Impact of Wind Farm On Power Quality Regarding To FACTS Devices
Impact of Wind Farm On Power Quality Regarding To FACTS Devices
Impact of Wind Farm On Power Quality Regarding To FACTS Devices
ISSN 1991-8178
Corresponding Author: Javad olamaei, Electrical & Electronic Department, Islamic Azad University- south Tehran
branch, Tehran, Iran.
E-mail :, Tel:+989123301679
Impact of Wind Farm on Power Quality Regarding To FACTS Devices
J. Olamaei,
J. Javan,
M. Khederzadeh
Islamic Azad University - South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Power and Water University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: In recent years, there has been a worldwide development in the utilization of wind farms.
Because of enlarging wind generation, growing non-liner loads and competitive electricity markets the
operation mechanism of power systems are facing some problems like voltage regulation, damping of
power oscillation, etc. in shunt FACTS devices STATCOM and SVC have been identified as a good
device and perfect compensators to solve these troubles. So control strategies for STATCOM are
sequentially changing. The proposed paper is shown that the use of advanced control methods, such as
the standard robust control method, in the control system of FACTS could improve their performance.
Key words: FACTS; Power quality, Robust control, STATCOM, SVC, Wind generation.
Wind energy is a fast-growing interdisciplinary field that encloses many different departments of
engineering and science. According to the American Wind Energy Association, the used capacity of wind grew
at an median rate of 29% per year over the years 2002-2007. At the end of 2007, the installed capacity in the
United States was closely 17,000 megawatts (MW) and the worldwide installed capacity was over 94,000 MW
(see Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: The installed wind energy capacity worldwide.
Fig. 2 shows a conventional wind generator that has an induction generator directly connected to the grid.
These types of generator are simple, robust and cheap. In order to link the turbine to the utility grid a soft-starter
(consisting of anti-parallel thyristors) is employed in order to obey the currents under rated when the turbine is
being connected to the utility grid. Phase-compensating capacitors are utilized to reimburse for the no-load
consumption of the generator, or in some cases also for full-load working.
Fig. 2: Fixed speed induction generator.
In the past, the total installed wind power capacity was a small fragment of the power system and ongoing
connection of the wind farm to the grid was not a important worry. With raising portion from the wind power
sources, it has become important for stable connection of the wind farm to the system to make capable
uninterrupted power supply to the load even in small disturbances. Under these conditions, the new power
system has had to oppose some big acting problems, such as transient stability, power flow control, voltage
regulation and damping of power oscillations, etc.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(2): 164-169, 2012
There are numerous ways to perform reactive power compensation. Table 1 gives an overview of the most
commonly used methods.
Table 1: Reactive Power compensation methods.
Equipment type Speed of response Voltage Support Costs
Ability Availability
Capacitor Low Poor, drops withV
High Very low
Svc Fast Poor, drops withV
High Moderate
Statcom Fast Fair, drops with V High Moderate
Standard devices used to supply the needed reactive recompense are mechanically switched capacitor
banks. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices can be use. They are capable to provide quick active
and reactive power compensations to power systems, and hence can be used to provide voltage support and
enhance power oscillation damping. properly located FACTS devices enable additionally efficient employment
of existing transmission lines. amid the FACTS family, the shunt FACTS devices such as the static synchronous
compensator (STATCOM) has been greatly used to provide flat and fast steady state and transient voltage
control at points in the network.
Power Quality Issue:
When a non-linear load or distorting load is connected to the power system fundamental sinusoidal
waveform of current flowing through system will change. This will rise non-sinusoidal voltage drop across
various network element connected to the system resulting in distorted waveform propagation throughout the
system to buses remote from the original source. Although the main issues of power quality are common to
distribution networks, whether active or passive the addition of wind generation can have a significant impact on
power quality.
For wind turbine fed induction generator designs, which use power electronics converters, the issues of
harmonic distortion of the network voltage must be carefully considered while the connection of fixed-speed
turbines to the network needs to be managed carefully if excessive transients are to be avoided. During normal
operation wind turbines produce a continuously variable output power. The power variations are mainly caused
by the effects of turbulence in the wind and tower shadow. These effects lead to periodic power pulsations at the
frequency at which the blades pass the tower,which are superimposed on the slower variations caused by
meteorological changes in wind speed. There may also be higher frequency power variations (at a few Hz)
caused by the dynamics of the turbine. Variable-speed operation of the rotor has the advantage that many of the
faster power variations are not transmitted to the network but are smoothed by the flywheel action of the rotor.
However, fixed speed operation using a low-slip induction generator, will lead to cyclic variations in output
power and hence network voltage. A voltage dip is a sudden reduction in the network voltage to a value between
100 per cent and 0 per cent followed by a voltage recovery after a short period of time, conventionally 1ms to 1
min. Dips between 10 per cent and 15 per cent of the terminal voltage are commonly due to switching of loads,
whereas larger dips may be caused by faults.
Robust Controller Design:
Robust control theory handles control system design for dynamic systems with uncertainties in their
models. Two basic issues are stressed: robust stability and robust performance. A system is said to be robust to a
given set of system uncertainties (or operating situations) if it provides solidity and adequate performance for
whole system models in this set. In robust control theory, uncertainties can be in multiplicative or additive
Considering multiplicative uncertainty marked by
, if the factual and the nominal transfer functions of
the plant are respectively denoted G(s) and G
(s), we have:
m 0
G(s) = (1+ (s))G (s) (1)
Fig. 3: Uncertainty model and the controller.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(2): 164-169, 2012
From Fig. 4, we explain the following transfer functions:
0 0
KG y e I
T = = and S = =
r 1+ KG r I + KG
T is the closed loop transfer function between the output of the system (y) and the input signal (r), while S
is the transfer function between the error (e) and the input signals. The firmness of the closed loop system with
the uncertainties, i.e. the robust stability will be assured by the existence of a weighting function W2 such that
situation (3) is gratified.
W (s).T(s) < 1
marks the H
norm which is equal to the highest value over the full frequency range. The steady state
performance (the decreasing of the error signal) will be gratified in a frequency range of interest if the amplitude
of the transfer function S is small in that frequency limit. This could be obtained by the existence of a weighting
function W
such that the following situation is satisfied:
W (s).S(s) < 1
could be selected in such a way that the following situation is gratified.
max 2
W (s) > (s)
is the highest uncertainty respecting the set of system uncertainties considered. Considering
condition (4), if we want the amplitude of S to be small in a frequency range, W
could be so modeled that it has
a high amplitude in that frequency range.
The Test System:
The network simulated for this application, is presented in Fig 4. A big wind farm (rated power max 200
MW) is connected to the main transmission system via a long existing 132 kV radial with limited transfer
capability. Induction machines are used as generating units in the wind conversion system and as said before,
reactive power compensation should be supplied. For additional details about the model, see tables 2, 3, 4.
Fig. 4: Test system.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(2): 164-169, 2012
Table 2: Induction generator data.
Vn 0.69 KV
Rs 0.00619 pu
Is 0.1359552 pu
Ir 0.112143 pu
M 3.904762 pu
Rm 0.088095 pu
Rr 0.02 u
Table 3: Transfomer data.
S [MVA] 250 70 160 160
Un1[KV] 132 66 0. 69 22
Un2[KV] 300 132 22 132
Reactance ( pu ) 0.1462 0.24787 0.055 0.1
Table 4: Transmission lines data.
Length [km] 23 58.5 36.5
Resistance [/km] 0.098 0.098 0.098
Reactance [/km] 0.398 0.398 0.398
Suseptance [S/km] 2.89e-6 2.89e-6 2.89e-6
Line between nodes BUS1 and BUS3 (300 kV), R=0.0047 pu, XL=0.05884 pu, BC=0.086543 pu, System
base 100 MVA.
Simulation Result:
We will study capacitor banks denoted as the typical case and FACTS devices (STATCOM and SVC) as
compensation devices. We use first FACTS devices with PI controller then apply robust control theory for
control STATCOM. The FACTS devices will be rated at 100 MVA and their efficacy, compared to capacitor
banks sized for full compensation. A 150 ms short-circuit to ground is accomplished in the branch between
nodes 5 and 6. The voltage at the connection node of the compensation devices has been inscribed.
Case A: In this case wind induction generator connected to a grid with capacitor banks is modeled. The
result shows voltage at bus 9 as shown in Fig 5.
Fig. 5: Voltage at BUS 9 (capacitor banks).
Case B: In this case wind induction generator connected to a grid with SVC and STATCOM is modeled.
Figs. 6 and 7 indicate the simulation results for the voltage of the bus 9 with SVC and STATCOM respectively.
Fig. 6: Voltage at BUS 9 (SVC).
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(2): 164-169, 2012
Fig. 7: Voltage at BUS 9 (STATCOM).
From above figures we see that when FACTS devices are used (especially STATCOM), the voltage fall
during the fault is lower relative to the case where capacitors are used and the system recuperates quickly from
the disturbance.
STATCOM is best response with PI regulator. This regulator will now be replaced by a robust controller
designed using the H robust control method.
To assign the model uncertainties, three operating conditions corresponding to three different wind farm
output powers have been studied. The weighting functions allowing the pleasure of the control specifications
have been selected as:
0.1s +0.02
W (s) =
s + 2
0.5s +10.7
W (s) =
1.2s +0.0002
Using the Matlab software package and the Robust control toolbox [8], the STATCOM controllers have
been designed. For easy execution, they have been decreased to second order controllers using standard
reduction techniques. They are given respectively by the following formulas:
150896(s + 29.75)
k (s) =
(s +1)(s +306)
Fig 8 shows the simulation results for the voltage with robust controller.
Fig. 8: Voltage at BUS 9 (STATCOM with h-infinity).
With compare Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 we can see the magnitude of voltage oscillations has been reduced.
This paper was inscribed to some specific troubles that happen in power systems when renewable energy
production, specially wind energy conversion, is comprised. It has been exhibited that the use of FACTS
devices, like in traditional power systems could also play an important role. They have been successfully used to
handle high fault current level. The supremacy of STATCOM compared to SVC has also been demonstrated.
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 6(2): 164-169, 2012
Moreover, the implementation of robust control theory presents the probability of the improvement of power
system stability and control of FACTS devices.
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