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Circuit For Functional Electrical Stimulation - 04

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1, MARCH 2004 43
Development of a Circuit for Functional
Electrical Stimulation
K. W. Eric Cheng, Yan Lu, Kai-Yu Tong, A. B. Rad, Daniel H. K. Chow, and Danny Sutanto, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractThis paper examines the various design of a multiple-
purpose portable functional electrical stimulator which is used in
surface stimulation of paralyzed muscle of patients with stroke and
results in limb activation. The functionality, circuit performance
and reliability of the circuits will be examined. Analysis, design,
and experimental results are presented.
Index TermsFunctional electrical stimulation (FES), resonant
circuit, transformerless.
UNCTIONAL electrical stimulation (FES) is a form of
orthotic/therapeutic treatment that applies transcutaneous
electrical current to initiate contractions in muscles, and is com-
monly used for individuals with spinal-cord injuries (SCIs) or
stroke. FES has been used to facilitate upper and lower ex-
tremity mobility, improve respiratory function, restore bowel
and bladder function, restore male sexual function, and to treat
and help prevent secondary complications such as muscle at-
rophy, spasticity, pressure ulcers, deep venous thrombosis, con-
tractures, and bone demineralization. [1][3]
For FES, a controlled electrical stimulus is applied to motor
units/nerves to elicit a muscle contraction in an attempt to
restore functional movements of a paralyzed musculoskeletal
system. Several FES stimulators with microprocessor or
microcontroller have been developed to improve lower and
upper limb functions in subjects after SCI or stroke [4]. Most
of the proposed systems have a more or less fixed design
and lack of an open architecture. They generally operate
with preprogrammed stimulation patterns that are stored in a
lookup table. Often, a single sensor combined with a control
algorithm either triggers preprogrammed stimulation sequences
or scales and reads the stimulation parameters out of a lookup
table [5]. A transformer is also needed to step-up the voltage.
The drawback is that this increases the device size and cost,
and electromagnetic interference due to the transformer. The
design of the transformer is also needed to handle the small
mark-space ratio of the pulse. The wide range of amplitude is
also restricted because of the fixed transformer turns-ratio.
Manuscript received August 15, 2001; revised August 27, 2001. This work
was supported by the Research Committee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic Uni-
versity under Project G-YC55.
K. W. E. Cheng, Y. Lu, A. B. Rad, and D. Sutanto are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Hong Kong (e-mail: eeecheng@polyu.edu.hk).
K.-Y. Tong and D. H. K. Chow are with the Jockey Club Rehabilitation En-
gineering Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2003.819936
Various control strategies and circuit design have been devel-
oped to provide enhanced functionality, repeatability, and a wide
range of stimulation parameters for FES stimulator [3] in order
to provide predictability of muscle responses. In general, com-
plicated circuitry and control method are needed for this appli-
cation which, in turn, imposes designs that are bulky, expensive,
and high-power consumption. This paper presents two viable
solutions to the problem. The required components are small
and the required input voltage is low. The circuits have three
degrees of controllability which are amplitude, pulsewidth, and
frequency and are ideal candidates for improvement of the FES
Conventionally, FES circuit is designed by using an oscil-
lator which generates necessary pulse by using analogue elec-
tronics. The output waveforms including amplitude, frequency,
and pulsewidth can be regulated. The output is then stepped up
to the required voltage by a step-up transformer.
A. Circuit Description
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of the circuit. It can be
divided into two parts. The first part consists of two integrated
circuit (IC) timers 555 and some attached components such as
resistors, capacitors, and diodes. The first 555 (IC1) is a mono-
stable oscillator and the second 555 (IC2) is an astable multi-
vibrator. The sensor input is reserved for external trigger signal
such as a microswitch. The output of the astable multivibrator
is a series of pulses. The width duty cycle and the amount of
the pulses (pulse frequency) can be controlled by adjusting the
value of the resistors ( , , ) and capacitors ( and ).
The second part of the circuit consists of four operational ampli-
fiers (OP14), a transistor, a transformer, and a set of discrete
components. OP1 is used as an error amplifier. OP2 is to am-
plify the signal to drive the transformer T1. OP3 and OP4 are
the current-feedback network. The pulse amplitude can be regu-
lated by . The transformer is used to further step up the output
voltage. The function of this part is to transfer the output pulses
of the astable multivibrator into a series of current pulses whose
amplitude can be up to 100 mA. A current feedback loop is in-
cluded to ensure the current amplitude.
B. Experimental Waveforms
These waveforms, as shown in Fig. 2 are taking at load
k , switching frequency Hz. The inductance
of the transformer is 12.2 mH and 4.8 H for the primary
side and secondary side. The transformer used is: 50 : 2000
1534-4320/04$20.00 2004 IEEE
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Fig. 1. Typical circuit of a transformer-based FES.
Fig. 2. Typical waveforms of a transformer-based FES. (Channel 1: output of
OP2; Channel 2: output of the transformer.)
using an Rm8 core. It can be seen that the output waveforms
has a negative voltage for the recovery of the transformers
magnetizing current.
A. Circuit Description
Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram of the circuit. The cir-
cuit is based on resonant converter [6] which has been used in
power conversion but rarely used in medical electronics. Fig. 4
shows the idealized waveforms of the circuit. It consists of two
transistors and a set of resonant components and . , ,
Fig. 3. Proposed resonant circuit for FES.
and are amplitude regulating components. The operation of
the circuit can be derived in the following stages of operation:
State 1 : Both transistors are turned off. is
charged with current in . The equation is, therefore
State 2 : When rises to , and start to
resonate. The circuit equations can be described as
where and . This state
terminates after a quarter of resonant period.
State 3 : Since is already being off, the current
cannot pass through to because the body-diode
of will no longer conduct. is, therefore, electrically
disconnected from the circuit. The voltage of is, there-
fore, maintained at
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Fig. 4. Idealized waveforms of the double-mode circuit.
Therefore, the amplitude of is controlled by and
State 4 : This state can be terminated by turning
on . The resonance of and as described in State
2 then resumes. The state equations can be written as
when reaches zero and cannot resonate to negative
because the body-diode of conducts.
State 5 : The magnetic energy stored in is
needed to be reset to zero before the whole operation cycle
finishes. is now discharged linearly by . The equa-
tion is shown to be
State 6 : No operation occurs for and .
and is then energized by as a low-frequency
resonance which is not the concern of this paper because
they do not contribute the necessary output for the FES.
B. Description of the Application
Surface electrodes will be affixed to different muscle
groups of the upper extremity for stimulation and monitoring
the muscle activities an electromyographic (EMG) system.
The muscle activities through the control system is used to
trigger/control proposed device and generating the muscle
contractions through electrical stimulation by deriving the
voltage across . The accuracy and the reproducibility of the
stimulator will also be evaluated. It can be seen from Fig. 3,
that the width of the waveform mainly depends on the duration
of State 3. The durations of the States 1, 2, and 4 are usually
designed to be much smaller compared to the duration of
State 3. The amplitude of the signal depends on which is
controlled by through the following:
Fig. 5. Experimental waveforms of the proposed circuit.
where is derived by equating the input and output energies
of the system, which as
where , ,
, and
The three degrees of freedom of control of the stimulation
signals are summarized as follows:
1) pulse amplitude is adjusted by ;
2) pulsewidth is controlled by the off-state of or
approximately equal to ;
3) pulse frequency is varied by controlling the fre-
quency of the cyclethe frequency of gate signals of
and .
C. Experimental Verification
The stimulator is designed according to the following specifi-
cations: input voltage V, minimum value of pulsewidth
s, amplitude V V, and frequency
Hz kHz. The parameters used are: mH,
nF, mH, and F. The circuit
has been tested for these specifications. Fig. 5 shows the experi-
mental waveforms. The generated signal can give up to 100-mA
pulse current for stimulation. The three control stimulation pa-
rameters are working well.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 14, 2009 at 04:17 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The two proposed circuits have been analyzed, built and
tested. The performance of two circuits is very similar and
both can provide the required pulse pattern for use as an
FES. The first circuit is an analogue electronic circuit, which
requires a transformer to step up the voltage. The transformer
is required to step up the voltage from 9 to 200 V. The design
is critical because it needs to handle a pulse current of at least
100 mA. The transformer is also the most bulky and expensive
component in the circuit. The component count is also high,
therefore, in practice, surface-mount devices are needed.
The second circuit is based on a zero-voltage switching reso-
nant techniques. The main feature of the circuit is that no trans-
former is needed. Therefore, it obviously has the advantage of
no large magnetic components. The resonant component
and and the dc choke are very small as it can be seen
in Section III-C. The component count is also very small. The
pulse currents are mainly derived from and, therefore, the se-
lection of is very critical. must be large enough to support
the energy required to the load (patient). The present selection
of 68 nF is sufficient for the operation as an FES.
Two flexible electronic circuits have been developed for FES.
The generated signal has a wide variation of the pulsewidth,
controllable amplitude, and frequency. Both of the advantage
and disadvantage have been discussed. The resonant circuit pro-
posed has a preferred feature and require less component and no
need to install a transformer. It also has a low component count.
The circuit is simple and is operated from a 9-V voltage supply
or battery.
The authors would like to thank Dr. K. F. Fok and Dr. D. Fong
of the Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong, for their advice.
[1] D. Graupe and K. H. Kohn, Transcutaneous functional neuromuscular
stimulation of certain traumatic complete thoracic paraplegics for
independent short-distance ambulation, Neurolog. Res., vol. 19, pp.
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[2] G. M. Yarkony, E. J. Roth, G. Cybulski, and R. J. Jaeger, Neuromus-
cular stimulation in spinal cord injury II: Prevention of secondary com-
plications, Arch. Phys Med. Rehab., vol. 73, pp. 195200.
[3] J. O. Teeter, C. Kantor, and D. Brown, Functional Electrical Stimulation
(FES) Resource Guide for Persons With Spinal Cord Injury or Multiple
Sclerosis. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland FES Center, 1995.
[4] M. H. Grant, J. F. Keating, A. C. B. Smith, M. Delargy, and B. J. An-
drews, The use of functional electrical stimulation to assist gait in pa-
tients with incomplete spinal cord injury, Disability Rehab., vol. 14, pp.
9397, 1992.
[5] J. J. Abbas, Feedback control of coronal plane hip angle in paraplegic
subjects using functional neuromuscular stimulation, IEEE Trans.
Biomed. Eng., vol. 38, pp. 687698, 1991.
[6] K. W. E. Cheng and P. D. Evans, Parallel-mode extended-period
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243251, Sept. 1991.
K. W. Eric Cheng graduated from the University of
Bath, Bath, U.K., in 1987 and received the Ph.D. de-
gree from the same university in 1990.
Before he joined The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong, in 1997, he
was a Principal Engineer with Lucas Aerospace,
Birmingham, U.K. He is currently a Professor and
the Director of the Power Electronics Research
Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He
has authored more than 100 published papers and
seven books. His research interests include power
electronics, medical electronics, drives, and magnetics.
Professor Cheng is a Chartered Engineer and a Corporate Member of the
Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Yan Lu was born in Nanchang, China. He received
the B.Sc. degree in electric engineering from the
Jiangxi University of Technology, Jiangxi, China,
in 1985, and the M.S. degree in control engineering
from the Shanghai University of Technology,
Shanghai, China, in 1988. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree at The Hong Kong Poly-
technic University, Hung Hom.
He was with the Tongji University of Shanghai
until 2000. His research interests include the fields
of power electronics and nonlinear control.
Kai-Yu Tong received the Ph.D. degree in bioengi-
neering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
U.K., in 1998.
He spent four months as a Research Fellow at the
University of Strathclyde and participated in a joint
project with the Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Southern
General Hospital, Glasgow, U.K. He joined the Reha-
bilitation Engineering Center, The Hong Kong Poly-
technic University, Hung Hom, as a Postdoctoral Re-
search Fellow in 1999 and as an Assistant Professor
in 2001. His research interests include the control of
FES for upper and lower extremity functions, sensor development for FES con-
trollers, artificial intelligence, and stroke rehabilitation.
A. B. Rad received the B.Sc. degree in engineering
from the Abadan Institute of Technology, Abadan,
Iran, in 1977, the M.Sc. degree in control engineering
from the University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K., in
1986, and the Ph.D. degree in control engineering
from the University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K., in
He is currently a Professor with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom. His research interests
include autonomous systems, adaptive control, and
intelligent process control.
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Daniel H. K. Chow received the B.Sc. degree in me-
chanical engineering and the M.Phil. degree in bio-
engineering from the University of Hong Kong, in
1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
in bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, U.K., in 1992.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the
Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Center, The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom.
His research interests include ergonomics, spine
biomechanics, movement analysis, and rehabilitation
Danny Sutanto (M88SM88) received the B.Eng.
and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Western
Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, in 1978 and
1981, respectively.
In 1981, he joined GEC Projects, Australia, as
a Power System Analyst. In 1982, he joined the
School of Electrical Engineering, University of New
South Wales, New South Wales, Australia. Since
1996, he has been with The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom, where he is now a Professor
in electrical engineering. His research interests
include power system analysis, power system economics, voltage stability,
harmonics, power electronics and computer-aided education.
Dr. Sutanto is the IEEE PES Region 10, Regional Representative.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Downloaded on July 14, 2009 at 04:17 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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