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Build Your ASE

ASE is a Yoruba word meaning command, power, and authority Depending on the cont
ext its being used. Ability to make whatever statement you make come to pass or h
appen. You can also call it the ability to compel nature to bend to your will (n
ature; Animate & Inanimate objects)
This type of ASE could be Either God given (born with) or Acquired. The acquired
one could further be divided into the following.
Physically Prepared (Herbs & Formulas)
Passed on (Psychically, through touch, swallowing of Objects, a gaze, or other m
Developed through austerities, observances of fasts and penance.
Regular practice of a particular process or routine (like regular worship of ones
Orisha, Chanting a sacred name, or regular performance of a potent ritual).
Our major focus is going to be on the physically prepared ase.
Generally speaking ASE could be in the form of the spoken word, the nature of an
object (eg. the poison of a snake is its ASE and its nature to sting), aura tha
t an entity posses or anything peculiar to a certain character. Herein I focus s
olely on the spoken word & how it is developed the African way, through the Yoru
ba mystical system or practice.
Based on my definition of ASE I will state the major charms that represent ASE,
its process of preparation, how they work and their degree of potency.
We have the:
Mayehun; Means Refuse me not It is used when you want a person to grant your req
uest, it could be used in wooing a lady, request for money from a neighbor, a ti
ght fisted friend or a wealthy man. Note it must be in a polite manner. There is
a simple incantation that goes with some Mayehun formulas.
In Yoruba Language; Orun Lo ngba towo omode
Orun Lo ngba towo agba
Translation: Sleep takes from the young
Sleep takes from the old
Part of the preparation goes thus. You put a cowry in each hand when going to sl
eep . The following morning it would have dropped from your hands. Pick them up
and pound them with the remaining herbs.
Afose; This is usually prepared with black soap and put inside an animal horn; i
t could be a Rams, Cows, Antelope etc. Afose means speak and come to pass or speak
and happen. This is a quite advanced form of ASE. There are various formulas an
d some are quite powerful. However note that it is not a general rule that all A
fose be mixed in Black soap and kept in horns.
Whatever is spoken might happen immediately or later in future depending on the
potency of the charm or the nature of issue the ASE is addressing. Our forefathe
rs possessed some Afoses that they used to control nature elements like rain, fi
re etc. I personally had one that I used to stop a car from starting; I have per
sonally seen one that was used to dry up a very big tree in three days. The tree
was cursed with that Afose. With the Afose you could place a curse (Epe) on any
object. A chameleon is usually one of the ingredients that plays a prominent ro
le in its preparation, at times the head of a black cobra is used too.
Gbetugbetu; This is more of a hypnotizing charm. The person under the spell does
nt really know what he is doing. I dont really know the meaning of Gbetugbetu but
I know what it does. It is used in compelling people to do the most impossible t
hings. Things they would naturally not do or refuse to do. It is somewhat diffic
ult to prepare but there are some simple formulas too, however they also vary in
degree of potency. The powerful ones that I know has in it as part of its ingre
dients the rope that a man hanged himself with. To Illustrate its power I would
narrate an incident that happened which was manipulated by the use of Gbetugbetu
. A friend once used it to call a stubborn but pretty lady into his room (Normal
ly she would have shunned him right off). When she got inside he commanded her t
o strip, which she instantly did, but he didnt touch her. 3 days later the girl c
ame to her senses, he confronted my friend and an argument broke out. It was set
tled but after that incident the girl avoided my friend from then onwards.
Moral of story You dont play such jokes cos youve got the power.
Our forefathers used it when they were attacked by a gang of thieves; they just
commanded them to fight or hand over their weapons.
Olugbohun; The sound picker. It is believed to be a powerful spirit, that picks
whatever is said and makes it happen, if not immediately very soon. (Even if u m
istakenly curse your children out of frustration). Now this is not a genie that
will drop things physically in front of you, like food, wine and a flying carpet
. However it will create a situation that will cause your request to be meet. It
is not kept in the house but far away in the bush and its consulted only once i
n a while. It is very powerful, and can be used in the arts and practice of blac
k magic, if the owner is a bad person.
This mini write up is to educate people on Africa & the Yoruba race in particula
r, the power that is inherent in their charms and what obtains in the society vi
s -a -vis makumba, voodoo, babalawo, ologun or whatever you will call it. In thi
s write up I have discussed the ASE and its external preparation. I must state h
ere that it can be internalized so you do not carry any charm with you or need t
o go to a corner of your room to use your charms. I will divulge a bit of that i
n a minute. This is not a comprehensive work or a professional work but a concis
e work from a student of the arts, seeking knowledge but also ready to share wha
t he has. There are a lot of things I have left unsaid and skipped here because
it would take a whole book to do justice to the topic.
There is a simple formula that we might use to enhance our ASE internally, so th
at every spoken word of ours backed with hard concentration comes to pass. Obi ol
ojumerin 4 pieces kola nut, or kola nut that can be divided into 4 parts take a
bite, Orogbo - bitter kola, take a bite, Efun Lime chalk, take a bite chew with
a sip of dry gin, every morning. I do not know the names of leaves in English &
I do not know if youll have them in your country so am in a fix.
Truth if practised is believed to develop mans ASE. A man that has adhered to tru
th all his life, avoided the use of obscene words, doesnt swear and talks only wh
en necessary.is bound to have ASE on his tongue. His very speech is said to be o
rdained by God. The Odu Ifa Osatura talks about truth. The regular chanting of t
he verse coupled with a certain ritual strenghtens ones ASE.
If youll need any more enlightenment on the topic or any other form of clarificat
ion relating to Yoruba charms you can contact me through my email address.

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