Cavitation Modeling of A Centrifugal Pump Impeller: UFABC - Universidade Federal Do ABC - Santo André - SP - Brasil
Cavitation Modeling of A Centrifugal Pump Impeller: UFABC - Universidade Federal Do ABC - Santo André - SP - Brasil
Cavitation Modeling of A Centrifugal Pump Impeller: UFABC - Universidade Federal Do ABC - Santo André - SP - Brasil
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
Marco Antonio Rodrigues Cunha,
UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC Santo Andr SP Brasil
Helcio Francisco Villa Nova,
UNIFEI Universidade Federal de Itajub - IEM - Instituto de Engenharia Mecnica - Av. BPS, 1303, 37500-903 Itajub MG
Abstract. The Phenomenon of cavitation can be described as the vapor bubbles formation in an originally liquid flow,
this change of phase is carried through at constant temperature and local drop pressure, generated by flow conditions.
Turbo machines like centrifugal pumps suffer with loss of performance, degradation of its useful life caused by the
cavitation. Under the analytical point of view the cavitation phenomenon shows very complex, bringing great physical
and numerical modeling challenges. The use of tools like CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) has been widely used
in way to get better results in projects and developments on the dynamics of fluids. With the use of CFD tools it is
possible to have a forecast about the cavitation places looking for the pressure field, since the cavitation has a direct
relation with the vapor pressure at the flow fluid temperature, becoming possible to add improvements in the project of
the equipment in order to prevent or to minimize the phenomenon, without the use of experimental methods that in the
most cases showing high cost. The main objective of this work is to present the cavitation modeling in a centrifugal
pump impeller, preceded by the analysis and validation of the model applied to a planar injection nozzle, using CFD
Keywords: cavitation, CFD, turbomachine, centrifugal pump impeller
More and more extreme operating conditions is required for equipments on industrial areas, large operating range,
high performance, reliability and flexibility is required in several areas in different types of applications.
Research and evaluate best performance with safe conditions are necessary attitudes for applications and companies
that wishing to go to high competitiveness. This leads us to reflect on way of improving such conditions and equipment
design using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) as Yedidiah (2008). Through tools of CFD including the modeling of
cavitation phenomenon is possible to explore such conditions.
Several papers have been published to model turbomachines on CFD tools. Zhou et al (2003),Asuaje et al (2005),
Wongwise et al (2009), Yang et al (2011) and Dribssa et al (2011) shows a numerical modelization of flow in
centrigugal pump using CFD codes, however, few studies take in to account the development of the cavitation
phenomenon, example Zwart et al (2004), Bakir et al (2004) and Degosha et al (2005).
Degosha et al (2004) and Bakir et al (2005) bring up a numerical and experimental investigation of the cavitating
behavior of a pump inducer showing a predict cavitation in general conformity with visualized experimentally.
Another example of paper which demonstrate a modeling of cavitation on a centrifugal pump for water pump is
show by Hofmann et al (2001) which presents an approach three-dimensional computational comparing with
experimental results for different operating conditions (flow variation). The results obtained in the analysis of
centrifugal pump rotor showed a good approximation of the distribution of bubbles (cavities) obtained by numeric
method when compared with the experimental results. A robust CFD methodology for predicting three-dimensional
flow with extensive cavitation using Rayleigh-Plesset model is presented by Zwart et al (2004), with the use of the
commercial code Ansys CFX, showed a good approximation too.
However, CFD results found god agreement with experimental measurements and visualization, there are some
cases like vortex pump (sewage water pump) as show by Steinmann et al (2010) which demonstrate that the CFD
results are not fully sufficient to calculate the quantitative values with required accuracy.
This paper will emphasize a cavitation model implementation on a water centrifugal pump impeller, represented by
three-dimensional numerical study of steady, turbulent and incompressible flow inside the impeller passage between
two blades. A grid arrangement is done and finite volume method for solving Navier-Stokes equations was used with
the ANSYS CFX application.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
The phenomenon of cavitation can be described as the vapor bubbles formation in an originally liquid flow. The
cavitation inception is associated with the growth of the nuclei called seed, since the real fluids on several engineering
applications are not totally pure. These seeds or nuclei contain a mixture of vapor and non-condensable gases.
Once these seeds are on regions of low pressure (below the vapor pressure) the growth of seeds will occur, called
cavity or bubbles. At the time these bubbles are in regions of high pressure the collapse will occur. Growth and collapse
of bubbles can be described by the Rayleigh-plesset equation (9).
Although it is clear that two different streams (two fluids) can be flow with different speeds, and such relative
movement is implied on separate flow study, we can use a simplistic hypothesis that all phases could be in theory
sufficiently mixed, with dispersion, and particle size small enough in order to eliminate the relative motion between
phases, this case is considered a multiphase homogeneous flow and the governing conservation equations as showed as
Mass conservation for each phase
( )
( )
+ = +
r U S
Momentum conservation for mixture
( ) ( )
+ = + +
i j i ji
i m m
m j i j
u u u P
r g
t x x x
| |
= +
i j
m j i
u u
x x
S is the source term of phase and
is the mass flow per unit of volume from phase to phase . The
terms , , , , ,
i j i
r u u g P and
are respectively the volume fraction of phase , Cartesian velocity components,
density of phase , gravity acceleration, pressure and the stress tensor.
are terms of density and viscosity
both of mixture.
Volume conservation is represented considering the fraction sum as unit, where
N is the number of phases.
r (4)
The volume conservation equation is combined with the continuity equation to get the transported volume equation,
divided by their respective phase density.
1 1
( ( ) ( ) ( )
+ = +
r U r U S
The above equation interpretation is simpler when consider the special case of incompressible phases with no
source, simplify as:
.( ) 0
r U
Which requires the volume flows to have a zero divergence
For the balance of volume generation due to phase change, we have:
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
= =
+ +
= (8)
Where 0
> represents a positive mass flow per unit of volume from phase to phase .
The vapor bubble growth and collapse on liquid is ruled by Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
3 2
( )
= + +
l l
p p d R dR
dt R dt
For a practical CFD modeling, assuming that there are not thermal barriers to the growth and bubble collapse,
neglecting the high order term, surface tension and viscosity, we have:
p p
The fraction of the change of the bubble volume can be described as bellow, with the hypothesis of bubble on
spherical form.
3 2
4 2
( ) 4
3 3
= =
v B
p p dV d
dt dt
The fraction of the change of the bubble mass can be described as bellow.
= =
v B B
v v
p p dm dV
dt dt
If there are
N bubbles per unit volume, the vapour volume fraction can be expressed by:
= =
v B B B
r V N R N
The total mass transfer on interface per unit of volume can be expressed (considering vaporization) by:
3 2
= = =
v v v B
lv B
r p p dm
m N
dt R
And can generalized for vaporization and condensation as:
3 2
sgn( )
v v v
lv v
r p p
m F p p
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
Taking into account that the condensation occurs slowly than vaporization F is the is an empirical factor, different for
condensation and vaporization and in the case of the condensation
r have to be replaced as (1 )
nuc v
r r , where
r is
the fraction of nucleation points.
3 (1 ) 2
sgn( )
nuc v v v
lv v
nuc l
r r p p
m F p p
The following model parameters are used on ANSYS CFX:
R = 2 10 6m,
r = 5 104, Fvap = 50, and
Fcond = 0.01.
For the turbulence model the standard k was adopted, where
m eff
is the effective viscosity of the mixture
is the turbulent viscosity of the mixture, k is the turbulence Kinect energy per unit mass and is the
turbulence dissipation rate.
= +
m eff m mt
mt m
ANSYS CFX Solver uses the finite volume-based method, which involves spatial discretization of the domain, from
the generated meshes. Three-dimensional mesh is used to build finite volumes that are used to store quantities of mass,
energy, momentum, etc
The conservation equations are integrated into each control volume, and from the Gauss divergence theorem,
volume integrals are converted to surface integrals by using mathematical operators.
On ANSYS CFX volume integrals are discretized within each sector and cumulative element to control the sector
volume belongs. Surface integrals are discretized in the integration points (ipn) and the unknowns solutions are storage
at the nodes (ni, mesh vertices).
The discrete conservation equations for the phasic continuity is represented as follow:
1 1 1
(( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) 0
+ + +
+ =
n n i i n n
ip ip
u A
The advective term
requires the integration point values are approximated in terms of nodal values of . The
advection scheme implemented in ANSYS CFX can be presented as below:
. = +
ip up
r (20)
Or on terms of volume fraction of phase
Figure 1. Mesh element example with the integration and nodes
points - ANSYS CFX THEORY GUIDE, Release 13,
2010, pg 349.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
1 1 1
(( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) 0
+ + +
+ =
n n i i n n
ip ip
r r u A r
= +
ip up
r r r r (22)
Special choices of and
i n i n j j n i n n i n i ij n j
m m m ip ip m ip
ip ip ip
u u u A u P A g V A
With the integration of the equation (5), in the entire volume of control we define the discretized equation of
pressure as shown by Zwart (2004).
1 1
( ( ) ( ) ) 0
+ +
+ =
n n i i n
r u A S V
The linear system of equations is solved in ANSYS CFX using Multgrid technique created by d. Raw. (Zwart et al.
2004). The Multgrid process involves the realization of interaction in a fine mesh and later progressive interactions in
virtual mesh less thin. The results are then transferred from the virtual mesh less thin to the finer original mesh.
The model validation was performed on application of an injection nozzle, shown by Roosen et al (1996)
subsequently presented in studies by Yuan et al (2000) and Martynov et al. (2005). Two regimes of cavitation were
stimulated and used, initial (or inlet) cavitation and supercavitation.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
The length L = 1 (mm), the width W = 0.2 (mm), height H = 0.28 (mm) and the inner radius of curvature = 0.028
(mm). Because physical and numerical reasons, the domain was extended and the nozzle was inserted between two
reservoir (inlet and outlet) in order to avoid flow instabilities and convergence problems.
For the reservoirs, tetrahedron elements were used with a non-structured mesh, 112410 for inlet and 108990 for
outlet. The geometry and nozzle mesh was done on ANSYS ICEM and exported to ANSYS CFX Pre. For the nozzle
structured hexahedron elements (73647 elements) were used and mesh refinement was done on nozzle vena contracta
The flow conditions o Tab. 1, was used to simulate the two cases and the boundary conditions on Tab. 2 and Tab.3,
were inserted on ANSYS CFX Pre.
Table 1. Simulated flow regime with water at 25C.
Figure 2. Main dimensions and shape of the planar nozzle
presented by Roosen et al. (1996)
Origin: Adapted from Martynov, 2005, pg 134.
Figure 3. Extended domain modeling of injection nozzle on
ANSYS ICEM with mesh, visualized on ANSYS CFX
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
Table 2. Boundary Conditions on reservoirs.
Table 3. Boundary Conditions on nozzle.
The mesh was solved on a tree-dimensional form with the use of Multgrid technique.
A first approach was done on ANSYS CFX solver with the cavitation model turn off, in order to accelerate the
convergence and give a preview view of points with low pressure (more susceptible to cavitation) using the velocity
value of 1.55 m/s on the input boundary condition on inlet reservoir conditions giving a nozzle velocity of 108.6 m/s.
The results were used on ANSYS CFX Solver as a first approach for the case with the cavitation model turn on.
The initial cavitation comparison at cavitation number CN = 2,81 is show on Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
Figure 6. Vectors of velocity under conditions with the cavitation model turn on , approach of
velocity obtained from ANSYS CFX POST, compared with the data obtained by Roosen et
al. (1996), both with CN=2,81.
Figure 5. Qualitative comparison between the pressure field of the model applied to the ANSYS
CFX and the results obtained by Roosen et al. (1996) both with CN = 2.81, density gradient,
indicating the region with pressure equal to the vapour pressure, the ANSYS CFX POST (left
side) approach and shadowgraph by Roosen et al. (1996) (right side).
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
The supercavitation comparison at cavitation number CN = 6,28 is show on Fig. 7.
When applied the conditions of tests by Roosen et al. (1996) it was possible to have a qualitative visualization and
prediction of the pressure fields for both tests (cavitation number CN = 2,81 and 6,28), mainly of the regions with the
value equal to or close to the saturation pressure, enabling the realization of comparative analysis with the results
obtained by Rossen et al (1996). For the same cavitation number a god qualitative approach was observed for both
(initial cavitation and supercavitation) cases.
5. Numerical model and mathematical equations for turbomachine
For turbomachine applications the inclusion of Coriolis and centrifugal forces are required. The rotation term is an
intrinsic part of the acceleration and is the sum of Coriolis and centrifugal forces.
The equations of continuity and momentum in rotating coordinate can be described as below:
Continuity equation
( )
( )
+ = +
r U S
Momentum equation for turbomachine
( ) ( )
+ = + + +
i j i ji
i m m
m j i j
u u u P
r g SM
t x x x
cor cfg
SM S S = + (31)
cor m
S u =
( )
cfg m
S r =
momentum source from rotation, momentum from Coriolis force, momentum from centrifugal force,
ngular velocity, location vector.
cor cfg
= = =
= =
Rotating frames of reference (RFR) are available on ANSYS CFX-Pre. and allows the use on rotating fluid
machinery such as pump impeller. ANSYS CFX-Pre enables to specify a rotating domain about axis and ANSYS CFX
solver computes the appropriate Coriolis and centrifugal momentum terms.
Figure 7. Pressure distribution, volume fraction and velocity vectors on supercavitation
conditions with the cavitation model turned on, velocity approach from ANSYS CFX POST,
compared with the data obtained by Roosen et al. (1996).
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
For the numerical approach, the ANSYS CFX allows the option of multiple frames of reference that permits the
analysis of situations involving domains that are rotating relative to one another.
The impeller geometry was draw on Autodesk Inventor as a single blade passage. A domain simplification can be
done for the impeller, the axisymmetric flow option in ANSYS CFX allows modeling only a sigle channel, this process
simplifies the modeling and computational processing time. The dimensions of the impeller are R
=71[mm], R
=200[mm], b
=70[mm], b
=22 and seven blades with 7[mm] thickness.
For the modeling on CFD, it is necessary to take same distance up and downstream (extension of domain), because
of that, the geometry of the impeller was extended in order to allow recirculation and convergence problems.
5.2. Meshing on simulation domain
With the rotor geometry done the geometry was exported to ANSYS ICEM, a tool which enables the creation of
adaptive and structured mesh in accordance with the impeller. For this study has been used structured type mesh as
show below. The total hexahedron mesh number done is 21580 and 7238 quadri type.
5.3. Boundary conditions and simulation parameters
The mesh and geometry was imported to ANSYS CFX Pre and the boundary conditions and simulation parameters
were put on as follow.
For the operating conditions were considered the following parameters: water pumping at 25 C with isothermal
model, incompressible fluid, homogeneous and steady state, mass flow in the output (output extended domain) 16
[kg/sec], model of turbulence k- , intensity and scale of turbulence at the entrance and 0.003 0.003 respectively [m], to
a constant angular speed of or 1260 [rpm], subsonic flow regime, with morphology of the fluid continues, isothermal
model. The nominal head for this impeller is 34[m] for the flow of 16 [kg/sec].
For the simulation the outlet mass flow was constant and the inlet pressure variable.
In order to obtain a more fast convergence, a first convergence solution has done with the cavitation model turned
off. This step is important to avoid physically impossible situation where most of flow domain is cavitating (poor initial
guess). For this was inserted into the inlet boundary condition of the 100000[Pa] pressure. As well as the subsequent
simulations were considered the following parameters: maximum number of 500 interactions and convergence criterion
(residual) of 1e-6.
Figure 8. 3D visualization of impeller channel
Figure 9. Channel of centrifugal pump impeller with the mesh
created and visualized on ANSYS ICEM.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
The problem was solved on ANSYS CFX solver using 1/7 of the impeller. With the use of the rotational periodic
and the axis for the rotational transformation specified, it was possible represent the symmetry of the total domain.
The results of the first simulation were used as a first approach for the simulation with the cavitation model turn on
using the vapor volume fraction equal 0 (considering that the vapor generation will occur in the domain).
5.4. The Simulation
The simulation cases were done as showed on Tab.4.
Table 4. Cases of simulations.
n Inlet Pressure
Outlet Flow
1 100000
2 80000
3 60000
4 40000
5 30000
6 25000
7 20000
8 18000
9 17500
10 16000
Figure 10 shows preview of pressure field distributed in full view of the impeller, where it is possible to show the
locations of low pressure, however, without the achievement of value of water saturation pressure at 25 C, 3574 [Pa].
The Figure 11 shows the vapor water volume fraction with the cavitation model turned on for the inlet pressure
cases of 100000[Pa] Figure A, 40000[Pa] Figure B and 17500[Pa] Figure C. These Figures allows the visualization
of the growth of vapor water volume fraction when the inlet pressure decreases.
Figure 10. First approach simulation with cavitation model turned
off, inlet pressure 100000[Pa] visualized on CFX Post.
Figure 11. Vapor water volume fraction comparative (cavitation evolution) for 100000[Pa], 40000[Pa] and
17500[Pa] at inlet pressure respectively, visualized on CFX Post.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
Figure 12 shows a blade to blade visualization for the pressure field for the case 17500[Pa] inlet pressure. Its
possible to see places with pressure equal and above the vapor pressure value.
In order to obtain parameters for the cavitation start condition in addition to the places with pressure values equal or
close to the vapor pressure of water, two additional parameters related to centrifugal pumps operation have been
inserted in the form of expression in ANSYS CFX Pre and allows to work with other monitoring parameters from
ANSYS CFX Post results. The expressions were as follows: Head (H) and Npsh and are represented as below.
Ptoutle Ptinlet
dens g
= (35)
Ptinlet Pvap
dens g
= (36)
Where: Ptinlet is the total pressure at inlet, Ptoutle is the total pressure at outlet, Pvap is the water vapor pressure,
dens is the water density and g the acceleration gravity.
The Figure 13 shows the results and curves for Head and Npsh for the simulation, and it is possible to see the drop
curve for the Head when the critical point of the cavitation is achieved (a point between 18000[Pa] and 17500 [Pa]) a
drop of 3% of Head (adopted as reference by the American Hydraulic Institute) with the critical Npsh value 1,44[m]
and inlet pressure 17750[Pa] called as Npsh3.
The ANSYS CFX cavitation model has been applied with a flow in a centrifugal pump impeller as a homogenous
multiphase model. The validation of the mode was first performed on an injection nozzle. In general, a good agreement
was obtained about the places and format of cavities (reattachment place) in regard to the cavitation number and
experimental view. For the case of the impeller it was possible to see the cavitation evolution since the inlet pressure
Figure 12. Pressure field Blade to Blade view for the 17500[Pa] inlet
pressure condition, visualized on CFX Post.
Figure 13. Diagram of Head and Npsh drop curves.
ISSN 2176-5480
Proceedings of COBEM 2013 22
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Copyright 2013 by ABCM November 03-07, 2013, Ribeiro Petro, So Paulo, Brazil
was modified with the increase of the vapor water volume fraction. The value for the head on simulation reach a god
approach in regard to the project head.
The cavitation pockets was observed in the place that was expected (low pressure places, first on the blades inlet).
With the use of monitor parameters was possible to evaluate the drop curves for Head and Npsh and was possible to see
the critical point (between 18000 and 17500 [Pa]) for cavitation (the moment that the head start to drop quickly), a drop
of 3% of Head (adopted as reference by the American Hydraulic Institute) with the critical Npsh value 1,44[m] and inlet
pressure 17750[Pa]. Although there has not presented experimental data for the impeller, it was possible to obtain good
qualitative approach for the nozzle case, showing that the use of CFD tools is a good choice to the cavitation analysis,
expanding the possibilities for the phenomenon visualization.
Some important steps have to be commented, for example: The first convergence solution with the cavitation model
turned off. This step was important to avoid physically impossible situation where most of flow domain is cavitating
(poor initial guess) and the expansion of the domain in order to prevent convergence problems on the boundaries.
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The author is the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper.
ISSN 2176-5480