Smt. Sukhibai Deepchand Munot Alias Jain
Smt. Sukhibai Deepchand Munot Alias Jain
Smt. Sukhibai Deepchand Munot Alias Jain
2/D-14, Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400 070 Date: - 06/08/2013 To, The Secretary, Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400 070. Sub. : - LETTER OF RESIGNATION Sir, I am member of your society holding Flat No.2A/51 on 5th Floor in Building No.2A of your society admeasuring 620 sq. ft. carpet alongwith Share Certificate No.593 for five fully paid shares of Rupees fifty each, bearing number from 2911 to 2915 (both inclusive). Pursuant to the Deed of Gift dated 22/04/2013 I have Gifted the captioned Flat No. 2A/51 on 5th Floor in Building No.2A of your society admeasuring about 620 sq. ft. carpet alongwith said shares and handed over vacant and peaceful possession of the said entire flat alongwith the said shares of your society to 1) Surekha Sohanraj Jain 2) Nikhil Shripal Jain (Munot) 3) Mitesh Shripal Jain (Munot) forever. Therefore, I voluntarily resign from membership of your society with immediate effect. Hence, I request you to kindly accept my resignation and oblige. Thanking you, Place: Mumbai Dated: 06/08/2013 Yours faithfully,
(Under Bye-law No.38 (a)) Form No.20 (1) Form of notice of intention of a member to transfer his shares and interest in Capital/Property of the Society. To, The Secretary, Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400 070. Sir, 1) SMT. SUKHIBAI DEEPCHAND MUNOT ALIAS JAIN, member of Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. having address at 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai-400 070 and holding five fully paid up shares of Rupees fifty each, bearing distinctive numbers from 2911 to 2915 (both inclusive) and the Flat No.2A/51, admeasuring 620 sq. ft. carpet area in the Building No.2A of the society, hereby give you notice as required under Rule 24 of Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Societies Rules, 1961 as under :SMT. SUKHIBAI DEEPCHAND MUNOT ALIAS JAIN, intend to transfer my shares and my right, title and interest in the flat in the building of the society and my interest in the capital of the society by way of Gift to 1) Surekha Sohanraj Jain 2) Nikhil Shripal Jain (Munot) 3) Mitesh Shripal Jain (Munot) forever. The consent of the transferee is enclosed. Place: Mumbai Dated: 06/08/2013
FORM NO.21 (Under Bye-law No.39(e)(I)) Form of application for transfer of Shares and interest in the Capital/Property of the Society by the Donor. To, The Secretary, Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400 070. Sir, 1) I, SMT. SUKHIBAI DEEPCHAND MUNOT ALIAS JAIN, member of Bombay Taximens Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. having address at 306, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai-400 070, and holding the Share Certificate No.593 for five fully paid up shares of Rupees Fifty each, bearing distinctive numbers from 2911 to 2915 (both inclusive) and holding the Flat No.2A/51 admeasuring 620 sq. ft. carpet area in the building of the said society, numbered Building No.2A, I had given you notice of my intention to transfer by way of gift the said shares and my interest in the capital/property of the society on 12/04/2013 as required under Rule 24(1)(b) of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules 1961, alongwith the consent of the proposed Donee i.e. 1) Surekha Sohanraj Jain 2) Nikhil Shripal Jain (Munot) 3) Mitesh Shripal Jain (Munot). 2) I enclose herewith the application in the prescribed form for membership of the said society by the said proposed Donee. 3) I remit herewith the transfer fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only), I also remit herewith the amount of the premium of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) as provided under the bye/law No.38(e)(ix) of the bye-law of the society. 4) I state that the said shares and the interest in the capital/property of the said society have been held by me for a period of not less than a year. 5) I further state that the liabilities due to the said society by me, as on the date of this application, have been fully paid by me. I also undertake to pay the liabilities. Which may become due till the transfer application is approved by the society. 6) I hereby undertake to discharge any liabilities to the said society which related to the period of my membership with the said society and have become payable by me after cessation of our membership of the said society due to any demand made by the local authority, Government or by any other authority on account after cessation of my membership. 7) I propose to transfer the said shares and my interest in the capital/property of the said society on the following grounds:
i. ii.
8) I furnish herewith the declaration in the prescribed for, on a hundred rupees stamp paper about non-holding of any vacant land or land with a building, in any urban agglomeration, specified under the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976, the area of which exceeds 500 sq. meters. 9) I also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on hundred rupees stamp paper about the registration of the transfer as required under Section 269-AB of the Income Tax Act. 10) I request you to approve the proposed transfer and inform us accordingly.
Place: Mumbai Dated: 06/08/2013 Yours faithfully, SUKHIBAI DEEPCHAND MUNOT ALIAS JAIN Donor