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(Deemed University) Warangal - 506004 (A.P.) Training and Bio-Data

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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Deemed University) Warangal 506004 (A.P.


Name Class Roll No Branch

: : : : :

A!I"#$% &AI! " e'() I year *+m,leted -./55. (0eg. !+. *$-..0-) In1+rmati+n $e'2rity 3.. 4 -0(Wit( A5s+l2te 6rading) 57) B(att *+l+ny) Badna8ar) Dist- D(ar(".P) PI!9 454660 737::-64::

C rren! CGPA

Permanen! A""ress:

Paren!s Phone No9

Presen! A""ress:

Phone No: E#ma$l

0++m !+. A6-54 -.3; %all (Ultra "ega)) !I %+stels) !I Warangal. PIN9 506004 7667676.66 : : : : : animes(a<ain04=gmail.'+m As(+> ;2mar &ain Indian "ale 04-04--770

Fa!her%s & G ar"$an%s Name Na!$onal$!' Gen"er Da!e o( B$r!h

Place o( Dom$c$le

"ad(ya Prades( #nglis() %indi

Lan) a)es *no+n , n"erl$ne mo!her !on) e-:

Aca"em$c Recor"
./ E" ca!$on H$s!or'
Boar"&Co n c$l Un$0ers$!' *B$# *B$# Year o( Pass$n ) .005 .00/ 1 o( mar2s o3!a$ne" /4.30@ /0.6@

Le0el Class 4 Class 4II B/Tech

Name o( !he Ins!$! !$on ;?P) Badna8ar) Dist-D(ar("P) $I*A se'+ndary s'(++l) Ind+re("P) AI 0) Ind+re("P)

Class I divisi+n I divisi+n




I divisi+n

5/ M/Tech: Re) lar

E6am$na!$o n I Semes!er Year o( Pass$n ) .0-. SGP A

Branch: In1+rmati+n $e'2rity (*$# De,t)

CGPA Ma$n S 37ec!s S! "$e" Advan'ed Alg+rit(ms) Distri52ted $ystems) $e'2red $+1t8are #ngineering) In1+ $ystems *+ntr+l and A2diting) A+2ndati+n +1 *ry,t+gra,(y and *ry,tanalysis $e'2re 6r+2, *+mm2ni'ati+n) Data5ase $e'2rity) Advan'ed *+m,2ter !et8+r>s and $e'2rity) *y5er Ba8s and Design +1 $e'2re Pr+t+'+ls



II Semes!er





8/5 4 -0 (U,t+ -st Cear)

9/ So(!+are S2$lls:
Pro)ramm$n) Lan) a)es: O:era!$n) s's!ems: *) &A?A) &avas'ri,t) % "B U!ID


Ora'le -0g) "y$EB

Ach$e0emen!s & Ac!$0$!$es

Aca"em$c : $e'2red :rd ran> in t(e " e'() *$# de,artment) !I -W $e'2red .nd ran> in -0nt( standard at Distri't Bevel $e'2red /05 s'+re in 6A # eFam t(at 8as m+re t(an 77.5 ,er'entile. E6!ra C rr$c lar an" O!her Pro7ec!s: raining9 o (ree m+nt(s training eF,erien'e in 8e5 5ased devel+,ment in *$ o Devel+,ed Ins2ran'e "+d2le in *$ 2sing &$P4$ervlet Pr+<e'ts9 o Devel+,ed $e'2red and #11i'ient 0$A en'ry,ti+n s'(eme 1+r .043-5its (+r m+re) >ey-lengt( o Devel+,ed gr+2, '+mm2ni'ati+n 2sing s+'>ets o Devel+,ed Online Attendan'e $ystem 2sing &$P4$ervlets 1+r '+llege *erti1i'ati+ns9 o *erti1ied IB" Data5ase Ass+'iates o *erti1ied "i'r+s+1t e'(n+l+gy Ass+'iates in Data5ase Administrati+n A2ndamentals o Attended 8+r>s(+,s +n *-$>ills and $+1t8are- esting 5y (ig(ly s>illed trainers #Ftra *2rri'2lar9 o Winner +1 Indian $'(++l $'ien'e Ass+'iati+n Bal ?igyan o B+2rnvita E2iG *+ntest Winner at state level An' O!her In(orma!$on: *2rrently d+ing resear'( in developing a framework with model-driven architecture having the

domain of cloud environment.

I here3' "eclare !ha! !he $n(orma!$on )$0en a3o0e $s !r e an" correc!/ S$)na! re: Da!e: 5;&<.&5<.5 Name: An$mesh =a$n

Tra$n$n) an" Placemen! Sec!$on Con!ac! De!a$ls

Phone No . 03/0 .457:.5 ,Tele(a603/0 .46.7:0 ,D$rec!03/0 .45754/ ,Fa6 > Ins!$! !e-

Ema$l ta,s=nit8.a'.in ta,s.nit8=ya(++.'+.in ta,snit8.a'=gmail.'+m +e3 s$!e 888.nit8.a'.in

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