Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Within the framework of the ENRESA natural analogue programme, the U ore deposit of ‘‘Mina Fe’’, western
Spain, has been studied as a natural analogue of radioactive spent fuel behaviour after burial, in spite of being an extre-
mely perturbed geological environment due to mining activities. The main objectives of this project are to determine the
hydrogeochemical evolution of the system and identify the main water/rock interaction processes that control the
physicochemical variables (pH and Eh) of groundwaters, including the role-played by the organic matter.
The hydrogeochemical results from 3 consecutive groundwater sampling campaigns, separated by a phase of resto-
ration works, indicate that the groundwater of the site shows an evolutionary trend from Ca–SO2 4 acid oxidising waters
towards alkaline-reducing waters, though their evolution with respect to the alkaline and alkaline-earth elements is not
clear. The SO2
4 -acid waters are the result of the oxidation processes affecting the primary sulphide-rich U mineralisa-
tion, while the alkaline-reducing waters result from the buffer capacity of carbonates from fracture filling materials, as
the d13C values of DIC demonstrate. The reducing character of these waters mainly results from the microbiologically
mediated partial oxidation of the abundant organic matter existing in the clayey walls of the major faults at the site,
since other dissolved inorganic redox pairs are insufficient to explain the in situ measured redox potential. Thus, the
high content in DOC of these waters is also explained, since the soil at the site is poorly developed. DOC, DIC or both
can be responsible for the high U concentration measured in these groundwaters, in spite of its reducing character.
The restoration works performed in the exploitation quarry have also restored the aforementioned evolutionary
trend, which was the normal evolution of groundwater in the site before mining. Finally, the results are discussed in
terms of the geochemical processes expected in a radioactive disposal site after closure.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0883-2927/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
466 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Pearcy, 1992; Blanc, 1996; Rivas et al., 1997; Bruno the anomalous features observed in the groundwaters
et al., 1997; Reyes et al., 1998; Gauthier-Lafaye et al., sampled during the first campaign (1999), specifically
2000; Blomqvist et al., 2000; Pérez del Villar et al., concerning the negative Eh values and the high U and
2003). These investigations constitute an essential ele- dissolved organic C concentrations, encouraged the
ment of both national and international research pro- achievement of these objectives. These anomalous
grammes focussed on the assessment of geological hydrochemical characteristics, reported in Gómez et al.
repositories in crystalline, clayey and even schistose (2000) and Pérez del Villar et al. (2001, 2002a), favoured
rocks. In this context, within the framework of the EN- a comprehensive study of this anomalous and unusual
RESA natural analogue programme, the U deposit of groundwater system. Furthermore, reasoning by anal-
‘‘Mina Fe’’, western Spain, (Arribas, 1962, 1985; Man- ogy, the implications of processes that can occur during
gas and Arribas, 1984; Martı́n-Izard, 1989; Both et al., the degradation of a radwaste repository after burial
1994; Martı́n-Izard et al., 2002) has been studied as a have been deduced and discussed.
natural analogue of the nuclear spent fuel behaviour
after burial, in spite of its unsuitable geological condi-
tions. This U mineralisation is hosted in highly fractured 2. Geological background
geological media, which are extremely perturbed by the
exploration and mining activities. However, the similar- The ‘‘Mina Fe’’ is the most important U deposit in
ities with some of the repository features and the analo- the Spanish Iberian Massif. It is located around 10 km
gies with the processes involved in the degradation of NW of Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca) (Fig. 1). The U
this U deposit favoured its study as a natural analogue. mineralisation either fills open fractures or cements the
This subject has been the general aim of a research pro- fault breccia affecting metasediments of the Upper Pro-
ject known as the ‘‘MATRIX project’’, which was stra- terozoic-Lower Cambrian Schist-Graywacke Complex,
tegically divided into two 3-year phases. known as ‘‘Complejo Esquisto-Grauváquico’’ (CEG).
Phase I was mainly focussed on the geology, mineral- In the ‘‘Mina Fe’’ area, the CEG rocks mainly consist
ogy and elemental geochemistry of the solid phases, of a weakly metamorphosed sequence of carbonaceous
hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, in order to estab- pelitic and fine-grained psammitic rocks, in which sedi-
lish: (i) the analogies between the natural system and a mentary textures are frequently observed. The grade of
deep geological radwaste repository; (ii) the most rele- metamorphism is mainly greenschist facies, the main
vant geochemical processes in the system; and (iii) the rock types being carbonaceous slates, quartzites, con-
implications for performance assessment of a spent nu- glomerates, sericitic and chloritic phyllites and micas-
clear fuel repository (Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). chists, with some interbedded calc-silicate rocks, which
Among the objectives envisaged in Phase II are the represent metamorphosed layers of impure carbonate
determination of: (i) pitchblende-coffinite transformation sediments (Martı́n-Izard, 1989).
mechanisms under reducing conditions and ambient tem- The U mineralisation is the result of a hydrothermal
perature; (ii) the role played by the fracture minerals as process in which 3 main phases have been distinguished.
scavengers of trace analogue elements, mainly U (Pérez The first occurred after a brecciation process that caused
del Villar et al., 2002b; Quejido et al., 2004); (iii) the chloritisation of the host rocks and breccia fragments, as
approximate time scale of the recent and recent-past up- well as the formation of small ankerite-pyrite bearing
takes or losses of U in the system (Crespo et al., 2003); veins, with minor galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite.
(iv) the hydrogeochemical evolution of the system after The second phase took place after another brecciation
its restoration performed in 2000; and (v) the main process, producing most of the U ore. During this phase,
water/rock interaction processes that control the physico- adularia, pyrite, pitchblende, coffinite and carbonates
chemical variables (pH and Eh) of groundwaters, includ- were formed. The third phase is characterised by the epi-
ing the origin and role of the organic matter in the redox sodic, laminated and repeated precipitation of pyrite,
potential observed in these groundwaters (Gómez et al., carbonates and collophormic pitchblende. This type of
2000; Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). U mineralisation fills open fractures and breccia voids
In order to achieve the last two objectives, groundwa- (Arribas, 1985). The age of the U mineralisation, deter-
ters from the site have been sampled 3 times (1999, 2001 mined by the 207Pb/204Pb ‘‘vs’’ 235U/204Pb isochron, is
and 2002) and characterised from physicochemical and 34.8 ± 1.6 Ma; the same age as of the Pyrenean tectonic
isotopic (stable, radioactive and radiogenic isotopes) phase of the Alpine orogeny (Both et al., 1994). Re-
perspectives. Plants, humus, soil, and organic matter cently, Martı́n-Izard et al. (2002) suggested that this de-
from the host rocks and carbonaceous-clayey walls of posit was formed in a transpressional shear-zone of
some major faults in the site (Boa and Graphitic faults) Alpine age, affecting carbonaceous slates with a high
were also sampled and analysed for C isotopes, in order background concentration of U.
to decipher the origin of the dissolved inorganic and or- Based on fluid inclusion data and on the chemical
ganic C (DIC and DOC) in groundwaters. Furthermore, composition of the early chlorite, the temperature of
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 467
Fig. 1. Geographical location of the U-deposit of ‘‘Mina Fe’’ and ‘‘Mina D, Hole 01’’. ESPERANZA, ALAMEDA and SAGERAS
are other explored but non-mined uraniferous zones in the region (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a).
the U mineralisation varies from 230 to 60 °C during the Fe’’, the sector named ‘‘Mina D, Hole H-01’’ was se-
first two phases, while the third took place at a tem- lected as the experimental site. It is located approxi-
perature lower than 60 °C (Mangas and Arribas, 1984). mately 1 km to the SW of the central part of the main
Later on, the basement rocks and U mineralisation quarry of ‘‘Mina Fe’’(see Fig. 1), and represents an open
have been intensively eroded and oxidised. The minera- pit excavated to extract high-grade U mineralisation
logical characteristics of the oxidised cap of this miner- hosted in the breccia zone of a very important normal
alised system indicate that the main geochemical fault known as the Boa fault (Fig. 2). The exploitation
process has been the oxidation and supergene enrich- front shows some remains of Tertiary and Quaternary
ment that occur in sulphide-rich deposits when they sediments; the Boa fault zone, with an apparent width
are exposed to weathering (Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, from 30 to 70 cm, including the mineralised breccia
2002a). Continental Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and the carbonaceous-black clayey walls; small hydro-
of the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin also cover the system in thermal quartz veins, and different types of slate rocks
places, their thickness varying between 5 and 20 m in from the CEG.
the mining area. Numerous secondary U minerals, such The carbonaceous clayey walls, which are mineralog-
as yellow gummites, ianthinite, epi-ianthinite, alpha ically composed of illite + smectite + kaolinite + minor
uranotyle, autunite, metaautunite, torbernite, saleeite chlorite (62%), quartz (30%), feldspars (3%), goethite
and uranopilite were formed as a result of weathering (4%), as average values, contain up to 0.6% of organic
processes (Arribas, 1962, 1975). matter, expressed as organic C. They are the result of
the mechanical and hydrothermal alteration processes
that affected the country rock along the Boa surface fault
3. The site, sampling and methods (Pérez del Villar et al., 2001). Thus, the organic C in these
clayey walls is approximately twice as high as the organic
3.1. The site C content of the country rocks, which is 0.35% on aver-
age (Martı́n-Izard, 1989), while in the Graphitic fault,
After a comprehensive review of the existing docu- with 1.9% of organic C (Martı́n-Izard, 1989), the concen-
mentation concerning the mining activities at ‘‘Mina tration is 5 times higher than in the country rocks.
468 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
625 RO
630 N
4300 4300
SM-2 SM-3
SM-1 N-600
Fig. 2. Topographic map of ‘‘Mina D, Hole H-01’’ in which the Boa fault, the location of boreholes SM-1 to SM-4 and the orientation
of cross-sections A–A 0 , B–B 0 and C–C 0 in Fig. 3 are shown (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a).
The geometrical and statistical analyses of the Boa Fractures associated with the Boa fault do not have a
fault and other fractures in the site indicate that: substantial influence on groundwater circulation,
while other fractures without any relation to this
The Boa fault, with variable direction N60-80E and fault have a similar or larger transmissivity.
30–60°N dip, is an ancient Hercynian compression The permeability distribution of fractures in the sys-
fault, which was reactivated as a normal fault during tem is quite heterogeneous, showing fracture zones
the Alpine orogenesis, when the U-ore deposit was with low permeability, because of their size and/or
formed (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a) fracture-infill materials, and others with higher
Fracture frequency, direction density and the number permeability.
of fracture intersections indicate that the area is In general, according to the measured hydraulic
intensively tectonised, the fracturing intensity being heads, the shallow groundwater flow is quite slow
larger in the sunken block, to the north, than in the (0.01 m/d) and directed towards the bottom of Hole
uplifted one to the south of the Boa fault. This fact H-01. The deep groundwater flow is controlled by
would explain the higher weathering and more inten- the regional flow system, which is conditioned by
sive U leaching in this northern block. In spite of the the Águeda River (Fig. 3).
large dispersion in fracture directions, it is possible to
classify them into the following groups: N120°E,
N60°E, N20°E and N170°E. The spacing distribution 3.2. Sampling
among the fractures is lognormal with a spacing var-
ying from 0.35 to 0.53 m (Pérez del Villar et al., In order to intersect the Boa fault zone, 4 boreholes
2002a) with continuous core recovery and low contamination
risk for groundwaters (SM-1 to SM-4) were drilled to
The following conclusions were derived from the fulfil all the objectives of the project, mainly those re-
hydrogeological investigation of the site (Pérez del Villar lated to the hydrogeochemical evolution of the system
et al., 2002a): (see Figs. 2 and 4). Three groundwater-sampling cam-
paigns were carried out from 1999 to 2002, all of them
The Boa fault is not a preferential flow path, but is at the beginning of the summertime. Boreholes SM-2,
part of a larger set of hydraulically active faults and SM-3 and SM-4 were sampled in the first campaign,
fractures. while only boreholes SM-2 and SM-3 were sampled in
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 469
Topographic levels (m) Flow lines
S M 2
S M 3
Hole H-01 Water table
C a l d e r a
590 Boa Fault
Deduced fault trace
0 50 100 m
0 5 0 1 0 0 m
Fig. 3. Idealised cross-section showing the hydrogeological model of the Boa fault zone (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a). This cross-
section is sub-parallel to the trace of the Boa fault. For location, see Fig. 2.
the last two. Borehole SM-1 was never sampled, since it after pumping at least 3 times the volume of the
only intersected the unsaturated zone of the site. Bore- packed-off sections, and after stabilisation of the afore-
hole SM-4 was not sampled in the last two campaigns mentioned physicochemical parameters was achieved.
due to the high contamination level observed in its Sampling was carried out in a portable glove box under
water, as a result of its proximity to the sump formed anoxic atmosphere (N2), previously filtered by 0.45 lm
by Hole H-01 (see Fig. 4). This was continuously flooded (ASTM, 1976; US EPA, 1983) for the first two cam-
with very acid SO24 water (pH 2.9) and high concentra- paigns, and by 0.45 and 0.22 lm filters for the third
tion of dissolved metals, including U (Gómez et al., one. The piezometric levels were measured before and
2000; Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). These circum- after sampling.
stances hampered any possibility of understanding the Samples for conventional chemical analysis were ta-
original water chemistry of this borehole. Consequently, ken in triplicate and preserved with: (i) HNO3 at
only boreholes SM-2 and SM-3 were systematically sam- pH < 1.5 for cations, trace elements and U; (ii) H2 SO4
pled, their samples being the only ones used to fulfil the at pH <1.5 for ammonium and (iii) HCl at pH <1.5
aims of this research work. for Fe speciation. Unacidified samples were used for an-
Water samples of the Boa Fault come from packed- ions. Samples for DOC and its isotopic signature were
off sections of boreholes SM-2, between 36 and 45 m also collected in triplicate at the beginning, at the middle
deep (T2), and SM-3, between 38 and 51 m deep (T1). and at the end of the sampling. All of them were stabi-
For groundwater pumping, the gas-lift system, previ- lised with HCl at pH 2. Sample volumes varied from
ously installed inside the boreholes, was used. Before 250 mL for borehole SM-2 to 1 L for SM-3, since
sampling, the physicochemical parameters of the groundwaters from the former were enriched in DOC
groundwater (pH, Eh, T, EC and O2 dissolved) were (29.6 mg/L) compared to the latter (5.1 mg/L) in the
measured, on line and on the surface, by means of a 1999 campaign (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez del Villar
Hydrolab Series 4a datasonde multiprobe, equipped et al., 2001, 2002a).
with: In order to determine the source of the DIC by means
of its isotopic signature (d13C), 30 water samples, col-
A Pt electrode for redox potential measurements lected after every 500 mL of extracted water, were taken
(accuracy ± 20 mV, resolution 1 mV). from each borehole during each campaign. Approxi-
A temperature thermistor in a 316 stainless steel tube mately, half of the samples were taken under anoxic
(accuracy ± 0.10 °C, resolution 0.01 °C). atmosphere, while the other half were taken under oxic
A graphite electrode for specific conductance (accu- conditions. The samples consisted of 2 mL of water in-
racy ± 0.001 mS/cm, resolution 0.001 mS/cm). jected in special vials for mass spectrometry, previously
A Clark Cell dissolved O2 electrode (accuracy ± 0.2 filled with a mixture of extremely pure phosphoric acid
mg/L, resolution 0.01 mg/L). and He (Salata et al., 2000). Prior to the analyses, all
A standard pH glass sensor with flowing junction ref- the samples were maintained at 4 °C
erence electrode (accuracy ± 0.2 units, resolution 0.01 Samples of organic materials for d13C determina-
units). tions consisted of the most representative plants in
the site, undetermined lichen, dead leaves, humus, two
In order to ensure that the water samples were represent- soil horizons (A1 and A2), unaltered carbonaceous
ative of the in situ conditions, samples were collected slates and carbonaceous clayey materials from the
470 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Fig. 4. Schematic cross-sections of ‘‘Mina D, Hole 01’’, showing the intersections between boreholes and the Boa fault from which
groundwater samples were taken. Notice that boreholes SM-2 and SM-3 intersect the Boa fault in the reduced zone. Vertical redox
zoning was established based on fracture filling mineralogy (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a). The location of profiles is shown in Fig. 2.
Boa fault walls and another parallel major fault, known coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-
as the Graphitic fault. The samples from the first fault AES) for Al, Ca, Mg, total Fe, Mn and Li. Inductively
come from the exploitation front of ‘‘Mina D’’, Hole 1 coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Finnigan
and from the cores of boreholes SM-1, 2, 3 and 4, while Mat SOLA) for As, Be, Bi, Cd, Ce, La, Co, Cu, Hg,
the sample from the Graphitic fault was taken in an Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, V, W, Y and
outcrop located approximately 1 km to the N of the Zn. UV-visible spectrophotometry for Fe speciation
experimental site, outside of Fig. 2. This outcrop is and SiO2 determination, by using the ferrozine and/or
intensively affected by percolating acid water (pH <3), orthophenanthroline methods depending on Fe concen-
as a result of pyrite oxidation, which is a very abundant trations, and the ammonium molybdate methods, respec-
sulphide in the mineralised zones, such as the Boa and tively. Ion chromatography (DIONEX 4500i) has been
Graphitic faults. used for Cl, Br, F, NO 3 2
3 , PO4 and SO4 analysis,
while ion selective electrodes have been employed for
3.3. Methods I and NHþ 4 determinations. Potentiometric titration
for alkalinity measurements was used in both field and
The filtered water samples were chemically analysed laboratory determinations. The fluorimetric method
by combining various analytical techniques. Inductively and laser induced kinetic phosphorimetry were used to
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 471
determine U. Potassium and Na were determined by have been compared with those obtained after restora-
atomic absorption and flame emission spectrometry, tion. Thus, a significant increase of the pH values was
respectively. DOC was determined by means of a Tocor observed in water from borehole SM-2 that evolves from
C analyser, and the filters used were examined by scan- neutral in 1999 (pH 7.1) to clearly alkaline in 2001 (pH
ning electron microscopy coupled to an energy dispersive 8.7) and 2002 (pH 8.2). A similar trend occurs in waters
X-ray analytical system (SEM + EDX), in order to deter- from borehole SM-3 that evolve from weakly acid in
mine suspended particles and colloids. Both, the fibre 1999 (pH 6.4) to weakly alkaline in 2001 (pH 7.9) and
pre-filter and the membrane filter itself were studied. 2002 (pH 7.4) (Fig. 5(a)).
Prior to stable isotope analysis, DOC in water was Regarding redox potential, waters from SM-2 were
concentrated, dried and homogenised using an agate already reducing before restoration of the site (300
mortar. Then, DOC, plants, humus, soil, carbonaceous mV), evolving toward more reducing, particularly in
rock and carbonaceous clayey samples were burned, 2001 (390 mV). A more drastic change is observed in
with additional O2, at 1020 °C, in a Carlo Erba NA waters from borehole SM-3 that evolve from weakly
1500 NC series 2 elemental analyser, coupled to a Delta (90 mV) to clearly reducing waters (350 mV in
Plus XL mass spectrometer. The mixture of C oxides
and N2 thus obtained was transformed into a mixture
of CO2, N2 and H2O that was passed through a column 9.00
containing elemental Cu at 650 °C. Water was elimi- 2001
nated by a Chromosorb trap, and CO2 and N2 were sep- 8.25
arated by chromatography before isotopic analysis. 8.00
mixture (He + CO2 + N2 + H2O etc) formed in the sam- 7.00
pling vials was automatically extracted using a Gas- 6.75
Bench-II system, and then passed through a Nafion 6.50
of 450 mm2 active area. The good resolution of the spec- -400
tra allowed the measurement of the area under the peaks -450
by simple integration. Peaks of 236U were corrected for SM2 SM3
(b) Boreholes
the small contribution of 235U.
The 3H determinations were made by liquid scintilla-
tion after electrolytic enrichment of water, according to 3000 1999
the method of Allen et al. (1966). 2001
EC (µS/cm)
2001 and 2002), with similar Eh values to those of waters the regional flow system, which is conditioned by the
from borehole SM-2 (Fig. 5(b)). Águeda River (see Fig. 3), the hydrogeological explana-
As a consequence of the evolution of the pH and Eh tion of the water-mix process described above could be
values, the electric conductivity (EC) of the waters from the local disturbances generated in the flow-lines of the
both boreholes was significantly lower (approximately system by the presence of Hole-01 itself. Furthermore,
half) after restoration of the site than before (Fig. the pumping effects on borehole SM-3 could also facili-
5(c)). This is due to the precipitation of pH-Eh depend- tate the reverse circulation of the SO2
4 -acid waters from
ent elements. Hole H-01 to SM-3 (T-1) packed-off section, through the
These evolutionary trends are directly related to the numerous fractures in the site.
restoration works that essentially consisted of the top-
ographic smoothing of the quarry front, by removing 4.1.2. Hydrochemical features and evolution
the exploitation benches, and infilling Hole H-01, for- The hydrochemical evolution of groundwaters from
merly flooded with oxidising SO2 4 -acid waters. For boreholes SM-2 and SM-3 is summarised in Table 1,
these works, the mine tailing materials, mainly com- in which the hydrochemical features of the water from
posed of carbonaceous slates, phyllites, carbonate-bear- Hole H-01 are also included for comparison. According
ing micaschists and calc-silicate rocks, were used, to these data, the evolutionary trend observed in the
which acted as buffer materials for the acid-SO2 4 water waters from the Boa fault is mainly defined by a signif-
from Hole H-01. Besides this, the hydraulic connec- icant decrease of the dissolved ions. However, the waters
tions between the boreholes and Hole H-01 were also from SM-2 evolve from Ca–Mg SO2 4 water, with some
partially stopped, thus minimising the mixing process large HCOtextsubscript3 concentration, to
observed between water from Hole H-01 and ground- Mg–Ca–HCO 2
3 –SO4 water, while SM-3 waters remain
waters from the rock formation (Gómez et al., 2000; as Mg–Ca–SO2 4 waters. In both cases, the HCO3 con-
Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). These facts are centration tends to increase while SO4 decreases. Chlo-
demonstrated by the drastic changes observed in the ride concentration remains practically constant. This
physicochemical parameters of the SM-3 groundwater, tendency is explained by the slight influence of the
since this borehole is the closest to Hole H-01 and, SO2
4 -acid water from Hole H-01 on groundwaters from
therefore, the most contaminated with the SO2 4 -acid the site, after its restoration. The massive oxidation of
waters in 1999. pyrite from the mineralised zones is responsible for the
According to NETPATH (Plummer et al., 1991) mix- SO2
4 -acid character of the waters from Hole H-01 (Pér-
ing calculations, groundwater taken from SM-3 in 1999 ez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a).
is the result of a 56/44 mix between groundwater from Calcium and Mg contents decrease, in general, to-
the rock formation (water from SM-2) and SO2 4 -acid wards the last campaign, while the behaviour of Na
water from Hole-01, following reaction (1), expressed and K is quite uneven. Though it seems that groundwa-
in mmol/kg (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez del Villar et al., ters from SM-3 tend to be enriched in Na and even K
2001, 2002a). and impoverished in Ca and Mg, a clear evolutionary
trend is not observed.
56% water from SM-2 þ 44% water from Hole
Total Fe and Mn decrease significantly in boreholes
01 þ 2:93FeðOHÞ3 þ 0:01 siderite SM-3 and SM-2, respectively, while these elements tend
þ 0:12 ankerite½CaMg0:7 Fe0:3 ðCO3 Þ2 towards stabilisation in boreholes SM-2 and SM-3,
respectively. Similarly, the concentrations of Fe(II) and
! water from SM-3 þ 0:89 gypsum þ 2:31CO2 ð1Þ Fe(III) in borehole SM-3 decrease in parallel with total
Furthermore, the current groundwaters from SM-3 Fe. In contrast, the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratios show a quite
show similar physicochemical characteristics to those uneven behaviour, though the Eh values are constant
from borehole SM-2 in 1999, which were then consid- in the last two sampling campaigns. In borehole SM-2,
ered as the most representative of the system. Conse- the behaviour of Fe (II) and Fe (III) in the last two cam-
quently, this means that groundwater from SM-3 has paigns is even more heterogeneous, since for an almost
evolved from a 56/44 mix between groundwater from constant amount of total Fe, the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratios
the rock formation (water from SM-2) and SO2 4 -acid are reversed, being much higher in 2002 than in 2001.
water from Hole-01, to groundwaters almost in equilib- In contrast, the Eh value in 2002 is lower than in 2001.
rium with the rock formation. However, the minor Concerning minor and trace elements, Ni and Zn
changes also observed in groundwaters from borehole show a similar behaviour in groundwater from the two
SM-2 indicate that they were also contaminated in boreholes, in such a way that, in general, their contents
1999, though to a lesser extent than those from borehole decrease towards the last sampling campaign. This fact
SM-3. indicates less influence of water from Hole H-01. Stron-
Although the hydrogeological investigations sug- tium follows a parallel trend to those of Ca and Mg in
gested that the deep groundwater flow is controlled by both boreholes, which is probably related to the dissolu-
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 473
Table 1
Hydrochemical evolution of the Boa fault groundwaters intersected by boreholes SM-2 and SM-3
Borehole/section SM-2-T2 SM-2-T2 SM-2-T2 SM-3-T1 SM-3-T1 SM-3-T1 Hole H-01
Date 1999 2001 2002 1999 2001 2002 1999
HCO 3 mg=L 236 161 262 54,2 58 78,3 <3
Cl mg/L 10 18 13 11 12 12 15.5
SO24 mg=L 294 135 108 2267 573 935 4975
F mg/L 0.3 0.3 ND 0.1 0.8 ND <0.1
I mg/L 1.1 0.4 ND 0.1 0.1 ND <0.02
Br mg/L <0.1 <0.1 ND <0.1 <0.1 ND <0.1
NHþ 4 mg=L 0.4 0.4 ND 0.2 0.2 ND 1.1
Ca mg/L 83 47 43 240 77 132 510
Mg mg/L 65 33 47 285 71 152 561
Na mg/L 28 23 27 45 34 61 42
K mg/L 3.4 3 4.3 3.5 2.5 4.5 7.7
Fe mg/L 4.7 0.8 0.9 172 48.9 36.0 10.5
Mn mg/L 1.3 0.7 0.2 21.0 5.5 5.9 96.75
Li mg/L 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.12 0.07 0.11 0.89
U lg/L 272 1160 312 49 30 48 102250
As lg/L 7.9 12 5 18.7 2.5 6 ND
Sr lg/L 310 225 252 1466 443 557 2.02
Ni lg/L 53 77 31 843 144 139 7850
Zn lg/L 1013 179 24 8700 366 127 ND
Fe2+ (lg/L) 4667 236 740 171000 47300 35233 4075
Fe3+ (lg/L) 0 532 146 1500 1600 700 5975
Fe2+/Fe3+ 1 0.44 5.07 114 29.6 50.3 0.68
EC (uS/cm) lab 887 584 570 2757 1020 1463 ND
pH lab. 7.67 7.2 7.2 5.8 6.4 6.1 2.9
DOC mg C/L 29.6 30.5 50.7 5.1 6.7 28.2 1.4
U/238U AR ND ND 2.80 ND ND 1.97 ND
H (T.U.) (r)1 2.64 (.34) 2.10 (.50) 1.79 (.65) 4.80 (.50) 2.79 (.53) 1.56 (.61) 5.11 (3.12)
ND: non-determined. (r)1: 3 samples.
Hydrochemistry of water from Hole H-01 is also included for comparison.
tion of fracture-infill carbonates. Finally, the similar ditions. Cotton and Wilkinson (1988) state that the
behaviour of As and U is surprising since they have no uranyl-carbonate complexes are particularly stable
relationship with the evolutionary trend of the physico- and difficult to reduce under alkaline conditions,
chemical variables of the groundwaters. This is particu- since this reducing reaction is pH-dependent
larly relevant for U, whose concentrations are extremely (Langmuir, 1997).
high in relation to the pH and Eh values of ground- (iii) The presence of U(IV)–organic matter complexes
waters, especially in those from SM-2 that were sampled that would increase the solubility of U(IV). In this
in 2001. Thus, under the alkaline and reducing condi- sense, the high amount of DOC determined in
tions measured in the SM-2 groundwaters, all the U the- these groundwaters is remarkable, particularly in
oretically should have precipitated as U(IV), either as borehole SM-2, as well as its large increase
oxide or silicate as a function of the SiO2 activity. How- observed in the last sampling campaign (see Table
ever, several reasons can justify the high amount of dis- 1).
solved U in these groundwaters: (iv) The existence of small U(IV)-enriched colloidal
particles with sizes lower than 0.45 lm that were
(i) The slow reaction kinetic to transform U(VI) into eventually incorporated in the filtered water sam-
U(IV), which is the expected species in these ples and then dissolved and analysed.
groundwaters (Langmuir, 1997).
(ii) The role-played by the HCO 3 ion as a complexing In order to investigate the fourth reason, groundwa-
agent for U(VI) that would increase the stability ters from the last sampling campaign were also filtered
and solubility of the U (VI) even under reducing at 0.22 lm. Then, the chemical results from 0.45 to
conditions. In this sense, Andersson (1987) sug- 0.22-lm filtered waters were compared and both >0.45
gested that the dominant species in solution is the lm sized particles and 0.45–0.22 lm colloids were stud-
uranyl ion ðUO2þ2 Þ, even under high reducing con- ied by SEM + EDX. The chemical results (Table 2)
474 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
show only minor differences between the two filtered lue (r = 6.8) is considered (3r = 20.4), since this value
groundwaters. Thus, the most significant difference ob- indicates a 99.5% confidence of the analytical data.
served in the SM-2 groundwaters concerns the total Fe The differences observed in groundwaters from bore-
and Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio that is 5 times higher for the hole SM-3 concern the same elements as in ground-
0.45-lm filtered water than for the 0.22-lm filtered waters from borehole SM-2 plus Mn. Nevertheless, the
one. However, the high uncertainty observed in the Fe behaviour of Fe and U is the opposite to that already ex-
(III) determinations suggests that the differences are plained for the SM-2 groundwaters, in such a way that
mainly due to Fe (II). This can be explained considering the highest Fe and U values have been measured in
the negative Eh values of these waters and the possible 0.22-lm filtered and 0.45-lm filtered waters, respec-
existence of neoformed Fe-sulphide particles with sizes tively. This is expected for U but not for Fe. Besides this,
ranging between 0.45 and 0.22 lm. The other two differ- the uncertainties observed in both Fe (II) and Fe (III)
ences concern DOC and U contents, the first being make any interpretation of these results difficult. As ex-
slightly higher in the 0.45-lm filtered water than in the pected, the Mn content in 0.45-lm filtered waters is
0.22-lm filtered one. This means that minor organic C much higher than in 0.22-lm filtered waters, thus indi-
can be as colloidal particles, probably inherited from cating the presence of Mn-rich particles with sizes rang-
the Boa fault carbonaceous clayey walls, the remaining ing between 0.45 and 0.22 lm. Finally, the DOC content
C being as DOC. Concerning U, the difference observed follows the same trends as in waters from borehole
is opposite to that expected, since the highest values cor- SM-2.
respond to the 0.22-lm filtered waters. However, this Summarising, groundwaters from the Boa fault show
apparent contradiction can be due to the uncertainties an evolutionary trend towards stabilisation and equilib-
of the analytical method, since the largest difference be- rium with the rock formation, though a more extended
tween both average values is approximately 20 lg/L. control must be performed, in order to corroborate this
This difference is consistent if 3 times the uncertainty va- tendency. Furthermore, no significant differences can be
Table 2
Chemical features of Boa fault groundwaters (boreholes SM-2 and SM-3) filtered by 0.45 and 0.22 lm (2002 campaign)
Borehole/section SM-2-T2 (0.45 lm) SM-2-T2 (0.22 lm) SM-3-T1 (0.45 lm) SM-3-T1 (0.22 lm)
Third campaign (2002) X r X r X r X r
3 ðmg=LÞ 262 1.5 267 2.1 78.3 13.5 89 4.0
Cl (mg/L) 13 1.0 14 1.0 12 2.1 12 1.5
4 ðmg=LÞ 108. 0.6 100 1.2 935 103.8 860 21.2
SiO2 (mg/L) 30.3 0.1 29.7 0.2 13.4 0.3 13 0.1
Ca (mg/L) 43 1.7 45 4.7 132 13.9 140 2.3
Mg (mg/L) 47 0.6 44 0.6 152 21.9 123 2.6
Na (mg/L) 27 0.0 27 0.6 61 2.5 59 0.0
K (mg/L) 4.3 1.0 3.3 1.7 4.5 2.2 3.4 0.0
Total Fe (mg/L) 0.886 0.2 0.179 0.04 36 3.4 47.3 2.2
Mn (mg/L) 0.24 0.0 0.23 0.0 5.9 0.8 1.06 0.1
Li (mg/L) 0.05 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.11 0.0 0.11 0.0
U (lg/L) 312 3.0 332 6.8 48 4.0 38 1.5
As (lg/L) 5 0.2 9.7 7.2 6 2.1 6 0.3
Sr (lg/L) 252 56.7 232 89.5 557 72.0 538 8.5
Ni (lg/L) 31 3.2 25 2.6 139 33.5 119 3.5
Zn (lg/L) 24.3 16.3 25 12.1 127 3.8 116 14.6
Fe2+ (lg/L) 740 292.9 92 53.7 35233 3493.3 46633 1778.6
Fe3+ (lg/L) 146 124.6 87 94.8 700 264.6 667 665.8
Fe2+/Fe3+ 5.07 1.06 50.33 69.91
EC (lS/cm) Lab 570 552 1463 1400
EC (lS/cm) ‘‘in situ’’ 645 645 1500 1500
pH Lab 7.2 7.8 6.1 6.2
pH in situ 7.1 7.1 7.4 7.4
T (°C) 22 22 24 24
Eh (mV) 325 325 350 350
DOC (mgC/L) 50.7 5.3 43.5 3.1 28.2 2.3 19.6 2.3
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 475
established between 0.45 and 0.22-lm filtered waters Minor differences are observed between the satura-
from the two boreholes studied, except for Fe, Mn and tion indices obtained for 0.45 and 0.22-lm filtered
DOC. The behaviour of 3H, that largely decreases to- groundwaters from both boreholes, except for rhodo-
wards the last sampling campaign, particularly in bore- chrosite in waters from borehole SM-3 that changes
hole SM-3 (see Table 1), indicates a minor influence of from equilibrium to an undersaturated state.
the acid waters from Hole H-01 on the groundwaters
from the site. This corroborates the evolutionary trend 4.2. Suspended particles and colloids
of these groundwaters towards stabilisation and equilib-
rium with the rock formation. Finally, the 234U/238U The results obtained from the study performed by
activity ratio (AR) in groundwaters from the last sam- SEM + EDX on the 0.45 lm filters used in the 2001
pling campaign (SM-2: 2.80 and SM-3: 1.97) are higher campaign are summarised as follows:
than unity, as in most oxidising waters of the world. This Mineral particles in groundwaters from borehole
is due to the preferential leaching of 234U from the U SM-2 were plagioclase, muscovite, quartz, K-feldspar,
minerals that is facilitated by the a-recoil processes. chlorite and Ti oxides, sometimes coated by undeter-
mined and complex metallic sulphides. Furthermore,
4.1.3. Mineral equilibrium Fe–Zn and Zn–Fe sulphides; aggregates of Fe-oxyhy-
As mentioned before, the groundwaters from the Boa droxides; complex compounds of Si, Fe, Zn, S, Cu with
fault show an evolutionary trend towards equilibrium minor Ca, Al, Mg; of S, Cu, Fe, Zn with minor Si; of Fe,
with the rock formation, particularly those from bore- P, Si, Ca, Zn and Pb; of Fe, S, Si, Zn, Ca, U with minor
hole SM-3. This fact is also observed in the saturation Mn and Cu; of S, Cu, Mn; of Si, Sn, Fe, Zu, Cu; as well
indices of some minerals (Table 3), which have been cal- as particles of calcite and barite were also detected.
culated by means of the EQ3/6 code, using the GEMB- In groundwaters from borehole SM-3, chlorite is the
OCHS database (Johnson and Lundeen, 1994). main inherited mineral, usually coated by S or sulphides,
However, this tendency is not clear for groundwaters and inherited particles of pyrite are also present. Aggre-
from borehole SM-2, in which some variations are ob- gates of Fe-oxyhydroxides with minor Zn, Mn and Cu,
served as a function of the sampling campaign. Thus, barite and patches of Cu–Fe (Zn) sulphides were also
the saturation indices for the last campaign indicate that detected.
these waters are practically in equilibrium with chalced- Besides the inherited minerals, the textural features of
ony, rhodochrosite and siderite, while they are oversatu- the remaining compounds suggest that they were neo-
rated with respect to calcite and coffinite. In contrast, formed in groundwaters, as a result of the physicochem-
the tendency towards equilibrium is clearer in ground- ical changes that affected them, after the restoration
waters from SM-3, as confirmed by the evolutionary works performed at the site. These complex compounds,
trend of the saturation indices for chalcedony and calcite which are of great interest to this work, are responsible
and, to a lesser extent, for coffinite and siderite. These for the decrease observed in the metal concentrations in
minerals have been identified in the fracture fillings of samples taken in 2001 with respect to those taken in
the system (Pérez del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). 1999 (see Table 1).
Table 3
Evolution of the saturation indices of some minerals in waters from boreholes SM-2 and SM-3
Boreholes and campaigns: SM-2-T2 SM-2-T2 SM-2-T2 SM-2-T2 SM-3-T1 SM-3-T1 SM-3-T1 SM-3-T1
0.45 lm 0.45 lm 0.45 lm 0.22 lm 0.45 lm 0.45 lm 0.45 lm 0.22 lm
1999 2001 2002 2002 1999 2001 2002 2002
Minerals Saturation indexes
Albite – 0.753 0.507 0.080 1.358 0.029 0.136 0.184
Calcite 0.344 1.003 0.550 0.581 1.694 0.308 0.405 0.317
Chalcedony 0.438 0.007 0.281 0.278 0.419 0.275 0.168 0.155
Coffinite 7.473 0.221 0.769 0.793 2.607 0.697 0.616 0.727
Mn(OH)2(am) 6.453 3.544 5.144 5.182 6.905 4.472 5.203 5.938
Ni(OH)2 5.257 1.632 3.323 3.419 5.707 3.465 4.273 4.304
Rhodochrosite 0.276 0.787 0.063 0.034 0.911 0.402 0.100 0.580
Siderite 0.175 0.113 0.373 0.526 0.010 2.370 0.847 1.028
Smithsonite 1.075 0.329 1.557 1.529 1.843 1.405 2.178 2.157
U4O9 0.705 4.251 3.997 4.024 1.258 2.576 2.590 2.491
Zincite 2.418 0.154 1.950 1.932 3.002 1.467 2.669 2.703
476 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Filters used in the 2002 sampling campaign show sig- The origin of DOC in these groundwaters was also
nificant differences with respect to those described an open question (Pérez del Villar et al., 2002a), since
above. Thus, extremely scarce inherited minerals have it could have originated in soil of the site, and/or be
been detected in 0.45 lm filters used for both boreholes. the result of the microbiologically mediated oxidation
Similarly, complex compounds of metallic transition ele- of the organic matter (OM) in the clayey walls of the
ments are scarce with respect to the 2001 sampling cam- Boa fault, in accordance with the following general
paign, except for the large amount of amorphous Fe- reaction:
oxyhydroxides with minor S, Si, Mg, Al, Ca and Mn de-
tected in the 0.45 lm filter used in borehole SM-3. OM þ 2Hþ þ SO2
4 ! DOC þ H2 S þ CO2 ð2Þ
In contrast, particles, aggregates and precipitates of
more or less complex K chlorides and sulphates, Ca car- In this H+ and SO24 come from the oxidation of pyr-
bonates and probable Fe carbonates, both forming idio- ite, which is a very abundant sulphide in the site, and
morphic crystals, and probable elemental S have been DOC should be a mixture of humic, fulvic and hydro-
mainly detected in both 0.45 and 0.22 lm filters used philic acids (Buckau et al., 2000).
in borehole SM-2 (Fig. 6(a)–(d)). The textural features In order to answer the aforementioned question, the
of these salts suggest that they were mainly neoformed isotopic signatures of C from DOC have been measured
during the filtering processes and/or filter drying. (Table 4) and compared with those obtained from all its
Besides the Fe-oxyhydroxides detected in the 0.45 lm possible sources. (Tables 5–8).
filter used for borehole SM-3 sampling, large crystal The d13C values for DOC are in agreement with those
aggregates of Ca sulphates, probably gypsum, have been of organic matter and they are very similar to those of
observed in both 0.45 and 0.22 lm filters (Fig. 6(e)). the C3 plants that vary between 34& and 23&, the
Their textural characteristics also suggest a neoforma- most frequent values ranging between 30& and
tion process during filtering and/or filter drying. Fur- 25& (Deines, 1980). Only the SM-3-T1 (2) sample
thermore, a generalised precipitation of complex from the second campaign (June 2001) shows a more
compounds of S, Fe, Si, Mn and Ca was observed in positive value (21.9&) that those of the C3 plants.
both 0.45 and 0.22 lm membrane filters (Fig. 6(f)). Furthermore, when the d13C values of the solid sam-
In summary, all these complex compounds reflect the ples (plants, soils and rocks) are compared among them-
chemical characteristics of groundwaters and they are selves and with the d13C values of DOC from the Boa
generally the results of the precipitation processes that fault groundwaters, the following can be stated:
take place inside the filters, either during filtering or dur-
ing filter drying. Minor suspended particles have been The organic matter of the geological materials from
detected in the last sampling campaign, but without U. the site shows very negative and constant d13C values
This means that U in groundwaters is dissolved either that vary between 28.5& and 25.3& (Fig. 7),
as U(VI), forming stable complexes with HCO 3 , or as
except for the carbonaceous clays from the Graphitic
U(IV)–DOC stable complexes. fault with a more positive d13C value (21.7&).
These values agree with those of the current conti-
4.3. d13C as a tracer for the source of DOC in nental and marine plants and sediments, and with
groundwater those of organic matter from consolidated sediments
and metasediments (Craig, 1953; Deines, 1980; Schid-
In spite of the intensive oxic disturbance due to the lowski, 1993).
mining activities in the site, the Eh value measured in The similarity between the isotopic signatures of the
the SM-2 (T-2) groundwater, around 300 mV in the organic matter from the carbonaceous slates and
first sampling campaign (July, 1999) (see Fig. 4(b)), indi- from the black-clayey walls of the Boa fault supports
cates the large redox buffer capacity of the system. How- the contention that the organic matter of these fault
ever, applying the EQ3/6 code to the measured walls come from the country rocks by a concentra-
concentrations of Fe (II) and Fe (III), an Eh value of tion process related to the mechanical and hydrother-
138 mV was obtained, indicating that other redox pairs mal processes affecting the fault zones.
and even organic matter contribute to the Eh values Something similar occurs with the isotopic signatures
measured in this groundwater (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez of the organic matter from the soil horizons and the
del Villar et al., 2001, 2002a). In this sense, microbiologi- parent rocks, suggesting that the organic matter of
cal mediation of SO2 4 reduction by organic matter may
the soil can be totally or partially inherited from
decrease the redox potential of groundwaters be- the parent rocks, particularly from the carbonaceous
tween200 and400 mV (Stumm and Morgan, 1981), slates.
which are values very similar to those measured in Finally, the origin of DOC is difficult to know due to
SM-2 (T-2) (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez del Villar et al., the similarity among the d13C values of the organic
2001, 2002a). matter from all the rock samples, current plants
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 477
Fig. 6. Backscattered electron images of particles and precipitates retained on 0.45 lm and 0.22 lm filters used in 2002 groundwater
sampling campaign of both SM-2 and SM-3 boreholes. (a) Mixture of subidiomorphic salts from SM-2 groundwaters precipitated on
0.45 lm filter. 1: Potassium chloride with minor S, Fe, Si, Mg. 2: Probable potassium sulphate, with minor Cl, Fe, Si, Mg. 3: fibre from
the pre-filter (SM-2). (b) Idiomorphic Ca carbonate (1) precipitated on 0.22 lm filter membrane (2) used (SM-2). (c) Probable Fe
carbonate with minor S, Cl, K and Si (1) mixed with a chemically complex compound of Cl, Fe, Si, K, Ca (2), both precipitated on 0.45
lm filter membrane (SM-2). (d) Probable elemental S (1) precipitated on 0.22 lm filter membrane (2) (SM-2). (e) Idiomorphic crystal of
Ca sulphate (1) and Fe-oxyhydroxides (2) precipitated on 0.45 lm fibre pre-filter (SM-3). (f) Chemically complex compounds of Cl and
Fe with minor S, Si, Mg, Al, Mn and Ca, precipitated on 0.45 lm membrane filter (SM-3).
478 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Table 4
d13C values of DOC from the Boa fault groundwater
Boreholes and samples June 1999 June 2001 June 2002
13 13
DOC* d C (PDB) (&) DOC* d C (PDB) (&) DOC* d13C (PDB) (&)
SM-2-T2 (1) 29.6 ND 30.5 27.6 50.7 25.0
SM-2-T2 (2) 27.2 26.6
SM-2-T2 (3) 26.3 26.6
SM-3-T1 (1) 5.1 ND 6.7 25.2 28.2 26.5
SM-3-T1 (2) 21.9 26.6
SM-3-T1 (3) 26.3 27.0
DOC*, (mgC/L) Average values of three samples. ND, non-determined.
Table 5
d13C values of the more abundant plants at the site in June 2001
Samples Family Specie d13C (PDB) (&)
Leaves Fagaceae Quercus Rotundifolia 28.3
Lichen ND ND 24.5
Plants Graminae Dactylis Glomerata Blade: 28.6
Leave: 26.9
Graminae Agrostis sp. A.Castellana Blade: 23.1
Leave: 29.1
Graminae Vulpia spp Blade: 27.6
Blade: 27.4
Plant mixture Graminae + Cariofoliaceas Vulpia spp + Minuartia pp 25.9
Plant Papilonaceas Retama. Sphaerocarpa Blade: 24.2
Leave: 27.5
ND: Non-determined.
Table 6
organic matter from the Boa fault carbonaceous clayey
d13C of organic matter from soil developed at the site, at 645
The isotopic signatures of DIC are very constant if
Samples d13C(PDB) (&) groundwaters from each borehole and campaign are
Dead leaves 28.7 separately considered. However, the average value of
Humus 27.5 DIC for borehole SM-2 (11.3 ± 0.6&) is two units
A1 horizon 26.8 more negative than that for borehole SM-3
A2 horizon 25.7 (9.1 ± 0.6&) in the first sampling campaign; and 4
Carbonaceous slates 25.3
units more negative in the second (15.1 ± 0.5&
against11.1 ± 0.5&). Furthermore, the d13C signatures
and DOC from the Boa fault groundwater (Fig. 8). show an evolutionary trend towards more negative val-
However, given that the soil in the site is poorly ues with time, but they have no relationship with the
developed, DOC could come mainly from the carbo- d13C values of the organic matter from the Boa fault car-
naceous clayey walls of the Boa fault, according to bonaceous-clayey walls, around 27& (see Fig. 7 and
reaction (2). In this way, both the redox potential Table 8).
of the Boa fault groundwater and the most probable The average d13C values of DIC from SM-2 water
source of DOC could be accounted for. samples in June 2001 (11.3 ± 0.6&) and June 2002
(15.1 ± 0.5&) are in agreement with the isotopic signa-
ture of a theoretical DIC (d13C between 15& and
4.4. d13C as a tracer for the source of DIC in groundwater 9&) derived from soil-CO2 (d13C between 24& and
18&) generated by the oxidation of the existing C3
The d13C values of DIC from groundwater samples plants, at 15 °C that is the approximate annual average
taken during the last two sampling campaigns (June. temperature in the site (Fig. 8). Nevertheless, the d13C
2001 and 2002) are listed in Tables 9 and 10 and are rep- average value of DIC from SM-3 groundwater samples
resented in Fig. 7, in relation to the d13C values of the in June 2001 (9.1 ± 0.6&) is in the upper positive limit
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 479
Table 7
d13C values of the organic mater from the carbonaceous-clayey walls of the Boa and Graphitic faults (exploitation fronts)
Bulk samples d13C(PDB) (&) <2 lm fraction d13C(PDB) (&) Minerals d13C(PDB) (&)
636-FB-1 26.1 636-FB-1 26.6 630-FB-2 (Fe)a 25.7
636-FB-2 27.1 636-FB-2 27.0 630-FB-2 (Cl)b 26.8
636-FB-3 26.5 636-FB-3 26.9 618-FB-2 (Fe) 26.0
630-FB-1 27.0 630-FB-1 27.5 618-FB-2 (Cl) 26.3
630-FB-2 25.9 630-FB-2 26.9 606-FB-2 (Car)c 27.8
630-FB-3 26.3 630-FB-3 26.7 606-FB-2 (Cl) 28.0
624-FB-1 26.7 624-FB-1 26.4 606-FB-2 (OM)d 28.5
624-FB-2 26.2 624-FB-2 26.3 Carbonaceous clays from Graphitic fault 21.7
624-FB-3 26.7 624-FB-3 26.7
618-FB-1 27.8 618-FB-1 27.5
618-FB-2 26.2 618-FB-2 26.1
618-FB-3 26.3 618-FB-3 26.7
612-FB-1 27.9 612-FB-1 ND
612-FB-2 27.5 612-FB-2 28.0
612-FB-3 27.7 612-FB-3 27.5
606-FB-1 28.3 606-FB-1 28.0
606-FB-2 27.8 606-FB-2 ND
606-FB-3 28.3 606-FB-3 28.5
ND: non-determined.
Organic matter.
DIC-2001 OM-2001
Nº Samples
- 13
-1 5
- 25
- 18
-1 9
- 21
- 22
-2 6
-2 8
- 11
- 12
(a) δ13C ‰ (PDB)
15 OM-2001
Nº Samples
- 29
-1 6
-1 8
- 20
- 11
-1 2
- 13
-1 9
- 23
-2 5
Fig. 7. Frequency diagram of the d13C values of the organic mater (OM) from the carbonaceous-clayey walls of the main faults of the
site. Frequency diagram of the d13C values of the Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in groundwaters is also shown for comparison. (a)
2001 sampling campaign, (b) 2002 sampling campaign.
rich nor organic matter particles have been detected. groundwaters were produced with a large dissolution
Carbonates and sulphates detected in the filters were capacity for light and heavy metals. The rock/water
formed during the filtering processes and/or filter dry- interaction processes, mainly those involving carbon-
ing, thus reflecting the chemical composition of ate infill materials, progressively buffered groundwa-
groundwaters. ters in the deeper zones of the site, increasing their
Currently, these evolutionary trends, particularly in alkalinity and precipitating those pH-dependent met-
the water of borehole SM-3, are directly related als. These processes generated groundwaters like
to the restoration works performed in the site, for which those first sampled from borehole SM-2 and then
the mine tailing materials were used as both sealing from SM-3.
and buffer materials. In this way, the neutralisation Concerning the redox potential, it is noticeable that
of acid water from Hole H-01 and the obstruction groundwaters in the site restore their reducing condi-
of the connections between this Hole and borehole tions very fast and at a shallow level, regardless of
SM-3 were achieved. As a result, SM-3 waters have fracture density in the site. This seems to indicate that
evolved from a 56/44 mix between groundwater from the redox buffering capacity is mainly controlled
the rock formation (water from SM-2) and water by the abundant organic matter in the clayey walls
from Hole H-01 (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez del Villar of the Boa fault, in addition to the redox capacity
et al., 2001, 2002a) to a groundwater almost in equi- arising from the Fe(II), Mn(II) and U(IV) bearing
librium with the rock formation and similar to that minerals. Although d13C signatures have been unable
from SM-2. This process would be similar to the to decipher the origin of DOC in groundwaters, the
one that functioned in the U deposit since its forma- poorly developed soil in the site and the high concen-
tion, approximately 35 Ma ago, until its exploitation. tration of DOC observed in groundwaters from
During this interval of time it was exposed to contin- the last sampling campaign suggest that DOC
uous and intensive downward weathering processes, could mainly come from the carbonaceous clayey
the main chemical processes being the oxidation of walls of the Boa fault, according to: OM þ 2Hþ þ
sulphides, mainly pyrite. As a result, SO2 4 -acid SO24 ! DOC þ H2 S þ CO2 . Thus, both the negative
L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485 481
Fig. 8. The most probable sources of C in the ‘‘Mina D Hole 01’’ area. SURFACE PROCESSES: Only plants of the site, with d13C
values in the range of C3 plants (Deines, 1980), and the pre-industrial atmospheric CO2, with a d13C value of 6.5& (Friedli et al.,
1986) (at present 8&), have been considered. The soil-CO2 is about 4.5& heavier than the plant biomass (Cerling, 1984, 1991). The
isotopic difference between CO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) depends on the pH and temperature. This value will be near 0&
at pH 5, but close to 9& at pH 8 (Romanek et al., 1992). For the calculation of the isotopic theoretical signature of DIC the authors
have considered equations described by Romanek et al. (1992) for temperatures of 0, 15 and 30 °C. Notice that the isotopic signature of
DIC in the Boa fault groundwaters is mainly in the range of the theoretical isotopic signature of soil CO2-derived DIC at 15 °C, which
can be approximately considered as the average temperature in the site. Dissolved organic C in the Boa fault groundwaters can either
come from the plants of the site or more probably from the partial oxidation of the organic matter present in the clayey walls of the
main faults, such as Boa fault. Furthermore, some DIC can be supplied by the oxidation of organic matter. DEEP PROCESSES:
Highly negative calcites (CH4-derived cements) and highly positive calcites (methanogenic cements) must be discounted, since the most
frequent values obtained for carbonates in the site, between 7.2& and 9.6&, as the most frequent values (Both et al., 1994), are far
from these fields. These isotopic values correspond to carbonates from the early and main crystallisation phase. On the other hand, the
values of current DIC range between 15.1& and 9.1&, which are approximately in the range of the theoretically calculated values.
Finally, a number of relevant isotope compositional fields from the specialised literature are also shown for comparison: 3 = range of
pedogenic calcites (Talma and Netterberg, 1983; Salomons and Mook, 1986); 4 = Carbonatites (Hoefs, 1980); 5 = mantle (Kyser,
1986); 6 = fracture calcite from the Stripa granite (Clauer et al., 1989; Fritz et al., 1989); 7 = carbonates from the El Berrocal fracture
infill materials (Reyes et al., 1998).
Eh values of the Boa fault groundwaters and the geological radwaste repository. Thus, migration/reten-
most probable source of DOC would be accounted tion of natural radionuclides and other analogue ele-
for. ments are mainly controlled by chemical and
Finally, the isotopic signatures of DIC suggest that physicochemical processes, such as adsorption, desorp-
the main source of DIC in groundwater in equilib- tion, dissolution/co-dissolution and precipitation/co-pre-
rium with the rock formation (SM-2 groundwater) cipitation, which, in turn, are governed by the
is the CO2 generated by the oxidation of the present physicochemical properties of groundwater, mainly Eh
C3 plants in the soil zone. However, DIC in the SM-3 and pH. Interaction processes between slightly acidic,
groundwaters is a mixture of DIC from the oxidation oxidised percolating rainwater and rock-forming miner-
of the present C3 plants and DIC from the dissolu- als, particularly those from fracture fillings, mainly con-
tion of carbonate infill materials. trol these physicochemical variables in groundwaters.
The most relevant rainwater/rock interaction process
in the system studied is the continuous oxidation of the
sulphide-rich U deposits, as the mineralogy of its oxida-
6. Implications for processes in a radwaste disposal tion cap and the hydrochemistry of the waters from
Hole H-01 have demonstrated (Gómez et al., 2000; Pérez
The characterisation of the groundwater geochemis- del Villar et al., 2002a). As a consequence, the oxidised
try and the interpretation and understanding of the and leached upper part of this system is of no relevance
hydrogeochemical evolution constitute an essential part in assessing the repository system, since these interaction
of the assessment of radionuclide migration in a natural processes originate the destabilisation of the main
system that can be extrapolated, by analogy, to a deep primary minerals, such as sulphides, pitchblende and
482 L. Pérez del Villar et al. / Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 465–485
Table 9 Table 10
d13C values of DIC in samples from Boa fault groundwater d13C values of DIC in samples from Boa fault groundwater
(boreholes SM-2 and SM-3, campaign of June 2001) (boreholes SM-2 and SM-3, campaign of June 2002)
Samples d13C (PDB) Samples d13C (PDB) Samples d13C (PDB) (&) Samples d13C (PDB) (&)
(&) (&)
SM-2-T2 (1) 13.6 SM-3-T1 (1) 10.7
SM-2-T2 (1) 10.0 SM-3-T1 (1) 10.0 SM-2-T2 (2) 15.0 SM-3-T1 (2) 11.2
SM-2-T2 (2) 10.6 SM-3-T1 (2) 10.1 SM-2-T2 (3) 14.8 SM-3-T1 (3) 11.2
SM-2-T2 (3) 10.6 SM-3-T1 (3) 10.0 SM-2-T2 (4) 14.7 SM-3-T1 (4) 11.6
SM-2-T2 (4) 11.1 SM-3-T1 (4) 10.4 SM-2-T2 (5) 15.1 SM-3-T1 (5) 11.5
SM-2-T2 (5) 10.9 SM-3-T1 (5) 9.0 SM-2-T2 (6) 15.0 SM-3-T1 (6) 11.7
SM-2-T2 (6) 11.6 SM-3-T1 (6) 9.6 SM-2-T2 (7) 15.0 SM-3-T1 (7) 11.7
SM-2-T2 (7) 11.5 SM-3-T1 (7) 9.6 SM-2-T2 (8) 14.9 SM-3-T1 (8) 11.6
SM-2-T2 (8) 11.0 SM-3-T1 (8) 8.9 SM-2-T2 (9) 15.2 SM-3-T1 (9) 11.1
SM-2-T2 (9) 10.9 SM-3-T1 (9) 9.4 SM-2-T2 (10) 14.8 SM-3-T1 (10) 11.5
SM-2-T2 (10) 11.7 SM-3-T1 (10) 9.5 SM-2-T2 (11) 15.0 SM-3-T1 (11) 11.6
SM-2-T2 (11) 11.6 SM-3-T1 (11) 9.1 SM-2-T2 (12) 15.3 SM-3-T1 (12) 11.3
SM-2-T2 (12) 11.7 SM-3-T1 (12) 9.4 SM-2-T2 (13) 15.3 SM-3-T1 (13) 11.3
SM-2-T2 (13) 10.7 SM-3-T1 (13) ND SM-2-T2 (14) 15.0 SM-3-T1 (14) 10.3
SM-2-T2 (14) 11.8 SM-3-T1 (14) 9.2 SM-2-T2 (15) 13.8 SM-3-T1 (15) 11.4
SM-2-T2 (15) 11.0 SM-3-T1 (15) 9.0 SM-2-T2 (16) 15.3 SM-3-T1 (16) 11.2
SM-2-T2 (16) 10.6 SM-3-T1 (16) 9.1 SM-2-T2 (17) 15.1 SM-3-T1 (17) 11.2
SM-2-T2 (17) 10.2 SM-3-T1 (17) 8.6 SM-2-T2 (18) 15.4 SM-3-T1 (18) 11.1
SM-2-T2 (18) 11.5 SM-3-T1 (18) 8.1 SM-2-T2 (19) 15.1 SM-3-T1 (19) 10.8
SM-2-T2 (19) 12.1 SM-3-T1 (19) 8.7 SM-2-T2 (20) 15.1 SM-3-T1 (20) 10.8
SM-2-T2 (20) ND SM-3-T1 (20) 8.8 SM-2-T2 (21) 15.3 SM-3-T1 (21) 11.3
SM-2-T2 (21) 11.9 SM-3-T1 (21) 8.2 SM-2-T2 (22) 15.1 SM-3-T1 (22) 10.6
SM-2-T2 (22) 10.7 SM-3-T1 (22) 8.4 SM-2-T2 (23) 14.7 SM-3-T1 (23) 11.2
SM-2-T2 (23) 11.7 SM-3-T1 (23) 9.2 SM-2-T2 (24) 15.5 SM-3-T1 (24) 11.4
SM-2-T2 (24) 12.1 SM-3-T1 (24) 8.4 SM-2-T2 (25) 15.7 SM-3-T1 (25) 10.2
SM-2-T2 (25) 12.0 SM-3-T1 (25) 8.9 SM-2-T2 (26) 15.7 SM-3-T1 (26) 11.4
SM-2-T2 (26) 11.6 SM-3-T1 (26) 9.2 SM-2-T2 (27) 15.7 SM-3-T1 (27) 11.1
SM-2-T2 (27) 11.8 SM-3-T1 (27) 8.6 SM-2-T2 (28) 15.4 SM-3-T1 (28) 11.3
SM-2-T2 (28) 11.2 SM-3-T1 (28) 9.4 SM-2-T2 (29) 15.6 SM-3-T1 (29) 10.9
SM-2-T2 (29) 11.8 SM-3-T1 (29) 9.1 SM-2-T2 (30) 15.3 SM-3-T1 (30) 11.0
SM-2-T2 (30) 11.9 SM-3-T1 (30) 9.1
X r 15.1 ± 0.5 X r 11.1 ± 0.5
X r 11.3 ± 0.6 X r 9.1 ± 0.6
ND: non-determined.
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