Universal Isolated Interface Converter: Eurotherm Ontrols
Universal Isolated Interface Converter: Eurotherm Ontrols
Universal Isolated Interface Converter: Eurotherm Ontrols
KD485 - ADE
Overview The KD485 is a multi-purpose interface converter designed to satisfy a wide range of industrial datacomms requirements. One common application is the connection of multi-dropped RS485 devices to an RS232 system. Most currently available converters require the RS232 device to control its RTS signal to enable/disable the RS485 driver, but some RS232 systems do not have this capability. The KD485-ADE avoids RTS control: Features The KD485-ADE has the following features: DIN-rail enclosure with screw terminals; fits 35mm symmetric and 32mm asymmetric rails DC power input: a regulated or unregulated DC supply in the range +7V to +25V Two serial ports: port 1 and port 2; port 2 is isolated (i.e. floating) from the rest of the KD485 Port 1 is RS232; port 2 is RS422/485; other combinations of interfaces are available to order Port 2 is a multi-mode port: it supports RS422 (4-wire) and RS485 (2 - and 4-wire) Low-EMC RS422/485 drivers Internal pull-up and pull-down resistors ensure that RS485 bus floats to a valid state when not driven
KD485-ADE The KD485-ADE inserts a CPU (with two serial ports) into the data path. Several standard application programs (Modes) are provided in a built-in ROM: Mode 0: emulates KD485-STD; also offers baud rate and character format conversion. Mode 1: as above, plus Auto Driver Enable. The RS485 driver is automatically controlled according to the presence of data from the RS232 host. Mode 2: RS485-to RS232 Addressable Adaptor. This makes possible the connection of up to approximately 50 RS232 devices to a 2/4-wire RS485 bus, through which they can be polled by a single Master. RS232 devices which emit data continuously are also supported. The RS485 address and an optional lead-in byte are fully configurable. PC-based configuration programs for DOS and Windows are included.
Configuration The KD485-ADE uses a user-accessible switch to set port 1 into a 9600-baud dumb-terminal Executive mode where various configuration and test functions are accessible via a commandline user interface. These include a Test Slave device which interrogates any RS485 Slave and returns response, in ASCII or hex. A Windows-based configuration program with pull-down menus is also supplied. Two standard configuration files, for EI Bisynch and Modbus protocols, are supplied on disk. Ordering information
Basic Product Type PSU Input Output
Basic Product
KD485 Universal isolated interface converter
ADE Standard PROG Programmable 00 PS
No PSU PSU (bulkhead mounting) PSDIN PSU (DIN rail mounting) 232 4XX
RS232 RS485/RS422 (2 or 4 wire) 232 4XX
RS232 RS485/RS422 (2 or 4 wire)
Special order KD485 versions The two ports can be populated in any combination of RS232 or 422/485. For example, a KD485-ADE with two RS422/485 ports is designated KD485-ADE-422-422. This product can be used to connect a 2-wire bus to an existing 4-wire bus, with both buses having multiple slaves operating. Specification DC power: Port parameters: +7V to +25V DC, 60/100/100mA typ. (+12V DC preferred) baud rates: 30, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 110, 134.5, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200,9600, 19200, 38400, 115200; stop bits: 1, 2; handshakes: none, xon/xoff Port 1 RS232; Port 2 RS422/485; any other combination available to order Functional; Port 2 is isolated from rest of KD485; 64V PK (100% tested at >2000V AC rms for 1s). Not authorised for use where injury could result from isolation failure Operating 0 to +50C; storage -25C to +70C; RH 0 to 90% non-condensing Emissions EN50081-2 immunity EN50082-2 23mm (W) x 75mm (H) x 100mm (L) approx, in rail-mounted position
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UK SALES OFFICE Eurotherm Controls Ltd Faraday Close Durrington Worthing BN13 3PL United Kingdom Sales: Tel. +44 (0)1903 695888 Technical: Tel. +44 (0)1903 695777 Fax +44 (0)1903 695666
Copyright Eurotherm Controls Limited 1997 All rights strictly reserved. No part of this document may be stored in a retrieval system, or any form or by any means without prior written permission from Eurotherm Controls Limited. Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this specification. However in order to maintain our technological lead we are continuously improving our products which could, without notice, result in amendments or omissions to this specification. We cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury loss or expenses resulting therefrom.