TeamViewer Manual Wake On LAN en
TeamViewer Manual Wake On LAN en
TeamViewer Manual Wake On LAN en
Rev 9.1-12/2013
Table of content
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3.1 3.2 3.3
5.1 5.2 5.3
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About Wake-on-LAN
About Wake-on-LAN
You can turn on an offline computer with TeamViewer via Wake-on-LAN. This way, you can control an offline computer remotely by waking it up before you establish a connection. Wake-on-LAN can be used through two different methods: Wake up a computer via another computer within the same network (see section 5.2, page 9).
Wake up a computer via its public address (see section 5.3, page 10).
This manual describes the necessary requirements and steps to use TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN. Unless stated otherwise, the functionalities described always refer to the TeamViewer full version for Microsoft Windows.
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In order to successfully wake up a computer by Wake-on-LAN, its hardware must meet several requirements. The following checklist ensures that the computer is suitable for Wake-on-LAN: The computer is connected to a power source. The computer's network card supports Wake-on-LAN. The computer has an Internet connection. The computer is connected to the Internet via a network cable. The computer is in one of the following power states Sleep Start > Sleep Hibernation Start > Hibernation Shut down (Soft off) Start > Shut down not supported under Mac OS X
If these requirements have been met, you can move on to configure your computer and the software in the next steps.
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Set up Windows
Set up Windows
In order to wake up the computer, it must be appropriately set up. Several settings must be adjusted on the computer for this purpose and TeamViewer must be correctly configured.
Note: If there is no option to activate Wake-on-LAN in the BIOS, check the manual of the motherboard to make sure that it supports Wake-on-LAN.
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Set up Windows
Note: Administrative rights are required for this process. Note: Configuration of the network card can vary depending on the type of network card and operating system version.
To activate Wake-on-LAN for the network card under Windows, follow these steps: 1. Start the computer. 2. Open the Control Panel. 3. Click System and Security. 4. Under System, click the Device Manager link. The Device Manager window will open. 5. Under Network adapters, choose the Properties option in the context menu (right click) of the network card. The Properties of <network card> dialog will open. 6. Open the Power Management tab. 7. Activate the Allow this device to wake the computer option. 8. The network card now supports Wake-on-LAN.
Note: If the option described in Step 7 is not activated, you must first activate the Allow the computer to turn off the device to save power option.
Configure Windows 8
Under Windows 8, the standard shutdown procedure puts the computer into a "hybrid shutdown" state. Because Windows 8 does not support Wake-on-LAN for this state, it is advisable to deactivate the fast startup. Once fast startup has been deactivated, the computer is always put into hibernation when shutdown.
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Set up Mac OS X
To deactivate the fast startup under Windows 8, follow these steps: 1. Start the computer. 2. Open the Control Panel. The Control Panel window will open. 3. Click System and Security. 4. Under Power Options, click the Change what power buttons do link. 5. Click on the Change settings that are currently unavailable link. 6. Uncheck the Turn on fast startup (recommended) box. 7. Fast startup is now deactivated.
Set up Mac OS X
The computer's network card must be configured in such a way that it is supplied with power at all times. It may be necessary to adjust the properties of the network card for this purpose.
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Configure TeamViewer
The System Settings window will open. 3. Click Save Energy. 4. Click the Power Supply tab. 5. Activate the Wake for Wi-Fi network access option. 6. The network card now supports Wake-on-LAN.
Configure TeamViewer
In order to wake up a computer, TeamViewer must be configured once on this device. During this process, you can either configure TeamViewer so that the computer can be wakened via its public address or via computers within the network. The following checklist ensures that TeamViewer is configured on the computer for Wake-on-LAN: TeamViewer must be installed. The computer must be assigned to your TeamViewer account. TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN must be activated. For Wake-on-LAN via the network, the TeamViewer ID of a computer via which the computer is to be wakened must be entered in the TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN options. For Wake-on-LAN via a public address, the public address of the computer must be entered in the TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN options.
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Configure TeamViewer
TeamViewer account. Only the TeamViewer account linked with the computer can wake it up. Note: If the computer (that is to be wakened) is in a shared group, all TeamViewer accounts with which the group is shared can wake up this computer.
To assign the computer to your TeamViewer account, follow these steps: 1. Start TeamViewer on the computer. 2. Click Extras | Options in the main menu. The TeamViewer options dialog box will open. 3. Select the General category. 4. Under Account assignment, click the Assign to account button. The Assign to account dialog will open. 5. Enter the e-mail address of your TeamViewer account in the E-Mail field. 6. Enter the password of your TeamViewer account in the Password field. 7. Click the Assign button. 8. You have now assigned the computer to your TeamViewer account.
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Configure TeamViewer
computer. The signal to wake up is then sent from your computer to the computer that is to be wakened via the defined computer. To activate TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN via a TeamViewer ID, follow these steps: 1. Start TeamViewer on the computer. 2. Click Extras | Options in the main menu. The TeamViewer options dialog box will open. 3. Select the General category. 4. Under Network settings | Wake-on-LAN, click the Configure button. The Wake-on-LAN dialog is opened. 5. Click the TeamViewer IDs within your network option button. 6. In the TeamViewer ID field, enter the TeamViewer ID in your network via which the signal to wake up is to be sent and then click the Add button. 7. Click the OK button. 8. The computer can now be wakened via the saved TeamViewer ID.
Note: In order to ensure that Wake-on-LAN is possible at all times, the computer via which the signal to wake up is to be sent must always be turned on and TeamViewer must be running.
Page 10 of 13 If these conditions are met, you can activate Wake-onLAN via a public address in the TeamViewer options. To activate TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN via a public address, follow these steps: 1. Start TeamViewer on the computer. 2. Click Extras | Options in the main menu. The TeamViewer options dialog box will open. 3. Select the General category. 4. Under Network settings | Wake-on-LAN, click the Configurebutton. The Wake-on-LAN dialog will open. 5. Click the Public address option button. 6. In the Address field, enter the fixed IP address or DNS name of the computer. 7. In the Port field, enter the UDP port via which the computer can be reached ( see section 7.1, page 12). 8. Click the OK button. 9. The computer can now be wakened via its public address and TeamViewer.
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Note: To wake up a computer, you can use TeamViewer 9 for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Windows Phone and the TeamViewer Management Console.
To wake up a computer, follow these steps: 1. Start a device with an existing Internet connection. 2. Open TeamViewer. 3. Log in to your Computers & Contacts list with your TeamViewer account. The device to be wakened must be linked to the TeamViewer account (see section 5, page 8). 4. Select the offline computer that you want to wake up from the Computers & Contacts list. 5. In the context menu (right click), click the Wake up button. 6. The computer is wakened and appears as online in your Computers & Contacts list.
Configure the router
The router only needs to be configured if you have chosen the Public address option. If you have chosen the option TeamViewer IDs within your network, you can skip this section. Configuring the router depends on the device used and the firmware installed on it. Not all types of devices support the necessary configuration. Support of Wake-on-LAN via a router's public address requires port forwarding to be set up. Depending on the router used, only some of the following alternative configuration possibilities may be supported.
Note: In order to configure the router, please refer to the manufacturer's manual if necessary.
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