Midterm Sol
Midterm Sol
Midterm Sol
A sinusoidal input, e(t) = sin(10t) is sampled at 5 rad/s and reconstructed using a zero-order
a) Find the sampling period T and the Nyquist frequency N . By denition T = 2/ = 2/5 = 1.256637 s The Nyquist frequency is one half of the sampling frequency 1 N = s = 2.5 rad/s. 2 b) Find all the poles of E (s) and E (s). E (s) = L{sin(10t)} = Therefore the poles of E (s) are at j 10 rad/s. E (s) = E (s jns ), E (s jn5), n N Therefore the poles of E (s) are at j 10 jn5, n = N rad/s. c) Find all the (positive) frequencies less than 20 rad/s that are present at the output of the zero-order hold. The signal at the input of the ZOH, e (t) has frequencies = 10 n5, n N. Since the ZOH has zeros at ns = n5, n N it blocks all frequencies of e (t) except = 0, the dc component (or average) of the signal. Since the dc component of sin(10t) is zero, the output of the ZOH is e(t) = 0, t > 0 d) Sketch (to scale) the time function at the output of the sampler and at the output of the zero-order hold. 10 + 102
Problem 2.
= GX
X = DM Y = DM GX = R HY = R (HG)X
(4) (5)
= R (HG) X
(6) (7)
Y =
b) Find, if it exists, the transfer function between the sampled input and sampled output. Form the last equation in part a) Y G D = H ( s ) = R 1 + G + D (HG) where H (s) denes the transfer function from R to Y . Problem 3. In the block diagram shown below G(s) = 2 and T = .1 sec. s+1
a) If the input is a unit step nd Y (s) using the residues approach. Y (s) = (R(s)G(s)) = The poles of Y (s) are p1 = 0, p2 = 1 Instructor: J.C. Cockburn 2 1 s s+1
Residue at p1 = 0 k1 = Residue at p2 = 1 k2 = Therefore Y (s) = 2(1 e0.1 )e0.1s (1 (e0.1 )e0.1s ) e0.1s )(1 1 2 1 e T (s) =
1 2 + 1 1 e T (s)
2 2 = T s 1e 1 e0.1s
2 1 eT (s+1)
2 1 (e0.1 )e0.1s
b) Find Y (z ) and the sampled sequence y (k ). Y (z ) = Y (s)|e0.1s=z = = 2(1 e0.1 )z 1 (1 z 1 )(1 (e0.1 )z 1 ) (11) (12)
The partial fraction expansion can be obtained directly (from previous expressions) Y (z ) z = 2 2 z 1 z e0.1 2z 2z z 1 z e0.1 (13) (14)
Y (z ) = Finally,
y (k ) = 2 2e0.1k = 2(1 e0.1k ), k 0 Problem 4. The output y (k ) and input e(k ) of a discrete linear time invariant system are described by the difference equation y (k ) 3y (k 1) + 2y (k 2) = e(k ) where e(k ) = 0, for all k < 0. The initial conditions of the system are y (1) = a and y (2) = b where a, b are unknown constants. a) Find Y (z ) as a function of E (z ) and the initial conditions. Taking Z -transforms and using the Backward Time Shift property Y (z ) 3 z 1 Y (z ) + y (1) + 2 z 2 Y (z ) + z 1 y (1) + y (2) Y (z ) 3z
= E (z )
Y (z ) 3a + 2z
Y (z ) + 2z
a + 2b = E (z )
+ 2z
)Y (z ) + 2z
a 3a + 2b = E (z )
Alternative Approach It is also possible to translate the original difference equation forward in time and apply the Forward Time Shift property. However, the values y (0), y (1), e(0) and e(1) must be used as initial conditions. Using this approach one obtains the (forward )shifted difference equation y (k + 2) 3y (k + 1) + 2y (k ) = e(k + 2) The new initial conditions for y (k ) are computed following the recursion dened by the original difference equation y (k ) 3y (k 1) + 2y (k 2) = e(k ) and using the original initial conditions and the give input (or forcing function) e(k ). First write it as y (k ) = 3y (k 1) 2y (k 2) + e(k ) For k = 0: y (0) = 3y (1) 2y (2) + e(0) = 3a 2b + 1 For k = 1: y (1) = 3y (0) 2y (1) + e(1) = 3(3a 2b + 1) 2a = 7a 6b + 3 Now taking Z -transform of the new shifted difference equation z 2 Y (z ) z 2 y (0) zy (1) 3(zY (z ) zy (0)) + 2Y (z ) = z 2 E (z ) z 2 e(0) ze(1) (z 2 3z + 2)Y (z ) z (zy (0) + (y (1) + 3y (0)) = z 2 (E (z ) e(0)) ze(1)
Which after replacing appropriate initial conditions and rearranging terms becomes (z 2 3x + 2)Y (z ) = (3a 2b + 1)z 2 2az + z 2 E (z ) z 2 z 2 E (z ) + (3a 2b)z 2 2az Y (z ) = z 2 3z + 2 2 z E (z ) z ((3a 2b)z 2a) Y (z ) = + 2 z 3z + 2 z 2 3z + 2 This expression for Y (z ) equation is exactly the same as the one obtained using the backward shift property directly. b) If the input is a discrete impulse ( e(k ) = 1, k = 0; e(k ) = 0, otherwise ) nd, if possible, a set of initial conditions (e.g., nd a and b) such that the output is y (k ) = c 2k , k 0, where c is a nonzero constant. For e(kT ) = (kT ), Z{ (kT )} = 1. Therefore, Y (z ) z = = And the inverse transform is y (k ) = 2(2a 2b + 1)2k + (a 2b + 1), k 0 To obtain a response of the form c2k the following algebraic simultaneous equations must be satised a 2b + 1 = 0 2(2a 2b + 1) = c Instructor: J.C. Cockburn 4/5 (3a 2b + 1)z 2a (z 2)(z 1) 2(2a 2b + 1) (a 2b + 1) z2 z1
Digital Control Systems From the rst equation a = 2b 1 and substituting in the second
c = 2(2b 1) = 2a Therefore any set of initial conditions such that y (1) = 2y (2) 1 with y (1) = 0 leads to a response of the form y (k ) = 2y (1)2k , k 0 There are many particular choices of y (1) and y (2) that satisfy these equations.