This document is the preface to the third edition of "The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources". It discusses how while the internet is a valuable resource, not all water-related information can be found online. The third edition contains over 1100 tables and 500 figures providing data on various water-related topics. It also expands on previous editions by including new chapters on data management and international data collection. The preface acknowledges the contributors and editors who helped compile the extensive water-related data and resources contained in this reference.
This document is the preface to the third edition of "The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources". It discusses how while the internet is a valuable resource, not all water-related information can be found online. The third edition contains over 1100 tables and 500 figures providing data on various water-related topics. It also expands on previous editions by including new chapters on data management and international data collection. The preface acknowledges the contributors and editors who helped compile the extensive water-related data and resources contained in this reference.
This document is the preface to the third edition of "The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources". It discusses how while the internet is a valuable resource, not all water-related information can be found online. The third edition contains over 1100 tables and 500 figures providing data on various water-related topics. It also expands on previous editions by including new chapters on data management and international data collection. The preface acknowledges the contributors and editors who helped compile the extensive water-related data and resources contained in this reference.
This document is the preface to the third edition of "The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources". It discusses how while the internet is a valuable resource, not all water-related information can be found online. The third edition contains over 1100 tables and 500 figures providing data on various water-related topics. It also expands on previous editions by including new chapters on data management and international data collection. The preface acknowledges the contributors and editors who helped compile the extensive water-related data and resources contained in this reference.
q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Preface Just do an Internet search. Its on the Internet. How often have we said or been told that we could nd it on the Internet. This third edition of The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources started from a premise that most of the information provided within this publication could be found on the Internet. As our team of contributing authors started reviewing each section within each chapter, it soon became apparent that you cannot always nd it on the internet. This edition represents many hours of effort to identify the most current information on a wide range of water- related topics whether it can be found on the internet or in other sources. The Encyclopedia has retained many of the elements of the previous editions but has also been expanded to reect the many changes within the environmental industry as well as the current and topical water-related matters of the last decade. Prepared by scientists and engineers, this publication is intended to serve as a valuable resource to all professionals dealing with water-related issues as well as the general public. The material presented has been footnoted to provide the user with the opportunity to return to the original source material for additional research. Where possible, an Internet URL address is provided to guide the user to the appropriate source. The third edition of the Encyclopedia has been signicantly expanded beyond the previous edition. The rst two chapters of this edition are new and discuss data management and international data collection. Data management concepts are presented to review the use of databases, geographic information systems (GIS), data reporting and metadata. Data repositories and availability vary around the world and range in ease of access and usability. The international data collection provides some direction on potential data sources in less developed areas as well as case histories of actual project work and Internet sources for international water-related data. This edition contains more than 1100 tables and 500 gures providing data related to weather, surface water, groundwater, water use, water quality, waste water, pollution, and water resource management. The pollution chapter alone has grown to contain some 450 plus tables and gures. Wastewater, previously included within the pollution chapter, is presented as a stand-alone chapter to facilitate use of this reference. A chapter of useful conversion factors and constants concludes this edition. Whether you are looking for a specic piece of information or exploring one or more of the many topics related to water, this edition provides its users with a tremendous wealth of data whether on the Internet or not. q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Acknowledgments We want to extend our thanks and appreciation to the many individuals, publishers, and organizations that have made this third edition a reality. Without their time, cooperation, collaboration, this work would not have been possible. Most importantly, the support and access to resources for the management of this compilation provided by ARCADIS G&M was invaluable, and their on-going support and encouragement to undertake these efforts are deeply appreciated. A number of individual contributors were involved in compiling the relevant information for each of the chapters and they are identied at the start of their chapters. Our thanks and appreciation to you and your families for the time committed to completing this task. Behind the scenes and the backbone of keeping everything organized, we want to extend a special thanks to Chris Worden and Carla Gerstner for their encouragement, patience, and the occasional stern word. Additionally, we want to acknowledge Barbara Kelly and Amanda Fierro for their efforts in preparing materials for the manuscript. q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC The Editors Pedro Fierro, Jr. is a hydrogeologist and associate vice president with ARCADIS G&M, Inc., where he is involved with a wide variety of environmental assessments and remediation programs. He has been responsible for the direction of several hundred sites addressing environmental issues. Fierro has addressed various audiences on topics ranging from sampling methodologies, regulatory compliance, site assessment techniques, liability management, and remediation technologies. Fierro received his bachelors degree in geology from the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York and his masters degree in geology with an emphasis on groundwater studies from the University of Kentucky. He currently holds geological professional licenses/registrations in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. He is a certied groundwater professional and a certied professional geologist. He was a contributing author to In Situ Treatment Technology. Evan K. Nyer is a senior vice president with ARCADIS G&M, Inc., where he is responsible for maintaining and expanding the companys technical expertise in geology/hydrogeology, engineering, fate and transport, and remediation technologies. He has been active in the development of new treatment technologies for many years. He has been responsible for the strategies, technical designs and installations of more than 400 groundwater and soil remediation systems at contaminated sites throughout the United States. Nyer also lectures, provides expert testimony, and serves as the public spokesperson for one technically complicated site. Nyer received his graduate degree in environmental engineering from Purdue University and has authored ve books: Practical Techniques for Groundwater and Soil Remediation, published by Lewis Publishers, Inc.; Groundwater Treatment Technology, rst and second edition, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold; Groundwater and Soil Remediation, and In Situ Treatment Technology (now in its second edition) published by CRC Press; and is co-author of Bioremediation, published by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers. Nyer is a regular contributor to Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation having had his own column Treatment Technology in the periodical for the past 20 years. q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Contributors James M. Bedessem ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Brian Burke ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Pedro Fierro, Jr. ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida William H. Lynch ARCADIS G&M, Inc. West Palm Beach, Florida Daniel J. McCarthy ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Melvin Rivera ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Christopher Spooner ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Gustavo Suarez ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Katherine L. Thalman ARCADIS G&M, Inc. Tampa, Florida Daniel Zell Dewberry & Davis, LLC Fairfax, Virginia q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Contents Chapter 1 Data Management ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Daniel J. McCarthy Chapter 2 International Data Collection .................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Daniel Zell Chapter 3 Climate and Precipitation .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Pedro Fierro, Jr. Chapter 4 Hydrologic Elements ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1 Brian Burke Chapter 5 Surface Water ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-1 Christopher Spooner Chapter 6 Groundwater .............................................................................................................................................................. 6-1 Melvin Rivera Chapter 7 Water Use .................................................................................................................................................................. 7-1 Katherine L. Thalman Chapter 8 Water Quality ............................................................................................................................................................ 8-1 Katherine L. Thalman and James M. Bedessem Chapter 9 Wastewater ................................................................................................................................................................. 9-1 William H. Lynch Chapter 10 Environmental Problems ........................................................................................................................................... 10-1 Katherine L. Thalman Chapter 11 Water Resources Management .................................................................................................................................. 11-1 Gustavo Suarez Chapter 12 Agencies and Organizations ...................................................................................................................................... 12-1 Pedro Fierro, Jr. Chapter 13 Constants and Conversion Factors ............................................................................................................................ 13-1 Pedro Fierro, Jr. q 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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