Colorado School of Mines CHEN403: 1 Where Min
Colorado School of Mines CHEN403: 1 Where Min
Colorado School of Mines CHEN403: 1 Where Min
• Flow rate, use PI control with typical controller settings of 0.5 < K c < 0.7 and
0.2 < τI < 0.3 min .
Kc = where ∆h = min ( hmax − hsp , hsp − hmin )
τI = where ∆h = min ( hmax − hsp , hsp − hmin )
K c Fmax
Based on simple statistics: overshoot, rise time, decay ratio, etc. Most popular have tended
to be developed to give a ¼ decay ratio.
More complex tuning criteria are based upon minimizing the total error of the response.
Three types can be defined:
ISE = ∫ ε2 ( t ) dt
IAE = ∫ ε ( t ) dt
ITAE = ∫ t ε ( t ) dt
In actual practice most professionals aim for critically damped tuning. All of the above
reward overshoot, whereas in the real world overshoot ends up as oscillation in downstream
processes or in interacting loops and also reduces your stability margin. Since real world
loops are non-linear, you get into much less trouble if you build in excess stability.
C′ =
s U′ = 0 Gd
- Gc Ga Gp + Y′
The Cohen & Coon method applies only to open-loop processes that are inherently stable.
Cohen & Coon suggest method to first model process in the open loop & then picking the
appropriate control parameters. Noted that most responses have a “sigmoidal” response to
step change. They suggest first modeling as 1st order process with dead time:
Ym′ Ke −θs
GPRC ( s ) = = GaGpGm ≈ .
C′ τs + 1
This is what they called the process reaction curve (PRC). Then they used various
performance criteria:
• ¼ decay ratio.
• Minimum offset.
• Minimum integral of the square error (ISE) under the load response curve.
Ed prefers Z-N tuning to Cohen & Coon. It is not often possible to do an open loop step test on
a loop. Note that the Z-N settings are very aggressive. Probably the best thing you can do for
your class is set them down with a simulation and let them tune loops.
The original Z-N tuning settings are given in the following table.
Type of Control Kc τI τD
P K u /2 — —
PI K u /2.2 Pu /1.2 —
PID K u /1.7 Pu /2 Pu /8
These controller settings were developed to give a ¼ decay ratio. However, other settings
have been recommended that are closer to critically damped control (so that oscillations do
not propagate downstream). PI & PID controller settings suggested by Tyreus & Luyben
are shown in the following table.
Type of Control Kc τI τD
PI K u /3.2 2.2Pu —
PID K u /2.2 2.2Pu Pu /6.3
U′ e −θd s
τd s + 1
1 Ka Kp −θ p s
R′ + K c 1 + + τD s e +
τI s τa s + 1 τ ps +1
τm s + 1
Let’s look at the above process as an example of the response to Ziegler-Nichols tuning
parameters. The calculations will be done using Mathematica and employ a 3rd order Padé
approximation for the time delays. The following table will give the process parameters to
be used.
Response (Y')
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (t)
Ultimate P Control
Using a trial-and-error procedure the ultimate gain (that leads to stable oscillations) is
about 26.3 (see the following response curve). The period of oscillation is estimated to 5.0
(as calculated from peak to peak).
Response (Y')
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (t)
This figure shows three different response curves to unit step load disturbances. The first
is for the original PI control ( K c = 12.0 & τI = 4.2 ), the second is for the Tyreus-Luyben
settings ( K c = 8.2 & τI = 11.4 ), & the third is for the Rule-of-Thumb adjustment ( K c = 13.15
& τI = 5.1 ). Notice that there is little difference between the response curves from the
Zeigler-Nichols & Rule-of-Thumb settings. Further notice that though there is no oscillation
with the Tyreus-Luyben settings it has a much greater maximum deviation & a much
slower response time.
Ysp′ +
- Gc Gp +
For the feedback control loop above the overall transfer functions between the output Y ′
and the set point & disturbance are:
= c p and = .
Ysp′ 1 + Gc Gp L′ 1 + Gc Gp
Note that for the set point transfer function, we can manipulate it to give:
Gc =
(Y ′ Y ′ ) .
Gp 1 − (Y ′ Y ′ )
One implication is that if we pick a desired form for the response to a set point change,
Y ′ Ysp′ , then we have set out the desired form for the controller. For example, we might
think that it would be great to have the output to immediately track the set point change,
i.e., Y ′ = Ysp′ . However, doing this would require an infinite gain in the controller:
1 1
Gc = ⋅ → ∞.
Gp 0
A more practical response would be a first order decay into the final value, or:
Y′ 1
= .
Ysp′ τc s + 1
If we require this type of response for a step change disturbance then we get a controller
strategy with the form:
Gc = τc s + 1 1 1
= ⋅ .
1 G p τc s
Gp 1 −
τc s + 1
Notice that this shows there is an integral action to the Direct Synthesis controller strategy.
Let’s look at the Direct Synthesis controller strategy for a first order process:
Gp = .
τp s + 1
1 1 τp s + 1 τ 1
Gc = ⋅ = = p 1 + .
Kp τc s K p τc s K p τc τ p s
τp s + 1
Kc = and τI = τp .
K p τc
Notice that the controller settling time τc is only in the controller gain K c & the integral
time τI is only based on the process parameter τ p .
Applying the Direct Synthesis procedure to a process with dead time will require some type
of approximation to the dead time term to be able to end up with a controller strategy in a
PID form. Let’s also look at the Direct Synthesis controller strategy applied to an FOPDT
process. For this process the transfer function is:
−θp s
K pe
Gp = .
τp s + 1
Now it makes more sense to require that the response to a set point disturbance should
also have a time delay that matches the process’s time delay:
−θ s
Y′ e p
= .
Ysp′ τc s + 1
e −θp s
τc s + 1 1
−θ s
e p
Gc = = ⋅
e −θp s Gp τc s + 1 − e −θp s
Gp 1 −
τc s + 1
−θ p s
τp s + 1 e τp s + 1 1
Gc = −θ p s
⋅ −θp s
= ⋅ −θp s
K pe τc s + 1 − e Kp τc s + 1 − e
The time delay term cannot be physically realized. If we do a simple Taylor series
−θ s
expansion for the time delay term, e p ≈ 1 − θ p s , then we get:
τp s + 1 1 τ s +1 1 τp 1
Gc = ⋅ = p ⋅ = ⋅ 1 + .
Kp τc s + 1 − ( 1 − θ p s ) K p ( τc + θp ) s K p ( τc + θp ) τp s
Kc = and τI = τp .
K p ( τc + θ p )
We used a simple truncated Taylor series expansion for the dead time term here. What
happens if we use a Padé approximation instead? We can show that when using a 1st order
Pade approximation and assuming that the dead time is much less than both the controller
settling time ( θp << τc ) and the process time constant ( θp << τ p ) then the controller
strategy for a FOPDT is:
τp 1 θp
Gc = 1 + + s
K p ( τc + θp ) τ p s 2
and this is now in the form of a PID controller with the settings:
τp 1
Kc = , τI = τp , and τD = θp .
K p ( τc + θ p ) 2
Summary of Controller Settings Using Direct Synthesis for Rejection of Set Point Disturbances
SEM (2nd edition) and Smith & Corropio have summarized the PID settings for various
order processes. Many of these are presented in the following table. SM recommend that if
θp > τ p /4 in an FOPDT then PID control should be used, not PI control.
Type of
Gp ( s ) Kc τI τD
Kp I — —
K p τc
Kp τp
PI τp —
τp s + 1 K p τc
Kp τ1 + τ2 τ1 τ2
PID τ1 + τ2
( τ1 s + 1)( τ2s + 1) K p τc τ1 + τ2
Kp τ1
, τ1 >> τ2 PID τ1 τ2
( τ1 s + 1)( τ2s + 1) K p τc
Kp 2ζτ τ
PID 2ζτ
τ s + 2ζτs + 1
2 2 K p τc 2ζ
K pe
−θp s
K p ( τc + θ p )
PI —
τp s + 1
−θp s τp +
K pe 2 θp τpθp
(SEM) PID θ τp +
τp s + 1 2 2τ p + θ p
K p τc + p
K pe
−θp s
τp 1
(SC) τp θ
K p ( τc + θ p )
PID 2 p
τp s + 1
Kp 1
P — —
s K p τc