Sociology 1101 Lecture 3
Sociology 1101 Lecture 3
Sociology 1101 Lecture 3
requires reliability : the quality of consistent measurement and validity- the quality of measuring precisely what one intends to measure Relationship among variables - Cause and effect is a relationship in which change in one variable causes change in another - Correlation exists when two or more variables are related in someway. Relationship between variables Cause -> Effect Independent variable -> dependent variable SAMPLING Social scientist rely on small groups of people, a sample , to reflect the thoughts, feelings, and behavior group of humans the population - Sample can be more or less representative of a larger population - Probabilty samples (eg random samples) are designed to represent the larger population - Non- probability samples include convenience and snowball samples LIMITATIONS OF SCIENTFIC RESEARCH -Human behaviours is too complex to allow sociology predict any individual action precisely. - Because humans respond to their surroundings, the mere presence of a researcher may affect the behavior being studied - Social patterns change constantly ; what is true in one time or place may not hold in another - because sociologists are part of the social world they study , objectivity in social research is especially difficult - subjective interpretation is always an important element in sociology analysis. 2 types of research Qualitative the non numerical examination and interpretation of observations for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationship (Babbie 1999) Quantitative the numerical representation and manipulation of observations for the purpose of describing and explaining he phenomena that those obsrvations represent (Babbie 1999) SURVEY RESEARCH Survey research uses interviews and questionnaire Is cross sectional
- compares different groups at one point in time Measures attitudes, opinions, believes, values and behavior. Limitations How do you find a representative sample? Will people respond to your survey? Will people tell you the truth about their behavior ad opinions? Longitudinal research Studies the same group (cohort) over a period of time - eg work at a factory - may use diaries, interviews, health and employment records it is extremely time consuming, a decade or longer. For example, studying 9 11 Sample attrition - People may drop out of the research Aggregate Data Research Government statistics, social indicators: eg social trends by stats Canada Used to detect relationships and trends : unemployment and property crimes, does unemployment cause people to rob Can you depend on the agencies taking the count or are they biased? Experimental Research Requires willing subjects (human guinea pigs). Needs an experimental and control group for comparison. Subjects must be randomly assigned to groups Seeks out cause and effect under highly controlled condition, Typically experiments are explanatory, that is, used to test hypothesis, unverifies statement of relationship betwwen variables. DIFFICULTIES Is it ethical? Is it ethical for guys to watch porn? Is it realistic Can you generalize from such group? Can you control all the relevant factors? Are you truly free to take part in this experiment? QUASI- EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Uses a real situation for experimental purposes Eg, compare the recidivism rates of young offenders sent to a boot camp or given community service Hard to control assignments to group Participant observation - Involves active participation in the daily life activities of those he or she is observing - - qualitative in nature - covert; those in the field are not informed of the researches status; undercover
- semi covert; only some people are involved and aware - open; everyone is aware of researchers status. DIFFICULTIES WITH OBSERVATIONAL RESEARCH - It may be dangerous - Is it ethical? - How will it affect the behavior of the group? - It is very time consuming INTERVIES 1) structured : same question for each respondent, quantitative. 5 mins 1 hr 2) Semi structured : use a set of questions however allow respondent to guide the interviews in areas they think are important. About 3 hours 3) Unstructured: no predetermined questions, interview proceeds conversationally. Could go on for days SECONDARY ANALYSIS Archival/Historical: using existing sources is a research method in which a researcher utilizes data collected by others Mata- analysis : a statistical analysis that reviews a large body of extent literature. Alternative sources of information Case Study: In depth investigation of one or few phenomenon Cyber research: new information technology and the internet provide researchers up to date recourses Commission od inquiry: both federal and provincial eg native justice, sexual abuse in religious and government institutions, doping in sports ETHICS - How may the research affect other peoples lives? - Who will be studied? - What pressure is placed on research by funding agencies and vested interest? - Do you have informed consent? -Are you free not to participate? - do they know what they are getting into? RESEARCH GONE WRONG Humphries (google gay research) Zimbardo : wanted to see what happens of you took university students Milgram; can we get someone to hurt someone else by consitentky telling them to do so? 4th class The compinents of Cultue Values are culturally defined standards by which people judge desirability , goodness and beauty and which serve as broad guildlines for social living Values..
The components of culture Norms are rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members. They may be either prescriptive or proscriptive. -There are two special tpes of norms that are identified by William Graham:Sumner: Mores and Folkways --Folkways: Informal norms that suggest customary ways of behaving. --Mores: norms that carry a strong sense of social importance. Not necessary a law, kinda of a good deed. -As we internalize norms, we response critically to our own behavior through shame or guilt -Social control: broken into formal(the state or religion) and informal (friends and family) CULTURE DIVERSITY High culture refers to the cultural patterns that distinguish a societys elite ; in contrast, popular culture designates cultural patterns that re wide spread among societys population. High culture is not inherently superior to popular culture Subcultures are cultural patterns within a population whose values, norms, folways or mores set them apart from mainstream culture. Multiculturalism is an educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the country and promoting the equality of all cultural traditions. Multiculturalism stands in opposition to Eurocentrism, the dominance of European (particularly English) cultural patterns. Counter culture are cuktural patterns that strongly oppose accepted culture within a society. Cultural change: a culture changes, they strive to maintain cultural integration, the close relationship among various elements of a cultural system. William Ogburns concept of cultural lag refers to the fact that cultural elements change at different rates, which may disrupt a cultural system. Ethnocentrism: judging another culture by the standard of your own culture - Sociologists tend to discourage this practice; instead, they advocate cultural relativism , the practice of judging a culture by its own standards. - Being aware of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism,, helps you become a more informed and critical thinker. -