FINAL Reiki Handbook
FINAL Reiki Handbook
FINAL Reiki Handbook
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What is Reiki?
REIKI is pronounced Ray-Key. Rei means universal and refers also to the spiritual dimension and the soul. Ki is translated as the vital life force energy that flows through all that is alive. These Japanese characters when combined present the concept of universal life-force energy. Reiki is not a religion. It holds no doctrines, creeds, or contradictions to the Universal Laws of Consciousness and Love. No matter where the person may be, Reiki will harmonize and embrace their philosophical center point, adding to it the Divine Presence. Reiki is always present, but we are unaware of it until the contact is made through training and attunements. After this, it can be received and converted into healing energy at any time. Once an individual is attuned to Reiki through initiations, they are permanently linked without the need of conscious alteration of the mind, either through meditation, prayer or imaging. These initiations open certain inner centers of the body so the energy can be channeled easily and safely. Simply placing ones hands on oneself, or another person, allows the energy to flow through the individual. It fills the Reiki channels body first then flows out through the channels hands into the individual receiving the healings. Reiki energy comes from the God-Force and is an extremely powerful healing energy. It is one of the few forms of healing that can be used to heal oneself. Reiki speeds the healing process, and provides a source of restoring energy while one is ill, under medical treatment, or in recovery. Reiki is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere desire of a healee who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consciousness, a total healing can occur. We must always remember that the energy of the God-Force is neutral and awaits the positive, productive empowerment by the healee. The Reiki channel plays an instrumental part in transformation, and yet, ultimately, it is up to the healee to manifest harmony and balance in their life. The Reiki Channel is an instrument and must not allow the Ego/Will to desire the healee well. The Reiki channel must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. This allows the highest Soul purpose to be the outcome of the healing.
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Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time, anywhere for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy. In short, Reiki is a holistic, self-help technique for directing natural life energy. No special environment or equipment is needed, and age makes no difference. By following steps taught by a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, anyone is able to direct the light energy of Reiki to meet individual needs. Reiki cannot hurt anyone. It does not destroy, but builds and protects. It will vitalize all forms of life plants, animals, fish, birds, and human from infants to old age, and it can only do good.
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History of Reiki
Weve been told by beings who have earned many initiations beyond those available to us that the symbols enlightening flow of Universal Life Force Energy were implanted in the brains of our earliest ancestors. These symbols were remembered and used only by those souls who chose to lead a monastic life dedicated to spiritual growth and awareness. In the Mahayana Buddhist Temples of Tibet, the symbols known today as Reiki were used and passed on as tools for spiritual growth and to create an awareness of unity of all things which precludes individuality and assumes oneness. Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki in the mid 1800s. He was the head of a Christian seminary in Kyoto, Japan, in the mid-19th century. As with all great leaders, the legend that tells his story changes with each telling. The story says that at some point, a student asked him to explain how Jesus did the miracles of healing, and why could they not perform those same miracles. They were taught how to pray for healing, but not taught how to heal like Jesus did. This question stumped Dr. Usui, who left his position and began to search for an answer. His ten-year odyssey took him to the United States, the Far East, India, and finally Tibet. Here, he read the ancient Sutras that contained an exact description of the methods, symbols, and formulas Buddha used to heal people, and how he passed these abilities on to others. Dr. Usui was incredibly excited, but found that just academic knowledge was not enough: he still did not have the power to heal. After talking to the monk that ran the monastery where he had found these ancient texts, he decided to go to a nearby holy mountain and fast and pray for 21 days. On the 21st day, a bright ray of light came down to him from heaven, struck him on the forehead, and filled him with strength and vitality. All the weakness and stiffness produced by the long period of meditation fell away from him. In quick succession, he saw the symbols encountered already in the ancient texts shrouded in shining energy bubbles. They imprinted themselves in his mind for all time and activated his access to the universal life energy. On his way back down the mountain, he fell and injured himself quite badly. Trying out his new powers, he found that they worked immediately. He stopped at an inn for his first meal in 21 days, and was able to heal the innkeepers daughter from a terrible toothache. When he returned to the monastery where he had found the ancient texts, he found his friend, the monk, bedridden with arthritis. Once again, Dr. Usui used this newfound knowledge, and soothed the pains of his friend. They deliberated together the best uses of this knowledge, and Dr. Usui decided to heal beggars in the slums of Kyoto. He worked long hours healing young and old alike, and saw many wonderful results take place. He began to understand how Reiki flowed through him into the Page 6
healee, and how the body became well. After several years of this, he realized that many of the people he had healed were returning to the Beggars Quarters, saying it was easier to be a beggar. He saw that by giving Reiki away, he had healed only their bodies, not their minds and souls. He had not required the healee to take any responsibility whatsoever. There had not been any exchange of energy for services rendered. They did not value the valuable gift he had given them their health. He had another vision, in which he was given the principles for Reiki: Just for Today, Do not Worry Just for Today, Do not Anger Honor Your Parents, Teachers and Elders Earn Your Living Honestly Show Gratitude to Every Living Thing He started carrying a torch up and down the streets of Kyoto. Whenever someone would ask him why, he would answer that he was searching for people with a heart full of love, but sad and sorrowful because they did not know the true Light, who longed to be healed. He invited them to come hear about Reiki. In this way, he started teaching. Dr. Usui spent many years in Japan teaching and training students in Reiki. He died in the late 1920s, passing on to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, a retired Naval officer and one of his most devoted teachers, the Grand Mastership. Dr. Hayashi founded the first Reiki clinic in Tokyo. He also systematized the Reiki training, researched optimal forms of treatment, and prepared many reports on the effects of Reiki based on his experiences. Madame Hawayo Takata brought Reiki to this country. She was cured of many illnesses through Reiki, and decided to become a student. At the time, having a woman do this was not an accepted practice. It took her much time to convince Dr. Hayashi that she could be a good practitioner, and he finally agreed to teach her up to the second level. Of course, master training was out of the question. After successfully completing her training, she returned to Hawaii from Japan to begin her own practice. It took the war coming in 1938 for Dr. Hayashi to see what was happening. He foresaw Reiki dying out if he didnt bring the practice to another country. He came to Hawaii and initiated Madame Takata into the final master level, and made her the Grand Master. He went back to Japan and refusing to take part in the war, voluntarily went into transition. We lost all contact with what happened to Reiki in Japan after that. Madame Takata became the 20th century master in the world, and the first in the US. She remained the only master in the US until the late 1970s when she started training and initiating masters. When she died in 1980, she had 22 initiated masters, and left her granddaughter Phyllis Furumoto as the Grand Master. Since that time, the number of masters has increased exponentially and Reiki has become an accepted and revered method of healing all over the world.
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Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
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Reiki to me is a space of doing with non-doing, very much like making music, surrendering to something greater. With that it becomes a transpersonal experience and gives a feeling and taste of oneness of all life. ~ C.G. Deuter, Hands of Light (CD)
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2. There Must Be An Exchange of Energy for Services The healing energy belongs to the Universe, to God. However, there needs to be a creative exchange from the recipient, the healee, to the person whose time and services are being rendered for balancing and healing. Energy exchange may be anything from the stored concept of energy we call money, to an exchange of services between the healee and the Reiki channel, and only you can decide what is an appropriate exchange. Reiki channels offering healing services on a professional level do establish a fee. The fee sets a value on the service, which is considered a concrete reality in the thinking of humankind. Wellness, likewise, has a value, and ultimately reflects the feeling of worthiness and self-love of the person seeking to change their state of health. As Dr. Usui found, some people do not value wellness.
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NOTE: See handouts on hand positions for self and others from Reiki 1 training.
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Position #1 Hold clients forehead with left hand and the back of head with your right hand.
Position #2 Cup left hand over clients throat and place right hand over back of neck. Your intuition will guide you on how closely to cup hand over the front of throat.
Position #3 Place left hand over the heart chakra on both the front and back of client.
Position #4 Hold left hand over clients 3rd chakra (solar plexus) on both front and backside.
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Position #5 Hold hands OFF the body over the second chakra on both the front and backside.
Closing Sequence 1. Brush down the aura while balancing the flow of energy to help release, open and encourage energy movement. 2. Hold feet and ground (Left Left & Right Right) 3. Step back Namaste
4. Looking in clients eyes completes the final grounding
sequence. Note: Treating Others While Sitting may be used at the beginning of a session or as a complete Reiki treatment.
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Position #1 Hands are together with thumbs touching. Slowly place the base of the hands on the hairline with curved fingers extended, but not touching the face.
Position #2 Place the base of your hands together and rest them on the crown of the head with fingers extending toward the ears.
Position #3 Slide hands down until fingertips are below the earlobes fingers pointing toward the feet.
(Side view)
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Position #4 Slide hands under neck with elbows extended until 3rd fingers touch. Gently bring hands together until little fingers touch underneath the head. (Bring elbows in toward your own body)
Position #5 Place the hands with the fingers pointing toward the high heart with thumbs connecting (to form a heart).
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Position #6 Tilt hands until resting on little fingers. Bring hands closer to the throat cupping hands, but not touching the throat.
Position #7 Place the left hand under the neck fingers pointing to the right and the right hand over the heart fingers pointing toward the feet.
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Note: Alternating hand order for good body mechanics, place the fingers of one hand at the base of the other hand.
Position #8 Place the hands on the upper stomach along the ribs.
Position #9 Place the hands at the waistline about an inch above the navel area.
Position #10 Allow the hands to cover each hipbone with the fingers pointing toward the feet.
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Position #11 Cup each knee with fingers pointing away from you.
Position #12 Hold the right foot with right hand over foot chakra and left hand over top of ankle.
Position #13 Hold the left foot with the left hand over the foot chakra and right hand over the top of ankle.
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Position #14 Hold the top of each ankle with thumbs below bone on inner ankle.
Position #15 With crossed hands, align your hand chakras with the root chakras (Right Right & Left Left).
If you have used 3 to 10 minutes for each position, the session will have lasted between 45 minutes and an hour and a half up to this point. You may go to beaming now, or go on to treat the back. Remember, Reiki directs itself and will often flow to places beyond where your hands are positioned. The back often receives Reiki when treating other parts of the body.
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Position #16 Use this position if you are beginning the Reiki session face down. Place the base of your hands on the hairline with the fingers pointing to top of head.
Position #17 Place the hands over the shoulders fingers pointing toward the feet.
Position #18 Using the same hand positions as used on the front side over ribcage, place the hands on the upper back.
Position #19 Place the hands on the middle back over the heart center.
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Position #20 Place the hands at the waistline about 2 inches above the SI Joint.
Position #21 Place right hand at base of spine with the left hand next to it. Slide the left hand slowly upward while scanning along the spine, pausing at the heart. Then continue scanning and pause again at the neck before continuing to follow the flow of energy to the 8th chakra above the head.
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Closing Sequence
1. Brush down the aura while balancing the flow of energy to help release, open and encourage energy movement.
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Kanji Hand Position #1 Place the length of the two forefingers together (like the steeple of a church) and interlace the other fingers of both hands, thumbs overlapping on top. Place your hands down on your lower belly and imagine pure white energy coming into it, then flowing all through you. This position brings in spiritual energy.
Kanji Hand Position #2 The same as position #1, except change the middle fingers to extending instead of the forefingers. Keep the hands in the same spot, but now imagine healing violet light coming in and filling you. Hold until the hands feel ready to lay on the client.
Kanji Hand Position #3 No fingers extending, just all intertwined. Enter alpha state. This position is used for knowing. Clients sometimes say one thing and mean another, or may not understand what is happening. Tell your subconscious mind you wish to know the true nature of an affliction, and then just wait for an answer. This sometimes takes a lot of practice for accuracy, but is worth the time.
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Everything is Energy As we know from the study of physics, solid matter does not really exist. Everything is composed of energy, thus everything has a vibration. Even rocks and minerals are made of energy: they simply have a lower rate of vibration. In a similar fashion, negative blocks and emotional patterns, which are stored in our physical and etheric bodies, have a lower vibratory rate than the thought waves or pockets of energy that we create when we are thinking loving and positive thoughts.
Spiritual Discipline Pays Off Thus, as we increase our vibratory rate, through steady persistence at whichever spiritual discipline we choose to study, we begin to notice how much easier it is to maintain a positive flow due to the snowball effects.
Attunement Causes Amplifications When we receive a series of Reiki attunements, the sudden amplification of vibratory rate acts as a trigger to set off an accelerated loosening of negative, dense energy within our systems, which cannot resonate with the finer vibrations created by the attunements. Since your vibration is adjusted so quickly, a reaction takes place, which allows old stored-up emotions and memories to be released, as it appropriate for further growth.
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Change Takes Time Although the change is sudden, it takes time for the adjustments to become effective. It takes approximately three days for the energy to move through each of the seven main chakras. Although the opening of the Reiki channel occurs between the heart center and the crown chakra, the centers in the lower part of the body are equally important and go through a corresponding adjustment in a vibratory rate. Some of the typical outward signs you may notice in your life as a result of this cleaning process, include various dreams, strange feelings, emotional changes, physical changes such as detoxification, and an old habit or favorite food, which loses its importance in your life. These are just a few of the possible symptoms of the change that occurs at the different levels of the physical and the etheric bodies. Some reactions may seem unpleasant at first, as the negative energy is released, but by just saying yes to each experience, accepting it and not attaching a great deal of concern, each one will simply pass away. I often suggest to my students that they keep a journal during this process to record the changes that occur. In addition, it is helpful to give yourself the simple suggestion, I will remember my dreams the first thing in the morning, and then leave your journal at your bedside so it is there when you first wake up. You will find that after a week of persisting with this suggestion that your dream retention increases dramatically. Dreams are wonderful tools to help us tune in to our subconscious. Although they may seem nonsensical or unclear at first, with persistence, a pattern will begin to emerge. It is good also, at this time, to develop a habit of giving yourself Reiki treatments before you fall asleep at night, and first thing after you wake up in the morning (after writing down your dreams). If you continue to treat yourself after the initial cleanse process is completed, you will help the growth process to continue, and further refinement of your energy will occur. As you release old undesired feelings and concepts, you will begin to feel the attitude of gratitude flow naturally in your life process, which will in turn create a greater level of abundance in all areas of your life.
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Self Treatment
Position #4 Cup hands over the back of head with thumbs and pointer fingers touching
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Position #5 Gently cup front of throat with right hand and place the left hand over your high heart.
Position #6 With crossed arms place hands on shoulders with fingers reaching gently down top of back.
Position #8 Place hands over stomach just on each side of the navel.
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Position #10 Place hands over the mid back with elbows extended yet comfortable.
Position #12 Place hands on knees (Right Right & Left Left)
Position #13 Hold right foot in hands with left hand over the foot chakra and the right hand holding the top of foot.
Position #14 Hold left foot in hands with right hand over the foot chakra and the left hand holding the top of foot.
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Position #15 Hold ankles with hands (Right Right & Left Left)
Position #16 With crossed arms hold bottom of feet with hands to cover the foot chakras.
Position #17 With arms outstretched, palms facing the floor, beam energy to feet.
Position #18 With bent arms hold hands away from head and beam energy to head and upper body.
Position #19 End session by placing hands over heart with left hand on the body and right hand on top of the left hand.
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A Reiki Blessing
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Place the hands on each side of the face, extending downward toward the feet. USES: TMJ EAR BODY OF BRAIN PITUITARY & PINEAL GLAND FROM TOP JAW TENSION (MAY AFFECT SPINE, NECK, BACK)
Hands together cupping back of the head, finger tips at the base of the skull USES: OCCIPITAL LOBE OPTIC NERVE MEMORY CENTER BALANCE PROBLEMS LITERAL AND LARGER VISION BASIC SENSE OF SUPPORT, SECURTIY SELF IMAGE At 45 angle to head, place dominant hand on crown of head, other hand around the back of the neck. USES: CROWN CHAKRA (MAIN GATEWAY OF ENERGY) BRAIN STEM PINEAL GLAND (pineal assimilates light, relieves depression) Hands on sides around throat, fingers touching. No pressure on sides of the neck; your hands may not be skin to skin. USES: THYROID LARYNX LYMPH NODES HELD ANGER HUMILIATION EXPRESSION PARATHYROID CAROTID ARTERIES HEADACHES CHANNEL OF CREATIVITY
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Hands, one on top of the other, over the center of the chest between the breasts. USES: HEART CONDITIONS (both physical and metaphysical) One hand over the center of the chest and one hand just below the curve of the rib cage. USES: SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA EMOTIONAL WOUNDS INNER CHILD NEED TO BE LOVED One hand just under the breast, the other hand below that and both hands at or near center of the chest on left side of body. USES: STOMACH ULCERS PANCREAS GASTRITIS PRODUCTION OF BLOOD CELLS INDIGESTION DIABETES SPLEEN Like position #4, but on right side of body USES: LIVER GALL BLADDER ADDICTIONS PRIDE CHRONIC COMPLAINTS Hands across body just below the navel. USES: TRANSVERSE COLON LARGE INTESTINE COLITIS SPASTIC COLON CONSTIPATION GREAT NEED FOR AFFECTION FLU FEELING OF OPRESSION AND DEFEAT
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FOR MEN: Hands across body from hip bone to hipbone. FOR WOMEN: Hands in V, extending from just above pubic bone and out toward the hipbone. USES: GENITALS ARTHRIIS ROOT CHAKRA BLADDER CREATIVITY LOW SELF ESTEEM ASCENDING AND DESCENDING COLON
Do the elbows, wrists, palms, knees, ankles, soles of feet in whatever order you feel comfortable doing or are called by the Spirit to do. BODY BACK POSITIONS POSITION #1 Hands next to each other covering the right shoulder. USES: GRIEF BURDENS JOY REMORSE EMOTIONAL HEART Hands next to each other covering the left shoulder. USES: BACK OF HEART AND LUNGS BURDENS AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM JOY Hands across the back about 2 below armpit. USES: ENDOCRINE GLANDS SHOCK ANXIETY PRODUCTION OF ADRENALIN (flight or fight reaction) Place hands across the back just below rib cage. USES: KIDNEYS URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS OVER EXERTION FEAR RELATED TO ANGER DISAPPOINTMENT CRITICISM SHAME Place hands across the back just below the waist. USES: NERVES ENTERING SPINE CHILDBIRTH CRAMPS LEG PROBLEMS SACRUM OVERWORK FEAR OF FUTURE HYPOCRITICAL BEHAVIOR LACK OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FEAR OF MONEY
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One hand on each buttock. USES: SCIATICA BOWELS MOVEMENT FEAR OF LETTING GO One hand on each side of hip joint. USES: FEAR OF MOVING FORWARD IN LIFE FEAR OF FUTURE One hand pointed downward with fingers at the tip of the tailbone and arm resting on the spinal cord. Dominant hand crosses the other. USES: HEMORRHOIDS RECTUM ANUS PROSTATE RELEASE GARBAGE OF LIFE Step back a few steps and send energy to clients aura.
COMPLETION: Place one arm across the scapulas below the shoulder level on back, and one arm with the elbow starting at the lower back up across the other arm. Gently rock the persons inner child for about a minute. Follow this movement with 3 sweeping motions from head to foot to clear the aura.
GROUNDING AFTER HEALING: Touch your fingertips together to break the magnetic charge between you and the healee. Wash your hands and arms in cool water after the healing to discharge any collected energy in your auric field.
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Cho Ku Rei
(Pronounced Ch Koo Ray)
The Power Symbol calls on the higher power to heal. It increases the power of Reiki a light switch. Clockwise: Releases blockages & pulls out negativity. Counterclockwise: Increases power in one spot. Place the power here God is here.
CHO KU REI Increases Power your ability to access Reiki energy increases many times. Cho Ku Rei is Tibetan derived from Indian Sanskrit. The circular shape represents a conch shell symbolizing calling to the heavens. This symbol directs and focuses power. CHO curved sword, movement KU penetrating to make whole, space, nothingness, whirlwind, spiral REI Universal soul, spirit, transcendental spirit or mysterious power CHO KU REI is the void. When calling upon the heavens, the energy is manifested as a spinning movement within the void where all power is created. CHO KU REI penetrates, cuts through, empowers. It is also used for transformation (dying). Used in opposite direction, helps bring you the void during meditation.
Bracket or sandwich other symbols with CHO KU REI Do reverse CHO KU REI over your own head when starting to meditate Do CHO KU REI on your palms before healing to increase energy.
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Sei He Ki
(Pronounced Say Hey Key)
The Mental/Emotional Symbol It balances the right and left sides of the brain, bringing harmony and peace.
SEI HE KI The balance we call life, describes the dynamic process of life, the world, and karma. SEI HE KI is Japanese. The symbol is used to align the body. It balances the upper four chakras. SEI the state of budding, getting there just before the bloom (as in a flower). HE the base chakra of balance, foundation, origin of external form. KI energy, vital force, resonating to potential harmony, the hidden balance. Mainly used for emotional healing. Can be used to plant affirmations to alter negative programming and fears. Invoke for protection and purification. Clears negative energy. Releases spirit attachments. God and humanity coming together.
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HON SHA ZE SHO NEN The bridge between two worlds. It can be used to bridge time and/or space. HON SHA ZE SHO NEN is Chinese. This symbol is the ether tube connection for sending distant healing. HON center, essence, origin, intrinsic nature. SHE shimmering light ZE advancing, correcting course, moving ahead SHO target, integrity, enlightened sage NEN stillness, the deepest part of it. Can be used for mental healing. Used together as a sentence, it translates to No past, no present, no future. To add power, use CHO KU REI before and after HON SHA ZE SHO NEN. Sending distant healing should be limited to 5 or 10 minutes. ***See instructions in text. Can be used for release of trauma. ***For distance healing, say the persons name 3 times, visualizing the person and location, maybe with a picture or even using a doll or Teddy Bear. See, draw and say CHO KU REI three times, then HON SHA ZE SHO NEN three times, then CHO KU REI again three times. Visualize giving the person a treatment, sending energy to their whole body 5 or 10 minutes should be plenty. Close the bridge with reverse CHO KU REI. To send a distant mental healing, add SEI HE KI three times before HON SHA ZE SHO NEN. Page 39 (1 5) Hon
(6 11) Sha
(12 17) Ze
(18-19) Sho
Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen The Pagoda Distance healing, the Akashic Records, Past-Present-Future [Alternate]
Cho-Ku-Rei Sei-He-Ki Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen Cho-Ku-Rei
(1 5) Hon
(6 11) Sha
(12 17) Ze
(18-19) Sho
It is possible, using the distant healing symbol, to beam Reiki to your client from across the room. This can dramatically increase the amount of Reiki flowing through you to the client. Because you are completely outside the clients aura, Reiki treats the complete aura first before entering the physical body where it is needed. Page 40
It is also possible when doing Beaming to direct Reiki to specific areas. Just imagine that your hands are like radar dishes and you are focusing Reiki on the area you want to treat. You can also direct it with your eyes by focusing your visual attention on the area. This process works better if you allow your consciousness to merge with the Reiki consciousness. Simply allow your attention to swell on your awareness of the Reiki as it flows through you. Focus your mind only on the Reiki. If other thoughts come into your mind, gently brush them away and bring your attention back to the Reiki. By doing this, you will enter an altered state that allows the energy pathways Reiki flows through to open more than normal. It will also allow your Reiki guides to more easily add their Reiki to yours. Beaming can be done at the end of a standard treatment or it can be done by itself.
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Imagine that you are there with the person receiving the healing, and do the healing as if you were. To speed the process, you can also imagine yourself with several pairs of extra arms!
Use a teddy bear, doll, pillow, or photograph of the person as a surrogate. Do the healing on the bear, then imagine giving the healed bear to the person receiving the distance treatment. Tell her, Take what you can use from the bear.
Imagine your knees are the receivers body, and do the healing as if it were. Focus on the person receiving the healing. Use the left knee for the persons front, and the right knee for the back of her body. Your knee is her head, your thigh her torso, and your hip her legs and feet.
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Manifesting Grid
1. Visualize your wish with you in it. 2. Place the earth behind it (and you). 3. Bring a golden grid over the picture, diagonal or spiral, running from sky to earth. 4. Draw the Cho-Ku-Rei over the whole picture. 5. Hold the image for as long as you can, then let go. 6. Be careful what you ask for; you might get it.
Reiki will channel more easily and more powerfully every time you use it. Do not hesitate to use it often.
The fact that our bodies react to our thoughts has been proven by kinesiology tests and studies. These studies prove that as soon as we think a negative thought, the biological organism reacts with weakness or reduced vitality. By the same token, the opposite also holds true. Positive thoughts and actions bring forward an increase in the bodily vitality factor. Reiki symbols not only increase the positive thought flow, but also provide a connecting light aspect channel from sender to receiver. Reiki healing begins on the mental plane. You have access to these elemental thought forms and their power, because of the thoughts of all the Reiki practitioners that have gone on before. You reach this every time you use the Reiki symbols. It is a gestalt of focused consciousness ready and available for connecting into, much as you would plug into an electrical outlet.
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Everything is vibrational in nature. When youre aware of your own inner vibrations, able to witness life around you as a concert of sound, to discover that you are in fact sound, then the division between external and internal becomes non-existent. (Dr. John Beaulieu)
Within Sacred Sound the fundamental is not a note or particular pitch as it is in music. The fundamental is in every dimension and everything, including ourselves. The fundamental is not to be found; rather, the fundamental reveals itself in listening. Healing is always a return to the fundamental. We must seek the fundamental everywhere in our lives. If we are unable to resonate or merge with a part of ourselves, or our environment, we become dissonant or dis-eased. When we become dissonant we beat against or push away from ourselves and our environment. We lose our harmony. Harmony comes from the Greek harmos, which means, to fit together. When we allow ourselves to resonate with something, we are bringing ourselves into harmony with it. The inner experience of this harmony is an experience of our own fundamental. (Dr. John Beaulieu Music and Sound in the Healing Arts)
With each experience of resonance we move closer to our source. The closer we come to our source the more we are beings of sound mind and body. Resonance is everywhere and is always available to us. (Dr. John Beaulieu)
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The plus and minus elemental signs refer to stimulating and sedating qualities. For example, C & E create an ongoing stimulating Fire while C & A creates an inward sedating Fire. The interval of C & A was considered the interval of the mystic by Edgar Cayce and other psychics.
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open and harmonious
open, with energy toward spiritual to avoid interaction with people open, holding down of energy some blockage
energy is moving
Singing Bowls Different Metals Used Gold Sun Silver Moon Mercury Mercury Copper Venus Iron Mars Tin Jupiter Lead Saturn -Sounds of Healing Mitchell Gaynor MD Page 49
As children, we imitate styles of speaking and learn patterns of language and sound. Like the hands and feet, our voice provides refined connection for communicating and for manipulating our environment for survival and interaction. As adults, we have choice about how we use our voice. We can affect what our voice sounds like and how clearly it reflects our thoughts and feelings: how we speak and what we choose to say. Use of language and use of tone of voice have tremendous effect. As we are free to relax and breathe deeply, the tones that emerge will reflect who we are.
Sound gives expression to the body. Every molecule in the universe is vibrating. When we produce sound in the body, we are making vibration audible. As we have seen, we use the force of our breath to vibrate the vocal cords with higher frequencies resonating in the small chambers such as the sinuses in the skull and the lower frequencies in areas such as pelvis and belly. Sound literally vibrates the body. Different tissues respond according to their density and elasticity. By producing sounds with our body: singing, humming, chanting, toning and playing instruments, we are vibrating ourselves as well as others. As we change our pitch, we give ourself an inner massage.
Sound carries emotion. We have all experienced love songs stimulating our hearts, a cry freezing us in terror, a tone of voice brining tears to our eyes. Emotions ride on sound and can be released, transformed, or communicated. Sometimes we close our throats to try to hold back emotion, the familiar lump in the throat or tightness in a voice. By listening to our sounds, we can come to know our feelings. Sound moves us. Music and speaking have been used for centuries to heal, to entice, to calm, to stimulate. Each tone, each instrument, plays the body in a different way. Rhythms, melodies, instrumentation, words and intonations all have varying effects. Both sound and silence affect our body functioning.
Singing clears the pathways in the body. We all know how much better we feel when we sing. (Why did we stop?) By vibrating the tissues, muscles relax, fluids flow, nerves calm. Try this in your own body: fined a tense area, such as the neck muscles. Place your hands on the area to focus your attention
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(on the body part) and your intention (on vibration). Make a sound that vibrates your hands through the neck tissues. Feel the muscle tension dissolve. Bring your awareness to any tension in your skull. Place your hands on the cranial bones: Make a high tone and feel the vibration with your fingers through the bones of the skull. This brings awareness to the area and helps you feel the change. If your lower back hurts, or you have difficulty with the digestive organs, place your hands on the particular area of the belly or back. Use a low tone to vibrate the tissues. Breathe deeply and naturally as you work. No need to judge the quality of the sound, just feel its vibration. Observe what happens.
Sound exists outside the boundaries of known forms such as music and language. As we allow unmonitored sounds to emerge form the body and hear their qualities, we become familiar with new spectrums of experience. Free sound is unpredictable, and we have no idea where it comes from or will go: it creates its own form, and we get to follow. As we listen to music from other cultures, we open our awareness. Eskimo throat singing, Tibetan chanting, the Chinese erhu offer new possibilities. As we extend our work with Authentic Movement and include sound, we find a rich way to listen to the body and to hear ourselves.
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ANGER (Eyes & Ears) I can see better I can hear better
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Always use the DAI KOO MYO before the HON SHA ZE SHO NEN
The Third Degree Master Attunement The way of the Fire Serpent (Tibetan) incorporates the energy of the Crown and Root Chakras in ascension of the Kundalini or serpent energies up the spine culminating in the Crown, imparting the Universal Fire. A strict regimen is required in order to sustain the efficacy of the energy at this particular level. One should watch the diet and oxygen intake at the cellular level at all times. The Sui Ching water ritual (described on pg. 61) has been an integral part of this initiation in Tibet for thousands of years. This is a matter of choice for the student. We suggest you consider it essential, as we do, for proper attunement. Most all Reiki Master teachers currently teaching the system do not use the exercise as taught in the Tibetan monastery schools. Remember, in the beginning, Reiki was not taught as any kind of healing modality, but rather as a system of spiritual self-improvement. When this higher level of understanding is achieved, and the energies are accumulated within the psyche, the healing pathways are opened. This is a sacred system, which some have inadvertently profaned in the pursuit of fame and money. It is the hope and the desire of the Reiki Masters that you use these teachings well and with good intent. Perform the exercise on page 61 for placing Reiki energy into water and have the imitate drink at least part of it during the attunement process.
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Dai Koo Myo is the master empowerment symbol. It vibrates through planes four, five and six. It incorporates the energy of the crown and root chakras in the ascension of the kundalini or fire serpent energies traveling up the spine and culminating in the crown, imparting the universal fire, the alignment with spirit.
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Try them both, and see which works best for you. Use your intuition. I personally use this one almost all the time, as I feel, as Diane Stein asserts in Essential Reiki, that this fits todays needs better. Once you know Dai Koo Myo, include it in all your healing. I use it after the Cho Ku Rei, but before all the others. Its focus is healing the soul, and it is extremely powerful. Life changes frequently occur. Used reversed, it pulls negative energies out of the body and releases them.
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(pronounced rah coo)
Raku is the lightning bolt, the banking of the fire of consciousness. It is the connection with the cosmic aspect of the self, the oneness, the void. It is used at the completion of an initiation to purify and return to the void the energies that are released by the initiate and the master as they both increase their energy level and release blocks/karma into their combined aura. This release process causes a physical and emotional cleansing in the initiate after the initiation, which lasts about 21 days; 3 days in each chakra, starting at the root. This symbol is used only in passing attunements (at the end of attunements, to be specific), not during healing.
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LEFT Left hand on left shoulder at beginning BACK Open crown chakra 3 Cho Ku Rei See, say, draw horizontally over head: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei Blow symbols into crown (1 breath/3 puffs) RIGHT Cup hands in yours Mentally see, say, & draw: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei FRONT Bring hands up Blow: Brow 1/3, Heart 1/3, Crown 1/3 Return hands to prayer position (with left) BACK
Everything the Same as in Round Two & Three Except: LEFT Left hand on 3rd eye, right hand on medulla oblongata BACK End with vortex (3 times) & pat head 3 times to close and seal crown chakra
Stand facing Initiate and draw the Raku symbol (with gusto!!!) Clear (brush) aura Cross hands over heart to signal end of attunement Namaste -- Congratulations
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LEFT Left hand on left shoulder at beginning BACK (with left hand) Open crown chakra 3 Cho Ku Rei Mentally see, say, draw horizontally over head: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei Blow symbols into crown (1 breath/3 puffs) RIGHT Cup hands in yours Mentally see, say, & draw: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei
FRONT 3 Cho Ku Rei (3rd eye to 3rd Chakra) with Index finger Open Book & draw Cho Ku Rei into palms Right palm press 3 times & Left palm press 3 times Bring hands up Blow: Brow 1/3, Heart 1/3, Crown 1/3 Return hands to prayer position Stand back and reverence and think end of Round # _____
Page 59 Stand facing Initiate and draw the Raku symbol (with gusto!!!) Clear (brush) aura Cross hands over heart to signal end of attunement Namaste -- Congratulations
LEFT Left hand on 3rd eye, right on medulla oblongata (with left hand) Open crown chakra 3 Cho Ku Rei Mentally see, say, draw horizontally over head: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei Blow symbols into crown (1 breath/3 puffs) End with vortex (3 times) & pat head 3 times to close and seal crown chakra
FRONT 3 Cho Ku Rei with index finger (3rd eye to 3rd Chakra) Open Book & draw Dai Koo Myo into palms Right palm press 3 times & Left palm press 3 times Bring hands up Blow: Brow 1/3, Heart 1/3, Crown 1/3 Return hands to prayer position
Stand facing Initiate and draw the Raku symbol (with gusto!!!) Clear (brush) aura Cross hands over heart to signal end of attunement Namaste -- Congratulations
RIGHT Cup hands in yours Mentally see, say, & draw: - 3 Dai Koo Myo - 3 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - 3 Sei He Ki - 3 Cho Ku Rei
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Dr. Mikau Usui Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo Takata Phyllis Lei Furomoto John Lacks Annie Singing Star Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser Adrienne N. Cobb Lori George Barb Wiesbesick Kathryn Rundquist
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Zonar = Infinity, Timeless, Eternity This is the first of the missing Reiki symbols.
Harth = Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony, Balance This is the symbol for the heart from which healing and love flow.
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has completed the First Degree Course in the Usui System of Reiki Healing
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has completed the Second Degree Course in the Usui System of Reiki Healing
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has completed the Master Degree Course in the Usui System of Reiki Healing
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Honervogt, Tanmaya: REIKI FOR EMOTIONAL HEALING Honervogt, Tanmaya: THE POWER OF REIKI Horna, Paula:
Henry Holt and Company, 1998 Lotus Light Publications, 1992 Lotus Light Publications, 1997
Lubeck, Walter: THE COMPLETE REIKI HANDBOOK Miles, Pamela: Reiki Penguin Books, 2006
Narrin, Jane Anne: ONE DEGREE BEYOND - A REIKI JOURNEY INTO ENERGY MEDICINE Little White Buffalo Publishing, 1998 Rand, Williams: REIKI, THE HEALING TOUCH Rowland, Amy: TRADITIONAL REIKI FOR OUR TIMES Stein, Diane: ESSENTIAL REIKI Crossing Press, 1995 VIDEO: Marsha Burback: REIKI HEALING YOURSELF A.R.T. Productions Healing Arts Press, 1998
Oeade Music, 2002 New Earth, 1998 New Earth, 2006 New Earth, 2003 New Earth, 2008 New Earth, 2002 New Earth, 2001 New Earth, 2001
Sequoia, 2007 New Earth, 1997 New Earth, 1999 New Earth, 2005
Ballentine, Rudolph: RADICAL HEALING Harmony Books, 1999 Borsenko, Joan: THE WAYS OF THE MYSTIC SEVEN PATHS TO GOD Chogyam, Ngakpa: RAINBOW OF LIBERATED ENERGY Joy, Brugh: JOYS WAY Saint Martins Press, 1979 Gerber, Richard: VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Eagle Brook, 2000 Hay House, 1997
Gunther, Bernard: ENERGY, ECSTACY AND YOUR SEVEN VITAL CHAKRAS Newcastle Publishing, 1983 CHAKRA BALANCING, Sounds True 2003 Vega, A.J & Selena: THE SEVENFOLD JOURNEY Crossing Press, 1993 Judith, Anodea: WHEELS OF LIFE Llewellyn Publications, 1988
Brennan, Barbara Ann: HANDS OF LIGHT A GUIDE TO HEALING THROUGH THE HUMAN ENERGY FIELD Bantum Books, 1987 Brennan, Barbara Ann: LIGHT EMERGING Ford, Clyde: WHERE HEALING WATERS MEET Northup, Christine: Bantum Books, 1993 Station Hill Press, 1989
WOMENS BODIES, WOMENS WISDOM Bantum Books, 1994 Crossing Press, 1990 Llewellyn Publications
Gardner, Kay: A RAINBOW PATH Ladyslipper, 1984 Sounds True, 2005
FREQUENCIES AND SOUNDS OF HEALING Spirit Music, 2005 Gordon, David & Steve: CHAKRA HEALING ZONE Halpern, Steven: IN THE OM ZONE CHAKRA SUITE McNamara, Stevin: CAROLINE MYSS CHAKRA MEDITATION MUSIC Sophia: CHAKRA HEALING CHANTS Sequoia Records, 2006 Inner Peace Music, 2007 Inner Peace Music, 2005 Sounds True 2002 Sequoia, 2002
Steiner, Rudolph: THE INNER NATURE OF MUSIC AND EXPERIENCE OF TONE. Anthroposophic Press, 1983. Tame, David: BEETHOVEN AND THE SPIRITUAL PATH. Quest Books, 1994. Tame, David: THE SECRET POWER OF MUSIC. Destiny Books, 1984.
TAPES/CDS Bealieu, John: CALENDULA. Relaxation Company, 1997. Brodie, Renee: THE HEALING TONES OF CRYSTAL BOWLS. Aroma Art LTD., 1998. Campbell, Don: HEALING YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN VOICE. Sounds True Recording, 1990. Campbell, Don: MUSIC FOR THE MOZART EFFECT. Spring Hill Music, 1997. I STRENGTHENING THE MIND II HEAL THE BODY III UNLOCK THE CREATIVE SPIRIT Clinton, Ann: CRYSTALS. New World Music, 1999. DAnnunzio, Steven: MUSIC FOR HEALING. Sound Healing Center, 1996. Das, Uma and Ramana: CRYSTALS, CHAKRAS, COLOR AND SOUND. U-Music, 1986. Evenson, Dean & MaKichen, Walter: GOLDEN SPA TONES. Soundings of the Planet, 2006. Gardner, Kay: A RAINBOW PATH. Ladyslipper, 1984. Gardner, Kay: SOUNDING THE INNER LANDSCAPE. Ladyslipper, 1990. Gardner, Kay: AMAZON. Ladyslipper, 1992. Gardner, Kay: MUSIC AS MEDICINE. Sounds True, 1998. Hale, Susan Elizabeth: CIRCLE THE EARTH WITH SONG. KUMN Studios, 1986. HEALING GARDEN. Healing Garden Division. Hoffman, Janalea: MUSIC WITH A PURPOSE. Rhythmic Medicine, 1995. Iobst, Benjamin: SEVEN METALS-SINGING BOWLS OF TIBET. Crafty Productions, 1999. Kenyan, Tom: THE GHANDARVA EXPERIENCE. SFF Publishing.
Moses, Harold: DRONE-THE BREATH OF GOD. Crucible Sounds, 2000. Moses, Harold: PRAYERS OF THE SOUL. Crucible Sound, 1997. Redman, Layne: BEING IN RHYTHM. Interworld Music Associates, 1997. Rhiannon: FLIGHT-INTERACTIVE GUIDE TO VOCAL INPROVISATION. Sounds True, 2000. Tetteroo, Tosca & DeRuiter, Dick: CRYSTAL & SOUND. Binkey Kok Publications, 2004. Velez, Glen: RHYTHMS OF THE CHAKRAS. Sounds True, 1997. Volkman, Bob: DREAMERS JOURNEY. Metamusic-Monroe Institute, 1996. Xumantra: HEALING BELLS. Xonic, 2004. SINGING BOWLS. Graphic Sounds Studio, 1997.
Shajan, MUSIC FOR REIKI AND MEDITATION OCEAN OF SILENCE Vol. 3. Earth Visions Music, 2007. Deuter, C.G SPIRITUAL HEALING. New Earth Records, 2008.