Audio Synthesis by Bitwise Logical Modulation
Audio Synthesis by Bitwise Logical Modulation
Audio Synthesis by Bitwise Logical Modulation
Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08), Espoo, Finland, September 1-4, 2008
Jari Kleimola
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)
Helsinki University of Technology, TKK
Espoo, Finland
The synthesis of rich audio spectra requires usually complex
source waveforms, a large number of simple source components,
or increased algorithmic complexity. This paper describes an
implementation, which shows that simple elementary bitwise
logical operations (OR, AND, XOR) possess power to produce
such spectra. Applying these operations to two sinusoidal audio
oscillators produced wide variety of new harmonically related
sonic material. The synthesis method is efficient to implement
and easily controllable, but it is not generally band-limited.
Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08), Espoo, Finland, September 1-4, 2008
These properties hold also when operands A and B are replaced included in PD distribution did not work as expected). Because
by audio waveforms. Equation (2) can be verified also from fig. audio operations in PD are performed in floating point format,
2, where sinusoidal source waveforms S1 and S2 are drawn with and because C language logical operators are only able to handle
dotted lines, their XOR resultant as a thick line, resultant OR as a unsigned integer operands, it was necessary to transform between
thin blue line, and resultant AND using a thin red line. It might the two representations. 24 bit samples were used in integer
be also noted, that the sum of OR and AND resultants equals the space in order to avoid the problems with overflowed two’s
sum of S1 and S2. complement values1.
Furthermore, because of (2), and because OR and AND
resultants are bounded by maximum and minimum values of 3.2. Implications of the basic logical modulation properties
source waveforms S1 and S2, logical modulation operation can
not produce a result value that is larger in magnitude than the If all source oscillator parameters are equal, then according to
maximum value of the source waveforms, i.e., (3), there should be no output sound. The tests revealed that this
was indeed the case. The fact should be considered in practical
| [S1 OPER S2](t) | ≤ | max[ S1, S2 ] | (4) implementations, because the cancellation effect can happen with
any set of synthesis parameter states. However, once that was
realized in tests, it was relatively easy to tweak the parameters so
that there were no dropouts.
The tests validated also that equation (1) was correct. The
implication of this is that there is no explicit carrier/modulator
relationship in bitwise logical modulation. Equation (2) was not
directly evaluated, but it seems that its consequence (4) holds. In
other words, it is possible to bound the amplitude level of the
synthesized output, so the algorithm is stable.
There were several implications of the sign rule. The
rectification creates a sharp corner at half-wave zero crossing,
and introduces thus more upper end spectral content. This has
Figure 2: Logical operations on sinusoidal waveforms. some interesting use cases, see for example the rectified sine
Low sample rate was used to avoid cluttering the figure. discussion in section 3.4. It is also possible to remove the full-
Fig. 2 also shows that the XORed resultant is full-wave wave rectification effect of XOR operation by breaking the sign
rectified. Although that is a special case (i.e., the waveform is not rule inside the logic block of the instrument, and reverse the
generally symmetric), it has important implications which shall polarity of the rectified segment. This cancels the octave shift
be discussed in the next section. This property is due to two’s effect of rectification. It should be noted, though, that XOR
complement representation of negative numbers, resulting that operation does not necessarily produce symmetric waves.
XOR operation shares the rule of signs with multiplication Although certain synthesis parameter combinations are able
operation, i.e., the result is positive if both operands are of same to produce band-limited spectra, in general, the sharp edges
sign. OR operation is positive if both operands are positive, manifest themselves as aliasing. Because it is possible to detect
while AND is positive if either operand is positive. the positions of the edges, there might be a way to reduce these
The sixth basic property, also obtainable from fig. 2, is that artefacts. On the other hand, one might argue that because
the resultant waveforms tend to have sharp corners. These are bitwise logical modulation is a digital synthesis technique that is
due to local overflows, which occur because bitwise logical partly characterized by aliasing, it should be treated as an
operations ignore the carry bit resulting from operations on ingredient, and left intact.
previous digits.
3.3. Effects of the amplitude parameter A
3. TESTING AND ANALYSIS Frequencies and phase offsets of both oscillators were fixed
(f1=100Hz, f2=0Hz, θ1=θ2=0), A1 was initially fixed to full range
In order to validate the basic properties described in section 2, to (100), and A2 was varied between zero and full range.
gain understanding of their implications, and the effects of the At A2=0 there was naturally no XOR modulation, and the
synthesis parameters, XOR modulation tests were carried out output consisted of a single sinusoid generated by S1. When A2
using the instrument of fig. 1a. There were two identical was increased, a constant offset equal to A2 was added to the
sinusoidal oscillators S1 and S2 (bipolar within a range of -1..1), source sinusoid. However, due to the carry-less operation of
with independent parameters to control the maximum amplitude XOR, the amplitude axis was quantized into A2/100 ranges. The
A, frequency f, and phase θ of each oscillator. XOR operation ensures that the superimposed amplitude does
The synthesized audio files used in the following analysis, not exceed these limits by mirroring the overshoots at each step.
and the implementation with source code are available at [1]. The end result was that the carrier sine wave was decorated
by pulse- or ramplike steps (cf. fig. 3a-c). All waves synthesized
3.1. Implementation this way had buzzy pulse-like character with odd harmonics, and
Pure Data (PD) [6] patch was devised to realize the instrument of 1
fig. 1a, hosting custom C externals to implement the bitwise It is possible to optimize the code, because for example the SSE2
logical operations between source signals (the expr~ external processor instruction set has an XORPD instruction, which operates on
double floating point numbers directly.
Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08), Espoo, Finland, September 1-4, 2008
Figure 3: Constant XOR modulation (f2=0). a) A2=25, b) Figure 4: Rectified sine spectrum.
A2=49, c) A2=100, d) A2=100. a-c: A1=100, d: A1=1. of f2/f1. The most prominent ones seemed to occur at n/2 and n/3
(n=1,2,3..). Fig. 5 shows the spectrum when f2=f1 and A2=50,
3.4. Effects of the frequency parameter f corresponding to the situation depicted in fig.2.
The parameters of oscillator S1 were fixed (A1=100, f1=100Hz,
θ1=0). f2 was varied between 0..1200 Hz, and the amount of
modulation A2 was first set to low values (0.01..1), and then
between 1..100.
As discussed above, by setting A2 = 0.01 and f2 = 0, there was
just one spectral component located at f1. When f2 was then
increased above zero, the spectrum was spread into lower and
upper sidebands, with components located at f1 – kf2 (k=1,2,..).
According to [2, page 76], this is similar to what RM produces
for a periodic modulator and a sinusoidal carrier wave. In that
case, the RM modulator has to be more complex than a mere Figure 5: Spectrum of XOR wave plotted in fig. 2.
sinusoid. With XOR modulation sinusoid is sufficient, and as a
result, the generated spectrum is more harmonically related than
3.5. Effects of the initial phase offset parameter θ
the complex source RM product.
When f2 was still increased, the sidebands moved further Phase offset θ1 was fixed to 0, while θ2 was varied between zero
apart. However, the negative frequencies of the lower sideband and 2π (corresponding to full wavelength).
were reflected at 0 Hz, causing them to move towards the upper Because of the sign rule, and because source waves were
sideband. Eventually, when the upper sideband and the mirrored sinusoidal, changing the initial phase offset inverted portions of
frequencies overlapped or arranged themselves in a harmonic the resultant wave. The symmetry of the source waves affected
relation, a steady state tone was produced. These states seemed to that between 0..π the inverted portion gradually changed from
occur when the frequency ratio f2 / f1 was a rational number (e.g., non-inverted to full polarity flip, and then between π..2π back to
n/5, n/4 etc., where n is 1,2,...). At higher frequencies, steady the original non-inverted state again.
states were found at f2 = nf1. In between, the effects varied from subtle to dramatic,
The fundamental frequency component of the composite depending on the values of other parameters. For example,
sideband spectrum was one of the reflected partials. Usually, the setting phase offset to π/2 in the rectified sine of fig. 4 raised the
steady state was achieved when the fundamental and the upper levels of upper harmonics, making the sound brighter and closer
part of the spectrum were at odd harmonic relation, producing a to that of a sawtooth. On the other hand, using the parameters
pulse-like timbre (the even harmonics were observable, but they defined in fig. 2, the entire shape of the resultant was affected in
had lower amplitudes). However, at f2=f1 all harmonics were more dramatic ways.
present, and because the modulation amount was very low (A2 =
0.01), the spectrum was almost alias-free, mellow sawtooth
produced by a rectified sine waveform (see fig.4 and also [7]). 3.6. Effects of unipolarity of oscillator S1
By increasing the modulation amount A2 above 1, the AM employs a unipolar modulator [2]. This will produce three
behaviour was somewhat different, because even at f2=0, there spectral components (fc–fm, fc and fc+fm) for a sinusoidal carrier-
was already upper level content in the spectrum (as defined by modulator pair (cf. fig. 1c). If the instrument shown in fig. 1a is
A1/A2, see section 3.3). When f2 was increased above zero, the modified so that S1 is unipolar, XOR modulation will produce
principle of two sidebands and mirrored partials was still valid, these three components at the low end of the spectrum, but in
but the generated spectrum was more complex because of the addition, there will be more groups of three components at kf2±f1
initial spectral content. Setting f2<20 Hz (i.e., to control rate), S2 (k=1,3,5..), filling the upper side band of the spectrum (cf. fig.
started operating as a low frequency oscillator, cycling through 1d). There are also less prominent groups of three at kf2±f1
the XOR generated waveforms of fig. 3 in a stepwise manner. (k=2,4,6,..). This is also in accordance with complex source RM.
The transition between the waveforms had more of a rhythmic Increasing the modulation amount adds distortion and affects
character than a smooth morph, and each cycle was further thus also the balance of partials.
affected by pops that occurred when the oscillator parameters
reached identical states, in accordance to equation (3). At f2>20
Hz (i.e., at audio rate), there were still steady states at some ratios
Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08), Espoo, Finland, September 1-4, 2008
3.7. Animation square waves, and to smoothly morph between the two. At higher
modulation amounts, a wide variety of more complex waveforms
Phase offset could be easily animated by detuning the oscillators can be generated, including those resembling fat supersaw/square
by few cents. Again, the effect was dependant on the settings of timbres that would otherwise require larger number of interacting
other parameters, but detuning amounts below 20 cents produced oscillators.
fat, moving textures particularly on the more distorted resultant
The spectrum consists of two layers. In the first layer the
waves (like the one shown in figures 2 and 5). The timbres were
components are positioned as in ring modulation (XOR) or as in
similar to supersaw/squares of some subtractive synthesizers.
amplitude modulation (OR, AND) with complex modulator and
Because the texture of these sounds is quite thick, aliasing
sinusoidal carrier. The second layer is produced by distorted
artefacts were considered tolerable (sound samples are available
waveforms, and it is located at the upper end of the spectrum.
at [1]). As discussed above, it was also possible to get various
The second layer is not present when modulation amount is very
rhythmic effects by setting one of the oscillators to operate at
small, but for higher values, it produces aliasing. However,
lower control rate frequencies.
aliasing is considerably smaller with sinusoidal source waves
Modulating the amplitude or frequency of either oscillator S1 than when more complex input sources were to be used.
or S2 produced similar results. Audio rate AM was able to
We estimate that the most obvious application of bitwise
generate the thickest timbres. Most effective frequency ratios of
logical modulation synthesis is in the production of rich source
fm / f1 were identical to those found in section 3.4. When audio
material for further processing. The benefits are in the efficient
rate AM was coupled with oscillator detuning, the sound could
production of both simple and complex harmonic waveforms.
be considered very rich and evolving (sound samples are
The disadvantages include lack of generality and aliasing.
available at [1]).
Further work is needed on determining the structure of the
As a final example, fig. 6 shows a smooth morph between
upper end of the distortion spectrum and its relation to synthesis
pulse – sawtooth – pulse waveforms. The morph was produced
parameters. Also, interesting work could be done by studying
by tweaking A1 between 0-100-0, (A2=1, f1=f2=100 Hz, θ1= π/2,
more complex logical expressions and their effect on the
θ2=0, S1 unipolar). The upper part of the spectrum is omitted
produced spectrum.
from the figure for clarity.
The author would like to thank Prof. Vesa Välimäki for helpful
comments on the paper. This work has been co-funded by the
European Union (EU) as part of the 6th Framework Research
Programme with the project CALLAS (ref. 034800).