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Zombie Plague Rules

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For 1-5

brave players
60 minutes
Zombie Plague
A board game by Brian S. Roe & Skott Kilander
Redesign by Kwanchai Moriya (BGG user kwanchai
Rules reorgani!ed and e"#anded by $osh (BGG user s%uash
The entire country has been infected by an unknown plague, the symptom of which
is the reanimation of dead human bodies. These undead humans single drive is to
feed on the fesh of the living. The cause of this plague remains unexplained.
espite desperate e!orts by the national government and local authorities to control
the situation, society has e!ectively collapsed and the remaining survivors seek
refuge wherever they can. "ities, with their dense populations, have essentially
become death traps. # group of survivors has managed to escape from the city,
feeing to the suburbs in hopes of $nding a safe haven from the terror%
Zombie Plague is a board game &or ' to ( #layers in which human #layers
must coo#erate to barricade a house) search &or use&ul items) and sur*i*e)
while +ghting o, hordes o& !ombies.
- Game boards (in . #arts each) with s%uares numbered '/.0 along each
.( 5laying +gures1
/- human heroes
/' #ainted !ombie
/.0 un#ainted !ombies
6 7ice1
/' red .0/sided die
/' black 8/sided die
/' black 9/sided 7irection die (. :;R<2) . S;=<2) . >AS<) . ?>S<
/' white 8/sided 7irection die (' :;R<2) ' S;=<2) ' >AS<) ' ?>S<) ' white
?4@7) ' red ?4@7
/. blue 8/sided Attack dice (' 2>A7 S2;<) ' B;7A S2;<) ' orange B4SS) .
grey B4SS) ' ;;5SC
/' black 8/sided DombieEBite die (. B4<>) - B4SS
/' yellow 8/sided 4n&ection die (' 4:F>3<>7) ( ;K
/' red 8/sided Flare die (' red star) G blue star) . blank
8H Search cards1
/.- ?ea#on cards
/.' 4tem cards
/.' >*ent cards
/' 3ellar card
<okens and markers1
/' cellar tile
/'0 Barricade markers with stands
/( Flare markers
/'0 black Search tokens
/'0 red Search tokens
/'0 #ur#le Search tokens
/'0 yellow Search tokens
For 1 #layer1 <he #layer controls - human +gures (or &ewer &or a greater
For 2 #layers1 >ach #layer controls . human +gures (or ' #layer controls -
human +gures and the other controls the !ombies.
For 3 #layers1 >ach #layer controls ' human +gure (or . #layers control .
human +gures each and ' #layer controls the !ombies.
For 4 #layers1 >ach #layer controls ' human +gure (or G #layers control '
human +gure each and ' #layer controls the !ombies.
For 5 #layers1 ;ne #layer must control the !ombies) and the other - #layers
control ' human +gure each.
3hoose a board to #lay on and decide which direction will re#resent north.
4& there is a !ombie #layer) roll the black) 9/sided 7irection 7ie and #laces one
!ombie anywhere in the +rst row o& s%uares at that edge o& the board. 4&
there is no !ombie #layer) roll the black) 9/sided 7irection 7ie and the .0/
sided die) and #lace one !ombie on the corres#onding s%uare on the game
board. All human #layers choose a character(s) take the corres#onding
+gures and one set o& '0 Search <okens &or each character) and #lace the
+gures anywhere in the +rst row o& s%uares on the o##osite edge o& the board
&rom the !ombie.
=sing all the Search cards #ro*ided &or Dombie 5lague can be too many
cards) so you may choose to #re/select a deck o& -0 Search cards be&ore the
game. ShuIe the cards and #lace them &ace down near the board. ?hen
selecting a deck) you must always include THE CELLAR and CAR !EYS.
Beyond that) itJs the #layersJ #re&erence) and can e*en be done randomly.
For a more challenging game) remo*e e"cessi*ely #ower&ul cards including
F@AB><2R;?>R) 32A4:BA4@ S=4<) ASSA=@< R4F@>) R4;< S24>@7) and
B;@;<;K 3;3K<A4@. <hese items and wea#ons Lust donJt make sense in a
suburban home) and o&ten make &or an easy human *ictory.
#o$ %&e &uma' (la)e$*+ ?hen the &ollowing three *ictory conditions are
accom#lished) in any order) the human #layers win1
' / All search s%uares (marked with a red , ha*e been searched by at least '
. / All outer windows and doors o& the main building are barricaded with all
(sur*i*ing human #layers inside.
G / :o !ombies are inside the main building.
#o$ %&e -ombie*+ As soon as all human #layers are either !ombi+ed or
dead) the !ombies win.
<he game is #layed in rounds) with each human character and the !ombies
taking a turn e*ery round. 4& there is no !ombie #layer) randomly choose a
#layer to recei*e the #ainted !ombie +gure &or the +rst round. <he #layer to
the le&t o& the #layer who recei*es the !ombie will be the +rst #layer to take a
turn. <he #layer with the !ombie will be the last human #layer to take a turn)
and will then control the !ombies &or that round. A&ter the !ombie turn has
been com#leted) the #ainted !ombie is #assed to the #layer to the le&t o& the
#layer who Lust controlled the !ombies. <he #layer to the le&t o& that #layer
will be the +rst to take a turn in the ne"t round) and so on.
4& there is a !ombie #layer) the human #layer sitting to the le&t o& the !ombie
#layer takes the turn +rst. <hen) going clockwise) each human #layer
com#letes their turn. Finally) the !ombie #layer com#letes herEhis turn.
#o$ %&e HMAN PLAYERS+ <he game board is set u# on a '/inch grid. All
mo*ement and attacks ha##en along this s%uare grid. >ach human has -
Action 5oints (or A5s #er turn. >ach turn) they can use u# to - A5s to do any
actions in any order. <he &ollowing human actions cost ' A5 each (unless
otherwise stated1
M Mo.e /o$0a$1 o'e *2ua$e N Bo*e one s%uare in the direction your +gure
is &acing. 7iagonal mo*ement is not allowed. Anything on the board that
looks like an obstacle (i.e. couches) shrubs) rocks) etc. 4S an obstacle and
cannot be mo*ed through. ;n the Hou*e ma#) the brownish rectangular
thing in the back yard is a brick #atio and can be walked u#on. All street
curbs can be walked o*er without any #roblems. :o character may #ass
through a s%uare that is occu#ied by another +gure) whether human or
!ombie. 7oors (white are considered to be unlocked and cost no e"tra A5s
to #ass through. ?indows (light blue cost 2 AP* to crawl through.
M Mo.e ba340a$1 o'e *2ua$e N 3osts 2 AP*. Bo*e back one s%uare
without changing the direction you are &acing.
M Tu$' le/% o$ $ig&% N <urn 60 degrees to the le&t or right.
M 5a$$i3a1e a 0i'1o0 o$ 1oo$ N <o barricade a window or door) a +gure
must be adLacent to) and &acing) the window or door. 4t costs ' A5 to #ut u# a
barricade / #lace a barricade marker o*er the window or door. ;nce a
window or door is barricaded) no humans or !ombies may #ass through it and
no attacks may be made through the barricade. A barricade can be taken
down by a human #layer &or a cost o& - A5s) and must be s#ent on a single
turn. 7oors and windows inside buildings can be barricaded as well.
M A%%a34 N Aou may only attack the s%uare directly in &ront o& you) or) i& using
a +rearm) the +rst !ombie in a straight line in &ront o& you. ?ea#on cards
ha*e their own modi+ers #rinted on them) and any modi+ers o*errule the
attack chart (on the ne"t #age. Firearms gi*e a certain range o& s%uares that
an attack can reach. Aou cannot shoot through a human #layer in order to hit
a !ombie) nor can you intentionally +re at a human) howe*er i& you shoot a
S2;<G=: (or any +rearm at !ombies while another human +gure is in range)
the human is attacked as well. ?alls and barricades cannot be +red through)
but any other obstacles can be +red o*er. Both hand/to/hand and ranged
attacks can be #er&ormed through unbarricaded doors and windows i& the
attacking +gure is adLacent to them.
For S2;<G=: attacks) you do not roll &or e*ery !ombie that is within your
range o& s%uares. Rather) you roll one Attack die &or all !ombies (and #ossibly
humansC that are within range. Kee# in mind that your S2;<G=: attack
only a,ects the +rst row o& !ombies that are hit) and that the S2;<G=: must
be out o& ammo be&ore it can be used as a BAS>BA@@ BA<.
For non/ranged wea#ons (such as the K4<32>: K:4F>) ?R>:32)
S3R>?7R4K>R) et.) &ollow the instructions on the card. For e"am#le) the
K4<32>: K:4F>) says Kills !ombies on a roll o& 8) which means 8 is a 2>A7
S2;<) ( is B;7A S2;<) . to - is a B4SS) and ' is an ;;5SC. A BAS>BA@@ BA<
modi+es the basic attack rules saying) Kills !ombies on a roll o& ( or 8)
which means ( and 8 are a 2>A7 S2;<) no B;7A S2;<) . to - is a B4SS) and
' is an ;;5SC
4& no modi+ers are listed on the ?ea#on card) then &ollow the attack chart
below. Attacks are resol*ed using a blue Attack die (or the black) 8/sided die
i& using a wea#on which modi+es the roll. 4& an attacking human is unarmed)
roll . blue Attack dice &or each A<<A3K action. 4& the rolled dice match) then
the result takes e,ect. <he only e"ce#tion is that a roll combination o& B;7A
S2;< and 2>A7 S2;< counts as a B;7A S2;<.
Attack dice results1
/OOPS6 7 =nless using a wea#on that gi*es s#eci+c instructions &or an ;;5SC
result) you lose the rest o& your A5s &or that turn as you struggle to regain
control o& your wea#on. 4& you are using a +rearm) an ;;5SC indicates that
your +rearm is out o& ammo. 4n this situation) you will not lose the rest o&
your A5s (unless otherwise stated on the ?ea#on card) but you will lose the
use o& the wea#on. (4& you roll an ;;5SC while using the 32A4:SA?) you do
not lose the 32A4:SA?) but your gri# sli#s and you inLure yoursel&. Roll the
4n&ection die to check i& you become !ombi+ed. 4& not)
continue using your remaining A5s as normal.
/MISS 7 :othing ha##ens.
/5O8Y SHOT 7 <he !ombie is #ushed back ' s%uare &rom the direction o& the
attack. 4& the #ushed !ombie ends in a s%uare occu#ied by another !ombie)
that !ombie is also #ushed back. ;bstacles) walls) and humans behind the
!ombie(s #re*ent the #ush back mo*ement &rom occurring. =nless
modi+ed by te"t on a ?ea#on card) B;7A S2;< does not kill a !ombie.
/HEA8 SHOT 7 <he only way to kill a !ombie is to destroy its brainC <he
!ombie is killed and remo*ed &rom the board.
M Sea$3& a Sea$3& *2ua$e N <o search) a human must be directly adLacent
to) and &acing) a search s%uare (marked with a red ,. 7raw a Search card
&rom the to# o& the deck until you draw an 4<>B card or a ?>A5;: card. Any
>K>:< cards that are drawn take e,ect immediately) and are then discarded.
>ach human character may search each search s%uare only once) but
multi#le humans can search the same s%uare during the course o& the game.
<o indicate that a character has searched a s#eci+c search s%uare) #lace one
o& that characterJs Search <okens on the search s%uare. All that matters &or
the human *ictory conditions is that each s%uare has been searched by at
least one character. Aou can only hold one wea#on at a time. 4& you already
ha*e a wea#on and draw another ?ea#on card during a search) you must
immediately discard one. ?hen you discard a card) it is remo*ed &rom the
game and no one else may get it. Aou can hold an unlimited number o&
Regarding the B>7 5A3K and the F4RS< A47 K4<) the B>7 5AK nulli+es a bite
a&ter it occurs) so i& a human #layer gets bitten) they can use the B>7 5AK to
#re*ent getting #ushed back one s%uare and rolling &or in&ection. <he F4RS<
A47 K4< is used a&ter getting bitten a'1 getting in&ected. >ssentially) it allows
the human to continue li*ing) with the chance that they may succumb to the
in&ection on any turn.
Regarding F@AR>S) when a #layer draws the F@AR>S card) they also take -
Oares markers. For ' A5) the #layer may toss a Oare u# to . s%uares away)
onto an em#ty and unoccu#ied s%uare N #lace a Oare marker in that s%uare.
A !ombie may ne*er willingly mo*e into a s%uare containing a Oare marker)
and i& &orced into such a s%uare) the !ombie is immediately killed. 2umans
may ne*er willingly end their mo*ement in a s%uare containing a Oare
marker) howe*er they may mo*e through such s%uares at the risk o& catching
+re. Any time a human mo*es through a Oare marker) they must roll the red
Flare die. ;n a roll o& a R>7 S<AR) the human catches +re and is immediately
killed. ;n any other roll) the human is unharmed and nothing ha##ens. 4& a
human is &orced to end a turn while still occu#ying a s%uare with a Oare
marker) the human dies. 2umans killed by Oares do not become !ombies N
they are sim#ly remo*ed &rom #lay. At the end o& e*ery !ombie turn) be&ore
beginning the ne"t round) roll the red Flare die &or each Oare marker that is
on the board. ;n a roll o& a B@=> S<AR) the Oare +!!les out (remo*e the Oare
marker &rom #lay. ;n any other roll) the Oare remains lit &or the ne"t round.
M E93&a'ge:gi.e i%em o$ 0ea(o' N Aou must be adLacent to) but not
necessarily &acing) at least ' other human #layer. For ' A5) you may gi*e or
trade any number o& items or wea#ons. Kee# in mind that each human
#layer can only hold one wea#on at a time.
;n the I*la'1 game board) humans must s#end double A5s to #er&orm any
action (including mo*ement in water s%uares. <his #enalty does not a##ly to
;n both the I*la'1 and the Ci%) game boards) some windows are blocked by
obLects on either the inside or outside. <hese blocked windows can :;< be
mo*ed through) but 3A: be +red through by ranged wea#ons or items.
<hese windows do :;< need to be barricaded to accom#lish the human
*ictory conditions.
#o$ %&e ZOM5IE PLAYER+ <he !ombie turn begins by s#awning new
!ombies. 4& there is a !ombie #layer) roll the white) 8/sided 7irection die and
#lace . !ombies anywhere on the +rst row o& s%uares at that edge o& the
board (on a roll o& ?4@7) the !ombie #layer chooses the side o& the board.
4& there is no !ombie #layer) roll both the black) 9/sided 7irection die and the
red .0/sided die &or each !ombie to determine the e"act s%uares on which
they will a##ear (all game boards ha*e stickers numbered '/.0 on the
s%uares along all - edges o& the board. 4& that s%uare is occu#ied) roll again.
Regardless o& whether there is a !ombie #layer or not) when #laying the
C&u$3& game board) roll the white) 8/sided 7irection die. ;n a roll o& the red
?4@7) #lace a !ombie on the o#en gra*e in the cemetery. ;n a roll o& the
white ?4@7) #lace a !ombie on the o#en gra*e in the mausoleum. <he
ma"imum number o& !ombies on the board is limited to - times the number
o& human +gures that are currently on the board. 4& the ma"imum number o&
!ombies is on the board at the start o& the !ombiesJ turn) no new !ombies
may be s#awned. >*en i& !ombies are killed) the !ombie #layer still s#awns
only . new !ombies at the start o& their turn u# to the ma"imum number.
<he !ombie #layer then acti*ates each indi*idual !ombie +gure) including the
!ombies Lust #laced) u# to . A5s. (Dombies are much slower than humans)
but there are much more o& them. <he &ollowing !ombie actions cost ' A5
M Mo.e /o$0a$1 o'e *2ua$e N Bo*e one s%uare in the direction the !ombie
+gure is &acing. 7iagonal mo*ement is not allowed. Anything on the board
that looks like an obstacle (i.e. couches) shrubs) rocks) etc. 4S an obstacle
and cannot be mo*ed through. ?indows do not cost e"tra A5s &or !ombies to
crawl through. 4& - !ombies line u# against a barricaded window or door
(connected by solid s%uares) no diagonals) although it does not ha*e to be a
straight line) the !ombie directly adLacent to the barricade can break it by
walking through it. A !ombie must mo*e through a barricade to break it. 4&
the s#ace on the other side o& the barricade is occu#ied by a human (&acing
any direction) the barricade is held u# and cannot be broken.
M Tu$' le/% o$ $ig&% N <urn 60 degrees to the le&t or right.
M 5i%e N <he !ombie +gure must be directly adLacent to and &acing a human
+gure. Roll the black Bite 7ie. ;n a roll o& B4<>) the !ombie success&ully
bites the human. 4& bitten) mo*e the human +gure one s%uare directly back
&rom the attack) as they &all back in shock. <he human #layer must then roll
the yellow 4n&ection 7ie) to check i& they become a !ombie. ;n a roll o&
4:F>3<>7) the human +gure is !ombi+ed) and is immediately re#laced with
a !ombie +gure. <hat human #layer is out o& the game. 4& a human becomes
a !ombie) any items or wea#ons they were carrying are still carried) but they
canJt be used. 4& a human #layer later kills that !ombie) those items are
immediately trans&erred to that #layer. 4& the total number o& !ombies
e"ceeds the normal ma"imum as a result o& one or more humans becoming
!ombi+ed) !ombies are not remo*ed &rom the board) but when !ombies are
killed new ones donJt res#awn until the number o& !ombies on the board is
under the new lower ma"imum number.
As a general rule) the !ombie #layer must mo*e herEhis !ombies
realistically. Dombies must always mo*e toward a s#eci+c goal (#re&erably
a human. <hey cannot cam# out at a location) unless there are no humans
within a reasonable distance. 4n any case) use your best Ludgment to ensure
that !ombies act like !ombies) and not well/trained army #latoons.
4n a game with no !ombie #layer) the &ollowing determines the !ombiesJ
choice o& actions. 4& there are any ties &or distances to targets) whiche*er
#layer is currently controlling the !ombies must use herEhis Ludgment to
make the most ad*antageous mo*e &or the !ombies. @ikewise) i& a situation
arises where a lower #riority action would make much more sense in the
conte"t o& the current turn) the #layer controlling the !ombies may o*errule
the normal #riorities in order to increase the ad*antage to the !ombies. <he
same a##lies to !ombie >*ent cards N whoe*er is controlling the !ombies
must make the decision that would most bene+t the !ombies.
#i$*% ($io$i%)1 5ITE. 4& there is a human directly in &ront o& the !ombie) the
!ombie will attem#t to bite. 4& the human is ne"t to the !ombie) the !ombie
will s#end ' A5 to turn) then s#end its second A5 to bite. 4& the human is
directly behind the !ombie) the !ombie will use both A5s to turn '90 degrees.
Se3o'1 ($io$i%)1 MO;E toward a &uma'. <he !ombie will mo*e toward
the closest human i& there is a human in the same room as the !ombie) in an
o#en area on the same side o& a building as the !ombie) or in a room with a
window that &aces into the room or o#en area in which the !ombie is currently
T&i$1 ($io$i%)1 MO;E toward a 1oo$ or a 0i'1o0. <he !ombie will mo*e
toward the closest door or window in an attem#t to enter the building i& there
is a door or window &acing into the room or o#en area in which the !ombie is
currently standing.
#ou$%& ($io$i%)1 MO;E toward a ba$$i3a1e. <he !ombie will mo*e toward
a barricade that is in a door or window that &aces into the room or o#en area
in which the !ombie is currently standing. 4& there are one or more other
!ombies standing at that barricade) this becomes the third #riority and the
!ombie will mo*e toward the line in an attem#t to break the barricade.
<here are two additional *ictory conditions &or the human #layers.
1< =E*3a(e i' %&e Ca$> N ;n the Hou*e game board) i& a human #layer
+nds the item called 3AR K>AS) all the humans ha*e the o#tion to esca#e in
the car. <he car can be entered through either side door (marked by arrows)
and the entire car counts as one s#ace) i.e. no mo*ement is necessary once
inside the car. All human #layers must be inside the car) and then the human
#layer with the 3AR K>AS must roll a 8 on the regular 8/sided die to
success&ully start the engine. >ach attem#t to start the car costs ' A5. ;nce
the engine starts) the humans esca#e and immediately win. But) i& - !ombies
#ile u# (connected by solid s%uares / no diagonals against one o& the car
doors) any humans inside are immediately !ombi+ed.
;n the I*la'1 game board) the boat acts the same way as the car) e"ce#t
there is only ' entrance s%uare into the boat. =se the 3AR K>AS to start the
;n the Ci%) game board) the truck acts the same way as the car) e"ce#t
humans may also ho# into the back o& the truck to esca#e. ;nly the holder o&
the 3AR K>AS is re%uired to enter the &ront o& the truck and start it with a roll
o& 8) as normal.
2< =T&e Cella$> N 4& a human #layer +nds <he 3ellar card while searching)
that search s%uare becomes the door to the 3ellar) and the 3ellar board is
brought into #lay. (<hat search s%uare is no longer searchable. <he 3ellar
has its own search s%uare in it) which must be searched and now counts
toward the human *ictory conditions. But) instead o& barricading the entire
outside o& the house) the humans now ha*e the o#tion o& barricading
themsel*es in Lust the 3ellar to win the game. All search s%uares must still
be searched &or a human *ictory. <he 3ellar card counts as an >K>:< card)
so you can kee# drawing &rom the deck until +nding an 4<>B or ?>A5;:.
=SHORTER GAME> / 4& you want to #lay Dombie 5lague but donJt ha*e the
80/60 minutes that it might take to #lay) or i& you want a #otentially easier
*ictory condition &or the humans) there is a way to shorten the game length
without taking away &rom the e"#erience. 4nstead o& ha*ing the human
#layers barricade the entire house to win the game) the human #layers must
barricade themsel*es in any single room o& their choice to win. All other
*ictory conditions still a##ly. 4n order to kee# the game challenging) you may
wish to #lay with &ewer hero +gures.
=THE TRAITOR> / Be&ore the game) #re#are enough small sli#s o& #a#er &or
each human #layer #lus ' e"tra. For e"am#le) i& there are - human #layers)
#re#are ( sli#s o& #a#er. ;n one o& these sli#s o& #a#er) write the word
<raitor) and lea*e all the others blank. 2a*e all the human #layers draw
one and secretly look at it. 4& someone draws the <raitor sli#) he or she is
now the <raitor and has se#arate *ictory conditions to win the game. <here is
a chance) due to ha*ing ' e"tra sli# that no one is the <raitor. 4n order to win)
once all the search s%uares ha*e been searched) the <raitor must barricade
himEhersel& inside any one room alone) with no other humans or !ombies
inside. At the start o& any turn a&ter all search s%uares ha*e been searched)
the <raitor may re*eal himEhersel& by announcing that they are the traitor. ;n
that turn only) the <raitor gets 8 A5s and may steal one item or wea#on &rom
an adLacent human #layer &or &ree. ;nce the <raitor is barricaded in a room
alone) sheEhe wins the game. 2uman #layers can attack each other in a
game #layed with <he <raitor *ariant) e*en be&ore the <raitor has been
re*ealed. ?hene*er a human #layer is killed or !ombi+ed) they must re*eal
whether or not they were the <raitor. 4& the <raitor chooses not to re*eal
himEhersel& be&ore the end o& the game and the humans ha*e success&ully
com#leted all the *ictory conditions) then the <raitor is &orced to re*eal
himEhersel& at that #oint and must attem#t to achie*e herEhis se#arate
*ictory conditions. <he human #layers cannot win the game until the <raitor
has been killed.
=2? 8AYS LATER>N <his is a little mini/game that can be tacked onto the
end o& a game in which the humans ha*e won by barricading themsel*es in
the house (or the 3ellar) or any one room) de#ending on the *ictory
conditions youJ*e chosen or esca#ed in a *ehicle. 4t simulates a #ossible
&uture a &ew weeks a&ter the human #layers ha*e success&ully sur*i*ed. <he
:ational Guard ne*er came to the rescue) swarms o& !ombies can still be
heard shuIing outside the barricades) and e*eryone is starting to crack
under the tension and emotional strain. Begin this mini/game as soon as the
+nal barricade has been #laced or the *ehicle has been started. <urns
continue as normal) e"ce#t the !ombies are no longer in #lay (&or the only
#ossible e"ce#tion) see below. Search s%uares can still be searched (i& that
#articular character hasnJt searched it yet) but no one can #ass through or
take down any barricades. >ach human #layer on their turn) be&ore they use
their A5s) rolls the regular 8/sided die. 4& any #layer rolls a ( or 8) e*eryone
loses their mind and the humans begin attacking each other. @ast one ali*e
wins. (As an added bonus) you can #lay that when a human is killed) they
ha*e to roll the yellow 4n&ection die to see i& they come back as a !ombie.

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