Guidelines For Filling Online Application Form - Advt. No. 112
Guidelines For Filling Online Application Form - Advt. No. 112
Guidelines For Filling Online Application Form - Advt. No. 112
3. For submitting application form candidate has to click Preview button on Application Form page. After clicking Preview button Preview page will be displayed. To submit application form candidate has to click Submit button. On successful submission, the applicant is given an Acknowledgement Slip containing a unique Registration Number and Login-id using which candidate can login before closing date of advertisement (07 Nov 2013 1730 hrs IST) to: Upload scanned copies of certificates for essential Educational Qualification, experience claimed, document/certificate in support of last pay drawn (if employed) failing which the submitted application will be treated as incomplete and will be summarily rejected. The maximum file size of each attachment should not exceed 2 MB Edit the submitted application form Pay Application Fee (if applicable) using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Netbanking/ Cash Card
4. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected and no correspondence would be entertained in this regard.
5. The candidate may select the University/Institute from the Dropdown menu. In case an applicant enters University other than the one listed in the Dropdown Menu, the application will be provisionally accepted and its recognition status will be verified subsequently.
6. Where Division/Class is not awarded by University/Institute, a minimum of 60% marks / 6.75 CGPA will be taken as First Class/Division. Where an applicant is awarded Grades, the same may be converted into percentage as per conversion formula specified by the University/Institute. The applicant will be required to submit the proof of the conversion formula if called for the interview by RAC.
7. The upper age limit as on Closing Date (inclusive): Candidate should be within age limit as on closing date 07 Nov 2013 of advertisement. The upper age limit as on closing date is relaxable upto 5 years for SC, 3 years for Other Backward Communities (OBC) for the posts reserved for them as per orders of Central Govt. issued from time to time. The upper age limit as on closing date is relaxable for physically handicapped persons as per Govt. rules. Age for all items is also relaxable upto 5 years for Central Govt employees as per rules. Age is relaxable for Ex-Servicemen including Ex-Short Service Commission Officers as per rules in vogue. Where age of an applicant exceeds the age prescribed for the post as on the last date of submission of application, the application will be rejected. Page1of3
8. Candidates will receive a copy of the submitted application on their email id (as mentioned while filling the online application) and sms of successful submission on their mobile number (as mentioned while filling the online application).
9. After submission of the online application, candidates working in Government/Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous Organisations/Armed Forces (including Departmental candidates) must forward their applications through proper channel/accompanied with NOC to Director, Recruitment and Assessment Centre, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054 so as to be received at RAC within 30 days of the closing date failing which their candidature for the post applied shall not be considered.
10. The applicants are required to send Crossed Non-Refundable IPO, in case fee is not paid online, of the value of Rs. 50/- (not applicable for SC/ST/PH/Woman candidates) drawn in favour of Director RAC payable at Delhi to Director, Recruitment and Assessment Centre, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054 preferably by registered post, superscribed Application for post of ___________, Advt. No. 112, Item No. __" within 15 days of the closing date. The applicant must write Name and Registration Number on the IPO. The IPO purchased prior to date of advertisement 19 Oct 2013 0930 hrs (IST) are not acceptable. Candidates who have paid fee online using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Netbanking. also have to send signed copy of Payment Slip (Acknowledgment Slip of Online Payment) at the address mentioned above.
11. Applicants while sending any e-mails relating to any queries after successful submission of their online application, should mention their Name as in the application, Advertisement No., Registration Number, Item Number, Post Applied for and Mobile Number (as mentioned in the submitted online application).
1. Do not click the back or refresh button on your browser during your online fee payment process. The process of online fee payment may take several minutes and you are requested to be patient.
2. Do not access other websites during your online fee payment session.
3. After successful online fee payment a Payment Slip (Acknowledgment Slip) will be generated and also e-mailed to you confirming the receipt of application fee payment at RAC.
4. In case of unsuccessful online fee payment, the candidate may try again, or, contact the debit card/ credit card/ bank account provider.
5. Refund is an automated process. As soon a transaction is unsuccessful from the service provider end for whatever reasons, the amount gets automatically refunded from our side. The banks usually take 5/7 working days to refund the amount into your account.
For all queries related to recruitment by RAC, please contact PRO Telefax No.: 011- 23812608 OR Telephone No. : 011- 23819720
For queries related to online application form submission please contact at Telefax No. 011-23830599
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