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Project Report: Done At: Taneja Aerospace and Aviation LTD

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(A$$%&'() *+ AICTE, N(- D(./0 # A110.023() 3& JNTU, H+)(%2*2))

We hereby declare that this project report entitled FABRICATION OF THORP T2114AIRCRAFT has been carried at TANEJA AEROSPACE AND A"IATION LTD. Embodies the report of our project work carried out during the final year of B5TECH5 in AERONAUTICAL E6706((%067 (20 !"20 #$. %his project work and the results Embodied in this project ha&e not been submitted to any other uni&ersity or 'nstitute for the award of any degree or diploma. NAME SYED IRFAN AHMED HASHMI MD ATIF AHMER ROLL NO 107Y1A2146 107Y1A2132

%his is to certify that the project work entitled FABRICATION OF THORP T211 AIRCRAFT is a bonafide work carried out by SYED IRFAN AHMED HASHMI (107Y1A2146) AND MD ATIF AHMER (107Y1A2132) respecti&ely in partial fulfilment for the award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING during the year 20 !" # under our guidance and super&ision. 85"EN8LATESH9ARA REDDY P%06:0$2., MLRIT#M HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT M% BALAJI GUPTA A;;0;3263 P%&1(;;&% (AERO D($3)



E&en the name screams power and performance. (ffectionately named after its designer) *ohn) %horp) the si+ cylinders *abiru!!00 e,uipped %2 aircraft. %he combination of alight) yet strong airframe with 20 horsepower pro&ides a is not an ordinary

tremendous power to weight ratio which creates short take off runs) strong climbs and impressi&e cruise speeds. %he %horpedo is the first -... manufactured aircraft to earn the .pecial (irworthiness certificate under the /ight .port (ircraft ruling. %he 0(( type certified heritage ensures a pro&en design that has been tested to a higher standard. With all its power) this nimble aircraft our performs many in its class. %he a&ailable digital panel) lu+urious interior and other options make this an efficient or spirited recreational aircraft) suitable for both the seasoned pilot and the new sport pilot alike. (lmost all the trainer and light sport aircraft ha&e fi+ed landing gear system. %he landing gear system itself produces about 20 1 #02 of the total drag produced fin an airplane. We know that the resultant power needed to o&ercome this drag will &ary as the cube of &elocity) hence if the drag produced in the aircraft is reduced by a great e+tent. 'n order to do so) the perfect alternati&e would be there tractable landing gear system) which will not only increase the performance of the aircraft but will also enhance the maneu&erability of the aircraft. We will also be obser&ing the &arious changes which will occur with respect to aerodynamics and performance of the aircraft. %he present wing of the aircraft does not ha&e the thickness to incorporate the landing gear of the aircraft) thus we will ha&e to change the wing of the aircraft keeping in mind the lift co"efficient and the 3eynolds no at which the aircraft flies. 4ence to check the results we ha&e made a prototype of the aircraft and tested the same in the wind tunnel.

'5%367-8%'65 (%4639E76 %2 $

/':4%".963% ('383(0% W'5:. ;'// 60 <(%E3'(/. %=9E. 60 W'5:. W'5: 86<965E5%. -.E7 <(%E3'(/. -.E7 '5 W'5:. W'5: 8650':-3(%'65 .4E(3'5: ;E57'5: W'5: '5.%(//(%'65 <('5 ;E(< (..E<;/= (0% 3'; (..E<;/= W'5:. (..E<;/= '5.%(//(%'65 60 W'5: 86<965E5%. 0'5(/. '5.%(//(%'65 8658/-.'65

9art of the 9une based 'ndian .eamless group) %((/ was established in >># as the first pri&ate sector company in the country to manufacture general a&iation i.e. non military aircraft. %he company?s &ision at the time was to create a nucleus facility for the de&elopment of an aeronautical industry in 'ndia and in particular to promote affordable at a&iation in the country. %o kick "off this process) %((/ entered into collaboration with 9art ena&ia of 'taly to manufacture the si+"seat twin piston "engine 9@Ac aircraft and the ele&en"seat turbo"prop Biator aircraft. While %((/ continues to manufacture /ight %ransport and %rainer (ircraft) the company has since di&ersified its acti&ities and has established a significant presence in many segments of the a&iation and aeronautical industries in 'ndia. %((/ has three distinct ;usiness 7i&ision) namely) (ero structure) (irfield C <36 and (ircraft .ales and .upport. Each di&ision is run as an independent profit center by a dedicated ;usiness.

E&en the name screams power and performance. (ffectionately named after its designer) *ohn %horp) the si+ cylinders *abiru!!00 e,uipped 2 is not an 20 ordinary aircraft. %he combination of a. light) yet strong airframe with

horsepower pro&ides a tremendous power to weight ratio which creates short take off runs) strong climbs and impressi&e cruise speeds. %he %horpedo is the first -... manufactured aircraft to earn the .pecial (irworthiness certificate under the /ight .port (ircraft ruling. %he 0(( type certified heritage ensures a pro&en design that has been tested to a higher standard. With all its power) this nimble aircraft outperforms many in its class. %he a&ailable digital panel) lu+urious interior and other options make this an efficient or spirited recreational aircraft) suitable for both the seasoned pilot and the new sport pilot alike. (lmost all the trainer and light sport aircraft ha&e fi+ed landing gear system. %he landing gear system itself produces about 20 D #02 of the total drag produced in an airplane. We know that the resultant power needed to o&ercome this drag will &ary as the cube of &elocity) hence if the drag produced in the aircraft is reduced) the total power consumed by the aircraft will be reduced by a great e+tent. 'n order to do so) the perfect alternati&e would be there tractable landing gear system) which will not only increase the performance of the aircraft but will also enhance the maneu&erability of the aircraft. We will also be obser&ing the &arious changes which will occur with respect to aerodynamics and performance of the aircraft. %he present wing of the aircraft does not ha&e the thickness to incorporate the landing gear of the aircraft) thus we will ha&e to change the wing of the aircraft keeping in mind the lift co"efficient and the 3eynolds no. at which the aircraft flies. 4ence to check the results we ha&e made a prototype of the aircraft and tested the same in the wind tunnel. %he project is an industrial project sponsored by %aneja (erospace and (&iation /td.) 4osur. 9art of the 9une based 'ndian .eamless group) %((/ was established in >># as the first pri&ate sector company in the country to manufacture general a&iation i.e. nonEmilitary aircraft. %he company &ision at the time was to create a nucleus facility for the de&elopment of an aeronautical industry in 'ndia) %((/ entered into collaboration with 9art ena&ia of 'taly to manufacture the si+"seat twin piston engine 9@A8 aircraft and the ele&en"seat twin turbo"prop Biator aircraft.

While %((/ continues to manufacture /ight %ransport and %rainer (ircraft) the company has since di&ersified its acti&ities and has established a significant presence in many segments of the a&iation and aeronautical industries in 'ndia.

Wingspan /ength 4eight Wing (rea /andin gear -seful /oad 8ockpit width :ross weight Empty weight Wing loading 0uel capacity ;aggage Engine 9ower /oading 2@ ft. Am >?! F.Am @.! ft. .>m F ft 2. 0.@Am2 6leo struts @0F lbs. 2G# kg #0 02cm )2G0 lbs. FF@ kg @@F lbs !02 kg . bHsf F2 kgHm2 2 gal G>.F ltr #0 /bs. A. kg *abiru !!00" 20 4 0.@ lbHhp #.A kgHhp

.tall .peed (0laps$ .tall .peed (8lean$ %op /e&el .peed %akeoff roll /anding roll 8limb 3ate .er&ice 8eiling <a+imum 3ange #G mph # kts F2 mph #F kts !2 mph F kts !F0 ft. 0G m #00 ft. 22 m )020 fpm ! 0 mpm F)!00 ft. #)G2# m !GF mi. !2@ n.m.

L07/3<;$&%3 20%:%213 ( light"sport aircraft) also known as light sport aircraft or /.() is a small aircraft that is simple to fly and which meets certain regulations set by a 5ational a&iation authority restricting weight and performance. 0or e+ample) in (ustralia the 8i&il (&iation .afety (uthority defines a light"sport aircraft as a hea&ier"than"air or lighter"than"air craft) other than a helicopter) with a ma+imum gross takeoff weight of not more than F@0 kilograms ( )200 lb$ for lighter"than"air craftI @00 kilograms ( )!00 lb$ for hea&ier"than"air craft not intended for operation on waterI or @F0 kilograms ( )#00 lb$ for aircraft intended for operation on water. 't must ha&e a ma+imum stall speed of #F knots (A! kmHhI F2 mph$ in landing configurationI a ma+imum of two seatsI a ma+imum speed in le&el flight with ma+imum continuous power (Bh$J !A mph ( 20 knots$ 8(.I fi+ed undercarriage (e+cept for amphibious aircraft which may ha&e repositionable gear) and gliders which may ha&e retractable gear$I an unpressuriKed cabinI and a single non"turbine engine dri&ing a propeller if it is a powered aircraft. 'n the -.() se&eral distinct groups of aircraft may be flown as light"sport. E+isting certificated aircraft and e+perimental) amateur"built aircraft that fall within the definition listed in #803 . are acceptable) as are aircraft built to an industry consensus standard rather than 0(( airworthiness re,uirements. %he accepted consensus standard is defined by (.%< %echnical 8ommittee 0!G. (ircraft built to the consensus standard may be factory"built and sold with a special airworthiness certification (."/.($ or may be assembled from a kit under the e+perimental rules (E"/.($ under e+perimental airworthiness. ( company must ha&e produced and certified at least one ."/.( in order to be permitted to sell E"/.( kits of the same model. E"/.( kits are not subject to the normal e+perimental amateur built (E"(;$ re,uirement #8032 . > which identifies an aircraft) the major portion of which has been fabricated and assembled by persons who undertook the construction project solely for their own education or recreation. (ircraft which ,ualify as /.( may be operated by holders of a .port 9ilot certificate) whether they are registered as /ight .port (ircraft or not. 9ilots with a pri&ate) recreational) or higher pilot certificate may also fly /.() e&en if their medical certificates ha&e e+pired) so long as they ha&e a &alid dri&erLs license to pro&e that they are in good enough health to fly and their medical certificate has not been denied or re&oked. /.( also ha&e less restricti&e maintenance re,uirements and may be maintained and

inspected by traditionally certificated (ircraft <aintenance %echnicians) by indi&iduals holding a 3epairmanM /ight .port certificate) and (in some cases$ by their pilots andHor owners.

9067: %he wings of an aircraft produce lift. <any different styles and arrangements of wings ha&e been used on hea&ier"than"air aircraft) and some lighter"than"air craft also ha&e wings. <ost early fi+ed"wing aircraft were biplanes) ha&ing wings stacked one abo&e the other. <ost types nowadays are monoplanes) ha&ing one wing each side. Wings also &ary greatly in their shape &iewed from below Wing construction is basically the same in all types of aircraft. <ost modem aircraft ha&e all metal wings) but many older aircraft had wood and fabric wings. (ilerons and flaps will be studied later in this chapter.

%o maintain its all"important aerodynamic shape) a wing must be designed and built to hold its shape e&en under e+treme stress. B2;0:2..+, 3/( -067 0; 2 1%2=(-&%> :&=$&;() :/0(1.+ &1 ;$2%;, %0*;, 26) ($&;;0*.+) ;3%067(%;)5 .pars are the main members of the wing. %hey e+tend lengthwise or the wing (crosswise of the fuselage$. (ll the load carried by the wing is ultimately taken by the spars. 'n flight) the force of the air acts against the skin. 0rom the skin) this force is transmitted to the ribs and then to the spars. <ost wing structures ha&e two spars) the front spar and the rear spar. %he front spar is found near the leading edge while the rear spar is about two"thirds the distance to the trailing edge. 7epending on the design of the flight loads) some of the all"metal wings ha&e as many as fi&e spars. 'n addition to the main spars) there is a short structural member which is called an aileron spar. %he %0*; are the parts of a wing which support the co&ering and pro&ide the airfoil shape) %hese ribs are called forming ribs) and their primary purpose is to pro&ide shape. .ome may ha&e an additional purpose of bearing flight stress) and these are called compression ribs.

%he most simple wing structures will be found on light ci&ilian aircraft. 4igh" stress types of military aircraft will ha&e the most comple+ and strongest wing structure.

F07?%( 1<C 9067 26) F?;(. 27( 2332:/=(63; %hree systems are used to determine how wings are attached to the aircraft fuselage depending on the strength of a wingLs internal structure. %he strongest wing structure is the full cantile&er which is attached directly to the fuselage and does not ha&e any type of e+ternal) stress"bearing structures. %he semi cantile&er usually has one) or perhaps two) supporting wires or struts attached to each wing and the fuselage. %he e+ternally braced wing is typical of the biplane (two wings placed one abo&e the other$ with its struts and flying and landing wires. TYPES OF 9INGS 0i+ed"wing Wooden Wing (luminum wing 0oam Wing .wept wing

F0@()<-067 %he forerunner of the fi+ed"wing aircraft is the kite. Whereas a fi+ed"wing aircraft relies on its forward speed to create airflow o&er the wings) a kite is tethered to the ground and relies on the wind blowing o&er its wings to pro&ide lift. Nites were the first kind of aircraft to fly) and were in&ented in 8hina around F00 ;8. <uch aerodynamic research was done with kites before test aircraft) wind tunnels) and computer modeling programs became a&ailable. %he first hea&ier" than"air craft capable of controlled free"flight were gliders. ( glider designed by 8ayley carried out the first true manned) controlled flight in AF!. 9ractical) powered) fi+ed wing aircraft (the aeroplane or airplane$ were in&ented by Wilbur and 6r&ille Wright. ;esides the method of propulsion) fi+ed" wing aircraft are in general characteriKed by their wing configuration. %he most important wing characteristics areM 5umber of wings " <onoplane) biplane) etc. Wing support " ;raced or cantile&er) rigid) or fle+ible. Wing plan form " including aspect ratio) angle of sweep) and any &ariations along the span (including the important class of delta wings$. /ocation of the horiKontal stabiliKer) if any. 7ihedral angle " positi&e) Kero) or negati&e (anhedral$.

( &ariable geometry aircraft can change its wing configuration during flight.

( flying wing has no fuselage) though it may ha&e small blisters or pods. %he opposite of this is a lifting body) which has no wings) though it may ha&e small stabiliKing and control surfaces. Wing"in"ground"effect &ehicles may be considered as fi+ed"wing aircraft. %hey OflyO efficiently close to the surface of the ground or water) like con&entional aircraft during takeoff. (n e+ample is the 3ussian ekranoplan (nicknamed the O8aspian .ea <onsterO$. <an"powered aircraft also rely on ground effect to remain airborne with a minimal pilot power) but this is only because they are so underpowered J in fact) the airframe is capable of flying higher.

9&&)(6 9067; B2.;2 -067; (irplane wings work because they ha&e an airfoil shape. %his means the wing is cur&ed so that as the plane mo&es through the air a pocket of air forms underneath the cur&e of the wing) gi&ing the wing an upward lift. %he light weight of balsa wood makes it a good material for model planes. ( balsa wood frame is constructed and reinforced with wooden spars that match the shape of the wing cur&ature. %hicker wooden sheeting is often used to reinforce parts of the wing e+posed to the most stress. %he balsa wing is co&ered with a heat shrink plastic material. ( tool that looks like a small steam iron heats the material) causing it to shrink to the balsa frame. A.?=06?= A.?=06?= -067; 't is not unusual for a model plane builder to spend many hours building one plane. (ccording to <odel (irplane 5ews) aluminum pop cans are a good source of wing co&ering material. %he metal is thin and easily cut to form the sheets needed to build a plane. %he can aluminum is cut to the siKes needed and ri&eted to the planebody. %his can be used to make all the fuselage surfaces of the plane and painted for an authentic"looking replica. F&2= 9067; M&)(. 20%$.26( .tyrofoam is the answer for many model plane builders. 't is &ery easy to shape wings and other plane components out of this sturdy) . lightweight material. .tyrofoam wings are much stronger than balsa and lighter than plywood. <odels can be shaped from blocks of foam or built using recycled .tyrofoam containers. 0oam deli trays and restaurant takeout bo+es are used to make wings for

simple gliders or complicated remote control flying machines. 'f foam wings break in a crash they can easily be repaired or replaced at little to no e+pense. S-($3 -067 ( swept wing is a wing plan form fa&ored for high subsonic jet speeds first in&estigated in :ermany from >!F onwards until the end of the .econd World War. .ince the introduction of the <i:" F and 5orth (merican 0"A@ which demonstrated a decisi&e superiority o&er the slower first generation of straight wing jet fighters during the Norean War) swept wings ha&e become almost uni&ersal on all but the slowest jets (such as the (" 0$. 8ompared with straight wings common to propeller"powered aircraft) they ha&e a OsweptO wing root to wingtip direction angled beyond (usually aft ward$ the span wise a+is. %his has the effect of delaying the drag rise caused by fluid compressibility near the speed of sound as swept wing fighters such as the 0"A@ were among the first to be able to e+ceed the speed of sound in a slight di&e) and later in le&el flight. -nusual &ariants of this design feature are forward sweep) &ariable sweep wings and pi&oting wings. .wept wings as a means of reducing wa&e drag were first used on jet fighter aircraft. %he four"engine propeller"dri&en %u">F aircraft also has swept wings. %he angle of sweep which characteriKes a swept wing is con&entionally) measured along the 2F2 chord line. 'f the 2F2 chord line &aries in sweep angle) the leading edge is usedI if that &aries) the sweep is e+pressed in sections (e.g.) 2F degrees from 0 to F02 span) F degrees from F02 to wingtip$. (ngle of sweep e,uals P Q A0 deg " (nose angle$.


M(32..0: -067 :&=$&6(63;: :N5 (erospace is a leading supplier of comple+ metallic structures and components) combining its e+perience in design) de&elopment) high"speed machining and ad&anced material applications to support the integration of lightweight metallic components across the world?s leading aircraft platforms. With substantial in&estment in high speed machining technologies and processes) :N5 (erospace houses a large number of fle+ible manufacturing systems) three) four

and fi&e a+is machines and some of the world?s largest long"bed gantries) and is recogniKed as an industry leader in the supply of comple+ load bearing machining components) as well as comple+ pipes) tubes and fabricated components in titanium) aluminium) stainless steel and e+otic alloys. %his is supported with comprehensi&e in" house welding) painting) treatment and test facilities. %hese start"of"the art production processes are deployed across numerous ci&il and military programs. %ypical products include wing bo+ ribs) gear ribs and pintle fittings) spars) fight control surfaces) shroud bo+es) aft pylon fairings and wing skins. A)'26327(; 'ncreased component efficiency and performance .ignificant long"bed facilities for large single components (such as sparsHskins$ or multiple component manufacture) reducing cycle times and cost 'ncreased accuracy and throughput of fabricated components through ad&anced laser cutting processes <ajor in&estment in ad&anced high"speed machining centres reduces cycle times and costs whilst increasing product ,uality C&=$&;03( -067 :&=$&6(63; :N5 (erospace is a global leader in the design and manufacture of composite structures and components) supporting customers in the de&elopment and certification of new applications for lightweight composite materials to help reduce emissions and ad&ance product efficiency and performance. ( key focus for :N5 (erospace as a %ier 6ne design and build partner is to refine con&entional production techni,ues such as hand lay and define new (utomated and repeatable manufacturing processes) such as automated tape laying ((%/$) automated fiber placement ((90$) filament winding) double diaphragm forming) compression molding and laser ply. :N5 (erospace also le&erages its significant composites e+perience in specialist processes such as resin film infusion (30'$ and resin transfer molding (3%<$ to deli&er cost effecti&e high performance composite products to its global customer base.

A)'26327(; /ightweight) increased efficiency and performance 4igher degree of design for manufacturability :lobal supply chain (bility to achie&e comple+ manufacturing at high deposition rates reducing o&erall cycle times.

M23(%02.; ?;() 06 -067;

M23(%02.; U;() 1&% A0%$.26( 9067;: (n airplane needs strong) lightweight wings. %his is true for both full" siKed airplanes and flying airplane models. Wing frameworks are made of balsa wood co&ered with plastic sheeting. 0oam wings made of .tyrofoam combine the light weight of balsa with ine+pensi&e and easily shaped foam. .ome remote control model planes ha&e wings co&ered with thin aluminum sheeting. 9067 C&6107?%230&6 0or aircraft configurations in general) including fuselage) tail and power plant configuration) see (ircraft. 0or rotary"winged aircraft types) see 3otorcraft. 0or direct"lift and compound or hybrid types) see lift. 0i+ed) popularly called aeroplanes) airplanes or just planes may be built with many wing configurations. %his page pro&ides a breakdown of types) allowing a full description of any aircraftLs wing configuration. 0or e+ample the .pitfire wing may be classified as a con&entional low wing cantile&er monoplane with straight elliptical wings of moderate aspect ratio and slight dihedral. .ometimes the distinction between types is blurred) for e+ample the wings of many modem combat aircraft may be described either as cropped compound deltas with (forwards or backwards$ swept trailing edge) or as sharply tapered swept wings with large O/eading Edge 3oot E+tensionO (or /E3R$. (ll the configurations described ha&e flown (if only &ery briefly$ on full"siKe aircraft) e+cept as noted. .ome &ariants may be duplicated under more than one

heading) due to their comple+ nature. %his is particularly so for &ariable geometry and combined (closed$ wing types. 9067 ;?$$&%3 %o support itself a wing has to be rigid and strong and conse,uently may be hea&y. ;y adding e+ternal bracing) the weight can be greatly reduced. 6riginally such bracing was always present) but it causes a large amount of drag at higher speeds and has not been used for faster designs since the early >!0s. 9067 $.26 1&%= %he wing plan form is the silhouette of the wing when &iewed from abo&e or below. .ee also Bariable geometry types which &ary the wing plan form during flight.

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<'8(3% '4

'4 <( <. 8("( (. '4 8("( (.

@>G" /8enter rib ( (lloy .4EE% 202#"%! '4 .< @>G" 3 8enter rib ( (lloy .4EE% 202#"%! .< .< @>G"!/8enter rib assembly '4 8("( (. @>G"!3 8enter rib assembly '4 8("( @>A" /8enter rib ( (lloy .4EE% @ .%# '4 .< @>A" 3 8enter rib ( (lloy .4EE% @ .%# '4 .< @>A"2/(ft rib ( (lloy .4EE% @ .%# '4 .< .< @>A"23 (ft rib ( (lloy .4EE% @ .%# '4 .< @>A"!/-pper bracket (i (lloy .4EE% 2#.% 4' .< @>A"!3 -pper bracket ( (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>A"#//ower bracket (l (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>A"#3 /ower bracket (l (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>A"F ;earing plat (' (lloy ;ar '4 .< .< @>A"@/8enter rib assembly '4 8("( (. @>A"@3 8enter rib assembly + '4 8("( @>A"G/(ft rib assembly '4 8("( (. @>A"G3 (ft rib assembly '4 8("( @>>" /3ear beam (l (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>>" 3 3ear beam (l (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>>"2 7oublers (l (lloy .4EE% 2#.% '4 .< @>>"/ 3ear beam assembly '4 8("( (. @>>"3 3ear beam assembly E4 8("( (. 0(.%E5E3 9art 5o. 0astener

.< '4 (. .< .< .< .< .< .< .<

(. (. .< .< .<

0astener type

@##" /3i&et #A off (:. #G >"#0F @##"23 ;olt F off (5#" 2( Washer F off (5 >@097"# @ 5ut F off <. 20!@F"#2A @##"!/3i&et #A off 3i&et 2 off 3i&et G off @#G/ 3i&et F off 3i&et 2 off 3i&et G off 3i&et >0 off (:. #G >"#0F (:. #G >"# # (:. #G >"# ! (:. #G (:. #G (:. #G (:. #G >"#0F ># # ># ! >#0>

@F2 / 3i&et #A off (:. #G >#0F 3i&et !#! off (:. #G >#0G

@>0 !/ 3i&et 22G off 3i&et 2@0 off 3i&et ! off 3i&nut! off

(:.)#G >#0F (:. BG >#0G (:. #G # F A (N##F

@>0 #/ 3i&et !#! off (:. #G >#0G 3i&et >0 off (:. #G >#0> @>0"F 3i&et !#! off 3i&et >0 off 3i&nut! off W @>0"@/3i&et 2@0 off 3i&et @ off 3i&et A@ off 3i&et !@ off 3i&et ! off (:. #G >#0G (:. #G ># > A(N#F (:. #G (:. #G (:. #G (:. #G A (N#F >#0G ># ># ! >#0>

@>0"G/3i&et 2@0 off (:. # G>#0G .crew ! off AXW!TAO @>0"A/3i&et 2@0 off 3i&et 22G off 3i&et @ off 3i&et ! off (:. # G>#0G (:. # G>#0# (:. #G ># A(N#F

@>0">/3i&et 22G off (:. # G>#0F

@>0" 0/ 3i&et #A off (:. #G >"#0F 3i&et >0 off (:. #G >"#0> 3i&et 2 off (:. #G >"# F 3i&et A0 off (:. #G >"# ! @>0" / 3i&et >0 off (:. #G >"#0> 3i&et #A off (:. #G >"#0F 3i&et !#! off (:. #G >"#0G (:. #G >"# ! (:. #G >"# F (:. #G >#.0> (:. # G>#0G (:. #G >"# ! (:. #G >#0> <. 20!@"A!2

@>@" /3i&et G off 3i&et 2 off 3i&et G off @>@"2/3i&et 2 off @>@@/ 3i&et G off @>G"!/3i&et # off AGA 5ut ! off

Washer ! off (5 >@0"A .crew ! off (5 F2@"A!2 3A AA0 5ut ! off <. 20!@"A!2 Washer ! off (5 >@0MA .crew ! off (5 F2@"A!2"3A %ie"Wraps <. !!#G"F

AA "

AA2"2 -nion (5 A!2"!7 (5 >2#"!F >2F/ .crew # off AKWlT2O 3i&e nut ! off (@N"GF >!A"!/3i&et >0 off (:. #G >#0>

!2F"F Washer 0 off (5 >@0"@ @ (5 >! "!"> (5 A!2"!7 (5 >2#"!7 !@G ;olt 2 of% (5!" 0( Washer off (5 >@0" 0 5ut 2 off (5 !AF" 0!2 ;olt 2off (5!" 0( Washer off (5 >@0" 0 5ut 2 off (5 !AF" 0!2 .trobe C 9osition /ight



69E3(%'65. .hearing .hearing is a metal fabricating process used to cut straight lines on flat metal stock. 7uring the shearing process) an upper blade and a lower blade are forced past each other with the space between them determined by a re,uired offset. 5ormally) one of the blades remains stationary. %he shearing process characteristics includeM V 'ts ability to make straight"line cuts on flat sheet stock V <etal placement between an upper and lower shear blades V 'ts trademark production of burred and slightly deformed metal edges V 'ts ability to cut relati&ely small lengths of material at any time since the shearing blades can be mounted at an angle to reduce the necessary shearing force re,uired. %he illustration that follows pro&ides a two"dimensional look at a typical metal shearing process. 5ote how the upper shear blade fractures the metal work piece held in place by the work holding de&ices. %he sheared piece drops away. -99E3 FElE(ft hi (i$Y (swi6&(lii Z $ W63N46E7 @ <: wnn+pirfir

/6WE3 .4E(3 ./(7E (.%(%'65(3=$ *340(9'<fi peinnr.3 yT .Y %ypically[) the upper shear blade is mounted at an angle to the lower blade that is normally mounted horiKontally. %he shearing process performs only fundamental straight"line cutting but any geometrical shape with a straight line cut can usually be produced on a shear. 7 : 6 <etal shearing can be performed on sheet) strip) bar) plate) and e&en angle stock. ;ar and angle materials can only be cut to length. 4owe&er) many shapes can be produced by shearing sheet and plate. ;E57'5: ;ending is a process by which metal can be deformed by plastically deforming the material and changing its shape. %he material is stressed beyond the yield strength but below the ultimate tensile strength. %he surface area of the material does not change much. ;ending usually refers to deformation about one a+is. ;ending is a fle+ible process by which many different shapes can be produced. .tandard die sets are used to produce a wide &ariety of shapes. %he material is placed on the die) and positioned in place with stops andHor gages. 't is held in place with hold"downs. %he upper part of the press) the ram with the appropriately shaped punch descends and forms the &"shaped bend. ;ending is done using 9ress ;rakes. 9ress ;rakes normally ha&e a capacity of 20 to 200 tons to accommodate stock from lm to #.Fm (! feet to F feet$. /arger and smaller presses are used for specialiKed applications. 9rogrammable back gages) and multiple die sets a&ailable currently can make for a &ery economical process. (ir ;ending is done with the punch touching the workpiece and the workpiece) not bottoming in the lower ca&ity. %his is called air bending. (s the punch is released) the workpiece ends up with less bend than that on the punch (greater included angle$. %his is called spring"back. %he amount of spring back depends on the material) thickness) grain and temper. %he spring back usually ranges from F to 0 degrees. -sually the same angle is used in both the punch and the die to minimiKe setup time. %he inner radius of the bend is the same as the radius on the punch. ;ottoming or 8oining is the bending process where the punch and the work piece bottom on the die. %his makes for a controlled angle with &ery little spring back. %he tonnage re,uired on this type of press is more than in air bending. %he inner radius of the work piece should be a minimum of material thickness in the case of bottomingI and upto 0.GF material thickness) in the case of coining. W'5: '5.%(//(%'65 6&er&iew %he procedure for assembling the left and right hand wings is the same with the e+ception that some of the parts are \handed?. Where the parts are handed the part number for the left and right wing is called up first) and then he part for the right hand wing follows it in brackets. (lthough not absolutely necessary) it is recommended that you manufacture tow simple wing supports) so that the wing assembly may be supported while positioning

and ri&eting the wing skins to the frame . an illustration of a simple wing support is found at the end of this chapter. %he wing is assembled in two stages as followsM .tage sub"assembles .tage 2 major assembly. (lthough the sub"assemblies do not ha&e to be assembled in any particular order) you may find it easier to follow the steps as we did in creating this manual. %he assembly time for each wing is appro+imately !0 hours 'Ll

%66/ /'.% 9ower drill 3atchet H# %";ar H# .ocket FH @ and GH @ 7rill ;its !.!) #.#) #.F) F.2) @.F and @mm 8leco pillers 8leco pins ( HA$ F0 %aper punch HA and H# 3eamer .2#G .!G# and .F@ ;lind"hole finder %or,ue wench 7eburring tool

.tage " sub " assembles . ;efore you build each indi&idual assembly) check the kit of parts against the rele&ant figure and inde+. E+amine parts for ob&ious damage. 3ear beam (ssembly @>>/ (@>>3$ . 8leco pin the doubler @>>"2 to the rear beam @>>" / (@>>" 3$ and .ecure) with ri&ets (:.#G > ( A off$ 5oteM 6mit ri&ets (@off$ from 3ib @>@ attachment positions. 2. 3eam the attachment hole. !G2 to. !G#) through the double @>>"2 and beam @>>" . !. 8leco pin die hinge bracket G203 (G20/$ to the 6utboard aft position of the beam) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0G (F off$. #. 8leco pin the hinge bracket G20/ (G20 3$ to the inboard aft position of the beam) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0G (F off$. 8T( '57ER 0igure C 'nde+ no. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. re,uired FH 3ear ;eam (ssembly @>>/ @>>3 @>>"'/ 3ear ;eam 2 @>>"2 7oubler ! G20/ 4inge ;racket # G203 4inge ;racket

3ef. (ttachment 4ole (G20/ /E0% W'5:$ (G203 3':4% W'5:$ 2 (@>>"2$ (G203 /E0% W'5:$ (G20/ 3':4% W'5:$ (@>>" /$ 4ardware 0igure FH ] 3i&et ^VY 3i&et %horp %"2 0 6ff (:.#G >"#0G A 6ff (:.#G >"#

<ain ;eam (ssembly @#G/ (@#G3$ . 8leco pin the upper beam cap G ../ (GFF B$ and outer upper beam cap ! A/( ! A3$ together. 2. 8ounting from die inboard end on the top flange of outer upper beam cap ! A/ ( ! A3$) install the !? and die >W ri&ets (:.#G ># ! (2 off$ !. 8ounting from die inboard end on the web"side of die flange) install the 2nd ) @th and the 0th ri&ets (:.#G >"# !(! off$. #. 8leco pin the inner lower beam GF@/ (G.F@3$ and outer lower beam cap ! > ( ! >3$ together. F. 8ounting from die inboard end on die bottom flange of outer lower beam cap ! >/ ( ! >3$)install die !? and the >?ri&ets (:.#G >"# !(2 off$. @. 8ounting from the inboard end on die web"side of the flange) install the ) F and the >W G. -sing a HA taper pin to align the holes) 8leco pin the web @#G " to the upper and lower beam cap assemblies. 5oteM %he holes in die web @#G" ) and the upper and lower beam cap assemblies may appear to e out of e out of alignment) as the web is fle+ible. .tarting at one end and working towards the other) use a tapered punch to align to the holes in both the upper and lower beam cap assemblies at the same time) before inserting the 8leco pins. A. 8lamp the wing attachment fitting G.F2/ (GF2$ in position on the web assembly. >. 3eam the attachments holes (<oil$ to.2#G . 'nstall the bolts (5#" 2( ( 2 oil$) washer and nuts as you ream the holes to hold the fitting and beam raps secure. %he bolts heads are installed from alternate sides (ref. 0igure FH2$. '0 the washer that \foul? should be replaced with (5>@0" 0 washer that ha&e had the internal diameter opened"up to @.Fmm (2.F$. 6mit bolts (F off$ from at rib @##"23 (@##"/$ position. 0. 3i&et the web @#G" / (@#G" 3$ to die upper and lower beams caps) with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0G (!@off$)(gs#G > (#!off$) (:.#G >"# (>2off$ and (:.#G >" # ! (AFoff$. 5ot 6mit ri&ets at rib stations . 3eam the two wing attachments holes. F@0 to. F@ 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FH2 <ain ;eam (ssembly@#G/ @#G3

2 ! # F @

@#G" /Web @#G" 3 Web GF2"/ Wing (ttachment 0itting G.F2"3 Wing (ttachment 0itting GF.F/ 'nner -pper ;eam 8ap GFF3 'nner -pper ;eam 8ap GF@/ 'nner /ower ;eam 8ap GF@3 'nner /ower ;eam 8ap ! A/ 6uter -pper ;eam 8ap ! A3 6uter -pper ;eam 8ap ! >/ 6uter /ower ;eam 8ap ! >3 6uter /ower ;eam 8ap

%horp %"2 3ef. Wing (ttachment 4oles. 7etail ( 6K% <('5 ;E(< (..E<;/= @#G/ (@#G3$ 5olo. 'nstall ri&ets (F 6ff$ before (ttaching web. 5ote) 'nstall ri&als (F 6ff$ before attaching wob) 4ardware (0!#G >"#0G (:.Hi G >"#0> 3i&et (8!#G >"# (8.#G >"# ! 7etalf ( Washor ( ! >/$ <.2 0#2"# 9age F " G .ep FH>A T=" 'f o %horp %"2

(0% 3'; (..= @>@"@/ (@>@"@3$

4ardware ] 3i&et # 6ff (:.#G >"# ! ] 3i&et 2 6ff (5#G0(7" # 0igure FH!

9age F" 0 (ft 3ib (ssembly (@>@"@3$ . 3i&et the hinge bracket @>@"! to the aft rib @>@"2/ (@>@"23$) with ri&ets (:.#G >"# !( # oil$ 2. 3i&et the flap stop @>@"# to the hinge bracket with ri&ets (5#G0(7" #(2 off$. 5oteM %his step is carried out by the manufacture. '57ER 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FH! (ft rib (ssembly F>@"@/@>A"@3 @>@"2/(ft rib @>@"23 (ft rib 2 @>@"! 4inge ;racket ! @>@"# 0lap .top tfl

BY5B .ep FH>A fhorp %"2 0igure FH# 9age F" 2 8entre 3ib (ssembly @>G"!/ (@>G"!3$ . 3i&et the main landing gear cylinder 0A0/ ( 0A03$ to the centre rib @>G" / (@>G" 3$) with ri&ets (:.#G >#0>( # off$. '57ER 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FH# 8entre rib (ssembly @>G"!/ @>G"!3 @>G#/ 8entre 3ib @>G#3 8entre 3ib 0A0/ <ain /anding :ear 8ylinder 0A03 <ain /anding :ear 8ylinder

8entre 3ib (ssembly @>A"@/ (@>A 3$ . 3i&et a bearing plat @>A"F to the upper bracket @>A"!/ (@>A"!3$) with ri&ets (:.#A0G"# ! (# off$. 2. 3i&et a bearing plat @>A"F to the lower bracket @>A"#/ (@>A"#3$) with ri&ets (:.#A0G"# ! (# oil$. !. 8leco pin the upper bracket @>A"!/ (@>A"3$ and lower bracket @>A"#/ (@>A" #3$ to the centre rib @>A " / (@>A" 3$) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G "#0F ( # off$. #. 'nstall the bell cranks !@> (2 off$ and spacer !@@ ( off$ between the upper and lower brackets. t _Yf

*fl/ B*5 %horp %"2

0igure FHF 8E5%3E 3'; (..= @>A"@/ (@>A"@3$ 2 (@>A"!/$ !. (@>A"# $ 4ardware 0 0 o 0 o 3i&et A 6ff 3i&et # 6ff ;olt 6ff Washer 5ut 6ff (:.#A0G"# ! (:.#G >"#0F (5!"20( 6ff (5>@0" 0 (5!@F" 0!2

'57ER 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FHF 8entre 3ib (ssembly @>A"@/ @>A"@3 @>A" /8entre 3ib @>A" 3 8entre 3ib 2? @>A"!/-pper ;racket @>A"!3 -pper ;racket ! @>A"#//ower ;racket @>A"#3 /ower ;racket # @>A"F ;earing 9lat 2 2 F !@@ .pacer @ !@> ;ell 8rank 22 (ft 3ib (ssembly @>A"/ (@>A"G3$ . 3i&et the %innerman nuts ( F>!0"AX">0 (2off$ to the aft rib @>A"2/ (@>A"23$) with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0.F(#off$. 2. 8leco pin the hinge bracket @>A"! and %innerman ("2 @"F A0(l off$ the aft rib @>A "2/ (@>A"23$. 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FH@ (ft 3ib (ssembly @>A"G/@>A"G3 @>A"2/(ft 3ib @>A"23 (ft 3ib 2 @>A"! 4inge ;racket "iL& Z6 o F: :

o o

0igure FH@ (0% 3'; (..= @>A"G/ (@>A"G3$ 4ardware ] 3i&et # 6ff (:.#G >"#0F o 3i&et # 6ff (:.#G >"# F

.tage 2 "<ajor assembly Wings (ssembly @> (@> 3$ l. ;efore you build the major assembly) check the kit of the parts against the rele&ant figure and inde+. E+amine parts that ha&e in storage for ob&ious damage. (ssemble the 0rame work . /oosely attach centre rib @>@" / (@>@" 3$ to the aft face of man beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$I with \temporary? bolts) washers and nuts. 5oteM %hese bolts) Washers and nuts will be replaced at a later stage when nose rib @##"23 (@##" /$ is attached to the forward face of the main beam assembly. %he nose rib is left off at present to allow inspection of ri&eting. 2. 8leco pin nose rib @##"#3(@##"l/$ to the forward face of main beam assembly @#G/(@#G3$. !. 8leco pin centre rib assembly @>G"!/ (@>G"!3$ to th aft face of main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$) and) secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0> (@off$ and (:.#G >" # F (2oil$. 5oteM %he longer ri&ets (:.#G >"# F are installed in the upper and lower beam cap assemblies. #. 8leco in nose rib @##"F/ (@##"@3$ to the forward face of main beam assembly @#G (@#G3$. ` R* a o ..u F. 8leco pin centre rib assembly @>A"@3E$ to the aft face of main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0F (# off$) 6 (:.#G >"#0> (Foilo$ and (:. #G >"# ! (loff$ o 5oteM %he longer ri&et (:.#G >"# ! is installed in thee lower beam cap 6 assembly. L @. 8leco pin end rib @)F2" / (@.F2"3$ to the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$. T7 "( G. 8leco pin rear beam assembly @>>/ (@>>3$) to the end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$ L and centre ribs @>@"l/(@>@"l3$) (@>G"!3$ and @>AA"@/ (@>A"@3$. aS A. 8leco pin aft assembly @>@"@/ (@>@"@3$) to die rear beam assembly @>>/(@>>3$) and secure with ri&ets (:. #G >"# ! (@off$.


8leco pin aft rib @>@"2/ (@>@"23$ to die rear beam assembly @>>/ (@>>3$) S and secure with ri&ets (:. #G >"#0G (@off$.

o o o N* o onZY 0. 8leco pin aft assembly @>A"/ (@>A"G3$ to the art face of re assembly @>>-@>>3$) secure with ri&ets (:. G >"#0G (@ off$. . 3i&et the end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$ to the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$) with ri&ets s #G >"#0F (F off$. 2. 3i&et the end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$ to the rear beam assembly @>>/ (@>>3$) with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0@ (@ off$. !. 7rill (open"up$ die bottom forward tooling hotels in centre ribs @>@" / (@>@" 3$) @>G"! $) @>A"@/ (@>A"@3$ and @F2" / (@F2" 3$ to @mm (@.!O$) and install gametes (5 >! "@" 0 (# off$. #. <ark out drill four F.2mm (20FO$ holes in end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$. 5oteM %hese holes are for the attachment of the :rimes strobe power supply unit that is fitted later. 'f an alternati&e strobe unit is to fitted) the end rib should be drilled accordingly. (ssemble the skin . 8leco pin top skin @>0"#/ (@>0"#3$ to the rear beam assembly @>>/ (@>>"3$) between centre rib assembly @>G"!/ (@>G"!3$ and end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$. 2. While holding angels @> "!/ and @> "!3 in position) 8leco pin inner top skin @>0" F between centre ribs @>@" / (@>@" 3$ and @>G"!/ (@>G"!3$. 5oteM =ou can hold angels @> "!/ and @> "!r in position) by inserting your hand through the lighting hole in centre rib @>@" / (@>@" 3$ !. 3i&ets stiffness @> "> (! off$ to nose skin @>0" 0/ (@>0"63$) with ri&ets (:. #G >"#0G (!! off$. #. 8leco pin nose skin @>0" 0/ (@>0" 03$ to the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$) between nose ribs @##"23(@##"l/$ and @##"F/ (@##"@3$. 5oteM %he nose skin should be held to the main beam assembly with a 8leco pin in e&ery"other hole) 3ef. 9hotograph below F. 8leco pin nose skin @>0" (@>0" 3$ to the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$) between noserib @##"F/ (@##"@3$ and end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$ 5oteM %he skin should be held to the main beam assembly with a 8leco pin in e&ery" other hole)3ef. 9hotograph 9age F" A. @. 3i&et join between nose skin @>0" 0/ (@>0" 3$ and to pskin @>0"#/ (@>0 #3$ and @>0"F) all the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$ position) with ri&ets (:. #G >" #0G (@#off$) (:.#G >"#0> (loff$) (:.#G >(#2off$ and (:.#G >"# F (loff$. 5oteM 6mit end) inboard ri&et >( off$) in position where reinforcing strip. cy G. 3i&et join between nose skin @>0" /(@>0" 3$ and top skm@>0"#(@>0"#3$)all the main beam assembly @#G/ (@#G3$ position) with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0F (2off$) (:.#G >"#0G (#2oit$)(:.#G >"#0> (# off$ and (:. #G >"# ( off$.

A. 3i&et join between top skins @>0"#/(>@>($"#3$ and @>0"F or there a beam assembly @>>/ (@>>3$) with (:.#G >"#0F( off$) (:.#G >"#0G ( 2off$ and (:.#G >"#0>( ofi$. 5oteM6mit end inboard ri&et ( off$) in position where reinforcing strip @> "2 fits. >. 3i&et along ribstation 2 . FGG) with ri&ets :.#G >"#0G(A off$. 5oteM 6mit ri&ets(!2 off?$ in position where reinforcing strip @> "2) and also ri&ets ( 2 oil$ that attach nose rib @##"23 (@##" /$. %his nose rib is not installed until later) to pro&ides access for inspection of ri&eting. 0. 3i&et along rib station !#.!! G)with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0F(2 off$) (:.#G >" #0G (22 off$) (:.#G >"#0>(loll$) (:.# >"# ( 0 off$ and (:.#G >"# ! (Aofi$. . 3i&et along rib station>2.A@#G) with ri&ets (:. #G >"#0G (!0off$. 2. 3i&et along rib station !>.0!@!) with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0F(2#off$. !. 3i&et top skin @>0"#/ (@>0"#3$ toiling bracket (G20/) with ri&ets (:.#G >" #0G (@oil$ #. 3i&et top skin @>0"#/ (@>0"#3$ to hinge bracket G203) with ri&ets (:.#G >" #0G (off$ F. 3i&et angles @> "! /and @> "!3 to the top skin @>0"#/(@>0"#3$ and inner top skin @>0"F) with ri&ets)(:.#G >"#0G(20off$ and (:.#G >"#0>( off$. @. 8leco pin hinge >!A"!3(>!A"!/$ between die top skin @>0"#3$ and the in board hinge bracket G203 (G20/$) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"#0>(!off$. G. 8leco pin hinge >!A"!/(>!A"!3$ between die top skin @>0"#/(@>0"#3$ and the outboard hinge bracket G203(G20/$) and secure with ri&ets (:.#G >"l3(!off$. A. .tand the wing upon the nose skin @>0" 0/(@>0" 03$ and @>0" /(@>0" 3$ to pro&ide access for positioning the bottom skins. 5oteM 'f you ha&e made the recommended wing supports) place the wings in them otherwise ensure the wing is well supported and placed on a \soil? surface) i.e. carpet) so that die nose skins are not damage. >. 8leco pin skin @>0">/(@>0">3$ to the rear beam assembly @>> (@>>3$) between a rib assembly @>>"G lj (@>>"G3$ and end rib @F2" / (@F2" 3$. 20. 8leco pin skin @>0G/(@>0"G3$ to die rear beam assembly @>>"/(@>>3$ to aft rib @>@"2(@>@"23$ and aft rib assembly @>A"G(@>A"G3$. 5oteM <ake sure die holes for the bolls align with the tinerman nuts attached to the aft rib assembly @>A"G(@>A"G3$. 2 . 8leco pin stiffener @> " to the longed) between top skin @>0"#/ (@>0"#3$ and skin @>0"Gu@>0"Gr$ 5oteM %he stiffener (its between alt rib @>@"2/ (@>@"23$ and all rib assembly @>A" G/ (@>G"3$ 22. 8ut the edge of bottom skin @>0"!3$ to allow the skin to be fitted around the main landing gear cylinder 0A0/( 0A03$. 2!. (ttach double @> " 0 to bottom skin @>0"!/ (@>0"!3$) with ri&ets (:.#G >" #0F(# off$. 2#. 8leco pin bottom skin @>0"!/(@>0"!3$) together with the lowered of nose skins @>0" 0/ (@>0" 03$ and @>0" /I between centre assembly @>G"!/ (@>G"!3$ amdemdroI@F2"l/(@F2"l3$. 2F. %he nose skin should be pinned to the main beam assembly @#G/(@#G3$ with a 8leco pin in e&ery other hole) and die the holes in the other ribs etc. .hould be aligned and 8leco pins inserted. 2@. While holding angle @> "! 3ing position) 8leco pinner bottom skin @>0" @ (@>0"@ (@>0"@3$ between centre ribs @>@# (@@" 3$ and @>G"!-@>G"!33$.

5oteM =ou can hold angles @> "!/ and @> "!3 in position) by inserting your band through the lighting hole in centre rib @>@"l/(@>@"l3$. 2G. 0eeddoubler @> "through die hole and attach it to the inside rib bottom skin @>0"!/(@>0"!3$) with 3i&et nuts A(N#F(2off$. 5ote. %he other 3i&et nuts ( #off$ can be fitted alter the wing is assembled complete. 2A. 8leco pin skin @>0"A/(@>0"A3$ to rear beam assembly @>>/(@>>3$ and aft rib assembly @0>@"@-@>@"@3. 2>. 3i&et join between nose skin @>00 "/(@>0" 03$ and bottom skin @>0" !/(@>0"!3$ and @>0"@/(@>0"@3$) at die main beam assembly @#G/(@#G3$ position ?With ri&ets (:.#G >"#0F(#!ofif$)(:.#G >"#0G(!Goff$) (:.#G >"# (!Goff$) (:.#G >"# !(Aoff$ and (:.#G >"# F( off$. 5ote. 6mit end) inboard ri&ets (2off$) in position where reinforcing strip @> " @ fits. !0. 3i&et join between nose skin @>0" /(@>0" 3$ and bottom skin @>0" !/(@>0"!3$) at the beam assembly @#G/(@#G3$ position)with ri&ets (:.#G >" #0F(!Gof%)(:.#G >"#0G(!Gol7)(:.#G >"# !(Aofl$ and (:.#G >"# .F (loff$. 'nstallation of Wing 8omponents . <ark out position of pitot tube doubler "AA0 on bottom wing skin @>0"!/(@>0" !3$. 2. 7rill three holes #.Fmm) and docut"out as per 0ig.FHG)sheet #of#. !. 'nstall pitot tube AGand doubler AA0) radi screws (5F2@"A!23;(!off$) Washer (5>@0"A(!off$ and nuts <.20!@F"A!2(!off$. #. 'nstall the pitot line AA "through grommets (5>! "@" 0 in the wing and connect it to the pitot tube AGA with union AA2"2. F. 'nstall na&igation light able @00"/2j A( @00"/2E A$ and strobe light cable @00"/#el@ ( @00"/#cl@$ through the grommets (5>! "@" 0 in the centre ribs of the wing. @. %ie the pitot line AA " together with the two electrical cables and clip them to the cable tic base 22>"F@0) with tie"wraps <.!!#G".F(!oll$ G. 'nstall and lighten the fitting (5A!2"!7 and nut (5>2#"!7) through doubler @> " 0 A. 0it grommets (5>! "!"> (2oil$ in ribs @>@"l/(@>@"l3$ and @>G"!3$. >. position break tube assembly !2.F"F through the grommets (sinribs@>@"l3$ and @>G"!/(@>G"!3$ and connect it to the fitting (5A!2"!7. 0. .et the length of aileron tube assembly !@A to .FG>mm from hole to hole centre. . (ttach the aileron tube assembly !@ between the bell cranks !@>)with bolt (5!" 0(. washer (5>@0" 0 and nut (5!@F" 0!2. 2. .et the length of push"pull assembly !@Gto 22A0mm from hole centre to hole centre and attach the fi+ed eye"end between the bell cranks !@>) With bolt (5!" 0() washer (5>@0" 0 and nut (5!@F" 0!2. !. 'nstall the &al&e (5A 2 and gasket (5@22G"G in the top of the landing gear cylinder 0A0/( 0A03$. (ssemble the wing %ips . 7raw a line from the edge of the wing tip. /ocate wing assembly >2.F/(@2F3$on the end of the wing) (nd use a hole finder to locate screw holes in end rib. <ake sure the wing tip is positioned fare enough on the wing .o that the holes align that you ha&en drawn and drills holes. 2. 9osition paper template on the out board edge of wing tip >2.F/(>2.F3$.

!. 7rill al.2F hole with a hole saw and then file the hole to .!A to allow the strobe light to through. #. 9ush the strobelight through the hole. <ark and then drill three holes 56. 2! and install 3i&nuts (@NGF(!oll$. F. 0it the strobe and position a light base plate to the wing tip >2.F/(>2.F3$) with screws(!0 $. @. 0it the strobe and position light assembly F@H00! to the baseplate with the screw ( oil$. G. 8onnect the plug to the wiring socket and attach wing assembly >2.F/(>2F3$ to wing assembly) with screws .XR BC( #ofl$. 0igure C 'nde+ 5o. 9art 5umber 7escription 5o. 3e,uired FHG Wing (ssembly @> / @> 3 @##" /5ose 3ib @##"23 5ose 3ib 2 @##"!/5ose 3ib @##"#3 5ose 3ib ! @##"F/5ose 3ib @##"@3 5ose 3ib # @#G/ <ain ;eam (ssembly @#G3 <ain ;eam (ssembly F @F2" /End 3ib @F2" 3 End 3ib @ @>0"!/;ottom .kin @>0"!3 ;ottom .kin G @>0"#/%op .kin @>0"#3 %op skin T A @>0"F 'nner %op .kin > @>0@/ 'nner ;ottom .kin @>0"@3 'nner ;oltom .kin 0 @>0"G/.kin @>0"G3 .kin @>0"A/.kin @>0"A3 .kin 2 @>0">/.kin @>0">3 .kin ! @>0" 0/ nose .kin @>0" 63 5ose .kin @>0" / 5ose .kin @>0" 3 5ose .kin @> " .tiffener @> "2 3einforcing .trip @> "!/(ngle 2 @> "!3 (ngle 2 @> "#/3emo&able 9anel @> "#3 3emo&able 9anel @> "@ 7oubler @> "A 7oubler

# F @ G A > 20 2

22 2! 2# 2F 2@ 2G 2A 2> !0 ! !2 !!

@> "> .tiffen ! @> " 0 7oubler @> " 3ubbing .trip @> " 2 3ubbing .trip @> " # 3ubbing .trip & @> " @ 3einforcing .trip @>@" /8entre 3ib @>@" 3 8entre 3ib @>@"2/(rt 3ib @>@"23 (rt 3ib @>@"@/(rt 3ib (ssembly @>@"@3 (rt 3ib (ssembly ft @>G"!/8entre 3ib (ssembly @>G"!3 8entre 3ib (ssembly @>A"@/8entre 3ib (ssembly @>A"@3 8entre 3ib (ssembly @>A"G/(rt 3ib (ssembly @>A"G3 (rt 3ib (ssembly *

sp tr"p rU .L. !#

@>>/ 3ear ;eam (ssembly @>>3 3ear ;eam (ssembly !F A # %ie"7own 3ing !@ AGA 9ilot %ube !G AA0 7oubler !A AA " 9itot /ine !> AA2"2 -nion #0 >2F/ Wing %ip assembly >2F3 Wing %ip (ssembly # >!A"!/4inge #2 >!A"!3 4inge #! !2F"F ;rake %ube (ssembly ## !@G 9ush"9ull tube (ssembly #F !@A (ileron tube (ssembly #@ F@H00! .trobe and position /ight (ssembly #G @00"/2* A 5a&igation /ight8able T @00" /2E A 5a&igation /ight8able B #A @00" /#E @ .trobelight 8able @00"/#8 @ .trobe/ight 8able #> (5@22G"G :asket F0 (5A 2Bal&e

F F2 F! F#

(5A!2"!7 (5>2#"!7 (5>! "!"> (5>! "@" 0

0itting 5ut :rommet :rommet

2 #

2 #

C 8658/-.'65 %his project work concludes with the complete fabrication and die installation of the %hropedo %2 aircraft?s port wing. %he components of the wing structure are inspected before installation according to 7:8( standard and are checked successfully for complete functioning of the port wing of %horpedo %2 aircraft in %((/.

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