Technical Report No. 1/12, February 2012 Jackknifing The Ridge Regression Estimator: A Revisit Mansi Khurana, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Shalini Chandra
Technical Report No. 1/12, February 2012 Jackknifing The Ridge Regression Estimator: A Revisit Mansi Khurana, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Shalini Chandra
Technical Report No. 1/12, February 2012 Jackknifing The Ridge Regression Estimator: A Revisit Mansi Khurana, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Shalini Chandra
1/12, February 2012 JACKKNIFING THE RIDGE REGRESSION ESTIMATOR: A REVISIT Mansi Khurana, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Shalini Chandra
Abstract Singh et al. (1986) proposed an almost unbiased ridge estimator using Jackknife method that required transformation of the regression parameters. This article shows that the same method can be used to derive the Jackknifed ridge estimator of the original (untransformed) parameter without transformation. This method also leads in deriving easily the second order Jackknifed ridge that may reduce the bias further. We further investigate the performance of these estimators along with a recent method by Batah et al. (2008) called modied Jackknifed ridge theoretically as well as numerically. Key Words : Multicollinearity, Ridge regression, Jackknife technique.
In regression analysis, the presence of multicollinearity among independent variables is a common problem which exhibits serious undesirable eects on the analysis. Its one of the major consequence on ordinary least squares (OLS) is that the estimator produces huge sampling variances which may result in the exclusion of signicant coecients from the model (see Farrar and Glauber 1967). To deal with such instability, number of methods were developed, the most popular amongst them being the ridge regression (RR) estimator proposed by Hoerl and Kennard (1970) that has been the benchmark for almost all the estimators developed later in this context. Ridge estimation procedure was based on adding small positive quantities to the diagonal of X X which made RR estimator biased but ensured a
This work was completed while the author was visiting Concordia University as part of Common Wealth visiting scholar programme.
smaller mean square error (MSE) than the OLS. Swindel (1976) illustrated a technique for combining the prior information with ridge regression. Sarkar (1992) proposed a restricted ridge regression estimator based on RR estimator and restricted least squares (RLS) estimator and derived the superiority of this estimator over the other two by the criteria of MSE when the restrictions are correct and also the conditions when they are not correct. A large number of research articles have appeared since then in this context, see Farebrother (1976), Firinguetti (1989), Crouse et al. (1995) and other references there in. These ridge based estimators received considerable attention due to their computational feasibility and some optimal properties but they may carry serious bias. Singh et al. (1986) noted that the general ridge estimators may carry a substantial amount of bias which had been ignored in the literature. To circumvent this problem, they proposed an almost unbiased ridge estimator using the Jackknife procedure of bias reduction. They demonstrated that the Jackknifed estimator had smaller bias as well as MSE than the generalized ridge estimator (GRE) under some conditions. Thereafter, a number of papers have proposed and studied Jackknifed versions of ridge estimator and some other variants. Gruber (1991) compared the eciency of Jackknifed and usual ridge-type estimators, Batah et al. (2008) studied the eect of Jackkning on various ridge-type estimators. Interesting literature on the general Jackknife procedures may be found in Miller (1974) and Hinkley (1977). In all these papers, Jackknife is performed on a linear set of parameters (to be explained later), using a transformed set of regressors so that the matrix of normal equations becomes diagonal. This introduces simplicity in computing the Jackknife, however, adds the complication of re-transformation to get the estimators of the original regression parameter vector. In the next section, we show that such a transformation is not really necessary and derive the Jackknifed RR estimator of the original regression parameter which is basically of the same form as obtained in Singh et al. (1986). This direct strategy of jackkning also enables one to carry out the Jackknife procedure for other estimators of interest in this context. Section 3 considers other estimators such as those studied by Batah et al. (2008) and the second-order Jackknifed RR estimator, that may have relevance for further reduction in bias. This section also presents a theoretical comparison of bias and MSE of dierent estimators. A comparative study of these estimators based on simulations is carried out in Section 4.
where y is an (n 1) vector of observations on the variable to be explained, X is an (n p) matrix of n observations on p explanatory variables assumed to be of full column rank, is a (p 1) vector of regression coecients associated with them and u is an (n 1) vector of disturbances, the elements of which are assumed to be independently and identically normally distributed with E (u) = 0 and E (uu ) = 2 I . Since the exposition of Gauss-Markov theorem, and especially during the past fty years or so, practically all elds in the natural and social sciences have widely or sometimes blindly used the classical method of estimation, in particular, the OLS estimation method. In least squares approach to linear regression model, the unknown parameters are estimated by minimizing the sum of squared deviations between the data and the model. Applying the least squares method to (2.1) yields the OLS estimator of which is given by = (X X )1 X y that is well known to be the best linear unbiased. As referred to earlier, the OLS procedure may result in large sampling variances in the presence of multicollinearity and therefore may produce estimators which are not in tune with the researchers prior belief. To combat this problem, Hoerl and Kennard (1970) proposed the generalized ridge estimator (GRE) by allowing some bias into the estimator which resulted in smaller MSE. The estimator is given by GRE = (X X + D)1 X y (2.3) (2.2)
where D is a known matrix. Note that D may not necessarily be diagonal, though, in their original paper Hoerl and Kennard (1970) considered it to be so. This makes sense in the context of a transformed model where the matrix X X is diagonal (see later development). The GRE dened in (2.3) reduces to OLS for D being a p p zero matrix. It was demonGRE performs better than in terms strated that there always exists a di > 0 such that of MSE. It may also be noted that ordinary ridge estimator (ORE) is a special case of (2.3) when all di d, i. To alleviate the problem of bias in GRE, Singh et al. (1986) proposed an almost unbiased ridge estimator using the Jackknife technique that was introduced by Quenouille (1956) as 3
a general method for reducing the bias of an estimator. Later Tukey (1958) proposed that this technique may also oer a simple method to obtain the condence intervals for the parameters of interest. A number of papers appeared dealing with large-sample properties and empirical validations in common applications like estimation of variances, correlations and ratios. See also the paper by Thorburn (1976) for an excellent exposition of the asymptotic properties of the Jackknife estimator. Jackknife procedure was initially applied to balanced situations i.e., equal sample sizes, equal variances, etc. A commendable review of the same may be found in Miller (1974a). Miller (1974b) gave the detailed account of jackkning linear model estimates, and demonstrated that the Jackknife produces consistent results when the sample is large. Further, Hinkley (1977) examined the small sample properties of the standard Jackknife in the general linear model, and compared it to an alternative weighted Jackknife procedure. The use of Jackknife procedure to reduce the bias of the ridge estimator and the properties of the Jackknifed ridge estimator were also studied by Singh and Chaubey (1987), Nomura (1988) and Gruber (1998). Singh et al. (1986), start with model (2.1) and for convenience decompose it as y = Z + u (2.4) where, Z = XG and = G . Here G is a (p p) matrix whose columns are normalized eigen vectors of X X . Also, Z Z = G X XG = = diag (1 , . . . , p ), i being the i-th eigenvalue of X X . The GRE of may be written as GRE = ( + K )1 Z y = A1 Z y = A1 = (I A1 K ) (2.5)
where K =diag(k1 , . . . , kp ), ki > 0, A = + K and is the OLS estimator of . Since = G and GG = I , the GRE of is
1 GRE = G GRE = A X y,
where A = X X + K and K = GKG . Following Hinkley (1977), Singh et al. (1986) derived the Jackknifed form of GRE as JRE = [I (A1 K )2 ] . It was shown that the bias of JRE is smaller than that of GRE . Here, it is important to note that Jackknife procedure is applied on a transformed set of regressors for inducing simplicity of computation which however leads complication of retransformation to get the estimator of original regression parameters. We have shown that it is easy to get the estimator for original regression parameter explicitly. We know that JRE = G JRE 4 (2.8) (2.7)
Using (2.7) in (2.8), we get JRE = = = = G[I + (A1 K )][I (A1 K )] 1 1 1 G[I + (A K )](A ) Z y G[I + (A1 K )]A1 G X y [GA1 G + GA1 KA1 G ]X y
Now writing A = Z Z + K = G [X X + GKG ]G, so that, GA1 G = (X X + K )1 = A 1 (say), and GA1 KA1 G = A 1 K A 1 , where K = GKG . Thus using the above values of GA1 G and GA1 KA1 G in (2.9), we get JRE = = = = =
1 1 1 [A + A K A ]X y 1 1 [ I + A K ]A X y 1 1 [ I + A K ]A (X X ) 1 1 [I + A K ][I A K ] 1 2 [I (A K ) ]
JRE has exactly the same form as where A and K are as described earlier. We see that JRE with A = A and K = K . JRE still requires knowledge of G. However, as shown below diWe note that this form of GRE gives the same form of JRE and it does not require the knowledge of G. rect jackkning GRE , dened in (2.3) as Let us write GRE = (X X + D)1 X y = B 1 X y GRE (i) , that is the GRE obtained from the data after deleting the For this, we rst obtain i th observation as given by, GRE (i) = (X X xi xi + D)1 (X y xi yi ) = (B xi xi )1 (X y xi yi ) which may be written as
1 1 GRE (i) = B 1 + B xi xi B (X y xi yi ) 1 wi
where wi = xi B 1 xi . 5
Now dening pseudo-values as GRE + n(1 wi )( GRE GRE (i) ) Qi = GRE + nB 1 xi ei = GRE are the residuals using the ridge estimator. Using these pseudo-values where ei = yi xi the Jackknifed ridge estimator of is given by JRE = Q = 1 GRE + B 1 X e Qi = n GRE ) = GRE + B 1 X (y X GRE + GRE B 1 X X GRE = GRE + [I B 1 X X ] GRE = 1 GRE + (B D) GRE = GRE = [I + B 1 D]
GRE = B 1 (X X ) = [I B 1 D] . Using this in (2.11) gives us the Jackknife Also, estimator GRE as JRE = [I (B 1 D)2 ] (2.12) We note that the JRE as obtained in (2.12) is of the same form as JRE and this form makes it easier to study the properties of Jackknifed form of . In the next section, we are going to introduce second-order Jackknife estimator and compare its performance with JRE and MJR (Batah et al. 2008). Since MJR was introduced for the transformed parameter , therefore for the remaining sections we will make use of the transformed model as dened in (2.4).
Batah et al. (2008) proposed a new estimator namely, Modied Jackknife ridge regression estimator (MJR) combining the ideas of GRE and JRE given by Singh et al. (1986). They obtained conditions for superiority of MJR over JRE and showed through a simulation study that the MJR estimator is generally superior to both GRE and JRE using MSE criterion. The MJR estimator is of the following form M JR = [I (A1 K )2 ][I A1 K ] = [I (A1 K )] 6 (3.1)
where = (I + A1 K A1 K ) and K = KA1 K . This method is a bit adhoc because it just consists of replacing the OLS in (2.7) by ridge estimator. They have demonstrated that this estimator outperforms the JRE under some conditions which, however, can not be veried in practice. Further in this paper there is no discussion of bias of the resulting estimator. If further bias reduction of the ridge estimator was required, we could Jackknife JRE again. Noting that we can write JRE as the ridge estimator in the form JRE = [I A1 K ] (3.2)
that is similar to the ridge estimator as given in (2.5) with K replaced by K = KA1 K , hence its Jackknifed form that results in the second-order Jackknife (J2R) estimator can be readily written as J 2R = [I (A1 K )2 ] . (3.3) Similarly, the second-order Jackknifed ridge estimator for is given by J 2R = [I (B 1 D )2 ], where D = DB 1 D. In the following subsections, we compare the performance of J2R with JRE and MJR in terms of bias and MSE. It is expected that J2R will reduce the bias of JRE and could provide a valid estimator of its variance-covariance matrix, using the general Jackknife methodology as indicated in Singh et al. (1986) for the Jackknifed ridge estimator. However, there is no guarantee that J2R will also be ecient in terms of MSE. This is the line of investigation in the remaining subsection. (3.4)
The following theorem compares the total squared bias of JRE and J2R, similar to that between JRE and GRE compared by Singh et al. (1986). Theorem 1. Let K be a (p p) diagonal matrix with non-negative entries. Then the second-order Jackknifed estimator J 2R(i) reduces the bias of the Jackknifed estimator JRE (i) , assuming ki > 0. Further, the dierence of total squared biases of the Jackknifed ridge (JRE) and second-order Jackknifed ridge (J2R) estimators of as given by D1 = JRE )|i 2 |Bias( J 2R )|i 2 } {|Bias(
Proof: Recall from (2.5), we have JRE = [I (A1 K )2 ] = [I A1 K ] where K = KA1 K, thus Bias( JRE ) = E ( JRE ) = A1 K Similarly using the expression for J 2R from (3.3) J 2R = [I (A1 K )2 ] we nd Bias( J 2R ) = E ( J 2R ) = (A1 K )2 . (3.6) (3.5)
Comparing |Bias( JRE )|i with |Bias( J 2R )|i where |.|i denotes the absolute value of the i th component, we have |Bias( JRE )|i |Bias( J 2R )|i =
2 ki ) (ki |i | |i | i + ki (i + ki )2 3 (i ki )2 + 2i ki = |i | (i + ki )4
that is clearly positive assuming ki > 0, which proves that the second-order Jackknife reduces the bias of the Jackknifed ridge estimator. Also, if we look at the expression of total squared bias in terms of original parameter vector , we nd that D1 = = JRE )|i 2 |Bias( J 2R )|i 2 } {|Bias( G[(A1 K )2 (A1 K )4 ]G (3.8)
) = GBias( where use has been made of the fact that Bias( ). Clearly, the matrix in braces in R.H.S of (3.8) is positive denite due to the non-negativity of the expression in (3.7), hence D1 > 0. This proves the theorem. Next we compare the total squared bias of MJR with GRE of the original parameter vector .
Theorem 2. Let K be a (p p) diagonal matrix with non-negative entries, then the dierence of total squared biases of the modied Jackknifed ridge (MJR) and generalized ridge estimators (GRE) of as given by D2 = is positive. Proof: Using the expression for MJR as given in (3.1) M JR = [I (A1 K )2 ][I A1 K ] = [I (A1 K )] where = (I + A1 K A1 K ) and K = KA1 K, we have Bias( M JR ) = A1 K. Also, using the expression for GRE of from (2.5), we have Bias( GRE ) = A1 K. (3.10) (3.9) M JR )|i 2 |Bias( GRE )|i 2 } {|Bias(
Comparing the expression for bias of MJR as given in (3.9) with that in (3.10) component wise, we have |Bias( M JR )|i |Bias( GRE )|i = = = which is a positive quantity. Now comparing the expressions for the total bias as in Theorem 1, we have D2 = = = = M JR )|i |Bias( GRE )|i } {|Bias( G[(A1 K )2 (A1 K )2 ]G G[(A1 KA1 K A1 KA1 K ]G GA1 [(K )2 K 2 ]A1 G .
2 2
ki i ki |i | |i | i + ki i + ki ki [1 +
2 i ki ki i +ki
2 ki ] (i +ki )2
i + ki (i + ki )3 |i |
|i |
ki |i | i + ki
It is easy to see that the matrix in braces in the above equation is positive denite that proves the result.
Remark 1. Using the result in Singh et al. (1986) that proves that JRE dominates the GRE in terms of total squared bias, and combining the results of theorems 1 and 2, we have the following ordering, J 2R ) < SB ( JRE ) < SB ( GRE ) < SB ( M JR ), SB ( (3.12)
where SB denotes, the total squared bias. This automatically shows that J2R dominates MJR in terms of total squared bias. Remark 2. It was shown using simulation studies by Batah et al. (2008) that MJR has better performance as compared to JRE in terms of MSE, however no bias comparisons were made. The following section provides some theoretical comparisons of MSE of JRE, MJR and J2R on the similar lines as in Batah et al. (2008).
Batah et al. (2008) stated conditions under which MJR dominates the JRE in terms of MSE matrix. The following theorem provides a similar comparison between J 2R and JRE . First we state a lemma that has been used by many researchers working in this context. Lemma 1. [Farebrother (1976)] Let A be a positive denite matrix, be a p 1 vector. Then A is a nonnegative denite matrix if and only if A1 1 is satised. Theorem 3. Let K be a (p p) diagonal matrix with non-negative entries. Then the dierence of the MSE matrix of the second-order Jackknife estimator and the Jackknifed ridge estimator, 1 = M SE ( J 2R ) M SE ( JRE ) is a positive denite matrix if and only if the following inequality is satised {L1 [ 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ]L1 }1 1 where L = A1 K , K = KA1 K and M = [I A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] {[I + A1 K + I ]A1 K }. Proof: Using the expression of the variance-covariance matrix of the least squares estimator, i.e. V ar( ) = 2 (Z Z )1 = 2 1 , and the expression for JRE as given in (3.2), we can write V ar( JRE ) = E [( JRE E ( JRE ))( JRE E ( JRE )) ] 1 1 = [I A K ]V ar( )[I A K ] 1 2 1 = [I A K ] [I A1 K ] . 10
Further using the expression for Bias( JRE ) from (3.5), we can write M SE ( JRE ) = [I A1 K ] 2 1 [I A1 K ] + A1 K K A1 . Similarly using the expression for V ar( J 2R ) as given by V ar( J 2R ) = [I (A1 K )2 ] 2 1 [I (A1 K )2 ] and the expression for Bias( J 2R ) as given in (3.6) we have M SE ( J 2R ) = [I (A1 K )2 ] 2 1 [I (A1 K )2 ] + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 . (3.14) (3.13)
And therefore from (3.13) and (3.14), 1 becomes 1 = 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 A1 K K A1 where M = = = = [I [I [I [I (A1 K )2 ]1 [I (A1 K )2 ] [I A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] {[I + A1 K ][I + A1 K ] I } A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] {[I + A1 K + I ][I + A1 K I ]} A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] {[I + A1 K + I ]A1 K } (3.15)
We know that [I A1 K ] is a diagonal matrix with positive entries and the matrix in braces of (3.16) is also positive denite. Therefore we conclude that M is also a positive denite matrix and hence the dierence 1 is positive denite if and only if L1 1 L1 is positive denite. We see that L1 1 L1 = L1 [ 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ]L1 (3.17)
The matrix [ 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ] in the above equation is symmetric positive denite. Therefore using Lemma 1, we conclude that L1 1 L1 is positive denite if and only if following inequality holds {L1 [ 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ]L1 }1 1.
L1 [ 2 M + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ]L1 = which is not true because the rank of left hand matrix is p and the rank of right hand matrix is either 0 or 1. So 1 can not be zero whenever p > 1. Remark 4. Noting that the matrix (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 in (3.15) is positive denite, a simple sucient condition for 1 to be positive denite using Lemma 1 is given by 2 LM 1 L 1. The following theorem compares the MSE matrix of J2R and MJR, similar to the analysis above. Theorem 4. Let K be a (p p) diagonal matrix with non-negative entries. Then the dierence 2 = M SE ( J 2R ) M SE ( M JR ) is a positive denite matrix if and only if the following inequality is satised {N 1 [ 2 H + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 ]N 1 }1 1 where H = [I A1 K ]1 [I A1 K ] {[I + A1 K ][I + A1 K ] [I A1 K ][I A1 K ] }, N = A1 K , and K are as dened earlier. Proof: Writing M JR as M JR = [I (A1 K )] where = (I + A1 K A1 K ) and K = KA1 K, we have V ar( M JR ) = [I (A1 K )] 2 1 [I (A1 K )] and Bias( M JR ) = A1 K Thus M SE ( M JR ) = [I (A1 K )] 2 1 [I (A1 K )] + (A1 K ) (K A1 ) Now using (3.14) and (3.18), we get 2 = 2 H + (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 (A1 K ) (K A1 ) (3.19) (3.18)
We see that the matrix in braces of (3.20) is a positive denite and that [I A1 K ] is also positive. This implies that H is also a positive denite matrix. Now, proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 3, we get the desired result. Remark 5. An analysis similar to that in Remark 4, noting that the matrix (A1 K )2 (K A1 )2 in (3.19) is positive denite, a simple sucient condition for the matrix 2 to be positive denite is given by 2 N H 1 N 1. The conditions in Theorems 3 and 4 as well as those in Remarks 3 and 4 are not veriable in practice, hence it is important to investigate the relative performance of the new estimator proposed here under a variety of conditions. In the following section we provide a simulation study for this purpose that is similar to the one undertaken in Batah et al. (2008).
A Simulation Study
In the present section, our aim is to compare the performance of OLS, ORE, JRE, MJR, and J2R estimators on the basis of associated bias and mean square error with the help of Monte Carlo experiments. The true model is y = X + u where u N (0, 1). Here is taken as the normalized eigen vector corresponding to the largest eigen value of X X . The explanatory variables are generated from the following equation xij = (1 2 ) 2 wij + wip , i = 1, 2. . . . , n; j = 1, 2, . . . , p.
where wij are independent standard normal pseudo-random numbers and 2 is the correlation between xij and xij for j, j < p and j = j . When j or j = p, the correlation will be . We have taken = 0.8, 0.95 and 0.99 to investigate the eects of dierent degrees of collinearity with sample sizes n = 15, 50 and 100. The feasible value of k is obtained by the optimal 2 formula k = p as given by Hoerl et al. (1975), so that 2 = p k 13
where 2 =
) (y X ) (y X . np
This simulation study is patterned on that of McDonald and Galarnaeu (1975). For computations, the original model is rst decomposed into a canonical form to get the estimator of and then transformed back to the estimator of . For these dierent choices of and n, the experiment is replicated 5000 times. The average absolute bias and average mean square error are computed as follows: i ) = Bias( i ) = M SE ( 1 5000 1 5000 ij i | | ij i )2 ( (4.2) (4.3)
ij denotes the estimate of i th parameter in j th replication and 1 , 2 and 3 are Here, the true parameter values. Results of the simulation study are given in Table 1 and 2. Our conclusions based on this study are summarized below: 1. From table 1, we note that bias of OLS is almost close to zero and bias of J2R is not very far from OLS as expected. This shows that if we further increase the order of Jackknife estimator, its bias will tend towards the bias of OLS. 2. JRE has also served its purpose by reducing the bias of ORE in all the cases. 3. We also notice that the bias of MJR is higher among all the estimators in almost all the cases. 4. From table 2, we see that mean square error of all the estimators is increasing with the increasing value of and decreasing with the increasing value of n. 5. As expected, variance of OLS is highest amongst all and here also mean square error of J2R is closer to that of OLS. We nd that J2R does not improve upon JRE and MJR in terms of MSE which we have also shown in theorems 3 and 4.
GRE In the present study, we derived the Jackknifed form of generalized ridge estimator that avoid using any transformation, as had been the practice in the literature so far. We also proposed a new estimator based on the second-order Jackknife (J2R) which ensures a 14
smaller bias than those of the Jackknifed ridge estimator (JRE) and modied Jackknifed ridge estimator (MJR). It is seen that J2R may not be as ecient as JRE or MJR, however MJR may carry a much larger bias as became evident through the simulation studies. It may be useful to combine these estimators along the lines of Singh and Chaubey (1987) to improve upon MJR, JRE and J2R in terms of both bias and mean squared error. This will be investigated into another paper.
Y.P. Chaubey would like to acknowledge Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for the partial support of this research through a Discovery Research Grant. Mansi Khurana would like to thank Banasthali University in granting her leave to facilitate the access of Common Wealth visiting scholarship at Concordia University.
Table 1: Comparison of Bias of Dierent Estimators n 15 0.8 OLS 0.000796607 0.003872392 0.005912432 0.001530710 0.007440947 0.009056449 0.003388197 0.016470394 0.016593310 0.002104420 0.002389848 0.001263187 0.004043723 0.004592184 0.005052215 0.008950703 0.010164711 0.015116081 0.001884865 0.002053578 0.001758128 0.003621840 0.003946028 0.005149614 0.008016873 0.008734457 0.014052604 ORE 0.019932830 0.019707720 0.037625430 0.017651900 0.011722090 0.023449020 0.001115321 0.012823031 0.004931625 0.009019226 0.009439763 0.010585202 0.009288766 0.010052440 0.004450479 0.009257118 0.012574605 0.006059302 0.005252948 0.005243242 0.004140953 0.005855833 0.005736671 0.000981643 0.006672324 0.005524346 0.003385189 JRE 0.0023494510 0.0022376270 0.0071932280 0.0042949410 0.0044564130 0.0064332980 0.0089504600 0.0092888780 0.0049867870 0.0021982780 0.0024850460 0.0010410690 0.0039053630 0.0045481220 0.0046752720 0.0075440090 0.0107358930 0.0142715980 0.0018929420 0.0020486800 0.0016827520 0.0033506180 0.0035095580 0.0045466250 0.0063549840 0.0059544290 0.0101242140 MJR 0.021127870 0.021139810 0.039017160 0.018535000 0.013290280 0.023187410 0.001018375 0.010947171 0.007036277 0.009114149 0.009536641 0.010799617 0.009184668 0.010019484 0.004789447 0.008329471 0.012275974 0.004874950 0.005262753 0.005241511 0.004212672 0.005664673 0.005429302 0.001424118 0.005749086 0.003997305 0.001202657 J2R 0.000949268 0.003831971 0.005819491 0.003007977 0.006600416 0.007344464 0.008610536 0.012506116 0.008663070 0.002103926 0.002389148 0.001262333 0.004047090 0.004596323 0.005057859 0.008886674 0.010921653 0.015720642 0.001884693 0.002053270 0.001757826 0.003601681 0.003913498 0.005109286 0.007724603 0.008243769 0.013366352
Table 2: Comparison of MSE of Dierent Estimators n 15 0.8 OLS 0.19795727 0.10953435 0.09816408 0.73091920 0.40443450 0.52999470 3.58113700 1.98152600 3.51268700 0.04483244 0.03966295 0.03588494 0.16553520 0.14644780 0.19049110 0.81103920 0.71752070 1.23029320 0.02089901 0.03012368 0.02127735 0.07716557 0.11122591 0.11620775 0.37807250 0.54495100 0.74904350 ORE 0.10500900 0.07250247 0.06161525 0.26792930 0.19131410 0.19938030 1.10385200 0.77428360 1.04339250 0.03454313 0.03128027 0.02700028 0.08715341 0.08038150 0.08648805 0.29366640 0.27043880 0.36188230 0.01815047 0.02488273 0.01734774 0.05076290 0.06527134 0.06169573 0.16463220 0.20685190 0.23927770 JRE 0.16402858 0.09972949 0.08509099 0.48280620 0.31218970 0.35234710 2.06807900 1.33932100 1.97785700 0.04325834 0.03846737 0.03432280 0.13748780 0.12407930 0.14790440 0.53235850 0.48445320 0.71283780 0.02066509 0.02955958 0.02082090 0.07070845 0.09764992 0.09843280 0.28044560 0.37151590 0.46307450 MJR 0.09073415 0.06729506 0.05604219 0.20443050 0.15965990 0.15404340 0.80832700 0.61421620 0.75332770 0.03342195 0.03041172 0.02592576 0.07508182 0.07030963 0.06989500 0.22351450 0.20843790 0.25044860 0.01795757 0.02443416 0.01698969 0.04713234 0.05832660 0.05304472 0.13331800 0.15896210 0.16958470 J2R 0.19283316 0.10869350 0.09628443 0.65104220 0.38375670 0.47237980 2.93104800 1.75621100 2.83721400 0.04479028 0.03963371 0.03583691 0.16151240 0.14347200 0.18342920 0.71833940 0.64413030 1.03510770 0.02089680 0.03011663 0.02127124 0.07667902 0.10996109 0.11440034 0.35378040 0.49365910 0.65514070
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List of Recent Technical Reports 83. ZeChun Hu, ZhiMing Ma and Wei Sun, Formulae of BeurlingDeny and Lejan for Non-Symmetric Dirichlet Forms, February 2006 84. ZeChun Hu and Wei Sun, A Note on Exponential Stability of the NonLinear Filter for Denumerable Markov Chains, February 2006 85. H. BritoSantana, R. Rodr guezRamos, R. GuinovartD az, J. Bravo Castillero and F.J. Sabina, Variational Bounds for Multiphase Transversely Isotropic Composites, August 2006 86. Jos e Garrido and Jun Zhou, Credibility Theory for Generalized Linear and Mixed Models, December 2006 87. Daniel Dufresne, Jos e Garrido and Manuel Morales, Fourier Inversion Formulas in Option Pricing and Insurance, December 2006 88. Xiaowen Zhou, A Superprocess Involving Both Branching and Coalescing, December 2006 89. Yogendra P. Chaubey, Arusharka Sen and Pranab K. Sen, A New Smooth Density Estimator for NonNegative Random Variables, January 2007 90. Md. Sharif Mozumder and Jos e Garrido, On the Relation between the L evy Measure and the Jump Function of a L evy Process, October 2007 91. Arusharka Sen and Winfried Stute, A Bi-Variate Kaplan-Meier Estimator via an Integral Equation, October 2007 92. C. Sang uesa, Uniform Error Bounds in Continuous Approximations of Nonnegative Random Variables Using Laplace Transforms, January 2008 93. Yogendra P. Chaubey, Na amane Laib and Arusharka Sen, A Smooth Estimator of Regression Function for Non-negative Dependent Random Variables, March 2008 94. Alejandro Balb as, Beatriz Balb as and Antonio Heras, Optimal Reinsurance with General Risk Functions, March 2008
95. Alejandro Balb as, Raquel Balb as and Jos e Garrido, Extending Pricing Rules with General Risk Functions, April 2008 96. Yogendra P. Chaubey and Pranab K. Sen, On the Selection of the Smoothing Parameter in Poisson Smoothing of Histogram Estimator: Computational Aspects, December 2008 97. Runhuan Feng and Jos e Garrido, Actuarial Applications of Epidemiological Models, December 2008 98. Alejandro Balb as, Beatriz Balb as and Raquel Balb as, CAPM and APT Like Models with Risk Measures, June 2009 99. Jun Zhou and Jos e Garrido, A Loss Reserving Method Based on Generalized Linear Models, June 2009 100. Yogendra P. Chaubey and Isha Dewan, Smooth Estimation of Survival and Density Functions for a Stationary Associated Process Using Poisson Weights, September 2009 101. Krishna K. Saha and Debaraj Sen, Improved Condence Interval for the Dispersion Parameter in Count Data Using Prole Likelihood, September 2009 102. Araceli Reyes, Diculties Teaching Mathematics with the ACE Cycle, September 2009 103. Mansi Khurana, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Shalini Chandra, Jackknifing the Ridge Regression Estimator: A Revisit, February 2012
Copies of technical reports can be requested from: Dr. Wei Sun Department of Mathematics and Statistics Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8 CANADA