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Coffee Guide

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Daily Shot Of Coffee

Guide To Coffee
By Mike Crimmins

Welcome to the Daily Shot Of Coffee Guide To Coffee. This guide covers the basics for an average Joe (or Jo) that ants better tasting coffee. This is the first of hat loo!s li!e it"s going to be many guides that # $ublish. #f you have a to$ic that you ould li!e me to cover% $lease email me at mi!e&dailyshotofcoffee.com

About Me
'y name is 'i!e Crimmins and #"m the chief blogger behind Daily Shot Of Coffee. #(ve been a daily coffee drin!er since my freshman year of college. (Wo % # feel li!e #(m at an alcoholics anonymous meeting already). # used coffee to a!e u$ for those )*+, am classes. # chugged it to stay u$ until three or four in the morning for those late night study sessions. -fter college% hen # as or!ing retail% # as !no n for hiding a cu$ of coffee .ust off the sales floor so that # could get a hit of coffee every time # left the sales floor. 'y friends and family ould as! me if # as going to have some coffee ith my cream and sugar. 'y average cu$ as at least a /uarter cream and sugar% leaving my coffee loo!ing cream colored% on the verge of being hite. Then one year for Christmas% my brother bought me a $ound of hole beans from Seattle Coffee Wor!s. #t o$ened u$ a hole ne orld for me. That as the first time # e0$erienced fresh coffee at home. 1ot only as it fresh% but it smelled so good that # $ut the sugar and cream on hold until # tried it blac! first. # as hoo!ed. # ish # could remember e0actly ho it tasted% but # can say it as literally life altering. # haven(t loo!ed bac! at 2olgers or 'a0 ell 3ouse since. Things have changed in the $ast fe years since then. 'y ne addiction is bre ing my o n coffee% using one of the do4en or so coffee gadgets that in my !itchen. Gone are the flavored creamers and sugars% no # li!e my coffee blac! so # can identify the flavors and aromas that come naturally from the beans. #(m not a coffee e0$ert% # .ust love coffee.

- lot of $eo$le have as!ed me /uestions along the lines of 5#f # as .ust getting into coffee no % ho ould # start out67 #t"s the ty$e of /uestion that # !no a lot about% because not too long ago # as the guy in the Dun!in" Donuts drive thru ordering coffee ith e0tra cream and sugar. When my dad ould see me ma!ing a cu$ of coffee% he ould as! 5Do you ant coffee ith your cream and sugar67 # as buying sugar by the $ound% almost as often as # as buying coffee. # li!ed (needed) the caffeine effects that came ith coffee% but # didn"t really li!e the taste. Turns out that it asn"t that hard to go from drin!ing coffee buried in sugar and cream% to drin!ing coffee blac! and en.oying the flavors. #n this short guide% #"ll go over ho you can ma!e that transition (and ma!e it ithout s$ending an arm and a leg). 2ollo the ste$s in this guide and by the end% # thin! you"ll truly be able to en.oy your coffee.

Section 1 What !ind Of Coffee To Get

Wal!ing into a $lace that sells coffee% hether it"s the grocery store or an inde$endent coffee roaster can be over helming hen you"re ne to coffee. There"s all these bags of coffee% each ith different% often foreign and or technical sounding names. # remember that feeling all too ell% #"d al! into my favorite coffee sho$ and go eeny% meeny% miny% moe to $ic! a coffee. 3o ever% once # learned a fe of the terms% it started to get a hole lot easier. This section ill hel$ you get through that over helming feeling and guide you to the right !ind of coffee for you.

Different kinds of coffee roasts

#n my $revious life% # al ays drifted to ards dar!er roasts because they ere stronger and # thought $ac!ed more of a caffeine $unch. Then # learned that the lighter roasts $ac! all of the caffeine and it roc!ed my orld. -nyone that !no s me% !no s that # need as much caffeine as # can $ossibly get in ever si$. -s far as different !ind of roasts% # !ne that the bean color as determined by the ay they ere roasted% but that as .ust about it and # really didn"t !no hat it all meant. # started to do more research and tal!ed to several coffee 8e0$erts8 so that #% and no you can get the best tasting cu$ of coffee. One of the first things that # learned% is that the dar!er a bean% the longer it as in the roaster. - dar!er roast tastes smoother because it has less fiber and has a more sugary flavor. - lighter roast% that s$ends less time in a roaster has more caffeine and a stronger flavor because the aromatic oils don"t get destroyed during the short roast. 3ere"s hat you need to !no so far* Dark "oasts # Stron$ And Smooth% &i$ht "oasts # More 'la(orful And Chock 'ull Of Caffeine% - more in de$th loo!* The creation of coffee starts ith ra or unroasted beans that are green. #f you have a coffee roaster% you can roast your o n beans and you"re $robably ay too

over/ualified to be reading this guide. 2or the rest of us% green beans are $retty much useless. &i$ht "oast The shortest amount of time a bean ill s$end in the roasting machine. 9ight roasts are full of flavors and caffeine. - fe e0am$les* 1e :ngland ;oast 3alf City ;oast Cinnamon ;oast < The cinnamon roast has a dry surface ith no oils and the flavor is light bodied.

Medium "oast* When they !ee$ it in the roaster a little longer% you get a medium roast. #t"s traditionally a brea!fast coffee ith good level of acidity and clean finish. #t has a balanced body of flavor% bet een the light roasts and dar! roasts. =ou can find it in grocery stores and is good for dri$ coffee ma!ers% or other ords% it"s an every day ty$e of coffee. >rea!fast ;oast < Slightly s eeter than a light roast -merican ;oast < 1ot as dar! as :uro$ean roasts and generally considered to have a good aroma. City ;oast < Slightly dar!er than the -merican ;oast

Medium Dark "oast >eans that are roasted for a longer time are considered a 'edium Dar! ;oast. They"re roasted long enough to bring out the natural oil of the coffee to the surface of the bean. They have lo levels of caffeine and acidity. They have a bitters eet flavor ith a full body. #t"s commonly used in cafes and coffee sho$s. 2rench ;oast < -lso goes under the name dar! roast. #t"s used to ma!e es$resso. Continental ;oast < #t"s slightly lighter and has a s$icy body. ?iennese ;oast < #t s$ends slightly longer in the roast than -merican roast and has a rich% chocolaty body.

Dark "oast #talian ;oast < This bean s$ends the longest time in the roaster. #t"s roasted until the bean is almost .et blac! so it has a smo!y% ell roasted taste that can mas! the natural coffee bean flavor. One last note% .ust because they"re called 2rench or #talian roasts% doesn"t mean that it"s actually from there% it"s .ust referring to the ty$e of roast.

Arabica )ersus "obusta

(The World Series Of Coffee >eans)

-cross the orld% more than +, teams (ty$es) of coffee com$ete to ma!e it to the orld series% also !no n as the big cu$ of coffee that a!es us u$ in the mornings. T o teams% the -rabica beans and the ;obusta beans area al ays on to$ of the list% accounting for almost all of the coffee consumed across the orld. Today% #"m $utting them head to head% com$eting for the cham$ionshi$ title. 2irst u$ to bat is ;obusta% it"s chea$er and by far the most common ty$e of coffee sold in grocery stores across -merica. The reason that it"s chea$er is that the cherries stay on the tree after they ri$en% re/uiring less attention from the farmers. -rabica beans re/uire constant su$ervision because hen they ri$en% they fall to the ground and s$oil. The e0tra attention comes ith an increased $rice. Count that as one run for ;obusta. ;obusta then scores another easy run because they have t o times more caffeine. ;obusta also has a greater resistance to climate% eather conditions% disease and heat. #t can be gro n in lo er climates and in larger amounts. Count that as another run for ;obusta. They ta!e an early lead of three to nothing. >ut this ball game is no here near over yet. The bases are loaded and -rabica beans have their star $layer coming u$ ne0t. -rabica beans are found in most coffee sho$s% because it"s better tasting. Coffee made ith this ty$e of beans are milder and more aromatic. There"s little bitterness and none of the shar$ taste that comes ith ;obusta beans% resulting in coffee that doesn"t need to be hidden ith hea$ing s$oonfuls of sugar and a flood of creamer. That counts as a four runs% grand slam% it"s a al! off victory.

Guide to buyin$ coffee at the $rocery store

'ore than a fe $eo$le have as!ed me hat are my favorite brands of coffee. # list off a fe of my favorite s$ecialty roasters from all over the country. Then they stare blan!ly at me and almost al ays follo u$ ith% 5>ut% hat can # buy do n the street at the grocery store67 # arn them that buying coffee at the grocery store can end in disaster. Grocery stores often treat their coffee li!e a commodity% focusing on /uantity rather than /uality. # tell them that # ould much rather buy my coffee at a local roaster or online% but there(s

not al ays a nearby roaster and those shi$$ing charges can add u$. That(s hy #(m sharing some of my ti$s for buying non<disaster coffee at the grocery store. "ule *umber 1 -void ground coffee@ Coffee goes stale ithin fifteen minutes of being ground. #t loses it(s flavor and ill taste state literally in a matter of minutes. Can you imagine ho long it(s been sitting on that shelf at the grocery store6 >uy hole bean coffee and grind it yourself at home. "ule *umber + Chec! for a 5roasted on date.7 :ven bags of hole bean coffee can go stale% so you ant to try to find one that is $referably less than t o ee!s old. 3o ever% the ma.ority of coffee doesn(t have a 5roasted on date%7 most don"t even have any date listed on them. 3o ever% some have a 5best before date.7 Those 5best before dates7 are generally a year from the time the beans ere roasted. # don(t !no about you% but # ould definitely avoid coffee that is a year old. 3o ever% if you loo! at it the other ay% loo! for a coffee that has recent 5best before date7 minus a year. #n other ords% if it says ABCDBC+ and today(s date is ABACBCA% it should still be reasonably fresh. #f it doesn(t have any roasted date at all% $urchase at your o n ris!. "ule *umber , Chec! out the organic section of your grocery store. There #(ve found organic and fair trade coffees from more re$utable brands li!e Jim(s Organic Coffee and Green 'ountain Coffee ;oasters. 3o ever% be careful. #(ve noticed that sometimes the bags of coffee have been sitting there for a long time% long enough to start collecting dust. Bonus -void the coffee grinders at the store. Who !no s hat !ind of coffee as ground before in it and ho !no s hen the last time they ere cleaned. 'a!e the small investment to buy a coffee grinder.

Section + -o. To Im/ro(e 0our Coffee 12/erience

-o. To Clean 0our Coffee Maker
When as the last time you cleaned your coffee ma!er6 9ast month6 9ast year6 Or never li!e the old me6 9imescale% mineral de$osits and leftover coffee oils build u$ in coffee ma!ers% corru$ting the ay our morning bre tastes. Cleaning a coffee ma!er is easy to do and you(ll notice an im$roved taste in the very ne0t cu$ of coffee you bre ith your clean coffee ma!er. There(s many ays to clean a coffee ma!er% # used hite vinegar because it as chea$% effective% earth friendly and # had a bottle of it sitting in my cu$board. Start by filling your coffee $ot ith one third vinegar and t o thirds cold ater. Eut a filter in your coffee ma!er. Eour the ater and vinegar into your coffee ma!er. Turn it on and let it go thre your normal bre ing cycle. =ou may ant to o$en u$ your indo s. 'y hole house filled ith a vinegar aroma. -fter it(s done% thro out the filter. # couldn(t believe ho sediments and minerals ere caught in the filter. ;inse the coffee $ot. #f it as li!e my coffee ma!er and still needs more cleaning% re$eat the ste$s again. Once your done ith the vinegar% re$eat the $rocess t ice more ith .ust cold ater to get rid any remaining odor. #f it still smells li!e vinegar% you can run cool ater through it as many time as you need. many tiny $ieces of

De$ending on the /uality of your ater% you should clean your coffee ma!er any here from once a ee! to once a month for the best tasting coffee. #f you don(t ant to use vinegar% there are several other alternatives.

=ou can use t o denture cleaning tablets% .ust ma!e sure they dissolve before you $ut them into the coffee ma!er. =ou can try citric acid mi0ed ith four cu$s of hot ater and four cu$s of cold ater. -lso% there(s coffee ma!er cleaning solutions that you can buy. One thing that you shouldn(t use% is soa$ to clean your coffee $ot. =ou also shouldn(t $ut it in the dish asher. The soa$ attaches to the oils de$osited by the coffee and can leave the soa$y taste behind. To clean your coffee $ot% use ice cubes ith a little bit of ater. S irl the ice and ater around your coffee $ot. #f you have some really tough stains% try adding table salt. Just using ice and ater asn(t good enough to get all of the stains out of my coffee $ot% but the salt or!ed. -nother thing to try% is $utting a glass marble in the ater chamber. #t attracts mineral de$osits in harder ater and then you only have to ash the marble once a ee!% instead of the hole coffee ma!er. One arning* This isn(t a /uic! $rocess. #t too! me over an hour to clean my coffee ma!er the first time% so if you(re in need of caffeine ma!e the coffee no and clean the coffee ma!er later.

Guide To Coffee $rinders

#(ve been drin!ing coffee for a big chun! of my life% but using a coffee grinder changed it from a morning ritual to an en.oyable e0$erience. #f you ant great tasting coffee% sooner or later you(re going to have to buy a coffee grinder too. Ground coffee is $o$ular because it ma!es bre ing coffee very easy% but the $roblem is that it starts to go stale in minutes. Who !no s ho long it as sitting on the shelf before you bought it% so the taste results can be hit and miss% ith more em$hasis on miss. There(s t o basic ty$es of grinders F blade and burr. #"ve o ned both. # started ith a blade grinder because it as affordable and it got the .ob done. 3o ever% no that # have a burr grinder% # barely use my blade one.

Blade Grinders
'r. Coffee :lectric Coffee Grinder ith Chamber 'aid Cleaning System GCH.HD from -ma4on

>lade grinders use a cho$$ing method to grind the beans into grounds. They(re ine0$ensive% but their can have lo /uality results. The level of consistency can vary and for the best tasting results% you ant consistent grinds. There(s also the $ossibility of getting a burnt taste because of friction bet een the blades and beans. >lade grinders are easy to clean and maintain% so they(re good for basic use and still an im$rovement over buying regular ground coffee at the grocery store.

Burr Grinders
There(s t o different !inds of burr grinders. 'lat Wheel 2lat heel burr grinders one of the best methods of grinding coffee. The beans are crushed bet een one semi<concave heel and one that is stationary. The discs s$in slo er than ith a blade grinder% so the grounds are more even and there(s no burnt taste.

Of course% there are some dra bac!s. They can be a $ain to clean and can get very messy. They can also be very noisy. Some models also have $roblems ith beans getting .ammed bet een the ho$$er and the grinding area belo % re/uiring e0tra effort to un.am them. Conical >arat4a G+)D 'aestro Elus Coffee Grinder With Eulse >utton GCAH from -ma4on

Conical grinders are the best of the best% ho ever they are (usually) the most e0$ensive. #f you have the budget for one and love great tasting coffee% they(re a orthy investment. They use a conical (cone) sha$ed grinding device hich results in a more consistent grind. They also s$in slo er than either of the t o methods. The result is that there(s less $roblems ith friction and static electricity% hich causes grinds to get stuc!. Therefore% they(re a lot easier to clean. -lso% they don(t usually have $roblems ith clogging. 'aybe the best benefit is that they(re usually the /uietest of all of the methods.

-o. To Store 0our Coffee

-lmost as im$ortant as buying the right coffee is storing it the right ay. 2inding the best ay to store coffee isn(t as easy as # thought it as going to be. -s # did research%

# found the ans ers to be confusing% unreliable and in some cases contradicting of each other. 3o ever% the more # studied it% the more it became clear that there are some definite right ans ers. The sim$le and easy ans er is that you should store your coffee in an air tight canister at room tem$erature and out of direct light. >eing e0$osed to air% being too hot or too cold and light all cause coffee to go stale /uic!er% but that ans er is .ust a little too sim$le. There(s a lot more to it. The absolute best ay to get fresh coffee is to buy green (unroasted) beans because they can last u$ to a year. 3o ever buying green beans means that you have to do the roasting yourself. #t(s definitely not a sim$le solution for most $eo$le. # ant to get into coffee roasting% but #(m no here near ready to start doing thatIyet. The second best solution is to buy hole beans. This is something that most $eo$le can do at home once you have a grinder li!e the ones e discussed in the last section. Whole beans last longer than ground coffee% generally C<A ee!s% allo ing you to get fresh coffee every time you grind the coffee. =ou can also consider buying from a local roaster ho ill tell you hen the coffee as roasted. That ay you !no that you(re getting freshest beans. -s # already mentioned% you should store your coffee in an air tight canister% but there(s a lot of different ty$es of canisters to loo! at. The $o$ular theory is that a ceramic canister is the best. - canister made of glass can allo light in. - canister made of $lastic or metal can actually contaminate the flavor of the coffee. #f you can find a ceramic canister ith a vacuum seal% that(s the best bet. The vacuum seal allo s COA that the beans $roduce out of the container% ithout letting o0ygen in. 1ot really a storage ti$% but along the same lines. Don(t buy more coffee than you need. #n the $ast% #(d buy enough coffee to last as much as a month. 1o % # aim to buy only a ee! or t o orth of coffee at a time. The result is fresh% more flavorful coffee.

-o. *ot To Store 0our Coffee

Too many $eo$le thin! that the best ay to store your coffee is in the free4er. #(ll admit that # used to be one of those $eo$le. Storing your coffee in the free4er made sense because # $ut stea!s and fish that # ant to last longer in the free4er% so it seemed that it ould also or! for coffee. 3o ever% it turns out that storing your coffee in the free4er is one of the orse things that you can do. The reason that it doesn(t or! is because coffee is $orous. That(s a good thing because it allo s the coffee bean to absorb the syru$s and flavors that create the taste. 3o ever% hen it comes to storing coffee in your free4er% it(s a bad thing. The $orous nature of coffee allo s it to absorb the flavors and smells from other things li!e the fro4en stea!s% fish anything else you store in there. There"s a handful of good flavored coffees out there% but none are fish flavored coffee. 1ot only does it change the flavor% but free4ing also causes it to disa$$ear. 2ree4ing brea!s do n the oils that give coffee it(s flavors. #f you needed another reason to not store it in the free4er% the moisture in there causes the actual coffee bean to deteriorate. #t ma!es sense because you don(t buy your coffee in the free4er section at the grocery store and Starbuc!s do n the street doesn(t loo! at all li!e an ice cream sho$ (even if there is Starbuc!(s ice cream no ). The same goes for your refrigerator% don(t store your coffee in their either. The moisture ruins the coffee and thin! about all of the smells that you have going on in your fridge F cheeses% vegetables and the leftovers from last night(s dinner F not e0actly% hat # ant my coffee tasting li!e.

Better Coffee With Better Water

One of the easiest ays to get better coffee% is to use better ater. #t(s an easy thing to do% but it(s a ste$ that a lot of $eo$le s!i$. Coffee has this bad habit of absorbing any odors or flavors that it(s near% including minerals in the ater and chlorine many munici$alities use to treat their ater. Those minerals are hat can give your coffee a bad taste.

# have horrible tasting ater% it(s e0tra hard and leaves disgusting calcium stains on my glasses and $lates. When # finally got around to buying a ater filter% it drastically im$roved the taste of my coffee. #t made me ant to !ic! myself for not getting it sooner. # choose to get a ater filter because it gets rid of many of the im$urities% $lus it(s more environmentally friendly than using bottled ater. To filter my ater% # bought a Culligan Water 2ilter (2'<CD-) through -ma4on. #t loo!ed nice and sim$le% $lus the $rice as right. Since then #"ve also used a Eur Water 2ilter. # can recommend them both no . #t made the coffee taste smoother and fresher. -s far as the ater in general% the taste as a hole lot better after ard and it got rid of the hard ater odor. -ccording to the Culligan Water 2ilter bo0% it also reduces the chlorine taste and odor% cuts bac! on sediments% lead% cysts and a hole bunch other things that sound really bad% but #(ve never heard of before. >oth ater filters ere easy to install. :ven ith my lac! of handyman s!ills% # had them setu$ and flo ing ith clean ater in .ust a fe minutes. The only dra bac! is that ith filter on% it reduces the $ressure. #t as a annoying at first% but no # let the coffee $ot fill u$% hile # do other $arts of the coffee $re$. #t(s definitely orth the ait for cleaner ater and better coffee.

3/$rade To A 'rench 4ress

- 2rench Eress ill creates rich% coffee sho$ tasting coffee at home. #(ve had $eo$le say that 2rench Eresses ma!e the best tasting coffee. # have to agree% it brings out flavors that can(t be tasted ith coffee made from a dri$ coffee ma!er. Ste/ One Start by boilin$ your .ater% To guarantee the absolute highest amount of freshness% once the ater is heating% grind your beans. =ou(ll ant a coarse grind% so that they(re caught by the filter% !ee$ing as much sediment as $ossible out of your mug. Ste/ T.o "emo(e the to/ and the filter% Add the $rounds into it5 t.o tables/oons for e(ery four to si2 ounces of .ater% 2irst% $our .ust enough ater to cover the grounds% allo ing it to bloom and start the

stee$ing $rocess. Slo ly add in the rest of the ater% leaving enough room to $ut the lid and filter bac! on. #f you ant% stir ith a ooden or $lastic s$oon to ma!e the coffee stronger. Ste/ Three 4ut the lid and filter back on% >ut don(t $ush do n on the filter yet. 9et it stee$ for three to five minutes. # thin! four minutes is the o$timal time% three minutes if you li!e your coffee on the lighter side% five if you ant it stronger. Ste/ 'our 4ush the filter do.n% Gently $ush the coffee grounds do n to the bottom to se$arate them from the li/uid. Give it a short amount of time for the grounds to settle. Ste/ 'our 4our it into your coffee mu$% 9et it sit for a minute or t o% allo ing any remaining sediments to filter to the bottom of your mug. Eour any e0tra coffee into a thermos or carafe. #f you !ee$ it in the french $ress% it(ll become over saturated ith the grounds% creating a bitter tasting bre . Ste/ 'i(e 1n6oy you fresh tastin$ cu/ of coffee%

'rench /ress Ti/s

1o matter ho coffee is made% great tasting coffee starts ith great tasting ater. Jsing a ater filter that attaches to a faucet% is a /uic! and easy ay to im$rove your coffee. 9eave an inch of s$ace above the aterline for the filter and the $ress. #f you $ut too much ater in and $ress do n too fast% hot ater can come s/uirting out. The e0act time the coffee needs to stee$ before the $ress is $ushed do n varies de$ending on the !ind of coffee beans. Eaying attention to aroma is more im$ortant. #nitially% there(s the small of a burst of acidity hen the oils are shoc!ed by the heat. The smell is re$laced by a building of the body before the acidic smell returns. That(s hen it should be $ressed do n or if you(re really good% right before it returns. Clean you french $ress after your done. >a!ing soda or denture cleaner tablets are t o of the most $o$ular ays. Jse the ba!ing sods to scrub the $arts or soa! the $arts in the denture cleaner tablets.

;inse hen you(re done% ma!ing sure that there(s no left over residues from the $revious coffee or the cleaning. Ta!e it a ste$ further and use an ultrasonic cleanser once a ee!. #t(ll remove sediment% dirt and oil off hat loo!s li!e a clean french $ress. #f you li!e iced coffee% try !ee$ing your french $ress over night in your fridge. Jse cold ater and the coffee comes out s eet and clean tasting.

Coffee 'or *on7Coffee Drinkers

Since # started DailyShotOfCoffee.com% #(ve had many non<coffee drin!ers% tea fanatics and hot chocolate fans as! me for coffee suggestions. #(m $robably the rong $erson to as!. # too! the long% scenic route to find delicious tasting coffee% but here are my suggestions. 'or -ot Chocolate Drinkers #(d recommend starting by ordering a White 'ocha at the local coffee sho$. #t(s an es$resso ith steamed mil!% mi0ed ith hite chocolate syru$ and served ith hite hi$$ed cream. The s eetness really hides the es$resso taste. Similar% is the 'ochaccino at the ma.or coffee sho$ chains. #t(s an es$resso% steamed chocolate mil!% foam from steamed mil!% to$$ed ith hi$$ed cream% chocolate $o der and chocolate syru$ dri44le on to$. =ou can(t get much closer to a hot chocolate ithout ta!ing a ay the es$resso. #f they actually ant to taste the coffee% but still ant something that isn(t over helming% they can try a Cafe -u 9ait% hich is sim$ly es$resso and mil!. 'or Tea Drinkers #(d recommend reading this article at # 1eed Coffee called 5- Coffee 9over(s Guide To Tea.7 #t can easily be s itched around to hel$ tea fans find coffees ith similar /ualities. -n e0am$le from it% is if they li!e :arl Gray tea% they should try Kenyan% Limbab ean or :thio$ian 3arrar coffees. #f they li!e China ;ose Eetal tea% Kona and >ra4ilian coffees have some of the same /ualities. #f they li!e green tea li!e Jasmine >lossom% Sumatra is the region that they(ll ant to chec! out.

Jsing cream and sugar is $erfectly acce$table% but it does hide a lot of the rich flavors that contain the true coffee e0$erience% but it(s still a good ay to start.

Than! you for ta!ing to the time to read this guide. #f you follo easily ma!e better tasting coffee. these ste$s% you can

#f you run into any $roblems% have any /uestions or ant me to go into more de$th about a $articular to$ic% feel free to email me via mi!e&dailyshotofcoffee.com. -lso% you can connect ith Daily Shot Of Coffee via 2aceboo!% Google Elus or T itter. Wherever you"re hanging out% #"m $robably there% tal!ing coffee.

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