AABSP Brochure
AABSP Brochure
AABSP Brochure
Association for Accreditation of Business Schools & Programs
W W W . A A B S P . O R G
Organizational Brochure
AABSP is an international quality assurance agency, working to improve quality assurance standards of organizations all over the world. With its global network of experts, AABSP grants accreditation to educational institutions, corporations, professionals and qualied individuals. AABSP also oers international accreditation services to small, medium and large scale corporations. AABSPs international accreditation for corporations ensures that the organizations are operating according to the international principles and standards of quality. AABSP has been successful in evaluating a number of schools, institutes, universities and businesses on the basis of their evaluation granted them accreditation licenses, providing them with international recognition for its academic excellence. AABSP ensures quality assurance in all existing and newly-established educational institutes of business education.
AABSP has grown into a leading professional accreditation body for colleges and universities whose primary purpose is excellence in teaching and learning, with well over 200 members and 800 accredited programs in the United States and throughout the world. It aims to promote eective educational practices in schools, colleges and universities.
The AABSP is the international impartial authority on postgraduate business education, established in 1967 by a small group of business graduates with the aim to raise the prole of business education and the MBA qualication in UK and Europe.
Organizational Brochure
Organizational Brochure
AABSP Equalization
Association for Accreditation of Business Schools & Programs provides equalization certicate to students who have acquired their degree in business and management from countries that does not meet the new international standards of higher education. AABSP veries the authenticity of the academic credentials issued by the higher education institutions in those countries.
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to graduate, students need to earn a minimum number of upper division credits. They can transfer indenite credits to get their degree, certicate or diploma cleared, if they are seeking to pursue careers outside their region. However, for equalization of qualications and degrees, certicates or diplomas, which graduates have earned from any country with dierent education standards, they need to provide AABSP with accurate and approved documents from their university, college or school, according to our set guidelines. AABSP has the right to disapprove an application, if any important document or information is missing.
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Organizational Brochure
AABSP has regional chapters and presence in several regional locations around the world to facilitate our international accreditation process.
AABSP has founded chapters to establish and strengthen quality standards for traditional and non-traditional educational institutes and corporations in dierent regions across the globe. AABSP has experts in its team who are well aware of the dynamics of the regional education and business system and possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to serve respective elds.
The chapters are responsible for organizing seminars, workshops and expos that facilitate AABSP in serving educational universities and other stakeholders in a specic region.
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