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The Impact of Advertising

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The Impact of Advertising

The advertising business has become such an important factor in the economy in many countries, especially in the United States, that it also changes the economy itself, society, culture, and the political system.

The stimulation for the demand of products and services helps the economy grow stronger and stronger. New inventions become known much faster and can establish their spot in the sales figures of the economy. If there are more people buying these products the overall costs will drop and the product will become cheaper for the customer which raises his willingness to buy even more. On the other hand advertisements are very e pensive and some economists believe that these costs are put on top of the actual price paid by the customer.

!ritics argue that advertising can also have a huge influence on society. It tells the consumers that only purchasing products makes you happy and therefore people compare each other on their belongings. "omen also compare themselves with the beautiful and very skinny models they see on commercials and ads. This sometimes results in eating disorders and a low self#esteem of women who don$t look like these models. %nother bad effect is, that minority groups, especially in the United States are portrait in a subordinate position, which settles in the minds of people. !ommercials are also an important part of the income of a T& station which leads to the suspicion that a news channel might not report on an incident about a company they depend on. % lot of T& shows are also based on these commercials, and if the ratings aren$t good enough the show will be stopped. Only those shows which attract a lot of viewers will be shown, which is not very differentiated and put minorities like older people at a disadvantage.

%dvertising can also have an impact in politics. ' ()* million were spent on advertisements and T& commercials in the elections of +,,-. It gives the opponents the chance to respond to charges very .uickly reaching a few million viewers. /ut since this is very e pensive only very rich people have to chance to run for a political position or at least depend on the donation of wealthier people who could have a huge impact on democracy this way. The political issues talked about in an election are also very much simplified because the spots are only about 01 seconds long, and you can$t really discuss a lot in such a short period of time.

There is finally the impact advertising can have on the culture of a country. The globali2ed economy uses the same commercials in a lot of different countries, which leads to a break down in the differences of these societies. !hildren will grow up not knowing how their culture has been before in their country. It can also lead to a lot of discussion about moral values if we 3ust think about the very controversial ads of /enetton we have discussed.

ABSTRACT The study attempts to analyze the impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior.Market provides a key to gain actual success only to those brands which match best to the current environment i.e." imperative" which can be delivered what are the people needs and they are ready to buy at the right time without any delay. The study, based on an analytical approach on a survey of 200 randomly selected consumers in gra city, e!amined the role played by advertising in influencing consumers buying behavior for "estle, which is one of the leading nutrition, health and wellness company. #esults reveal that consumers are highly influenced by advertising in their preference for the brand. The mean value of the consumers$ preference for "estle is %.&' which is the highest in comparison to the various brands. The ma(or reasons for this preference are its attractive advertising policy and rich )uality. *n this reference, the survey reveals that T+ advertisements of "estle influence the buying of consumers the most. The creative presentation and language of T+ advertisements of "estle are successful to convey Message, ,motion, +alue system regarding the product. The study clearly reveals that the advertisement has its impact on buying behavior of consumers. Therefore, it is advisable to companies to emphasize their advertisement campaign not only to retain their market but to height it also

What is Advertising The word Advertising has its origin from a Latin word Adventure which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the word is to announce publicity or to give public concerned to a specific thing which has been announced by the advertiser publicity in order to inform and influence them with the ideas which the advertisement carries. In business world the terms in mainly used with reference to selling the product of the concern. The advertising, as 4ones defines it is 5a sort of machine made mass production method of selling which supplements the voice and personality of the individual salesman, such as manufacturing the machine supplements the hands of the craftsman.5 It is thus a process of buying6sponsor6identified media space or time in order to promote a product or an idea. 7rom a careful scrutiny of the above definition, the following points emerge 8

%dvertising is a paid form and hence commercial in nature. This any sponsored communication designed to influence buyer behaviour advertising.

%dvertising is non#personal. Unlike personal selling, advertising is done in a non# personal manner through intermediaries or media whatever the form of advertisement 9Spoken, written or visual:. It is directed at a mass audience and not directed at the individual as in personal selling.
%dvertising refers to any paid form of non#personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor 9/elch, ;11(:. %dvertisers create ads with a variety of ob3ectives in mind8 To prompt action8 <irect action advertising is designed to motivate people to act. It involves ads that try to persuade people to make a purchase, call a phone number, or mail6fa 6email an order form, and includes many of the common ads consumers see in newspapers, in#store adverting and package advertising. To encourage information search8 In some cases, it is unreasonable to assume that a consumer is ready to make an immediate purchase based solely on advertising. In these cases, consumers need more information = a test drive or a demonstration = before making up their minds. This is often the case for big#ticket items and such ads often include a telephone number or website so the consumer can seek more information. To relate product to needs % less direct form of advertising, this category includes those ads that draw a link in the consumers$ minds between the product and their needs as a consumer. To encourage recall of past product satisfaction and prompt a repurchase %ds of this nature are designed to summon memories of past satisfaction and get customers to purchase a product again. To modify attitudes One of the more challenging ob3ectives facing advertisers is to modify attitudes towards a product. This is often appropriate when a firm$s product has received a bad reputation for one reason or another or if a firm is attempting to recapture customers they lost to a competitor. To reinforce attitudes: dvertisers seeks to reinforce attitudes that customers already have towards a product. Market leaders -such as .oke or Mc/onald$s0 often use this to maintain their market share and volume.
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%dvertising promotes idea, goods and services. %lthough most advertising is designed to help sell goods, it is being used increasingly to further public interest goals.

%dvertising is identifiable with its sponsoring authority and advertiser. It discloses or identifies the source of opinions and ideas. %dvertising thus is 8 +. Impersonal ;. % communication of ideas. 0. %imed at mass audience (. /y a paying sponsor. The two forms of mass communication that are something confused with advertising are publicity and propaganda. If we eliminate the elements of the 5paying sponsor5 9The paid re.uirement: we would have the element of publicity left 8 7or publicity is technically speaking, advertisement without payment. In a similar manner. If we eliminate the re.uirement of an 5identified sponsor5, the resulting communication is propagandistic. It is important for us to emphasi2e that advertising may involve the communication of ideas or goods of service. "e are all aware that advertising attempts to sell goods and services. /ut we may overlook the more important fact that it often sells ideas. %dvertising may persuade with information> it may persuade with emotion8 more fre.uently, it endeavours to persuade with some mi ture of both. (1) lectronic !edia %dvertisers use two types of media to reach target consumers over the airwaves> radio or T.&. "A# Radio %dvertisers using the medium of radio may also be classified as National or ?ocal advertisers. The radio is a prominent vehicle of advertising in our country and accounts for a large sum of the total advertising budget. The radio serves principally local rather than national or large regional markets. @any small advertisers use the radio. So do some large organi2ations. "hen T.&. became a factor in the advertising scene, some industry observers felt that radio advertising might become insignificant or even disappear. This has not been so,

for radio operators have responded to the challenge by offering programmes that features music etc. which appeal to local audience consumers have responded very favourably to this approach. @oreover T& does not have much coverage in our country. "$# Television T%V% & Advertising 'edia ?ate in India, a growing class of advertising media has been the T&. In our country, commercial advertising on T& is severely limited because broadcast timings are only in the evenings. The T& is a uni.ue combination timing of sight and sound and achieves a deeper impact than the other media do. This is particularly advantageous for advertisers whose product re.uire demonstration. T& advertising offers advantage of impact, mass coverage, repetition, fle ibility and prestigious. In our country not everyone has a T& set> therefore it does not reach everyone. @oreover, in rural India where *).0+A of our population lives. There are hardly any T& sets, e cept at the community centres where electricity is available. @oreover, T& programmes in our country do not offer much selectivity. The translation is limited, any centers do not have T& towers. T& appeals to both the senses of sound and of sight . %s a result is combines the two to produce high#impact commercials. 7inally, the fact that product or service is promoted on T& may build a prestigious image of the product and its sponsor. The pleasure derived from watching T& is at least potentially transferable to the advertising message delivered through the medium. "ii# "rint !edia The print media carry their massages entirely through the visual mode. These media consist of newspapers, maga2ines and direct mail. "A# #ewspaper $ A si%able share of the total advertising budget is spent on advertising in newspapers. Newspapers in our country virtually reach most of the homes in the cities. Since newspapers are local, marketers can easily use them to reach particular markets. This selectivity is easily rigorous. Some are in the twelve#hour range. 7rom the viewpoint of the advertiser, newspaper offers several advantage, they are local in content and appeal and provide opportunity for direct communication between a product and its local dealers or distributors. /ecause newspapers supply news, they offer an atmosphere of factual information and of currency that may be favourable for some advertising situations. %dvertisers can reach a very broad audience through newspapers which offer great fle ibility. The advertisers may choose the specific area

to be covered and the advertisement can be placed in newspapers at very short notice as compared with other media. "$# 'aga(ines @aga2ines are also mean of reaching different market, both original and matinal and of general and specific interest. %n organisation may approach national markets through such publication as /usiness India, 7amina, Sportsweek, India Today, /usiness "orld and 7ilmfare. Some marketers divide their market on the basis of such variable as age, educational level and interest maga2ines. @aga2ines are divided into those parts that serve business, industrial consumers, ladies, sports etc. The diversity of maga2ines is tremendous. Some offer news or together 5Beneral Interest5 content to huge audience. Others are highly specialised, technical or even e otic. In general, maga2ines offer advertiser the opportunity to reach highly selective audience. The primary advantage of maga2ine advertising are selectivity of market targets> .uantity reproduction long life> the prestige associated with some maga2ines> and the e tra service offered by many publications. The .uality of maga2ines reproduction is usually high. !onsumers sometime keep individual copies for long period of time> reread them or pass them on to other. Some maga2ines have prestige value. The marketer can cover national or large regional markets at a low cost per contract 9per individual reached:. @aga2ines generally offer high#.uality printing of advertisement. "iii# !)TD!!R AND TRANSIT 'EDIA "A# &utdoor Advertising $ !utdoor Advertising Outdoor advertising involves the use of sign and bill#boards, posters or displays 9such as those that appear on a building$s wall: and electric spectacular 9large, illuminated, sometime animated sign and display:. The marketers may purchase billboards on the basis of showings. % showing indicates the percentage of the total population of a particular geographic area that will be e posed to it during one month period. The highest showing is +11. Cere the number of billboards is would attract appro imately D1A of the local population about ;1 times during a month. Sings are usually smaller than billboards and are erected and maintained by the marketer rather than by the advertising media. This form of advertising has the advantage of communication .uick and simply ideas of repetition and of the ability to promote products that are available for sales. Outdoor advertising is particularly effective in metropolitan and other can use this medium to bring the products to the attention of consumers or to remaining them of the product, while they are on shopping trips or area disposed towards shopping.

%dvertisers may utili2e this medium to economically reach a large mass of people or small local markets. "$# Transport Advertising $ Transport advertising appears on the inside or outside of ta is, buses, railways and other modes of passenger transportation. @arketers may use transit advertisement to attain high e posure to particular groups consumers on theory way to and from work and tourists. Eepeat e posure is possible for a ma3ority of the people in our country use public transport basis. Transport advertising is useful in reaching consumers at an advantageous point which they are embarking on a shopping trip. This medium is a low cost medium
dvertisements have emerged as the greatest influence on consumers. *n a competitive market, advertising can play a significant role in distinguishing a product from competition. This study attempts to find out the impact of television advertisements on a sample of private service holders of 4angladesh. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. /ata collected from the survey were analyzed using the 3ikert scale. The results revealed that consumers accepted more product5related information of T+ ads than the emotion5related ones. *n addition, Male respondents are more likely to consider T+ ads as fun and e!citement than female respondents. The study also found that respondents consider that T+ ads provide important insights about life, which can be an encouraging outcome for the marketers. 6owever, driving demands for unnecessary products is considered as the most harmful impact of T+ ads. 7inally, based on findings a model is developed and proposed.

%dvertising enables the creative man to communicate by combining motion, sounds, words, color, personality and stage setting to e press and demonstrate ideas to large and widely distributed audience. The basic ob3ective of any advertisement is to stimulate sales, direct or indirect by trying to make tall claims about product performance. %lmost every one grows up in the world which is flooded with the mass media e.g. television, advertising, films, videos, billboards, maga2ines, movies, music, newspapers, and internet.Of all marketing weapons, advertising is renowned for its long lasting impact on viewer$s mind, as its e posure is much broader 9Fatke, ;11*:. %dvertising is a subset of promotion mi which is one of the (G$s in the marketing mi i.e. product, price, place and promotion. %s a promotional strategy, advertising serve as a ma3or tool in creating product awareness in the mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision. Nowadays, there is a competition among marketers to grab consumer attention. 7irms generally try to increase demand of goods or services by influencing customers$ preferences %dvertisements usually play a role in either introducing a product or reinforcing the familiarity to the product and also convincing to purchase the product. %dvertisements are among the most visible of the marketing strategy and have been the sub3ect of a great deal of attention in the last ten to fifteen years. %dvertisement cannot only change emotions but give subliminal message. %dvertisements develop self#concepts in order to induce purchase decisions. In today$s competitive business environment, mobile operators have to compete in the industry by facing

the problems and overcome it, taking initiative considering the prospects of the industry, and finally taking marketing strategy for the customers and overall the industry. %dvertising is one of the elements of promotion mi under marketing mi .

Impact of Advertisement on *outh $uying $ehavior

INTEO<U!TION %dvertisement or advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience 9viewers, readers or listeners> sometimes a specific group: to continue or take some new action. @ost commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common various advertising concepts are in the stream of the media but still there is a little evidence that advertising can significantly help the organi2ation boosts it performance or sale of goods and services. In terms of sales, it is true that the application of the marketing and it associate strategies can gain the consumer trust and loyalty and in return, can en3oy the benefits of the market share. Impact of %dvertising can be summed as one that is significant in a society. %dvertising can have wide#ranging repercussions on a society more especially youth. Some critics suggest that advertising promotes a materialistic way of life by leading people to believe that happiness is achieved by purchasing products. They argue that advertising creates a consumer culture in which buying e citing new products becomes the foundation of the society$s values, pleasures, and goals. Houth advertising is an important determinant of consumer behavior> it has been shown to have an influence on a youthsI product preference and purchase re.uests. There are some scientists that believe studying youth consumer behavior is a negative thing because it impacts their beliefs, values, and moral 3udgments. They argue this because they believe that youth are more influenced by advertising messages than adults are. On the other hand, there are some scientists that believe youth marketing is a good thing because it helps to define who they are as a consumer. On that note, it has been proven that re.uests by youth for advertised products decrease as they mature. Houth#oriented audiences...
#easons behind watching T+ ads
Eeasons6/enefits Eelevant information about product Grovide important message about product Celp me to search for the best product Celp me to take purchase decision Celp to 4udge between products Jducate to respect others @ean rank (.+D 0.,, 0.,0 0.-) 0.-+ 0.D+

It speaks of my e pectations 7un K en3oyment J citement

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