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Drama - Key Stage 3 Introduction To Drama

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DRAMA KEY STAGE 3 INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA Moving up from primary to secondary school can be quite a difficult experience.

. The pupils must confront a series of new rules and structures, and amongst these the drama lesson suddenly appears on the timetable. Often the level of drama experienced at the primary stage is variable, on occasion very little. For many rama! suggests performing in front of a large audience and this can deepen their concerns about what they will be expected to accomplish during lessons. This wor" unit was created to try and ease these concerns and, in a convenient and supportive way, it attempts to develop the pupils! self confidence #n the first lesson the focus is on the concept of communicating by using the imagination and wor"ing with others. $s the lessons develop individual wor" will develop into wor"ing with a partner and then into group wor". %ew techniques will be introduced during this process e.g. still images, mime. The last tas" will be a group presentation. The lessons have been designed to fill &' minute slots, but timing can vary and some tas"s may ta"e more time, so the watchword is flexibility.

LESSON 1 $ims and ob(ectives ) developing confidence developing s"ills communication Introduction (10 minut !" *elcome the pupils. Tal" about the expectations and the rules of the drama lessons iscussion $s" the pupils what they thin" is the meaning of the word drama!. *hat do they expect to do in a drama lesson+ ,hort question and answer session -ow many have ta"en part in a drama production in the primary school+ -ow many ta"e part in performances outside the school+ o some feel nervous about performing drama in lessons+ .xplain that in the lessons the emphasis is on communication and that drama in the lesson is different to drama on the stage. #t!s important to stress that the pupils already possess a number of the basic s"ills needed to create successful drama wor". For example, as well as using concentration s"ills and communication it will be necessary to use the imagination in the lessons. *e shall accomplish this by presenting drama games which combine fun with learning. N#m ! $#m (10 minut !" /upils must say their first names around the circle using the words My name is 0000! Then they must add 000. and # li"e1don!t li"e0000! The first item that they choose to li"e or don!t li"e must begin with the first letter of their names. For example My name is 2harles and # li"e chocolate!, or My name is ,i3n and # don!t li"e snails.! %ext, go around the circle and as" the pupils to say their names and the item only, for example 2harles chocolate!, ,i3n snails!. 4astly, go around the circle again and as" the pupils to say out loud only the item chosen, e.g. chocolate!, snail!. $fter they have finished you can either

go around the circle naming the pupils or you can as" the children to name their fellow pupils. Ord r o% &irt'd#(! () minut !" $s" the pupils to arrange themselves in a line according to the dates of their birthdays. ,tarting in 5anuary and ending in ecember the pupils must be in the correct order for the month of their birthday and the date in that month. Sto*+Go (10 minut !" $s" the pupils to move around the space and respond to directions. These are the directions ) ,top 6o Floor 7point at the floor8 2eiling 7point at the ceiling8 5ump 2lap ,tart the game with stop! and go!, then add the other directions as the game develops. $fter a short while stop the game and explain that the meaning of the directions is to be changed. ,o stop! will mean go! and go! will mean stop!. Then you should change floor! and ceiling! and (ump! and clap!. T' ,ood n S*oon (10 minut !" .xplain that a wooden spoon is going to be passed around the circle. .very time it is passed on, the pupil holding the spoon has to use his1her imagination and transform the spoon into something else. For example, it can be transformed into a pencil and the pupil can pretend to write with the spoon. End o% t' L !!on () minut !" $s" the pupils the following questions9 Thin"ing bac" to the games we have played, what s"ills do you consider are necessary in the drama class+ *hich tas" was the most difficult and why+ *hat ma"es a good communicator+

LESSON $ims and ob(ectives ) considering the concept of communicating without tal"ing using still images begin to develop using the face, the body and space to communicate without words. T' R $i!t r G#m () minut !" The pupils to sit in a circle. .xplain that you are going to call names from the register, but sometimes you will substitute the names of actors or famous dramatists 7e.g. *illiam ,ha"espeare, :rad /itt8. #f the pupils hear the name of someone who is not in the class they must get up and change places with someone else in the circle. This is a fun way to start the lesson and it!s a good opportunity to get the pupils to mix. Introduction to mim .or/ (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT MIME The teacher to perform a short mime scene ; you are sitting on a bus and feeling happy, but as the (ourney progresses you begin to feel frustrated. The pupils must explain how you expressed that frustration9 for example, loo"ing at your watch, ma"ing faces, restless movement in your seat #t must be emphasised that we can communicate our feelings and thought without using words. #t must be explained that three important elements are used to do this the face 7expressions8 the body 7body language8 space 7the area around us, levels8

T 11in$ # !tor( &( m #n! o% *ictur ! (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT CREATING A STORY 2Y MEANS O3 IMAGES4 ,how a series of pictures to the pupils4 $s" the pupils to study the pictures for a minute and then discuss the messages, the feelings or atmosphere that

they convey. Then the pupils must discuss the facial expressions, body language and the space in each image. STATUES (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT 5 STATUES The pupils must wal" around the space. $t specified times they must free<e on the spot and transform themselves into a particular "ind of person or character ; e.g. teacher, pop star, "ing1queen, monster, athlete. *hen the pupils hear the words Free<e as a 00000000! and the type of character they have & seconds to create the image. *hen the pupils have fro<en choose one or two examples to discuss with the group. =elease the other pupils and as" them to discuss faces, the body, and the use of space. This exercise can be extended by introducing the mind trac"ing technique to gather ideas about what is going on in the character!s mind. Sti11 im#$ ! (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT STILL IMAGE #ntroduce the term still image!. 4in" this to the two previous exercises. .xplain that they are going to create a still image within their group and emphasise the importance of using the face, the body and space when creating the image. $s" the pupils to create an image which includes characters in a classroom. End o% t' 1 !!on () minut !" $s" the pupils to describe the s"ill of communicating without using words. *hy is using the face, the body and space so important+ *hat ma"es a good still image+

LESSON 3 $ims and Ob(ectives ) to collaborate effectively when creating detailed still images. to use mind trac"ing technique to discuss work positively to wor" in pairs Introduction () minut !" The pupils to sit in a circle and when their names are called out they must create a pose that does not need words. Then discuss briefly what was accomplished in the last lesson before moving on to the first practical tas". R 1#tion!'i* (10 minut !" 2hoose two volunteers ; persons $ and :. .xplain that these two pupils are going to create a still image which will convey how they feel about each other or which conveys the relationship between them. To assist them the rest of the class must offer suggestions on how to use the face, the body and the space ; e.g. a still image which shows $ as the boss and : as an employee. :egin with person $ and discuss with the class how he1she should use the face, the body and space. *hen statue $ is complete concentrate on person :, allowing an opportunity to modify the image if necessary. *hen the class is satisfied persons $ and : must free<e to create the final image of the boss and the employee. Mind Tr#c/in$ () minut !" $s" the class for ideas about what the character is thin"ing. R 1#tion!'i* - (10 minut !" ivide the class into pairs and choose who will be characters $ and :. .ach pair must create a series of still images which conveys the relationship between $ and :. They will have > minute only to discuss ideas and then they

must free<e to portray the still image. =emind the class that they must use the face, the body and the space. $gain the exercise can be extended by as"ing the pupils to consider what the different characters are thin"ing. $ few examples of the images that could be created ) $ is the dentist, : is the patient. : gives bad news to $ $ is a primary school teacher, : is a pupil /erson $ is wealthy, : is homeless. $ and : watch a horror film. 0r ! nt#tion (1) minut !" $s the class will have created a number of still images, as" each pair to choose one image they would li"e to share with the class. $s the image is presented as" one character in each pair to convey what he1she is thin"ing. The class must respond to each presentation ) discuss the use made of theface, the body and the space. say something positive about the image End o% t' L !!on () minut !" $s" ) what have we learnt about still images in your opinion what ma"es a good or effective still image+ why is mind trac"ing useful+ 6om .or/ 5 0O,ER 0OINT 5 6OME,ORK 1 Find a photograph of a person in newspaper or maga<ine. ,tudy the photograph and decide what the person is thin"ing.

LESSON 7 $ims and Ob(ectives ) to consider the use of still images as a starting point for movement wor". to present the concept of order! and the use made of it in drama to wor" with others to develop more complicated still images to ta"e part in group performances Introduction () minut !" $s the pupils enter the room as" them to stand in a space. =emind them of the importance of using the face, the body and space when communicating without words. $s you call out the register you will include the names of creatures or a type of character. $s the class hear these they will have to transform themselves into a shape that represents the creature1character Lin/ .ord! () minut !" ivide the pupils into groups of ? or & in number and give each a card on which a lin" word has been written. The words on the cards offer the pupils the opportunity to create a range of different images .xample of possible words ) holiday restaurant school church par" concert .ach group must create ? still images that are related to the word on the cards. 0r ! nt#tion (10 minut !" .ach group must present their wor" to the rest of the class without revealing the word on their card. The audience must discuss the use made

of the face, the body and the space and try to guess what the lin" word is. Mind trac"ing may be used if time allows. Ord r () minut !" .xplain that although the images are connected some are not in the correct order. .mphasise the importance of correct order in drama for the audience to "now what is happening. #n the next tas" it will be necessary to present a series of images that are in order. In t' %r#m (10 minut !" iscuss 7or show8 a flic"er boo" cartoon and how films are created by (oining together a number of individual frames. The image changes slightly in each frame. The still images are pro(ected quic"ly to give the appearance of movement. #n this tas" each group has to create & new still images or frames. They will start with the first still image and change it slightly to create image @. For example, in the first image one character could be beginning to open his1her mouth while another may be about to sit. *hen frame @ has been completed they must move on to frame A and so on until the & frames have been completed ; a sort of human flic"er boo"!. ,ome suggestions for the images ) a waiting room airport brea"fast time a football game 0r ! nt#tion (10 minut !" The pupils must run each image in the correct order. The groups present their wor" to the class and the audience discuss how successful each group has been. End o% t' 1 !!on () minut !" what has been learnt about order in drama. in your opinion which tas" was difficult+ what are the s"ills needed when wor"ing with other people+

LESSON ) $ims and Ob(ectives ) to learn about mime wor" to use mime as a tool when communicating feeling and thoughts to devise using mime to further develop group wor" Introduction () minut !" $s the pupils enter the room as" them to stand in a circle. $s a name is called out from the register the pupil has to perform a movement or a simple gesture that represents something they li"e doing. For example, if they li"e reading they can open their hands in the form of a boo". =evise the previous session. $s" the pupils to discuss examples of mime they have seen in a film or on television. 0O,ER 0OINT 5 MIME T' &o8 (10 minut !" .veryone to sit in a circle. They have to imagine that a box of any si<e or shape has been placed in front of them. Bsing mime each pupil has to show the item in the box before passing the imaginary box to the next pupil. For this exercise to wor" the pupils have to believe that they are holding a real ob(ect in their hands. #magination and communication s"ills must be used. The class has to try and guess the ob(ect in each pupil!s box. iscuss the use made of the face, the body and the space. C1#!! Mim (10 minut !" #n this tas" the pupils have to use simple mime when responding to directions. The aim of the tas" is to concentrate and to try and imagine the process. Cou could use this action which shows the process of ma"ing a hot drin" ) #magine you are standing in the "itchen in your home. Ta"e a cup out of the cupboard. Fetch a spoon and put it in the cup. %ow get the teabags and put one in the cup000

The directions can be as detailed as you want them to be and you could include sounds, smells, tastes etc, to encourage a response from the pupils. The exercise could be extended by including emotion e.g. being annoyed as you ma"e the drin". C'#in mim (10 minut !" The pupils have to sit in a circle and & pupils must leave the space. The rest of the class has to agree on a mime to be performed, e.g. ma"ing sandwiches or changing a baby!s nappy. The tas" wor"s as follows ) the first pupil comes bac" in and is told what he1she has to mime the second pupil comes in and observes the first pupil performing the mime the third pupil come in and watches the second pupil repeating what he saw, and so on. the last pupil has to try and recreate the mime 7it will have changed during each performance8 finally, as" pupils @ to & what they thought they were miming. Indi9idu#1 Mim (10 minut !" .mphasise the importance of using small details when creating a mime. This time the pupils wor" individually and choose one mime that they have to develop from the following ideas ) brushing teeth washing the face combing hair The have to imagine that they are in the bathroom, loo"ing in the mirror, and them starting the process of creating the mime. $fter a minute introduce an emotion or a situation into the mime. For example ) you haven!t slept all night and you try to brush your teeth you feel very miserable as you comb your hair End o% t' 1 !!on () minut !" name one thing you have learnt about mime wor" during the lesson today what are the s"ills needed when creating mime wor"+ why are small details important in mime+

LESSON : $ims and Ob(ectives ) to develop the use of the face, the body and the space when creating mime wor" using movements to create simple characters devising a simple story using stoc" characters. Introduction () minut !" #nstruct the pupils to find a space. iscuss how the way a person wal"s gives us clues about his1her personality and their mood. The pupils to start wal"ing around their space. .xplain that from time to time you want them to change the style of their wal" ; e.g. wal"ing on ice wal"ing through thic" mud wal"ing very slowly walking as if they are carrying a very heavy load wal"ing through water bored suspicious A %i1m .it'out !ound (10 minut !" ,how a film clip without the sound. $s" the pupils to pay close attention to the expressions on the faces, gestures and body language in the film clipD then discuss how these were used to present the story to the audience. Cou will be preparing a silent film in the class for the rest of this lesson. 3#c ; &od( #nd !*#c (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT 5 EMOTIONS *ith the pupils standing in a circle give them a number of words to express using movements, gestures, and facial expressions. The aim of the exercise is to create images which represent feelings or emotions that will be obvious to an audience. #f possible everything should be exaggerated.

6ive examples to the pupils. #magine that you are pu<<ling over a crossword, and then start to smile, lift a finger and open your mouth as if to say 6ot itE! $llow the class to try this before presenting these examples ) shoc" hatred pride happiness love shame fright

Stoc/ C'#r#ct r! (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT CREATING A C6ARACTER #n this exercise the pupils have to wal" around the circle in a manner which suggests a particular character. .xplain that it is possible to present a character to an audience without wearing a costume, using instead the face, the body and the space. 6ive examples of characters the pupils can try to perform ) e.g. ) a rich person a young child an old person a cool dude! a business person a gangster! Mim Stor( (10 minut !" This will be the last tas" in the wor" scheme ; an opportunity to bring together all the s"ills learnt. #n groups of A the pupils have to devise and perform a simple mime story. The story telling must have an element of ta"ing place around a location where a group of characters can meet ; a par", a bench or bus stop for example. They must create characters and use mime to present the story The structure of the story ) an empty space apart for a bench. .ach member of the group must stand in a neutral position somewhere in the spaceD to begin with their bac"s will be to the audience.

2haracter > to turn and establish his1her character 7e.g. business person8, then goes to sit. Then he1she will have to perform some other action e.g. read a newspaper. 2haracter @ turns and presents his1her character to the audience, and then moves to sit alongside character >. The characters have to communicate with each other. For example 2haracter @ can loo" over 2haracter >!s shoulder as he1she reads the newspaper. 2haracter > loses patience and moves away from 2haracter @. $fter establishing the relationship between characters > and @ it!s time to introduce character A and to develop the story. Bse the remainder of the session to devise and the groups will show their wor" in the next session. End o% t' L !!on () minut !" *hy is exaggeration important in mime wor"+ 6om ,or/ 0O,ER 0OINT 5 6OME,ORK 0O,ER 0OINT 5 COSTUMES; MAKE U0 AND 0RO0S To bring an item of clothing or prop that will help the pupils to create the character for the next lesson.

LESSON < $ims and Ob(ectives ) to present and analyse a short drama piece to analyse individual and group achievement to evaluate the learning Introduction () minut !" $nalyse the wor" done in the previous lesson. =emind them of the aims in the last session and as" the pupils to ta"e the character created by them in the last lesson for a wal" around the room so that they can revise the character. 0r#ctic (10 minut !" The pupils to return to their wor" groups and continue to devise1practice their stories 7they can use the item of clothing1prop found in the homewor" tas"8. #f there are absences the pupils will need time to restructure their ideas. 0r ! nt#tion (-) minut !" $s" the pupils to consider the following questions as they observe the wor" of the groups ) loo" for good use of the face, the body and the space which was your favourite character, and why+ were the group successful in telling the story without words+ #t!s important that the pupils are guided to thin" about positive comments and to praise each other!s wor". .very group has to perform their wor". The wor" should be analysed at the end of every performance.

An#1(! + End o% t' 1 !!on (10 minut !" 0O,ER 0OINT 5 ANALYSE The pupils to sit in a circle. iscuss and analyse the wor" achieved and the s"ills learnt during the F lessons. Geeping a record of the pupils! comments

on a whiteboard1large piece of paper is a good way of gathering responses and recording the class! analysis.

The focus must be on the different s"ills ; communicating, collaborating, concentrating and the imagination. #t is hoped that the new pupils in year F have developed into more confident performers and that they feel comfortable in the rama 4essons.

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