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Cognitive Narratology

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Cognitive Narratology

Last modified: 13 March 2013

David Herman
1 Definition
Cognitive narratology can be defined as the study of mind-relevant aspects of
storytelling practices, whereverand by whatever meansthose practices occur. As
this definition suggests, cognitive narratology is transmedial in scope; it encompasses
the nexus of narrative and mind not just in print texts but also in face-to-face
interaction, cinema, radio news broadcasts, computer-mediated virtual environments,
and other storytelling media. In turn, mind-relevance can be studied vis--vis the
multiple factors associated with the design and interpretation of narratives, including
the story-producing activities of tellers, the processes by means of which interpreters
make sense of the narrative worlds (or storyworlds) evoked by narrative
representations or artifacts, and the cognitive states and dispositions of characters in
those storyworlds. In addition, the mind-narrative nexus can be studied along two
other dimensions, insofar as stories function as both (a) a target of interpretation and
(b) a means for making sense of experiencea resource for structuring and
comprehending the worldin their own right.
2 Explication
Cognitive narratology can be characterized as a subdomain within postclassical
narratology (Herman Herman, David (1999). Introduction. D. H.
(ed). Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis.1999). At issue are
frameworks for narrative research that build on the work of classical, structuralist
narratologists but supplement that work with concepts and methods that were
unavailable to story analysts such as Barthes, Genette, Greimas, and Todorov during
the heyday of the structuralist revolution. In the case of developments bearing on
cognitive narratology, narrative analysts have worked to enrich the original base of
structuralist concepts with ideas about human intelligence either ignored by or
inaccessible to the classical narratologists, thereby building new foundations for the
study of cognitive processes vis--vis various dimensions of narrative structure.
Still an emergent trend within the broader domain of narratology ( Narratology),
cognitive narratology encompasses multiple methods of analysis and diverse narrative
corpora. Relevant corpora include fictional and nonfictional print narratives;
computer-mediated narratives such as hypertext fictions, e-mail novels and blogs;
comics and graphic novels; cinematic narratives; storytelling in face-to-face
interaction; and other instantiations of the narrative text type (Narration in Various
Media). Meanwhile, theorists studying mind-relevant aspects of storytelling practices
adopt descriptive and explanatory tools from a variety of fieldsin part because of
the interdisciplinary nature of research on the mind-brain itself. Source disciplines
include, in addition to narratology, linguistics, computer science, philosophy,
psychology, and other domains. Making matters still more complicated, because the
term cognitive narratology is a relatively recent coinage (cf. 3), narrative scholars
working on issues that fall within this domain do not necessarily identify their work as
cognitive-narratological, and might even resist being aligned with the approach.
It should therefore not be surprising that, given the range of artifacts and media falling
under its purview, its richly interdisciplinary heritage, and the multiplicity of projects
relevant for if not directly associated with it, cognitive narratology at present
constitutes more a set of loosely confederated heuristic schemes than a systematic
framework for inquiry. Again, however, a trait shared by all this work is its focus on
mind-relevant aspects of storytelling practiceswhere mind is shorthand for
mind-brain. Insofar as stories constitute a target of interpretation, key questions for
cognitive narratology include: What cognitive processes support narrative
understanding, allowing readers, viewers, or listeners to construct mental models of
the worlds evoked by stories? How do they use medium-specific cues to build on the
basis of the discourse or sujet a chronology for events, or fabula (what happened
when, or in what order?); a broader temporal and spatial environment for those events
(when in history did these events occur, and where geographically?); an inventory of
the characters involved; and a working model of what it was like for these characters
to experience the more or less disruptive or non-canonical events that constitute a core
feature of narrative representations (Herman Herman, David (2009a). Basic Elements
of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.2009a: chap. 5)? Further, insofar as narrative
constitutes a sense-making instrument in its own right, a way of structuring and
understanding situations and events, still other questions suggest themselves for
cognitive narratologists: How exactly do stories function as tools for thinking
(Herman Herman, David (2003). Stories as a Tool for Thinking. D. H.
(ed). Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Stanford: CSLI, 16392.2003)? Is
it the case that, unlike other such tools (stress equations, deductive arguments, etc.),
narrative is a mode of representation tailor-made for gauging the felt quality of lived
experiences (Fludernik Fludernik, Monika (1996). Towards a Natural Narratology.
London: Routledge.1996; Herman Herman, David (2007a). Cognition, Emotion, and
Consciousness. D. H. (ed). The Cambridge Companion to Narrative. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 24559.2007a, Herman, David (2007b). Storytelling and the
Sciences of Mind: Cognitive Narratology, Discursive Psychology, and Narratives in
Face-to-Face Interaction. Narrative 15, 30634.2007b, Herman, David
(2009a). Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.2009a: chap. 6)?
More radically, do stories afford scaffolding for consciousness itselfin part by
emulating through their temporal and perspectival configuration the nature of
conscious awareness itself? In other words, are there grounds for making the strong
claim that narrative not only represents what it is like for experiencing minds to live
through events in storyworlds, but also constitutes a basis for havingfor knowing
a mind at all, whether it is ones own or anothers (Herman Herman, David
(2009a). Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.2009a: chap. 6)?
Arguably, questions such as these could not have been formulated, let alone
addressed, within classical frameworks for narrative study (but cf. Barthes Barthes,
Roland ([1966] 1977). Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives. Image
Music Text. New York: Hill & Wang, 79124.1966 and Culler Culler, Jonathan
(1975). Literary Competence & Convention and Naturalization. J. C. Structuralist
Poetics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 11330 & 13160.1975 for early
anticipations). Cognitive narratology can thus be thought of as a problem space that
opened up when earlier, structuralist models were brought into synergistic interplay
with the many disciplines for which the mind-brain is a focal concern.
3 History of the Concept and its Study
3.1 A Partial Genealogy of the Term Cognitive Narratology
At the time of writing, the term cognitive narratology itself has been in use for only
about a decade. As Eder (Eder, Jens (2003). Narratology and Cognitive Reception
Theories. T. Kindt & H.-H. Mller (eds). What Is Narratology? Questions and
Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin: de Gruyer, 277301.2003: 283
n.10) notes, the term appears to have been first used by Jahn (Jahn, Manfred (1996).
Windows of Focalization: Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Narratological
Concept. Style 30, 24167.1997). (In a personal communication, Jahn confirmed that
when he published this article he was not aware of any prior use of the term, but also
that Ansgar Nnning must be credited with suggesting the second part of the articles
title.) However, the issues and concerns encompassed by the term have been live ones
for a considerably longer period.
Beginning in the 1970s, studies in a number of fields provided, avant la lettre,
important foundations for cognitive-narratological research. In the domain of literary
studies, and in parallel with a broader turn toward issues of reception or reader
response (Iser Iser, Wolfgang ([1972] 1974). The Implied Reader: Patterns of
Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
UP.1972; Jauss Jauss, Hans Robert ([1977] 1982). Toward an Aesthetic of Reception.
Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P.1977; Tompkins Tompkins, Jane, ed. (1980). Reader-
Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP.1980), research by Sternberg (Sternberg, Meir (1978). Expositional
Modes and Temporal Ordering in Fiction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.1978) and
Perry (Perry, Menakhem (1979). Literary Dynamics: How the Order of a Text
Creates Its Meanings. Poetics Today 1.1/2, 3564, 31161.1979) highlighted
processing strategies (e.g. the primacy and recency effects) that arise from the
situation of a given event vis--vis the two temporal continua of story and discourse,
or fabula and sujet. Events that happen early in story-time can be encountered late in
discourse-time, or vice versa, producing different reading experiences from those set
into play when there is greater isomorphism between the time of the told and the time
of the telling. (A still earlier precedent in this connection is Ingardens [Ingarden,
Roman ([1931] 1973). The Literary Work of Art. Evanston: Northwestern UP.1931]
account of literary texts as heteronomous vs. autonomous objects, i.e. as schematic
structures the concretization of whose meaning potential requires the cognitive
activity of readers.) Likewise, in the fields of cognitive psychology and Artificial
Intelligence research, analysts began developing their own hypotheses about cognitive
structures underlying the production and understanding of narrative.
Psychologists such as Mandler (Mandler, Jean Matter (1984). Stories, Scripts, and
Scenes: Aspects of Schema Theory. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.1984), for example,
postulated the existence of cognitively based story grammars or narrative rule
systems. Such grammars were cast as formal representations of the cognitive
mechanisms used to parse stories into sets of units (e.g. settings and episodes) and
principles for sequencing and embedding those units (for a fuller discussion, cf.
Herman Herman, David (2002). Story Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative.
Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.2002: 1013). Roughly contemporaneously with the advent
of story grammars, research in Artificial Intelligence also began to focus attention on
the cognitive basis for creating and understanding stories. Schank & Abelsons
(Schank, Roger C. & Robert P. Abelson (1977). Scripts, Plans, Goals and
Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures. Hillsdale: Lawrence
Erlbaum.1977) foundational work explored how stereotypical knowledge reduces the
complexity and duration of many processing tasks, including the interpretation of
narrative. Indeed, the concept of script, i.e. a type of knowledge representation that
allows an expected sequence of events to be stored in the memory, was designed to
explain how people are able to build up complex interpretations of stories on the basis
of very few textual or discourse cues ( Schemata). Whereas the term scripts was
used to refer to kinds of world-knowledge that generate expectations about how
sequences of events are supposed to unfold, frames referred to expectations about
how domains of experience are likely to be structured at a given moment in time
(Goffman Goffman, Erving (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of
Experience. New York: Harper & Row.1974). Frames guide my expectations about
the objects and decor that I am likely to find in a university classroom as opposed to a
prison cell; scripts guide my expectations about what I can expect to happen while
ordering a beer in a bar as opposed to defending a doctoral dissertation.
Although subsequent research on knowledge representations suggests the limits as
well as the possibilities of the original frame and script concepts (Sternberg Sternberg,
Meir (2003). Universals of Narrative and Their Cognitivist Fortunes (I). Poetics
Today 24, 297395.2003 provides a critical review), this early work has shaped
cognitive narratology from its inception, informing the study of how particular
features of narrative discourse cue particular kinds of processing strategies. Indeed,
Jahns (Jahn, Manfred (1997). Frames, Preferences, and the Reading of Third-Person
Narratives: Toward a Cognitive Narratology. Poetics Today 18, 44168.1997)
foundational essay in the field, mentioned above, draws on Minskys (Minsky, Marvin
(1975). A Framework for Representing Knowledge. P. Winston (ed). The
Psychology of Computer Vision. New York: McGraw-Hill, 21177.1975) account of
frames (among other relevant research) to redescribe from a cognitive perspective key
aspects of Stanzels (Stanzel, Franz K. ([1979] 1984). A Theory of Narrative.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.1979) theory of narrative. In Jahns proposal, higher-order
knowledge representations or frames enable interpreters of stories to disambiguate
pronominal references, decide whether a given sentence serves a descriptive or a
thought-reporting function (e.g. depending on context the train was late might either
be a thought mulled over by a character or part of the narrators own account of the
narrated world), and, more generally, adopt a top-down as well as a bottom-up
approach to narrative processing. A frame guides interpretation until such time as
textual cues prompt the modification or substitution of that frame.
In a similar vein, other theorists have explored how experiential repertoires, stored in
the form of scripts, enable readers or listeners of stories to fill in the blanks and
assume that if a narrator mentions a masked character running out of a bank with a
satchel of money, then that character has in all likelihood robbed the bank in question.
Analysts have also discussed how literary narratives in particular involve processes of
script recruitment, disruption, and refreshment (Cook Cook, Guy (1994). Discourse
and Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP.1994; Herman Herman, David (2002). Story
Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.2002: 85
113; Stockwell Stockwell, Peter (2002). Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction. London:
Routledge.2002: 7589), depending on how critically and reflexively the narratives
relate to prevailing scripts. For her part, Emmott (Emmott, Catherine
(1997). Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective. Oxford: Oxford
UP.1997) focuses on how what she calls contexts, or spatiotemporal nodes inhabited
by configurations of individuals and entities, constrain pronoun interpretation.
Information about contexts attaches itself to mental representations that Emmott terms
contextual frames. An action performed by (or on) a given configuration of
participants is necessarily indexed to a particular context and must be viewed within
that context, even if the context is never fully reactivated (after its initial mention)
linguistically. For example, if a character in a short story orders a beer in a bar, then
even if elements of the setting are not mentioned again readers can assume that
subsequent verbal and nonverbal actions performed by the character continue to take
place in the baruntil such time as linguistic signals cue a frame-switch (e.g.
Several days later, he saw his friend [], or Later that night, when he had reached
his apartment []). Finally, Palmer (Palmer, Alan (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln:
U of Nebraska P.2004) also draws on elements of the early work on knowledge
representations, studying how readers world-knowledge allows them to make sense
of a variety of techniques for representing fictional characters minds. Palmer explores
how readers construct inferences about fictional minds by using various textual
indicators, including thought reports, speech representations, and descriptions of
behaviors that span the continuum linking mental with physical actions.
More generally, a cluster of publications appeared in the second half of the 1990s, all
of them adding impetus to the cognitive turn in narrative studies that had been
prepared for by research conducted in the 1970s and 1980s and that had been directly
anticipated by Turner (Turner, Mark (1991). Reading Minds: The Study of English in
the Age of Cognitive Science. Princeton: Princeton UP.1991). 1996 saw the
appearance of Fluderniks richly synthetic account of natural narratology (Fludernik,
Monika (1996). Towards a Natural Narratology. London: Routledge.1996), which
integrates ideas from literary narratology, the history of English language and
literature, research on natural-language narratives told in face-to-face communication,
and cognitive linguistics to isolate experientiality, or the felt, subjective awareness
of an experiencing mind, as a core property of narrativity (Narrativity). Turners
(Turner, Mark (1996).The Literary Mind. Oxford: Oxford UP.1996) own
extrapolation from cognitive-linguistic models of metaphor to account for human
intelligence in terms of parabolic projections, or the mapping of source stories onto
target stories to make sense of the world, was also published in 1996. The year before,
the influential volume Deixis in Narrative had appeared (Duchan et al. eds. Duchan,
Judith F., et al. eds. (1995). Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective.
Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.1995); contributions to this volume characterize
narrative comprehension in terms of deictic shifts, whereby interpreters shift from the
spatiotemporal coordinates of the here-and-now to various cognitive vantage-points
that they are cued to occupy by textual signals distributed in narrative discourse
(Ryan Ryan, Marie-Laure (1991). Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and
Narrative Theory. Bloomington: Indiana UP.1991; Werth Werth, Paul (1999). Text
Worlds: Representing Conceptual Space in Discourse. London: Longman.1999).
This spate of publications over a five-year period (the list is by no means exhaustive)
helps explain why the inaugural 2000 issue of the online journal Image &
Narrative focused on cognitive narratology. It also helps account for the organization,
just after the turn of the century, of a number of edited volumes, special journal issues,
and conferences exploring intersections among cognition, literature, and culture as
well as cognitive approaches to narrative in particular (e.g. Abbott ed. Abbott, H.
Porter, ed. (2001). On the Origins of Fiction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Special
Issue of SubStance 30.1.2001; Richardson & Steen eds. Richardson, Alan & Francis
F. Steen, ed. (2002). Literature and the Cognitive Revolution. Special Issue
of Poetics Today 23.2002; Herman ed. Herman, David ed. (2003). Narrative Theory
and the Cognitive Sciences. Stanford: CSLI.2003; Richardson & Spolsky
eds. Richardson, Alan & Ellen Spolsky, ed. (2004). The Work of Fiction: Cognition,
Culture, and Complexity. Aldershot: Ashgate.2004). During the same period, theorists
formulated a number of pertinent objections to (or at least reservations about) what
Richardson & Steen termed a cognitive revolution in the study of literature and
culture (Jackson Jackson, Tony E. (2005). Explanation, Interpretation, and Close
Reading: The Progress of Cognitive Poetics. Poetics Today 26, 51933.2005;
Sternberg Sternberg, Meir (2003). Universals of Narrative and Their Cognitivist
Fortunes (I). Poetics Today 24, 297395.2003). In particular, as noted in 4 below,
scholars who remain skeptical about cognitive approaches to literature and culture in
general, and about cognitive narratology in particular, question the degree to which
work of this kind represents true interdisciplinary convergenceas opposed to the
selective (and sometimes ill-informed) borrowing of ideas and methods tailored to
problem domains in other fields.
3.2 Emergent Trends in the Field
It is still too early in the development of cognitive narratology to identify what its
most important contributions to the broader field of narratology may eventually prove
to be. Nonetheless, the present subsection provides a partial catalogue of pertinent
studies, with the following subsections focusing on several areas in which research
activity has already been especially productive. Relevant research includes:
(a) cognitively inflected accounts of narrative perspective ( Perspective/Point of
View) in fictional and nonfictional texts (van Peer & Chatman eds. van Peer, Willie &
Seymour Chatman, eds. (2001). New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective. Albany:
State U of New York P.2001; Jahn Jahn, Manfred (1996). Windows of Focalization:
Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Narratological Concept. Style 30, 241
67.1996, Jahn, Manfred (1999). More Aspects of Focalization: Refinements and
Applications. J. Pier (ed). Recent Trends in Narratological Research. Tours:
GRAAT, 85110.1999; Herman Herman, David (2009b). Beyond Voice and Vision:
Cognitive Grammar and Focalization Theory. P. Hhn et al. (eds). Point of View,
Perspective, and Focalization: Modeling Mediacy in Narrative. Berlin: de Gruyter,
(b) research on representations of the minds of characters and on the classes of textual
cues that prompt readers to draw particular kinds of inferences about the contents and
dispositions of those minds (Butte Butte, George (2004). I know That You Know That
I Know: Narrating Subjects from Moll Flanders to Marnie. Columbus: Ohio State
UP.2004; Cohn Cohn, Dorrit (1978). Transparent Minds: Narrative Modes for
Presenting Consciousness in Fiction. Princeton: Princeton UP.1978; Herman Herman,
David (2009a). Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.2007a;
Palmer Palmer, Alan (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.2004;
Zunshine Zunshine, Lisa (2006). Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the
Novel. Columbus: Ohio State UP.2006);
(c) studies of emotions and emotion discourse and how they both illuminate and are
illuminated by particular narrative texts as well as broader narrative traditions
(Herman Herman, David (2007b). Storytelling and the Sciences of Mind: Cognitive
Narratology, Discursive Psychology, and Narratives in Face-to-Face
Interaction. Narrative 15, 30634.2007b; Hogan Hogan, Patrick Colm (2003a). The
Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP.2003a);
(d) research on the range of cognitive processes that support inferences about the
spatiotemporal profile of a given storyworld, and about the degree to which a given
text or representation can be assimilated to the category narrativethat is, assigned
at least some degree of narrativityin the first place (Fludernik Fludernik, Monika
(1996). Towards a Natural Narratology. London: Routledge.1996; Gerrig Gerrig,
Richard J. (1993). Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of
Reading. New Haven: Yale UP.1993; Herman Herman, David (2002). Story Logic:
Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.2002, Herman,
David (2009a). Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.2009a;
Hogan Hogan, Patrick Colm (2003b). Cognitive Science, Literature, and the Arts: A
Guide for Humanists. London: Routledge.2003b: 11539; Jahn Jahn, Manfred (1997).
Frames, Preferences, and the Reading of Third-Person Narratives: Toward a
Cognitive Narratology. Poetics Today 18, 44168.1997; Ryan Ryan, Marie-Laure
(1991). Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory. Bloomington:
Indiana UP.1991, Ryan, Marie-Laure (2003). Cognitive Maps and the Construction
of Narrative Space. D. Herman (ed). Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences.
Stanford: CSLI, 21442.2003);
(e) research on the textual as well as cognitive factors underlying the key effects of
narrative suspense, curiosity, and surprise, and more broadly on how the temporal
order in which elements of a narrative are encountered can shape interpreters overall
sense of a storyworld (Gerrig Gerrig, Richard J. (1993). Experiencing Narrative
Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of Reading. New Haven: Yale UP.1993;
Perry Perry, Menakhem (1979). Literary Dynamics: How the Order of a Text Creates
Its Meanings. Poetics Today 1.1/2, 3564, 31161.1979; Sternberg Sternberg, Meir
(1978). Expositional Modes and Temporal Ordering in Fiction. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP.1978,Sternberg, Meir (1990). Telling in Time (I): Chronology and
Narrative Theory. Poetics Today 11, 90148.1990, Sternberg, Meir (1992). Telling
in Time (II): Chronology, Teleology, Narrativity. Poetics Today 13, 463541.1992);
(f) research more generally on phenomena pertaining to the interface between
narratives and the mind-brain of the interpreter, such as the activation of identity
themes (Holland Holland, Norman (1975). 5 Readers Reading. New Haven: Yale
UP.1975) or the (potential) stimulation of empathetic responses (Keen Keen, Suzanne
(2007). Empathy and the Novel. Oxford: Oxford UP.2007)in other words, attempts
to formulate what Eder (Eder, Jens (2003). Narratology and Cognitive Reception
Theories. T. Kindt & H.-H. Mller (eds). What Is Narratology? Questions and
Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin: de Gruyer, 277301.2003) terms
cognitive reception theories;
(g) studies of narrative as a resource for navigating and making sense of computer-
mediated environments (Ryan Ryan, Marie-Laure (2001). Narrative as Virtual
Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins UP.2001, Ryan, Marie-Laure (2006). Avatars of Story. Minneapolis: U
of Minnesota P.2006);
(h) empirical studies that, relying on techniques ranging from the measuring of
reading times to methods of corpus analysis to the elicitation of diagrams of
storyworlds, seek to establish demonstrable correlations between what Bortolussi &
Dixon (Bortolussi, Marisa & Peter Dixon (2003). Psychonarratology: Foundations
for the Empirical Study of Literary Response. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.2003) term
text features and text effectsi.e. between textual structures and the processing
strategies that they set into play (Gerrig Gerrig, Richard J. (1993). Experiencing
Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of Reading. New Haven: Yale
UP.1993; Ryan Ryan, Marie-Laure (2003). Cognitive Maps and the Construction of
Narrative Space. D. Herman (ed). Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences.
Stanford: CSLI, 21442.2003; Herman Herman, David (2005). Quantitative Methods
in Narratology: A Corpus-based Study of Motion Events in Stories. J. Ch. Meister
(ed). Narratology Beyond Literary Criticism. Mediality, Disciplinarity. Berlin: de
Gruyter, 12549.2005); and
(i) intermedial research suggesting that narrative functions as a cognitive
macroframe enabling interpreters to identify stories or story-like elements across
any number of semiotic media ( Mediacy and Narrative Mediation)literary,
pictorial, musical, etc. (Wolf Wolf, Werner (2003). Narrative and Narrativity: A
Narratological Reconceptualization and Its Applicability to the Visual Arts. Word &
Image 19, 18097.2003; Ryan ed. Ryan, Marie-Laure ed. (2004).Narrative across
Media: The Languages of Storytelling. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.2004;
Herman Herman, David (2009a). Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-
Several of these initiatives can be singled out as especially generative for cognitive-
narratological research: namely, study of the cognitive processes underlying
interpreters ability to construct (and immerse themselves more or less fully within)
storyworlds; research on issues pertaining to consciousness representation; and,
relatedly, analyses of emotion and emotion discourse vis--vis stories and storytelling.
3.2.1 Narrative Ways of Worldmaking: Cognitive Dimensions
Mapping words onto worlds is a fundamentalperhaps the fundamental
requirement for narrative sense making. Approaches such as deictic shift theory
(Duchan et al. eds. Duchan, Judith F., et al. eds. (1995). Deixis in Narrative: A
Cognitive Science Perspective. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.1995) and contextual
frame theory help reveal the complex cognitive processes underlying narrative ways
of worldmaking; they also suggest how configuring narrative worlds entails mapping
discourse cues onto the WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN factors whose interplay
accounts for the ontological make-up and spatiotemporal profile of a given
storyworld. An approach based on shifting deictic centers indicates how narrative
worlds are structured around cognitive vantage points that may change over the course
of an unfolding story. Likewise, based on the assumption that characters will be
bound into and out of particular contexts over time as well as the assumption that such
contexts will be distributed spatially as well as temporally, Emmotts (Emmott,
Catherine (1997). Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective. Oxford:
Oxford UP.1997) contextual frame theory points to the nexus of the WHAT,
WHERE, and WHEN factors in narrative worldmaking.
Furthermore, reconsidered from a cognitive-narratological perspective, earlier
narratological scholarship can be read anew, providing further insight into the
cognitive processes underlying the (re)construction of narrative worlds. Genettes
(Genette, Grard ([1972] 1980). Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method. Ithaca:
Cornell UP.1972) influential account of time in narrative, for example, can be
motivated as a heuristic framework for studying the WHEN component of world
creation. When Genette distinguishes between simultaneous, retrospective,
prospective, and intercalated modes of narration (as in the epistolary novel, where
the act of narration postdates some events but precedes others), these narrative modes
can now be interpreted in light of the different kinds of structure that they afford for
worldmaking. Retrospective narration accommodates the full scope of a storyworlds
history, allowing a narrator to signal connections between earlier and later events
through proleptic foreshadowings of the eventual impact of a characters actions on
his or her cohorts. Simultaneous narration, in which events are presented in tandem
with the interpreters effort to comprehend the contours and boundaries of the narrated
domain, does not allow for such anticipations-in-hindsight; rather, inferences about
the impact of events on the storyworld remain tentative, probabilistic, open-ended
(Margolin Margolin, Uri (1999). Of What Is Past, Is Passing, or to Come:
Temporality, Aspectuality, Modality, and the Nature of Narrative. D. Herman
(ed). Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis. Columbus: Ohio State
UP, 14266.1999). In short, classical, structuralist accounts like Genettes suggest
how a narrative world is thickened by forays backward and forward in time and
throws into relief the processing strategies triggered by such temporal agglutination
(Sternberg Sternberg, Meir (1978). Expositional Modes and Temporal Ordering in
Fiction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.1978, Sternberg, Meir (1990). Telling in Time
(I): Chronology and Narrative Theory. Poetics Today 11, 90148.1990, Sternberg,
Meir (1992). Telling in Time (II): Chronology, Teleology, Narrativity. Poetics
Today 13, 463541.1992).
3.2.2 Issues of Consciousness Representation
In her foundational study of strategies for representing consciousness in narrative
fiction, Cohn (Cohn, Dorrit (1978). Transparent Minds: Narrative Modes for
Presenting Consciousness in Fiction. Princeton: Princeton UP.1978) draws on
theories of speech representation ( Speech Representation) as the basis for her
account of how narrative texts afford access to fictional minds. Just as narratives can
use direct discourse, indirect discourse, and free indirect discourse to present the
utterances of characters, fictional texts can use what Cohn calls quoted monologue,
psycho-narration, and narrated monologue to represent the thought processes of
fictional minds. Subsequent theorists, seeking to underscore even more clearly the
assumed analogy between modes of speech and thought representation, have renamed
Cohns three modes as direct thought, indirect thought, and free indirect thought,
respectively (Leech & ShortLeech, Geoffrey & Michael Short (1981). Style in Fiction.
London: Longman.1981). As Palmer (Palmer, Alan (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln:
U of Nebraska P.2004) notes, however, this classical or speech category approach
captures only some of the phenomena relevant for research on narrative
representations of consciousness. For Palmer, the speech-category approach has
induced analysts to focus solely on inner speech, with the result that theories of
consciousness representation in narrative have been distorted by the grip of the
verbal norm (53). Yet narrative understanding in fact hinges on a wide variety of
inferences about the states, dispositions, and processes of fictional mindsincluding
inferences about the felt, subjective nature of their experience (i.e. the qualia
specific to their particularized vantage-point on the storyworld [Nagel Nagel, Thomas
(1974). What Is It Like to Be a Bat? Philosophical Review 83, 43550.1974]) as
well as their folk psychology, or method for framing inferences about what is going
on in their own and others minds.
When characters use folk-psychological models to explain their own and others
motivations and intentions, they are drawing on fundamental, generic processes by
which humans attribute mental states, properties, and dispositions both to themselves
and to their social cohorts. These processes have been described as the native Theory
of Mind in terms of which people make sense of their cohorts behavior
(Zunshine Zunshine, Lisa (2006). Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the
Novel. Columbus: Ohio State UP.2006). At issue is peoples everyday understanding
of how thinking works, the rough-and-ready heuristics to which they resort in thinking
about thinking itselfa heuristics used to impute motives or goals to self and other
and to make predictions about future reactions to events. Such thinking about thinking
points beyond inner speech and solitary self-communings to the social mind in
action that Palmer identifies as the object of study for postclassical approaches to
consciousness representation (Palmer, Alan (2004). Fictional Minds. Lincoln: U of
Nebraska P.2004: 13069).
3.2.3 Emotion, Emotion Discourse, and Emotionology
As Stearns (Stearns, Peter (1995). Emotion. R. Harr & P. Stearns (eds). Discursive
Psychology in Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 3754.1995) points out, there is a
basic tension between naturalist and constructionist approaches to emotion.
Naturalists argue for the existence of innate, biologically grounded emotions that are
more or less uniform across cultures and subcultures (Hogan Hogan, Patrick Colm
(2003a). The Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.2003a). By contrast, constructionists argue that emotions
are culturally specific (Stearns Stearns, Peter (1995). Emotion. R. Harr & P.
Stearns (eds). Discursive Psychology in Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 3754.1995).
As Adolphs (Adolphs, Ralph (2005). Could a Robot Have Emotions? Theoretical
Perspective from Social Cognitive Neuroscience. M. Arbib & J.-M. Fellous
(eds).Who Needs Emotions: The Brain Meets the Robot. Oxford: Oxford UP, 9
28.2005) suggests, however, the naturalist and constructionist positions can be
reconciled if emotions are viewed as (a) shaped by evolutionary processes and
implemented in the brain, but also (b) situated in a complex network of stimuli,
behavior, and other cognitive states. Because of (b), the shared stock of emotional
responses is mediated by culturally specific learning processes. Further, to study the
cultural and rhetorical grounding of emotion discourse, theorists working at the
intersection of psychology, history, and ethnography have developed the concept of
emotionology, which concerns the collective emotional standards of a culture as
opposed to the experience of emotion itself. The term functions in parallel with recent
usages of ontology to designate a model of the entities, together with their properties
and relations, that exist within a particular domain. Every culture and subculture has
an emotionology, which is a framework for conceptualizing emotions, their causes,
and how participants in discourse are likely to display them.
Narratives, which at once ground themselves in and help build frameworks of this
sort, provide insight into a cultures or subcultures emotionologyand also into how
members of the (sub)culture use these systems to make sense of minds. Everyday
storytelling as well as literary narratives deploy and in some cases thematize emotion
terms and concepts; for example, spy thrillers, and romance novels are recognizable as
such because of the way they link particular kinds of emotions to recurrent narrative
scenarios. What is more, stories also have the power to (re)shape emotionology itself.
Narrative therapy, for instance, involves the construction of stories about the self in
which the emotional charge habitually carried by particular actions or routines can be
defused or at least redirected (Mills Mills, Linda (2005). Narrative Therapy. D.
Herman et al. (eds). Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London: Routledge,
4 Topics for Further Investigation
(a) Eder (Eder, Jens (2003). Narratology and Cognitive Reception Theories. T.
Kindt & H.-H. Mller (eds). What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding
the Status of a Theory. Berlin: de Gruyer, 277301.2003: 284 n. 14) sets up a scale of
seven possible relationships between cognitive reception theories and narratology.
These possibilities run the gamut from impossibility to unrelated coexistence to the
outright assimilation of narratology to cognitive theory. A more general question can
be extrapolated from Eders analysis: to what extent does the research conducted to
date warrant commitment to the possibility of integrating narratological theory with
ideas from the cognitive sciences? (b) Relatedly, Sternberg (Sternberg, Meir (2003).
Universals of Narrative and Their Cognitivist Fortunes (I). Poetics Today 24, 297
395.2003) has raised questions about the degree to which cognitive narratology
enables true methodological convergence among the domains of inquiry that it
encompasses. Part of the problem lies in the attempt to translate foundational concepts
such as frames and scripts, emotion, and even narrative across what remains
for Sternberg a disciplinary divide between humanistic and social-scientific research.
As this critique suggests, if cognitive narratology is to become a bonafide inter-
discipline, it must work toward combining its source concepts and methods into a
whole which is greatermore capable of description and explanationthan the sum
of its parts.
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5.2 Further Reading
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Bruner, Jerome (1990). Acts of Meaning. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
Herman, David (2009). Cognitive Approaches to Narrative Analysis. G.
Brne & J. Vandaele (eds). Cognitive Poetics: Goals, Gains, and Gaps. Berlin:
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Jahn, Manfred (2005). Cognitive Narratology. D. Herman et al.
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