This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for wrought carbon steel sleeve-type pipe couplings. It provides details on the scope and application of the standard, lists referenced documents, defines coupling types and classifications, outlines ordering information requirements, and specifies materials, manufacturing, and dimensional requirements. The standard has been approved for use by agencies of the US Department of Defense.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for wrought carbon steel sleeve-type pipe couplings. It provides details on the scope and application of the standard, lists referenced documents, defines coupling types and classifications, outlines ordering information requirements, and specifies materials, manufacturing, and dimensional requirements. The standard has been approved for use by agencies of the US Department of Defense.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for wrought carbon steel sleeve-type pipe couplings. It provides details on the scope and application of the standard, lists referenced documents, defines coupling types and classifications, outlines ordering information requirements, and specifies materials, manufacturing, and dimensional requirements. The standard has been approved for use by agencies of the US Department of Defense.
This document summarizes an American National Standard that specifies requirements for wrought carbon steel sleeve-type pipe couplings. It provides details on the scope and application of the standard, lists referenced documents, defines coupling types and classifications, outlines ordering information requirements, and specifies materials, manufacturing, and dimensional requirements. The standard has been approved for use by agencies of the US Department of Defense.
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By Authority Of
Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. Document Name: CFR Section(s): Standards Body: e ASTM F682: Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings 46 CFR 56.01-2 American Society for Testing and Materials .1-- Designation: F 682-82a (Reapproved 1998) An American National Standard Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 682; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Dejimse. 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers wrought carbon steel sleeve- type pipe couplings suitable for joining carbon steel pipes. 1.2 Type I couplings are intynded for use on all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall' thickness of standard weight pipe. Type II couplings are intended for use on all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of extra strong pipe. 1.3 This specification does not cover cast steel couplings. NOTE I-The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. NOTE 2--See Appendix XI for rationale to develop this specifi- . cation. . 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: A 53/A 53M Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and 8.eamless 2 A 106 Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service 2 A 234/A234M Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service 2 A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products 3 ' E 59 Practice for Sampling Steel and Iron for Determination of Chemical Composition 4 2.2 Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Standard: . MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions 5 2.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-25 on Ships and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.l3 on Piping Systems. .... '. . Current edition approved July 30, 1982. Published Originally published as F 682 - 80. Last previous edition F 682 - 82. . .2 Annual Book of ASTM Stimdards, Vol 0 I.D L' . 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. 4 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 03.05. S Available from Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry, 1815 N. Fort Myer Dr., Arlington, Va 22209. 9 Section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels 6 Section IX Welding Qualifications 6 2.4 Federal Regulations: Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations ,CFR), Shipping, Parts 41 to 69 7 2.5 ANSI Standards: B 16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings 8 3. Classification 3.1 Couplings are furnished in two types as follows: 3.1.1 Type (see 1.2),' . 3.1.2 Type II-'-couplings (see 1.2). NOTE 3-Type II couplings may be used in place of Type I couplings for all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of standard weight piping through 18 in. or Schedule 40 pi?ing through 16 in. . 4. Ordering Information 4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information: 4.1.1 Quantity (number of couplings of each size and type), 4.1.2 Name of material (sleyve-type pipe couplings), 4.1.3 Size (nominal, see Table 1 and Table 2 and Fig. 1), 4.1.4 Type (see 3.1), 4.1.5 ASTM designation and date of issue. 5. Materials and Manufacture 5.1 Materials-The couplings $hall be manufactured from material having a chemical composition conforming to the requirements of 7.1 and with the mychanical properties of Section 9. . 5.2 Manufacture-The initial form of the raw material shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer except couplings. shall not be machined from unformed plate. The material shall be . S4ch t).1at the couplings conform to all ,pf the specified requirements (see Appendix X2). 5.3 Couplings fabricated by welding shall be (a) made by welders, welding operators, and welding procedures qualified . . 6 Available froInPunerican Society of Mechanical Engineers,345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.' .' 7 Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia;PA 19T11-5094, Attn; NPODS. 8 Available from American National Standard.s 11 W. 42nd St.,. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.' . . ~ ~ ~ F 682 TABLE 1 Dimensions for Type I Couplings (See Fig. 1) Nominal Size, in. Dimension A, Inside Dimension S, Outside Dimension C, Thick- Dimension D, Diameter, in. (mm)A Diameter, in. (mm)B ness, min, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm)G V. 0.589 (15.0) 0.875 (22.2) 0.143 (3.6) 1 (25) 3/s 0.724 (18.4) 0.992 (25.2) 0.134 (3.4) IV. (32) '12 0.889 (22.6) 1.201 (30.5) 0.156 (4.0) IV. (32) % 1.099 (27.9) 1.401 (35.6) 0.151 (3.8) 11/2 (38) 1 1.364 (34.6) 1.710 (43.4) 0.173 (4.4) 1'/2 (38) 1'1, 1.709 (43.4) 2.057 (52.2) 0.174 (4.4) 1'/2 (38) 1'12 1.949 (49.5) 2.306 (58.6) 0.179 (4.5) 1'/2 (38) 2 2.424 (61.6) 2.807 (71.3) 0.192 (4.9) 11/2 (38) 2'/2 2.924 (74.3) 3.444 (87.5) 0.260 (6.6) 1'/2 (38) 3 3.545 (90.0) 4.105 (104.3) 0.280 (7.1) 11/2 (38) 3'12 4.070 (103.4) 4.633 (117.7) 0.282 (7.2) 2 (51) 4 4.570 (116.1) 5.164 (131.2) 0.297 (7.5) 2 (51) 5 5.660 (143.8) 6.286 (159.7) 0.313 (8.0) 2 (51) 6 6.720 (170.7) 7.409 (188.2) 0.345 (8.8) 2 (51) 8 8.720 (221.5) 9.527 (242.0) 0.404 (10.3) 2'12 (64) 10 10.880 (276.4) 11.875 (301.6) 0.498 (12.6) 2'12 (64) 12 12.880 (327.2) 13.800 (350.5) 0.460 (11.7) 2'/2 (64) 14 14.140 (359.2) 15.050 (382.3) 0.455 (11.6) 2'12 (64) 16 16.160 (410.5) 17.050 (433.1) 0.445 (11.3) 2'12 (64) 18 18.180 (461.8) 19.050 (483.9) 0.435 (11.0) 2'/2 (64) ATolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 3 in. incl: +0.000, -0.010 in. (+0.000, -0.254 mm); (2) Sizes 3V2through 10 in. incl: +0.030, -0.000 in. (+0.762, -0.000 mm); and (3) Sizes above 10 in.: +0.060, -0.000 in. (+1.524, -0.000 mm). Brolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 10 in. incl: +0.125, -0.000 in. (+3.175, -0.000 mm) and (2) Sizes above 10 in.: +1.000, -0.000 in. (+25.4, -0.000 mm). crolerances for all sizes shall be +0.250, -0.000 in. (+6.4, -0.000 mm). TABLE 2 Dimensions for Type II Couplings (See Fig. 1) Nominal Size, in. Dimension A, Inside Dimension S, Outside Dimension C, Thick- Dimension D, Diameter, in. (mm)A Diameter, in. (mm)B ness, min, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm)G v. 0.589 (15.0) 1.055 (26.8) 0.233 (5.9) 1 (25) 3/s 0.724 (18.4) 1.156 (29.4) 0.216 (5.5) 1 V. (32) '/2 0.889 (22.6) 1.3S9 (34.8) 0.240 (S.I) 1 V. (32) % 1.099 (27.9) 1.557 (39.5) 0.229 (5.8) 1'/2 (38) 1 1.364 (34.6) 1.876 (47.7)t 0.256 (S.5)t 1'12 (38) IV. 1.709 (43.4) 2.221 (56.4)t 0.256 (6.5)t 1'12 (38) 1'12 1.949 (49.5) 2.469 (62.7)t 0.260 (6.6)t 1'12 (38) 2 2.424 61.6) 2.986 (75.8)t 0.281 (7.1)t 1'12 (38) 2'12 2.924 (74.3) 3.648 (92.7)t 0.362 (9.2)t 1'12 (38) 3 3.545 (90.0) 4.340 (110.2)t 0.398 (10.1)t 1'12 (38) 3'12 4.070 (103.4) 4.891 (124.2)t 0.411 (10.4)t 2 (51) 4 4.570 (116.1) 5.444 (138.3) 0.437 (11.1) 2 (51) 5 5.660 (143.8) 6.613 (168.0) 0.477 (12.1) 2 (51) 6 6.720 (170.7) 7.875 (200.0) 0.578 (14.7) 2 (51) 8 8.720 (221.5) 10.125 (257.2) 0.703 (17.8) 2'/2 (64) 10 10.880 (276.4) 12.150 (308.6) 0.635 (16.1) 2'12 (64) 12 12.880 (327.2) 14.150 (359.4) 0.635 (16.1) 2'12 (64) 14 14.140 (359.2) 15.400 (391.2) 0.630 (16.0) 2'12 (64) 16 16.160 (410.5) 17.400 (442.0) 0.620 (15.7) 2'12 (64) 18 18.180 (461.8) 19.400 (492.8) 0.610 (15.5) 2'12 (64) ATolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 3 in. incl: +0.000, -0.010 in. (+0.000, -0.254 mm); (2) Sizes 3V2through 10 in. incl: +0.030, -0.000 in. (+0.762, -0.000 mm); and (3) Sizes above 10 in.: +O.OSO, -0.000 in. (+1.524, -0.000 mm). Brolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 10 in. incl: +0.125, -0.000 in. (+3.175, -0.000 mm) and (2) Sizes above 10 in.: +1.000, -0.000 in. (+25.4, -0.000 mm). crolerances for all sizes shall be +0.250, -0.000 in. (+6.4, -0.000 mm). t Editorially corrected. under the provisions of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX; (b) heat treated in accordance with Section 6 of this specification; and (c) nondestructively tested as follows: 5.3.1 Sizes 3-in. NPS and Below-Radiographically exam- ined throughout the entire length of each fabricated weld in accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of ASME Code, Section VIII. 5.3.2 Sizes 3 1 /2-in. NPS Through I6-in. N P ~ No nonde- structive tests required, and 10 5.3.3 Sizes I8-in. NPS and Above-Any method of non de- structive testing may be used provided t h ~ tests are conducted in accordance with the applicable parts of ASME Code, Section VIII. 6. Heat Treatment 6.1 Couplings Made from Plate or Tubular Products: 6.1.1 Couplings machined from tubular products need not be heat treated. 6.1.2 Hot-formed couplings upon which the final forming F 682 c : I 8 DIA
FIG. 1 Sleeve-Type Pipe Coupling operation is completed at a temperature above 1150F (621C) and below 1800F (982C) need not be heat treated provided they are cooled in still air. If the manufacturer elects to heat treat such couplings it shall be by one of the procedures described in 6.3. 6.1.3 Hot-formed couplings finished at a temperature in excess of 1800F (982C) shall subsequently be annealed, normalized, or normalized and tempered. 6.1.4 Cold-formed couplings upon which the final forming operation is completed at a temperature below 1150F (621C) shall be normalized or shall be stress-relieved at llOO to 1250F (593 to 677C) for 1 hlin. of thickness. 6.1.5 Couplings produced by fusion welding shall be postweld heat treated at llOO to 1250F (593 to 677C), when the nominal wall thickness at the welded joint is % in. or greater. 6.2 Carbon Steel Couplings Made from Forgings- Couplings made from forgings shall subsequently be annealed, normalized, or normalized and tempered. 6.3 Heat Treatment Procedures-Couplings after forming at an elevated temperature shall be cooled to a temperature below the critical range under suitable conditions to prevent injuries by too rapid cooling, but in no case more rapidly than the cooling rate in still air. Couplings that are to be heat treated shall be treated as follows: 6.3.1 Full Annealing-Couplings shall be uniformly re- heated to a temperature above the transformation range and, after being held for a sufficient time at this temperature, cooled slowly to a temperature below the transformation range. 6.3.2 Normalizing-Couplings shall be uniformly reheated to a temperature above the transformation range and subse- quently cooled in air at room temperature. 6.3.3 Tempering and Postvveld Heat Treatment-Couplings shall be reheated to the prescribed temperature below the transformation range, held at temperature for not less than 1 hlin. of thickness at the thickest section, and cooled in the furnace or in still air. 7. Chemical Requirements 7.1 The couplings shall conform to the requirements as to II chemical composition prescribed in Table 3. 7.2 Weld metal used in the construction of the couplings shall be mild steel analysis No. Al of Table QW-442, Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 8. Product Analysis 8.1 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from finished products representing each lot. The chemical compo- sition thus determined shall conform to the requirements specified in Table 3. 8.2 In the event the couplings do not conform to the requirements specified in Table 3, referee analyses shall be made on additional couplings from the same lot in accordance with Practice E 59. 9. Mechanical Properties 9.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in Table 4. 9.2 The yield strength corresponding to a permanent offset of 0.2 % of the gage length of the specimen under load shall be determined. 9.3 Tension tests shall be made on material representative of and in the same condition of heat treatment as the finished coupling. 9.3.1 Records of the tension tests shall be certification that the material of the coupling meets the requirements of this specification provided the heat treatments are the same. If the raw material was not tested, the coupling manufacturer shall perform the required test on material representative of the finished coupling. 9.4 The tests required by this specification shall conform to those described in the latest issue of Test Methods and Definitions A 370. 10. Dimensions and Variations 10.1 The dimensions and permissible variations for sleeve couplings to this specification are prescribed in Table 1 and Table 2. 11. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 11.1 Sleeve couplings shall have a workmanlike finish, free of scale and injurious defects. Ends shall be finished square and without burrs. 12. Hydrostatic Testing 12.1 Hydrostatic testing is not required by this specification. 12.2 All couplings shall be capable of withstanding, without failure, leakage, or impairment of serviceability, a test pressure equal to that prescribed in the specification for the pipe with which the fitting is recommended to be used. 13. Product Marking 13.1 Identification marks consisting of the manufacturer's Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur TABLE 3 Chemical Requirements Composition, max, % 0.30 1.20 0.05 0.06 ~ ~ ~ F 682 TABLE 4 Tension Requirements Tensile strength, min, ksi (MPa) Yield Point, min, ksi (MPa) Elongation in 2 in. or 50.8 mm, min, % 60 (414) 35 (241) 23 symbol or name, the ASTM designation number, type, and size shall be legibly stamped on each fitting, and in such a position as not to injure the usefulness of the fitting. SP-25 may be followed except the word "steel" shall not be substituted for the ASTM designation. 13.2 Where couplings are manufactured by an activity for its own use, the marking requirements of 13.1 do not pertain. 14. Keywords 14.1 carbon steel sleeve-type pipe couplings; couplings; pipe couplings; Type I couplings; Type II couplings APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) Xl. RATIONALE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFICATION F 682 XU This specification has been developed to provide two types of couplings. Type I is for use on all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of standard weight pipe. Type II is for use on all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of extra strong pipe. Note 3 provides an option that allows the use of Type II couplings in place of Type I couplings, if desired. X1.2 The design criteria for the couplings is based on CFR Title 46, Subpart 56.70-1S(d)3 and 4 as follows: X1.2.1 For couplings through 3-in. IPS, the clearance be- tween the system pipe outside diameter and the sleeve coupling inside diameter has been held to a maximum of 0.080 in. when considering tolerances to allow these couplings to be used in Class I piping through 3 in. when not subjected to full radiography as allowed by CFR Title 46. The inside diameter of the coupling is therefore equal to the minimum outside diameter of the pipe to be joined +0.080 in. with a tolerance of +0.000, -0.010 in. This provides for a maximum diametral clearance of 0.080 in. NOTE XU-The minimum outside diameter of the pipe was deter- mined by subtracting the largest minus tolerance from either Specification A 53!A 53M CABS Grades I, 2, and 3) or Specification A 106 CABS Grades 4 and 5). X1.2.2 The coupling inside diameter and tolerance in sizes 3 1 /2 in. and above for use in Class II piping has been taken from ANSI B16.5, Table 9, for slip-on flanges. X1.2.3 The minimum length of the coupling has been set at 1 in. This satisfies the USCG requirement of 3/s-in. minimum depth of pipe insertion when used in Class I piping. 12 X1.2.4 To meet the USCG requirement that "the fillet weld shall have a throat dimension of not less than the nominal thickness of the pipe or tubing being joined," a coupling outside diameter of not less than the nominal outside diameter of the system pipe plus two times 1.4 T has been used. (T = nominal pipe thickness.) X1.2.5 Hoop stress calculations have been performed to ensure that the strength of the coupling is equal to or greater than that of pipe being joined. Xl.3 A tolerance of +0.125, -0.000 in. was established for the outside diameter of couplings through 10 in. and a tolerance of + 1.000, -0.000 in. for couplings 12 in. and larger. This allows the use of commercia11y available tubular products without machining the outside diameter and limits the maxi- mum outside diameter thereby allowing designers to determine the hole size which would be required to pass a coupling through a penetration. X1.4 Testing heat treatment requirements have been taken from Specification A 234/A 234M as discussed with USCG G-MMT-2/s2. X1.4.l Radiography requirements have been taken from CFR Title 46, Subpart 56.95 as discussed with USCG G-MMT- %2. Xl.5 Although marking is not specifically required by USCG, "marking" has been included in the specification to allow for material control and segregation of the couplings in industry. ~ ~ ~ F 682 X2. TUBULAR RAW STOCK MATERIAL SIZES FOR MANUFACTURE OF COUPLINGS X2.1 Tubular products listed in Table X2.1 may be used for the manufacture of couplings without machining the coupling outside diameter. Other tubular sizes as well as other wrought materials (that is, forging, bars, billets, plate, and so forth, see 5.2) may also be used provided all the requirements of this specification are satisfied. TABLE X2.1 Tubular Products Used for Couplings Nominal Size, in. Type I Couplings Type " Couplings 1,4 0.87500 x 0.563 10 1.06200 x 0.563 10 % % in. IPS Sch 160 1.18800 x 0.68810 % 1 in. IPS Sch 160 1.375 00 x 0.875 10 % 1.500 00 x 1.062 ID 11,4 in. IPS XX Strong 11,4 1.75000 x 1.25010 1'12 in. IPS Sch 160 1% 2.12500 x 1.62510 2.250 00 x 1.688 10 1 2 in. IPS Sch 80 2.500 00 x 1.937 10 2V2 2% in. IPS Sch 80 3.00000 x 2.37510 2 3 in. IPS Sch 80 3.75000 x 2.875 10 3V2 4.12500 x 3.500 10 4.375 00 x 3.500 10 3 4.75000 x 4.000 10 5.000 00 x 4.000 10 4 5.250 00 x 4.500 10 5 in. IPS Sch 120 5 6.375 00 x 5.375 10 6 in. IPS Sch 120 6 7.500 00 x 6.500 10 8.00000 x 6.500 10 8 9.625 00 x 8.625 10 10.25000 x 8.500 10 10 12.00000 x 10.75010 12 in. IPS Sch 120 12 14 in. IPS Sch 60 16 in. IPS Sch 160 14 16 in. IPS Sch 100 16 in. IPS Sch 80 16 18 in. IPS Sch 80 18 in. IPS Sch 80 18 20 in. IPS Sch 80 20 in. IPS Sch 80 The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed eve/}' five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. 13