International Supply Agreement Template
International Supply Agreement Template
International Supply Agreement Template
1. Denition 2. Parties to the Agreement 3. Main clauses and sample 3.1 Quantities and ordering procedures 3.2 Deliveries risk and ownership 3.3 Prices 3.4 Payment terms 3.5 Claims 4. Applicable Law 5. Model Agreement
1. DEFINITION This agreement is used for establishing long-term agreements (i.e. one year or more) between a manufacturer (referred to here as the Supplier) and its client (the Buyer) for the supply of products at predetermined prices. Transactions are carried out through regular orders (every month, or every three months, etc.). In the agreement, the minimum and maximum amounts to be supplied are established, as well as a number of alternatives for the adjustment of the price at the end of each year within the term of the agreement.
Usually both the Supplier and the Purchaser are companies. For each party, the following has to be included: Name of company, full address and nationality. Company type: public limited company, limited liability company, etc. Name and position of company representative who signs the agreement. Tax ID number of both parties.
3. MAIN CLAUSES AND SAMPLE Some of the most important clauses in the International Supply Agreement are as follows: Quantities and ordering procedures Deliveries risk and ownership Prices Payment terms Claims See sample of International Supply Agreement
Prices of Products at the date of this Agreement are shown in the Annex of the present Agreement. These prices include transportation to the delivery point. Prices will be subject to adjustment at the commencement of each new Agreement Year. Alternative A. A formula to determine new prices is shown in the Annex of the present Agreement. Alternative B. New prices will be adjusted through negotiation and agreement during ....... [1, 2, 3] months before the commencement of the new Agreement Year. In xing any new prices, the Supplier will provide the Purchaser with details of cost increases and other relevant data. Both Parties will act in good faith in these negotiations.
See sample of International Supply Agreement
If the Purchaser becomes aware of any claim or potential claim in respect of defective product liability arising from a delivery of any Products it shall immediately inform the Supplier in writing providing all necessary information and documentation to enable the Supplier to take any appropriate action. The Supplier may require the Purchaser to give all reasonable assistance, at the Suppliers cost, to enable the Supplier to defend its reputation. The Purchaser shall not, without the prior written authorization of the Supplier settle any such claim.
4. ApplicaBle Law
International Law standards are not applied to this type of Agreement. The parties are free to submit any conicts regarding the agreement to International Arbitration or to the Laws of the country of one of the parties. They will normally be subject to the Laws of the Suppliers country.
5. MODEL AGreeMent
In order to obtain the model agreement in Word format and the user guide, click on: International Supply Agreement