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Access To Higher Education Nursing

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Access to

Your essential guide to Access Courses
at University Centre Croydon
An introduction to Access
Many adults have the potential and the ability to study for a degree or
professional qualification but have been unable to do so because their previous
experience in education was disrupted for a variety of reasons, some of which
could be due to family issues, financial resources, social pressures or changes to
personal circumstances.
Alternatively, you may be seeking a career change and wish to develop skills in
new areas of study. Access courses are targeted towards providing you with a
further opportunity to gain qualifications and to progress to study for Diplomas,
Foundation Degrees, Honours Degrees, Postgraduate qualifications and
professional qualifications across a range of subjects.
Our Access students vary in age. The average age of our Access students is 30.
They come from a variety of backgrounds and ethnic origins and have a vast
range of life experiences. This diversity within the Access student population is
part of the strength of those who study Access courses in that they all share
similar desires to improve their current situation and to make positive changes
for the future.
Access courses blend together a range of topics in the subject area you are
interested in, underpinned by essential study skills to enable you to become a
competent, independent learner. We aim to provide you with a platform upon
which to develop your existing skills and to learn new ones which will ensure that
you are well prepared to meet the rigorous demands of Higher Education.
When you complete your Access course you will be awarded with a nationally
recognised Access qualification. Successful Access students are welcomed by
providers of Higher Education courses and perform as well as any other group of
students in university.
The excellent quality of work produced by our previous students who have
achieved the Access qualification has helped us to build a strong and growing
reputation with providers of Higher Education courses across London and other
parts of the country. This is reflected in the diversity of opportunities
presented to our students and the success they have achieved in
gaining degrees and professional qualifications during the past
ten years. Many students have also stayed on at University
Centre Croydon to complete their Higher Education studies.
Please take the time to read through the details within this
guide carefully. We recognise that by considering
returning to study you may have many questions.
Hopefully, you will find most of the answers in the
Frequently Asked Questions section. You will also have
an opportunity to ask further questions in your interview.
Keith Burn
Head of Division

Why University Centre Croydon (UCC)?
More than just studying
Frequently Asked Questions about Access Courses
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University Centre Croydon
Progression to UCC
Further Information
How to find us
Useful information
Questions to ask
General Information
Foundation for Access
Access to HE Diploma: Business Studies
Access to HE Diploma: Computing
Access to HE Diploma: Art & Design
Access to HE Diploma: Humanities & Social Science
Access to HE Diploma: Law
Access to HE Diploma: Nursing
Access to HE Diploma: Education Studies
Access to HE Diploma: Science
Access to HE Diploma: Social Science
Access to HE Diploma: Social Work
Why UCC?
UCC has been offering high quality specialist
Higher Education courses for over 30 years
and is one of the largest providers of HE
between London and Brighton.
Many people choose to study at UCC for both its size and convenient location. UCC is situated in the heart of Croydon, a thriving
multicultural centre with strong minority influences and links with many ethnic communities. We offer a range of qualifications
from Higher National Certificates (HNC) through to Foundation Degrees, Honours Degrees and Post Graduate courses, whilst
still keeping an informal and friendly atmosphere. Through the growing range of courses the skills and experience of teaching
staff and the excellent facilities, UCC provides a local, regional, national and international option to consider.
Members of UCC come from a diverse range of
communities with a variety of backgrounds and UCC
regards everyone as being of equal value. UCC is
determined that this diversity will be reflected in the
curriculum and every aspect of University life.
Equality & Diversity
Our Careers and Employability team provide Information,
Advice and Guidance (IAG) on all aspects of career
planning and career decision making. They can advise
you about what qualifications are needed for different
jobs, tell you about the types of courses available, and
help you to understand progression routes into Higher
Education, employment or training. Our staff also deliver
a variety of career workshops including: preparing for
university, UCAS applications, CV preparation and
interview skills.
Careers Guidance
During your time at UCC you will have access to help
from our experienced Student Advice Service who
manage a Drop-in Service for all students during
term-time (11.00am 3.00pm) and half-term
(11.00am-1.00pm). The Student Advice Service can
provide support in the following areas:
The counselling service offers students the time and
space to discuss and think about difficulties they may be
facing. The diversity within the team means that we can
offer a flexible, confidential, non-judgemental,
student-focused approach to problems.
Welfare Advice
Our staff have experience of working with all kinds of
problems ranging from sudden and unexpected distress
to long-standing issues. They offer advice, support and in
some cases advocate for students on a range of issues
including accommodation, residency, and legal issues. In
some cases they can also refer students to specialised
external agencies for assistance.
Our Student Advice Service are available to provide
Information, Advice and Guidance on issues such as:
family problems, accommodation, state benefits,
residency issues, childcare and legal problems. We have
a team of qualified counsellors on hand to support you if
you need advice or help with a personal issue or adjusting
to UCC life. Its amazing how talking things over in
confidence can help individuals to cope with and manage
situations better.
Other Services
The dedicated Higher Education library offers a
comprehensive range of flexibly delivered learning
opportunities and access to many resource-based
learning materials in a variety of formats. Qualified
librarians, trainers and lecturers, technicians and
assistants are on hand to help you with your work.
Alternatively, you can use self-study materials, watch
educational DVDs or use the internet and other computer
assisted learning facilities. There are also media services
available, including off-air recordings, studio services and
equipment loans.
The Study Skills Centre is based in the College library
and offers a range of learning support and open learning
opportunities. It also has a range of computer-based
resources, study packs and materials relating to all
UCC is committed to ensuring that, as far as possible, all
activities are accessible to all students. Learning support
is available for any student with a specific learning
difficulty or special need. If you would like to discuss any
learning support needs prior to starting your course or
during your course please contact the Learning Support
Team on 020 8686 5700 ext. 5931.
Learning Resources & Support
Everyone learns differently, so during your time at UCC
you can expect to experience different styles of learning
and a variety of methods of teaching. On all qualifications,
the emphasis is on supporting our students in developing
the skills associated with improving their own learning
and performance. All of the qualification teams consist of
staff with a variety of educational and industrial
experience. All members of staff keep up-to-date in their
subject area and prepare relevant topical resource
materials to use during their teaching.
Learning & Teaching
More than
just studying
At UCC students will have the opportunity to
broaden their experiences and enhance their personal
development through a variety of activities.
By taking part in the Enrichment programme, you will have opportunities to
pursue and develop other interests, get the chance to meet new people and
develop a wide range of skills to aid your progression into the world of work or
Higher Education. Enrichment activities engaged in by Access students
include: Spanish and French language classes, an exchange visit to Spain,
Poetry Caf, theatre visits, fundraising for charities and involvement in
Cultural Awareness Month.
Chefs, our industry standard Restaurant and Bar, offers a choice of fine dining
and bistro menu styles at very competitive prices to students, staff and the
public. The food is prepared and served by the Colleges Hospitality and
Catering students.
For more details call 020 8760 5830.
Student Voice succeeds in implementing changes and improvements that are
led by students. You have the opportunity to play an active role by
democratically electing representatives to voice the interests of all students
with the aim of improving the UCC community. Representatives act as a
channel of communication between the student body and senior
management, highlighting areas of concern on behalf of others. It is essential
you make your voice heard as it not only benefits the community around you,
but you will personally develop the skills and confidence to speak out about
issues that matter to you.
In addition, the UCC is affiliated with the National Union of Students (NUS). As
a student, you are automatically a member and entitled to a range of services
and discounts.
For more information visit: www.nus.org.uk
The College Hair and Beauty salon, Aura offers a range of hairdressing, beauty
and complementary therapy treatments at affordable prices to students, staff
and the public.
For more details call 020 8760 5867.
Enrichment Activities
Student Representation
FAQs about
Access Courses
Access courses on offer at UCC have been specifically
designed to meet the individual needs of adult learners
who are at least 19 years old, although the average age is
30. You will have had a substantial break from education,
for example, you may have been caring for a family or for
financial reasons you may not have completed your
education. However, you will have a desire to return to
and progress with your education and may be thinking
about going to university to study for a degree or
professional qualification.
Who are Access Courses for?
The Access courses awarded by the Open College
Network London Region (OCNLR) at UCC are offered
across 11 main areas, which include: Business Studies,
Computing, Creative Industries (Art and Design), English,
Law & Media, Nursing, Primary Teaching Studies, Social
Science, Science and Social Work.
Normally involving one year of full-time study, Access
courses are intensive and you will be expected to work
hard. Whilst the tutors and lecturers will provide you with
support throughout, you will be expected to call upon the
life skills you have gained through your time away from
education, for example, time management skills, planning
and identifying achievable goals and meeting deadlines.
What are Access Courses?
You should consider your long-term career aims, for
example, what do you see yourself doing in five years
time? You should also consider the existing skills that you
have gained from your life experiences. These could come
from work experience, voluntary experience or caring for
dependants. This will help you to identify the level of skill
and qualifications that you have in your area of interest.
This will assist us in identifying the skills we can help you
to develop in order to achieve your career aims.
Once you have identified your future career plan you are
then in a position to consider and discuss your Higher
Education opportunities and the most appropriate Access
course for you.
How do I choose the right course?
All Access students will be encouraged to develop their
study skills. These include learning how to take notes
from textbooks or in lectures, how to read to get the best
from your texts and how to write essays and reports. You
will also learn how to give presentations, how to plan your
research, how to use numbers effectively to analyse
research and how to pass exams. You will develop skills to
critically analyse the information you are given, the texts
you read and the discussions and debates you listen to. In
addition to this, you will learn how to present your findings
and write your essays and reports using computers to
word process, calculate and create diagrams.
You will learn about your subjects in a variety of ways:
work in groups, take part in discussions, give
presentations, go on visits, listen to guest speakers, watch
videos or study independently in the library.
What will I learn on the course?
Admissions procedures and criteria are employed to
ensure that applicants needs and capacities are
considered with reference to the characteristics of
particular courses and therefore, may differ in their
detail. This principle recognises that Access to Higher
Education courses are designed with reference to the
needs of applicants with varying backgrounds,
experiences and progression opportunities.
We will, therefore ensure that:
There is a match between the applicants aims and
goals and the primary aim of the course as a preparation
for study in Higher Education
The applicant has the potential to meet the demands of
the course and complete the course requirements
All applicants should have had a substantial break from
formal education
Successful applicants will be expected to have had
substantial experience of life outside of formal education,
gained since completing compulsory schooling and
Where an applicant has recently undertaken the whole,
or part of, another Level 3 course, the application will be
considered with careful reference to the above points.
Increasingly, university courses have expectations that
certain experience (e.g. Social Work) or certain
qualifications at GCSE or A Level (e.g. Science, Maths
etc.) may be needed before applying for an Access course.
In this instance, it would be necessary for you to
demonstrate that these experiences or qualifications can
be demonstrated prior to applying. A range of evidence
may be considered when assessing the potential of an
applicant to succeed on a particular course. Applicants
for Access to Higher Education courses are likely to come
from a range of backgrounds and exceptions to the above
criteria may be made so that applicants can demonstrate
their potential to succeed in a variety of ways and that
opportunities to participate in certain activities are not
limited by disability or by cultural or social background.
You will need to provide us with evidence of your
motivation and determination to succeed and to be able
to make a commitment to completing your studies. We
will invite you for an interview which will give you the
opportunity to tell us about your background and where
you have gained your existing skills and to tell us why we
should offer you a place.
We will also assess your existing level of Literacy and
Numeracy skills by inviting you to undertake an Initial
Assessment. At your interview there will be a further
assessment of subject specific skills related to your
Do I need qualifications?
You will be allocated a personal tutor who will monitor
your progress throughout your studies. Your tutor will
discuss, monitor and review your learning plan with you
as you progress and there will always be someone that
you can turn to for advice. Your tutor will also help you to
prepare your UCAS Application for university and will
provide the support to develop your personal confidence
and competence. You will meet your tutor each week as
part of a tutor group, where you will exchange ideas and
information. You will also meet your tutor for individual
review meetings where you will negotiate and decide
upon the targets that you will aim for during your studies.
How will my progress
be monitored?
The work you produce will be continuously assessed
throughout the year. Each time you complete a piece of
work you will submit this for assessment. Your lecturers
will assess your work and return it to you with a mark and
their comments on your progress. This means that at any
point during the year, you will always know exactly how
you are progressing towards your qualification.
When your work is assessed, the marks you are awarded
are called Credits. Each time you receive a Credit, you can
bank this into your Credit Account. This means that no
matter what happens to you throughout your studies, you
will keep the Credits you have achieved. You will be given
a Credit Statement at the end of the year and when you
have accumulated sufficient Credits in your account that
match our successful completion criteria, you will be
awarded an Access qualification.
How will I be assessed?
chosen area of study. Each of these will assist us to
identify the most appropriate point for you to join an
Access course. Art students will additionally be asked to
bring along some evidence of their artistic abilities.
Science students will be asked to undertake specific
assessment of knowledge in these areas.
Credits awarded on Access courses are designed to be
cumulative. This means that you can build them up as you
go. Although we anticipate that the majority of students
will complete their studies in one year, some students
may have to leave before the course is finished.
Any Credits you gained remain yours and are valid for
three years from the time you first register. So, if you are
able to return to complete your studies, you can continue
and add to the Credits you already have. However, you
must submit your completed work at the end of the
academic year in order to be awarded a Credit record.
What if I have to leave the course?
An Access qualification is recognised by universities and
other institutions as an entry qualification. Although this
does not guarantee entry to any institution, it does
confirm that you have completed an intensive course of
study that has prepared you for entry to university. You
may find that universities will wish to interview you and
we find that most are impressed with the calibre of
Access candidates.
You will be supported throughout the UCAS (Higher
Education application) process by your personal tutor
who will assist you to negotiate your way through the
admissions system. We have developed good
relationships with many of the local Higher Education
providers in the London region who highly regard UCC
Access students.
What can I do with an Access
We have over 15 years experience providing Access
courses and have a dedicated team of lecturers and
tutors who can guarantee you a first class learning
experience. Our staff are enthusiastic about learning and
will encourage you to build your academic and personal
skills to meet the needs of Higher Education. In addition
to your regular classes, we also provide a wide range of
other activities for Access students, which include:
Spanish Exchange - We have developed links with
colleges in Gijon, a city in Northern Spain and have
regular exchange visits with students at these colleges.
This offers students the opportunity to conduct research
in Spain and to learn a little about another language and
culture. The Spanish Exchange is supported with weekly
Spanish language classes where you will learn some of
the basic phrases to help you communicate in the
worlds third most spoken language. Students will have
to meet the cost of the overseas visit.
Social Events - Access students regularly organise
social events at the start of the year where all Access
students begin to get to know one another. Mid-year we
hold a reunion with past students who can advise you on
what life is like at university and again at the end of the
year to celebrate your success. Access students have
also been involved with fundraising for various good
causes as part of these events.
Access students are very supportive of each other and
these various activities provide opportunities for
students in different subjects to meet and to develop
study networks. So if you need someone to talk to about
your studies, on a weekend, you will know someone you
can contact.
Why should I study at UCC?
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
24+ Advanced Learning Loans are student loans similar to
Higher Education loans, but for the Further Education
sector. They are coming in from September 2013 for the
academic year 2013/14. Loans will be available for students
aged 24 and over, studying at Level 3 or Level 4, including
QCF Certificates and Diplomas, Access to HE, A-Levels and
Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships.
You can apply for a loan to meet the upfront costs of your
qualification, which will be paid directly to the College on
your behalf. If you dont take out a loan, you will be
expected to meet the course costs yourself.
Even people over 24 who were previously entitled to free
tuition will have to take out a loan for any Level 3 course
from September, i.e. the old fee remission entitlement
doesnt apply.
Who is eligible for a 24 + Advanced Learning Loan?
Individuals who are:
Aged 24 or over at the start of their course
Resident in the UK
Loans will not be means tested (or subject to credit
checks) and any individual who meets the criteria above
will be able to apply for a loan irrespective of their current
employment status.
What does it means for me?
You don't pay anything up front for your course fees and if
you're not earning over 21k, you don't pay anything back.
If your loan is for an Access to Higher Education
programme and you progress and complete Higher
Education study, you will not have to pay back your loan.
How and when do I need to apply?
You will be able to apply online. You cannot apply to the
College. The loan application process will launch in
March/April 2013 for the academic year 2013/14.
People with the highest education qualifications tend to
earn more. Those educated to Level 3 earn around 15 per
cent more per hour. Those who progress into Higher
Education can earn 45 per cent more per hour compared to
someone with a Level 2 qualification. A degree qualification
improves your likely earnings by 85 per cent per hour.
More information will become available throughout the
year and you should contact the Student Advice Service
on 020 8686 5700 ext. 3498 or see our website for
up-to-date information.
Students between 19-23 years old will be assessed on
their fee situation, dependent upon their personal
How much will it all cost?
For up-to-date information, please contact the Student
Advice Service on 020 8686 5700 ext. 3498.
Can UCC provide any
financial support?
Access courses begin in September and continue
through to July. If you are keen to start straight away, we
would encourage you to join one of our basic skills
courses, which will help you improve your study skills
and prepare you for your Access course. There are also
individual study opportunities to improve your Numeracy
and Literacy skills through Learndirect.
When can I get started?
You should complete the application form for Access to
Higher Education, which is included in this guide; ensure
you include as much relevant information as possible.
As part of the application process you are required to:
Answer all questions
Complete the writing exercise
Ask someone who knows you, who is not a close
relative, partner or personal friend to complete a short
reference about you
Return the application form to the Admissions Office.
Please see page 22 for the College address.
Once we have received your application, we will invite
you for an Initial Assessment and an interview where you
will have an opportunity to discuss your future plans
with members of the Access team. Additional copies of
the application form for Access to Higher Education are
available from the Course Information Centre, or by
visiting our website www.croydon.ac.uk.
How do I apply?
circumstances. For example, those applicants who
have not already gained a Level 3 qualification and who
are in receipt of qualifying benefits will be entitled to a
reduction in fees.
Books, Learning Materials and Stationery - All Access
students are required to provide their own stationery
and books to support their independent study. There
are certain learning/study packs, produced by
lecturers, which are required for study; these can be
purchased from the Office at cost price. You will be
advised by your individual subject lecturers of any
essential texts or study guides that you will be
expected to purchase. Overall, you should anticipate
that this would cost in the region of 300, which would
cover the cost of materials and any trips/visits which
you may be encouraged to participate in.
for Access
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who have not yet met the entry requirements
to join the Access to Higher Education courses. This may
be due to any number of reasons and the Foundation for
Access course is designed to assist with the development
of the necessary study skills in Maths and English. These
are approached both directly, in classes, where these
subjects are studied, but also indirectly, through the
Individual and Society module. This module encourages
students to conduct some basic research, prepare
reports and essays, and presentation of their findings.
Foundation for Access students are also heavily engaged
in enrichment activities which take place outside of the
classroom. These have been a successful element of the
course for over 2 years and continue to be an outstanding
element of the students experience.
Students have been involved in a number of projects in
association with the Safer Croydon Partnership Unit,
London Borough of Croydon, the Ministry of Defence
Education Outreach Programme, Macmillan Cancer
Support fundraising, Operation Christmas Child, Heart
Start training and with UNICEF.
The Foundation for Access course is designed to run
over 3 days from 9.30am -3.00pm.
You will be expected to achieve Level 1 in Literacy and
Numeracy at Initial Assessment and you will have a
desire to develop your study skills in order to progress
onto an Access course.
In addition to the enrichment activities described above,
students will study:
Individual and Society
Entry requirements
The majority of successful students will progress to the
Access to HE Diploma in the area of their choice
supported by a statement from their tutor.
Business Studies
Diploma title: Access to HE Business Studies
Accounting / Business Accounting / Business Information
Systems / Financial Management / Banking and Finance /
Insurance / International Financial Management /
Investment Banking / Investment Risk Analysis /
Business Studies / International Management /
Management Science / Management Studies /
Transportation Management / Economic Science /
Economics and Political Development / International
Economics / International Relations / Philosophy and
Economics / Politics / Financial Management
This is a qualification designed to meet the needs of
those who wish to pursue a future career in the broad
field of Business and Management, which usually means
applicants will wish to develop a career working with and
managing people. Careers in the field of Business can be
very rewarding but can also be very competitive.
Therefore, applicants should seek to identify what it is
about your background and experience that you can use
as your unique selling point (USP). Applicants will be
expected to have good numeracy skills and have good
communication skills prior to joining this course.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this pathway will be
expected to already have gained a GCSE in Maths as this is
frequently a basic requirement for university. All
applicants will be expected to have good Numeracy and
Literacy skills and be able to achieve Level 2 in both at
Initial Assessment.
It would be valuable in supporting your application if you
can provide some evidence of having experienced working
in a role with some level of responsibility.
Students will study:
Business Maths/Level 3 Maths
Business Studies
International Economics
People Management
Study Skills
There is a potential for some applicants who have gained a
GCSE in Maths at grade B or above, or an AS Level Maths,
to study Maths at Level 3 instead of People Management.
Entry requirements For careers in:
Students progress to degree courses in Financial
Management, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Real
Estate and Property Development, and to a wide range of
Business degrees.
Many students choose to continue with their degree
studies at UCC. However, previous students have also
progressed to study for degrees at Kingston, London
Southbank, Greenwich, Aston and Brighton University.
For careers in:
Diploma title: Access to HE Computing
Computer Engineering / Artificial Intelligence / Computer
Aided Engineering / Computer Design and Manufacture /
Computer Science / Computer Systems Engineering /
Computer Programming / Computer Science /
Informatics Multimedia Systems / Information Systems /
Internet Engineering I.T Management / Business Decision
Analysis / Business Information Technology / Information
Technology / Software Design / Software Development /
Software Engineering
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who have an interest in developing a career in
Computing Software Design, and may already have
experience and an interest in gaming, or writing
programs. This course is most suitable to those
applicants who have a clear logical way of thinking and
can work well independently.
There is a wide range of careers available in the field of
Software Design and Management. However, the
university courses and the careers in this field are highly
competitive and will be available to those who can
demonstrate computing skills well through their
programme development experience.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this pathway will
already have studied Maths at GCSE grade C or above,
preferably having knowledge of AS Level Maths.
Applicants will also have studied some computing
previously or be able to provide evidence of programming
design or gaming skills. Applicants will be expected to
achieve Level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy at the Initial
Assessment and may be required to undertake a further
Maths assessment at interview.
Students will study:
Computer Programming
Web Design
Computer Hardware
Level 3 Maths
Study Skills
Entry requirements
Previous students have successfully progressed to degree
courses in Computing, Games Design and Software
Design at City and London Metropolitan University.
For careers in: Entry requirements
Creative Industries
Diploma title: Access to HE Art and Design
3-Dimensional Studies / Ceramics / Design and
Environment / Design History / Sculpture Art History /
Art History / Contextual Studies / Cultural Studies /
Conservation / History of Architecture / Environment /
Restoration / Design and Media / Design and TV
Production / Design in Digital Media / History of Film and
Photographic Media / Interactive Arts / Visualisation Arts
/ Fashion / Fashion and Business / Shoe Making /Design
/ Graphic Design / CAD / CDT / Eco Design / Multimedia /
Illustration / Virtual Reality / Visual Communications /
Interior Design Architecture / Design Management /
Garden/Landscape Design / Interior Design
Painting/Drawing / Fine Art / Graphic Art / Painting /
Photography / Photographic Practice / Creative Art / Film
Studies & Film Making / Photographic Imaging /
Photography / Photojournalism / Public Art / Time Based
Art Media / Product Design / Furniture Design / Product
Design Textiles / Cloth Design and Manufacture /
Knitwear & Textiles / Textile Design / Textile
Management / Textile Science and Technology / Theatre
Design / Performance Design / Visual Communication /
Visual Practice
This is a qualification designed to meet the needs of
those who wish to pursue a future career in the broad
field of Art and Design, which usually means you will
wish to develop a career working artistically. Careers in
the field of Art and Design are creative and will be
rewarding to those who can be innovative and have a
vision of how things may change in the future.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am 3.00pm
Applicants for this pathway will be expected to already
have some artistic or design experience. This can be
demonstrated at interview upon showing a comprehensive
portfolio of your own work which will provide us with an
indication of the potential that you may have in the area of
art and design that you wish to pursue in the future.
Applicants will also be expected to achieve Level 1 in
Numeracy and Level 2 in Literacy at Initial Assessment.
Students will study:
Fine Art
3D Design
Contextual Art History
Study Skills
In addition, there may be opportunities to develop
workshop skills, skills in printing, and graphic art;
although these are not the main focus of the pathway.
Students progress to degree courses in Fine Art, Fashion
(with Business), Interior Design, Sculpture and Graphics.
Whilst the majority of students choose to continue their
degree studies at UCC, previous students have also
progressed to study for degrees at: Kingston, Goldsmiths
and Ravensbourne University.
For careers in: Entry requirements
English, Law & Media
Diploma title: Access to HE Humanities and Social Science
Dramatic Arts / Film and Television Studies / Modern
Drama / Performing Arts / Performance Design /
Performance Writing / Professional Broadcasting /
Theatre Studies / Video and Audio Engineering / History
/ English / Librarianship / Linguistics / Literature /
Media / Script Writing and Authoring / Film, Video and
Audio / Journalism / Media Studies / Television Studies /
Literature / Politics / Theology Politics
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who have an interest in the Humanities. The
breadth of the content of this pathway will enable
applicants to develop their critical thinking and their
writing skills and will be of particular interest to those
who seek to study English, History, Media or Journalism
at university.
This pathway will be especially suited to those
applicants who are interested in reading a wide range of
literature, who have been involved in some writing of
poetry or prose, and who wish to develop their
knowledge and understanding of the written word and
the influences of writing and writers.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this pathway will
already have studied in English to GCSE level at grade C
or above. Alternatively, Applicants will be able to provide
evidence of your writing skills through work of your own.
In addition, applicants will be expected to achieve Level
2 in the Literacy Initial Assessment and at least Level 1
in Numeracy.
Students will study:
Media Studies
Study Skills
Successful students have progressed to degrees in
English, History and Journalism at London School of
Printing, Goldsmiths, London Southbank, Oxford,
Canterbury and SOAS University.
For careers in:
Entry requirements
Diploma title: Access to HE Law
Law / Legal Studies / Management Studies
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who seek to pursue a future career in the field
of Law, either as a solicitor, or as a barrister. A degree in
Law can also lead to a successful career in a
management role.
This course will be most suited to those applicants who
are clear about the demands of a Law degree and who
are already interested in reading a wide range of
literature, politics and current affairs.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am-3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this pathway will already
have studied English GCSE to grade C or above and will
be able to provide evidence of reading and writing skills
through an assessment exercise that will be completed at
interview. Applicants will also be expected to demonstrate
achievement of Level 2 in the Literacy Initial Assessment
and at least Level 1 in Numeracy.
Students will study:
English Legal System
Criminal Law
Civil Law
Study Skills
Many of our successful students choose to remain at UCC
to study for the LLB; equally others have progressed to
degrees in Law at London Southbank, Queen Mary and
Kingston University.
When I first joined UCC, I wanted to be a Probation
Officer; however, I was advised to do an Access to Social
Science course. I thought University was not for me and I
already knew a lot, but the more information I got from the
staff about the Access course, the more interested in the
course I became. Upon reflection, completing the Access
course was great! It gave me a lot of insight into the career
path I really wanted to pursue. The course allowed me to
develop my research skills and the diversity of the staff and
students at UCC broadened my horizons.
After completing my Access Course, I went in a different
direction and chose to study Criminology at Greenwich
University and later decided to go into teaching. Being a
Law and Public Health and Social Care Lecturer at UCC is
amazing and has had a positive effect on my life -
I love my job!
Case study
For careers in:
Diploma title: Access to HE Nursing
Nursing and Health Studies / Adult Nursing / Community
Health Studies / General Nursing / Mental Health /
Midwifery / Paramedic Science / Paediatrics
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who have an interest in developing a future
career mainly in Nursing, either adult, child, learning
disabilities, or mental health. Those who wish to develop
careers in Midwifery should be prepared to enter a highly
competitive environment for places at university.
There are two routes of study for this diploma:
Route 1 For those applicants currently employed in a
health care setting this qualification is delivered over 2
days each week from 9.30am 6.00pm.
Route 2 For those applicants who are not currently
employed in a health care setting, this qualification is
delivered over 4 days each week, between
9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this qualification will
already have experience of the challenges and rewards
that come from working with vulnerable people and those
who require care either through work, voluntary practice
or experience with family and relatives. Applicants will
also be required to achieve Level 1 in Numeracy and
Level 2 in Literacy at Initial Assessment.
Students will study:
GCSE Equivalent in Maths and English
Study Skills
Entry requirements
Successful students have progressed to study for a
degree in Nursing at Kingston, Kings, London
Southbank, Greenwich, Surrey, City and Brighton
University. Some students are also able to progress to a
degree in Midwifery at the above institutions.
During my Access to Nursing course, I was offered a
place to study Adult Nursing at the University of Surrey.
My course helped me to manage my time efficiently, as
well as highlighting a variety of ways to research and
learn, both as an individual and in group activities. I feel
more confident in my abilities to succeed at university, as
well as being more confident in facing new challenges.
Case study
For careers in:
Entry requirements
Primary Teaching
Diploma title: Access to HE Education Studies
Educational Studies with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
to teach in primary, secondary or Further Education.
This is a qualification designed to meet the needs of
those who intend to develop a career in Primary or Early
Years Teaching. Whilst careers in teaching can be hugely
rewarding, it can also be very challenging and require
applicants to have given this some considerable thought
in advance.
Applicants should be well organised and have the
capabilities to deal with many differing demands at the
same time. An understanding of the role of the teacher
will also be beneficial.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this pathway will be
expected to already have had some experience of working
with young children, either in a playgroup, or a classroom
setting. Applicants will be expected to have good English
skills and to achieve Level 2 in the Literacy and Level 1 in
the Numeracy Initial Assessment.
Students will study:
Education and Society
GCSE equivalent Maths
GCSE equivalent Science
Study Skills
You will be expected to undertake a primary school
placement for a half day for at least one term, and for this
you will be required to have a CRB clearance.
Many successful students have progressed to Qualified
Teacher Status (QTS) degrees at Roehampton,
Goldsmiths, Surrey, St Marys, Middlesex and
Kingston University.
I am now studying Early Childhood Studies at
Roehampton University and hope to be a primary school
teacher. Completing my Access course in Primary
Teaching at UCC prepared me to be the undergraduate
student that I am now. The wide range of subjects, the
endless help and motivation from lecturers and
wonderful people that I have met who share the same
interests as me contributed to the knowledge and
understanding of what to expect at University.
Case study
For careers in: Entry requirements
Diploma title: Access to HE Science
Biochemical Engineering / Biology / Biotechnology /
Genetic Biotechnology / Marine Biology / Medical
Engineering / Microbiology / Oceanography /
Architectural Engineering / Building Design /
Construction Management / Urban Development /
Geochemistry / Medical Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry
/ Applied Chemistry / Biochemical Engineering /
Chemical Engineering / Environmental / Information
Technology / Instrumentation / Manufacturing Chemistry
/ Civil Engineering / Coastal Engineering / Environmental
Engineering / Quarry and Road Surface / Structural
Engineering / Surveying / Electrical Engineering /
Cybernetics / Electromechanical / Electronic Engineering
/ Electronic Imaging / Micro Electronics / Robotics /
Dietetics / Consumer Studies / Food and Nutrition / Food
Management / Food Product Design / Food Product
Development / Food Science / Human Nutrition /
Environmental Health / Environmental Economics /
Environmental Geosciences / Environmental Human
Health / Environmental Management / Environmental
Policy / Environmental Science / Analytical Chemistry /
Applied Chemistry / Chemistry / Forensic Science /
Toxicology / Health Studies / Occupational Therapy /
Social Care / Social Work Optometry / Ophthalmic
Dispensing / Ophthalmic Management / Optometry /
Biochemistry / Biological Science / Pharmaceutical
Science / Pharmacology / Pharmacy / Pharmacy
Management / Physics / Applied Physics / Astrophysics /
Medical Physics / Meteorology / Natural Physics / Space
Science / Theoretical Physics Physiotherapy /
Chiropractic Studies / Osteopathy / Physical Education /
Physiotherapy / Sports Science / Podiatry / Health
Science / Radiography / Diagnostic Imaging / Diagnostic
Radiography / Therapeutic Radiography
This qualification is designed to meet the needs of those
applicants who have an interest in developing a future
career that involves scientific study or investigation.
Examples of these apart from studies in pure Chemistry,
Physics or Biology are Forensic Science, Dietetics,
Pharmacy and Radiography. This qualification will be
most suited to those applicants who have already gained
some experience through work or through volunteering
in the field.

This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants who seek to apply for this qualification will be
expected to have studied Maths and Science to GCSE
level and to have attained at least a Grade C. Applicants
who wish to apply for Pharmacy will be expected to have
studied to at least AS Level in Maths and Science.
Applicants will be asked to take a Maths assessment at
interview in addition to having demonstrated a Level 2 in
Literacy and Numeracy at Initial Assessment.
Students will study:
Level 3 Maths
Study Skills
Successful students have progressed to a range of
Science based degrees at Bath, University City London,
City, St Georges, Brighton and Southampton University.
For careers in: Entry requirements
Social Science
Diploma title: Access to HE Social Science
Anthropology / Anthropology of Religion / Egyptology /
Social Anthropology / Third World Studies / Behavioural
Science / Biological Psychology / Health Psychology /
Human Psychology / Physiological and Pharmacological
/ Child Care / Childhood Studies / Early Childhood
Studies / Community Education / Education and
Psychology / Social Care / Social Work / Counselling /
Educational Psychology / Organisational Psychology /
Psychoanalysis / Crime and Deviance / Psychology /
Social Psychology / Probation / Social Policy / Youth
Justice / Applied Psychology / Artificial Intelligence /
Health Psychology / Ergonomics
/ Social Psychology / Community Youth Studies /
Sociology / Criminology / International Relations /
Philosophy / Politics
This is a qualification designed to meet the needs of
those who wish to pursue a future career in the broad
field of Social Science, which usually means applicants
will wish to develop a career working with people; this
could include Sociology, Psychology, or Social Policy.
Careers in the field of Social Science are often
investigative, and as such can be very rewarding whilst at
the same time, demanding and challenging.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants for this pathway who seek to apply for degrees
in Psychology will be expected to already have gained a
GCSE in Maths. All other applicants will be expected to
have good Numeracy and Literacy skills and be able to
achieve Level 2 in both at Initial Assessment.
It will be valuable in supporting your application if you can
provide some evidence of having experience working with,
or providing voluntary support to others in the
community. This could be through working in the care
sector, with adults, the elderly, or children. Alternatively,
experience of voluntary or charitable work in the
community, youth work, mentoring, or experience of
advocacy on behalf of others will also be relevant.
Students will study:
Social Policy
Study Skills
GCSE equivalent in Maths
Students progress to degree courses in Psychology, Youth
Work, Youth Justice, Sociology and Social Policy.
Previous students have progressed to study for degrees
at: Kingston, London Southbank, Greenwich, London
Metropolitan, Sussex and Brunel University.
I am currently studying for my degree in Psychology at
Richmond International University. Being a mature
student has helped me acquire the right frame of mind
for studying at university. My Social Science Access
course has given me self-confidence to believe I am
capable of learning at university level. My attitude towards
the world has changed instead of accepting that things
are the way they are, I have learnt to question why and
into indulge more in current affairs.
Case study
For careers in:
Entry requirements
Social Work
Diploma title: Access to HE Social Work
For careers in: Probation / Social Care Studies / Social
Community Care / Social Policy / Social Welfare / Social
Work / Youth Work
This is a qualification designed to meet the needs of those
who wish to pursue a career as qualified social workers.
The Social Work profession can be highly rewarding but it
can also be demanding and challenging. You will already
be interested in social issues and politics.
This qualification is delivered over 4 days each week
from 9.30am - 3.00pm.
Applicants for this pathway will demonstrate maturity and
a high level of personal commitment. Applicants will be
open minded, patient, have determination and be
emotionally and physically resilient. Applicants will
already have good Numeracy and Literacy skills and be
able to achieve Level 2 in both Initial Assessments and
may be required to undertake an interpretation exercise
at interview.
In addition you will have gained experience of working
with or supporting vulnerable groups in the community.
This could be through working in the care sector, with
adults, the elderly, or children. Alternatively, experience
of voluntary or charitable work in the community, youth
work, mentoring, or experience of advocacy on behalf of
others will also be relevant.
Students will study:
GCSE equivalent Maths
GCSE equivalent English
Social Work theory & practice
Study Skills
Students progress to degree courses in Social Work.
Entry to Social Work degrees is usually through interview
where Maths and English skills are examined along with
your knowledge of the role of social workers. Other
progression routes can be into degrees in Youth Work,
Youth Justice, Sociology, Social Policy, or Psychology. You
will be expected to meet the requirements of an
enhanced CRB clearance.
Previous students have progressed to study for degrees
at: Kingston, London Southbank, Greenwich, London
Metropolitan, Sussex and Brunel University.
My Access to Social Work course was my first step in
pursuing my career, by providing me with a chance to
further my education. My tutors were very supportive and
ensured I remained on the right path to be successful on
my course. I am currently studying BA (Hons) Social Work
at London South Bank University.
Case study
to UCC
University Centre Croydon (UCC) is one
of the largest providers of Higher
Education between London and Brighton.
The majority of courses are validated by
the University of Sussex, which stands as
one of the top universities in the UK.
The combination of high quality, innovative courses, an excellent staff to student ratio and comprehensive tutorial support
makes UCC an outstanding choice for university level education. At UCC there are a range of HE qualifications, across full and
part-time modes of study, to meet individual needs. The following is a brief overview of the types of qualifications available.
Higher National Certificates (HNCs) are
vocationally-focused HE qualifications and are designed
specifically to provide a skills/career based qualification.
Certificates usually denotes part-time courses whereas
Diplomas tend to be full-time. They can also provide a
route to Honours Degree courses.
These courses enable students who have studied for
HNC/Foundation Degree courses to extend their
qualification to Honours Degree level with the equivalent
of approximately one year full-time or two years
part-time study.
Top-up degrees
Students are able to study qualifications whilst working
to improve their skills but also as recognition of the
skills necessary to undertake their job. Assessment is
through the compilation of a portfolio of evidence. The
table below shows how it is possible to progress from a
FE Level 3 qualification:
Work based qualifications
Masters Degree
Postgraduate Certificate /Diploma
Level 7
BA/BSc Honours Degree
Level 6
Foundation Degree
Diploma of Higher Education
Non-Honours Degree
Higher National Diploma
Level 5
Certificate of Higher Education
Higher National Certificate
Level 4
Access to Higher Education
AS/A Levels
BTEC National Certificate/Diploma
Foundation Diplomas
With the recent rise in tuition fees, studying locally is an
ideal solution as our fees are among the lowest in the
region, starting at 5,750 per year.
Each year over 1,000 people attend the annual Graduation
ceremony at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon.
We offer degrees and Higher Education courses in:
Art, Design and Media
Building Services Engineering
Early Childhood, Public Services and Social Care
Human Resources
Level 3
Postgraduate qualifications provide progression
opportunities for students with a degree or other
equivalent qualifications. These qualifications will include
knowledge at the forefront of an academic or
professional discipline.
Postgraduate qualifications
There is a broad range of higher level professional
qualifications in areas such as Finance, Human Resource
Management, Marketing and Purchasing. Students
normally undertake this type of study to help them
progress in their present career or to gain entry into a job
that they are particularly interested in.
Professional qualifications
These qualifications are designed to provide an in-depth
knowledge and understanding, developing abilities and
problem solving skills as well as applied/practical
learning. Honours graduates will have the qualities needed
for employment including the ability to take personal
responsibility for decision making in complex contexts.
Honours degrees
How to
find us
The main College building is next to the Faireld Halls concert venue in the
heart of the town centre and is:
2 minutes walk from East Croydon rail station
10 minutes walk from West Croydon rail station and bus station
Accessible by over 25 bus routes and 3 tram routes
The following buses stop in central Croydon: X26, T33, 50,
60, 64, X68, 75,109, 119, 130, 154, 157, 166, 194, 197, 198,
250, 264, 289, 312, 367, 403, 405, 407, 409, 410, 412, 450,
455, 466, and 468.
There are 3 main tram routes:
Tramlink 1 - Elmers End, Woodside, Addiscombe, East
Croydon, Church Street, Centrale and West Croydon.
Tramlink 2 - Beckenham Junction, Birkbeck, Woodside,
Addiscombe, East Croydon, Church Street and West
Tramlink 3 - New Addington, Sandilands, East Croydon,
Mitcham Junction and Wimbledon.
Croydon is served by the A232 east/west and the A23
north/south main roads. The A23 links Croydon, via the
M23, with the M25 Junction 7/8. Central Croydon is 10
miles from the M25 Junction 7/8.
There are many cycle routes leading into Croydon.
East Croydon Station (opposite the College) has rail
services to stations including:
Bedford, Brighton, Caterham, Clapham Junction,
Crawley, East Grinstead, Gatwick Airport, Haywards
Heath, St Pancras International, Lewes, London Victoria,
London Bridge and Redhill.
West Croydon Station (10 minutes from the College) has
rail services to stations including: Crystal Palace,
Dorking, Epsom, Guildford, Horsham, London Victoria,
London Bridge, Mitcham and Sutton.
The East London line tube extension has also been linked
up to West Croydon train station, creating a direct
connection to Shoreditch and Hoxton, ensuring Croydons
reputation as Londons best connected borough.
Given its location in the South East of England
and its proximity to Central London, Croydon is
easily accessible by bus, car, cycle, rail or tram.
To keep up with the latest information on our courses, recent news and events,
please visit our website www.croydon.ac.uk
www.facebook.com/croydoncollegeofficial www.twitter.com/croydoncollege
Please note
Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained
within this publication is correct and accurately reflects the
College communities experiences and achievements at the time
of going to print. However, Croydon College reserves the right to
change or amend, at any time, any of the course details
including content, dates, times, venues, timetables, fees
payable, concessions available, terms and conditions.
The College also reserves the right to close or not to start any
published course. Please note that fees go up each year before
making final decisions on a course to study, contact the
Information Centre on 020 8760 5914 for the latest information.
The College accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or theft
of personal belongings. The responsibility for all personal
belongings is that of the student.
Alternative formats: Students needing this publication in alternative formats, for example, enlarged print, electronic or Braille, should call
the Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Support team on 020 8686 5700 extension 3129 or call the Minicom on 020 8760 5846.
Croydon College
College Road
Switchboard: 020 8686 5700
Information Centre: 020 8760 5914
Admissions: 020 8760 5934
Fax: 020 8760 5880
Minicom: 020 8760 5846
E: info@croydon.ac.uk
Digital contact
Contact us
Monday 9.30am 5.00pm
Tuesday 9.30am 5.00pm
Wednesday 9.30am 5.00pm
Thursday 9.30am 5.00pm
Friday 9.30am 3.30pm
Course Information Centre
Opening times / term time
Monday 9.30am 3.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am 3.30pm
Wednesday 9.30am 3.30pm
Thursday 9.30am 3.30pm
Friday 9.30am 3.30pm
Holiday periods
Questions to
ask at interview
(Please use this section to note any questions you may wish to ask us)
Croydon College
College Road
Switchboard: 020 8686 5700
Information Centre: 020 8760 5914
Admissions: 020 8760 5934
E: info@croydon.ac.uk
Access to Higher Education
Application Form
Page 1
This form is to be completed by the Applicant.
Country of Birth
First Name Address
Post code
Date of Birth Male Female
Email Mobile
31 English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
32 Irish
33 Gypsy or Irish Traveller
34 Any other White background
35 White and Black Caribbean
36 White and Black African
37 White and Asian
38 Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background
39 Indian
40 Pakistani
41 Bangladeshi
42 Chinese
43 Any other Asian background
44 African
45 Caribbean
46 Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Have you lived in the UK or an EU country for the past
three years?
47 Arab
98 Any other ethnic group
99 Not provided
Yes No
If no please state where:
Do you have a learning difficulty or disability?
Do you have a medical condition or health difficulty that may affect your attendance?
Please indicate the course you wish to study:
If yes to either of these questions please outline your learning difficulty, disability, medical condition and/or health difficulty (this
will not prejudice your application in any way):
If yes, please give details of your requirements:
Yes No
Yes No
Will you require any special arrangements for your interview, for example, Sign Language Interpreter
Yes No
Art & Design
Business Studies
Education Studies
Humanities & Social Science
Law Science
Nursing Social Science
Social Work
Access to Higher Education
Application Form
Position/Job Title/Main Duties
This form is to be completed by the Applicant.
From To Employers Name & Address
e.g. English e.g. GCSE - Intermediate e.g. A* - N e.g. June 2012
Qualification/Level Grade Date Taken
Please use this space for any further information that you feel will help us decide whether an Access to Higher Education course
is suitable for you. Please include: any work experience undertaken, reasons for wanting to study, your career aspirations, Higher
Education intentions and your future plans and interests. Please continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
I confirm that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Applicant Date
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? Yes No
Page 2
Access to Higher Education
Writing Exercise
Please complete a short writing exercise selecting ONE of the topics from the list below. This is so we can assess your potential to
study an Access course and it will also assist us in identifying any study skills or support needs you may require in order to
achieve the qualification.
Before you start writing you should:
Draw on your own experiences and ideas.
Plan the work carefully before starting to write.
Please spend 45 minutes writing about ONE of the suggested topics below in no less than 250 words:
What you hope to gain from studying an Access course.
Describe a challenging experience in your life and explain the impact this had on you.
Additional suggestions:
Try to complete at least one side of paper.
Check over your work when you have finished.
Describe your skills and experiences gained outside of education and suggest how this may help you in your studies.
To be completed by the Applicant
Please turn over if further space is required.
Page 3
Access to Higher Education
Writing Exercise
Page 4
Access to Higher Education
Reference Form
This form is to be completed by the Applicants referee.
Name of Applicant
In what capacity do you know the Applicant?
How long have you known the Applicant?
Please comment on the general character of the Applicant:
SECTION C - If an employer or teacher, please comment on the Applicants general attitude to work including ability to work
independently or unsupervised:
SECTION D - If an employer or teacher, please comment on the Applicants attendance and punctuality:
Continued overleaf.
Page 1
Access to Higher Education
Reference Form
This form is to be completed by the Applicants referee.
SECTION E - Please comment on whether the Applicant is likely to be suited to University Centre Croydon life:
SECTION F - Are there any other points you wish to add to support this application?
REFEREE: Please supply your full name, contact address and telephone number and your position within your organisation in
relation to the Applicant.
Position within organisation
Name of organisation
Post code Telephone
Signature of referee Date
Page 2

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