And Power in Full Subtractor Circuit: Transistor Gating: Reduction of Leakage Current
And Power in Full Subtractor Circuit: Transistor Gating: Reduction of Leakage Current
And Power in Full Subtractor Circuit: Transistor Gating: Reduction of Leakage Current
Shyam kashe
!e"t# $lectronics % Comm# 'TM )ni(ersity Gwalior& 'ndia Shyam#akashe-itmuni(ersity#ac#i n much larger number of associated with the out"ut wiring# small "ro"ortion transistors on chi"# of dynamic "ower arises Abstract In this paper low-power designMaintaining high transistor from the short0circuit techniques proposed to minimize the standby leakage switching s"eeds& howe(er& current that flows power in nanoscale CMOS very large scale integration re7uires a commensurate momentarily while the ( !SI" systems by generating transistor grating down0scaling of the com"lementary de(ices technology# In low-power design $or circuit to reduce the transistor threshold (oltage 2"ushA"ull3 in a circuit are power supply voltage and this requires the transistor gi(ing rise to a significant simultaneously threshold voltages to also be reduced to maintain conducting during a throughput and noise margins#% this increases the amount of leakage "ower change in the out"ut subthreshold leakage current in p and n MOS&'(s# this dissi"ation e(en when the state# The dynamic "ower begins to increase the overall power in digital circuits# transistor is not switching# consum"tion 2Pdyn3 is )ow-ever% this increases the subthreshold leakage =ut as technologies gi(en by current o$ p and n MOS&'(s% which starts to set the
power savings obtained $rom power supply reduction# In nanometer regime 2)ltra transistor grating technology two sleep transistors !ee" Sub0Micron 2)!SM33& *MOS and +MOS are inserted in between the supply the dynamic "ower voltage and ground# , *MOS is inserted in between pulldissi"ation becomes more up network and network output and a +MOS is inserted lagging than the static in between pull-down network and ground# -uring nd standby mode both sleep transistor are turned o$$# .y"ower consum"tion# the aggressi(e applying this technique reduction in leakage current is des"ite of de(ice /0#123 and power is 45#623 #(he tool used is C,-'+C' downscaling I7(8OSO $or schematic simulation# (he simulation dimensions and decreasing the su""ly (oltages& which technology used is 51nm#
Pdyn ?Bc(:ddfsw >here k ? technology factor& C ? ca"acitance of switching nodes& ;dd ? su""ly (oltage and fsw is the effecti(e switching fre7uency# >hile which leads to short0circuit "ower dissi"ation 2Psc3 and gi(en by
Keywords- CMOS; leakage current; low power; consum"tion of the single transistor grating; Full subtractor; transistor& with e1"onential
increase of o"erating fre7uencies results in a 9. '.TR/!)CT'/. steady increase of the 'n recent years& "ower consum"tion has become a o(erall "ower consum"tion# critical design concern for many combinational circuit >ith downscaling systems# the ad(antages of com"lementary metal0o1idetechnology& interconnect semiconductor2CM/S3 o(er com"eting technologies&resistance and ca"acitance such as transistor 0 transistor logic 2TTL3 and emitter increase the "ro"agation cou"led logic 2$CL3& has been its lower "ower dissi"ation delay#
456# to the growing need for low0(oltage &high0 The two main effects that "erformance& low0leakage systems& a (ariety of leakage0 contribute to the total "ower control techni7ues ha(e been de(elo"ed# Some de"end dissi"ation on a chi" are the on the use of multi"le0threshold (oltages# Low0threshold transistors are used to im"ro(e "erformance# 8igh0 acti(e and static "ower threshold de(ices are then used for leakage control# dissi"ation# The e1"ression Multi"le threshold CM/S 2MTCM/S3 496& 4:6 isolates low0 to com"ute the total "ower is threshold circuits from "ower and ground rails using high0 as follows threshold de(ices# Lowering the su""ly (oltage is the most effecti(e way to achie(e low0"ower "erformance T ?P @P @ because "ower dissi"ation in digital CM/S circuits is total dynamic sc a""ro1imately "ro"ortional to the s7uare of the su""ly (oltage# From the "oint of (iew of a""lications to battery0 Pstatic "owered mobile e7ui"ment& the su""ly (oltage should be 2 set at 9 ; 4<6# chi" designers ha(e relied on scaling down 9 the transistor su""ly (oltage in subse7uent generations 3 to reduce the dynamic "ower dissi"ation due to a
!ynamic dissi"ation "ower occurs when a transistor switches state and is due to ca"aciti(e charging and discharging
P ? ' #; # t f
sc sc dd
s sw
Where Isc = short circuit current, ts = switching delay. In Nano CMOS circuits, Sub-threshold and Gate Lea age currents are !ro"en as the do#inant $actors in deciding the Static %ower and contribute signi$icantly to o"erall !ower consu#!tion. Sub threshold or wea in"ersion conduction current between source and drain in a MOS transistor occurs when gate "oltage is below the transistor threshold "oltage. &he Sub threshold or wea in"ersion current I ds can be e'!ressed as( Ids=Idso ;gs )t n"& *+ - 0)d s )T,
Idso = 0eff co1 -WL/)T :
Where 0eff is the charge carrier #obility, C o1 is the gate ca!acitance 1unit area, W1L are width to length o$ channel ratio res!ecti"ely, )t is the threshold "oltage, )T is the ther#al "oltage, n is the sub-threshold swing coe$$icient, )gs is the transistor gate to source "oltage and )ds is the drain to source "oltage. &ransistor gating !ro!osed techni2ue has been de$ined, in this techni2ue we used two slee! transistors NMOS and %MOS are inserted in the circuit. &he %MOS slee! transistor -S/ is added in between the !ull-u! networ and network outputs and NMOS sleep transistor (S) is added in between the !ull-down networ and ground. &his techni2ue a!!lied on $ull subtractor circuit.
34)I4WS O5 %34)IO6S WO37 &his section re"iews di$$erent a!!roaches $or sub-threshold lea age current reduction techni2ues. 8 techni2ue $or lea age !ower control is %ower gating *9,*:,, which turns o$$ the de"ices by cutting o$$ their su!!ly "oltage. %ower gating uses low-lea age %MOS transistors as header switches to turn o$$ !ower su!!lies to !arts o$ a design in standby or slee! #ode. NMOS as $ooter switches can also be used as slee! transistors. Inserting the slee! transistors di"ides the chi!;s !ower networ into !ull u! networ connected to the !ower su!!ly and a !ull down networ that dri"es the cells and can be turned o$$. 8n e'ternally switched !ower su!!ly is a "ery basic $or# o$ !ower gating to achie"e long ter# lea age !ower reduction. &o turn o$$ the bloc $or s#all inter"als o$ ti#e, internal !ower gating is #ore a!!ro!riate. CMOS switches which !ro"ide !ower to the circuit are controlled by !ower gating controllers.
&he #ulti threshold CMOS technology has two #ain $eatures. 5irst, a ti!e" and sleep" operational #odes are asso iated with M&CMOS technology, $or well-organi<ed !ower #anage#ent. Second, two dissi#ilar threshold "oltages are used $or N channel and % channel MOS54& in a single chi! *+=,. &his techni2ue based on disconnecting the low threshold "oltage -low-)t/ logic gates $ro# the !ower su!!ly and the ground line "ia cut-o$$ high threshold "oltage -high-)t/.
M&CMOS techni2ue III. IM%L4M4N&8&ION O5 56LL S6>&38C&O3 8 $ull subtractor is a co#binational circuit that !er$or#s a subtraction between two bits ta ing into account that a + #ay ha"e been borrowed by a lower signi$icant stage. &his circuit has three in!uts and two out!uts such as 8, > and C denotes the in!uts, di$$erence and borrow are out!uts res!ecti"ely.
The two out"uts re"resent the difference and borrow& res"ecti(ely# The symbolic circuit for full subtractor is shown in Figure# The truth table for full subtractor is shown below#
T , D D D D 9 9 9 9
=L$90TR)T8 T =L$
. D D 9 9 D D 9 9
C D 9 D 9 D 9 D 9
-I&&'7'+C' D 9 9 D 9 D D 9
.O77O9 D 9 9 D D D D 9
>here & =& C are the in"uts# /ut"uts are denoted by difference E and borrow as shown in wa(eform of full subtractor#
'n acti(e mode& both slee" transistors are turned on by a""lying the gate in"ut (oltage i#e# high 2D#*(3 for .M/S and low 2D(3 for PM/S& to reduced the resistance of the conducting "aths from "ower su""ly to ground& thereby reducing "erformance# =oth slee" transistors are turned off during standby mode by a""lying the gate in"ut (oltage i#e# low 2D(3 for .M/S and high 2D#*(3 for PM/S which reduces leakage current by increasing resistance of the "ath from "ower su""ly
#to ground#
ground# PM/S
slee" transistor 2s3 is inserted in between "ull0 u" network and the network this out"ut and 'n "a"er we an .M/S analyGe slee" transistor (s) reduction of is inserted in leakage on Full /etween t.e the subtractor pull0down the networks and under t.e 0round as influence of s.own in transistor 1i0#3" gating techni7ue in nanometer CM/S technology#
;# 8ere the Full S'M subtractor is )L circuit T' simulated /. using R$ cadence S) simulation LT tools in <,nm
CM/S technology# 'n <,nm technology when su""ly (oltage is a""lied on full subtractor is D#*;& leakage current % leakage "ower is reduced by9*#,5H and :<#C5H#
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CB./>L$!G$M$.T The author would like to thank 'TM )ni(ersity Gwalior for Cadence simulation tool for work has to be done# R$F$R$.C$
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