Go Kiss D WRLD Abcd
Go Kiss D WRLD Abcd
Go Kiss D WRLD Abcd
words of wisdom from Subroto Bagchi. A must have handbook for every
“Young Professional” having larger than life aspirations.
The first one talks about his early childhood days , the second part about his beginning phase of
his career and the last one about his association with Wipro , the birth of Mindtree and his latest
designation "The Gardener". It shows how from modest beginnings he has gone to co-found
one of India's most admired software services company. All three parts are equally interesting,
but I personally like the first and the third part better.
"Go Kiss the World" is Subroto Bagchi's blind mother's last words to him, which turned on to
become his life's guiding principle.
Subroto Bagchi is also the author of "The High performance Entrepreneur", I haven't read the
book as yet. If you've given it a read, I would like to hear your views about it
Go Kiss the World" is a book by Subroto Bagchi, co-founder of Mindtree . It was released on
17th June '08. His speech to the class of 2006 at IIM Bangalore where he spoke about this
guiding principles of life had given him the idea to share it with with a much larger audience
through this book. "Go Kiss the World" talks about Bagchi's journey of life starting from his
modest childhood days to the successful leader as the world sees his today. Bagchi says" This
book is not an autobiography, but my learnings and experiences in life .Thay are like a plain
canvas ,it is the what you gain from the book and use them in life whenever necessary is the
painting you make on the canvas"
Book: Go Kiss The World: Life Lessons For The Young Professional
‘Go, kiss the world’ were Subroto Bagchi’s blind mother’s last words to him. These words became the
guiding principle of his life.
Subroto Bagchi grew up amidst what he calls the ‘material simplicity’ of rural and small-town Orissa,
imbibing from his family a sense of contentment, constant wonder, connectedness to a larger whole
and learning from unusual sources. From humble beginnings, he went on to achieve extraordinary
professional success, eventually co-founding MindTree, one of India’s most admired software services
Through personal anecdotes and simple words of wisdom, Subroto Bagchi brings to the young
professional lessons in working and living, energizing ordinary people to lead extraordinary lives. Go
Kiss the World will be an inspiration to ‘young India’, and to those who come from small-town India,
urging them to recognize and develop their inner strengths, thereby helping them realize their own,
unique potential.
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Book Reviews of Go Kiss The World: Life Lessons For The Young Professional
Really Go do it!!
Review by YoungJ
An amazing book, really lucid style of writing. I was hooked on to it from page 1 and finished the book
in one evening. A must read
Review by ruchi aggarwal
Do not have words to explain.a great inspirational book one can ever write and one can ever read...m
loving it
amazing book!!!
Review by Disha
I just loved the way the author has tried to inspire the youngsters to achieve so much from the
experiences from the troubles & from the simplicity one has .....the book clearly says that we do not
get pleasure from materialistic things its from the way we rise with every fall..its just superb!!!
One flaw in the book from my perspective is that even Subroto falls prey to presenting his DCM
experience with a senior manager as a "I'm right, and he was wrong" view. Similarly with his last
conversation in WIPRO with Azim Premji. Humility? Errrrr...
Review by Leonard Mugonda
Very inspirational
loved from page 1 - i am german but still manage to understood dis vvery well
a great book- read now!
to mr. depressed..
Review by navodian
hello mr. depressed man....at last u got da fire nw just give wings 2 dis fire n fly high....u will make it
this tym......all da best!!!!!.
mr depressed
Review by maddy
hay...mr depressed...u realised ur mistake is good sign!!! now just forget past nd concentrate on ur
future...just do it man nd victory will be urs!!!!
hi to all
Amazing book – very well written. I have heard a lot about how good an orator Bagchi is – with
this, I can say, he is an equally good author. It kind of felt like reading the Autobiography of Jack
Welsh. In the book, we do see, that he is influenced by the great leader quite a bit. I could see the
influence in the writing as well.
The book is divided into two parts – the first part is his childhood, and the second part, mostly
about his career turns. He talks eloquently about how he grew up in a variety of places in Central
area (mostly Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal). He talks about, how his family used to move from
place to place, because of his father’s government job. He talks about how he wins the Best NCC
Cadet award, and how a senior official gives him a pretty startling piece of advice – “Not to join
the armed forces, navy or airforce”. He calls these advises that the world gives, and it is up to
each person, to take it or leave it. Interstingly, he takes the advise, and pursues political sciences.
He talks about his early years in Delhi Cloth Mills (DCM group in Delhi).
In the second part of the book, he talks about the different turning points in his career, and how
each one brings about, its own set of challenges, and how they turn into good things for him. One
of the big things, he stresses upon, is the fact that, young professionals should not be dreaming
about what they will be doing at 45 yrs or 50 yrs, when they have just started their career. The
first three years or so, will be very tumultous, and one should accept it. Things start crystallizing
soon after. We grow ourselves after seeing all the hurdles. He talks about his years in Wipro. He
starts about how he and 10 others start Mindtree.
In all, a beautifully written autobiography. I took the book in hand one day. And I finished the
book the next day. I read, during my bus commute to office. I am known for napping during both
to-and-fro journeys. These two days, I read both ways. I could not put the book down.