This edition (c) Pearson Education Limited 200 2 Fitikides to be identified as author of w!'' wor as been asserted on his behalf in accordance th!he Copynght, Dcsigns and Patents Act 1988. Lt is not claimcd that this manual is exhaustive; the difficulties tacklcd are real, and the examplcs are reprcsentative of thc rnistakes m a de over
This edition (c) Pearson Education Limited 200 2 Fitikides to be identified as author of w!'' wor as been asserted on his behalf in accordance th!he Copynght, Dcsigns and Patents Act 1988. Lt is not claimcd that this manual is exhaustive; the difficulties tacklcd are real, and the examplcs are reprcsentative of thc rnistakes m a de over
This edition (c) Pearson Education Limited 200 2 Fitikides to be identified as author of w!'' wor as been asserted on his behalf in accordance th!he Copynght, Dcsigns and Patents Act 1988. Lt is not claimcd that this manual is exhaustive; the difficulties tacklcd are real, and the examplcs are reprcsentative of thc rnistakes m a de over
This edition (c) Pearson Education Limited 200 2 Fitikides to be identified as author of w!'' wor as been asserted on his behalf in accordance th!he Copynght, Dcsigns and Patents Act 1988. Lt is not claimcd that this manual is exhaustive; the difficulties tacklcd are real, and the examplcs are reprcsentative of thc rnistakes m a de over
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Pearson Education Limited
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Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world This edition Pearson Education Limited 200 2 Fitikides to be identified as author of w'' wor as been asserted on his behalf in accordance th !he Copynght, Dcsigns and Patents Act 1988. All dght_s reserved; no part of this publication may be stored m a retrieval system or transmitted m any form or by a 1 . ' . ny means, e ectromc, mechanical photocopymg, recording, or otherwise without !he , ex:ress permiSSion of the Copyright holders. First published 1936 Second edition 1937 Third edition 1939 Fourth edition 1947 Fifth edition 1963 Sixth edition 200 2 Printed in Malaysia ISBN O 582 34458 1 Formatted by CjB Editorial Plus Preface Preface to the first cdition This book has heen designed to mect the rcquirements of students whose mothcr tongue is not English. Its main purpose is to hclp to corrcct the common mistakes to which foreign learners of English are liable. The method adoptcd throughout this work is uniform. All the errors dea]t with are singled out, for thcy have to be recognised hefore they can be corrected: then correct forms are substitutcd for incorrcct oncs; finally, simple explanations are given wherever to justify particular usages. Exercises are set at the end to ensure that the principies may hccome firmly fixed in thc studcnts' minds. lt is not claimcd that this manual is exhaustive. Neverthe\ess, the difficulties tacklcd are real, and the examplcs are reprcsentative of thc rnistakes cnmmonly madc hy foreign studcnts of English, hcing thc result of observations m a de over a long perio<.l of time. Much can: has bccn givcn to the prcparation of the lndcx, which it is hoped will make thc book a usdul work of refcrence. M y ackTiowlcdgements are dueto MrW. H. G. Popplcstonc, who has read my manuscript and made many valuable suggcstions. T . .J. F A.up, 14J 11! i . Common Mistakes in English with Exercises by T. J. Fitikides, B.A., F.I.L. Senior English Master The Pancyprian Gymnasium, Nicosia Author of Key Words for Easy Spel/ing Lessons in Greek-English Translation Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below. John Dryden -
.... Longman l Preface to the Sixth Edition It is now more than 60 years since this book was first published. It has gane through many revisions, and additions have been made at different times in its history. With the millennium approaching it was decided that there were sorne points of usage which are no longer relevan! and so this new edition has been prepared. The content has been completely reviewed in the Jight of modern English usage, and the type- faces and design up-dated for clarity. And yet the original concept and, indeed, most of the original mistakes listed, are still pertinent to students of English even in the year 2000. This little book has sold severa! hundred thousand copies all over the world and seems likely to go on doing so. The author's note on how the book should be used is on page vii, with an addition for this edition. IV Part 1 Part2 Pa:rt 3 Part 4 Par! 5 Contents Misused forms Using the wrong preposition Misuse of the infinitive U se of the wrong tense Miscellaneous examples Un-English expressions Incorrect omssions Omission of prepositions. Miscellaneous examples Unnecessary words Unnecessary propositions Unnecessary articles Use of the infinitive Miscellaneous examples Misplaced words Wrong position of adverbs Miscellaneous examples Confused words Prepositions often confused Verbs often confused Adverbs often confused Adjectives often confused N ouns often confused Confusion of number Confusion of parts of speech Exercises Index 1 13 18 28 40 46 49 61 63 69 70 75 77 83 89 107 109 116 122 129 137 182 V Usefullists and summaries Have another look at ... Prepositions after certain words Use of the gerund Use of certain tenses Negatives Third person singular, simple present lndefinite article Verb TO BE Definite article Questions Correct arder of words Use of certain prepositions Use of will and shall Singular and plural Irregular verbs in everyday use bear to lie light to write vi 14 19 27 37 50 53 55 68 79 82 88 106 130 198-199 200-201 How this book should be u sed TIIis book is intended for two uses. lt may be used as a reference hook and as an ordinary text book. As a book of rcfcrence it should be consulted with evcry composition. The teachcr may refer the student to the appropriate section dealing with his mistake by a numher in the margin of his exercise book. For example, a misusc of a preposition of time (at. on or in) is indicated by 383 in the margin to enable thc student to look up his mistakc and correct it. This method has been tesled and found more effective than the common practice of writing the correct form for thc student. lt is axiomatic that the greater the student's individual effort. the more thorough will be his !earning. \Vith regard to its second use, as an actual text book, wc strongly rccommend that thc teachcr should start off with thc cxercises on pagcs 137 to l8l.TI1ese are arranged under the hcadings of the various parts of specch: nouns, adjcctives. pronolins, cte. However, before an excrcise is attempted. the teacher should make cerlain that the studenls havc comprehended thc particular usage involved. An occasional rdercnce to somc specific section may be made whenever this is deemed neccssary, but under no circumstances is it advisablc to go through thc various sections of the book consccutively, orto c.ommit to memory rules conccrning usage. Dcspite the fact thal this book has been designed for two separatc uses, the writer is of the opinion that thc best results will be achieved if it is uscd by the student both as a texl book and as a book of referencc. T.J.F. ]anuary 1961 While the above is still true. there is also a self-study use for this little book. With more varied tcaching materials available now, it can also be uscd as a self-study hook by VIl How this book should be used students of English as a foreign language who are preparing work either as part of their studies or for their occupations. With a view to this, it is suggested that, when a question of corree! usage arises, the student should look first for the core word in the index and so find the section detailing the usage. For example, is it by foot or on foot? Look up foot in the index and you will be directed to Section 13 which will explain that on foot is correct. Students and teachers will decide for themselves what is the best way to use this book. What is constan! is the quality of content and how helpful it is to all !hose who use English as a foreign langua'ge. VIII '1 2 Part 1 Misused forms Using the wrong preposition Mistakes are often made by using the wrong preposition after certain w_ords. The following list includes the fvords which most often give trouble: Absorbed ( very much interested) in, not a t. Don't say: The man was absorbed al his work. , Say: The man was absorbed in his work. Accnse of, not for . Don't say: She accused the man for stealing. ,f Say: She accused the man of stealing. Note: Charge takes with The man was charged with murder. 3 Accustomed to, not with. Don't say: l'm accustomed with hot weather . ./ Say: l'm accustomed to hot weather. Note: Also used to: He is used to the heat 4 Afraid of, not /rom. Don't say: Laura is afraid from the dog. ,f Say: Laura is afraid of the dog. r Part 1 5 Aim at, not on or against. Don 't say: S be aimed on ( or against) tbe target .1 Say: Sbe aimed at tbe target. Note Use the preposition at te denote direction: throw at shout at f" at, shoot at. Shoot (without the at) means to kili ' ' re and killed Jt) He shot a btrd (= he hit 6 Angry with, not against. Don 't say: The teacber was angry against bim. .1 S ay: The teacber was angry with bim. Note 1 We get angry wth a person but ata thing He was angry at the weather (not: with the weather) Note 2 Also annoyed with, vexed with. indignant with a person but at a th1ng. 7 Anxious ~ troubled) about, not for. Don't say: They're anxious for his bealtb. , S ay: They're anxious about bis bealtb. f NotehAnxious meanmg wishing very much takes for. Parents are anxious or t e1r chJidrens success ~ 8 Arrive at, not to. Don 't say: V.: e arrived to tbe village at nigbt. .1 S ay. We arnved at tbe village at nigbt. Note Use arrive in Wi!h countries and large crties. Mr Smith has arrlved in London (or New York. lnd 1 a, etc.) 9 Ashamed of, not from. 2 Don't say: He's now asbamed from bis conduct , Say: He's now ashamed of his conduct. Note lt lsn't corree! to use ashamed of meanng shy Ashamed means feeling shame or QUIIt about something Shy means feeling neNous Wlth s,omeone. lnstead of sayrng: /'m ashamed (or shamed) of my teacher sa 1m shy of m y teacher. Y Misused forms 1 O Believe in, not to. Don't say: We believe to God . .1 Say: We believe in God. Note: To believe in means to have faith in. To believe (without the in) means to regard something as true: 1 be/leve everything he says. 11 Boast of or about, not for. Don 't say: James boasted for his strengtb. .1 Say: James boasted of (or about) his strengtb . 12 Careful of, with or about, not for. Don't say: Elke's very careful for ber bealtb . .1 Say: Elke's very carefnl of/about ber bealtb. Or: Yo u sbould be more careful with your money. Note: Take care of: He takes care of his money 13 Travel by train, etc., not with the train, etc. Don't say: He travelled witb tbe train yesterday. ,/ Say: He travelled by train yesterday. Note: We say: by train, by boat. by plane, by bike; also, by \and, by sea, by air, by bus; in a bus or on a bus; by car or in a car, by taxi or in a taxi: on horse-back, on a donkey, on a bicycle; on foot. 14 Complain abont, not for. Don't say: Annette complained for tbe weatber. .1 S ay: Annette complained about tbe weatber. Note: When talking about illness we use complain of. We say: She complained of a sore throat. 1 5 Composed of, not from. Don't say: Our class is composed from tbirty students. . .1 Say: Our class is composed of tbirty students. 3 Part 1 16 Confidence in, not to. Don 't say: 1 ha ve great confidence to yo u. ./ Say: 1 have great confidence in you. Note: In confidence: Let me te// you something in confidence (= as a secret) 17 Conform to, not with. Don't say: We must conform with the rules. ./ Say: We must conform to the rules. Note: comply takes with. We'/1 compfy with your request 18 Congratulate on, not for. Don't say: 1 congratulate you for your success. ./ Say: 1 congratulate you on your success. 19 Consist of, not from. Don't say: Ayear consists from twelve months. ./ Say: A year consists of twelve months. Note Take great care never to use consist m the pass!Ve form 20 Covered with, not by. Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow . ./ S ay: The mountains are covered with/in snow. 21 Cure of, not from. Don 't say: The man was cured from his illness. ./ S ay: The man was cured of his illness. Note. The noun cure takes for There 1s no cure for that disease 22 Depend on or opon, not from. Don't say: It depends from her. ./ Say: It depends on {or opon) her. Note: Rely on or upon. 1 can't rely on (or upon) h1m Misused forms 23 Deprive o!, not from. Don't say: Nelson Mandela was deprived from his freedom . ./ Say: Nelson Mandela was deprived of his freedom. 24 Die of an illness, not from an illness. Don't say: Many people have diedfrom malaria. .! S ay: Many pe 0 ple have died of malaria . Note: People die of illness, of hunger, of thirst, of or from wounds; from overvvork; by vJolence, by the sword, by pestilence; in battle; for their country, for a cause, through neglect; on the scaffold; at the stake. 2 5 Different from, not than . Don't say: M y book is different than yours . .1 Say: My book is different from yours. 26 Disappointed by, about or at, not from . (a) by/at/about: Don't say: Phillipa was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test. ,/ Say: Phillipa was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test. (b) with/in: Don't say: Jane was disappointed from her son. ,( S ay: Jan e was disappointed with/in her son. Note Befare a persan we use with or in, befare a thing we use at. about or by and befo re a gerund we use at: Keith is very disappointed at not winning the pnze. We use that (opt1onal befare a new e la use): 1 was disappornted (that) 1 didn 't get an invitatton 27 Divide into parts, not in parts. Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts . ,/ S ay: I divided the cake into four parts. Note: A thing may be divided in half or in two: Paul divided the apple in half (or in tlNo). 5 Part 1 Misused forms 28 No doubt (n) of or about, not for. 34 Get rid of, not from. Don't say: !'ve no doobt for bis ability. Don't say: l'll be glad to get rid from him. ,/ Say: !'ve no doubt of (or about) his ability. ,/ S ay: !'ll be glad to get rid of him. Nore- Doubtful of: 1 am doubtful of h1s ability to pass 35 Glad about, not from or with. 29 Dressed in, not with. Don't say: Francis was glad from (or with) receiving Don't say: The woman was dressed with black. yoor Ietter. ,/ S ay: The woman was dressed in black. ,/ Say: Francis was glad about receiving yoor letter. Note The woman was in black. is also correct 36 Good at, not in. 30 Exception to, not of. Don't say: My sister's good in maths. ,/ Say: My sister's good at maths. Don't say: This is an exception of the rule. ,/ S ay: This is an exception to the rule. Note 1: Bad at, clever at. quick at. slow at, etc. However, weak in: He's weak in grammar. Note: We say with the exception of: She liked al/ her subjects with the Note 2: He's good in class means that his conduct 1s good. exception of phys1cs 37 Guard against, not from. 31 Exchange for, not by. Don't say: You must goard from bad habits. Don't say: He exchanged his col!ection of matchboxes ,/ Say: Yoo most guard against bad habits. by sorne foreign stamps. ,/ Say: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes for 38 Guilty of, not for. sorne foreign stamps. Don't say: He was foond goilty for morder. Note Jn exchange for He gave them his old car in exchan,ge for a new one ,/ Say: He was foond guilty of morder 32 Fail in, not from. 39 lndependent of, not from. Don't say: Steven failed from maths last year. Don't say: Clare's independent from her parents. ,/ Say: Steven failed in maths last year. ,/ Say: Clare's independent of her parents. 33 Foil of, not with or from. Note: We say dependent on: A chi/d is dependent on its parents. Don't say: The jar was foil with (or from) oil. 40 Indifferent to, not for. ,/ S ay: The jar was full of oil. Don't say: They're indifferent for politics. Note Fill takes with: Jane filled the glass with water ,/ S ay: They're indifferent to politics. 7 Part 1 41 lnsist on, not to. Don't say: He always insisted to his opinion. ,/ S ay: He always insisted on his opinion. Persist takes in He persisted in hts s//y ideas 42 lnterested in, not for. Don't say: She's not interested for her work. ,/ S ay: She's not interested in her work. Note A:so take an interest in She takes a great interest in mus1c 43 Jealous of, not from. Don't say: He's very jealous from his brother. ,/ S ay: He's very jealous of his brother. 44 Leave for a place, not toa place. Don't say: They're leaving to England soon. ,/ Say: They're leaving for England soon. 45 Live on, not from. Don't say: He lives from his brother's money. ,/ Say: He lives on his brother's money. Note Feed on Some brrds feed on insects 46 Look at, not to. Don't say: Look to this beautiful picture. ,/ S ay: Look al this beautiful picture. Al so gaze at, stare at, etc Bu t. look after (= take ca re of); loo k for ("' try to f1nci). look over (= examme); look into (= examme closE>Iy). look on or upon (= cons1der); look down on (= have a low op1n1on of), Jook up to (= respecL, look out for (= expect); look forward to (= expect w1th p!easure), 'loo k to (= rely' on) -- 1 - rJiisused forms 47 toj not with. Don't say: Angela was married with a rich ma:.1. t/ S ay: Angela was married to a rich man. Note: Also engaged to: Sal/y was engaged to Peter for ayear befare they got married -'18 Opposite to, not from Don't say: Tneir house is opposite from ours. / S ay: Their house is opposite to ours. Note Opposite ours 1s also correct 49 Pass by a place, not from a place. Don't say: Will you pass from the post-office? J S ay: Wll you by the post-office? Note- Also pass the post-office is correct 50 Play for a team, not with a team. Don't say: He plays regularly with that team. ,/ Say: He plays regularly for that team. 51 Pleased with, not from. Don't say: The teacher is pleased from me. if Say: The teacher is pleased with me. We say pleased at or pleased with 1f an abstract noun ora dause follows: They were pleased at (or with) what he said; They were pleased at (or with) her results 52 Popular with, not among. Don't say: John's popular.among his friends. ./ Say: John's popular with his friends. 53 Prefer to, not from. Don't say: 1 prefer a blue pen from a red one. ,/ Say: 1 prefer a blue pen to a red one. Note A:so preferable to Th1s car is preferable to my o/d one 9 Part 1 54 Preside at or over, not in. Don't say: Who presided in the last meeting: 7 ,/ S ay: Who presided at (or over) the las! mee,mg. 55 Proud of, not for. . Don't say: He's very proud for his promotwn. ,/ Say: He's very proud of his promotion. Note vve say take :aj pride in A craft5ma,-, takes a pride in hts work 56 Rejoice at or in, not for. Don't say: We rejoiced for her success. ,/ Say: We rejoiced at (or in) her success. 57 Related to, not wzth. Don't say: Are you related with Simon in any way? ,/ Say: Are you related to Simon in any way? Note Also relation to. ls he any relation to youl 58 Repent of, not from. Don't say: He repented from his crime. ,/ Say: He repented of his crime. Note Repentance takes for: He feels repentance for hts sm 59 Satisfied wilh, not from. Don 't say: Are yo u satisfied from your marks? ,/ S ay: Are you satisfied wilh your marks? Note Also content with, delighted with, u n h p ~ y with, happy with, displeased with, dissatisfied with, disgusted wrth. 60 Similar to, not with. Don 't say: Your house is similar with mine. ,/ S ay: Your house is similar lo mine. . . 1_0_ .. Misused fotms 61 Sit at a desk etc., not on a desk etc. Don't say: The bank manager was sitting on his desk. ,/ S ay: The bank manager was sitting at his desk. Note. Also sit ata table. But. on a chair, on a bench, on a sofa, etc; in an arm-chair, in a tree or up a tree. A b1rd sometimes perches(= Slts) on a tree. 62 Spend on, not for. Don't say: I spend a lot of time for my computer. ,/ S ay: I spend a lot of time on my computer. 63 Succeed in, nol at. Don't say: 1 hope he'll succeed al his work. ,/ Say: 1 hope he'll sncceed in his work. Note. A person succeeds toa property, a title, oran otfice: Queen Elizaberh 11 succeeded to the throne in 1952. Also one person can succeed another. 64 Superior to, not from or than. Don't say: This is superior from (or !han) that. ,/ S ay: This is superior to thal. Note Al so inferior to, junior to, senior to, subsequent to, prior to. 65 Sure of, not for. Don't say: !'m quite sure for her honesty. ,/ S ay: !'m quite sure of her honesty. Note: Also certain of: 1 am quite certain of it 66 Surprised at or by, not for. Don't say: Harold was surprised for the loud bang. .1 Say: Harold was surprised al/by the loud bang. Note. Also astonished at/by, amazed at/by, alarmed at/by, puzzled at/by, shocked at/by ______1__j_ --- Part 1 Have another look at Prepositions after certain words . . . d fter the following Note carefully the use a words: accuse of accustoined to afraid of aim a.t angry r.uith at arri\'e at, in ashamcd of believe irz boast of careful .of, with, aVout complain ahout composed of conform to congratulatc on consist of cure of depend on deprive of die of different from dressed in fail in [ull of good al guard against
guilty of . wdependent ot indifferent to insist nn interested n jealous oi look at manied to no doubt of or ahout pteased with prefer to pruud of related w repent of satisfied with similar to succeed in superior to sure of surprised ot, by suspcct of tired o/ translate into warn of, obout Misused forms '. 67 Suspect of, not for. Don't say: 1 suspect Kate for stealing the pen. ./ Say: 1 suspect Kate of stealing the pen. Note Also suspicious of: Dogs are suspicious of strangers 68 Take by, not from. Don't say: Robert took his brother from the han d. ./ Soy: Robert took his brother by the hand. Note: Also: hold by, catch by, seize by, snatch by, grasp by. 69 lie to, not on. Don 't say: The girl tied the string on the kite. ./ Soy: The girl tied the string to thc kit e. Note Also bind to: The prisoner was bound to the srake 70 lired of, not from. Don'! say: The boys are tired from eating boi!ed eggs. ./ Sav: Thc boys are tired of eating boiled cggs. 71 Translate into, not to. Don't soy: Translate this passagc to English. ./ Say: Translate this passage into English. 72 Tremble with cold, etc., not from co/d, etc. Don 't say: The man was trembling from e o id. ./ S ay: The man was trembling with cold. Note Al so shake with and shiver with: The thtef was shaking with lear 73 Warn (a person) of danger, not about donger. Don't say: They were warned about the danger. ./ S ay: They were warned of the danger. Note 1 Use warn about for specific things They warned us abour thP bu::1p\ m rile road 13 __ ..__ __ Part 1 Note 2 We warn a person against a fault: His teacher warned him against breaking the rules. 7 4 Write in ink, not with ink. Don 't say: !'ve written the letter with ink. .1 S ay: !'ve written the letter in ink. Note We use in when we are refernng to the f1nal work: The drawing was done in charcoal. Dora writes her lerrers in green mk. When we are refernng to the 1nstrument used we use with The chfidren are learnmg to wnte with a pen He/en prefers to paint with a thrn brush (See Exercises 73-76 on pages 168-170) Misuse of the infinitive Use the gerund and not the infintive: (a) After prepositions or preposition phrases: 75 Without, etc. + -ing. Don't say: Do your work without to speak. .1 Say: Do your work without speaking. 76 Instead of, etc. + -ing. Don't say: He went away instead to wait. .1 Say: He went away instead of waiting. (b) After words which regular/y take a preposition: 77 Capable of + -ing. Don't say: They're quite capable todo that. .1 Say: They're quite capable of doing that. Note Also incapable of; to + the mfm1t1ve follows able or unable h'e rs unab/e to do anything Misused forms 78 Fond of + -ing. Don 't say: S he 's always fond to tal k . .1 S ay: She's always fond of talking. 79 Insist on + -ing . Don't say: Simon insisted to go to London .1 Say: Simon insisted on going to London. . 80 Object to + -ing. Don't s a ~ 1 object to be treated like this . .1 Say: 1 object to being treated like this. 81 Preven! from + -ing. Don 't say: The rain prevented me to go . .1 S ay: The ram prevented me from going. 82 Succeed in + -ing. Don't say: Paula succeeded lo win the prize . .1 S ay. Paula succeeded ID winning the prize. 83 Think o! + -ing . Don't say: often think to go to England . .1 Say. 1 often thmk of going to England. 84 Tired of + -ing . Don't say: The customer got ti red to wait . .1 Say: The customer got tired of waiting. 85 Used to + -ing. Don't s a ~ She's used to get up early . .1 S ay. She s used to getting up early. 1 5 Part 1 (e) After certain verbs: 86 Avoid + -ing. Don't say: You can't avoid to make mistakes. / Say: You can't avoid making mistakes. Note: Also can't help ("' can't avmd): 1 can't help laughing. 87 Enjoy + -ing. Don't say: I enjoy to play lootball. ,r Say: 1 enjoy playing football. Note: Use the gerund orto + infinitive after verbs mean1ng to like. orto dislike He likes reading English books. or He likes toread Eng/sh books. 88 Excuse + -ing. Don't say: Please excuse meto be so late. , Say: Please excuse my being so late. Or: Please excuse me for being so late. 89 Finish + -ing. Don't sav: Have you linished to speak? ./ S ay: a ~ e yo u finished speaking? Note: lo+ infmit1ve or the gerund follow verbs meaning to begin She began to speak, or She began speaklng. 90 Go on (continue) + ing. Don't say: The music went on to play all day. ,/ S ay: The music went on playing all da y. Note: Also keep on: She kept on playing the piano. 91 Mind (object to) + -ing. Don't say: Would you mind to open the door? .1 S ay: Would yo u mind opening the door? __ ..____ M isused forms Have another look at ... U se of the gerund Use the gerund (and not the infinitive): 1 Alter prepositions. Examples: He worked without stopping. She played instead of working. 2 Alter words which regularly take a preposition, such as fond of, insist on, tired of, succeed in. Examples: l'm tired of doing the work again. He succeeded in catching the rat. 3 After certain verbs, such as avoid, enjoy, finish, stop, risk, excuse. Examples: They enjoy playing football. The wind has stopped blowing. 4 Alter the adjectives busy and worth . Examples: Lena was busy writing a book. This date is worth remembering. 5 After certain phrases, such as it's no use, it's no good, I can't help, would you mind, look forward to. Examples: 1 think it's no use trying again. I can't help feeling angry about it. Use the gerund or the infinitive after certain verbs, such as begin, like, dislike, hate, /ove, prefer. Example: He began to talk or He began talking. 17 Part 92 Practise + -ing. Don't say: You must practise to speak English. ,/ Say: You must practise speaking English. 93 Remember + -ing. . Don't say: 1 don't rf:member to have seen hiEL ,/ Say: 1 don't remember seeing him. Or: 1 don't remember having secn bim. 94 Risk + -ing. . Don't say: \Ve couldn't risk to le&ve h1m aJone. ,/ S ay: We couldn't risk leaving hi.m alone. 95 Stop 1- -ing. . Don't say: The wind has almost stopped te bh. d h' .. ./' Soy: The wind. has almost stoppe ,_11J\IV1ng. Note '-.lso give up ("' stop\: up smoking. (d) A{te1 certo..'ir! adjectiDes: 96 Busy + Don't say: He was busy to revise the ,,/ Say: He was busy revising for the exams. 97 Worth + -ing. . Don't say: Js today's film worth to see? ,/ Say: ls today's film worth seeing? (e) Alter certain phrases: 98 Have difficulty in + -ing. Don't say: She has no difficulty todo it. ,/ S ay: She has no difficulty in doing it. Misused forms 99 Have the pleasure of + -ing. Don't say: 1 had the pleasure to meet him. .1 Say: I had !he pleasure of meeting him. Note Also take pleasure in 11e takes great pfeasure in helpr 1 g othPrs 100 lt's no use + -ing. Don 't say: lt's no use to cry likc a baby. ,/ Say: lt's no use crying like a baby. 1 O 1 lt's no good + -ing. Don 't say: lt's no good to get angry. ,/ S ay: lt's no good getting angry. 102 Look !orward to + -ing. Don't say: 1 look lorward to see him soon. ,/ Say: 1 look forward to seeing him soon. 1 03 There is no harm in + -ing. Don't say: 'There's no harm to visit her now. ./ Say: There's no harm in visiting her now. (See Exercises 63 and 64 on page 164.) Use of the wrong tense 104 Using the past tense alter did instead of the inlinitive without lo. (a) To ask questions: Don 't say: Did yo u wen t to sc]ool yesterday? ,/ Say: Did you go to school yesterday? (b) To make negatives: Don 't say: 1 did not went to school yesterday. 19 Part 1 ,f Say: I did not go to school yesterday. Use the present infinitive withou! to, not the past tense after the auxiliary did. Note: the answer toa question beginning with did is always in the past tense Did you see the picture?- Yes, 1 saw the picture; or Yes, 1 did. 105 Using the third person singular alter does instead ol the inlinitive without"to. (a) To ask questions: Don't say: Does the gardener waters the flowers? ,f Say: Does the gardener water the flowers? (b) To make negatives: Don't say: The man doesn't waters the flowers. ,f Say: The man doesn't water the flowers. After the auxiliary does use the infinitive without to, and not the third person of the present. Note. The answer toa question beginning with Does is always in the present tense, third person: Does he like the cinema?- Yes, he likes the cinema; or Yes, he does. (For Sections 104-105 see Exercises 33 and 34 on pages 152-153.) 106 Using the third person singular alter can, must, etc., instead 61 the inlinitive without to. Don't say: Ian can speaks English very well. ,f S ay: Ian can speak English very well. After the verbs can, must, may, shall, and will, use the infinitive without to, and not the third person of the present. 107 Wrong sequen ce ol tenses. Don't say: Rache! asked me what I an doing. ,f Say: Rache! asked me what I was doing. When the verb in the main c\ause is in the past tense, use a past tense in subordinate clauses. Misused forms fiJou; H1rS rule doesn't apply (1) to verbs wrthir true at all trrres We say 1 quotatrons. {2) to facts that are 1 She said, '1 am walt:ng for your answer' 2 He said London 5 a great Clty 108 Using wil//'11 instead of would/'d in a subo d' , t clause. r ma e , fon 't say: He said (that) he will/'ll come tomorrow. ay. He sad (that) he would/'d come tomorrow. Will/'11 C'1anges to would/'d In subo.rdlnat ci?L.St' 15 .r. 3 past ter>e e c:auses, when the verb 'n the Maln 109 gsin.g m ay instead of might in a subordinate clause. on t say. Last Sunday Ailsa told me that she m ay come. , S ay: Last Sunday Ailsa told me that she might come. M.y. ch. anges to might rn subordrnate clau<es, wr>en !he 'ierb rn the mam CldUoe IS rn the past smpie tense Note The CO'lJUrlctron that rs never preceded by a comma 11 O can instead of could in a subordinate c!ause. 1 say. Ben thought he can win the prize , Say: Ben thought he could win the prize. . Can changes to could in subordlnate clau-es h IS w the Simple rense . w en the verb In the main el a use (For Sections 107-110 se e Exercises 22 and 23 on pages 147-148.) 111 Using the past simple tense alter to + the . .. Do 't H . m mlttve. n say:. e tned to kicked the ball away. , Say: He tned to kick the ball away. Don use Hle >lmple pas tense after to. .... 21 Part 1 , !ter an auxiliary verb, ' 12 Using the past simple a instead of the past partlclple. book Don't say: !'ve forgot to bnng my . ,/ Sa . I've !orgotten to bring my book. 113 Y l. 'th the ;,uxiliary verb have . 1 d not the past tense "''1 Use the past part1clp1e an ' its parts. ht tn to express a past obligation. Using must or oug t day Don't say: You ought to come yes er . " ht to have come yesterday. ,t Say ,ou oug rd Or: ,Yo u should have come yeste ay. ' ast tenses To express a past duty (which Don't use must and ought p "th ut to after ought to or should, wasn't done) use the perfec_t to. Or e>press 1 ons such as had to, w He said he d ught to as past tenses: Note In indirect speech use must an o must do it . d 0 the simple past 114 Using the present perfect mstea Misused forms 116 Using the simple past tense with a recen!: action, instead of the present perfect. Don't say: T'ne dock stmck. ,/ S ay: The dock has struck. lf we are spe<'lking 6f an act'1cn just fin'1s'ned, we must use the presem perfect instead of the s1mple past tense_ For example, immediately after the dock strikes, we shouldn't say The dock struck, but The dock has struch:. 117 Using the simple present instead of the present perfect. Don't say: !'m at this school two years. ,/ Say: !'ve been at this school two years. Use the present perfect (and not the simple present) for an action begun in the past and continuing mto the present rve been at this schoo! Mo years means l'm still here. 118 Using the simple present instead of the present perfect alter a since clause of time. Don't say: Since he carne, we're happy. ,/ Say: Since he came, we've been happy. say: 1 have seen a good fil;" yesterday. ./ S a : I saw a good film yeste<day. . . Y t erfect\ for an actlon comple The verb after a since clause of time is generally in the present perfed_ tense . Use the simple past tense (arld not the presen p , 119 in the past at stated time. . . e word or a phrase denotlng past tme, lik Note When a 5entE'nce has a then ago, etc., always use a yesterday, last night, \ast week, last year, , .! 51 mple past tense. Using the simple present instead of the present continuous. Don't say: Look! Two boys fight. Say: Look! Two boys are fighting. Note: We also use the present continuous for the future-when something is pre-arranged or expected with sorne certamty: Loma is arriving tomorrow at six. Tom and 1 are eatng out tomght. 1. 15 Using the simple past tense instead o! the present . l saw tbe Parthenon of Athens. I seen the Parthenon o! Athens. 20 The continuous form of the tense misused. ,f ay. f a ast action rather than of the action it! lf we are speakmg of the result o p When somebody says, 1 have seen.r h ect perfect tense. f 't a< we must use t e pres. _ h f the past act o seemg 1 ' h t thmkmg so rnuc o Parthenon, he or s e IS no . n the present result of that past actiO . Don't say: !'m understanding the lesson now. Say: I understand the lesson now. As a rule, verbs denoting a state rather than an act have no continuous forms, like understand, know, believe. like, love, belong, prefer, consist, mean. hear, see, etc. 23 r--- Part 1 121 Using the present continuous for a habitual action, instead of the simple present. Don't say: Every morning !'m going for a walk . .1 Say: Every morning I go for a walk. Use the s1mple present (and not the present continuous) to express a present habitual action r ~ o t e Use ti1e present continuous to express a habitual action with the word always or with a verb denot1ng a continuous state: He is always talkng in c/ass; He is living in London. 122 Using the verb to use for the present habitual action. Don 't say: I use to get up at six every rnorning. .1 Say: 1 get up at six every morning. Or: !'m accustomed to getting up at six, etc. The verb to use doesn't express a habit in the present. 1 use means 1 employ 1 use a pen to wrte with. Note Used to expresses a past state or hab1t and 1t usually refers to sorne old situation which no longer exists: 1 used to see him every day; My faiher used to play footba/1 very we/1. 123 Using the past continuous for a habitual action, instead of the simple past tense. Don't say: Last year 1 was walking to school every day. .1 Say: Last year 1 walked to school every day. Use the simple past tense to express a habit in the past, and not the past continuous Note: Use the past continuous tense to describe events in the past happening at the time another action took place: 1 was walking to school when 1 met him 124 Using the past tense instead of the past perfect. Don't say:The train already left befare I arrived. .1 S ay: The train had already Ieft befare I arrived. Use the past perfect when the time of one past action is more past than that of another. Put the action which was completed first in the past perfect and the second action in the past tense Misused forms Note: Don't use the present tense and the past perfect in the same sentence. lt would be incorrect to say: My brother says that he had not gone to the cinema last night. 125 Using the past perfect instead of the simple past tense. Don't say: I'd finished the book yesterday .1 Say: I finished the book yesterday. Don't use the past perfect unless there is another verb in the past tense in the same sentence. (See Section 124.) 126 Using the future in a clause of time, instead of the present tense . Don't say: l'll see you when I shall come back. .1 Say: I'll see you when 1 come back. lf the verb in the main clause is 1n the future, the verb 1n the time clause must be in the present tense 127 Using the future in the if clause instead of the present tense. Don't say: If he'll ask me, 1 will/'11 stay . .1 S ay: If he asks me, I will/'ll stay. Use the present tense in a future conditional m the if clause and the future tense in the main clause Note: But the future tense may be u sed in an if clause expressing a request lf you w/11'11 give me some money 1 wi/1/'/1 buy you a drink 128 Using the present tense after as if or as though instead of the past. Don't say: Janine talks as if she knows everything. ,/ S ay: Janine talks as if she knew everything . Use the past tense after the phrase as if or as though. He talks as if he knew everything, means He talks as he would talk if he knew everythmg Note: Use the subjective were with the verb to be after as if: He acts as if he were a rich man 25 Part 1 129 Usng the past conditional of wish instead of the present indicative. Don't say: 1 would wish to know more English. ./ Say: I wish (that) I knew more English. Use the present tense of wish to express a present meaning, followed by a that clause containing a past tense. 130 Using a wrong tense with an improbable condition. Don't say: lf he would/'d ask me, 1 )VOu]d/'d stay. .1 Say: If he asked me, I would/'d stay. Express an improbable condition by the past tense and use the conditional in the main clause. This use of the past tense doesn't indicate a time but a degree of probability. 131 Using a wrong tense with a counterfactual condition. Don't say: lf he would/'d have asked me, 1 would/'d stay .1 Say: lf he had/'d asked me, I would/'d have stayed. Express a counterfactual (that didn't happen) condition by the past perfect and use the past conditional in the main clause. This use of the past perfect doesn't indicate a time but an impossible happening. 132 Using the infinitive instead of a finite verb. Don't say: Sir, to go borne to get my book? .1 Say: Sir, may I go borne to get my book? The infinitive simply na mes an action without reference to person, number or time. Therefore, it can't make sense w1thout the help of a finite verb. 133 Mixing up the tenses. Don't say: They asked him to be captain, but he refuses. .1 S ay: They asked him to be captain, but he refused. lf you begin with a verb referring to past time, keep the verb forms in the past. The same rule applies to tenses throughout a composition. (See Exercises 24-30 on pages 148-151.) !VI isused forms - Use of certain tenses 1 Use the Simple Present for habitual or frequent actions 1 and use the Present Continuous for actions taking place at the present momenL Examples: l read the newspaper evety da y. J 'm reading an English book (now) . 2 Use the Simple Past when a definite time or date is mentioned, and use the Present Perfect when no time is mentioned. Examples: 1 did m y homework last night. 1 've done my homework (so 1 can watch TV - or whatever - now). o Express habitual or repeated actions in the past either by the Simple Past or by the phrase used to. Example: 1 went (or 1 used lo go) to thc cinema every week last year. Note: Don't use the Past Continuous (1 was going) for a past habitual iKtion, but for an action in the past continuing at the time another action took place: 1 was going to the cinema when 1 met him . 4 The only corree! tense to use is the Present Perfect if the action began in the past and is still continuing in the present. Example: ['ve been in this class for two months. 5 Be very careful NOT to use the future but the Present tense in a clause of time or condition, if the verb in the main clause is in the future. Example: 1 will/'ll visit the Parthenon when 1 go (or if 1 go) to Athens. ___n_ - ' Part 1 Miscellaneous examples 1 34 Confusion of gender. Don't say: The door is open, please shut her. ,/ Say:The door is open, please shut it. In English only names of people and animals have gender (masculine or femmine). 1nan1mate things are neuter, and take the pronoun it 1n the singular Note: lt's poss1ble to use masculine or femin1ne pronouns when inanimate th1ngs are personif1ed: England is proud of her na,y_ 135 Using the possessive 's with inanimate objects. Don't say: Her room's window is open. ,/ S ay: The window of her room is open. With inanimate objects we usually use the of structure. The door of the car. The leg of the table_ The surface af the water. W1th the na mes of places and organisations we can use either London's streets == The streets of London ltaly's climate. = The climate of ltaly. The school's main otf1ce = The ma1n offKe of the school Note However, we do say: a day's work, a night's rest, a week's holiday, a pound's worth, etc, especially w1th similar measures of t1me 136 Using the objective case after the verb lo be. Don't say: Jt was him. ,/ Say: lt was he. The pronoun commg after the verb to be must be in the nom1native case, and not m the object1ve m written compos1tion. However, the objective case 1s now usually used in coversat1on: lt's me,lt was him/her/them, etc 137 Using the objective case after the conjunction than. Don't say: My sister is taller than me. ,/ Say: My sister is taller than 1 (am). The word than 1s a conjunct1on, and can only be followed by a prono un 1n the nommative case The verb coming after the pronoun 1s generaliy om1tted Note: Use the obective case 1n spoken English. You're much taller than me M isused forms 138 Using the subject pronoun after hetween. Don't say: It's a secret between you and l. ./ Say: It's a secret between you and me. Between 1:, a ar-,d all prepos1t1or's take the ohject1ve ca'P a:e ren 139 Using an object pronoun before a gerund. Don't say: Him laughing at her was what made her angry. ./ Say: His laughing at her was what made her angry. \Nrter ,ve use an ing '-'erb as a nou'l. th> noun or pr{,r,cu1 be 140 Using an object pronoun in a double genitive. Don't say: A friend of him told us the news. ./ S ay. A friend of bis told us thc news. VI/e J,e the dm.ble ger1t1ve + name + 's, his, mine etc : :vhor1 >.-ve '/,Fl'. tt erq.Jhds,se the person vvho possesses rati',er than the :h,ng \1\'hc11 tw A friend of his 15 s:mply ano:her vvay of say1ng one of his friends 141 Misuse of -self forms. Don 't say: Michael and myself are he re. .1 Sav: Michac\ and 1 are herc. t'-Jote U\e tl'e -self prcrHyJr,s 1'1 \\'.'()'A ave, '1 i cr emnl1as 5h_' herself ,. -, J-:urr, ,, P'IE'X'''ei She herself. 142 Using hisself or theirselves instcad of himself or themselves. Don't say: Thcy fell down and hurt theirselvcs. ./ Say: They fell clown and hurt themselves. The ref'ex1VP pronours tlwd persor., are himself and themselves a1d r-.ot hsselt and the1rsei\'P> 29 Palft 1 143 M.isuse of nounlverb homonyms. Don't say: Becky played. a good play oi cb.ess. 1 Say: Becky played a good game of chess. Sorne verbs and nouns do have the same form and analogous mear,ing in English: The po/ice fght a hard fighr. Heather dreams long vivid dreams lf /ie the /ie wi/1 catch you out! The company danced an A{rican dance. However, we seldom use the same word like this. Usuaily we try to avoid it in sorne wc.y- She fought a long battle with them. !f you le you wi/1 be caught out. The company d1d an African dance. 144 Using the relative pronoun which for persons. Don't say: !'ve a brother which is at school. 1 Say: !'ve a brother who is at school. Only use which as a relative pronoun for anima\s or thmgs. The right pronoun to use for people IS who (whose, whom) 145 Using what or which alter everything, etc. Don't say: I heard everything which (or what) he said. 1 Say: I heard everything (that) he said. Oon't use the relative pronouns which and what after everything, al!, something, anything, a lot, (not muth), little, or nothing We can use that after these words, or it can be omitted. 146 Who and whom. Don't say: 1 saw the woman whom you said lived next door. 1 Say: I saw the woman (who) you said lived next door. We rarely use whom 1n modern English. We st11l use it after prepositions to, by, With, after, on etc. For example, The girl to whom you were speaking is Nigerian. We prefer to avoid this nowadays by changmg the arder of the sentence: The girl you were speaking to is Nigenan. You can also use that m place of who: The girl that you were speaking to is Nigerian (For Sections 144-146 see Exercise 18 on page 145.) Misused forms 147 Using who, whom, or which after the superlative mstead of that. ' Don't say: It's the best which !'ve seen. ,/ Say: lt's the bes! (that) !'ve seen. Use the relat1ve that (not who, whom, or whith) after a superiat,o however, be omltted lt can, 148 The sarne as/sarne that. Don't say: Amelia bouglit the same bag that me. ,/ Say: Ameha bought the same bag as me. After the same we use as unless it's followed by a subordlnate clause In whlch case we use that, or omlt lt Mr sm!th ordered the same mea/ (th t) h ordered befare a e 149 150 1 1 Note Sometlmes we use that lnstead of who or whkh after same the same clothes that he wore on Sunday Using who? or what? instead 0 which? Don't Who of the two boys is the taller? S ay: Whtch of the two boys is the taller? He wore Use the mterrogatlve pronoun which? for both people and thngs asks for one out of a defm1te number ' Note The mterrogatlve pronoun what? doesn"t lmply choice. What's yo r telephone number? lt's also used to ask for a person's profess 1 on u father? _ He"s a lawyer What's your (Compare Section 144.) Who? and Whom? (a) Who? Don't say: Whom do you think will be eh osen? Say: Who do you think will be chosen? (b) Whom? Don't say: Who do you think I saw yesterday? Say: Whom do you think I saw yesterday? In sen ten ce (a) who is the subject of will be chosen, do you think 15 a 31 Part 1 parenthe:,1:, In sentence (b) whom IS the Object of 1 saw, do you thmk IS a par;on:heSIS (For Sections 149 and 150 see Exercise 19 on page 145.) 151 Using one other instcad o! another. Don't say: Please give me one other book. ./ Say: Please give me another book. Another IS iormed from an and other, but mstead of be1ng wntten an other 1t's vmtten ont:e word another 152 Using the superlative instead o! the comparative. Don't say: John is the talles! o! the two boys. ./ S ay: John is the taller o! the two boys. J'=>t the compara(I'/E' when two people or th1nqs are compared See 154 1 53 Using from alter the comparative instead o! !han. Don't say: Amy is taller from her brother. ./ Sav: Amy is taller !han her brother. Adect1ves (or adverbs) n the comparat,ve are followed by than and not by from 1 54 Using the comparative instead o! the superlative. Don't say: Cairo is the larger city in Africa. ./ Say: Cairo is the largest city in Africa. ,Jse the superlat1ve when more than two persons or th1ngs are compared 1 SS Using the more instead of most. Don't say: The more people will agree with me. ./ Say: Most people will agree with me. Use most (not the more) v':hen yo u mean the ma;onty of Note Use the more rn sentences l1ke The more 1 compla1n, the morP laugh The more we wnte, the happter our tutor becomes ----'-- l56 Us:ng more good or more bad instead of beHer or vvorse. Don 't say: This one looks more good than that. ,/ S ay. This eme looks better than that. The adj2r\IV"es good and bad have !'regular forms of corroar1sor1 goc.d, better, best and bad, worse, worst (For Sections 151-156 see Exercises 7 and 8 on page 140.) 157 Using home instead ol al borne. Don't say: In the afternoon 1 stay home . .1 Say: In the aftcrnoon 1 stay al home. Use :he at home mean 'n r-he house \tJ1h such come or go no prepm1\1on .s necessa1y 1-le wants to go home 1 58 Using from instead of one of or among. Don't say: She is lrom the nicest girls 1 know. .1 Say: She is one of the nicest girls 1 know. Avod us1ng from m the sen se of one of or among 1 59 Using the passive infinitive (to be + past participle) instead of the active (to + infinitive). Don't say: English isn't easy to be learned. ./ Say: English isn't easy lo learn . The adjectives easy, difficult, hard, heavy, good, etc, are generai!y followed by the active 1nfmit1ve 160 Using an intransitive verb in the passive lorm. Don't say: S he was disappeared from the house . .1 Say: She disappeared from the house. tl,s a cule, don't use lntrans1t1ve verbs, l1ke appear, seem, become, consist, 1n t!le pass1ve form lntrans1t1ve verbs don't have an ObjeCi 33 Part 1 1 61 Mixing up one form of the verb with another. Don't say: lt's better to enjoy yourself when you're young rather than wasting time worrying about the future. ,/ Say: It's better to enjoy yourself when you're young than to waste time worrying about the future. oon't m1x one form of the verb w1th another. lf the f1rst verb 1n a companson 1s in the mf1n1t1ve, the second must also be m the infmit1ve 162 Wrong sequence of moods. Don't say: If you would/'d do me this favour, l will/'11 be very grateful to you. ,/ Say: If you would/'d do me this favour, I would/'d be very grateful to you. Or: If you will/'11 do me this favour, I will/'d be very grateful to you. 163 The unrelated participle. Don 't say: Being in a hurry, the door was left open. ,/ S ay: Being in a hurry, he left the door open. Take care to provide the log1cal subject relating to the participle phrase. In the sentence given, the log1cal subject to being in haste is he and not the door 164 The question phrase isn't it? misused. Don't say: He played well yesterday, isn't it? ,/ Say: He played well yesterday, didn't he? use the questlon phrase isn't it only when the preceding statement contains the word is: lt is a hot da y, isn't it? Note. In th'1s form of quest'1on, use the same tense and personas m the precedmg statement and use the correct auxli1ary. lf, however, the precedmg statement rs m the negative form, the questron phrase omits not. We say 1 They are on hollday, aren't they' They aren't on holiday, are they 1 2 You speak English, don't you7 You don't speak French; do you' (See Exercise 36 on page 154.) Misused forms 165 Misuse of the gemnd to express purpose. Don't say: 1 come here for learning English. ,/ S ay: 1 come here to learn English. Express purpose by usmg the rnfmrtrve. not the gerund 166 Yes or No in answer to negative questions. Question: Didn't you see thc game? Yes, - that is) I saw it. Answer: No, - that is, 1 didn't see it. In answering negative questrons, say Yes rf the answer tS an affrrmalion, and No rf rt's a negative. That rs, answer without any regard to the negatrve form of the questron 16 Using a double negative. Don't say: She says she's not afraid of nobody. ,/ S ay: She says she's not afraid of anybody. Or: She says she's afraid of nobody. In English. two negattves are equal to an affrrmattVe statement. You should avord using two negatrve words rn the same clause when not rs used, none changes to any, nothlng to anything. nobody to anybody, no one to anyone, nowhere to anywhere, neither nor to either or (See Exercise 38 on page 155.) 168 Using one time or two times instead of once or twice. Don't say: 1 was absent one time or two times. ,/ Say: I was absent once or twice. Use once and twice rnstead of one time and two times 169 Using a day, etc., instead of one day, etc. _L __ Don't say: A day they went sight-seeing in Florence. ,/ S ay: One day they went sight-seeing in Florence. Use one (not a or an) wrth day, night, morning. afternoon and evening, when the one means on a certain .... 35 Part 1 170 Using the other day instead of !he next da y, etc, Don't say: David slept well and was bctter thc other day . .! Say: David slept \vell ami was better the next d21y (or on the following day), The other day rs ar rr:Jiom mednH19 a fcw dCJy;; ago 1 rrrer an oid fnend the other da y 171 Using eme and a half, instead of half past one, etc. Don't say: Lessons begin at eight anda half. , S ay: Lcssons begin at half past eight !r. tell:r',::: t-rne, say half past one half past two, half past three, Plc 172 Using as usually instead of as usual. Don't say: As usually, he ieft hispen at home. ,/ S ay: As usual, he left his pen at homc, 173 Using according to my opinion instead of lin my opinion. Don't say: According to my opinion, she's rtght. ,/ Say: In my opinior., she's right Note Avorrlt:c;H'9 the as 1 think 1nstear:J of 1 third: S3'1' Ne'c; iazy ar.'ci 1 think he'ii la!/, llOt as 1 think! 174 Using at the end instead of in the end, Don't say: At the end they reached the city , Say. In the end they reached the city, In the end f1nally or at last at the end means at the farthesc po1nt or par: There'> an tnde,< at the end of th1s book There's a hol!day at the end of rh1s montt1 175 Using under the rain instead of in the rain, Don't say: They played football under the rain, , S ay: They played football in the rain, Note Also in the sun and in the shade . He was smmg in ihe sun (or in the shade) M isused forms Have another look at , .. Negatives Express the uegative in the present + past simple in one of two ways: 1 By putting not(n't) after the verb, Use this method with the following twenty-one verbs, am, is, are, was, were; have, has, had; shall, should; will, would; can, could; ma:y, might; must; need; dare; ough t , .. to; used , , to, Examples: !'m not ready, You mustn't do that He can't write welL He oughtn't to go, conversation, not is often shortened to n't. We say don't for do not, doesn't for does not, didn't for did not, hadn't for had not, wouldn't for would not, etc (But we say shan't for shall not, won't for willnot, can't for canuot.) 2 Use do, does, did, with not and the present infinitive (without lo), Use this method with all verbs except those twenty-one given above. Thc word order is: SUBJECT + do (does, did) + not + JNFINITIVE Examples: 1 don't go there very often, He doesn't teach English, They didn't see the game, 3 Use other words of negative meaning to express negatives: no, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere. Examplc: They know nothing or They do not (don't) kuow anything, 37 Part 1 176 Using the re asan is because instead of the reason is that. Don't say: The reason is beca use 1 believe it. ,1 Say: The reason is that 1 believe it. The word reason denotes cause, therefore the reason is because is repetition. The correct idiom is the reason is that ... 177 Using a country instead of the country. Don't say: 1 spend my holidays in a country. ,1 Say: 1 spend my holidays in the country. A country is a place like France, lnd1a, or Egypt. The country 1S a rural area where there are no towns or ot1es 178 Using if instead of whether. Don't say: 1 asked Paul if he was going. ,1 Say: 1 asked Paul whether he was going. Where or not is 1mplied, use whether, not if. Unlike whether, if does not ex.pect a Yes or No reply: 1 sha/1 speak to him if he comes 179 Using any for two, instead of either. Don't say: Any of these two books is good. ,1 Say: Either of these two books is good. Either means one or the other of two; any means one of three or more Any of these books wi/1 do. 180 Using likes me instead of 1 like. Don't say: The cinema likes me very much. ,1 Say: 1 like the cinema very much. -= Note: The cinema appeals to me is correct, and means 1 like the cinema very much Misused fo,ms 181 Using neither ... or instead of neither .... nor. say: Sara neither English or Frenen. ,/ Sara speaks nether English nor French. Neither must be foJiowed by nor and not by or. Either 15 fol!owec Y or drmks et[-ler orange u1 ce or apple uice 182 both in a negative sentence instead of neither. ?on t say: Both of them didn't go to school today. ,/ e ay: NeJther of them went to school today. 183 P.emember Change both 1nto neither m a negatNe sentence and use;:; ,l'-C'Sitlvt' vub Using also or too in a negative sentence instead of either. :_:on>ty say: .Toe hasn't come a!so (or too). / :::.ay: Joe hasn't come either. 184 RemPrdler C.:ange al so or ':0o lnto '"ither In il negatve senterce and in a sen ten ce instead of or. Dun't say: I don't like red and orange. I want the blue one. ,/ S ay: l don 't !ike red or orange 1 want the bl L .U'2 one. ,i'he
of the f1r5t :.entence is that you don'L 1
1 ke the hvo ('),'ours .ogether. The mtended meanmg IS that you don't like eJther of them even separately lf we om el a uses wlth dltferent subjects we use and even aft negat1ve. He d1dn"t wr1te tome and 1 was worned era 185 Using till instead of befare or when. Don't say: l'd reached the school till the rain started ,1 S ay: 'l'd reached the school before the rain started. . Or: 1 d reached the school when the rain started. Before or when Introduces a clause of time lf the verb of th 1 de 1 ' e mam cause no es al' actJon cornplet.ed beforp that of the time clause 39 ---.. , - _ ___..j Part 1 Un-English expressions Mistakes often result from too clase a translationinto English of foreign idiomatic expressions. The followmg are examples of such nustakes: 186 Take an exam, not give an exam. Don't say: The pupil gave his exam. ,/ Say:The pupil took his exam. Note. The teacher gives or sets the exam The student takes the exam or sits the exam 187 To be right or wrong, not to have nght or wrong. Don't say: You've right or You've wrong. ,/ S ay: You're right or You're wrong. 188 To be busy, not to have work. Don't say: I have much work this morning. ,/ Say: I'm very busy this mo'rning. Note We can say: 1 ha ve a /ot of work todo this morning 189 It's cold, etc., not it has cold, etc. Don't say: Jt has cold this winter. ,/ S ay: It'.s cold this winter. 190 Go for a walk, not make a walk. Don't say: We made a walk along the river. ,/ Say: We went !or a walk along the river. Note" we can also say_ We hada walk or We took a wa/k along the nver. M isused forms 191 Go !ora ride on a bicycle, etc., not go for a walk on a bicycle, etc. Don't say: We went for a walk on our bicycles. ,/ Say: We went for a ride on our bicycies. Note: We ride on a b1cycle. on horsebad, etc., but we ride 1n a bus, tra1n. or other public veh1cle 192 Mount or get on a horse, etc. not ride a horse, etc. Don 't say: Pe ter ro de his horse and went home. ,/ S ay: Peter got on his horse and rode home. Note: To ride denotes a act1on To mount or to get on denotes a simple act1on 193 Dismount or get off a horse, etc., not come down from a horse, etc. Don't say: TI1ey carne down from their horses. ,/ S ay: They got off their horses. Note. We get out of a tax1 ora car. We get on or off the tra1n, bus, etc 194 Go on foot, not go with the feet. Don't say: Shall we go there with the feet? ,/ S ay: S hall we go there on loo(? 195 Take or have a shower, not make a shower. Don't say: I make a shower every morning. ,/ S ay: 1 take a shower every morning. Or: 1 have a shower every morning. Note When speak1ng of the sea or the nver, say_ to bathe. to have a bathe, to go for a bathe, to go bathing, to go for a swim orto go swimming 196 Ask a question, not make a question. Don't say: Naomi made me several questions. ,/ Say: Naomi asked me severa! questions. 41 _Ml._ _...________ Part 1 197 Take an hour, not need an hour, etc. Don't say: l'l! need an hour to do that. .1 S ay: lt'll take me an hour to do that. 198 Give a discount, not make a discount. Don 't say: He m a de me a small discount. ./ Say: He gave me a srnall discount. 199 Take exercise, not make exercise. Don't say: You ought to make more exercise. .1 S ay: You ought to take more exercise. 200 Give or deliver a lecture, not make a lecture. Don't sa_v: He made an interesting lecture. .! Say: He gave an intcrcsting lecture. Or: He delivered an interesting lecture. No:P We s,Jy Ht' made an rter(";tln!J speech 201 Say one's prayers, not ma.l;;.e or du one's praver. Dun't say: 1 make my prayer befare 1 go to bed. ,/ Say: 1 say my prayers befare 1 go to bed. ~ o t e To say grate 15 tJ ask r,od's bles;1ng before begln'lwg a mea 202 Pretend, not make oneself that. Don't say: She makes herself that she knows. .! Say: She pretends to know. 203 Have a dream, not see a dream. Don't say: 1 saw a strange dream last night. Say: l had a strange dream last night. Or: 1 dreamt a strange dream last night. 204 Smoke a cigarette, etc., not drink a cigarette, etc. Don'! say: He drinks too many cigarettes . .1 Say: He smokes too many cigarettes. 42 Misused forms 205 Make a mistake, not do a mtstake. Don't say: 1 did one mistake in dictation . .1 Say: 1 made onc mistake in dictation. 206 Tell or speak the truth, not say the truth. Don't say: Fiona always says the truth . .1 Say: Fiona always tells the truth. Or: Fiona always speaks the truth. Note Aiso to tell a lie (not to saya lie): i-le told me a /re 207 See or watch a garue, not to follow a game. Don't say: O id you follow the game? .! Say: O id you see (or watch) the game? Note Avo1d saymg to fol/ow the lesson when yo u mean to attend the class 208 Turn (switch) the Iight on or off, not open or shut the light. Don't say: Please open (or shut) the light. .! Say: Please turn on (or off) the light. Or: Please switch on (or off) the light. ~ o t e VVe light, blow out or put out a lamp. a candle, or a flre 209 Give an example, not bring an example. Don't say: Can you bring a better example7 .! S ay: Can you give a better example? 21 O Give a mark, not put a mar k. Don't say: The teacher put me a good mark. .1 Say: The teacher gave me a good mark. Note. Avoid to puta /esson, ro puta goal Say 1nstead. to give a lesson, to score a goal. 43 Part 1 211 Set a watch by, nol p;t a watch with. Don't say: I pul my walch wilh the radio news. ./ Say: I set my watch by the radio news. 212 A watch is slow or fast, not goes behind or in front. Don't say: M y watch goes two minutes behind. ./ Say: My watch is two minutes slow. Note We can al so say. My warch loses or gains 213 Show a film, not play a film. Don't say: This film will be played shortly . ./ S ay: This film will be shown shortly. 214 Have one's hair cut, not cut one 's ha ir. Don't say: I'm going lo cut my hair . ./ Say: I'm going to have my hair cut. Note: Avoid 1'1/ make a parr of shoes (ora suit of clothes). Say instead f'll :,ave a pair of shoes (ora suit of clothes) made. 21 5 Learn by heart, not learn from out. Don't say: We have a poem lo learn from out. ./ So': We have a poem to learn by heart. 216 Pul on weight, not put weight. Don 't say: I've pul at leas! three kilos. ./ Say: I've put on at least three kilos. The npposite of to put on weight is to lose weight: She has Jost five kilos 21 7 It works miracles, not it makes miracles. Don't That medicine makes miracles . ./ Say: That medicine works miracles. 44 _l. Misused forms 218 Getting on with, not going with. Don't say: How is S usan going with her work? ./ Say: How is Susan getting on with her work? 2"19 Thts morning, etc., not today moming, etc. Don't say: I haven't seen him today morning . 1 Say: I haven't seen him this morning. te: two1d toda y mornmg, today afternoon, toda y e\enmg, yesterday rughC thrs mght. Say: this morning, this afternoon, this evening, last night, tonight. 220 Quietly, not slowly, slowly. Don't say: The boy carne in slowly, slowly. ,/ Say: The boy carne in quietly. 221 What's the matter not What have you? Don't say: What have you today? ,/ S{''l: What's the matter with you today? Note: What's wrong (with you)?, What's the trouble (with you)? and What's the problem? are aiso corect 222 Wha! do you call ... ? not How do you call . ? Don't say: How do you call this in English? ,/ S ay: What do yo u call this in English? r-.Jote lf the quest1on 1sn': about a th1ng, but about some express1on. we'd say, How do you say this in English? (See Exercise 62 on pages 163-164.) 45 Part 2 Incorrect omissions Omission of prepositions The following are examples of mistakes made through the om.ission of the preposition after certain words: 223 Ask for a thing, not ask a thing. Don't say: She came and asked my book. .' Say: She came and asked for my book. 224 Dispose/get rid of a thing, not disposelget rid a thing. Don't say: He'II dispose/get rid all his property. .1 Say: Hc'll dispnse/get rid of all his property. 2.25 Dream of a thing, not dream a thing. Don 't say: Young men dream glory and riches. .! Say: Young men dream of glory and riches. 226 Explain toa person, not explain a person. Don't say: She explained me the matter. .! Say: S he explained the matter to me. 227 Knock at the door, not knock the door. Don 't say: Who is knocking the door? .! Say: 'A01o is knocking at the door? lncorrect omissions 228 Listen to a person or thing, not listen a person or thing. Don't say: They were listening the music . .! Say: They were listening to !he music. 229 Pay for a thing, not pay a thing. Don't say: How much did you pay the book? .1 Say: How much did you pay for the book? Note. A person can pay another person He/She can also paya bill, a'1 account, or a subscriptron He/She pays for a thing that he/s:-,e buvs 230 Point to or at a person or thing, not point a person or thing. Don't say: He pointed the map on the wall. .! Say: He pointed to the map on the wall. Or: He pointed at the map on the wall. Note Also point out He pointed out the boy who drd rt To point (wrtl'out any prepositron) means to direct: Don't point the gun this vvay 231 Remind a person of something, not remind a person something. Don't say: Please remind me that later. .1 Say: Please remind me of that later . 232 Reply to a person, not reply a person. Don't say: She's not replied me yet. .1 Say: She's not replied tome yet. 233 Say toa person, not say a person. Don't saY: Kevin said me, Come tomorrow.' .1 Say: Kevin said lo me, 'Come tomorrow.' 47 Part 2 234 Search for a lost thing, not search a lost thing. Don't say: They're searching the ball. ,f S ay: They're searching for the ball. Note. In search of: The wolf goes in search of sheep. To sean:h someone or someth1ng (w1thout the for) means to look 1n one's pockets or h o u ~ The po/Jceman searched the man and his house 235 Share with a person, not share a person. Don't say: My friend shared me his book. ./ S ay: M y friend shared his book with me. 236 Speak toa person, not speak a person. Don't say: 1'11 speak him about that. ./ Say: 1'11 speak to him about that. !'Jote: 1'11 speak to h1m means /'//do al/ the speaking; 1'11 speak with him means l'll have a conversation wtth htm. 237 Supply a person wilh somelhing, not supply a person something. Don't say: Can you supply me a11 1 need? ./ S ay: Can you supply me with a11 1 need? Note: Also provide a person with: She provided her son with al/ he needed 238 Think o! a person or thing, not think a person or thing. Don't say: Think a number and then double it. ./ Say: Think o! a number and then doubie it. 239 Wait !or a person or lhing, not wait a person or thing. Don't say: 1'11 wait you at the cinema. ./ S ay: 1'11 wait for you at the cinema. Note. Await takes no preposition: l'm awaiting your rep/y 48 lncorrect omissions 240 Wish for a thing, not wish a thing. Don't say: He doesn't wish any reward. ./ S ay: He doesn't wish for any reward. 241 Write lo a person, not write a person. Don't say: !'11 write her tomorrow . ./ S ay: 1'11 wrile lo her tomorrow. Note: When the direct object of write ts expressed, omit the preposition /'!/ write him a letter. (See Exercises 84 and 85 on pages 173-174.) Miscellaneous examples 242 The -s or -es of the third person singular omitted. Don't say: He speak English very well. ,/ Say: He speaks English very we11. Take great ca re not to leave out the -sor -es from the present tense, when the subject is he, she, it. ora nun in the stngular (See Exercise 31 on page 151.) 243 Using don't instead o! doesn't. Don't say: He don't care what he says. ,/ Say: He doesn't care what he says. Use don't (= do not) with 1, we, you, they, and wtth plural nouns_ Use doesn't (= does not) with he, she, it, and with singular nouns (See Exercise 32 on page 152.) 244 The -d or -ed of the past tense omitted. Don't say: 1 receive a letter yesterday . ,/ Say: 1 received a letter yesterday. Take care not to leave out the -d or -ed from the past tense of regular verbs. When speaking, pronounce the ending of the past tense clearly. 49 Part 2 h ;" another loo k at ... Third person singular, simple present 1 \Nith the pronouns he, she 1 it, or any sint;lar no un, the verb in the present tense takes a specia! ending, -s, -es qr -ies: he works, it catches, the sun rises, she worries. 2 When the first person of the verb ends in s. x, ch. sh. or o, the third person singular takcs -es: 1 watch 1 finish 1 fix I go he watches he finishcs he fixes he goes 3 When the first person of the verb ends in -y with a consonan! befare it, form the third person singular by changing y into ies: 1 carry I study l tly he carries he studies he fiies Note: lf there is a vowel befare the -y, we only add s for the third person singular: he p/ays, he enjoys, he obeys. 4 A few verbs are irregular in the third person singular: 1 am 1 have he is he has S Modal verbs such as will, can. m ay, must, and ought do NOT change their form in the third person singular: 1 will 1 can l may 1 must he will he can he may he must Remember: The third person singular of verbs in the present tense takes -s, -es or -ies. _SQ_ - .__________ _ lncorrect omissions 245 The s, es or -ies o! the plural form omitted. Don't say: l paid six pound for the book . .1 Say: l paid six pounds for the book. Take ure not to ieave out the -s, -es or -ies of the plural number_ Note the followmg nouns have trregular plurals. man, men; woman, women; child, children; ox, oxen; foot, feet; tooth, teeth; goose, geese; mouse, mke. 246 The possessive ending omitted. Don't say: A hen's egg is different from a pigeon. .1 Say: A hen's egg is different from a pigeon's. lf the first noun tn a compamon ts 1n the po55esstve case. the second must also be tn the possesstve: My mother's nose 1s bigger than my father's 247 Omission of the article befare a countable noun in the singular. Don't say: I've no money to buy car. ./ Say: I've no money to buy a car. As a rule. use etther the ora oran befare a countable noun tn the stngular 248 Omission of a or an after the verb to be. Don't say: I'm not teacher, I'm student. .1 Say: I'm not a teacher, l'm a student. Use the 1nrlef1n1te article a or an to express a singular noun-complement O: the verb to be There's an ammal in there_ lt's a mouse 249 Omission of a or an alter the word half. Don't say: He drank half glass of milk. .1 S ay: He drank half a glass of milk. Note. Half a glass (an hour, a day, a mile, etc) 1s the shortened form of half of a glass (of an hour, of a day, of a mile, etc) 250 Omission of a or one befare hundred, etc. Don't say: Hundred years make a century. 51 Part 2 ol Say: A hundred years make a century. Or: One hundred years make a century. Use the indefinite art1cle a or the numeral one before hundred and thousand See also Section 527 251 Omission of a or an from make a noise, etc. Don't say: 1 told them not to make noise. ol S ay: 1 told them not to make a noise. Note. Also to make a mistake, to make a fortune, to make a will, to make an impression, to make an experiment, to make an attempt. 252 Omission of the before names of nationalities. Don't say: English are fond of sports. ,/ Say: The English are fond of sports. Place the def1nite article befare the names of natronallt1es. desmbing a people collectvely the Bntish, the French, the Dutch, the Sw1ss, the Chmese, the Sudanese, etc 253 Omission of !he before names of musical instruments. Don't say: 1 play violin, but not piano. ,/ Say: 1 play the violin, but not the piano. Use the defrnite artrcle befare the na mes of musrcal 1nstruments 254 Omission of the before the word cinema, etc. Don't say: On Saturday 1 go to cinema. ol Say: On Saturday 1 go to the cinema. Use defmrte article befare the words cinema, theatre, concert, etc (For Sections 247-254 see Exercises 16 and 17 on page 144.) 255 Omission of the verb to be from the passive. Don't say: Charles Dickens born in 1812. ,/ Say: Charles Dickens was boro in 1812. Form the pass1ve form by using the verb to be, comb1ned with the past part1c1ple of the verb requ1red (to be + past part1ciple) lncorrect omissions Have another look at ... Indefinite article Use the indefinite article: 1 Befare every common noun in the singular, if it isn't preceded by the or sorrte word such as this, that, my. his: I bought a new book (not: I bought new book). 2 Befare the words hundred and thousand: A hundred soldiers were in the camp. 3 After the verb to be when a countable noun in the singular follows: Mary's father is a lawyer. 4 In certain phrases: to make a noise, a mistake, a fortune, an impression; to have a headache, a pain, a cold, a cough. Don't use the indefinite article: 1 Befare singular nouns that aren't used in the plural. such as advice, information, work, furniture, bread Example: He gave me good advice (not: a good advice). 2 After the phrase kind of or sort o!: What kind of pen do you wanf? a, an or one Many languages use the numeral one instead of the indefinite article a or an. This is not so in English. One man went into one slwp ought lo be A ma11 went into a shop. One is used only when the number is emphatic: One swallow dnes not make a summer. 53 Part 2 256 Omission of the auxiliary do from questions. Don't say: You understand the problem? He understands the problem? She understood the problem? .1 Say: Do you understand the problem? Does he understand the problem? Did she understand the problem? Place the auxiliary verb dq (does, did) befare the subject to ask questions in the Simple present and simple past tenses. Note: Don't use the auxiliary do with modal verbs, like can, may, must: Can you meet me tomorrow? (See Exercise 34 on page 153.) 257 Omission of auxiliary do when do is a principal verb. Don't say: Do pupils their work carefully? .1 S ay: Do pupils do their work carefully? In the correct form of the sentence, the first do means nothing on its own and only helps to make the question. The second do 1s the principal verb of the sentence. and has the meaning of perform 2 58 Omission of the preposition indicating time. Don't say: I was born the third of December. .1 Say: I was born on the third of December. As a rule, don't use a noun without a preposition to show the time of sorne action Note: Don't use a preposition with last year, next year. sorne day, one day, thls afternoon, etc. 2 59 Omission of the preposition after the infinitive. Don't say: They've no houses to live . .1 Say: They've no houses to live in. The infinitive of an intransitivc verb (iike live, etc.): it must have a preposition after it _..L_ lncorrect omissons Verb ro BE ' J i!Wnl, you are/' re, he (she,it) s/'s; .. th"Y are/'re. Pa.s{Tensl!! t.was, you were, he (she, it) was; We, you, they were. Future Tense !, you, he (she, it) will/'ll be; We, you, they will/'11 be. Present Perfect 1, you, have/'ve been, he (she, it) has/'s been; We, you, they have/'ve been. Past Perfect 1, you, he (she, it) had/'d been; We, you, they had/'d been . Future Perfect 1, yo u, he (she, it) will/'11. have been; We, you, they will/'11 have been. Uses of the verb TO BE as auxiliary Use the verb to be: 1 Wth the Present Participle to form theContinuous Tenses. To be + Present Participle Example: The sun was shining in the sky, 2 With the Past Participle to form the Passive Form. To /1e + Past Partidple Exrnple: .The letter was written by John. 5 Part 2 260 Omission of there as an introductory word. Don't say: Once lived a great king. .1 Say: Once there/There once lived a great king. Use the adverb there to introduce the subject of a sentence in which the verb stands befare the subject 261 Omission of how after the verb to know. Don't say: She knows to play the piano. .1 Say: She knows how to play the piano. After the verb to know the adverb how always comes befare an infinitive 262 Omission of other after a comparative. Don't say: Homer was greater than all the Greek poets. ,/ Say: Homer was greater than all the other Greek poets. Since Homer was a Greek poet. the first sentence makes him greater than himself, which is illogical. 263 Omission of befare in comparisons. Don't say: !'d never seen such a thing . .1 Say: !'d never seen such a thing befare. Don't leave out the word befare in making a comparison between one thing and all others of the same kind. 264 Omission of else after everybody, etc. Don't say: She is stronger than everybody. ,/ Say: She is stronger than everybody else. Use the word else rn making a comparison between one person or thing and 51ll others of the same kind after everybody, anybody, anything, etc. 265 Omission of the demonstrative pronoun one. Don't say: This is the only that I like. .1 Say: This is the only one that I like. 56 __ _L - lncorrect omissions Use the demonstrative prono un one (plural onesl in place of a no un mentroned before .266 Omission of the personal pronoun befare the infinitive. Don't say: I want to tell me the truth. ,/ Say: I want you to tell me the truth. Express the subject of the mfin1t1ve atter verbs l1ke want, like, wish. etc , 1f 1t 1s d1fferent from that of the ma1n verb 267 Omission ofitas subject of an impersonal verb. Don't say: ls very hot in the Sudan . .1 S ay: It's very hot in the Sudan. Use the pronoun itas the subject of an impersonal verb 268 Omission of the pronoun subject from the principal el a use. Don't say: When he saw the teacher, stood up. .1 Say: When he saw the teacher, he stood u p. In a sentence begmning w1th an adverbial clase, express ~ h personal pronoun as the subject of the ma1n clause 269 Omission of the personal pronoun after a quotation. Don't say: 'l'm leaming English,' said. ,/ Say: 'l'm learning English,' he said. After a quotat1on. express the personal prono un as the subject of the report1ng verb 270 The object of the transitive verb omitted. Don't say: I asked her for sorne paper, but she had not. .1 S ay: I asked her for sorne paper, but she had none/didn't have any. As a rule, every transit1ve verb must have an expressed object he re, none (equivalen! to not any) 1s the object of had 57 Part 2 271 Omission of the direct object when there are two objects. Don't say: 1 asked him for sorne ink, and he gave me. .! S ay: 1 asked him for sorne ink, and he gave me sorne. Sorne trans1t1ve verbs, l1ke give, bring, send, tell, buy. show, must have two obwcts. d1rect and 1nd1rect here, sorne rs the d1rect obect of gave 272 The object of the verb enjoy omitted. Don't say: 1 enjoycd during the holidays. ,/ S ay: 1 enjoyed myself during the holidays. Or: 1 enjoyed my holidays. Don't follow the verb enjoy by a prepos1tron lt must always have an obect, whrch m ay erther be a reflex1Ve pronoun or a no un Note. We say 1 hada good time, as thrs 1s an 1d1omat1C expression, but we can't say 1 enoyed my time_ We must spec1fy. 1 enjoyed my t1me in Greece 273 Omission of the noun alteran adjective. Don't say: The unfortunate was shot dead. .! Say: The unfortunate man was shot dead. The r-oun that comes after an adective can't be understood: 1t must be exprPssed Om1t the no un alter an adect1ve only when the adect1ve iS u sed as a noun in the plural The poor envy the rch 27 4 Omission of the word and between numbers. Don 't say: Eight thousand thirty-seven. .! Say: Eight thousand and thirty-seven. Use the cOnJunctiOrt and to connect hundred, thousand, million toa number of tens or un 1ts 275 Omission of the word or between numbers. Don't say: l've only two, three friends. .! Say: !'ve only two or three friends. 58 We must a..ways 1nsert <he conJunct1on or between numbers like th1s two or three men, five or six pages, eight or ten days. _ ___ lncorrect omissions 276 Omission of the word old from age. Don't say: My sister is fifteen years. .! Say: My sister is fifteen years old . Note We can a!so say My s1ster 1s fifteen years of age, or s1mply, My 5,5rer 1s fifteen 277 For this used instead of for this reason. Don't say: For this he wants to leave. ,/ Say: For this reason he wants to leave. The phrase for this 1s mcorrect Say for this reason or for that reason Also owing to that or because of that 278 Better used instead of had better. Don't say: Better go borne at once. ,/ S ay: You'd better go home at once. The correct phrase 1s had better You had better go means lt would be a good thing for you to go . 279 Up and down used instead of upstairs and downstairs. Don't say: He's up, he's clown. .! Say: He's upstairs, he's downstairs. He's up means he's out of bed. He's upstairs (downstairsl means he's on the upper (lower) floor of the build1ng 280 Throw it used instead of throw it away. Don't say: It's dirty, throw it. .! S ay: It's dirty, throw it away. Throw it means to throw a thmg at someone or somewhere. such as a ball Throw it away means to get r1d of it by throwmg 1\ as1de 281 I don't think used instead of 1 don'! think so. Don't say: 1 don't think . ,/ S ay: 1 don'! think so. 1 don't think means 1 don't use my bra1ns. whlle r don't think so means 1 am not of that op1n1on 59 Part 2 282 Befare yesterday, etc., used instead of the day before yesterday, etc. Don't say: Lynne arrived befare yesterday . .1 S ay: Lynne arrived the day before yesterday. The phrases befare yesterday after tomorrmv, afte,- next week are mcorrect Say :nstead, the day e f o n ~ yc6terday, the day after tomorrow, the week after next. 283 Thank you used instead of No, thank you. Don't say: Thank you (if you want to refuse an offer). .1 Say: No, thank you. Note: Use thank you to accept an offer. lt generally mean o Ves, piease. 60 Part 3 Unnecessary words Unnecessary prepositions The words below do not require a preposition to go with them because they have within them the meaning of the preposition . 284 Answer (= reply to). Don't say: Please answer to my question. ,/ S ay: Please answer my question. Note The noun answer takes to. His answer to m y question was wrong 285 Approach (=come near to). Don't say: Don't approach to that house. ,/ Say: Don'! approach that house. 286 Ask ( = put a question to). Don't say: 1 asked to the teacher about it. ,/ Say: 1 asked the teacher about it. 287 Attack (= go and fight against). Don't say: They attacked against the enemy. ,/ Say: They attacked the enemy. Note We say, to make an attack on They mar/e an attack on the enemy 288 Comprise ( = consist of). Don't say: The book comprises of five chapters. ,/ S ay: The boa k comprises five chapters. Or: The book is comprised of five chapters. 61 Part 3 289 En ter ( = go into). Don't say: We enlered in lo tbe classroom. ,/ Say: We entered the classroom. Note: We enter into a conversation, a debate, or a dtscusston 290 Finish (= cometo the end o!). Don't say: !'ve finisbed from my work. ,( Say: !'ve finished my work. 291 Leave (= depart from). Don't say: Brian left from England last week. ,/ S ay: Brian left England last week. 292 Obey (= act according to). Don't say: We should o bey to our teacbers . .! S ay: We sbould obey our teachers. 293 Allow (to) or let (= give permission to). Don't say: The driver allowed/lel lo Jobn (lo) sil in lbe fronl sea!. ,/ Say: The driver allowed/let John (lo) sil in lbe fronl sea t. Note. Permit has a stmilar meantng to Iet. though tt's used in more formal sttuattons The teacher doesn't permit us to talk in class 294 Reach (= arrive at). Don't say: We reacbed al lbe' scbool early. ,/ Say: We reached the school early. 295 Resemble (=be similar to). Don'! say: Does sbe resemble lo her fatber 7 ,/ Say: Does sbe resemble her falher? 62 Note resemblance takes to or between_ She bears no resemblance to her father, There tS no resemblance between them Unnecessary words 296 Tell (= say to). Don't say: 1 told lo him lo come al once. .! Say: I told him to come at once. 297 Behind (= at the back of). Don't say: Edward bid bebind of a large lree . .! S ay: Edward bid behind a large tree. 298 lnside (=in the interior of). Don't say: The boys wenl inside of lbe room . ./ Say: The boys went inside the room. 299 Outside ( = on !he exterior of). Don 't say: They stood oulside of lb e door . ./ Suy. They slood outside the door. 300 Round (= on all sides o!). Don't say: The earth goes round of the sun. ./ S ay: The earth goes round the sun. Note. Around is srmrlar rn meanrng and use to round (See Exercises 86 and 87 on page 174.) Unnecessary articles 301 Wrong use of the wilh proper nouns. Don't say: The Sarah will go to tbe England. ./ Say: Sarah will go lo England. Don't u ~ the defmrte article wrth proper nouns. Note Generally place the befo re U1e na mes of rrvers, seas, oceans. bays, gulfs, mountarn ranges, groups of rslands, and countnes or provrnces consrst:ng of an adJectrve anda noun. We say: the Nlle, the Mediterranean. the Atlantrc, the Bay of Brscay, the Persran Gulf. the Alps, the Dodecanese, the Unlted S lates, the Central Provrnces of India. 63 Part 3 302 Wrong use o! the with proper nouns in the possessive. Don't say. The Euripides' tragedies are famous. ,/ Say: Euripides' tragedies are famous. Do'l't use the defmite artrcle wrth proper nouns in the case Note. lf the name ends rn <Hr sor x or rs difficult to pronounce wrth the extra syiiablc 's we omrt the frnal s. Mana Callas' varee !S divine 303 Wrong use o! the with abstrae! nouns. Don't say: The bravery is a great virtue. .1 Say: Bravery is a great virtue. .Abstrae\ nouns, if used in a general sense. can't take the artrcle No',e Abstract nouns, used rn a partrcular sense, use the artrcle: The bravery of the Spartans was renovmed 304 Wrong use o! the with material nouns. Don't say: The gold is a precious metal. .1 Say: Gold is a precious metal. Don't use any artrc',e Wrlh materral nouns, if used in a general sense nouns, used 1'1 a partiCular sense, requrre the def,nite artrcle The coa! from the Midlands is exported to many countries 305 Wrong use of the with plural nouns used in a general sense. Don't say: The dogs are faithful animals. .1 Say: Dogs are faithful animals. Omit the defw1te iHtlcle befare common nouns 1n the plural 1f used in a general sense 306 Wrong use o! the with names of languages. Don't use: Tim speaks the English very well. .1 Say: Tim speaks English very well. Never use the def1n1:e art1cle beforo the names of languages Note we can say He speaks the English language very we/1 64 Unnecessary words 307 Wrong use of the with names o! meals. Don't say: We'll start after the breakfast. .1 Say: We'll start after breakfast. Don't use the defin1te article befare the names of meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, or supper unless you are referring toa particular meal: The lunch they proVIded wa.)" excellent 308 Wrong use o! the with names o! games. Don't say: M y favourite game is the football. .1 S ay: M y favourite game is football . Don't use an befare the names of games like football, hockey, tennis, cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball 309 Wrong use o! the with names of diseases. Don't say: The cholera is a dreadful disease. .1 Say: Cholera is a dreadful disease. As a rule, don't use the def1nite article befare the names of diseases Note: The 1ndef1n1te artiCie 1s needed w1th common names of illnesses: 1 was suffenng from a cold (a fever, a cough, a headache). 31 O Wrong use o! the with names o! colours. Don't say: The green is a beautiful colour. , Say: Green is a beautiful colour. Don't use the defilllte article befare the na mes of colours when used as nouns. 311 Wrong use of the with the names o! the senses. Don't say: The sight is one o! the five senses. , S ay: Sight is one o! the five senses. Don't use an arf1cle befare the na mes of the five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch . 65 Part 3 312 Wrong use of the with names of days and months. Don't say: The Sunday can be a day of prayer. The December is the last rnonth. ,/ Say: Sunday can be a day of prayer. December is the last month. Don't use the defmitP art1cle before the names of days and months Note Wr <;ay the Sunday befo re last. the December of 1940, etc 313 Wrong use of the with man denoting the human race. Don't say: The manis born a sinner. 1' Say: Man is born a sinner. Use man, denot1ng the hur:--an race, w1thout the det1n1te arti(le Also, mankind requires no art1cle 01sease 1s the enemy of mani:i."ld 314 Wrong use of the with school. Don't say: My sister goes to the school. 1' S ay: M y sister goes to school. To go to school m2ans to be a student, while to go to the !i{hool, mean;, to visit the school Note S1milarly, to leave school means to stop being a studen"i: and to lezve the school 1T1cans to go awa}' from the schooi prem1sec. 315 Wrong use o the with church. Don't say: On Sunday 1 go to tbe church. ,/ Say: On Sunday 1 go to church. 66 To go to church means to go and pray; while to go to the chun::h means to go and visit the church. Note S1milarly, d1stmgu1sh between go to bed and go to the !Oed, go to prison ar,d go to the prison, go to market and go to the go to hospital and go to the hospital, sit at table and sit at the tab!e L Unnecessary words 316 Wrong use of the with nature. Don't say: The nature is beautiful in spring. ,/ S ay: Nature is beautiful in spring. Note: the definite art1cle 1f nature is used in other meanings: lt is in the nature of a dog to be faithful 317 Wrong use of the with society. Don't say: A thief is a danger to the society . .1 Say: A thief is a danger to society. Note: Use the definite article if sodety is used (1-) in a particular sense: The society of the Greeks was based on freedom; (2) in the sense of companionship_. 1 enjoy the society of my friends 318 Wrong use of the in the phrase in future from now on). Don't say: You must be careful in the future. ,/ Say: You must be careful in future. Note: In the future means in the time to come: Nobody knows what wi/1 happen in the future. 319 Wrong use of the after whose. Don't say: The boy whose the father is ill has left. ,/ S ay: The boy whose father is ill has left. Don't use the article after the relative determiner whose, because it takes the place of the article. 320 Wrong use of the indefinite article before work, etc. Don't say: Gillian has found a work at the bank. ,/ Say: Gillian has found work al the bank. Don't use the indefinite artide befare such words as work.- fun, health, permission. (See Exercise 17 on page 144.) 67 Part 3 Have another look at ... Definite article As a rule, nouns in English take no article whcn used in a general sense, but if they're used in a particular sense the article is needed. Note the difference in the use or omission of the article: 1 With plural nouns: Horses are strong animals. The horses in the field belong to the farmer. 2 With abstract nouns: Wisdom is a great virtue. The wisdom of Solomon was famous. With material nouns: Water is necessary to lile. The water in the kitchen is hot. 4 With days, months, and seasons: Summer is a hot season The summer of '99 was very hot. 5 With names of languages: English is spoken all over the world. The English she speaks is not corree!. 6 With names of meals: Breakfast is at eight o'clock. The breakfast I had this morning was delicious. 7 With names of colours: Blue is my favourite colour. The blue in that picture has faded. 68 Unnecessary words Use of the infinitive Mzstakes are frequently made by using the infinitive without to after the following verbs, which do not require it. 321 Can + infinitive without to. Don't say: M y mother canto swim very well. .! Say: My mother can swim very well. Note' Always wnte the negat1ve form cannot as one word. Alternat1vely, the short form can't can be used informally 322 Could + infinitive without to. Don't say: 1 could not to see you yesterday. .! Say: 1 could uot/couldn't see you yesterday. 323 May + infinitive without to. Don't say: May 1 to visit you next weekend? .! S ay: May I visit you next weekend? 324 Might + infinitive without to. Don't say: He might to come in the morning. .! Say: He might come in the morning. 325 Must + infinitive without to. Don't say: 1 must to see her at her office. .! Say: 1 mus! see her at her office. 326 Let + infinitive without to. Don't say:Tom's father would not Jet him to go out. .! Say: Tom's father would not let him go out. 327 Make (to force) + infinitive without to. Don't say: You can'! make Emma to understand. .! Say: You can't make Emma nnderstand. 69 l._ Part 3 328 See + infinitive without to. Don't say: They saw him to leave the housc. .1 Say: They saw him leave the house. Note They saw h1m leaving the house 1s also correct 329 Watch + infinitive without to. Don't say: I watched the girls to play hockey. .1 Say: I watched the girls play hockey. Note. 1 vvatched the g1rls p/aying hockey 1s also correct 330 Hear + infinitive without to. Don't say: We heard him to speak in English. .1 Say: We heard him speak in English. Note We heard htm speaking m Engl1sh IS al so corree! 331 Feel + infinitive without to. Don't say: I could feel her heart to beat. .1 S ay: I could feel her heart beat. Or: I could feel her heart beating. Note. lf the verbs make, see, watch, hear, feel, are used m the pass1ve, to must be used He-was seen to /eave the house. He was heard to speak m Engltsh (See Exercise 65 on page 165.) Miscellaneous examples 332 Wrong repetition of subject. Don't say: My little brother he is at school. .1 Say: My little brother is at school. 70 Never repeat the subject by u s ~ n a pronoun after the noun My little brothe, and he denote the same person. Therefore, use one or the other as subect, but not both Unnecessary words 333 Wrong repetition of subject in a compound sentence. Don't say: I went to the market and I bought fruit. .1 Say: I went to the market and bought fruit. In a compound sentence, exf)ress the same subject once onty and don't repeat 1t befo re each verb, unless the sentence is long and compl1cated 334 Wrong repetition of subject alter an adjectival clause. Don't say: David, who is a careless pupil, he lost his book . .1 Say: David, who is a careless pupil, lost his book. 335 Wrong repetition of subject after a non-finite verb phrase. Don't say: Karen and Tom, having signed the register, they left the church. .1 S ay: K aren and Tom, having signed the register, left the church. 336 Wrong use of personal pronoun in a relative clause . Don't say: The book which I lost it was new. .1 Say: The book which I lost was new. Don't use a personal pronoun as well as a relative 1n the relat1ve clause if they both refer to the same noun In the f1rst sentence both which and it refe" to book 337 Wrong repetition of object. Don 't say: The doctor 1 know him very well. ./ Say: I know the doctor very well. In the sentence given, the worcs doctor and him denote one and the same obect Therefore, use either doctor or him, but not both 1n tre same sentence In general we don't put the obect before the verb so the word arder 1n The doctor 1 know htm very we/J 15 al so vvrong 71 l Part 3 338 Wrong repetition o! object with infinitive. Don't say: 1 bought an English book to read it. ,/ S ay: 1 bought an English book to read. Don't repeat an object with an infin1t1ve of purpose if the verb takes an object (For Sections 332-338 see Exercise 20 on page 146.) 339 Wrong use of that in direct speech. Don't say: She said that, '!'m sure lo pass.' .1 Say: She said, 'l'm sure to pass.' We can't use that in direct speech, 1.e. when we repeat the words that sorne other person has spoken without any change Note. In indirect speech we say: He said that he was sure to pass. 340 Using a double comparative. Don't say: He's more stronger than John. .1 S ay: He's stronger than John. Double comparatives are mcorrect' more stronger ought to be only stronger However, we can say much stronger 341 Misuse of a,Ijectives that can't be compared. Don't say: My work is more perfect than his. .1 Say: My work is superior to his. Or: My work is hetter !han his. Certa1n adJect1ves can't be compared perfect, unique, preferable, supreme, right. correct. etc 342 Return back used instead of return. Don't say: She has returned back lo school. ,/ Say: She has returned to school Don't use the word back with return, beca use return means to come back 72 L !Jnnecessary words 343 Begin from used instead of begin. Don't say: Exams begin from Thursday. ,/ S ay: Exams begin on Thursday. A thtng can begin only ata potnt of time __ The word can't be used to apply to the whole ttme durtng whtch i:l thmg 1s betng done 344 Consider as used instead of consider. Don say: Robert considers me as his bst !riend. ./ Say: Robert considers me his best friend. Don't tJse as after the word consider. We say. He regards me as his best friend or Roberl considers me to be his best friend. 345 For to used instead o! to. Don't say: 1 carne here for to learn English . ./ Say:! came here to learn English. 346 From where used instead o! where . Don't say: From where can 1 buy a good watch? .1 Say: Where can 1 buy a good watch? Where means at what place, whrle from where denotes the potnt of ong1n From where do.tounsts come.! 347 And etc. used instead of etc . Don't say: l, you, we, and etc. are pronouns. ./ Say: I, you, we, etc., are pronouns. Etc. ts the sho:t form of et cetera. a Lattn phrase meanmg and other things The combtnatton and etc. rs vvrong beca use 1t would mean and and other things Note However, studenb are advtsed to avord usrng etc. tn an essay and to use phrases such as and other things, and so on tnstead. 348 So . so that instead of so ... that. Don't say: l'm so tired so that 1 can't go. 73 Part 3 ,/ Say: l'm so tired that 1 can'l go. When so or such is completed by a clause of result, mtroduce the clause by that and not by so that 349 From now and on used inslead o! from now on. Don 't say: From now and on 1'11 sludy hard. .! S ay: l'rom now on 1'11 sludy hard. The phrase {rom now and on is mcorrect S ay, from now on 350 Although!Though ... yet used inslead o! allhough/though. Don't say: Allhough il's raining, yel he'll go. .1 Say: Allhough it's raining, he'11 go. Although (though) is the conJunctlon 1ntroducing the subordinate clause, and a second one (yet or still) isn't requ1red 351 Go to home used inslead o! go borne. Don't say: When school is over 1 go lo borne. .1 S ay: When school is over 1 go borne. The expreSSIOn 1 go to home 1s wrong_ Say, 1 go home. 352 Using far wilh a phrase o! definile dislance. Don't say: Mary lives lwo miles lar from here. .1 Say: Mary lives two miles from here. 74 VVhen we use a phrase of defmite d1stance (like two miles) 1n a sentence, don't use the word far We can say. Mary l1ves two miles away Part 4 1\fisplaced words VVrong position of adverbs 3 53 The adverb of definile time misplaced. Don't say: llasl nighl wenl lo lhe cinema. J Say: 1 went lo lhe cinema last night. Adverbs or adverbial phrases of definite t1me, like yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, two months ago, are usually placed at the end of the sentence lf we want to emphas1se the t1me. we put the adverb at the beg1nn1ng Yesterday 1 was very bus y Note lf there 1s more than one adverb of definite time 1n a sentence, put the more exact expression befare the more general He was born at two o'clock in the moming on April 12th 1942. 354 The adverb of indefinile time misplaced . Don't say: They come always lo school by bus. J S ay: They always come lo school by bus. Pace adverbs of 1ndef1n1te t1me, l1ke ever, never, always, often, seldom, soon, sometimes and the adverbs almost, scarcely, hardly, nearly, even, before the pnnc1pal verb t ~ o t \N1th the verato be place the adverb of 1ndefin1te t1me after the verb They are a/ways beautdully dressed 355 The adverb of time placed befare lhe adverb o! place. Don't say: The builders will be tomorrow here. J Say: The builders will be here tomorrow. vvrer L.01ng an adverb of l'me and an adverb of place together 1n a sente!lCe, the adverb of place must come f1rst 75 Part 4 356 The adverb misplaced with a transitive verb. Don't say: Janet wrote carefully her essay. ,/ S ay: Janet wrote her essay carefully. W1th a transitive verb, the adverb generally comes after the obJect. Note: lf. however, the object is long, the adverb may come after the trans1t1ve verb: She wrote carefully al/ the essays she had todo 3 57 The adverb enough misplaced. Don't say: ls the room enough large for _you? ,/ Say: ls the room large enough for you? Place the adverb enough after the word it qualif1es and not befare Note_ When enough is an adJectve 1t comes befare the noun We have enough food for s1x people. 358 Not misplaced with a compound verb. Don 't say: 1 should have not gone ... ,/ S ay: 1 should not have gone ... Positlon not in a compound verb after the first auxiliary Note: With the present or perfect partiCiple, place not at the beginning Not havmg set the alarm, he was late for work Not being nch, he couldn't afford it 359 Not misplaced with the negative infinitive. Don't say: 1 told Liz to not come on Monday. ,/ S ay: 1 told Liz not to come on Monday. 76 Pos1t1on not in the negative infiMive 1mmediately befare the word to. and not after 1t. (See Exercises 66 and 67 on pages 165-166.) Misplaced words Miscellaneous examples 360 The subject of the sentence misplaced Don't say: Last week visited our school aman. ./ Say: A man visited our school last week. lr1 most Engl1sh Si'<ltences p!ace thc s,Jb)E'Ct first, the verb next. thn thf! obec INJth th"' follo'.OJJng 361 The subject misplaced in questions. Don't say: You were at the cinema yesterday? They'll come with us tomorrow? ,/ Say: Were you at the cinema yesterday Will they come with us tomorrow? In r.teJ-'OgatJve sen:ences place the sub'Ct after the vero lf !he tense IS cor-rpound. the subjeCt comes atter the aux1i1ary, a'ld the 'E'St follm% Note Except1on :e th1s rule 15 occastonally made 1n ;poken f'nglsr, out studer are CJdv1sed to 1 ollow the rule 362 The subject misplaced in questions beginning with an intcrrogative word. Don't say: \Vhy you were absent last Friday? ,/ Say: Why were you absent last Friday? In beg11nmg v-.. 1 1\h on 1nterrogat1ve l,ke what, when, where, how, place the vertl betore the subJect as 1n all quest,ons (For Sections 361-362 see Exercisc 35 on page 153.) 363 l11e.subject misplaced after never, etc. Don't say: Never I have heard of such a thing. ,/ Say: Never have 1 heard of such a thing. \IV'he'l never, seldom, rarely, neither, nor, not only, no sooner, are p acec at the beg1nn111Q of a complete clause, t'ne verb must come before the subJCC as l'l a quest1or ____,__ __ Part 4 364 A/l ... not used instead of Not all. Don 't soy: Al! people are not hard-working . ./ Say: Not al! people are hardworking. The l1rst sentence is wrong because it makes a/1 people lazy Note. S1m11arly, Everybody doesn't ltke dancmg should be Not everybody l1kes dar-c1ng 365 The subject misplaced in indirect questions. Don't say: The teacher asked me what games did 1 play? ,/ S ay: The teacher asked me what games I played. In 1nd1rect questions follow the usual arder of words: subect first and then verb (See Exercise 37 on page 154.) 366 The direct object misplaced. Don't my: He touched with his hand the ball. ,/ Say: He touched the ball with his hand. The obJect of a trans1t1ve verb generally comes directly after the verb 367 The indirect object misplaced. Don't say: 1 showed to her sorne of my stamps. ,/ Say: 1 showed sorne of my stamps to her. lf the indirect object is preceded by a prepos1t1on, place 1t after the direct obect Note: The indirect object usually comes f1rst without a preposition: 1 showed her some of m y stamps. 368 The qualifying adjective misplaced. Don't say: My uncle has a garden very large. ,/ Say: My uncle has a very large garden. Put the adJeCtlve 1rnmed1ately befare the nour. it qualrfies 78 Misplaced words Have another look at ... Questions Questions can be formed in three ways: 1 By putting the verb befare the subject. Only use this method with the following twenty-one verbs: am, is, are, was, were; have, has, had; shall, slzould; will, wauld; can, could; may, might; must; need; dare; ought; used. Examples: Are you ready? Can you write well? Will he come tomorrow? May 1 go now? 2 By using do, does, did, followed by the subject and then the infinitive (without lo). Use this form with all verbs except the twenty-one given above. The word order is: Do (do es, did) + SUBJECT + INFIN!TIVE Examples: Do you come here every day? Does the child leam English? Did they go to the theatre7 3 By using question words. The question word always begins the question, but the verb must be put befare the subject as in questions of types 1 and 2. Examples: Why are you late?When did you come? Where is it? Whom did yo u se e? Which book do yo u want? If the question word is the subject of the sentence, put the verb after the subject: Who wrote the letter? Whose dog bit the man 7 j,____ 79 Part 4 369 The past participle misplaced. Don't say:The ordered goods haven't arrived. ,/ Say: The goods ordered haven't arrived. The goods ordered is a shortened form of The goods which have been ordered. 370 The relative clause misplaced. Don't say: A girl has a pony who is in our class. .1 Say: A girl who is in our class has a pony. Put the relative clause immediately after the noun to which it refers. Note: Endose a relative clause that may be omitted between commas: My brother George, who is in another class, has a new bicyc/e. A relative clause that can't be omitted is not enclosed within commas: The boy who spoke to me is my brother 371 The conjunction misplaced in a time clause. Don't say: Emma when she arrived the boat had already gone. ,/ Say: When Emma arrived the boat had already gone. Place the conjunction introducing an adverbial clause of time at the beginning of a clause. 372 Correlative conjunctions misplaced. Don't say: Paul neither speaks English nor French. .1 Say: Paul speaks neither English nor French. Place correlative conjunctions {that is, conjunctions used in pairs, like neither .. nor, not only ... but also) befare words of the same part of speech. 373 The ordinal numeral misplaced. Don't say: !'ve read the two first chapters. ,/ Say: !'ve read the first two chapters. 80 Place ordinal numerals before cardinal numerals. There can't be two first chapters, only one. Similarly, we must say, The last two (three, etc.), and not The two (three, etc) /ast. Misplaced words 374 The indefinite article misplaced with such. Don't say: 1 never met a such good man befare. ./ S ay: I never met such a good man before. P 1 ace the indefinite article a oran after su"ch: such a good r.'lar'!. 375 The definite article misplaced with half. Don't say: The half year is nearly finished. .1 Say: Half the year is nearly finished . Haif the year 1s shortened form of half of the year 376 The most used instead of most of the. Don't say: The most of girls are not present. .1 S ay: Most of the girls are not present. The phrase the most of is incorrect. Say, most of the. 377 The apostrophe (') misplaced with contractions. Don't write: Did'nt, has'nt, is'nt, are'nt, etc. ./ Write: Didn't, hasn't isn't, aren't, etc. (See Exercises 39 and 40 on pages 155-156.) 378 Mentioning oneself first. Don't say: Only I and my mother are present. .1 Say: Only my mother and 1 are present. English idiom requires that when a person is speaking of himself/herself and otfJers, he/she must mention the other person or persons first and leave himself/herself last 81 L Part 4 Have another look at ... Correct arder of words Subject 2 Verb 3 Object The object is usually placed immediately after the verb. Example: 1 speak English very well. 2 The indirect object usually comes befare the direct object wthout a prepostion. Example: 1 gave him the money. 3 An expression of time comes after an expression of place. Example: We stayed there all day. 4 Place adverbs of time and degree, such as always, often, never, nearly. hardly, scarcely, befare the verb, or between the auxiliary and the verb. Examples: I never see that man; or I have never seen that man. Note: With the verb to be place the adverb after the verb: He is never late. 5 In indirect questions the subject comes first and then the verb. Example: 1 want to know where they went. 6 In compound verbs with two auxiliaries, place not after the first one. Example: She could not have been there. 7 In the negative infinitive, not comes befare to. Example: 1 told him not to go thcre. 82 Part 5 Confused words Prepositions often confused 379 To and At. (a) To. Don't say: \Ve come at school every morning. ./ Say: We cometo school every morning. (b) At. Don 't say: Someone is standing to the door. ,/ S ay: Someone is standing al the Joor. Use to to express mot1o1 fro;n one place tu dil<Jtiler, 'J52 at tl' dPr,Dr (See Exercise 77 on page 170.) 380 To and TilL (a) To. Don't say: We walked till the river and back . ./ Say: VVe walked to the river and back. (b) TIII. Don't say: I'll stay here lo ncxt month. .1 Say: !'JI stay here till next month. to w1th d1stance, and till (until) w1th t1rne 381 In and At. (a) In. Don't say: Lam has a flat at Paris . .1 Say: Liam has a flat in Paris. We in to the o' as p.1rt oi d larqer thrng or place 83 Part 5 (b) At. Don't say: M y mother is staying in 66 Argyle Street. .! Say: M y mother is staying at 66 Argyle Street. We use at when we're talkmg about an address, a pubilc place or buildmg (a bus stop, the Post Otflce, the l1brary etc.) and cases m wh1ch the location is irrelevant but what we do there is 'Nhat matters (school, the dent1st, dance class etc.) (See Exercise 78 on page 170.) 382 In and lnto. (a) In. Don't say: Gemma spent al! the day into her room. .! S ay: Gemma spent al! the day in her room. (b) lnto. Don't say: Richard carne in the room and sat down. .! Say: Richard carne into the room and sat down. In denotes position 1nside somcthing, while into denotr.s rnotion O!" direct1on towards the inside of something Note. Always wnte the prepos1tion into as one word (See Exercise 79 on page 171.) 383 On, At, In. (Time.) (a) On. Don't say: My uncle will arrive at Saturday. .! Say: My uncle will arrive on Saturday. (b) At. Don't say: l usually gel up on seven o'clock. .! Say: 1 usually gel up at seven o' dock. (e) In. Don't say: She goes lar a walk at the afternoon . .! Say: She goes lar a walk in the afternoon. 84 Confused words (1) Use on w1th the days of the week or month on Friday, on March 25, on New Year's Day (2) Use at w1th the exact t1me: at tour o' dock, at dawn, at noon, at sunset. at midnight. (3) Use in w1th a per1od of t1me in April, in winter, in 1945, in the morning_ Also at night and by day (See Exercise 80 on page 171.) 384 For and At. (Price.) (a) For. Don't say: 1 bought a book at lifty pence. ,/ S ay: I bought a book for fifty pence. (b) Al. Don't say: 1 can'! buy it lor such a high price. .! Say: 1 can't buy it al such a high price . Use for if the actual sum 1s mentioned use at 1f the actual sum 1sn't g1ven Note lf rhe weight or measure follows the price, use at with the actual sum That ve/vet 1s ava!lable atES a metre 385 Between and Among. (a) Between. Don't say: There was a light among two boys. .! Say: There was a light between two boys. (b) Among. Don't say: Divide the apple between you three. ,/ Say: Divide the apple among you three. Use between for two only. Use among for more than two (See Exercise 81 on page 172.) 386 Beside . Don 't say: Charlie was standing just besides me. .! Say: Charlie was standing just beside me. 85 387 Part 5 Exccpt for Besides/ As well as Don't sav: 1 have other books cxcept these. Say: 1 othcr books besides/as well as these addition to thesc). 1 t E vprvor:e WdS rresent except John l'mte Except nWJIIS eavb' Ol; , 388 llv for With. Don 't say. Thc man shot the bird by a gun. ,/ Say: The man shot the bird with a gun. \'Vi'.erl ou Vic'll'l t 1 l tr1e 'lll'?.t''> or ti,p r1str.rrnent ,.vth the ilctron .r -- .,, w'tth By clerwte' the o the l foe shor by "OIt', J' the man tnllm'-,r:rg by cmd not with by hanc:, by post, by p'lone. by r:w\ v,atc by tire- :JlH, by tlw dozer1. by t'ne rnetre 389 From for By. Don't say: Mary was punished from her father. ,/ S ay: Mary was punished by her father. t t h. hp doer of tre ac:ron Lhr" by (rwt from,1 the p,,ss:vP orm o Sr .ovv . 390 From for Of or In. [)on't sav: He's the talles! from all the boys. ,/ ,\'ay: He;s thc talles! of al! the hoys. Or: He's the talles! boy in the class. 391 86 PrPCt'de {or ildverbsl rr1 ti'e supPrlatrve degree by the and follow ther1, bv of or in For for About. Drm't say: The teacher spoke for bad habits. Say: The tcacher spoke about bad habits. Dor'.'t u.,e for m the sense 0 about The chref use of for rs to convey rdea 0 bernq r'l fcwour 0 11 we say that the tcacher spoke for bad hab1fS rts ilke s.:iynrg :hdt hP/shf:' .,poke rn favour ol bad habrh 1 Confused words 392 Since for For. Don't scry: She's lived here since two years ./ Scry: She's lived here for two years. Place the preposition for befare words or phrases denoting a period of time: for three days, for six weeks, for two years, for a few minutes, for a long time. Use it with any tense except the present. Note: For is often omitted. We can say: !'ve been here for two years or l've been here two years. 393 From for Since. Don't scry: Ian's been ill from las! Friday. ./ Scry: Ian's been ill since last Friday. Place the preposition since before words or phrases denoting a point in t1me since Monday, snce yesterday, since eight o' dock, since Christmas. When we use since, the verb is usually m the present perfect tense, but it may be in the past perfect: 1 was g/ad to see Tom. 1 hadn't seen him since last Christmas. Note: From can also denote a point m time, but it must be followed by to or till: 1-le works from eight o'clock tlll one o'cfock without a break 3.94 After for In. Don't scry: l may be able to go alter a week. .1 Say: 1 may be able to go in a week. Or: l may be able to go in a week's time. When speaking of a period ot'time in the future, use In, and not after He re in means after the end of. 395 In for Within. _L_ Don 't say: I'll come back in an hour - if you mean before the end of an hour. ,/ Scry: l'll come back within an hour. In means after the end of, within means before the end of. (See Exercises 82 and 83 on pages 172-173.) 87 L Part S Have another look ... Use of certain prepositions Prepositions of Place TO and AT Use TO for movement frorn one place to another. Examrle: [ walk to school every day. Use Al to denote position or rest. Example: He's waiting at the door. iN and iNTO IN denotes position or rest inside something. Example: The pencil is in the box. tNTO denotes movemcnt towards the inside of. Exarnple: They walk into the room. ofTime :\T, !N, Or>..; Use Af wth the exact iime. Example: She arrived at 8 o'clock in the rnorning. Use ON with days and dates. Examples: On Sunday we go to church. M y birthday is on the third of December. Use IN with a period of tzme. Example: In summer the weather is warm. 88 :onfused words Verbs often confused 396 Shall and Will. (a) To express simple futurity: In the first person: Don't say: 1 will go tomorrow if it's fine . ./ S ay: 1 shall go tomorrow if it's fine. In the second person: Don't say: She tells me you shall go tomorrow . ./ Say: She tells me you will/'ll go tomorrow. In the third person: Don't say: He shall go if he has permission . ./ Say: He will/'11 go if he has permission. (b) To express something more than simple futurity: In the first person: Don 't say: I have determined that I shall go. .1 Say: I have determined that 1 will/'11 go. In the second person: Don't say: You will/'ll go out if you are good. .1 Say: You shall go out if you are good. In the third person: Don't say: M y mind is made up: he will/'ll go. ./ Say: My mind is made up: he shall go. To form the s1mple future, use shall with the f1rst person and will w1th the second and third persons Will in the first person denotes resolut1on or personal determination, and shall in the second and third persons denotes either a command ora pro mise Note Should, the past tense of shall, and would, the past tense of will, have the same differences of meaning and use as the present forms shall and will 1 was afraid that 1 should fail, 1 prom1sed that 1 would help him (See Exercise 41 on page 156.) 89 _J._ .. Part 5 397 Shall and May. Distinguish between: (a) May 1 shut the door? and (b) Shall 1 shut the door? May .1 shut the door? Means that 1 wbl> the door closed <md 1 ask you> permiSSIOn to shut 1t. Shafi .1 shur the door:' rv1eans that 1 vvant to kno'N '<vhether you w1sh the door cimed 398 Say and Tell. Don't say: He told, 'I will/'Il go home.' He told that he'd go home. ,/ Say: He said, '! willi'll go home.' He said that he'd go borne. Use to say 11) when reerrrng to a person 's anual vvords, ancl (2) 1n drect speech if the sentence doesn't contain an ndirect object.. Note: Common 1d1c)ms >'/'th say and te!! Saya prayer. Who says--' 1 sayl Yuu can !>ay that lf yotJ say so Tell the trutf1 TeH a lle TeH a story Tei! the time Tell yOtJr fortunP Tell scmeor.e your name (Sec Exercise 42 on page;, 156-157.) 399 Make and Do. (a) Make. Don't say: The carpenter did a large table. ,/ Say: The carpenter made a large tablc. (b) Do. Don't say: You must make your work carefully. ,/ Say: You must do your work carefully. 90 To make pnmarily to constructor manufacture sornethmg, wf11ic todo ,,eans to accompl1sh a th1ng Note Common except1ons w1th make and do. (a) To make a rn1stakr, to make a prom1se, to make a speech, to make an excuse, to make haste, to make fun of. to make pmgress, to make a no1se, to make a br'd (= to prE'pare the bed for sleepmg on) (bl Todo good, todo evll, todo vour best. todo Confused words your duty, todo someone a favour. to do wrong, to do a puzzle, to do busmess, to do away with, todo gymnast1CS, todo exermes (See Exercise 43 on page 157.) 400 Lie and Lay. (a) Lie. Don't say: I'm going to lay down for an hour. ,/ S ay: I'm going to lie down for an hour. (b) Lay. Don't say: Please lie the exam papers on the desk. ,/ S ay: Please lay out the exam papers on the desk. lie (= to rest) 1s an intransitive verb and never has an obect_ Lay (= to put) 1s a transitive verb and always requires an object_ The1r principal parts are lie, lay, lain, and lay, laid, laid. Note: Lie, lied, lied 1s to tell an untruth: He has lied tome_ Lay, laid, la id also means to produce eggs: The hen has /aid an egg (Id 1om: Lay the tabfe is to prepare the table for a rneal.) (See Exercise 44 on page 157.) 401 Sit and Seat. (a) Sit. Don't say: We seat at a desk to write a letter. ,/ Say: We sit at a desk to write a letter. (b) Seat. Don't say: He sat the passengers one by one. ,/ S ay: He seated the passengers one by one. Use sit asan intransit1ve verb. Seat is a transit1ve verb and requires an obJeCt Very often the object of seat is a reflexive pronoun: He seated himself near the fire. The principal parts of the two verbs are: sit, sat, sat, and seat, seated, seated. Note: Don't confuse sit with set, whlch usually means to place_ Common idioms w1th set: to set the table, to set on fire, to set off (or out), to seta trap, toseta dock, toseta price, to set your heart on, to set free, to set an example, toseta broken bone, to set to work (= to sta11 work). (See Exercise 45 on page 158.) 91 L Part 5 402 Rise and Raise. (a) Rise. Don 't say: Val raises very early in the morning. ./ S ay: Val rises very early in the morning. (b) Raise. Don't say: She rose their salaries too often. ./ Say: She raised their salaries too often. Rise 1s an mtrans1t1ve verb and means to go up, stand up, or get out of bed. lt doesn't requ1re an object Raise 1s a transitive verb and means to lift up something Their principal parts are: rise, rose, risen, and raise, raised, raised. Note. Arise is often used for rise, but it 1s better to use arise only in the sense of begin: A quarre/ (a dr'scussion, an argument a difficulty, etc_) may arise This 1s formal but 1S stlil used (See Exercise 46 on page 158.) 403 Like and Love. Don't say: 1 like you! Wll you marry me? ./ Say: 1 \ove you! Will you marry me? 8oth verbs can be u sed for people and things. the only difference is one of degree Lave 1s much stronger than like. 404 Stay and Remain. (a) Stay. Don't say: We remained in a very good hotel. ./ Say: We stayed in a very good hotel. (b) Remain. Don 't say: Not many figs have stayed on the tree. ./ Say: Not many figs have remained on the tree. 92 Here, to stay means to live for a short t1me as a guest or a visitar, and to remain means to be left after part has been taken or destroyed. Note: Use either verb when the meaning 1s to continue 1n the same place or conditlon 1'/1 stay (or remain) at home ti// tomorrow. Remain is more formal Confused words 405 Hanged and Hung. (a) Hanged. Don't say: No-one has been hung in Britain since 1964. ./ Say: No-one has been hanged in Britain since 1964. (b) Hung . Don't say: We hanged the picture on the wall. ./ Say: We hung the picture on the wall. When the reference 1s to killing a person or animal by hanging, we use the form hanged. In other cases, the form 1s hung The prmcipal parts of the verbs are: hang, hanged, hanged; ha11g, hung, hung. (See Exercise 50 on page 160.) 406 Wear and Put on. (a) Wear. Don't say: Kathy always puts on black shoes. / Say: Kathy always wears black shoes. (b) Put on. Don't say: I wear my clothes in the morning. / Say: l put on my clothes in the morning. Wear to have upon the body as a garment oras an ornament To put on denotes a s1mple act Note: To dress has nearly the same meanmg asto put on, but the obect of dress 1s a person and nota th1ng He dressed himself and went out, The mother dressed her baby (See Exercise 47 on pages 158-159.) 407 Tear and Tear up . (a) Tear. Don't say: John tare up his coat on a nail. ./ S ay: John tore his coat on a nail. (b) Tear up. Don't say: Philip was angry and tare the letter. - _L__ 93 Part 5 .! S ay: Philip was angry and !ore up the letter. Totear means to drvrde along a strarght or nr0gular lrne, sometrmes by c,(ien: Totear up means to destroy by tearing to preces -.-,e 'NOrd up rs often used with verbs lo express the rdea of gceater romplrteness: be' m up, drmk up, dry ug cut up, eat up, shut up, use up 408 Grow and Grow up. (a) Grow. Don., say: Thesc flowers grow up very quickly .! Say: Thcse flowers grow very quickly. (b) Grow up. Don't say: When 1 grow 1'1! be a doctor. ./ Say: When l grow up l'll be a doctor. To grow means to necorne brgger, to grow up m beco me an adult Note Otner mea'lrngs of grow. (1,1 to occur naturdliy rn the ground Rtce grows m Egypt, :2) to cause to grow We grow flov;ers m our qarden; 13) to allwv to grow He grew a beard; (4) to become The grow cold m r.v.rnter 409 Pick and Pick up. (a) Piclc. Don't say: We picked up flowe:cs in the garden. , Say. We picked flowers in the garden. (b) Pickup. Don't say: The naughty boy picked a stone. ./ Say: The naughty boy pickcd up a stone. To pick fruit or flowers means to pull them away w1th the to pick up rT,ecws to l1ft vp from the ground The rmportant e'.ement 15 that what rs orcki"d urj 1sn: attached 41 O Deal with and Deal in. (a) Deal with. Don't say: This book deals in common errors . .! Say: This book deals with common errors. 94 Confused words (b) Deal in. Dnn't say: A bookseller deals with books . <!' Say: A bookse!ler deals in books. To deai wi'i:h means to have to do wrth, to deal in means to buy and sell Note. To deal with also means to take act1on on a matter The w!ll deal with thar quEstion 411 Intedere in and Interfere with. (a) Interfere in. Don't say: Don'! interfere with my prvate business! .! Say: Don'! interfere in my prvate business! (b) Interfere with. Don't say: Paul is always interfering in the equipment. .1 Say: Paul is always interfering with the equipment . lnterfere in means to concern yourselt wrth something whrch you shouldn't fnterfere with means to do so me damage or be a nu1sance to someone or somethrng 41 2 Borrow and Lend. (a) Borrow. Don't say: 1 want to lend a book from you. .! Say: 1 want to borrow a book from you. (b) Lend. Don't say: Will you please borrow me a book? .! Say: Will you picase lend me a book? To borrow 1s to get from and to lend 1s to give someth1ng to someone (See Exercise 51 on page 160.) 41 3 Steal and Rob. (a) Steal. Don't say: Someone has robbed al! her money. ,/ Say: Someone has stolen al! her money. 95 Part 5 (b) Rob. Don't say: Sorne men stole a bank last night. , Say: Sorne men robbed a bank las! night. The object of steal 1s the th1ng taken by the thief, su eh as money, a watch, a bicycle, etc, while the object of rob is the person or place from whom lor which) the thing is taken, such as a man, a house, ora bank (See Exercise 52 on page 160.) 414 Take revenge and Avenge. , Don't say: 1 must avenge myself for what he did tome! .! Say: 1 mus! take revenge for what he did to me! Note: Avenge and revenge oneself are now only found 1n llterary Engl1sh We usually use take revenge (on). We m1ght also say He must have hs revenge 41 5 Convince and Persuade. Don't say: 1 am persuaded of Robin's innocence. .1 Say: 1 am convinced of Robin's innocence. Persuade and convince have very similar meanings and are mostly interchangeable in modern Englrsh. Delia persuaded meto take the exam = Delia convinced me to take the exam. Except 1n the case of to be convinced of something rnean1ng to beheve something Note. Care must be taken not to confuse persuade with pursued, the past tense of pursue (=: to follow) 416 Refuse and Deny. (a) Refuse. Don't say: Sarah denied to take the money. ,/ Say: Sarah refused to take the money. (b) Deny. Don't say: John refused that he'd done it. ,/ Say: John denied that he'd done it. 96 To refuse means not to take what 1s offered or not todo what one is asked todo To deny means to answer in the negative orto say that a statement isn't true (See Exercise 53 on page 160.) Confused words 4 1 7 Discover and Invent. (a) Discover. Don't say: .America was invented by Columbus . .! Say: America was discovered by Columbus. (b) Invent. Don't say: Edison discovered the gramophone. ,/ S ay: Edison invented the gramophone. To discover is to find that which existed befare but was unknown, and to invent is to create that which didn't ex1st befare. 418 Take place and Take part . (a) Take place. Don't say: The meeting will take part soon. , Say: The meeting will take place soon. (b) Take part. Don't say: I'll take place in the meeting. ,/ S ay: I'll take part in the meeting . To take place means to happen orto be held, while to take part means to be involved in 419 Made from and Made of. (a) Made from. Don't say:The bowl is made of glass. .! Say: The bowl is made from glass. (b) Made of. Don't say: The statue is made from marble. .! S ay: The statue is made of marble. We usually use of when you can still recogn1se the original material. We use from when theoriginal materials are unrecogmsable In most cases e1ther 1s possible 97 _L Part 5 420 Let for Rent and Hired out for Hire. (a) Rent. Don't say: 1 Jet the house from Mr Jones. .! Say: 1 rent the house from Mr Jones. Note To rent someth1ng 1s to pay to use 1t, usually for a long per1od of time a house, a car, a piano etc To let sornething 1s to allow someone to pay you for the use of somethmg that belongs to you (b) Hire. Don 't say: 1 hired out a sur! board when 1 was inAmerica. ,/ S ay: 1 hired a sur! board when 1 was in America. Note To hire someth1ng 1s to pay to use 1t. usually for a short t1me, witl, one s:ngle payment a suit, a bicycle, a rowing boat etc To hire out 1s to offer sometn1ng for someone else to h1re 421 Win for Earn. Don't say: She wins her living by hard work. ,/ Say: She earns her living by hard work. To earn means to rece1ve m retum for work, to win 1s to obtam as a result of fgh:1ng, compet1t1on, gambllng, etc Note The verb to gain may be used w1th either me.'lnmg to gain one's living or to gain a victory, a prize, etc. 422 Substztute for Replace with. Don't say:They substituted gold with paper money. ,/ Say: They replaeed gold with paper money. We replace one th1ng with another, but we substitute one th1ng for another The two phrases mean the reverse of each other You replace gold with paper mane y Yau substitute oaper money for golct 423 Correct for Repair or Mend. Don't sa.y: Sorne men are correct>ng the road. ,/ Say: Sorne menare repairing the road. 98 To correct 1s to make somethmg r1ght' to correct m1stakes, a compos1t10n, a trarslat1on. one's pronunc1at1on, ett: To repair or to mend 1s to put 1n good cono1t:on ditl'r bemg damaged. to repair or mend a road, clothes, shoes, etc Confused words Note To repair a watch is to put it in good condition again, but to correcta w a t ~ h 1s to set it to thE' rigflt time 424 Dust for Cover with dust. Don't say: A sandstorm dusted our clothes. .! Say: A sandstorm covered our clothes with dust. lb dust doesn't mean to cover w1th dust but to remove dust from. After sweeping, she dusted the furntture 425 Please for Ask or Thank. Don't say: 1 pleased him to do me a favour; or: 1 pleased him for his lovely present. .! S ay: 1 asked him lo do me a favour; and: I thanked him for his Jovely present. To please medns to give pleasure to 1 worked hard ro pfease my teacher 426 Could for Was able to. Don't say: Because Laura worked hard she could finish the job in time. ,/ Say: Because Laura worked hard she was able to finish the job in time. lf the mean1ng 1s managed to or succeeded m domg, use was able to, and not could. 427 Leam for Teach. Don't say: Graham learned us how lo play hockey . .! Say: Graham taught us how to play hockey. Teach means to give mstruct1on. learn means to rece1ve 1nstruct1on He taught me Engl!sh, and 1 fearned it qwckly. (See Exercise 54 on page 161.) 428 Win or Beat. Don't say: We've always won your team. 99 _1 Part 5 ,1 Say: We've always beaten your team. To win is to get something you wanted, to beat is to overcome an opponent: The girls beat the boys, and won the prize. Remember: the principal parts of each verb: beat. beat, beaten, and win, won, won. (See Exercise 55 on page 161.) 429 Accept for Agree. Don't say: The teacher accepted to go with us. ,1 Say: The teacher agreed to go with us. Accept means to take something that is offered to you. Maria accepted the bunch of flowers. lt also means to believe something you're told: K en accepted his explanation. Agree to means todo what one is asked to do: David agreed to come to London on Monday, but agree with means to have the same opinion as someone else. The Long family never agree with each other. Note: We agree with a person, but toa thing. 1 agree with Luke, but 1 can't agree to this plan. 430 Leave for Let. Don't say: Penny didn't leave me to get my book. ,1 Say: Penny didn't let me get my book. Let means to allow. Leave means to abandon orto go away from Do you Jeave your books at school? (See also Sections 436 and 447.) 431 Bring for Take. Don't say: The astronauts are bringing plants to the moon. ,1 Say: The astronauts are taking plants to the moon. 100 Using bring or take depends on where the speaker or doer is. We use bring for things com1ng to where we are and take for things gomg somewhere else: Take these cakes to your grandmother and bring (back) some flowers from her garden. Note: To fetch means to go somewhere else and come back with someth1ng Please fetch me a g/ass of water (o:o go and come back with a glass of water). Confused words 432 Drown for Sink. Don't say: The ship drowned in the ocean. ,1' Say: Tiw ship sank in the ocean. To be drowned refers to i1ving thmgs. and means to d1e 1n water. to sink refers to people or thmgs, and means to go down to the bottom of water B3 See for Look. Don't say: Neil was seeing out of the window. .! S ay: Neil was looking out of the window. To see is to not1ce with the eyes. but to look rs to d1rect the eyes 1n arder to see: !looked up and saw the plane (See Exercise 56 on page 161.) 434 Hear for Listen. Don't say: 1 was hearing her CDs. J S ay: 1 was listening to her CDs. To listen to mayal so mean to think carefully about what someone says Gerry always listens to his mother. (See Exercise 57 on pages 161-162.) 43 5 Remember for Remind. Don't say: Please remember meto give it back. ,/ S ay: Please remind me to give it back. lo remember 1s to have m mmd: 1 remember what you told me. To remind :s to make a person remember something 436 Leave for Let go. Don't say: Leave the other end of the string. ./ Say: Let go of the other end of the string. Leave isn't usually u sed 1n the sense of let go but you w1li hear the rd1om leave go rn very informal Engl1sh to mean let go (See also sections 430 and 447.) 101 Part 5 437 Sleep for Go to Bed. Don't say: 1'11 sleep early tonight. ./ Say: l'Il go to bed early tonight. To ge to bed denotes the act of lymg down on a bed in preparatlon for going to sleep. We can say that a p r ~ o n went to bed at nme o'clock, but that he d1dn't sleep untll eieven o'clock_ Then he slept soundly Go to sleep means to fall asleep l-/e went to sleep while he was in the cinema 438 Be found for Be. Don't say: The man was found in his office. ,/ S ay: The man was in his office. In Engl1sh, the verb be found generally means be discovered: Diamonds are found in A frica and m India. Therefore, He was found in his otfice would suggest that the man had h1dden h1mself 1n his office and was later discovered. 439 Be with for Have. Don't say: My Engiish book is with my brother. ,/ S ay: My brother has my English book. Avo1d us1ng be with m the sen se of have. Be with mans to be together or in company of- He is with hts parents 440 Take for Get. Don 't say: Ciare too k a good mark in chemistry. ./ S ay: Ciare got a good mark in chemistry. To take means to obtain somethrng intentronally or by force: 1 took a book from the ltbrary, The army took the city. To get orto receive means to obtain somethrng which rs -given such as a gift, a letter, money, or a mark in an exam 441 Like for Want, etc. Don't say: Do you like to see my collection? ./ Say: Do you want to see my collection? 102 Do you like to do something? means do you enjoy doing rt as a habitual actron Do you want todo something7 means do you wish todo it now _ __.._ - Confused words Note: 1 would!'d fike means ~ want: 1 wouldid like (= 1 want) to play tennis today Wou/d you /ike- (= do you want) to go for a walk with me? Would/'d like is more polite than want . (See Exercise 58 on page 162.) 442 Know for Learn, etc. Don't say: Dan went to school to know English. ,/ S ay: Dan went to schooi to learn English. Use know when learning is fimshed: She knows how to swtm. Simrlarly, avord using know to mean find out or realise. 443 Read for Stndy. Don't say: Lucy is reading aigebra in her room. ,/ S ay: Lucy is studying algebra in her room. To study means to try to learn, toread doesn't rmply any effort_ A student studies Engllsh, maths, h1story and other subJects, hetshe reads a story, a letter, or a newspaper She is reading for a degree is also correct (See Exercise 59 on page 162.) 444 Learn for Stndy. Don't say: Kevin is learning at Gordon College. ,/ S ay: Kevin is studying at Gordon College. The expression 1 learn at (Gordon College; etc.) is incorrect. Say 1 study at (Gordon College, etc.) or l am a student at (Gordon College, etc.) . 445 Take for Buy. Don't say: 1 went to the baker's to take bread. ,/ S ay: 1 went to the baker's to buy bread. Never use take in the sense of buy 446 Take out for Take off. Don't say: Chris took out his hat and coa!. ,/ S ay: Chris too k off his hat and coa!. The opposfte of put on is take off, and not take out. 103 Part 5 44 7 Lea ve for Give up, etc Don't say: !'ve now left football. .! Say: !'ve now given up football. Or: !'ve now stopped playing football. Never use leave rn the meanmg of give up, or stop something (For sections 430, 436 and 447 see Exercise 48 on page 159.) 448 Sympathise for Like. Don't say: 1 don'! sympathise him very much. .! Say: 1 don'! like him very much. Sympathise isn't synonymous wrth like To sympathise with means to share some feeling (usually of sorrow) wrth another person: 1 sympathise with you rn your sorro 1 N. 449 Put !or Keep. Don 't say: Do yo u put your money in the bank? .! S ay: Do yo u keep your money in the bank? lt's better to use keep for a more or less permanent resting place, and put for a temporary one 450 Care about, Care for for Take care of. Don't say: Oliver cares about (cares for) his brother's investments. .! Say: Oliver takes care of his brother's investments. 104 Care about means to lrke and be concerned about something or someone. Take care of means to look after someone or somethmg: You shou/d take care of your children, or do something to remedy a problem: 1 think 1 shou/d take care. of that broken pane of g/ass. Care for means to look after: 1 cared for you when you were //. Care for can also mean to be fond of someone or somethmg. W11/iam real/y cares for geraniums, though th1s use is rather old-fashioned Note Avoid also such expressions as: (1) He doesn't ca re for my advice, (2) He doesn't ca re for h1s work, (3) He took no ca re of him, (4) No one ca red for him during his illness. Say: (1) He pays no attention to my advice, (2) He takes no care over his work, (3) He took no notice of him, (4) No one too k care of him during his illness. Confused words 451 Let for Make ~ to force). Don't say: The examiner !et me sit quietly until everyone had finished . .1 S ay: The examiner made me sil quietly until everyone had finished. Don't use Iet. 1n the sense of make, mea,ng to force 452 Flown for Flowed. Don't say: The river has flown over its banks. .! Say: The river has flowed over its banks. Flown is the past partic1ple of _fly, the past participle of flow (= to move as water) 1s flowed. The principal parts of the two verbs are: fly, flew, flown - flow, flowed, flowed. Note: Flee, fled, fled is formal but we still use 11 to mean to run away We flee from danger Float, floated, floated means to stay on the surface of water or other liquid Ships float on the water (See Exercise 49 on page 159.) 453 Fall !or Fell. Don't say: John fall down and broke his leg. ,/ S ay: John fell down and broke his leg. The past tense of this verb IS fell, not fall. lt's principal parts are fall, fell, fallen. Note: Fell, felled, felled means to knock or cut down The wood-cutter fe/led a /arge tree (See Exercise 60 oo page 162.) 454 Found lor Find. Don't say: Rosie tried to found her los! book .. .! Say: Rosie tried to find her lost book. To find 1s a very common verb meaning to get back a thing lost lt's principal parts: find, found, found. Note: There is, however, another verb to found, meamng to establish He founded the school fifty years ago 105 Part 5 Have anuther loo k at ... Use of will and shall l'll/willishall Wc'll/will/shall You'll/will Yo u '11/will He/she/it'll/will They'll/will The short fonn u can be used lar both will and shali. We usually use the long form in writing and the short in speech, but when we are writing informally we also use the short form. The future auxiliary wi!l has severa\ different meanings: 1 lt can be used for things which we expect to happen: He('ll) will speak to you about it tomorrow. 2 lt can be used as a conditionai with an if or whether clause: ]ane will give you a 11ft if you need one. 3 We use will or shall for requests an.d offers: Will you help me sort out these books? 4 When will is srressed it often means that someone insists on or persists in doing something: Bnrry will keep handing in his homework late. 5 Shall is always used in the first person in the question form: Shall I leave the dom open? Shall we have lunch now? 6 Shall is sometimes used in modern English with the first person (1 or we) when we are speaking or writing formally: We shall never forget your kindness. Shall isn't gsnerally used in other contexts 10wadays, though it used to be quite common. 106 Confused words Adverbs often confused 455 Very and Too. (a) Very. Don't say: It's too hot in Rome in the summer. .! S ay: It's very hot in Ro me in the summer. (b) Too. Don 't say: lt's now very hot to play football. .! S ay: It's now too hot to play football. Very simply makes the adJective or adverb stronger_ Too illeans more than enough, or so much that something el se happens as a result (See Exercise 68 on page 166.) 456 Very and Much. (a) Very. Don't say: He's a much strong man. It's a much interesting book. .f Say: He's a very strong man. lt's a very interesting book. (b) Much. Don't suy: He's very stronger than 1 am . .! S ay: He's much stronger than 1 am. Use very with adjectives and adverbs in the positive, and with present participles used as adjectives like interesting. Use much with comparat1ves. (See Exercise 69 on page 167.) 45 7 Too much for Very much. Don 't say: S he likes the cinema too much. He's too much stronger than 1 am. .f S ay: S he likes the cinema very much. He's very muen stronger than 1 am. Use very much instead of much for greater emphasis_ Too much denotes an 107 _L__ J Part 5 excess'1ve quant'1ty or degree. She ate too much, and felt i/1. (See Exercise 70 on page 167.) 458 Befare for Ago. Don't say: 1 saw your friend befare two weeks . .1 Say: 1 saw your friend two weeks ago. We use ago m countmg from the t1me of speaking to a point 1n the past half an hour ago, three days ago, four months ago, five years ago, a long time ago. We use befare m counting from a distant to a nearer point in the past. Napoleon d1ed 1n 1821, he had lost the battle of Waterloo SIX years befare Note: When we use ago, the verb is always in the simple past tense He came frve minutes ago 459 Hard/y for Hard. Don 't say: She rubbed her eyes hardly . .1 Say: She rubbed her eyes han!. Hard means severely. Hardty m e n ~ not quite or S(arce!y The baby can hard!y walk (See Exercise 71 on page 168.) 460 No so for Not very. Don't say: 1 hear that he's not so rich. .1 S ay: 1 hear that he's not very rich. we can't use not so 1n the sense of not very_ The expression He's not so rrch impiles a compar1son He's not so rich as you are 461 just now for Presently, etc. Don't say: The messenger will arrive just now. .1 S ay: The messenger will arrive presently. 108 lf we are speaklng of a near and immed1ate future time, we must use presently, immediately. in a minute, or soon Just now refers to present or past t1me, and not to future t1me: He's not at home just now (= at th1s moment), He /eft just now (= a l1ttle time ago) Confused words 462 Presently for At present. Don't say: His uncle is in London presently. .1 S ay: His un ele is in London at present. At present and presently are not synonymous. At present means now, but presently means soon: She wil/ come back presently (= soon) 463 Scarcely for Rarely. Don 't say: Zoe scarcely comes to see me now. .1 Say: Zoe rarely comes to see me now. Scartely isn't synonymous with rarely Rarely means not often, scarcely means not quite: 1 had scarcely finished when he came 464 Lately for Late. Don't say: Las! night 1 went lo bed lately. .1 Say: Las! night 1 went to bed late. The opposite of earJy 1s late, not late! y. lately means in recent times: 1 ha ven 't been there late/y. Adjectives often confused 465 Many and Much . (a) Many. Don't say: My brother hasn't much books. .1 Say: M y brother hasn't many books. (b) Much. Don't say: ls there many dust in the room? .1 Say: ls there much dust in the room? Use many with plural nouns: many books or many boys. Use much with uncountable nouns: much water or much bread. Note: In affirmative sentences many and much are generally replaced by a lot (of), a great deal (of), plenty (of), a good deal (of), a good many {of), a great number (of), a large quantity (of), etc. (See Exercise 9 on page 141.) 109 L Part 5 466 Few and A Few. (a) Few. Don 't say: Although the question was easy, a few boys were able to answer it. ,f Say: Although the question was easy, few boys were able to answer it. (b) A few. Don't say: Although the question was difficult, few boys were able to answer it. ,1 Say: Although the question was difficult, a few boys were able to answer it. Few means not many and emphasises the smallness of the number lt is distlnQUIShE:d froffi a few, wh1ch means at least sorne. 467 Little and A little. (a) Little. Don't say: He too k a little exercise and wasn't very fit. ,f Say: He took little exercise and wasn't very fit. (b) A little. Don't say: She took little exercise and felt much better. ./ Say: She took a little exercise and felt much better. Little means not much and emphas1ses the smallness of the amount. lt's d1st1nguished from a little wh1ch means at least sorne. (For sections 466-467 see Exercise 10 on page 141.) 468 Each and Every. (a) Each. Don't say: She gave an apple to every of the children . ./ S ay: She gave an apple to each of the children. (b) Every. Don't say: Each child hadan apple. ./ Say: Every child hadan apple. 11 o Confused words Use each for one of t'NO or more thmgs, .urcen one by one Never use eve for two, but always for more than two thmgs, taken as a Each IS '" rndlvldual and but every is the more emphatlc word. o e b Note Ea eh and every are always singular: Each (or every) one of the rvv ty oys has a book en 469 His and Her. (a) His. Don't say: John visits her aunt every Sunday. ./ Say: John VIsits his aunt every Sunday. (b) Her. Don't say: Ann visits his unde every Sunday. ./ Say. Ann Vlslts her unde every Sunday. In :nglish, possessive adJectives (and pronouns) agree with the person who po"'sesse:!i, and not wrth the person or thing Wh th ,- 1' n en E' pOSS$<0: IS mas-ILine, use Js, and when :he possessor :s feminrne, use her - (See Exercise 13 on page 142.) 470 Older (oldest) and Elder (eldest). (a) Older, Oldest. Don 't say: This girl is e1der than that one. This g1rl is the eldest of al! ,/ Say: This girl is older ihan that one. This girl is !he oldest of al!. (b) Elder, Eldest. Don't say: My older brother is called John. My oldest brother is not here. ./ Say: My elder brother is called John M y eldest brother is not here. . Older and oldest. are applied to both people and thrngs, while elder and eldest are apphea to people only, and most frequently to related pe.ople Note. Elder can't be followed by than. Jane is older (not elder) than her srster (See Exercise 8 on page 140 and Exercise 15 on page 143.) 111 Part 5 471 lnteresting and Interested. (a) Interesting. Dont say: !"ve read an interested story. / Say: !"ve read an interesting story. (b Interested. Don't say: Are you interesting in your work? ,/ Say: Are you interested in your work? lnteresting refers to the thing wh1ch arouses mterest, whi!e interested refers :o the person who takes an interest in the thing (See Exercise 14 on page 143.) 4 72 Wo,Jnded and Injured or Hur. Don't say: Jack was wounded in a car accident. ,( Say: Jack was injured in a car accident. Peop\e are injured or hurtas a result of an aCCident ora f1ght, but people are wounded 1n wars and battles 4 73 Farther and Further. Don t say: Turn the page for farther instructions. ,/ S ay: Turn the page for further instructions. Note: u,e further to mean both greater distance and more of something We only use farther for distances. 1/ive a bit. farther away than you. Don't use 1\ to mean more. We use further for both meanings 1n modern English 474 AforAn. Don't say: A animal, a orange, a hour. ./ S ay: An animal, an orange, an hour. Use an 1nstead of a befare a vowel or a s1lent h (as 1n hour, heir, honest) Befare a long u or a syllable hav1ng the sound of yo u, we use a (not an): a un1on, a European (but an unde) 475 One for A (n) Don't say: Adarn found one ring in !he street. ,/ Say: Adarn found a ring in the streer 112 L Confused words Don t use the numeral ooe 1nstead of the mdef1nite article a or an Use one only where the number 1s emphatrc He gave me one book instead of two 476 Sorne for Any. (a) Sorne. Dont say: Louis has got any rnilk. .1 S ay: Louis has got sorne rnilk. (b) Any. Dont say: There aren'! sorne books on the shelf. .1 Say: There aren't any books on the shelf. We usually use sorne for affirmat1ve phrases: She's got some chrcken, andan 111 negat1ve and phrases lan hasn't bought any food roday Hav: you bought any food' We somet1mes use some 1n quest 1 ons: Wou/d you 'rke some soup? ' (See Exercise 12 on page 142.) 4 77 Less for Fewer. Don't say: They have less books than 1 have .1 Say: 1bey have fewer books !han 1 have. . less denotes amount, quantity, value. or degree, fewer denotes number_ We may have iess water, less food, /ess money, less educat 1 on, but fewer books, fewer letters, fewer fnend:, Note: We say less than (f1ve, s1x, etc) pounds because the pounds are cons1dered as a su m of money and notas a number of corns 478 This for That. Don 't say: Loo k at this dog across the street! .1 Say: Look al that dog across the street! This is used to md1cate someth1ng physically close to the speaker. In the case of thmgs we use this for th1ngs wh1ch are most lmmed 1 ately present Thts ISa/ove/y song! 1'11 he!p you do 1t this time_ When we talk about mo than one th- h. h ce mg we use t 1s or t e closer or more 1mmedrate and that for the further away or more remate 1n t1me lf we're only taik 1 ng about one thing we usually use that. What's that norse? That's a mee coatl Don't do thatl 113 Part 5 479 Latter for Later. Don't say: She gol to schoollatter than l did. ,/ Say: She got to school later than l did. Later refers to time. Latter refers to order and means the second of two th1:1gs ust ment 1 oned: Alexandria and Cairo are /arge ot1es 7he Jatter has a popufatton of over a mil/ion The opposite of latter 1s former 480 Last for Latter. Don 't say: Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens are both excellent writers, but 1 prefer the last. ,/ S ay: Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens are bolh excellent writers, but 1 prefer the latter. The latter means the second of two people or things which have been mentioned- The last refers to a series of more Ulan two. 481 Last for Lates!. Don't say: What's the last news from the Palace' 1 ,/ S ay: What's lhe lates! news from the Palacc? Latest is the last up to the present last is the finai one. Z is the last !ettPr of the alphabet 482 Small, Big for Young, Old. Don't say: !'m two years smaller than you. She's three years bigger than me. .1 S ay: l'm two years younger lhan you. 114 She's thl'ee years older lhan me. lf reference is to age, say young or old. Small and big usually refer to s1ze He 15 big (or smai(J for his age Note: Great refers to the 'mportance of a person or thing: Napo/eon was a great man, Homer's lliad is a great book. Use great with words l1ke distan<e, height. length, depth: There is a great distance berween the earth and the moon. lnformally, use great to mean somethmg ni ce or good We watched a great concert /ast night. Confused words 483 High for Tal!. Don't say: M y elder brother is six feel high. .1 S ay: M y elder brother is six feel tal!. We generally use tall w1th people, and 1t's the oppos1te of short Use high ..vhen referrmg to trees, bulldmgs, or mounta1ns, and 1t's the oppos1te of low 484 Beautiful for Handsome or Good-looking. Don't say: He's grown inlo a beautiful young man. .1 Say: He's grown into a handsome young man. We usually say that a man 1s handsome or good-looking, and that a woman 1s beautiful, lovely, good looking or pretty 485 Sick or Ill. Don't say: He's been sick for over ayear. .1 S ay: He's been ill for over a year. To be ill means to be in bad health. To be sick means to vom1t We somet1mes use sick 1d10matically to mean feeling ill. The sme/1 made me sick Note: We can also use sick befare certa1n nouns The sick room, a sick note, sick leave We use the plural noun the sick to mean 'di people: Angela worked with the sick on the streets of Birmingham (See Exercise 11 on page 142.) 486 Clear for Clean. Don't say: You should keep your hands clear . .1 Say: You shou!d keep your hands clean. Clean 1s the opposite of dirty Clear means transparent or unclouded dear water, a c/ear sky. 487 Angry for Sorry. _.___ Don't say: I was angry lo hear of her death. .1 S ay: I was sorry to hear of her death. Sorry 1s the oppos1te of glad. Angry means annoyed or enraged He was angry when a boy hit h1m m rhe face 115 Part 5 488 N ervous lar Angry. Don 't say: Our teacher is very nervous toda y. ./ S ay: Our teacher is very angry today. Nervous means to be easily fr1ghtened or upset and can be a temporary or permane11t condition_ Angry describes someone's mood ata g1ven moment N ouns often confused 489 House and Home. Don't say: You should go lo your house now. .1 Say: You should go borne now. Take care not to say my house, hiS house, or your house when you should say home. A house is any building vsed for dwelling in, and home is the partiCular house in which someone is living. Note: Home may also denote one's own country When an Englishman abroad says: l'm gomg home this summer he means going to England (See Exercise 4 on pages 138-139.) 490 Story and History. (a) Story. Don't say: She told mean interesting history. ./ Say: She told me an interesting story. (b) History. Don't say: We study the story of the Romans. ./ Say: We study the history of the Romans. A story is an account of events wh1ch may or may not be true History 1s a systematic record of past events 491 Habit and Custom. (a) Habit. Don't say: Telling lies is a very bad custom . ./ Say: Telling lies is a very bad babit. 116 Confused words (b) Custom. Don't say: The Chinese have strange habits. 1 Say: The Chinese have strange customs . A habit belongs to !he rnd1V1dual, but a custom belongs to a soc1ety or country (See Exercise 5 on page 139.) 492 Cause o! and Reason for. (a) Cause of. Don't say: What's the reason for a sandstorm? 1 Say: VVhat's the cause of a sandstorm? (b) Reason for. Don't say: You have a good cause of Clnumg. 1 Say: You have a good reason for corning. A cause 1:. that YVhJCh produces a result A reason '5 that 'Nh1ch ewla!ns x usti'ie> a result 493 Scene and Scenery. (a) Scene, Don 't say: The TV crew arrived at the scenery. 1 Say: Thc TV crew arrived at the scene. (b) Sccuer. Don't say: Thc scene in Cyprus is beautiful 1 Say: The scenery in Cyprus is beautiful. A scene refers tu one part1cu!ar place. while scenery reers to the ger.eral appearance ot the countryWe Jon't use scenery 1'1 the plural 194 Centre and Middle. (a) Centre. Don't say: Stand in the middle of the circ'e. 1 Say: Stand in the centre of the circle. l Part 5 (b) Middle. Don't say: He was in the centre of the street. ,/ S ay: He was in the middle of the street. Centre rs the pomt that is eqUidrstant from the edge of a circle. Mlddle is th: area equidistan! from two sides middle of the road, middle of the room, middle of the page, etc 495 Shade or Shadow. (a) Shade. Don't say: 1 like to sil in the shadow. / Say: I like to sil in the shade. (b) Shadow. Don't say: The dog saw his shade in the water. ,/ S ay: The dog saw his shadow in the water. Confused words 498 Travel for Journey. Don't say: Our travel to Wales was lovely. ./ S ay: Our journey to Wales was lovely. Travei is a verb, u sed to describe any type of movement from one place to another. Journey is the noun but we also use (take al trip for having a short ourney: We took a trip to the seaside /ast Sunday We al so use travelting noun Tirn !oves trave/Jing. We use a possessive pronoun wrth travels as an rdrom. Jenny is off on her travels again Note: We use the noun travel (1) in a general sense She /oves travel_ (2l 1n the plural: He has written a book about his travels 499 Foot for Leg. Don't say: 1 hurt my foot- if the injury is anywhere above the anide. Shade 1s a place sheltered from the sun Shadow 1s a shade of a d1stinct forr as of a treE>. aman. a dog, etc 1 Say: I hurt my leg. 496 Customer and Client. (a) Customer. Don't say: That grocer has plenty of clients. ,/ S ay: That grocer has plenty of customers. lb) Client. Don 't say: That lawyer has plenty of custorners. ,/ Say: That lawyer has plenty of clients. A person can be a customer at a shop, but a client of a lavvyer, a bank, etc 497 Stranger for Guest. Don 't say: They had sorne strangers iast night. .1 Say: They had sorne guests las! night. A guest 1s usually a fnend who comes to our house tora v1s1t, while a a per5on unknown tv us. A foreigner 1s a person from another country and speaking a fore1gn languagc leg is the part of the body from the h'1p down to the ankle, and foot 1s the part below the ankle_ (Hand muSt also be carefully distingu1shed from arm.) Note: The leg of a chair, a table. a bed; the foot of a hill, a wall, a iadder, a page. 500 Finger for Toe. Don't say: 1 hurt a finger of rny right foot. ./ Say: I hurt a toe of my right foot. Fingers are on the hand, and toes are on the foot. 501 Poetry for Poem. Don't say: 1 have a poetry to learn by heart. , ./ Say: 1 have a poem to learn by heart . Poetry is the form of literature dealing with poems. A poem is one piece of poetry. 1 1 9 _ _l__ l Part 5 502 Theatre for Play. Don't say: Sarah is going to see a theatre tonight. ./ Say: Sarah is going to see a play tonight A theatre ,, a bu1ldmg 1n whiCh plays are acted, not the play 'tse 1 f 503 Play for Game. Don't say They hada nice play of football. .1 Say: '!bey hada nice game of football. Avoid us1ng play 1n the sen se game. Play means amusement He is fono' of play 504 Dress for Suit. Don't say: My elder brother has a new dress. ./ S ay: M y elder brother has a new suit. Ony g1r!s and women wear dresses; anyone can wear suits (a acket w1th trousers ora skirt) Clothes 1s a general word: John (or Mary) is wearing new c/othes. Note We saya man in fulf evening dress, or morning dress for trad1t1onal. formal clothes 505 Individual for Person/People. Don 't say: There were five individuals in the shop . ./ Say: There were five people in the shop. Use individual with a single person as opposed to the group: The ndividu< must act for the good of the community 506 M en for People. Don't say: All the streets were full of men . ./ Say: All the streets were full of people. Use people and not men when the reference is to human beings in genere 507 Woman for Wife. Don't use: The man took his woman with him . ./ Say: The man too k his wife with him. 120 Confused words In Engl1sh, these two words are carefully d1stmguished. wife 1s the wornan 1 n a marriage Both h1Jsbands and wives can be referred to as partners 508 Casi for Price. Don't say: What's the cost of this watch? ./ Say: What's the price of this watch? Price is the amount of money pa1d by the customer Cost 15 the amount pa 1 d by the shopkeeper We can say How much does it cost? Note_ Val u e 1s the usefulness or Importan ce of someth1ng. The value of mr/k as a food, the value of educatton Face value is the amount r n t e d on a p1ece of-paper-money or on a postage stamp 509 Air for Wind. Don 't say: The strong a ir blew her hat away . ./ S ay: The strong wind blew her hat away. Air 1s what we breathe, and wind 1s what makes the leaves of the trees move 51 O Ground for Floor. Don't say: When 1 entered the room, 1 saw a book on the ground . ./ Say: When 1 entered the room, 1 saw a book on the floor. The floor 1s the part of the room on which we walk The ground 5 outs 1 de the house 511 Place for Room. Don 't say: ls there place for me on the bus? ./ Say: ls there room forme on the bus? Don't use place 1n the sense of room, wh1ch means here unoccupied space. 512 Organ for Instrument. Don't say: What other organ can you play? Say: What other instrument can you play? The organ 1s a particular mus1cal instrument used in sorne churches to accompany the s1ng1ng of hymns Don't use organ to denote any other mus1cal mstrument 121 L Part 5 502 Theatre for Play. Don"t say: Sarah is going to see a theatre tonight. ./ S ay: Sarah is going to see a play tonight. A theatre 1s a building 1n wh1ch plays are acted, not the play 1tself 503 Play for Game. Don't say: They hada nice play of football. ,1 S ay: They had a nice game o! football. Avo1d usmg play 1n the sense game. Play means amusement He is fono' of play 504 Dress for Suit. Don't say: M y elder brother has a new dress. ./ Say: M y elder brother has a new suit. Only g1rls and women wear dresses, anyone can wear suits (a Jacket w1tr. trousers ora skirt) Clothes is a general word. John (or Mary) ts wearmg new cfothes. Note We saya man n fu/1 evening dress, or morning dress for trad1tional, formal clothes 505 Individual for Person/People. Don 't say: There were five individuals in the shop . ./ Say: There were five people in the shop. Use individual w1th a smgle person as opposed to the group The individuJ must act for the good of the community 506 M en for People. Don 't say: Al! the streets were full of m en . ./ Say: Al! the streets were full of people. Use people and not men when the reference is to human beings in genera' 507 Woman for Wife. Don't use: The man took his woman with him . ./ S ay: The man took his wife with him. 120 Confused words In Engl1sh, these two words are carefully d1Sl1nguished. wife 1s the wornan in a marriage_ Both h115bands and wives can be referred toas partners 508 Cost for Price. Don't say: What's the cost of this watch? ./ S ay: What's the price of this watch? Price 1s the amour,t of money pa1d by !he customer. Cost 1s the amount pa 1 d by the shopkeeper. We can say How much does it cost? Note: Value JS the usefulness or 1mportance of somethmg: The value of mi/k as a food, the va/ue of education Fa ce value 1s the amount 1Jrinted on a p1ece of--paper-money or on a postage stamp 509 Air for Wind. Don't say: The strong air blew her hat away . ./ S ay: The strong wind blew her hat away. Air 15 what we breathe, and wind 1s what makes the leaves of the trees move 51 O Ground for Floor. Don't say: When 1 entered the room, 1 saw a book on the ground . ./ Say: When 1 entered the room, 1 saw a book on the floor. The floor 1s the part of the room on wh1ch we walk The ground 1s outs 1 de the house 511 Place for Room. Don't say: ls there place forme on the bus? ./ Say: ls there room forme on the bus? Don't use place 1n the sense of room, which means here unoccupied space. 51 2 Organ for Iustrument. Don't say: What other organ can you play? ./ Say: What other instrument can you play? The organ 1s a part1cular mus1cal instrument used 1n sorne churches to accompany the smg1ng of hymns Don't LiS organ to denote any other mus1cal 1nstrument 121 l Part 5 51 3 Appetite for Desire, etc. Don't say: !'ve no appetite at all to study. ./ Say: !'ve no desire at all to study. Appetite 1s generally used w1th food. For study, work, or play we use such words as desire, disposition, and inclination. (See also Exercise 6 on page 139.) Confusion of number The following can't be used in the plural: 514 Advice. Don 't say: Nick gave me sorne good advices. ./ Say: Nick gave me sorne good advice. Note When we mean only one thing we saya piece of advice: Let me give you a piece of advice. 51 5 Information. Don't say: Can you give me any informations? ./ Say: Can you give me any information? Note: When we mean only one thing we say an item ora bit of information He gave me a useful item of information. 516 Furniture. Don't say: Furnitures are often made of wood. / Say: Furniture is often made of wood. Note: Furniture is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. A piece of furniture means one thing only 517 Luggage. Don't say: Her luggages are at the station. ./ S ay: Her luggage is at the station. 122 Note: Baggage, another word for luggage, can't be used in the plural either The baggage is ready for the train. Confused words 518 Damage. Don't say: The fire caused many damages. .! S ay: The fire caused m u eh damage . Note: The plural form damages denotes money pa1d to make good a loss The msurance company pa1d the man damages. 519 Work. Don't say: Today !'ve many works todo . .1 S ay: Toda y !"ve a lot of work to do. Note The plural form works means a factory or the wr1t1ngs of an author The works of Shakespeare are many, 1 Vtsited the steel works. 520 Character. Don't say: The school builds good characters. .1 Say: The school builds good character . Note. The plural form characters denotes the letters of the alphabet or the people 1n a book or play 521 Hair. Don't say:That man has long hairs. .1 Say: That man has long hair . Note: When we use ha ir to denote a single thread, the plural form 15 hairs 1 found two long hairs m m y food. 522 Bread. Don "t say: Breads are sold at the baker's . ./ S ay: Bread is sold at the baker's. Note: We can saya loaf of bread and loaves of bread: 1 bought a foaf (two three, etc, loa ves) of bread. ' 523 Fish. Don 't say: Yesterday we had fishes for dinner. .1 Say: Yesterday we had fish for dinner . Note: Fish as food or in bulk (= large numbers) is always stngular We rarely use the plural form wh1ch denotes f1sh indiv1dually: 1 caught three small fishes. 123 Part 5 524 Fruit. Don't say: We didn't have many fruits this summer. ,/ Say: We didn't have much fruit this summer. Note: We rarely use the plural fmm frults which means different kinds of fruit: Cyprus produces oranges, apricots, and other fruits 525 Grass. Don't say: The dog lay down on the g r a ~ s e s ,/ Say: The dog lay down on the grass. 526 Dozen. Don't say: 1 want to buy three dozens eggs. ,/ S ay: 1 want to bu y three dozen eggs. Note: (A dozen = 12): rd like to buy a dozen eggs. when dozen isn't preceded by a numeral (like three) or by a we use the plural form: There were dozens of eggs. 527 Hundred, etc. Don't say: The town has fifty thousands people. ,/ Say: The town has fifty thousand people. Note: Hundred, thousand, and mllllon take the plural form if they're not preceded by a numeral or by a: Thousands of people were present. 528 Sheep. Don't say: Ten sheeps are grazing the field. ./ Say: Ten sheep are grazing in the field. Note: Sheep, deer, salmon, and a few other nouns have the same form for singular and plural. We say one sheep or ten sheep. 529 Knowledge. Don't say: Karen has good knowledges of history. ,/ Say: Karen has a good knowledge of history. 124 Confused words 530 Progress. Don't say: Tom has made great progresses. .1 Say: Tom has made great progress. 531 Thunder and Lightning. Don't say: There were thunders and lightnings. ,/ Say. There was thunder and lightning. Note When only one thtng 1s meant we saya clap ot thu.'lder and a flash or balt of /ghtnmg 532 Machinery. Don't say: They're now using new machineries. ,/ Say: They're now using new machinery. N ole: Machinery is a stngular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. We can saya piece of machinery or pieces of machinery. 533 Mathematics, etc. + singular verh. Don't say: Mathematics are not easy to learn. ,/ S ay: Mathematics is not e as y to learn. Note: The na mes of soences and subjects endmg tn -ics {ltke mathematics, physics, politics, gymnastics) gene rally take a singular verb 534 Money + singular verb. Don't say: All her money are kept in the bank. ,/ S ay: All her money is kept in the bank. Note. Money ts a stngular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun 515 News + singular verh. Don't say: I'm glad that the news are good. ,/ Say: l'm glad that the news is good. Note News, though plural tn form, always takes a stngular verb. lf only one thtng is meant we saya piece oran item of news. This ts a good piece of news. 125 Part 5 513 Appetite for Desire, etc. Don't say: !'ve no appetite at all to study. .1 Say: !'ve no desire at all to study. Appetite is generally used w1th food. For study, work, or play we use such words as desire, disposition, and inclination. (See also Exercise 6 on page 139.) Confusion of number The following can'! be used in the plural: 514 Advice. Don't say: Nick gave me sorne good advices. .1 S ay: Nick gave me sorne good advice. Note: When we mean only one thing we saya piece of advice: Let me give you a piece of advice. 51 5 Infonnation. Don't say: Can you give me any informations? .1 Say: Can you give me any infonnation? Note: When we mean only one thing we say an item ora bit of information He gave me a useful item of lnformation. 516 Furniture. Don't say: Furnitures are often made of wood. ( Say: Furniture is often made of wood. Note: Furniture is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. A piece of furniture means one thing only 517 Luggage. Don't say: Her luggages are at the station. .1 Say: Her luggage is at the station. 122 Note: Baggage, another word for luggage, can't be used in the plural e1ther The baggage is ready for the train. Confused words 518 Damage. Don 't say: The fire caused many damages. ,/ S ay: The fire caused much damage . Note: The plural form damages denotes money paid to make good a loss The insurance campan y paid the man damages. 519 Work Don't say: Today !'ve many works lo do. J S ay: Today !'ve a lol of work todo. Note. The plural form works means a factory or the wr1tmgs of an author The works of Shakespeare are many, 1 vis1ted the steel works. 520 Character. Don't say: The school builds good characlers . J S ay: The school builds good character. Note: ThE plural form characters denotes the letters of the alphabet or the people in a book or play 521 Hair. Don't say: Thal man has long hairs . J S ay: That man has long hair. Note. When we use hair to denote a s1ngle thread, the plural form is hairs 1 found two long hairs in my food 522 Bread. Don 't say: Breads are sold al the baker's. .1 Say: Bread is sold at the baker's. Note We can say a loaf of bread and loaves of bread: 1 bought a foaf (two, three, etc., loaves) of bread. 523 Fish. Don't say: Yeslerday we had fishes for dinner . .1 S ay: Yesterday we had fish for dinner. Note. Fish as food or 1n bulk (= large numbers) 1s always smgular We rarely use the plural form ( f i s ~ ~ i ) which denotes f1sh individually_ 1 caught three smalf fishes. 123 Part 5 524 Fruit. Don't say: We didn't have many fruits this summer. .1 S ay: We didn 't have much lruit this summer. Note: We rarely use the plural form frults which means different kinds of fruit Cyprus produces oranges, apricots, and other fruits 525 Grass. Don't say: The dog \ay down on the grasses. .1 Say: The dog \ay down on the grass. 526 Dozen. Don't say: 1 want to buy three dozens eggs. .1 Say: 1 want to buy three dozen eggs. Note: (A dozen = 12): J'd like to buy a dozen eggs. when dozen isn't preceded by a numeral (like three) or by a we use the plural form: There were dozens of eggs 52 7 Hundred, etc. Don't say: The town has fifty thousands people. .1 Say: The town has fifty thousand people. Note: Hundred. thousand, and mllllon take the plural form if they're not preceded by a numeral or by a: Thousands of peop/e were present 528 Sheep. Don't say: Ten sheeps are grazing the field. .1 Say: Ten sheep are grazing in the field. Note: Sheep, deer, salmon, and a few other nouns have the same form for singular and plural. We say one sheep or ten sheep. 529 Knowledge. Don't say: Karen has good knowledges of history. .1 S ay: Karen has a good knowledge of history. 124 Confused words 530 Progress. Don't say: Tom has made great progresses. ,/ S ay: Tom has made great progress . 531 Thunder and Lightning. Don't say: There were thunders and lightnings . .1 Say: There was thunder and lightning. Note: When only one th1ng meant we saya clap ot thunder and a flash or boft of /1ghtnrng 532 Machinery. Don't say: They're now using new machineries. .1 Say: They're now using new machinery . Note: Machinery 1s a smgular no un and always taKes a stngular verb and pronoun_ We can saya piece of machinery or pieces of machinery 533 Mathematics, etc. -> singular verb. Don 't say: Mathematics are not easy to learn. ,/ Say: Mathematics is not easy to learn . Note. The names of sciences and subects endmg 1n -ics (l1ke mathematics, physics, politics, gymnastics) generally take a s1ngular verb 534 Money + singular verb. Don't say: Al\ her money are kept in the bank. .1 Say: Al\ her money is kept in the bank . Note. Money 1s a s1ngular noun and always takes a smgular verb and pronoun 515 News +singular verb. Don't say: I'm glad that the news are good. .1 Say: I'm glad that the news is good. Note: News, though plural in form, always takes a singular verb. lf only one th1ng 1s meant we saya piece oran item of news. This is a good piece of news. i25 Part 5 536 Scissors, etc. + plural verb. Don't say: The scissor is lying on the table. ,/ S ay: The scissors are lying on the table. Note: All na mes of things consist1ng of two parts (like scissors, trousers, spectacles, shears, pliers) take a plural verb. We can say: a pair of (scissors, etc.) is ... 537 People + plural verb. Don't say: There is lots of people in the cinema. ,/ Say:There are lots of people in rhe cinema. Note: People, meaning nation, is singular_ The plural is peoples: The Greeks are a brave people, The peoples of E urape are often engaged in war: 538 Clothes + plural verb. Don't say: Your cloth is very fashionable. ,/ Say: Your clotbes are very fashionable. Note: Cloth, meaning the material of which clothes are made, is singular. and has a plural form cloths (w1thout the el: She deaned the tabfe with a cloth, Merchants se// different kinds of cloth:s. 539 Ricbes + plural verb. Don't say: Al! ber ricbes was stolen. ,/ Say: Al! ber ricbes were stolen. Note: Riches is a plural noun and always takes a plural verb. 540 Wages + plural verb. Don't say: Keith complains tbat bis wage is low. ./ Say: Keitb complains that bis wages are low. Note: Wages is a plural noun and takes a plural verb. We say: a living wage 541 Billiards. Don 't say: Billiard is a very difficult game. ,/ Say: Billiards is a very difficult game. 126 Note: Billards, draughts, darts are always plural, but are followed by verbs in the singular Confused words 542 Msuse of the adjective in the plural. Don't say: The ricb bave a duty to belp tbe poors. ,/ S ay: The ricb bave a duty to help tbe poor. Note: Adjectives can't take the plural form, even when they're used as nouns in the plural. 543 Misuse of as well as witb a plural verb. Don't say: Tom as well as Mark are coming. ,/ S ay: Tom as well as Mark is coming. Two singular nouns joined by as well as require the verb to be singular_ 544 Misuse of all (= everythiug) witb a plural verb. Don't say: Nothing's left; al! are lost. ./ Say: Notbing's left; all is lost. All meaning everything, takes a singular verb, all meaning evt.,ybody. takes a plural verb: Al/ of usare present. 545 Misuse of the plural befare kind or sort. Don't say: 1 don't like !bese kind of games. ,/ Say: 1 don't like this kind of game. Or: 1 don'! like games of this kind. Note: The demonstrative word (this/that etc.) must agree.with its noun. In the example, kind is singular and so this must agree with it 546 Misuse of tbe plural witb tbe name of a language. Don't say: Englisb are easiet tban German. ,/ S ay: English is easier tban Gerrnan . Names of languages are singular and always take a singular verb 547 Misuse of one and parts of one witb the singular. Don't say: 1 read it in one and a half bour. ./ Say: 1 read it in one and a half hours. In English, use the plural with anything greater than one, v ~ n if it's less than two. 127 - ------------- Part 5 Haw another look al ... Singular and plural 1 We generalty forrn the plural of nouns by adding -s. -es or, wh{-m the noun ends in consonant y, -ies to the singular: book books church churches knife knives city cities journey journeys 2 The following nouns have irregular plurals: Singular Plural rnan rnen woman women child children ox oxen tooth teeth foot feet goose geese mouse m ice 3 We don't use sorne nouns in the plural: advice, information, knowledge, news, progress, work, muney, luggage, furniture, scenery, rnachinery or item. Note: When only one thing is meant, we saya piece of advice (information, news, work_ money, furniture, luggage, machinery). 4 We don 't use sorne nouns in the singular: people, riches, c/othes, wages, trousers, scissors, spectac/es. Note: We often use names of things consisting of two parts with the word pair: a pair of tiousers (scissors, spectacles, etc.). 5 Sorne nouns have the sarne forrn for the singular as for the plural: sheep, deer, salman. 128 Confused words 548 Misuse of the singular with a collective nowl. of plurality. Don't sav: The class was divided in its opinion . ./ Say: h ~ class were divided in their opinions. A collect' 1 ve noun usually takes a smgular verb, but when it denotes the 1nd1vidual members of the group and not the group as a who!e use a plural verb 549 The number and A number. (a) The number. . Don't say: '!be nurnber of pupils are increasmg. ./ Say: The number of pupils is increasing. (b) A nurnber. Don't say: A nurnber of pupils is absent today. ./ S ay: A number of pupils are absent today. When we precede number by the '1t denoteS a unit and is singular_ When 1\'s preceded by a it means several or many and is plural 550 Misuse o! This forThese. Don't say: .This errors are sometimes made by foreigners. ./ Say: These errors are sornetimes made by foreigners. This changes to these 1f the noun that follows is in the plural Note: Also avoid the use of this instead of the personal prono un. John had the book but he gave this to his brother should be John had the book but he gave it to his brother 5 51 Misuse of There is for There are. Don't say: There is sorne girls waiting outside. ./ Say: There are sorne girls waiting outside. There is changes to there are if the noun that follows 1s the plural 552 Misuse of You was for You were. Don't say: You was very foolish to do that. S ay: You were very foolish to do that. 129 Part 5 Was is singular and were is plural, but with the pronoun you, even when it's s"u1gular in meaning, we always use were. Note: In conditions and wishes we can use were with the singular lf 1 we"'e you, /' d go, 1 wish 1 were rich. 553 Misuse of life, etc., for lives, etc. Don't say: Many people lost their life at sea. ./ Say: Many people lost their lives at sea. In English, we use words like life, heart. soul, body, mind in the plural when they refer to more than one person. 554 Agreement of number between noun and verb. Don't say: A large supply of toys are expected. ,/ Say: A large supply of toys is expected. When the subject is singul.:ir. the verb must be Singular and when the subject is plural. the verb must also be plural. Take care when a plural noun comes between a singular subject and its verb, as in the example above. (See Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 137-138.) Confusion of parts of speech 555 As and Like. Don't say: You don't look as your mother. .1 Say: You don't look like your mother. As IS a conjunction, and is usually followed by a noun or pronoun in the nominative case. like isn't a conjunction, but an adjective which behaves likr; a prepos1tion in being followed by a noun or pronoun in the objective case. (See Exercise 89 on page 176.) 556 So and Such. (a) So. Don't say: It's such small that you can't see it . .1 Say: lt's so small that you can't see it. 130 Confused words (b) Such. Don't say: l've never seen a so large animal befare. ,/ Say: !'ve never seen such a large animal befare. So 1s an adverb, and must qualify an adective or another adverb. Such is an adject1ve and must quahfy a noun. 557 No and Not. (a) No . Don 't say: l've not made any mistakes in dictation. ./ Say: !'ve made no mistakes in dictation. (b) Not. Don't say: 1 have made no any mistakes in dictation. .1 Say: 1 haven't (= have not) made any mistakes in dictation. We use no meaning not any, asan adjective to qualify the noun lf the noun 1s already qualified by an adective, like any. much, enough, we must use the adverb not. Note: We only use no as an adverb befare a comparative: 1 have no more ro say. (See Exercise 90 on page 176.) 5 58 Fool and Foolish. (a) Foo!. Don't say: Anne said to me, 'You're fool.' ,/ Say: Aune said tome, 'You're a fool.' (b) Foolish. Don't say: Anne said to me, 'You're a foolish. ,/ S ay: Anne said to me, 'You're foolish. Fool is a noun, and requires the article when we use 11: w'1th the verb to be. Foolish is an adjective, and can't be used with the article after the verb to be Note: A fool ora foolish person doesn't mean an insane person, but one who acts thoughtlessly. We tend to use silly or stupld instead of foolish 1n modern usage. 131 L Part 5 559 Misuse of due to as a prepasition. Don't say: Williarn carne late due to an accident. J Say: VVilliam carne late because of an accident. Don't use dueto as a prepositio;1 nre2.n1ng betause of as an adjPCtlvP here, is used correctly only when it qualifies some noun Hrs deidy ;vas due to an accident 560 Misuse of rest a' an adjective. Don't say: 1 spent the rest day at horne . ./ Say: l spent the res! of !he day at borne. Here, rest 1s a noun, and w12't use 1t asan adjectlve 1n the meaning of what's ieft. 561 Misuse of miser as an adjective. Don't say: Jill loved money; she was miser. ./ Say: .Jill loved money; she was a mise;. Miser 1s a noun, and we can'! LJse it as an fhe "ldJ<::CiYJC mfsedy ShP vvas mi.teriy. 562 Misuse of opened as an adjective. Don't say: I found aH the windo\V:'I op1.-;:ned .. ,f S ay: _ f.Jund all the windows open. The adjective is The past b has opened al/ the windows 563 Misuse of friendly as an adverb. Don't say: Andrew behaves friendly. ,/ Say: Andrew behaves in a friendly way. The adverb1ai form 1s in a friendly way_ Friendly is an ad,Jectrve a friendly game, to have friendty relations w1th one's ne1ghbours, etc 564 Misuse of truth as an adjective. Don't say: ls it tmth that Diana's very ill? ,/ Say: Is il true that Diana's very ill? 132 Truth isn't an adjective but a noun_ The adJect1ve 1s true, ar,d we use ft w1th no article between it and the verb to be Confused woms 565 Misuse of plenty as an adjective. Don't say: Mike had plenty work to do. ./ S ay: Mike had plenty of work ta do. Plenty isn't an adjective, but a noun rnean1ng a large number or amount. The adjective is plentiful: Oranges are cheap now be-cause they are plent!ful 566 Misuse of coward as an adjective. Don't say: She said, 'You are a coward boy.' .i Say: She said, 'Yau are a coward.' Coward (= one without courage) is the noun_ The adjectl've 15 cowarJfy 567 Misuse of others as an adjective. Don't say: 1he others boys aren't here. ./ S ay: The olher boys aren'! he re. Others rsnt an adjectrve but a pronoun The adjectrve rs ott:er :without the s) We can say: The others aren't here. ornitting the noun boys 568 Misuse of died for dead. Don't say: 1 think his grandfather is diect. ./ Say: 1 think his grandfather is dead. Died 1s the past tenSe of die. The adJective is dead. (See Exercise 91 on page 177.) 569 Misuse of shoot for shot. Don 't say: 1 had a good shoot at the goal. ./ S ay: 1 had,a good shot at the goal. Shoot (in football) is the verb The noun 1s shot. 570 Misuse of it's for its. Don 't write: The bird was feeding it's young . ./ Write: The bird was feeding its young. The possessive adject1ve- its is correctly wr1tten wrthout the apostrophe So also hers. ours. yours, theirs take no apostrophe (See Exercise 92 on page 177.) 133 Part 5 571 Misuse of hot as a noun. Don't say: There's much hot this summer. ,/ Say: lt's very hot this summer. Hot is an adjective only, and we can't use itas a noun. The noun is heat. 572 Misuse of pain as a verb. Don't say: 1 pain my leg or My leg is paining. ,/ Say: There's (or l've got) a pain in my leg. We generally use paln as a noun, and precede it by have or feel. 573 Misuse of worth as a verb. Don't say: My bicycle worths USO. ,/ Say: My bicycle is worth USO. Worth isn't a verb, but an adiective. 574 Misuse of able as a verb. Don't say: The poor man doesn't able to pay. ,/ S ay: The poor man isn't able to pay. Able is an adjective, and we can't use itas a verb. 575 Misuse of afraid as a verb. Don't say: John doesn't afraid of anybody. ,/ Say: John's not afraid of anybody. Afraid isn't a verb but an adjective, and we generally use it with the verb to be. S 7 6 Mis use of weight as a verb. Don't say: Have you weighted the letter? ,/ Say: Have you weighed the letter? 134 Weight is a noun and we can't use itas a verb. The verb is weigh (without the t). Confused words 577 l\lisuse of good for weU. Don't say: The goalkeeper plays very good. ,1 S ay: The goalkeeper plays very well. Good is an adjective only, and we can't use it asan adverb (See Exercise 93 on pages 177-178.) 578 Misuse of adjective for adverb. Don't say: The little girl sang beautiful. ,/ Say: The little girl sang beautifully. We use an adverb, and notan adjective, to qualify a verb. Nore: After verbs such as look, feel. sound, taste, smell use an adject1ve 1nstead of an adverb: Sugar tastes sweet (not sweetly). 579 Misuse of after for afterwards, etc. Don't say: After we went home for dinner. ,/ Say: Afterwards we went home for dinner. Atter is a prepos1tion and we must use 1t with an obect. Afterwards, then, after that are adverbs of time and we can use them alone 580 And the two, etc., used for both, etc. Don 't say: !'ve seen and the two of them. ./ S ay: !'ve seen both of them. Never say and the two instead of both. Also avo1d and the three, four. etc Say, all three, four, etc 531 Misuse of and for also or too. Don 't say: Let me do and the next exercise. ./ S ay: Let's also do the next exercise. Or: Let me do the next exercise too. And is a conjunct10n, and can only jo1n similar forms of speech He came and sar down. We can't use II instead of the d v e r b ~ also and too 135 Part 5 582 Misuse of and for even. Don"t say: She doesn't trust and her friends . ./ S ay: She doesn't tmst even her friends. And is a coniunction only, and we can't use it instead of the adverb even 583 Misuse of loase for lose. Don't say: Be careful not to loase your rnoney. , Say: Be careful not to lose your money. lose (with one o) is the common verb meaning not to be able to flnd. !.oose (with double o) is an adjective meaning unfastened, free: The horse was loose in the field 584 Misuse of past for passed. Don 't say: l past by your house yesterday. ./ Say: 1 passed by your house yesterday. ~ u t isro't a verb. The past tense and pa5t partidple of the verb to pass 1s pas10ed 136 Note we can use past as a nol!n, Don't think of the past: an adjective, The past week was warm: a preposition, \Ne walked past the church: an adverb, The fr:;in went patt (See Exercises 94 and 95 on page 178.) Exercises The following Exercises, which provide ample drill on the commonest mistakes dealt with in this book, are arranged under the headings of the various parts of speech. TOTHE STUDENT: You'/1 need a separate exercise book to write your answers to many of these exercises. Nouns Confusion of numbtr (Sections 514-554) Exercise 1 Give the corree! number, is or are, in the following: 1 The news !'ve received ___ good. 2 Where ___ the money? 3 His trainers worn out. 4 Maths ___ my poorest subject. 5 Riches ___ sought after by al!. 6 Our furniture ___ getting old. 7 This pair of scissors ___ not sharp. 8 Eating fish ___ very healthy. 9 The number ">f mobile phones ___ increasing. 1 O The sheep ___ grazing in the field. 137 L Exerdses Exercise 2 Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections: 1 Her advices were very wise. 2 You was the first to do it. 3 The class wasn't able to agree. 4 !'ve many works to do this moming. 5 The thunders and lightnings frightened the litlle girl. 6 !'ve more than two dozens of books at home. 7 The poors say that riches does not make a man happy. 8 She waited at the terminal for her luggages. 9 You should go and have your hairs cut, they're too long. 1 O !'m waiting for more informations abou! this matter. Exercise 3 Write sentences showing whether the followii,.g nouns can be used in the singular or in the plural: 1 news 2 money 3 advice 4 riches 5 dozen 6 knowledge 7 spectacles 9 furn.iture 8 gymnastics 1 O daTnage N ouns often confused (Sections 489-513) Exercise 4 Use house or borne in these sentences: 1 1 live in a ___ . 2 My ___ is in Cyprus. 3 Many ___ are being buil t this year. 138 Exercises 4 East or West, ___ is bes!. 5 The ___ was sold for f150,000. Exercise 5 Use habit or custom in these sentences: You should get into the ___ of brushing your teeth after meals. 2 It's the ___ of many people to pray for rain. 3 He has a ___ of biting his nails. 4 Smoking isn't a good ___ . 5 The ___ of showing hospitality to strangers is ancient. Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with one of the nouns in brackets: The anc1ent ---. of Greece is an interesting subject. (story, history) 2 His ___ was swollen and he couldn't get his shoe on. (joot, leg) 3 The strong ___ spoilt the game. (wind, air) 4 Mr Brown is my lawyer and !'ve been his for many years. (customer, client) 5 We've been given a long ___ to leam by heart. (poem, poetry) 6 She can play the violn and other ___ . (organs, instruments) 7 The ___ of Switzerland is very beautiful. (scene, scenery) 8 There wasn't much ___ anywhere. (shade, shadow) 9 The ship was sunk in the ___ of the Atlantic. (middle, centre) 1 O The students wiU do a ___ at the end of the year. (theatre, play) 139 _ _..___ __ Exercises Adjectives Comparative or superlative (Sections 151-156, 470) Exercise 7 Rewrite the following with the correct adjectives in brackets: 1 He's the (strong) boy in the whole school. 2 Of the two sisters, Mary is the (beautifu[). 3 Ann is the (young) of four sisters. 4 John is the (old) of al! my friends. S This is the (good) novel !'ve ever read. 6 Which do you think is (good), tea or coffee? 7 !ron is the (usefu[) of al! metals. 8 The Nile is tbe (long) river in Africa. 9 Which of the two girls is (tal[)? 1 O David is (bad) than his brother. Exercise 8 Corree! the following, giving reasons for your corrections: 1 Alexandria is smaller from Cairo. 2 New York is the larger city in the United S tates. 3 He's the better student from al!. 4 John is more stronger than his brother. S My handwriting is more bad than my sister's. 6 Which is the heaviest you or 1? 7 Which of these three girls is the elder? 8 This boy's manners are more good than his brother's. 9 Which of the girls is the taller in the class? 1 O Mount Everest is the higher mountain of the world. 140 Exercises Adjectives often confused (Sections 465-488) Exercise 9 Use many or much in these sentences: 1 He hasn't ___ money. 2 Have they ___ books? 3 There isn 't ___ food in the house. 4 Does she take ___ interest in it? 5 1 haven't __ time. 6 Are there ___ pupils absent today? 7 How ___ does this book cost? 8 __ rain has fallen on the mountains. 9 He doesn't know ___ English. 1 O Too ___ people went to the concert. Exercise 10 Use few or a few, little or a little in these sentences: 1 As he has ___ books, he isn 't able to study. 2 Will you have ___ tea? 3 He's very ill, there's ___ hope for him. 4 There are ___ apples in the bowl, help yourself to sorne. S ___ people study Latin nowadays. 6 He can't afford it as he only has ___ money left. 7 As she didn't speak clearly, __ people understood what she said. 8 ___ people will admit their faults. 9 We must save ___ money for our joumey borne. 1 O 1 have ___ friends in London who will help me. 141 l Exercises Exercise 11 Use ill or sick in these sentences: 1 She was suddenly taken ___ . 2 The mea! was bad, and made everybody ___ . 3 He went to the hospital to visit the ___ . 4 The ___ man died yesterday. 5 When we're ___ we go to the doctor. 6 Those who are in bad health are said to be ___ . 7 The __ and the wounded were taken to hospital. 8 He's ___ with a bad cold. 9 When 1 travel by boa! !'m always ___ . 1 o S he felt __ and left in the middle of the game. Exercise 12 Use some or any in these sentences: !'ve got __ new CDs at home. 2 There aren't __ flowers in the garden. 3 Have you ___ brothers in this scbool? 4 Did you buy __ stamps at the post offke? . 5 Have 1 got __ e-mails this moming? Exercise 13 Use his or her in these sentences: 1 Tbe father told __ daughter to come back. 2 She gave the money to ___ uncle's neighbour. 3 He sent a letter to ___ niece. 4 The woman lost __ son. 5 Tbe grandfather gave a nice gift to ___ daughter's eldest son. 142 Exercises Exercise 14 Use interesting or interested in these sentences: l'm ___ in English. 2 Was the film ___ last night? 3 Tbe book is ___ from beginning to end. 4 She's a most ___ lady. 5 Are you ___ in computers? Exercise 15 Fill in the blanks with one of the adjectives in brackets: 1 He sat down and said nothing ___ . (jarther, further) 2 Is that the ___ edition of The Tmes? (last, latest) 3 Wash your hands if they're not ___ . (clean, clear) 4 A prize was given to ___ one of the two best pupils. (ea eh, every) S She knows ___ words than her brother. (less, fewer) 6 Severa! people were ___ when the train ran off the track. ( wounded, injuretf 7 Jane is ___ than her cousin. (higher, taller) 8 Tom is three years old, he's too ___ to go to school. (small, young) 9 James is my ___ brother. (older, elder) 1 O M y sister Emma is ___ than 1 am. ( older, elder) 143 1 l Exercises The articles (Sections 247-254, 301-320) Exercise 16 Fill in the blanks with a or an where necessary. 1 Swimming is __ great fun. 2 The plane made ___ terrible noise. 3 What sort of man is he? 4 My aunt made __ fortune inAmerica. 5 He saved up more than ___ thousand pounds. 6 The train left half __ hour ago. 7 She's made ___ r ~ t progress in English. 8 She's ___ clever girl. 9 He tried without success to find ___ work. 1 O Vitamins are necessary fur ___ good health. Exercise 17 Fill in the blanks with the where necessary: 1 My little brother will go to ___ school next year. 2 My father left __ school many years ago. 3 __ red, ___ blue, and ___ green are beautiful colours. 4 __ cotton of Egypt is exported to many countries. 5 Nile flows into Mediterranean. 6 What time is lunch? 7 She can speak ___ French. 8 She speaks __ German better than ___ English. 9 flies are harmful insects. 1 O The boy was sent to ___ post office to post a letter. 144 Exercises Pronouns Relative pronouns (Sections 144-146) Exercise 18 Put relative pronouns in each of the following: 1 That's the boy ___ carne yesterday. 2 The man to ___ 1 spoke is my brother. 3 The girl ___ mother is ill has left school. 4 This is the pen ___ 1 bought. 5 1 can't repeat all ___ 1 heard. 6 He's a boy ___ 1 know you can trust. 7 She's the girl ___ we thought had been ill. 8 He's the talles! man ___ 1 ever saw. 9 She's the same ___ she's always been. 1 O 1 like to help those ___ 1 ]ove and 1 know ]ove me. --- Interrogative pronouns (Sections 149-150) Exercise 19 Put interrogative pronouns in each of the following: 1 ___ do you find easier to learn, English or French? 2 ___ were you talking about? (the cinema) 3 ___ is this book? (my uncle's) 4 ___ of the two players do you like better? 145 l Exercises S __ do you think I wanted? (your brother) 6 ___ of the three boys spoke? 7 ___ did you say won the prize? 8 ___ is he, do you suppose? (a lawyer) 9 __ __ of your brothers works in the bank? 1 O ___ is the number of your house? Repetition of subject or object (Sections 332-338) Exercise 20 Rewrite the following sentences, leaving out unnecessary pronouns and making other necessary changes: 1 The prizes they were given to the boys. 2 The girl she said nothing. 3 The teacher gave us an exercise to do it. 4 He went home and he got his book. S The book which it is on the table is mine. 6 Students who are good at their !essons they get good marks. 7 She gave us a football to play with it. 8 The people, having seen the game, they went away. 9 The headmaster I have seen him just now. 1 O The scorpion it has a sting in its tail. Miscellaneous examples Exercise 21 Corree! the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections: One should mind his own business. 2 The most of the people are fond of the cinema. 146 Exercises 3 This is the boy which is always late. 4 1 speak English better than him. 5 S he told her mother all what had been said. 6 Tim cake is for you and myself. 7 I want to give me your book, please. 8 ls a very good girl. 9 lt is them. 1 O l and Stephen are friends. Verbs Sequence of tenses (Sections 107-110) Exercise 22 Put the verbs in brackets into the tenses required: 1 thought that he (can) run much !aster 2 Tbe boy said that he (begin) his work t ~ o r r o w 3 She says she (understand) French very well. . 4 The teacher said, 'London (be) the largest city in !he world.' 5 The teacher said that London (be) the capital of England. 6 l was sure that he ( wil[) succeed. 7 l asked her if she ( want) anything. 8 They say that he (wil[) pass the exam. 9 S he told me that she (jee[) very tired. 1 O :n'e boy worked hard so that he (may) not fail in che exam. 147 L Exercises Exercise 23 Complete the following, using a verb in the required tense: 1 Laura told me that she __ _ 2 1 asked him whether he 3 James said that he ___ . 4 Our teacher taught us that ___ . 5 Sarah gave me a promise that she ___ . 6 The boys said that ___ . 7 1 knew that she --- 8 1 asked him to wait until __ _ 9 1 thought that she __ . 1 O He didn't come when ___ . U se of the wrong tense (Sections 111- 133) Exercise 24 Supply the correct tense, Simple Present or Present Continuous, in the following: 1 1 (lo go) to school every day. 2 He (lo go) to the school now. 3 Look! They (lo come) towards us. 4 Now 1 (lo hear) her clearly. 5 Every moming 1 (lo lake) a walk by the river. 6 The sun (lo rise) in the east and (lo sel) in the west. 7 The teacher (lo walch) me when 1 (lo wrile). 8 We (to go) to the cinema this evening. 9 1 (lo read) English now. 1 O People (lo use) umbrellas when it (lo rain). 148 Exercises Exercise 25 Supply the correct tense, Simple Past Tense or Past Continuous, in the following: 1 When 1 (come) in, it (rain). 2 Many years ago people (travel) on horseback. 3 I (meel) him as l (go) home. 4 He (go) to another schoollast year. 5 M y father (play) football in his youth. 6 We (eat) our dinner when he (come) to visit us. 7 In the past he (smoke) a great deal. 8 They (shoul) when the teacher (enler) the room. 9 Last year he (study) very hard. 1 O While he (play) football he (lose) his watch. Exercise 26 Supply the corree! tense, Simple Past Tense or Present Perfect, in the following: He (come) back last week. 2 1 just (jinish) my work. 3 1 (Zive) in London last year. 4 The bell (ring) five minutes ago. 5 1 (see) the Pyramids of Egypt. 6 He (write) the book in 1936. 7 She (be) i1l with fever since las! Saturday. 8 The ship (-arrive) yesterday. 9 1 (stay) at my uncle's last night. 1 O 1 (deposit) the money in the bank. 149 Exercise 27 Supply !he corree! tense, Simple Past Tense or Pas: Perfec! in the fol!owing: ' 'r l (want) to see you yesterday. 2 He (teZ! me that he (see) me the day hefore yesterday. 3 There (be) a strong wind last night. 4 The girl (jind) the book which she (lose). 5 When l (run) a mile, l (be) very tired. 6 The tourist (talk) about the countries she (visit). 7 When 1 (be) a boy l (study) music. 8 The Romans (speak) Latin. 9 Alter he (jinish) his work he (go) to bed. 1 O She (sleep) an hour when l (wake) her. Exercise 28 Complete the fol!owing, using the corree! tense: We'l! go for a picnic, if ___ . 2 l'll visit the Pyramids when . 3 Sorne people talk as if __ --:- 4 Since he carne here __ . 5 You would have passed if . Exercise 29 Rewrite the following with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: 1 Alter he (jinish) his work he (go) borne. 2 l (study) English for two years. 3 l (jinish) my work this morning. 4 l (do) my homework befare Tom (cal[) forme. 5 He said he (will) go to the cinema. 6 I not (see) her since Wednesday. 7 l (speak) to her five minutes ago. 150 Exercises 8 1 (study) grammar las! year. 9 She always (whisper) during the lesson. 1 O The courier (come) back. Exercise 30 Corree! the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections: 1 Richard said that he is working hard. 2 How long did you waited for me yesterday? 3 She speaks English very well, but !'m not sure whether she can speaks French too. 4 He is on the tearn for two years. 5 I have seen her yesterday at church. 6 What do you do now? - 1 do my project. 7 1 use to get up early. 8 Paul acts as if he is a rich man. 9 !'ll speak to him as soon as he will come. . , 1 O 1 told JiU to come with us, but she says that she 1sn t feeling well. Third person singular (Sections 242, 243) Exercise 31 Put the following into the third person singular, present tense: always do my homework carefully, but Mike never ___ . 2 Karen's friends often go fishing, but she never __ . 3 1 haven't gol a new computer, but Rosie __ . 4 Simon has tickets for the match, but Bruce __ . 5 She walks to work every day, but her husband ___ . 1 51 Exercises 5 She opened the document. 6 He speaks English. 7 He bought a new calculator. 8 She found her disk. 9 Mary carne late. 1 O He knew the answer. Exercise 34 Answer !he following questions (a) in the affirmative, (b) in the negative, using complete sentences: 1 Did you bu y a new printer? 2 Does John often swim across the river? 3 Did you find the book that you los!? 4 Does she always ring the bell? 5 Did he go to London last year? 6 Did she teach you anything? 7 Did yo u know the answer to the problem? 8 Does he speak many languages? 9 Do you think it will rain? 1 O Did they catch the thief? Exercise 35 Corree! whatever is wrong with the following questions: 1 You were at the cinema las! night? 2 At what time did she carne yesterday? 3 You will go borne next week? 4 He has returned from leave? 5 Does she speaks French? 6 You have sorne good news forme? 7 He can drive a car? 8 You heard about the accident? 9 Why she comes here every day? 1 O When the post will come? 153 Exercises 6 We comb and brush our hair, but our sister ___ . 7 Robin has a broken arm, but Caro! ___ . 8 haven't got time for breakfast, but my sister ___ . 9 1 sit and talk to my friends, but my mother -- 1 O 1 go to school by bike, but my friend __ . Exercise 32 Fill the blanks with the right word, don't or doesn't, in the following: 1 l think so. 2 John ___ know how to swim. 3 He __ play football well. 4 1 t matter what they say. 5 Sorne pupils ___ take good care of their books. 6 ___ you know where I live? 7 Why __ you try? 8 Teachers ___ like lazy pupils. 9 Lucy ___ speak English very well. 1 O ___ be afraid of the dog! Questions and negations (Sectons 104-105, 256, 361-362) Exercise 33 Rewrite the following sentences (a) as questions, (b) as negative sentences: He went borne. 2 You told me to wait. 3 I made a mistake. 4 She bcoke the window. 152 l Exercises Question phrases (Section 164) Exercise 36 Complete the following, adding question phrases: 1 She sings well, ___ ? 2 He can't swim, ~ ~ ? 3 You play the piano, ~ ~ ? 4 lt's coa! today, ~ ? 5 lt isn't warm today, ___ ? Indirect questions (Section 365) Exercise 37 Change the following into indirect questions: l asked him, 'How much did yo u pay for your bicycle ?' 1 asked him how much he ... 2 She asked her guest, 'Do you want tea or coffee?' S he asked her guest if she ... 3 1 asked him, 'What's your idea?' l asked him what his ... 4 We asked them, 'Where are you going?' We asked them where ... 5 They asked the assistant, 'What's the price of this PC?' They asked the assistant what ... 6 He asked me, 'Did you ring the bell?' He asked me if ... 7 The tourist asked us, 'Which is the way to the airport?' The tourist asked us which ... 154 Exercises 8 The teacher asked me, 'Why are you crying?' The teacher asked me why ... 9 M y father asked me, 'Why are you so late?' M y father asked me why ... 1 O She asked me, 'How long does it take to get there?' S he asked me how ... Double negative (Section 167) Exercise 38 Rewrite the following sentences correctly: 1 1 couldn 't find him nowhere. 2 There isn't no one here who knows her name. 3 1 didn't see nobody there. 4 He didn't tell me nothing. 5 He isn't neither wise nor good. 6 You will not find the box nowhere. 7 We didn't give him nothing. 8 1 don't know nothing. 9 He didn't speak to no one in the room. 1 O Nobody never saw him without his stick. Contractions (Section 377) Exercise 39 Write the words which each of the following contractions stand for: 1 don't 2 doesn't ...... 3 aren'! 4 isn't 5 wasn't 6 can'! 7 couldn't 8 haven't 9 we'll 10 you've 155 EKercises Exercise 40 Write contractions for the following: 1 would not 2 l am 3 I have 4 I will 5 had not 6 he is 7 it is 8 will not Verbs often confused (Sections 396-454) Exercise 41 Put shall or will in the following: 1 Tomorrow __ be Sunday. 9 shall not 10 mus! not 2 All right, 1 ___ come. 3 You ___ not leave this room until you fini&h your work. 4 You ___ find your books on the table. 5 ___ I bring my books with me? 6 He ___ go to school this year. 7 No! I ___ never do that. 8 I write a few letters tomorrow. 9 I ---do it whether they like it or not. 1 o 'We _ be as quiet as mice,' promised the children Exercise 42 Use the corree! form of say or tell in the following: 1 He always ___ the truth. 2 Simon __ , 'I'll go tomorrow.' 3 She nothing. 4 They _ that she is ill. 5 He __ that he'd go the next day. 156 Exercises 6 I ___ him that l'd go with him. 7 She ___ to me, '!'m not feeling well.' 8 What's he ___ ing? 9 Don't lies. 1 O Amy ___ me that she would go home. Exercise 43 Use the corree! form of make or do in the following: 1 Sorne of the bes! cheeses are ___ in France. 2 He ___ his best to help me. 3 Have you ___ your homework? 4 I have only ___ one mistake. 5 If you take this medicine, it'll ___ you good. 6 ___ whatever you like. 7 What were you ___ ing when I carne in? 8 Did you ___ your homework carefully? 9 Don't ___ a noise. 1 O They often __ fun of her at school. Exercise 44 Use the corree! form of lie or lay in the following: 1 l'll go and ___ down. 2 The book was ___ ing on the floor. 3 He ___ down to rest. 4 She told the dog to ___ down. 5 The hen has ___ an egg. 6 How long have you ___ in bed? 7 She ___ to the teacher. 8 He ordered his troops to ___ down. 9 1 ____ the book on the table. 1 O Yesterday she ___ in bed until midday. 157 1 L Exercises Exercise 45 Use the corree! form of sit, seat, or set in the following: 1 Please down. 2 Please ___ yourself. 3 Please be 4 5 6 7 The sun in the west. The boat will ___ twelve people. The old man was ___ ing by the fire. the vase on the table. 8 The dog was ___ ing on the char. 9 The teacher ____ the boys as they carne in. 1 O 1 once irr that famous chair. Exercise 46 Use the corree! form of rise or raise In the following: 1 Prices ___ during the war. 2 He promised to ___ her salary. 3 The balloon ___ in the sky. 4 The sun at six o'clock. 5 He his hat to the teacher. 6 The box is too heavy, 1 can't ___ it. 7 She from her seat and left the room. 8 1 ___ very early in the morning. 9 The teacher told him not to his voice. 1 O We had from table befare she carne in. Exercise 47 Use the corree! form of wear, put on, or dress in the following: 1 She often ___ a green coat. 2 1 ___ my coat and went out. 3 The mother the child. 4 She a beautiful dress at the dance. 158 Exercises 5 lt takes him a long time to ___ his clothes. 6 He ___ a red tie yesterday. 7 She never brown shoes. 8 Mary ___ herself and went to the party. 9 l'll ___ my new dress at the wedding. 1 O VVhen he carne in he was ___ ing his coa t. Exercise 48 Use the corree! form of let, let go, leave, or give up in the following: 1 ___ your books here. 2 Does your father ___ you go swimming? 3 Please ___ my room. 4 1 have music lessons. 5 Where have you ___ your pen? 6 Mother will not ___ me go. 7 His old friends him. 8 P!ease of my hand. 9 Someone always ____ the door open. 1 O ___ me go, too. Exercse 49 Use a correct form of fly, flow, or flee in the following: The plane ___ over the city. 2 The birds have north for the summer. 3 He ___ from danger. 4 The water ___ all day. 5 The flies ___ through the window. 6 The Nile into the Mediterranean. 7 He from London to New York. 8 9 10 The prisoner has ___ from his guard. Birds The wild horses from the men. 159 r Exercises Exercise 50 Use hung or hauged in the following: He was found guilty and ___ . 2 Mother ___ the clothes up to dry. 3 Ibe picture ___ on the wall. 4 The criminal was 5 She __ bis jacket up. Exercise 51 Use the corree! form of borrow or lend in the following: 1 May I ___ your pen? 2 Please ___ me your book. 3 From whom did you ___ the money? 4 He'll __ you his knife. 5 You should avoid ___ ing things from others. Exercise 52 Use the correct form of steal or rob in the following: They ___ the house and fled. 2 Someone has ___ his money. 3 '!'ve been ___ ,' cried the lady. 4 When the bank was ___ , the thieves escaped. 5 The cat will __ the dog's food. Exercise 53 Use a correct form of refuse or deny in the following: 1 He to do the work. 2 Ciare ___ that she'd seen him. 3 Do you ___ that you broke the window? l 4 I ___ to take the money. 5 l.asked her to come with us, but she ___ . 160 Exercises Exercise 54 Use a corree! form of learn or teach in the following: 1 She ___ her friends the new garue. 2 Will you ___ me how lo swim? 3 He ___ bis lessons quickly. 4 M y teacher ___ me English. 5 Susan wanted to to drive. Exercise 55 Use the corree! forro of win or beat in the following: 1 We were sure to 2 I can him at chess. 3 The trophy was ___ by our school. 4 We've ___ your team severa} times. 5 We've always ___ . Exercise 56 Use the correct form of see or look in the following: 1 We can't in the dark. 2 Don'! out of the window. 3 Did you ___ that film? 4 When he ___ through the open window, he __ _ it on the table. 5 The blind can't Exercise 57 Use a correct form of hear or listen in the following: 1 I ___ carefully but ___ nothing. 2 He can'! ___ very well. 3 I was ___ ing lo the music. 161 Exercises 4 The deaf can'! 5 Let's ___ to my new CD. Exercise 58 Use the correct form of like or want in the following: 1 ___ to go to Athens next year. 2 Children ___ to play computer games. 3 Do you ___ to come with me for a drive? 4 She always ___ to get up early. 5 Do yo u ___ to play tennis this afternoon? Exercise 59 Use a corree! form of read or study in the following: 1 M y father ___ The Times. 2 The boy is ___ ing for the exam. 3 When 1 finish ___ ing geography, 1'11 ____ the letter. 4 She ___ a lot, but she doesn't ___ for her exams. 5 When the students had ___ the exam paper, they were advised to --- the questions again. Exercise 60 Use fall or fell in the following: 1 2 3 4 5 162 Did the child from the chair? The plane ___ into the sea. He ___ down and broke his leg. In winter the leaves from the trees. You'll ___ if you're not careful. Exercises Exercise 61 In the following sentences, choose the corree! word from !hose in brackets: 1 Who (discovered, invented) the telephone? 2 The judge was (persuaded, convinced) that the man was guilty. 3 When will the meeting (take place, take part)? 4 He (took, received) a prize for his success. 5 lt's not wise to (interfere with, interfere in) family quarrels. 6 He (is, is found) at the school in the morning. 7 At what time do you (sleep, go to bed)? 8 She didn't (accept, agree) to go. 9 How does that man (win, eam) his living? 1 O Please (remember, remind) me to give you the change. Un-English expressions (Sections 186-222) Exercise 62 Correct the following sentences, giving the corree! idiom: 1 Few people will admit that they have wrong. 2 Every day I put my watch with the school dock. 3 Will there be a game today afternoon? 4 He brought a good example. 5 Slowly, slowly, don't make a noise. 6 The teacher didn't put us a new lesson. 163 Exercises 7 Come down from the bicycle. 8 When do yo u make your bath? 9 1 have much work, 1 need an hour lo finish it. 1 O Many young people drink cigarettes. Misuse of the infinitive (Sections 75-103) Exercise 63 Put a suitable gerund in the following: Do this without __ any mistakes. 2 We don'! enjoy ___ . 3 He succeeded in the door. 4 1 can'! preven! you from ___ . 5 It's no use ___ about everything. 6 She stopped ___ in class. 7 1 was busy ___ ready for dinner. 8 It's worth well. 9 !'m thinking of ___ to London next year. 1 O It's no use ___ over spilt milk. Exercise 64 Make sentences of your own, using a gerund alter each of the following: 1 avoid 2 instead of 3 stop 164 4 finish 5 tired 6 preven! 7 interested 8 worth 9 insist 1 O can't help Exercises The infinitive without to (Sections 321-331) Exercise 65 Make sentences of your own, using an infinitive after each of the following verbs: 1 can . 2 could 3 may 4 might 5 must 6 let 7 make 8 see 9 hear 1 O feel Adverbs Wrong position of adverbs (Sections 353-359) Exercise 66 Rewrite the following sentences, placing the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the right position: 1 can speak very well English. 2 1 like very much music. 3 A beginner can't speak correctly English. 4 The teacher explained very well the problem. 5 Michael >ecorded with his video camera the concert. 6 He pul into his pocket the money. 7 He likes very much tea. 8 She learnt by heart the poem. 9 1 received from my aunt a nice present. 10 He shut quickly the book. 165 Exercises Exercise 67 Corree! the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections: 1 1 a]ways am on time. 2 lt rains seldom in the desert. 3 We went yesterday there. 4 !'m not enough tall. 5 He begged !he teacher to no! punish him. 6 1 could have not arrived sooner. 7 She will have no! finished her work by tomorrow. 8 1 prefer usually coffee to tea. 9 They are leaving for London this evening at seven o' dock. 1 O Peter yesterday did not come to school. Adverbs often confused (Sections 455-464) Exercise 68 Give the corree! adverb, very or too, in these sentences: 1 lt's __ cold today. 2 He's __ old to work. 3 1 can'! drink that coffee, it's ___ strong. 4 Sugar is ___ sweet. 5 These trainers are ___ small for me. 6 The Eiffel Tower is __ high. 7 Concorde flies ___ fast. 8 M y !ittle brother is ___ young to go to school. 9 1 felt ___ tired to study. 1 O He's ___ rich, he's a millionaire. 166 Exercises Exercise 69 Give the corree! adverb, very or much, in these sentences: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 l'm ___ sorry that you can'! come. 1 was ___ pleased to meet him. She was ___ frightened of failing in English. It was a ___ amusing game. 1 feel ___ tired. He plays ___ better !han bis brother. Her essay is ___ worse than yours. lt's a ___ interesting book. 1 was interested to hear what Becky said. --- We're ___ surprised at the news. Exercise 70 Give the correct adverb, very much or too much, in these sentences: 1 like oranges ___ . 2 Thank you ___ . 3 1 can'! study here, there's ___ noise. 4 f25 is __ for that book. 5 He ate ___ and felt sick. 6 1 was ___ awake when the baby started crying. 7 She talks ___ , she's a chatterbox. 8 !'m ___ obliged to you. 9 She Wds ___ interested in the subject. 1 O S he helped us ___ . 167 Exercises Exercise 71 Give the corree! adverb, hard or hardly, in these sentences: 1 The country was hit very ___ by the drought. 2 I ___ know how to thank you for your kindness. 3 He's ___ recovered from his illness. 4 If you work ___ , perhaps you'll succeed. 5 Think ___ befare you come to a decision. Exercise 72 Make five sentences of your own, using the word ago. Prepositions Using the wrong preposition (Sections 1-74) Exercise 73 Fill in the blanks with su1table prepositions: 1 1 wasn't pleased ___ her. 2 Cats are afraid ___ dogs. 3 Look this new book. 4 We're proud ___ our country. 5 He feels ashamed ___ his low marks. 6 We arrived ___ the station late. 7 She's very different ____ her sister. 8 Are you satisfied ___ your bicycle? 9 !'m no! accustomed life in a hotel. 1 O Many people complain ___ their low wages. 168 Exercises Exercise 74 Rewrite the following sen ten ces, using the correct prepositions: He was accused for lying. 2 I'rn surprised from the news. 3 !'m interested for football. 4 Water is composed from oxygen and hydrogen. 5 Are you sure for his honesty. 6 She's very good in English. 7 When is he leaving to England? 8 That depends entirely from you. 9 She was dressed with a yellow dress. 1 o He did his bes! to comply to the requirements. Exercise 75 Write sentences, using the following words with suitable prepositions: aim boas! insist marry de prive die different fail repent succeed good interested afraid u sed loo!< satisfied pleased ashamed depend prefer Exercise 76 Make sentences of your own, showing clearly the difference between the following: 1 arrive at/arrive in 2 angry wi th/ angry at 3 pleased with/pleased al 4 look at/look for 169 1 l 5 write with/write in 6 divide in/divide into 7 die of/die from Exercises 8 disappointed in/disappointed of 9 sit at/sit on 1 O tired of/tired with Prepositions often confused (Sections 379-395) Exercise 77 Use to or at in these sentences: 1 He goes ___ the supermarket every morning. 2 Anne stood ___ the window. 3 Simon is ___ school. 4 l met him ___ the airport. 5 !'m going ___ a party tonight. 6 l enjoyed myself ____ the party. 7 The tourist stayed ___ the Palace Hotel. 8 Alter his illness, he returned ___ work. 9 l saw Lucy _ _ the cinema. 1 O Please wait for me ___ the gate. Exercise 78 Use in or at in these sentences: 1 There are skyscrapers ___ NewYork. 2 1live ___ a small village. 3 1 spent my childhood ___ Greece. 4 M y friend was born ___ Ceylon. 5 He studied ___ Oxford. 6 S he Ji ves ___ Luxor __ __ Egypt. 170 Exercises 7 It's more expensive living __ London than ____ Brighton. 8 He Lives Paris. 9 Diecmonds are found ___ Kimberley __ _ South Africa. 1 O He Uves here ___ Hong Kong. Exercise 79 Use in or im:o in these sentences: 1 The fish swim the river. 2 The man jumped ___ the pool. 3 They were standing ___ the room. 4 We're the classroom now. 5 There's a bird ___ the cage. 6 We walked the next room. 7 The children are playing ___ the field. 8 He poured tbe water ___ the jug. 9 She dived the sea. 1 O The river flows the sea. Exercise 80 ' Use at, in or on in these sentences. 1 He was born 1978. 2 winter the weather is cold. 3 ___ Christmas Day l received a lot of presencs. 4 We reached Cairo nine o'clock. 5 The !rain arrived ___ night. 6 1bere's a holiday ___ the 11th of December. 7 People return from work ___ five o' dock. 8 ~ July the weather is warm. 9 the afternoon 1 went for a walk. 1 O The !rain will arrive ___ Tuesday ___ eleven o'clock ___ the morning. 1 1 Exercises Exercise 81 Use between or among in these sentences: The work was shared all of them. 2 He divided the money his three children. 3 He hid the trees. 4 The Presiden! walked the two lines of soldiers. 5 ___ all those children, he didn't have a single friend. 6 There was a fight ___ the two gangs. 7 The ball passed ___ the goal posts. 8 We are friends. 9 His subject was 'Life ___ the Eskimos.' 1 O The cake was divided ___ the two girls. Exercise 82 In the following sentences, choose the corree! preposition in brackets: He's been ill (jrom, since) last Friday. 2 You've sold your car (at, for) a good price. 3 1 sold my bicycle (at, for) forty pounds. 4 I expect to return (after, in) a week. 5 I can wait (lo, till) next Tuesday. 6 We draw lines (by, with) a ruler. 7 She's been absent (since, for) a month. 8 They spoke (jor, about) the weather. 9 He worked (with, by) candle light. 1 O Yo u can send the paree! ( with, by) post. 172 Exercise 83 Write sentences of your own to show clearly !he di!ference between the following pairs of prepositions: between/among 6 with/by 2 to/till 7 for/since 3 in/into 8 for/about 4 to/at 9 in/within S for/at (price) 10 at/in Oinission of prepositions (Sections 223-241) Exercise 84 Supply the prepositions omitted in the following: 1 Somebody is knocking the door. 2 !'m searching my lost book. 3 He said me, 'I won't come.' 4 She explained the difficult words him. S She never listens her mother. 6 I replied bis letter at once. 7 Would you like me to send it you? 8 !'m too busy, I can 't wait yo u. 9 1 asked his phone number. 1 O S he pointed the ship in the distan ce. ... Exercises Exercise 85 Make sentences of your own, using suitable preposuwns after the following: 1 as k 4 listen 7 search 9 wait 2 explain 5 remind 8 speak 10 wish 3 knock 6 say Unnecessary prepositions (Sections 284-300) Exercise 86 Use each of the following in a separate sentence: 1 answer 4 en ter 7 behind 9 outside 2 attack 5 re a eh 8 inside 10 around 3 approach 6 tell Exercise 87 Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: 1 Let's play outside ___ the house. 2 She's searching ___ her Walkman. 3 1 waited him outside the cinema. 4 We entered ___ a long discussion. 5 I taught my dog to o bey ___ me. 6 He entered ___ the house by the back door. 7 Twins resemble each other. 8 The poor always wish ____ riches. 9 I told him the truth. 1 O I promised to write ___ my mother. 174 Exercises Conjunctions Miscellaneous examples Exercise 88 Corree! the fol1owing sentences, giving reasons for your corrections: 1 The book is neither green or red. 2 He can'! speak English and French. 3 lt costs two, three pounds. 4 She not only spoke loudly, but also clear. 5 He a(, and the three oranges. 6 I counted one hundred seven people. 7 She wants to learn and French. 8 He said that, 'You '11 be sorry for it.' 9 I don 't know if !'11 be able to go. 10 From now and on I will work hard. Answers to exercise Section 181 5 Section 580 8 Section 339 2 Section 184 6 Section 274 9 Section 178 3 Section 275 7 Section 581 io Section 349 4 Section 372 175 Exercises Confusion of parts of speech (Sections 555-584) Exercise 89 Fill each blank wth the cmrect word: as or like. Act ~ ~ - a gentleman! 2 He does ~ ~ - he pleases. 3 She behaved __ a baby. 4 She looks her mother. 5 Do he does. 6 Play the game ~ ~ - she does. 7 He dances - ~ - Fred Astaire. 8 You walk ~ ~ - she does. 9 He acted just ~ ~ - the rest. 1 O He speaks ~ ~ - an Englshman. Exercise 90 Fill each blank wth the corree! word: no or not. 1 I have ~ ~ - time lo play. 2 She has ~ - a good memory. 3 He had ~ ~ - reason to be angry. 4 There is ~ ~ - enough fumture n this room. 5 Your plan is ~ ~ - dfferent from mine. 6 I had ~ ~ - patience wth hm. 7 There were ~ ~ - fewer than a thousand people. 8 There s furnture in this room. 9 She has ~ ~ - enough money. 1 O I want ~ ~ more, thank you. 176 Exercises Exercise 91 Fll in the blanks wth the corree! word: died or dead. 1 Her grandfather s ~ ~ - 2 She ~ ~ - of old age. 3 The ~ ~ - leaves fell from the trees. 4 Her aunt is ~ ~ - she ~ ~ - many years ago. 5 The solder ~ ~ - for his country. 6 The ~ ~ - horse s lyng n the feld. 7 They ~ ~ - a cruel death. 8 The flowers nave 9 The solder from hs wounds. 1 O Dnosaurs ~ ~ - out mllons oi years ago. Exercise 92 Fll each blank wth the corree! word: it's or its. 1 The brd has broken ~ ~ - wng. 2 1 fear ~ ~ - going lo rain. 3 almost nine o' dock. 4 1 think ~ ~ - yours. 5 The tree wll soon lose leaves. 6 ~ ~ - time to go borne. 7 Every river has ~ ~ - source. 8 ~ ~ - a long time until Christmas. 9 An animal wll often die for ~ ~ - young. 1 O ~ ~ - too late to go now. Exercise 93 Fll each blank with the corree! word: good or well. 1 Mary did her work ~ ~ - 2 She speaks __ English. 3 1 dd in !he exam. 4 She looks ~ ~ - today. 177 Exercises 5 It's __ to be with friends. 6 He did __ work. 7 She didn't seem __ . 8 Has he done __ in his training? 9 !'m quite __ . 1 O She speaks very __ . Exercise 94 Fll each blank with the corree! word: past or passed. The month was wet. 2 He his exam. 3 The hall __ between the goal posts. 4 The bulle! whistled ___ my ear. 5 Severa! months have ___ since he left. 6 Forget the __ . 7 The plane flew __ . 8 lt's half __ eight. 9 She __ the salt to the guest. 1 O The door was open when I walked ___ . Exercise 95 Rewrite these sentences, choosing the corree! word in brackets: 1 This thing (is, does) not worth more than five pounds. 2 (After, then) he shut the door and went lo bed. 3 He (is, does) not able to speak English correctly. 4 Don'! be (fool, foolish). 5 He's a (fool, foolish). 6 Flowers smell (sweet, sweetly). 7 She's so proud that she doesn't (and, even) greet her friends. 8 The mother (weighed, weighted) her baby. 9 1 want to learn (and) other languages (too). 1 O Is it (truth, true)? 178 _ ___.__ Exercises GENERAL EXERCISE * The numbers in the brackets refer to the sections in which the mistakes are explained. Corree! whatever is wrong in the following: 1 Why you are studying the English? (362, 306) 2 John reads good, isn't it? (577, 164) 3 Why you not say the tuth? (362, 206) 4 Will 1 go at the post-office? (396, 379) 5 How to make this problem, sir? (132, 399) 6 Is she more better !han me? (340, 153, 137) 7 !'ve written him las! week. (114, 241) 8 I past my time too well to the hotel. (584, 455, 379) 9 Let me to try to do this and me. (326, 581) 1 O I have never seen a so good film. (374, 556, 263) 11 He's not ate nothing these two days. (112, 167) 12 When I sleep 1 take out my shoes. (437, 446) 13 He didn't obeyed to their advices. (104, 292, 514) 14 She's going each morning to the school. (121, 468, 315) 15 He works in the office since five years. (117, 392) 16 How you are going with your piano lessons? (362, 218) 1 7 Can you to come for dinner today evening? (321, 219) 18 M y brother he's found in the first class. (332, 438) 19 lt does not worth to say lies about it. (573, 97, 398) 20 I made all which I could for helping him. (399, 145, 165) 21 lt's two years now since she left from England. (118, 291) 22 Please return back to shut the light. (342, 208) 23 Avoid to make these sor! of mistakes. (86, 545) 24 Myself and my sister will not be present. (141, 378) 179 Exercises 2 5 He gol down from his bicycle and spoke me. (193, 236) 26 He travelled with the !rain from the Alexandria. (13, 301) 27 She wouldn't take fewer than hundred pounds. (477, 250) 28 The two first pages of my book has been Iost. (373, 554) 29 The knife was laying on the table where llay it. (400) 30 That punishment willleam him to do not do it again. (427, 359) 31 You neither work at school or at your house. (181, 372, 489) 32 1 can't understand because he don't speak clear. (243, 578) 33 The man which you saw him yesterday is very rich. (144, 336) 34 She said that she's never not gone at London. (107, 167, 379) 3 5 l think to go to home for to spend the holidays. (83, 351, 345) 36 The office is open on the morning at Saturday. (383) 37 lt's two years since I began to study the English. (117, 306) 38 She told that she was at England before three years. (398, 381, 458) 39 He was angry at me because l said him he has wrong. (6, 398, 107, 187) 40 When 1 went to home 1 found that the money was disappeared. (351, 160) 41 He said to me that he is not satisfied from his teacher. (398, 107, 59) 42 She told that she can't remember nothing about it. (398, 107, 167) 180 Exercises 43 1 and he intend to leave to England alter two weeks. (378, 44, 394) 44 1 am knowing the answer but cannot say it in the English. (120, 306) 45 ! rang two times, but ! could not make no one to hear. (168, 167, 327) 46 They bought a new house when the baby was born which it cost all their savings. (370, 336) 47 When he will return back, 1 shall say him everything. (126, 342, 398) 48 1 am much pleased to inform you that 1 have reached to this station yesterday. (456, 114, 294) 49 The British lsles are consisted from England, Wales, Scotland and lreland. (301, 19) 50 Tbe English is not only difficult to write it but also to speak it. (306, 372, 338) ' 181 Index The numbers refer to sections. E t J' n nes m Jta ics show inconect fonns. A a, for an, 474 1 a(n), wrongly omitted, befare smgular noun, 247; after to be, 248; after half 249 before hundred add ' thousand, 250; from certain expressions, 251 (note); wrongly used befare work etc., 320 ' a da y, etc., for one day, etc., 169 a few, for few, 466, a friend of him, 140 a little, for little, 467 a nurnber, misuse of singular alter, 549 a such, 374 able, use of 77 (note); misused as verb, 574 absorbed at, 1 accept, for agree, 429 according to my opinion, 173 accuse for, 2 accustomed with 3 Adjective, noun ornitted after, 273; use of, in the plural, 273 (note); not admitting of comparison, 341; position of, 368; misuse of, in the plural, 542 (note); mis use of for Adverb, 5 78 Adverb, misplacing of, of definite time, 353; of indefinite time, 354; of place, 355; with transitive verb, 356 advices, 514 afraid, misused as verb, 575 afraid from, 4 after, for in 394 for afterwards, 579 after tomorrow, 282 afternoon, wrongly preceded by an, 169 ago, use of, 458 agreement of noun and verb in number, 554 agree with, to, 429 (note) aim against, 5 air, go by, 13 (note); for wind 509 , alarmed at/by; 66 (note) all 1 misused as plural, 544 All ... not, 364 all which, all what, 145 almost, position of, 354 also, for either, 183; use of, 581 although ... yet, 350 always, position of, 354 amazed at/by, 66 (note) among, for between, 385 and, for or, 184; wrongly omitted between numbers 274; for also orto, 581; fr even, 582 and etc., 347 183 and the two, etc., 580 angry, for sorry, 487 angry against, 6 annoyed with, at, 6 (note 2) answer to, 284 anxious about, for, 7 any, for either, 179; use of, 476 anything which, 145 Apostrophe, position of, with contractions, 377 appeal to, 180 (note) appetite, for desire, etc., 513 approach to, 2.85 arise, ltse of, 402 (note) awund of, 300 (note) arrive to, 8 arrive in, use of, 8 (note) Article, wrongly omitted befare a singular noun, 24 7 as and like, 555 as I think, 173 (note) as if, or as thougb, misuse of Present tense after, 128 as usual/y, 172. as well as, misuse of plural with, 543 ashamed from, 9 ashamed of, misuse of, 9 (note) ask, for ask for, 223 ask to, 286 astonished at/by, 66 (note) at, denoting direction, 5 (note) at, for to, 379 at (price), instead of for, 384 at (time), use of, 383 at and in (place), 381 at !he end, for in the end 174 attack against, 287 ' avenge, for take revenge 414 avoid, misuse of infinitive after 86 ' await, use of, 239 (note) 184 B bad at, 36 (note 1) baggages, 517 (note) be found, for be, 438 be with, for have, 439 beautiful, for handsome, 484 before, wrongly omitted in comparisons, 263; for ago 458 ' before yesterday, 282 begin, often used with gerund 89 (note) begin from, 343 behind of, 297 believe to, 10 believe and believe in, 10 (note) beside 386 better, for had better, 278 between, misuse of subject pronoun after, 138 and among, 385 bcycle, go on a, 13 (note) big, for old, 482 billiard, 541 bind to, 69 (note) boast for, 11 boa!, go by, 13 (note) body, for bodies, 553 borrow and lend, 412 both, misuse of, in negation 182 ' breads, 522 bring an example, 209 bring for take, 431 bus, go by or on a, 13 (note) 1 get on or off a, 193 (note) busy, misuse of infinitive after 96 , : by for with, 388; idioms with 1 388 (note) ' lndex e can, third person wrongly used after 106; for could, in subordinate clause, 110 canto, 321 can't help (= can't avoid), mtsuse of infinitive after, 86 (note) capable of, misuse of infinitive alter, 77 car, go by, or in a, 13 (note) care for, for take care of, 450 careful for, 12 catch by, 68 (note) cause of and reason for, 492 centre and middle, 494 certain of, 65 (note) cbaracters, for character, 520 charge with, 2 (note) church, misuse of article befare, 315 cinema, tbe wrongly omitted befare, 254 clear, for clean, 486 clever at, 36 (note 1) client, for customer, 496 cloth and clotbs, 538 (note) clotbes, use of, 504; misused as singular, 538 come down from a horse etc. 193 ' ' Comparative, misuse of from after, 153i for Superlative, 154; omission of other after 262; double, 340 ' complain for, 14 comply with, 17 (note) composed from, 15 comprise ot 288 Condition, improbable 130 131 confidence to, 16 confonn with, 17 congratulate for, 18 Cor,1junction, position of, in hme clanse, 371; correlative, misplaced, 372 consider as, 344 consist, wrongly used in the passive, 19 (note) consist from, 19 content with, 59 (note) convioce and persuade, 415 correct, for repair, 423 cost, for price, 508 could, for was able to, 426 could to, 322 country, misuse of, 177 covered by, 20 coward, misused as adiective 566 ' cure from, 21 cure (n) for, 21 (note) custom, for habit, 491 customer and client, 496 cut one's hair, 214 D damages, for damage, S 18 da y, wrongly preceded by a 169 ' deal witb and deal in 410 delighted with, 59 deny, for refuse, 416 depend from, 22 dependen! on, 39 (note) deprive from, 23 did, misuse of Past tense after 104; omission of, in ' question, 256 185 lndex die from illness, 24 die, prepositions with 24 (note) died, for dead, 568 different than, 25 disappointed from, 26 disappointed in, and disappointed of 26 discover .;hd 417 disgusted ,with, 59 dtsbke, often used with gerund 87 (note) ' displeased with, 59 (note) d!Spose, for dispose of, 224 dissatisfied with, 59 (note) dtvide m, into, 27 do, wrongly omitted, in question, 256; as principal verb, 257; for make 399' idioms with, 399 ' do a mistake, 205 do you like, for do you want, 441; for would you like, 441 (note) does, misuse of third person alter, 105 donkey, go on a, 13 (note) don't for doesn't, 243 Double negative, 167 doubt for, 28 doubtful of, 28 (note) down, for downstairs, 279 dozens, for dozen, 526; use of, 526 (note) dream, for dream of, 225 dress, for suit, 504 dress (verb), use of, 406 (note) dressed with, 29 drink a cigarette, etc., 204 drown, for sink, 432 due to, for because of, 559 dust, for cover with dust, 424 186 E each and every, 468 either ... or, use of, 181 else, wrongly omitted in comparisons, 264 engaged to, 47 (note) enjoy, misuse of infinitive after 87; object of, wrongly ' omitted, 272 enjoy one's time, 272 (note) enough, position of, 357 enter into, for enter, 289; use of, 289 (note) etc., misuse of, 347 (note) even, position of, 354 evening, wrongly preceded by an, 169 ever, position of, 354 every, for each, 468 everything which, 145 except, for besides/as well as 387 , exception of, 30 exchange by, 31 excuse, misuse of infinitive after, 88 explain, for explain to, 226 F fail from, 32 fall, for fell, 453 far, misuse of, with definite distance, 352 farther and further, 473 leed on, 45 (note) feel ,, to, 331 fell, use of; 453 (note) fetch, use of, 431 (note) lndex few and a few , 46 fewer, use of, 477 fill with, 33 (note) finger, for toe, 500 finish, misuse of infinitive after 89 ' finish from, 290 fire al, 5 (note) first two, etc., 3 73 fishes, for fish, 523 (note) flee, use of, 452 (note) float, use of, 452 (note) flown, for flowed, 452 follow a game, etc., 207 food of, misuse of infinitive after, 78 fool and foolish, 558 foot, go on, 13 (note) for Jeg 499 ' ' for, for about, 391 for and at (price), 384 for this, 277 for to, 345 foreiguer, use of, 497 (note) found, for find 454; use of, 454 (note) friendly, misused as adverb 563 ' from, misuse of, with Comparative, 153; for one o.f. 158; for by, 389; for smce, 393; use of, 393 (note) from now and on, 349 from where, for where 346 fruits, for lruit, 524 full with, 33 !un, wrongly preceded by a 320 ' fumitures, 516 further, current use of, 4 73 Future tense, misuse of, in time clause, 126; in -clause, 127 G gain, use o!, 421 (note) Gender, confusion of 134 Genitive, double, 14; also see Possessive Geru.nd, misuse of, 165 get nd from, 34 give an eXam, 186 rid, for get rid of, 224 gtve up, misuse of infinitive alter, 95 (note) glad from, 35 go for a walk on a bicycle etc, 191 , , go on, misuse of infinitive after 90 ' go to home, 351 go to sleep, meaning of, 437 (note) go with the feet 194 goiog, for gettiog on, 218 good, for well, 577 good in, for good al, 36 (note 1) meaning of 36 (note 2) grasp by, 68 (note) grasses, for grass, 525 great, use of 482 (note) ground, for floor, 510 grow, meanings of, 408 (note) grow and grow up, 408 guard from, 37 guilty for, 38 187 lndex H habit and custom, 491 hairs, for hair, .J21 hall, use of 249 band, for arm, 499 hanged and hung, 405 hardly, position of, 354; for bard, 459 has cold, etc., 189 have a good time, 272 (note) have difficu!t in, misuse of infinitive after, 98 have one's revenge, 414 (note) have right or wrong, 187 have the pleasure of, misuse of infinitive after, 99 have work, 188 health, wrongly preceded by a, 320 hear, for listen 434 hear ... to, 330 heart, for hearts, 553 high, for tall, 483 hm, for his,before gerund, 139; in double genitive, 140 hire, use of, 420 (note) bis and her, 469 hisself, 142 history, for story, 490 hold by, 68 (note) borne, for at borne, 157; denoting one's country, 489 (note) horseback. go on, 13 (note) hot, misused for noun, 571 house and home, 489 how, omission of, after know, 261 188 how do you cal! this, 222 hundred, a or one wrongly omitted from, 250 hundreds, lor hundred, 527; use of, 527 (note) hung, for hanged, 405 1, placed first, 378 I don't think, 281 1 would like, use of, 441 (note) if, for whether, 178 if 1 were, 552 (note) ill, use of 485 in (place), for at, 381 in, and into, 382 in (time) use ol, 383 in, for within, 395 in a tree, 61 (note) in an arm-chair, 61 (note) in confidence, 16 (note) in exchange for, 31 (note) in full evening dress, etc., 504 (note) in search ol, 234 (note) in the future, for in future, 318 incapable of, misuse of infinitive after, 77 (note) independent from, 39 indifferent for, 40 indignan! with, at, 6 (note 2) Indirect speech, must and ought to used as past tenses in, 113 (note) individual, for person, 505 inferior to, 64 (note) lndex Infinitive, misuse of, 75-103; misuse as finite verb, 132; passive for active, 159; misplacing not-with negative, 359 infonnations, 515 inside of, 298 insist on, misuse of infinitive alter, 79 insist to, 41 instead of, misuse of infinitive alter, 76 interested for, 42 interesting and interested, 4 71 interfere with and interfere in, 411 invent, for discover, 417 isn't it, misuse of, 164 it, omission of, as subject, 267 it's, for its, 570 it's me, use of, 136 it's no good, misuse of infinitive after, 101 it's no use, misuse of infinitive alter, 100 J jealous from, 43 junior to, 64 (note) just now, for presently, 461 K keep on, misuse of infinitive alter, 90 (note) kind, misuse of plural after, 545 knock, lor knock at, 227 know, omission of how after, 261; for leam, 442 knowledges, 529 L land, go by, 13 (note) last, lor latter, 480; for lates!, 481 lately, for late, 464 latter, lor la ter, 4 79 lay, lor lie, 400 leam, lor teach, 427; for study, 444 leam from out, 215 leave for let, 430; for let go, 436; lor give up, 447 leave from, 291 leave to a place, 44 leg, meaning of, 499 lend, for borrow, 412 less, for fewer, 477 let, for rent, 420; for make (force), 451 let ... to, 326 lie and lay, 400 life, etc., for lives etc., 553 lightnings, 5 ~ like and love, 403 like, often used with gerund, 87 (note); lor want, 441; for as, 555 likes me, 180 listen, lor listen lo, 228 little and a little, 467 little which, 145 live from, 45 look, prepositions with 46 (note) 189 lndex look forward to, misuse of infinitive after, 102 /ook to a picture, 46 loose, lor lose, 583 lose weight, 216 (note) love, for like, 403 /uggages, 517 M machineries, 532 made ol and made lrom, 419 make and do, 399 make, idioms with, 399 (note) make ... to, 327 make a shower, 195 make a discount, 198 make a lecture, 200 make a pair of shoes, etc., 214 (note) make a question, 196 make a walk 190 make an attack on, 287 (note) make exercise, 199 make miracles, 217 make noise, etc., 251 make one's prayer, 201 make oneself that, 202 man, tbe wrongly used befare, 313 many and much, 465 married with, 47 mathematics, misused as plural, 533 may, for might, in subordinate clause, 109; lar shall, 397 may to, 323 meo, lar people, 506 middle, lar centre, 494 might to, 324 190 millions, for million, 527; use al, 527 (note) mind, (object to), misuse ol infinitive after, 91 mind, for minds, 553 miser, misused as adjective 561 money, misused as plural, 534 Moods, wrong sequence al, 162 more good, more bad, 156 moming, wrongly preceded by a, 169 much, lar very; 456; lor many, 465 must, third person wrongly used after, 106; past obligation, 113 must to, 325 N nature, misuse of article befare, 316 nearly, position of, 354 need an hour, etc., 197 Negative question, answer to, 166 neither, use of, 182; verb misplaced alter, 363 neither ... or, 181 nervous, for angry, 488 never, position of, 354 news, misused as plural, 535 night, wrongly preceded by a, 169 no, and not, 557 no sooner, verb misplaced alter, 363 N ominative, mis use of, after between, 138 lndex nor, verb misplaced after, 363 not, misplacing of, with compound verb, 358; with negative infinitive, 359 Not everybody, 364, (note) not only, verb misplaced after adjective, 363 not so, for not very, 460 nothing which, 145 Noun, wrongly omitted after adjective 273 noun/verb homonyms, misuse ol, 143 Number, non-agreement of verb in, 554 o obey to, 292 Object, omission of, 270-271; wrong repetition of, 337; with infinitive, 338; direct rnisplaced, 366; indirect, misplaced, 367 object to, misuse of infinitive alter, 80 Objective, misuse of, after to be, 136; alter than, 137; befare gerund, 139; in double genitive, 140 often, position of, 354 old, wrongly ornitted frorn age, 276; use al, 482 older and elder, 470 on (time), use ol, 383 one, wrongly omitted befare hundred and thousand, 250; as dernonstrative pronoun, 265; lar a oran, 475 one and a half, etc., misuse of, 171 one other, 151 one time, 168 open the light, 208 opened, misused as adjective, 562 opposite from, 48 or, wrongly ornitted between numbers, 275 organ, for instrument, 512 other, wrongly omitted after Cornparative, 262 others, rnisused as adjective, 567 ought to, past obligation, 113 outside of, 299 p pain, misused as verb, 572 Participle, unrelated, 163 pass from a place, 49 Passive forro, intransitive verb wrongly used in, 160; to be wrongly omitted from, 255 past, for passed, 584; uses of, 584 (note) Past continuous, misUse of, 123; use ol, 123 (note) Past Participle, misplacing of, 369 Past perfect, for simple past, 125 Past progressive, see Past continuous Past tense, wrongly used after did, 104; alter to, 111; lar Past participle, 112; lor Present perfect, 115-116; for Past perfect, 124; ~ or -ed wrongly omitted from,. 244; use o!, with ago, 458 (note) 191 lndex pay, for pay for, 229 people, meaning o!, 506; misused as singular, 537 people and peoples, 537 (note) permission, wrongly preceded by a, 320 persist in, 41 (note) persuade, for convince, 415; for pursued, 415 (note) pick and pick up, 409 place, for room, 511 plane, go by, 13 (note) play, for game, 503 play a film, 213 play with a team, 50 please, for ask, or thank, 425 pleased from, 51 pleased at, use of, 51 (note) plenty, misused as adjective, 565 Plura-l, -s -es or -ies, wrongly omitted from, 245; nouns with irregular, 245 (note); adjective wrongly used in the, 542; misuse of, with language, 546; alter the number, 549 poetry, for poem, 501 point, for point to, at, 230 point out, use of, 230 (note) popular among, 52 Possessive, misuse of, 135; use of, with inanimate objects, 135; (note); misuse of double, 139; ending of, wrongly omitted, 246 practise, misuse of infinitive alter, 92 prefer from, 53 preferable to, 53 (note) 192 Preposition, case alter, 138; omission of, indicating time; 258; after infinitive, 259 Present continuous, use of, for near future, 119 (note); misuse of, 120; for habit, 121 Present perfect, for simple past, 114 Present progressive, see Present continuous Present tense, misuse of, for Present perfect, 117; after a since-clause, 118; for Present continuous, 119; after as , 128; -s or -es wrongly omitted from third person, 242 presently, for at present, 462 preside in, 54 prevent from, misuse of infinitive after, 81 price, use of, 508 prior to, 64 (note) progresses, 530 Pronoun, omission of personal, befare infinitive, 266 proud for, 55 provide, for provide with, 237 (note) put, for keep, 449 put on, for wear, 406 puta goal, 210 (note) put a lesson, 210 (note) put a mark, 210 put a watch with, 211 put weight, 216 puzzled at!by, 66 (note) lndex Q Question, phrases, 164 (note): do, does, or did wrongly omitted from, 256 quick at, 36 (note 1) R raise, for rise, 402 rarely, verb misplaced after, 363; use of, 463 reach at, 294 read, for study, 443 reason for cause, 492 Reflexve pronoun, misuse af, 141; use of, 141 (note) refuse, and deny, 416 rejoice for, 56 related with, 57 relation to, 57 (note) Relative clause, personal pronoun misused with, 336; misplaced, 370; when enclosed within commas, 370 (note) rely on, or upon, 22 (note) remain, for stay, 404 remember, misuse of infinitive after 93; for remind, 435 remind, for remind of, 231 repent from, 58 repentance for, 58 (note) replace, for substitute, 422 reply, for reply to, 232 resemblance, use of, 295 (note) resemble to, 295 rest, misused as adjective, 560 return back, 342 riches, misused as singular, 539 rid from, 34 ride, for get on, 192 rise and raise, 402 risk, misuse of infinitive after, 94 rob, for steal, 413 round of, 300 S same, wrong relative after, 148 satisfied from, 59 say and tell, 398 say for say to, 233; idioms with, 398 (note) say a le, 206 (note) say the truth, 206 scarcely, position of, 354; for rarely, 463 scene and scenery, 493 school, misuse of article befare, 314 scissor, 536 sea, go by, 13 (note) search, for search for, 234; meaning of, 234 (note) seat, for sit, 401 see, for look, 433 see ... to, 328 see a dream, 203 seize by, 68 (note) seldom, position of, 354; ve!'b misplaced after, 363 senior to, 64 (note) Sequences of tenses, 107; exceptions to the rule of, 107 (note) set (verb); idioms with, 401 (note) shade and shadow, 495 shake with, 72 (note) shall and will, 396 (note) shall, for may, 397 193 lndex share, for sbare with, 235 sheeps, 528 shiver witb, 72 (note) shocked atlby, 66 (note) shoot, for sboot al, 5 (note); for sbol, 569 should, use ol, 396 (note) shout al, 5 (note) shut the light, 208 shy o!, use of, 9 (note) sick, lor ill, 485; uses ol, 485 (note) similar with, 60 Simple past,,see Past tense sioce, and for, 392 Singular, misuse of, with One and parts o! One, 547; with collective nouns of plurality, 548; alter a number, 549 sil and sea!, 401 sil on, for sit at, 61 sleep, lor go to bed, 437 slow al, 36 (note 1) slowly, slowly, 220 small, for young, 482 snatch by, 68 (note) so and sucb, 556 so ... so that, 348 society, misuse of artide before, 317 sorne, for any, 476 sometimes, position of, 354 soon, position of, 354 sorry, meaning o!, 487 sort, misuse o! plural before, 545 soul, for souls, 553 speak, for speak to, 236 speak to and speak witb, 236 (note) spend for, 62 stay and remain, 404 194 sleal and rob, 413 stop, misuse of irinitive after, 95 story and history, 490 stranger, for guest, 497 Subject, wrongly omitted from main clause, 268; after a quotation, 269; wrong repeated, 332; in compound sentence, 333; after adjectival clause, 334; after non-finite verb phrase, 335; misplaced, 360; in questions, 361-362: after never, etc., 363; in mdirect questions, 365 substitute, for replace, 422 succeed at, 63 succeed in, misuse of infinitive alter, 82 succeed to, use of, 63 (note) such, for so, 556 superior than, 64 Superlative, wrong relative used after, 14 7; for Comparative, 152; misuse of lrom alter, 390 supply, lor supply with, 237 sure for, 65 surprised for, 66 suspect for, 67 suspicious ol, 67 (note) sympatbise, lor like, 448 T take, for get, 440; for buy, 445 take ao interest in, 42 (note) take care ol, 12 (note) take from, 68 take out, for take off, 446 lndex lake place, and take parl, 418 take pleasure in, msuse of infinitive after, 99 (note) take (a) pride in, 55 (note) take revenge and avenge, 414 take revenge on, 414 (note) tall, use of, 483 taxi go by or in a, 13 (note) tear and tear up, 407 tell, for say, 398; idioms with, 398 (note) tell to, 296 Tenses, mixing up the, 133 than, misuse of objective after, 137 thank you, misuse of, 283 that, wrongly preceded by comma, 109 (note) that, misuse of, in direct speech, 339; use of, 478 the, wrongly omitted, befare names of nationalities, 252; befare names of musical instruments, 253; befare cinema, etc., 254; wrongly used with proper nouns, 301-302; with abstract nouns, 303; with material nouns, 304; with plural nouns used in a general sense, 305; with names of languages, 306; with names of meals, 307; with names of garues, 308; with names of diseases, 309; with names of colours, 310; with the names of the senses, 311; with names of days and months, 312; with man (mankind), 313; with school, 314; with church, etc., 315; with nature, 316; with society, 317; after whose, 319 the half (year), 375 the more, 155 the most of, 376 the number, misuse of plural after, 549 the other da y, lor the nexl day, 170 the reason is because, 17 theatre, for play, 502 theirselves, 142 there, wrongly omitted, 260 there is, for there are, 551 there is no harm in, misuse of infinitive after, 103 these kind, etc., 545 think, for think of, 238 think of, misuse of infinitive after, 83 Third person, wrongly used after does, 105; -s or -es wrongly omitted from, 242 this, for that, 4 78; for these, 550; for it, 550 (note) this night, 219 (note) though ... yet, 350 thousand, a or one ornitted from, 250 thousands, for thousand, 527; use o!, 527 (note) throw al, 5 (note) throw it, for throw it away, 280 thunders, 531 tie on, 69 till, for belore or when, 185; for to, 380 tired of, misuse of infinitive alter, 84 195 lndex tired from, 70 to, simple past wrorigly used alter, 111 to and at, 379 to and till, 380 today moming, etc., 219 o ~ for either, 183 too, for very, 455 too much, for very much, 457 train, go by, 13; get on or off, 193 (note) translate to, 71 travel, for journey, 498 travel with the train, etc., 13 tremble from cold, etc., 72 trouser, etc., 536 (note) truth, misused as adjective, 564 two first, etc., 373 two times, 168 u uoable, use of, 77 (note) under the rain, 175 under the shade, 175 (note) under the sun, 175 (note) up, denoting completeness, 407 (note) up, for upstairs, 279 up a tree, 61 (note) use, misuse of, 122 used to, 3 (note); misuse of infinitive after, 85; use of, 122 (note) V value, use of, 508 (note) verb forms, mixing up, 161 very and too, 455 very and much, 456 196 very much, use of, 457 vexed with, al, 6 (note 2) w wage, for wages, 540 wait, for wait for, 239 wam about, 73 warn against, 73 (note 1) was, misuse of, after as if or as though, 128 (note); in conditions and wishes, 552 (note) watch ... to, 329 watch goes behind, etc., 212 weak in, 36 (note) wear and put on, 406 weight, misused as verb, 576 what, misuse of, after all, 1.45 what (interrogative), for which, 149; use of, 149 (note) what have you, for what's the matter, 221 which, misuse of, for persons, 144; alter al! etc., 145 who (interrogative), for which, 149 who and whom, relative, 146; interrogative, 150 whose the, 319 wiU, for would, in subordinate clause, 108; sequence of moods, 162 win, for eam, 421; for beat, 428 wish, misuse of, 129; for wish for, 240 with the exception of, 30 (note) within, use of, 395 woman, for wife, 507 lndex work, wrongly preceded by a, 320 works, for work, 519; meaning of, 519 (note) worth, misuse of infinitive after, 97; misused as verb, 573 would, sequence of rnoods, 162; use of, 396 (note) wounded, for injured, 4 72 write, for write to, 241 write with, use of, 74 (note) wrte with in k, 7 4 y Yes, or No, 166 yesterday night, 219 (note) you was, 552 young, use of, 482 197 Irregular verbs In everyday use Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle bear bore bom(e) 31 fall fell fallen beat beat beaten leed fed fed begin began begun feel felt felt bend beat bent fight fought fought bid hade bidden find found found bind bound bound flee fled fled bite bit bitten fling flung flung bleed bled bled fly flew flown blow blew blown forget !argot forgotten 10 break broke broken 40 freeze froze frozen bring brought brought get got got build built built give gave given bu m burnt burnt go went gane burst burst burst grind ground ground bu y bought bought grow grew grown catch caught caught hang hung hung choose eh ose eh osen hear heard heard come carne come hide hid hidden cost cost cost hit hit hit 20 creep crept cwpt 50 hold held held cut cut cut hurt hurt hurt de al dealt dealt keep kept kept dig dug dug kneel kneeled knelt do did done know knew known draw drew drawn !ay !a id la id dream dreamed dreamt lead led led drink drank drunk lea ve left left drive drove driven lend lent len! dwell dwelt dwelt le! let let 30 eat ate eaten 60 lie !ay lain 198 199 Irregular verbs In everyday use Present Past Past Participle 61 light lit lit Present Past Past Particzple lose los! lost 91 smel! smelt smclt make m a de made sow sowed sown mean meant meant speak spoke spoken meet me! met spel1 spelt spelt pay paid paid spend spent spent put put put spread sprcad spread read read read spring sprang sprung ride ro de ridden stand stood stood 70 ring rang rung steal stole stolen nse rose risen 100 stick stuck stuck run ran run strike struck struck say said said strive strovc strivcn se e saw seen swear swore sworn se e k sought sought sweep swept swept sel! sold sold swim S\vam S\VUlll send sent sent swing swung swung set set set take too k taken sew sewed sewn tea eh taught taught 80 shake shook shaken tear tore torn shed shed shed 110 tell told told shine shone shone think thought thought shoot shot shot throw threw th rown show showed shown thrust thrust thrust shrink shrank shrunk tread trod trodden shut shut shut wake woke wokcn sing sang sung wcar worc vvorn sink san k sunk wecp wept wcpl sit sat sat win won won 90 sleep slept slept wind wound wound 120 write wrote writtcn 200 j_