Fluke 45
Fluke 45
Fluke 45
0 3
45 Dual
Display Multimeter
Maximum versatility
in a single instrument
Accessories and
Ordering Information
I n clu d e d A cce sso ri e s
Line cord, TL 71 test leads, operators
manual, and Quick Reference Guide.
O p ti o n s
Field/customer installable: Fluke 45-01K
Rechargeable Lead-Acid Battery Kit
Fluke 45-05K IEEE-488.2 Interface Kit
O p ti o n a l A cce sso ri e s
C40 Soft Carrying Case
M00-200-634 Rack Mount Kit
RS40 6 RS-232 Terminal Cable
RS41 6 RS-232 Modem Cable
S45 QuickStart 45 Software
O rd e ri n g I n fo rm a ti o n
Fluke 45 Dual Display Multimeter
Fluke 45-01 with Factory-Installed
Fluke 45-05 with Factory-Installed
IEEE-488.2 Interface
Fluke 45-15 with Factory-Installed
Battery and IEEE-488.2
The Fluke 45 is a feature-rich 5-digit,
100 000 count meter that truly fits all
applications and virtually any
measurement need - on the workbench or
in the field. Two multifunction displays
and 16 different measurement capabilities
allow wide ranging versatility at an
affordable price.
The Fluke 45 delivers high
performance and flexibility for
manufacturing test, depot and field
service, as well as R&D applications.
G Multifunction vacuum fluorescent
dual display allowing the user to
measure two different parameters
of the same signal from one test
connection, and view both
measurements at the same time.
G True-RMS voltage and current,
including ac + dc
G RS-232 interface standard,
IEEE-488.2 option
G Frequency measurement to 1 MHz
G dB measurements: 21 selectable
reference impedances. From 2 to 8000,
and audio power from 2 to 16
G Compare (Hi/Lo/Pass) function for quick
in-tolerance tests
G 0.05% dc current accuracy for 4-20 mA
current loop service
G Closed-Case Calibration: Calibration
can be performed via the RS-232
(or optional IEE-488.2) interface or
manually from the front panel. No
internal adjustments are required
G Quickstart accessory software
package; allows quick set-up and
effortless communication between the
Fluke 45 and an IBM PC or compatible.
Custom test procedures are easily
created, saved, and recalled
Safety Conformance
All inputs are protected to EN61010-1
CAT II 600V and CAT I 1000V. UL listed.
Multifunction Vacuum Fluorescent Dual Display
True-RMS Voltage and Current Measurement, Including AC + DC
0.05% DC Current Accuracy for 4-20 mA Current Loop Service
Standard RS-232 Interface
Optional IEEE-488.2 Interface
Frequency Measurement to 1 MHz
dB Measurements
Min/Max Mode
Relative Mode
Compare (Hi/Lo/Pass) for Quick In-Tolerance Tests
Closed Case Calibration
Optional: Rack-Mount Kit
Touch Hold
Diode Test/Continuity
300mV-1000V 0.025% + 2 1 V-0.01V
300mV-750V 0.2% + 10 1 V-0.01V
-34-+60 0.08 dBm 0.01 dB-0.1 dB
30 mA-10A 0.05% + 2 0.1 A-10 mA
10 mA-10A 0.5% + 10 0.1 A-10 mA
300-100 M 0.05% + 2 0.001-1 M
5 Hz->1 MHz 0.05% + 1 0.01 Hz-1 kHz
R a n g e & R e so lu ti o n : If selected range is 100.000mV the resolution is 0.001mV
in that range
S i ze h x b x d ) : 216 mm x 93 mm x 286 mm
We i g h t: Net 2.4 kg; with battery 3.2 kg
O n e Ye a r Wa rra n ty : One year calibration interval
Display: 3000 Counts, 30 000 Counts, 100 000 Counts
Reading Rates: Fast (20 times per second), Medium (5 times per second), Slow (2.5 times per second)
Function Range Best Accuracy Resolution
(medium reading rate)
(True-RMS, AC Coupled)
Freq. 20 Hz-100 kHz
dB Readout
(600 Ref.)
(Ref. Z 2 -8000)
(True-RMS, AC Coupled)
Freq. 20 Hz-20 kHz