GITG PVC Fishing Jugs
GITG PVC Fishing Jugs
GITG PVC Fishing Jugs
ugging for catsh is a fun summertime activity. The excitement of watching a jug bob and disappear is a great thing to share with a child or someone new to shing. Dealing with a tangled mess of bleach and detergent bottles and milk jugs, however, will kill a fun day on the water in a heartbeat. Rather than battle the hassle of traditional jugs, why not built a better shing jug? PVC shing jugs t the bill quite well. They are durable, compact, and easy to assemble; and when built with a little ingenuity, they can even let you know when the sh are biting!
(2) foam swimming noodles with holes in centers (1) 10-foot length of 3/4-inch thick-walled PVC pipe (12) 3/4-inch PVC caps (6) landscape nails, rebar or iron rods (at least 6 to 8 inches long) for sliding weight (6) 3/16-inch eyebolts, with washers and nuts Drill with 1/8-inch bit PVC glue Silicone glue Hot glue Fishing terminal tackle: heavy-duty swivels, line, barrel weights and hooks 1. Cut PVC pipe into 20-inch lengths. 2. Cut swimming noodles into (6) 12-inch lengths; use extra noodle foam for step 7. 3. Drill six PVC caps on centers. 4. Screw in eyebolts, using dabs of silicone glue on threads to waterproof cap. 5. Install washers and nuts on eyebolt threads and seal with silicone glue. 6. Apply PVC glue on caps with eyebolts.
PVC Glue Scrap Foam
Silicon Glue
Silicon Glue
7. Cut small scrap piece of foam, place foam inside PVC pipe and install eyebolt cap on bottom end of pipe. 8. Drop sliding weight in PVC pipe, place scrap foam piece in PVC pipe above sliding weight.
PVC Glue
Scrap Foam
Sliding Weight
Scrap Foam
9. Slide foam noodle on to PVC pipe (top end), apply PVC glue to cap and seal top end of pipe. 10. Secure foam using silicon glue or hot glue. 11. Attach terminal tackle to eyebolt: swivel, leader, weight and hook. 12. Wrap rig around jug and hook into foam 13. Store shing jugs in cooler or plastic crate
PVC Glue
Silicon or Hot Glue