Assignment 2 Monetary Policy
Assignment 2 Monetary Policy
Assignment 2 Monetary Policy
Monetary policy refers to the steps taken by the Reserve Bank of India to regulate the cost and supply of money and credit in order to achieve the socio-economic objectives of the economy. Monetary policy influences the supply of money, the cost of money or the rate of interest and the availability of money. One of the most important functions of Reserve Bank, is to formulate and administer a monetary policy. Such a policy refers to the use of instruments of credit control by the Reserve Bank so as to regulate the amount of credit creation by the banks. It also aims at varying the cost and availability of credit with a view to influence the level of aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy. D.C. Rowan has defined Monetary Policy as discretionary act under taken by the authorities designed to influence (a) the supply of money (b) cost of money or rate of interest and (c) the availability of money.
Thus, controlled expansion of money supply was essential for growth with reasonable price stability in the country.
6. Deficit Financing
To continuously increase the supply of money in the country, the Reserve Bank has adopted the system of deficit financing for financing the budgetary deficit of the government.
For this the Reserve Bank has made changes in its reserve requirements and made the reserve system more flexible. The changes made by the Reserve Bank are: (a) The promotional reserve system which required keeping of 40% reserves in gold and foreign securities has been dropped by the Reserve Bank. (b) The minimum reserve system has been modified by the Reserve Bank. Now the bank need keep only gold worth Rs.115 crores. The requirement of keeping foreign securities of the value of Rs.85 crores can be waived during extreme contingencies. Thus, in extreme contingencies the banks need to keep just Rs.115 crores of reserves in the place of Rs.200 crores.
8. Allocation of credit
According to this measure, the allocation of credit will be done in accordance with the priorities laid down in the plans. Still the major part of the credit goes to the public sector through statutory requirements and other means. For the priority sector a certain minimum of credit at concessional rates of interest is ensured through selective credit control and the differential rate of interest scheme. The Reserve Bank does not give credit to the private industries directly. These industries can get credit facilities through the public financial institutions.
These measures are generally adopted by the General Banks in all the countries. These measures adopted by the Reserve Bank affect the lendable sources of the commercial banks which in turn affect the total volume of the credit and hence the total money supply. So these measures affect the total quantity of credit and the economy in general. General controls include:-
1. Bank Rate
The traditional definition of Bank Rate says that it refers to the rate at which the Central Bank rediscounts the eligible bills. In broader sense It refers to the minimum rate at which the Central Bank provides financial accommodation to commercial banks in the discharge of its functions as the lender of the last resort. During inflationary periods, the bank rate is increased so as to increase the rate of interest on borrowings. A change in discount rate: Makes the cost of securing funds from RBI cheaper or more expensive Brings about changes in the structure of market interest rates and Serves as a signal to the money market, business community and the public of the relaxation or restraint in credit policy.
the Reserve Bank buys securities worth Rs.50 crores from the commercial banks, then the reserves of commercial banks will increase by 50 crores and this money will come in circulation. Conversely, when the central bank sells securities to the banks, the deposits in the banks would get reduced resulting in construction of credit and reduction in money supply. In India open market operations are mostly in government bonds because of the absence of treasury bill market in India. RBI has not used open market operations since long.
5. Refinance Policy
Refinance given by the Reserve Bank to the Commercial banks affects their credit but this system is changed from time to time to allow or disallow flow by banks. Over the years effectiveness of refinance policy has come down because of commercial banks on Reserve Bank of India for refinance has come down expect in case of subsidised refinance of agricultural and rural credit.
This control refers to regulations of credit for specific purposes or branches of economic activity. Selective credit controls are considered to be useful supplement to general credit regulations. Under section 21 and 35-A of Banking Regulation Act 1949, the Reserve Bank has powers to control advances by banks regarding: (a) The purpose for which advances may or may not be made. (b) The margins to be maintained in respect of secured advances. (c) The maximum amount of advance to any borrower. (d) The maximum amount up to which guarantees may be given by the banking company on behalf of any firm, company etc and (e) The rate of interest and other terms and conditions for granting advances. The Reserve Bank of India has, generally, adopted the following techniques of selective credit control since 1956 onwards:-
can control credit by changing the total amount which can be borrowed by the consumer for the purchase of consumer durable goods and/or the maximum period over which the instalments can be extended.
3. Rationing of Credit
Rationing of credit is another technique of selective credit control. Under this method, the Reserve Bank fixes the quota for member banks as well as their limits for the payment of bills. The Quota system was first introduced in1960. If the member banks seek more loans than the quota which is fixed for them, they will have to pay higher rate of interest to the Reserve Bank than the prevailing bank rate. Rationing of credit is both quantitative as well as qualitative method of credit control. If rationing is done with respect to the total amount of loan, it will be a quantitative control. But if rationing fixes the maximum ceilings for specific categories of loans and advance, it becomes qualitative in nature.
(a) The first such directive was issued by the Reserve Bank on May 17, 1956 to restrict advances against paddy and rice. Later on, so many other commodities of common use were also included in this list. (b) The State agencies, such as the Food Corporation of India and State Trading Corporation have been exempted from the use of selective credit controls. This method can help a lot in credit regulation and can be quite effective if properly used and implemented by the monetary authorities of the country.
6. Moral Persuasion
The Reserve Bank has been using moral persuation as a selective credit control measure. Periodical letters are issued by RBI to banks urging them to exercise control over credit in general or advances against particular commodities or unsecured advances. Regular meetings and discussions are also held by the Reserve Bank with commercial banks to impress upon them the need for their cooperation in the effective implementation of the economic policy.
EVALUATION OF MONETARY POLICY The twin objective of the monetary policy of the reserve bank had been to (1), accelerate the process of economic growth and to (2) control the inflationary pressures in the economy. Though, the reserve bank has been extensively using various credit control methods, but it has not been able to bring syability to the economy of the country. Major failures and limitations of the monetary policy of the reserve bank are as discussed below:1. Minor and Ristricted Role in economic development The monetary policy has not been given an active and crucial role in the economic development of the country. Rather , it has been assigned only a minor role in the expansion and development of the economy. The reserve bank has been assigned a very minor and restricted role thet is to see that the economic development of the country is not hampered because of the non- availability or inadequacy of funds. 2. Lack of coordination between Monetary and Fiscal policies
There is lack of coordination between the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank and the fiscal policy of the government of india. The five year plans emphasised that there should be proper coordination between the Fiscal policy particularly relating to deficit financing and the Reserve Bank Credit policy relating to commercial banks. To maintain a reasonable balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply, it was necessary to limit the deficit financing to a reasonable level ans to have a bank credit policy which cooperates with the policy of deficit financing. In reality, the Reserve bank has been monetising the increasing budgetary deficit which in turns leads to a less effective monetary policy. 3. Imbalanced in Credit Allocation Another limitation of our monetary policy has been imbalance in the allocation of credit. Even though agriculture and small scale industries are given priorities in the five year planning still relatively less credit is diverted towards these sectors. After the nationalisation of the banks, some efforts have been made by the commercial banks to provide credit to these priority sectors; but the efforts are not sufficient. These sectors remain dependent mainly upon private resources for their financial needs. 4. Unsatisfactory role of capital market Another limitation of our monetary policy lies in the unsatisfactory and limited role of the capital market. The distribution of credit in the market is not based on the efficiency and profitability of the enterprises demanding funds. The present scenario is that the public financial institutions are raising the resources at lower than the market price to finace investments in private industries. Now there is a strong need to enlarge the capital market. This can be done by encouraging both the public and private enterprises to seek much larger support from the capital market. Funds should be provided to the enterprises on the basis of their capacity and credit worthiness. 5. Excessive Budgetary deficit and government borrowings Another reason for the failure of monetary policy in india has been the impact of excessively growing budgetary deficit and large scale government borrowings. The main reason for developing excessive budgetary deficit was to maintain high level of plan outlays and to promote investment in the economy. But the results have been contrary. The high level of deficit financing have created excessive monetary demands which has further led to inflationary pressures in the economy of the country.
6. Excessive Increase in bank credit to the commercial borrowings The Reserve bank has provided excessive credit to the commercial banks, which is another cause of the failure of the monetary policy. This excessive credit was provided to promote growth and investment in the country, to provide liberal and concessional credit to the priority sector and to give preferential treatment to the government agencies and the private sector. All this has led to a large expansion of money supply in the economy. 7. Limited Role in Curbing the Inflationery Pressures The monetary policy of the reserve bank has played only a limited role in curbing the inflationary pressures in the economy. It has not succeeded in achieving the objectives of economic growth with stability. The general and selective measures adopted by the Reserve Bank are effective only if the inflation is caused due to deficit financing or shortage of goods, these measures will not prove to be effective. The average rate of money supply during the plans has been 15% p.a. where as the average rate of growth of domestic product is just 4%. This disproportionate increase is a major factor in the inflationary pressure of the economy. 8. Increased Liquidity of commercial banks After the nationalisation of the banks, their liquidity position has improved. As a result of nationalisation, there has a rapid growth of savings as well as increased growth of deposits. Now they do not have to depend upon the Reserve Bank for their financial needs. The Reserve Banks mau increase the CRR or the SLR but the commercial banks do not get affected much. They can grant as much loans as are required without resorting to the Reserve Bank. This has also reduced the effectiveness of the monetary policy. 9. Existence of Black Money Another limitation of monetary policy in india is the existence of black money which limits the working of the monetary policy. The black money is not recorded since the borrowers and lenders keep their transactions secret. As a result, the supply and demand of money do not remain as desired by the monetary policy. 10. Under developed Money Market The under developed money market of our country limits the coverage as well as the efficient working of the monetary policy. The Indian money market consisits of
organised as well as unorganised money market thus, the desired results cannot be achieved. In short, the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank suffers from many limitations. It requires improvements in many directions.