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The Mufon Ufo Journal

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Founded 1967 $1.00


Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Director of CUFOS,

addressing the symposium

Ed Cervantes and NBC-TV crew filming for

"Real People" show

Bill Spauldlng, Arizona State Director, being Media Workshop Panel, left to right: Walt
Andrus, Allen Hynek, Paul Levy, and Bob
Interviewed by KGO-TV, San Francisco


(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155

ANN DRUFFEL The 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium, specially covered in this
Associate Editor issue, was remarkable not only for the high attendance, but also for
the depth and breadth of its subject matter. The participation by
Associate Editor sociologists as well as physical scientists, engineers, theologians,
and many others directly reflects the complexity of UFO
MILDRED BIESELE phenomena. Social scientists and psychologists, particularly, can
Contributing Editor play an important role. A special caucus or panel of behavioral
scientists might be a good feature for next year's symposium in
Houston, Texas. Meanwhile, the northern California MUFON
WALTER H. ANDRUS contingent—Paul Gerny, Stan Friedman, Jim McCampbell, Tom
Director of MUFON
Gates, Marvin Taylor, Richard Haines, and all the rest—receive our
plaudits for a job extremely well done.
Humanoid Study Group



Religion and UFOs In this Issue


Astronomy By Walt Andrus
By Tommy Roy Blann
Landing Trace Cases By Richard C. Niemtzow & John F. Schuessler
UFO Propulsion By John F. Schuessler
By Lucius Parish
Editor/Publishers Emeritus


published by the Mutual UFO
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas.
Subscription rates: $8.00 per year
in the U.S.A.; $9.00 per year
foreign. Copyright 1979 by the
Mutual UFO Network. Second
class postage paid at Seguin,
Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form
3579 to advise change of address to The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNAL are Permission is herby granted to quote from this issue
The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, determined by the editor, and do not necessarily provided not more than 200 words are quoted from any
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of one article, the author of the article is given credit, and
78155. contributors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the statement "Copyright 1979 by the MUFON UFO
those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON. Articles may be JOURNAL, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Sequin, Texas" is
forwarded directly to MUFON. included.

This theme typified the speeches, UFOs and Holding"; Tom Gates, On Sunday morning, while the
films, programs, displays, and Astronomer • "The Zeta Reticuli MUFON Annual Corporate Meeting
enthusiasm of all participants at Model"; Thomas F. Bearden - was taking place, the following
MUFON's Tenth Annual UFO "Investigators Workshop" on his gentlemen were giving presentations in
Symposium in Burlingame, California, speech; David Swift, Ph.D., Sociologist other rooms: Stanton T. Friedman,
on July 6, 7, and 8, 1979. Since the from University of Hawaii, Honolulu, "UFO Propulsion Systems"; Tom
second theme was "Stressing Public "Who Believes in UFOs?"; and then Gates, "A Discussion of the
Education of the UFO Phenomena," one of the most popular events of the Andreasson Affair"; and Terry
multiple programs were being symposium titled "Witness Case Hartman, "Entities Among' Us."
conducted simultaneously that would Workshop." Paul Cerny, MUFON Sunday afternoon special programs
appeal to both the scientific community Western States Director, introduced consisted of various workshops such as
and the general public. This article is and interviewed selected witnesses of Ted Peters, Ph.D. and David Stupple,
being prepared for the people around close encounter cases and abductees Ph.D., "Religious and Social
the world who were unable to attend in living in the northern California area. Workshop"; William Spaulding and
person. Attendance has been The audience had an opportunity to Stanton Friedman, "Dealing with the
estimated at 1,400-1,500 people. A brief personally meet and listen to Judy Media," Part I and Part D, with short
review of the 11 featured speakers' Kendall, Grace OMara, Bill Pecha, talks by Bob Trebor of KGO Radio,
papers that are published in the 1979 Anita Sowles, and Helen White tell their Walt Andrus, Tom Gates, Allen Hynek,
MUFON UFO Symposium Pro- experiences. In addition to these James McCampbell, and Marvin
ceedings is included. events, the Allan F. Sandier color Taylor; "Government Involvement
Publicity for the symposium motion picture film "UFOs, Past, Workshops" with William Spaulding
successfully utilized all media: Present and Future," narrated by Rod and Stanton Friedman.
newspapers, the international wire Serling,- was shown at periodic intervals An unscheduled but very popular
services, radio, television, magazines, throughout the symposium. . addition to the symposium was the New
and public appearances by committee The Saturday afternoon programs Zealand motbn picture film made
members. An attractive UFO art and included a hypnosis workshop by Jean December 31, 1978, that was shown
photo exhibit on the mezzanine greeted Richards, therapist, titled "Hypnosis and narrated by Bruce Maccabee,
all arrivals to the Airport Marina Hotel. Session and Demonstration"; Witness Ph.D., MUFON State Director for
After short greetings and a welcome Case Workshop, James N. Hershey, Maryland. By starting, stopping on
from Tom Gates, Conference Ph.D., theologian, titled "My Personal individual frames, slow motion, and
Chairman, and Walt Andrus, Encounters with- UFOs, Including reversing segments, Bruce gave an
International Director, the audience Telepathy"; Walt Andrus, "UFO analysis of his study that has been
selected one of four speeches or Photographs"; James M. McCampbell, published in the May and June issues of
programs to attend that was the most 'Technology of UFOs"; Alvin H. the MUFON UFO Journal. And if this
appealing to their personal interests. It Lawson, Ph.D., "Abduction Analogs: wasn't enough, for an added thrill,
would be impossible to review each of Parallels With Other Altered David Crockett — the photographer
the informative talks given, but we want Awareness States"; Tom Page, who made the film — was at the
to thank each of these speakers for educator, "A Personal Account of a symposium with his new 30-minute
their contributions to the finest Close Encounter"; Terry Hartman, videotape documentary covering this
symposium ever conducted by State Director for Oregon, "Mind monumental event. His videotape
MUFON. Development, Telepathic Conscious- depicts the entire experience including
On Saturday morning, in addition ness, Other Life Forms"; Marvin interviews with the pilots, radar
to the featured speakers, the following Taylor, "UFOs, A Reality to Be Dealt operators, and film crew as they re-
people made presentations: Marvin E. With"; and Richard F. Haines, Ph.D., enact their part in this sighting. Three
Taylor, Assistant State Director for "Everything You've Wanted to Know major factors — multiple witness visual
Northern California - "Investigators About Witness Drawings, But Been sighting, radar confirmation from both
Workshop"; William H. Spaulding, Afraid to Ask."
Director GSW - "Three Decades of (continued on next page)
(Symposium, Continued) to the vast distances to be traveled, we these gorgeous gals. Another
ground and aircraft units, and a motion are showing numerous photographs of innovation at this symposium was the
picture film — thoroughly document the speakers, symposium committee ever-presence of young men (mostly
this UFO case as authentic and members, "gophers," and a few teenagers) performing vital functions
substantial evidence that a UFO was attendees. Every person involved in the and each being proudly identified by
observed. Rocky Wood, a New planning and implementation of this their large round badges as "Gophers."
Zealand UFO legist, also attended the symposium from the host Northern With both of these groups working with
symposium and assisted with the California group is to be congratulated the host committee and State Section
showing of the films and videotape. One and highly commended for the largest Directors, "our hats are off' to these
of the most impressive aspects of the and finest symposium in our 10-year folks for a job well done.
motion picture film was the direct history. At other symposiums the wives The international atmosphere
contrast of motion from an apparently of the host committee could always be abounded at this conference with
hovering attitude to the fantastic speed counted on for help, however, at the participants from Japan, Australia,
where in one frame of film, the object San Francisco symposium practically New Zealand, the Philippines, and a
moved through a pattern like the all of the beautiful and gracious ladies large contingent from Canada headed
ampersand on a typewriter (&). were individual members who devoted by Henry McKay, our Canadian
Since this article is aimed toward untold hours of their time to make this Regional Director.
those people who could not attend due prestigious event a success — roses to


By James M. McCampbell
(MUFON Director for Research, Belmont, California)
Jim's speech and published paper for being overly conservative and "This concept well applies to the
was inspired by MUFON's fourth basic impatient with new facts that disrupt question of communication with
question: "Assuming that some craft their beliefs. Science itself, however, UFOnauts. The subject is amenable to
are piloted by beings (humanoids or should not be reviled. It is the history of scientific research that could lead to its
entities), what can we leam from the the intellectual achievement of general acceptance and many avenues
apparently advanced science and mankind. It is the body of reliable are open:
civilization through study or possibly information on every topic and the
through direct communications with methods that were employed to acquire a) study of the early contactees;
the occupants of these vehicles?" That it. That knowledge is obtained through b) evaluation of current claims of
was a bold statement of the problem 10 experimentation with extreme care and psychic communications;
years ago when the idea of direct accurate reporting. Analysis of results c) detailed investigation of current
communication was so tainted with must be mathematically valid. The cases where communication
prejudice, incredulity, controversy, and work must be published broadly and with humanoids is claimed;
revulsion. At that time, even some UFO subject to open debate. Research d) continued emphasis on
research groups could hardly bring fulfilling these requirements produces abductions;
themselves to admit that UFOs might new scientific knowledge that is e) technical investigation of cases
have pilots or to acknowledge that generally accepted. involving electronic devices
prospect in public. "Consider 'Science* to be a giant such as radios, TV, tape
Jim then proceeded to develop circle enclosing all knowledge that is recorders;
different facets of the study. The reliable and universally accepted. One f) design and performance
paragraph titles will whet your appetite may reasonably inquire, 'What lies experiments permitting
to secure a copy of the 1979 MUFON outside?' The answer is 'vast realms of verification of contact with
UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. the unexpected.' Relativity was one. All UFOnauts; and
They consist of "Hello, Out There!", sorts of human experiences that are g) utilizing legal means to leam
"Cosmic Post Cards", "Religious poorly understood lie out there. Some what the world goverments
Vigils", "Electromagnetic Shouting", would include the subject of UFOs, and know.
"Eavesdropping on the E-M direct communication with UFOnauts.
Spectrum", "Search for Extra- Somewhere out in the 'south forty' one A scientific approach to the study of
terrestrial Life", "Paranormal would find telepathy, telekinesis, communication with UFOnauts is a
Approaches", "Accidental Contacts," unexplained disappearances in the challenging and potentially rewarding
and "Official Contact." Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, psychic experience. It may be hoped that
The "Role of Science" section healing, and the like. Because of Members and Consultants of MUFON
makes the following observations, continued research in numerous fields, will contribute significantly to eventual
evaluations, and recommendations to it is the nature of science to expand,, communication with UFOnauts that is
answer the fourth basic question: eventually engulfing some of those established on scientific principles, is
"Scientists may be justifiably criticized areas formally lying outside its circle. demonstrable, repeatable, reliable, and
4 universally accepted."
By Ted Peters
(MUFON Consultant in Theology)

Do unidentifed flying objects have Perfection, (4) Redemption (5) UFOs present our imaginations with
anything to do with religion? Sociologist Theology and Extraterrestrial Life, (6) the possibility of a superterrestrial
Andrew Greely says UFOs along with Should We Heed the UFO Message? technology dedicated to meeting all our
science fiction give us something which and (7) Possible UFOlatry? moral and spiritual needs. How we wish
our modern churches have lost, namely A few quotes from Ted's they could end war, stimulate love and
a sense of "wonder." Famed concluding remarks are very significant brotherhood, provide peace on earth.
psychoanalyst Carl Jung wrote 20 in relating his personal thinking in this But these are problems concerning the
years ago that flying saucers represent regard. "Neither traditional theology relationship between the human heart
collective psychic distress and the nor the established church hierarchy is and the divine will. They can be solved
desire for supernatural salvation. Carl likely to crumble with the advent of only through God's work in our lives.
Sagan, Cornell University exobiologist, even the most startling UFO No technology can do it, whether it be
who directed the search for life on the revelations. But there should be a note terrestrial or extraterrestrial. To place
Viking probe of Mars, says with of caution. As people begin to make an one's trust in UFOs is to build a house
derision that UFO believers project emotional investment in UFOs and pin on sand."
religious fantasies onto phenomena their hopes upon them, the situation is Ted sums up his speech by
that only science can fully explain. ripe for idolatry. In this case, we may reiterating the meanings in the prior
Many skeptics think they have dealt the call it "ufolatry." An important paragraph.."UFOs resonate within our
death blow to UFOs by hurling phrases ingredient in the Hebrew and Christian culture with a disguised symbolism
such as "true believers," religious faiths is trust in God. Whatever we trust making us aware that our religious
kooks," and "lunatic fringe." we worship. To trust in anything other sensibilities are still alive and well within
But these identifications'of UFOs than God Himself is to violate the First our secularized and technologized
with religion often are haphazard, Commandment. It places an idol before culture. But there is still reason for
superficial, and slanderous. If there is a God." caution. UFOs may represent an
connection between UFOs and Dr. Peters goes on to say: "We unconcious hope that technology will
religion, then the time is ripe for a have learned to place a great deal of save us from all our ills. But such a hope
serious scholarly study of the matter. trust and confidence in technology to fails to recognize the some of our ills are
With this introduction to his published solve our practical problems during this due to problems with the human heart.
paper, Dr. Peters proceeds to develop century. There is a constant temptation From these God and God alone is able
pertinent questions and answers to elevate technology, to view it as the to deliver us."
u n d e r the h e a d i n g s of (1) solver of our moral and spiritual
Transcendence, (2) Omniscience, (3) problems, as well as the practical.


By William H. Spaulding
(Director of G.S.W. and MUFON State Director for Arizona)

Civilian UFO researchers have very successfully. Mr. Spaulding, in his paper, quotes
long asserted that United States Bill and some key people — W. from the 1,000 documents already
intelligence agencies are aware of the Todd Zechel, Peter Gersten, and Brad received, during their 14 long and
existence and origin of UFOs. Sparks — were convinced that the gruelling months of legal maneuvers,
Throughout the past 25-plus years intelligence agencies knew far more tremendous costs, and long hours of
many individuals, both in and out of the about the UFO mystery than they researching the CIA and other
UFO field, have.maintained that the would admit. The new Freedom of intelligence agencies. In conclusion, Bill
government knew more about the Information Act gave them the legal has made this recommendation. "Now
phenomenon that it was telling. Each tool to break open "pandora's box." In is the time for. all UFO researchers to
time an interesting encounter his paper, Bill only exposes "the tip of collectively apply pressure to the CIA
transpired, one that gained public the iceberg," since more important and its offspring in the intelligence
recognition, government officials would documents exist within the voluminous community which are suppressing
beat the incident to death with goverment files. Citizens Against UFO information. Every effort should be
statements which bordered on the Secrecy (CAUS) has demonstrated made to utilize the Freedom of
ridiculous. The old standby of that through persistent effort, these Information Act (FOIA) to the fullest
"probably a weather balloon" or vital documents may be obtained via extent of the law, within our means, to
"possibly the planet Venus viewed the Freedom of Information Act. secure this valuable material."
during unusual conditions" worked vehicle.
. (Continued on next page)
(Symposium, Continued)
By Walter H. Greenawald

For the years 1975 and 1976, 760 they may very well be the starting point thoughts and feelings of most
newspaper articles dealing with the of a new UFO adventure. Initially this UFOlogists. The majority of new UFO
UFO phenomena in the U.S.A. were effort started out as a simple study of sightings as reported in newspapers
reviewed. The following areas were UFO classification types, but continued . come from small-town publications.
examined for pertinent conclusions: (1) study of the raw data led to unexpected Large city papers are more prone to be
UFO sighting categories (NL, DD, results possibly of interest to other anti-UFO and rarely report local
CE1, CE2, CE3); (2) UFO sighting rates UFOlogists. The UFO CLIPPING sightings. News reporters ranged from
by state; and (3) UFO biases of SERVICE, a monthly publication from complete disbelief to complete
newspaper reporters and papers. Seattle, Washington (Rod B. Dyke), acceptance of the reality of UFOs. A
In the introduction to his paper, was the data source for the report. group polled was decidedly more in
Mr. Greenawald had this to say, Each issue of 20 legal-size pages costing favor of the reality of UFOs despite the
"During the past 32 years every $5.00, contained the following fact that they were not well informed on
newspaper reporting timely news has approximate content: (1) 60% domestic the subject, which is consistent with the
probably published at least several UFO items; (2) 20% foreign UFO items general public.
articles on the UFO phenomena....a (mostly English); (3) 20% Forteana (To up-date the service utilized in
subject of general interest to an average subjects (Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, this study, it is now operated by Lucius
reader. Since new UFO information is Big Bird, Cattle Mutilations)." Parish. For subscription information,
relatively scarce, UFO related items in Mr. Greenawald then proceeded please write to UFO NEWS CLIPPING
any newspaper are worthy of careful to categorize the results of his study. SERVICE, Route One - Box 220,
scrutiny by serious UFO researchers as Two of his conclusions bear out the Plumerville, AR 72127.)

By Alvin H. Lawson

A few comments from the is quoted verbatim. folklore, science fiction, and hypnosis
introduction of Dr. Lawson's paper and "Descriptions are offered for six narratives indicate that UFO entity
the abstract will set the stage for his classes of UFO entities (human, descriptions involve Jungian
presentation. "The two thousand or so humanoid, animal, robot, exotic, and archetypes which are in the minds of
UFO entity reports have presented apparitional) which account for most witnesses before they ever have a CE-
ufology with a. fascinating but reports of supposed alien visitors. This m experience. It follows that, while
bewildering array of descriptions of six-category system is supported by a actual perceptions of entities may be
supposed alien life forms. While many similar six-part classification which is stimulated in witnesses by the UFO
seem recognizably human, humanoid, readily found among creatures from phenomenon, the entities merely
animal, or robotic, there are frequent traditional sources such as mythology, indicate that a stimulus is present; they
accounts of seemingly unique creatures folklore, and fantasy literature. tell nothing about the nature of the
which are anatomically bizarre, ghostly, "Although few UFO entity stimulus.
or similarly resistant to categorization. descriptions lie outside these "Various explanations are
The situation has resulted in a categories, scientists have proposed suggested for category similarities
confusing if not chaotic body of several intelligent alien life forms which between UFO entities and traditional
literature about entities. Previous cannot thus be classified. The rarity of creatures, but there are many
studies have helped prepare for a such CE-ffls implies that UFO entity persistent and unanswered questions.
much-needed entity classification types are more closely connected to Only continued research into CE-ffl
system, but more work of this kind traditional models than to actual cases will determine whether such
should be done." observations. accounts relate more directly to outer
Dr. Lawson's abstract to his paper "In addition, image-parallels with or to inner space."
By David Stupple
(MUFON (MUFON Consultant in Sociology)1 McNeece
William McNeece
Religious cults traditionally have gratuitous and inaccurate. charming, if disarming, Detroit area
been a source of amusement to The success of a cult, at least a flying saucer cult that, during the period
outsiders; but since the Jamestown flying saucer cult, requires the 1967-1974, involved over 100 persons
mass suicide, amusement has changed existence of four factors: (1) a who, at one time or another, worked on
to fear. Since we correctly sense that mystagogue, (2) an epistemic the construction of a flying saucer that
cult organizations are inherently community, (3) a seedbed subculture they hoped would fly into outer space
unstable, cult members are assumed to from which members are recruited, and and save Earth from impending
be irrational. In so many words, the .(4) personnel with requisite skills and disaster. (The Institute for Cosmic
man-in-the-street, and the research motivation to perform the tasks Science is a pseudonym and the names
scientist alike, openly wonder: "What is required for the cult's ongoing life. Dr. of its participants have also been
wrong with these people that they think Stupple and Mr. McNeece then changed.)
strange thoughts and act in a bizarre proceed ,to discuss the first three of This is a true story, with many
manner?" In this paper David and these factors and then consider their lessons to learn, as viewed by two
William argue that this pathological application to a concrete example — competent sociologists.
model of cult membership is both the Institute for Cosmic Science, a


By Dennis R. Regan and William K. Allan

Dr. Regan, MUFON Consultant in classified in the high-frequency group C o n c l u s i o n s . S e c t i o n 7 on

Aeroacoustics, tackled one of the more deserves special attention because of Recommendations for Future
difficult subjects in UFOlogy when he its unique characteristics and is Research is quoted from his paper.
elected to analyze sounds emitted by discussed in detail in this paper. "During the course of this investigation,
UFOs, since so few documented Copies of both tapes were made by it became apparent that a significant
recordings exist. With the help of William K. Allan in 1968 from actual number of birds inhabiting North
several people, including William Allan, cases in Canada that he investigated America make sounds that would be
he concentrated upon two specific and submitted to Dennis for analysis. classified by most people as a beeping
incidents in his laboratory study The complete background on the sound. It is highly recommended that
conducted in 1975. sightings and tape recordings is UFO investigators become familiar
In his introductory comments, reviewed by Dr. Regan and Bill Allan in with the beeping sounds made by birds
Dennis reviewed the various sounds their paper. Dennis has included in the indigenous to the region of interest
associated with UFOs such as 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium through the many recordings of bird
humming, buzzing, whistling, whirring, Proceedings, a diagram of the calls that are commercially available.
whining, beeping, swishing, and hissing. experimental setup used to analyze the With regards to the present
Because different witnesses may use tape recordings, listing all of the investigation, more studies are needed
different descriptive terminology to commercially available test equipment of the beeping sounds made by the
describe the same sound, Dennis has and instruments, so that others may Pygmy and Saw-whet Owl. In
grouped the sounds in terms of relative utilize his research in the field of UFO particular, we need to know, if it is
frequency. Low-frequency sounds sounds. (The laboratory test indeed possible for these latter owls to
(humming, buzzing and whirring) are equipment used is commercially produce an extremely long series of
placed in one category and high- available, but more expensive than the sound pulses with a high degree of
frequency sound (beeping, whistling, home experimenter or ham radio regularity without chirps or raspiness."
whining, hissing, etc.) are in the second operator might have on his or her test Dr. Regan is to be commended for •
group. The existence of low and high- bench. Both Dennis and Bill are research into UFO sounds. Journal
frequency sounds implies that perhaps amateur radio operators.) readers who have access to recorded
there are at least two different types of His paper is divided into sections sounds emanating from a UFO should
sound-producing UFOs or two titled The Bragg Creek Incident, The contact either Dr. Dennis R. Regan or
different modes of UFO sound Midnapore Recording, Sound Analysis, MUFON at 103 Oldtowne Road,
production. The beeping sound Things that go beep in the night, and Sequin, TX 78155.
(continued on next page)
(Symposium, Continued)


By Richard F. Haines

Probably the best way of reviewing compasses, automatic direction reasonable to believe that they have,
the data that Dr. Haines presented is to finders, air temperature and pressure indeed, seen something very strange to
quote dire«tly from the introduction, sensors, and other standard equipment them, strange enough to file a report
since this provides the background and can become important during aerial and risk some degree of ridicule.
validity for the study. sightings. The rapid use of the aircraft's "Certainly, the above is not to
"There are five major reasons for radio can also alert ground monitoring suggest that pilots are less (or more)
reviewing sightings of anomalous facilities to search the skies for the likely to perceive illusory effects or
phenomena from aircraft; First, pilots phenomenon over a broad geographic misinterpret a natural phenomenon
and other crew members tend to be region and can request the visual about which they may know little.
educated, stable people who are taught search assistance of other pilots flying Rather, it is reasonable to assume that
to recognize a wide variety of in the vicinity. The pilot can also pilots will be more likely to test a wide
meteorological and other aerial request detailed weather information variety of hypotheses concerning the
phenomena; they are also trained to be via the radio so as to determine if the sighting before making their report and,
observant — to see and be seen during phenomenon might somehow. be if a particular hypothesis is reasonable,
flight. As pilots accumulate more and associated with a particular weather they will probably not make a formal
more flight time they also have an pattern. report.
opportunity to see and identify unusual "The fourth reason is namely that, "To help improve the chances of
illusory effects in nature. These factors particularly for commercial aircraft obtaining reliable sighting details of
tend to enchance their reliability as flying at high altitudes, the possibility truly anomalous aerial phenomena only
witnesses. This is not to say that pilots that;the phenomenon is bird, prank sightings by two or more persons on-
are not as subject to certain motion- balloon, or other deliberately contrived board the aircraft were analyzed here.
induced (and other) visual illusions as hoax launched from the air becomes And, to help reduce the chances that
observers on the ground but, rather, smaller and smaller with increasing the phenomenon (or object) was a
that pilots are more likely than not to be altitude. weather or research balloon, a bird, or
good eye witnesses. "The fifth reason for studying meteor, the duration of the sightings
"The second reason is the unique sightings by pilots is the fact that was taken into account. In general, the
vantage point from which the sighting professional pilots have reputations at lower the sighting altitude (i.e., the
can take place. Aircraft flying high stake. What is the basis of this altitude of the phenomenon) the longer
above the earth make it possible to view statement? It is that most commercial the duration had to be to be included
the aerial phenomenon below them, airlines conduct specially prepared here.
seen against the earth background. screening programs for candidate air "Troy Challenger and the author
This is important in helping to establish crews in order to try to eliminate those reviewed a total of more than 300
the maximum distance to the individuals who are psychologically sightings from the air for the period
phenomenon, a far more difficult task unstable, those who are unable to cope 1947 to 1959. The present reveiw is
when the phenomenon is seen against a with stress in an appropriate manner, meant as a continuation of this earlier
sky background. Not only this but those who cannot assume a leadership review. The interested reader should
pilots usually have available a wide field role as their professional career also consult the following articles
of view and they can quickly maneuver. continues, and those who cannot involving pilot sightings from the air
their aircraft to see in other directions demonstrate an ability to make rapid, (Greenawald, 1977; Ruppelt, 1956;
as well. sound judgements in emergencies. And Shanklin, 1955; Wichman, 1971;
"Third, almost all commercial, thus, by predisposition, selection, and Wilkins, 1954; Zeidman, 1978; Zigel,
military, and research aircraft and even training, pilots tend to possess such 1968).
some private aircraft are equipped with traits as leadership, dominance, The objective of this paper is to
a wide range of on-board equipment a l e r t n e s s , j a c h i e v e m e n t , and present the results of a review of aerial
helpful in detecting, reporting, and even consistency of behavior to mention a sightings predominantly by pilots for
analyzing certain characteristics of the few. Maintenance of such a public and the period 1 January 1973 through 31
phenomenon encountered. Radar corporate image is very important. December 1978."
transmitters and receivers, UFH and Therefore, if pilots do come forward
VHP radios, radio-magnetic and gyro- with details of an airborne sighting it is
By Thomas E. Bearden
(MUFON Consultant in Nuclear Physics)

In his paper Mr. Bearden paper; they are for the mathematical We also urge an end to the resistance to the study
introduces a model of mind and matter physicist who is qualified to explore and of "mind" in physics. Quantum mechanics itself
and their interaction that is consistent expand this line of reasoning. (In the has long since reduced physics to the study of the
relations between perceptions; indeed it has
with the entire experimental basis of 1978 MUFON UFO Symposium nothing at all to say about a possible concrete
physics, and which offers mechanisms Proceedings, Illobrand von Ludwiger world lying behind its equations, as Margenau and
for paranormal phenomena of all types, submitted a paper that delved into the Lindsay pointed out.
including the UFO phenomena. The mathematics and physics of other
model is speculative since certain dimensions, to explain the UFO To our colleagues in the study of UFO
phenomena, we point out that -- literally- the
conclusions drawn by the author from phenomenon in Part n. After studying present model includes all others. The model
quantum mechanics and other sources Part II, Tom Bearden stated that predicts the existence of every kind of "reality"".
are not generally held by most Illobrand von Ludwiger has done an format imaginable, and various of these formats
scientists. Certain conclusions are outstanding job in presenting Burkhard are continually being stimulated. Thus we can
reached by a new "fourth law of logic" Heim's "Unified quantum field theory of actually get "visitors from the stars" (from a
particular alternate reality format), hardnosed
advanced by the author and not yet matter and gravitation" and personally spaceships with steel hulls, space-suited
generally accepted by the scientific endorses his work.) astronauts, little humanoids, robotic figures,
community at large. It would not be feasible in this brief sasquatch-like figures, angelic beings, impish
Without a doubt, Tom Bearden's review of the 1979 MUFON beings, etc. And yet we also can get simply
paper was the most technical speech Symposium to go any deeper into Mr. nocturnal lights, which still comprise the bulk of
the phenomena. Finally, we point • out that
delivered at the symposium. By utilizing Bearden's work, however, we mechanisms for almost all aspects of the UFO
projected transparencies on a screen encourage qualified people to do so phenomena -- including disabling of vehicles and
and confining his vocabulary to avoid with these words of encouragement communications, activation of geiger counters, .
technical words, he held the audience from Tom. paralysis of contactees, the unreal and dreamy
spellbound with his dynamic delivery. feeling that accompanies contact, etc., are
derivable and have been presented.
After stating 16 principles in his Again, we do not wish to present this work as - •->>• -.'
paper for a base of understanding, he "finished." Instead, it is only just begun. However, .'•
Finally we urge our colleagues, many of whom are, /:
! .'i.' '.

divided the paper into the following we do point out that the theory is directly more qualified than this author, topursue-this line'1'
applicable to practical devices, and that one or of endeavor in our continuing effort to
subjects: (1) A Four-law logical solution more devices operating along these lines has
of the problem of mind; (2) Mind, life, comprehend the worldwide UFO phenomenon
actually been built. that so far has resisted our best analytical efforts
and consciousness; (3) Layers of along conventional lines. The phenomenon
unconsciousness; (4) Dreams and the Finally, we wish to stress the importance of definitely involves both mind and matter, and
collective unconscious; (5) The Cold recognition of "virtual state" as a complete kind of unless we can present a scientific model of mind .
reality already used in physics, and the necessity and matter and their interaction, consistent with '
War, psychotronics, and UFOs; (6)' for earnest study and experiment toward the
Cattle mutilations; (7) A final numbing the present experimental basis of physics and
ability to directly engineer the virtual state itself. If extending it, we cannot hope to have a science':
possibility; and (8) Conclusion. The one can control the virtual state, one can control that can be applied to the UFO phenomenon and '
majority of the participants at the all electric charge and electromagnetics, hence all explain it. •'.-;
symposium could not comprehend the chemistry and all physical effects and
formulas Mr. Bearden has used in his


By J. Allen Hynek
(Director, Center for UFO Studies)

Dr. Hynek's paper this year was phenomenon, which sets it apart from can break tree branches, stop cars;;and;
somewhat of a . continuation of. his the "nuts and bolts" hardware world cause many physiological effectsybii;
speech from the. 1978 MUFON that we are all acquainted with. While man and animal — it differs in one great;
Symposium, which was entitled, the UFO decidedly has physical respect. Almost always it is reported in"
"UFOs as a Space Time Singularity." aspects — it can be photographed, one location and then is reported to-
He discussed one of the outstanding picked up on radar, emits light and disappear, but who sees it next?
characteristics of the UFO sound, makes imprints on the ground,
(continued on page 12)
(Photographs by Fred Svihus)

Left to right, Mava Pearce and Sharon Tom Gates, Chairman, and Andrea
Melton, Host Committee Lenox, Coordinator, Host Committee

Visual UFO Display Walt Andrus, Director, and Paul Cerny,

Western Regional Director
Photo Keys: 1. Peter Tomikawa and Bill Spaulding. 2. Tom Benson,
New Jersey State Section Director. 3. Dr. Alvin Lawson, speaker. 4.
Terry Hartman, workshop speaker. 5. David Crockett, N.Z film
photographer, and Rocky Wood, New Zealand visitors. 6. Dr. Ted
Peters, speaker. 7. Stanton T. Friedman, speaker. 8. James
McCampbell, speaker and Host Committee.
(Symposium, Continued) by reporting sightings to reputable and cases to keep the name of the reporters
Allen then reviewed the many responsible UFO organizations, where confidential. It is the content of the
reasons people do not report UFO one can report in complete confidence report, and not the names of the
sightings, especially those of high and with dignity. Allen reflects that it is a witnesses, that is important.
strangeness and close encounters of pity that the tabloid press, which have Pseudonyms can be used without
the third kind. The motion picture ample funds for investigation, cannot destroying the validity of the report, so
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" be enlisted by the responsible UFO long as the caliber of the witness is
made talking about UFOs more socially organizations for financial aid. But as carefully stated.
accepted and flushed more old reports long as the media seek only sensational Dr. Hynek took this opportunity to
to the surface. A sequel to this picture stories with which to titillate their point out that affiliations with one UFO
and a planned reissue of the film in the readers and make no attempt at deeper organization or another, while very
Spring of 1980 may bring out even more studies, all that can accrue is important in one respect, can be
"oldies and goodies." The Legion of the unfavorable publicity for the UFO roadblocks to research. MUFON and
Bewildered Silent will always be with us witnesses and consequent ridicule. the Center for UFO Studies have
until the "ridicule curtain" or "ridicule On the other hand, it is also quite maintained a friendly cooperation these
barrier" is finally demolished. necessary that the ufologists to whom past several years, and he hopes that
Dr. Hynek continues to probe the the confidential information has been will continue. However, UFO
question of how we get people to report entrusted have the freedom and the investigators and researchers should
their sightings. Whether the witnesses time to do justice to the particular case. talk and respect each other for what
are sophisticated and worldlywise, or After the data have been collected, they have done, what they know and
simple and naive, they are still puzzled collated, and studied, the case should have published so they may exchange
and bewildered. He then relates his rapidly be made available to the general ideas. He also advocated regional UFO
public contacts from several sources field by being published or at least a research groups so as to make
confirming the fact that the present synopsis distributed to students of the attending meetings more frequent and
reports are only the "tip of the iceberg." subject everywhere. In such a less expensive.
The ridicule factor may be diminished publication, it is still necessary in most


By Stanton T. Friedman

Since Stanton Friedman used Introduction propulsion, home base, or purpose of

documented material from his "The most important step in the the visit of each individual saucer.
nationwide college and university determination of the origin of flying There is no easy way of obtaining
presentation titled "Flying Saucers Are saucers is to ask the proper question. answers to these and many other
Real" in his MUFON Symposium That question is not "How can they important questions. But they need not
lecture, the original material published get here?" or "where do UFOs come be answered to establish the ET origin
in the 1979 MUFON UFO symposium from?" or "are all UFOs ET of some flying saucers.
Proceedings is more appropriate in spacecraft?" or even "why don't they "It must also be acknowledged that
reviewing his talk. do this or that?" The proper question is there may be as wide a variety of
"Are ANY UFOs ET spacecraft?" To origins, alien humanoid types, alien
Abstract answer this question requires review of motivations, and vehicle models as
"Careful review of a vast array of both the evidence indicating SOME there are types of vehicles, people, and
relevant evidence clearly leads to the flying saucers are ET vehicles and the travel motivations at O"Hare Airport.
conclusion that SOME unidentified arguments raised in objection. While all Furthermore, our present inability to
flying objects are intelligently controlled flying saucers are by definition UFOs, duplicate UFO flight behavior in the
vehicles whose origin is outside our few UFOs are flying saucers. Thus the atmosphere or to buy tickets for a quick
solar system. All the arguments against definition of "Flying Saucer" is "an interstellar trip tells us nothing about
the extraterrestrial origin seem to be unusual object in the sky or on the whether or not a more advanced
based upon false reasoning, ground whose appearance clearly civilization has been accomplishing
misrepresentation of evidence, neglect indicates it was manufactured and these difficult-to-us feats for a long time.
of relevant information, ignorance of whose behavior in conjunction with its It is also extremely important to
relevant technology, or pseudo- appearance clearly indicates a non- recognize that a particular vehicle and
sophisticated assumptions about alien Earth origin." It is very important to its inhabitants may well originate in
appearance, motivation, .or recognize that determining that some another solar system without
government secrecy. flying saucers are of ET origin is much necessarily having just flown to or from
simpler than determining the mode of that solar system in the observed
vehicle. Our own navies have for many fissionable, that most people cannot
years used huge aircraft carriers to run a mile in less than 4 minutes, that
carry dozens of very much smaller most people do not commit murder, STAMPS AVAILABLE
aircraft to the local area in which the and that most metal is not gold. All of FROM MUFON
aircraft make frequent short haul trips. these facts in no way change the real The.world's first postage stamps
That the residents of the area over facts that some few chemicals do cure hailing UFO research have been issued
which the aircraft fly rarely see the diseases, some few people are 7 feet by the Caribbean island of Grenada.
carrier doesn't mean it isn't nearby, just tall, some few isotopes are fissionable, Grenada's $3 stamp has a simulated
as the fact that the airplane is incapable some few people can run a sub-four- flying saucer on the left, next to a
(by itself) of returning to its nation or minute mile, some few people do picture of a strange flash of light
origin doesn't mean it can't get there commit murder, and that some metal is photographed over Bells, Texas,' in
"piggy-back." indeed gold. 1965. The island's 35 cent stamp
"It is simply irrational and illogical pictures a radar antenna probing the
.Evidence to assume that since most sightings skies, and six infrared spots, which
"The primary UFO evidence turn out to be conventional phenomena could be UFOs, around the moon.
consists of UFO sighting reports, multi- seen u n d e r u n c o n v e n t i o n a l Grenada's 5 cent stamp shows a
witness close encounters, still and circumstances, then all must be. woodcut reproduction of an object said
motion pictures, radar trackings, "It may be appropriate to ask the to have invaded the skies of
simultaneous radar-visual sightings, question 'Aren't most people poor Nuremberg, Germany, on April 15,
1561. Also on the stamp is an
physical traces (environmental changes observers?' The answer is clearly NO.. illustration of a flying saucer as
in dirt, vegetation, trees, etc.) produced . . since the only reason most UFO described by George Adamski. This
by UFOs, abductions by aliens of sightings can be explained is that the series is titled "UFO Research Into
Earthlings, and very likely (in hidden witness descriptions are usually quite Unidentified Flying Objects." A fourth
locations) crashed UFOs and accurate. The problem is with witness special commemorative sheet 3 by 4
preserved alien bodies. The world-wide interpretation. The sceptic seems to inches with a 2 dollar stamp in the
origin of the various data collections want to play both sides of the street. He Center depicting the United Nations
indicate similar experiences occurring knows a particular UFO was Venus and UFOs issued October 7, 1977, is
and being reported independently all because the direction, time, angle • included in this offer to Journal readers
over the planet. The overall quality and above the horizon, and brightness as for a total of $4.00. These particular
quantity of reports is far better than reported by the witness all match stamps have special significance to
most people — especially open minded Venus. But when a witness describes a UFO enthusiasts, but have even
sceptics and scientists and newspaper metallic-appearing disc-shaped object greater importance if one is also a
reporters — are aware. with a dome and alternately hovering philatelist.
"The primary difficulty is that there and moving very rapidly with no noise, Please send a check or money
is too much data, not too little, and that he must be mistaken and it was just a order payable to MUFON for $4.00 to
it is scattered and uneven and not helicopter. receive your Grenada UFO stamps.
readily available at most libraries. The "The notion that most sightings of
good evidence is mixed with a much Unidentified Flying Objects are dimly those present.
greater number of low-quality reports seen under poor circumstances by "I would like to conclude by urging
of lights in the sky and small numbers of incompetent observers for a very short all with an interest in the future of this
crackpot and hoax reports. That there time is both irrelevant (even if it were planet to study the relevant evidence
are a few such reports should come as true) and demonstrably false on its face. about flying saucers and technology.
no surprise considering the fact that "There is no doubt in my mind Stop being apologist ufologists! Stop
police everywhere receive a multitude after 21 years of study and investigation being closet ufologists! Tell it like it is. Is
of useless tips in which are mixed a few that the evidence is overwhelming that there any better hope for our own
very important leads. Also, as any planet Earth is being visited by maturation than a recognition that we
police artist would testify, most people intelligently controlled vehicles whose all on this planet are Earthlings. There is
are far better at recognizing unknown origin is extraterrestrial. There are no no better way of seeing our community
persons and things than at describing acceptable arguments against flying than from the viewpoint of our alien
them. saucer reality, only people who either visitors who undoubtedly think of us as
"The fact is that most sightings are haven't studied the relevant data or a primitive society whose major activity
not very exciting and that most can be have a strong will not to believe that is tribal warfare. It takes courage to
explained in relatively conventional Earth is at the bottom of the heap recognize our own limitations rather
terms. It cannot be stressed too sociologically and technologically in our than to hide behind the old nationalistic,
strongly that this fact is quite irrelevant local galactic neighborhood." egotistic, self-serving mottos of the
to the search for truth about UFOs. It is After delivering his usual dynamic past. The year 2000 is approaching. Will
certainly a fact that most chemicals illustrated lecture, Stan closed by we blow the lid off the cosmic
cure no disease, that most people are stating his personal convictions on Watergate? Will we bury the old
not 7 feet tall, that most isotopes are not UFOs and offered a challenge to all mythlogy? The choice is ours."
By Tommy Roy Blann

Recently we have been hearing upon a pickup truck by a hovering would have occurred on the animals
more and more about UFO sightings UFO." This is a totally erroneous through natural means. "How it got
being reported in connection with statement, since Dr. Robert Schoenfeld there, I don't know," he said.
animal mutilations. One such case did not say the substance found by According to the analytical
which brought immediate reaction from Gabe Valdez in Dulce was identical to findings supplied to me by Gabe
the news media was the finding of a the substance supposedly deposited Valdez, the most significant element
"mysterious" substance on some cattle upon a pickup truck by a hovering UFO was Potassium, then Magnesium,
in Dulce, N.M., on July 5,1978, by New near Taos. These same statements Calcium, Aluminum, etc., with a
Mexico State Police officer Gabe were unfortunately picked up from this marked decrease in, Sodium in the
Valdez, during the height of animal newspaper report and published in the sample versus the control.
mutilation activity in. the area. While MUFON UFO Journal, May 1979 issue As mentioned previously, three
unknown to Valdez at the time, another on page 18, much to Walt Andrus' days earlier on July 2, 1978, at 12:05
"similar" substance had supposedly regret, since the MUFON UFO Journal a.m., a very bright orange light hovered
been deposited on top of a pickup truck strives to maintain the truth on such near rural homes, located 3 miles
during a UFO sighting in Taos, N.M., matters associated with the UFO northwest of Taos, of which Valdez
three days prior to Valdez's findings. phenomenon. was not aware at the time of his
The incidents were not released to Let us now take a look at the facts, findings. Mrs. Elias Vargas stated, "I
the public at this point-in-time, due to as well as some of my own findings, had just gone to bed and suddenly the
the fact that it might yield some clues as about this most unusual case. On the room lit up with a bright orange light. I
to the culprits behind the mutilations. night of July 5,1978, State Police officer thought maybe the neighbors were
After several months, the tests that had Gabe Valdez and Dulce, N.M., rancher throwing firecrackers (remember the
been conducted by Schoenfeld Clinical Manuel Gomez had penned 120 of date is'near July 4), but then I realized it
Labs in Albuquerque and the Los Gomez's cattle in a corral and moved was too bright to be that. I went to the
Alamos Scientific Labs were released to them through a squeeze chute under a window and opened it and / could hear
the news media. The Los Alamos series of ultraviolet lights. Most of New a kind of crackling noise. The light was
Scientific Labs were not mentioned in Mexico's mutilations have taken place so bright I could see for some distance.
the news media reports, but they did in the Dulce area and Valdez was "At first I thought the neighbor's
run some tests on the substances to looking for new clues, since he had house was on fire, so I went to the other
determine the trace elements such as been informed that certain animals window. I saw this form, it wasn't a
the rare earths, as told to me by Gabe might be "marked" before they are definite form, but it was roundish and
Valdez when he visited my home in mutilated. His suspicion proved fruitful. about as big as two cars, maybe bigger.
Lewisville, Tex., while on vacation. The examination revealed that five By then it wasn't orange anymore; it
Since the news media already were of the animals had a "glittery substance was sort of a gray color, It stayed for
intrigued by Valdez's investigations and on the right side of the neck, the right about two minutes. I rushed into
his thoroughness in obtaining clues in ear and the right leg." This was too another bedroom and opened the
these bizarre mutilations, the impact of much of a coincidence, so the two drapes, and it took off to the north and
the release of the "semi-secret" analysis removed samples of the affected hides disappeared in two seconds. All you
of the two substances was more than as well as unaffected control samples ' could see was a red light. It happened so
enough to trigger an AP-wire release, from the same cattle. These were then fast, I got real scared; I don't think I
which resulted in numerous misquotes sent to Dr. Robert Schoenfeld at the went to sleep until five in the morning."
from overactive imaginations of some Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in The object had hovered low
journalists. Some, of course, were Albuquerque. between her house and one close by.
honest mistakes and a matter of Dr. Schoenfeld said analysis of the Both she and the people in that house,
semantics. affected hides had detected significant, as well as the occupants of yet another
One such newspaper story "highly suspicious" deposits of in the immediate vicinity, saw the UFO
indicated that "According to the potassium and magnesium. The just above a 500-gallon fuel tank and a
Schoenfeld Research Labs in potassium content was more than 70 pickup truck. The next morning they
Albuquerque, N.M., this powder was times above normal and the substance found a thin powder on the roof of the
identical to the substance deposited was water-soluble and he doubts that it truck; nothing apparently was found on

By Richard C. Niemtzow, M.D. and John F. Schuessler
Collecting data relating human striated muscle paralysis may appear support systems. We would expect it to
paralysis with the UFO phenomenon, naive. Nevertheless, the humanoids are be rather difficult for them to adapt
the authors have discerned that the prone to a rather limited behavior directly to our Earth conditions unless
process seems to involve large pattern, somewhat expressionless, if adaption means privation of certain
diameter nerves associated with not stereotyped, apparently less biological components which would
voluntary movement of striated muscle dependent on striated muscle systems. eliminate the problem.
as opposed to the impunity of small Perhaps we are dealing with a quasi- We do not wish to manipulate by
diameter nerves found in regulatory automatic intelligence, if not a cloned impressive arguments the certitude of
functions delegated to the autonomous species. humanoid physiology. We do wish to
nervous system. The authors have received communicate that this information is
Humanoids of the 1 to ll/2 meter information that these small humanoids comfortable to live with when UFO
type have been reported at close range are most likely deprived of oxygenated literature reinforces evidence that the
to the paralyzed victims (Charles blood and devoid of any cellular blood small humanoid appears ageless, has. a
Bowen "The Humanoids: 1977") composition. This also includes the barely visible mouth, may use a food pill
without being affected. This is not lymphatic system. Furthermore, they for nourishment, lack a spacesuit, etc.
surprising. What remains rather are lacking a digestive and excretory We realize that this paper is highly
intriguing is that information supplied system. Rationalization of the data is speculative, but it represents an area
through Project VISIT suggests that the extremely difficult not have examined a that needs to be seriously addressed.
humanoid is not composed of striated humanoid, but arguments supporting We are doing just that. Each section of
muscle, but rather smooth muscle and refuting these statements are this summary paper is being considered
tissue. This information is difficult to numerous. If we accept that life in the in detail and we hope that future papers'
substantiate as valid scientific fact. The universe follows many derivatives, we may support these contentions.
conjecture that humanoids are are not surprised that UFO literature
composed of smooth muscle to escape negates these humanoids of wearing life
(New Mexico, Continued) Another interesting factor in this amount of Potassium is considerably
the 500-gallon fuel tank. UFO test sample is that most of the higher in the cow-hair test sample than
Dr. Schoenfeld said, "it's possible elements listed in their respective in the "UFO sample." Also, the "UFO
to find all these elements in the soil, but concentrations seem to suggest that it sample" found in Taos was not a
they do not occur naturally in the air. If could be a combination of dust (soil- powdery substance such as that found
you say it was found on top of a pickup elements suggestive of this such as in Dulce, but chips of material about 3/8
cab, there would have to be something Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, of an inch long, 1/16 of an inch wide,
to have moved it up there." He said it Sodium and the rare earths noted in the and about as thick as a sheet of paper
was possible the powder was a film of analysis), paint pigments (elements and of a dull gray coloration.
oxidized metal but he really didn't suggestive of this such as Cadmium, Due to the abnormally high
know. "We're going to do some more Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt, and Lead), amount of Potassium found on the cow-
work on it," he remarked. and a highly oxidized metal (Iron, hair test sample in relation to the
Other authorities refrained from Aluminum, Nickel, and Chromium) control sample, it would seem that the
jumping to conclusions, but clearly the from the top of the pickup truck. Potassium in this case did not come
possibility of a tie between the residue Potassium, for instance, is widely from the soil. Another possibility was
and the substance on the cattle distributed but not easily available considered that it might have come
fascinated them. "Right now the only because most deposits of potassium from some type of fertilizer, since
correlation is the potassium and the compounds, in the form of feldspar certain fertilizers are high in Potassium
magnesium," retired scientist Howard rocks, are insoluble and weather content, but the placement of the
Burgess said, "and that's not slowly. Large deposits of potassium substance along with the fact that it was
substantial enough to say the two are chloride, crystallized with Magnesium found on only five cattle out of 120
definitely related. But it's intriguing." and Calcium compounds as complex quickly diminishes this possibility.
This particular analytical test salts, are found in Texas and New Just exactly what the substance is
result supplied to me on this case Mexico. Since these complex salts are and how it got on the cattle is still a
indicates that the most significant available in the soil in Taos, one would mystery. To my knowledge, since no
element was Calcium, then Sodium, expect to find high concentrations of one has applied the ultraviolet lights on
Potassium, A l u m i n u m , Iron, these elements in such an analysis. other cattle and horses in the areas of
Phosphorus, and Magnesium in that The sample found on the cattle in mutilations, the incident may remain
order. Note that there is a high amount Dulce is definitely not identical to the just that.
of Sodium in this sample where there is "UFO sample" found in Taos, although
a decrease in the other sample there are certain similarities such as the
previously mentioned. Potassium and Magnesium. The
The Fund For UFO Research the Korean War. Brigadier General
now has an official mailing address: Box Robert L. Scott, Jr., has contributed a
277, Mount Rainier, MD 20822. A Foreword. Pre-publication " price
Founding Contributor program has (before December 1,1979) is $11 for the
been established whereby anyone hardcover edit.ion and $6 for
donating $100, $500, or $1,000 by paperback, postage and handling free.
December 31,1979, will receive a range (After December 1 add $1.90 to cover
of benefits (certificates, copies of regular prices plus postage and
publications, etc.). Funds will go toward handling.) California residents add 6%
start-up costs and establishing a bank sales tax. Order TO RULE THE SKY
balance, and the Fund is scheduled to from Palomar Publications Division, B-
begin accepting proposals early in 1980 L Enterprises, P.O. Box 1086, Vista,
for scientific UFO research projects. CA 92083.
A new documentary film titled Tom Benson, a New Jersey State John Schuessler, left, and
UFOs Are Real, produced by Group 1 Section Director for MUFON, reports Walt Andrus at Symposium
Films of Hollywood, is scheduled for that he taught a course entitled
general theater distribution beginning "UFOLOGY 1" during Fall 1978 at
in late September. According to two adult evening schools and will be
Stanton T. Friedman, technical teaching it again in Fall 1979 at Mercer
consultant and script co-writer, the film County Community College. He plans
takes a definite stand that some UFOs to develop additional courses in the
are intelligently controlled future. For further information, contact
extraterrestrial vehicles. Many still and Tom at P.O. Box 1174, Trenton, NJ
motion pictures filmed all over the 08606.
world are included, a number of which We acknowledge donations of
have never been exhibited in the United cancelled foreign stamps, whose trade
States. Persons involved in landing with a collector helps support
cases, abductions, and other close international UFO information
encounters are interviewed. exchange, from Donald A. Curtis, Des
More than 1,200 respondents to an Moines, Iowa; Ted Bloecher, New
opinion poll of research and York, N.Y.; and Larry Fenwick, Co-
development scientists and Director of the Canadian UFO
engineers indicated a strong belief that Research Network, P.O. Box 15,
UFOs exist (61%). The poll was Station "A," Willowdale, Ontario M2N Walter Greenawald, speaker
conducted by Industrial Research/ 5S7, Canada.
Development and reported in their July
1979 issue. Younger researchers
(under 26) were more than twice as
likely to hold this belief than older
researchers (over 65). Among the
respondents, 18% said they definitely or
possibly had seen a UFO themselves.
As for origin or nature, 28% said
"natural phenomena" but 44% said
"outer space." The most notable
changes since a similar poll by the
magazine in 1971 were a 7% increase in
UFO believers and a 12% increase in
"outer space" advocates.
A new flying book with a
chapter oh UFOs has been co-
authored by MUFONer William D.
Leet and Lou Jaques. Two of Bill's UFO Bob Stawer, MUFON State Pat Reid, Symposium Host
sightings have been reported in the Section Director, and sons Committee
Journal; he was a bomber pilot in World Doug and David, "gophers" at
War II and troop transport pilot during Symposium
By John F. Schuessler

Tools used in UFO investigations unexpected question, his P300 wave is I Mark R. Herbstritt
range from personal reference checks a far more reliable index of surprise
to lie detectors and regressive
hypnosis. A major problem lies in the
than any change in outward behavior.
Even intelligence agents that are
fact that none is foolproof. One cannot
deny that each of the tools available is
trained in the art of disguising their
emotions cannot easily control their
useful and contributes to the P300 response.
storehouse of knowledge we have It may be some time before this
amassed. However, every researcher tool is available for use in the UFO THE SKY FOR AUGUST 1979
would like to have the results presented investigations area, but it is good to
in more concrete form. know that limitations on our work are
The March 1979 issue of being lifted as technology progresses. Mercury—It is at greatest elongation
Psychology Today in an article titled west (19 degrees) on the 18th at which
"Brain Potentials: Signaling Our Inner time it stands about 16 degrees above
Thoughts" provides another option. the eastern horizon at sunrise. On the
The technique is called "evoked 30th, it passes 0.7 degrees north of
potentials." By utilizing the advances in Jupiter at sunrise at which time these
computer technology and in NEW HUMANOID DATA planets are about 10 degrees above the
electroencephalography a large eastern horizon.
positive wave known as P300 or PS The following statement from
wave is m o n i t o r e d . This is Leonard H. Stringfield was read to Venus—It is too close to the sun to be
accomplished by using an EEC MUFON members at the 1979 seen, being at superior conjunction on
machine to trace the brain's response Symposium: the 25th.
to the stimuli and the computer to "I am pleased to announce to all
extract, via an averaging process, the MUFON members and other Mars—Moving from Taurus into
response evoked by the specific responsible researchers that I have Gemini, it rises about 4 hours before
stimulus from the sea of background received significant new and the sun and is well up in the east at
noise that results from the brain's confirmatory data relative to alien sunrise.
normal electrical activity. humanoids from a medical source.
According to the article this 'This source, who has participated Jupiter—It is too close to the sun to be
process could be used to predict in the autopsy of a recovered body, has seen, being in conjunction on the 13th.
learning disabilities in children, obliged to annotate corrections in my
diagnose senility, provide an early drawings of body, head and hand I had Saturn—Early in the month it can be
warning system for mental illness, and submitted to him for appraisal. Also seen with great difficulty, very low in the
for truth tests. In the context of this received was corroborative data of West after sunset, but by the end of the
Tech Note the last application is most certain anatomical features of the month it is too close to the sun to be
interesting. Without denying the external body plus other new and highly seen.
existence of theoretical squabbles useful data. These data will be included
about what evoked responses really in a paper I plan to write for the
mean, the article provides a scenario MUFON UFO Journal." The Perseid meteor shower occurs
that makes the standard lie detector Mr. Stringfield reported on his from the 10th to the 14th.
appear quite tame by camparison. The "body retrieval" research at the 1978
claim is that P300 responses could Symposium in Dayton, Ohio, and since
provide a truth test far superior to then has received many new leads to
current lie detectors, because it does information of this type from seemingly
not depend upon subtle changes in the reputable persons in responsible
person's outward skin responses. positions. His investigations are
When the person is asked an continuing.
BOOK REVIEW Current leading experts contributed a Resource Directory divided into three
the 34 brief, varied and stimulating sections: general aspects of space
articles; photos and resumes of the technology, including astronomy and
Worlds Beyond—The Everlasting authors add to the interest. The UFO computers; UFOs ("The MUFON
Frontier, edited by Larry Geis and section is excellent and well covered, UFO Journal" and "Skylook" were
Fabrice Florin, The New Dimensions with sequences by J. Allen Hynek, Tom listed separately; I informed the editors
Foundation, published and distributed Gates, James Harder, Stanton T. of the error); space settlement, and
by And/Or Press, P.O. Box 2246, Friedman, Jeffrey Mishlove (an space industrialization. The Directory
Berkeley, CA 94702, $6.95 interview with Charles Bowen and is thorough, detailed, and most
Gordon Creighton), and Jacques interesting. Thought-provoking
Here are the latest ideas about Vallee. illustrations by Geoffrey Chandler add
space: colonization, industrialization, The last phase, "Space Age Myths, to this original collection of exciting
extraterrestrial life. Jacques Vallee The Future is Now," is fascinating, ideas. To find UFOs seriously treated in
wrote the rousing Foreword and featuring Timothy Leary and a a serious book by superior thinkers is
Michael Toms, Director of the New sequence on cryonics, with a prolog by thrilling; the subject finds itself in good
Dimensions Foundation, the preface. J. Allen Hynek. An appendix consists of company.-Barbara Mathey

(Director's Message, Continued) in our expanding world coverage. Raymond E. Revere, Babylon, N.Y.
filmstrip has been added to MUFON's We would like to introduce three and Jack Guisti, Jr., Naugatuck, Conn.
library produced by Adrian Vance in new State Section Directors to our U.S. A paperback book (253 pages) on
Hollywood, Calif. It is a set of six color network. Daved E. Rubien, B.S., UFOs by Takao Ikeda, MUFON
filmstrips with taped cassette Woodsia Road, Saunderstown, RI Sectional Director for Southern Japan,
commentary titled "UFOs: Challenge 02874, telephone (401) 294-9474, will be published in Japanese in the Tairiku
to Science Series," and includes a responsible for Washington, Kent, and UFO Series was recently received.
teacher's guide, having been designed Newport counties in Rhode Island. The Basically it covers the span of historical
for presentation to school classes. (11) Kentucky counties of Boyd, Lawrence, objects that could be interpreted to be
James McCampbell, Director of and Carter will be covered by George UFOs up to modem cases such as
Research, suggested that MUFON Parsons, Jr., 1300 Mills Blvd., Ashland, Delphos, Kans., Santa Ana, Calif., etc.
establish a corporate education KY, telephone (606) 325-2010. George He acknowledges reports and
committee to define and select films, is a police officer. Joan L. Jeffers, B.S., photographs utilized from APRO,
photographs, loan charges, etc. who has been very active as Director of MUFON, and NICAP publications.
Adolph Schneider, Dip).-Ing., the Pennsylvania Center for UFO Another MUFON member, who
Konrad-Celtis-Str. 38,8000 Munich 70, Research since 1976 and a State has just published a book titled "UFO
West Germany, has agreed to serve as Section Director, has been reassigned Terms," is Robert S. Somerville of
Representative for West Germany as the counties of McKean, Warren, and Warren, Mich. This 197 page (8% x 11
part of MUFON-CES (Mutual UFO Potter. Joan has now moved back to inch) paperback book (publication
Network, Central European Section) her permanent home at 112 date: September 1, 1979) is now
directed by Illobrand von Ludwiger. Maplewood Ave., Bradford, PA 16701. available in limited numbers for $8.00,
Herr Schneider has been MUFON Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., 1401 E. which includes postage and handling,
member since 1975. West Malaysia is Rundberg Lane, Lot #238, Austin, TX from UFO SCHOOLS, Inc., P.O. Box
now being represented by Ahmad 78753, telephone (512) 837-9373, has 21, Warren, MI 48090. It is a
Jamaludin, Vet. Res. Ins. 59, Tiger volunteered to serve as a Consultant in comprehensive listing of UFO terms,
Lane, Ipoh, Perak in West Malaysia. Astronomy. Even though his doctorate definitions, explanations of various
Mr. Jamaludin was educated in West is in astronomy, Dan's major emphasis related phenomena, and a very good
Germany as a laboratory technician. in UFO research is in the area of reference to cases by basic categories
A new member who attended the theoretical physics. Seven new with samples.
recent MUFON Symposium in San Research Specialists have joined The 1979 MUFON UFO
Francisco is Mrs. Ruth M. Butler, B.A., MUFON in the past month. They are Symposium Proceedings are now
now representing the Philippines. Ruth H.D. "Mitch" Mitchell, Foster City, available (226 pages, 8% by 11 inches,
teaches English and Social Studies in a Calif. (Visual Communications); James off-set printing) by sending a check or
Manila High School. She may be H. Ingram, Felton, Calif. (Photo- postal money order payable in U.S.
contacted at the following address: graphy); Robert Wanderer, San funds for $8.00 in the U.S.A. and $9.00
P.O. Box 7411, Air Mail Exchange Francisco, Calif. (Communications); in all other countries to MUFON, 103
Office, Manila Intl. Airport 3120, Weldon Burge, Middletown, Del. Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155
Philippines. It is a pleasure to have (Theology); Stores Barrett Williams, U.S.A. (Texas residents should include
these three people represent MUFON Menlo Park, Calif. (Acoustics); 4% State Sales Tax.)
Lucius Parish

In Others'Words

The May 22 issue of NATIONAL UFO film. Fogarty is in the process of worth reading.
ENQUIRER tells of research into the writing a book about the incident and its An excerpt from Allan Hendry's
Sanskrit writings of ancient India which aftermath. forthcoming book, THE UFO
contain many references to flying The "UFO Update" column in the HANDBOOK, is found in the July issue
machines and extraterrestrial June issue of OMNI is written by Art of STARLOG. This feature deals with
visitations. The May 29 issue reports on Gatti and deals with the UFO-related the proper procedures for taking UFO
the ENQUIRER'S awards totalling materials released by the CIA. More photographs. Hendry's book is now
$9,500 for the 1978 UFO cases which excerpts from the CIA data may be slated for publication by Doubleday in
provided the most scientifically found in the July issue of SAGA and the August.
valuable evidence. Animal mutilations August issue of UFO REPORT. The Fall 1979 (#4) issue of UFO
and UFOs are discussed in the June 5 Hayden Hewes' article in the July UPDATE has a considerable amount of
issue. The June 12 issue reports on issue of FATE deals with a supposed rehash, along with a few new reports of
Florida contactee Lydia Stalnaker, who UFO photograph which has been interest. The #14 issue of TRUE UFOs
claims to share her body with the mind associated with the late George & OUTER SPACE (as it is now called)
of an extraterrestrial being. In the June Adamski, although it was actually taken is virtually all rehash and/or material
19 issue, a Japanese woman credits her by someone else. William Spaulding's not relating directly to UFOs.
accurate predictions of UFO "computer analyses" have revealed the IDEAL'S UFO MAGAZINE is
overflights to her telepathic photo to be a hoax, according to apparently trying to outdo OFFICIAL
communications with aliens. Hewes. UFO in the nonsense department. The
The June 12 issue of THE STAR The Volume 2, Number 5 issue of #7 issue contains, among other
tells of Australian TV newsman NEW REALITIES reprints Stanton T. imaginative offerings, a totally ficticious
Q u e n t i n Fogarty's t r a u m a t i c Friedman's contribution to the book account of the Valentich disappearance
experiences following his involvement WORLDS BEYOND, which has been case from Australia. Save your money!
with the highly publicized New Zealand reviewed in a previous column. Well

Interstellar Travel—Past, Present, normal space. peculiar hysteria of the times. Now,
and Future, By John W. Macvey, When Macvey gets through with very sincerely, he believes this to be no
Stein and Day, New York, 1977, $9.95 Black Holes (both natural and longer possible. Undoubtedly many
artificially generated) and the reports are fakes, undoubtedly many
This literate and charmingly destruction of time and distance, not to are false, but all do not come into these
written book is a treasure-trove for mention tachyon travel, you have categories. Something decidedly odd
those who, like me, flunked physics. several good notions as to how the may be happening out there and in the
Macvey, an internationally renowned UFOs might get here from there. How lifetime of many of us the answer could
expert and writer on astronomy and the aliens might navigate, their be revealed." There is an Appendix of
astronautics, is a Fellow of the Royal composition, their possible connection UFO sightings and a list of references.
Astronomical Society and a member of with the Bermuda Triangle, and Macvey has also written Whispers
the American Astronautical Society of evidence of past visits to Earth are from Space, Alone in the Universe, and
the Pacific and the British covered, with many fresh ideas and Journey to Alpha Centauri. After
Interplanetary Society. The owner of some new material (new to me, at any enjoying Interstellar Travel I'm going to
his own observatory, he specializes in rate). A chapter of UFOs deals with get the others.-Barbara Mathey
observing variable stars. He has the some carefully selected cases and
marvelous ability to explain, calmly and states the writer's position: "The writer,
lucidly, such timely tangles as space for his part, must confess to a time
c u r v a t u r e , non-space, other when quite arbitrarily he dismissed all
dimensions and non-space tunnels in UFO reports as simply due to some
Walt Andrus

MUFON's Tenth Annual UFO forward from 6/30/78 was $641.00. groups that could serve as the host
Symposium will be remembered as the Copies of the detailed financial report organization. A firm bid for 1982 has
largest and finest in our first decade. were given to the members of the Board been received from Toronto. We invite
The MUFON Northern California of Directors present, and the remainder Washington and Boston to evaluate
group, host for this auspicious meeting, will receive their copies by mail. (2) their plans for a future symposium.
is to be highly commended for their Plans have been instituted to start (6) Bruce Maccabee, State
outstanding planning and implementa- revising and updating our Field Director for Maryland and Consultant,
tion to orchestrate such a detailed Investigator's Manual in preparation for discussed the formation of a grant
educational weekend of UFOlogy. the third edition printing. Bruce group in the Washington, D.C., area to
Compliments have been flowing from Maccabee, Ph.D., has been invited to administer UFO grant money, receive
everyone that had the privilege of write the section on UFO photographs donations, and disburse funds to
attending. and analysis and Richard F. Haines, researchers based upon written
The tremendous success of this Ph.D., has suggested submitting a proposals. More details will be
symposium is a tribute to the section on UFO shapes and visual announced in the Journal as the plan is
organizational structure of MUFON, interpretation. (3) Final preparations formalized. Three MUFON members
whereby the leadership in a particular are being made for MUFON to request have been elected to the board as of this
part of the Nation has ah opportunity to IRS tax exempt status in the next few date. In addition to Bruce Maccabee,
visibly demonstrate their talent and months assisted by Bill Shead, one of they are Richard Hall and John
abilities. This factor not only makes MUFON's legal staff. (4) A rough draft Carlson. (7) The meeting with Alain
MUFON the finest UFO organization, of the MUFON By-Laws has been Esterle, Ph.D., Chief of GEPAN on
in the world today, but it gives the written. Since there are 15 members of June 23rd in Houston was announced
people managing the symposium a the MUFON Board of Directors, it was as a means of establishing good
feeling of satisfaction for a job well proposed that an Executive Committee contacts between MUFON and
done. of three to five members, composed of GEPAN in France. (8) Paul Norman,
Congratulations must be extended the officers, be given the authority to State Representative for Victoria,
to Tom Gates, Chairman; Stanton make decisions for the corporation's Australia, and David Crockett from
Friedman, Publicity; Paul Cerny, business. The full Board of Directors New Zealand were introduced. Mr.
Displays and Treasurer; and James would be too unwieldy for minor Crockett is noted for his motion picture
McCampbell; all of whom spearheaded decisions. Each of the Board of of the UFO sequences in New Zealand
the numerous active committees. We Directors will receive preliminary on December 31, 1978.
had hoped to list the 40 to 50 people copies of the By-Laws for their (9) Annual reports were either
who performed so graciously, from the comments before submission to the given orally, or submitted, by Henry H.
State Section Directors to the ladies Internal Revenue Service. McKay, Canadian Regional Director;
who are MUFON members, and the (5) Bids were formally submitted Michael Sinclair, International
many teen-agers who were identified by for future symposiums. VISIT will host Coordinator (written report); Mrs.
their badges as "Gophers." This issue the 1980 symposium at Clear Lake City Mildred Biesele, Utah State Director;
will feature the highlights of the (near Houston), Texas on June 6, 7, Bob Neville, Nevada State Director;
symposium for our members around and 8. The 1981 symposium will be Gary Levine, New York State Director;
the world who were unable to attend. hosted by MUFON of Southern Tom Benson, New Jersey; Paul C.
The MUFON Annual Corporate California in the Los Angeles area on a Cerny, Northern California; Paul
Meeting was held from 9 to 11 a.m. oh date to be announced. Henry H. Norman, Victoria, Australia; Bill
July 8th in conjunction with our tenth McKay, Regional Director for Canada, Hinrichsen, Continental Coordinator
annual symposium with Walt Andrus invited everyone to Toronto, Ontario, for South America; and John
and John Schuessler presiding. (1) The for the 1982 event. Other suggestions Schuessler, Texas.
Annual Financial Report for the fiscal pending for 1982 are either (10) It. was suggested that MUFON
year July 1, 1978, through June 30, Washington, D.C., or Boston, Mass.". buy more films to loan to members.
1979, was presented showing receipts Following the overall plan for regions, Members would be responsible for the
of $19,324.72 and expenditures of 1982 should be in Canada or the payment of shipping (mailing) and
$17,071.61, leaving a net bank balance Eastern Region. Each of the cities insurance both ways. A new 35mm
of $2,894.11. The bank balance carried proposed has strong, capable host (Continued on page 18)

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