Chemical Equilibrium & Chemical Kinetics - 25.08.04 - SKS
Chemical Equilibrium & Chemical Kinetics - 25.08.04 - SKS
Chemical Equilibrium & Chemical Kinetics - 25.08.04 - SKS
Part A has negative marking and only one correct option and in Part B may be more than 1 correct option, log 2=0.301, log 3 = 0.4 , log !=0. "##, log =0.$4!. 1. %or the reaction A&g' ( 2B&g' 3)&g' at 2!) *c = 10. A 3 + vessel contains 3, ", # moles o, A, B and ) respectively then the direction o, reaction -ill be &A' Back-ard direction &B' %or-ard direction &)' At e./ilibri/m &0' 1one 2he e./ilibri/m constant o, the reaction A e./ilibri/m constant ,or the reaction A ( 0 &A' 1 &B' 4 &)' 2 &0' $ B ( ) is 2 and A 2B(2) 0 is 4 then ,ind the
3ne mole o, 42, t-o mole o, 52 and three mole o, 45 are in6ected in 2+ ,lask i, one mole o, 45 ,orms at e./ilibri/m then the val/e o, *c ,or the reaction 42&g' ( 52&g' 245&g' -ill be &A' 4.! &B' 21.3 &)' # &0' 1one 7./ilibri/m constant *p ,or the reaction 2428&g' 242&g' ( 82&g' is 0.! atm at 300 * and heat o, dissociation is !.!2 *cal then the e./ilibri/m constant at 400 * -ill be &A' ! &B' 0.! &)' 0.2! &0' 1one 2he vapo/r density o, a mi9t/re o, P)l ! at 2!0) is !2.12! then its degree o, dissociation at 2!0) -ill be &A' 0. &B' 0.4 &)' 0.! &0' 1one %or the reaction P)l!&g' P)l3&g' ( )l2&g', the ,or-ard reaction at constant temperat/re is ,avored by 1' 5ntrod/cing an inert gas at constant vol/me 2' 5ntrod/cing chlorine gas at constant vol/me 3' 5ntrod/cing an inert gas at constant press/re 4' 5ntrod/cing P)l! at constant vol/me !' 5ntrod/cing P)l3 gas at constant vol/me &A' 1, 2 &B' 4, ! &)' 3, 4 &0' 3, 4, ! P/re ammonia is placed in a vessel at a temperat/re -here its dissociation constant & ' is appreciable. At e./ilibri/m &A' *P does not change signi,icantly -ith press/re &B' does not change -ith press/re &)' )oncentration o, 143 does not change -ith press/re &0' concentration o, 42 is less than that o, 12 A reaction at e./ilibri/m involving 2 mol each o, P)l !, P)l3 and )l2 is maintained at 2!0:) and at a total press/re o, 3 atm. 2he val/e o, *p is &A' 2 &B' 3 &)' 4 &0' 1 2he val/e o, *p ,or the e./ilibri/m o, the reaction 1234&g' percentage dissociation o, 1234 at a press/re o, 0.! atm &A' 1 &B' !0 2132&g' is 2. )alc/late the
&)' 2! &0' $$ ;hen t-o reactants A and B are mi9ed to give prod/cts ) and 0, the reaction ./otient, < at the initial stages o, the reaction &A' is =ero &B' decreases -ith time &)' in independent o, time &0' increases -ith time %or -hich reaction high press/re and high temperat/re is help,/l in obtaining a high e./ilibri/m yield> &A' 21%3 12&g' ( 3%2&g' ? !4.40 kcal &B' 12&g' ( 342 2143&g' ( 22.0$ kcal &)' )l2&g' ( 232&g' 2)l32&g' ? 4#.40 kcal &0' 2)l23 &g' 2)l2&g' ( 32&g' ( 12".$ kcal Amo/nt o, P)l!&in moles' need to be added to 1 litre vessel at 2!0 ) in order to obtain a concentration o, 0.1 mole o, )l2 at e./ilibri/m ,or the given change is P)l! P)l3()l2> *c = 0.0414 moles@ lit &A' 0.341! &B' 0.0341 &)' 3.41! &0' 0.314! %or the reaction )3&g' ( 423&g' )32&g' ( 42&g' at a given temperat/re, the e./ilibri/m amo/nt o, )32&g' can be increased by &A' adding a s/itable catalyst &B' adding an inert gas &)' decreasing the vol/me o, the container &0' 5ncreasing the amo/nt o, )3&g' 5n a reaction ,or -hich A = 0 the e./ilibri/m constant * sho/ld be e./al to &A' Bero &B' 10 &)' 1 &0' 2 At constant temperat/re the e./ilibri/m constant *p ,or the decomposition reaction 1234 2132 4 9 2P is e9pressed *p = 1 9 2 -here P = press/re, 9 = e9tent o, decomposition. ;hich one o, the ,ollo-ing statement is tr/e &A' *p increases -ith increases o, P &B' *p increases -ith increase o, 9 &)' *p increase -ith decrease o, 9 &0' *p remains constant -ith change in P C 9
1 .
2he rate constant *1 o, a reaction is ,o/nd to be do/ble that o, rate constant * 2 o, another reaction. ;hat is the relationship bet-een corresponding activation energies o, the t-o reactions. 2he Arheni/s constant is same ,or the reaction ln 2 ln 2 &A' 72 = 71 ? &B' 72 = 71 D2 D2 ln 2 ln 2 &)' 72 ( 71 = &0' 72 = 71 ( D2 D2 nd ?! ?1 2he rate constant ,or a 2 order reaction s $ 10 E min?1. 4o- long -ill i, take a 1 &E' sol/tion to be red/ced to 0.! &E'. &A' 1.2! 104 min &B' 2.! 104 min &)' 3. ! 104min &0' 1one 2he thermal decomposition o, A B ( ) has rate constant 9 mole?1@2 lit1@2 min?1 at a given dA temperat/re. 4o- -o/ld -ill change i, concentration o, A is do/bled keeping temperat/re dt constant &A' -ill increase by 2.$2$ times &B' -ill increase by 4 times &)' -ill increase by 11.313 times &0' -ill not change 2he rate o, a reaction increases 4F,old -hen concentration o, reactant is increased 1" times. 5, the rate o, reaction is 4 10?" mole +?1 8?1 mole +?1 -hen concentration o, the reactant is 4 10?4, the rate constant o, the reaction -ill be &A' 2 10?4 mole1@2 +?1@2 8?1 &B' 1 10?2 8?1
5, hal,Fli,e period is 100 years, average li,e is nearly &A' 100 years &B' 0 years &)' 144 years &0' #0 years 2here are 0."1$ g o, rock is &A' 1.! 10# years &)' 4.! 10# years
Pb and 0.23$ g o,
G in a rock. 5, 2!0 o,
At radioactive e./ilibri/m, the ratio bet-een the atoms o, t-o radioFactive elements A and B -as ,o/nd to be 3.1 10# H 1 respectively. 5, 2!0 o, the element is 2 1010 years, then 2!0 o, the element B is &A' ".2 10# years &B' ".4! years 10 &)' 20 10 years &0' 3.1 10# years 2he hal,Fli,e o, a certain ,irst order reaction is 30 min/tes. 4o- long -ill it take ,or $0I reaction to occ/rJ &A' "!."$ min/tes &B' !$.$" min/tes &)' "#."$ min/tes &0' "3.$" min/tes %or a reaction aA (bB c) ( d0 the ,ollo-ing data -ere ,o/nd KAL KBL Date 0.10 0.10 110F2 0.20 0.20 $10F2 0.10 0.20 210F2 2he over all order o, reaction is &A' 2 &B' 3 &)' 1 &0' Bero %or a given reaction o, ,irst order, it takes 20 min/tes ,or the concentration to drop ,rom 1.0 E to 0." E. 2he time re./ired ,or the concentration to drop ,rom 0.!" E to 0.3" E -ill be &A' more than 20 min/tes &B' less than20 min/tes &)' e./al to 20 min/tes &0' in,inity
2". %or a reaction A ( B 2 ) ( 0 -hich are the correct statements &A' Date o, disappearance o, A = Date o, disappearance o, B &B' Date o, disappearance o, A = Date o, appearance o, 0 &)' Date o, disappearance o, B= 2 Date o, appearance o, ) 1 &0' Date o, disappearance o, B = 2 Date o, disappearance o, ) ;hich o, the ,ollo-ing has been /sed to e9plain the s/b6ect o, the chemical kineticsJ &A' ManNt 4o,, e./ation &B' )ollision theory o, molec/lar reaction &)' Arrheni/s e./ation &0' Aibbs F 4elmholt= e./ation 5, a rate o, reaction in given by Date = KAL KBL2 K)L0 %ind o/t the correct statement&s' &A' 3verall order o, reaction is 3 &B' ;hen concentration o, A C B become do/bled and concentration o, N)N remains same, rate become $ times. &)' ;hen concentration A become 3 times and other remains constant, rate become # time &0' Date o, reaction do not depend on concentration o, N)O ;hich o, the ,ollo-ing statements regarding molec/larity o, the reaction are correctsJ &A' Eolec/larity o, overall comple9 reaction is insigni,icant &B' 5t may be either -hole n/mber or ,ractional &)' 5t depends on the rate determining step &0' 5t is the n/mber o, molec/les o, reaction taking part in a single step chemical reaction 2he rate o, reaction can be increased in general by the ,ollo-ing ,actor&s' &A' by an increase in temperat/re &B' by increase in activation energy
2 .