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Stick: Arc Welding

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Arc Welding

Shielded metal arc welding equipment typically consists of a constant current welding power supply and
an electrode, with an electrode holder, a ground clamp, and welding cables (also known as welding
leads) connecting the two.
An electric current is used to strike an arc between the base material and a consumable electrode rod or
stick. The electrode rod is made of a material that is compatible with the base material being welded and
is covered with a flux that gives off vapors that serve as a shielding gas and provide a layer of slag, both
of which protect the weld area from atmospheric contamination. The electrode core itself acts as filler
material, making a separate filler unnecessary. The process is very versatile, requiring little operator
training and inexpensive equipment. However, weld times are rather slow, since the consumable
electrodes must be frequently replaced and because slag, the residue from the flux, must be chipped
away after welding.

The process is generally limited to welding ferrous materials, though specialty electrodes have made
possible the welding of cast iron, nickel, aluminium, copper and other metals. The versatility of the method
makes it popular in a number of applications including repair work and construction.

To strike the electric arc, the electrode is brought into contact with the workpiece by a very light touch with
the electrode to the base metal then is pulled back slightly. This initiates the arc and thus the melting of
the workpiece and the consumable electrode, and causes droplets of the electrode to be passed from the
electrode to the weld pool. As the electrode melts, the flux covering disintegrates, giving off shielding
gases that protect the weld area from oxygen and other atmospheric gases. In addition, the flux provides
molten slag which covers the filler metal as it travels from the electrode to the weld pool. Once part of the
weld pool, the slag floats to the surface and protects the weld from contamination as it solidifies. Once
hardened, it must be chipped away to reveal the finished weld. As welding progresses and the electrode
melts, the welder must periodically stop welding to remove the remaining electrode stub and insert a new
electrode into the electrode holder. This activity, combined with chipping away the slag, reduces the
amount of time that the welder can spend laying the weld, making SMAW one of the least efficient welding
processes. In general, the operator factor, or the percentage of operator's time spent laying weld, is
approximately 25%.

The actual welding technique utilized depends on the electrode, the composition of the workpiece, and the
position of the joint being welded. The choice of electrode and welding position also determine the welding
speed. Flat welds require the least operator skill, and can be done with electrodes that melt quickly but
solidify slowly. This permits higher welding speeds. Sloped, vertical or upside-down welding requires more
operator skill, and often necessitates the use of an electrode that solidifies quickly to prevent the molten
metal from flowing out of the weld pool. However, this generally means that the electrode melts less
quickly, thus increasing the time required to lay the weld.

The most common quality problems associated with SMAW include weld spatter, porosity, poor fusion,
shallow penetration, and cracking. Weld spatter, while not affecting the integrity of the weld, damages its
appearance and increases cleaning costs. It can be caused by excessively high current, a long arc, or arc
blow, a condition associated with direct current characterized by the electric arc being deflected away from
the weld pool by magnetic forces. Arc blow can also cause porosity in the weld, as can joint
contamination, high welding speed, and a long welding arc, especially when low-hydrogen electrodes are
used. Porosity, often not visible without the use of advanced nondestructive testing methods, is a serious
concern because it can potentially weaken the weld. Another defect affecting the strength of the weld is
poor fusion, though it is often easily visible. It is caused by low current, contaminated joint surfaces, or the
use of an improper electrode. Shallow penetration, another detriment to weld strength, can be addressed
by decreasing welding speed, increasing the current or using a smaller electrode. Any of these weld-
strength-related defects can make the weld prone to cracking, but other factors are involved as well. High
carbon, alloy or sulfur content in the base material can lead to cracking, especially if low-hydrogen
electrodes and preheating are not employed. Furthermore, the workpieces should not be excessively
restrained, as this introduces residual stresses into the weld and can cause cracking as the weld cools
and contracts.

Because of its versatility and simplicity, it is particularly dominant in the maintenance and repair industry,
and is heavily used in the construction of steel structures and in industrial fabrication. In recent years its
use has declined as flux-cored arc welding has expanded in the construction industry and gas metal arc
welding has become more popular in industrial environments.

The electrode is coated in a metal mixture called flux, which gives off gases as it decomposes to prevent
weld contamination, introduces deoxidizers to purify the weld, causes weld-protecting slag to form,
improves the arc stability, and provides alloying elements to improve the weld quality Electrodes can be
divided into three groupsthose designed to melt quickly are called "fast-fill" electrodes, those designed
to solidify quickly are called "fast-freeze" electrodes, and intermediate electrodes go by the name "fill-
freeze" or "fast-follow" electrodes. Fast-fill electrodes are designed to melt quickly so that the welding
speed can be maximized, while fast-freeze electrodes supply filler metal that solidifies quickly, making
welding in a variety of positions possible by preventing the weld pool from shifting significantly before

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), sometimes referred to by its subtypes metal inert gas (MIG) welding
is a welding process in which an electric arc forms between a consumable wire electrode and the
workpiece metal(s), which heats the workpiece metal(s), causing them to melt, and join. Along with the
wire electrode, a shielding gas feeds through the welding gun, which shields the process from
contaminants in the air.

A constant voltage, direct current power source is most commonly used with GMAW, but constant current
systems, as well as alternating current, can be used. There are four primary methods of metal transfer in
GMAW, called globular, short-circuiting, spray, and pulsed-spray, each of which has distinct properties
and corresponding advantages and limitations.

Originally developed for welding aluminum and other non-ferrous materials in the 1940s, GMAW was soon
applied to steels because it provided faster welding time compared to other welding processes.
Today, GMAW is the most common industrial welding process, preferred for its versatility, speed and the
relative ease of adapting the process to robotic automation. Unlike welding processes that do not employ
a shielding gas, such as shielded metal arc welding, it is rarely used outdoors or in other areas of air

To perform gas metal arc welding, the basic necessary equipment is a welding gun, a wire feed unit, a
welding power supply, an electrode wire, and a shielding gas supply

Most applications of gas metal arc welding use a constant voltage power supply. As a result, any change
in arc length (which is directly related to voltage) results in a large change in heat input and current. A
shorter arc length causes a much greater heat input, which makes the wire electrode melt more quickly
and thereby restore the original arc length. This helps operators keep the arc length consistent even when
manually welding with hand-held welding guns.

Alternating current is rarely used with GMAW; instead, direct current is employed

Shielding gases are necessary for gas metal arc welding to protect the welding area from atmospheric
gases such as nitrogen and oxygen, which can cause fusion defects, porosity, and weld metal
embrittlement if they come in contact with the electrode, the arc, or the welding metal. This problem is
common to all arc welding processes; for example, in the older Shielded-Metal Arc Welding process
(SMAW), the electrode is coated with a solid flux which evolves a protective cloud of carbon dioxide when
melted by the arc. In GMAW, however, the electrode wire does not have a flux coating, and a separate
shielding gas is employed to protect the weld. This eliminates slag, the hard residue from the flux that
builds up after welding and must be chipped off to reveal the completed weld.
Here are some advantages to MIG welding:

The ability to join a wide range of metals and thicknesses
All-position welding capability
A good weld bead
A minimum of weld splatter
Easy to learn

Here are some disadvantages of MIG welding:

MIG welding can only be used on thin to medium thick metals
The use of an inert gas makes this type of welding less portable than arc welding which
requires no external source of shielding gas
Produces a somewhat sloppier and less controlled weld as compared to TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
Applicable to a very wide range of materials.
Especially good for welding thin sections and delicate workpieces
Capable of producing welds of high quality and appearance
Generally restricted to flat or horizontal welding

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
Versatility - readily applied to a variety of applications and a wide choice of electrodes
Relative simplicity and portability of equipment
Low cost
Adaptable to confined spaces and remote locations
Suitable for out-of-position welding
Not as productive as continuous wire processes
Likely to be more costly to deposit a given quantity of metal
Frequent stop/starts to change electrode
Relatively high metal wastage (electrode stubs)
Current limits are lower than for continuous or automatic processes (reduces
deposition rate)

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) is frequently referred to as TIG welding
benefits:Superior quality welds
Welds can be made with or without filler metal
Precise control of welding variables
Free of spatter
Low distortion

A Mig welder is a wire welder with a mig outfit it uses a sheilding gas mig is also know as Gas Metal
Arc Welding (GMAW) most robotic welder are mig and they are easy to use

Benefits:All position capability
Higher deposition rates than SMAW
Less operator skill required
Long welds can be made without starts and stops
Minimal post weld cleaning is required

Stick welding and arc welding are the same
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is frequently referred to as stick or covered electrode welding.
Stick welding is among the most widely used welding processes.

the only down side is it makes so much heat that it makes the metal brittle

benefits:Equipment used is simple, inexpensive, and portable
Electrode provides and regulates its own flux
Lower sensitivity to wind and drafts than gas shielded welding processes
All position capability

downside is it makes the metal brittle, its porious, cracks, and produces alot of slag

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