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EGCP-3 Engine Generator Control Package: Operation Manual

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Operation Manual

Engine Generator Control Package

LS (Load Sharing) Model


Manual 26194 (Revision D)

Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed
before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety
instructions and precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or
property damage.
This publication may have been revised or updated since this copy was produced. To verify
that you have the latest revision, be sure to check the Woodward website:
The revision level is shown at the bottom of the front cover after the publication number. The
latest version of most publications is available at:
If your publication is not there, please contact your customer service representative to get
the latest copy.
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an overspeed
shutdown device to protect against runaway or damage to the prime mover with possible
personal injury, loss of life, or property damage.
The overspeed shutdown device must be totally independent of the prime mover control
system. An overtemperature or overpressure shutdown device may also be needed for
safety, as appropriate.
Any unauthorized modifications to or use of this equipment outside its specified
mechanical, electrical, or other operating limits may cause personal injury and/or property
damage, including damage to the equipment. Any such unauthorized modifications: (i)
constitute "misuse" and/or "negligence" within the meaning of the product warranty
thereby excluding warranty coverage for any resulting damage, and (ii) invalidate product
certifications or listings.


To prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or battery-charging device, make
sure the charging device is turned off before disconnecting the battery from the system.
Electronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the following precautions to
prevent damage to these parts.
• Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to the control turned off,
contact a grounded surface and maintain contact while handling the control).
• Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam (except antistatic versions) around printed circuit
• Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit board with your hands
or with conductive devices.

• A WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
• A CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
damage to equipment or property.
• A NOTE provides other helpful information that does not fall under the warning or caution

Revisions—Text changes are indicated by a black line alongside the text.

Woodward Governor Company reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information
provided by Woodward Governor Company is believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Woodward Governor Company unless otherwise expressly undertaken.
© Woodward 2002
All Rights Reserved
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS .................................................. V
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................... 1
Application and Functions ......................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2. FRONT PANEL OPERATOR INTERFACE ...................................... 7
Navigation Procedure ...........................................................................................12
Alarms and Events ...............................................................................................16
Status Menus........................................................................................................18
Security Access ....................................................................................................31
Entering and Changing Values.............................................................................32
Configuration Menus ............................................................................................32
CHAPTER 3. CONTROL CONFIGURATION .................................................... 35
Parameter Descriptions........................................................................................37
First Time Configure Menu...................................................................................38
Digital Input Menu.................................................................................................44
Digital Output Menu..............................................................................................46
Engine Protection Menu .......................................................................................48
Shutdowns and Alarms Menu ..............................................................................50
Generator Protection Menu ..................................................................................51
Bus Protection Menu ............................................................................................58
Engine Control Menu............................................................................................66
Synchronizer Menu...............................................................................................70
Real Load Control Menu ......................................................................................74
Reactive Load Control Menu................................................................................79
Process Control Menu..........................................................................................82
Transfer Switch Menu ..........................................................................................84
Sequencing Menu.................................................................................................84
Communications Menu.........................................................................................87
Calibration Menu ..................................................................................................91
Remote Alarm Menu.............................................................................................94
Force Relay Menu ................................................................................................96
Analog Outputs Menu...........................................................................................97
Analog Inputs Menu..............................................................................................98
Remote Control Menu ........................................................................................101
CHAPTER 4. MONITORING BY WATCH WINDOW ........................................ 102
Sequence States Menu ......................................................................................102
Units Menu .........................................................................................................102
LON Status Messaging Menu ............................................................................103
01 Status System Menu .....................................................................................104
02 Status Engine Menu ......................................................................................105
03 Status Generator Menu .................................................................................105
04 Status Bus Menu ...........................................................................................106
05 Status I/O Menu.............................................................................................107
06 Status Synchronizer Menu ............................................................................108
07 StatusKW Load Menu ...................................................................................108
08 Status PF/KVAR Menu ..................................................................................109
09 Status Sequencing Menu ..............................................................................109
10 Status Alarms Menu ......................................................................................110
11 Status Metering Menu ...................................................................................110

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EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

CHAPTER 5. STARTUP CHECKOUT PROCEDURES......................................111
Before Starting the Generator Set..................................................................... 111
Sequence Of Startup And Checking Parameters.............................................. 112
Loading The Generator Set ............................................................................... 113
CHAPTER 6. APPLICATION OVERVIEW ......................................................116
Control Block Diagram....................................................................................... 116
Load Controller .................................................................................................. 118
Process Controller ............................................................................................. 119
Reactive Load Controller ................................................................................... 120
Synchronizer...................................................................................................... 121
CHAPTER 7. CALIBRATION PROCEDURES .................................................122
Factory Calibrations........................................................................................... 122
AC Voltage Inputs.............................................................................................. 122
AC Current Inputs.............................................................................................. 122
Analog Inputs..................................................................................................... 122
Analog Outputs .................................................................................................. 123
MPU Input.......................................................................................................... 123
Voltage Bias Output........................................................................................... 124
Speed Bias Output ............................................................................................ 124
CHAPTER 8. ALARM AND DIAGNOSTIC SUMMARY......................................126
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 126
Alarm List........................................................................................................... 128
Inverse Time Curve ........................................................................................... 142
Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 145
Status Indicators................................................................................................ 148
CHAPTER 9. ENGINE START SEQUENCING ................................................150
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 150
Starting Procedure............................................................................................. 150
Stopping Procedure........................................................................................... 152
External Starting Procedure .............................................................................. 153
External Stopping Procedure ............................................................................ 154
CHAPTER 10. MODE CONTROL SWITCH ....................................................155
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 155
Test Mode.......................................................................................................... 155
Run Mode .......................................................................................................... 155
Auto Mode ......................................................................................................... 156
Configuration Settings That Affect Auto Mode .................................................. 156
CHAPTER 11. UNIT SEQUENCING CONFIGURATION ...................................157
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 157
Sequencing Types............................................................................................. 157
Sequencing Mechanism .................................................................................... 161
Sequencing Configuration ................................................................................. 162
Summary ........................................................................................................... 164
CHAPTER 12. LS ISOLATED APPLICATION ................................................165
CHAPTER 13. LS MAINS PARALLEL APPLICATION ....................................167
CHAPTER 14. LS ISOLATED, SPLIT BUS APPLICATION ..............................169
CHAPTER 15. LS-MC MAINS PARALLEL APPLICATION .............................171

ii Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

CHAPTER 18. SYNCHRONIZER DESCRIPTION ............................................ 177
Functional Description........................................................................................177
CHAPTER 19. REAL LOAD CONTROL DESCRIPTION .................................. 185
Functional Description........................................................................................185
Power Sensor Operation ....................................................................................186
Mode Description................................................................................................186
Optional Load Functions ....................................................................................189
CHAPTER 20. REACTIVE LOAD CONTROL DESCRIPTION ........................... 191
Functional Description........................................................................................191
Mode Description................................................................................................192
Optional Load Functions ....................................................................................193
CHAPTER 21. PROCESS CONTROL DESCRIPTION ..................................... 195
Functional Description........................................................................................195
Mode Description................................................................................................196
Optional Process Functions ...............................................................................196
CHAPTER 22. PID TUNING DESCRIPTION ................................................. 199
Proportional Response.......................................................................................200
Integral Response ..............................................................................................201
Proportional and Integral Response (closed loop).............................................202
Integral (Effects Of Settings) ..............................................................................202
Derivative Response ..........................................................................................203
Proportional + Derivative (Closed Loop) ............................................................204
Derivative (Effects Of Settings) ..........................................................................205
Proportional + Integral + Derivative (Closed Loop) ............................................205
Adding Derivative ...............................................................................................206
General Guidelines Field Tuning........................................................................207
CHAPTER 23. LON (LOCAL NETWORK) DESCRIPTION .............................. 209
Functional Description........................................................................................209
CHAPTER 24. ACRONYMS........................................................................ 214
CHAPTER 25. APPLICATION DOWNLOAD .................................................. 215
CHAPTER 26. SERVICE OPTIONS ............................................................. 216
Product Service Options.....................................................................................216
Returning Equipment for Repair.........................................................................217
Replacement Parts .............................................................................................218
How to Contact Woodward.................................................................................218
Engineering Services .........................................................................................219
Technical Assistance..........................................................................................220
EGCP-3 LS CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................. 221

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EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 2-1a. EGCP-3 Front Panel and Operator Interface ....................................7
Figure 2-1b. Keypad ...............................................................................................8
Figure 2-2a. EGCP-3 Navigation (1) ....................................................................12
Figure 2-2b. EGCP-3 Navigation (2) ....................................................................13
Figure 2-2c. EGCP-3 Navigation (3) ....................................................................14
Figure 2-2d. EGCP-3 Navigation (4) ....................................................................15
Figure 2-2e. EGCP-3 Navigation (5) ....................................................................16
Figure 2-3. Navigation in Configure Mode............................................................34
Figure 6-1. Basic Control Block Diagram .......................................................... 116
Figure 6-2. Alarm Logic Block Diagram............................................................. 117
Figure 6-3. Load Control Block Diagram ........................................................... 118
Figure 6-4. Process Control Block Diagram...................................................... 119
Figure 6-5. VAR / Power Factor Control Block Diagram ................................... 120
Figure 6-6. Synchronizer Block Diagram .......................................................... 121
Figure 7-1. Relationship Between Voltage Bias and Generator Voltage .......... 124
Figure 8-1. Over Voltage/Under Voltage Alarm ................................................ 132
Figure 8-2. Over Power/Reverse Power ........................................................... 133
Figure 8-3. Over Power/Reverse Power Time Delay ........................................ 134
Figure 8-4. Voltage Restrained Over Current ................................................... 136
Figure 8-5. Phase Current Imbalance ............................................................... 138
Figure 8-6. Phase-Balance Current, Inverse Time Delay ................................. 138
Figure 8-7. Coolant Level Alarm........................................................................ 140
Figure 8-8. Oil Pressure Engine Protection....................................................... 141
Figure 8-9. Inverse Curve Time Delay, Level Shift ........................................... 144
Figure 8-10. Inverse Curve Time Delay, Linear Graph ..................................... 144
Figure 9-1. Engine Starting Flow Chart ............................................................. 151
Figure 9-2. Engine Stopping Flow Chart ........................................................... 152
Figure 9-3. Engine Starting-External Sequencing Flow Chart .......................... 153
Figure 11-1. Disabled Sequencing .................................................................... 157
Figure 11-2. Staggered Run Time Sequencing................................................. 158
Figure 11-3. Equal Run Time Sequencing ........................................................ 159
Figure 11-4. Largest Unit First Sequencing ...................................................... 159
Figure 11-5. Smallest Unit First Sequencing..................................................... 160
Figure 11-6. Unit Number Sequencing.............................................................. 160
Figure 18-1. Synchronizer Action Time-Line..................................................... 182
Figure 19-1. Droop Mode .................................................................................. 187
Figure 19-2. Isochronous Mode ........................................................................ 188
Figure 22-1. Proportional Gain Setting Effects.................................................. 200
Figure 22-2. Open Loop Proportional and Integral Response .......................... 201
Figure 22-3. Closed Loop Proportional and Integral Response........................ 202
Figure 22-4. Derivative Response..................................................................... 203
Figure 22-5. Closed Loop Proportional and Derivative Action .......................... 204
Figure 22-6. Derivative Setting Effects.............................................................. 205
Figure 22-7. Closed Loop Proportional, Integral and Derivative Action ............ 206
Figure 22-8. Typical Response to Load Change............................................... 207
Figure 23-1. LON bus configuration .................................................................. 209
Figure 23-2. LON bus configuration, with Mains Tie(s)..................................... 210

Table 2-1 Security Access Codes ........................................................................32

Table 3-1. Front Panel Menu ↔ Watch Window Sheet .......................................36
Table 3-2. Alarm Action Definitions ......................................................................37

iv Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Electrostatic Discharge Awareness

All electronic equipment is static-sensitive, some components more than others.
To protect these components from static damage, you must take special
precautions to minimize or eliminate electrostatic discharges.

Follow these precautions when working with or near the control.

1. Before doing maintenance on the electronic control, discharge the static

electricity on your body to ground by touching and holding a grounded metal
object (pipes, cabinets, equipment, etc.).

2. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearing clothing
made of synthetic materials. Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials as much
as possible because these do not store static electric charges as much as

3. Keep plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam materials (such as plastic or Styrofoam

cups, cup holders, cigarette packages, cellophane wrappers, vinyl books or
folders, plastic bottles, and plastic ash trays) away from the control, the
modules, and the work area as much as possible.

4. Do not remove the printed circuit board (PCB) from the control cabinet
unless absolutely necessary. If you must remove the PCB from the control
cabinet, follow these precautions:

• Do not touch any part of the PCB except the edges.

• Do not touch the electrical conductors, the connectors, or the

components with conductive devices or with your hands.

• When replacing a PCB, keep the new PCB in the plastic antistatic
protective bag it comes in until you are ready to install it. Immediately
after removing the old PCB from the control cabinet, place it in the
antistatic protective bag.

To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper handling,
read and observe the precautions in Woodward manual 82715, Guide for
Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls, Printed Circuit Boards, and

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EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

vi Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 1.
General Information

This manual describes the Woodward EGCP-3 Engine Generator Control
Package, Load Sharing (LS) model, part number 8406-113. It provides
description, operation, tuning, and troubleshooting information for EGCP-3 digital
controls. The details on installation, wiring, communication, Regulatory Notes
and Warnings are in the EGCP-3 Installation Manual 26122. The EGCP-3 LS is
intended for power generator applications where multiple control/generators will
supply an isolated bus, or operate in parallel with a Mains (Utility) bus. The
EGCP-3 can perform engine start/stop sequencing. For isolated load operation,
the control will operate in isochronous speed control. For a multiple engine bus,
up to 16 generators can share load, operate in BaseLoad, or process control

The generator should be equipped with a sync check relay, circuit breaker,
and other fast-acting protective relays as required by local codes and
practices to protect against damage to the generator with possible personal
injury, loss of life, or property damage.

The overspeed shutdown device, sync check relay, circuit breaker, and other
fast-acting protective relays must be totally independent of the prime mover
control system. An overtemperature or overpressure shutdown device may
also be needed for safety, as appropriate.

Protective Earth (PE) must be connected to the termination point on the
backside of the unit next to the label with the symbol (or 1 of 3 other
like termination points without label) to reduce the risk of electric shock.
This connection will be made using a thread-forming screw. The conductor
providing the connection must have a properly sized ring lug and wire larger
than or equal to 4 mm² (12 AWG).

The calibration and checkout procedure should only be performed by
authorized personnel knowledgeable of the risks posed by live electrical

The installation must include the following:
• The power supply mains should be properly fused according to the
installation instructions and the appropriate wiring requirements.
• A switch or circuit breaker must be included in the building installation
in close proximity to the equipment and within easy reach of the
operator, and must be clearly marked as the disconnecting device for
the equipment. The switch or circuit breaker will only remove power to
the unit—hazardous voltages may still be connected to other terminals
on the unit.

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EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Application and Functions

The EGCP-3 control is a microprocessor-based generator load control designed
for use with a separate speed control and an automatic voltage regulator to
provide synchronizing, paralleling, loading and unloading. All transitions between
EGCP-3 functions are coordinated to provide smooth operation.

EGCP-3 LS Functions:
• Display/Keypad Interface for local setup/monitoring
• Engine Start/Stop Sequence Control
• Monitor of Generator and Bus power
• Unit sequencing and individual unit protection
• Engine Protection and Monitoring
• Synchronizer with speed, phase, voltage matching, token passing for dead
bus closure, and multiple unit synchronizing
• KW Control with automatic generator loading and unloading for bumpless
load transfer
• Droop, BaseLoad, Isochronous, and Isochronous load sharing control
• Frequency and voltage trimming in Isochronous mode
• Communication bus between Master Control and other LS units
• Master/Slave Process control for cogeneration, import/export, pressure
control, or other processes
• KVAR/PF Control and bus /PF sharing
• Individual generator stable timing
• Built in diagnostics
• Generator and Bus Protective Relaying
• Generator Power & Energy Metering
• Modbus® * and ServLink communications for remote HMI/PLC connections
*—Modbus is a trademark of Modicon, Inc.

HMI/Front Panel Display

The EGCP-3 has a keypad and two 4-line display panels on the front cabinet
mounted chassis. The display can be used to configure and set up the control for
site specific requirements. The display is also used in normal operating service to
monitor operation and view alarm data. All functions performed and parameters
monitored by the front panel are also available through the three serial ports.
These ports can be configured to use Woodward Watch Window software, an
external HMI and Modbus communication, or ServLink DDE software.

Engine Control
The EGCP-3 control performs stop and start logic for both gas and diesel
reciprocating engines. The starting logic includes: pre-glow capability, separate
enabling for ignition, fuel pump/FSOV logic, and a configurable pause at idle.
The engine stop function includes: controlled cooldown, soft shutdown logic and
emergency stop logic. The start and stop logic includes closing and opening of
generator breaker. Typical protections such as over speed, coolant temperature,
oil pressure, and battery voltage are also provided. Configurable digital and
analog fault inputs are provided for use with temperature, pressure, or level
switches. All the faults may be disabled when not needed. In addition to
automatic modes, Manual start and stop for the engine is possible. The circuit
breaker can be closed manually to load the generator in the selected load control
mode (Process, Droop, BaseLoad, Isochronous) when manual control is desired.
2 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

The EGCP-3 control uses digital signal processing techniques to derive both true
RMS voltages and relative phase of the fundamental frequencies of the bus and
generator voltage wave forms. Digital signal processing techniques offer
significantly improved measurement accuracy in the presence of waveform
distortions, particularly since the phase measurement does not depend on zero
crossings of the waveforms.

Either phase matching or slip frequency synchronizing may be selected. Phase

matching method controls the engine speed to give zero speed error and minimal
phase error between the generator and bus; this provides rapid synchronizing for
critical standby power applications. Slip frequency synchronizing guarantees a
fixed speed difference between generator and bus. This insures the generator to
be faster than the bus and initial power flow is out of the machine for larger
generators. For both synchronizing methods, the EGCP-3 control uses actual slip
frequency and breaker delay values to anticipate a minimum phase difference
between bus and generator at actual breaker closure.

The synchronizer can sense a dead local bus and close the generator circuit
breaker automatically when safe to do so. The network communication between
EGCP-3 control assures that multiple generators cannot close simultaneously
onto a dead bus.

There are four synchronizer modes of operation: Run, Check, Permissive, Off.
The mode can be selected through Watch Window, the front panel display, or
Modbus. The last mode selected by any of these interface methods will be the
mode of operation.

Additional synchronizer features include: voltage matching, time delayed

automatic multi-shot reclosing, and a synchronizer timeout alarm. Raise and
lower inputs can be used to manually adjust speed for manual synchronizing.
Voltage raise and lower inputs can be used to manually adjust voltage for
manual voltage matching. Each of these features may be enabled or disabled
during setup.

Load Control
When the generator circuit breaker is closed, the LS model is in Isochronous and
will Load Share with other units also connected to the bus. The speed bias
output will control the load of each engine by slight changes to the speed
control’s speed reference. When the breaker is open, the EGCP-3 will be in
droop operation. Another mode of Load control is BaseLoad; it begins at breaker
closure when the load control function takes control of the EGCP-3 speed bias
output directly from the synchronizer. The matching of synchronizer slip
frequency to initial load (unload trip level) can result in a bumpless transfer to
load control. On command, the adjustable ramp allows smooth, time-controlled
loading into Load Sharing, BaseLoad, or process control. A ramp pause switch
input allows holding of the load ramp for warm-up or other purposes. Process
Control is a derivative of BaseLoad operation. In this control mode, one genset
may be assigned as a master, to control the loading of other gensets on the bus.

The EGCP-3 control provides switch inputs to allow raising or lowering the
internal BaseLoad reference. The control also provides a 4–20 mA (or 1–5 Vdc)
analog input for remote load setpoint, if desired. The load reference can also be
set through a Modbus or ServLink DDE communication interface.

Woodward 3
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
When unloading, an adjustable unload ramp provides time controlled unloading
to the unload trip level. When load reaches the unload trip level, the control will
hold the load at the unload value, the breaker can then be opened manually to
remove the genset from service. The ramp pause switch can be used to stop the
load ramp at its present value for cool-down or other purposes.

The load and unload ramps also provide smooth transition between BaseLoad
and process control any time the operating mode is changed.

The EGCP-3 control includes several additional load control features:

• Simple load droop operation provides safe operation in parallel bus
applications in the event of a circuit breaker aux contact failure.
• Isochronous operation when the bus is isolated.
• Adjustable load switch output with independent pick-up and drop-out
points provides a signal when the specified load is exceeded.

Process Control
A cascade process controller is provided for cogeneration, import/export control,
pond level maintenance, pressure maintenance, or other application. An
adjustable bandwidth input filter, flexible controller adjustments, an adjustable
deadband, and direct or indirect control action, allow the process control to be
used in a wide variety of applications.

A 4–20 mA (or 1–5 Vdc) process transmitter provides the process signal to the
EGCP-3 control. The control includes an internal digital process reference which
may be controlled by raise and lower switch contact inputs or by an external 4–
20 mA (or 1–5 Vdc) process reference, or by a Modbus or ServLink
communication interface. The output of the process control provides the cascade
load reference to the BaseLoad control.

Adjustable ramps allow smooth entry to or exit from the process control mode.
When the process control mode is selected, an adjustable ramp moves the load
reference in a direction to reduce the process control error. When the error is
minimized, or the reference first reaches either the specified high or low load
pick-up limits, the process controller is activated. When unloading from the
process control, an adjustable unload ramp provides time controlled unloading to
the unload trip level. When load reaches the unload trip level, the EGCP-3
control automatically issues a breaker open command to remove the generator
set from the system. The ramp pause switch input allows holding of the load
ramp for cool-down or warm-up purposes.

Additional functions include selectable and adjustable process high and low limit
switches and alarm activation.

When multiple gensets and EGCP-3 LS controls are connected to a bus in

process control mode one unit is automatically assigned as the “Process
Master”. It’s process control loop then dictates through the LON network the load
levels of other gensets on the bus.

4 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

VAR/PF Control
The VAR/PF functions control the reactive power component of the generator in
parallel systems. The reactive load mode can be configured for VAR or Power
Factor control. The controller compares the reactive load on the generator with
an adjustable internal reference and makes corrections to the setpoint of the
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) until the desired reactive power is obtained.
The reactive power level can be maintained while also controlling real load
through the generator breaker. The analog voltage bias output can be directly
connected to compatible voltage regulators. The control also has raise and lower
contact outputs to activate a voltage regulator MOP when an analog input is not
provided on the AVR. The EGCP-3 control has a selectable voltage range alarm
that is activated if the analog output to the voltage regulator reaches high or low
saturation. The EGCP-3 control also has selectable and adjustable high and low
voltage limit switches and alarm outputs.

The EGCP-3 control provides switch inputs to allow raising or lowering the
generator voltage reference. The control also provides a 4–20 mA (or 1–5 Vdc)
analog input for kVAR/PF setpoint control, if desired. The kVAR/PF reference
can also be set through a Modbus or ServLink DDE communication interface.

While the EGCP-3 is controlling unit load to accomplish real load (kW) sharing,
the voltage of the generators in parallel will be controlled to accomplish equal
Power Factor levels of each generator.

ATS Control
ATS functions are not included in the LS model of EGCP-3. A Master Control
(MC) is used to control the mains circuit breakers and local bus circuit breakers
to perform ATS functions.

Peaking and Demand Operation

The LS model does not have Peaking and Demand functions. This function is
provided from an MC control that provides the interface with the mains(utility)
and LS units.

Genset Sequencing
While the details of how to start and stop a genset is determined by the Engine
Control sequence, when to initiate a start or stop is the function of the sequence
configuration. The starting and stopping of Gensets is closely associated with the
configuration of the system bus structure and genset characteristics. All EGCP-3
LS and EGCP-3 MC controls on a common network communicate their operation
status and the mains and bus status over a Echelon Network (LON). Systems
with up to 16 gensets, and/or four local bus segments, and/or two mains
connections for a split bus arrangement can be configured. When automatic
connection(s) to the mains is configured an EGCP-3 MC connected to the LON
network is required. The user can configure the criteria used to start and stop
genset(s) and the priority of which genset is the next to start or stop.

Woodward 5
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
A typical start/stop sequence would be:
• When the units on a bus segment are above a configured Maximum Load
Level or above their 100% Load Level, a start command will be given to the
next scheduled unit.
• When the units on this bus segment are below a configured Minimum Load
Level, a stop command will be given to the next scheduled unit.

Power and Energy Metering

The digital signal processing techniques are used to provide significantly improved
accuracy and speed of response over conventional analog measurement
techniques. Accuracy is improved using rapid sampling of the voltage and current
signal waveforms and developing a true RMS measurement. Measuring true RMS
power allows optimal accuracy, even in the presence of power line distortions.

The PowerSense board receives the PT and CT inputs for both the generator
and bus for calculation of parameters for the EGCP-3 to use in system control.
The algorithms used are based on IEEE 1459-2000. For the generator and bus
the following parameters are provided: Hz, Vac, Amps, W, VA, VAR, PF, Phase,
Voltage harmonics, Current harmonics, Negative Phase Sequence Voltage,
Negative Phase Sequence Current.

Available for selection at the 4–20 mA analog outputs: Synchroscope, Generator

metering, Mains metering

Protective Relaying
The PT and CT inputs were designed for accurate voltage and current monitoring
in applications of display and control. They are not designed for high speed,
sub-cycle, or cycle-to-cycle protective relaying though time delay protective
relaying can be used.

The EGCP-3 should not be used as the only means for detecting voltage or
current disturbances, dead bus conditions, or overcurrent conditions. The
generator should be equipped with a sync check relay, circuit breaker, and
other fast-acting protective relays as required by local codes and practices to
protect against damage to the generator with possible personal injury, loss of
life, or property damage. The sync check relay, circuit breaker, and other fast
acting protective relays must be totally independent of the EGCP-3.

Alarms can be configured for generator and bus protective relay (i.e. Reverse
power, Under Voltage) functions. Time delay, and separate warning and trip
thresholds can be set. A complete list of protective relay functions available is
given in Chapter 3. Current based protections are implemented using the
ANSI/IEEE C37.112 Very Inverse curve.

The EGCP-3 includes three serial ports for simultaneous connection to remote
HMI, PLC, remote control and monitoring equipment. The remote monitoring and
interface can be by Modbus tools or Woodward ServLink tools. Configuration of
the EGCP-3 may be done from the front panel or through a serial port using
Woodward Watch Window software. The Watch Window software allows easy
configuration in a Windows environment.
6 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 2.
Front Panel Operator Interface

The EGCP-3 Operator Interface is designed for simplicity and redundancy of
function in all operating modes. Two backlit LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens
are used to display various operating and status information to the operator, as
well as for configuration of setpoints. This chapter is intended to show the
operation of and features available though the EGCP-3 display. The function of
the configurable items shown here are described in more detail in following

The EGCP-3 Operator Interface can only be used for unit configuration and
monitoring. Unit start/stop, sync, or mode selection commands cannot be
given through the EGCP-3’s front panel.

An unsafe condition could occur with improper use of these software tools.
Only trained personnel should have access to these tools.

The unit’s front panel screens provide eight lines of status information, with the
option of displaying four lines of configuration or Alarm Log information. These
screens allow the user to monitor and tune related parameters at the same time.

Figure 2-1a. EGCP-3 Front Panel and Operator Interface

Woodward 7
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194


Figure 2-1b. Keypad

There are three modes of keypad/display operation: Alarm, Configure, and

Status. To go into one of these modes, simply press the key named with that
mode. The Alarm and Configure menus only appear on the right hand screen,
the left hand screen will continue showing the Status menu for that screen. When
the Status key is pressed both screens will display status menus.

Alarm/Event, Status, and Configuration Keys:

These three keys determine the type of menus being displayed by the EGCP-3.


The ALARM/EVENT KEY is used to access the alarm and

event menu in the right hand display screen. When pressed once, this key will
cause the right hand LCD display to show the current active alarm(s) and the
time of the alarm occurrence. Press the scroll down to view more alarms, End of
List will be displayed after the last alarm. If pressed twice, this key will cause the
right hand LCD display to show the latest alarm in the complete ALARM
HISTORY log of the generator set. As confirmation, the top line of the display will
indicate when the alarm history is being displayed. Press the scroll down to view
previous alarms and their occurrence time and date. Press CONFIG or STATUS
to exit the ALARM/EVENT mode. The ALARM CLEAR function is active while
viewing the active alarm screen and the proper security code entered. The
acknowledge function is available from all modes.

8 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation


The STATUS KEY, when pressed, will put both left and right
LCD into the monitor display mode. The status displays provide information
about different items of engine, generator set and bus operation. See the
STATUS MENU buttons, below for details on the various status keys. There are
no adjustment values in the status display mode. The left screen portion of the
active status screen will remain for monitoring when the Alarm or Configure
mode is selected. The Scroll Up, and Scroll Down are the only navigation keys
active in the Status mode.

The CONFIG KEY, when pressed, will put the right hand
LCD into the configuration mode, and if not already entered, ask for a security
code to be entered. After a proper code is entered, the Configuration menu items
will be displayed in the right hand screen. Status information will continue to be
displayed in the left hand screen. Since there are various menu items and
adjustments in the configuration menu, a blinking cursor is provided in the right
hand display to indicate the value may be adjusted.

Alarm/Event Keys


The ALARM CLEAR KEY is used to acknowledge and

clear alarm events from the current event status log. Events are never cleared
from the history log. When pressed, this key will silence the AUDIBLE ALARM (if
present). When pressed a second time this key will clear all alarms that are no
longer active (if at the proper security level). When an active alarm is cleared
(Reset), the action(s) associated with the alarm event will also be cleared from
the control logic.

Navigation and Adjustment Keys


The SCROLL KEY is used to move the screen’s cursor up,

down, left and right by pressing the respective corner of the scroll diamond. In
the Status mode and Alarm mode the Up and Down Scroll will change the screen
to the next set of parameters or Alarms. This key is also used to increment and
decrement values while in a Component Value Menu of the Configuration menu.

Woodward 9
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194


The ESCAPE KEY is used to move upwards (out of) the

configuration menu levels. It also is used when tuning a value to restore the
previous value, if the new value is not entered into memory (see the enter key,
below). The ESCAPE KEY has no function in the Alarm mode or Status mode


The ENTER KEY is used to move downwards (into) the

configuration menu levels. It is also used when tuning a value to enter the new
value to memory. The ENTER KEY has no function in the Alarm mode or Status

Status Menu Keys

Once the STATUS key has been pressed, the following keys can be pressed to
display the respective unit information. Many of the Status menus have more
than one screen. Pressing the Scroll Down key will show more parameters in the
same group.


The SYSTEM STATUS key, when pressed displays

general system status information. The system status display is also the default
status display screen (it is always the first display shown after a power up of the
control). This display shows general information about the operation of the
engine generator set. There is only one System status screen.


Press the ENGINE STATUS key to display status

information about the engine functions and operation. There are two Engine
status screens.


Press the GEN STATUS key to display the three phase

based generator and bus parameters. There are eight status screens to monitor
the generator and bus electrical parameters.

10 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation


Press the I/O STATUS key to display the status of all the
discrete inputs and outputs, as well as information on analog inputs and outputs.
There are three I/O status screens.

Press the SYNC STATUS key to display status information

regarding the generator breaker and mains breaker synchronizer. The
Synchronizer status is on two screens.


Press the KW LOAD STATUS key to display the unit’s kW

load control status information. There is one Load status screen.


Press the PF/KVAR STATUS key to display VAR/PF Mode

information, as well as related three phase generator and bus parameters. The
reactive power values are contained on only one status screen.


Press the SEQUENCE STATUS key to display

SEQUENCE information. This screen displays information and status on LON
sequencing. The sequence values are contained on three screens.


The ATS STATUS key selects a status screen that is not

available on the EGCP3 LS software version.

Woodward 11
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Navigation Procedure
The following drawings detail a step-by-step procedure for navigating through the
EGCP-3 software. Additionally, the typical display entries seen at each step are
shown. The cursor position is shown with an Underline of the first letter in the
active line. Stepping through this example will give the user a quick feel for the
display and keypad operation.


Power Up
system status system status


prime mover status prime mover status


synchronizer status synchronizer status

... synchronizer status ****

_ 0
+ +
SCROLL synchronizer status ----------------------------------------------------

First Time Startup
Engine Protection
synchronizer status Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection

First Time Startup

Engine Protection
synchronizer status Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection

Figure 2-2a. EGCP-3 Navigation (1)

12 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

From Previous Page

SCROLL First Time Startup (*first item in list)
Engine Protection
synchronizer status
Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection

Engine Protection
Shutdowns and Alarms
synchronizer status Generator Protection
Engine Control

Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs
SCROLL synchronizer status Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs (*last item in list)

Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs
SCROLL synchronizer status Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs (*last item in list)

>AO 1 Function
>AO 1 High Cal Value
synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

>AO 1 Function
SCROLL >AO 1 High Cal Value
synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

>AO 1 Function
>AO 1 High Cal Value
SCROLL synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

Figure 2-2b. EGCP-3 Navigation (2)

Woodward 13
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

ENTER From Previous Page

AO 1 Low Cal Value

synchronizer status -------------------WOODWARD EGCP3-------------

SCROLL AO 1 Low Cal Value

synchronizer status -------------------WOODWARD EGCP3-------------

>AO 1 Function
>AO 1 High Cal Value
synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

>AO 1 Function
>AO 1 High Cal Value
SCROLL synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

ENTER AO 1 High Cal Value

synchronizer status -------------------WOODWARD EGCP3-------------

>AO 1 Function
>AO 1 High Cal Value
synchronizer status >AO 1 Low Cal Value
>AO 2 Function

ESC Digital Inputs

Digital Outputs
synchronizer status Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs (*last item in list)

Figure 2-2c. EGCP-3 Navigation (3)

14 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

CONFIG from previous page

... First Time Startup

Engine Protection
synchronizer status
Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection
First Time Startup
Engine Protection
input/output status Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection

i input/output status input/output status

01-MAY-01 11:32:54.5
input/output status GEN BKR FEEDBACK ERR
22-APR-01 16:12:33.3
01-MAY-01 11:32:54.5
engine status
22-APR-01 16:12:33.3


SCROLL 01-MAY-01 11:32:54.5
engine status GEN BKR FEEDBACK ERR
22-APR-01 16:12:33.3


22-APR-01 16:12:33.3
SCROLL engine status ---------------------------------------------------
-------------------End of List----------------

Figure 2-2d. EGCP-3 Navigation (4)

Woodward 15
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

ALARM CLEAR from previous page

22-APR-01 16:12:33.3
engine status ---------------------------------------------------
-------------------End of List----------------

engine status None Recorded


system status None Recorded


i system status system status

Figure 2-2e. EGCP-3 Navigation (5)

Alarms and Events

The EGCP-3 contains two separate events lists. Both lists contain a combination
of diagnostics, warnings, and alarms. One list contains only the current events.
The other list is referred to as a history log. It contains all events that have
occurred at any time in the past or present. Any event that was listed in the
current event list will be listed in the history log. When the history log fills up, the
oldest event will be lost. The history log is kept in non-volatile memory. The
current event list is saved only in volatile memory and will be cleared on loss of
the 24 Vdc power input.

Current Alarms and Events

The ALARM/EVENT KEY provides access to the EGCP-3’s Alarm and Event
Log. This log contains up to 100 individual diagnostics, warning alarm, or
shutdown items. When the ALARM/EVENT KEY is pressed once on the EGCP-3
keypad, the right hand LCD screen will switch to display the current events and
the time an event occurred. Up to two events will be displayed at a time.
Pressing the Down Scroll key will page down to the next pair of events, until the
last (oldest) active alarms is displayed. End of List will be display after the last
alarm. If the total number of current events exceeds 100, the oldest events will
be dropped off the list to make room for the newer events. Pressing the Up Scroll
key will page up to the previous pair of events but not go further than the top of
the list. There is no wrap-around feature. The Side Scroll keys will have no effect.
The left screen will continue to show whatever status screen it was showing prior
to entering the Alarm/Event display mode.

16 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
In case the ALARM/EVENT KEY is pressed and there are no active or logged
alarms, the display will look like this:

D I S P L A Y N o n e R e c o r d e d

Current Alarm/Events

The standard format to display the current Alarms and Events is shown below if
at least two exist.

S T A T U S Y Y / MM / D D H H : MM : S S
Y Y / MM / D D H H : MM : S S
Current Alarm/Events

ALARM NAME: The name, as defined by the particular warning, alarm, or

shutdown event.
HH:MM:SS The hour, minute, seconds, of the alarm occurrence in 24 hr
YY/MM/DD The Year, Month and Day of the alarm occurrence. Only a 2-
digit year is shown due to space limitations. The month is
shown as the conventional numerical 01-12

The ALARM CLEAR KEY is used to acknowledge and reset alarm events from
the current event status list. When pressed, this key will acknowledge all alarms
in the Current Alarm/Event List by silencing (turning off) the AUDIBLE ALARM
output (if present). When pressed a second time, this key will reset the alarm
relay outputs (visual audible, soft shutdown etc.). However, if an event is still
active, it will not be cleared. If an event was latching an associated control
action(s), the latch will also be cleared from the control logic thus allowing that
action to continue (if appropriate). The Alarm/Event list will be cleared only if the
reset button is pressed, and the alarm condition has cleared, and the control
security level is at operator or greater level

The unit may start unintentionally if a fault, which caused the unit to shut
down, is cleared and the operating mode is enabled for Automatic Starting.
Before clearing the fault, check the cause of the fault, in order to protect
operating personnel located in the vicinity against injuries, and to protect
the engine against unintentional damage.

⇒ If the cause of the fault is not known or is unclear, NEVER press the

To enter a clear command, it is necessary to press the CLEAR ALARM key, wait
two seconds, and then press CLEAR ALARM again. If another alarm has
occurred during this two second wait period, the new alarm will be
acknowledged, but no alarms(s) will be cleared. Another press of the CLEAR
ALARM key is now required to clear the alarm list, and reset the alarm(s). There
is no maximum wait time for the alarm clear function. Once the CLEAR ALARM
key is pressed, the second ALARM CLEAR can occur any time (provided there
are no new alarms), the list will be cleared, and the alarm(s) will be reset.

Woodward 17
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

History Log
The ALARM/EVENT KEY is used to access the alarm and event menu in the
right hand display screen. When pressed once, this key will cause the right hand
LCD display to show the current event status of the generator set as described
above. If pressed a second time, this key will cause the right hand LCD display to
show the complete historical event log of the generator set. As confirmation, the
top line of the right display will indicate ALARM HISTORY when the history log is
being displayed. If the ALARM/EVENT KEY is pressed a third time, the display
will return to showing the current events.

Pressing the Down Scroll key will page down to the other events and their
occurrence time and date. The Down Scroll key will stop at the end of the list,
which may be less than the 100 events. Pressing the Up Scroll key will page up
to the previous event but not go further than the top of the list. There is no wrap-
around feature. The Side Scroll keys will have no effect. The left screen will
continue to show whatever status screen it was showing prior to entering the
Alarm/Event display mode.

The events displayed are arranged in a first in, last out (FILO) order. The most
recent events will appear at the top of the list, followed by older events. If the
total number of events exceeds 100, the oldest events will be dropped off the list
to make room for the newer events. Events are never cleared from the history log
until the log becomes full. The history log is saved in non-volatile memory so the
equipment owner can always see past events. A sample of a History Screen is
shown below:

Y Y / MM/ D D H H : MM: S S
History Log

The ALARM CLEAR KEY has no effect when viewing the History Log. No
password is needed to view the History Log.

Status Menus
There are nine status menus in the EGCP-3. Use the status keys on the face of
the EGCP-3 to access these status menus. The information in the status menus
is dynamic, and updates about every 200 milliseconds (ms). The status menus
are used to display all of the inputs and outputs of the control and the associated
modes of operation for the control. The status screens are to be used for
monitoring and troubleshooting.

All status screens include a wrap-around feature when more than one page of
data is available. Upon reaching the last page of data, pressing the scroll down
arrow key again will cause the EGCP-3 to wrap-around and display the first page
again. Likewise, if the first page is being displayed and the Scroll up key is
pressed, the last page will then be displayed.

18 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

System Status
When the EGCP-3 is initially powered up, it will default to the System Status
Screen 1. Below is an example of what the Screen may look like. The System
Status Screen can be accessed while in any other status screen by pressing the
SYSTEM key. The System Status #1 screen is the only screen shown in the
System Status section. Pressing the Scroll Down or Up button will continue to
display System Status Screen #1.

A l a r ms : 1 U N I T : 1 k W : 0 0 . 0 H z
B U S - - G E N - - P F : 1 . 0 0 L G
E n g i n e : O F F MW - h r s R u n - T i m e
S t a t e : A U T O 1 1 2 2 3 , 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 . 0
System Status #1

The screen displays the following information:

Alarms: Displays the number of active alarms on the unit.
UNIT: The LON Address of the EGCP-3 Unit.
BUS: A graphic display of the local bus condition. Two minus symbols (– –
) indicates the bus is out of spec, (+ +) indicates that the bus has
voltage on it.
GEN: A graphic display of the status of the generator. Two minus symbols
(– –) indicates the generator is out of spec, one plus symbol
indicates the generator is in spec, but not declared stable; (+ –) two
plus symbols (+ +) indicates the generator is in spec and stable.
Engine: Shows the operating state of the engine.

Displayed State Meaning

OFF The engine is off.

PREGLOW During a start sequence, the preglow is active.
CRANK The starter is engaged.
RUN The starter is disengaged and the engine is running at rated speed.
COOLDOWN The cooldown timer is running.
SPINDOWN The fuel solenoid is “off” and the engine is coasting to a stop.
RETRY The engine controller is waiting for the crank retry timer to expire
before attempting another start. The last start failed.
IDLE The engine is waiting at idle for the idle timer to expire before going to
rated speed. This state only occurs during start. If the engine is told to
idle during cooldown, the state will show cooldown.

State: Shows the state of the genset as a whole. Display shows how/why
the unit started.

Displayed State Meaning

OFF The Test/Run/Auto switches are all off.

TEST ENGINE The Test switch (only) was asserted and the engine is running in Droop.

RUN WITH LOAD The Run switch was asserted and the engine is running. With the Auto switch the unit
will automatically synchronize and close the gen breaker. Without the auto switch the
engine can be manually synchronized. Once the breaker is closed, the unit will go into
the appropriate Load Control Mode.
AUTO The Auto switch (only) is asserted and the EGCP-3 is waiting for network start
command. The unit is in standby and ready to start.
NETWORK START Start initiated over the LON network from a MC or LS unit.

Woodward 19
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
KW: The total kW load on the generator. Note: The display will put a
blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the units appear as W, kW, or
MW for the displayed value.
Hz: The frequency of the generator set, in Hertz.
PF: The average three phase power factor of the generator set.
MW-Hrs: The total accumulated MW hours produced by the generator set
since it was installed. This value is periodically saved in non-volatile
memory to preserve the value if power is interrupted to the control.
This value may be cleared, reset to zero, from the Configure Engine
Control menu.
Run-Time: The total accumulated run time of the generator set in hours. This
value is also periodically saved in non-volatile memory to preserve
the value if power is interrupted to the control. This value may be
cleared, reset to zero, from the Configure Engine Control menu.

This is what the System Status screen would look like when the unit was started
manually, the engine running, carrying 100 kW load, and the generator voltage is
within specified limits.

A l a r m s : 0 U N I T : 1 k W : 1 0 0 . 0 6 0 . 0 H z
B U S + - G E N + + PF : 1 . 0 0 L A G
E n g I n e : R U N MW - h r s R u n - T i m e
S t a t e : R U N W I T H L O A D 2 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 0 0 . 0
System Status #1

This is what the System Status screen looks like for a generator set that was
started on a Network start from another EGCP-3 and is load sharing with other
units on the bus at 500 kW, 0.80 lagging PF, with one alarm.

A l a r m s : 1 U N I T : 3 k W : 5 0 0 . 0 6 0 . 0 H z
B U S + + G E N + + P F : 0 . 8 0 L A G
E n g i n e : R U N MW - h r s R u n - T i m e
S t a t e : N E T W O R K S T A R T 2 0 0 0 . 0 0 4 0 0 0 . 0
System Status #1

Engine Status
Engine Status screen #1 contains summary information for engine functions. It is
the top screen shown in the Engine Status section. Pressing the Scroll Down
button will page down to Engine Status Screen #2.

H H : M M D D - MMM Y Y Y Y H 2 O T e mp : 1 0 0 . 0 d e g C
E n g i n e : O F F O i l P r e s s : 1 0 . 0 K P A
R P M: 0 G e n B r e a k e r : O P E N
B a t t e r y V o l t s : 2 4 . 0 V G E N – –
Engine Status #1

20 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
HH:MM: Time of Day (24 hour clock format)
DD-MMM: Date with two digits for the day and three letters for the month.
YYYY: Four digit year.
Engine: The state of the engine control function. This is a repeated
element from System Status Screen #1. See system status
above for a description of the states.
RPM: Engine speed in rpm.
Battery Volts: Battery Voltage in Volts dc.
H2O Temp: Coolant Temperature in °C, or °F, depending upon the units
selected in configuration.
Oil Press: Oil Pressure in kPa or psi, depending upon the units selected in
Gen Breaker: The Status of the generator breaker as provided by the
generator CB aux discrete input.
Gen: The status of the generator. Two minus symbols (– –) indicates
the generator is out of spec, one plus symbol indicates the
generator is in spec, but not declared stable (+ –); two plus
symbols (+ +) indicate the generator is in spec and stable.

Engine Status Screen #2 contains the parameters associated with engine start
and stop. Pressing the Scroll Up key pages back to Engine Status Screen #1.
Pressing the Down Scroll key also goes back to Engine Status Screen #1
because there are only two screens in this status area.

E n g i n e : O F F F u e l : O F F
S p e e d : 0 R PM I g n i t i o n : O F F
P r e g l o w : O F F A i r : C L O S E D
C r a n k : O F F C o n t r o l : I D L E
Engine Status #2

Engine: See Engine in Status Screen #1.

Speed: Engine speed in rpm.
Preglow: Shows OFF or PREGLOW depending on the state of the
discrete output. If an output is not assigned for Preglow, this field
will always show ‘– – –‘.
Crank: Shows OFF or CRANKING depending on the state of the starter
motor discrete output.
Fuel: Shows OFF or ON depending on status of Fuel Solenoid output.
Ignition: Shows OFF or ON depending on state of Ignition relay output. If
an output not assigned for Ignition control, this field will always
show ‘– – –‘.
Air: Shows TRIPPED or OPEN depending on status of Air Shutdown
damper output. The output is a 5 second pulse; the display will
remain TRIPPED until a fault reset is received. If an output is not
assigned for Air Shutoff, this field will always show ‘– – –‘.
Control: Shows IDLE or RATED depending on the state of the Idle/Rated
output. If an output is not assigned for Idle/Rated, this field will
always show ‘– – –‘.

Woodward 21
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Generator Status Screens

Generator Status Screen #1 contains summary information for both the
generator and bus sources. It displays totals and averages as appropriate. It is
the first screen shown in the generator status section. Pressing the Scroll Down
button will page down to Generator Status Screen #2. Pressing the Scroll Up
button will page up to Generator Status Screen #8. This wrap around feature is
intended to allow the user to quickly get to L-L phase values by pressing Down or
L-N phase values by pressing Up. When the generator PT configuration is set to
a Zig Zag configuration, the L-L and L-N voltage readings will be the same.

G E N 9 9 9 9 9 k V A B U S 9 9 9 9 9 k V A
9 9 9 9 9 V L L 9 9 9 9 9 k W 9 9 9 9 9 V L L 9 9 9 9 9 k W
9 9 9 9 9 V L N 9 9 9 9 9 k V R 9 9 9 . 9 V L N 9 9 9 . 9 k V R
9 9 9 9 9 A P F : 0 . 9 9 L G 9 9 9 9 9 A P F : 0 . 9 9 L G
Generator Status #1

GEN: Denotes this screen is for the generator bus.

BUS Denotes this screen is for the local bus.
KVA: Total KVA reading. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as VA, kVA or MVA for the
displayed value.
KW: Total kW readings. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as W, kW, or MW for the
displayed value.
KVR: Total kVAR reading. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as VR, kVR, or MVR for the
displayed value.
VLL: Average Volts L-L. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as V, kV, or MV for the
displayed value.
VLN: Average Volts L-N. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as V, kV, or MV for the
displayed value.
A: Average Amps. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the first
letter so that the units appear as A, kA, or MA for the displayed
PF: Average Power Factor; with LG (Lag)or LD (Lead).

Generator Status Screen #2 contains the three phase power calculations from
the generator sensors. Pressing the Scroll Up key pages up to Generator Status
Screen #1. Pressing the Scroll Down key pages down to Generator Status
Screen #3.

G E N A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ G E N
k V A 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V L L
k W 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A
k V R 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G P F
Generator Status #2

22 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
GEN: Denotes this screen is for the generator bus.
A∅ B∅ C∅: Three phase readings for the generator.
KVA: Phase KVA reading. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as VA, kVA or MVA for the
displayed value.
KW: Phase kW readings. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as W, kW, or MW for the
displayed value.
KVR: Phase kVAR reading. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the
first letter so that the units appear as VR, kVR, or MVR for the
displayed value.
VLL: Phase Volts L-L. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the first
letter so that the units appear as VLL, kVLL, or MVLL for the
displayed value.
A: Phase Amps. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the first
letter so that the units appear as A, kA, or MA for the displayed
PF: Phase Power Factor, with (Lag)or LD (Lead)..

Generator Screen #3 is the electric power overview for the Local Bus three-
phase power sensor. Pressing the Scroll Up key pages up to Generator Status
Screen #2. Pressing the Down Scroll key pages down to Generator Status
Screen #4.

B U S A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ B U S
k V A 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V L L
k W 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A
k V R 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G P F
Generator Status #3

BUS Denotes this screen is for the Local bus.

All other fields on this screen are identical in format to those on Screen #2

Generator Screen #4 is the first Harmonics screen for both power sources:
generator and bus. Pressing the Scroll Up button pages up to Generator Status
Screen #3. Pressing the Scroll Down key pages down to Generator Status
Screen #5 which is the second Harmonics screen. NOTE: The local display only
shows the current harmonics, all voltage harmonics are shown in the Watch
Window software, and are available through Modbus or ServLink.

I - T H D V - T H D 3 R D 4 T H 5 T H
G E N 1 0 0 . 0 1 9 . 9 9 G E N 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9 9 . 9 9
B U S 9 9 . 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 B U S 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9 9 . 9 9
Generator Status #4

GEN: Denotes this row is for the generator bus.

BUS: Denotes this row is used for the local bus.
I-THD: Total Harmonic Distortion of the Current in percent.
V-THD: Total Harmonic Distortion of the Voltage in percent.
3RD: Third Harmonic in percent.
4TH: Fourth Harmonic in percent.
5TH: Fifth Harmonic in percent.
Denotes this screen shows current rather than voltage

Woodward 23
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Generator Screen #5 is the second Harmonics screen for both power sources:
generator and bus. Pressing the Scroll Up button pages up to Generator Status
Screen #4. Pressing the Scroll Down key pages down to Generator Status
Screen #6.

6 T H 7 T H 9 T H 1 1 T H 1 3 T H
G E N 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9 9 9 . 9 G E N 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9
B U S 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9 9 9 . 9 B U S 9 . 9 9 0 . 9 9
Generator Status #5
6TH: Sixth Harmonic in percent
7TH: Seventh Harmonic in percent
9TH: Ninth Harmonic in percent
11TH: Eleventh Harmonic in percent
13TH: Thirteenth Harmonic in percent

Generator Status Screen #6 contains negative sequence voltage and currents. It

covers both power sources: generator and bus. Pressing the Scroll Up button
pages up to Generator Status Screen #5. Pressing the Scroll Down key pages
down to Generator Status Screen #7.

N e g∅ S e q : 9 9 9 9 9 V N e g ∅ S e q : 9 9 9 9 9 V
N e g∅ S e q : 9 9 9 9 9 A N e g ∅ S e q : 9 9 9 9 9 A
I - TH D 9 9 9 V - T H D 9 9 9 I - T H D 9 9 9 V - T H D 9 9 9
Generator Status #6

NEG∅ SEQ: Negative Phase Sequence. The descriptor after the value will
indicate if this is Negative Phase Sequence Voltage or Current.
The display will put a blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the
units appear as V, kV, MV, A, kA, or MA for the displayed value.
I-THD: Total harmonic distortion of the current in percent. Repeated
from Generator Status Screen #4
V-THD: Total harmonic distortion of the voltage in percent. Repeated
from Generator Status Screen #4.

Generator Status Screen #7 contains the three phase power calculations from
the bus sensors. This is a repeat for Generator Status Screen #3 except that L-N
values are used. Pressing the Up Scroll key pages up to Generator Status
Screen #6. Pressing the Down Scroll key pages down to Generator Status
Screen #8.

B U S A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ B U S
k V A 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V L N
k W 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A
k V R 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G P F
Generator Status #7

24 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Generator Screen #8 is the electric power overview for the generator three-
phase power sensor. This is a repeat for Generator Status Screen #2 except that
L-N values are used. Pressing the Scroll Up key pages up to Generator Status
Screen #7. Pressing the Scroll Down key wraps around to Generator Status
Screen #1.

G E N A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ A ∅ B ∅ C ∅ G E N
k V A 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V L N
k W 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A
k V R 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G 1 . 0 L G P F
Generator Status #8

I/O Status Screens

I/O Status Screen #1 contains summary information for discrete and analog I/O.
It is primarily useful for troubleshooting. It is the top screen shown in the I/O
status section. Pressing the Scroll Down button will page down to I/O Status
Screen #2. Pressing the Scroll Up button will page to I/O Status Screen #3.

D I S C R E T E I / O V o l t B i a s : 9 9 . 9 %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 S p e e d B i a s : 9 9 . 9 %
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I N L o a d R e f : 9 9 9 9 9
X X X X X X X X X X X X - - - - O U T L D Mo d e : I S O C H
I/O Status #1

IN: Discrete Inputs 1 through 16. X=Active, Blank=Off.

OUT: Discrete Outputs 1 through 12. X=Active, Blank=Off.
1234….56: These are the channel number 1-16 of the Discrete Inputs and
1-12 of the Discrete Outputs. NOTE: 0 = Input # 10, the 1-6 to
the right of 0 are 1 = Input #11, 2 = input #12, etc.
Volt Bias: % voltage bias output (±100% range).
Speed Bias: % speed bias output (±100% range).
Load Ref: This is the load reference used in the Real Load Controller. If
Process control is used, this load reference will be the load
reference driven by the process controller. This readout is only
active when in a BASELOAD or PROCESS control mode. It will
show (– – –) if not in control.
LD Mode: This is the Load Control Mode from the Real Load Status
Screen. See the Real Load Status Screens section for details.

I/O Status Screen #2 contains troubleshooting data on the left screen by

indicating the actual mA value of the Analog Output 1-4 at the I/O terminal, and
IN1 – IN4 is the mA or voltage (as configured for each input) at the terminal strip.
The right screen gives the scaled value for only the inputs. Pressing the Scroll
Up key pages up to I/O Status Screen #1. Pressing the Scroll Down goes to I/O
status screen #3.

O U T 1 : 1 9 . 9 9 I N 1 : 1 9 . 9 9 C o o l a n t : 9 9 9 . 9 d e g C
O U T 2 : 1 9 . 9 9 I N 2 : 1 9 . 9 9 O i l P r e s s : 9 9 9 . 9 k P a
O U T 3 : 1 9 . 9 9 I N 3 : 1 9 . 9 9 D y n a m i c L a b e l A 9 9 9 . 9
O U T 4 : 1 9 . 9 9 I N 4 : 1 9 . 9 9 D y n a m i c L a b e l A 9 9 . 9 9
I/O Status #2

Woodward 25
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
OUT#: The current in mA being output at the indicated analog output
IN#: The current in mA or voltage in Vdc detected at the indicated
analog input point.
Coolant: Coolant temperature displayed using the configured units, either
°C or °F. This value comes from analog input #1.
Oil Press: Oil Pressure displayed using the configured units, either kPa or
psi. This value comes from analog input #2.
Analogin3: The scaled value for input 3 as setup in the Analog Input menu.
Analogin4: The scaled value for input 4 as setup in the Analog Input menu.
NOTE: The descriptive label for analog inputs 3 and 4 in the right side screen
can be changed from Watch Window.

I/O Status Screen #3 contains network troubleshooting data. Pressing the Up

Scroll key pages up to I/O Status Screen #2. Pressing the Down Scroll goes
back to I/O status screen #1.

C o m P o r t 1 : N O R MA L T I E B U S M A I N S
C o m P o r t 2 : N O R MA L W X Y Z A B C D O P E N
C o m P o r t 3 : N O R MA L X X
L O N S t a t u s : A L A RM G e n B r e k e r : O P E N
I/O Status #3

Com Port 1 The status of serial communication port 1. ALARM indicates a

port fault exists, NORMAL indicates the port does not have a
Com Port 2 The status of serial communication port 2. ALARM indicates a
port fault exists, NORMAL indicates the port does not have a
Com Port 3 The status of serial communication port 3. ALARM indicates a
port fault exists, NORMAL indicates the port does not have a
LON Status The status of LON communication between EGCP-3 or
compatible controls. ALARM indicates a LON port error,
NORMAL indicates the port does not have an error.
TIE: The status of each tie breaker (W, X, Y, and Z) is indicated. ‘X’
means it is closed, and ‘ ‘ (blank) means it is open.
BUS: The status of each bus segment is indicated where ‘X’ means it
is part of the active bus and ‘ ‘ (blank) means it is not included.
MAINS: Indicates the position of the Mains breaker. If none of the
discrete inputs are configured as a Mains Breaker, it will show (--
Gen Breaker: Indicates the position of the GEN breaker, OPEN or CLOSED.

Synchronizer Status Screens

Synchronizer Status Screen #1 contains general interest synchronizing data. It is
the top screen shown in the Synchronizer Status section. Pressing the Scroll
Down or Up button will page to Synchronizer Status Screen #2.

S l i p P h a s e V o l t s S y n c h r o : O F F
9 . 9 9 H z 1 8 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 % V B : 9 9 . 9 % S B : 9 9 . 9 %
O K O K O K G e n A v g : 9 9 9 9 9 V L N
B u s D e a d ? T R U E B u s A v g : 9 9 9 9 9 V L N
Synchronizer Status #1

26 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Slip: The slip frequency in Hz of the generator with relationship to the
Phase: The phase angle difference in degrees between the generator
and the bus.
Volts: The voltage differential in percent between the generator and the
OK: Shows two minus symbols (– –) if not within programmed
window. Shows one plus symbol and one minus symbol (+ –) if
working to correct. Shows two plus symbols (+ +) if within
Bus Dead?: Indicates if the bus PT input being measured is dead.
Synchro: Displays the synchronizer's configured mode. These are as
VB: Voltage Bias Output in percent of the output range.
SB: Speed Bias Output in percent of the output range.
GEN AVG: Average L-L Voltage of the generator. The display will put a
blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the units appear as VL-L,
kVL-L, or MVL-L for the displayed value.
BUS AVG: Average L-L Voltage of the bus. The display will put a blank, k,
or M as the first letter so that the units appear as VL-L, kVL-L, or
MVL-L for the displayed value.

The synchronizer displays **** in the place of values for Slip, Phase, and
Volts when the synchronizer is inactive or off.

Synchronizer Status Screen #2 contains timing status data on the right screen
and status data on the left screen. The left screen is repeated from Synchronizer
Status #1. Pressing the Scroll Up key pages up to Synchronizer Status Screen
#1. Pressing the Scroll Down also pages to the Synchronizer Status Screen #1
since there are only two screens.

S l i p P h a s e V o l t s S y n c h r o O F F
9 9 . 9 H Z 9 9 9 . 9 9 9 9 . 9 % S t a t e : O F F
O K O K O K A t t e m p t # 9 9
T i m e o u t : 9 9 9 s e c
Synchronizer Status #2

State: Displays the state of the synchronizer:

Displayed State Meaning

OFF The generator is off or the breaker is closed so synchronization is not needed.
IN SYNC Gen Breaker has Closed Successfully, and held for synch timer.
SYNCING GEN The gen is being actively synchronized to the bus/mains to close the Gen CB
GEN STABLE TMR The synchronizer is waiting for the Generator voltage to be stable

Attempt#: Number of synchronization attempts (will always be less than or

equal to Close Attempts set point).
Timeout: The amount of time left on the Synchronizer Timeout timer in

Woodward 27
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

KW Load Status Screens

KW Load Status Screen #1 contains kW Load, Process Load, and Demand data.
It is the only screen in the kW Load Status section.

G e n L o a d : 9 9 9 9 KW P r o c A c t u a l : 0 . 0 0 0 %
L o a d R e f : 9 9 9 9 KW P r o c e s s R e f : 0 . 0 0 0 %
% R a t i n g 9 9 9 9 % L D M o d e : O F F
S y s t e m L o a d 0 . 0 % S t a t e : - - -
KW Load Status #1

Gen Load: The sum of the three-phase generator real power output. The
display will put a blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the
units appear as W, kW, or MW for the displayed value.
Load Reference: The load reference for the generator. The display will put a
blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the units appear as W,
kW, or MW for the displayed value.
% Rating Percent of Rated Load on this Genset.
System Load: Percent of total rated capacity of all generators on the LON
Proc Actual: The actual process level as seen by the EGCP-3. Units are
percent of rated process.
Process Ref: The process reference for the process control. Its source is
from; an internal setpoint, or an external devise, determined by
the control configuration. Units are in percent of rated process.
Load Mode: The current load control mode in operation.

Displayed Mode Meaning

OFF The load controller is off .

DROOP Droop Load Control
ISOCH Normal or Soft Transfer Load Control Setpoint Selected, and Gen on load, but not
in parallel with mains.
BASELOAD Gen on load at the internal configured kW level.

PROCESS Controlling using Temperature or Pressure Process input.

RMT PROCESS Controlling based on Temperature/Pressure Process input and a process
reference from elsewhere.

RMT BASELD Controlling load to a BaseLoad reference provided on an analog input.

LOAD SHARE Two or more EGCP-3s are tied to the same bus and are sharing load via LON
PROC SLAVE There is an EGCP-3 acting as a process master on this active bus. This unit is a
slave to that master.

State: The state of the load controller:

Displayed State Meaning

--- The circuit breaker is open.

RAMPING UP The load is being increased.
PAUSE A user has manually (or through Modbus) stopped a load ramp.
RAMPING DOWN The load is being decreased
AT REFERENCE The load has reached the configured level and is tracking.
MANUAL The load controller was placed in a manual mode and load is being controlled by
external inputs.

28 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

PF/KVAR Status Screens

PF/KVAR Status Screen #1 contains PF/KVAR data. It is the only screen in the
PF/KVAR Status section.

M o d e : P F C O N T R O L G E N B U S
S t a t e : R A MP I N G U P 0 . 9 9 L G 1 . 0 0 L D
P F R e f : 0 . 9 9 L G 9 9 9 9 9 k V A R 9 9 9 9 9 k V A R
V A R R e f : 9 9 9 9 9 k V A R V B i a s : 1 0 0 . 0 %
KVAR/PF Status #1

Mode: The actual VAR/PF control mode.

Displayed Mode Meaning

OFF VAR/PF control is off

VOLT TRIM The EGCP-3 is adjusting the gen voltage to rated value. The unit is isolated, and
is VAR/PF enabled.
PF CONTROL EGCP-3 is biasing to control PF.
PF SHARING The voltage bias is controlling to a specific PF that is broadcast over the LON.
VAR CONTROL EGCP-3 is biasing to control kVAR.
REMOTE EGCP-3 is responsible for biasing the regulator but another device is doing the
CONTROL control via an analog input to the EGCP-3.
MANUAL Manual-voltage bias controlled using panel raise/lower switches.

State: The state of the VAR/PF controller:

Displayed State Meaning

--- The Breaker is open.

RAMPING UP The voltage is being increased.
PAUSE A user has manually (or through Modbus) stopped the voltage ramp.
RAMPING DOWN The voltage is being decreased, automatically or manually, at the configured ramp
AT REFERENCE The voltage has reached the configured level and is tracking.
Manual The VAR/PF control is in manual, and may be controlled by the raise and lower

PF REF: The PF control reference value for the control. This field will
show ‘– – –‘ if the control is using, kVAR, or Manual voltage
control modes. The display shows LAG or LEAD as
VAR REF: The VAR control reference value for the control. This field will
show ‘– – –‘ if the control is using PF, or Manual voltage
control modes. The display will put a blank, k, or M as the first
letter so that the units appear as VAR, kVAR, or MVAR for the
displayed value.
PF: The average three phase PF of the generator or mains. The
display shows LAG or LEAD depending on the power factor
KVAR: The total VAR reading for the generator or mains. The display
will put a blank, k, or M as the first letter so that the units
appear as VAR, kVAR, or MVAR for the displayed value.
VBias: Voltage Bias Output in percent of the output range.

Woodward 29
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Sequence Status Screens

On the EGCP-3 Load Sharing (LS) units, this screen will always report as shown
below. No other sequencing screens are available or applicable.
U n i t : 1 S t a t e : O F F N e x t O n : 1
G e n B r e a k e r : C L O S E D N e x t O f f : 0
S e q . Mo d e : E q u a l T i me S e q D e l a y : – – –
S e r v i c e H o u r s : 0 # U n i t s O n L o a d : 0
Sequence Status #1

Unit: Network Address of this unit.

State: Indicates the availability of the genset:
Ready - unit is Ready to Start.
Alarm - an alarm exists from the LON . Starting may or may
not be affected. LS unit may not be setup correctly. Verify
network addresses and start stop arbitration.
Off - the Mode switch is not in Auto.
Gen Breaker: The status of the generator breaker as determined by the
generator CB aux discrete input.
Seq.Mode: The Sequencing Mode for starts and stops is selected from the
configure menu. All modes require the next unit to also be in
the Start Ready State.
Unit Number: Unit with the lowest Unit Number will start next,
Highest number will stop first.
Small 1st: The unit configured for the smallest rated power will
start next, Largest power will stop first
Large 1st: The unit configured for the largest rated power will
start first, smallest power will stop first.
Equal Time: Next unit to start will have the highest Run-Time.
Next stop will be unit with the lowest run time.
Staggered: Start and stop is ordered so no two units have
equal run-time.
Disabled: This unit will not be included in the auto stop/start
Service Hours: Number of hours left on the service meter. This value may be
negative if the engine is not serviced when it should be.
Next On: Unit Number of next unit to be sequenced onto the network.
Will show ALL if all are being started. Places an asterisk (*)
after the unit number when this unit is currently being
sequenced (while Seq. Delay timer decrements). This is done
for troubleshooting.
Next Off: Unit Number of next unit to be sequenced off the network. Will
show ALL if all are being stopped. Places an asterisk (*) after
the unit number when this unit is currently being sequenced
(while Seq. Delay timer decrements). This is done for
Seq Delay: Amount of time before the genset will start or stop. It will show
“---“ when the timer is not active. The time starts from either
the Rated Load Delay or the Reduced Load Delay depending
on if it is starting or stopping.
#Units On Load: Total number of units operating in isochronous load sharing.

30 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

S e g U n i t s : 1 T I E B U S M A I N S
R d y T o S t r t U n i t s : 0 W X Y Z A B C D O P E N
R d y T o S t o p U n i t s : 0 X X
L S U n i t s : 0 N e t U n i t s : 1
Sequence Status #2

Seg Units: Number of units on the active bus segment.

Rdy to Strt Units: Number of units on the active bus ready to start.
Rdy to Stop Units: Number of units on the active bus ready to stop.
LS Units: Number of load share units on the active bus.
Ties: Status Tie breakers W,X,Y,Z, ‘X’ below the breaker
identification means the breaker is closed, and ‘_‘
(blank) means it is open.
Bus: Each bus segment A,B,C,D is indicated where ‘X’ means
it is part of the active bus and ‘_‘ (blank) means it is not
Net Units: Number of units communicating on the LON network.

ATS Status Screens

There are no Transfer Switch functions in the LS units, When the local system
bus is tied to the mains, an MC unit is required to do the ATS function.



ATS Status #1

Security Access
The EGCP-3 has built-in security to protect against configuration changes and
alarm log purges by unauthorized personnel. There are five levels of access to
the configuration menus. They are listed in the table below. Each successive
level has access to all of the levels above. A four-digit security code is required
for access to the configuration menus. If a proper code is not entered within 60
seconds, the display will default to the System Status display.

For security purposes, all passwords may be changed. In order to change any
password, you must log in at the Technician or Factory level. See Calibration
Menu for ability to change passwords.

Security access is cleared once the escape (ESC) key is pressed while at the
configuration menu screen. A password must be re-entered if accessed is again
desired. While in the configuration modes, the Status menus may be selected for
monitoring, then press CONFIG to return to configuration menus.

Woodward 31
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Level Type of Access Default Password

Monitor View Status Screens, None Required
View current events and event history log
Silence-Acknowledge alarms
View and Reset (clear) current Alarm/Event action
Operator View Status Screens, 9002
View Configuration menus,
Configure LON Network sequencing arbitration start /stop setting
View and Reset (clear) current Alarms(Event) from Alarm Screen
Supervisor View Status Screens, 9003

View Configuration menus

Configure LON Network address, and arbitration start/stop setting
View and Reset (clear) current Alarms (Event) from Alarm Screen
Technician View Status Screens, 9004
Change Operator and Supervisor passwords,
Set all Configuration points
Not able to reset run time and Mw-Hour accumulators
Factory Full access ****

Table 2-1 Security Access Codes

Entering and Changing Values

To change an analog value: Use the Left or Right Scroll key to move the cursor
to the position or digit in the number that is to be changed. Then use the Up or
Down scroll key to change that number. To change another digit in the number,
use the Left/Right key to move to the next digit/position to change. If a value
cannot be changed, it may be a its highest or lowest limit. Pressing the Up key
when the digit is at 9 will roll the value to 0, and the digit to the left will increment.
Pressing the Down key when a 0 is displayed will roll that digit to 9, and the digit
to the left will decrement. After all digits have been changed to the desired value,
press the ENTER key to save the value. To return to the last saved value, and
return to the previous menu list, press the ESC key.

To change a function string: Press the Scroll Up/Down key until the desired
action/function is displayed. These selection menus wrap-around, so all options
can be seen when pressing the up or down key. When the desired action is
shown, press the ENTER key to save the displayed action or function. To revert
to the last saved function and to return to the previous menu list, press the ECS

Configuration Menus
The following sections list the configuration options for items available through
the front panel display. Descriptions of functions, settings, options and ranges of
menu items are described in more detail in Chapter 3

32 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Configure Menu Listing

To enter the configure mode, Press Configure key, and then press Enter. The
cursor will move to the second line. After setting the proper Security Code
number, press Enter. When a valid security code has been entered, the
configuration menu list will be displayed on the right side screen. If a low-level
security code is entered, the configuration menu, and all values can be observed,
but only the values authorized for the entered code can be changed. The
configuration list allows the user to configure, calibrate, and adjust all common
items for EGCP-3 operation. Only four lines may be viewed at a time but the
complete list is shown below for simplicity. The Up and Down Scroll keys allow
one to navigate to different menu items in the list. There is no wrap-around
feature in this menu. The blinking cursor will indicate which menu item is
currently selected. Pressing the Enter key will display the contents of the
selected menu, press Enter again to see and adjust the specific component
value or function. See the Navigation figure ( 3-7) in this chapter for more
information on navigating through the configuration menus. See Chapter 3 for
detailed instruction to configure the control.

Configure Menu Listing

First Time Startup
Engine Protection
Shutdowns and Alarms
Generator Protection
Bus Protection
Engine Control
Real Load Control
Reactive Load Cntrl
Process Control
Transfer Switch
Remote Alarm
Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs
Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs

Woodward 33
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

ENTER After Security code is


First Time Startup
Engine Protection COMPONENT
Shutdowns and Alarms
ESC Generator Protection MENU
Mains Protection
Engine Protection
MENU . Value
503.34 KW
Saves New Value OR
Return To Original

Figure 2-3. Navigation in Configure Mode

34 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 3.
Control Configuration

The EGCP-3 must be configured before it can be used. All configuration points
that are necessary for standard operation are available from the front panel
display. These configuration points plus additional points are available when
using Watch Window software through the ServLink communications serial link.
The additional configuration points enable additional features but are not
required for basic operation. This chapter discusses EGCP-3 setup using Watch
Window user interface, and the front panel display.

The Service and Configure sheets in Watch Window are designed to mimic the
front panel display menu structure. This structure allows a user to utilize the
Quick Configure feature of Watch Window to create logical and manageable
sheets (tabs) of parameters. To create these sheets (menus), ‘click’ on the large
Q near the left end of the Windows Menu-bar. The table below indicates the
sheets that will be created by a Quick Configure agent. The agent will sort the
Service sheets first followed by the Configure sheets in order from left to right as
shown top to bottom in the table below. The window containing the Quick
Configure sheets is referred to as an Inspector Window. Multiple inspectors can
be used at once. Customized inspectors can be made by adding or deleting
sheets, or parameter within a sheet.

The organization of tunable parameters is important because of the sheer

number of them and due to the existence of a front panel display. The first
character of most sheet names is a letter to allow control of the sheet order.
Within the sheet, the parameters are numbered to control their order. This also
gives a logical reference to refer to parameters, i.e. generator overvoltage trip
level is set on sheet C, line 03. The numbering of the STATUSXX sheets also
controls their order of placement.

Parameters are separated in Configure and Service blocks in Watch Window. All
parameters that should not be changed while the engine is running are placed in
Configure blocks. The parameters that can not be changed are in the following
menus; First Time Startup, Digital Inputs, Relay Outputs. Configure blocks
require IO Lock to be set in order to allow changes in a parameter. Many of the
parameters in Watch Window Configure blocks are also parameters in the First
Time Startup menu on the front panel display.

Many of the Service sheets are intended to allow the user to monitor operation of
the engine, generator and bus/mains. The sheets named STATUS01 –
STATUS10 will present data that closely resembles the STATUS screens of the
front panel.

There are additional configuration settings within many of the Quick Configure
tabs. They are inserted in a logical order together with the front panel content.
Service and Configure sheets and corresponding menu item(s) from the front
panel display are listed below. Those that do not have a matching menu are
marked with ‘XX’ in the table below. Front panel items that are in a Configure
Menu are marked with an *.

The * is only shown here for reference, it is not shown on the display.

Woodward 35
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Menus that are shown with an * and are in the display Configure menus
require that the engine be shut down before they can be changed, but if they
are in Watch Window Service menus, they can be changed while the engine
is running. Likewise, an item in a Watch Window Configure menu requires
that the control be in I/O lock, but to change that item from the front panel
requires only that the engine be shut down.

Corresponding Watch Window Configure Comments / Function

Front Panel Menu Sheet Names
* First Time Startup A# FIRST TIME CONFIG ## System Configuration values at installation
* Digital Inputs B# DIGITAL INPUTS ## Define Function of Configurable Discrete
* Digital Outputs C# RELAY OUTPUTS ## Define Function of Configurable Relay Driver

Corresponding Watch Window Service Sheet Comments / Function

Front Panel Menu Names
* Engine Protection A ENGINE PROTECTION Engine Protection Setup
* Shutdowns and B SHUTDOWN AND ALARMS Define Alarm Thresholds
* Generator C GENERATOR PROTECTION Define Generator Trip Levels
* Bus Protection D BUS PROTECTION Define Bus Trip Levels
* Engine Control E ENGINE CONTROL Setup Engine Start Sequence
* Synchronizer F SYNCHRONIZER Define Synchronizer operating Parameters
* Real Load Control G REAL LOAD CONTROL Set Load Control Parameters
* Reactive Load Cntrl H REACTIVE LOAD CNTRL Set Reactive Load Control Parameters
* Process Control I PROCESS CONTROL Define Process Control Function, Parameters
* Transfer Switch J TRANSFER SWITCH Define Gen stable Timing
* Sequencing K SEQUENCING Setup Auto Start/Stop Conditions
* Communications L COMMUNICATIONS Serial Port Setup Values
* Calibration M CALIBRATION Set Clock and Hardware Input/Output
* Remote Alarm N REMOTE ALARM INPUTS Set Remote Discrete Alarm Functions
XX O FORCE RELAYS Enables test and manual operation of Discrete
* Analog Outputs P ANALOG OUTPUTS Define Function and Scaling of Analog Outputs
* Analog Inputs Q ANALOG INPUTS Define Function and Scaling of Analog Inputs

XX T REMOTE CONTROL Monitor ServLink Parameters

XX U SEQUENCE STATES Use to Observe the State of the EGCP-3
engine Sequence
XX V UNITS Displays the Units (KW, MW) of the System
XX W LON MESSAGING Displays all LON Messages (for Load
System Status STATUS01- SYSTEM Displays the System Operating Status and
Engine Status STATUS02- ENGINE Display the Engine Operating Status
Gen Status STATUS03- GENERATOR Displays the Generator Operation Values
Gen Status STATUS04- BUS Observe the Bus Operation Values
I/O Status STATUS05- I/O Displays EGCP-3 Inputs and Outputs
Sync Status STATUS06- SYNCHRONIZER Displays Synchronizer States
KW Load Status STATUS07- KW LOAD Displays Load Control Values and Status
PF/KVAR Status STATUS08- PF / KVAR Displays VAR/PF control Values and Status
Sequence Status STATUS09- SEQUENCE Displays Sequencing operation States
ATS Status XX No ATS function in LS model
Alarms/Event STATUS10- ALARMS Displays Order of Alarm Occurrence and
* Configure menu items
XX No corresponding item
Table 3-1. Front Panel Menu ↔ Watch Window Sheet
36 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Parameter Descriptions
Within a given menu in the following sections, each parameter will be described
in detail. Separating each parameter will be a quick reference block like the one
shown below. Details for the parameter will follow the quick reference block.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over Voltage GEN VOLT HI LVL Both 50 30000 600 Volts
Alarm Level

The display name is the description used on the front panel display or in Watch
Window. The names may differ because the field is limited to 20 characters on
the display and 27 in Watch Window. Both interface use upper case for the
parameter name, the parameter value (when in text form) uses upper and lower
case. Numeric values may be shown as integer or real with appropriate

The Panel / WW column indicates where the item can be found. If “Panel”, it is
only found on the front panel display. If “WW”, it is only found using Watch
Window. If “Both”, it can be found on the front panel display and in Watch

The Default value is the value that this parameter will be when shipped from the

The Units column indicates the configuration units for a numerical parameter. For
items in electrical units, an asterisk (*) will precede the unit in the table. This
indicates that the units are variable (_, K, or M). The variable units depend on the
configured CT Ratio, PT Ratio, Sensing Type, and Hardware Range for the
generator or mains input. The appropriate units calculated by the EGCP-3 are
shown on the V UNITS sheet of Watch Window, or throughout the Status
screens on the display.

Alarm Action Definition

Below is the list of alarm actions. It is used in many places within the
Configuration Menus.

Alarm Actions
Value Display Notes
Trip Tie Breaker With Opens the Bus Breaker, Initiates a start,, adds
8 Trip Breaker w/Alarm
Alarm an event to the alarm list.
7 Trip Tie Breaker Trip Breaker Opens the Bus Breaker, Initiates a start
Engine is shutdown immediately, same as an
6 Hard Shutdown Hard Shutdown
Emergency Shutdown
Non-critical shutdown, smooth unload,
5 Soft Shutdown Soft Shutdown
cooldown, then shutdown
A discrete output will be given, connected to an
4 Audible Alarm Audible Alarm external audible device, An acknowledge from
ALARM CLEAR will turn this output off.
A discrete output will be given, connected to an
3 Visual Alarm Visual Alarm external visual indication device. This is not
effected by an Acknowledge
2 Warning Warning An event will be shown on the alarm list only
1 Disabled Disabled No Action will be taken

Table 3-2. Alarm Action Definitions

Woodward 37
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Program Configuration Checks

In order to prevent improper configuration of the control, “sanity checks” are
made automatically in software.

Safety related Parameters (values that could cause equipment damage) must be
within a specified range, calculated from the following:
• Rated VA
• Number of Poles
• Rated Speed
• Rated Frequency
• Function selection of discrete inputs 6 through16
• Function selection of analog inputs 3 and 4

If an entered value does not pass the configuration check when compared to
other entered values, an alarm will be logged in the Alarm/Event list and the
control will not be available for operation (Hard Shutdown) until this value is
corrected, and a reset/clear given. The STATUS01 SYSTEM sheet in Watch
Window will indicate which configured item is entered incorrectly.

First Time Configure Menu

The First Time Startup Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window. Items in it can be viewed but not edited while the engine is
running. This menu is shown as a Configure sheet in Watch Window, Configure
sheets are near the end (right side) of the Quick Configure agent tabs. When
using Watch Window for Configuration, IO Lock must also be set. IO Lock will set
all EGCP-3 outputs to the same level/value as when input supply power is
removed from the unit.

Every item in the First Time Startup menu must ALWAYS be checked and
configured upon first usage of the control. The first 12 items in the Front Panel
menu and the first 17 items in the Watch Window menu must be correctly
configured prior to any other configuration.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Language LANGUAGE Both 1 2 1=English NA

1 = English, 2 = 2nd Language. Second Language is not available at his time.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units
Gen CT Ratio GEN CT RATIO Both 5.0 30000.0 150 Ratio

This value represents a scalar for the generator ac current inputs. If a CT has a
turns ratio of 1500:5, then the value to enter here is 1500. The value actually
represents the Primary Turns on the transformer. The EGCP-3 will multiply the
sensed current at the input by this value to determine the actual current on the
generator for the given phase.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Gen PT Ratio GEN PT RATIO Both 1.0 1000.0 3.8 Ratio

This value represents a scalar for the generator ac voltage inputs. If a PT has a
turns ratio of 13,800:120, then the value to enter here is 115. (13800 ÷ 120 =
115) The EGCP-3 will multiply the sensed voltage at the input by this value to
determine the actual voltage on the generator for the given phase. The EGCP-3
will also need to know the next two parameters to fully define the voltage.

38 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Gen Sensing Type GEN SENSING TYPE Both False True True=3∅

This value can be either 1∅ or 3∅ with a default of 3∅. If set to 1∅, the EGCP-3
will ignore any inputs on the B and C phase generator ac voltage inputs and
current inputs, and set these phase values to zero. When 1Ø is selected the
power measurements will be a per-phase value, and not the total.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Gen Hardware Range GEN HW RANGE Both 1 3 2=120V Volts

This value can be either 70, 120, or 240 Vac with a default of 240 Vac. This
setting is important to the EGCP-3 for both calibration accuracy as well as ability
to measure the voltage. The range limits for each selection are indicated in the
table below.

Value Configured Maximum Voltage

1 70 100 Vac
2 120 150 Vac
3 240 300 Vac

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus CT Ratio BUS CT RATIO Both 5.0 30000.0 500

This value represents a scalar for the bus ac current inputs. If a CT has a turns
ratio of 1500:5, then the value to enter here is 1500. The value actually
represents the Primary Turns on the transformer. The EGCP-3 will multiply the
sensed current at the input by this value to determine the actual current on the
bus for the given phase.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus PT Ratio BUS PT RATIO Both 1.0 1000.0 3.8

This value represents a scalar for the bus ac voltage inputs. If a PT has a turns
ratio of 13,800:120, then the value to enter here is 115 (13800 ÷ 120 = 115). The
EGCP-3 will multiply the sensed voltage at the input by this value to determine
the actual voltage on the bus for the given phase. The EGCP-3 will also need to
know the next two parameters to fully define the voltage.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Sensing Type BUS SENSING Both False True True=3∅

This value can be either 1∅ or 3∅ with a default of 3∅. If set to 1∅, the EGCP-3
will ignore any inputs on the B and C phase bus ac voltage inputs and current
inputs, and set these phase values to zero. When 1Ø is selected the power
measurements will only be a per-phase value, and not the total.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Hardware Range BUS HW RANGE Both 1 3 2=120V Volts

This value can be either 70, 120, or 240 Vac with a default of 240 Vac. This
setting is important to the EGCP-3 for both calibration accuracy as well as ability
to measure the voltage. The range limits for each selection are listed in the table
below. When the voltage drops below the Dead Bus value, the bus is considered
dead. If the control is configured to perform Dead Bus breaker closing the
breaker close command will be armed.

Woodward 39
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Value Configured Dead Bus Voltage Detected Maximum Voltage

1 70 <27 Vac 100 Vac
2 120 <40 Vac 150 Vac
3 240 <80 Vac 300 Vac


It is very important that PT Ratio, CT Ratio, Sensing Type, and Hardware
Range be configured for each bus prior to anything else. These values are
used to determine the units for all other configurable parameters.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Number of Poles NUMBER POLES Both 2 18 4 NA

This value is the number of poles on the generator. It is used to calculate the
generators frequency. Then the measured speed from the MPU is compared with
this frequency. The EGCP-3 constantly watches to be sure the calculation for
frequency and the sensed generator frequency match. This diagnostic is used to
determine MPU failure, or generator excitation failure. It will also trigger a
configuration error if values are not entered properly.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Number of Teeth NUMBER TEETH Both 6 500 60 NA

This value is the number of teeth on the flywheel where the MPU sensor is
located. Even if no MPU is provided, this must be properly configured in order to
pass the configuration check. The EGCP-3 assumes the MPU is located on a
flywheel that spins at the same rate as the crankshaft and the generator. If this is
not the case (for example, if there is a gear box between the engine and
generator), then either the number of poles or the number of teeth must be
adjusted so that the rpm reads correctly and the EGCP-3 configuration check is
also satisfied.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Gen VA RATED GEN VA Both 0.001 30000.0 156.00 *VA

This value is the nameplate Volt-Ampere (VA) rating for the generator set. Be
careful to observe the indicated units when configuring this parameter. When
using Watch Window, the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Gen VAR RATED GEN VAR Both 0.001 30000.0 35.0 *VAR

This value is the nameplate Volt-Ampere-Reactive (VAR) rating for the generator
set. Be careful to observe the indicated units when configuring this parameter.
When using Watch Window, the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet
labeled UNITS.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Gen Watts RATED GEN W Both 0.001 30000.0 125.00 *Watts

This value is the nameplate Watt (W) rating for the generator set. Be careful to
observe the indicated units when configuring this parameter. When using Watch
Window, the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled UNITS.

40 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Speed RATED SPEED Both 100 5000 1800 RPM

This is the rpm value when the engine is at synchronous speed. This value is
used in the configuration check together with the number of teeth and rated

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Gen Voltage RATED GEN VOLTAGE Both 0.001 30000.0 480.0 *Volts

This value is the nameplate Voltage of the generator set. This value is used to
set up rated current of the machine for use in protection of the generator. Be
careful to observe the indicated units when configuring this parameter. When
using Watch Window, the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Gen Configuration GEN PT CONFIGURATION Both 1 3 1=Delta(L-L) NA

This value can be either 1=Wye (Star, Line-to-Neutral), 2=Delta (Line-to-Line), or

3=Zig Zag (single phase). If set to Wye, it indicates that the wiring between the
generator and the EGCP-3 is done in a L-N manner. It does NOT necessarily
relate to how the generator is connected to the load. For example, the generator
could be wired to the load as Wye but wired to EGCP-3 as Delta using Open
Delta transformers. When the configuration is set for Zig Zag, the setting Gen
Sensing type must also be set to False for single phase.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Rated VA RATED BUS VA Both 0.001 30000.0 1000.0 *VA

This value is the Volt-Ampere (VA) rating of the bus tie. It should be based on the
bus side values seen by the PTs and CTs. Be careful to observe the indicated
units when configuring this parameter. When using Watch Window, the units are
in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled UNITS.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Rated VAR RATED BUS VAR Both 0.001 30000.0 1000.0 *VAR

This value is the Volt-Ampere-Reactive (VAR) rating of the bus tie. It should be
based on the bus side values seen by the PTs and CTs. Be careful to observe
the indicated units when configuring this parameter. When using Watch Window,
the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled UNITS.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Rated Watts RATED BUS WATTS Both 0.001 30000.0 1000.0 *Watts

This value is the Watt (W) rating of the bus tie. It should be based on the bus
side values seen by the PTs and CTs. Be careful to observe the indicated units
when configuring this parameter. When using Watch Window, the units are in a
separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled UNITS.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Rated Voltage RATED BUS VOLTAGE Both 0.001 30000.0 480.0 *Volts

This value is the voltage of the bus where the PTs are connected. Be careful to
observe the indicated units when configuring this parameter. When using Watch
Window, the units are in a separate Quick Configure Sheet labeled UNITS.

Woodward 41
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Configuration BUS PT CONFIGURATION Both 1 3 1=Delta (L-L)

This value can be either 1=Wye (Star, Line-to-Neutral), 2=Delta (Line-to-Line), or 3=Zig
Zag. If set to Wye, it indicates that the wiring between the bus and the EGCP-3 is done
in a L-N manner. It does NOT necessarily relate to the bus configuration.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

System Frequency SYSTEM FREQUENCY Both 1 2 2=60 Hertz

This value can be either 50Hz or 60Hz with a default of 60Hz. It applies to both
the generator and bus inputs.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Bias Output Type SPEED BIAS TYPE Both 1 5 3= ±3

Value Output Typical Speed Control Type

5 Raise/Lower Motor Operated Potentiometer
4 500 Hz, PWM CAT ADEM controls
3 ±3 volt Woodward Governor Controls
2 0-5 volt DDEC controls
1 4–20 mA

This value in the list above selects the type of speed bias output compatible with
the speed control being used. This software selection will configure the Speed
Bias output hardware to provide the electrical characteristic selected.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Bias Output Type VOLTAGE BIAS TYPE Both 1 5 4= ±1

Value Output
5 Raise/Lower
4 ±1 volt
3 ±3 volt
2 ±9 volt
1 4–20 mA

This value in the list above selects the type of voltage bias output compatible
with the voltage regulator being used. This software selection will configure the
Voltage Bias output hardware to provide the electrical characteristic selected.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Display Units DISPLAY UNITS Both 1 2 2=Metric

This value can be either Metric or American. When set for Metric, pressures will
be displayed in kilopascals (kPa) and temperatures will be displayed in Celsius
(°C). When set for American, pressures will be displayed in pounds per square
inch (psi) and temperatures will be displayed in Fahrenheit (°F).

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

System Phase Rotation SYS PHASE ROTATION Both False True True=CW, ABC NA

This value is a True/False selection that can be either CW (ABC-Clockwise) or

CCW (ACB-Counterclockwise). It is best to wire the PT inputs to the EGCP-3 with
the same phase relationship as the actual generator and bus. This configuration is
used when determining negative phase sequence metering values.

42 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Breaker Type GEN BREAKER TYPE Both 1 2 1=Breaker NA

This value can be either Breaker or Contactor. If set to breaker, the EGCP-3
operates two relay outputs. The shunt trip output will open the breaker, and the
breaker close output will close the breaker. If set to contactor, the EGCP-3
operates one relay output, the output is the breaker close it will toggle the output
for open and close When the contactor option, the Generator Shunt Trip output is
not used.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Unit Number UNIT NUMBER Both 1 16 1 NA

This is the LON network address for the EGCP-3. Each Unit must have a unique
unit number.. The Unit numbers in the system do not need to be consecutive. If
an EGCP-3 MC is used, it must also be assigned a unit number within the
allowed range (1-16). The LS sets priorities for process master from the lower LS
unit number. The MC sets priorities for Master in Control from the higher MC unit

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Compatible Mode MODE

If the system consists ONLY of EGCP-3 connected to the LON bus, this is set to
“EGCP-3”. If the system is required to interface with Woodward MSLC or DSLC
controls, this is set for D/MSLC to allow communication between these controls
and the EGCP-3.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Segment BUS SEGMENT Both 1 4 1=A Segment

Enter the bus segment this EGCP-3 is connected to via PT/CT and breaker
wiring. The table below shows the different bus segment options. Application of
Digital Input Selectable requires a digital input or multiple digital inputs to select
the bus segment. This also limits the functionality of the W, X, Y, and Z
tiebreaker feedback. Example: If an LS unit has digital inputs for Bus A and Bus
B, and they are closed, the unit will be on bus AB even if tiebreaker W is open.

Value Bus segment

1 A Segment
2 B Segment
3 C Segment
4 D Segment
5 Digital Input Selectable

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

ServLink Address SERVLINK ADDRESS Both 0 15 0

When the ServLink communication is configured for Multi-drop (multiple ServLink

devices sharing the same information) enter the address of this control.

Woodward 43
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

LON Start LON START Both False True True=Enabled

This will enable the EGCP-3 to initiate engine starts when a start is requested
from the LON network.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Engine Start START Both False True True=Enabled

This value is a True/False selection that can be either Enabled or Disabled. If set
to Enabled, the EGCP-3 will control engine cranking, fuel shutoff, and ignition
shutoff, etc. If Disabled, the EGCP-3 will only provide a contact output for
external equipment that provides the starting logic. A MPU is required when Start
Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Action PROCESS ACTION Both False True True=Direct

This value is a True/False selection that can be either Direct or Indirect. If set
TRUE, the action is set to Direct, and an increase in process is proportional to an
increase in kW. If set FALSE, the control action is set to Indirect, an increase in
process is directly proportional to a decrease in kW.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Analog 3 Function AI 3 FUNCTION Both 1 7 4=Proc Ref

This value is detailed in the table below.

Value Command Display Notes

7 Remote Analog Level Alarm Analog Alarm Transducer connection for
alarm and value display
6 Remote KVAR Reference VAR Reference Overrides the internal VAR
control configuration
5 Remote PF Reference PF Reference Overrides the internal PF
control configuration
4 Remote Process Reference Process Reference Overrides the internal
Process or Import/Export
level configuration
3 Process Control Input Proc Control Input Transducer connection
2 Remote BaseLoad Reference BaseLoad Reference Overrides the internal
BaseLoad configuration
1 Not Used Not Used

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Analog 4 Function AI 4 FUNCTION Both 1 7 5=PF Ref

The function of Analog Input 4 can be selected from the list detailed in the table
above with Analog 3.

Digital Input Menu

The Digital Input Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. All items appear in both. In Watch Window, the Digital Input Menu is a
Configure menu located near the end (right) of the Quick Configure tabs
following the First Time Startup Menu. When using Watch Window, IO Lock must
be set.

44 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Inputs Function
Digital Input 1 Emergency Stop
Digital Input 2 Auto
Digital Input 3 Test
Digital Input 4 Run with Load
Digital Input 5 Generator Breaker (Auxiliary

Units Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default

Digital Input 6 DIGITAL INPUT 6 Both 1 25 2=Mains breaker aux
Digital Input 7 DIGITAL INPUT 7 Both 1 25 18= Enable VAR/PF Control
Digital Input 8 DIGITAL INPUT 8 Both 1 25 19= Unload Command
Digital Input 9 DIGITAL INPUT 9 Both 1 25 3=Voltage/PF/VAR Raise
Digital Input 10 DIGITAL INPUT 10 Both 1 25 4=Voltage/PF/VAR Lower
Digital Input 11 DIGITAL INPUT 11 Both 1 25 5=Load/Speed Raise
Digital Input 12 DIGITAL INPUT 12 Both 1 25 6=Load/Speed Lower
Digital Input 13 DIGITAL INPUT 13 Both 1 25 11= Remote Alarm Input #1
Digital Input 14 DIGITAL INPUT 14 Both 1 25 12= Remote Alarm Input #2
Digital Input 15 DIGITAL INPUT 15 Both 1 25 17= Reset Alarm/Fault
Digital Input 16 DIGITAL INPUT 16 Both 1 25 8= Enable Process Control

The configurable functions are shown in the list below. The list is identical for all
the configurable digital inputs. No two inputs should be configured to the same
function. An error will result if two inputs are configured for the same function and
the engine will not be allowed to start until it is corrected.

Value Command Display Notes

Changes the kW rating of the genset for
32 KW Derate Select KW Derate Select
loadsharing and sequencing
Switches the Load control mode to
31 Droop Track Select Droop Track Select droop, without any speed change
30 Enable Bus Segment D Bus Segment D Puts control unit on bus D
29 Enable Bus Segment C Bus Segment C Puts control unit on bus C
28 Enable Bus Segment B Bus Segment B Puts control unit on bus B
27 Enable Bus Segment A Bus Segment A Puts control unit on bus A
26 Enable Skip Idle Timer Skip Idle Timer Input used to skip idle timer during start
25 Reset to Internal Load Reset to Internal Load Should be a momentary switch Resets
Setting Setting load or process to internal default
24 Enable BaseLoad BaseLoad Select Load Control in BaseLoad mode
23 z Segment Breaker Aux Z Breaker Aux Contact Breaker Connects Bus Seg D to A
22 y Segment Breaker Aux Y Breaker Aux Contact Breaker Connects Bus Seg C to D
21 x Segment Breaker Aux X Breaker Aux Contact Breaker Connects Bus Seg B to C
20 w Segment Breaker Aux W Breaker Aux Contact Breaker Connects Bus Seg A to B
19 Unload Command Unload Command Ramp Load to minimum
18 Enable VAR/PF Control Enable VAR/PF Reactive Load Control Enabled
17 Reset Alarm/Fault Reset Alarm/Fault Should be a momentary switch. First
contact silences the horn, second
contact resets the fault.
16 Remote Alarm Input #6 Remote Alarm #6 See also Remote Alarm Menu
15 Remote Alarm Input #5 Remote Alarm #5 See also Remote Alarm Menu
14 Remote Alarm Input#4 Remote Alarm #4 See also Remote Alarm Menu
13 Remote Alarm Input #3 Remote Alarm #3 See also Remote Alarm Menu
12 Remote Alarm Input #2 Remote Alarm #2 See also Remote Alarm Menu
11 Remote Alarm Input #1 Remote Alarm #1 See also Remote Alarm Menu
10 Meter Phase Select B Meter Phase Select B Must be used together with Meter Phase
Select A (see table below)

Woodward 45
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Value Command Display Notes
9 Meter Phase Select A Meter Phase Select A Must be used together with Meter Phase
Select B see table below
8 Enable Process Control Enable Process Close to enable control for Process
Control Master or Back-up Master
7 Load Ramp Pause Load Ramp Pause Should be a momentary switch
6 Load / Speed Lower Load / Speed Lower Should always be used together with
Command Command Load/Speed Raise Command as a pair
5 Load / Speed Raise Load / Speed Raise Should always be used together with
Command Command Load/Speed Lower Command as a pair
4 Voltage/PF/VAR Lower Voltage/PF/VAR Lower Should always be used together with
Command Command Voltage/PF/VAR Raise Command as a
3 Voltage/PF/VAR Raise Voltage/PF/VAR Raise Should always be used together with
Command Command Voltage/PF/VAR Lower Command as a
2 Mains Breaker Aux Mains Breaker Aux Only required when bus connected to the
Contact Contact mains. Used for BaseLoad control or
Process Master.
1 Not Used Not Used

The Meter Phase Select pair is a input pair. It is intended to be used together
with analog outputs configured to indicate Power Metering values. The output of
the Power Metering analog outputs will follow the Meter Select input as indicated
in the below table. There are four possible positions of the Meter Select input. A
‘0’ indicates no connection and a ‘1’ indicates the input is active.

Meter Phase Select A Meter Phase Select B Meter Output

1 0 Phase A
0 1 Phase B
1 1 Phase C
0 0 Average/Total

When a Discrete Input is selected to have a function of Remote Alarm 1-6, the
alarm characteristics need to be configured in the REMOTE ALARM INPUT

Digital Output Menu

Selection of Digital Output functions is included in both the front panel display
and Watch Window menus. Some configurable items appear only in Watch
Window. Configure: “C# RELAY OUTPUTS ## “ Watch Window menu is located
at the end (right) of the Quick Configure tabs. Items in the menu can be viewed
but not edited until the EGCP-3 is in I/O Lock. Some items from this menu are
also present on the front panel display in the CONFIG, Digital Outputs menu.
Output channels 1,2,5,7, and 9 are pre-configured outputs and cannot be
The function list is identical for all the configurable digital outputs . It is possible
to configure more than one digital output for the same function, and no error will
result. The first table below are the outputs that can not be configured.

Output Function
Digital Output 1 Generator Breaker Close
Digital Output 2 Generator Breaker Open
Digital Output 5 Fuel Solenoid
Digital Output 7 Starter
Digital Output 9 Alarm Horn (Audible

46 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units
Digital Output 3 DIGITAL OUTPUT 3 Both 1 21 1=Not Used
2=Bus Breaker
Digital Output 4 DIGITAL OUTPUT 4 Both 1 21 Shunt Trip
Digital Output 6 DIGITAL OUTPUT 6 Both 3=Pre-Glow
1 21
Digital Output 8 DIGITAL OUTPUT 8 Both 4=Idle/Rated
1 21
Digital Output 10 DIGITAL OUTPUT 10 Both 19=Warning
1 21
Digital Output 11 DIGITAL OUTPUT 11 Both 20=Soft Shutdown
1 21
Digital Output 12 DIGITAL OUTPUT 12 Both 21=Hard Shutdown
1 21

Each configurable digital output can be one of the 21 functions described in the
enumeration table below.

Value Command Display Notes

23 Self Test Loss of Power This relay will be energized whenever the
control is in operation.
22 Node Num Mismatch LON Node Num Node numbers on LON do not match the
Mismatch expected node number in the sequencing
21 Hard Shutdown Initiated Hard Shutdown Active for any Hard Shutdown. Latches
closed until alarm is cleared from the alarm
20 Soft Shutdown Initiated Soft Shutdown Active for any Soft or Hard Shutdown.
Latches closed until alarm is cleared from
the alarm log.
19 Warning Alarm Warning Alarm Active for any Warning or higher alarm.
Latches closed until alarm is cleared from
the alarm log.
18 Analog Pre-Alarm 4 AI-4 Pre-Alarm Provides discrete indication of a
Occurred configurable analog Pre-Alarm occurrence
17 Analog Pre-Alarm 3 AI-3 Pre-Alarm Provides discrete indication of a
Occurred configurable analog Pre-Alarm occurrence
16 KVA Switch KVA Switch Indicates when generator power output
exceeds a configurable level
15 EPS Supplying Load EPS Supplying Load Indicates when the generator (only) is
providing power to the load
14 Analog Alarm 4 AI-4 Alarm Occurred Provides discrete indication of an analog
Occurred alarm occurrence
13 Analog Alarm 3 AI-3 Alarm Occurred Provides discrete indication of an analog
Occurred alarm occurrence
12 KW-hr pulse KW - hr pulse Pulses every 100 kW-hrs for 100msec
11 Engine Running Engine Running A “Run Relay” function
10 Voltage Bias Lower Voltage Bias Lower Used in place of Voltage Bias Analog
Output. Always use with Voltage Bias
Raise as a pair.
9 Voltage Bias Raise Voltage Bias Raise Used in place of Voltage Bias Analog
Output. Always use with Voltage Bias
Lower as a pair.
8 Speed Bias Lower Speed Bias Lower Used in place of Speed Bias Analog
Output. Always use with Speed Bias Raise
as a pair.
7 Speed Bias Raise Speed Bias Raise Used in place of Speed Bias Analog
Output. Always use with Speed Bias Lower
as a pair.

Woodward 47
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Value Command Display Notes
6 Spark Ignition Command Ignition Enable Used to enable an external ignition
5 Air Shutoff Solenoid Air Shutoff Solenoid Used to starve air from engine inputs. This
output activated by an emergency stop or
overspeed will engage for 5 seconds and is
4 Idle/Rated Command Idle Rated Command Used to switch external governor modes
3 Pre-Glow Command Preglow Command Used with glow plugs
2 Bus Breaker Trip
Bus Bkr Shunt Trip Sources to open the breaker or contactor
1 Not Used Not Used

The second half of the Digital Outputs menu is located in Watch Window only. It
configures the action state of the relay driver.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Normal State ACTION Open
Normal State ACTION Open
Normal State e ACTION Open
Normal State ACTION Open
Digital Output 10 DIGITAL OUTPUT 10 WW FALSE TRUE TRUE=Normally
Normal State ACTION Open
Digital Output 11 DIGITAL OUTPUT 11 WW FALSE TRUE TRUE=Normally
Normal State ACTION Open
Digital Output 12 DIGITAL OUTPUT 12 WW FALSE TRUE TRUE=Normally
Normal State ACTION Open

The output state for discrete outputs can be Normally Open or Normally Closed.
Each can be configured to close (energize) when active or open (de-energize)
when active. These modes can mimic a Normally Open or Normally Closed
relay. For safety, use caution when assigning the actions of the outputs.

Engine Protection Menu

The Engine Protection Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window (WW). However, some items only appear in Watch Window.
Items in this menu can be viewed and edited with caution while the engine is
running. Items in this menu are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in many places within
the Engine Protection Menu

The values are entered in the units selected (American or Metric) in the First
Time Configure menu.

Item Display Name Panel Min Max Default Units

/ WW
Coolant Temp. High HIGH H20 TEMP AL Both 1 6 5=Soft
Alarm Shutdown
Coolant Temp. High HIGH H20 TEMP LVL Both 75.0 300.0 145.0 °C/ºF
Alarm Level

48 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Coolant Temp. High Alarm Level should be set to a value higher than the
Coolant Temperature High Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel Min Max Default Units

/ WW
Coolant Temp. High Pre- HIGH H20 TEMP PRE-ALM WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Coolant Temp. High Pre- HIGH H20 TEMP PRE-ALM WW 75.0 300.0 125.0 °C/ºF
Alarm Level LVL

Coolant Temp. High Pre-Alarm Level should be set to a value lower than the
Coolant Temp High Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Coolant Temp. Low Pre- LO H20 TEMP PRE-ALM WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Coolant Temp. Low Pre- LO H20 TEMP PRE-ALM WW -40.0 100.0 30.0 °C/ºF
Alarm Level LVL

Coolant Temp Low Pre-Alarm should be set to a value higher than the Coolant
Temp Low Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Coolant Temp. Low Alarm LO H20 TEMP AL Both 1 6 4=Audible
Coolant Temp. Low Alarm LO H20 TEMP LVL Both 0.0 100.0 20.0 °C/ºF

Coolant Temp Low Alarm should be set to a value lower than the Coolant Temp
Low Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Idle Oil Pressure High HI IDLE OIL PRES Both 1 6 2=Warning
Alarm AL
Idle Oil Pressure High HI IDLE OIL PRES Both 1.0 1000.0 60.0 psi/kPa
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate if the oil pressure exceeds the set limit while speed is
between 90% of idle speed and 90% of rated speed.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Idle Oil Pressure Low LO IDLE OIL PRES Both 1 6 6=Hard
Alarm AL Shutdown
Idle Oil Pressure Low LO IDLE OIL PRES Both 1.0 1000.0 10.0 psi/kPa
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate if the oil pressure is below the set limit while speed is
between 90% of idle speed and 90% of rated speed.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated Oil Pressure High HI RTD OIL PRES Both 1 6 2=Warning
Alarm AL
Rated Oil Pressure High HI RTD OIL PRES Both 1.0 1000.0 80.0 psi/kPa
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate if the oil pressure exceeds the set limit and speed goes
above 90% of rated speed and the Idle/Rated output is set to rated.

Woodward 49
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel Min Max Default Units

/ WW
Rated Oil Pressure Low LO RTD OIL PRES PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Rated Oil Pressure Low LO RTD OIL PRES PALM WW 1.0 1000.0 40.0 psi/kPa
Pre-Alarm Level LVL

This pre-alarm will operate if the oil pressure is below the set limit and engine
speed goes above 90% of rated speed and the Idle/Rated output is set to rated.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Rated Oil Pressure Low LO RTD OIL PRES AL Both 1 6 6=Hard
Alarm Shutdown
Rated Oil Pressure Low LO RTD OIL PRES LVL Both 1.0 1000.0 30.0 psi/kPa
Alarm Level

This alarm will operate if the oil pressure is below the set limit and engine speed
goes above 90% of rated speed and the Idle/Rated output is set to rated.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Over Speed Alarm OVER SPEED ALM Both 1 6 6=Hard
Over Speed Alarm Level OVER SPEED ALM Both 100 5000 1950 RPM

This alarm will operate if the engine speed is greater than the limit value set here
and a MPU is provided.

Shutdowns and Alarms Menu

The Shutdowns & Alarms Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window. All items appear in both locations. Items in it can be viewed and
edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a
Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in many places within
the Shutdowns & Alarms Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Battery Voltage High BATT VOLT HIGH AL Both 1 6 4=Audible
Battery Voltage High BATT VOLT HIGH Both 5.0 50.0 28.0 Vdc
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate if the input supply voltage exceeds this level for 1.0
second. It is continuously enabled, except when the Starter relay is energized. It
should be set to a value higher than the normal battery charging voltage.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Battery Voltage Low BATT VOLT LOW AL Both 1 6 4=Audible
Battery Voltage Low BATT VOLT LOW Both 5.0 50.0 18.0 Vdc
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate if the input supply voltage is below this level for 1.0
seconds. It is continuously enabled, except when the Starter relay is energized. It
should be set to a value lower than the nominal battery voltage.

50 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed/Freq Mismatch SPD FREQ MISMATCH Both 1 6 6=Hard

This alarm is active when the engine has been at rated speed for 5 seconds. The
alarm will operate when the measured generator frequency and the frequency
calculated from the engine speed has an error of more than 1 Hz. It is used to
detect a failed MPU, or failed generator excitation problem.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Adjust Limits SPD LMT REACHED AL Both 1 6 2=Warning

This alarm is continuously enabled. It operates when the speed bias output is at
its minimum or maximum value for 10.0 seconds.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Adjust Limits VLT LMT REACHED AL Both 1 6 2=Warning

This alarm is continuously enabled. It operates when the voltage bias output is
limited because the maximum or minimum generator voltage. This alarm will also
activate when the voltage bias has been limited because the VAR limit of the
generator has been reached. The alarm is delayed for 10 seconds after the bias
has been limited.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Powersense Board POWERSENSE FAIL ALM ww 1 6 4=Audible
Fail Alarm

This alarm is continuously enabled. It operates when the main CPU board
detects a problem with the Powersense board of the EGCP-3.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Phase Rotation PHASE ROTATION ww 1 6 6=Hard
Mismatch MISMATCH Shutdown

This alarm is detected when the synchronizer is enabled. This alarm occurs
when the control detects a the generator and bus voltages are not rotating
correctly. This is detected by a large occurrence of negative sequence voltage.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Phase Rotation PHASE ROT MM LEVEL ww 1 100 50 % %
Mismatch Level

This is the level of negative phase sequence voltage that will trigger the phase
rotation mismatch alarm.l

Generator Protection Menu

The Generator Protection Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window. However, some items only appear in Watch Window. Items in it
can be viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this
menu are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in many places within
the Generator Protection Menu.

Woodward 51
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over GEN VOLT HI Both 1 6 6=Hard
Voltage Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Over GEN VOLT HI Both 0 30000 600 *Volts
Voltage Alarm Level LVL

This alarm will operate when the highest phase voltage is continuously greater
than the limit setting for the time delay setting. It is always enabled. It should be
set to a value higher than the Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over Voltage GEN VOLT HI PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Generator Over Voltage GEN VOLT HI PRE- WW 0 30000 550 *Volts
Pre-Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm input is also the highest phase voltage, and is always enabled. It
should be set to a value lower than the Generator Over Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Under GEN VOLT LO WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Voltage Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Generator Under GEN VOLT LO WW 0 30000 400 *Volts
Voltage Pre-Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is only enabled when the generator breaker is closed. It should be set
to a value lower than Rated Generator Voltage and higher than Generator Under
Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Under Voltage GEN VOLT LO ALM Both 1 6 5=Soft
Alarm Shutdown
Generator Under Voltage GEN VOLT LO LVL Both 0 30000 300 *Volts
Alarm Level

This alarm will operate when the lowest phase voltage (or AØ when 1Ø is
selected) is less than the under voltage level for the time delay configured. It is
only enabled when the generator breaker is closed. It should be set to a value
lower than the Generator Under Voltage Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Voltage Pre- GEN VOLT PRE- WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Alarm Delay ALM DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the generator voltage must be
above the Generator Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Level or below the Generator
Under Voltage Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Voltage Alarm GEN VOLT ALM Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds

This value determines the amount of time that the generator voltage must be
above the Generator Over Voltage Alarm Level, or below the Generator Under
Voltage Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

52 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase Over GEN CURRENT HI Both 1 6 6=Hard
Current Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Phase Over GEN CURRENT HI Both 0 30000 1500 *Amps
Current Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It first selects the generator phase with the
highest current. It will operate when that phase current exceeds the set limit. It
should be set to a value higher than the Generator Phase Over Current Pre-

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase Over GEN CURRENT HI WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Current Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Generator Phase Over GEN CURRENT HI WW 0 30000 1000 *Amps
Current Pre-Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It will operate when a generator phase

current exceeds the set limit. It should be set to a value lower than the Generator
Phase Over Current Alarm but higher than Rated Generator Current.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase Over GEN CURR Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Current Curve Shift CURVE SHIFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve, defined by IEEE and IEC.
The purpose of a level shift is to match a desired time delay to the specific trip
set point. The higher the current is above rated value, the shorter the delay
automatically becomes. Increasing the shift value above 1.0 will increase the
time delay, below 1.0 will decrease the delay, without changing the shape of the
curve. This shift value is NOT the amount of time that the generator current must
be above the Generator Over Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.
But, it is used to determine that delay time. See Chapter 7 for a detailed
description of the Inverse Time Curve.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over GEN FREQ HI ALM Both 1 6 6=Hard
Frequency Alarm Shutdown
Generator Over GEN FREQ HI LVL Both 40.0 70.0 70.0 Hertz
Frequency Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over GEN FREQ HI PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Frequency Pre-Alarm ALM
Generator Over GEN FREQ HI PRE- WW 40.0 70.0 65.0 Hertz
Frequency Pre-Alarm ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Over Frequency Alarm but higher than the System Rated Frequency.

Woodward 53
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Under GEN FREQ LO PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Frequency Pre-Alarm ALM
Generator Under GEN FREQ LO PRE- WW 40.0 70.0 45.0 Hertz
Frequency Pre-Alarm ALM LVL

This alarm is only enabled only when the generator breaker is closed. It should
be set to a value lower than System Rated Frequency and higher than Generator
Under Frequency Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Under GEN FREQ LO ALM Both 1 6 5=Soft
Frequency Alarm Shutdown
Generator Under GEN FREQ LO LVL Both 40.0 70.0 40.0 Hertz
Frequency Alarm Level

This alarm is only enabled when the generator breaker is closed. It should be set
to a value lower than the Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Frequency GEN FREQ PRE- WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Pre-Alarm Delay ALM DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the generator frequency must be
above the Generator Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Level. This value also
determines the amount of time that the generator frequency must be below the
Generator Under Frequency Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Frequency GEN FREQ ALM Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
Alarm Delay DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the generator frequency must be
above the Generator Over Frequency Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.
This value also determines the amount of time that the generator frequency must
be below the Generator Under Frequency Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over Power GEN PWR HI Both 1 6 6=Hard
Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Over Power GEN PWR HI Both -30000 30000 1500 *Watts
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Over Power Pre-Alarm. The Generator Over Power Level should also
be set higher than the Rated Power in the First Time Configuration menu. The
EGCP-3 uses the lower of these two settings when calculating the System Load
percentage for isolated load sharing.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over Power GEN PWR HI PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Generator Over Power GEN PWR HI PRE- WW -30000 30000 1000 *Watts
Pre-Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Over Power Alarm but higher than Rated Generator Real Power.

54 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Reverse GEN REV-PWR WW Disabled
Power Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Generator Reverse GEN REV-PWR WW -30000 30000 -10 *Watts
Power Pre-Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Reverse Power Alarm but lower than Rated Generator Real Power.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Reverse GEN REV-PWR Both 1 6 6=Hard
Power Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Reverse GEN REV-PWR Both -30000 30000 -50 *Watts
Power Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Reverse Power Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Directional GEN PWR Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Power Curve Shift CURVE SHIFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve, defined by IEEE and IEC.
The purpose of a level shift is to match a desired time delay to the specific trip
set point. The higher the power is above rated value, the shorter the delay
automatically becomes. Increasing the shift value above 1.0 will increase the
time delay, below 1.0 will decrease the delay, without changing the shape of the
curve. This shift value is NOT the amount of time that the generator power must
be above the Generator Directional Power Alarm Level before declaring an
alarm. But, it is used to determine that delay time. See Chapter 7 for a detailed
description of the Inverse Time Curve.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Over VAR GEN VAR HI Both 1 6 6=Hard
Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Over VAR GEN VAR HI LVL Both -30000 30000 1500 *VAR
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Over VAR Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Generator Over VAR GEN VAR HI PRE- WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Generator Over VAR GEN VAR HI PRE- WW -30000 30000 1000 *VAR
Pre-Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Over VAR Alarm but higher than Generator Rated VAR. The action is
defined by Generator Over VAR Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Reverse VAR GEN REV-VAR WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Generator Reverse VAR GEN REV-VAR WW -30000 30000 -10 *VAR
Pre-Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Reverse VAR Alarm but lower than Generator Rated VAR.
Woodward 55
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Reverse GEN REV-VAR Both 1 6 6=Hard
VAR Alarm ALM Shutdown
Generator Reverse GEN REV-VAR Both -30000 30000 -50 *VAR
VAR Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Reverse VAR Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Directional GEN VAR PRE-ALM WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
VAR Pre-Alarm Delay DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the generator VAR must be above
the Generator Over VAR Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. This value
also determines the amount of time that the generator VAR must be below the
Generator Reverse VAR Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Directional GEN VAR ALM Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
VAR Alarm Delay DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the generator VAR must be above
the Generator Over VAR Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. This value also
determines the amount of time that the generator VAR must be below the
Generator Reverse VAR Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SQ V Both 1 6 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Voltage HI AL
Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SQ V Both 0 30000 150 *Volts
Sequence Over Voltage HI LV
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Pre-Alarm but lower than
Generator Rated Voltage.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SEQ-V WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Voltage Pre- HI PRE-ALM
Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SEQ V WW 0 30000 100 *Volts
Sequence Over Voltage Pre- HI PALM LV
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative GEN NSEQ-V HI WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Phase Sequence Over PALM DLY
Voltage Pre-Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the generator Negative Phase
Sequence voltage must be above the Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over
Voltage Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

56 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative GEN NEG SEQ V HI Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
Phase Sequence Over ALM DL
Voltage Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the generator Negative Phase
Sequence voltage must be above the Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over
Voltage Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SQ I HI Both 1 6 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Current AL
Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SQ I HI Both 0 30000 150 *Amps
Sequence Over Current LV
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Pre-Alarm but lower than
Generator Rated Current.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SEQ-I WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Current Pre- HI PALM
Generator Negative Phase GEN NEG SEQ-I WW 0 30000 100 *Amps
Sequence Over Current Pre- HI PALM LVL
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative GEN NEG SEQ-I HI WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Phase Sequence Over PALM DL
Current Pre-Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the generator Negative Phase
Sequence Current must be above the Generator Negative Phase Sequence
Over Current Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Negative GEN NEG SEQ-I HI Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
Phase Sequence Over DL
Current Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the generator Negative Phase
Sequence Current must be above the Generator Negative Phase Sequence
Over Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Woodward 57
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase GEN DIFF CURRENT Both 1 6 5=Soft
Current Differential ALM Shutdown
Generator Phase GEN DIFF CURRENT Both 0 30000 150 *Amps
Current Differential LVL
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled in 3Ø installations. It should be set to a value

higher than the Generator Phase Current Differential Pre-Alarm but lower than
Rated Generator Current.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase Current GEN DIFF CURRENT WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Differential Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Generator Phase Current GEN DIFF WW 0 30000 100 *Amps
Differential High Pre- CURRENT PREALM
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled in 3Ø installations. It should be set to a value

lower than the Generator Phase Current Differential Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Phase Current GEN DIFF CURR Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Differential Curve Shift SHIFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve, defined by IEEE and IEC.
The purpose of a level shift is to match a desired time delay to the specific trip
set point. The higher the current is above rated value, the shorter the delay
automatically becomes. Increasing the shift value above 1.0 will increase the
time delay, below 1.0 will decrease the delay, without changing the shape of the
curve. This shift value is NOT the amount of time that the generator current must
be above the Generator Over Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.
But, it is used to determine that delay time. See also Chapter 7 for a detailed
description of the Inverse Time Curve.

Item Display Name Panel /WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Breaker GEN BRK FDBK WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Feedback Error Alarm ERROR ALM

This alarm is continuously enabled. The alarm activates when a current is

sensed, and the generator breaker does not show closed.

Item Display Name Panel /WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Breaker GEN BRK SHUNT WW 1 8 2=Warning
Shunt Trip Error Alarm TRP ER ALM

This alarm is continuously enabled. The alarm activates when a breaker open
command is given, and the breaker feedback does not show open within 5

Bus Protection Menu

The Bus Protection Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. However, there are items that only appear in Watch Window. Items in it
can be viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this
menu are part of a Service block.

58 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in many places within
the Bus Protection Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Over Voltage Alarm BUS VOLT HI ALM Both 1 8 6=Hard
Bus Over Voltage Alarm BUS VOLT HI ALM Both 0 30000 600 *Volts
Level LVL

This alarm will trip when the highest phase voltage is continuously greater than
the limit setting for the time delay setting. It is continuously enabled. It should be
set to a value higher than the Bus Over Voltage Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Over Voltage Pre- BUS VOLT HI PRE- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Alarm ALM
Bus Over Voltage Pre- BUS VOLT HI PRE- WW 0 30000 550 *Volts
Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm input is also the highest phase voltage, and is continuously enabled. It
should be set to a value lower than the Bus Over Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Under Voltage Pre- BUS VOLT LO PRE- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Alarm ALM
Bus Under Voltage Pre- BUS VOLT LO PRE- WW 0 30000 400 *Volts
Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than Rated
Bus Voltage and higher than Bus Under Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Bus Under Voltage Alarm BUS VOLT LO Both 1 8 2=Warning
Bus Under Voltage Alarm BUS VOLT LO Both 0 30000 300 *Volts

This alarm will activate when the lowest phase voltage (or AØ when 1Ø is
selected) is continuously less than the limit setting for the time delay setting. It is
continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus Under
Voltage Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Voltage Pre-Alarm BUS VOLT PRE-ALM WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Delay DLY

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus voltage must be above the
Bus Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Level or below the Bus Under Voltage Pre-Alarm
Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Voltage Alarm Delay BUS VOLT ALM DLY Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds

This value determines the amount of time that the bus voltage must be above the
Bus Over Voltage Alarm Level or below the Bus Under Voltage Alarm Level
before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Over Current BUS CURRENT HI Both 1 8 2=Warning
Alarm ALM
Woodward 59
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units
Bus Phase Over Current BUS CURRENT HI Both 0 30000 1500 *Amps
Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It first selects the Bus phase with the highest
current. It will activate when that phase current exceeds the set limit. It should be
set to a value higher than the Bus Phase Over Current Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Over BUS CURRENT HI WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Current Pre-Alarm PRE-ALM
Bus Phase Over BUS CURR HI PRE- WW 0 30000 1000 *Amps
Current Pre-Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It will activate when a bus phase current
exceeds the set limit. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus Phase Over
Current Alarm but higher than Rated Bus Current.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Over Current BUS CURRENT Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Curve Shift SHIFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve, defined by IEEE and IEC.
The purpose of a level shift is to match a desired time delay to the specific trip
set point. The higher the current is above rated value, the shorter the delay
automatically becomes. Increasing the shift value above 1.0 will increase the
time delay, below 1.0 will decrease the delay, without changing the shape of the
curve. This shift value is NOT the amount of time that the Bus current must be
above the Bus Over Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. But, it is
used to determine that delay time. See also Chapter 7 for a detailed description
of the Inverse Time Curve.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Over Frequency BUS FREQ HI ALM Both 1 8 6=Hard
Alarm Shutdown
Bus Over Frequency BUS FREQ HI ALM Both 40.0 70.0 70.0 Hertz
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Bus Over Frequency Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Over Frequency BUS FREQ HI PRE- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Bus Over Frequency BUS FREQ HI PRE- WW 40.0 70.0 65.0 Hertz
Pre-Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Over Frequency Alarm but higher than the System Rated Frequency.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Under Frequency BUS FREQ LO PRE- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Pre-Alarm ALM
Bus Under Frequency BUS FREQ LO PRE- WW 40.0 70.0 45.0 Hertz
Pre-Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than System
Rated Frequency and higher than Bus Under Frequency Alarm.

60 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Under Frequency BUS FREQ LO ALM Both 1 8 2=Warning
Bus Under Frequency BUS FREQ LO ALM Both 40.0 70.0 40.0 Hertz
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Under Frequency Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Frequency Pre- BUS FREQ PRE- WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Alarm Delay ALM DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus frequency must be above
the Bus Over Frequency Pre-Alarm Level. This value also determines the
amount of time that the Bus frequency must be below the Bus Under Frequency
Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Frequency Alarm BUS FREQ ALM Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus frequency must be above
the Bus Over Frequency Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. This value also
determines the amount of time that the Bus frequency must be below the Bus
Under Frequency Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Export Power Alarm BUS EXP-PWR Both 1 8 6=Hard
ALM Shutdown
Bus Export Power Alarm BUS EXP-PWR Both -30000 30000 1500 *Watts
Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
export level is above an alarm condition. Negative numbers indicate Importing
power and Positive numbers indicate exporting power.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Export Power Pre- BUS EXP-PWR HI WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Bus Export Power Pre- BS EX-PW PRE- WW -30000 30000 1000 *Watts
Alarm Level ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
export level is above a warning (pre-alarm) condition. Negative numbers indicate
Importing power and Positive numbers indicate exporting power.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Import Power Pre- BUS IMP-PWR WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Bus Import Power Pre- BUS IMP-PWR WW -30000 30000 -10 *Watts
Alarm Level PRE ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
import level is greater (more negative) than an alarm condition. Negative
numbers indicate Importing power and Positive numbers indicate exporting

Woodward 61
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Import Power BUS IMP-PWR Both 1 8 2=Warning
Alarm ALM
Bus Import Power BUS IMP-PWR Both -30000 30000 -100 *Watts
Alarm Level LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
import level is greater than a warning (pre-alarm) condition. Negative numbers
indicate Importing power and Positive numbers indicate exporting power.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Directional Power BUS PWR CURVE Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Curve Shift SHFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve, defined by IEEE and IEC.
The purpose of a level shift is to match a desired time delay to the specific trip
set point. The higher the Bus power is above rated value, the shorter the delay
automatically becomes. Increasing the shift value above 1.0 will increase the
time delay, below 1.0 will decrease the delay, without changing the shape of the
curve. This shift value is NOT the amount of time that the Bus power must be
above the Bus Import or Export Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. But, it is
used to determine that delay time. See also Chapter 7 for a detailed description
of the Inverse Time Curve.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Export VAR Alarm BUS EXP-VAR Both 1 8 6=Hard
ALM Shutdown
Bus Export VAR Alarm BUS EXP-VAR LVL Both -30000 30000 1500 *VAR

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
export VAR level is greater than an alarm condition. Negative numbers indicate a
leading or capacitive power factor and Positive numbers indicate a lagging or
inductive power factor.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Export VAR Pre- BUS EXP-VAR HI WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Bus Export VAR Pre- BUS EXP-VAR HI WW -30000 30000 1000 *VAR
Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
export VAR level is greater than a warning (pre-alarm) condition. Negative
numbers indicate a leading or capacitive power factor and Positive numbers
indicate a lagging or inductive power factor.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Import VAR Pre- BUS IMP-VAR WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Bus Import VAR Pre- BUS IMP-VAR WW -30000 30000 -10 *VAR
Alarm Level PRE-ALM LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
import VAR level is greater than a warning (pre-alarm) condition. Negative
numbers indicate a leading or capacitive power factor and Positive numbers
indicate a lagging or inductive power factor.

62 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Import VAR Alarm BUS IMP-VAR ALM Both 1 8 6=Hard
Bus Import VAR Alarm BUS IMP-VAR LVL Both -30000 30000 -50 *VAR

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value indicating the Bus
import VAR level is greater (more negative) than an alarm condition. Negative
numbers indicate a leading or capacitive power factor and Positive numbers
indicate a lagging or inductive power factor.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Directional VAR Pre- BUS VAR PRE-ALM WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Alarm Delay DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus VAR must be above the
Bus Export VAR Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. This value also
determines the amount of time that the Bus VAR must be below the Bus Import
VAR Pre-Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Directional VAR BUS VAR ALM Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
Alarm Delay DELAY

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus VAR must be above the
Bus Export VAR Alarm Level before declaring an alarm. This value also
determines the amount of time that the Bus VAR must be below the Bus Import
VAR Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ- Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Voltage Alarm V HI AL
Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ- Both 0 30000 150 *Volts
Sequence Over Voltage Alarm V HI LV

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Pre-Alarm but lower than Bus
Rated Voltage.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase Sequence BUS NEG SEQ- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Over Voltage Pre-Alarm V HI PRE-ALM
Bus Negative Phase Sequence BUS NEG SEQ- WW 0 30000 100 *Volts
Over Voltage Pre-Alarm Level V HI PALM LV

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ-V HI WW 0.1 120.0 5.0 Seconds
Sequence Over Voltage PALM DL
Pre-Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus Negative Phase
Sequence voltage must be above the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Voltage Pre-Alarm Level but below the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Voltage Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Woodward 63
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ V HI Both 0.1 120.0 10.0 Seconds
Sequence Over Voltage DL
Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus Negative Phase
Sequence voltage must be above the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Voltage Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ I Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Sequence Over Current Alarm HI AL
Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ-I Both 0 30000 150 Amps
Sequence Over Current Alarm HI LV

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Pre-Alarm but lower than Bus
Rated Current.

Item Display Name Panel/WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase Sequence BUS NEG SEQ- WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Over Current Pre-Alarm I HI PRE-ALM
Bus Negative Phase Sequence BUS NEG SEQ- WW 0 30000 100 Amps
Over Current Pre-Alarm Level I HI PALM LV

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ-I HI WW 0.1 120 5 Seconds
Sequence Over Current PALM DL
Pre-Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus Negative Phase
Sequence Current must be above the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Current Pre-Alarm Level but below the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Negative Phase BUS NEG SEQ I HI Both 0.1 120 10 Seconds
Sequence Over Current DL
Alarm Delay

This value determines the amount of time that the Bus Negative Phase
Sequence Current must be above the Bus Negative Phase Sequence Over
Current Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Current BUS DIFF CURNT Both 1 6 6=Hard
Differential Alarm ALM Shutdown
Bus Phase Current BUS DIFF CURRENT Both 0 30000 150 *Amps
Differential High Alarm LVL

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Bus Phase Current Differential Pre-Alarm but lower than Rated Bus Current.

64 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Current BUS DIFF WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Differential Pre-Alarm CURRENT PRE-
Bus Phase Current BUS DIFF CURR WW 0 30000 100 *Amps
Differential High Pre- PRE-ALM LVL
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Phase Current Differential Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Phase Current BUS DIFF CURR Both 0.01 10.0 1.0
Differential Curve Shift SHIFT

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve. The purpose of a level shift is
to fine tune the tripping characteristics at a specific trip level that can be located
on the inverse time trip curve. This value is NOT the amount of time that the Bus
current differential must be above the Bus Current Differential Pre-Alarm Level
before declaring an alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Voltage Restrained BUS RES CURR HI Both 1 6 5=Soft
Phase Over Current ALM Shutdown
Bus Voltage Restrained BUS RES CURR HI Both 0 30000 1500 *Amps
Phase Over Current LVL
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value higher than the
Bus Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current Pre-Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Voltage Restrained BUS RES CURR HI WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Phase Over Current Pre- PRE-ALM
Bus Voltage Restrained BUS RES CURR HI WW 0 30000 1000 *Amps
Phase Over Current Pre- PALM LVL
Alarm Level

This alarm is continuously enabled. It should be set to a value lower than the Bus
Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current Alarm but higher than Rated Bus

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Voltage Restrained BUS RES CURR Both 0.01 10 1.0
Phase Over Current SHIFT
Curve Shift

This value acts to level shift the inverse time curve. The purpose of a level shift is
to fine tune the tripping characteristics at a specific trip level that can be located
on the inverse time trip curve. This value is NOT the amount of time that the Bus
current must be above the Bus Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current Pre-
Alarm Level before declaring an alarm.

Woodward 65
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Engine Control Menu

The Engine Control Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. However, there are some items that only appear in Watch Window.
Items in it can be viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running.
Items in this menu are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in a few places within
the Engine Control Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preglow Time PREGLOW TIME Both 0 1200 0 Seconds

This value sets the length of time to engage glow plugs in a diesel engine prior to
starter motor engagement. The output will stay on until the starter motor has
been disengaged. This feature is active regardless of the engine coolant
temperature as long as Start Sequencing is Enabled. If Start Sequencing is
Disabled, it will never be activated.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Fuel on Delay Time FUEL ACTIVATION Both 0.0 240.0 0.2 Seconds

Typically for use on Gas Engines. This is the time delay between energizing the
crank relay and energizing the fuel solenoid relay. This feature is only active
when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Crank Active Time CRANK TIME Both 1 240 10 Seconds

This value sets the length of time the starter will be engaged. If the engine has
not started prior to expiration of this time, the starter motor will be disengaged
and one start attempt will be considered used. If Start Sequencing is Disabled,
this time is ignored and the Start Motor Crank output will never be engaged.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Crank Cutout Speed CRANK CUTOUT Both 5 5000 550 RPM

This value sets the speed at which to disengage the starter motor. This feature is
only active when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Retry Crank Delay CRANK DELAY Both 1 240 30 Seconds

This value sets the amount of time to wait between start attempts. This feature is
only active when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Crank Repeats CRANK REPEATS Both 0 20 3

This value defines the number of start attempts that will be made after the first
attempt (2 repeats = 3 attempts). This feature is only active when Start
Sequencing is Enabled.

66 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Crank Fail Alarm Action CRANK FAIL Both 1 6 5=Soft

This value defines the action taken when all start attempts are exhausted without
the engine starting. This feature is only active when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

No Speed Crank Delay NO SPEED CRANK WW 0.1 30.0 3.0 Seconds

This value sets the amount of time to wait before a speed signal is expected. If
there is no speed signal detected the crank attempt will be stopped after this
delay, and the crank relay will be opened.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Idle Speed IDLE SPEED Both 5 5000 1200 RPM

This value indicates to the EGCP-3 what speed the external speed control will
control at when Idle is selected. The EGCP-3 needs to know this speed so that it
can determine when the engine has reached 90% of idle. This feature is only
active when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Idle Time IDLE TIME Both 0 1200 20 Seconds

This value sets the amount of time the EGCP-3 will hold the engine at Idle before
energizing the Rated Speed Relay output. This timer does not start until 90% of
idle speed has been detected unless Start Sequencing is Disabled. If Start
Sequencing is Disabled, the Idle/Rated relay is energized immediately when the
start command is given so the Glow Plug Time, Cranking Time, and Idle Time is

Set the assigned relay action to Normally Closed and the relay will energize
at Idle (an Idle Relay vs. a Rated Relay), and de-energize to ramp to rated.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Cooldown Time COOLDOWN TIME Both 0 2400 15 Seconds

This value sets the amount of time the EGCP-3 will run the engine prior to
shutdown if it was loaded above the Cooldown Power Limit. This feature is active
regardless of Start Sequencing Enable/Disable.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Cooldown Enable COOLDOWN Both 0 30000 20 *VA

This value sets the load level that must be exceeded during the active running
sequence before Cooldown will be used when a shutdown command is received.
If the genset is started, but shutdown before being loaded to this level, the
Cooldown time will be skipped. This feature is active regardless of Start
Sequencing Enable/Disable.

Woodward 67
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Cooldown Speed COOLDOWN Both FALSE TRU TRUE=Rated
Selection SPEED E

This value can be set for either Idle or Rated. If Cooldown is initiated, the engine
will be told to run at either Idle or Rated speed during the Cooldown period,
based upon this parameter. This feature is active regardless of Start Sequencing

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


This parameter will initialize the Engine Run Hour clock to the values that are
programmed in the next 2 settings. There is one setting for thousands of hours
and one for hundreds of hours. It is useful if the EGCP-3 is retrofitted to a new
engine or newly rebuilt engine.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the engine run ENG RUN HOURS Both 0.0 999 0.0 Hrs
hours Hundres place (HUN)

This parameter is used to program in a preset engine run hour time. For
example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the running hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the engine run ENG RUN HOURS Both 0.0 999 0.0 Hrs
hours Thousands place (THSND)

This parameter is used to program in a preset engine run hour time. For
example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the running hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


This parameter will set the Megawatt-Hours to meter to a value determined by

the next 5 settings. There is one setting for Single hours, one for Hundreds of
hours, one for Thousands of hours, one for Millions of hours, and one for Billions
of hours. It is useful if the EGCP-3 is retrofitted to a new engine or newly rebuilt

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the gen kW GEN KW HOURS Both 0.0 99.0 0.0 KW
hours (ONES) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset the gen kW hours. For example, if
the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be necessary to
preset the kW hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the gen kW GEN KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 KW
hours hundreds place (HUN) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of gen kW hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the kW hours to a certain value.

68 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the gen kW GEN KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 KW
hours Thousands place (THSND) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of gen kW hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the running hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the gen kW GEN KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 MW
hours Millions place (MEGA) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of megawatt hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the MW hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the gen kW GEN KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 GW
hours Billions place (GIGA) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of gigawatt hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the GW hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


This parameter will set the Bus Kilowatt-Hours meter to a value determined by
the next 4 settings. There is one setting for Hundreds of hours, one for
Thousands of hours, one for Millions of hours, and one for Billions of hours. It is
useful if the EGCP-3 is retrofitted to a new engine or newly rebuilt genset.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the Bus kW BUS KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 KW
hours hundreds place (HUN) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of Bus kW hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the kW hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the Bus kW BUS KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 KW
hours Thousands place (THSND) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset Bus kW hours. For example, if the
EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be necessary to preset
the Bus kW hours to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the Bus kW BUS KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 MW
hours Millions place (MEGA) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of Bus MW hours. For

example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the MW hours to a certain value.

Woodward 69
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Preset the Bus kW BUS KW HOURS Both 0.0 999.0 0.0 GW
hours Billions place (GIGA) Hrs

This parameter is used to program in a preset number of Bus gigawatt hours. For
example, if the EGCP-3 were installed on an existing generator, it may be
necessary to preset the GW to a certain value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Fail to Reach Idle Alarm FAIL TO REACH WW 1 6 2=Warning

This value defines the action taken when the engine has exceeded the crank-
cutout speed but does not reach or sustain idle speed within the Fail to Reach
Idle Delay Tme afterdisengaging the starter motor. This feature is active only
when Start Sequencing is Enabled.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Fail to Reach Idle Delay FAIL TO REACH WW 1.0 600.0 10.0

This value determines the amount of time the control waits before issuing a Fail
to Reach Idle Alarm.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Fail to Reach Rated FAIL TO REACH WW 1 6 2=Warning

This value defines the action taken when the engine has reached idle speed but
does not reach or sustain running at rated speed within the Fail to Reach Rated
Delay Time after engaging the rated speed output. This feature is active only
when Start Sequencing is Enabled. The Idle to Rated ramp time is a function of
the external speed control, to stop nuisance alarms from this function the speed
ramp should be set to less than the alarm delay time.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Fail to Reach Rated FAIL TO REACH WW 1.0 600.0 10.0
Delay Time IDLE DLY

This value determines the amount of time the control waits before issuing a Fail
to Reach Idle Alarm.

Synchronizer Menu
The Synchronizer Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. All items appear in both. Items in it can be viewed and edited with
caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service
block. A detailed description of the synchronizer operation and configuration
options is in a dedicated chapter later in this manual.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in a few places within
the Synchronizer Menu.

70 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Mode SYNC MODE Both 1 4 4=Run/Auto

This value is used to select the synchronizer control mode. It may be Off, Check,
Permissive, or Run/Auto. The mode may be selected by the front panel display,
Watch Window menu, or Modbus HMI. The last mode selected by any of these
interface methods will be the mode of operation used.
Off mode, the EGCP-3 performs no synchronization functions, The running
sequence would stop with the engine at rated speed, and an external function
would be required to close the breaker and continue the sequence.
Check mode is used to confirm that the synchronizer works properly by allowing
synchronizing to be performed but not closing the breaker. The Synchronizer
status screen can be used to observe the Slip, Phase, and voltage indication,
(Displays ++ when matched). In the Check mode these indication must match
external metering and wiring before allowing the breaker to close.
Permissive mode is used to replace a sync check relay function, the bias
outputs are passive, but the breaker command will be given when speed, phase,
and voltage parameters are within the window.
Run/Auto mode is the normal mode with active synchronizing and breaker

Due to delays in communication to the display or Watch Window the phase
information and breaker closing indication may be inaccurate or delayed
from actual values. This would be most obvious in systems configured with
large slip windows.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Gain SYNC GAIN Both 0.01 100.00 0.15

This value is the proportional gain of a P-I controller. It determines how fast the
synchronizer responds to an error in speed or phase. Adjust this gain to provide
stable control during synchronizing. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Integral SYNC INTEGRAL Both 0.00 20.00 0.55 Repeats/sec

This value is the integral gain of a P-I controller. It determines how quickly the
synchronizer responds to a large error in synchronism and prevents low
frequency hunting and damping (overshoot or undershoot) when the
synchronizer is first enabled or when a speed transient occurs during
synchronizing. Lower the value to slow the response.

A monitor value of the phase angle, or Synchroscope is provided in Watch

Window to observe the response and assist with dynamic adjustment.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Matching VOLTAGE MATCHING Both False True True=Enabled

This value will Enabled or Disabled the voltage matching function of the
synchronizer. When enabled, the synchronizer output will match the bus and
generator voltages.

Woodward 71
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Match Window VOLTAGE WINDOW Both 0.1 10.0 1.0 Percent (%)

When voltage matching is enabled, this value is the allowable percent the
generator voltage may be above or below the bus voltage for the synchronizer to
initiate breaker closure.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Type of Synchronizer SYNC TYPE Both 1 3 1=Phase
Action Matching

This value is an enumerated list that indicates Phase Matching (=1), Slip
Frequency (=2), or Off/None (=3). When Phase Matching is selected, the
synchronizer will match the generator phase to the bus phase and hold the
phase error to minimum. When the phase error is within the configured error
window, for a time based on the slip window, the synchronizer will issue a
breaker close command. When Slip Frequency is selected, the synchronizer will
create a frequency error between the bus and generator where the generator is
moving faster than the bus by a configured amount, the breaker close command
will be given when phase error is within the phase window.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Phase Match Window PHASE WINDOW Both 2.0 20.0 10.0 Degrees

This value is the maximum allowable electrical phase angle between the bus and
generator when the synchronizer initiates breaker closure. This parameter is
used when either type of synchronizing is selected.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Slip Window SLIP WINDOW Both 0.0 0.3 0.1 Hertz

This value is the maximum allowed deviation in slip (frequency difference) from
the slip frequency reference when initiating breaker closure. For phase control, it
determines the maximum rate through the phase window. For slip control, it
determines the error in slip frequency from the reference.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Slip Frequency SLIP FREQUENCY Both 0.0 0.3 0.1 Hertz

This value specifies the positive (fast) slip frequency reference (generator
frequency higher than bus frequency). This parameter is used when slip
frequency synchronizing is selected. For Phase Matching type, this value is
internally set to 0.0.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Close Attempts CLOSE ATTEMPTS Both 1 20 3

This value is the number of attempts the synchronizer will make to close the
circuit breaker. The synch fail alarm (if enabled) will be activated and the
synchronizer will enter the auto-off mode if the breaker fails to close in the
specified number of tries. Woodward suggests setting Close Attempts to 2 or
greater for any application.

72 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Reclose Delay RECLOSE DELAY Both 1 1200 5 Seconds

This value is the number of seconds between attempts to close the circuit
breaker. If the CB Aux contact remains closed for one reclose delay interval,
synchronization is assumed to have occurred. If the CB Aux contact opens
during the reclose delay interval, it is considered a failed closed attempt. The
EGCP-3 will remain in the selected operating mode (run, check, or permissive)
during the Reclose Delay interval.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Reclose GEN RECLOSE Both 1 6 2=Warning

This value defines the action taken when the synchronizer has exhausted its
reclose attempts without successfully closing the breaker. It applies to the
generator breaker closure only.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Timeout SYNC TIMEOUT Both 0 1200 0 Seconds

This value is the interval over which the synchronizer will attempt to get
synchronization. A value of 0 seconds disables the Sync Timeout function. The
interval begins when generator voltage is detected above the Dead Bus value
and synchronization is activated. Failure to get a CB Aux contact closure within
the specified time will result in a synch timeout alarm. This time includes the
reclose delay and should always be longer than the reclose delay.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Timeout SYNC TIMEOUT Both 1 5 2=Warning
Alarm ALM

This value defines the action taken when the synchronizer has exhausted the
timeout without successfully closing the generator breaker.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Dead Bus Closure DEADBUS CLOSURE Both False True True=Enabled

This value enables or disables the synchronizer's automatic dead-bus detection

and breaker closure functions. When enabled, the synchronizer will insure a
breaker closure signal when a dead-bus is detected and the genset is ready to
assume load. When disabled, the synchronizer will not be allowed to close onto a
dead bus. A dead bus is when the input voltage is less than the value given in
the hardware voltage range description.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Breaker Hold Time BREAKER HOLD Both 0.0 5.0 1.0 Seconds

This value specifies the maximum elapsed time the synchronizer will maintain
the breaker closure relay driver output. Failure to receive the CB Aux contact
signal during this interval results in a failed close attempt. The breaker closure
relay driver is de-energized when: the CB Aux contact signal is received, the
specified time expires, the generator is out of the phase window, the generator
exceeds the slip window, or the generator voltage exceeds the voltage window (if
voltage matching is enabled).

Woodward 73
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Breaker Close GEN C B CLOSE Both 0.01 2.0 0.10 Seconds
Delay Time DLY

This value specifies the time required for the circuit breaker contacts to engage
after receiving a closure command. It is normally found in the circuit breaker
manufacturer’s specifications. The EGCP-3 will automatically subtract this time
from the calculated time to initiate breaker closure in order to maintain proper
phase alignment when performing slip frequency synchronizing.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus Synchronizing Rate BUS SYNC RATE WW 0 50 2.0 Seconds

This value is used to change the rate of the sync bias signal. The rate is changed
also by the SYNC GAIN FACTOR. This value is multiplied by the SYNC GAIN
FACTOR then taken to the “X” power. The “X” is equal to the number of LS units
on the active bus.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Gain Factor SYNC GAIN FACTOR Both 0.8 1.0 0.8

This value specifies change in proportional gain when synchronizing a multi-

genset bus to another bus, based on the single genset gain.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Synchronizer Voltage Gain SYNC VOLTAGE GAIN WW 0.1 10.0 1.0

This value is used to increase or decrease the rate of the voltage change during
the synchronization process.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Enable Synchronizer ENABLE SYNC Both Disabled Enabled Disabled

This selects the synchronizer into test. When this value is true the synchronizer
is turned on for verifying voltages and phases. When enabled the synchronizer is
in the check operating mode, and the breaker close command is disabled.

Real Load Control Menu

The Real Load Control Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window. Most items appear in both. Items in it can be viewed and edited
with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service

Refer to Table 3-2 for the list of alarm actions. It is used in a few places within
the Real Load Control Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Control Mode LOAD CTRL MODE Both False True True=Isoch

This selects the control mode. It may be Droop or Isochronous. Droop mode is
used only if load sharing, BaseLoad, or process functions are not desired. The
normal method is Isochronous which provides closed loop regulation of
frequency and/or load control.

74 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Control Proportional LOAD CTRL GAIN Both 0.001 20.00 0.20

This value is the proportional gain of the P-I-D load controller in Droop,
BaseLoad, or Process Control. It determines how fast the load control responds
to a load error. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Sharing LOAD SHARE GAIN Both 0.01 2.00 0.20
Proportional Gain

This value is the proportional gain of a P only controller when in Isochronous

load share mode. It determines how fast the load control responds to a load
error. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Integral Gain LOAD INTEGRAL Both 0.00 20.00 0.15 Repeats/sec

This value is the integral gain of the P-I-D load controller. It determines how fast
the load control responds to a load error. It prevents slow hunting and controls
damping (overshoot or undershoot) after a load change. Lower the value to slow
the response. In Isochronous load share mode, this value is not used, the
controller is then proportional only. See section on PID tuning.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Derivative Gain LOAD DERIVATIVE Both 0.01 100.00 100.00

This value is the derivative gain of the P-I-D load controller. It determines the
response of the load control for a rate of load error. In Isochronous load share
mode, this value is not used. See section on PID tuning.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Control Filter LOAD CTRL FILTER Both 0.01 10.00 1.00 Hertz

This value adjusts the bandwidth of the low pass filter at the load input for the
load controller. Higher frequency settings than default result in faster control
response, but also more response to system noise. Lower frequency settings
result in slower control response and less response to noise.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

BaseLoad Reference BASELOAD REFERENCE Both 0 30000 50 *Watts

This value is the default BaseLoad set point. This setting must be greater than
the Unload Trip set point. It is the generator load level when in BaseLoad mode.
This value is part of the calculation for initial loading rate.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Unload Trip Level UNLOAD TRIP LEVEL Both -10 30000 10 *Watts

This value is the real load level where the breaker open command is given when
the generator is being automatically unloaded. It is also the load reference level
used when the Unload Switch is engaged. This value is part of the calculation for
automatic unloading rate.

Woodward 75
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Droop LOAD DROOP Both 0 50 5 %

This value is the percent speed reference bias, for full load operation when is the
droop mode of load control. Droop is the default mode when load is applied to
the generator but the CB Aux contact input indicates open. [The Load Droop
setting is only approximate due to dependence on the gain (RPM speed change
per unit of bias input) of the speed control's bias input.]

Item Display Name Panel /WW Min Max Default Units

Load Time LOAD TIME Both 1 7200 10 Seconds

This value is the time required to automatically ramp the load from the zero load
to the internal BaseLoad set point. The same rate is used after first closing the
breaker when the units are load sharing. This rate is used to soft load the units
until the load is within 2% of the load sharing signal. The Load Rate is used for
manually changing load.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Unload Time UNLOAD TIME Both 1 7200 10 Seconds

This value is the time required to automatically ramp the load from the internal
BaseLoad set point to the unload trip level. This rate is used when the unit is
being unloaded by sequencing or soft shutdown. The Load Rate is used for
manually changing load.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Load Rate LOAD RATE Both 0.01 100.00 2.00 %KW / Sec

This value is the rate at which the load is increased when the load is manually

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Unload Rate UNLOAD RATE Both 0.01 100.00 2.00 %kW / Sec

This value is the rate at which the load is decreased when the load is manually

The following Load Level switches are not intended to be Generator
Protection Functions.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

High Load Level Alarm HIGH LOAD ALM Both 1 6 2=Warning

This value defines the alarm action taken when the genset load exceeds the
configured High Load Level.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

High Load Alarm Level HIGH LOAD LEVEL Both 0 30000 300 *VA

This value is the highest load that should be carried by the genset. It may be
lower than the genset Rated VA but should not be higher.

76 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Low Load Level Alarm LOW LOAD ALM Both 1 6 1=Disabled

This value defines the alarm action taken when the genset load drops below the
configured Low Load Level.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Low Load Alarm Level LOW LOAD LEVEL Both 0 30000 5 *VA

This value is the lowest load that should be carried by the genset. It may be
lower than the configured Unload Trip, if set higher will cause nuisance alarms
on every unload.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

KVA Switch High VA SWITCH HIGH Both 0 30000 30 *VA
Level LVL

This value is the load level at which the KVA Switch Discrete Output (if
configured) and/or KVA Switch Alarm (if configured) will be activated. Any load at
or above this level will latch the output active. The output will remain active even
below this level until it reaches the KVA Switch Low Level.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

KVA Switch Low VA SWITCH LOW Both 0 30000 5 *VA
Level LVL

This value is the load level at which the KVA Switch Discrete Output (if
configured) and/or KVA Switch Alarm (if configured) will be de-activated. Once
inactive, the switch will remain inactive until again reaching the VA Switch High

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VA Switch Alarm VA SWITCH ALM WW 1 6 1=Disabled

This value defines the action taken when the genset load has activated the KVA

This configures an alarm function, and can be used to trigger a stored event.
A Discrete Output configured for the KVA Switch will not be stored to the
alarm list or alarm history.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Frequency Trim Enable ENABLE WW False True True=Enabled

Frequency trim is used primarily when the governor is operating in the droop
mode. On isolated systems the frequency trim will maintain rated frequency.
Typically not used with isochronous governor controls

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Frequency Trim FRQ TRIM WW 0.001 5.0 0.1 Hz
Deadband (Hz) DEADBND(HZ)

This value determines how closely the Frequency trim function will keep the bus
frequency to the rated frequency.
Woodward 77
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Raise Lower SPEED R/L WW 0.15 10 0.5 Sec
Pulse Frequency FREQUENCY

This value sets the pulse frequency of the Raise and Lower discrete outputs for
speed/load control. A setting of 1 means that every 1 second the EGCP-3 will
decide whether to make a raise or lower pulse. This setting is only applicable
when the Speed Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Raise Lower SPEED R/L DUTY WW 1.0 99 50 %
Pulse Duty Cycle CYCLE

This value sets the pulse length of the Raise and Lower discrete outputs for
speed/load control. A setting of 50 means that pulse length will be 50% of the
Freequency time above. If the Frequency is 1 second, then the pulse length will
be 0.5 seconds, followed by a pause of 0.5 seconds. This setting is only
applicable when the Speed Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Raise Lower SPEED R/L WW 0.01 100 1.0 %
Pulse Deadband DEADBND(%)

The deadband setting is used to stop the raise lower pulses once the EGCP-3
speed or load control has reached its correct value. This setting is a window
around the speed bias variable of the EGCP-3 which can be viewed on the I/O
Display Screen. A setting of 1 means that the EGCP-3 will not give any pulses if
the speed bias is between –1% and 1%. This setting is only applicable when the
Speed Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for Raise/Lower.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Rated kW Load Derate RATED LOAD DE- WW 25.0 125.0 100.0 %
Value RATE (%)

This setting is used in conjunction with the KW De-rate Select Discrete input and
the Rated W setting in the First Time Config menu. When the KW De-rate input
is closed, the Rated W setting is multiplied by this %. A value of 80% for a 1000
KW generator, means that the new Rated W setting will be 800 KW. This new
rating is used for the load sharing calculations and for the start stop sequencing
algorithms. It is not used for any alarms. All alarms, such as Overload, will
remain at their same value.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Slave Gain PROC SLAVE GAIN WW 0.01 100.0 1.0

This setting is used to increase or decrease the reaction time of the control when
in the Process slave mode. This setting was added in EGCP-3 LS revision K.
Previously, the Load Share Gain setting was used for isolated loadsharing
between units, and also for control with an EGCP-3 MC master control. In some
applications, this one number could not satisfy both modes, so now the Load
Share Gain can be scaled with this setting. The load share gain is multiplied by
this number so a value of 1 is no change, a value less than 1 will reduce the
response, and a value greater than 1 will increase the response.

78 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Reactive Load Control Menu

The Reactive Load Control Menu is included in both the front panel display and
Watch Window. All items appear in both. Items in it can be viewed and edited
with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service

Refer to Table 3-2 for configuration of alarm action. It is used in a few places
within the Real Load Control Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/PF Mode VAR/PF MODE Both 1 4 3=PF control

This value is used to select the control mode. It may be Manual, VAR control, PF
control, or Remote control. Manual is only used if no automatic control is desired.
Remote control is used if external equipment will control the VAR or PF through
the EGCP-3. This may be useful in order to still have the ability for Raise/Lower
switches and voltage matching during synchronizing. Power Factor or VAR
control is used when in parallel with the mains.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/PF Control VAR/PF AUTO WW False True False= Contact
Auto/Manual Enable ENABLE Enable

This value can be selected to enable reactive load control from an assigned
discrete input, or enable reactive load control automatically whenever the
generator breaker is closed.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/PF Gain VAR/PF GAIN Both 0.01 20.00 0.20

This value is the proportional gain of the reactive load P-I-D controller for all
modes of operation other than VAR/PF Sharing. This value determines how fast
the VAR/PF control responds to an error between kVAR/PF and VAR or PF
reference. The gain is set to provide stable control of kVAR or power factor.
Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Reference VOLTAGE REF RAMP Both 0.0 1000.0 80.0 Second
Ramp Time TIME

This value specifies the time required to ramp the reactive load setpoint over its
full range, PF control, VAR control, Remote control, and Manual control.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/PF Sharing VAR/PF SHARING Both 0.001 20.00 0.20
Proportional Gain GAIN

This value is the proportional gain of the reactive load P-I-D controller when
VAR/PF sharing is the active control mode. This value determines how fast the
VAR/PF control responds to an error between kVAR/PF and VAR or PF
reference. The gain is set to provide stable control of kVAR or power factor.
Lower the value to slow the response.

Woodward 79
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/PF Integral VAR/PF INTEGRAL Both 0.00 20.00 0.10 Repeats/Sec
Gain GN

This value is the integral gain of the reactive load P-I-D controller. It determines
how fast the reactive load control responds to an error between kVAR/PF and
VAR or PF reference. It prevents slow hunting and controls damping (overshoot
or undershoot) after a load disturbance. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

KVAR Reference KVAR REFERENCE Both -30000 30000 10 *VAR

This value specifies the desired VAR load at which to control in the VAR control
mode. It is active when Reactive Load Control is active, and the mode is selected
as VAR control. For monitor purposes, Watch Window displays the VAR load on
the generator.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

PF Reference PF REFERENCE Both -0.5 0.5 0.0 PF

This value specifies a value representing the PF at which to control in the PF

control mode. This value is continuous over the tunable range (lag = negative) of
–0.50 <-> 0.0 <-> +0.50. Where values on a Power Factor meter are
discontinuous at unity (0.5 LAG <-> 1.0 .<-> 0.5 LEAD). For monitor purposes,
Watch Window displays the PF Reference converted to values as seen on a PF
meter, and displays the measured generator average PF.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

PF Deadband PF DEADBAND Both 0.000 1.000 0.0 PF

This value specifies an error window about the measured PF input, inside of
which the power factor control will not adjust the voltage regulator. Deadband is
especially useful in systems using a MOP to adjust voltage.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Adjust On VOLTS ADJUST ON Both 0.1 2.0 0.2 Seconds

This value is the minimum amount of time to keep the MOP discrete output on
(when configured). This is useful for controllers that require a minimum contact
time to react.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Operation Voltage OPERATION VOLTAGE WW 0.001 30000 480.0 (_,k,M)

This is the voltage that the generator will excite to during start or voltage trim to
during isolated operation. Example: Used on systems where the rated voltage of
the generator is different from the utility or system voltage (A 13.8 kV generator
operating with a 13.2 kV utility). To activate this value after a change a reset
trigger must be given.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


This value is used as a trigger to command the EGCP-3 to use the Operating
Voltage setting above. Normally this value would be False. The user would
change the value to True to set the trigger and then back to False again.
80 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Trim Enable VOLT TRIM WW False True True=Enabled

Voltage trim is used to compensate for the droop of the voltage regulator. On
isolated systems the voltage trim will maintain the operating voltage.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Trim Rate VOLT TRIM RATE WW 0.0 10. 1.0 N/A

When the Voltage Trim is active, this rate can be used to make the trim function
faster or slower. Adjusting this value will depend on how quickly the voltage
regulators in the system can smoothly adjust the voltage. Settings that are too
high will tend to cause instability in the Power Factor sharing. Settings that are
too low will cause a very slow return to the operating voltage after a load change
to the system.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Trim Deadband VOLT TRIM WW 0.01 100 1.0 %

This value determines how closely the Voltage trim function will keep the bus
frequency to the rated frequency.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Raise Lower VOLT R/L WW 0.15 10 0.5 Sec
Pulse Frequency FREQUENCY

This value sets the pulse frequency of the Raise and Lower discrete outputs for
volt/VAR control. A setting of 1 means that every 1 second the EGCP-3 will decide
whether to make a raise or lower pulse. This setting is only applicable when the
Voltage Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for Raise/Lower.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Raise Lower VOLT R/L DUTY WW 1.0 99 50 %
Pulse Duty Cycle CYCLE

This value sets the pulse length of the Raise and Lower discrete outputs for
volt/VAR control. A setting of 50 means that pulse length will be 50% of the
Frequency time above. If the Frequency is 1 second, then the pulse length will be
0.5 seconds, followed by a pause of 0.5 seconds. This setting is only applicable
when the Voltage Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Voltage Raise Lower VOLT R/L WW 0.01 100 1.0 %
Pulse Deadband DEADBND(%)

The deadband setting is used to stop the raise lower pulses once the EGCP-3
voltage or VAR control has reached its correct value. This setting is a window
around the voltage bias variable of the EGCP-3 which can be viewed on the I/O
Display Screen. A setting of 1 means that the EGCP-3 will not give any pulses if
the voltage bias is between –1% and 1%. This setting is only applicable when the
Voltage Bias Type, in the First Time Config menu, is set for Raise/Lower.

Woodward 81
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Isolated Power Factor PF CONTROL WW 0.1 10.0 2.0 %
Control Threshold THRESHOLD

For isolated multi-unit systems, controlling the power factor at very low loads is not
practical, because the power factor ratio can change so dramatically because
Reactive Load (KVAR) is higher than the Real Load (KW). This threshold turns off
the EGCP-3 Power Factor control when the KVA reading is below this level. For
example, a setting of 2 % means that the EGCP-3 must measure at least 2% of its
rated KVA setting before the Power Factor control is enabled on an isolated bus.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

VAR/Power Factor VAR\PF DERIV WW 0.001 100.0 100
Derivative Ratio RATIO

This value is the derivative gain of the P-I-D reactive load controller. It
determines the response of the control for an error in the power factor or reactive
load. A value of 100 is minimum derivative effect. A value of 1 is maximum
derivative effect because this value is a ratio. Then a value of .001 is again
minimum derivative effect. The closer this number is to 1, the larger the
derivative effect.

Process Control Menu

The Process Control Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. All items appear in both. Items in it can be viewed and edited with
caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service

Refer to Table 3-2 for the configuration of alarm action. It is used in a few places
within the Process Control Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Process Proportional PROCESS GAIN Both 0.001 20.00 0.50

This value is the proportional gain of the Process P-I-D controller. It determines
how fast the process control responds to an error between process variable and
process reference. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Integral PROCESS INTEGRAL Both 0.00 20.00 0.10 Repeats/sec

This value is the integral gain of the process PID controller. It determines how
fast the process control responds to an error between process variable and
process reference. It prevents slow hunting and controls damping (overshoot or
undershoot) after a disturbance. Lower the value to slow the response.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Derivative PROCESS DERIVATIVE Both 0.01 100.0 0.20

This value is the derivative gain of the P-I-D load controller. It determines the
response of the process control for a rate of change in the process error. See
section on PID tuning.

82 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Deadband PROCESS DEADBAND Both -30000 30000 0 User units

This value specifies an error window about the measured process input, inside of
which the process controller will not adjust its output. This is used for control of
processes with a large noise component on the input. Set to 0 for normal, non-
deadband control. It is configured in the same units as the process input.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Droop PROCESS DROOP Both 0 50 5 %

This value is the process droop desired based on process level. It is typically
only used on slow moving process.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Filter PROCESS FILTER Both 0.01 10.00 1.00 Hz

This value adjusts the bandwidth of the low pass filter for the process controller.
Higher frequency settings than default result in faster control response, but also
more response to system noise. Lower frequency settings result in slower control
response and less response to noise.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Control PROCESS REFERENCE Both -30000 30000 0 User

This value is the reference used by process control. It is configured in the same
engineering units as the analog input sensor was calibrated.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

High Process Limit Alarm PROC HI LVL ALM Both 1 6 1=Disabled

This value defines the action taken when the process exceeds the configured
High Process Level.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process High Limit PROCESS HIGH Both -30000 30000 10 User units

This value is the highest process that should be carried by the genset. If the
monitored process exceeds this level, a High Process Limit Alarm will be issued
(if configured).

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Low Process Limit Alarm PROC LOW LVL ALM Both 1 6 1=Disabled

This value is an enumerated list that defines the action taken when the process
drops below the configured Low Process Level.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Process Low Limit PROCESS LOW LVL Both -30000 30000 -10 User units

This value is the lowest process that should be carried by the genset. If the
monitored process drops below this level, a Low Process Limit Alarm will be
issued (if configured).

Woodward 83
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Transfer Switch Menu

The Transfer Switch Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. Items in it can be viewed and edited with caution while the engine is
running. Items in this menu are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the of alarm action. It is used in the Transfer Switch Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Generator Stable Delay GEN STABLE DELAY Both 1 30000 30 Seconds

This value is the amount of time the generator must be running stable at rated
speed and rated voltage before the control will allow closing of the generator
breaker (Dead Bus) or activating the synchronizer to close the generator breaker.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

EPS Supplying Load EPS SUP LOAD ALM Panel 1 4 1=Disabled

This value selects the action taken when the genset is supplying the load (Gen
Breaker is closed) without the mains present (a configurable discrete input is
selected as the Mains breaker aux input, and it is open).

Sequencing Menu
The Sequencing Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. One additional item appears in Watch Window. Items in it can be
viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu
are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for configuration of alarm action. It is used in a few places
within the Sequencing Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Start/Stop Sequencing RUN TIME MANAGER Both 0 5 5=Unit
logic Number

The sequence function is performed between LS units on the same active bus
segment. It may also be initiated by a Master Controller (MC) but the negotiation
between units is performed by the slaves themselves with the start and stop
order determined by the run-time mode. All modes require the next unit to also
be in the Start Ready State. This value is used to select the run-time mode
0=Disabled: This unit will not be included in the auto stop/start sequence with
other LS connected to the bus. In First Time Setup, the parameter ENABLE
START SEQUENCE will have to be set to False to disable this control from
responding to start/stop commands from a Master Control.
1=Staggered Run-Time: The next genset to start/stop will be based on the
service hour time of each unit on the bus. When staggered is selected the control
selects units so no more than one service hour meter reaches 0.0 at the same
time. The next unit to start will therefore be the unit with the lowest Service hour
meter. Next stop will be the unit with the highest service hour time meter
2=Equal Run-Time: Next unit to start will have the highest Service hours meter.
Next stop will be the unit with the lowest service hours meter
3=Largest 1st: Will start the largest rated power unit next. Smallest power will
stop first.
4=Smallest 1st: Will start the smallest rated power unit next. Largest power will
stop first.
84 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
5=Unit Number: the unit with the lowest unit number will started next, and stop

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Start Delay above Max MAX LOAD DELAY Both 1 1200 30 Sec
Load Level

When this genset is at or above the Maximum Load Level for this delay time, a
start command will be given to the next scheduled unit.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Start Delay above Rated RATED LOAD DELAY Both 1 1200 2 Sec
Load Level

When this genset is at or above 100% Load Level for this delay time, a start
command will be given to the next scheduled unit.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Stop Delay below REDUCED LOAD Both 1 1200 30 Sec
minimum Load Level DELAY

When this genset is at or below the Minimum Load Level for this delay time, a
stop command will be given to the next scheduled unit.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Maximum % Load to MAX LOAD LVL Both 1 100 80 %
Trigger a Start

The desired upper load level for this genset, when demand is above this level a
start command will be given to the next scheduled unit

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Minimum % Load to MIN LOAD LVL Both 1 100 30 %
Trigger a Stop

The desired lower load level for this genset, when demand is below this level a
stop command will be given to the next scheduled unit

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Time to Stop a Genset STOP GENSET TIME Both 1 30000 3 Sec

After a stop command is issued, this is the amount of time the control waits to
send out another stop command. If the commanded genset does not stop after
the third attempt the failed to stop sequence alarm is triggered.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Time to Start a Genset START GENSET Both 1 30000 60 Sec

After a start command is issued, this is the amount of time the control waits to
send another start command. If the commanded genset does not start after the
third attempt the failed to start sequence alarm is triggered.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Interval for Next SERVICE INTERVAL Both 0 32000 0 Hrs
Scheduled Service

This value is the number of hours until the next scheduled service. When the
Service Hour Meter counts down to 0.0 or below, a Service Hour Alarm will be

Woodward 85
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Service Hour Clock RESET SERVICE Both False True False

Setting this value TRUE then False will initialize the Service Hour Meter to the
Service Interval time. The service hour reset must be used every time the service
hour meter is set.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Failed Auto Start AUTO START SEQ Both 1 4 2=Warning
Sequence Alarm Action ALM

This value is the action taken when the genset fails to start when triggered from

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Failed Auto Stop AUTO STOP SEQ Both 1 4 2=Warning
Sequence Alarm Action ALM

This value is the action taken when the genset fails to stop when triggered from

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Service Hour Alarm SERVICE HOURS Both 1 5 1=Disabled
Action ALARM

This value is the action taken when the engine service hour meter has reached
0.0 and the genset is due for service.

The Watch Window K SEQUENCING sheet has Displays monitoring and

troubleshooting information:
LON NODE NUMBER- This is a number that represents all nodes that are
responding on the LON network.
LON FAULT STATUS- False when all there are no faults
TIE BREAKER STATUS- for W, X, Y, and Z segment breakers, true indicates a
closed breaker
NODES ON ACTIVE BUS- Number of units communicating by LON that are on
this units same bus segment
NODES ON NETWORK- Number units (LS and MC) communicating on the LON

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Clear Failed deadbus CLEAR DEADBUS WW False True False
close attempt ATTEMPTS

If a node wins the arbitration to close onto a dead bus, and fails to close, this
input field is used to determine the failed nodes arbitration status. If the “Clear
Attempt” input field is FALSE, all other nodes will be allowed to close before the
failing node is allowed back into the arbitration. If all nodes were to fail, all nodes
would again be equal in the arbitration algorithm. If the “Clear Attempt” input field
is TRUE, the failing node is allowed back into the arbitration at the same priority
as all other nodes.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Enable Bus to Bus ENABLE EXT LS TIE WW False True False
Synchronization SYNCH

Needs to be enabled for the EGCP-3 to react to contact inputs from an external
synchronizer to perform bus to bus synchronizing. The LS unit then broadcasts a
sync bias level to all LS units on the same bus segment.
86 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus to Bus Synch Reset LS TIE SYNC BIAS WW 0.0 300.0 10.0 Sec

This timer resets the control after an attempt to synchronize bus to bus. Any
speed or voltage change that was added from the sync attempt will be removed.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus to Bus Synch LS TIE SYNC FREQ WW 0.01 10.0 1.0
Frequency Gain GAIN

This value is used to increase or decrease the affect of the bus to bus
synchronization on the frequency adjustment. Larger values will give the Bus to
Bus synchronizing more frequency change. Smaller values reduce the frequency

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Bus to Bus Synch LS TIE SYNC VOLT WW 0.01 10.0 1.0
Voltage Gain GAIN

This value is used to increase or decrease the affect of the bus to bus
synchronization on the voltage adjustment. Larger values will give the Bus to Bus
synchronizing more voltage change. Smaller values reduce the voltage change.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Auto Start With Trip AUTO STRT W/TRIP WW False True False
Alarm TIE

When enabled the LS will start automatically when any alarm is configured for
Trip Tie or Trip Tie with alarm, and that alarm condition occurs. Only when the
LS is in Auto. This feature is used primarily for isolated prime power systems
where start stop sequencing is Enabled. If the Bus Undervoltage alarm for
example were set to Trip Tie, then any EGCP-3 units in Auto would start when
this alarm occurred.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Expected Number of EXPECTED NODE WW 1 16 1
Nodes in the System NUMBER

If the Net Nodes from the LON do not match this number, and a digital output is
configured for LON Node Num Mismatch, the digital output will be set. Used to
validate LON health.

Communications Menu
The Communications Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. Some items will only appear through Watch Window. Items in it can be
viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu
are part of a Service block.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Type SERIAL 1 TYPE Both 1 3 1=RS232

This value is an enumerated list used to select the serial hardware interface for
Serial Port 1. It may be RS232 =1, RS422 =2, or RS485 =3. See the EGCP-3
Installation Manual for details on each.

Woodward 87
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Mode SERIAL 1 MODE Both 1 2 2=ServLink

This value is an enumerated list used to select the software protocol interface for
Serial Port 1. It may be Modbus =1 or ServLink =2. Selecting Modbus will enable
the Modbus RTU slave serial protocol. Selecting ServLink will enable the
Woodward ServLink server protocol.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Baud SERIAL 1 BAUD Both 7 12 11=57,600

This value selects the serial baud rate for Serial Port1. The following table lists
the possible baud rates:

Value Baud Rate

12 115,200
11 57,600
10 38,400
9 19,200
8 9600
7 4800

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Bits SERIAL 1 BITS WW 1 2 2=8 bits

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of bits for Serial Port
1. It may be 1 = 7 Bits or 2 = 8 Bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Stop SERIAL 1 STOP BITS WW 1 3 1=1 Stop
Bits Bit

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of stop bits for Serial
Port 1. It may be 1 = 1 stop bit or 2 = 2 stop bits or 3 = 1.5 stop bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 1 Parity SERIAL 1 PARITY WW 1 3 1=1 No

This value is an enumerated list used to select the parity for Serial Port 1. It may
be 1 = No Parity or 2 = Odd or 3 = Even.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Network MODBUS ID Both 1 257 1

This value is used when communicating to several Modbus items on the same
serial cable. This number assigns an address to the Modbus for this unit.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Reset MODBUS RESET Both False True False

This value when set true will reset the faults on the Modbus port.

88 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 2 Type SERIAL 2 TYPE Both 1 3 1=RS232

This value is an enumerated list used to select the serial hardware interface for
Serial Port 2. It may be RS232, RS422, or RS485. See the EGCP-3 Installation
Manual for details on each.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 2 Baud Rate SERIAL 2 BAUD Both 7 12 11=57600

This value selects the serial baud rate for Serial Port2. See Serial 1 Baud Rate
for a list of possible choices.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 2 Bits SERIAL 2 BITS WW 1 2 2=8 bits

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of bits for Serial Port
2. It may be 1 = 7 Bits or 2 = 8 Bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 2 Stop SERIAL 2 STOP BITS WW 1 3 1=1 Stop
Bits Bit

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of stop bits for Serial
Port 2. It may be 1 = 1 stop bit or 2 = 2 stop bits or 3 = 1.5 stop bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 2 Parity SERIAL 2 PARITY WW 1 3 1=1 No

This value is an enumerated list used to select the parity for Serial Port 2. It may
be 1 = No Parity or 2 = Odd or 3 = Even.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 3 Baud Rate SERIAL 3 BAUD Both 7 12 12=115200

This value selects the serial baud rate for Serial Port3. See Serial 1 Baud Rate
for a list of possible choices.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 3 Bits SERIAL 3 BITS WW 1 2 2=8 bits

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of bits for Serial Port
3. It may be 1 = 7 Bits or 2 = 8 Bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 3 Stop SERIAL 3 STOP BITS WW 1 3 1=1 Stop
Bits Bit

This value is an enumerated list used to select the number of stop bits for Serial
Port 3. It may be 1 = 1 stop bit or 2 = 2 stop bits or 3 = 1.5 stop bits.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Serial 3 Parity SERIAL 3 PARITY WW 1 3 1=1 No

This value is an enumerated list used to select the parity for Serial Port 3. It may
be 1 = No Parity or 2 = Odd or 3 = Even.

Woodward 89
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Network MODBUS ID Both 1 257 1

This value is used when communicating to several Modbus items on the same
serial cable. This number assigns an address to the Modbus for this unit.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Reset MODBUS RESET Both False True False

This value when set true will reset the faults on the Modbus port.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Timeout MODBUS TIMEOUT WW 0.1 100.0 3.0 Seconds

This value defines the amount of time that must pass without communication
from the Master before announcing a Link Failure. The same timeout is used for
Serial Port 2 and Serial Port 1 if Serial Port 1 is configured as a Modbus port.
However, the alarms generated by this timeout are specific for each serial port.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Port 1 Timeout PORT 1 TIMEOUT WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Alarm Action ALARM

This value defines the action taken when the Serial Port 1 fails to communicate
within the time-out period.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Port 2 Timeout PORT 2 TIMEOUT WW 1 6 1=Disabled
Alarm Action ALARM

This value defines the action taken when the Serial Port 2 fails to communicate
within the time-out period.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – GEN VOLT WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Gen Voltage
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – GEN WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Gen Current CURRENT
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – GEN WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Gen Power POWER
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – BUS VOLT WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Bus Voltage
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – BUS WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Bus Current CURRENT
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT – BUS WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Bus Power POWER
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT - BASELOAD WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for Baseload REF
Modbus Multiplier MBUS MULT - VAR REF WW 1 4 1=1X Multiplier
for VAR Reference

90 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
This value defines the multiplier used hen sending a value over Modbus. The
multiplier moves the decimal of the value so Modbus can have more resolution.
For example if the value was 2.0 kV, and you used a multiplier of 1000 the
Modbus value would be 2000. See the table below for the multiplier list.

1 X1
2 X10
3 X100
4 X1000

Calibration Menu
The Calibration Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. Some items appear only on the front panel but others are included on
both the front panel and in Watch Window. Items in it can be viewed and edited
with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Day of Week DAY OF WEEK Panel Sunday Saturday Sunday

This value selects the current day of the week. It is part of the date and time
configuration. The EGCP-3 has a battery backed real time clock that, once
properly configured, will keep the date, time, and day of week even if control
power is removed. This configurable appears in the Calibration Menu when
viewing the menu through the front panel. When set on the panel, the day-of-
week will not update until Enter is pressed while in the SET DATE menu. Below
is a description of setting the day by Watch Window.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Set Date SET DATE Panel 01-JAN-2001

This value is the exact day in a calendar year. The Day, Month, and Year are
independently configurable as separate fields. Use the navigation keys to select
and change each field separately. The EGCP-3 has a battery backed real time
clock that, once properly configured, will keep the date, time, and day of week
even if control power is removed. This configurable appears in the Calibration
Menu when viewing the menu through the front panel. Below is a description of
setting the date by Watch Window.

Item Display Name Panel /WW Min Max Default Units

Set Time SET TIME Panel 00:00

This value is the exact time of day. The Hours, and Minutes, are independently
configurable as separate fields. Use the navigation keys to select and change
each one separately. The clock is a 24-hour clock, enter 6 pm as 18. When the
Enter key is pressed the clock will be initialized to the Hour and minute and 0.0
seconds. The EGCP-3 has a battery backed real time clock that, once properly
configured, will keep the date, time, and day of week even if control power is
removed. This configurable appears in the Calibration Menu when viewing the
menu through the front panel. Below is a description of setting the time by Watch

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current year UPDATE YEAR TO: WW 2000 2070 2001

Numerical value of the present year.

Woodward 91
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current month UPDATE MONTH TO: WW 1 12 1=JAN

The convention of the value is January = 1, February = 2, etc.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current date UPDATE DATE TO: WW 1 31 1

Numerical entry of calendar date 1-31.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current day of UPDATE CURRENT WW 1 7 1=Sunday
Week DAY TO:

The convention of the value is Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, etc.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


Adjust the above calendar parameters to indicate the current date. The EGCP-3
calendar will not change until the Up Date Calendar trigger is set TRUE, then

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current UPDATE HOURS TO: WW 0 24 0

Clock hours, 24 hour clock.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Current time UPDATE MINUTES TO: WW 0 59 0

Clock minutes.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units


Adjust the clock parameters above to the current time. The EGCP-3 clock will be
set to these values when the trigger is set TRUE, the seconds will be set to 0.0.
The trigger must then be returned to FALSE.

The next lines on the sheet will display the current time, date and day-of-week
from the EGCP-3 to verify its setting.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Bias Offset SPEED BIAS OFFSET Both -100 100 0
Voltage Bias Offset VOLTAGE BIAS OFFSET Both -100 100 0

The Offset of the Bias outputs can be used to adjust the “off” setting to give rated
voltage or rated speed when the EGCP-3 is not in control. See the Calibration
Chapter of this manual.

92 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Generator A∅ Voltage GEN A∅ VOLTAGE SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Generator B∅ Voltage GEN B∅ VOLTAGE SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Generator C∅ Voltage GEN C∅ VOLTAGE SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Generator A∅ Current GEN A∅ CURRENT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Generator B∅ Current GEN B∅ CURRENT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Generator C∅ Current GEN C∅ CURRENT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Scale Factor
Bus A∅ Voltage Scale BUS A∅ VOLT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Bus B∅ Voltage Scale BUS B∅ VOLT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Bus C∅ Voltage Scale BUS C∅ VOLT SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Bus A∅ Current Scale BUS A∅ CURR SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Bus B∅ Current Scale BUS B∅ CURR SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1
Bus C∅ Current Scale BUS C∅ CURR SCALE Both 0.5 1.5 1

The Scale setting is used to match the input value and the EGCP-3 displayed
value. From Watch Window the EGCP-3 measured value is also monitored here
to assist with calibration. These items are discussed in the Calibration Chapter of
this manual.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Operator Password OPERATOR PASSWORD Both 0 9999 9002

This value is the password to use when logging in at the Operator Level. It can
only be changed if logged in as a Technician.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Supervisor Password SUPERVISOR PASSWORD Both 0 9999 9003

This value is the password to use when logging in at the Supervisor Level. It can
only be changed if logged in as a Technician or Factory.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Technician Password TECHNICIAN PASSWORD Both 0 9999 9004

This value is the password to use when logging in at the Technician Level. It can
only be changed if logged in as a Technician or Factory.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Factory Password FACTORY PASSWORD Both 0 9999 9005

This value is the password to use when logging in at the Factory Level. It can
only be changed if logged in at the Factory Level.

Woodward 93
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Disable Passwords DISABLE PASSWORDS Both True False FALSE

This value can be True of False. If set to False, passwords are enabled to
prevent unauthorized alteration of critical parameters. If set to True, anyone can
change any value in the control. Technician level access is required to change
this parameter. This value will automatically revert to False when the control
power is cycled off and on.

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Clear Alarms With CLEAR ALARM NO WW True False FALSE
No Password PASSWORD

This value can be True of False. If set to False, the user must enter a password
level of operator or higher to clear alarms. If set to True no password level is
required to clear alarms. Alarms will still remain in the Alarm History Log for
either case.

The unit may start unintentionally if a fault, which caused the unit to shut
down, is cleared and the operating mode is enabled for Automatic Starting.
Before clearing the fault, check the cause of the fault, in order to protect
operating personnel located in the vicinity against injuries, and to protect
the engine against unintentional damage.

⇒ If the cause of the fault is not known or is unclear, NEVER press the

Remote Alarm Menu

The Remote Alarm Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. Some items appear only through Watch Window. Items in it can be
viewed and edited with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu
are part of a Service block.

Refer to Table 3-2 for the enumerated list for configuration of alarm action. It is
used in a few places within the Remote Alarm Menu.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 1 REMOTE Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 1 Delay REMOTE Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Remote Alarm 1 Level REMOTE Both False True True=Active
Remote Alarm 1 Label REMOTE WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 1 RM1 COND WW False True True=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

This group of 4 configurable items is used to configure Remote Alarm #1. This
group can be configured and used even if no Digital Input is configured for
Remote Alarm #1. In the case where no Digital Input is configured for Remote
Alarm #1, the Alarm can be activated and de-activated via Modbus by changing
the “input state” of Remote Alarm Input #1 with Boolean Write commands.

94 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The Remote Alarm 1 value is the action taken when the input is activated.

The Remote Alarm 1 Delay value is the time to wait after activation of the input
prior to announcing the alarm condition.

The Remote Alarm 1 Level is used to configure how the EGCP-3 interprets the
input state. If set to Active Low, the absence of an input at the Digital Input
terminals will be considered an active alarm. This mode is useful for normally
closed contacts. If configured to Active High, Application of voltage at the Digital
Input terminals will be considered an active alarm. If using Modbus to set the
alarm states, only High should be used.

The Remote Alarm 1 Label is used to provide a customized name for the actual
device connected to the input. It is limited to 20 characters all of which must be
ASCII characters {within the range of ASCII(20) ‘space’, to ASCII(7E) ‘~’}.

The Remote Alarm 1 Engine Enable is used to disable the remote alarm until the
engine is running. If this value is false, the remote alarm will always be active.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 2 REMOTE Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 2 REMOTE Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Remote Alarm 2 REMOTE Both False True True=Active
Level ALARM 2 LVL High
Remote Alarm 2 REMOTE WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 2 RM2 COND WW False True True=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

See Remote Alarm 1 above for configuration description.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 3 REMOTE ALARM Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 3 REMOTE ALARM Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Delay 3 DLY
Remote Alarm 3 Level REMOTE ALARM Both False True True=Active
3 LVL High
Remote Alarm 3 Label REMOTE ALARM WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 3 RM3 COND WW False True Tru=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

See Remote Alarm 1 above for configuration description.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 4 REMOTE ALARM Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 4 REMOTE ALARM Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Delay 4 DLY
Remote Alarm 4 Level REMOTE ALARM Both False True True=Active
4 LVL High
Remote Alarm 4 Label REMOTE ALARM WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 4 RM4 COND WW False True True=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

Woodward 95
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
See Remote Alarm 1 above for configuration description.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 5 REMOTE ALARM Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 5 REMOTE ALARM Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Delay 5 DLY
Remote Alarm 5 Level REMOTE ALARM Both False True True=Active
5 LVL High
Remote Alarm 5 Label REMOTE ALARM WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 5 RM5 COND WW False True True=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

See Remote Alarm 1 above for configuration description.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Remote Alarm 6 REMOTE ALARM Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Remote Alarm 6 Delay REMOTE ALARM Both 0.0 30.0 0.0 Seconds
Remote Alarm 6 Level REMOTE ALARM Both False True True=Active
6 LVL High
Remote Alarm 6 Label REMOTE ALARM WW ~~~~ REMOTE ASCII
Remote Alarm 6 RM6 COND WW False True True=Wait for
Engine Enable W/ENGINE RUN Engine Run

See Remote Alarm 1 above for configuration description.

Force Relay Menu

The items in the first Watch Window Digital Outputs menu are shown below.
Items shown below only appear in Watch Window and will follow the Remote
Alarms Menu. Items in this menu are part of a Service Block. These configuration
points are to be used for troubleshooting only. If any are set true, the
corresponding digital output will be turned “on” so that wiring can be tested.

The fist parameter, ENABLE RELAY FORCING, must be set to TRUE before the
relays can be manually energized. To enable the test the genset must have
these conditions True: Technician or higher Password, Engine stopped, Fuel
shutoff output off, and generator output off. If any of these condition become
false, the relay test will return all relays to their normal conditions. The FORCING
ENABLE should be returned to False when the test is completed. After 60
minutes, the force mode will be disabled.

96 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Enable Relay ENABLE RELAY WW False True False
Forcing Test FORCING
Force DO 1 ENERGIZE RELAY 1 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 2 ENERGIZE RELAY 2 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 3 ENERGIZE RELAY 3 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 4 ENERGIZE RELAY 4 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 5 ENERGIZE RELAY 5 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 6 ENERGIZE RELAY 6 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 7 ENERGIZE RELAY 7 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 8 ENERGIZE RELAY 8 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 9 ENERGIZE RELAY 9 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 10 ENERGIZE RELAY 10 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 11 ENERGIZE RELAY 11 WW False True FALSE=off
Force DO 12 ENERGIZE RELAY 12 WW False True FALSE=off

Analog Outputs Menu

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units
Analog output 1 ANOUT1 FUNCTION Both 1 18 2=Synchroscope
Input Value at ANOUT1 HI CAL Both -30000 30000 200
Max output VALUE
Input Value at ANOUT1 LO CAL Both -30000 30000 -200
Minimum VALUE

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Analog output 2 ANOUT2 FUNCTION Both 1 18 1=Not Used
Input Value at Max ANOUT2 HI CAL Both -30000 30000 100
output VALUE
Input Value at ANOUT2 LO CAL Both -30000 30000 0
Minimum VALUE

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Analog output 3 ANOUT3 FUNCTION Both 1 18 1=Not Used
Input Value at Max ANOUT3 HI CAL Both -30000 30000 100
output VALUE
Input Value at ANOUT3 LO CAL Both -30000 30000 0
Minimum VALUE

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Analog output 4 ANOUT4 FUNCTION Both 1 18 1=Not Used
Input Value at Max ANOUT4 HI CAL Both -30000 30000 100
output VALUE
Input Value at ANOUT4 LO CAL Both -30000 30000 0
Minimum VALUE

Woodward 97
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Value Command Display Notes

18 System Load System Load
17 Unit Load Unit Load
16 Bus Power Factor BUS Power Factor
15 Bus Frequency Meter BUS Freq Meter
14 Bus KVAR Meter BUS KVAR Meter
13 Bus KVA Meter BUS KVA Meter
12 Bus KW Meter BUS KW Meter
11 Bus Current Meter BUS Current Meter
10 Bus Voltage Meter Bus Voltage Meter
9 Generator Power Factor Gen Power Factor
8 Generator Frequency Meter Gen Freq Meter
7 Generator KVAR Meter Gen KVAR Meter
6 Generator KVA Meter Gen KVA Meter
5 Generator KW Meter Gen KW Meter
4 Generator Current Meter Gen Current Meter
3 Generator Voltage Meter Gen Voltage Meter
2 Synchroscope Synchroscope
1 Not Used Not Used

Item Display Name Panel / WW Min Max Default Units

Speed Bias Max Limit SPEED BIAS MAX LIMIT WW -100 100 100 %
Speed Bias Min Limit SPEED BIAS MIN LIMIT WW -100 100 -100 %

The Min and Max limits for the speed bias signal can be used to clamp the output
range. For example, if the Speed Bias Output is programmed for a ±3 Vdc signal,
this could be clamped to a ±2 Vdc output by setting the Max to 66 and the Min to

Analog Inputs Menu

The Analog Input Menu is included in both the front panel display and Watch
Window. Some items appear only in Watch Window, but others are included on
both the front panel and in Watch Window. Items in it can be viewed and edited
with caution while the engine is running. Items in this menu are part of a Service

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Voltage or ANALOG INPUT 1 Both 1 3 1=4–20 mA
Current input TYPE
User Defined ANALOG IN 1 WW ~~~~ H2O TEMP ASCII
Sensor Value ANIN1 LOW CAL Both -3000 3000 0.0 Deg C
at Minimum VALUE (C)
Sensor Value ANIN1 HIGH CAL Both -3000 3000 100.0 Deg C
at Maximum VALUE (C)

The function of Analog Input 1 is the Engine Coolant temperature input. In this
menu the user defines the input type and calibration values. For the input type
1=4–20 mA, 2=1–5 V, and 3=not used. The Sensor temperature for minimum
(1.0 V or 4.0 mA) output, and the temperature for maximum output (5.0 V or 20.0
mA). The calibration values must be entered in degrees centigrade. The label
may be changed to a user defined ASCII string.

98 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Voltage or ANALOG INPUT 2 Both 1 3 1=4–20 mA
Current input TYPE
User Defined ANALOG IN 2 WW ~~~~ OIL ASCII
Sensor Value ANIN2 LOW CAL Both -3000 3000 0.0 KPA
at Minimum VALUE (C)
Sensor Value ANIN2 HIGH CAL Both -3000 3000 100.0 KPA
at Maximum VALUE (C)

The function of Analog input 2 is the Engine Lube Oil pressure input. In this
menu the user defines the input type and calibration values. For the input type
1=4–20 mA, 2=1–5 V, and 3=not used. The Sensor pressure for minimum (1.0 V
or 4.0 mA) output, and the pressure for maximum output (5.0 V or 20.0 mA). The
calibration values must be entered in Kilopascal-Absolute units. The label may
be changed to a user defined ASCII string.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Voltage or ANALOG INPUT Both 1 3 1=4–20 mA
Current input 3 TYPE
Label LABEL 3
Sensor Value ANIN3 LOW CAL Both -3000 3000 0.0 User
at Minimum VALUE
Sensor Value ANIN3 HIGH CAL Both -3000 3000 100.0 User
at Maximum VALUE
High Alarm ANIN3 HIGH Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Action ALARM
High Alarm ANIN3 HIGH Both -3000 3000 100.0 User
High Pre-alarm ANIN3 HIGH WW 1 8 1=Disabled
High Pre-alarm ANIN3 HIGH WW -9999 9999 100.0 User
Low Pre-alarm ANIN3 LOW WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Low Pre-alarm ANIN3 LOW WW -9999 9999 0.0 User
Low Alarm ANIN3 LOW Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Action ALARM
Low Alarm ANIN3 LOW Both -3000 3000 0.0 User
Pre Alarm ANIN3 PRE- WW 0.10 1200 5.0 Sec
Alarm Delay ANIN3 ALARM Both 0.10 1200 10.0 Sec

The configurable function of inputs 3 and 4 is selected in the First Time

Configuration Menu. In this menu the user defines the input type and calibration
values for all inputs. Inputs 3 and 4 the can be configured for an alarm function
and the alarm action and alarm levels are set here. For the input type 1=4–20
mA, 2=1–5 V, and 3=not used. When analog input 3 or 4 is configured as
process input or an external reference, the alarm action and level setpoints are
configured for input out-of-range sensing.
Woodward 99
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Voltage or ANALOG INPUT Both 1 3 1=4–20 mA
Current input 4 TYPE
Label LABEL 4
Sensor Value ANIN4 LOW CAL Both -3000 3000 0.0 User
at Minimum VALUE
Sensor Value ANIN4 HIGH CAL Both -3000 3000 100.0 User
at Maximum VALUE
High Alarm ANIN4 HIGH Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Action ALARM
High Alarm ANIN4 HIGH Both -3000 3000 100.0 User
High Pre-alarm ANIN4 HIGH WW 1 8 1=Disabled
High Pre-alarm ANIN4 HIGH WW -9999 9999 100.0 User
Low Pre-alarm ANIN4 LOW WW 1 8 1=Disabled
Low Pre-alarm ANIN4 LOW WW -9999 9999 0.0 User
Low Alarm ANIN4 LOW Both 1 8 1=Disabled
Action ALARM
Low Alarm ANIN4 LOW Both -3000 3000 0.0 User
Pre Alarm ANIN4 PRE- WW 0.10 1200 5.0 Sec
Alarm Delay ANIN4 ALARM Both 0.10 1200 10.0 Sec

100 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Remote Control Menu

The Remote Control Menu contains items that can be tuned or configured from
Watch Window, but would normally be set from an external device. They are
included here as items that can be used during installation tests.

Item Display Name Panel / Min Max Default Units

Acknowledge Cmd ACKNOWLEDGE WW False True False
Reset Command RESET ALARMS WW False True False
Test Mode Switch TEST COMMAND WW False True False
Run Mode Switch RUN COMMAND WW False True False
Auto Mode Switch AUTO COMMAND WW False True False
Process Mode PROCESS ENABLE WW False True False
Reactive Load VAR\PF ENABLE WW False True False
Unload Command UNLOAD COMMAND WW False True False
Ramp Pause Input LOAD RAMP PAUSE WW False True False
Speed/Load Raise SPEED RAISE WW False True False
Speed/Load Lower SPEED LOWER WW False True False
Monitor Value SPEED BIAS ANALOG Monitor Value
Voltage/PF/VAR VOLTAGE RAISE WW False True False
Voltage/PF/VAR VOLTAGE LOWER WW False True False
Monitor Value VOLTAGE BIAS ANLG Monitor Value
Monitor Value RMT BASELOAD REF Monitor Value
Read Phase A at METER PHASE A WW False True False
Read Phase B at METER PHASE B WW False True False
Reset Load RESET LOAD CMD WW False True False
Enable BaseLoad BASE LOAD WW False True False
Droop Track DROOP TRACK WW False True False
KW De-rate KW DE-RATE WW False True False

Woodward 101
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 4.
Monitoring by Watch Window

The following page describe the Watch Window sheets that contain information
used in monitoring the status of the Genset or to assist in troubleshooting

Sequence States Menu

The EGCP-3 uses a state machine for determining its operating mode at any
given time. The unit will step through these state from start to stop. Some states
the control will skip or step through too quickly to see indication change.

Display Name Item Units

01 INITIALIZE POWER UP Power has just came on, initializing parameters T/F
02 S100 OUT OF OPERATION Engine is off, waiting for a start command T/F
03 S210 INITIALIZE START Start command has been received, initializing timers T/F
04 S220 GLOW PLUGS The Glow plugs are on, waiting for timeout T/F
05 S230 TURN ON STARTER Engage starter motor, cranking engine T/F
06 S240 STARTER COOL DOWN Engine did not start, waiting for timeout T/F
07 S250 AT IDLE SPEED Engine is rung at idle speed T/F
08 S260 IDLE OK START RAMP Idle time complete, start ramp to rated T/F
09 S270 RAMP TO RATED Engine speed is between idle and rated T/F
10 S280 AT RATED SPEED Genset is at rated speed, no load T/F
11 S290 GEN SYNCHRONIZE Synchronizer is active T/F
12 S300 SOFT LOAD CONTROL Gen Breaker is closed, ramping into load control T/F
13 S320 LOAD CONTROL Normal running state. Controlling load in configured T/F
mode and level
14 S340 SOFT UNLOAD CONTROL A normal stop has been received, ramping load to T/F
15 S350 GEN BREAKER OPENING Opening generator breaker T/F
16 S360 COOLDOWN Running at no load and at cooldown speed, a normal T/F
shutdown will return to S100, out of operation.
17 S400 SOFT SHUTDOWN A soft shutdown alarm is active, reset is required T/F
18 S500 HARD SHUTDOWN A hard Shutdown alarm is active, reset is required T/F

Units Menu
The Units Menu is included only in Watch Window. The purpose of this data is to
serve as units of measurement for all ac parameters in other Service and
Configuration menus.

Display Name Item Units

GEN. POWER Gen. Power Units W, VA, VAR; KW, KVA, KVAR; MW, MVA,
GEN. VOLTAGE Gen. Voltage Units Volts, Kilovolt
GEN. CURRENT Gen. Current Units Amps, Kilamps
BUS VOLTAGE Bus Voltage Units Volts, Kilovolts
BUS CURRENT Bus Current Units Amps, Kilamps

102 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
If a value of Kilovolt is observed, the related ac quantity is scaled by 1000. For
example, if Bus Voltage Units is Kilovolt than a value of 4.160 in Bus Rated
Voltage will be interpreted as 4160 volts. On the front panel display this can be
observed as the units changing to kV.

If a value of MW, MVA, MVAR is observed, the related ac quantity is scaled by

100,000. For example, if Bus Power Units is MW, MVA, MVAR than a value of
30.456 in Bus Rated Watts will be interpreted as 30,456,000 watts or 30.456
megawatts. On the front panel display this can be observed as the units
changing to MW.

LON Status Messaging Menu

A troubleshooting aid of the LON information
IN = Input from this application and sent to other LON Units
OUT= Output from other units and input into this application

Display Name IN/OU Units

NODE NUM IN This units assigned unit/node number #
UNIT PF IN Power Factor of this unit #
UNIT LOAD IN Real Load on this unit #
LOAD SHARE OUT Indicates that this unit is Load Sharing T/F
PF SHARE OUT Indicates that this unit is PF sharing T/F
PROC MSTR OUT Indicates this node is acting as the process master T/F
BRK CLOSED IN Gen Breaker Closed T/F
DEADBUS IN This unit sees the bus a being dead T/F
DB REQUEST IN This unit would like to close onto the deadbus T/F
CLR ATTEMPT IN Clear the Deadbus close failure for this unit T/F
BUS SEG A IN Bus Segment A is Active T/F
BUS SEG B IN Bus Segment B is Active T/F
BUS SEG C IN Bus Segment C is Active T/F
BUS SEG D IN Bus Segment D is Active T/F
START RDY IN This genset is ready to start T/F
START RQST IN Request to start next available genset T/F
STOP RQST IN Request to stop next available genset T/F
STOP RDY IN Genset Ready to be stopped #
CAPACITY IN Rated Power of this genset #
PWR UNITS IN Indicates the units (K, M, etc) of the active units power #
SVC HOURS IN Hours remaining before service #
MON TBKR IN Enables transmission of segment tie breakers to other units T/F
TIE W IN W Tie Breaker Aux contact input T/F
TIE X IN X Tie Breaker Aux contact input T/F
TIE Y IN Y Tie Breaker Aux contact input T/F
TIE Z IN Z Tie Breaker Aux contact input T/F
SS ARB ALG IN Tell LON logic which algorithm to use for starting/stopping #
IN S BIAS IN Value of unit synchronizer bias signal #
SEND SYNC IN Enable send of the sync bias message T/F
RAISE VOLT IN Message for all other units to raise their voltage T/F
LOWER VOLT IN Message for all other units to lower their voltage T/F
TIE BRKR W OUT W Tie Breaker is closed, two bus segments are connected T/F
TIE BRKR X OUT X Tie Breaker is closed, two bus segments are connected T/F
TIE BRKR Y OUT Y Tie Breaker is closed, two bus segments are connected T/F
TIE BRKR Z OUT Z Tie Breaker is closed, two bus segments are connected T/F
DEAD BUS GRANT OUT This unit has received ok to close onto the deadbus T/F
PROC SLAVE OUT A process master controller is in control of the network T/F
VOLT RAISE OUT A voltage raise command has been given by the master T/F
VOLT LOWER OUT A voltage lower command has been given by the master T/F
NET NODE OUT Number of LON devices on the network #
SEG NODES OUT Number of nodes active on this bus segment #

Woodward 103
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Display Name IN/OU Units
LS NODES OUT Indicates the number of units sharing load on this bus segment #
STRT NODES OUT Number of Gensets ready to start on this bus T/F
STOP NODES OUT Number of Gensets ready to stop on this bus T/F
SYS_PF OUT indicates the system power factor #
SYS LOAD OUT System Load % #
SYNC BIAS OUT Indicates the master sync bias command value. #
ONLINE DMD OUT Total power being generated by all the generator sets on the #
same active bus segment who have their breakers closed
OL D UNITS OUT Indicates the units (K, M, etc) of the active units ONLINE_DMD #
ONLINE CAP OUT Maximum total power output capable of being generated by all #
the generator sets on the same active bus segment who have
their breakers closed
OL C UNITS OUT Indicates the units (K, M, etc) of the active units ONLINE_CAP #
START CMD OUT Start this genset T/F
STOP CMD OUT Stop this genset T/F
START DONE OUT The requested genset has finished starting T/F
STOP DONE OUT The requested genset has finished stopping T/F
NEXT START OUT Displays which unit/node number will get the next start cmd #
NEXT STOP OUT Displays which unit/node number will get the next stop cmd #
SYS NUM ID OUT This number, when decoded, give the node numbers that are #
ERR FLAG OUT Indicates an error has occurred with the LON communication T/F
MSTART CMD OUT Tells all units to initiate a start T/F
MSTOP CMD OUT Tells all units to initiate a stop T/F
ERROR NUMBER OUT This value is a coded number for troubleshooting the LON #
SYNC MSTR IN OUT Indicates that this unit is the unit that is the master synching

01 Status System Menu

An overview of the system operation.

Display Name Item Units

01 ALARMS: Displays the number of active alarms on the unit #
02 UNIT Displays the number of this unit #
03 GEN Stable (++), Stable timing (+-), Out of Spec(--)
04 BUS Stable (++),Out of Spec(--)
05 ENGINE: Shows the operating state of the engine
06 GENERATOR SET STATE: Shows the state of the genset as a whole, how/why
the unit started
07 HZ The frequency of the generator set Hz
08 KW The total kW load on the generator W
09 PF: The average three phase power factor of the NA
generator set
10 PF DIRECTION Lead / Lag
11 Watt-HOURS The total accumulated Watt hours produced by the MW-
generator set HR
12 RUN-TIME HUN The total accumulated run time of the generator set in Hours
hours. (NOT Service Hours)
13 RUN-TIME THSND The total accumulated run time of the generator set in Hours
hours. (NOT Service Hours)
14 CONFIGURATION STATUS Source of error causing a Configuration Alarm
15 CONTACT IN CONFIGURE ERR Displays which input channels are configured wrong.
16 DEAD BUS Displays if the bus segment is dead T/F

104 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

02 Status Engine Menu

An overview of the Engine state and operating parameters.

Display Name Item Units

01 DATE / TIME Current Date and Time of the EGCP-3 Clock Y/M/D
02 ENGINE: The state of the engine control function
03 RPM: Engine speed RPM
04 BATTERY VOLT: Battery Voltage Volts dc
05 ENGINE TEMP: Coolant Temperature °F / °C
06 OIL PRESSURE: Oil Pressure kPa / psi
07 GEN BREAKER: The Status of the generator breaker Opn/Clsd
08 GEN Stable (++), Stable timing (+-), Out of Spec(--)
12 IGNITION: Shows OFF or ON

03 Status Generator Menu

An overview of the generator outputs.

Display Name Item Units

01 GEN VOLT LINE-LINE Average Volts L-L. V*
03 GEN AMPS Average Amps A*
04 GEN VOLT-AMP Total KVA reading. VA*
05 GEN WATT Total kW readings W*
06 GEN VAR Total kVAR reading. VAR*
07 GEN PWR-FACTOR Average Power Factor; with +/- Lag or Lead -
08 GEN VA, PHS A Phase A KVA reading VA*
09 GEN VA, PHS B Phase B KVA reading VA*
10 GEN VA, PHS C Phase C KVA reading VA*
11 GEN WATT, PHS A Phase A kW readings W*
12 GEN WATT, PHS B Phase B kW readings W*
13 GEN WATT, PHS C Phase C kW readings W*
14 GEN VAR, PHS A Phase A kVAR reading VAR*
15 GEN VAR, PHS B Phase B kVAR reading VAR*
16 GEN VAR, PHS C Phase C kVAR reading VAR*
17 GEN VOLT, PHS A Phase A Volts reading Volt*
18 GEN VOLT, PHS B Phase B Volts reading Volt*
19 GEN VOLT, PHS C Phase C Volts reading Volt*
20 GEN AMP, PHS A Phase A Amps reading Amp*
21 GEN AMP, PHS B Phase B Amps reading Amp*
22 GEN AMP, PHS C Phase C Amps reading Amp*
23 GEN PF PHS A Phase A Power Factor reading -
24 PF A DIRECTION Direction of phase A Power Factor Lead/Lag
25 GEN PF PHS B Phase B Power Factor reading -
26 PF B DIRECTION Direction of phase B Power Factor Lead/Lag
27 GEN PF PHS C Phase C Power Factor reading -
28 PF C DIRECTION Direction of phase C Power Factor Lead/Lag
29 GEN CURR, THD Total Harmonic Distortion of the Current %
30 GEN CURR, 3RD HARM Third Current Harmonic %
31 GEN CURR, 4TH HARM Fourth Current Harmonic %
32 GEN CURR, 5TH HARM Fifth Current Harmonic %
33 GEN CURR, 6TH HARM Sixth Current Harmonic %
34 GEN CURR, 7TH HARM Seventh Current Harmonic %
35 GEN CURR, 9TH HARM Ninth Current Harmonic %

Woodward 105
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Display Name Item Units
36 GEN CURR, 11TH HARM Eleventh Current Harmonic %
37 GEN CURR, 13TH HARM Thirteenth Current Harmonic %
38 GEN VOLT, THD Total Harmonic Distortion of the Voltage %
39 GEN VOLT, 3RD HARM Third Voltage Harmonic %
40 GEN VOLT, 4TH HARM Fourth Voltage Harmonic %
41 GEN VOLT, 5TH HARM Fifth Voltage Harmonic %
42 GEN VOLT, 6TH HARM Sixth Voltage Harmonic %
43 GEN VOLT, 7TH HARM Seventh Voltage Harmonic %
44 GEN VOLT, 9TH HARM Ninth Voltage Harmonic %
45 GEN VOLT, 11TH HARM Eleventh Voltage Harmonic %
46 GEN VOLT, 13TH HARM Thirteenth Voltage Harmonic %
47 GEN NEG-PHS-SEQ VOLT Negative Phase Sequence Voltage Amp*
48 GEN NEG-PHS-SEQ AMP Negative Phase Sequence Current Amp*

04 Status Bus Menu

An overview of inputs from or outputs to the bus.

Display Name Item Units

01 BUS VOLT LINE-LINE Average Volts L-L. V*
03 BUS AMPS Average Amps A*
04 BUS VOLT-AMP Total KVA reading. VA*
05 BUS WATT Total kW readings W*
06 BUS VAR Total kVAR reading. VAR*
07 BUS PWR-FACTOR Average Power Factor; with +/- Lag or Lead -
08 BUS PF DIRECTION Direction of Power Factor Lead/Lag
09 BUS VA, PHS A Phase A KVA reading VA*
10 BUS VA, PHS B Phase B KVA reading VA*
11 BUS VA, PHS C Phase C KVA reading VA*
12 BUS WATT, PHS A Phase A kW readings W*
13 BUS WATT, PHS B Phase B kW readings W*
14 BUS WATT, PHS C Phase C kW readings W*
15 BUS VAR, PHS A Phase A kVAR reading VAR*
16 BUS VAR, PHS B Phase B kVAR reading VAR*
17 BUS VAR, PHS C Phase C kVAR reading VAR*
18 BUS VOLT, PHS A Phase A Volts reading Volt*
19 BUS VOLT, PHS B Phase B Volts reading Volt*
20 BUS VOLT, PHS C Phase C Volts reading Volt*
21 BUS AMP, PHS A Phase A Amps reading Amp*
22 BUS AMP, PHS B Phase B Amps reading Amp*
23 BUS AMP, PHS C Phase C Amps reading Amp*
24 BUS PF PHS A Phase A Power Factor reading -
25 PF A DIRECTION Direction of phase A Power Factor Lead/Lag
26 BUS PF PHS B Phase B Power Factor reading -
27 PF B DIRECTION Direction of phase B Power Factor Lead/Lag
28 BUS PF PHS C Phase C Power Factor reading -
29 PF C DIRECTION Direction of phase C Power Factor Lead/Lag
30 BUS CURR, THD Total Harmonic Distortion of the Current %
31 BUS CURR, 3RD HARM Third Current Harmonic %
32 BUS CURR, 4TH HARM Fourth Current Harmonic %
33 BUS CURR, 5TH HARM Fifth Current Harmonic %
34 BUS CURR, 6TH HARM Sixth Current Harmonic %
35 BUS CURR, 7TH HARM Seventh Current Harmonic %
36 BUS CURR, 9TH HARM Ninth Current Harmonic %
37 BUS CURR, 11TH HARM Eleventh Current Harmonic %
38 BUS CURR, 13TH HARM Thirteenth Current Harmonic %
39 BUS VOLT, THD Total Harmonic Distortion of the Voltage %
40 BUS VOLT, 3RD HARM Third Voltage Harmonic %
41 BUS VOLT, 4TH HARM Fourth Voltage Harmonic %
106 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Display Name Item Units
42 BUS VOLT, 5TH HARM Fifth Voltage Harmonic %
43 BUS VOLT, 6TH HARM Sixth Voltage Harmonic %
44 BUS VOLT, 7TH HARM Seventh Voltage Harmonic %
45 BUS VOLT, 9TH HARM Ninth Voltage Harmonic %
46 BUS VOLT, 11TH HARM Eleventh Voltage Harmonic %
47 BUS VOLT, 13TH HARM Thirteenth Voltage Harmonic %
48 BUS NEG-PHS-SEQ VOLT Negative Phase Sequence Voltage Amp*
49 BUS NEG-PHS-SEQ AMP Negative Phase Sequence Current Amp*

05 Status I/O Menu

The monitor menu for all inputs to the EGCP-3 and its outputs to the system.

Display Name Item Units

01 DI - IN 1 STATE Input 1 Open or Closed
02 DI - IN 2 STATE Input 2 Open or Closed
03 DI - IN 3 STATE Input 3 Open or Closed
04 DI - IN 4 STATE Input 4 Open or Closed
05 DI - IN 5 STATE Input 5 Open or Closed
06 DI - IN 6 STATE Input 6 Open or Closed
07 DI - IN 7 STATE Input 7 Open or Closed
08 DI - IN 8 STATE Input 8 Open or Closed
09 DI - IN 9 STATE Input 9 Open or Closed
10 DI - IN 10 STATE Input 10 Open or Closed
11 DI - IN 11 STATE Input 11 Open or Closed
12 DI - IN 12 STATE Input 12 Open or Closed
13 DI - IN 13 STATE Input 13 Open or Closed
14 DI - IN 14 STATE Input 14 Open or Closed
15 DI - IN 15 STATE Input 15 Open or Closed
16 DI - IN 16 STATE Input 16 Open or Closed
17 RELAY OUT 1 STATE Output 1 is On or Off
18 RELAY OUT 2 STATE Output 2 is On or Off
19 RELAY OUT 3 STATE Output 3 is On or Off
20 RELAY OUT 4 STATE Output 4 is On or Off
21 RELAY OUT 5 STATE Output 5 is On or Off
22 RELAY OUT 6 STATE Output 6 is On or Off
23 RELAY OUT 7 STATE Output 7 is On or Off
24 RELAY OUT 8 STATE Output 8 is On or Off
25 RELAY OUT 9 STATE Output 9 is On or Off
26 RELAY OUT 10 STATE Output 10 is On or Off
27 RELAY OUT 11 STATE Output 11 is On or Off
28 RELAY OUT 12 STATE Output 12 is On or Off
29 VOLT BIAS OUT %: Voltage bias output (±100% range) %
30 SPEED BIAS OUT %: Speed bias output (±100% range). %
31 LOAD REF: load reference used in the Real Load Controller W
32 LOAD MODE: Load Control Mode of the Real Load controller na
33 ANALOG OUT 1 MA: Current being output at analog output 1 mA
34 ANALOG OUT 2 MA: Current being output at analog output 2 mA
35 ANALOG OUT 3 MA: Current being output at analog output 3 mA
36 ANALOG OUT 4 MA: Current being output at analog output 4 mA
37 ANALOG IN 1 (V/MA) Electrical units Input of Analog Input 1 V/mA
38 ANALOG IN 1 (EU): Scaled units of Analog Input 1 EU
39 ANALOG IN 2(V/MA): Electrical units Input of Analog Input 2 V/mA
40 ANALOG IN 2 (EU): Scaled units of Analog Input 2 EU
41 ANALOG IN 3 (V/MA): Electrical units Input of Analog Input 3 V/mA
42 ANALOG IN 3 (EU): Scaled units of Analog Input 3 EU
43 ANALOG IN 4 (V/MA): Electrical units Input of Analog Input 4 V/mA
44 ANALOG IN 4 (EU): Scaled units of Analog Input 4 EU

45 COM PORT 1 Status of com port 1 normal/alarm

Woodward 107
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Display Name Item Units
46 COM PORT 2 Status of com port 2 normal/alarm
47 COM PORT 3 Status of com port 3 normal/alarm
48 LON STATUS Normal or Alarm
49 TIE BREAKER “W” Status of tie breaker “W” open or closed
50 TIE BREAKER “X” Status of tie breaker “X” open or closed
51 TIE BREAKER “Y” Status of tie breaker “Y” open or closed
52 TIE BREAKER “Z” Status of tie breaker “Z” open or closed
53 A BUS Active or Not Active (bus compared to this unit)
54 A BUS Active or Not Active (bus compared to this unit)
55 A BUS Active or Not Active (bus compared to this unit)
56 A BUS Active or Not Active (bus compared to this unit)

06 Status Synchronizer Menu

Monitoring menu of the synchronizing function and states.

Display Name Item Units

01 SLIP FREQ: The slip frequency of the generator in relation to the HZ
02 SLIP WINDOW: Matched (++), Controlling (+-), Out of window (--) na
03 PHASE ERROR: The phase angle difference between the generator and deg
the bus
04 PHASE WINDOW: Matched (++), Controlling (+-), Out of window (--) na
05 VOLTAGE ERROR: The voltage differential between the generator and the %
06 VOLTAGE WINDOW: Matched (++), Controlling (+-), Out of window (--)
07 BUS DEAD ? Indicates if the bus PT input is less than minimum T/F
08 SYNCHRONIZER MODE Displays the synchronizer's configured mode
09 VOLT BIAS %: Voltage Bias Output %
10 SPEED BIAS % Speed Bias Output %
11 GEN AVG VOLTS Average Voltage of the generator V*
12 BUS AVG VOLTS Average Voltage of the mains. V*
13 SYNC STATE The operating state of the synchronizer na
14 NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS Number of synchronization attempts (will always be < na
Close Attempts set point)
15 SEC BEFORE TIMEOUT Time left on the Timeout timer. If disabled, the field will sec
display ‘– – –‘.

07 StatusKW Load Menu

An overview of the Real Load control.

Display Name Item Units

01 GEN LOAD: Generator real power output (1Ø or 3Ø sum) W*
02 % RATING Percent of unit rating %
03 SYSTEM LOAD Percent of system loading %
04 LOAD REFERENCE: The load reference for the generator W*
05 PROCESS ACTUAL IN %: The actual process level as seen by the EGCP-3 %
06 PROCESS REF %: The process reference for the process control %
07 LOAD MODE: The current load control mode in operation na
08 LOAD STATE: The state of the load controller na
09 KVA SWITCH: Status of the KVA level switch T/F

108 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

08 Status PF/KVAR Menu

An overview of the reactive Power control.

Display Name Item Units

01 MODE: The actual control mode na
02 VOLT CNTRL STATE: The state of the VAR/PF controller na
03 PWR FACTR REF: The PF control reference value. Shows --- if PF control na
is not used
04 VAR REF: The VAR control reference value. Shows --- if VAR VAR*
control is not used
05 GENERATOR PF: The average three phase PF of the generator -
06 PF DIRECTION The direction of PF lead/lag
07 BUS PF: The average three phase PF of the bus -
08 GENERATOR VAR: The total VAR reading for the generator. VAR*
09 BUS VAR: The total VAR reading for the bus VAR*
10 VOLT BIAS OUTPUT %: Voltage Bias Output %

09 Status Sequencing Menu

A monitoring menu of the functions an operation of the sequencer.

Display Name Item Units

01 UNIT NUMBER Network Address of this unit na
02 STATE Indicates the availability of the genset: Ready, Alarm, na
03 GEN BREAKER CLOSED The status of the generator breaker as determined by na
the generator CB aux discrete input.
04 SEQUENCE MODE The Sequencing Mode for starts and stops is selected na
from the configure menu. All modes require the next
unit to also be in the Start Ready State
05 SERVICE HOURS Number of hours left on the service mete -
06 NEXT UNIT ON Unit Number of next unit to be sequenced onto the -
07 START TIMER ACTIVE True when conditions indicate a start should be given, T/F
but waiting for delay to expire.
08 START TIMER Amount of time before the genset will start. -
09 NEXT UNIT OFF Unit Number of next unit to be sequenced off the -
10 STOP TIMER ACTIVE True when conditions indicate a stop should be given, T/F
but waiting for delay to expire.
11 STOP TIMER Amount of time before the genset will stop. -
12 UNITS ON LOAD Total number of units operating in isochronous load -
13 SEGMENT UNITS Number of units on the active bus segment -
14 SERVICE HOURS REMAINING Number of service hours left before service is required
15 READY TO START UNITS Number of units on the active bus ready to start -
16 READY TO STOP UNITS Number of units on the active bus ready to stop -
17 LS UNITS Number of load share units on the active bus. -
18 TIE "W" CLOSED Status Tie of breaker W T/F
19 TIE "X" CLOSED Status Tie of breaker X T/F
20 TIE "Y" CLOSED Status Tie of breaker Y T/F
21 TIE "Z" CLOSED Status Tie of breaker Z T/F
22 BUS "A" ACTIVE Bus A is part of the active bus T/F
23 BUS "B" ACTIVE Bus B is part of the active bus T/F
24 BUS "C" ACTIVE Bus C is part of the active bus T/F
25 BUS "D" ACTIVE Bus D is part of the active bus T/F
26 MAINS BREAKER CONFIGURED Indicates a Mains Breaker is being used T/F
27 NETWORK UNITS Number of units communicating on the LON network -

Woodward 109
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

10 Status Alarms Menu

A monitor of the alarm condition of the genset.

Display Name Item Units

01 CURRENT DATE / TIME Current Date & Time of internal clock Y/M/D
02 NUMBER OF ALARMS ACTIVE Number of Active or un-cleared alarms -
06 ALARM EVENT _#1 Description of the alarm that occurred first -
07 TIME OF EVENT #1 Date and Time of the first alarm Y/M/D
08 ALARM EVENT _#2 Description of the alarm that occurred second -
09 TIME OF EVENT #2 Date and Time of the second alarm Y/M/D
10 ALARM EVENT _#3 Description of the alarm that occurred third -
11 TIME OF EVENT #3 Date and Time of the third alarm Y/M/D
12 ALARM EVENT _#4 Description of the alarm that occurred fourth -
13 TIME OF EVENT #4 Date and Time of the fourth alarm Y/M/D
14 ALARM EVENT _#5 Description of the alarm that occurred fifth -
15 TIME OF EVENT #5 Date and Time of the fifth alarm Y/M/D

11 Status Metering Menu

Display Name Item
01 GENERATOR Total Watt-Hours Meter of Generator
02 GENERATOR W_UNITS Units (KW, MW, GW) of the Generator l W-Hr number
03 GENERATOR W_H 000 000 000 000.00 Hundred portion of the W-Hr
04 GENERATOR W_K 000 000 000 000.00 Thousands portion of the W-Hr
05 GENERATOR W_M 000 000,000,000.00 Mega portion of the W-Hr
06 GENERATOR W_G 000,000,000,000.00 Giga portion of the W-hr
07 BUS W_HRS Total Watt-Hours Meter of Bus
08 BUS W_UNITS Units (KW, MW, GW) of the BUS W-Hr number above
09 BUS W_H 000 000 000 000.00 Hundred portion of the W-Hr
10 BUS W_K 000 000 000 000.00 Thousands portion of the W-Hr
11 BUS W_M 000 000,000,000.00 Mega portion of the W-Hr
12 BUS W_G 000,000,000,000.00 Giga portion of the W-hr

110 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 5.
Startup Checkout Procedures

Before Starting the Generator Set

Before starting the generator set, configure the EGCP-3 for values which best
match the generator set operating and performance characteristics. Double
check these values prior to starting the unit. Verify mechanical connections to the
EGCP-3. The checklist below may be useful:

Refer to the Installation Manual 26122 for wire terminal location and terminal

1. Check for correct wiring. Take note of polarity, signal type, terminal
connection, grounding, and shielding as shown in the Installation Manual.
• Power Supply Input
• Generator PT Inputs
• Generator CT Inputs
• Bus PT Inputs
• Bus CT Inputs
• Magnetic Pickup Input
• Voltage Bias Output
• Speed Bias Output
• Emergency Stop Input, Fuel Shutoff Value output operation
• Air Shutoff Shutter output
• Control Switch Inputs (Run, Test, Auto)
2. Check for broken terminals and loose terminal screws.
3. Check for shield faults by measuring the resistance from control terminals to
chassis. If a resistance less than infinite is obtained, remove the connections
from each terminal one at a time until the resistance is infinite. Check the line
that was last removed to locate the fault.

Once these items have been checked, check the power supply voltage for proper
amplitude. When this is confirmed, apply the power supply to the EGCP-3.

When the EGCP-3 is given power, it will go through RAM test and self test. After
a self check period it will display the System Status Menu. If the EGCP-3 fails to
power up properly, remove the power supply input and double check the polarity
and amplitude of the voltage feeding the EGCP-3.

Refer to “I/O Status Screens” section of Chapter 2. With the EGCP-3 powered,
go to the I/O Status screen #1 in the Status menus. This display shows the state
of the discrete inputs and outputs of the control. Monitor this screen and close
each discrete input to the EGCP-3 that is being used in this particular application.
Verify that the EGCP-3 recognizes these inputs in the I/O Status screen.


When operating the discrete inputs, certain outputs may be activated. Make
sure that the engine and various breakers are locked out to prevent an
inadvertent start or breaker close.

Leave the Control Switch in the “Off” position until all I/O checks are
complete and the engine is ready to start.

Woodward 111
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Verify that the transducer and other analog input signal levels are at the proper
levels with respect to a measured or known input. The I/O Status screen #2
displays the analog inputs in volt or mA and in the configured parameter units.

Read Chapter 3 section “Force Relay Menu” and confirm that each relay picks up
and drops out when tested.

Verify that the Speed Bias, and Voltage Bias outputs are at zero percent, or the
proper levels if there is a bias offset used.

Verify that the analog outputs are at 4mA or the appropriate level for the
configured parameter. This is observed at the I/O status screen #2.

Make sure that a means exist of performing an emergency stop on the unit
prior to starting it. Check the emergency stop devices to make sure they are
functioning properly prior to starting the unit.


The start procedures and tests listed here are only a general guide. ALL site
safety procedures take precedent over the steps given here.

Sequence Of Startup And Checking Parameters

1. Enter program set points in all menus.
2. Check I/O status menu.
3. Set crank repeats to 0, in the Engine Control menu.
4. Set synchronizer mode to Off, in the Synchronizer menu.
5. Set load control mode to Isochronous, in the Real Load menu.
6. Manually start the engine using only the TEST switch of EGCP-3.
7. Check engine overview status screen for engine rpm readout. Confirm rpm is
correct for unit.
8. If unit is programmed for an Idle Speed discrete output , verify the engine
runs at the correct Idle speed for the Idle Time period.
9. With the engine running at rated speed, check voltage of generator in
Generator Status menu.
10. Adjust AVR voltage at AVR if needed to achieve rated generator voltage.
11. For fine tune adjustment use the Voltage Bias Output % in the Calibration
menu to set the correct voltage level. See the Calibration section of this
manual for more information.
12. Check that voltage raise/lower switches operate properly. Set voltage ramp
time if needed.
13. Adjust AVR trim pot (if equipped) for ±10% of rated voltage for ±100%
voltage bias output from EGCP-3. If this range cannot be achieved, shut
down the generator set, and select the next highest voltage bias output
level for the Voltage Bias Type in the First Time Setup menu. Repeat
steps 9 through 11 until satisfactory results are achieved.
14. Check that load raise/lower switches operate properly. Set load raise/lower
rates if needed. Verify speed change with raise/lower load inputs.
15. Check voltage of mains in Generator Status menu— Fine tune this reading
using the Bus Voltage Scale Factors. See the Calibration section of this
manual for more information.
16. Set the synchronizer mode to Check. Verify proper phase matching of the
generator and bus. Verify proper synchronizer action in Permissive and
Run modes. Do not let the breaker close at this time.
17. Remove Test Input at Control Switch. Verify engine shuts down properly.

112 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Loading The Generator Set

Operation of the engine/generator set with incorrect CT and PT phasing
could cause serious injury or damage to equipment. If the load on the unit
rises rapidly when the generator or mains breaker is closed, immediately
open the breaker and shut the unit down. Check the phasing of the PT and
CTs. DO NOT permit the unit to continue to pick up load or operate the
system without correcting this condition.

Isolated Load Setup

Perform this test and setup ONLY if the genset can carry the existing load on the
bus or a load bank is available. Skip to the Bus Parallel Setup if this load
requirement cannot be met.
Use the following instructions for setup of Single Genset Applications.

1. For applications that have no mains breaker control, manually open the
mains breaker. For this test insure that all other gensets are disconnected
from the Bus. Verify the control sees the dead bus and that all breakers are
2. Set unit for Dead Bus Closing Enabled.
3. Perform a test by closing the Run Control Switch input.
4. Unit will start and come to rated speed.
5. Close the Auto Control Switch (leave the Run Switch closed) the generator
breaker should close to bus.
• Verify dead bus closing.
• Apply load to unit using load bank or plant load as applies
• Adjust Generator Current Scale Factors if needed. See the Calibration
section of this manual for more information.
• Verify correct voltage level on bus. Using the GEN Status screens verify
the control measures the correct generator power values.
6. Load Control. Verify isochronous operation. Unit speed should not droop as
load is applied.
7. If the Bus PT and CT power inputs are in a location that the bus now sees
• Adjust Bus Current Scale Factors if needed. See the Calibration section
of this manual for more information.
• Using the GEN Status screens verify the control measures the correct
bus power values.
8. On the Sync screen Verify the Bus Input shows a ++ reading indicating the
voltage and frequency are within specification.
9. Open the Test and Auto inputs to shutdown the unit.
• Verify generator breaker open.
• Verify cooldown if unit has exceeded cooldown limit.

This concludes the Isolated setup.

Woodward 113
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Bus Parallel Setup

Follow these steps if you are configuring a Bus Parallel Unit.

1. Set Synchronizer Mode to Check.

2. On the Sync screen verify the Bus Input shows a ++ reading indicating the
voltage and frequency are within specification.
3. Start unit using both Auto and Run with Load inputs.
• Unit will start and attempt to synchronize, but will not close the breaker in
the Check mode.
• By opening the Auto switch the synchronizer can be turned on and off for
testing purposes.
4. Adjust Synchronizer proportional Gain and Integral Gain for best control
(monitor sync status menu and synchroscope to see phase and slip errors).
5. Use voltmeter to check voltage across generator breaker to assure proper
voltage matching.
6. Use phase rotation meter on generator and bus inputs to verify correct
7. Shut down the unit by removing the Auto and Run with Load Inputs.
8. Set Load/Unload Ramp Times to at least 60 seconds.
9. Close BasLoad Enable Switch, Set BaseLoad Reference to 30% of rated
10. Set Synchronizer Mode to Run.
11. If kVAR or Power Factor control are to be used:
• Verify one of these choices is selected for the VAR/PF Mode in the
Reactive Load menu.
• Close the Enable VAR/PF Control Contact.
12. Start unit using both Auto and Run with Load inputs
13. Monitor synchroscope status menu. Verify action of synchronizer.

If using a Process input, Set Process Reference to Proper Level.

14. After generator breaker closes to the bus, monitor System Status menu:
• Monitor kW load on unit.
• Monitor kVAR/PF on unit.
15. Adjust Load Control Gain, Integral, and Derivative for stable load control
16. Adjust the load on the generator using the Load Raise and Load Lower
inputs. Set Load Raise/Lower rates if needed.
17. Once satisfied with load control operation, switch to process control (if
applicable) by closing the Process Enable input. Note: Mains Parallel
Operation is required for Process Control. EGCP-3 must be configured for
Mains Breaker inputs.
18. Confirm ramp to process reference level. Adjust Process Gain, Integral,
Derivative, and Deadband for best response.
19. Return to BaseLoad control, by opening the Process input, and adjust
VAR/PF Gain and Integral for stable reactive load control.
20. If other EGCP-3 LS or MC units are in this bus, observe I/O status and
Sequence status to confirm that controls are communicating on LON
21. If other EGCP-3 LS units are closed to the bus, enable Load Sharing, Open
BaseLoad Enable. Verify Load Sharing operation.

114 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
22. Remove Run with Load input to unit.
• Verify unload ramping.
• Verify unload trip point.
• Verify generator breaker opens.
• Verify cooldown timer (if reached).
23. Set Crank Repeats, BaseLoad Reference, Process Reference, Load Ramp
Times, and Load Control Mode as required for proper operation.

This concludes the Bus Parallel Setup.

Woodward 115
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 6.
Application Overview

In this chapter, block diagrams of the control functions are shown to give the
basic signal flow and control methods.

Control Block Diagram

The basic overall control flow can be represented by the below flowchart. Each
mode is further described in the next section.

AO Voltage
Gen PTs or Bias
VAR/PF/ Volts Value PID
Gen CTs
Generator Raise
Discrete Voltage
and Load Raise/Lower
Bus Reference Logic Lower
Power Voltage
Measurement P
or AO Speed
Circuits Bias
Kw Value
Bus CTs Raise
Discrete Speed
Logic Lower

Figure 6-1. Basic Control Block Diagram

116 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The alarm and event logic within the EGCP-3 can be simplified to the below
flowchart. The flowchart also indicates how events can be reset and cleared.

Alarm History Log

Any Alarm/Fault
Alarm 1
Silence Horn
Remote Disable
Alarm 6
Alarm/Trip Warning Visual
Generator Faults ... Timing Logic DO
Bus Faults ...

Engine Faults ...

Soft Shutdown
Diagnostics ... Config for
Each Fault Hard Shutdown

Reset Breaker Trip

Clear OR


Figure 6-2. Alarm Logic Block Diagram

Woodward 117
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Load Controller
The load controller controls the speed bias output and therefore, it controls real
load only. The synchronizer works through the load controller in order to get to
the speed bias output so that they do not fight over control of the output. Process
is considered a type of load control and will also work through the load controller.

Gen PTs Power KW Signal
Gen CTs Circuits

Speed/Load Lower

Lower +

Raise +
+ Load
Speed/Load Raise

BaseLoad Setpont P
Mode PID
Droop Setpont Selection

Remote Baseload Reference AI

LON System Load &
LON Load Share En Logic

On Load

Soft Trip

AO Speed
LON Bias
Synchronizer Raise
Discrete DO
Synchronizer + + Raise/Lower
+ + Lower
50/60 Hz Confg Base
Frequency 1/s
Gen Hz

Figure 6-3. Load Control Block Diagram

118 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Process Controller
The process controller controls the real and reactive loads using the Real and
Reactive Load Controllers. The output of the process controller is an input to the
load controllers.

Temp/Press Filter Direct/Inverse Action
Process Signal &

Speed/Load Lower

Lower +
P or
Raise + +- +
Speed/Load Raise Reference

Mode Droop Setpoint

Internal Process Selection
Reference Setpoint

Remote Process AI High/Low Load

Reference Limit Clamp
On Load

Unload &
OR Logic Process Setpoint
Soft Trip
(To Load Page)


Figure 6-4. Process Control Block Diagram

Woodward 119
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Reactive Load Controller

The reactive load controller controls the voltage bias output and therefore, it
controls reactive load only. The synchronizer works through the reactive load
controller in order to get to the voltage bias output so that they do not fight over
control of the output.

Gen PTs PF Selection
Power Deadband
Gen CTs

Volt/VAR/pf Lower

Lower +

Raise +
Volt/VAR/pf Raise

VAR Setpoint P
Mode PID
PF Setpont Selection

Modbus Setpont

Remote VAR/PF Reference AI

LON System
Reactive Load &
LON Load Share En Logic

On Load

Soft Trip

AO Voltage
LON Bias
Synchronizer Raise
Discrete DO
Synchronizer + + Raise/Lower
+ + Lower
Logic DO
Voltage Voltage

Figure 6-5. VAR / Power Factor Control Block Diagram

120 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

The synchronizer controls the voltage bias output and the speed bias output
through the load controllers. It is only active when necessary. When it transitions
from active to inactive, the load controllers will ramp out the synchronizer effect
in a slow controlled ramp.

Breaker Open
Unload DO Command
Actual Sensed Load Logic OR
Hard Trip
Unload Setpoint

Contactor Open/Close Command DO Breaker

Breaker Closure Command DO Enable Logic

Sync Mode Run

Sync OR
Sync Mode Mode
Logic Check
C.B. Aux Enable

Speed/Load Lower

Lower +
+ to Load

Phase Matching
Raise + Slip Freq Stpt Configured
Speed/Load Raise Phase Matching Stpt

Freq Diff
Gen AØ PT Phase Diff
AC Waveform
Gen Avg. Volt
Bus AØ PT Voltage
Bus BØ PT Matching
Bus CØ PT Bus Avg. Volt

to VPF

Figure 6-6. Synchronizer Block Diagram

Woodward 121
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 7.
Calibration Procedures

Factory Calibrations
This calibration is provided to adjust the readings of the EGCP-3 control. This will
compensate for errors that occur in the sensing equipment such as PTs, CTs, or
engine senders. Overall, the EGCP-3 is a highly accurate device that is factory
calibrated before shipping. The calibration settings are not intended to
calibrate the EGCP-3 control. In almost all cases, the EGCP-3 accuracy will
be rated higher than the sensing devices it is reading.

AC Voltage Inputs
AC Voltage inputs are calibrated based on the selected hardware PT input level
(70, 120, 240). Therefore, for accurate readings, it is important to select the
correct hardware input level.

When a potential transformer is used between the EGCP-3 and the generator or
mains bus, the transformer will certainly be less accurate than the EGCP-3.

The EGCP-3 allows the user to correct for this error on each phase
independently. The correction factors may be found in the calibration menu.
Increase the correction to compensate for a low voltage reading. It is important
that the equipment used to compare readings with the EGCP-3 be at least as
accurate as the EGCP-3 itself. A Fluke 87 type meter is generally NOT as
accurate and hence does not make for a very good comparison.

AC Current Inputs
AC Current inputs are calibrated at 5 A. Therefore, for accurate readings, CTs
should be sized to provide nearly 5 A at full load. 1A CTs are not recommended
for use with the EGCP-3.

The current transformers will certainly be less accurate than the EGCP-3 across
the full range. The EGCP-3 allows the user to correct for error on each phase
independently. The correction factors may be found in the calibration menu.
Increase the correction to compensate for a low current reading. It is important
that the equipment used to compare readings with the EGCP-3 be at least as
accurate as the EGCP-3 itself. A Fluke 87 type meter with a clamp on current
probe is generally NOT as accurate and hence does not make for a very good

Analog Inputs
The four analog inputs are factory calibrated in both the 4–20 mA current mode
and the 1–5 Vdc voltage mode. For this reason, it is very important to select the
appropriate mode when configuring the inputs.

122 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Although the inputs are accurate, they must be scaled to the device being
connected to the input. This scaling is referred to as calibration in this manual.
The configuration settings are found in the Analog Input Menu and are called a
Low Calibration Value and a High Calibration Value.

The Low Calibration value should be configured for the engineering units
represented by 4 mA or 1Vdc depending on the type of input used. As an
example, for the temperature sensor input, if the output of the transducer is 4 mA
when the temperature measured is 40°C, then the Low Calibration value should
be configured for 40.

The High Calibration value should be configured for the engineering units
represented by 20 mA or 5 Vdc depending on the type of input used. As an
example, for the temperature sensor input, if the output of the transducer is 20
mA when the temperature measured is 200 °C, then the High Calibration value
should be configured for 200.

The EGCP-3 will interpolate the temperature using a linear interpolation between
and beyond the two calibration points.

Analog Outputs
The four analog outputs are factory calibrated at 4 mA and 20 mA. Although the
outputs are accurate, they must be scaled to the device being connected to the
output. This scaling is referred to as calibration in this manual. The configuration
settings are found in the Analog Output Menu and are called a Low Calibration
Value and a High Calibration Value.

The Low Calibration value should be configured for the engineering units
represented by 4 mA. As an example, consider the case of a kW panel meter
connected to Analog Output #1. If the meter expects 4 mA when the kW should
indicate 0 kW, then the Low Calibration value should be configured for 0.

The High Calibration value should be configured for the engineering units
represented by 20 mA. Continuing with the example above, If the meter expects
20 mA when the kW should indicate 1500 kW, then the High Calibration value
should be configured for 1500.

The EGCP-3 will interpolate the mA level to provide using a linear interpolation
between and beyond the two calibration points.

MPU Input
The MPU input itself needs no calibration. However, for the frequency detected
at the input to be meaningful, the EGCP-3 must know the number of teeth on the
gear being measured. With this single data point, the EGCP-3 can determine the
speed of the gear. It is assumed that the gear in use is the flywheel so that the
gear speed is indicative of the shaft speed to the generator.

If the gear in use is not the flywheel or there is a gearbox between the sensed
gear and the generator, it will be necessary to modify the value entered for the
number of teeth. The EGCP-3 correlates the rpm to the generator frequency and
will indicate an error if they do not correlate. The error will inhibit starting the
generator set.

The number of flywheel teeth is configured in the First Time Startup Menu.

Woodward 123
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Voltage Bias Output

The voltage bias output is factory calibrated in two modes. The 4–20 mA current
mode is one calibration. The other calibration is at the ±9Vdc level. There is a
validation at the ±1 and ±3Vdc levels.

Although the output is accurate, it must be correlated to the voltage regulator. A

zero bias offset adjustment is provided in the Calibration Menu and is called
Voltage Bias Offset. This offset functions for both the current and voltage output
types. The configuration setting should be set to the voltage or current level
necessary to cause the voltage regulator to leave the voltage at rated. This dc
voltage offset is applied to the voltage bias input of the automatic voltage
regulator, and is maintained as a starting point for all voltage bias operations
used by the EGCP-3.

Most regulators that have a voltage trim bias input require a 0.0 Vdc voltage bias
offset. These types of regulators operate with a ±dc voltage applied to the trim
input. The voltage is then centered around zero volts offset, or zero Voltage Bias.

Relationship Between Voltage Bias and Generator Voltage

(Voltage Regulators which take a +/0/- voltage bias input)
+100% Bias 110% Rated Generator Voltage

0% Voltage Bias Offset (0.0 VDC) Rated Generator Voltage

-100% Bias 90% Rated Generator Voltage

Figure 7-1. Relationship Between Voltage Bias and Generator Voltage

Some regulators cannot accept a bi-polar (±) voltage trim input, and require a
voltage bias signal that is only positive (or negative) in value. In this case the
Voltage Bias offset can be used to raise (or lower) the offset of the voltage bias

The Voltage Bias Offset will affect the rated voltage of the generator at
synchronous speed prior to the generator breaker closing. The effect the voltage
bias offset has on the generator voltage can be observed by running the unit in a
test mode, and measuring the generator voltage. It is recommended that the
voltage adjustment of the automatic voltage regulator be set for the desired rated
voltage of the generator with the EGCP-3 Voltage Bias Offset applied to the

Speed Bias Output

The speed bias output is calibrated in three modes. The 4–20 mA current mode
is one calibration. Another calibration is at ±3Vdc. The final calibration is for 1–5
Vdc. The PWM control does not need calibration.

124 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Although the output is accurate, it must be correlated to the speed controller. A
zero bias adjustment is provided in the Calibration Menu and is called Speed
Bias Offset. This offset functions for both the current and voltage output types but
not the PWM. The configuration setting should be set to the voltage or current
level necessary to cause the speed control to leave the speed at rated. This
output is fed into the speed control to bias the governing speed for
synchronization and load control functions. This offset is the starting point from
which the EGCP-3 begins all of its speed biasing operations.

Usually the speed bias output should remain at the factory default. The speed
control is used to set the synchronous speed of the generator, and no additional
bias is required. However, if interfacing the EGCP-3 with speed controls other
than those manufactured by Woodward Governor Company, an offset may be
required for proper operation.

When initially powered up, the EGCP-3 will always apply the value for the speed
bias offset to the speed bias output. When calibrating, it is best to start from a
known state where the speed control is already properly configured for rated
speed when the EGCP-3 is not connected to it. From this starting point, the
speed bias offset can be adjusted once the EGCP-3 is connected to the speed

The speed bias offset will affect the bus frequency of a single unit machine
operating on an isolated bus. The speed bias offset will also affect the load
sharing between machines operating on an isolated bus. The effect the speed
bias offset has on the engine speed can be observed by running the unit in a test
mode, and observing the rpm. It is recommended that the speed bias output be
calibrated for 0% ( 0.0 Vdc) when using Woodward Governor speed controls.
Otherwise, adjust the speed bias offset until rated speed is achieved.

Woodward 125
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 8.
Alarm and Diagnostic Summary

All Alarms can be configured to perform a specific action when detected. The
complete list of actions that can be taken are described below. Some alarms
cannot be configured for all Alarm Actions on the list. An action is available only
when the listed actions are appropriate.

The EGCP-3 will not look for the alarm condition. No alarm will be logged, sent
over a communication link, or shown on the display.

When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is configured
to indicate a warning alarm condition, the output will be asserted. The
communication links will indicate a warning alarm condition exists. The generator
set will remain active without changing its operation. The alarm item will remain
in the active alarm list until the condition is removed and an alarm reset is
received while in the operator or greater security level.

Visual Alarm
When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. The communication links will
indicate a visual alarm condition exists. If a discrete output is configured to
indicate a visual alarm condition, the output will be asserted. This type of alarm
configuration can be used as an additional warning alarm condition. The visual
alarm output will remain active until all visual alarms have been reset The
generator set will remain active without changing its operation. The alarm item
will remain in the active alarm list until the condition is removed and an alarm
reset is received while in the operator or greater security level.

Audible Alarm
When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is configured
as an alarm horn, the output will be asserted. The communication links will
indicate an audible alarm condition exists. Pressing the Alarm Clear Key once
will turn off the Alarm Horn output. Alternatively, momentarily asserting the Reset
Alarm/Fault discrete input (if configured) will also turn off the Alarm Horn output.
The horn alarm output will remain off until any other audible alarm condition
becomes active. The horn output will turn off without resetting the alarm. The
alarm item(s) will remain in the active alarm list until the condition is removed and
an alarm reset is received while in the operator or greater security level. The
generator set will remain active without changing its operation.

Soft Shutdown
When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is configured
to indicate a soft shutdown alarm condition, the output will be asserted. The
communication links will indicate a soft shutdown alarm condition exists. The
generator set will unload in the configured manner, open the generator breaker,
cool down (if conditions met) and stop. It will remain stopped and not restart
unless all configured shutdown alarms are cleared.

126 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Hard Shutdown
When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is configured
to indicate a Herd Shutdown alarm condition, the output will be asserted. The
communication links will indicate a hard shutdown alarm condition exists. The
generator set will immediately open the generator breaker and stop according to
the Emergency Stop procedure. It will remain stopped and not restart unless all
configured shutdown alarms are cleared.

Trip Tie Breaker

When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will not be added
to the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is
configured to indicate a trip tie alarm condition, the output will be asserted. The
Modbus and LON communication links will indicate a Trip Tie Breaker condition
exists. The EGCP-3 will immediately open the tie breaker.

Trip Tie Breaker w/ Alarm

When the EGCP-3 detects the event/alarm condition, the alarm will be added to
the current event list and the alarm history log. If a discrete output is configured
to indicate a visual alarm condition, the output will be asserted. The Modbus and
LON communication links will indicate a trip tie alarm condition exists. The
EGCP-3 will immediately open the tie breaker.

If the control is set to Auto Start on TRIP TIE or TRIP TIE w/alarm, the control
will automatically start. This could be used for a black bus start. Configure
the Bus under voltage (or something similar) for Trip tie of Trip tie w/ alarm
action. When the alarm occurs the unit will start if in Auto. To stop the unit
the input alarm must be cleared, and you must open the Auto input.

Alarm Action list

Value Alarm Actions Definition Display
8 Trip Tie Breaker With Alarm Trip Breaker w/Alarm
7 Trip Tie Breaker Trip Breaker
6 Hard Shutdown Hard Shutdown
5 Soft Shutdown Soft Shutdown
4 Audible Alarm Audible Alarm
3 Visual Alarm Visual Alarm
2 Warning Warning
1 Disabled Disabled

Woodward 127
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Alarm List
The following table is a list of all alarms generated by the EGCP-3. The Modbus
ID is the Boolean Read address where the status of the named alarm can be
determined via Modbus.

Alm # Event Name Display Name Modbus ID

1 Battery Volt High Alarm BATTERY VOLTAGE HIGH 10048
2 Battery Volt Low Alarm BATTERY VOLTAGE LOW 10047
3 Coolant Temp. High Alarm COOLANT TEMP HIGH 10043
4 Coolant Temp. High Pre-Alarm PRE COOLANT TMP HI 10073
5 Coolant Temp. Low Alarm COOLANT TEMP LOW 10044
6 Coolant Temp. Low Pre-Alarm PRE COOLANT TMP LOW 10074
7 Crank Fail Alarm CRANK FAIL 10036
8 Emergency Stop EMERGENCY STOP 10137
9 EPS Supplying Load EPS SUPPLYING LOAD 10079
10 Not Used X
11 Not Used X
12 Not Used X
13 Gen Breaker Feedback Error GEN BKR FEEDBACK ERR 10157
14 Gen Breaker Shunt Trip Error GEN BKR SHUNT TRIP ERR 10155
15 Gen Neg. Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm GEN NEG PHS OVR CURR 10095
Gen Neg. Phase Sequence Over Current Pre- PRE GEN NPHS OVR CUR 10096
16 Alarm
17 Gen Neg. Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm GEN NEG PHS OVR VOLT 10097
Gen Neg. Phase Sequence Over Voltage Pre- PRE GEN NPHS OVR VLT 10098
18 Alarm
19 Gen Over Freq Alarm GEN OVER FREQUENCY 10051
20 Gen Over Freq Pre-Alarm PRE GEN OVER FREQ 10084
21 Gen Under Freq Alarm GEN UNDER FREQUENCY 10052
22 Gen Under Freq Pre-Alarm PRE GEN UNDER FREQ 10085
23 Gen Over Volt Alarm GEN OVER VOLTAGE 10050
24 Gen Over Volt Pre-Alarm PRE GEN OVER VOLTAGE 10083
25 Gen Under Volt Alarm GEN UNDER VOLTAGE 10049
26 Gen Under Volt Pre-Alarm PRE GEN UNDER VOLT 10082
27 Gen Over Power Alarm GEN OVER POWER 10087
28 Gen Over Power Pre-Alarm PRE GEN OVER POWER 10088
29 Gen Reverse Power Alarm GEN REVERSE POWER 10040
30 Gen Reverse Power Pre-Alarm PRE GEN REVERSE POWR 10086
31 Gen Over VAR Alarm GEN OVER VARs 10090
32 Gen Over VAR Pre-Alarm PRE GEN OVER VARs 10091
33 Gen Reverse VAR Alarm GEN REVERSE VARs 10041
34 Gen Reverse VAR Pre-Alarm PRE GEN REVERSE VARs 10089
35 Gen Phase Current Differential Alarm GEN PHASE DIFF CURR 10093
36 Gen Phase Current Differential Pre-Alarm PRE GEN PHS DIFF CUR 10094
37 Gen Phase Over Current Alarm GEN PHASE OVER CURR 10039
38 Gen Phase Over Current Pre-Alarm PRE GEN PHS DIF CURR 10092
40 KVA Switch KVA SWITCH 10163
41 Load High Limit LOAD HIGH LIMIT 10053
42 Load Low Limit LOAD LOW LIMIT 10054
43 Not Used LOAD SURGE 10063
44 Loss of Bus Alarm LOSS OF BUS 10005
45 Not Used X
46 Not Used X
47 Not Used X
48 Not Used X
49 Bus Export Power Alarm BUS EXPORT POWER 10105
50 Bus Export Power Pre-Alarm PRE BUS EXPORT PWR 10106
51 Bus Import Power Alarm BUS IMPORT POWER 10103
52 Bus Import Power Pre-Alarm PRE BUS IMPORT PWR 10104
128 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Alm # Event Name Display Name Modbus ID
53 Bus Export VAR Alarm BUS EXPORT VARs 10109
54 Bus Export VAR Pre-Alarm PRE BUS EXPORT VAR 10110
55 Bus Import VAR Alarm BUS IMPORT VARs 10107
56 Bus Import VAR Pre-Alarm PRE BUS IMPORT VAR 10108
57 Bus Neg. Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm BUS N-PHS-OVER CURR 10115
Bus Neg. Phase Sequence Over Current Pre- PRE BUS N-PHS OVR CUR 10116
58 Alarm
59 Bus Neg. Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm BUS N-PHS-OVER VOLT 10117
Bus Neg. Phase Sequence Over Voltage Pre- PRE BUS N-PHS OVR VLT 10118
60 Alarm
61 Bus Over Freq Alarm BUS OVER FREQ 10066
62 Bus Over Freq Pre-Alarm PRE BUS OVER FREQ 10101
63 Bus Under Freq Alarm BUS UNDER FREQ 10067
64 Bus Under Freq Pre-Alarm PRE BUS UNDER FREQ 10102
65 Bus Over Volt Alarm BUS OVER VOLTAGE 10065
66 Bus Over Volt Pre-Alarm PRE BUS OVER VOLT 10100
67 Bus Under Volt Alarm BUS UNDER VOLTAGE 10064
68 Bus Under Volt Pre-Alarm PRE BUS UNDER VOLT 10099
69 Bus Phase Current Differential Alarm BUS PHASE DIFF CUR 10113
70 Bus Phase Current Differential Pre-Alarm PRE BUS PHS DIF CUR 10114
71 Bus Phase Over Current Alarm BUS PHASE OVER CUR 10111
72 Bus Phase Over Current Pre-Alarm PRE BUS PHS OVER CUR 10112
73 Bus Volt Restrained Phase Over Current Alarm BUS VLT R-PH OVR CUR 10119
Bus Volt Restrained Phase Over Current Pre- P-BUS V R-PH OVR CUR 10120
74 Alarm
75 Over Speed OVER SPEED 10038
76 Phase Rotation Mismatch PHASE ROTATN MISMTCH 10161
77 Process High Limit PROCESS HIGH LIMIT 10055
78 Process Low Limit PROCESS LOW LIMIT 10056
79 Idle Oil Press High Alarm OIL PRESS HI (IDLE) 10080
80 Idle Oil Press Low Alarm OIL PRESS LO (IDLE) 10081
81 Rated Oil Press High Alarm OIL PRESS HI (RATED) 10045
82 Rated Oil Press Low Alarm OIL PRESS LO (RATED) 10046
83 Rated Oil Press Low Pre-Alarm PRE OIL PRES LO -RTD 10075
84 Remote Fault1 REMOTE FAULT 1 10057
85 Remote Fault2 REMOTE FAULT 2 10058
86 Remote Fault3 REMOTE FAULT 3 10059
87 Remote Fault4 REMOTE FAULT 4 10060
88 Remote Fault5 REMOTE FAULT 5 10061
89 Remote Fault6 REMOTE FAULT 6 10062
90 Program Configuration Check Error PROG CONFIG ERROR 10162
91 Not Used X X
92 Not Used X X
93 Not Used X X
94 Not Used X X
95 Not Used X X
96 Not Used X X
97 Not Used X X
98 Not Used X X
99 Analog 3 High Alarm ANALOG IN 3 HIGH 10130
100 Analog 3 High Pre-Alarm PRE ANALOG IN 3 HIGH 10129
101 Analog 3 Low Alarm ANALOG IN 3 LOW 10132
102 Analog 3 Low Pre-Alarm PRE ANALOG IN 3 LOW 10131
103 Analog 4 High Alarm ANALOG IN 4 HIGH 10134
104 Analog 4 High Pre-Alarm PRE ANALOG IN 4 HIGH 10133
105 Analog 4 Low Alarm ANALOG IN 4 LOW 10136
106 Analog 4 Low Pre-Alarm PRE ANALOG IN 4 LOW 10135
107 Gen breaker Sync Timeout GEN BKR SYNC TIMEOUT 10034
108 Not Used X
109 Gen breaker Sync Reclose Alarm GEN SYNC RECLOSE 10035

Woodward 129
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Alm # Event Name Display Name Modbus ID
110 Not Used X
111 Speed/Freq Mismatch SPEED / FREQ MISMTCH 10042
112 Speed Range Alarm SPEED RANGE 10072
113 Voltage Range Alarm VOLTAGE RANGE 10037
114 Crank Denied Alarm CRANK DENIED 10164
115 Fail to Reach Idle Alarm FAIL TO REACH IDLE 10165
116 Fail to Reach Rated Alarm FAIL TO REACH RATED 10166
117 Modbus Port 1 Failed MODBUS PORT 1 FAILED 10167
118 Modbus Port 2 Failed MODBUS PORT 2 FAILED 10168
119 Analog In 1 Failed Analog Input 1 Failed 10171
120 Analog In 2 Failed Analog Input 2 Failed 10172
121 Analog In 3 Failed Analog Input 3 Failed 10173
122 Analog In 4 Failed Analog Input 4 Failed 10174
123 Atlas Power Module Fault EGCP3 Power Board Fault 10175
124 Genset failed to start after LON start command LON Auto Start Fault 10195
125 Genset failed to stop after LON stop command LON Auto Stop Fault 10196
126 Service hours has counter down to zero Service Hours Expired 10197

Protective Relay Descriptions

The PT and CT inputs were designed for accurate voltage and current monitoring
in applications of display and control. They are not designed for high speed,
sub-cycle, or cycle-to-cycle protective relaying though time delay protective
relaying can be used.

The EGCP-3 should not be used as the only means for detecting voltage or
current disturbances, dead bus conditions, or overcurrent conditions. The
generator should be equipped with a sync check relay, circuit breaker, and
other fast acting protective relays as required by local codes and practices to
protect against damage to the generator with possible personal injury, loss of
life, or property damage. The sync check relay, circuit breaker, and other fast-
acting protective relays must be totally independent of the EGCP-3.

The table below gives some summary information about each type of protective
relay function provided. Details for each follow the table. Note that the Alarm and
Pre-Alarm Time Delays are used for both high and low conditions.

Name Functionality Type

Generator Under/Over Voltage (27,59) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Bus Under/Over Voltage (27,59) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Generator Over/Under Frequency (81O, 81U) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Bus Over/Under Frequency (81O, 81U) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Generator Directional Power Relay (32) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
Bus Directional Power Relay (32) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
(46) capability
Generator Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
(47) capability
Mains Negative Phase Sequence Over Current (46) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time

130 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
Name Functionality Type
Mains Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage (47) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Generator Phase Over Current (51) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
Mains Phase Over Current (51) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
Mains Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
(51V) capability
Generator Directional VAR Relay Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Bus Directional VAR relay Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Generator Phase Current Differential Imbalance Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
relay (87) capability
Bus Phase Current Differential Imbalance relay (87) Alarm and Pre-Alarm Inverse Time
Sync Check (25) True / False (no alarm) Definite Time
Voltage (VAR/PF) Adjust Limits Reached High and Low Alarms Definite Time
Speed (Load) Adjust Limits Reached High and Low Alarms Definite Time
Over Speed Alarm (12) Alarm only Definite Time
Battery Voltage Alarm only Definite Time
Coolant Temperature Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Rated Oil Pressure Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Idle Oil Pressure Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault1 Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault2 Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault3 Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault4 Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault5 Alarm only Definite Time
Remote Fault6 Alarm only Definite Time
Spare Analog Alarm 3 Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Spare Analog Alarm 4 Alarm and Pre-Alarm Definite Time
Speed / Frequency Mismatch Alarm only Definite Time

Over and Under Voltage

The Over and Under Voltage protective relay is definite time. It operates by
comparing the actual voltage to the level set points for this relay. The highest
voltage of the 3 phase inputs is always used for the Over Voltage protective
relay. Likewise, the lowest voltage of the 3 phase inputs is always used for the
Under Voltage protective relay. Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until the
EGCP-3 is reset. The generator Under Voltage relay is automatically disabled
anytime the generator breaker is open. The Bus Under Voltage relay, Generator
and Bus Over Voltage relays are not inhibited by breaker position.

The action to be taken for an Over Voltage Pre-Alarm, Over Voltage Alarm,
Under Voltage Pre-Alarm, and Under Voltage Alarm are all independently
configurable. There are separate Delay times for Pre-Alarm and Alarm. The
delay times for Over Voltage and Under Voltage are identical but Generator and
Bus are independently configured.

The Alarm and Pre-Alarm trigger levels for an Over Voltage Pre-Alarm, Over
Voltage Alarm, Under Voltage Pre-Alarm, and Under Voltage Alarm are all
independently configurable. The worst case phase voltage must exceed the
configured level continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm
action is taken.

Woodward 131
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The diagram below shows how the Pre-Alarm and final Alarm events are
envisioned to operate. Note that the delay times are identical between Over and
Under Voltage event examples but the trigger levels are all separately

OV Alarm
OV Pre-Alarm

OV Alarm LVL

OV Pre-Alarm LVL

Rated Voltage
UV Pre-Alarm
Actual Issued
UV Pre-Alarm LVL UV Alarm

UV Alarm LVL

Pre-Alarm Alarm Pre-Alarm Alarm

Delay Delay Delay Delay

Figure 8-1. Over Voltage/Under Voltage Alarm

Over and Under Frequency

The Over and Under Frequency protective relay is definite time. It operates by
comparing the actual frequency to the level set points for this relay. Once an
alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset. The generator Under
Frequency relay is automatically disabled anytime the generator breaker is open.
The Bus Under Frequency relay, Generator and Bus Over Frequency relays are
not inhibited by breaker position.

The action to be taken for an Over Frequency Pre-Alarm, Over Frequency Alarm,
Under Frequency Pre-Alarm, and Under Frequency Alarm are all independently
configurable. There are separate Delay times for Pre-Alarm and final Alarm. The
delay times for Over Frequency and Under Frequency are identical but
Generator and Bus are independently configured.

The Alarm and Pre-Alarm trigger levels for an Over Frequency Pre-Alarm, Over
Frequency Alarm, Under Frequency Pre-Alarm, and Under Frequency Alarm are
all independently configurable. The frequency must exceed the level
continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken.

The diagram in Over and Under Voltage above shows how the Pre-Alarm and
final Alarm events are envisioned to operate. The Over and Under Frequency
protective relay function operates in the same manner as the Over and Under
Voltage protective relay function.

132 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Directional Power
The Over and Reverse Power protective relays are inverse time. They operate
by comparing the actual real power to the level set point for this relay. Only real
power is of interest for this protection. Over power for the generator is power
flowing out of the generator (produced by the generator). Over power for the Bus
is defined as power flowing into the Bus (same relationship as generator). Over
power for the Bus is denoted as Export Power and Reverse Power for the Bus is
denoted as Import Power.

A configurable time delay setting is provided to shift the inverse time curve along
the time axis. This movement allows adjustment of the minimum trip time at the
configured level. The same shifted curve is used for Pre-Alarms and Alarms so a
time shift done for one will affect the other as well. The same shift is also applied
to both the Over Power and the Reverse Power protective relays.

The power level must exceed the level continuously for the calculated delay time
before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken. The delay time is recalculated
each time the power level changes. Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until
the EGCP-3 is reset. The Directional Power relays are continuously enabled.

The below graph shows how the Pre-Alarm and final Alarm settings relate to
actual and rated power levels. Notice the delay time for the over power pre alarm
is longer than the delay time for the over power alarm. This time difference
results from the difference in the actual power compared to the pre-alarm and
alarm set points. A long time delay is seen when the actual power is only slightly
higher than the pre-alarm level. When the actual power goes above the alarm
level it goes noticeably higher so the time delay is shorter. In order to determine
the calculated delay and to see how the curve shift is used, refer to the second
graph below.

P OP Alarm
OP Pre-Alarm Issued

Over Pwr
Alarm LVL

Over Pwr
Pre-Alarm LVL

Rated Power
0 t
Rev Pwr
Pre-Alarm LVL Calculated Calculated
RP Pre-Alarm
Delay Delay Issued

Rev Pwr
Alarm LVL RP Alarm

Calculated Calculated
Delay Delay

Figure 8-2. Over Power/Reverse Power

Woodward 133
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The graph below shows how the inverse time curve is applied to the directional
power protective relay. Note the same curve shift applies to both Over and
Reverse Power. Likewise, for the Bus, the same curve shift would apply to both
Import and Export Power but is different than the curve shift used for the
generator directional power protective relay.

P Curve Shift
(same as below)

Calculated OP
Over Pwr Alarm Delay
Alarm LVL

Calculated OP
Over Pwr Pre-Alarm Delay
Pre-Alarm LVL

Rated Power

0 t
Rev Pwr
Pre-Alarm LVL Calculated RP
Pre-Alarm Delay

Rev Pwr
Alarm LVL Calculated RP
Alarm Delay

Curve Shift
(same as above)

Figure 8-3. Over Power/Reverse Power Time Delay

Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage

Negative Phase Sequence Voltage (NPS) is a measure of the imbalance in a
three phase system. Any imbalance due to unequal voltage amplitude of the
three phases or a phase angle error between phases creates NPS voltage. A
completely balanced system with positive phase sequence generates 0% NPS
voltage. Complete loss of one phase results in 50% NPS voltage, a 100% NPS
voltage would result from a balanced system with reversed phase sequence. The
NPS protection function must know the correct (expected) phase rotation in order
to function properly.

Typical causes of voltage unbalance are large unbalanced loads (single phase
loads in the system) and unbalances in the supply due to transformer designs or
other customer loads in the power system. The most common effect of voltage
unbalance (detected by NPS voltage) is rotor overheating on 3-phase motors.

For installations where significant regenerated EMF may occur (lifts, cranes, or
similar), a sensitivity of 5%-7% is recommended above what is necessary for the
system unbalance. To avoid tripping on system transient disturbances, this relay
should be configured with a timeout from 2 to 4 seconds.

134 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
This Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage protective relay is a definite time
relay. As the name implies, it tracks levels ABOVE a configured setting. It
operates by comparing the actual Negative Phase Sequence Voltage with the
level set point for this relay. Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-
3 is reset. The Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage relays are continuously

The actions to be taken for a Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Pre-Alarm
or a Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage Alarm are both independently
configurable. The Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage trigger levels are also
independently configurable for the Pre-Alarm and Alarm. There are separate
Delay times for Pre-Alarm and Alarm. The Negative Phase Sequence Voltage
must exceed the trigger level continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or
Pre-Alarm action is taken.

The diagram in Over and Under Voltage above shows how the Pre-Alarm and
final Alarm events are envisioned to operate. Only the Over Voltage portion of
the diagram is used. The Negative Phase Sequence Over Voltage protective
relay function operates in the same manner as the Over Voltage protective relay

Negative Phase Sequence Over Current

This Negative Phase Sequence Over Current protective relay is a definite time
relay. The negative phase sequence over current is derived the same as the
voltage above. Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset.
The Negative Phase Sequence Over Current relays are continuously enabled.

The actions to be taken for a Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Pre-Alarm
or a Negative Phase Sequence Over Current Alarm are both independently
configurable. The Negative Phase Sequence Over Current trigger levels are also
independently configurable for the Pre-Alarm and Alarm. There are separate
Delay times for Pre-Alarm and Alarm. The Negative Phase Sequence Current
must exceed the trigger level continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or
Pre-Alarm action is taken.

The diagram in Over and Under Voltage above shows how the Pre-Alarm and
Alarm events are envisioned to operate. Only the Over Voltage portion of the
diagram is used. The Negative Phase Sequence Over Current protective relay
function operates in the same manner as the Over Voltage protective relay

Phase Over Current

The Phase Over Current protective relay is an inverse time relay. It operates by
comparing the actual phase current to the level set point for this relay. The
highest current of the 3 phase inputs is always used for the Phase Over Current
protective relay. Total current is not evaluated. This protective relay is NOT
meant to replace a breaker.

A configurable time delay setting is provided to shift the inverse time curve along
the time axis. This movement allows adjustment of the minimum trip time at the
configured level. The same shifted curve is used for Pre-Alarms and Alarms so a
time shift done for one will affect the other as well.

Woodward 135
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The worst case current level must exceed the configured level continuously for
the calculated delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken. The
delay time is always being recalculated for the present current level input. Once
an alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset. The Phase Over
Current protective relay is continuously enabled.

The diagram in Directional Power above shows how the Pre-Alarm and final
Alarm events are envisioned to operate as well as the interaction with the inverse
time curve. Only the Over Power portion of the diagram is used. The Phase Over
Current protective relay function operates in the same manner as the Over
Power protective relay function.

Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current

The Voltage Restrained Phase Over Current protective relay is an inverse time
relay and is only available for the bus inputs. It operates by comparing the
highest current of the 3 phase inputs to the level set point for this relay. The bus
average voltage is used to determine the amount of restraint. Total current is not

A configurable time delay setting is provided to shift the inverse time curve along
the time axis. This movement allows adjustment of the minimum trip time at the
configured level. The same shifted curve is used for Pre-Alarms and Alarms so a
time shift done for one will affect the other as well.

The protective relay uses the average of the bus phase voltages to modify the
Pre-Alarm and Alarm trigger levels. The phase current event trigger level is
adjusted proportional to the voltage. The relationship is a 1:1 scaling. For
example, if the bus voltage is at 100% of rated, the trigger level is unmodified.
However, if the voltage is at 25% of rated, the phase current trigger level will also
be scaled to 25% of the configured trigger level. A simple proportional multiplier
is used for this purpose multiplying both the Pre-Alarm level and the Alarm level
by the voltage derived scalar. The figure below shows the relationship between
the current alarm level multiplier and the voltage level.

The scaled worst case current level must exceed the level continuously for the
calculated delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken. The delay
time is always being recalculated for the present current level input. Once an
alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset. The Voltage Restrained
Phase Over Current protective relay is continuously enabled.

Voltage Restrained Overcurrent

% Rated Voltage

0 20 40 60 80 100
% Overcurrent Trip

Figure 8-4. Voltage Restrained Over Current

136 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The diagram in Directional Power above shows how the Pre-Alarm and Alarm
events are envisioned to operate as well as the interaction with the inverse time
curve. Only the Over Power portion of the diagram is used. The Voltage
Restrained Phase Over Current protective relay function operates in the same
manner as the Phase Over Current protective relay function except that the
trigger level is automatically scaled proportional to the bus voltage.

Directional VAR
The Over and Reverse VAR (Import and Export VAR) protective relay is definite
time. It operates by comparing the actual reactive power to the level set points
for this relay. Only reactive power is of interest for this protection. Over VAR for
the generator is reactive power flowing out of the generator (produced by the
generator) and is representative of lagging power factor. Over VAR for the Bus is
defined as reactive power flowing into the Bus. We will refer to this as Export
VAR for the Bus. Reverse VAR for the Bus will be referred to as Import VAR.
Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset.

The action to be taken for an Over (Export) VAR Pre-Alarm, Over (Export) VAR
Alarm, Reverse (Import) VAR Pre-Alarm, and Reverse (Import) VAR Alarm are
all independently configurable. There are separate Delay times for Pre-Alarm
and Alarm. The delay times for Forward and Reverse VAR are identical but
Generator and Bus are independently configured.

The Alarm and Pre-Alarm trigger levels for an Over (Export) VAR Pre-Alarm,
Over (Export) VAR Alarm, Reverse (Import) VAR Pre-Alarm, and Reverse
(Import) VAR Alarm are all independently configurable. The reactive power level
must exceed the trigger level continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or
Pre-Alarm action is taken.

The diagram in Over and Under Voltage above shows how the Pre-Alarm and
Alarm events are envisioned to operate. The Directional VAR protective relay
function operates in the same manner as the Over and Under Voltage protective
relay function.

Phase Current Imbalance

The Phase-balance Current protective relay is an inverse time relay. It operates
by comparing the actual current between each phase to the level set point for
this relay. The highest differential current of the 3 comparisons is always used for
the Phase Current Imbalance protective relay.

A configurable time delay setting is provided to shift the inverse time curve along
the time axis. This movement allows adjustment of the minimum trip time at the
configured level. The same shifted curve is used for Pre-Alarms and Alarms so a
time shift done for one will affect the other as well.

The worst case current differential must exceed the trigger level continuously for
the calculated delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken. The
delay time is always being recalculated for the present current imbalance level
input. Once an alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset. The Phase
Current Differential protective relay is continuously enabled.

Woodward 137
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The below graph shows how the Pre-Alarm and Alarm settings relate to actual
current imbalance levels. The current imbalance levels are internally normalized
against the rated current. This provides the inverse time function with a valid
comparison because the IEEE definition is only valid above 1 per unit.
Nevertheless, the configuration values for the Alarm and Pre-Alarm Level are to
be entered as the actual allowed difference. The EGCP-3 will automatically add
Rated Current to the configured value.


Alarm LVL
Actual Current Imbalance

Pre-Alarm LVL

0 t

Calculated Calculated
Delay Delay

Figure 8-5. Phase Current Imbalance

In order to determine the calculated delay and to see how the curve shift is used,
refer to the graph below. The Phase Current Imbalance protective relay function
operates in nearly the same manner as the Over Power protective relay function
except that rated current is automatically added into the percentage calculation
for the IEEE inverse time curve input. The information is provided in case an
exact trip time must be calculated.

A Curve Shift

Alarm LVL + Alarm Delay
Rated Current

Pre-Alarm LVL+ Pre-Alarm Delay
Rated Current

Rated Current

Figure 8-6. Phase-Balance Current, Inverse Time Delay

138 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Sync Check
The EGCP-3 synchronizer provides the Sync Check protective relay function. It
is listed here due to its nature as a protective relay. It is enabled during
synchronizing only. The synchronizer always performs a Sync Check function
regardless of the configured mode since it will never assert the breaker close
output unless the two A-phase inputs are in sync with each other. The
synchronizer may also be placed in the Permissive Mode which mimics a typical
ANSI 25 device by closing the output when the two sources are in sync.

Voltage (VAR/PF) and Speed (Load) Adjust Limits Reached

The Limits Reached alarm function applies to the two closed loop analog outputs
– one for voltage adjust and the other for speed adjust. Each output has separate
alarm due to exceeding the limits in the high direction or low direction. There is a
fixed timeout of 10 seconds to ensure that a short bump into the limit does not
cause an alarm. The alarm action is configurable.

This protection determines if the analog output or digital outputs (depending on

configuration) have reached their limits. Since a digital output has no definite
limit, the protection also reacts to the situation where the control is requesting
more adjustment but the system is not responding. This condition would be
indicative of reaching a limit.

Over Speed
The Over Speed protection watches the magnetic speed pickup input. It
compares the scaled value of the MPU (the rpm value) to a single configurable
set point for over speed. In order to provide a swift response, no delay is used.
As soon as an over speed condition is detected, the alarm is issued. How the
alarm reacts is configurable. If one of the digital outputs is programmed for Air
Shutoff Solenoid, this relay will be energized by an overspeed alarm.

Battery Voltage
The Battery Voltage protection watches an internal measurement of 24vdc input
supply voltage. One configurable high and one configurable low level trigger are
provided. The low level alarm is disabled while the engine is cranking since the
EGCP-3 may be powered from the same set of batteries and would see a
“normal” low voltage during this time. Otherwise, this protection is always
enabled. It is a definite time protection with a fixed timeout period of 10 seconds.
This timeout is used to ensure that voltage transients due to equipment power up
do not cause erroneous alarms. How the alarms react is independently

Coolant Temperature
Analog Input #1 is reserved for a coolant temperature sensor. In addition to
providing coolant temperature metering, the data can be used for protection and
alarm. The Coolant Temperature Pre-Alarm and Alarms are definite time with a
fixed timeout period of 10 seconds. This timeout period is used to ensure that
noise or other disturbances do not cause erroneous alarms. If no coolant
temperature sensor is provided, this protection is disabled. Once an alarm is
issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset.

Woodward 139
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The action to be taken for a High Coolant Temperature Pre-Alarm, High Coolant
Temperature Alarm, Low Coolant Temperature Pre-Alarm, and Low Coolant
Temperature Alarm are all independently configurable. The Alarm and Pre-Alarm
trigger levels are also all independently configurable. The temperature must
exceed the trigger level continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or Pre-
Alarm action is taken.

The diagram below shows how the Pre-Alarm and Alarm events are envisioned
to operate. The Coolant Temperature protection operates as a simple
comparison between actual and the configured set points.
HI Pre-Alarm HI Alarm
Issued Issued

Alarm LVL
Alarm Delay fixed
at 10 seconds

Pre-Alarm LVL

Coolant Temp 10sec

10sec LO Pre-Alarm

Pre-Alarm LVL LO Alarm


Alarm LVL


Figure 8-7. Coolant Level Alarm

Oil Pressure
Analog Input #2 is reserved for an oil pressure sensor. In addition to providing oil
pressure metering, the data can be used for protection and alarm. There are
three stages for oil pressure due to its natural tie to engine speed. The first stage
is during Idle, the next is while ramping to rated, and the last while at Rated
speed. If no oil pressure sensor is provided, this protection is disabled. Once an
alarm is issued, it is latched until the EGCP-3 is reset. Speeds are determined
from the MPU. If no MPU is provided, the Idle Oil Pressure protection will not be
able to operate.

Idle Oil Pressure Alarm

The Idle Oil Pressure Alarms are definite time delay with a fixed timeout period of
2 seconds. This timeout period is used to allow oil pressure to build-up after an
engine start and to ensure that noise or other disturbances do not cause
erroneous alarms.

The action to be taken and the Alarm trigger levels for a High Idle Oil Pressure
Alarm and Low Idle Oil Pressure Alarm are each independently configurable. The
pressure must exceed the trigger level (High Pressure), or be below the trigger
level (Low Pressure) continuously for the delay time before the Alarm action is
140 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The diagram in below shows when the Idle Oil Pressure Alarms are enabled.
During the ramp from Idle to Rated speed, the Low Idle Oil Pressure Alarm
remains enabled.

Rated Oil Pressure Alarm

The Rated Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm and Alarms are definite time delay with a fixed
timeout period of 2 seconds.

The action to be taken for a High Rated Oil Pressure Alarm, Low Rated Oil
Pressure Pre-Alarm, and Low Rated Oil Pressure Alarm are all independently
configurable. No High Rated Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm is provided.

The Alarm and Pre-Alarm trigger levels for a High Rated Oil Pressure Alarm, Low
Rated Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm, and Low Rated Oil Pressure Alarm are all
independently configurable. The pressure must exceed the trigger level
continuously for the delay time before the Alarm or Pre-Alarm action is taken.

The diagram in Coolant Temperature above shows how the Pre-Alarm and Alarm
events are envisioned to operate. The Rated Oil Pressure protection operates in
the same manner as the Coolant Temperature protection function, with the
exception that the time delay is only two seconds compared to ten. The graph
below shows when the Rated Oil Pressure Alarms and Pre-Alarms are enabled
as well as when the Idle Oil Pressure Alarms are enabled. During the ramp from
Idle to Rated speed, the High Rated Oil Pressure Alarm is enabled but the Low
Rated Oil Pressure Alarm and Pre-Alarm are not enabled.

LO Idle
LO, HI Idle HI Rated LO, HI Rated
Alarms Alarms Alarms
Enabled Enabled Enabled

90% Idle
90% Rated

to Idle


Ramp to




Figure 8-8. Oil Pressure Engine Protection

Woodward 141
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Remote Alarms
There are six (6) configurable alarms based on digital inputs. Each alarm is a
definite time function with a configurable delay time. The action taken by each
alarm is configurable for Disabled, Warning, Audible, Visual, Soft Shutdown,
Hard Shutdown, Trip tie breaker, and Trip tie breaker with alarm. Each input may
be configured to consider the active condition as one with +24 Vdc applied to the
input (active high) or with the input floating (active low). The input must meet the
active condition continuously for the delay time before the Alarm action is taken.

Remote Analog Alarm

There are two (2) configurable alarms based on the spare analog inputs. Each
has High Alarm and High Pre-Alarm level set points and Low Alarm and Low
Pre-Alarm level set points. The action taken by the Alarms and Pre-Alarms are
all configurable for Disabled, Warning, Audible, Visual, Soft Shutdown, Hard
Shutdown, Trip tie breaker, and trip tie breaker with alarm.

The Spare Analog Alarms are all definite time alarms with configurable timeouts.
Each is configured in the same manner as the Coolant Temperature Alarms
described above except that the delay time is configurable.

Speed / Frequency Mismatch

The Speed/Frequency Mismatch protection watches the magnetic pickup speed
input and the measured frequency on the generator input. It compares the scaled
value of the MPU (the rpm value) to the frequency using a simple formula. The
formula also depends on the configured number of generator poles.

# GenPoles • RPM
Frequency =
The purpose of this protection is partly to identify an incorrect configuration for
the number of teeth but primarily to diagnose a failed MPU signal or a generator
failure. If the one of the signals fail, a mismatch will occur between the measured
MPU speed and the measured generator frequency. Since over speed is
determined from the MPU input, this protection is an important adder to the over
speed protection.

A fixed delay of 5 seconds is incorporated. A one hertz margin is allowed. How

the alarm reacts is configurable.

Inverse Time Curve

All protective relays that utilize inverse time trips will use the same curve shape
as defined below. Each relay will be allowed to independently adjust the curve
along the time axis. This adjustment does not alter the curve shape. The reason
for the adjustment is to allow fine tuning of the alarm levels and timing.

The EGCP-3 takes the ratio of the input being used (phase current, power, etc.)
to the rated value of that unit. The inverse time curve always uses a ratio of rated
for its data element.

142 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The inverse time curve plotted below is defined in IEEE C37.112 as the Very
Inverse formula

⎛ A ⎞
Time = ⎜ p + B⎟ ∗ D
⎝ x −1 ⎠
The amount of time to wait before an alarm is issued for the given value
of x. As x increases, the time will decrease.
X A ratio of the measured parameter in protection to rated value.
A IEEE defined constant that affects the curve shape. It is fixed at 19.61.
B IEEE defined constant that affects the curve position. It is fixed at 0.491
P IEEE defined constant that defines the curve type. It is fixed at 2.
Adjustable time delay. This allows the curve to be shifted along the time
axis by a variable amount., 0.01 to 10.0, default =1.0

For high alarms: If the input is less than the Alarm level and Pre-Alarm level, no
action will be taken. When the input is above the Pre-Alarm level, the configured
action will be taken for the pre-alarm after the timeout defined by the formula.
When the input is above the Alarm level, the appropriate (and typically more
severe) action will be taken after the (shorter) timeout defined by the formula.

For low alarms: If the input is greater than the Alarm level and Pre-Alarm level,
no action will be taken. When the input is less than the Pre-Alarm level, the
configured action will be taken for the pre-alarm after the timeout defined by the
formula. When the input is less than the Alarm level, the appropriate (and
typically more severe) action will be taken after the (shorter) timeout defined by
the formula.

The IEEE curve implemented is the Very Inverse curve defined in IEEE C37.112
and also matches the IEC curve defined in IEC 255-03 except for the additional
time shift (B) that is not defined in IEC. The formula will not function at rated or
below rated for the parameter in protection. Therefore, if a trip value is set at or
below rated, the timeout for these conditions will be fixed at 10 seconds. This
causes a discontinuity in the curve at 100% rated. The values for A and B in the
IEEE formula change at the discontinuity point. The constant A becomes 0 and
the constant B becomes 10. Due to the location of the B constant and the D
variable, the 10 second timeout will also adjust with the curve shift.

The figure below is a set of curves showing the IEEE Very Inverse formula
plotted three times. The center plot is the default curve with no level shift, Shift
value = 1.0. The upper plot is the same curve with a level shift of five. The lower
plot is the same curve with a level shift of 0.1. Note the curve shape does not
change. Also note the fixed timing at or below rated as shown by the straight
horizontal line; and note how the fixed timing is varied with the curve shift. The
EGCP-3 curve does extend to the right beyond the time shown.
Also shown below is a figure with the Inverse Time Curve converted to linear axis
scale. The values used in the EGCP-3 extend above 25 second delay between
1.0 and 1.35, and also extend to the right beyond the ratio of 5.0.

Example: If the alarm set point is 150% of the rated (1.5 ratio) and the input is at
this setpoint value and the shift = 1.0, the delay will be 16 seconds. When shift =
5, delay will be 80 seconds. When shift = 0.1, delay will be 1.6 seconds. As the
input value exceeds the setpoint, the delay will become shorter.
Example: For an Over Current Trip Relay function: If Rated Phase Current is
500 Amps, and a trip delay of 5.0 second is desired at 700 Amp.
Ratio = 1.4, from formula (or reading from curve below) the Normalized Delay =
20.9 sec.
5.0 / 21.0 = 0.24

Woodward 143
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The curve shift value of 0.24 is required to meet the desired level and delay

Inverse Time Log Plot


Curve Level shifted by 5.0

Delay Time (s)

Default Curve

Curve Level shifted by 0.1


0.10 1.00
Input Value / Rated Value

D=1 D=0.1 D=5

Figure 8-9. Inverse Curve Time Delay, Level Shift

Inverse Time Curve (Linear)



Delay (sec)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ratio (Input/Rated)

Figure 8-10. Inverse Curve Time Delay, Linear Graph

144 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

The following table is a concise list of all diagnostics generated by the EGCP-3.
The Modbus ID is the Boolean Read address where the status of the named
diagnostic can be determined via Modbus. Diagnostic actions are not
configurable. All diagnostics generate a warning condition and some force a
specific action to be taken.

Event Display Name MODBUS ID

Analog IN 1 Out of Range AI 1 OUT OF RANGE 10171
Analog IN 2 Out of Range AI 2 OUT OF RANGE 10172
Analog IN 3 Out of Range AI 3 OUT OF RANGE 10173
Analog IN 4 Out of Range AI 4 OUT OF RANGE 10174
Crank Denied Alarm CRANK DENIED 10164
Crank Failed Alarm CRANK FAIL 10036
Fail to Reach Idle FAIL TO REACH IDLE 10165
Fail to Reach Rated FAIL TO REACH RATED 10166
Fail to Synchronize FAIL TO SYNC 10160
Gen Breaker Close Error GEN BRKR CLOSE ERROR 10153
Gen Breaker Feedback Error GEN BKR FEEDBACK ERR 10157
Gen Breaker Shunt Trip Error GEN BKR SHNT TRP ERR 10155
Modbus Link 1 Error MODBUS LINK 1 ERR 10167
Modbus Link 2 Error MODBUS LINK 2 ERR 10168
Phase Rotation Mismatch PHASE ROTATN MISMTCH 10161
Power Module Board Fault POWER BOARD FAULT 10175

Analog Input Out of Range

The Out of Range Diagnostic function applies to all four analog inputs where the
first two analog inputs have the fixed functions of Coolant Temperature input and
Oil Pressure input respectively. A separate alarm is issued for each input. The
default alarm action for Out of Range alarms is Disabled, The Alarm Action can
be configured from the Watch Window Service Analog Input menu for: Disabled,
Warning, Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown, and Hard Shutdown.

If an analog input measures a value less than 2 mA or greater than 22 mA, this
diagnostic becomes true. When the input is configured as a voltage input, the
equivalent range is 0.5 V at the low end and 5.5 volts at the high end. This
diagnostic is always enabled.

Crank Denied
The Crank Denied Diagnostic will occur if a start request is made while engine
speed is detected. The start request is queued while the diagnostic is active.
Once engine speed falls to zero, the start will automatically take place unless the
request has been removed. When this diagnostic occurs, it is logged in the event
list as a Warning and the Warning output is engaged.

Woodward 145
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Crank Failed
The Crank Failed Diagnostic will occur if a start request is made and attempted
but the engine does not successfully start. All crank attempts must be exhausted
before the Crank Fail diagnostic is generated. Once this diagnostic occurs, it is
latched and no further start attempts can be made until the event is cleared. The
Alarm Action can be Configured from the Engine Control menu. The Alarm
Action is defaulted for Soft Shutdown, it can be configured for: Disabled,
Warning, Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown, and Hard Shutdown.

Fail to Reach Idle

The Fail to Reach Idle Diagnostic will occur if a successful start is made (crank
cutout speed is reached) but the speed input does not register 90% or more of
the configured idle speed within 10 seconds of reaching crank cutout speed. The
Alarm Action can be Configured from the Engine Control menu. The Alarm
Action is defaulted for Warning, it can be configured for: Disabled, Warning,
Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown, and Hard Shutdown. When this
diagnostic occurs, the configured action is taken. If shutdown action is not
selected, start control is not inhibited. Then the state is set to IDLE and the idle
timer is started even though the engine does not appear to be at idle. This
control action is performed in case the engine is very slow to accelerate and/or
the idle speed setting is incorrect.

Fail to Reach Rated

The Fail to Reach Rated Diagnostic will occur if a successful start is made (crank
cutout speed is reached) but the speed input does not register 90% or more of
the configured rated speed within 14 seconds of energizing the rated speed
output. The rated speed output is set after the idle timer expires.

The Alarm Action can be Configured from the Engine Control menu. The Alarm
Action is defaulted for Warning, it can be configured for: Disabled, Warning,
Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown, and Hard Shutdown. When this
diagnostic occurs, the configured action is taken. If shutdown action is not
selected, start control is not inhibited. Then the state is set to RATED and the
start is considered complete even though the engine does not appear to be at
rated. Until conditions are met, Generator Stable will not allow automatic breaker
closure. This control action is performed in case the engine is very slow to

Fail to Synchronize
This Fail to Synchronize Diagnostic will occur if the EGCP-3 was not able to
bring the generator and bus into synchronization long enough to close the
breaker prior to the Synchronizer Timeout expiring. If the EGCP-3 attempts to
close the breaker but cannot due to other reasons, this diagnostic would not
apply. Breaker Close Error covers that condition instead.
The Alarm Action can be Configured from the Synchronizer menu in Watch
Window. The Alarm Action is defaulted for Warning, it can be configured for:
Disabled, Warning, Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown. When this
diagnostic occurs, the configured action is taken.

146 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Breaker Close Error

This diagnostic results when a breaker close output is operated more than 3
times without the breaker auxiliary contact reporting that the breaker has closed.
This typically indicates that the charge circuit is not working or the close
spring/motor is damaged. The diagnostic indicates which breaker output is in
error: When this diagnostic occurs, by the default action, it is logged in the event
list as a warning and the warning output is engaged. From the Front panel or
Watch Window it can be configured for: Disabled, Warning, Visual Alarm, Audible
Alarm, Soft Shutdown or Hard Shutdown.

Breaker Feedback Error

The Generator Breaker Feedback Error Diagnostic results when the breaker
auxiliary contact reports that the breaker is open but current is observed flowing
through the breaker. This indicates that the breaker auxiliary contact circuit is
open or failed. When this condition occurs, the EGCP-3 automatically begins
performing the actions associated with the relevant breaker closure as if the
auxiliary contact indicated the breaker was closed.

The default action is Warning, so when this diagnostic occurs, by, it is logged in
the event list as a warning and the warning output is engaged. From the Front
panel or Watch Window it can be configured for: Disabled, Warning, Visual
Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown or Hard Shutdown.

Breaker Shunt Trip Error

The Breaker Shunt Trip Error Diagnostic results when a breaker shunt trip output
is operated without the breaker auxiliary contact reporting that the breaker has
opened. It may be that the auxiliary contact is failed closed but typically will
indicate that the shunt trip wiring is open or the shunt trip coil in the breaker is
failed. From Watch Window Engine Protection menu, it can be configured for:
Disabled, Warning, Visual Alarm, Audible Alarm, Soft Shutdown or Hard
Shutdown. The default action is to initiate a soft shutdown.

Modbus Link Error

There is a Link Error for each of the 2 possible Modbus connections. The Link
Error is flagged when a Modbus Timeout is detected. The timeout period is
configurable in the Communications Menu. The default action is Warning, so
when this diagnostic occurs, by, it is logged in the event list as a warning and the
warning output is engaged.

Phase Rotation Mismatch

The Phase Rotation Mismatch Diagnostic indicates that the configuration for
phase rotation on the generator or bus does not match the observed phase
rotation. This diagnostic relies on Negative Phase Sequence Voltage to
determine the mismatch. If either bus is configured to use single phase sensing,
the phase rotation mismatch check will not operate. When this diagnostic occurs,
it is logged in the event list as and an audible alarm output is engaged. It will also
prevent generator breaker closure.

Woodward 147
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Power Module Board Fault

The Power Module Board Fault Diagnostic occurs when an error is detected with
the PowerSense board in EGCP-3. The PowerSense board is the board that
monitors ac inputs and calculates the control values based on the inputs. This
board is located in the middle of the stack. If this diagnostic occurs, the EGCP-3
will automatically perform an I/O Lock, which will shutdown the genset, and open
the generator breaker.

There is a LED on the top of the board closest to the display, labeled CPU.
Check the LED to see if it is blinking, solid on, or off. If it is blinking, make a note
of how many times it blinks before it starts the sequence over. There will be a
long pause when the sequence is starting over. The LED may blink up to 24
times in a sequence. Making a note of the LED status will help Woodward
applications staff determine the nature of the problem.

Before calling Woodward, cycle power to the EGCP-3. The board fault may clear
by itself and allow normal operation again. If, after cycling power to the EGCP-3,
the board fault remains, call Woodward for assistance in troubleshooting.

Configuration Check
The EGCP-3 performs some configuration checks to determine if the control is
configured in a manner that is inconsistent, dangerous, or non-functional. An
error message is issued in the Watch Window- System Status for configuration
This check covers:
• The same feature should not be assigned to more than one discrete input.
• The same feature should not be assigned to more than one analog input.
• Value entered for Rated kW must be between 70% to 100% of entered
Rated KVA.
• Entered Rated kVAR should be between 0.0 and 70% of Rated KVA.
• The entered Rated Speed and Entered Number of Generator Poles do not
match with the entered System Frequency.

Status Indicators
Both the SmartCore board and the PowerSense board have red status LEDs.
The LEDs indicate internal CPU detected errors. These indicators are useful for
troubleshooting problems. The status LEDs on the PowerSense board are
located on the bottom edge (when panel mounted) of the board between
terminals 36 and 45 (terminals 37-45 are not used). The status LED on the
SmartCore board is next to terminal 82.

Check the LED to see if it is blinking, solid on, or off. It is normal for both board’s
status LEDs to be on for approximately 60 sec during power-up tests, and then
turn off. If an LED is blinking, make a note of how many times it blinks before it
starts the sequence over. There will be a long pause when the sequence is
starting over. The PowerSense board LED may blink up to 24 times in a
sequence. The SmartCore board LED may blink up to 14 times in a sequence.
Interpretation of the LED flash codes is not provided here since it will not help the
user to correct the problem. However, the flash codes will help Woodward
personnel in troubleshooting the problem.

148 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
The PowerSense board also has LEDs for the LON status; these are located
next to the CPU status LED. The center LON Status LED will flash green to
indicate the LON communication is operational. The rate of flashing indicates the
amount of “traffic” on the LON network. The LON Service LED will be off during
normal operation. The Service LED may turn on during power-up tests, but will
turn off when the application is running. If this LED is flashing, the rate of flashes
will indicate the possible LON network problem.

Woodward 149
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 9.
Engine Start Sequencing

The EGCP-3 contains routines that execute standard start and stop sequencing
logic applicable for both Gas and Diesel reciprocating engines. The logic
provides control and protection of the engine. There are separate states for the
various phases of start and stop sequencing. Shutdown, Cooldown, and Hard
Stop states are all shutdown methods with subtle differences between how they
shutdown the engine.

It is also possible to enable/disable the Start Sequencing from either the front
panel or Watch Window with configuration parameter, “First Time Start-up,
Engine Start Sequencing.” When disabled, the Fuel Control Relay becomes a
start/stop request. When the start routine is entered, the first check is for a
Disable setting of Start Sequencing. When a stop request occurs, the first check
is also to see if Start Sequencing is disabled. An external device is expected to
handle all elements of start and stop excluding cooldown that the EGCP-3 can
still provide (but doesn’t have to).

Starting Procedure
When a START signal is received, this routine will perform the necessary
sequence to start the engine. Although repeated checks are not shown in the
flowchart for E-stop, the EGCP-3 does continuously look for an E-stop request
during the start sequence and will respond accordingly.

The magnetic pickup is required for the EGCP-3 to perform the Start Sequencing
routine. If a discrete output is configured for Engine Running, it will be energized
when the starter is energized and will be de-energized when the engine comes to
rest. If the control does not see a minimum engine speed three seconds after
energizing the Starter relay, the crank attempt will be stopped. The crank delay
and crank repeats will continue on the next attempt. An application note: If the
idle/rated speed control discrete output is not used, the user should set the idle
timer to zero. This will allow the low oil pressure protection to work properly and
will remove unnecessary delays. If it is not set to zero, the engine will go to rated
but will still be using the idle oil pressure alarm and pre-alarm settings until the
timer expires. Furthermore, the generator stable timer cannot start until the idle
timer is expired which can delay the loading procedure.

There are two diagnostic conditions checked during start. Neither inhibits
continued operation but both are logged in the event history log and current
event list. A Fail to Reach Idle alarm is issued if the speed does not reach 90% of
the configured idle speed within 10 seconds after the starters have been
disengaged. The Idle Timer will begin only after the idle has reached 90% of the
configured idle speed or after the Fail to Reach Idle alarm is issued. This is also
when the Engine State will change from Cranking to Idle. The Fail to Reach
Rated alarm is issued if the speed does not reach 90% of the configured rated
speed within 10 seconds after the idle/rated output is energized for rated speed.
This is also when the Engine State will change from Idle to Rated.

The start routine is shown below. This flowchart assumes Start Sequencing is
enabled. If disabled, see the External Starting Procedure section later in this
150 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation


Set Crank
Denied Alarm

Initialize Timers & Counters

Set Idle/Rated=Idle

Crank Attempt Counter > No

Yes Crank Attempt Setpoint?
Speed =>
Set Crank Fail Crank Cutout Speed > 0
No No 3sec yet?
Alarm Flag RPM? RPM?

Energize Preglow Output

Remove Preglow Command No
No Remove Crank Command
Preglow Timer Yes
No Crank Time

Yes No 10sec yet?
Idle Speed? Yes
Energize Crank Output
STATE = CRANK Increment Crank
Yes Set Fail to Attempt Counter
Reach Idle
Wait fuel activation Start Idle Timer
delay time STATE = IDLE
Remove Fuel Solenoid Command
Remove Preglow Command
Remove Ignition Command
Energize Fuel Solenoid Output No Remove Crank Command
Energize Ignition Output Idle Timer

Start Crank Retry

Yes Delay Timer

Energize Rated Speed Output No

Retry Timer
No 10 sec yet?
Rated Speed? Yes

Yes Set Fail to

Reach Rated


Figure 9-1. Engine Starting Flow Chart

Woodward 151
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Stopping Procedure
When a STOP signal is received, this routine will perform the necessary
sequence to stop the engine. The initial step in all shutdown routines is to
remove load and open the generator breaker. If Cooldown at Idle is selected
during configuration, the EGCP-3 will switch the idle/rated output to idle during
cooldown. If a discrete output is configured for Engine Running, it will be de-
energized when the engine comes to rest.

A Hard Shutdown and an Emergency Stop are treated identically with the
exception of the Air Shutoff Solenoid. A hard shutdown does not activate the Air
Shutoff. The three conditions that will close the Air Shutoff relay are an
Emergency Stop, overspeed, or a failure to stop defined as the engine not
dropping at least 20 rpm per sec after five seconds. Note: the Air Shutoff
Solenoid is a one shot type of relay that will close for 5 seconds and then release
to protect the closing solenoid. Most Air Shutoff devices need to be reset
mechanically at the device after a trip. The flowchart indicates a check for E-stop
but also applies to a Hard Shutdown request except that a Hard Shutdown will
not engage the Air Shutoff Solenoid. An E-stop or Hard Shutdown is a latching
shutdown and requires acknowledgement and rest of the alarm before the
engine can be restarted.


KVA Level During Run

> Cooldown Limit?
Initialize Timers
& Counters
Remove Fuel Solenoid Command
Begin Cooldown Timer Yes Remove Ignition Command

Yes Yes
Speed = Idle?
De-Energize Rated Energize Air
Is E-Stop * Speed Output Shutoff Pulse
Engaged? No
Has speed
* Or Hard Shutdown dropped >100 RPM No
Yes in 5 sec?
Cooldown Time
Energize Air Shutoff Pulse (E-stop only)
Remove Fuel Solenoid Command
Remove Crank Command @ Yes
Remove PreGlow Command @ @ Only if Stop No No
Remove Ignition Command occurred during a
STATE = SPINDOWN Start Sequence
Start Speed=0
Command No RPM?
Speed=0 Yes

Cancel STOP and return

to normal running STATE = OFF


Figure 9-2. Engine Stopping Flow Chart

152 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

External Starting Procedure

When a START signal is received, this routine assumes and external device will
perform the necessary sequence to start the engine. Although repeated checks
are not shown in the flowchart for E-stop, the EGCP-3 does continuously look for
an E-stop request during the start sequence and will respond accordingly.

With Engine Sequencing Disabled, a magnetic pickup is no longer required.

Removing the magnetic pickup will prevent certain alarms from functioning such
as overspeed and speed/frequency mismatch. However, if the magnetic pickup is
present, those existing alarms will continue to function. If no MPU is provided,
speed will be detected using generator frequency. Generator frequency can only
be detected when voltage is above the minimum voltage level. Therefore, some
functions may not work as intended if voltage is not present. If a discrete output
is configured for Engine Running, it will be energized and de-energized at the
same times as the Fuel Solenoid (Run Relay) output. The Idle/Rated function will
not operate in this mode. If the Idle/Rated Relay is configured, it will turn on
simultaneous with the Fuel Solenoid output. The EGCP-3 will wait for the
Generator Stable conditions before continuing with any breaker closure or
synchronizing actions.

The start routine is shown below. This flowchart assumes Start Sequencing is
disabled. The Fuel Solenoid Output is treated like a Run Relay or a request for


Initialize Timers & Counters


Energize Fuel
Solenoid Output

Energize Rated
Speed Output


Generator Voltage



Figure 9-3. Engine Starting-External Sequencing Flow Chart

Woodward 153
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

External Stopping Procedure

When the EGCP-3 is configured for Engine Start Sequence disabled, a STOP
signal will perform the same sequence to stop the engine as when internal logic
is enabled. The engine will unload, open breaker(s) and cooldown. The discrete
output for Engine Running will be de-energized simultaneous with the Fuel
Solenoid (Run Relay) Output.

154 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 10.
Mode Control Switch

The mode control switch is defined as the three (3) switch inputs labeled, Test,
Run w/ Load, and Auto. The Process Enable and BaseLoad Enable switch inputs
affects the final mode but does not affect starting conditions. As long as the
physical Auto switch is closed (asserted), the mode switch “inputs” can also be
received via a communication link such as Modbus. In the case of
communication link usage, all three switch “Enable” and switch “Disable”
positions should be sent together as a precaution.

In the tables below, the following key applies:

X—denotes open or closed (don’t care)
1—denotes connection made, On (+V applied to input)
0—denotes input point floating, Off

Load Control Mode

Test Run Auto Engine Control Gen Breaker Gen Shunt Trip
(Brkr open/Brkr closed)
0 0 0 Off - stop Droop / NA Locked out De-energized
1 0 0 Run to rated Droop / NA Locked out De-energized
1 0 1 Not Valid Off / NA Off De-energized
0 1 0 Run to Rated Droop / As configured Manual Energized
0 1 1 Run to Rated Droop / As configured Sync Control Energized
0 0 1 Auto(waiting for Droop / As Configured Sync Control Energized
network start or
1 1 0 Run to rated Droop / NA Locked out De-energized
1 1 1 Not Valid Off / NA Off De-energized

Test Mode
If the Test input is asserted but the Run and Auto inputs are not asserted, the
control will assume the test mode. In the test mode the genset is started but
automatic functions such as synchronization are disabled. The generator breaker
will be locked out and cannot be closed manually. Load droop will automatically
be enabled in the event that load is added. Process and BaseLoad modes will
not be available. KVAR/PF control and PF Sharing will also not be available.

Run Mode
If the Run w/ Load input is asserted but the Auto input is not asserted, the control
will assume a manual run mode. In the manual run mode, the genset is started
but synchronization is disabled along with most other automatic functions. The
generator breaker will be unlocked upon expiration of the generator stable timer.
If the genset is to be connected to a load or bus in this mode, it must be done
manually. If the genset is connected to a load/bus manually, the configured load
mode will automatically be selected and begin operation. The control will
continue to operate until the Run with Load input is opened. Protective relay
functions will operate normally. Process and KVAR/PF control will not be
available unless the mains breaker feedback is detected in the control.

Woodward 155
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Auto Mode
If the Auto Input is asserted, then a different mode will be selected depending on
the state of the Test Input, Run Input, Process Enable Input, BaseLoad Enable,
or bus/mains condition. In all cases, the Auto Input must be asserted for
automatic breaker operation to be engaged. If neither the Test or Run inputs are
asserted, the control will assume any mode command provided from Modbus,
ServLink (WW), or LON communications links.

Configuration Settings That Affect Auto Mode

For all the below conditions, it is assumed that the Auto Input is asserted.

Synchronizer Mode

• Off—Genset will start if commanded but no mode will be engaged unless the
breaker(s) is closed manually.
• Check—Active synchronization will take place but the breaker will not be
closed by the EGCP-3.
• Permissive—If the system is in sync and the slip frequency is within the
window, the breaker will close and the appropriate loading mode will take
effect. Otherwise, the system must have manual intervention to bring it into
sync so the breaker may be closed. Once the breaker is closed, the
appropriate load control mode will assume control. The Gen Circuit Breaker
Close relay can be wired in series with a manual close circuit to allow the
Permissive check mode to function as a sync-check relay.
• Run—Normal condition where active synchronization takes place with
breaker closure.

Load Control Mode

• Droop–Does not allow the control to use Isochronous or Load Sharing

functions. Will not inhibit synchronization but when in parallel the control
mode will still be Droop. KW Control functions will still function after the
mains breaker auxiliary contact indicates the breaker is closed. However, the
droop function may cause the regulated load to be other than expected.

• Isochronous—This is the normal setting that will allow isochronous speed

control during kW Control. The Load Control mode is always droop until the
generator breaker is closed.

Process Control Mode

When the Process Enable input is closed, the Process mode is active if the unit
is operating in parallel with the mains. When in parallel with other EGCP-3 LS
units, the Process Mode of the Process Master will control the load of the other
LS units as Process Slaves. If the LS unit has the process input closed, and is
not the process master unit it will be considered the back up process master. If
just LS units are on the Network then the lowest Unit (node) number will be the
master. If there is a MC in the network, and the MC is in control it will always be
the master. See the detailed description of Process in a later Chapter.

156 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 11.
Unit Sequencing Configuration

Sequencing operation of EGCP-3 LS units is designed to function as a
supervisory control that allows operators to configure the control to their system
specifications. The controls are set up to start and stop gensets on a percentage
of rated load basis and can be configured for six different sequencing types:
• Disabled
• Staggered Run Time
• Equal Run Time
• Smallest Unit First
• Largest Unit First
• Node Number

The mechanism of how the sequencing works is similar for all control types, but
setting up the sequencing can create problems if configured incorrectly. This
application note describes setup for every type of sequencing mechanism as well
as problems that could occur with improper configuration.

Sequencing Types
When the Run-Time Manager is set for Disabled operation, no individual
sequencing is performed, but all starts initiated by an EGCP-3 MC will still occur.
This feature allows an operator to keep single units or all units online all of the
time. An example of this would be a plant with a large constant load and a
smaller variable load. Knowing the plant’s load profile, the operator might want to
keep a large generator on all of the time supplying the large constant load. Other
generators could be configured with another sequencing type and supply the
varying load by sequencing units on and off the bus during the variations. Figure
11-1 illustrates the use of this type of sequencing.

Gen 4 Capacity

Gen 3 Capacity
Plant Load

Gen 2 Capacity

Generators 2-4
Sequencing - Unit Number
Generator 1 Sequence On and Off
Capacity Depending on Plant Load

Generator 1
Sequencing - Disabled
Always Running


Figure 11-1. Disabled Sequencing

Woodward 157
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Disabled is the only sequencing algorithm that can be configured with
another algorithm. For example, all units must be on Staggered Run Time or
Disabled. The controls cannot have Staggered and Unit number. If the
controls are configured incorrectly, a LON ERROR 261 will be present in:

Staggered Run Time

Staggered Run Time sequencing applies the Service Interval in its sequencing
mechanism. The Service Interval is configured in the Sequencing menu and is
set up so that alarms can be configured when this time expires. When a genset
is running, its service hours decrement. This sequencing algorithm attempts to
stagger the service hours so that single units can be taken out of service for
repairs and maintenance at different times. When a start is requested on the
network, the algorithm looks for the LS unit with the least amount of service
hours remaining and starts that unit. On a stop request, the unit with the largest
amount of service hours remaining is stopped. If there is an equal amount of
service hours on two LS gensets, the LS unit with the lowest unit number is
started or stopped. Figure 11-2 illustrates how this algorithm functions.

Start Request
Gen 1 - 120 hrs
Gen 2 - 150 hrs
Gen 3 - 70 hrs
Gen 1 Started
Plant Load

Stop Request
Gen 1 - 110 hrs
Start Request Gen 2 - 150 hrs
Gen 1 - 120 hrs Gen 3 - 60 hrs
Gen 2 - 150 hrs Gen 1 Stopped Gen 1 - 110 hrs
Gen 3 - 90 hrs Gen 2 - 150 hrs
Gen 3 Started Gen 3 - 50 hrs


Figure 11-2. Staggered Run Time Sequencing

158 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Equal Run Time

Equal Run Time sequencing applies the Service Interval in its sequencing
mechanism. The Service Interval is configured in the Sequencing menu and is
set up so that alarms can be configured when this time expires. When a genset
is running, the service hours decrement. This sequencing algorithm attempts to
equal all of the gensets the service hours so that all units can be taken out of
service for repairs and maintenance at the same time. When a start is requested
on the network, the algorithm looks for the LS unit with the largest amount of
service hours remaining and starts that unit. On a stop request, the unit with the
least amount of service hours remaining is stopped. If there is an equal amount
of service hours on two LS gensets, the LS unit with the lowest unit number is
started or stopped. Figure 11-3 illustrates how this algorithm functions.

Start Request
Gen 1 - 120 hrs
Gen 2 - 130 hrs
Gen 3 - 90 hrs
Gen 1 Started
Plant Load

Stop Request
Gen 1 - 110 hrs
Start Request Gen 2 - 120 hrs
Gen 1 - 120 hrs Gen 3 - 90 hrs
Gen 2 - 150 hrs Gen 1 Stopped Gen 1 - 110 hrs
Gen 3 - 90 hrs Gen 2 - 110 hrs
Gen 2 Started Gen 3 - 90 hrs


Figure 11-3. Equal Run Time Sequencing

Largest Unit First

The Largest Unit First sequencing algorithm starts the largest real load capacity
unit upon a start request and stops the smallest real load capacity unit upon a
stop request. The stopping order will always be exactly the opposite of the
starting order. This sequencing algorithm is best used for plants with large load
changes and large differences in the size of the gensets available. Figure 11-4
illustrates how the algorithm functions.

Start Request
Gen 1 - 500 kW
Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 - 100 kW
Gen 3 Started

Start Request
Gen 1 - 500 kW
Plant Load

Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 - 100 kW
Gen 2 Started

Stop Request Stop Request

Start Request
Gen 1 - 500 kW Gen 1 - 500 kW
Gen 1 - 500 kW
Gen 2 - 650 kW Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 - 100 kW Gen 3 - 100 kW
Gen 3 - 100 kW
Gen 3 Stopped Gen 1 Stopped
Gen 1 Started


Figure 11-4. Largest Unit First Sequencing

Woodward 159
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Smallest Unit First

The Smallest Unit First sequencing algorithm starts the smallest real load
capacity unit upon a start request and stops the largest real load capacity unit
upon a stop request. The stopping order will always be exactly the opposite of
the starting order. This sequencing algorithm is best used for plants where large
units only need to be operated during small periods of large plant load, and
during all other periods, the load is fairly constant. Figure 11-5 illustrates how the
algorithm functions.

Start Request Stop Request

Gen 1 - 500 kW Gen 1 - 500 kW
Gen 2 - 650 kW Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 - 400 kW Gen 3 - 400 kW
Gen 1 Started Gen 2 Stopped

Start Request
Gen 1 - 500 kW Stop Request
Plant Load

Gen 2 - 650 kW Gen 1 - 500 kW

Gen 3 - 400 kW Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 Started Gen 3 - 400 kW
Gen 1 Stopped
Start Request
Gen 1 - 500 kW
Gen 2 - 650 kW
Gen 3 - 400 kW
Gen 2 Started


Figure 11-5. Smallest Unit First Sequencing

Unit Number
The Unit Number sequencing algorithm starts the LS genset with the lowest node
number upon a start request and stops the unit with the lowest node number
upon a stop request. The stopping order will always be exactly the same as the
starting order. Figure 11-6 illustrates how the algorithm functions.

Start Request
Gen 1 - Unit 1
Gen 2 - Unit 3
Gen 3 - Unit 2
Gen 2 Started

Start Request
Gen 1 - Unit 1
Plant Load

Gen 2 - Unit 3
Gen 3 - Unit 2
Gen 1 Started

Stop Request Stop Request

Start Request
Gen 1 - Unit 1 Gen 1 - Unit 1
Gen 1 - Unit 1
Gen 2 - Unit 3 Gen 2 - Unit 3
Gen 2 - Unit 3
Gen 3 - Unit 2 Gen 3 - Unit 2
Gen 3 - Unit 2
Gen 1 Stopped Gen 3 Stopped
Gen 3 Started


Figure 11-6. Unit Number Sequencing

160 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Sequencing Mechanism
The operator has several configurations to work with in the sequencing menu.

• Run-Time Manager
Type of sequencing performed by LS units
• Max Load Delay
Time above the Max Gen Load Level before the next unit is started
• Rated Load Delay
Time above rated load before the next unit is started
• Reduced Load Delay
Time below the Min Gen Load Level before the next unit is stopped
• Max Gen Load Level
Percent of system load at which one unit should be sequenced on
• Min Gen Load Level
Percent of system load at which one unit should be sequenced off
• Stop Gen Time
Time between a LON stop attempt before the next stop attempt it tried
• Start Gen Time
Time between a LON start attempt before the next start attempt it tried
• Service Interval
Hours between service periods
• Reset Service Hours
Resets the Service hours to the service interval
• Auto Start Sequence Alarm
Alarm if the LON has requested three starts separated by the Start Gen
Time and a Start Done has not been received
• Auto Stop Sequence Alarm
Alarm if the LON has requested three stops separated by the Stop Gen
Time and a Stop Done has not been received
• Service Hours Alarm
Alarm occurs if service hours reaches zero

The sequencing algorithm is based on System Load. System load is the

percentage of rated load on the gensets. For example, if there are two units
online, one rated at 500 kW and the other at 200 kW, and the system load is
50%, the units will be generating 250 kW and 100 kW respectively. The
sequencing algorithm uses two setpoints and three delays for all action taken.
The following diagrams the action.

• System Load > Max Gen Load Level for Max Load Delay
Start Request is sent over LON
• System Load = 100% for Rated Load Delay
Start Request is sent over LON
• System Load < Min Gen Load Level for Min Load Delay
Stop Request is sent over LON

Start and stop requests will depend on which sequencing type is configured as
discussed in the previous section. Take care when configuring the max and min
gen load levels in order to avoid overloading a genset, especially when units are
being sequenced offline. The following section describes how to configure these
levels to eliminate the possibility of overloading a unit.

Woodward 161
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Sequencing Configuration
In order to avoid overloading, and also to increase efficiency of operation, the
sequencing configurables Max Gen Load Level and Min Gen Load Level need to
be analyzed for different sized units and also for different sequencing types. The
most important transition that needs to be analyzed is the sequencing of gensets
offline in isolated operation, especially if the transition is from two units online to
one unit online. The following setup will be analyzed for different types of
sequencing operation:
• Generator 1—200 kW Rated Capacity
• Generator 2—400 kW Rated Capacity
• Generator 3—600 kW Rated Capacity

For all sequencing operations, the first decision that needs to be made is the
value of the Max Gen Load Level. This value can be arbitrarily selected and
depends on operator preference. Usually the efficiency of operation is a top
priority and having the gensets close to their rated capacity when online is a key
factor in improving the efficiency of the system. For the following examples, a
value of 90% was chosen for the Max Gen Load Level.

Additionally, every sequencing case needs to take into consideration three

configuration errors:
• Overloading of a single unit online
• Start/Stop cycling
• Double starting

Overloading can be eliminated if the Min Gen Load Level is selected such that
the system load on one generator will never exceed 100%.

Start/Stop cycling occurs when the Min Gen Load Level and Max Gen Load
Level are too close together when a unit is taken offline or placed online. This
occurs when the addition of another unit online creates a system load that is
below the Min Gen Load Level, but its removal (taken offline) creates a system
load that is above the Max Gen Load Level. This setup creates a perpetual
start/stop action around that load level.

Double starting can occur if the Load Time (Real Load Control Menu) is very
large and the Max Load Delay is very short. The problem occurs after a genset
has been sequenced online and has closed its breaker to the bus. When the
breaker closes, the Max Load Delay begins to decrement again because the load
is above the Max Gen Load Level. If the delay expires because the genset took
too long to ramp load, the system load could still be above the Max Gen Load
Level, and the system could request another start. To eliminate this problem, the
Load Time should be less than the Max Load Delay.

The next sub-sections details how to avoid the first two problems for different
sequencing types.

162 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Largest to Smallest
The largest to smallest stop sequence will be Gen1 – Gen 2 – Gen 3. This can
occur for any sequencing type except Smallest Unit First.

Number of Units Online: 3 (System Capacity = 1200 kW)

Initial Plant Load: 1000 kW
Initial System Load: 83.3%

Plant load decreases to 900 kW (System Load = 75%). By setting the Min Gen
Load Level below 75%, start/stop cycling will be eliminated when Gen 1 is taken
offline but may not eliminate the overloading of Gen 3 when Gen 2 is taken

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 1000 kW)

Plant Load: 890 kW
System Load: 74.2%

Plant load decreases to 600 kW (System Load = 60%). By setting the Min Gen
Load Level below 60%, overloading of Gen 3 will be eliminated but start/stop
cycling will occur between Gen 2 and Gen 3 as seen below:

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 1000 kW)

Min Gen Load Level: 60%
Plant Load: 590 kW
System Load: 59% (Stop Request to Gen 2)

Number of Units Online: 1 (System Capacity = 600 kW)

Plant Load: 590 kW
System Load: 98.3% (Start Request to Gen 2)

This start/stop cycling will continue to occur at this load level. To eliminate this
problem, the Min Gen Load Level needs to be less than 90% of rated load on
Gen 3 (540 kW).

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 1000 kW)

Plant Load: 540 kW
System Load: 54%

Setting the Min Gen Load Level below 54% will eliminate overloading and
start/stop cycling. Setting the level at 52% will create sequencing at the following
load levels:

Gen 1—624 kW
Gen 2—520 kW

The units will be sequenced on at load levels:

Gen 1—900 kW
Gen 2—540 kW

Woodward 163
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Smallest to Largest
The smallest to largest stop sequence will be Gen 3 – Gen 2 – Gen 1. This can
occur for any sequencing type except Smallest Unit First.

Number of Units Online: 3 (System Capacity = 1200 kW)

Initial Plant Load: 1000 kW
Initial System Load: 83.3%

Plant load decreases to 540 kW (System Load = 45%). By setting the Min Gen
Load Level below 45%, start/stop cycling will be eliminated when Gen 1 is taken
offline but may not eliminate the overloading of Gen 1 when Gen 2 is taken offline.

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 600 kW)

Plant Load: 530 kW
System Load: 88.3%

Plant load decreases to 200 kW (System Load = 33.3%). By setting the Min Gen
Load Level below 33.3%, overloading of Gen 1 will be eliminated but start/stop
cycling will occur between Gen 2 and Gen 1 as seen below:

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 600 kW)

Min Gen Load Level: 33.3%
Plant Load: 190 kW
System Load: 31.7% (Stop Request to Gen 2)

Number of Units Online: 1 (System Capacity = 200 kW)

Plant Load: 190 kW
System Load: 95% (Start Request to Gen 2)

This start/stop cycling will continue to occur at this load level. To eliminate this
problem, the Min Gen Load Level needs to be less than 90% of rated load on
Gen 1 (180 kW).

Number of Units Online: 2 (System Capacity = 600 kW)

Plant Load: 180 kW
System Load: 30%

Setting the Min Gen Load Level below 30% will eliminate overloading and start/stop
cycling. Setting the level at 28% will create sequencing at the following load levels:

Gen 3—336 kW
Gen 2—168 kW

The units will be sequenced on at load levels:

Gen 3—540 kW
Gen 2—180 kW

By applying sequencing functionality to a system, efficiency can be improved and
maintenance can be reduced. Avoiding sequencing configuration errors is critical
to obtaining optimum performance from the EGCP-3. With an understanding of
the process of sequencing, operators should be able to custom fit the EGCP-3
network to their system. By running through the above calculations with your
system, problems can be eliminated and performance improved.

164 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 12.
LS Isolated Application


2 1


In a Multiple Unit Prime Power Application, the EGCP-3 controls will operate an
isolated load bus (A) that never operates in parallel with the mains bus. Breakers
1,2, --- (up to 16), are Generator breakers controlled by the EGCP-3. The Local
Breakers are not controlled by the EGCP-3s.

The EGCP-3 controls will:

• Start the genset, and place the generator on load (dead bus closing or active
synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Provide Auto Sequencing based upon system load levels and service hour
• Remove the generator from load (open generator breaker) upon shutdown
signal i.e., either from discrete input (mode switch, LON, or internally
generated shutdown condition.
• Engine cooldown and stop.
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR).
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

Woodward 165
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

To initiate the first start, manually give the control a run input. If Auto and Run
inputs are given the control will start the engine ramp to rated, and close the
breaker onto a dead bus. Once the unit (LS1) is running the run input can be
taken away. When the units are isolated and not in baseload taking the run input
away will NOT stop the unit. The control will wait for a stop command to come
over the LON network. At this point the unit will be stand alone in isoch. With the
Auto input still active if the load gets above the max load setpoint a start
command will be given to the other unit in Auto. The other unit (LS2) will then
start, once this unit synchronizes to the bus it will soft load, then begin
Loadsharing with the first unit (LS1). Either unit can be manually stopped by
taking away the auto and run inputs. The LS can also be started by configuring
an alarm for trip tie breaker. To initiate this type of start the Auto start trip tie must
be enabled in the sequencing menu. An example would be to set up Bus
frequency or voltage low for trip tie action, then when the bus went low and the
LS is in Auto it will issue a start.

166 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 13.
LS Mains Parallel Application



2 1


In a Multiple Unit Prime Power Application, the EGCP-3 controls will operate into
an isolated load bus (A) that can also operates in parallel with the mains bus.
Breakers 1,2, --- (up to 16), are Generator breakers controlled by the EGCP-3.
The Local Breakers are not controlled by the EGCP-3s. The Mains Tie breaker
(16) is controlled by a synchronizer device such as a SPM-D.

The EGCP-3 controls will:

• Start the genset, and place the generator on load (dead bus closing or active
synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Operate in BaseLoad Control
• Operate in Process Control (Mains Parallel only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Operate in PF Control (BaseLoad or Process mode only)
• Operate in KVAR Control (BaseLoad or Process mode only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Provide Auto Sequencing based upon system load levels and accumulated
unit run times.
• Remove the generator from load (open gen breaker) upon shutdown signal
i.e., either from discrete input (mode switch, LON, or internally generated
shutdown condition.
• Engine cooldown and stop.

Woodward 167
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR).
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

The SPM-D can perform the following functions:

• Synchronize Bus to Mains

To initiate the first start, manually give the control a run input. If Auto and Run
inputs are given the control will start the engine ramp to rated, and synchronize
the breaker. As long as the run input is active the LS unit will continue to run. If
the LS control does not have the mains breaker feedback, the baseload contact
must be given. As long as the LS has the Mains breaker feedback or the
baseload contact, the LS will be in baseload control. If the mains breaker opens
or the baseload input goes away, the LS assumes it is isolated and goes into
isoch. With the Auto input still active if the load gets above the max load setpoint
a start command will be given to the other unit in Auto. The other unit (LS2) will
then start, once this unit synchronizes to the bus it will soft load, then begin
Loadsharing with the first unit (LS1). Either unit can be manually stopped by
taking away the auto and run inputs. The LS can also be started by configuring
an alarm for trip tie breaker. To initiate this type of start the Auto start trip tie must
be enabled in the sequencing menu. An example would be to set up Bus
frequency or voltage low for trip tie action, then when the bus went low and the
LS is in Auto it will issue a start. If the breaker feedback is closed or the control
has the baseload input enabled taking away the run input will cause the unit to
unload and shutdown.

168 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 14.
LS Isolated, Split Bus Application

Local Local
Breakers SPM-D Breakers

Load Load

1 3 4


In a Multiple Unit, Prime Power, Split bus Application, the EGCP-3s control the
load allocation and receive synchronizing signals for closing of the tie breaker(w)
from an SPM-D.

The EGCP-3 controls and SPM-D will perform the following functions:
• Start the genset, and place the generator on load (dead bus closing or active
synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control (A, B, C, D Bus, or Combined,
depending upon configuration and status of the tie breaker).
• Genset Cooldown when a set KVA load level is exceeded.
• Smooth load transition upon closure of the tie breaker.
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Provide Auto Sequencing based upon system load levels and accumulated
unit run times.
• Remove the generator from load (open gen breaker) upon shutdown signal
i.e., either from discrete input or internally generated shutdown condition.
• Engine stop
• Synchronize Bus “A” to Bus “B”, or vice Versa as determined by SPM-D.
• Dead bus closing to Bus “A” or Bus “B” as determined by SPM-D.

Woodward 169
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

To initiate the first start, manually give the control a run input. If Auto and Run
inputs are given the control will start the engine ramp to rated, and close the
breaker onto a dead bus. Once the unit (LS1) is running the run input can be
taken away. When the units are isolated and not in baseload taking the run input
away will NOT stop the unit. The control will wait for a stop command to come
over the LON network. At this point the unit will be stand alone in isoch. With the
Auto input still active if the load gets above the max load setpoint a start
command will be given to the other unit in Auto. The other unit (LS2) will then
start, once this unit synchronizes to the bus it will soft load, then begin
Loadsharing with the first unit (LS1). Either unit can be manually stopped by
taking away the auto and run inputs. The LS can also be started by configuring
an alarm for trip tie breaker. To initiate this type of start the Auto start trip tie must
be enabled in the sequencing menu. An example would be to set up Bus
frequency or voltage low for trip tie action, then when the bus went low and the
LS is in Auto it will issue a start. If the “w” breaker is closed, and the feedback
goes into one of the LS units, then all of the LS units are on the same active bus.

170 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 15.
LS-MC Mains Parallel Application

MC Breakers


2 1


In a Multiple Unit Mains Parallel Application, a EGCP-3 MC is will sequence

gensets, synchronize the Mains (breaker 16) to the local bus (A) and control
import/export of power with the mains by controlling genset/bus power through
the LS units.

The MASTER EGCP-3 control shall be capable of:

• Control Auto Start Sequencing of LS units based upon system load levels
and accumulated unit run times.
• Synchronize Bus generators to the Utility, and close the utility breaker.
• Soft Load Bus generators to and from the utility
• Open the utility breaker in the event of a loss of utility, or during an open
transition return to utility power.
• Control the Bus Generators in BaseLoad Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Process Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Import Export Control Mode
• Control the bus Generators in PF or KVAR control mode (relative to the utility
• Control the bus generators in a Fixed PF control mode (PF BaseLoad)

Woodward 171
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three Mains
phase configuration.
Provide Mains Total VA, VAR, and W information
Provide Bus and Breaker Status Information, i.e. Stopped, Isoch, BaseLoad,
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

The EGCP-3 LS slave control shall perform the following functions:

• Start the genset(s), and placing the generator on load (dead bus closing or
active synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control (A, B, C, D Bus, or Combined,
depending upon configuration and status of the Mains tie breaker).
• Genset Cooldown when a set KVA load level is exceeded.
• Ramp to master controlled load upon closure of the tie breaker.
• Operate in BaseLoad Control
• Operate in Process Load Control
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Operate in PF Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Operate in KVAR Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Remove the generator from load (open gen breaker) upon shutdown signal
i.e., either from discrete input or internally generated shutdown condition.
• Engine stop
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

172 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 16.
LS-MC Mains Parallel ATS Application

A w Load

2 1


In a Multiple Unit Mains Parallel Application, a EGCP-3 MC is required to

sequence, synchronize and control import/export of power with the mains
(breaker 16). With the addition of the bus tie breaker (w) the MC control is
capable of ATS operation.

The MASTER EGCP-3 control shall be capable of:

• Perform Open and Closed Transition ATS functions with 100msec overlap
• Synchronize Bus generators to the Utility, and close the utility breaker.
• Soft Load Bus generators to and from the utility
• Open the utility breaker in the event of a loss of utility, or during an open
transition return to utility power.
• Monitor the capacity of engines on load to close group breaker (w) for
isolated load.
• Control the Bus Generators in BaseLoad Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Process Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Import Export Control Mode
• Control the bus Generators in PF or KVAR control mode (relative to the utility
• Control the bus generators in a Fixed PF control mode (PF BaseLoad)

Woodward 173
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Total VA, VAR, and W information
Provide system load and system PF averages
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Bus and Breaker Status Information, i.e. Stopped, Isoch, BaseLoad,
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

The EGCP-3 slave control shall be capable of:

• Start the genset(s), and placing the generator on load (dead bus closing or
active synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control (A, B, C, D Bus, or Combined,
depending upon configuration and status of the group and Mains Tie
• Genset Cooldown when a set KVA load level is exceeded.
• Ramp to master controlled load upon closure of the tie breaker.
• Operate in BaseLoad Control
• Operate in Process Load Control
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Operate in PF Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Operate in KVAR Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Provide Auto Sequencing based upon system load levels and accumulated
unit run times.
• Remove the generator from load (open gen breaker) upon shutdown signal
i.e., either from discrete input or internally generated shutdown condition.
• Engine stop
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

174 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 17.
LS-MC Mains Parallel,
Split Bus Application

16 15

Local z Local
Breakers Breakers

Load Load

1 2 7 8


A Multiple Unit, Mains Parallel, Split bus Application would use EGCP-3 LS, and
MC control with a SPM-D synchronizer. Each bus is capable of isolated or mains
parallel operation. Both local buses can also be tied together. In this and all
applications with split buses, and multiple feeds, location of the mains and bus
PT/CT sensors is important for the proper measurements.

The MASTER EGCP-3 control shall be capable of:

• Perform Open and Closed Transition ATS functions with 100msec overlap
• Synchronize Bus generators to the Utility, and close the utility breaker.
• Soft Load Bus generators to and from the utility
• Open the utility breaker in the event of a loss of utility, or during an open
transition return to utility power.
• Control the Bus Generators in BaseLoad Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Process Control Mode
• Control the Bus Generators in Import Export Control Mode
• Control the bus Generators in PF or KVAR control mode (relative to the utility
• Control the bus generators in a Fixed PF control mode (PF BaseLoad)
• Provide Auto Sequencing based upon system load levels and accumulated
unit run times.

Woodward 175
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Total VA, VAR, and W information
Provide bus and breaker Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped, Isoch,
BaseLoad, etc.
Provide Unit Sequencing Status Information
Provide system load and system PF averages
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

The EGCP-3 slave control shall be capable of:

• Start the genset(s), and placing the generator on load (dead bus closing or
active synchronization) upon receipt of the appropriate input commands.
• Operate in Isochronous Loadsharing Control (A, B, C, D Bus, or Combined,
depending upon configuration and status of the tie breaker).
• Genset Cooldown when a set KVA load level is exceeded.
• Ramp to master controlled load upon closure of the tie breaker.
• Operate in BaseLoad Control
• Operate in Process Load Control
• Operate in PF sharing control (load sharing mode only)
• Operate in PF Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Operate in KVAR Control (BaseLoad or process mode only)
• Voltage Trim (isoch operation only)
• Frequency Trim (isoch operation only)
• Remove the generator from load (open gen breaker) upon shutdown signal
i.e., either from discrete input or internally generated shutdown condition.
• Engine stop
• The local display and HMI will:
Provide V, A, W, KVA, KVAR, PF information for single or three phase
Provide Engine Speed, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery (supply)
voltage, kW-hours, accumulated engine run time (hours), and Service
hours information.
Provide Engine and Generator Status Information, i.e. Running, Stopped,
Isoch, BaseLoad, etc.
Provide dynamic adjustment of relative control loops (load, synch, PF/VAR)
Provide calibration of analog I/O
Provide LON network information
Number of units on the network
Number of units on load
Next unit start sequence
Next unit stop sequence

The SPM-D shall can perform the following functions:

• Synchronize Bus “A” to Bus “B”, or vice Versa
• Dead bus closing to Bus “A” or Bus “B”

176 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 18.
Synchronizer Description

Synchronization, as normally applied to the generation of electricity, is the
matching of the output voltage wave form of one synchronous alternating current
electrical generator with the voltage wave form of another alternating current
electrical system. For the two systems to be synchronized and connected in
parallel, five conditions must be considered:
• the number of phases in each system
• the direction of rotation of the phases
• the voltage amplitudes of the two systems
• the frequencies of the two systems
• the phase angle of the voltage of the two systems

The first two conditions are determined when the equipment is specified,
installed, and wired. The synchronizer matches the remaining conditions
(voltage, frequency, and phase) before the paralleling breakers are closed.

Functional Description
The Synchronizer is the functional section in software and hardware of the
EGCP-3 that synchronizes the generator(s) to the bus and closes the breaker.
To accomplish this the synchronizer has three outputs, a speed bias output, a
voltage bias output, and a breaker/contactor command. Working with the outputs
are the four “modes” of operation. These modes may be configured from the
front panel or any of the communications links (ServLink Watch Window,
Modbus). The last command given from any of these sources dictates the
synchronizer mode.

The synchronizer may be configured for either Phase Matching or Slip

Frequency Synchronizing. If the system does not require synchronizing
functions, the sync type may be configured to Off. Phase Matching provides
rapid synchronizing for critical standby power applications. Slip Frequency
Synchronizing is used for larger generators and guarantees minimum transients
at breaker closing and that initial power flow is out of the machine. In the slip
mode a synchroscope will continuously rotate slowly clockwise, in the phase
mode a synchroscope will hold at the 12:00 position.

Additional synchronizer features include voltage matching, time delayed

automatic multi-shot re-closing, breaker / contactor control configuration,
synchronizer time-out alarm, phase rotation mismatch alarm, fail to synchronize
alarm, and fail to close breaker alarm. Each of these features may be enabled or
disabled according to the needs of the application.

Woodward 177
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Operating Modes

Mode Speed Bias Voltage Bias Breaker

Output Output control
Off Disabled Disabled Disabled
Check Active Active ◊ Disabled
Permissive Disabled Disabled Active
Run Active Active ◊ Active
◊ If the synchronizer is configured without voltage matching, this output is always

The operation of the synchronizer is determined by the mode configuration.

When in the Off Mode, the synchronizer is out of operation. This mode is
entered when the Mode Switch is not in the Auto position, the Synchronizer
mode is configured as “Off”, or the breaker closes successfully. In the Off mode
the user has the ability to manually bias the speed control via the speed bias
output with the Raise/Lower Speed panel switches. The user also has the ability
to manually bias the voltage regulator via the voltage bias output with the
Raise/Lower Voltage panel switches.

Run mode allows normal automatic synchronizer operation and breaker closure
signals. It will only occur if the Mode Switch input is in Auto. The Raise/Lower
Speed and Voltage panel switches are ignored. The speed bias signal (explained
below) is maintained throughout the breaker closure signal. The voltage bias
signal is also maintained throughout the breaker closure signal if voltage
matching is enabled. When the specified closure signal time has elapsed or the
CB (circuit breaker) aux contact closure signal is received at terminal 5, the
synchronizer is automatically turned off.

The Check mode allows normal synchronizing and voltage matching, but does
not issue a breaker closure signal. It will only occur if the Auto Mode Switch input
is asserted. The Raise/Lower Speed and Voltage panel switches are ignored. It
is used during commissioning or if the user wishes only to close a breaker
manually. The mode applies to closure of both the generator and mains

Permissive mode enables the synch-check function for proper synchronization,

but synchronizer operation does not affect the engine's speed or generator
voltage. If phase, frequency, and voltage are within proper limits, the
synchronizer issues the breaker closure command. It will only occur if the Auto
switch input is asserted. The user also has the ability to manually bias the
voltage regulator via the voltage bias output with the Raise/Lower Voltage panel
switches and the speed controller via the speed bias output with the Raise/Lower
Speed panel switches. This mode is typically used with breaker closure wiring in
series with a manual closure command such that the EGCP-3 is not actually
closing the breaker but allowing it to close.

Dead Bus
The dead bus closing function may be enabled or disabled during configuration.
The dead bus detection level depends on the three hardware range selections
for the PT inputs. A dead bus will be indicated when the voltage is less than
27,40, or 80 Vac L-N respectively. The synchronizer will allow generator breaker
closure only if the bus breaker aux contact indicates the breaker is open AND the
configuration for dead bus is enabled AND the bus voltage is below the

178 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Dynamic Adjustments
The Synchronizer has a PI controller to determine the dynamic response during
synchronizing. The proportional gain determines how fast the synchronizer
responds to an error in speed or phase. Adjust this gain to provide stable control
during synchronizing. Lower the value to slow the response.

Integral gain determines how quickly the synchronizer responds to a large error
in phase or frequency. It prevents low frequency hunting and damping (overshoot
or undershoot) when the synchronizer is first enabled or when a speed transient
occurs during synchronizing. Lower the value to slow the response.

A monitor value of the phase angle, or Synchroscope, is provided in Watch

Window to observe the response and assist with dynamic adjustment.

Slip Frequency
In larger systems, it is often desirable for the oncoming generator speed to be
slightly higher than the bus when the generator breaker is closed. This assures
that power immediately flows out of the generator and into the system. The slip
frequency synchronizing function is enabled when the Sync Type configuration
setting indicates Slip Frequency. A Slip Window and a Slip Frequency may be
configured. The Slip Frequency is the exact frequency difference desired
between the generator and bus. The Slip Window is the amount of error around
the slip frequency that is allowed. The phase error must be within the Phase
Match Window before a breaker close command output will be issued.

The synchronizer automatically controls the generator at the specified slip

frequency. The EGCP-3 outputs an error signal to the auxiliary or summing point
of an electronic speed control to provide the correction. Gain and Stability
adjustments to the slip frequency PI controller are provided to allow stable
operation of the automatic synchronizer function over a wide range of system

During Phase Matching synchronizing, the Slip Frequency represents the

maximum speed difference allowed before the breaker close command is active.
This is proportional to the time the phase match must be within the phase

Phase Match
The phase matching synchronizing mode corrects the frequency and phase of
the generator to lock it to the bus frequency and phase. Phase matching
synchronizing is exclusive of the slip frequency method. The EGCP-3 uses signal
processing techniques to derive the difference in phase of the generator A and
bus A phase voltage signals. When there is a difference, the synchronizer sends
a correction signal to the speed control. The correction signal from the speed
bias output increases or decreases engine speed depending on whether the slip
is faster or slower than the bus. Corrections will occur when the phase is not
within the configured phase match window. Slip Window is not used in Phase
Match mode.

A PI (proportional, integral) controller provides the correction signal. Proportional

Gain and Integral Gain adjustments to the PI controller are provided to allow
stable operation of the automatic synchronizer function over a wide range of
system dynamics.

Woodward 179
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Voltage Match
The voltage of a generator in a parallel system must be matched to the bus
within a small percentage to minimize the reactive power flow upon breaker
closure and to maximize breaker contact life. If a synchronous generator is
paralleled to a larger system such as a utility, a difference in voltages before
paralleling will not change the voltage of the bus. If the generator voltage is lower
than the bus voltage, reactive power will be drawn from the bus and used to
excite the generator to the higher bus voltage. In the case where the generator
voltage is low enough, the reactive power flow could motorize the generator with
potential damage to the generator windings.

The voltage matching function of the EGCP-3 uses generator A phase and mains
A phase signals. True RMS measurements are compared and matched. The
processor issues appropriate raise or lower commands to the voltage regulator
MOP, or adjustment of the voltage bias signal if used, to the voltage regulator to
bring the generator voltage within the specified window of the bus voltage. Once
the difference between generator and bus is within the configured voltage match
window, the voltage bias output will hold steady. If the voltage match falls out of
the window, the voltage bias will again affect a change to bring the generator
voltage back into compliance.

The automatic voltage matching function may be enabled or disabled in the

Synchronizer menu. When enabled, voltage matching will occur in both the
Check and Run modes and is verified only by the sync-check function in
Permissive mode.

If the limits of the voltage bias output are reached without matching the voltage, a
Voltage Adjust Limits Reached alarm will be issued. The configured action will
take place.

The synch-check function is enabled when the Permissive mode is selected as
described earlier. The synch-check function determines when all conditions for
proper synchronization are satisfied and energizes the breaker closure relay.
The generator and bus voltage comparison is made if the voltage matching
function is enabled. The generator voltage must be within the specified voltage
window before the breaker closure command may be given.

To minimize transients, the breaker must be closed when the phase difference
between the generator and bus is near zero. Due to delays in any interposing
relays and to the delay in closing the circuit breaker, the synchronizer may
initiate the breaker closing ahead of the zero phase point. The control uses slip
frequency and the specified breaker delay to predict breaker closure. The phase
window and slip frequency (and slip window) provide maximum and minimum
conditions on the prediction. When all conditions of voltage and phase are met,
then the breaker closure command is given.

180 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Multiple Shot Reclosing

The multiple shot reclosing function allows multiple closing attempts. The EGCP-
3 provides a configuration for the number of close attempts and the reclose delay
timing. Failure to get closure after the specified number of attempts locks out the
synchronizer by setting it to the auto-off mode and; if the reclose alarm is
enabled, issuing an alarm. The synchronizer must then be reset by cycling the
auto mode switch to off and back to auto and/or by clearing the reclose alarm.
Setting the number of close attempts to one disables the multiple shot closing

When the Permissive or Check modes are selected, the number of close
attempts is considered infinite.

Synchronizer Time Out

When in the Run mode, the synchronizer will attempt to synchronize and close
the breaker in the minimum time, as soon as all conditions are met. If the
synchronization process has not successfully closed the breaker within a time
equal to the Synchronizer Timeout value, the synchronizer will be latched into the
Auto-Off mode.

If the Synchronizer Timeout value is configured as zero, this timeout is disabled

and the synchronizer will continue to attempt synchronization indefinitely until
turned off. When the Permissive or Check modes are selected, the synchronizer
timeout is considered infinite. If a Synchronizer Time Out occurs, the EGCP-3 will
initiate a Synchronizer Time Out Alarm based on the Synchronizer Time Out
Alarm Action.

Phase Rotation Check

The EGCP-3 will automatically check for proper phase rotation between the
generator and bus inputs. If the phase rotation does not match, synchronization
will be halted and set to Auto-Off. A manual double-check of phase rotation may
be performed by observing the Negative Phase Sequence Voltage reported by
the EGCP-3. If the Negative Phase Sequence Voltage for the Generator and Bus
are both below 50% or rated voltage, the phase rotation check is considered

Note that if either sensed bus is set to use single phase sensing, the phase
rotation check is not useful.

Synchronizer Time Line

The time line diagrams below illustrate a couple of timing sequences the
synchronizer function uses when operating. First is a successful closure on the
first attempt. Second is an unsuccessful closure where timeouts where
configured such that the second attempt would not complete before total
synchronizer timeout happens.

Woodward 181
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Phase (Slip) & CB Hold Time

Voltage matched
Aux Feedback True,
Sync done
Phase and Voltage Matching
Synchronizer Timeout Period

Output Asserted
Breaker Close

Breaker Close Output
Start Synchronizing

CB Hold Time
Phase (Slip) &
Voltage matched Aux Feedback Stop
False Synchronizing

Sync Off
Phase and Voltage Matching Reclose Delay Period Phase and Voltage Matching
Synchronizer Timeout Period
Breaker Close Output
Output Asserted
Breaker Close

Start 2nd attempt

Sync Timeout Alarm

Start Synchronizing

Figure 18-1. Synchronizer Action Time-Line

Breaker/Contactor Control
The generator and bus breaker outputs are configured independently of each
other. Either one or both may be configured as breakers or contactors. Open and
Close logic for each type is indicated below.

In Breaker operation the EGCP-3 control has a pulsed output to the breaker
closing circuit, and a separate pulsed output to give an open command the
breaker shunt trip circuit. For Contactor type operation, a constant level close
command holds the contactor closed, this command is removed to open the

182 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Shunt Trip
When Breaker type logic is selected, the generator breaker open command
output is wired to protect the generator from wire break and power failure by
using indirect logic. When the EGCP-3 wishes to open the generator breaker
(shunt trip), it will REMOVE 24V from the generator breaker shunt trip discrete
output. When the mode switch inputs and system configuration is such that
synchronizing the generator will normally occur, the discrete output will be turned
on (providing 24 Vdc), in order to allow the breaker to close. The bus breaker
operation will be done with direct logic so that providing 24 Vdc will open the
breaker. This combination will ensure that the bus breaker powers the plant bus
if the EGCP-3 control power is lost.

When the EGCP-3 is put into a manual start using the Run input, the generator
breaker shunt trip output will be energized (providing 24 Vdc) once generator
stable is declared so that manual breaker operation may occur. However, when
the EGCP-3 is put into a test start (only the test input is asserted), the generator
breaker shunt trip output will NOT be energized. This will prevent manual breaker
closure. If the auto input is asserted, the generator breaker open output will be
energized (to allow closure) after the generator stable time delay has expired. If
auto and manual inputs are asserted on the mode switch, the breaker operation
will follow the auto operation. If the generator breaker is configured for contactor
operation, the above does not apply, as there is no “open” output – only a
combination open/close output.

When contactor logic is enabled for the generator output, it will operate in exactly
the opposite logic from contactor operation for the mains breaker. The generator
contactor open/close output will be sourcing 24 Vdc to close the contactor and off
to open the contactor. The mains contactor open/close output will be off to close
the contactor and sourcing 24 Vdc to open the contactor. This combination will
ensure that the mains contactor powers the plant bus if the EGCP-3 control
power is lost.

All optional discrete outputs have a configurable operation. Since the bus
breaker/contactor control is an optional discrete output (pair), its operation is
configurable for normally closed or normally open. Therefore, the bus breaker
logic described above may be configured exactly opposite so that it behaves like
the generator breaker. If configured as normally open, it will behave as described
above and as recommended. This is the default setting.

Breaker/Contactor Closure
If the breaker closure conditions are met, the synchronizer will give a breaker
closure command for a time equal to the Breaker Hold Time configuration
setting. If breaker closure feedback (breaker auxiliary contact) is not received
within the Breaker Hold Time configuration setting, a failed close attempt
condition exists. The synchronizer will not attempt to close the breaker again for
a time equal to the Reclose Delay configuration. If the breaker closure feedback
signal is received, and then lost before the Reclose Delay time, this is also a
failed close attempt. If the number of failed close attempts is equal to the Close
Attempts configuration, the synchronizer is latched into the Auto-Off mode. A
Reclose Attempts Alarm will be issued according to the Reclose Attempts Alarm
Configuration. Also, if the total time to synchronize, including reclose attempts
and delays, exceeds the Synchronizer Time-Out Alarm configuration prior to the
reclose attempts expiring, the synchronizer will be latched into the Auto-Off

Woodward 183
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
The user also has the ability to configure breaker or contactor logic for breaker
closure. This configuration may be set for each breaker (generator and bus)
independently. When configured as a breaker the output is held on until an
auxiliary contact feedback is received or for the Breaker Hold Time configuration
– whichever is shorter. When configured as a contactor, the output will be held
on, as long as the auxiliary contact feedback is first sensed within the Breaker
Hold Time configuration. The output will also follow the auxiliary contact input if
the input indicates the contactor has opened.

When the breaker does close, either manually or automatically, synchronization

is complete and control is relinquished to the load controller.

184 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 19.
Real Load Control Description

The Real Load Controller is the software functional section of the EGCP-3 that
controls the generator load. Load control begins at breaker closure when the
load control function takes control of the EGCP-3 speed bias output directly from
the synchronizer. If load is sensed on the generator but the control has not
sensed the generator breaker closure, the load control will operate in droop. The
passing of the speed bias required to synchronize the generator to the Real Load
Controller as the beginning speed bias provides bumpless transfer of load
between sources. A bumpless transfer is optimized by matching the synchronizer
slip frequency to initial load (unload trip level). On command, the adjustable ramp
allows smooth, time-controlled loading into isochronous, BaseLoad, isochronous
load sharing, or process control.

Functional Description
The Load controller compares the measured Load signal with the configured
Load setting. The Load controller adjusts the Speed Bias output until the load
signal and the Load setting match. The configured Load setting is adjustable with
raise or lower commands issued from external raise/lower contacts, the
communications links: Front panel HMI, ServLink/Watch Window, or Modbus.
The configuration setting can be directly entered from the communications links
or the front panel. In addition, a remote Load reference analog input can be
programmed to remotely position the load level. When in Process control the
load level is controlled by the Process PID output.

The EGCP-3 provides several modes of generator load operation. These are:
• isochronous
• mains parallel or isolated unit droop based on real power
• mains parallel generator BaseLoad
• process controlled generator load

Automatic ramping functions provide bumpless transfer of load when adding or

removing generator capacity to a system or changing the mode of load control

The real load controller has both high and low limits. The controller will not allow
the limits to be exceeded nor will it allow the generator rated kW limit to be
exceeded. If a configuration setting in the real load controller tries to drive the
load beyond the generator rated kW configuration setting, the load will be held at
the rated kW instead.

Woodward 185
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Power Sensor Operation

The digital signal processing (DSP) power measurement technique used by the
EGCP-3 control involves sampling of the voltage and current over a number of
waveform periods. The microprocessor computes the product of the voltage and
current samples, then sums and averages the products to give a computation of
power. All formulas for calculation of voltage, current, power, and harmonics are
performed in accordance with IEEE 1459-2000 (Definitions for the Measurement
of Electric Power Quantities).

Mode Description
This section provides a review of the operation of droop, isochronous, and
BaseLoad. These concepts provide an understanding for power management.

Load control operation is determined by the status of the generator, bus, and
mains CB Aux contact inputs and the load control mode. When the mains CB
Aux contact input is open, droop and isochronous are the only available
operating modes. When the mains CB Aux contact input is closed, the BaseLoad
mode is used or alternately, Process Control may be used if the Process Enable
contact input is closed. For a description of operation of the process control, see
Chapter 21.

Droop is a change in speed or frequency, proportional to load. That is, as the
load increases, the speed or frequency decreases as illustrated in Figure 16-1.
This reduction in speed is accomplished with negative feedback. The feedback
increases as the system is loaded, causing a decrease in speed reference.

Droop is expressed as the percentage reduction in speed that occurs when the
generator is fully loaded. With a given droop setting, a generator set will always
produce the same power output at a particular speed or frequency. Droop
sometimes is called the percent speed regulation.

If all generator sets in a droop system have the same droop setting, they will
each share load proportionally. The amount of load will depend on their speed
settings. If the system load changes, the system frequency will also change. A
change in speed reference will then be required to offset the change in feedback
and return the system to its original speed or frequency. In order for each
generator set in the system to maintain the same proportion of the shared load,
each generator will require the same change in speed reference.

186 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Figure 19-1. Droop Mode

The Droop load control operation is internal to the EGCP-3. The primary speed
control receiving the speed bias signal must be configured to operate in

In the Droop mode the load control droops the speed by an amount equal to the
Droop setting. When paralleling a generator in droop, at the time of breaker
closure, the load control will not take on any load. In other words, the load
reference is equal to zero immediately after the breaker has closed. The load is
increased by closing the Load Raise input. Anytime droop is enabled, the user
has the ability to raise or lower the load reference with the Raise/Lower Load
panel switches. These switches ramp the load reference at the Load
Raise/Lower Rate configurations.

Droop Tracking will be implemented such that when the control is switched to
droop from another mode the load on that generator will not change.

Droop will take effect if current is sensed but the breaker position indicates open.
This is regardless of the configuration setting that could otherwise be configured
for isochronous.

Isochronous means repeating at a single rate or having a fixed frequency or
period. A generating set operating in the isochronous mode will operate at the
same set frequency regardless of the load it is supplying up to the full load
capability of the generator set, as illustrated in Figure 20-2. Isochronous control
has no feedback of load level, therefore this mode can be only be used on one
generator set running by itself in an isolated system. When two or more
generators are paralleled, a method of load feedback must be used to managed
load level of generators.

Woodward 187
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Figure 19-2. Isochronous Mode

Isochronous Load Sharing

The LS Model of EGCP-3 is capable of controlling the load distribution between
multiple gensets in Isochronous mode. The feedback signal is provided from load
information supplied by the LON Network. Because of feedback, the speed can
remain constant over the load range of the genset.
The LON information is normalized to rated load capability. Therefore gensets of
unequal ratings can be paralleled onto the bus, they will load share to equal
percentage load.

Frequency Trim
When operating in the Isochronous Load Sharing mode the EGCP-3 will make
corrections to the load reference to maintain the bus frequency at the configured
system frequency.

BaseLoad operation is performed when operating in parallel with an infinite bus
or utility. The advantage of BaseLoad over droop is that when separating from a
utility, there is no frequency change. Simply returning the bias signal to zero
when breaking from the utility returns the system to isochronous.

BaseLoad is a method of automatically setting a base or fixed load on a

generator. There are two methods of setting the BaseLoad Reference, internally
and from a remote analog device, such as a PLC or transducer.

188 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Internal BaseLoad
When Internal BaseLoad is active at the time of breaker closure to the utility, the
load control will ramp the load reference to the BaseLoad configuration setting
using the Load or Unload Time, whichever applies. In addition the user also has
the ability to stop the ramp with the activation of the Load Raise/Lower switches
or the Pause switch. If the Load Raise/Lower switches are activated during a
ramp the load reference assumes the current load.

Once the load has reached the BaseLoad configuration setting the user has the
ability to change the load reference using the Load Raise/Lower switches. When
these switches are activated, the load is ramped at the Load or Unload Rate,
whichever applies. When switching from any other mode to BaseLoad, the
BaseLoad configuration setting becomes the current load reference in order to
provide for a bumpless mode transfer.

Remote BaseLoad
A Remote BaseLoad mode is one where the BaseLoad reference is determined
by an analog input. If an analog input is configured for Remote BaseLoad
Reference, the analog input reference will automatically be used in place of the
internal BaseLoad setting. When switching from any other mode to Remote
BaseLoad Control mode, the load reference is ramped to match the Remote
BaseLoad Reference (the analog input) using the Load or Unload Time,
whichever applies. Once the load has reached the Remote BaseLoad Reference,
the load reference tracks changes to the Remote BaseLoad Reference using the
Load and Unload Rates, whichever applies. In the Remote BaseLoad mode, the
Speed/Load Raise/Lower panel switches will be deactivated.

The Process Control Mode controller (PI) will vary the internal BaseLoad
reference to control the load.

Optional Load Functions

The functions described below are available when the auto input is asserted and
apply mainly to the mains parallel operation where load can be controlled. They
are optional because a discrete input must be configured for the function or a
Modbus command must be given to effect the function. These functions are
operated in common with the reactive load functions by the same name. The
discrete inputs operate both simultaneously.

Reset Load
The Reset Load panel switch is used to reset the BaseLoad control mode. When
the Reset Load switch is closed and then opened and the load control is in
Internal BaseLoad control mode, the load control will ramp the load reference to
the original internal reference (configuration setting) at the Load or Unload Rate.
In addition the user also has the ability to stop the ramp with the activation of the
Load Raise/Lower switches. If the Load Raise/Lower switches are activated
during a ramp the current load becomes the load reference.

Woodward 189
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Ramp Pause
When the Ramp Pause panel switch is closed the load reference ramp will pause
and hold the current load until the switch is opened again. The ramp pause
allows for temperature, oil pressure, etc., to reach the desired operating point
while hold the load at a safe level. When the switch is opened again, the load
ramp will continue where it left off. The Ramp Pause panel switch will not stop
the load reference from ramping if a shutdown is present.

If the Unload panel switch is activated before or after breaker closure, the load
reference will ramp to the Unload configuration setting and remain there until the
Unload panel switch is deactivated. This is true whether starting from below the
Unload configuration setting or above. If the Unit Load never reaches the Unload
Setpoint, a breaker open command is given after a fixed amount of time.
The Unload configuration setting can be automatically overridden. The Unload
configuration setting is considered the larger of the Low Load Limit and the
Unload Trip configuration settings.

190 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 20.
Reactive Load Control Description

The VAR/PF (Volt Amp Reactive or Power Factor) controller adjusts the reactive
power component of the generator in parallel systems. In an infinite bus system,
the controller compares either the reactive power on the generator with an
reactive power setpoint, and makes corrections to the voltage regulator until the
desired reactive power is obtained. An analog output can be directly connected
to compatible voltage regulators with an analog voltage setting input. The
VAR/PF mode is activated by closing a digital input configured for Enable
VAR/PF Control.

Functional Description

The VAR/PF controller is determined by the VAR/PF Mode selection in the

Reactive Load menu. When set to Off the operation is manual. Automatic control
is enabled when set to either VAR control or PF control. If the Enable VAR/PF
Control input is open the control will always be Off regardless of the mode
selection. The auto VAR/PF mode reference can be adjusted using Raise/Lower
commands or with a remote 4–20 mA analog input reference. The manual mode
reference can only be adjusted using Raise/Lower commands. When in the
Automatic Mode, a PI controller modulates the output directly based on the
VAR/PF input and reference. The Manual Mode provides no controller action,
just a manually adjustable signal output.

The VAR/PF controller output can be either an analog output (4–20 mA, ±1Vdc,
±3Vdc, or ±9Vdc) or discrete outputs (raise and lower voltage commands). The
discrete outputs can be used to activate a voltage regulator MOP (motor
operated potentiometer) when an analog input is not provided on the Automatic
Voltage Regulator (AVR).

The VAR/PF control mode will provide closed loop control of either VARs or
Power Factor when operating in parallel with another power system when that
system can accept the reactive load. In isolated operation closing the Enable
VAR/PF Control contact will activate a voltage trim function. .

If cross-current compensation is installed on the voltage regulator, it must
be removed prior to using the VAR/PF mode of control, or instabilities may
result. The droop CTs must remain connected to their voltage regulator.

Woodward 191
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Mode Description
Off / Droop Control
The manual control mode keeps the EGCP-3 from regulating PF or VAR levels.
The Voltage Raise/Lower switches will allow a user to change the voltage of the
generator. An analog input cannot be used to control PF or VAR levels in this
mode. If the voltage regulator has a droop function, that droop function will be the
active control method.

If a VAR/PF Enable Discrete Input is configured and the input is open/Disabled,

the droop control mode will be assumed.

PF Control
The power factor control adjusts generator voltage to maintain a constant power
angle throughout the kW operating range. A configuration setting is provided to
set the desired power factor reference. The power factor control function may be
enabled with the VAR/PF Control mode configuration setting.

The VAR/PF control is in PF Control when the load control mode is in BaseLoad
or Process, and the PF control mode is selected and enabled. When switching to
this mode, the PF control will ramp the PF reference to the Power Factor
configuration setting at a rate determined by the Voltage Ramp Time and the
power factor set point range. In addition the user has the ability to stop the ramp
with the activation of the Voltage Raise/Lower switches. Once the Power Factor
has reached the Power Factor configuration setting, the user has the ability to
change the Power Factor reference using the Voltage Raise/Lower switches.
When these switches are activated, the PF load reference is ramped at a rate
determined by the Voltage Ramp Rate.

VAR Control
The VAR control adjusts generator voltage to maintain a constant reactive power
(VAR) load on the generator throughout the kW operating range. This assures
sufficient excitation of the generator field under all load conditions. A
configuration setting is provided to set the desired VARs. The VAR control
function may be enabled with VAR/PF Control mode configuration setting.

The VAR/PF control is in VAR Control when the load control mode is in
BaseLoad or Process, and the VAR control mode is selected and enabled. When
switching to this mode, the VAR control will ramp the VAR reference to match the
VAR configuration setting at a rate determined by the Voltage Ramp Rate. In
addition the user has the ability to stop the ramp with the activation of the Voltage
Raise/Lower switches. Once the VAR load has reached the VAR configuration
setting, the user has the ability to change the VAR load reference using the
Voltage Raise/Lower switches. When these switches are activated, the VAR load
reference is ramped at a rate determined by the Voltage Ramp Rate.

192 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Analog Input of VAR/PF Reference

When this mode is selected, the PF or VAR reference level is determined by an
analog input. The EGCP-3 is still controlling PF or VAR but the reference is set
by an analog input or from Modbus. The range / calibration of how to use the
signal is achieved using the calibration for the input. The input should be
calibrated appropriately during setup for this to work properly. The Voltage Ramp
Rate will be used for all raise and lower adjustments. The Voltage Raise and
Lower input switches will be ignored when in this mode. To use a Remote
VAR/PF reference Analog Input 3 or 4 must be set to either VAR reference or PF

VAR/PF Sharing
When an isolated bus system is configured for Isochronous Load Sharing the
system can also control the generator voltage bias so that all generators on the
bus will match proportional VAR level, or match PF readings. This requires the
EGCP-3s in the system to have LON communication functional.

Voltage Trim
When the EGCP-3 is operating in isochronous mode on an isolated bus, the
voltage will be trimmed to the configured rated value. The Voltage Bias Output
will be adjusted to maintain the generator voltage is within a deadband window of
the rated voltage. The purpose is to offset any voltage regulator induced droop. If
a VAR/PF enabled switch is configured, the switch must be asserted for this
function to be active.

Optional Load Functions

The functions described below are available when the auto input is asserted and
apply mainly to the mains parallel operation where reactive load can be
controlled. They are optional because a discrete input must be configured for the
function or a MODBUS command must be given to effect the function. These
functions are operated in common with the real load functions by the same
name. The discrete inputs operate both simultaneously.

Reset Load
The Reset Load panel switch is used to reset the VAR/PF control mode. When
the Reset Load switch is closed and then opened and the load control is in
Internal VAR or PF control modes, the load control will ramp the load reference
to the original configured reference (configuration setting) at the Voltage Ramp
Rate. In addition the user also has the ability to stop the ramp with the activation
of the Voltage Raise/Lower switches. If the Voltage Raise/Lower switches are
activated during a ramp the current reactive load becomes the reactive load

Woodward 193
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Ramp Pause
When the Ramp Pause panel switch is closed the reactive load reference ramp
will pause and hold the current reactive load until the switch is opened again.
When the switch is opened again, the load ramp will continue where it left off.
The Ramp Pause panel switch will not stop the reactive load reference from
ramping if a shutdown is present.

If the Unload panel switch is activated before or after breaker closure, the
reactive load controller will switch to the PF controller (if not there already) and
control based on PF at the configured PF level until the Unload panel switch is
deactivated. If remote PF or VAR control is active, no specific action will take
place and the reactive load will continue to be controlled remotely.

The reactive load controller will not allow the VAR level to exceed the configured
generator rated VAR level. If a configured level in the reactive load controller
tries to drive the VAR level above the configured generator rated VAR level, it will
be held at the rated VAR level instead.

194 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 21.
Process Control Description

A function that is relative to genset or bus load can be controlled through the
Process Control of the EGCP-3 LS. The process control mode is selected when
the process enable input, generator CB Aux, Bus CB Aux and mains CB Aux
switch inputs are closed. To control a process the EGCP-3 LS has to vary the
genset and bus power output level. Increasing or decreasing power will increase
or decrease a measured parameter (temperature, pressure, KW, etc). The
genset load will therefore control the parameter to a set value. The EGCP-3 will
control, based upon an input sensor connected to one of the configurable analog
inputs. This process input signal is the feedback to tell the control a load level to
maintain the process reference. To do this the bus must be connected to a mains
bus that will keep the frequency constant.

Functional Description
When the process control is enabled, the error signal between the process
reference and process signal is input to a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative)
controller operating in cascade with the load control. The output of the process
controller is a load reference to the Real Load Controller. The load signal is
output from the load control to the bias input of the speed control, causing the
genset to run at the required load to maintain the desired process level.

The Temperature/Pressure process control function is flexible enough to control

any process where the controlled parameter can be monitored as an analog
input signal. This analog input can be a measure of the mains Import or Export
power level. A load sensing transducer can then make the process control
becomes an Import/Export control.

The Process Control can be configured as direct or indirect acting, depending on

the process input increasing value with a power increase (direct), or increasing
value with a power decrease (indirect).

The process reference may be either an internal reference or the analog remote
process reference input. The internal reference value could also come for the
Modbus communication port.

When the process control is enabled, the load controller will ramp the load
reference till the Process Input matches Process Reference at the Load or
Unload Rate, whichever applies. When the process reference is the internal
configured value, the user has the ability to change the set point using the Load
Raise/Lower switches. When these switches are activated the process reference
is ramped at the Load or Unload Rate, whichever applies. If a remote reference
or Modbus reference is used, the Raise/Lower load switches will be ignored.
When switching from any other load control mode to Process Control, the current
load becomes the new process reference, and the reference begins ramping
from that point. This provides for a bumpless mode transfer.

Woodward 195
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
In order to appropriately display the sensor value on the front panel, any sensor
connected to an analog input of the EGCP-3 may be scaled to appropriate
engineering units in the calibration menu. The Process Reference will be
configured in the same scale for simplicity, whether internally set or from a
remote analog input.

At no time will the Process control be allowed to drive the load above the Rated
kW of the genset.

Mode Description
Master Process Control
When an EGCP-3 LS is connected to a bus system and the Process Enable
input, Generator CB Aux, Bus CB Aux and Mains CB Aux switch inputs are
closed, the first (or only) genset on the bus becomes the Master Process Control.
When the next genset’s generator breaker closes, the LON communication must
evaluate each EGCP-3 control to make mode decisions. If the Process Input of
the 2nd unit is open, the 2nd unit becomes a Process Slave unit. If the 2nd unit also
has its Enable input closed, the LON network looks at the Unit Node Number.
The Genset with the Lowest Node Number becomes the Master (or stays the
Master), Each time another units is added on the bus, the same decision is
made. Units that meet all the input requirements to be a master, but have a
higher node number are Back-up Master Process controllers. They will assume
master process control when the present master is removed from service. There
can only be one Master Process Control on a connected bus system. The Master
Process Control will then monitor it’s Process Input and it’s Process Reference to
determine it’s Load Reference. This Master Reference will be communicated
over the LON network to all Slave units. The Slave units will then also use this
received value as their Load Reference. The Master therefore sets the
proportional load of each genset in the system.

Slave Process
When a genset is determined to be a Slave Process unit, it’s Process Control
PID becomes disabled. The received input over the LON is the Load Reference
and the unit adjusts it’s Speed Bias Output to control at that load value. The Load
Control dynamics of the Slave units are still used to determine the reaction time
to transients. The dynamics and operation of the Slave unit is similar in all
respect to BaseLoad operation. If you want a designated unit to always be a
slave, do not configure the Mains Breaker Input to that unit.

Optional Process Functions

The process control input is only used to control real load. The Reactive Load
Controller will control independently and simultaneously. The appropriate mode
(VAR, PF, VAR Sharing, or PF Sharing) is determined by the Reactive Load
Control Mode configuration setting.

The functions described below are available when the process mode is active.
They are optional because a discrete input must be configured for the function or
a MODBUS command must be given to effect the function. These functions are
operated in common with the reactive load functions by the same name. The
discrete inputs operate both simultaneously.

196 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Reset Load
When the Reset Load switch is closed and then opened, the process control will
ramp the process reference to the original internal reference (configuration
setting) at the Load or Unload Rate. This function will not work with a Remote
Reference. In addition the user also has the ability to stop the ramp with the
activation of the Load Raise/Lower switches. If the Load Raise/Lower switches
are activated during a ramp the current level becomes the process reference.

Ramp Pause
The Ramp Pause Load panel switch is used to pause an internal process control
ramp. When the Ramp Pause panel switch is closed the process reference ramp
will pause and hold the current process level until the switch is opened again.
When the switch is opened again, the process ramp will continue where it left off.
The Ramp Pause panel switch will not stop the process reference from ramping
if a shutdown is present.

In addition the user also has the ability to stop the ramp with the activation of the
Load Raise/Lower switches (when they are enabled). If the Load Raise/Lower
switches are activated during a ramp the current load becomes the load
reference, and the reference will ramp in up or down respectively. This is used to
manually assume a new reference, where the pause would be used to hold a
load to allow system stabilization, then move to the configured reference.

If the Unload panel switch is activated before or after breaker closure, the
process reference will ramp to the Unload configuration setting and remain there
until the Unload panel switch is deactivated. This is true whether starting from
below the Unload configuration setting or above. If the load level never reaches
the Unload configuration setting, a breaker open command is given after a fixed
amount of time.

The Unload configuration setting can be automatically overridden. The Unload

configuration setting is considered the larger of the Process Low Limit and the
Unload Trip configuration settings when evaluated from the perspective of the
load controller.

Droop Control
Process Droop can be added to any process mode. The droop amount is
configurable in percent of the process range up to 50%. The process reference
will be decreased proportional to the generator load. This is typically only used in
temperature/pressure control but there are no restrictions on its use. It is added
to the otherwise isochronous control already in place. The Droop will add an
element of stability to the process control loop by limiting large load variations for
small process variations.

Woodward 197
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

The process being controlled will react to load changes quickly or slowly. The
process controller includes an adjustable filter to adjust the process control rate
of response. The filter is a low pass filter where the frequency is adjustable.
Higher frequency settings result in faster control response, but also more
response to process noise. In systems experiencing rapid fluctuations in the
process input signal (such as digester gas fuel pressure maintenance), reducing
the Process Control Filter setpoint and increasing the Process Deadband will
reduce control sensitivity to the fluctuations. This allows for slower, but more
stable, performance. When the input reacts very slowly to load change a lower
frequency setpoint is needed so as not to over-compensate.

The process controller includes an adjustable deadband above and below the
input signal. The deadband is useful in both noisy applications as well as for very
slow processes. When the process input is within a deadband amount of the
previous measurement (one rate group ago), no active adjustment will be made.
For example, if Temperature process is enabled with a deadband of 10°C, the
process sensor input is 200°C, and the temperature sensed moves to 207°C, no
adjustment will be made because the level sensed is within the deadband, the
controller will continue to base its output on 200° input. If the next sample
measures 212° the process will react and use 212° as a comparison to the

Process Action
The process control function is configurable for direct and inverse action. Direct
process control is where the sensed input signal increases as the load increases
(such as where the sensed input is exhaust pressure or export power). An
inverse action control is where the sensed input signal decreases as the load
increases (such as when controlling import power where the import power will
decrease as the generating system picks up more of the local load).

The process controller has both high and low limits. The controller will not allow
the limits to be exceeded nor will it allow the generator rated kW limit to be
exceeded. If a configuration setting in the process controller tries to drive the
load beyond the generator rated kW configuration setting, the load will be held at
the rated kW instead. Likewise, the process controller will not allow the generator
to operate below minimum power.

198 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 22.
PID Tuning Description

The Real load, reactive load, and process control all utilize PID controllers. The
response of each control loop can be adjusted for optimum response, however it
is important to understand what a PID controller is and the effect of each
controller adjustment has on the controller response. Proportional gain, integral
gain (stability), and DR (speed derivative ratio) are the adjustable and interacting
parameters used to match the response of the control loop with the response of
the system. They correspond to the P (proportional), I (integral), and D
(derivative) terms, and are displayed the EGCP3 as follows:
• P= Proportional gain (%)
• I= Integral gain (%)
• D= Derivative gain (determined by DR and I)

Proportional Control
Proportional response is directly proportional to a process change. [Analogy:
Setting hand throttle to keep constant speed on straight and level.]

Proportional control (using the same analogy) results in a certain speed as long
as the car is not subjected to any load change such as a hill. If a throttle is set to
any particular setting, the speed of the car will remain constant as long as the car
remains straight and level. If the car goes up a hill it will slow down. Of course,
going down a hill the car would gain speed.

Integral Control
Integral compensates for process and setpoint load changes. [Analogy: Cruise
control maintains constant speed regardless of hills.]

Integral, sometimes called reset, provides additional action to the original

proportional response as long as the process variable remains away from the
setpoint. Integral is a function of the magnitude and duration of the deviation. In
this analogy the reset response would keep the car speed constant regardless of
the terrain.

Derivative provides a temporary over-correction to compensate for long transfer
lags and reduce stabilization time on process upsets (momentary disturbances).
[Analogy: Accelerating into high speed lane with merging traffic.]

Derivative, sometimes called “preact” of “rate”, is very difficult to draw an

accurate analogy to, because the action takes place only when the process
changes and is directly related to the speed at which the process changes.
Merging into high speed traffic of a freeway from an “on” ramp is no easy task
and requires accelerated correction (temporary overcorrection) in both increasing
and decreasing directions. The application of brakes to fall behind the car in the
first continuous lane or passing gear to get ahead of the car in the first
continuous lane is a derivative action.

Woodward 199
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Proportional Response
The amount of proportional response is directly related to the process change
and the Proportional gain stetting on the controller; Controller output change is
proportional to the process change. If there is no process change, there is no
change in output from the controller ( or valve change) regardless of the
deviation. This results in an undesired offset between the original desired
setpoint and the resulting drop in the control point.

Figure 22-1. Proportional Gain Setting Effects

The figure above shows the effect of proportional gain settings on control.
Starting at the top of the graph a load change is introduced. With a small
proportional gain (meaning a large process change is required to produce a full
valve travel), stability is good but offset is very high. With a moderate gain setting
(higher number setting) stability is still good – offset is still fairly high. With a high
setting, offset is considerably smaller but stability is poor. The .25% ratio effects
a minimum area whereby the offset is reduced to a minimum while the stability is
decaying manner at a 0.25% ratio. The decay ratio used (0.25%) means that if
the second cycle is ¼ of the first cycle, then each succeeding cycle will be ¼ of
the preceding cycle until the cycle is not visible. Since the proportional gain is
adjusted to produce (only) the proper stability of a process, do not continue
increasing its effect to correct offset conditions. The amount of stability and offset
is directly related to the setting of the proportional setting. Stability is of course
also affected by the stability of the process. In essence, the amount of output
from the controller due to the proportional setting is from the error. If there is no
error, then there is no proportional effect.

The EGCP3 when load sharing with other LS units uses only proportional gain
for the load control. So there will always be an error from the system load

200 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Integral Response
Integral gain as stated in the Woodward controls is repeats per minute (or Reset
Rate). Therefore, a high amount of Integral gain (high number) would result in a
large amount of reset action. Conversely, a low integral gain (low number) would
result in a slower reset action.

Figure 22-2. Open Loop Proportional and Integral Response

Integral response is provided to eliminate the offset that resulted from straight
proportional control. The figure above shows how the controller action is
proportional to the measurement change, but as we saw earlier, this results in
offset. The integral (or reset) action is a function of both time and magnitude of
the deviation. As long as an offset condition (due to load changes) exists, integral
action is taking place.

The amount of integral action is a function of four things:

• The magnitude of the deviation.
• The duration of the deviation.
• The proportional gain setting.
• The Integral setting.

In this open loop figure above, the integral response is shown increasing due to
the offset condition existing between temperature and setpoint. The resultant
action is the top curve showing the step proportional response that ends as soon
as the measurement stops changing. Then the integral (or reset) action is added
to the proportional action in an amount equal to the integral of the deviation. In
other words, reset action continues (in either or both directions) as long as there
is a difference (deviation) between the setpoint and the process measurement. In
this case, the deviation will never be eliminated (or even reduced) because the
system is in open loop.

Woodward 201
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Proportional and Integral Response (closed loop)

The figure below shows the closed loop effects of integral action. The bottom
curve displays the load change. The next curve up shows the setpoint and the
measured variable, temperature. With the load change the temperature droops
or deviates from the setpoint.

The next highest curve is the proportional curve resulting in a different valve
position, thereby returning the process to the setpoint.

Figure 22-3. Closed Loop Proportional and Integral Response

In closed loop, as opposed to open loop, as the measurement decays toward the
setpoint, the proportional action is taking place proportionally to the
measurement change, and the integral action is decaying proportionally to the
magnitude and duration of the deviation until the measurement reaches the
setpoint at which time the integral action is zero.

Integral (Effects Of Settings)

The figure below shows the effect of fast or slow integral action. For a given load
change an offset results with proportional response only. Since recovery time (for
a given load change) is important, the integral setting should remove the offset in
minimum time without adding additional cycling. If two cycles are added, then too
much integral gain has been added. Of course, proportional only must first
establish the 1/4 decay ratio. If increased cycling occurs, the integral must be
turned off or the controller switched to “manual” if allowed to go too far. Ideally,
the process should not continue to cycle after the setpoint has been reached as
in the second curve from the bottom.

202 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Figure 22-4. Derivative Response

Derivative Response
In a process control loop the Derivative action is directly related to how fast the
process changes (rate of change). If the process change is slow then the
Derivative action is proportional to that rate of change. Derivative acts by
advancing the Proportional action. Derivative acts at the start of the process
change, when the process changes its rate and when the process stops its

Derivative action takes place at only three times:

• When the process starts to change
• When the rate of change takes place in the process
• When the process stops changing.

The net result of Derivative action is to oppose any process change and
combined with Proportional action to reduce stabilization time in returning the
process to the setpoint after an upset. Derivative will not remove offset.

Woodward Derivative is split into two working domains, Input dominant and
Feedback dominant. The allowed values for DR range from 0.01 to 100. The
most common derivative is Feedback dominant, it is automatically selected with
an Derivative Ratio (DR) from 1 to 100. The Input dominant domain is selected
with DR values between 0.01 to 1.

Feedback dominant applies the derivative action to the integrator feedback term
of the PID equation and is more stable than input dominant derivative. This will
not take corrective action as early and it will be less noise sensitive. When tuning
the derivative, the DR will be established in the 1 to 100 range because it is
easier to tune and more forgiving of excessive values. Most PIDs will employ
feedback dominant derivative.

Woodward 203
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
Input dominant derivative applies the DR term before the integrator term of the
PID equation. When the DR is less than 1, the derivative is input dominant and
reacts very quickly to process upsets. This function is very adapted for PIDs that
control the load parameter, such as load shaft turbine speed. Since the input
dominant derivative is so sensitive, it should be reserved only for applications
without high frequency noise.

Except for input dominant and feedback dominant features, the reciprocal of one
domain will appear identical in the other domain. As an example, consider an DR
of 5.0, the reciprocal being 1/5. That means that an DR of 5.0 will appear the
same as DR of 0.200. The difference in response between these values of 5.0
and 0.2 is in the dominance feature.

If in doubt about the type of derivative to use, then set up for feedback dominant,
1 < DR < 100.

Proportional + Derivative (Closed Loop)

Figure 22-5. Closed Loop Proportional and Derivative Action

The figure above shows how derivative acts to oppose a change in process in
either direction. The dashed line shows the Derivative action going through zero
to oppose the process deviation traveling toward zero. Notice offset still exists
between the desired setpoint and the drooped control point that resulted from the
load change. The top curve is the resultant controller output, Proportional plus

If an upset (momentary) had occurred rather than a load change, there would be
no offset.

204 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Derivative (Effects Of Settings)

Figure 22-6. Derivative Setting Effects

The figure above shows the effect of different derivative settings. The curves are
relative since it depends on what type of control is desired in order to properly
adjust derivative time. For example, if minimum cycling is desired (as is shown
here) then derivative is added to the 1/4 decay cycle provided by proportional
until more than one cycle is removed and of course the 1/4 decay is destroyed.
However, in most cases it is desirable to retain the 1/4 decay cycle, in which
case derivative is added to the point of removing only one cycle from the 1/4
decay ratio then the gain is increased until the 1/4 decay ratio is restored.
In all the above curves, you will note offset exists since offset can only be
eliminated by the addition of Integral (or Reset).

Proportional + Integral + Derivative (Closed Loop)

The figure below shows the relationship of valve position to the interaction of the
PID modes of control whenever a load change takes place in closed loop. As the
temperature drops due to the load change, the proportional action moves the
control valve proportionately to the measurement (temperature) change. The
integral gain/reset adds to the proportional action as a result of the magnitude
and time (duration) of the deviation. And the derivative temporarily over-corrects
based on the speed at which the measurement moves in any direction. The
resultant curve (at the top) shows a similar over-correction (in this case), but in
addition the valve will stay at the new position required to keep the measurement
at the setpoint.

Woodward 205
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Figure 22-7. Closed Loop Proportional, Integral and Derivative Action

In summary, Derivative provides a temporary over-correction to compensate for

long transfer lags and reduce stabilization time on process upsets (momentary

Do not use if high frequency noise is normally in the measured variable or the
main lag is dead time. After Proportional is set to 1/4 decay ratio and Derivative
is adjusted to remove one cycle as well as decreasing the 1/4 decay ratio, then
the Proportional gain can be increased to restore the 1/4 decay ratio.

Adding Derivative
The value of the Derivative Ratio (DR) term can range from 0.01 to 100. In order
to simplify adjustment of the dynamics of the EGCP3, adjusting the integral gain
value sets both the I and D terms of the PID controller. The DR term establishes
the degree of effect the integral gain value has on the “D” term, and changes the
configuration of a controller from input rate sensitive (input dominant) to feedback
rate sensitive (feedback dominant) and vice versa.

Another possible use of the DR adjustment is to reconfigure the controller from a

PID to a PI controller. This is done by adjusting the DR term to its upper or lower
limits, depending on whether an input or feedback dominant controller is desired.
• A DR setting of 1 to 100 selects feedback dominant mode.
• A DR setting of .01 to 1 selects input dominant mode.
• A DR setting of .01 or 100 selects a PI only controller, input and feedback
dominant respectively.

The change from one of these configurations to the other may have no effect
during normal operation, however, it can cause great differences in response
when the governor is coming into control. (i.e. at startup, during a full load
change, or during transfer of control from another channel).

206 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation
An input dominant controller is more sensitive to the change-of-rate of its input
(i.e. Speed, Cascade in or Auxiliary in), and can therefore prevent overshoot of
the setpoint better than a feedback dominant controller. Although this response is
desirable during a startup or full load rejections, it can cause excessive control
motions in some systems where a smooth transition response is desired.
A controller configured as feedback dominant is more sensitive to the
change-of- rate of its feedback (LSS). A feedback dominant controller has
the ability to limit the rate of change of the LSS bus when a controller is
near its setpoint but is not yet in control. This limiting of the LSS bus
allows a feedback dominant controller to make smoother control
transitions than an input dominant controller.

General Guidelines Field Tuning

The quality of regulation obtained from an automatic control system depends
upon the adjustments that are made to the various controller modes. Best results
are obtained when the adjustment (tuning) is done systematically. Prior training
and experience in controller tuning are desirable for effective application of this

This procedure will lead to controller settings which will provide:

• Process control without sustained cycling.
• Process recovery in a minimum time.

Controller settings derived for given operating conditions are valid over a narrow
range of load change. The settings made for one operating set of conditions may
result in excessive cycling or highly damped response at some other operating
condition. This procedure should be applied under the most difficult operating
conditions to assure conservative settings over the normal operating range.

It is good practice to keep the average of the setpoint changes near the normal
setpoint of the process to avoid excessive departure from normal operating level.

After each setpoint change, allow sufficient time to observe the effect of the last
adjustment. It is wise to wait until approximately 90% of the change has been

Figure 22-8. Typical Response to Load Change

Woodward 207
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Tuning Example
If the system is unstable, make sure the governor is the cause. This can be
checked by closing the valve limiter until it has control of the actuator output. If
the governor is causing the oscillation, time the oscillation cycle time. A rule-of-
thumb is, if the system’s oscillation cycle time is less than 1 second reduce the
Proportional gain term. A rule-of-thumb is, if the system’s oscillation cycle time is
greater the 1 second reduce the Integral gain term (proportional gain may need
to be increased also).

On an initial startup with the EGCP3, all PID dynamic gain terms will require
adjustment to match the respective PID’s response to that of its control loop.
There are multiple dynamic tuning methods available that can be used with the
EGCP3’s PIDs to assist in determining the gain terms that provide optimum
control loop response times.

The following method can be used to achieve PID gain values that are close to
1. Increase Derivative Ratio (DR) to 100 (Service Mode adjustment)
2. Reduce integral gain to 0.01 (Run Mode adjustment)
3. Increase proportional gain until system just starts to oscillate (Run Mode).
4. The optimum gain for this step is when the system just starts to oscillate and
maintains a self-sustaining oscillation that does not increase or decrease in
5. Record the control gain (Kc) and oscillation period (T) in seconds.
6. Set the dynamics as follows:
For PI control : G=P(I/s + 1)
Set: Proportional gain = 0.45*Kc
Integral gain = 1.2/T
Derivative ratio = 100
For PID control : G=P(I/s + 1 + Ds)
Set: Proportional gain = 0.60*Kc
Integral gain = 2/T
Deriv ratio = 8/(T*Integral Gain) for fdbk dominant
= (T*Integral Gain)/8 for input dominant
7. This method of tuning will get the gain settings close, they can be fine-tuned
from this point.

208 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 23.
LON (Local Network) Description

This section describes the messaging between LS and MC units over the
Echelon Network (LON). The LON will allow multiple units to synchronize, share
load, control processes and sequence the starting and stopping of units. The
LON is a software and hardware configuration. See also the chapter on Unit

Functional Description
The EGCP-3 LON is capable of working with multiple bus segments all
connected on the same LON link. In the EGCP-3 implementation, the LON
segments are always joined and the messaging indicates which genset is in
which segment and which tie breakers are closed. Up to four separate buses are
supported. The four buses may be isolated buses, mains feeds, or a combination
of the two. Although many networks can be created, the below diagram is a
single representation used to facilitate explanation. A network may contain up to
16 nodes (masters and slaves together) and up to 4 bus segments. In the below
diagram, the bus segments are identified with a capital letter A-D. The gensets
(LS units) are identified with a number 1-8 which would also represent the node
number on LON for this example. The bus segment tie breakers are identified
with a letter w-z simply to set them apart from the gensets.

The LON block has inputs from the application that inform it as to which segment
it resides on and which other segments are currently tied to the same segment
by closed tie-breakers. The application determines the active bus segment by
observing which tie-breakers are closed.

w x y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 23-1. LON bus configuration

Woodward 209
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
If the system also has mains connections, it may be modified as below. The
masters (MC units) on the LON still have a node number within the range of

16 15

w x y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 23-2. LON bus configuration, with Mains Tie(s)

Dead Bus Closing

Using the bus segment information and tie-breaker status to define the active
bus segment, the LON block will perform dead bus arbitration with all other
nodes that identify themselves on LON as participating in that active bus

The algorithm uses a special LON message where each node that sees a dead
bus and wishes to close to that bus requests permission to close. The
information detailing the genset status is provided by the application, engine
running, generator stable, voltage ok, etc. Once a single node has been granted
permission to close it will attempt to close by signaling the application that it is
OK to close. If the application is not able to close, the node will release the token
to allow another node to close. Once released, the node falls to the end of the
priority line because priority is determined first by the number of attempts to
close and then by the node number with smaller node numbers having a higher

This function is performed between slaves (LS controls) on the active bus
segment only. Any master (MC Control) that also participates in the active bus
segment must also grant permission to close. The active bus segment depends
on what tie breakers are closed. The active bus is at least the single segment on
which the controls reside but may be more than one segment if tie breakers are
closed to other segments. All controls designated as on a common segment
must declare the segment to be a Dead Bus before any control will be allowed to
close it’s breaker.

210 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Real Load Sharing

This function is performed between LS controls on the same active bus segment
only. The LON block will determine which nodes are part of the active bus
segment and perform all calculations necessary to provide the application with
the average load value. The application is responsible for using the average load
information and its actual load to bias the speed output thus changing the power

The LON block will be informed, via the application, if it is to participate in the
load sharing. There are times when the application will wish the LON block not to
participate in load sharing so that it may BaseLoad. There are also times when a
master may indicate that it is in control of the slave node. In this case, the LON
block is to inform the application that it is now under the control of a master. The
LON will pass the master’s requested load to the application for use in biasing
the speed output.

A Speed Trim feature is activated with the Load Sharing mode. The error
between generator frequency and system configured frequency will be added to
the speed bias. The application is responsible for performing the speed trim and
does not need the assistance of the LON block.

Power Factor sharing

This function is performed between slaves on the same active bus segment only.
The LON block will determine which nodes are part of the active bus segment
and perform all calculations necessary to provide the application with the
average PF value. The application is responsible for using the average PF
information and its actual PF to bias the voltage output thus changing the power

A Voltage Trim feature is also included with Power Factor sharing. The feature
may be disabled through configuration. The application is responsible for
performing the voltage trim and does not need the assistance of the LON block.

The LON block will be informed, via the application, if it is to participate in the PF
sharing. There are times when the application will wish the LON block not to
participate in PF sharing so that it may use another method (like BaseLoad mode
or when the mains are connected). There are also times when a master may
indicate that it is in control of the slave node. In this case, the LON block is to
inform the application that it is now under the control of a master. It will pass the
master’s requested PF to the application for use in biasing the voltage output.

The Power Factor sharing function cannot be configured as the VAR/PF

selection in the Reactive Load Control function, VAR is not a configurable
parameter for this function.

Bus to Bus Synchronizing

When the application indicates it is necessary, a Sync Master will send (via the
LON) the synchronizing message to the Sync Slaves. The sync slaves will pass
the data to the application upon receipt if it applies to that slave as determined
using the Bus Segment indication. The application is responsible for using the
sync bias information to bias the speed of the unit. This feature will work between
bus segments and between the active segment and the mains.

Woodward 211
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194
In all cases, the application will use the block output of how many gensets are
active on the segment as a gain scalar. This allows the synchronizing gain to be
scaled by the number of units participating. The base gain should be configured
for a single unit.

In the LS, the unit itself does not perform bus-to-bus synchronization but rather it
relies on raise/lower commands from an external control – typically a SPM-D.

Master Load / Process / PF Control

This function is performed between a master and its slaves on the same active
bus segment only. The master tells the LON block what load level and PF level it
is requesting and asserts the Master and Breaker closed flags to the block to
indicate that it wishes to control the slaves. The slave LON block will simply
report the percent load and PF values requested to the application for use as
speed and voltage bias. It also asserts the slave flag to indicate a master is
controlling it. The application is responsible for using the requested information to
bias the speed and voltage outputs thus changing the power output.

The GAP application will respond to the block “slave” output as an overriding
command to become a slave regardless of the other GAP inputs. This will allow
someone to apply switch inputs consistent with providing 2 masters but only one
will be in control (highest node # for a MC, and lowest # for an LS master). The
result of the feature is a backup master.

Networked Start/Stop
The EGCP-3 LS can determine when there is a need to start and stop gensets
on a bus. It communicates this over the LON network, The decision to start/stop
units will be due to generator load, buss failure (trip tie function), mains failure,
MC time scheduled start, MC demand start, or manual request from MC.

MC All Start / Stop

This function is performed between a MC and the LS units on the same active
bus segment. The MC tells all LS units to start or stop. The slaves respond
directly without performing arbitration. In the EGCP-3, the ATS and test start
modes are the only usage for this requirement and will start/stop ALL units on the
active bus. They don’t necessarily parallel but they will start. As an ATS start, the
gensets are all told to start, parallel, and be ready to assume load.

MC Single Start / Stop

The difference between this method and the slaves deciding on their own to
start/stop is that the master control decides WHEN to start/stop a genset based
on mains demand. The MC does not decide WHICH unit to start/stop. The
“which” is still controlled by the LS units using the run time manager. The MC
simply requests the sequencing algorithm to initiate the start or stop of an LS unit
without the need for the MC to implement the same sequencing functionality.

LS Single Start / Stop

See Chapter 9, Engine Start Sequencing.

212 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

There is a software configurable parameter to allow the EGCP-3 to use LON
messaging and application consistent with the DSLC and MSLC products. This
mode will be used when a DSLC and/or MSLC are present on the same LON
network with one or more EGCP-3 controls. Using this mode will render some
features of the EGCP-3 disabled. The Dead bus, load sharing, Pf sharing, and
synchronizing function are limited in the DSLC/MSLC operation because the
DSLC LON does not support multiple bus segment layouts.

Woodward 213
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 24.

Abbreviation Definition
A/D Analog to Digital Converter
AI Analog Input
AO Analog Output
Atlas Woodward turbine control platform
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
CAN Controller Area Network
The Code generator, used to convert GAP output files into
executable code.
Control EGCP-3 Control System
CPU Central Processing Unit.
Distributed Generation (Connected to mains and operated
by utility)
DI Discrete Input (Contact Input)
DO Discrete Output (Relay Driver Output)
DR Distributed Resource EGCP-3 (May be connected to mains)
DSLC Digital Synchronizer and Load Controller
DSP Digital Signal Processing
EGCP Engine Generator Control Panel
EPS Emergency Power System
EU Engineering Unit (psi, KW, ºC, etc.)
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FW Firmware (embedded software)
Graphical Applications Programmer used to create
application programs.
HW Hardware
Input/Output, typically the interface to field devices such as
switches, transducers, meters, controls, or actuators.
The time delay from when an interrupt is generated in
Interrupt Latency hardware until the processor has started the user interrupt
service code.
ISLU Isochronous Load Sharing Unit
LON Echelon Network (Load Sharing, Sequence Communication
LS Load Sharing EGCP-3 (Multiple Unit parallel)
MC Master Control EGCP-3 (Sequence and monitoring)
MOP Motor Operated Potentiometer
MSLC Master Synchronizer and Load Controller
PI Proportional, Integral controller
PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative controller
Rate Group Recursion rate assigned to each GAP Block.
RTD Resistive Temperature Device.
SPM-D Woodward Digital Synchronizer
SUMP Single Unit Mains Parallel
SW Software
TC Thermocouple
THD Total Harmonic Distortion

214 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Chapter 25.
Application Download

The following will guide the user through the boot up and application-loading
procedure used for the EGCP-3.

1. Apply power to the EGCP-3. At this point the control will begin to boot and
perform diagnostic tests on the hardware. NOTE: This will take slightly less
than 1 minute to complete. The status of the diagnostics can be monitored
on the front panel displays.
2. After the one minute of diagnostics the EGCP-3 will wait for a ServLink
connection on any serial port configured for ServLink. By default, port 3 will
always be a ServLink port. Port 1 is configurable for ServLink also. For 10
seconds the serial ports will be scanned at baud rates of 57,600 and
115,200. If after the 10 seconds a ServLink connection has not been
established, the currently loaded application will run. If the 10 seconds has
expired and a ServLink connection has not been established, but there isn’t
an application currently loaded, the EGCP-3 will continue to scan the ports
waiting for a ServLink connection.
3. When the ServLink connection has been made, use Watch Window
Professional to load the desired .SCP file, created by the Woodward Coder
program, into the control. After the application file is loaded, the application
will begin to run automatically.

It is also possible to load a new application via an existing ServLink connection

without re-booting the EGCP-3.
1. Run current application.
2. Connect ServLink to an existing ServLink port.
3. Open Watch Window Professional and load the .SCP file for your new
application. The engine must be stopped and IO Lock set in order to load the
4. When the load is complete the new application will run automatically.

Woodward 215
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Chapter 26.
Service Options

Product Service Options

The following factory options are available for servicing Woodward equipment,
based on the standard Woodward Product and Service Warranty (5-01-1205)
that is in effect at the time the product is purchased from Woodward or the
service is performed:
• Replacement/Exchange (24-hour service)
• Flat Rate Repair
• Flat Rate Remanufacture

If you are experiencing problems with installation or unsatisfactory performance

of an installed system, the following options are available:
• Consult the troubleshooting guide in the manual.
• Contact Woodward technical assistance (see “How to Contact Woodward”
later in this chapter) and discuss your problem. In most cases, your problem
can be resolved over the phone. If not, you can select which course of
action you wish to pursue based on the available services listed in this

Replacement/Exchange is a premium program designed for the user who is in
need of immediate service. It allows you to request and receive a like-new
replacement unit in minimum time (usually within 24 hours of the request),
providing a suitable unit is available at the time of the request, thereby
minimizing costly downtime. This is also a flat rate structured program and
includes the full standard Woodward product warranty (Woodward Product and
Service Warranty 5-01-1205).

This option allows you to call in the event of an unexpected outage, or in

advance of a scheduled outage, to request a replacement control unit. If the unit
is available at the time of the call, it can usually be shipped out within 24 hours.
You replace your field control unit with the like-new replacement and return the
field unit to the Woodward facility as explained below (see “Returning Equipment
for Repair” later in this chapter).

Charges for the Replacement/Exchange service are based on a flat rate plus
shipping expenses. You are invoiced the flat rate replacement/exchange charge
plus a core charge at the time the replacement unit is shipped. If the core (field
unit) is returned to Woodward within 60 days, Woodward will issue a credit for
the core charge. [The core charge is the average difference between the flat rate
replacement/exchange charge and the current list price of a new unit.]

Return Shipment Authorization Label. To ensure prompt receipt of the core,

and avoid additional charges, the package must be properly marked. A return
authorization label is included with every Replacement/Exchange unit that leaves
Woodward. The core should be repackaged and the return authorization label
affixed to the outside of the package. Without the authorization label, receipt of
the returned core could be delayed and cause additional charges to be applied.

216 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Flat Rate Repair

Flat Rate Repair is available for the majority of standard products in the field.
This program offers you repair service for your products with the advantage of
knowing in advance what the cost will be. All repair work carries the standard
Woodward service warranty (Woodward Product and Service Warranty
5-01-1205) on replaced parts and labor.

Flat Rate Remanufacture

Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat Rate Repair option with the
exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-new” condition and carry
with it the full standard Woodward product warranty (Woodward Product and
Service Warranty 5-01-1205). This option is applicable to mechanical products

Returning Equipment for Repair

If a control (or any part of an electronic control) is to be returned to Woodward for
repair, please contact Woodward in advance to obtain a Return Authorization
Number. When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
• name and location where the control is installed;
• name and phone number of contact person;
• complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
• description of the problem;
• instructions describing the desired type of repair.

To prevent damage to electronic components caused by improper handling,
read and observe the precautions in Woodward manual 82715, Guide for
Handling and Protection of Electronic Controls, Printed Circuit Boards, and

Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
• protective caps on any connectors;
• antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
• packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
• at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing
• a packing carton with double walls;
• a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.

Woodward 217
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Return Authorization Number

When returning equipment to Woodward, please telephone and ask for the
Customer Service Department [1 (800) 523-2831 in North America or
+1 (970) 482-5811]. They will help expedite the processing of your order through
our distributors or local service facility. To expedite the repair process, contact
Woodward in advance to obtain a Return Authorization Number, and arrange for
issue of a purchase order for the item(s) to be repaired. No work can be started
until a purchase order is received.

We highly recommend that you make arrangement in advance for return
shipments. Contact a Woodward customer service representative at
1 (800) 523-2831 in North America or +1 (970) 482-5811 for instructions and
for a Return Authorization Number.

Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
• the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
• the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.

How to Contact Woodward

In North America use the following address when shipping or corresponding:
Woodward Governor Company
PO Box 1519
1000 East Drake Rd
Fort Collins CO 80522-1519, USA

Telephone—+1 (970) 482-5811 (24 hours a day)

Toll-free Phone (in North America)—1 (800) 523-2831
Fax—+1 (970) 498-3058

For assistance outside North America, call one of the following international
Woodward facilities to obtain the address and phone number of the facility
nearest your location where you will be able to get information and service.

Facility Phone Number

Brazil +55 (19) 3708 4800
India +91 (129) 4097100
Japan +81 (476) 93-4661
The Netherlands +31 (23) 5661111

You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department or consult
our worldwide directory on Woodward’s website (www.woodward.com) for the
name of your nearest Woodward distributor or service facility.

218 Woodward
Manual 26194 EGCP-3 LS Operation

Engineering Services
Woodward Industrial Controls Engineering Services offers the following after-
sales support for Woodward products. For these services, you can contact us by
telephone, by email, or through the Woodward website.

• Technical Support
• Product Training
• Field Service

Contact information:
Telephone—+1 (970) 482-5811
Toll-free Phone (in North America)—1 (800) 523-2831

Technical Support is available through our many worldwide locations or our

authorized distributors, depending upon the product. This service can assist you
with technical questions or problem solving during normal business hours.
Emergency assistance is also available during non-business hours by phoning
our toll-free number and stating the urgency of your problem. For technical
support, please contact us via telephone, email us, or use our website and
reference Customer Services and then Technical Support.

Product Training is available at many of our worldwide locations (standard

classes). We also offer customized classes, which can be tailored to your needs
and can be held at one of our locations or at your site. This training, conducted
by experienced personnel, will assure that you will be able to maintain system
reliability and availability. For information concerning training, please contact us
via telephone, email us, or use our website and reference Customer Services
and then Product Training.

Field Service engineering on-site support is available, depending on the product

and location, from one of our many worldwide locations or from one of our
authorized distributors. The field engineers are experienced both on Woodward
products as well as on much of the non-Woodward equipment with which our
products interface. For field service engineering assistance, please contact us
via telephone, email us, or use our website and reference Customer Services
and then Technical Support.

Woodward 219
EGCP-3 LS Operation Manual 26194

Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before phoning:

Your Name
Site Location
Phone Number
Fax Number

Prime Mover Information

Engine/Turbine Model Number
Number of Cylinders (if applicable)
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, steam, etc)

Control/Governor Information
Please list all Woodward governors, actuators, and electronic controls in your system:

Woodward Part Number and Revision Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number

Woodward Part Number and Revision Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number

Woodward Part Number and Revision Letter

Control Description or Governor Type

Serial Number
If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or
the menu settings written down and with you at the time of the call.

220 Woodward
EGCP-3 LS Control Specifications
Please refer to the EGCP-3 Installation Manual 26122 for all control specifications.
We appreciate your comments about the content of our publications.
Send comments to: icinfo@woodward.com
Please include the manual number from the front cover of this publication.

PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO 80522-1519, USA

1000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525, USA
Phone +1 (970) 482-5811 • Fax +1 (970) 498-3058
Email and Website—www.woodward.com

Woodward has company-owned plants, subsidiaries, and branches,

as well as authorized distributors and other authorized service and sales facilities throughout the world.
Complete address / phone / fax / email information for all locations is available on our website.

2006/12/Fort Collins

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