Data Acquisition Using Android and Pic Micro-Controller: Shobha Waghmode & M. B. Limkar
Data Acquisition Using Android and Pic Micro-Controller: Shobha Waghmode & M. B. Limkar
Data Acquisition Using Android and Pic Micro-Controller: Shobha Waghmode & M. B. Limkar
International Journal of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER)
ISSN(P): 2250-155X; ISSN(E): 2278-943X
Vol. 4, Issue 2, Apr 2014, 365-370
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd
Department of Electronics Engineering, Terna Engineering College, Nerul,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Today for real time applications it is important to monitor system in efficient way which puts limits in terms of
accuracy and repeatability if a human is employed on plant to do this task the traditional automated monitoring
(surveillance) systems are wired and larger in size it mostly use only pc as a surveillance terminal, which works efficiently
but does not give portability. The proposed system describes an intelligent monitoring system which is based on android
platform gives facility to access monitored parameters quickly on mobile handsets anywhere from the world. As the
mobility provided by the mobile phones and the application support given by the Android system over 2G and 3G network
that are infinite possibilities to expand monitoring system.
KEYWORDS: Remove Monitoring System with Android, Data Acquisition with Android, Surveillance System Using
PIC Microcontroller and Android
There is a mature market for such kind of surveillance system and its cost is relatively high. However, it cant
meet the surveillance needs for moveable of place which has not strict needs on performance and reliability. In fact such
kind of needs is becoming more and more intense to some instant. With the development of 3G technology.
Wireless bandwidth is larger, which makes it possible to develop more content rich applications for mobile phone, such as
video, audio and digital data and provides a basement for the realization of wireless smart surveillance system at the same
time.Android is an open source phone operation system based on Linux platform and its the first truly open and complete
mobile software for mobile terminal. In order to solve the shortcoming of traditional a surveillance system, this project
proposed a surveillance scheme based on android smart phone, which makes it possible to monitor target site in anywhere
and anytime via android smart phone under the coverage of wireless network. This project proposed a monitoring scheme
prototype based on android smart phone terminal. By collecting and processing data at server, sending data to smart phone
terminal via web services, it reached the purpose of monitoring the target site anywhere and anytime under the coverage of
wireless network and enhances the flexibility of surveillance system greatly.
Figure 1: Introduction
366 Shobha Waghmode & M. B. Limkar
Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
This complete system is dividing into four distinct parts:
Sensor Expansion Board.
PIC18F4550 Mother Board.
A dedicated PC working as Database server.
Android compatible Mobile loaded with Application that supervises the systems parameters.
For this system the input is take form the sensors. These sensors will provide the analog as well as digital data.
In this system PIC 18F4550 is used which support both input data. Monitoring is done on mobile or desktop. A per the
application or environment the sensors can add or removed.
Hardware design of the system is divided into following parts:
Sensor Expansion board
PIC18f4550 motherboard
Sensor Expansion Board
Even though sensor coverts physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, humidity, smoke etc, into their
equivalent electrical parameters these are sometime not in compatible with PIC. Hence sensors input are fed to
PIC microcontroller via expensing board.
PIC 18f4550 Motherboard
Pic18f4550 is microchips microcontroller having inbuilt ADC which has very high resolution of 10-bit which
maintains accuracy capable of handling 13 channels which gives flexibility to user to expand his system to make it
Software required for proposed systems are:
MPLAB IDE by microchip
Application of java & Xml using eclipse environment.
My SQL database server
Android development tool by Google.
It is integrated development Environment a product of microchip which gives a facility of editor, compiler,
debugger, programmer in order to program pic micro controllers using either assembly language or high level language
such as embedded c. the code written in embedded c enables microcontroller to sense many analog channels continuously
Data Acquisition Using Android and PIC Micro-Controller 367
with specific interval as programmed, after accepting these analog data it converts into 10-bit digital value. Using UART
module this digital data is sent to a computer which acts a dedicated server accepts data from microcontroller via RS-232
Java code needs to be written to accept data coming into RS-232 port in ASCII form using packages importing as
This packages imported provides necessary methods to access serial port which belongs to LINUX. Once data is
accessed it is simultaneously stored into MY-Sql by importing following packages
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Exception;
import java.util.ArrayList;
Now this data which stored into MY-SQL in the form of table is converted into web services using XML. XML
stands for extensible markup language which is designed to store and transport data. It simplifies data availability of data
whenever required. Once web servers are made its possible to access it using android tool.
Figure 2: Procedure to Establish Connection with My SQL
GUI Design
For Android, there are two methods to design interface layout one is via java, the other is via xml file. Though the
speed of parsing an xml file is slower than java file, its not good for maintenance of later works if mixed the interface
368 Shobha Waghmode & M. B. Limkar
Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
layout code together with the corresponding Activity logic code. From the view of software design the second method
meets the basic requirement of low coupling and high cohesion. Therefore, this system uses xml file to implement interface
layout. In xml file, it can meet the needs of system. GU design by using <Absolute Layout>,<Button/>,<Text
View/>,<image View/>
Figure 3: Graphical User Interface
Declaration of Activity
Android manifest.xml is a file that every application needs and it locates in the root directory of application.
The intent filter of this xml file describes how and when to start an activity. Any activity defined by user must be declared
in this file by user <Activity></Activity> label or the application wouldnt be able to start this activity normally.
Sensor Activity Design
For Android, an interface is corresponding to an activity and all of the transaction logic operations on inter face
are implemented by activity class. In this system, the activity corresponding to interface of displaying sensor data is sensor
Result above shows how data serially comes to com port. It is then accessed by java code and converted into web
services and there after monitored using android.
Figure 4: Result Using Access of Data on Virtual Terminal
Here channel 0 belongs to Temperature
Channel 1 refer to Smoke Detector
Channel2 refers to Level Detector
Channel 3 refers to Humidity Detector
Data Acquisition Using Android and PIC Micro-Controller 369
Figure 5: Display of Data in Android GUI
In this paper a smart remote monitoring system is explained which does data acquisition from various channels in
analog from digitizes it in high 10-bit resolution. Thereafter stores into database server. This paper puts forward an
innovative idea of making GUI in android application which can access data stored in dedicated web server anywhere from
the word just by touch of once. A build application is user friendly and more importantly a complete monitoring system is
portable that one can carry in mobile phone. A proposed system can be expanded for applications such as Healthcare or
Industrial plant monitoring system where real time monitoring is required with 3G and for the coming 4G technology it is
also possible to monitor the plant LIVE in Video form due to inner eased bandwidth and faster data rates.
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