEOPLE!
JOHN JOSEPH, a native of New York, under a dark skin possessed a warm,
good, honest, kind, cheerful heart; a sober, plain-matter-of-fact
contented mind; and that is more than what can be said of some
half-a-dozen grumbling, shirking, snarling, dog-natured state prisoners.
Chapter LXXII.
The sun was far towards the west. All had felt severely the heat of the
day. The red-coats themselves, that were of the watch, felt their ardour
flagging. Of twelve prisoners, some gazed as in 'a fix,' and were
stationary; others, 'acursing,' swept up and down the prison; the rest,
cast down, desponding, doing violence to themselves, to dam their flooded
eyes. I was among the broken-hearted.
Mrs. Hayes, who in the days of her youth must have made many young Irish
hearts ache 'for something,' had brought now a bundle of clean clothing,
and a stock of provisions, to make her husband's journey to Melbourne as
comfortable as possible. There she was, holding her baby sucking at her
breast; her eyes full on her husband, which spoke that she passionately
loved him. Six children, neatly dressed, and the image of their father,
were around. Timothy Hayes forced himself to appear as cheerful as his
honourable heart and proud mind would allow. He pressed his little
daughter, who wanted to climb his shoulder; he pronounced his blessing
on the younger of his sons. The eldest (twelve years old) was kissing
his father's left hand, bathing it all the while with such big tears,
that dropped down so one by one, and so after the other!
Good boy, your sorrows have begun soon enough for your sensible heart!
Strengthen it by time with Christian courage, or else you will smother it
with grief, long before your hair has turned grey! There are too many
troubles to go through in this world. Take courage; there is a God,
and therefore learn by heart the Psalm, 'Beatus vir qui timet Dominum.'
My head has still the red hair of my youth, and yet I am a living witness
of many truths in that Psalm; meditate, therefore, especially on the last
verse, ending 'Desiderium peccatorum peribit.'
Chapter LXXIII.
Amare Rimembranze.
At four o'clock on Tuesday morning, we were commanded to fall in, dressed
and hobbled as we were. Captain Thomas, with the tone and voice of a
country parson, read to us his 'Order of the day,' to the effect that we
were now under his charge for our transit to Melbourne; that if any of us
stirred a finger, or moved a lip--especially across the diggings--his
orders were that the transgressor should be shot on the spot. This
arrangement, so Austrian-like, and therefore unworthy of a British officer,
did not frighten us, and I cried, loud enough, "God save the Queen!"
They rode us through the main road as fast is it was safe for the
preservation of our necks--the only thing they wanted to preserve
inviolate for head-quarters.
Though it was clear daylight, yet I did see only one digger on the whole
of the main road.
Chapter LXXIV
We were soon in Ballan. Good reader, please enter now within my mind.
The lesson, if read, learned, and inwardly digested, will be of good use
for the future. The troubles of this colony have begun.
There was no breakfast for the poor state prisoners, in chains, and lying
on the bare ground. They had some trouble before they could obtain from
the red-coats watching over them, and blowing heaps of smoke from stump
pipes, a drop of cold water--I mean actually a drop of cold water.
Good reader, you know WHOM I did bless, whom I did curse.
Chapter LXXV.
The following document, which does honour and justice to its writer,
J. Basson Humffray, to 4500 of our fellow-miners of Ballaarat, who signed
it, to the state prisoners themselves, is now here transcribed as
necessary to the purpose of this book.
(of Ballaarat.)
Melbourne, 23rd January, 1855.
Chapter LXXVI.
At Bacchus Marsh we were thrown into a dark lockup, by far cleaner than
the lousy one of Ballaarat. Captain Thomas, who must have acknowledged
that we had behaved as men, sent us a gallon of porter, and plenty of
damper; he had no occasion to shoot down any of us. I write now this his
kindness with thanks.
At last, after a long, long day, smothered with dust, burning with thirst,
such that the man in the garb of a digger had compassion on us, and
shouted a welcome glass of ale to all of us--we arrived before the
Melbourne gaol at eight o'clock at night.
From the tender mercies of our troopers, we were given up to the gentle
grasp of the turnkeys. The man in the garb of a digger introduced us to
the governor, giving such a good account of us all, that said governor,
on hearing we had had nothing to eat since mid-day, was moved to let us
have some bread and cheese.
Within the darkness of our cell, we now gave vent to our grief, each in
his own way.
Chapter LXXVII.
Requiescant In Pace.
Lalor's Report of the Killed and Wounded at the Eureka Massacre, on the
morning of the memorable Third of December, 1854:-
The following lists are as complete as I can make them. The numbers are
well known, but there is a want of names. I trust that the friends or
acquaintances of these parties may forward particulars to 'The Times'
office, Ballaarat, to be made available in a more lengthened narrative.
What has become of GEORGE BLACK, was, and is still, a MYSTERY to me.
I lost sight of him since his leaving for Creswick-creek, on
December 1, 1854.
Chapter LXXVIII.
Homo Natus De Muliere, Brevi Vivens Tempore Repletur Multis Miseriis.
Qui Quasi Flos Conterritur Et Egreditur; Postea Velut Umbra Disperditur.
A dish of 'hominy' (Indian meal), now and then fattened with grubs,
was my breakfast.
A dish of scalding water, with half a dozen grains of rice, called soup,
a morsel of dry bullock's flesh, now and then high-flavoured, a bit of
bread eternally sour--any how the cause of my suffering so much of
dysentery, and a couple of black murphies were my dinner.
For tea, a similar dish of hominy as in the morning, with the privilege
of having now and then a bushranger or a horse-stealer for my mess-mate,
and often I enjoyed the company of the famous robbers of the Victoria Bank.
But the Sunday! Oh the Sunday! was the most trying day. The turnkeys,
of course, must enjoy the benefit of the sabbath cant, let the prisoners
pray or curse in their cells. I was let out along with the catholics,
to hear mass. I really felt the want of Christian consolation. Our
priest was always in a hurry, twice did not come, once said half the mass
without any assistant; never could I hear two words together out of his
short sermon. Not once ever came to see us prisoners.
After mass, I returned to my cell, and was let out again for half an hour
among all sorts of criminals, some convicted, some waiting their trial,
in the large yard, to eat our dinner, and again shut up in the cell till
the following Monday.
Chapter LXXIX.
'Souvenirs' De Melbourne.
Five things I wish to register: the first for shame; the second for
encouragement; the third for duty; the fourth for information; the fifth
for record.
2. Manning felt very much the want of a chew of tobacco. He and Tuhey
would make me strike up some favourite piece out of the Italian opera,
and the charm succeeded. A gentle tap at the door of our cell was the
signal to get from a crack below a stick of tobacco, and then we were all
jolly. We decreed and proclaimed that even in hell there must be some
good devils.
"What will be the end of us, Joe?" was my question to the nigger-rebel.
"Why, if the jury lets us go, I guess we'll jump our holes again on the
diggings. If the jury won't let us go, then"--and bowing his head over
the left shoulder, poking his thumb between the windpipe and the
collarbone, opened wide his eyes, and gave such an unearthly whistle,
that I understood perfectly well what he meant.
Chapter LXXX.
The following is the copy of a letter addressed by the state prisoners now
awaiting their trial in the Melbourne Gaol, to the Sheriff, complaining
of the treatment they have received:-
We, each of us, can look back with laudable pride upon
our lives, and not a page in the record of the past can
unfold a single transgression which would degrade us before
man, or for which we would be condemned before our Maker.
And we naturally ask why we should be treated as if our
lives had been one succession of crime, or as if society
breathed freely once more at being rid of our dangerous
and demoralising presence. Even the Sunday, that to all
men in Christendom is a day of relaxation and comparative
enjoyment, to us is one of gloom and weariness, being locked
up in a dreary cell from three o'clock Saturday evening
till seven on Monday morning (except for about an hour
and a half on Sunday); thus locked up in a narrow dungeon
for forty consecutive hours! We appeal to you, and ask,
was there ever worse treatment, in the worst days of the
Roman inquisition, for men whose reputation had never
been sullied with crime?
We therefore humbly submit, that, as the state looks only
at present to our being well secured, we ought to be treated
with every liberality consistent with our safe custody;
and that any unnecessary harshness, or arrogant display
of power, is nothing more or less than wanton cruelty.
Sheriff CLAUDE FARIE, Inspector PRICE, Turnkey HACKETT, they will praise
your names in hell!
Chapter LXXXI.
An angel, however, was sent to the undefended state prisoners. Hayes and
myself were the first, who since our being in trouble, did grasp the hand
of a gentleman, volunteering to be our friend.
I very soon gave him hints for my defence, quite in accordance with what
I have been stating above, and his clerk took the whole down in short-hand.
He encouraged me to be of good cheer, "You need not fear," said he,
"you will soon be out, all of you."
God bless you, Mr. Grant! For the sake of you and Mr. Aspinall, the
barrister, I smother now my bitterness, and pass over all that I suffered
on account of so many postponements.
A wild turn of mind now launched my soul to the old beloved spot on the
Eureka, and there I struck out the following anthem.
Chapter LXXXII.
Thus I had spanned the strings of my harp, but the strain broke them
asunder in the gaol.
Chapter LXXXIII.
it holds not true in a gaol. There you must meet yourself, and you find
that you are not your God. Hence these new strings in my harp.
Chapter LXXXIV.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Felix,
Wednesday, March 21st, 1855.
MY STATE TRIAL His HONOUR took his seat shortly after ten o'clock.
The prisoner, that is myself, was placed in the dock, and the following
Jury sworn (after the usual challenging):-
For the first time in my life (37 years old), I was placed in a felon's
dock, and before a British jury.
The first glance I gave to the foreman made me all serene. I was sure
that the right man was in the right place.
JAMES MACPHERSON GRANT, my attorney for the defence, was 'all there.'
'In memoria eterna manet amicus' BUTLER COLE ASPINALL. The print of
generous frankness in your forehead, of benevolence in your eyes, of
having no-two-ways in your nose, of sincere boldness in your mouth;
your height, fine complexion, noble deportment, indicate in you the
gentleman and the scholar. If now and then you fumble among papers,
whilst addressing the jury, that is perhaps for fear it should be observed
that you have no beard; in order that proper attention may be paid to your
learning, which is that of a grey-headed man; and though it may be said,
that the Eureka Stockade was hoggledy enough, yet your pop, pop, pop, was
also doggledy.
You know a tree by its fruits; and so you may know, if you like, the
Attorney-General by his High-Treason Indictment. I have not the patience
to go through it a second time. There are too many Fosters, fostering and
festering in this Victorian land.
"They had been told (said His Honour to the jury), that the
prisoner in the dock had come sixteen thousand miles to
get off from the Austrian rule--from the land of tyranny
to that of liberty; and so he had, in the truest sense of
the word, and that liberty which he enjoyed imposed upon
him a local respect for Her Majesty, and a respect for her
laws. He had the privilege of being tried by a jury, who
would form their verdict solely from the facts adduced
on the trial."
A fair hint; equal to saying, that under the British flag I was not going
to be tried before the Holy (read, Infernal) Inquisition.
Chapter LXXXV.
'If any man trespass against his neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him
to cause him to swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house:
'Then hear thou in heaven, and do, and judge thy servants, condemning the
wicked to bring his way upon his head.'--(1 Kings viii. 31, 32.)
N.B.--At the next state trial of Jamas Beattie, and Michael Tuhey, said
witness George Webster, on his oath, was cross examined by Mr. Ireland,
and stated:-
"Mr. RAFFAELLO, was at the meeting on the 29th November.--(A gold licence
was here handed to the witness.)--This licence is in the name of
CARBONI RAFFAELLO, and the date covers the period at which the licences
were burned."--(Sensation in the Court!)
I was present in person, and a free man. 'AB UNO DISCE OMNES: JAM SATIS
DIXI.' I hereby assert that I did not burn any paper or anything at all
at the monster meeting; I challenge contradiction from any bona fide
miner, who was present at said meeting. I paid two pounds for my licence
on the 15th of October, 1854, to Commissioner Amos, and I have it still
in my possession.*
[* The original document of the following Gold-license, as well as the
documents from Davis Burwash, Esq., the eminent notary-public, of
4, Castlecourt, Birchin-lane, City, London; and Signor Carboni Raffaello's
College Diploma, and Certificate as sworn interpreter in said City of
London; together with the Originals of all other Documents, especially
the letters from C Raffaello to H. W. Archer, inserted in this book,
are now in the hands of J MacPherson Grant, Esq., M.L.C., Solicitor,
and will remain in his office, Collins-street, Melbourne, till Christmas
for inspection.--The Printers]
Printed by John Ferres at the Government Printing Office
No. 134. 17th October 1854.
G. A. Amos.
Examination of this gold-laced witness continued:--'The prisoner was the
most violent speaker at the meeting.'
Chapter LXXXVI.
By the prisoner:
"I recollect Commissioner Rede saying, that the word 'licences' was merely
a cloak used by the diggers, and that this movement was in reality a
democratic one. You (prisoner) assured him that amongst the foreigners
whom you conversed with there was no democratic feeling, but merely a
spirit of resistance to the licence fee."
The pair of you are far below the ebb of our Neopolitan Lazzaroni!
This having closed the case for the Crown, the Court adjourned at
half-past two.
Chapter LXXXVII.
Viri Probi, Spes Mea In Vobis; Nam Fides Nostra In Deo Optimo Maximo.
I CHALLENGE CONTRADICTION from any 'bona fide' digger, who was present
at the stockade during the massacre on the morning of December 3rd, 1854.
Sunt Leges: Vis Ultima Lex: Tunc Aut Libertas Aut Servitudo;
Mors Enim Benedicta.
Where there are no bricks, there are no walls: but, walls are required
to enclose the gates; therefore, in Ballaarat there are no gates.
Corolarium--How the deuce can they hang up my hind-quarters on the gates
of Ballaarat Township? Hence, Toorak must possess a craft which passes
all understanding of Traitors.
The jury, however, appeared frightened at this powerful thundering from
Mr. Ireland, who now began to turn the law towards a respectable and more
congenial quarter, and proved, that if the prisoner at the bar had burnt
down all the brothels not kept on the sly in Her Majesty's dominions,
he would be a Traitor; yet, if he had left one single brothel
standing--say, in the Sandwich Islands--for the accommodation of any of
Her Majesty's well-affected subjects, then the high treason was not
high--high enough and up to the mark, that is, my fore-quarter could not
be legally stuck up on the imaginary gates of Ballaarat.
Mr. ASPINALL then rose to address the jury on behalf of the prisoner.
His speech was spirited, cutting, withering; but could only cover the
falsehood, and NOT bring to light the truth: hence to record his speech
here cannot possibly serve the purpose of this Book: hence the four
documents, and my important observation on them in the following chapter.
Chapter LXXXIX.
Document I.
(Before his Honour the Chief Justice,)
"His Honour was not responsible for this. Prisoner's attorney was the
party, and he must speak to him. It is the business of your attorney
to get these witnesses."
Document II.
State Trials.
Document III.
"The writer of the above states, in a private note, that he wishes his
name kept secret; but we trust that his intimacy with the Camp officials
will not prevent him from coming forward to save the life of a fellow
creature, when the blood-hounds of the government are yelling with anxiety
to fasten their fangs upon their victims."--Ed. A.
'The Age' who certainly never got drunk yet on Toorak small-beer, had an
able leading article, headed, 'The State Trials'--see January 15th--
concluding, "If they be found guilty, then Heaven help the poor State
Prisoners." Now turn the medal, and 'The Age' of March 26th--always the
same year, 1855--that is, the day after my acquittal, gives copy of a Bill
of the 'LAST PERFORMANCE; or, the Plotters Outwitted.'
Document IV.
Concerning the four documents above, so far so good for the present;
and the Farce will be produced on the stage of 'Teatro' Argentina, Roma,
by Great-works. The importance of the following observation, however,
is obvious to any reader who took the proper trouble to understand the
text of the first chapter of this book.
Why Dr. A. Carr, Sub-inspector Carter, Messrs. Gordon and Binney were not
present as witnesses on my trial, was, and is still, a MYSTERY to me.
'Sunt tempora nostra! nam perdidi spem: Melior nunc lingua favere.'
Chapter XC.
AT the end of Mr. Aspinall's able oration, the jury appeared to me, to be
decidedly willing to let me go, with an admonition to sin no more:
because Mr. Aspinall took the same line of defence as Mr. Michie, the
counsel in the trial of John Manning; that is, he confessed to the riot,
but laughed at the treason. However rashly the diggers had acted in
taking up arms, however higgledy-piggledy had been the management of the
stockade, yet they were justified in resisting unconstitutional force
by force.
His Honour tried the patience of the jury; well knowing by experience,
that twelve true-born Britons can always afford to put up with a good
long yarn.
The jury retired at nine o'clock. My first thought was directed to the
Lord my God and my Redeemer. Then naturally enough, to sustain my
courage, I was among my dear friends at Rome and London.
To remain in the felon's dock whilst your JURY consult on your fate,
is a sensation very peculiar in its kind. To be or not to be; that is the
actual matter-of-fact question. Three letters making up the most
important monosyllable in the language, which if pronounced is life, if
omitted is death: an awkward position for an innocent man especially.
The jury, after twenty minutes past nine, were again in the jury-box.
I was satisfied by their countenances that 'the People' were victorious.
The Clerk of the Court: "Gentlemen of the Jury, have you considered
your verdict?"
The Clerk: "Do you find the prisoner at the bar Guilty or Not Guilty?"
Chapter XCI.
I WAS soon at the portal of the Supreme Court, a free man. I thought the
people would have smothered me in their demonstrations of joy. Requesting
silence, I stretched forth my right hand towards heaven, and with the
earnestness of a Christian did pray as follows:--I hereby transcribe the
prayer as written in pencil on paper whilst in gaol in the lower cell,
No. 33.
Timothy Hayes answered, "Amen," and so did all the people, present, and so
will my good reader answer, Amen.
The pair of chapters will see darkness 'SINE DIE'; that is, if under
another flag, also in another language.
Chapter XCIV.
Head-master of the Grammar School, Coriano, Romagna.
How do I explain, that I allowed one full year to pass away before
publishing my story, whilst many, soon after my acquittal, heard me in
person, corroborate, not indeed boastingly, the impression that I was the
identical brave fellow before whose pike a British soldier was coward
enough to run away.
The cast of mind which Providence was pleased to assign me was terribly
shaken during four long, long months suffering in gaol, especially,
considering the company I was in, which was my misery. The excitement
during my trial, my glorious acquittal by a British jury, the hearty
acclamations of joy from the people, made me put up with the ignominy
and the impotent teeth-gnashing of silver and gold lace; and for the cause
of the diggers to which I was sincerely attached, I was not sorry at the
Toorak spiders having lent me the wings of an hero--the principal foreign
hero of the Eureka stockade. My credit consists now in having the moral
courage to assert the truth among living witnesses.
"And I proposed in my mind to seek and search out wisely concerning all
things that are done under the sun. This painful occupation hath God
given to the children of men to be exercised therein. I have seen all
things that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity and vexation
of spirit."--The Preacher, chap. 1st, v. 13, 14.
Chapter XCV.
The Resident Warden in the Chair. Names of the Members elected for the
The first time I went to our Court, I naturally stopped under the
gum-tree--before the Local Court Building--at the identical spot where
Father P. Smyth, George Black, and myself delivered to the Camp
authorities our message of peace, for preventing bloodshed, on the night
of Thursday, November 30th, 1854, by moonlight. We were then not
Now, I made a covenant with the Lord God of Israel that if I comparatively
regained my former health and good spirits, I would speak out the truth;
and further, during my six months' sitting in the Court, I would give
right to whom right was due, and smother the knaves, irrespective of
nationality, religion, or colour.
Have I anything more to say? Oh! yes, mate; a string of the realities of
the things of this world.
Full stop. My right hand shakes like a reed in a storm; my eyes swell
from a flood of tears. I can control the bitterness of my heart, and say,
"So far shalt thou go;" but I cannot control its ebb and flow: just now
is springtide.
Chapter XCVII.
"On the disgraced Sunday morning, December 3rd, whilst attending the
wounded diggers at the London Hotel, I was arrested by seven troopers,
handcuffed, and dragged to the Camp. On my arrival there, I was commanded
to strip to the bare shirt; whilst so doing I was kicked, knocked about,
and at last thrown into the lock-up by half-drunken troopers and soldiers.
My money, clothes, and watertight boots, which were quite new, could
nowhere be found at the Camp. Gaoler Nixon had bolted.
"From the confusion and excitement of that morning, I cannot say with
certainty the whole extent of my loss; but I can conscientiously declare
that it amounted to 30 pounds. The only thing which I saved was a little
bag, containing some Eureka dust, and my 'Gold-licence', which Inspector
Foster, who knew me, took charge of previous to my ill-treatment, and has
subsequently handed over to Father P. Smyth for me.
"During the whole of last season, on the Eureka, who was the first every
morning, between four and five to sing out 'Great works?' Who was the last
dilly-dallying at the cradle after sunset? I appeal to my fellow-diggers,
and with confidence.
"Brooding over the strange ups and down of life, I found some consolation
in the hearty cheers with which I was saluted at the Adelphi Theatre for
my song--
and I had the peculiar sensation on that particular night to lie down on
my stretcher very hungry!
"'Heu mihi! pingui quam macer est mihi taurus in arvo!' and it must be
acknowledged that it would have been paying an honest and educated man
a better compliment if my neighbours on the Eureka had found less
edification in witnessing my nice snug tent converted into a gambling
house by day, and a brothel by night. A sad reflection! however merry
some scoundrels may have made in getting drunk with my private brandy
in the tent.
"I met with grand sympathy in 'words,' superlatively impotent even to move
for the restitution of my watertight boots!
"(Great works!)
TUNE--Old Style.
"I must now try the power of my old quill, perhaps it has not lost
the spell--
"As for the ignominy I was subjected to, my immense sufferings during four
long, long months in gaol, the prospects of my life smothered for a while,
we had better leave that alone for the present.
"Were I owned by the stars and stripes, I should not require assistance,
of course not; unhappily for the sins of my parents, I was born under
the keys which verily open the gates of heaven and hell; but Great Britain
changed the padlocks long ago! hence the dreaded 'Civis Romanus sum'
has dwindled into 'bottomed on mullock.'
"By the grace of spy Goodenough Captain of Foreign Anarchist.
"Prince Albert Hotel, Ballaarat,
"Corpus Christi, 1855."
Chapter XCVIII.
SIP sop stir-up Toorak small beer
do si la sol fa me re do
Nip nap wash down chops nacks oh! dear.
Chapter XCIX.
Suppose I give now the kind (!) answer from Police-inspector HENRY FOSTER!
it will give general satisfaction, I think:-
Police Department,
Ballaarat, Nov. 2, 1854.
Of these articles, the cap, shirt, and boots were put amongst the surplus
clothing taken from the other prisoners, and I am not aware how they were
disposed of afterwards.
I must add, that the shirt alluded to was made of wool, under which you
wore a cotton one, the latter of which you retained during your
My money is not mentioned though! Very clever: and yet I know it was not
Foster who did rob me.
P.S. If John Bull, cross-breed or pure blood, had been robbed in Italy,
half less wantonly, and twice less cruelly, than myself, the whole British
press and palaver 'in urbe or orbe terrarum' would have rung the chimes
against Popish gendarmes and the holy (!) inquisition of the scarlet city.
So far so good.
A friendless Italian is ROBBED under arrest on British ground, close by
the British flag, by British troopers and traps: oh! that alters the case.
What business have these foreign beggars to come and dig for gold on
British Crown lands?
Chapter C.
If 'The Age', always foremost in the cause of the digger, never mind his
language or colour; if 'The Argus' would drop the appending 'a foreigner'
to my name, and extend even unto me the old motto 'fair-play;' if
'The Herald' would set up the pedestal for me whom it has erected as a
'MONUMENT OF GRATITUDE;' I say, if the gentlemen Editors of the Melbourne
Press, on the score of my being an old Collaborateur of the European
Press, would for once give a pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether,
to drag out of the Toorak small-beer jug, the correspondence on the above
matter between
it would astonish the natives, teach what emigration is, and I believe
the colony at large would be benefited by it.
There are scores of cases similar to mine, and more important by far,
because widows and orphans are concerned in them. 'Sunt tempora nostra!'
Master Punch, do join the chorus; spirited little dear! won't you give a
lift to Great-works? Spare not, young chip, or else, the jackasses in the
Australian bush will breed as numerous as the locusts in the African desert.