Using Arrays in SAS Programming
Using Arrays in SAS Programming
Using Arrays in SAS Programming
Table of Contents
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1 Basic Syntax of the ARRAY Statement........................................................................ 1 Basic Array Example: Calculating Net Income .......................................................... 2 Using Arrays with Functions and Operators .............................................................. 4 Common Tasks and Examples Using Arrays ............................................................. 6 Assigning Initial Values to Array Variables or Elements ........................................... 6 Specifying Lower and Upper Bounds of a Temporary Array ..................................... 9 Creating a Temporary Array ...................................................................................... 9 Using SAS Variable Lists with Arrays ...................................................................... 12 Expanding and Collapsing Observations ................................................................ 14 Finding a Minimum or Maximum Value As Well As the Corresponding Variable Name ......................................................................................................... 17 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 18 References .................................................................................................................... 18
DATA step programmers use arrays to simplify their code, which results in programs that are frequently more efficient and less error-prone. Consider, for example, a revenue-and-expense data set (Rev_Exp) that contains 24 monthly variables for a single year, 12 variables for revenues (Rev1Rev12), and 12 variables for expenses (Exp1 - Exp12). To calculate the net income for each month, the SAS program needs 12 statements:
net_inc1 = rev1 - exp1; net_inc2 = rev2 - exp2; . . .eight other similar statements. . . net_inc11 = rev11 - exp11; net_inc12 = rev12 - exp12;
This method for calculating the net income is repetitive. What if the data set contains monthly data for 3 years, or even 10 years? As the amount of data increases, more statements are required to calculate net income for each month. As a result, the process becomes more tedious and error prone. Arrays can be used to perform these calculations with far fewer statements. Keep these two points in mind as you explore the use of arrays:
In nearly all cases, code that is written with arrays can also be written without arrays. Arrays simply provide an alternative method for referring to a variable rather than using the name of the variable.
ARRAY array-name[ ];
The array name is followed by either a pair of parentheses ( ), braces { }, or square brackets [ ]. This document uses square brackets [ ]. By specifying a constant value within the brackets, you can specify the number of variables or elements that are to be associated with the array. As shown in the following example, you can follow the brackets with a variable list that you want to associate with or assign to the name of the array:
Variables that are associated with an array have certain characteristics: All variables that are associated with an array must be of the same type, either character or numeric. As a result, arrays are typically referred to as either character arrays or numeric arrays. Variables that are associated with an array do not have to be already existing variables. If they do not exist within a program data vector (PDV) when the ARRAY statement is compiled, SAS creates them for you. Variables that are not previously defined as character variables will default to numeric variables unless they are defined as character variables within the ARRAY statement. To define character variables within the ARRAY statement, place a dollar sign ($) after the brackets and before any of the variables, as illustrated in this example:
array name[3] $10 first last middle; array weight[*] 5 weight1 - weight10;
Notice the asterisk (*) inside the brackets in the WEIGHT array above. SAS must be able to determine the number of elements or variables in the array when it compiles the code. SAS determines this either by using the constant value that is specified in the brackets or by counting the number of variables in the variable list. When you want SAS to use the variable list, place an asterisk in the brackets. Alternatively, you can leave off the variable list and specify the constant value between brackets, as shown in this example:
array weight[10] 5;
Because a variable list is not specified in this example, SAS uses the name of the array (WEIGHT) and adds a numeric suffix from 1 to 10 to associate or create the specified number of variables with the array. Note: SAS must be able determine the number of elements or variables in the array when it compiles the code. Therefore, you cannot place a variable name in the brackets, as illustrated in the following statement, with the intent of SAS referencing the name to determine the number of elements:
array months[month_num];
SAS cannot determine the value of the Month_Num variable until run time. Using such a statement results in a syntax error, as shown here:
data net_income; set rev_exp; array revenue[*] rev1-rev12; array exp[12]; array net_inc[12]; do i=1 to 12; net_inc[i]=revenue[i] - exp[i]; end; run;
This example defines three arrays: The first ARRAY statement defines an array called REVENUE and associates the existing 12 variables (Rev1 Rev12) with the array. The second ARRAY statement defines an array called EXP. A variable list is not provided for this array, so SAS uses the array name and adds a numeric suffix (from 112) to associate the existing variables (Exp1 Exp12) with the array. The third ARRAY statement defines an array called NET_INC. A variable list is not provided for this array, so SAS adds a suffix from 112 to the array name to associate the variables Net_Inc1Net_Inc12 with the array. These variables do not exist in the Rev_Exp data set, so they are created as new variables in the DATA step.
After the arrays are defined, the iterative DO group iterates 12 times. For each iteration, the value of I increases incrementally by 1, from 1 to 12. During each iteration, SAS uses the name of the array and the value of I to reference a specific element or variable in each array. During the first iteration, the SAS statement uses Rev1 and Exp1 and uses them to calculate the net income and assign that value to Net_Inc1. SAS starts with this statement:
net_inc1 net_inc2
Arrays provide an alternative method of referring to variables. Instead of referring to the first revenue variable as Rev1, you can refer to it by using the array name and an index into the array, such as REVENUE[I] (assuming that I has a value of 1).
DIM Function
One of the most common tasks involving arrays is to iterate (or, to loop) through each element of an array by using a DO group and then performing an operation on each element. The basic example in the previous section uses the following DO group, which performs 12 iterations:
When you specify the array name as the single argument for the DIM function, the function returns the number of elements in the array. This example using the DIM function returns the same STOP value (12) as does the example in the previous section "Basic Array Example: Calculating Net Income." However, by using the DIM function, you do not have to update the STOP value if the number of array elements changes.
OF Operator
It is common to perform a calculation using all of the variables or elements that are associated with an array. For example, the code shown previously in the section Basic Array Example: Calculating Net Income calculates the net income for each month. However, suppose that you want to sum each of the 12 monthly net incomes. To do that, you pass the name of the array using the [*] syntax to the SUM function by using the OF operator.
sum_net_inc=sum(of net_inc[*]);
You can use the OF operator with functions such as MEAN, MIN, and MAX or any other functions that operate on a list of variables.
/* Largest value
You can pass arrays to functions (such as concatenation functions) that expect character arguments. The following example uses the CATX function to create a character string that contains the concatenation of three holidays (Easter, Labor Day, and Christmas).
data holidays; input (holiday1-holiday3) (: $9.); datalines; EASTER LABOR_DAY CHRISTMAS ; run; data find_christmas; set holidays; /* Note that the $ sign is not necessary within the ARRAY statement */ /* because the HOLIDAY variables are defined previously as /* character variables. array holiday_list[*] holiday1-holiday3; all_holidays=catx(' ', of holiday_list[*]); run; proc print; run;
This code generates the following output:
*/ */
IN Operator
The IN operator can test whether a specific value occurs within any element or variable of an array. You can use this operator with numeric as well as character arrays. When you use an array with the IN operator, only the name of the array is used. For example, you can write IF statements similar to the following: Example 1
/* This example uses the previously defined array NET_INC. */ if 1234 in net_inc then put 'found';
Example 2
/* This example uses the previously defined array HOLIDAY_LIST. */ if 'CHRISTMAS' in holiday_list then put 'found';
VNAME Function
You can use the VNAME function to identify the name of a variable that is associated with an element of an array. The name of the array, along with the element number that appears within brackets, is passed as the single argument to the VNAME function, as shown in this example:
array sizes[*] petite small medium large extra_large (2, 4, 6, 8, 10); array cities[4] $10 ('New York' 'Los Angeles' 'Dallas' 'Chicago');
You can also initialize the elements of an array with the same value using an iteration factor, as shown in the following example that initializes 10 elements with a value of 0:
data drug_comments; input drugs_prescribed_commentary $char80.; datalines; 20mg cephamandole taken 2xday cefoperazone as needed one aspirin per day 1 dose furazolidone before bed-time ; run; data find_antibiotics; set drug_comments; /* Initialize a character array with the names of antibiotics. */ array antibiotics[7] $12 ('metronidazole', 'tinidazole', 'cephamandole', 'latamoxef', 'cefoperazone', 'cefmenoxime', 'furazolidone'); /* Initialize a flag variable to N, meaning that no antibiotic */ is found. */ antibiotic_found='N'; /* Cycle through the array of antibiotics. */ do i=1 to dim(antibiotics); /* Use the INDEXW and the UPCASE functions to check for each drug. */ if indexw(upcase(drugs_prescribed_commentary), upcase(antibiotics[i])) then do; /* When an antibiotic is found, change the flag variable to Y,*/ /* meaning that an antibiotic is found. antibiotic_found = 'Y'; /* No need to continue checking because an antibiotic is */ /* found. Terminate the DO group. leave; end; end; keep drugs_prescribed_commentary antibiotic_found; run; proc print; run; */ */ /*
If you inadvertently initialize more elements or variables than exist in an array, SAS generates a warning. For example, the following DATA step defines two arrays, each with three elements or variables.
It is important to remember that all of the variables associated with an array must be of the same type. If you write your code in such a way that SAS attempts to initialize it or assign a numeric value to a character array or attempts to initialize or assign a character value to a numeric array, errors similar to the following occur:
When YR=2010, this statement assigns the value of element 2010 (the fifth element of the array) to the variable X.
It is important to remember that when lower and upper bounds are specified but the names of the variables are omitted, SAS does not create variable names with the bound values as the suffix. For example, consider the following array:
array years[2006:2010];
Such an ARRAY statement creates or associates the variables Years1, Years2, Years3, Years4, and Years5 with the array. It will not create or associate the variables Years2006, Years2007, Years2008, Years2009, and Years2010 with the array. An example of specifying lower and upper bounds of an array is included in the following section.
Temporary arrays have two other characteristics: Values within the array elements are retained automatically between the iterations of the DATA step there is no need to use a RETAIN statement. Values within the array elements are never written to the output data set.
data patient_medication; input patient_ID Medication $ Dose (Date_begin Date_end) (: mmddyy10.); format Date_begin Date_end mmddyy10.; datalines; 1 A 3 05/08/2009 06/09/2010 1 B 1 04/04/2009 12/12/2009 2 X 5 06/08/2009 09/09/2010 2 Y 2 08/04/2010 10/10/2010 ; run;
(code continued)
/*Sort the data set by patient ID and dates.*/ proc sort data=patient_medication; by patient_ID Date_begin Date_end; run; /* Use the SQL procedure to identify the earliest beginning date /* and the latest ending date within the data set. Assign the values /* to the macro variables, FIRST_DATE and LAST_DATE. proc sql noprint; select min(Date_begin), max(Date_end) into :first_date, :last_date from patient_medication; quit; data max_drug; set patient_medication; by patient_ID Date_begin Date_end; /* Reference the macro variables that are created in previous the /* PROC SQL step to define the lower and upper bounds of an array. /* Create a temporary array because a variable-based array is not /* needed and the values need to be retained. array drug_day[&first_date : &last_date] _temporary_; /* Use the CALL MISSING routine to clear the accumulated values at /* the beginning of each patient group. if first.patient_ID then call missing(of drug_day[*]); /* For each drug, loop from the beginning date to the ending date. /* Use the date value to accumulate the dosage for each date (an /* element of the array). do dt=Date_begin to Date_end; drug_day[dt]+dose; end; /* After processing the last observation for a patient, use the MAX /* function within the array to determine the maximum dosage on any /* particular date. if last.patient_ID then do; max_dose_day=max(of drug_day[*]); output; end; keep patient_ID max_dose_day; run; proc print; run; */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */
data test; set test; /* Use the _NUMERIC_ variable list to associate all of */ /* the numeric variables with an array. array vars[*] _numeric_; /* Loop through the array, changing all missing values to 0. */ do i=1 to dim(vars); if vars[i]= . then vars[i]=0; end; drop i; run; proc print; run;
This example generates the following output:
It is important to emphasize that the _NUMERIC_ and _CHARACTER_ variables lists reflect those numeric or character variables that are defined when the _NUMERIC_ and _CHARACTER_ variables lists are first referenced in a SAS statement. They do not necessarily reflect every variable of that type in the DATA step nor only the variables defined in a previously referenced data set. The following example uses the DIM function to show how two different arrays, both defined with the _NUMERIC_ variable list at different points in the code, contain a different number of variables. Program
data test; a-10; b=10; /*The array ONE is defined after two numeric variables are defined. array one[*] _numeric_; c=10; /* The array TWO is defined after three numeric variables are defined. */ array two[*] _numeric_;
(code continued)
/* Use the DIM function to determine the number of elements in */ /* the array. num_elements_in_array_one = dim(one); num_elements_in_array_two = dim(two); run; proc print; run;
This code generates the following output:
Examples: Creating Multiple Observations for Each Patient Visit and Creating a Single Observation Containing All Visits
These examples start with a data set that has one observation per patient ID (Patient_ID) with several variables that represent the multiple dates on which visits to the doctor occurred. The first example shows how to expand each single observation into multiple observations, one for each visit. The subsequent example shows how to collapse those multiple observations back into a single observation. Key Tasks in This Expansion Example Define an array for the visits. Use a DO group to iterate through the array and assign each visit to a new Date variable. Generate one observation for each visit.
data patient_visits; input patient_ID $ (visit1 visit4) (: mmddyy10.); format visit1 visit4 mmddyy10.;
(code continued) 14
datalines; Joe 01/05/2011 01/15/2011 01/25/2011 02/03/2011 Sam 01/07/2011 01/17/2011 01/27/2011 02/10/2011 Ron 01/09/2011 01/19/2011 01/29/2011 03/15/2011 Bob 01/11/2011 01/21/2011 01/31/2011 02/01/2011 ; run; data expand; set patient_visits; /* Define an array to contain the visits. */ array visit[4]; /* Loop through the array, assigning each element (visit) */ /* to the Date_of_Visit variable and then outputting it. do i=1 to dim(visit); date_of_visit = visit[i]; output; end; /* Format and drop variables, as desired. */ format date_of_visit mmddyy10.; drop visit1-visit4 i; run; proc print; run;
This example generates the following output:
Key Tasks in This Collapse Example Sort the expand data set by Patient_ID. Clear the array and the array index variable (counter) at the beginning of each BY group. 15
Increment the array index variable as each observation is read. Assign each date to an element of the array. Generate one observation per patient ID.
/* Sort data set by Patient_ID and Date_of_Visit. */ proc sort data=expand; by patient_ID date_of_visit; run; data collapse; set expand; by patient_ID; /* Define an array for the new visit variables. */ array visit[4]; /* Retain the variables that are associated with the array. */ retain visit; /* Clear the visit variables and the counter for each new BY */ /* group (Patient_ID). if first.patient_ID then call missing(of visit[*], counter); /* Increment the counter that is used to reference the element */ /* of array to assign date. counter + 1; /* Assign the date to the proper element of the array. */ visit[counter] = date_of_visit; /* Output one observation per BY group (Patient_ID). if last.patient_ID then output; /* Format and drop variables, as desired. */ format visit: mmddyy10.; drop date_of_visit counter; run; proc print; run;
This example generates the following output:
Example: Using the MAX and VNAME Functions to Identify the Salesperson Who Has the Largest Sales
This example uses yearly sales data for multiple salespeople to demonstrate the use of the MAX and VNAME functions. Each observation in the sample data contains one year of sales figures for four salespeople. The task is to identify the name of the salesperson who has the largest sales figure for each year. Key Tasks in This Example Define an array that contains the variable name for each salesperson. Use the MAX function to identify the largest sales amount (MAX_AMT) within the array. Loop through the array to find the specific MAX_AMT. Upon finding MAX_AMT, use the VNAME function to obtain the name of the variable with that amount.
data sales; input Year Bob Fred Joe Tim; datalines; 2007 100 150 125 175 2008 200 130 150 190 2009 250 140 275 200 ; run; data largest_sales; set sales; /* Create an array that contains sales figures for each salesman. */ array sales_amounts[*] Bob Fred Joe Tim; /* Use the MAX function to identify the largest sales amount. max_amt=max(of sales_amounts[*]); /* Loop through the array looking for the previously identified /* amount (value of MAX_AMT). /* Once found, use the VNAME function to retrieve the /* name of the variable (Salesman). Then output the resulting /* observation, and leave the DO loop. */ */ */ */ */
(code continued)
do i=1 to dim(sales_amounts); if sales_amounts[i] = max_amt then do; salesman = vname(sales_amounts[i]); output; leave; end; end; /* Keep the variables as desired. */ keep year salesman max_amt; run; proc print; run;
This example generates the following output:
When you are working with groups of similar data and performing common operations on each element of the group, arrays can save you significant time in coding an application. The use of arrays typically reduces the number of lines of code needed to perform a task, resulting in code that is less error-prone and is more easily maintained by other programmers.
SAS Institute Inc. 2011. Array Processing. In SAS 9.3 Language Reference: Concepts. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Available at SAS Institute Inc. 2011. "Array Reference Statement." In SAS 9.3 Statements: Reference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Available at SAS Institute Inc. 2011 "ARRAY Statement." In SAS 9.3 Statements: Reference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Available at
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